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E-mail from B. Wetzel, NRR to B. Sheron, J. Johnson, R. Borchardt & S. Collins, NRR Weekly Status Update on Bulletin 2001-01
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/15/2002
From: Wetzel B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Borchardt R, Collins S, Jerrica Johnson, Sheron B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
BL-01-001, FOIA/PA-2002-0229
Download: ML022460079 (12)


...... ... .... ...... age even nSP From: Beth Wetzel Coli To: Brian Sheron; Jon Johnson; Richard Borchardt; Samuel Collins

-Date: 2/15102 11:13AM


WEEKLY STATUS UPDATE Interested Parties:

information is in Redline Attached is this week's status report on Bulletin 2001-01. As always, the new and can be viewed in WordPerfect.

and agenda are on the We are having a meeting with industry on Feb. 20 and 21. The meeting notice Alloy600 webpage.

I've added a new page to the status report with preliminary plans fo"- outages.

(X1 355)

If you have any comments or question, don't hesitate to call or e-mail.

Beth Beth CC: A. Randolph Blough; Allen Hiser, Andrea Lee; Anthony Mendiola; Art Howell; Marschall; Chuck Paulk; Wetzel; Bill Bateman; Brian Holian; Bruce Mallett Charles Casto; Charles David Lew; David Nelson (HQ-OE); Douglas Pickett; Edwin Hackett; Curtis Cowgill; Daniel Collins; Eltawila; Frederick Elinor Adensam; Ellis Merschoff; Elmo Collins; F. Mark Reinhart; Farouk Harold Christensen; Jaxheimer; Gary Holahan; Geoffrey Grant; Giovanna Longo; Gordon Edison; James Clifford; Caldwell; Herbert Berkow; Hubert J. Miller, Jack Donohew; Jack Strosnider, James Harrison; John Grobe; John James Wiggins; Jim Dyer, Jin Chung; Joel Munday; John Goshen; John Burkhart; Wharton; Lawrence Jacobson; John Rogge; John Zwolinski; Ken Brockman; L. Raynard Lesser, Melvin Holmberg; Lawrence Chandler, Lee Ellershaw; Leonard Olshan; Luis Reyes; Mark Michael Marshall; Michael Mayfield; Michael Modes; Mitzi Young; Nilesh Chokshi; Pat Gwynn; Roy Caniano; Satwant Bajwa; Richard Barrett; Richard Crienjak; Richard Laufer, Robert Clark; Steven Long; Steven Reynolds; Stuart Stephen Dembek; Stephen Raul Monarque; Stephen Sands; William Victor McCree; William Bearden; Richards; Suzanne Black; Tad Marsh; Timothy Colbum; Reckley Information in this record was del2ted in accordance iq.L te Freedom of Information Act, exemptions V.. T FOIA- _


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PLANTS WITH HIGH SUSCEPTIBILITY TO PRIMARY WATER STRESS CORROSION CRACKING (PWSCC) OR PRIOR VHP NOZZLE CRACKING Davis-Besse Licensee Plans/Commitments: The licensee plans to shutdown for their next refueling outage on February 16, 2002 and perform VHP nozzle inspections. The shutdown date of February 16, 2002, was docketed in a letter dated November 30, 2001.

Planned Meetings & Teleconferences:

1/23/02 - A public meeting was held to provide the licensee an opportunity to discuss their plans for the inspection, flaw evaluation, and repair (if necessary) of the VHP nozzles. The licensee plans to perform a qualified visual inspection of un-obstructed nozzles, ultrasonic testing (UT) of 100% of nozzles, dye penetrant testing of nozzles with verified leaks, and characterization of flaws through destructive examination consistent with ALARA.

Headquarters staff is making plans to visit the site during the week of February 25, 2002 to observe inspection and repair activities.

D. C. Cook, Unit 2 Licensee Plans/Commitments: The licensee shutdown on January 17, 2002 for their refueling outage and began VHP nozzle inspections shortly thereafter.

Inspections: The licensee has completed its inspections. Preliminary results are the following: Several penetrations were identified for further investigation. All indications had similar characteristics. The licensee performed additional examinations of these penetrations. Based on the results from the additional examinations the licensee PRE-DECISIONAL INFORMATION- NOT FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE


believes that the indications are not relevant and are associated with the welding process and not service-related. In addition to the examinations the licensee performed a structural integrity evaluation as a conservative measure. The results of the evaluation demonstrated a high margin of structural integrity.

