ML030780266 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Browns Ferry, Watts Bar, Sequoyah |
Issue date: | 01/06/1989 |
From: | Fiser G Tennessee Valley Authority |
To: | NRC/SECY |
Byrdsong A T | |
References | |
+adjud/ruledam200506, -RFPFR, 50-259-CIVP, 50-260-CIVP, 50-296-CIVP, 50-327-CIVP, 50-328-CIVP, 50-390-CIVP, ASLBP 01-791-01-CIVP, RAS 6051, TVA-Joint-30 | |
Download: ML030780266 (10) | |
NAM: C.G.L. PFler .
SOCIAL SECURITY IERi: L fr PI IO ILEICMDE: Chemistry Super! IntendentlU-7
- *.' .t OCIUIIOII: RANII Plant DIVISION/SItE/sAIF: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant ' '*..:
.:.. -~41-6'i1 LOCATION: S-q a4h -I 11L
,(chec one) 12/730 3/30 - P363 i930 _ -n-nu-&T Other-Seo Instructions Record Actual Data fer.
RATlNG: Adecuate Performance
,(Give Rating) Interim Inlerml uverai I Other - Set Instructiocs SUPERVISOR COPMtS:
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'- LVEIA SIGAIAUR DATE: IA___ b: r - DACE: __ ,: .1 IIirly Reviews - The PPE cover sheet only Is tipleted and sent to the Division Personnel orficer.
,Anna1 (or other) Evaluation - 1he cmpleTcd PPt ronnn Its entirety, Is sent to the Division Personnel Officer. * 'S' '
- F
,Required for quarterly reviews and annual (or 'other*) evaluations. :II v Rt quired for quarteriy reviews only ItInterim rating Is"unacceptable." AIwys required For annual (or oother') evaluations. . ,.
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! Im PRTMARY f urCTIVFS (1)lmprove quality and productivity by effectively defining. omnaging and evaluating accountabilitles reflected In the position description.
(Z)Ensure that management job performance supports the achievement of corporate goals and objectives within the highest stindards of excellence.
(3)Provide a planning tool for training management employees to do thelr current jobs better. (4)Create a means of identifying candidates for futurer' leadership roles.
KEY ELErTNTS IN THE PROCESS The Performance Planning and Evaluation (PPE) process involves these key elements In a continuous annual cycle: Performance Planning, Performance;.
Management, Performance Evaluation, and Performance Developivent.
- 1. Planninq J.
At the beginning of the Performance Planning and Evaluation cycle (annudily In October) each management enployee will meet with his/her supervisor and jointly Identify four to six accountabilities (objectives) for which that management employee will be held responsible during %
the coming review period. The supervisor and management enployee will also define together what measure standards or descriptions will be used In assessing how well the work Is being performed, and the expected results. lhe position description is significant because it becaes the cornerstone aiainst which performance is measured.
- 4'4
- 2. Managewent Performance )Mananemtnt fqrwklmes referred to as mtnitorln 7) means continuous day-to-day, week-to-week, communication between the supervisor and .na & etil tieqiuytv segarding objectives, how they re being performed, and progress on Individual dereloprent. It Is an information feedback and'coaching process involving the observation of work and results. A minimum of one review must be held quarterly and doccunented.
Each management enployee receives an interim performance rating at the end of every quarter, refiecting accomplishments, the extent to whic_
progress isbeing made In work and development activities, and how well management skills (performance factors) are being utilized. -
I 45 . -s - ^
J. VA dIUdIluh . 9 At the end of the Performance Planning and Evaluation cydie (annually In SepttLvber) supervisors evaluate each of their M-Schedule emnployees with regard to AccountabIlItles Performance Factors, and *erformance Development Activities for the whole year. One overall performance rating is given at this time. ihe appraising manager should come to a decision regarding the overall rating based on "isoher perspective.
of the employee's performance during the who e yrar. -
- 4. Developrent Development activities are Integral to management enpIOyCes dtiiieving their maxinn potential. Developmental needs are first Identifled during the evaluation phase of the cycle as areas needing Inprovement ur opportunities for growth. After 4developmental needs have been jointly Identified by the supervisor and the management employce they are translated Into action plans ar monitored, with appropriate changes, throughout lhe next review cycle.
- 5 .4 Unacceptable Adequate Solid Superior Exceptional 1=1 Performance l1=1 Perfonmance l = l Performance 1=1 Performance 1=1lPerformance Does not eet expecl A- Meets basic expectations. Fully competent per- Performance which clearly Sustalned extraordinary perfor-.'"
tions. Failing too weet Performs similar to formance. Consistently and substantially exceeds monco which far exceeds ehpoct&-#
basic requirements cif break-in period on new meets expectations In a expectations for Major areas tions and significantly adds to the position. Kands Job, Performance timely/quality manner. of posi t ion Contributes roup rfornce ln x:s p
_mnt action necessar 7. ndIcates certain Considered a valuable s gnificantly to work group : pe r contrl 0 t Ovab?*
-. limitations. Ifprovement enmloyee contributing producglVIty. Highly but seldom attlned performance..
wededd In specific areas. veil totb 1 Imyess of effectiv Ir.e I' 5 . t , I
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- T A's§ai;i .tiQ8 n on;. :'h
- Ideti Ved Jointly-by eifp .onee and supervisor. Reviewed Jointly by-emloye and supervisor.
ACCONTABILIJIES EXTMOM37[ - ACTUAL RESULTS List four to six major activities, ongoing Develop specific. measurable results Copy this form and review tNe progress made responsibilities, and/or special objectives for each accountability or objective. In meeting the expected results on a periodic reflected inthe position description. (Use basis. (Amininum of one review nust be hold additional paper lf necessary.) quarterly and documented.)*
' ;1' To support the plant In the restart of units land 2 In the area of Chemistry.
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- Ifunacceptable performince 1s Indicated at any time during the review cycle, developwental needs should be Identified and translated Into an ib
-act!oa vlin (Sectior"k.
OtarrteT y P Octu ted Rtui I.
SunVi' LmM's Skiftdule Dutte tates Ccwpleted Riting inlials mliita Is
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'V Att U4 feFr'iv"vt Y'~-" Vow PERFORMANCE FACTORS (OcSERM)D)
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z arx tifull Ln#
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Check one Performance Factors describe hkw amlowt*s oabomt'
_ accomplishing Job responsibil T ges
. i Analysis b Decision Making - ,y1 l_
Identifying Issues and problems, relating and Supervisor frequently Occasionally analyzes Generally anticipates and Consistently appien :
carparing data, Identifying required to Identify problem problems to a satisfactory analyzes problems. Estab- analytical skills to cause/effect relationships. areas. Erplo co generally conclusion. lIshes priorities and plans relevant data. Brino Making jud ments reflecting does not cons~der enough schedules accordingly. problems and opportunl-factual information and Information Innaking Recommendations and ties to the attention "
organizational resources. reconetndatlons or decisions decisions generallY of management In a wull Develoling alternative causes or over analyzes to the point Include consideration of ordere(I rancr Excep-of actlon. that decisions are not nade. all relevant factors. tlonally dec syn under tire pressure.
Innovation & Creativity - a..
I x I Generating and/or recognizing lmaginative techniques or Rarely Introduces new Ideas Can be resourrerul but Frequently demonstrates Highly Innovative. '
creative solutions to Introduce or whthods. frequently uses originality. Offers Frequently consulted new methods, concept, and estabiished methods for suogestions or new for new Ideal r ..;j processes. reaching goals. aJ; Viches. methods. Provides .
creative solutions t- . h.
caIplex problem.
- I- I r, .
Ceomunications (Oral -kyIttent 1=I ITI Effective oral and written expresslon Inpresenting ideas Perfonrance Indicates a Communicates effectively Proficient use of oral and Ora1 ana ' on eon .,
Individually or In a group. deficiency in the following Inmost areas. I written communication munication pts *'t-^2 AbIlit to organize and present area(s): skills. Conveys Information cles are highly L%
Ideas In a Meaningful form. Verbal enmunIcation skill Ina clear and meaningful oped. Very effective Written communication skill form, Individually or In planning, organizing, .;
- 1. Present tion skill groups. and conveying Infor a' tIon and makingr *;a
- presentations. m .
e t - 4 iEL!+/-.tIcti L 1tenlrml - -=I^ lxI I_. I1=1 I ,' .. ,:'-...
Ability to pick out essence of Problemg or Inefficiencles Usually aware of the needs Actively listens and *Wansttrate$ high what Is Wibnlsaid or observed. are created sometimes by of others for Information. observes. Obtalns as~orffortfu IsUilt thsts informe ion to Identify inability to effectively feedback and acts 06 A.:lt.ty e lcits, Snd anal I* problei and listen. Identified problm$ and opportunities. - .
$'I affect chaqe sBn 0
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)'erfiornance Factors Applicable to All J7 ;. ,
I nanert I
TIMe hNao9entn - Planning and prioritizing work to utilize Ixi available time productively. _
Effectivelt applying effort Work product Is often Adequately sets priorities Generally uses time Is hiohly productivel over a susa Ined period of time. Incompiete and/or late. and schedules time with productively and mets and consistently met nornal supervision In deadlines. Steady worker; deadlines. Damonstrat$'fi, order to coimplete tasks. works extr time when sustain"d *ffort nd -iw:
required. willingness to out. Stay$ ovnr cemplete ASS'C on own initilate.. ..'A4 daptabIllt _ Maintaining ;
lftectlveness In varying and I= t-J 1= II changing environiments.r dJusting to changing Often falls to produce Usually produces Adjusts positively and Meets unexpected or !:It :
directlons, demands adequately when Job acceptable results when productively to new unplanned changesQav In- :
priorities circumstances or conditions are altered. job conditions have been environments or changed lob conditions with a* :t-personalities. altered. Requires somo job conditions In a forward looking * ;
adjustment period. relatively short period of attitude. Reacts to'.:I ,
V.time. challenges as opportunities. ";;t4 teammork - Uorking and .
- Tnreracting with others In 1 I-xi cooperative manner to accomplish overall business Difficulty In effectively Accepts the need to work Develops positivn working Damonstrates leadershipis? 4 goals. Supporting decisions dealing with others. with others. Provides relations with others Inpromoting cooperatIon, ;
through Individual action. Hinders Individual or group assistance and Infornatlon Provides help, advice, and and teamwork.Solicits (;
goal achievement. when requested. suggestions, feedback and seks I ~~~opportunitlnto ts effectively, sis others toward chO Individual or group; goals. . '
9 Job Comitment _
-ve !-I o=1t sellC
- -iailing activn atteDrpts to .
'<ve goals. Tenacity In Requires frequent direction t.. .Iirew responsibility Provides extra effort In consstentll sef- p leoating taskc and solving or prtopting. 1'hr' ,n t defined Identifyingwhat needs to mtivat In', . eoP .1>
ainput Contrtthhtasks whe n action and requires little problW. 1illingness to exert Caot1K.: nt; are given, be done. Takev indePendent innovative sojutionss: :t(
extra effort to et the Job Iut Jcal led)to s ersision probl wthost 4 ', ; J I
goteteJbCal lei urpn su"aln Jrdffl St~r,^,
MIns level Indicates prPOISs or Up dieflts to ccepTible perfor7unr I5thi- ; : ve oprwn s uuDea ad uatla' p into so KcifoA P!an (seciof 4).
n L ~Ii
x rf- V.i 4,
tional fo o-S e s(Section 2-8) acc1isii o Check One Performance Factors describe ho eployes M 90o Optional- tr Nont-Supervisorns accomplishing Job responsibit l es.- ;.:
Leadership - _
- Utilizing appropriate _ .2, *w Interpersonal rethods In Lack of established Adequately working Has clear goals for the Maintains absoluta guiding Individuals toward task direction for the area relationship with unit and seeks creative clarity of mission forTa.-
accomplishment or conmon supervised. Actions do not r.'ployees. Acknowledges ways to assist employees self, unit andm. ie 3goals. Ability to maintain reflect the support and role as leader of area in adopting them. Manaqes employees.
group cohesiveness and confidence of subordinates. supervised. self well and has gained Subordinates ar -....
