ML030430592 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Sequoyah |
Issue date: | 08/05/2002 |
From: | Ernstes M Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch |
To: | Scalice J Tennessee Valley Authority |
References | |
50-327/02-301, 50-328/02-301 50-327/02-301, 50-328/02-301 | |
Download: ML030430592 (37) | |
Draft Submittal (Pink Paper)
SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT EXAM 2002-301 50-327 & 50-328 DECEMBER 2 -6, 2002 Operating Test Simulator Scenarios
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Sequoyah Scenario No.: 1 Op-Test No.:
Examiners: Operators:
Initial Conditions: Plant is at 58% power following a trip after a refueling outage. 40od leakage in
- 3 S/G Turnover: Increase power to 85%. A Severe Thunderstorm Warning is in effect for Hamilton and Rhea counties for the next 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. There is aeneral increased security due to validated threats in the US Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description Set up simulator to IC- 8.
Preinsert "A"Containment Spray Pump OOS Preinsert "A"MDAFW Pump OOS Preinsert FW07B C "B"MDAFW fails to auto start SPreinsert RP1 6K6 C Phase "A"fails to actuate 12A 1 N Start 2d MFP 2 R Increase power to 85%
(RO) 3 RX05A I PZR Level Channel 339 fails High (RO)
MS12C C #3 Atmospheric Relief valve fails open after SGTL (RO)
RX12B I PT-1-73, Impulse Pressure Transmitter, Fails low (BOP)
SIA02 C Air system rupture, can be isolated (1OP) 17J TH05C M #3 S/G Tube Rupture (All)
Terminate at transition to ECA
- (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (P)RA, (L)ow Power
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 1 Event
Start a 2nd Main Feed Pump Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior CRO RECORD MFPT selected to be started second. MFPT CRO ENSURE applicable Trip Test Prior to Startup has been COMPLETED CRO ENSURE MFPT Speed Control Bias dial at 50%.
CRO ENSURE MFPTs H-P and L-P steam isolation valves for the MFP being started are OPEN CRO IFMFPT is rolling greater than 200 rpm once HP ISOL is OPEN, THEN CONTACT Maintenance to check and adjust dashpot settings as necessary CRO THROTTLE rl-FCV-3-1 OR r-FcV MFP Recirc valve between 30%-50% OPEN (for pump to be started) with [-F 0 or [L-FI43-841.
CRO RESET the Standby MFPT CRO ENSURE the Condenser inlet and outlet valves OPEN CRO OPEN the Stop Valves for the MFPT to be started by placing either the H/P or lUP handswitch to the RAISE position CRO VERIFY the MFP turning gear motor has STOPPED I I CRO/OATC NOTIFY MIG to adjust the MFPT hand changer for the proper rpm as the second MFPT is accelerated CRO MONITOR the following parameters during MFWP startup: Vibration and thrust bearing wear, MFWP Condenser vacuum/drain temperature, Oil system and bearing temperatures CRO PLACE the governor valve positioner to the RAISE position to open the steam chest valves and accelerate the MFPT CRO SLOWLY LOAD the second MFPT to raise MFPT speed until demand on MFPT speed controller matches the demand output of the first MFPT CRO ENSURE MFP Injection Water Intermediate Leakoff Pressure for pump started is 200-250 psig CRO ENSURE MFP Injection Water Differential Pressure for pump started is equal to or greater than 25 psid CRO WHEN the master controller has zero deviation, PLACE the second MFPT in AUTO CRO CLOSE the second MFPT drain valves CRO ENSURE [1-FCV-3-O or l-FcV-3-8 MFP Recirc valve is CLOSED and in MANUAL CRO WHEN MFWP speed controllers [SIC-46-20 and [SIC-46-20B1 are in AUTO, THEN, PERFORM the following to adjust the minimum speed on the second MFWP; VERIFY both MFWP speed controller bias settings at 50%,
NOTIFY MIG to slowly adjust the hand speed changer on the second MFWP so that the MFWP speeds are equal CRO IFan adjustment of the flow balance between the MFPTs is desired, THEN, SLOWLY ADJUST one MFPT speed control bias in downward direction (0%to 50%) until desired flow balance is achieved NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Page of 1 Event Description :-Increase Power to 85%
Time f Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior GO-5 Steps CRO PRIOR to increasing load above 729 MWe ENSURE at least one bus duct cooler is inservice USING 0-S0-58-1 CRO PRIOR to increasing turbine load above 60%, ENSURE all #3and #7 heater drain tank systems are pumping forward CRO PRIOR to increasing turbine load above 65%, ENSURE second MFPT is inservice CRO WHEN approximately 70% turbine load, THEN, PLACE the third #3 heater drain pump inservice inaccordance with 1,2-S0-5-2, ENSURE valves LCV-6-106A and LCV-6-106B are controlling #3 heater drain tank level property S0-62-7 Steps
- steps may be repeated to add additional water OATC ENSURE unit isNOT in a Tech Spec action that prohibits positive reactivity additions OATC ENSURE sufficient capacity available inthe HUT selected to receive large amounts of CVCS letdown OATC ENSURE makeup system is aligned for AUTO operation inaccordance with Section 5.1 OATC* RECORD the quantity of dilution water required to achieve desired boron concentration OATC* PLACE FHS&-6140A, Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position OATC* PLACE IHS-62-14051, CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the DILUTE position OATC* ENSURE [H 62-140D, Boric Acid Valve to the Blender is CLOSED (Green light is LIT)
OATC* SET IEQ62-jA2, Batch Integrator for the desired quantity OATC* ADJUST FC-624421, Primary Makeup Water Flow Controller for the desired flow rate OATC* PLACE [Hlfi62IADA, Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the START position OATC* VERIFY the following; Inlet to top of VCT [FFV62-128 is OPEN, Primary Water flow by [Eb62JA2A] or FF-2-142 OATC* IFprimary water addition to the bottom of the VCT fFCV-62-144 is desired, THEN, CLOSE [FCV6212a with
[HS-62-128, OPEN iFCV-82-144 with [HS-62-144, VERIFY Primary Water flow by IFI-82-142 or rF-62-1.421.