Planned Meetings and Teleconferences: After receipt and review of a videotape documenting part of the licensee's inspection, the staff plans to conduct a follow-up call with the licensee to discuss their inspection findings. These activities are planned for the week of February 18, 2002.

Surry, Unit 2 Licensee Plans/Commitments: The licensee performed a visual examination at a mid-cycle outage in November, and does not plan to perform any inspection at the RFO scheduled to begin in March 2002.

Planned Meetings & Teleconferences: None needed.

Oconee, Unit I Licensee Plans/Commitments: The licensee will perform a qualified visual examination at the RFO scheduled to begin April 2002. Prior experience at this unit had one CRDM nozzle and 5 (out of 8) thermocouple nozzles with leakage and cracks. From the recent experience at Unit 3, additional leakage/cracking is anticipated.

Planned Meetinas &Teleconferences: None planned prior to the outage.


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PRE:DECISIONA-L-1FrORMATION - NOT FOR PUBLIC DISCLbT'U'RE PLANTS WITH MODERATE SUSCEPTIBILITY TO PWSCC Unless noted otherwise, these plants have committed to perform an inspection consistent with the discussion in Bulletin 2001-01 (an effective visual examination or better).

Spring Outage Schedule Beaver Valley Unit 2 (February 2002)

Calvert Cliffs Unit 1 (February 2002)

Prairie Island Unit 2 (February 2002)

Millstone Unit 2 (February 2002)

Turkey Point Unit 4 (March 2002)

Waterford Unit 3 (March 2002)

Ginna (March 2002)

ANO Unit 2 (April 2002)

Point Beach Unit 2 (April 2002)

Salem Unit 2 (April 2002)

Diablo Canyon Unit 1 (May 2002)

San Onofre Unit 2 (May 2002)

Palo Verde Unit 2 (May 2002)

Beaver Valley, Unit 2 (February 2002)

Licensee Plans/Commitments: The licensee shut down Beaver Valley Unit 2 on February 4, 2002, for their refueling outage.

Inspections: Inspection of the reactor pressure vessel head penetration nozzles was included in the outage scope. On February 12, 2002, the licensee provided verbal notification that the vessel head inspections are complete and no indications or boric crystal accumulations were found. This was confirmed by Region I staff.

Staff Position: Region I inspectors are onsite during the week of February 11-15, 2002, PRE-DECI SUE

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PREEI"IONAL INFORMATION - NOT FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE to review the licensee's inspection results. The effort is ongoing.

Planned Meetings &Teleconferences: None scheduled.

Calvert Cliffs, Unit 1 (February 2002)

Licensee Plans/Commitments: From its letter dated September 4, 2001, the licensee plans to perform 100 percent visual inspection of the top RPV head after removing insulation or volumetric inspections of nozzles from under th-e---1rd.

Staff Position: The inspection planned by the licensee appears to be effective in meeting the objectives of the Bulletin.

Ginna (March 2002)

Licensee Plans/Commitments: The licensee does not plan to perform any inspection at the next RFO, but has stated plans to replace the RPV head at the next RFO (fall 2003).

The staff is reviewing a submittal from the licensee justifying this plan, based on the results of (1) the previous eddy current testing performed in 1999, (2) the crack growth rate analysis developed by Structural Integrity Associates, and (3) the fact that Ginna reactor vessel head temperatures are significantly lower than plants which have seen cracking. The 1999 eddy current test indicated no through-wall cracks, and the crack growth rate analysis using linear elastic fracture mechanics indicated that for the most limiting case (180 degree flaw) the time to grow to the allowable flaw size of 300 degrees is greater than the operating time from the 1999 inspection until the fall 2003 outage when RG&E plans to replace the reactor vessel head. The licensee also indicated that by providing enhanced operator training related to medium break loss of coolant accident, the probabilistic safety assessment results indicated that the conditional core damage probability is equal to 2.252E-03.

Staff Position: The staff has reviewed the licensee's approach as described above and finds it acceptable based on the results of the 1999 eddy current testing and adequate technical justification demonstrating that a safety concern will not develop during the next cycle.

Planned Meetings &Teleconferences: None scheduled.

ACTION ITEM: A closeout letter will be issued to the licensee summarizing the staff's position.

