IA-97-325, Seventh Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents. Documents Listed in App I Being Released in Entirety. Documents Listed in App J Being Withheld in Entirety (Ref FOIA Exemption 4,6 & 7C)

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Seventh Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents. Documents Listed in App I Being Released in Entirety. Documents Listed in App J Being Withheld in Entirety (Ref FOIA Exemption 4,6 & 7C)
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/10/1997
From: Racquel Powell
To: Keenan J
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML20203G565 List:
FOIA-97-325 NUDOCS 9712180156
Download: ML20203G561 (7)



.. mnn.-.- _. m . a..m m FOIA - 97-325 I;LSPONSE TYPE

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RESPONSE T@ FREEDOM OF nitiNAL(7th' I l'^7in^'


.e.ae DEC 10 1997 DOCKti NUMBE Al$i(if apphcable/

xt out sit H Jeft teenan PART l.-AGENCY RECORDS RELE ASED OR NOT LOCATED (See checked bonest No agency records subject to the request have been located.

No additional agency records subject to the request have been located.

Requested records are available through another pubhc distribution program. See Comments section.

Agency records subject to the reque:t that are identified in Append.x(es) are already available for public inspection ar+d copying at the NRC Pubhc Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington. DC.

Agency recorJs subject to the request that are identified in Appendim(es) I are being made available for public inspection and copying 7' at the NRC Pubhc Document Room. 2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC, m a folder under this FOI A number.

The nonproprietary version of the proposal (s) that you agreed to accept in a telephone conversation with a member of my staf f is now being made available for pubhc inspection and copying at the N'. : Pubhc Document Room. 2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC, in a folder under this FOI A number.

Agency records subject to the request thv. re identifeed in Appendix (es) may be inspected and copied at the N RC Local Public Document Room identified in the Comments section.

Enclosed is enformation on how you may obtam access to and the charges for copying records located at the NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC.

X Agency records subject to the request are sociosed.

  • Records subject to the request have been referred to another Federal agency (ies) for renew and direct response to you.

X Fees You will be billed by the NRC for fees totahng s F You w611 receive a refund from the NRC in the amount of s 52.06 in view of N R C's response to this request, no further action is being taken on appeal letter dated , No.

PART 11. A-tNFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE C;rtein information in the requested records is being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to the exemptions described in and for the reasons stated in Part it, B, C, and D. Any released portions of the documents for which only part of the record is being withheld are being made available for public X

inspection and ccpying in the NRC Pubhc Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC in a folder under this FOl A number, COMME NTS

'Cortes of the records identificd on Appendix I are enclosed.

The actual fees for processing your reouest are:

7 hrs professional revieu 0 $33.67 Fer hr. = $235.59 Duplication of 1,487 pages 0 90.20 per Dage = $?97.40 C },lg j TOTAL = $533.09 \'

(LESS ADVANCE PAY l tnt nF 0505.15) = $52.06 \

You will receive a refund in the amount of $52.06, 54N4 Tun oinic1o sioN OF (Hf L M OF INFOHMATION AND PUBLICA flONS SERVICES k- %d & I ,/

y .


w- 9712190156 971210 Ell"Fs s l'lt lllIlI!"I.l-2 4 i s

( PDR FOIA ~- ,

, KEENAN97-325 PDR NRC FCflM 464 (Part I) { t 91)

L- a 4 ec,. w m pata p




PART li B- APPLICABLE EXEMPTIONS Records subject to the request that ere described in the enclosed Appendix (es) d are teing withheld in their entirety or 'n part under the Etemption No.(s) and for the reason (s) given below pursuant to 5 U.S,C. 652(b) and 10 CF R 9.17(a) of NRC regulations.

1, The wtthheld information es property class *f ed pursuant to f accutive Order.(Enemptron 11 I. ~ Ihe withheld mforfmatton relate 4 Soaely to the mternal personnel tules and procedures of NRC (E nemption 2) p th. win.euformation i. specifica,t e.ornpted f,o,n pubtic d iosu,e b, iaime ind.cateat empt on a Sections 141-145 of the Atomic Fewegy Act, which prohibits the disclosua of Restricted Data or Formedy Rettracted Data (42 U.S.C. 21612165).

8ection 147 of the Atomic Energy Act, which prohibeta the disclosure of Unclassified Safeguards Informatiori 142 U.S C. 2167).

Ihe withheld ir1 8ormation is a trede secset or comr*iercial or financial information that to being withheid for the reason's) indicaterL lE zemption 4)

X l0 The Informatron es considered to be conhdential business fpropnetaryl eiformation The enformation es considered to be propnetary inforenetion pursuant to 10 CFR 2 790idit11 1he mformahon was subevutted and received m conhdence pursuant to 10 CFR 2 790idH21

% , the withheirt snformation censists of mteragency or intraagency recoros that are not evadata mroughr d scoww y out'ng htig tum (Comption 6h App't.r ble Priv ege:

oe beran.e Pt-ess o.wsu,e of predecision.i .nto,m.i.on wouid iend io innst.ii ine open and f,ans e.ch.nge o. ideas essenisai i ihe deunerative proces.

