ML051290233 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Quad Cities ![]() |
Issue date: | 04/25/2005 |
From: | Exelon Nuclear |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML051290233 (58) | |
Exe k nSM Nuclear Steam Dryer Design Technical Meeting April 25 - 27, 2005 1
Agenda Exe kn M Nuclear Introduction Flow-Induced Vibration (FIV)
New Dryer 50.59 Evaluation New Dryer Analyses Design Process Overview Steam Dryer Load Definition Benchmarking Update Finite Element and Stress Analyses Dryer Load Analysis - Load Cases Hammer Test Results Dryer Instrumentation
- Startup Test Plan Operational Plans for Quad Cities Unit 2 (QC2) and Basis Operational Plans for QC1 and Basis Revised Commitments for Extended Power Uprate (EPU) Operation 2
Exe In..
N ucl ear Introduction Jim Meister Vice President - Nuclear Services 3
Nuclear FIV Chuck Alguire Engineering Supervisor Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station 4
Exelon Actions Exe lI¢n,.
- Exelon established a comprehensive action plan which included three teams to identify actions to prevent future EPU failures
- Steam Dryer Team
- EPU Vulnerability Team
- Vibration Team 5
Results Vibration General Assessment Exekrn.
N ucl ear
- Evaluations concluded that all components are acceptable as originally designed for full-cycle operation at full EPU thermal power with the following exceptions:
ERV susceptibility to vibration at QC required upgrades of vulnerable parts
- Target Rock Safety/Relief Valves (S/RVs) showed vibration wear degradation at both Dresden (DR) and QC
- The team identified additional recommendations for enhancements in testing, monitoring, and refueling outage inspections
- An example is confirmatory vibration testing of Limitorque and Namco limit switches (completed successfully) 6
QC EPU Vibration Assessment Vibration Summary - October 2004 xe tn..
- Validate preventive maintenance (PM) scope and frequency for all evaluated components Electromatic Relief Valve (ERV) PM changes already implemented
- Inspect ERV actuator internals each refueling outage until performance is validated
- Perform focused walkdowns during each refueling outage
- Inspect minimum of one Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) internally each refueling outage until satisfactory performance is demonstrated
- Install upgraded Target Rock S/RVs 7
QC EPU Vibration Assessment Open Items from October 2004 xe tbnlm Nuclear
- Perform detailed walkdowns
- Install upgrades on ERV actuators
- Finalize and install upgrade on Target Rock S/RV pilot valve
- Install new steam dryers 8
QC EPU Vibration Assessment Actions Completed Since October 2004 xe (5n..
N ucl ear Actuator components upgraded on all ERVs (Inconel X750 bushings/guide rods and chamfered springs)
- QC2 upgraded in Spring 2004 refueling outage
- QC1 upgraded in Spring 2005 refueling outage
- Will inspect QC2 actuators during the planned outage scheduled to begin on May 9, 2005 9
QC EPU Vibration Assessment Actions Completed Since October 2004 (cont.) LXe unfm Nuclear Target Rock S/RV bellows cap/setpoint spring upgrade
- Electrolyzed bellows cap, 0.001 5" minimum
- Setpoint spring straightness within 0.02"
- Coil perpendicularity within 0.03" top/bottom
- No measurable cap wear after 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shaker table test (simulates one operating cycle at EPU)
- Installed on QC1 during Spring 2005 refueling outage
- Install on QC2 during planned outage scheduled to begin on May 9, 2005 10
QC EPU Vibration Assessment Actions Completed Since October 2004 (cont.) Exe kn.
- QC1 Spring 2005 walkdown results
- New steam dryers QC2 during planned outage scheduled to begin May 9, 2005
-QC1 during planned outage scheduled for May 2005 1 1
Exe ksnSM Nuclear New Dryer 50.59 Evaluation Roger Heyn Design Engineer Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station 12
New Dryer 50.59 Evaluation Exek(n,.
- Significant changes evaluated in 50.59 Dryer design loads Increased dryer weight Reduced pressure drop across dryer Displacement of steam/water mass by metal mass
- Dryer design loads Impact on structural integrity of dryer
- Increased dryer weight Negligible impact on reactor internals seismic analyses Impacts support bracket loading (meets Code requirements) 13
New Dryer 50.59 Evaluation (cont.) Exek6n.
