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Notes for Entrance Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/22/2005
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML050880046 (2)


  • Introductions (nameltitle) - Hills, Holmberg, Roque-Cruz, Bilik Entrance Meeting, For the baseline ISI and TI- 50 and TI- 52 inspections.

This inspection begins today and ends April 23th.

  • PurposelScope: - This inspection fulfills the baseline inspection program requirements for the biennial review of the inservice inspection (IS) activities (IP 7111108). The intent of this inspection is to confirm the effectiveness of your program for monitoring degradation of the reactor coolant system. To this end, we will perform direct observations of your inservice inspection activities such as piping and vessel weld ultrasonic examinations, and steam generator tube eddy current examinations. Our review will also include a review of your NDE records, Code component repair/replacement records and interviews with your NDE staff.

In addition to the baseline ISI our inspection scope includes a review of activities as identified in the NRC Temporary Instruction 150 and 152. These instructions focus our inspection efforts on your examination related activities for the upper and lower reactor vessel heads to address industry wide concerns for cracking of the penetration nozzles and/or corrosion/wastage of the vessel head. To this end, we will perform direct observations of your head inspection activities review of non-destructive examination records, and interviews with your NDE staff. Our review will scope will also include a review of your susceptibility ranking calculation and if required a review of head penetration nozzle repair activities.

Finally, we will review an NRC unresolved item associated with incomplete NDE coverage of upper head penetration nozzles during the last Unit 1 head inspection (URI 05000266/2003009-01).

  • Report Documentation- The results of our inspection will be documented in the second quarter Resident Report of 2004003. In completing TI-150 and TI-152, the level of documentation required in the inspection report differs from the baseline inspection procedures. Specifically, our observations of your head inspection and repair activities will be included in the report and will form the basis to answer a set if questions associated with the quality and scope of your vessel head examination. As we complete our observations and again at the inspection exit meeting we will provide your staff our conclusions on each of the questions in these TIs.
  • Issues: We intend to perform a debrief at the end of each week that we are here with our principal contacts. We will keep your staff informed of any issues 27_

that are identified during the inspection. As you would expect, the SDP process will be used to evaluate any findings and this process relies on your corrective action program. To this end, we will need to see copies of any condition reports issued as a result of our inspection.

We have found that key elements to a successful inspection include:

- effective tracking of our information requests and questions.

- prompt evaluation of emerging issues to ensure resolution can be reached by the close of this inspection.

- frequent updates to keep us informed of changes in your ISI activity schedules or head examination schedules and,

-prompt notification of any potentially substantive findings identified during the head inspections or baseline ISI inspections.

To ensure these key activities occur and to promote effective communication, I intend to hold a daily meeting (4:00 pm) with your regulatory affairs staff and ISI orvessel head staff. Questions???

  • Logistics: Our primary location will be on the 8 foot level of the technical support building (ext ) or in the Resident Inspector's Office (ext.

). If there are no questions than I would like to accompany your staff on a short tour of the key locations where the contractors and staff performing the head examinations and ISI activities are located. Thank you.