Where re< ords are withheid m their entieehy, the f acts are treitncably intersweed with the predecisiona! mf ormation There also are no reasonably segregable factual portions because the reiease of the f acts wou4d permit on indirect mouery into the preaecisional proce

  • of the agency Attorney work product pnvilege tDoc uments prepred by an aitomer in contempienn raf htig,ition i l Attorney chent privilege. (Con *+dential communicatens between an attorney and his/her clie'it.)

i I The wetend vedorenshon is esempted hom public disciosu r e bocesse its disciosise wthsts result m a cleadyn u warranted mvawn of pers rai pnvacv (Enemption 6:

Yl6 X 7 The withheid information consists of records :ompoed for new enforcement pur poses and a beinig withheid for these aaonist indicated (Enemption 7)

] Disclosure could runonably be espected to intertere with an enforceme-i peaceeding becauw it ould revJ the scnce, directton. and focus of

! enforcement efforts. end thus could possibly aitow recipients to take action to sb eld potent >el wron9toing or a violation of NRC requerements 1 from mvestigators M uernpoon 7 ( AH , _

y Disclosure would cu1sbtute an unwarranted invasion et pe sonal privacy. (Emempoor 4 J The information consists of names of indmoues and other ek> nut on i++ tomure N *% h wud 'eenani, t e espected to en r a; ioent t1es of conhdential sources. (E nemption 7 (00 l PART 11 C -DENYING OFFICIALS Pumaat to 10 CF H 9 254td and or 9 2bict of the U S Nww Hegmew e Comm $ von negwat uni 1 Fas been demm ned that the entormat ors withheld is puernpt 9 ort' pro duct-on or dwowe amt that .ti p< odont on or d soowe is ceva,y to tne puni e nwest The re som espons bie for the denier ce those of t cia!i <1er Sf,ed beio* as denying o'tws est the Duectos O v i on of f rectom of inte.ut on av Puo cat.ons Semes Off ce ai Adm:n npanon. for any denedis tha: may be apsea w1 to the Esecubve D sector far Ooorat ons tE00:


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Re FOIA-97-0325 APPENDIX I '



1. 03/11/92 Memorandum to M. Morroni, from C. Lashkari,


CRDM_ Penetration Cracking Issue, (2 PP)

2. 01/15/93 Letter to PSE&G Co., Attn: Mr. Dilip Bhavnani, from James A. Flaherty, (3 pp)
3. 01/15/93' Internal Memorandum to J. Wiedemann from Dilip Bhavnani,


Copes vulcan valve Opening Time for Pressurizer PORV/SV Thermal Hydraulics Analysis, (1 p) 44 01/1/8/93 Letter to PSE&G Co., Attention: Timothy Taylor, from James F. Flaherty, (1 p)

5. 01/10/93 System engineering Assistance Transmittal sheet,-with attachment, (2 pp)
6. 01/26/93 Internal Memorandum to T. Taylor, from C. P.



PORV/PSV Look Seal Draining DCP, (1 p)

7. 02/06/92 Internal Memorandum to John Wiedemann, from Philip P. J. O'Donnell,


PORV Loop Sel Removal, (1 p)

8. 02/19/93 Report on Attendance at Off-Premises Courses Seminars and Formal Conferences, (6 pp)
9. 03/05/93 Internal Memorandum to P. J. O'Donnell, from T. N. Taylor,


PORV and SV Look Sea)

Removal. (2 pp)

10. 04/06/93 Salem Generating Station Technical Department Engineering Memo to: R. Cornman, from C. P.



RCS Draindown Without l

Refueling RVLIS Indivication, (2 pp)

- . . -- . . ..- -. . . ~ - . - - - . - . - . - .- .--., _ , - - -.. .- - -

4 i


11.- '5/26/93 Letter-tofWestinghouse Electric Corporation,

- Attention: Mr..A. Sicari, from F.-X. ,



. Reactor Coolant Pump Seal.

Injection Flow, (2 pp) 12 . . -06/02/93 Internal Memorandum to John Samson, from. Jim 5 Webster, subject: RCP Insulation,-(1-p)

13. 06/04/93 Nuclear Department Work Order- Retest Activity, ;(3 pp)- _
14. 06/30/93 Salem Generating. Station Technical Department Engineering Memo, to_F._Kaminski, from C. P.- ,



4.0.5V Testing of ICH216- l AO, (1 p)

15. 06/30/93 - Salem Generating Station Technical Department Engineering memo to Frank Kaminski from -

Charlie Lashkari,


4.0.5 P-CS.11,- (1 P)

16. 07/01/93 Memorandum to E. J. Gailbraith,'from C. P.

Lashkari, subject: ICS49 Dead Leg Sample Chlorides (1 p)

17. 07/07/93 Memorandum to K. Pike, from C. Lashkari,


CRDM Penetration Cracking Issue (4 F7) ,

18. 07/22/93 Memorandum to K. Mathur, from C. P. Lashkari,


Review of DCP 1EC-3249. . Replacement of PS 1&3 Internals, (1 p)

19. 07/23/93 Memorandum to H. Trenka, from J. Wiedemann,


Review of DCP 1EC-3249, Replacement of PS 1&3 Internals,-(1 p)

20. 08/05/93- Memorandum to W.- Grau, from C, P. Lashkari,


Salem Tech-Spec Change, (2 pp)

'21. Of/17/93 Memorandum to J. Bailey,- from J. Perrin, ,



WOG Materials Subcommittee Trip Report (3 pp) 4 J

, ,, - ,.nn.,., , - , . , - - . , n , ..,,.m-.. - - . . . - ...,.,-a .

-u., ,

i 22 ; 09/02/93- ' Memorandum to R. Morgan, from C..P.

-Lashkari, subject: Part B.Closecut of.DCP-

2EC-3190, (1 pp) 23.-. 10/14/93 Salem Generating-Station-Technical Department Engineerwng-memo-to P. O'Donnell,-from C. P. ,



Salem 1 Mode 6 Pressure s Relief at Greate chain _0.3 PSIG (1-p)

-24, JO9/23/93 Artice from Nucleonics _WEsk (2 pp)

25. 10/21/93 I.iternal Memorandum to M. P. Morroni, from F.

X. Thomson, Subject Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Injection Flow, (2 pp)

26. 11.02.93 Internal memorandum to k.'Ogara, from C. P.



Review of Draft LCR 91-06 Rev.2, (1 p)

27. 12/08/93 Internal Memorandum to Distribution, from S.

E. Miltenberger,. Subject; Follow-Up to December 3, 1993 Manages' Dialogue, (3 pp) -

28. 12/0/8/93 Nuclear department Incident Report Form -

Report No.93-508, (1 p) s

29. 01/30/94 Internal Memorandum to The Technical Department Manager, from C, P. Lashkari, l


POPS Setpoint Impact on PTS Concern, (3 pp)

30. 01/31/94 Incident Report (1 p) 31.- 03/08/94 Internal Memorandum to R. Everham, from C. P.



Suggestion on CRDM Ventilation Fan Repairs, (1 p)

32. ~ 05/24/94- Internal Memorandum to J. Wiedemann, from E.

H. Villar,


PORV Position Indication, (2 pp) _ a

. 33. 06/02/94 Internal memorandum-to M. Pastava, from C. P.

Lashkar , subject: Missed surveillance-table-4.3-11 Item 12, (4 pp)

. _ . _ _ _ _ _ . - . . _ . .- .,_ _ _ u.-....__ _

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an, - . . . + ......u


34. 06/10/94 Salem' Generating: Station Technical Department - 1

- Internal Memo-to P. J. Ott, from C. P.



CRDM Ventilation on Salem '

1&2 (7-pp) 35.--08/09/94 Letter to Keith Logan from Mark J.

Wetterhahn, (2 pp)

36. Undated Action Request Description Form (4 rp) r
37. Various Handwritten Notes by C. P. .Lashkar!., (12 pp)


38. Undated . Handwritten notes , . (3 pp)
39. Updated Mid-Loop Instrumentation Team Charter, (6 pp) ,
40. Undated Syste.n Engineer Presentation to Management Reactor Coolant System, (5 pp)
41. Undated Typewritten Notes (2 pp)
42. Undated Salem Predecisional Enforcement Conference Issues (7 pp)

- - --n-,. , - ,


1. Undated Notes on Budget Request for.1995 (1 page) EX.


2. Undated Draft list of names, bonus,l raise information-(1 page) EX. 4
3. 02/17/97 . Internal Note, with attachment (3 pages) EX 6 and 7C

' O PSEG Pubhc Service Electric and das Cornpany P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 080384236 Nuclear Business Unit AUG 191997 POWPMWiOUESf LW-F9701Ogge k ~ 97-$a6 Dah Reed: R .&-9 7 gg 4g Director, Division of Freedom of Information & Publications Services 'qg g Office of Administration ~

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -

Two White Flint North Building 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20f52 RE: Freedom of Information Act Request Regarding the Salem Generating Station, Docket Nos. 50-272 and 50-311, for NRC Office of Investigation Case No. 1-95-013

Dear Sir:

This is a Freedom of Information Act request pursuant to 5 U.S.C. S 552(a) (3) and 10 C.F.R. S 9.23. We request that you make available to Public Service Gas and Electric (PSE&G) the NRC Office of Investigation report and associated support documentation related to Case No. 1 013 regarding the Salem Generating Station. We agree to bear the cost of this request as per 10 C.F.R.

SS 9.23 (b) (4) , 9.33, 9.39, and 9.40. Please contact me at (609) 339-5429, at ycur conv'enience if you have any questions regarding this request.

Please direct your response, pursuant to 10 C.F.R.

S 9.27, to:

Jeff Keenan, Esq.

Public Service Gas & Electric

  • P.O. Box 236, M/C N21 Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 -

(609) 339-5429 Fax: (609) 339-1234 Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Sincerely, lf e K Ilvpuerisinvurlunk

.s= m en li 70gg ip