- Reduced pressure drop Impacts transient and accident pressure distribution Negligible impact on reactor level measurement No change in main steam line (MSL) maximum break flow
- Displacement of steam/water mass by metal mass Impacts transient thermal limits (0.01 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio increase)
- Safety Evaluation Report in support of the new steam dryer Report will summarize cycle-independent analyses and evaluations 14
New Dryer 50.59 Evaluation (cont.) Exek6n.m Nuclear Analyses and evaluations contained in Replacement Steam Dryer Analysis Report for QC1 and QC2 Reactor Internal Pressure Differences (RIPD)
- Steam dryer normal conditions
- Steam dryer upset conditions
- Other internal components normal and upset conditions
- Steam dryer faulted conditions
- Other internal components faulted conditions Seismic evaluation Structural assessment Anticipated Operational Occurrence evaluations Stability evaluation
- Appendix R evaluation Anticipated Transients Without Scram 15
New Dryer 50.59 Evaluation (cont.) Exek6n..
- Loss of Coolant Accident evaluation
- MSL Break Accident evaluation
- Water level instrumentation evaluation
- Setpoint analytical bases
- Channel A / Channel B mismatch
- Other system evaluations Reactor heat balance
- Reactor Recirculation System
- Three bundle average quality limit
- Other systems and evaluations not adversely affected 16
New Dryer 50.59 Evaluation (cont.) Exe kn.S Nuclear
- Conclusions based upon analyses that have been completed or are final draft
- no significant impacts identified (i.e., more than minimal increase) 17
QC2 New Dryer Load Definition
- New Dryer Loads for QC2 Plant Data (0 - 200 Hz)
- QC2 Full Scale Pressure Data at EPU (11.24 Mlbs/Hr)
- 4 Venturi Pressure Gauges
- 2 Water Reference Legs
- Analytically Inserted the New Dryer Shape into the Hemholtz Solver
- New Dryer In-Plant Loads
- 0 - 100 Hz - Venturi and Water Ref. Leg Pressure Transducer
QC2 New Dryer Load Definition e'.7 suVe 1,,0ftrlhwll ms=enreatk IN.6 SLI' To line a
~~mnm~f C
D=20 VI L= 27 PO Dd L 2 0
r L L
T; rLmSM D ulW 1-mace LLullSafo svv o
- 1r Lw.1S D-24" LTL 2
POstV Lfag figure 3.1 Pfplig gnmuy used In the aeode circkh *aalysis for Quad Ckis Usk 2 (QC2).
QC2 New Dryer Load Definition acruue 2
Cmydfoei DAilu1m IO &ym mzhm&) of the Hembali oquadne at 56 1 117 rftt side of tde 9gm Is the mAcWt bltoeo the A mad B mai gsi vent Im, while dbe left d& Is the midpot betwt m the C ad D mob vmnt Ibm1 Unit ardng Is ppA an t*he A main vmt Pordem ofthe Am driw we onl men iLnoudne.
QC2 New Dryer Load Definition I
a j
buds-"C EnQ ar t M"F A7
- El X" *"
As war riHe
QC2 New Dryer Load Definition 9
Drcaa kir kaa1m Deu_ im Wi"- Descrink~
~wnk dt) s D ring A lim TA barbine trasuw A line Qvm(t) soume I ring B Line TB tuin ftrashr B li1 Owt) soioe D rizw C Lie TC uitu aaaiac C 1ine
-woe )D ring D Line TI muiine trawiwu I line sot w s
e squnaling lan A line VA venfiui tmaidm A line saiuce eauiizing Ien B Line VB venuiri tMa md E B line somee mlvzing lIk C Line VC vemni tmwdwa C line QAt soirce qialninwg bia D Line VD vreneri traidw line CV A cotrol vale A line W
vem comuact A line CVlB cEntrol vale B lime 11t) vem contac B lime CV C Iomtrol valve C line Vnt)
I cnaCtOM c ine CV D ontrol vale I) liUe vm' ct oacts D lie NIIA rafe bgtmassd NlB 113 wencel Irermsbicer SB smma locsbatin F-Inurk 5.1 Scamdidolt aliembled omwe for a B-rf plant %oEng saarne lcstloa and lcatins of memured data.