Ecooperation and facilitate the trust and confidence certain of the unit's r group process, of the mwlabers of the unit. goals and have ten-; o:
them as thelrom. t ";' i Creatively inspires and 2i motivates unit to achlevement of jols. Bl lm 1or results.
Dnevelovment of SubordInates -
I=:I I-x Developing skills and competenc ies of subordinates Exhibits lack of sensitivity Provides coaching when Counsels and L iches Takes a proqresslive`n. t",
!through the creation of Insight to enployees developnent performance or problems subordinates on a stance In encouraging ;tg and/or through training and needs. Provides less tan with assignments warrant day-to-day basis providing professional growth and .j .
development activities related adeqwate or inaccurate It. opportunities for development. m~lln 4; to their current and future feedback. feedback. Exhibits an to act as a uentor fat ;
'Jobs. active concern by others. Increases : :v Identifying and supporting effectiveness of .
tralnina *nd development subordinates by helping t activtt es. then. Identify their 4.
needs designing or;%f, , v'P locating apprmoriate ;i development sl uatlons I _ . A' Plannin a*ndJ roanizina - l_x_l V" $ (.
Istablshin a course of action L for self arw>or others to Experiences difficulty In Adequately plans own work Subordinates are well Consistently anttcIpde a'c sh a sp.ecfic goal defining tasks and and that of work group, organized with work and systamtIcally plan. >
plan=,ng proper assigmnents of organizing own and/or given pre-established structures and priorities courses of actI1n In'pK* t personnel nd ppropriate subordintes work. paraneters and/or tIowfranes. known. objectives and support of ob ectly s4, '-4 allocation of resources. measurents are welt Gives thorovgh cons C, e U Istbi shed. *rat on to a MIrnat I 5' cont inone1 i n 4.4, 4
- t Identifying toy. silt.- t.2k li ' ___ __ _j iL JAI
% " 14:
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4 *,it Ov.
.. .4 6eleqation -
IDC Utilizing subordinates skills, and energies effectively. Requires undue amount of Delegates jaibtasks and/or Delegates effectively Clearly delegat Allocating decision making supervision to manage well definedI responsibill- allowing subordinates the resnonsibilities 2 and other responsibilities people. Has difficulty in ties to subc,rdinates. responsibility for decision making
- to the appropriate subordinate. giving up job responsibility gathering and analyzing authorities to subo to others, or inassigning data and prioritizing work 1dinates. Provie ': t work to the appropriate schedules. Provides effective Info; atia '
person. opportunity for feedback. and resources to plIsh work assigmnents* # Z Demonstrates marked ; .S" ability to target lndl';"W' viduals I the norganl-, . r zation to successfully-. i1*
carry out assignnts.s, X, I I
_ _- ________________ , i I Control -
Ix' * . A .i; Establishin 7 procedures to monitor one s own job Difficulty Inrecognizing Takes action to follow-up Effective Inmonitoring Uses systematic and activities and responsibilities the importance of monitoring on work, tasks or job activities and efficient methods for .4
- or to regulate the tasks and or following up on the activities periodically. responsibilities for self tracking activities for i '
the activities of subordinates. adequacy or timeliness of and subordinates. which individuals or Taking action to monitor the wwork assignments. Recognizes budget organization are respon-. fE results of delegated assignments constraints. Observes sible. Achieves resulti 'MAA or projects. work In progress for within budget. Operates Ai ;-
adequacy and timeliness with a heightened sense-, :;
and provides for periodic of urgency when needed . -
feedback or status reports. yet malntalns ef f ctlve ^
balance between conc rn l f peorle and concern for work results.
t I V..,,
4 I Walking Your Spaces -
II' ACCESSIBLE - Person-to-person coniminication. Observation of Exhibits lack of Initiative Person to person Routinely observes and work at employee s work place. inmuking oneself accessible conm nlcalIon Is talks with erployees at Listening to em'ployees. to subordinates. Shows lack generally open. Is thelr work station. Fosters SENSITIVE - consideration of of awareness of one's receptive to Ideas and a give and take atmosphere subordinate's feelings, needs behavior and Its impact on needs of subordinates where Ideas and needs can and ideas. PERCEPTIVE - Ability others. Demonstrates during assignments, be aired openly. Demon-to,-Judge whether employees difficulty In assessing scheduled meetings, and/or strates ability to determine are doing the right things for problems or opportunities problem resolution. if people are doing the the righi reasons. Ability to and In providing follow-up Provides follow-up on an right things for the right be self-critical. Making with teployees. as-needed basis. reasons and provides decisions and taking action direction or problem reso-baSed on one s assessment. lutlons In a timely ranner.
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... .N. zini Do Cihis level pr or mlopedDV rnt
- ite t >w Iepl perrr. * . .-
into anaction plan Sicon5 t~u lA~s<
S44 A s.^ ~ t~ *.ai4;, tS^.S{t; b~.< - IA - .,"; ,as4-.5M;;d.w.~k,.ih4
- . WEVAL EVRUMTIU (Section 3) ieck oer based on performance during this review period t Unacceptable Performnune1 gjPefomacermI dte f ancP =
Solid ze f J ecrmnc =
Suerior Pernmance Perfr~mance Exceptional Parforone
.rwc Does not &eetexpectations. Meets basic expectations. Fully con tent perform- Performance thich clearly Sustained extraordinary perfor"aWceL 1.
Failing to eet basc Performs similar to mance. Consistently and substantially exceeds which far exceeds expectations and requirenents of thr break-in period oc new wets expectations in a expectations for major areas significartly adds to work gree position. Manageent job. Performance timely/quality n of position. Contributes performance in excess of peerm . -
action necessary. indicates certain limita- Considered a valuatle sinificantly to work group contribution. Top perforwrs In ~t4 tions. Improve ents eIlo contributing productiWty. Highly the organization reelve this ;.*J**
needed In specific &es. we ito the success of effective in many key areas. rating. AchietVable bat J4 the organization. attained perfo .
ilOTE: If at the end of the review cycle (September) the employee receives m nacceptableo rating, a forml review of performance most apif be conducted at the end of the next quarter. ;-
l I
Supervisor's Stumary Statment and Cents: ;> 't
... '!P*
The overall performance of the Cemistry Croup Is not acceptable. Although fir. liser has expended a great deal of effort In developing ai it program, Very little implemntation has taken place. Extensive effort will be required to make the necessary progress Is 19D9.
_~ -: . _
's X I
ftployee s Ccuments a0pional}
-. I Date: ff u~df;Sti~
aviwewd by:
r loyet Signature:
-SWsit~ei~r} 4t ltNg; si; d Dae My
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, ',,;'- vv PEOWAM CMFWuR -I (Section 4)
- I
- -,-I The purpose of this section is to assist the manage nt ewployee in performin, effectively in his/her present asslgnmnt by Identifying strqtft Intprovemnt needs, aMd developental activities.I-1 Performance develont ctivities can also be viewed as an occasion, an opportunity, for h
- n 5uppor 1 , orcr r---; lxe.I~Sscio~scnee x Tt-1 1. rnl 6- .xcDqn n Wzcn
,l6 ;nVa _!! O" -. 6 w
-I-tr .
rArn u. u..a Ilse& SdtiWu s wnx5<v lfICt 0 Career Interests lCompleted by etployee.)
Be specific. Indicate preferences andlternatives.
A., Next
- . 3/4,'
3.' longer Range t- '- - - - - -- -- - - -
Nhat strengtns and abilutles nas thc employee oemonstrated in nisiner presenL or s15t mUcMt posutio"u 116zhIted uy 5uperviSur during qIuarurly and annual reviews.) : ':.
MMr.FIlser has a very strong technical understanding of the chemistry area; dditionally, he has considerable experience In this area. t: _
I: ..... J i . .
- .'- C.
- A' -
.¶4. 4 i
Inwhich areas of performance does the employee need the most improvement? (Completed by Supervisor during quarterly and annual reviews. Areas * £ noted should be accompanied by a corresponding performance development action plan. See reverse side.)
- A . Fiser must becom uorc aggressive in the performance of his duties. Many discrepancies In equipment and personnel performance should have been corrected In a more timely ranner. Mr. Fiser has a tendency to wait for corporate assistance In many areas where i assistance Is either not required or forthcoming.
- j.4.
t D.
.I I . - .
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