OATC* MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper response from dilution is achieved OATC* IF[LI-62-1291, Volume Control Tank Level, increases to 63 percent, THEN; ENSURE [LC&62-11, Volume Control Tank Divert Valve OPENS to divert excess water to the Holdup Tanks OATC* WHEN dilution is complete, THEN, PLACE rHS-62-140, Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position, IF[FCV-62-1441 was previously OPENED, THEN CLOSE FCV-62-11 with [HS-62-1 I, VERIFY no primary water flow on either rEL-62--142A1 or [FQ- , ENSURE [ "-2 is CLOSED OATC REALIGN the blender controls for AUTO makeup to the CVCS in accordance with Section 5.1 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 2
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page 1 - of 1 Event
PZR Level Channel Fails High Time Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Evaluate TS (STA)
US Evaluate EPIP-1 Emergency Plan (Shift Manager)
Crew DIAGNOSE the failure, IF... Pressurizer Level Instrument Malfunction, Go To Section 2.2 OATC CHECK LI-68-339 indicates NORMAL (NO)
OATC RESTORE letdown USING EA-62-5, Establishing Normal Charging and Letdown OATC ENSURE pressurizer heaters restored to service US NOTIFY IMto remove failed pressurizer level channel from service USING appropriate Appendix (E)
US GO TO appropriate plant procedure NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 3
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page of 1 Event
_ PT-1-73 Fails Low Time J Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ARP-M5-C-6 actions, IFcontrols are inAUTO when alarm occurs, THEN PLACE rod control system in US/OATC manual and match Tavg with Tref.
AOP-I.08 Steps CRO CHECK P1-1-73 indicates normal (NO)
OATC PLACE rods inMAN CREW STABILIZE reactor power CRO EVALUATE placing Main Reg Valves in MAN to maintain SG level on program (S/G levels will go to 33%)
CRO PLACE steam dumps in STEAM PRESSURE mode OATC DETERMINE Program T-avg for current reactor power USING TI-28 Figure A.9 CREW RESTORE T-avg to program; POSITION control rods, ADJUST turbine load, ADJUST RCS boron concentration US NOTIFY IMto remove P-1 -73 from service USING Appendix B, Removing Turbine Impulse Pressure Instrument Loop P-1 -73 (P-505) from Service OATC/CRO CHECK P1-1-72 indicates normal US/STA EVALUATE Tech Specs for applicability US GO TO appropriate plant procedure CREW may go to AOP-C.01 will be directed to AOP-1.08 after rods inmanual NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 4
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Page 1 of 1 Event
Air System Rupture Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ARP M15, D-7, E-7 CRO Dispatch and operator to verfy PCV-33-4 closed CRO Investigate the cause, dispatch operators to search for the leak CRO Locate and isolate the leak CRO Monitor air pressures US Refer to AOP-M.02 Only applicable steps from the AOP will be performed US/CRO DISPATCH personnel US/CRO VERIFY 6900V and 480V Shutdown Boards ENERGIZED CRO MONITOR PI-33-199, service air header pressure greater than 88 psig (NO), ENSURE O-PCV-33-4, Service Air Isol Valve, CLOSED CRO/AUO START Control Air Compressors as required to maintain system pressure "CRO/AUO VERIFY Aand BControl Air Compressors LOADED as required CRO/AUO VERIFY Control Air Dryers and Filters operating properly US NOTIFY Maintenance to initiate repairs to source of air leakage CRO MONITOR PI-32-200, control air header pressure, greater than 77 psig (Pressure should recoverwhen 33-4 closes)
NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 5
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Page of 4 Event
_ S/G Tube Rupture Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-O Actions OATC VERIFY reactor TRIPPED CRO VERIFY turbine TRIPPED CRO VERIFY shutdown boards ENERGIZED CRO/OATC DETERMINE ifSI actuated (Yes)
- CHECK RCS pressure less than 1500 psig (NO)
OATC VERIFY ESF systems ALIGNED, Phase AACTUATED, Containment Ventilation Isolation ACTUATED, Status monitor panels, Train Astatus panel 6K, Train Bstatus panel 6L OATC MONITOR containment spray NOT required (Yes)
OATC CHECK ifmain steam lines should be isolated (NO)
CRO CHECK AFW valve alignment CRO DETERMINE ifsecondary heat sink available (Yes)
OATC MONITOR RCS temperatures OATC IFany RCP running, THEN CHECK T-avg stable at or trending to between 547 0 F and 552 0F (NO)
OATC/CRO IFtemperature less than 547 0F and dropping, THEN PERFORM the following; ENSURE steam dumps and atmospheric reliefs CLOSED (NO)
CRO IFcooldown continues, THEN, PERFORM the following; CONTROL total feed flow USING EA-3-8, Manual Control of AFW Flow, MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 440 gpm UNTIL narrow range level greater than 10% [25% ADV] in at least one S/G US/CRO IFcooldown continues, THEN, CLOSE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CRO DISPATCH personnel to perform EA-O-1, Equipment Checks Following ESF Actuation NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 6
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: Event No.: 7 Page _2 of 4 Event
S/G Tube Rupture Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior OATC CHECK pressurizer PORVs, safeties, and spray valves NO*ANE
- Depending on crew speed, the crew may go back to step 7c when RCS pressure goes below 1500 psig OATC MONITOR RCP trip criteria; At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING AND RCS pressure less than 1250 psig (NO*)
CRO CHECK ifS/G secondary pressure boundaries are INTACT (NO)
US MONITOR status trees, GO TO E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation.
E-2 Steps CRO CHECK MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOSED CRO CHECK S/G secondary pressure boundary integrity CRO IDENTIFY Faulted S/G(s): CHECK S/G pressures, Any S/G pressure DROPPING in an uncontrolled manner CRO ISOLATE Faulted S/G(s):
- VERIFY atmospheric relief CLOSED (NO), CLOSE atmospherc relief, IFFaulted S/G(s) atmospheric relief can NOT be closed, THEN DISPATCH personnel to close atmospheric relief USING EA-1 -2,Local Control of S/G PORVs CRO MONITOR CST level greater than 10%.