ExekOnsm Nuclear Benchmarking Update Keith Moser Asset Management Engineer 1
Benchmarking ACM Load Definition Methodology Exe krnSM Nuclear XGEN FEA Benchmark Against Dryer Damage Original Dryer Pre-EPU - Borderline 2003 Repaired Dryer EPU - Damage Predicted SMT QC1 ACM 2
XGEN FEA Benchmark ExekI on.
Nuclear 42 56 2752 5456 5
8160 10064
13568 El 1962 21679.
24383 j4--7j 2386 0140 4710 1 5196 10551 2783 10993 a 16467o
°1204 m24677 10991 M
° 19G21 Z471B Front plate at tne tnnl0 mm Zzj r--I 0
608.1 1654 2699 3745 4790 5836 6881 79z6 8972 10017 IN 1266 Ue062 I IOI 26054 1208t~6
- 2085g Ual 163 20417 E2867e 1 2777 cs4 5" x 7" brackets Top or repair gusse" Top of fllet weld.1 Original Dryer QC2 Pre-EPU CDI Acoustic Circuit 2003 Modified Dryer QC2 EPU CDI Acoustic Circuit 3
Exelon Steam Dome Benchmark Exek n SM Comparison of Results for Data Point 21:
First Benchmark (No Annular Seal in CDI Model) - Data Point M21:
Nuclear Raw Data M21 CD mean(zf) = 3.70093x 10 n
mea Stdev(zf) = 22.06467 StdW ma(zf) = 71.23197 maA mitizf) = -86.15166 min Plot of Filter SMT data (Red) compared to CDI predicted data (Blue) -
First Benchmark Data Point M21 I Predicted Data M21 n(zfl) = 1.46813x 10 1
,v(zfl) = 20.146 (zfl) = 70.63575 (zfl) = -81.85192 Plot of Filter SMT data (Red) compared to CDI predicted data (Blue) -
First Benchmark Data Point M21 zf-zf i
-100 70 Icf jl vcfii I
70.5 71 71.5 ti 72 72.5 73 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 freq( i) 5
Exelon Benchmark with MSL Exekr)ns.
- Exelon requested additional SMT runs during the VY benchmarking effort Flow rate 144 CFM Approx OLTP 1.7S5 II
II -1.76 II I
.66 T1
-75I I
_I I
"""11110iwr-i-Ii -s-r I
I 1=
z IlI t
.7 l-I El I
I -
- a
.80 T
.80 Ill I."
- I F
" _Ku_
-11 K
8 pressures measured on MSL
- Down stream of RPV nozzle
- Up stream of S/RVs SMT of original dryer configuration
- Locations analyzed to date M1, M12, and M21 1
.75 TYP II A-31 A s-35_
134 x
11 a
.1 %.
- I.
0-2758 TYP 90 deg VIEW
.75TYP 270 deg VIEW
Exelon Benchmark with MSL Exe k n,.
- Preliminary results
- Two predictions provided
- First prediction incorporated transition cone into the Hemholtz Solution for the steam dome
- Second prediction truncated transition cone at steam dome to water interface and increased dampening Transducers Ml M12 M21 Prediction 1 27.8 41.7 25.3 Measured 17.4 19.1 15.9 Prediction 2 15.8 26.4 12.4 RMS (pa) 7
Exelon Benchmark with MSL Exe kn 5.
