RC-99-0066, Submits Rept of Status of Decommissioning Funding (RR-1950), for Vsns Per 10CFR50.75
RC-99-0078, Submits Summary of Present Levels of Property Insurance & Cash Flow Statement for VC Summer Nuclear Station,Per 10CFR50.54(w)(3) & 10CFR140.21(e)
RC-99-0090, Submits Special Rept (Spr 1999-003) Re Completion of ISI of SG Tubes,Indicating Number of Tubes Plugged or Repaired in Each Generator,Per TS & Section
RC-99-0092, Informs That Util Has Reviewed Proposed Notice of Rulemaking & Fully Endorse Comments Prepared & Submitted on Behalf of Commercial Nuclear Power Industry by NEI
RC-99-0080, Submits Supplemental Info Re 970128 Response to NRC GL 96-06 Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions. Addl Analysis & Manpower Expenditure Involved Not Cost Effective
RC-99-0105, Forwards Copy of Sce&G Co 1998 Annual Financial Rept & Sc Public Service Authority 1998 Annual Financial Rept, for VC Summer Nuclear Station
RC-99-0104, Forwards Amend 17 to Training & Qualification Plan, Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p).Summary of Plan Changes Is Included as Part of Controlled Copy
RC-99-0114, Submits Response to GL 98-01,Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps, Under Oath or Affirmation
RC-99-0131, Forwards Rev 9 to VC Summer Nuclear Station Safeguards Contingency Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p).Encl Withheld
RC-99-0129, Provides Response to non-cited Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-395/99-03.C/As:concluded That Cask Loading Pit Inaccessible & Duration of Dose Rates on Operating Floor of Fhb So Short That High Radiation Area Did Not Exist
RC-99-0127, Estimates Submittal of Eleven Licensing Actions in Fy 2000. Based on Statistical Estimates of Past Licensing Actions, Number of Licensing Actions in Fy 2001 Should Be Approx Ten, in Response to AL 99-02
RC-99-0147, Submits Attached Request for Relief from Performing SG PORV Strike Time Testing to Acceptance Criteria of Asme/Ansi OMa-1988
RC-99-0156, Forwards Rev 1 to VC Summer Nuclear Station COLR for Cycle 12, IAW TS Section 2.1 & 3.0 Were Added to Include Beacon Tsm
RC-99-0164, Forwards semi-annual Fitness for Duty Rept from 990101 to 990630 for VC Summer Nuclear Station,Iaw 10CFR26.71(d)
RC-99-0152, Seeks Exemption Under 10CFR0.12a(2)ii from 10CFR50,App G Requirements to Establish pressure-temperature Limits Curves Using Methodology Presented in 1989 ASME Section Xi,App G
RC-99-0171, Notifies NRC of Intent Re Submittal of Application to Renew OL of Vcs.Preparatory Work Has Begun to Develop Application for License Renewal to Be Submitted After 020806 Contingent Upon Final Approval of Board of Directors
RC-99-0177, Forwards Rev 2 to VC Summer Nuclear Station,Colr for Cycle 12, IAW Section
RC-99-0173, Requests That Info Listed in Rvid,Version 2,be Amended to Reflect Date for VC Summer Nuclear Station,As Marked in Encl to Ltr
RC-99-0184, Submits Seven Requests for Using Alternatives to Requirements of ASME Code,Section XI Re Subsection IWE & Iwl Insps to Be Performed at Vsns.Proposed Alternatives Will Provide Acceptable Level of Quality & Safety
RC-99-0181, Forwards Anticipated Schedule for Operator Licensing Examinations.Sce&G Requests That NRC Prepare Examinations Stated on Attachment
RC-99-0192, Forwards Updated 1999 ECCS Evaluation Model Revs Rept for VC Summer Nuclear Station.Rept Is Being Submitted Pursuant to 10CFR50.46,which Requires Licensees to Notify NRC of Corrections to or Changes in ECCS Evaluation Models
RC-98-0207, Forwards 120-day Response to NRC GL 98-04, Potential for Degradation of ECCS & CSS After LOCA Because of Construction & Protective Coating Deficiencies & Foreign Matl in Containment
RC-98-0189, Provides Assessment Results of GL 98-02, Loss of Rc Inventory & Associated Potential for Loss of Emergency Mitigation Functions While in Shutdown Condition, Per 10CFR50.54f
RC-98-0216, Requests Extension of Response Period to 990115 to Respond to NRC 980908 RAI Re GL 97-01, Degradation of CRDM Nozzle & Other Vessel Closure Head Penetrations. Util Intends to Utilize Industry Generic RAI Response
RC-98-0225, Forwards Rev 41 to EP-100, Radiation Emergency Plan. List of Changes by Page Number Affected by Rev 41 Also Encl
RC-98-0226, Forwards Amend 42 to Psp.Changes Do Not Degrade Safeguards Effectiveness in PSP or Safeguards Contingency Plan,As Described in 10CFR50.54(p).Without Encl