CRO VERIFY secondary radiation NORMAL (NO), GO TO E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture I__ I I I1
______ _________ I NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 7
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: _7 - Page 3 of 4 Event
__ S/G Tube Rupture Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-3 Steps OATC MONITOR RCPtdp criteria (NO)
CRO BYPASS condensate DI CRO MONITOR indications of Ruptured SIG(s): IDENTIFY Ruptured S/G(s) as indicated by any of the following, Unexpected rise inany S/G narrow range level (Loop 3)
CRO ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s):
- ADJUST Ruptured S/G(s) atmospheric relief controller setpoint to 87% in AUTO. (1040 psig)
- CHECK Ruptured S/G(s) atmospheric relief hand switch inP-AUTO and valve(s) CLOSED (NO)
WHEN Ruptured S/G(s) pressure less than 1040 psig, THEN PERFORM the following: VERIFY atmospheric CRO relief CLOSED, IFatmospheric relief NOT closed, THEN CLOSE atmospheric relief.
CRO IFRuptured S/G(s) atmospheric relief CANNOT be closed, THEN DISPATCH personnel to close atmospheric relief USING EA-1-2, Local Control of S/G PORVs.
CRO VERIFY Ruptured S/G(s) blowdown isolation valves CLOSED CRO CLOSE Ruptured S/G(s) MSIV and MSIV bypass valve CRO MAINTAIN Ruptured S/G(s) level in narrow range: CHECK narrow range level greater than 10%, WHEN ruptured S/G level is greater than 10% [25% ADV], THEN STOP feed flow to ruptured S/G CRO VERIFY Ruptured S/G ISOLATED from Intact S/G(s CRO CHECK either of the following conditions SATISFIED: Ruptured S/G MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOSED OR MSIV(s) and MSIV bypass valve(s) CLOSED on Intact S/G(s) to be used for RCS cooldown.
CRO CHECK Ruptured S/G pressure greater than 380 psig (YES)
OATC CHECK at least one RCP RUNNING CRO INITIATE RCS cooldown OATC DETERMINE target core exit T/C temperature based on Ruptured S/G pressure CRO DUMP steam at maximum achievable rate USING Intact S/G(s) atmospheric relief(s).
CRO WHEN RCS pressure less than 1920 psig, THEN PERFORM the following: BLOCK low steamline pressure SI, CHECK STEAMLINE PRESS ISOUSI BLOCK RATE ISOL ENABLE permissive LIT. [M-4A, A4]
CRO WHEN core exit T/Cs less than target temperature determined in Substep 9.a, THEN PERFORM the following:
STOP RCS cooldown, MAINTAIN core exit T/Cs less than target temperature NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 8
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Page _4 of 4 Event
__ S/G Tube Rupture Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-3 Steps Continued CRO MAINTAIN Intact S/G narrow range levels, Greater than 10%, Between 10% [25% ADV] and 50%.
OATC MONITOR pressurizer PORVs and block valves, Power to block valves AVAILABLE, Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED, At least one block valve OPEN OATC RESET SI and CHECK the following: AUTO S.I. BLOCKED permissive LIT [M-4A, C4], S.1. ACTUATED permissive DARK [M-4A, D4].
CRO MONITOR AC busses energized from start busses OATC RESET Phase Aand Phase B CRO ESTABLISH control air to containment USING EA-32-1, Establishing Control Air to Containment OATC DETERMINE ifRHR pumps should be stopped: CHECK RHR pump suction aligned from RWST, CHECK RCS pressure greater than 180 psig, STOP RHR pumps and PLACE in A-AUTO, MONITOR RCS pressure greater than 180 psig OATC CHECK ifRCS cooldown should be stopped OATC CHECK core exit T/Cs less than target temperature CRO STOP RCS cooldown CRO MAINTAIN core exit T/Cs less than target temperature CRO CHECK Ruptured S/G(s) pressure STABLE or RISING (NO)
US/CRO IFRuptured S/G(s) pressure drops to less than 250 psig above pressure of Intact S/G(s) being used for cooldown, THEN GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA - Subcooled Recovery TERMINATE THE EXERCISE AT ECA TRANSITION NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 9
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: Event No.: Page - of Event
Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior
__I I_
NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 10
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Sequoyah Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.:
Examiners: Operators:
Initial Conditions: Plant is at 100% power EOL proceedinq to a refueling outage. lopd leakage in
- 3 S/G Turnover: A Severe Thunderstorm Warning is in effect for Hamilton and Rhea counties for the next 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. There is general increased security due to validated threats in the US.
Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description Set up simulator to IC- 12.
Preinsert "B"Containment Spray Pump OOS Preinsert "B" MDAFW Pump OOS Preinsert FW07C C TDAFW pump fails Preinsert RP07 C Containment Spray Fails to actuate 1 N Swap CCP's for maintenance preps (RO) 2 RX1OB I Loop #2 Steam Flow Channel Fails Low (BOP) 3 RX02 I T Cold Fails High (ao) 4 CV17B C #2 RCP - #1 Seal Failure (Below Trip Criteria)
(RO) 5 R Shutdown the plant lAW AOP-C.03 (Ro) 6 ______ __
CN09 C
(BOP) Loss of Condenser Vacuum (Slow Ramp to _Trip) 7 MS01 B M #2 S/G Break I/S Containment (All)
S~ * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (P)RA, (L~ow Power
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 1 Page _1 of 1 Event
Swap CCP's for Maintenance.
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SO-62-1 Steps Section 8.10 CRO ENSURE an "A"Train Component Cooling Water Pump is inservice CRO/OATC NOTIFY appropriate operator to locally inspect 1A-A pump to ensure itis ready for operation OATC WHEN ready to start 1A-A CCP, THEN PLACE [1S-62JOA in START US REFER to LCO 3.4.12 OATC WHEN ready to shutdown 1B-B CCP, THEN PLACE [1-HS-62-104A] inSTOP
_ I .I_
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NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Page -1 of 1 Event Description : Loop #2 Steam Flow Channel Fails Low.