,1.779961xO1 0
,70.522631, 100 PA !l I
Ii -
ftj 50 0
1,0 8 I *1O~
l*io6 1.106
( Iail 2
r cil 1 21 t DTt )
l 3
Ir C-79.5773697100 0
0.5 1
1.5 2
ti, ttti 2.5 3
3.5 4
,4, 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 2500 freq(i)
Second Prediction for Ml Blue is measured Red is predicted 8
Exelon Benchmark with MSL Exek(5ns, Nuclear
,1.031359x1 0 9
109.31, " K 100 I_
I 111IIHallI h.i LIIII 1 1,,, I 1. & hli l Is L I 11,
.I1,., Il 11 1 I IL I.lil.S I -108 I Blow 50 ft fti
.l 106 (DT )
l 10
I DTt J 100
-100 I l
,- 112.67,,,I Ili ll I
IN 11 1't'1 11 I 111 1 11' I'1' I
I 0
,0.000122, 0.5 1
1.5 2
ti, tti 2.5 3
3.5 4
A4 10 Il 500 1000 1500 2000 freq(i) 2500 2500 Second Prediction for M12 Blue is measured Red is predicted 9
I Exelon Benchmark with MSL Exe kn M
Nuclear 11 10
.64.402756 100 50 for 0
ftj I-.lo' l.108 c 21.10 I 1]C r
Ii ) 2
( ICtil )2 l 04 DTt)
I.103 100
-50 I.
,- 73.897244, 1 00_I 0
.0.000122Z 0.5 1
1.5 2
titti 2.5 3
3.5 4
A4, 10 I
500 1000 1500 2000 freq( i) 2500 2500 Second Prediction for M21 Blue is measured Red is predicted 10
Benchmarking ACM Load Definition Methodology (cont.)
Exe kn..
Nuclear ki,.,. t.,.iS.
Bench mark'-k of ACM with' MSL Strain Gauges
- Benchmark of ACM with In-Vessel Dryer Pressure
Exek(5n.m Nuclear Startup Test Plan Brian Strub Design Engineer Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station 12
QC2 Startup Test Strategy Exe ItjnSM
- Validate,
/ Loads and
Design with In-vessel
Strain Gauges Normalized to highest Stress location & ASME Fatigue Curve B Pressure Tra Frequei Amplit of Design Lo nsducers ncy ide ad Cases k_
Startup Test Plan Approach Nuclear
- Power will be raised to OLTP level over a 3.5-day period Data will be taken at 33 Test Conditions (TCs) to this point
- Three levels of Acceptance Criteria evaluated at each power level:
- Plant Equipment Acceptance Limits: Normal alarm points or established equipment operating limitations based upon historical performance data
- Level 2 Criteria: Not necessarily alter plant operation or test plan but will initiate an Issue Report (IR)
- Level 1 Criteria: Initiate an IR and seek immediate resolution; repeat test portion to verify Level 1 can be satisfied; documented resolution within the test procedure (Examples: dryer strain gauges and moisture carryover)
- Will have Acceptance Criteria for dryer measurements (Go/No-Go decision)
Startup Test Plan Approach (cont.)
Exe k n.
2 C.
4 a
C a
Ca3 1000 900
_1 800 D
700 600 500
400 -
B 300 1) 1 200 100 0
%t\\Z I6\\
-Z 14:
SP 4r,
p lz-
- -
10\\T ZQ,
.(ZQ Q4:
4\\Xz\\Q 15
Startup Test Plan Approach (cont.)
Nuclear Planned data measurements 42 dryer sensors recorded on GE data acquisition system (DAS) 3 reactor steam dome pressure sensors and 4 pressure measurements at the MSL flow venturis recorded on high speed recorders
- 4 control valve positions recorded on high speed recorder
- 56 strain gauges on MSLs in drywell/heater bay recorded on DAS
- 33 accelerometers on MSLs in drywell recorded on tape drives System equipment parameters recorded by computer points and by Operator rounds (approximately 1 000 data points)
Hand held measurements for vibration levels and local temperatures 16
Startup Test Plan E lo Dryer Acceptance Nuclear The dryer will have four Acceptance Criteria:
Criterion A - Dryer strain gauges indicate that the peak dryer stress levels have reached ASME Fatigue Curve "B" (16,500 psi)
Criterion B - Dryer strain gauges indicate that the peak dryer stress levels have reached 10,800 psi for outside dryer components, or 13,600 psi for inside dryer components Criterion C - Six pressure gauges on the steam dryer (actual plant pressure data) will be compared to two load case frequencies and amplitudes; load cases are the SMT and QC2 data from power accession to EPU power levels in August 2004 Criterion D - If less than the minimum number of strain gauges are functioning, then accelerometer criteria will be used as a backup 17
Startup Test Plan Dryer Acceptance (cont.)
- Criterion C will be implemented above 2511 MWt and whe the strain gauges reach 50% of Criterion A
- In addition, strain gauge and accelerometer results will be trended during power ascension based on direct readings and FFT analysis
- Moisture carryover will be sampled and trended during the approach to full power; the dryer design criterion of 0.1%
will be a Level 1 Criterion n
Exe kbn.M Nuclear Startup Test Plan Update Keith Moser Asset Management Engineer 19
Startup Test Plan Update Exek(nnm Nuclear Incorporated comments from NRC meeting April 11 - 13, 2005, into startup plan
- Trending strain gauge from previous power levels
- Direct reading
- Trending accelerometers
- Direct reading
- Added Level D acceptance criteria for accelerometers in the event that strain gauges fail 20
Applying Acceptance Criteria Exe In..
Nuclear Yes
> + 30% Amplitude
> + 20 Frequency No T No Yes I Yes Yes pP
6 No Continue Test 21
Exe k nSM Nuclear Operational Plans for QC2 and Basis Roman Gesior Director - Asset Management 22
QC2 Operational Plan Exekrn.
Nuclear Shutdown for QC2 dryer replacement outage on May 9, 2005
- Outage duration expected to be 10 days Upgrade Target Rock S/RVs Replace dryer Install dryer instrumentation, cabling, and data acquisition system (DAS)
Install steam line strain gauges Confirm instrumentation operation prior to restart 23
QC2 Operational Plan (cont.)
Exe InM Nuclear
- Execute Startup Test Plan Expect to be at full pre-EPU power (2511 MWt) - May 21 Expect to reach full EPU power (2957 MWt or 930 MWe) - May 23
- Operate at this level 5 - 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> to collect data Return to 912 MWe - May 24 Confirm acoustic circuit analysis results demonstrate reasonable loads
- Confirm dryer qualification through FEA of instrumented dryer pressure gauge information
- Operate remainder of cycle at 912 MWe
- Within any limitations identified during startup test
- Continue to monitor strain gauge data throughout the cycle as thermal power increases due to environmental factors to confirm dryer stress is bound by predictions 24
QC2 Operational Plan Basis Exe kbni.
Nuclear Rigorous steam dryer qualification provides confidence in integrity at EPU operation Design philosophy that minimizes FIV susceptibility Diverse loads applied to conservatively bound uncertainty
- QC2 In-plant loads Diverse and comprehensive FEMs conservatively bound analysis uncertainty
- Solid models
- Weld evaluations Load frequency sensitivity analysis to address model uncertainties
- Each model run with nominal and +/- 10% shift in time step Hammer test reduces uncertainty in as-built dryer frequency and damping 25
QC2 Operational Plan Basis (cont.) Exekrns.
Nuclear Startup test plan Instrumented dryer data to confirm analysis load inputs (e.g., frequency and amplitude)
Dryer strain gauge data to confirm stress levels remain bounded by predictions MSL strain gauges will be used to confirm acoustic circuit loads are reasonable Dryer data will be trended to address unexpected change in key monitored parameters (e.g., pressure and strain)
If Criteria A are exceeded, power will be reduced 26
QC2 Operational Plan Basis (cont.) Exek6n.
- Startup test plan (cont.)
- Monitoring of reactor parameters for timely identification of issues
- Other plant equipment will also be monitored to identify adverse conditions (e.g., ERVs, Target Rock S/RV, B MSL, B MSIV, High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) valve actuator)
- Moisture carryover 27
QC2 Operational Plan Basis (cont.) Exek6n..
- Conclusions
- Conservative design
- Extensive evaluations
- Detailed startup test plan
- Exelon has taken the necessary steps for safe EPU operation of QC2 28
Exe kn.
Nuclear Operational Plans for QC1 and Bases Roman Gesior Director - Asset Management 29
QC1 Operational Plan ExeOns.