ACTION ITEM: The licensee plans to submit a supplemental response to the Bulletin containing a proposal for changing its current commitments and appropriate technical justifications. In the interim the staff will rely on the licensee's original commitments.


teven ong - ~ u Itn fwpd- ~p PRE.DEClSIONAL INFORMATION - NOT FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Millstone, Unit 2 (February 2002)

Licensee Plans/Commitments: The licensee has committed to an inspection that will interrogate the nozzle base material using a rotating UT transducer (this plant does not have thermal sleeves in its CRDM nozzles). The licensee has concluded that a visual inspection is not viable at this time because of the contoured insulation, presence of asbestos, restricted access, and ALARA concerns.

to be Staff Position: The examination equipment, technology, and methods proposed to inspect th16mizzles appear to provide utilized by the licensee in their upcoming outage of an effective examination, including the new application of UT data to detect evidence did not agree with the licensee's statistical analysis used to leakage. However, the staff of inspection justify inspecting fewer than 100% of the nozzles, and told that licensee that 100% of the nozzles is expected.

Planned Meetings & Teleconferences:

inspect 1/24/02 - A public meeting was held where the licensee presented their plans to inspect 100% of the nozzles. If,however, the the VHP nozzles. Currently, they plan to inspection equipment fails prior to this goal, they hope to be able to justify inspecting fewer nozzles. Though, this justification would only be attempted ifno unacceptable flaws had been identified in any other nozzles already examined. The licensee plan.

presented the statistical analysis that they would use to support this contingency The presentation also included a description of the equipment, technology, and methods One to be utilized to interrogate the nozzles and to visually depict the transducer data.

new approach proposed by this licensee is the use of UT data to determine the presence of leakage evidence in the interference fit portion of the CRDM nozzle. This approach was supported in the meeting by the contractor (Framatome) comparing top-of-the-head The visual examination results and UT results from inspections conducted in 2001.

of leakage material presented supported a finding that all nozzles with visual evidence of the had UT results demonstrating leakage evidence in the interference fit portion CRDM nozzle.

24 meeting ACTION ITEM: The licensee has submitted the information from the January 7, 2002. This information is currently under review by the staff.

in a letter dated February Palo Verde, Unit 2 (March 2002)

January Licensee Plans/Commitments: The licensee submitted a letter to the staff dated to their planned inspections. The licensee intends 29, 2002, clarifying the scope of of perform 100 percent inspection of the vessel head penetrations using a combination The eddy current, liquid penetrant, and ultrasonic examination techniques as necessary.

the wetted inspection will include the reactor head vent nozzle. The licensee will inspect surfaces on and near the "J-groove" weld.



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1S1R-EcD-EtOTSNAL-INFO I -I -FeFOR PSUBLiC iLOSRE Staff Position: The commitments provided by the licensee in its January 29, 2002 letter are acceptable.

Planned Meetings &Teleconferences: None planned.

ACTION ITEM: A closeout letter will be issued to the licensee.

Point Beach, Unit 2 (April 2002)

Licensee Plans/Commitments: From a letter dated January 3, 2002, the licensee plans to remove the existing insulation and perform an "effective visual examination" of all VHP nozzles. The licensee will inspect both the removed insulation and the vessel head to will be identify evidence of leakage. Because of the probability of asbestos, abatement to interfere with required during the removal process, which the licensee does not expect the visual inspection.

in meeting Staff Position: The inspection planned by the licensee appears to be effective the staff has identified several issues that are the objectives of the Bulletin. However, needed to demonstrate sufficiency of the planned inspection.

2002, Planned Meetings & Teleconferences: A teleconference was held January 17, with the licensee. The licensee is consulting with vendors to resolve issues associated to with inspection techniques. The licensee plans to meet with the staff one month prior their planned outage to discuss their finalized plans.

their ACTION ITEM: The licensee needs to document their commitment to discuss inspection plans with the staff one month prior to the planned outage.

Prairie Island, Unit 2 (January 2002) finished an Inspections: The licensee began its outage February 2, 2002. The licensee initial visual inspection on February 7, 2002 and did not identify any evidence of leakage.

has completed a more detailed visual inspection during the week of The licensee February 11, 2002, and found no evidence of leakage.


Staff Position: A Region III inspector has been onsite observing the licensee's pRE-Diit0S*7N IN-NTFOR PUBLIC DISCL*£O


Farley Unit 2o Indian Point Unit 2 Point Beach Unit Prairie Island Unit 1 Salem Unit I Palo Verde Unit 1 Indian Point, Unit 2 Licensee Plans/Commitments: The licensee's current commitment contained in its response letter dated November 13, 2001, states that an effective UT inspections will be performed on 100 percent of the nozzles. The licensee planned to inspect under the head due to a complications associated with the insulation package on the vessel head.