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR-M5-A A-7 Steps CRO IFS/G level is low, THEN ENSURE MFP and reg. valves are responding to return level to program CRO/US IF MFP and reg. valves cannot return level to program, THEN EVALUATE turbine runback criteria and/or load reduction with SRO CRO/US IFsteam generator feedwater flow is high and level is normal or increasing to hi level, THEN PERFORM the following: PLACE affected steam generator Reg Valve in MANUAL, RESTORE level to program, GO TO AOP-S.01, Loss of Normal Feedwater.
AOP-S.01 Steps US DIAGNOSE the failure, IFLoss of Normal Feedwater Control, GO TO Section 2.1 CRO MAINTAIN steam generator level(s) on program CRO PLACE affected level controller(s) in MANUAL, FIC-3-48A, S/G-2 CRO CONTROL feedwater flow on affected S/G(s) USING main feedwater regulating valve controller(s) to restore level to program CRO CHECK Steam Flow and Feed Flow Channels NORMAL [M-4]: (NO)
CRO TRANSFER associated Steam Flow or Feed Flow selector switch to alternate channel (Fl-I-lOB)
CRO MAINTAIN steam generator level(s) on program CRO VERIFY failure due to steam flow/feed flow instrument malfunction CRO PLACE main feedwater regulating valve(s) in AUTO CRO CHECK S/G pressure instruments NORMAL US INITIATE repairs on failed equipment I -------- 4--
_____ .1________
NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 2
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Page -1 of 1 Event
-T Cold Fails high Time (Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR-M5A D-7 Steps OATC CHECK 1-XX-55-5, Trip status, AND EVALUATE Rx trip criteria US IFreactor trips, THEN GO TO E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection US GO TO AOP-1.02, RCS Loop RTD Instrument Malfunction AOP-1.02 Steps US EVALUATE Tech Specs for applicability OATC STABILIZE reactor power USING manual rod control OATC CHECK loop 1 temperature channel OPERABLE (YES)
OATC CHECK loop 2 temperature channel OPERABLE (NO)
OATC PULL-TO-DEFEAT TAVO CHANNEL DEFEAT switch to LOOP 2 OATC PULL-TO-DEFEAT AT CHANNEL DEFEAT switch to LOOP 2 OATC PLACE LOOP TAVG AT REC/SEL switch inLOOP 1, 3, or 4 US NOTIFY IMto remove failed TAVG AT instrument loop from service USING appropriate Appendix B OATC RESTORE rod control to AUTO NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 3
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 4 Page 1 of 1 Event
. #2 RCP, #1 Seal Failure.
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-R.04 Steps US EVALUATE Tech Specs for applicability US EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Initiating Conditions Matrix OATC DIAGNOSE the failure: RCP #1 Seal Leakoff high flow (high flow Alarm), GO TO Section 2.2 OATC MONITOR #1 seal leakoff less than 6 gpm per pump (NO)
OATC MONITOR RCP lower bearing temperature and seal temperature OATC CHECK #1 seal leakoff flow OATC IF#1 seal leakoff flow greater than 8 gpm, THEN PERFORM the following CREW INITIATE plant shutdown at 2-5% per minute USING AOP-C.03, Emergency Shutdown US WHEN reactor is tripped, THEN GO TO Section 2.1, RCP Tripped or Shutdown Required.
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I I I. I I. I I I I1 I I I.
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I I NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 4
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:__ Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Page -1 of 2 Event
-Shutdown the Plant lAW AOP-C.03 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-C.03 Steps US EVALUATE Tech Specs for applicability US EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Initiating Conditions Matrix US NOTIFY following personnel of emergency shutdown: Load Coordinator, Chemistry, RADCON, Plant Management CRO MONITOR reactor/turbine trip NOT required USING Appendix A,Reactor and Turbine Trip Criteria CREW INITIATE load reduction at rate between 2% and 5% per minute OATC IFborating from the BAT, THEN PERFORM the following OATC DETERMINE recommended boration flowrate and volume OATC INITIATE emergency boration to maintain control rods above low-low insertion limit SO-62-7 Steps OATC ENSURE Boric Acid Storage Tank level is within requirements of Technical Requirements Manual LCO's or, as applicable OATC RECORD the quantity of boric acid required to achieve desired boron concentration using Appendix D OATC MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper response from the boration is achieved OATC ENSURE Boric Acid Pump aligned to the blender is in FAST speed by right red light LIT on [HS-62-230A1 or OATC ADJUST EEL2_CbiR, Emergency Borate Valve, to maintain boric acid flow between 35 and 150 gpm, OR flow rate as directed by AOP-C.03 or 1,2-AR-M4-B OATC RECORD the time started OATC CALCULATE time for boration OATC IFVolume Control Tank level increases to 63 percent, THEN, ENSURE [LCV-62-1181, Volume Control Tank Divert Valve OPENS to divert excess water to the Holdup Tank OATC WHEN itistime to terminate boration, THEN, COMPLETE the following substeps: ENSURE the boric acid transfer pumps in slow speed, THROTTLE recirculation valve for applicable BAT as needed for pump protection, ENSURE [ECV-"2-1], Emergency Borate valve is CLOSED, NOTIFY Chem Lab to obtain RCS boron sample OATC WHEN evolution is complete, THEN, ENSURE requirements of Technical Requirements Manual LCO's and are met NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 5
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Page _2 of 2 Event
__ Shutdown the Plant lAW AOP-C.03 Time Position j Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-C.03 Steps Continued OATC ENERGIZE one set of backup heaters to reduce boron concentration differences between pressurizer and RCS 0
OATC MONITOR automatic rod control maintaining T-avg/T-ref mismatch less than 5 F CRO STOP secondary plant equipment USING Appendix B,Secondary Plant Equipment Loss of Vacuum (Event 6) insertedat this point NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 6
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Appendix 0 Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:-__ Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 6 Page -1 of 1 Event
Loss of Condenser Vacuum (Slow Ramp Time to Trip)
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-S.02 Steps CRO MONITOR condenser pressure for turbine trip criteria CRO CHECK generator load greater than or equal to 350 MWe CRO CHECK condenser pressure less than or equal to 2.7 psia CRO ENSURE condenser vacuum pumps RUNNING CRO ENSURE condenser vacuum breaker CLOSED CRO CHECK required CCW Pumps RUNNING [M-15].
