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Public Meeting Slides, Prairie Island End-of-Cycle Assessment
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/10/2004
Download: ML041700135 (1)


Prairie Island Annual Assessment Meeting Reactor Oversight Program - CY 2003 Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region III Lisle, IL June 10, 2004

Agenda l Introduction l Review of Reactor Oversight Process l National Summary of Plant Performance l Discussion of Plant Performance Results l Licensee Response and Remarks l NRC Closing Remarks l Break l NRC available to address public questions

NRC Representatives Patrick Hiland, Acting Deputy Division Director, DRP

- (630) 829-9601 Mac Chawla, Project Manager, NRR

- (301) 415-8371 John Adams, Senior Resident Inspector

- (651) 388-8209 Duane Karjala, Resident Inspector

- (651) 388-8209 Kimberly Gruss, Acting Branch Chief

- (630) 829-9605 Jamnes Cameron, Project Engineer

- (630) 829-9833

Region III Organization James Caldwell Regional Administrator Geoffrey Grant Deputy Regional Administrator Steven A. Reynolds Cynthia D. Pederson Acting Director Division of Reactor Projects Director Division of Reactor Safety Patrick Hiland Roy Caniano Acting Deputy Director Deputy Director Kimberly Gruss Regional Specialists Acting Branch Chief Prairie Island Resident Inspectors Project Engineer John Adams Jamnes Cameron Duane Karjala

NRC Performance Goals l Maintain safety and protect the environment l Enhance public confidence l Improve effectiveness, efficiency, and realism of processes and decision making

  • Reduce unnecessary regulatory burden

Reactor Oversight Process Strategic Performance Areas Safety Cornerstones Baseline Inspection Performance Indicator Results Results Significance Significance Threshold Threshold Action Matrix Regulatory Response

Examples of Baseline Inspections l Equipment Alignment ~92 hrs/yr l Triennial Fire Protection ~200 hrs every 3 yrs l Operator Response ~125 hrs/yr l Emergency Preparedness ~80 hrs/yr l Rad Release Controls ~100 hrs every 2 yrs l Worker Radiation Protection ~100 hrs/yr l Corrective Action Program ~200 hrs every 2 yrs l Corrective Action Case Reviews ~60 hrs/yr

Significance Threshold Performance Indicators Green: Only Baseline Inspection White: May increase NRC oversight Yellow: Requires more NRC oversight Red: Requires more NRC oversight Inspection Findings Green: Very Low safety issue White: Low to moderate safety issue Yellow: Substantial safety issue Red: High safety issue

Action Matrix Concept Licensee Regulatory Degraded Multiple/Rep. Unacceptable Response Response Cornerstone Degraded Performance Cornerstone Increasing Safety Significance Increasing NRC Inspection Efforts Increasing NRC/Licensee Management Involvement Increasing Regulatory Actions

Purpose of Todays Meeting n A public forum for discussion of the licensees performance n NRC will address the licensee performance issues identified in the annual assessment letter n Licensee will respond to the information in the letter and inform the NRC of new or existing programs to maintain or improve their performance

National Summary of Plant Performance Status at End of CY 2003 Licensee Response 75 Regulatory Response 22 Degraded Cornerstone 2 Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone 3 Unacceptable 0 Total 102*

National Summary l Performance Indicator Results (at end of CY 2003)

  • Green 1825
  • White 15
  • Yellow 0
  • Red 0 l Total Inspection Findings (CY 2003)

- Green 748

- White 9

- Yellow 2

- Red 1

Prairie Island Assessment Results (Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2003)

Licensee Response Column

§ All Inspection Findings were Green (Very Low Significance)

§ All Performance Indicators were within the Green band

Prairie Island Inspection Activities (Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2003) n Completed Baseline Inspections - 2342 hours0.0271 days <br />0.651 hours <br />0.00387 weeks <br />8.91131e-4 months <br />

  • Routine Integrated Inspections
  • Identification and Resolution of Problems Inspection n Unit 2 Refueling outage in August - October 2003

Prairie Island Inspection Activities (Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2004) n Baseline Inspection n Unit 1 Refueling Outage n Steam Generator Replacement Major Team Inspections n Triennial Fire Protection

Prairie Island Annual Assessment Summary January 1 - December 31, 2003 l NMC operated Prairie Island in a manner that preserved public health and safety l All cornerstone objectives were met l In 2004, NRC plans baseline inspections for the remainder of the assessment period and a review of the steam generator replacement

Licensee Response and Remarks Joseph Solymossy Site Vice President Nuclear Management Company

Contacting the NRC l Report an emergency (301) 816-5100 (call collect)

  • Report a safety concern:

(800) 695-7403, or

  • General information or questions Select What We Do for Public Affairs

Reference Sources l Reactor Oversight Process

  • Public Document Room 1-800-397-4209 (Toll Free)