- Outage to replace steam dryer expected last week of May 2005 Outage duration expect to be -6 days
- Expect to execute a startup test plan similar to QC2 without dryer instrumentation Power ascension to 912 MWe
- No dryer instrumentation installed MSL strain gauges will be installed to confirm, using acoustic circuit analysis, that dryer loads remain reasonable
- Power operation for remainder of cycle at 912 MWe if no limitations identified during startup test or from QC2 instrumented dryer results 30
QC1 Operational Plan Basis Exe InSM Nuclear dryer qualification is equally as robust as QC2
- QC1
- Same design as QC2
- No evidence that QC1 loads are greater than QC2
- SMT loads obtained with QC1 configuration
- Acoustic circuit analysis will be performed to confirm dryer loads are consistent with those used in FEA
- Acoustic circuit analysis method will be evaluated during startup testing of QC2 31
Exe k5n..
Nuclear Summary of Commitments for EPU Operation Patrick Simpson Manager - Licensing 32
Regulatory Commitments - QC2 ExeI6n.m Nuclear After dryer replacement, operation at EPU power levels will continue while detailed evaluations of the instrumented data are performed, if the Startup Test Plan acceptance criteria (i.e., go/no-go decision) are met If the detailed evaluations are not completed within 60 days of data collection at 930 MWe, power will be reduced to OLTP until the evaluations are completed
- EGC will conduct daily monitoring of MCO and other key reactor and plant parameters while operating at full power If indications of dryer damage or structural integrity concerns are identified, power will be reduced to OLTP and the issue will be evaluated in accordance with the corrective action process
- During the Spring 2006 refueling outage for QC2:
EGC will perform a general visual inspection of the RPV internals, steam, and feedwater systems, including inspection and disassembly if needed of the most susceptible components, which include ERVs EGC will conduct an inspection of the QC2 dryer using BWRVIP inspection guidance 33
Regulatory Commitments - QC1 ExekOn.m Nuclear
- After dryer replacement, operation at EPU power levels will continue while detailed evaluations of the QC2 instrumented data are performed If the QC2 detailed evaluations are not completed within 60 days of data collection at 930 MWe, QC1 power will be reduced to OLTP until the evaluations are completed
- EGC will conduct daily monitoring of MCO and other key reactor and plant parameters while operating at full power If indications of dryer damage or structural integrity concerns are identified, power will be reduced to OLTP and the issue will be evaluated in accordance with the corrective action process
- During the Spring 2007 refueling outage for QC1, EGC will conduct an inspection of the QC1 dryer using BWRVIP inspection guidance 34
Regulatory Commitments - DNPS Exekrn.
- EGC will conduct daily monitoring of MCO and other key reactor and plant parameters while operating at full power If indications of dryer damage or structural integrity concerns are identified, power will be reduced to OLTP and the issue will be evaluated in accordance with the corrective action process
- During the Fall 2005 refueling outage for D2:
EGC will perform a general visual inspection of the RPV internals, steam, and feedwater systems, including inspection and disassembly if needed of the most susceptible components, which include ERVs EGC will conduct an inspection of the D2 dryer using BWRVIP inspection guidance
- Results will be evaluated, considering the analytical work done to date, to determine appropriate action for D3
- Evaluation results and plans for D3 (e.g., potential need for mid-cycle outage) will be shared with the NRC within one month of completion of the Fall 2005 refueling outage for D2 EGC will attempt to locate and retrieve the lost D2 feedwater sample probe 35
Regulatory Commitments Exek(n Nuclear EGC will evaluate the AC model using the MSL strain gauge data without bias from the QC2 instrumented dryer test data, and take appropriate action in response to the application of the test results to the DNPS dryers. EGC will share the predicted QC2 dryer loads based on the AC model using the MSL strain gauge data with the NRC for comparison to the actual QC2 loads obtained from the instrumented dryer. EGC will meet with the NRC technical staff in late June 2005 to discuss:
Results of the collected QC2 instrumented dryer data evaluations, Results of SMT of the QC1 steam dryer, and The decision and its basis regarding SMT of the D2 and D3 dryers.