Planned Meetings/Teleconferences: The staff and licensee had a teleconference on February 14, 2002 to discuss the licensee's Ialehange in commitment. The licensee proposes to delay inspections for itoutage and evaluate a potential modification to reduce operating temperature thereby ncreasing its EFPY and decreasing its susceptibility from the moderate to low category. If the operating temperature conversion is notJeasible the licensee would perform the inspections during its outage in - A15 Staff Position: The staff stated that the licensee needs to provide written justification why its acceptable for continued operation until 2004 without performing inspections. In addition, the licensee would need to provide technical justification regarding the change in operating temperature and its affect on EFPY and reduction of the units susceptibility to CRDM VHP nozzle cracking.


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CLOSEOUT LETTERS Closeout letters have been issued for 48 of the 69 affected units.

CRACKING PLANTS WITH HIGH SUSCEPTIBILITY TO PWSCC OR PRIOR VHP NOZZLE Plant Closeout Letter I Closeout Letter ANO-1 ,R Davis-Besse D.C. Cook 2 01/14/02 North Anna 1 North Anna 2 **

Oconee 1 Oconee 2 Oconee 3 Robinson 11/20/01 SurM I1 Surry 2 TMM- 01/03102

  • NRR/DEEMCB review ongoing

-* Licensee owes supplemental response P*.-9ECI3;CNAL iiFuRviATi3N4 NOT FOR PUBLIC D9SCLO=S'RE I

fft~.-wpd age9 ITfeve~nong --51" r-O2B PRE-&DCISIONAL INFORMATION - NOT FOR PUBLC uiiLURE % .

PLANTS WITH MODERATE SUSCEPTIBILITY TO PWSCC Plant Closeout Letter ANO-2 01/14/02 Beaver Valley 1 12/11/01 Beaver Valley 2 12/11/01 Calvert Cliffs 1 12/06/01 Calvert Cliffs 2 12/06101 Crystal River 3

  • Diablo Canyon 1
  • Diablo Canyon 2
  • Farley 1 11/08/01 Farley 2 11/08/01 Fort Calhoun 11/08/01 Ginna
  • Indian Point 2
  • Indian Point 3
  • Kewaunee 11/14/01 Millstone 2 **


I Steven Long 15b-02Bulletnn6K.wpcl Page 10 1]

Stv nI lIhll I I 21-O"llfnS II- ~ p IIage11" I PREDECteNA - OT FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Plant Closeout Letter Palo Verde 1

  • Palo Verde2
  • Palo Verde 3
  • Point Beach 1 _
  • Point Beach 2 Prairie Island 1 11/08/01 Prairie Island 2 11/08/01 Salem 1 11/20/01 Salem 2 11/20/01 San Onofre 2 11/20/01 San Onofre 3 11/20/01 St. Lucie 1 11/09/01 St. Lucie 2 11/09/01 Turkey Point 3 11/14/01 Turkey Point 4 11/14/01 Waterford 3 11/23/01
  • Closeout letter in process
  • Licensee owes supplemental response PRE--D-1G81NAL-INFORMXTONr NUOTT-OR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE

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'OW -UOTTIBILITY PWSCCLOU PLANTS WITH LOW SUSCEPTIBILITY TO PWSCC Plant Closeout Letter Braidwood 1 11/14/01 Braidwood 2 11/14/01 Byron 1 11/14/01 Byron 2 11/14/01 Callaway 11/14/01 Catawba 1 12/04/01 Catawba 2 12/04/01 Commanche Peak 1 11/19/01 Commanche Peak 2 11/19/01 DC Cook 1 01/14/02 McGuire 1 11/19/01 McGuire 2 11/19/01 Millstone 3 11/26/01 Palisades 11/08/01 Seabrook 12/03/01 Sequoyah 1 11/20/01 Sequoyah 2 11/20/01 Shearon Harris 12/20/01 South Texas 2 12/14/01 South Texas 1 12/14/01 Summer 12/03/01 Vogtle 1 11/07/01 Vogtle 2 11/07/01 Watts Bar 1 11/20/01 Wolf Creek 11/14/01 PRE-DECISIONAL INFORMATION" NOT FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE j