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February 20, 2004 MEMORANDUM TO: John A. Harris, Chief Records and Archives Services Section Records Management Branch Information, Records, and Document Management Division Office of the Chief Information Officer FROM: Steven D. Bloom, Project Manager, Section 1 /RA/
Project Directorate II Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with the information necessary to update the license authority files for the subject plant and unit to accurately capture the license and technical specification changes made to these documents. I have completed the review of the license authority files for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, comparing the two NRC copies and the licensees records to determine corrections that are necessary. Attachment 1 and 5 provides those changes that are needed to the copy of the license authority files maintained by your staff for its use and by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR).
Changes needed to the licensees records will be addressed under separate correspondence to the licensee.
Included in the attachments are copies of the (Attachment 2 & 4) coverpage(s) of the letter(s) transmitting the license amendments; and (Attachment 3 & 6) correct technical specification pages. Please follow the instructions of the insert/remove pages when incorporating these corrections. Please have a member of your staff coordinate the replacement of the pages in the copy of the authority file maintained for NRR use with me. I can be contacted at 301-415-1313.
Docket Nos. 50-321 and 50-366 Attachments: 1. Summary of Changes
- 2. Letter dated March 8, 2002
- 3. Tech Spec Pages for Amendment No. 228 and Amendment No. 170
- 4. Letter dated July 12, 2002
- 5. Tech Spec Pages for Amendment No. 174
ML040560605 Package No.: ML040540655 Attachment No 1: See next page Attachment No 3: ML040570280 Attachment No 2: ML040570307 Attachment No 4: ML040570298 Attachment No 5: ML040550524 OFFICE PDII-1/PM PDII-1/LA PDII-1/SC NAME SBloom CHawes JNakoski DATE 2/19/04 2/19/04 2/20/04 CORRECTIONS TO LICENSE AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PAGES BASED ON NRC STAFF REVIEW OF THE LICENSE AUTHORITY FILE FOR EDWIN I. HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 DOCKET NOS. 50-321 AND 50-366 Replace the following pages of Appendix A Technical Specifications with the attached revised pages.
Remove Insert Amendment Reason 3.0-3 3.0-3 Amendment Nos. 228/170 Never updated 3.3-69(Unit 2) 3.3-69(Unit 2) Amendment Nos. 232/174 Never updated in Unit Attachment 1