ML19105A017 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 04/30/2019 |
From: | Alan Sage Governance & Enterprise Management Services Division |
To: | |
Alan Sage, (301) 415-7060 | |
References | |
Download: ML19105A017 (11) | |
Cyber Risk Dashboard AW-IT-01 Methodology (Cybersecurity Performance Index)
Updated April 2019
- Context
- Purpose/Approach
- Alignment
- Composite vs. Multiple Metrics
- Composition
- Calculation (Back-up slides) 2 Outline AW-IT-01
Context Why a security metric? To measure adherence to Federal law and NRC policy, and to reduce information technology risk to NRC mission.
- Increasing cyber threat & countless attacks against Federal agencies
- Numerous GAO and IG findings (OMB/FISMA required activities not completed, etc.)
- Management needed some way to quantify risk (and progress of mitigating it)
- Need to identify, understand, communicate, prioritize and mitigate risks
- Significant amounts of unquantified security data (and risk) within NRC
- Security data requires organization, visibility, attention to outstanding issues
- Distills thousands of documents/data points in ADAMS, security plans, tools, test reports
- Enables Offices/CIO/CISO to manage continuous monitoring & understand required activities AW-IT-01 3
Purpose / Approach 4
AW-IT-01 Intent
- Positively influence behaviors contributing risk to NRC mission
- Be quantifiable, measurable, understandable and transparent
- Incorporate new data sources as they become available
- Incorporate additional components as risks change over time Direct input to QPR, and is aligned with:
- FISMA -- Annual Cybersecurity Risk Management Activities Memo (CSRMA)
- Monthly Continuous Monitoring Status Reporting (CMSR) to ISSOs
- CIO daily situational awareness briefing
- FITARA briefings and methodology Methodology
- Measurement: Quarterly, by Office/Region, Q4 becomes next FY baseline
- FY targets: 2% per quarter, 8% annual reduction*
- Threshold: Offices with a baseline of <= 30 need only to maintain it (avoids minor increases in risk causing large % changes within Offices with scores close to zero)
- The 8% goal is due to several factors including: significant reductions in CPI have already occurred over the years and continued 10% improvement is increasingly difficult to achieve; 8% allows for uniform (integer) quarterly reduction targets; the fact that DHS/OMB/GAO have introduced additional requirements; and the NRC Perf Mgt System in FY17 could not display decimal percentages (e.g.
Alignment Direct input to Quarterly Performance Reporting (QPR)
Aligned to support Office staff, OMB FISMA requirements, and annual EDO/CIO direction (FY15-19 Cybersecurity Risk Management Activities Memo)
Integrated into Executive training Leverages Configuration Non-Compliance metric currently derived in quarterly Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) risk scoring Staff-level issues/challenges reviewed at monthly continuous monitoring mtgs CISO/Office-level discussions at periodic Cybersecurity Posture mtgs DEDOs review & question at Quarterly Risk Management briefings 5
AW-IT-01 Compliance is increasing Measured risk is decreasing.
Why Composite vs. Multiple Metrics?
6 Advantages of Composite
- Allows executives/staff to see at a glance what their security posture is (for those components measured)
- Allows executives/staff to more easily understand their overall risk trend
- Provides Offices flexibility to manage their approach to meeting targets:
Executives/staff can choose which components to focus improvement upon Some components may not meet targets, balanced by others that may exceed Multiple metrics would require each be tracked, measured, displayed & scored (R/Y/G)
Composite CPI Multiple Metrics Vs.
Composition 7
- The metric is a composite metric based upon four well known risk-drivers critical to minimizing risk to NRC mission
- 1) Computer Security Awareness (CSA) training
- 2) Role-based training (RBT)
- 3) Continuous Monitoring (ConMon) metric (fmrly ITIM-OCIO-77)*
- 4) FITARA Configuration Non-Compliance (CNC)*
- Future metric composition can evolve in response to Changing threats (e.g. OPM hack, Phishing attacks, etc.)
Improved data sources (e.g. DHS Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation)
Desired behavior changes (replacing components where risk approaches zero with those requiring more focused risk mitigation efforts)
- Note that ConMon and CNC are only applicable to offices with authorized NRC IT systems (e.g. ADM, ASLBP, CFO, NMSS, NRO, NSIR, OCHCO, OCIO, RES, RIII, and RIV)
- ConMon measures the % completion of 10 required OMB/FISMA activities including: Contingency Plan (CP) Test, Periodic Security Control Assessment (PSCA), Vulnerability Assessment Report (VAR), System Security Plan (SSP), Information System Security Officer (ISSO), Authority to Operate (ATO), and Designated Approving Official (DAA) conditions. Note: In FY18Q4, Contingency Plan (CP) and Business Impact Assessment (BIA) were added in response to IG findings. Security Impact Assessments (SIA) were added in FY19Q1.
Composition 8
Example - shows relative sources of risk within an Office:
Same Offices trend over 2 years:
9 Backup slides AW-IT-01
Calculation 10 An Offices score is calculated continuously, and recorded at the end of each quarter (with Q4 representing the final AW-IT-01 for the FY)
An Offices score is the sum of 4 risks: CSA + RBT + ConMon + CNC Similarly, the Agency score is the summation of all Offices scores Where:
- 1. CSA risk = Quarterly target % - Current actual completion %
Target %s are: Q1&Q2 = 0%; Q3 = 30%; Q4 = 96%. The actual % is taken from OCHCO website
- 2. RBT risk = Target (96%) - Current actual completion %
Actual % = #roles trained/#roles requiring training (source: OCIO tracking spreadsheet)
- 3. ConMon risk = % of Risk Management Activities due (but not completed) by current date Activities include: CP Test, PSCA, VAR, SSP, ISSO, ATO, BIA, CP and DAA Conditions (and SIA in FY19)
- 4. CNC risk is taken from established quarterly FITARA scoring, and is based upon weighted # of configuration risks from most recent system scans.
For CNC scoring methodology, please contact OCIO/GEMS/CSO for the latest guidance.
Due to large numbers, CSA and FITARA CNC are weighted.5 and.05, respectively. Note: as of 19Q2, CNC is no longer weighted due to greatly reduced numbers resulting from the new FITARA methodology.
Acronyms are defined on previous pages AW-IT-01
11 AW-IT-01 Sample Office -- 17Q3 Status: Green -- Q3 target of -6% (or better) reached Please see note on previous page regarding updated weighting of FITARA configuration risk.