CREW Crew should trip the unit per the RNO instep la. IFcondenser pressure can NOT be restoredWithin 5 minutes, THEN TRIP the reactor and GO TO E0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 7
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 AppendixD Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 7 Page -1 of 3 Event
Faulted S/G I/S Containment Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-O Actions OATC VERIFY reactor TRIPPED CRO VERIFY turbine TRIPPED CRO VERIFY shutdown boards ENERGIZED CRO/OATC DETERMINE ifSI actuated (Yes)
- CHECK RCS pressure less than 1500 psig (NO)
OATC VERIFY ESF systems ALIGNED, Phase AACTUATED, Containment Ventilation Isolation ACTUATED, Status monitor panels, Train Astatus panel 6K, Train B status panel 6L OATC MONITOR containment spray NOT required (NO)
OATC ENSURE containment spray INITIATED OATC Containment spray pumps RUNNING OATC Containment spray header isolation valves FCV-72-39 and FCV-72-2 OPEN OATC Containment spray recirculation valves to RWST PCV-72-34 and FCV-72-13 CLOSED OATC Containment spray header flow greater than 4750 gpm per train OATC Panel 6E LIT OATC ENSURE Phase Bvalves CLOSED, Panel 6K PHASE BGREEN, Panel 6L PHASE BGREEN OATC STOP RCPs OATC MONITOR containment air return fans, RECORD present time, WHEN 10 minutes have elapsed, THEN ENSURE containment air return fans are running OATC CHECK ifmain steam lines should be isolated (NO)
CRO VERIFY MFW Isolation NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 8
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I
Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 7 Page _2 of 3 Event
- Faulted S/G I/S Containment Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-O Steps Continued CRO VERIFY AFW pumps RUNNING, MDAFW (NO)
CRO CHECK AFW valve alignment CRO DETERMINE ifsecondary heat sink available (Yes) Should Use adverse numbers OATC MONITOR RCS temperatures 0
OATC IFany RCP running, THEN CHECK T-avg stable at or trending to between 547 Fand 552°F (NO) 0 0 OATC IFRCPs stopped, THEN CHECK T-cold stable at or trending to between 547 F and 552 F OATC IFtemperature less than 5470 F and dropping, THEN PERFORM the following CRO ENSURE steam dumps and atmospheric reliefs CLOSED CRO IFcooldown continues, THEN PERFORM the following CRO CONTROL total feed flow USING EA-3-8, Manual Control of AFW Flow CRO MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 440 gpm UNTIL narrow range level greater than 10% [25% ADV] in at least one S/G CRO IFcooldown continues, THEN CLOSE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CRO DISPATCH personnel to perform EA-0-1, Equipment Checks Following ESF Actuation OATC CHECK pressurizer PORVs, safeties, and spray valves
- X4&NER *Depending on crew speed, the crew may go back to step 7c when RCS pressure goes below 1 1500 psig OATC MONITOR RCP trp criteria; At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING AND RCS pressure less than 1250 psig CRO CHECK ifS/G secondary pressure boundaries are INTACT (NO)
US MONITOR status trees, GO TO E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation.
NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 9
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2
Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 7 Page _3 of 3 Event
__ Faulted S/G I/S Containment Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-2 Steps CRO CHECK MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOSED CRO CHECK SIG secondary pressure boundary integrity CRO IDENTIFY Faulted SIG(s): CHECK SIG pressures, Any SIG pressure DROPPING inan uncontrolled manner CRO ISOLATE Faulted S/G(s):
- VERIFY atmospheric relief CLOSED (NO), CLOSE atmospheric relief, IFFaulted S/G(s) atmospheric relief can NOT be closed, THEN DISPATCH personnel to close atmospheric relief USING EA-1-2, Local Control of S/G PORVs CRO MONITOR CST level greater than 10%.
CRO VERIFY secondary radiation NORMAL (YES), GO TO E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondsary Coolant TERMINATE THE EXERCISE AT THE TRANSITION TO E-1
_____ I _______
NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 10
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Seauovah Scenario No.: 3 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:
Initial Conditions: Plant is at 94% power followina a trip after a refuelinq outage. lipd leakaae in
- 3 S/G.
Turnover: Increase power to 100%. A Severe Thunderstorm Warning is in effect for Hamilton and Rhea counties for the next 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. There is cleneral increased security due to validated threats in the US.
Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description Set up simulator to IC- 9. Place "A"CCP in-service Preinsert "B"Containment Spray Pump OOS Preinsert "B" RHR Pump OOS Preinsert CV01 B C "B"CCP fails on start Preinsert EG03A C "A"EDG fails to auto start 1 N Transfer "B"Shutdown Board to Alternate Supply 2 R Increase Power to 100%
(RO) 3 RX06A I PZR Level channel fails Low (RO) 4 RW01H C (BOP) ERCW Pump Trips 5 RX20 I PT-1 -33 fails High (BOP) 6 CV03 C 25 GPM leak in Containment (RO) 7 TH03A M (All) Small Break LOCA 20-80%
When RHR pumps are stopped in ES-1.1
- (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (P)RA, (L)ow Power
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 1 Page _1 - of 1 Event
__Transfer "B"Shutdown Board to Alternate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior S0-202-4 Section 8.2.1 Steps US SM APPROVAL to perform this section US ENSURE Section 8.2 of this Instruction has been PERFORMED (SM cue section 8.2 has been completed)
CRO/OATC ENSURE normal 3 phase voltage AVAILABLE on alternate feeder breaker [1728., compartment 16, via local voltmeter and selector switch on door CRO ENSURE [-XS:57-66, 6.9kV Shutdown Board 1B-B voltmeter selector switch is on BUS VOLTAGE position CRO PLACE [1-HS-57-71A], control switch for "1728],in CLOSE position and HOLD CRO PLACE [1-HS-57-68A1, control switch for [17261, in TRIP position momentarily CRO VERIFY breaker [1726] OPEN and breaker [728] CLOSED CRO VERIFY [1-EI-57-66, 1B-B 6.9kV Shutdown Board Bus Voltmeter INDICATES normal voltage (6560-7260)
CRO RELEASE R1-HS-57-71A] to MID position CRO VERIFY all loads previously in service remain inservice CRO ENSURE any annunciators illuminated due to transfer are DARK (located panel 1-XA-55-1 Bor 0-XA-55 26B)
NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 2 Page 2- of Event Description : Increase Power to 100%
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior GO-5 Steps CRO MONITOR NIS, AT and calorimetrics on plant computer (pt. U2118) while increasing reactor power.
CRO IFUnit isreturning to full power after a turbine load reduction to less than 50%, THEN PERFORM the following prior to exceeding 98% reactor power:
CRO CONTACT Engineering to determine ifcheck for Feedwater Venturi Unfouling is required CRO RECORD power ascension ramp rate from TI-40, CONTINUE power ascension to 100% RTP OATC IFdiluting the RCS to increase TAVG, THEN CONTINUE the dilution and increase turbine load to maintain TREF with TAVG. (Control rods may be used along with dilution to increase reactor power and maintain AFD within the target control band).
CRO MONITOR the turbine load increasing AND MAINTAIN valve position limit approximately 10% above the current governor control indication as turbine load is changed CRO ADJUST governor valve position limiter - 2%above governor valve position CRO IFunsatisfactory load swings are experienced as the unit approaches full power, THEN CRO WITH the turbine load set for a maximum of 100% power, SLOWLY and CAUTIOUSLY PULSE the governor VALVE POSITION LIMIT in the LOWER direction while monitoring megawatts for a decrease and the VALVE POS LIMIT light to ILLUMINATE.
WHEN the unit stabilizes at 100% reactor power, THEN US NOTIFY load coordinator that the power increase is complete US NOTIFY RADCON that unit power has stabilized at 100%.
I__ I I. I I I I I I I NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 2
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of Event
-Increase Power to 100%
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SO-62-7 Steps *steps may be repeated to add additional water OATC ENSURE unit is NOT in a Tech Spec action that prohibits positive reactivity additions OATC ENSURE sufficient capacity available in the HUT selected to receive large amounts of CVCS letdown OATC ENSURE makeup system is aligned for AUTO operation in accordance with Section 5.1 OATC* RECORD the quantity of dilution water required to achieve desired boron concentration OATC* PLACE fHS-2-A4A, Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position OATC* PLACE ffi-62-i4061, CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the DILUTE position OATC* ENSURE [HS-2-1 40"D, Boric Acid Valve to the Blender is CLOSED (Green light is LIT)
OATC* SET [FO-2-1 42], Batch Integrator for the desired quantity OATC* ADJUST E&j Primary Makeup Water Flow Controller for the desired flow rate
]4-2, OATC* PLACE SH2-140A1, Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the START position OATC* VERIFY the following; Inlet to top of VCT [FCV-2-_12] is OPEN, Primary Water flow by [Ll 4A1 or
[FO-2-1 42]
OATC* IFprimary-2water addition to the bottom of the VCT-4,fCYf2444 is desired, THEN, CLOSE [FCV-&2d2B with
[_ , OPEN [] with VERIFY Primary Water flow by E ZK J[H or
______ FO-62-1 42].
OATC* MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper response from dilution is achieved OATC* IF1!-"-12], Volume Control Tank Level, increases to 63 percent, THEN; ENSURE [LCV-62-118], Volume Control Tank Divert Valve OPENS to divert excess water to the Holdup Tanks OATC* WHEN dilution is complete, THEN, PLACE [HS-2-140A1, Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position, IFrFC-2-441 was previously OPENED, THEN CLOSE [FC62-1441 with [,2-144 VERIFY no primary water flow on either [FI-2-142A] or [EQ&2jA2, ENSURE [F t-2.2B] is CLOSED OATC REALIGN the blender controls for AUTO makeup to the CVCS inaccordance with Section 5.1 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 3
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 3 Page of 2 Event
- Pressurizer Level Channel Fails Low.
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR-M5-A (E-3) Steps OATC VERIFY the following automatic operations: Pressurizer heaters OFF, Letdown orifice valves FCV-62-72, 73 and 74 CLOSED, Letdown isolation valves FCV-62-69 and 70 CLOSED US IFlevel channel failed, THEN, GO TO AOP-I.04, Pressurizer Instrument Malfunction AOP-I.04 Steps US EVALUATE Tech Specs for applicability US EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Classification Matrix OATC DIAGNOSE the failure OATC CHECK LI-68-339 indicates NORMAL (NO)
OATC RESTORE letdown USING EA-62-5, Establishing Normal Charging and Letdown OATC ENSURE pressurizer heaters restored to service US NOTIFY IMto remove failed pressurizer level channel from service USING Appendix E NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 4
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:-__ Scenario No.: 3_ Event No.: 3 Page 2 of 2 Event
- Pressurizer Level Channel Fails Low Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EA-62-5 Steps OATC IFcharging flow NOT established, THEN PERFORM Section 4.2 OATC VERIFY pressurizer level greater than 17%.
OATC ENSURE letdown orifice isolation valves CLOSED OATC OPEN letdown isolation valves OATC PLACE [HIC-2-781 in MANUAL, AND OPEN TCV-0-1 to ~50%.
OATC PLACE letdown pressure controller [PCV-82-81 in MANUAL and ADJUST output between 40% and 50%, (50O%
60% open).
OATC ADJUST charging flow as necessary to prevent flashing in the letdown line OATC OPEN letdown orifice isolation valves as needed OATC ADJUST letdown pressure controller [PCV-82-81 output to obtain desired pressure OATC ADJUST letdown pressure controller [PCV-62ý-1 setpoint to match existing pressure OATC PLACE letdown pressure controller [PCV-62-811 in AUTO OATC ADJUST ((IC-62-78A] to obtain desired letdown temperature, as indicated on [1-2-781.
OATC PLACE FHIC-62-78A1 inAUTO OATC ENSURE high temperature divert valve [HS-62-79A in DEMIN position OATC ADJUST charging and letdown as necessary to maintain RCP seal injection flow and pressurizer level NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 5
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Appendix D Operator Actions Op-Test No.:__ Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 4 Pagel - of Event
ERCW Pump R-A Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR-M27-A (62) Steps CRO ENSURE sufficient pumps running for system configuration CRO VERIFY ERCW pump R-A running US/CRO IFR-A ERCW pump is failed, THEN GO TO AOP-M.01, Loss of Essential Raw Cooling Water AOP-M.01 Steps US EVALUATE Tech Specs and TRM for applicability US EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Classification Matrix CRO DIAGNOSE the failure CRO IDENTIFY and LOCK OUT failed ERCW pump CRO START additional ERCW pumps as required to maintain supply header pressure between 78 psig and 124 psig CRO CHECK two ATrain ERCW Pumps AVAILABLE CRO/ DISPATCH personnel to INSPECT failed pump(s) and determine cause for failure OATC CRO CHECK 1A and 2A ERCW supply header pressures and flows NORMAL CRO CHECK 1Band 2B ERCW supply header pressures and flows NORMAL CRO CHECK ERCW pump loading amps NORMAL CRO TRANSFER emergency power selector switch away from failed pump CRO/ CLOSE manual discharge valve for failed pump(s) [ERCW Pumping Station]. 2-67-746A OATC 11 -- L--- I -
NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 6
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 5 Page -i of Event
-PT-1-33 Fails High Time (Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR-M3C (Cl) Steps CRO DISPATCH operator to #1feedwater heaters to verify the valves open CRO REDUCE feedwater pressure to *1100 psig CRO WHEN pressure reduces to - 1100 psig, THEN VERIFY the above PSV's closed US IFalarm still illuminated or by SRO decision, THEN GO TO AOP-S.01, Loss of Normal Feedwater AOP-S.01 Steps CRO DIAGNOSE the failure- Loss of Main Feedwater Pump Control CRO MAINTAIN feedwater pressure on program CRO PLACE affected MFP speed controller(s) in MANUAL - PC-46-20, MFPT 1A(2A) &
IB(2B) Speed Control CRO CONTROL speed on affected MFP(s) to restore feedwater pressure to program CRO MAINTAIN steam generator level(s) on program US INITIATE repairs on failed equipment NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 7
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2
Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Page of Event
-Leak inContainment Time JPosition [ Applicant's Actions or Behavior AR-M5C (B3) Steps OATC CHECK dew point temperature by observing 1-MR-30-240 on 1- M-10 OATC MONITOR containment pressure via 1-PDI-30-45, 44, 43, 42 on 1-M-6 for increase US IFa small RCS leak is indicated, THEN GO TO AOP-R.05, RCS Leak and leak Source Identification AOP-R.05 Steps US EVALUATE Tech Specs for applicability US EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Classification Matrix US EVACUATE all personnel from containment DIAGNOSE the failure OATC CONTROL charging flow as necessary to maintain pressurizer level greater than 10%.
OATC MAINTAIN VCT level greater than 13 % using automatic or manual makeup OATC MONITOR containment pressure STABLE or DROPPING (NO)
OATC IFcontainment pressure is approaching 1.54 psig, THEN PERFORM the following: IFin MODE 1, 2 or 3, THEN TRIP the reactor, INITIATE Safety Injection, and GO TO E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection CRO MONITOR condenser vacuum and S/G radiation monitors NORMAL OATC MONITOR containment conditions STABLE (NO)
OATC PLACE spare upper and lower compartment coolers INSERVICE as required CRO CHECK containment radiation RISING CREW DETERMINE leakage source OATC ISOLATE letdown: CLOSE letdown orifice valves FCV-62-72, FCV-62-73, FCV-62-74 OATC CLOSE letdown isolation valves: FCV-62-69, FCV-62-70, FCV-62-77 OATC EVALUATE need to CLOSE FCV-62-83, RHR Letdown Isolation US NOTIFY Chemistry Shift Supervisor to ENSURE all primary side sample points in Hot Sample Room CLOSED II NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 8
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: -3 - Event No.: -6 - Page j of Event
__ Leak in Containment Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-R.05 Continued US CHECK leak IDENTIFIED and ISOLATED US EVALUATE placing excess letdown inservice using EA-62-3, Establishing Excess Letdown US INITIATE leak repairs EA-62-3 Steps OATC IFexcess letdown is only letdown flowpath, THEN CONTROL charging flow as necessary to prevent high pressurizer level US IFhigh activity levels in RCS are suspected, THEN NOTIFY Radiological Control (Radcon) section to monitor plant radiological conditions as required CRO ENSURE CCS inlet to excess letdown heat exchanger [FCV-O ] OPEN CRO ENSURE CCS outlet to excess letdown heat exchanger [FgCV70-85] OPEN CRO VERIFY CCS flow to excess letdown heat exchanger greater than 230 gpm, as indicated on.F-1O-34].
OATC ENSURE excess letdown divert valve [FQCV6259] in NORMAL OATC OPEN excess letdown isolation valve [FCV .2-54 OATC OPEN excess letdown isolation valve [FCVý.2-55].
OATC ADJUST excess letdown flow control valve [FCV62-561 as necessary to control flow WHILE maintaining heat exchanger outlet temperature less than 200'F (240'F on Unit 1), as indicated on [TI.62-581.
US NOTIFY RADCON excess letdown has been placed inservice NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 9
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7 Page -i of Event
.Small Break LOCA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Crew should use MonitorStep 3inAOP-R.05 to trip the reactor when containment pressure approaches 1.54 psig E-O Steps OATC VERIFY reactor TRIPPED CRO VERIFY turbine TRIPPED CRO VERIFY shutdown boards ENERGIZED CRO/OATC DETERMINE ifSI actuated (Yes)
CRO VERIFY CCS pumps RUNNING (Manual Start 1B-B)
CRO CHECK ERCW system operation, VERIFY at least four ERCW pumps RUNNING, VERIFY D/G ERCW supply valves OPEN (1A EDG did not start)
- CHECK RCS pressure less than 1500 psig (NO)
OATC VERIFY ESF systems ALIGNED, Phase AACTUATED, Containment Ventilation Isolation ACTUATED, Status monitor panels, Train Astatus panel 6K, Train B status panel 6L OATC MONITOR containment spray NOT required (Yes)
OATC CHECK ifmain steam lines should be isolated (NO)
CRO VERIFY MFW Isolation CRO VERIFY AFW pumps RUNNING CRO CHECK AFW valve alignment CRO DETERMINE itsecondary heat sink available (Yes)
OATC MONITOR RCS temperatures 0
OATC IFany RCP running, THEN CHECK T-avg stable at or trending to between 547 0F and 552 F (NO)
OATC/CRO IFtemperature less than 5470 F and dropping, THEN PERFORM the following; ENSURE steam dumps and atmospheric reliefs CLOSED (NO)
CRO IFcooldown continues, THEN, PERFORM the following; CONTROL total feed flow USING EA-3-8, Manual Control of AFW Flow, MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 440 gpm UNTIL narrow range level greater than 10% [25% ADV] inat least one S/G I
NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 10
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7 Page 2 of Event
Small Break LOCA Time J Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-O Steps Continued US/CRO IFcooldown continues, THEN, CLOSE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CRO DISPATCH personnel to perform EA-0-1, Equipment Checks Following ESF Actuation OATC CHECK pressurizer PORVs, safeties, and spray valves XAMINERNOTE
- Depending on crew speed, the crew may go back to step 7c when RCS pressure goes below 1500 psig OATC MONITOR RCP trip criteria; At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING AND RCS pressure less than 1250 psig (NW*)
A phase Bsignal should be generated during this portion of the procedure OATC STOP RCPs CRO CHECK ifS/G secondary pressure boundaries are INTACT: All S/G pressures controlled or rising, All S/G pressures greater than 140 psig (YES)
CRO CHECK ifS/G tubes are INTACT (YES)
OATC CHECK ifRCS is INTACT: Containment pressure NORMAL (NO)
US PERFORM the following: MONITOR status trees, GO TO E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 11
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7 Page 3 of Event
- Small Break LOCA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-1 Steps OATC MONITOR RCP trip criteria; At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING AND RCS pressure less than 1250 psig (NO*)
CRO CHECK ifS/G secondary pressure boundaries are INTACT: All S/G pressures controlled or rising, All S/G pressures greater than 140 psig (YES)
CRO MAINTAIN Intact S/G narrow range levels: > 25%, Between 25 - 50%
CRO VERIFY secondary radiation NORMAL: CHECK the following radiation monitors, including available trends prior to isolation: Main steamline NORMAL, Condenser exhaust NORMAL, S/G blowdown recorder RR-90-120, pen
- 1 and pen #2 NORMAL, Post-Accident Area Radiation Monitor recorder RR-90-268B, points 3 (blue), 4 (violet),
5 (black), and 6 (brown) NORMAL. [M-31 (back of M-30)]
US NOTIFY chem lab to take S/G activity samples every 60 minutes US NOTIFY RADCON to survey main steamlines and S/G blowdown OATC MONITOR pressurizer PORVs and block valves: Power to block valves AVAILABLE, Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED, At least one block valve OPEN CRO ENSURE Reactor Building auxiliary floor and equipment drain sump pumps (pocket sump pumps) STOPPED OATC MONITOR SI termination criteria OATC RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs greater than 40°F CRO Secondary heat sink: Narrow range level inat least one Intact S/G greater than 10% [25% ADV]. Or Total feed flow to Intact S/Gs greater than 440 gpm OATC ROS pressure stable or rising OATC Pressurizer level greater than 10% [20% ADV].
US GO TO ES-I.1, SI Termination
_ _ _I _ _ _
NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 12
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2
Op-Test No.:- Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7 Page _4 of Event
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ES-I.1 Steps OATC RESET SI and CHECK the following: AUTO S.I. BLOCKED permissive LIT. [M-4A, C4], S.I. ACTUATED permissive DARK. [M-4A, D4]
CRO MONITOR shutdown boards continuously energized OATC RESET Phase Aand Phase B CRO ESTABLISH control air to containment USING EA-32-1, Establishing Control Air to Containment OATC STOP all BUT one CCP and PLACE inA-AUTO OATC CHECK RCS pressure stable or rising OATC ISOLATE CCPIT: CLOSE inlet isolation valves FCV-63-39 and FCV-63-40, CLOSE outlet isolation valves FCV-63-26 and FCV-63-25 OATC ESTABLISH normal charging flow OATC CLOSE seal water flow control valve FCV-62-89 OATC OPEN alternate or normal charging isolation valve FCV-62-85 or FCV-62-86 OATC OPEN charging flow isolation valves FCV-62-90 and FCV-62-91 OATC ESTABLISH desired charging flow USING seal water and charging flow control valves FCV-62-89 and FCV-62-93 OATC CONTROL charging flow to maintain pressurizer level OATC DETERMINE ifSI pumps should be stopped OATC CHECK RCS pressure and SI flow: Pressure stable or rising, Pressure greater than 1500 psig, SI pump flow on FI-63-151 ZERO, SI pump flow on FI-63-20 ZERO OATC STOP SI pumps and PLACE in A-AUTO OATC DETERMINE ifRHR pumps should be stopped: CHECK RHR pumps ALIGNED to RWST, STOP RHR pumps and PLACE in A-AUTO TERMINATE THE EXERCISE AFTER THE RHR PUMPS ARE STOPPED NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1 13