RC-99-0005, Responds to 980908 RAI Re GL 97-01, Degradation of Control Rod Drive Mechanism Nozzle & Other Vessel Closure Head Penetrations
RC-99-0015, Forwards Amend 16 to Training & Qualification Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p).Summary of Changes,Encl
RC-99-0023, Informs That in Response to GL 97-06,SCE&G Informed NRC of Plan to Perform Secondary Side Examination Scheduled for Refueling Outage RF-11.SCE&G Has Decided to Defer Secondary Side Insp of Sg.Reasons for Change of Plan Listed
RC-99-0026, Provides Response to NRC RAI Re TS Change Request Re Best Estimate Analyzer for Core Operations - Nuclear
RC-99-0048, Informs That Util Has Implemented Policy That Requires All Personnel Granted Unescorted Access to Vsns Satisfactorily Complete Test on Site Specific Info
RC-99-0054, Forwards Rev 2 to VC Summer Nuclear Station Training Simulator Quadrennial Certification Rept,1996-99, Per 10CFR55.45(b)(5)(ii)
RC-99-0053, Requests That Implementation Date of Proposed TS Change Request Re Best Estimate Analyzer for Core Operations - Nuclear (Beacon) Be Extended. Util Requests 120 Day Time Frame to Perform Initial Beacon Calibrs During Cycle 12
RC-99-0066, Submits Rept of Status of Decommissioning Funding (RR-1950), for Vsns Per 10CFR50.75
RC-99-0078, Submits Summary of Present Levels of Property Insurance & Cash Flow Statement for VC Summer Nuclear Station,Per 10CFR50.54(w)(3) & 10CFR140.21(e)
RC-99-0090, Submits Special Rept (Spr 1999-003) Re Completion of ISI of SG Tubes,Indicating Number of Tubes Plugged or Repaired in Each Generator,Per TS & Section
RC-99-0092, Informs That Util Has Reviewed Proposed Notice of Rulemaking & Fully Endorse Comments Prepared & Submitted on Behalf of Commercial Nuclear Power Industry by NEI
RC-99-0080, Submits Supplemental Info Re 970128 Response to NRC GL 96-06 Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions. Addl Analysis & Manpower Expenditure Involved Not Cost Effective
RC-99-0105, Forwards Copy of Sce&G Co 1998 Annual Financial Rept & Sc Public Service Authority 1998 Annual Financial Rept, for VC Summer Nuclear Station
RC-99-0104, Forwards Amend 17 to Training & Qualification Plan, Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p).Summary of Plan Changes Is Included as Part of Controlled Copy
RC-99-0114, Submits Response to GL 98-01,Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps, Under Oath or Affirmation
RC-99-0127, Estimates Submittal of Eleven Licensing Actions in Fy 2000. Based on Statistical Estimates of Past Licensing Actions, Number of Licensing Actions in Fy 2001 Should Be Approx Ten, in Response to AL 99-02
RC-99-0129, Provides Response to non-cited Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-395/99-03.C/As:concluded That Cask Loading Pit Inaccessible & Duration of Dose Rates on Operating Floor of Fhb So Short That High Radiation Area Did Not Exist
RC-99-0131, Forwards Rev 9 to VC Summer Nuclear Station Safeguards Contingency Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p).Encl Withheld
RC-99-0147, Submits Attached Request for Relief from Performing SG PORV Strike Time Testing to Acceptance Criteria of Asme/Ansi OMa-1988
RC-99-0156, Forwards Rev 1 to VC Summer Nuclear Station COLR for Cycle 12, IAW TS Section 2.1 & 3.0 Were Added to Include Beacon Tsm
RC-99-0164, Forwards semi-annual Fitness for Duty Rept from 990101 to 990630 for VC Summer Nuclear Station,Iaw 10CFR26.71(d)
RC-99-0152, Seeks Exemption Under 10CFR0.12a(2)ii from 10CFR50,App G Requirements to Establish pressure-temperature Limits Curves Using Methodology Presented in 1989 ASME Section Xi,App G
RC-99-0171, Notifies NRC of Intent Re Submittal of Application to Renew OL of Vcs.Preparatory Work Has Begun to Develop Application for License Renewal to Be Submitted After 020806 Contingent Upon Final Approval of Board of Directors
RC-99-0177, Forwards Rev 2 to VC Summer Nuclear Station,Colr for Cycle 12, IAW Section
RC-99-0173, Requests That Info Listed in Rvid,Version 2,be Amended to Reflect Date for VC Summer Nuclear Station,As Marked in Encl to Ltr
RC-99-0184, Submits Seven Requests for Using Alternatives to Requirements of ASME Code,Section XI Re Subsection IWE & Iwl Insps to Be Performed at Vsns.Proposed Alternatives Will Provide Acceptable Level of Quality & Safety
RC-99-0181, Forwards Anticipated Schedule for Operator Licensing Examinations.Sce&G Requests That NRC Prepare Examinations Stated on Attachment
RC-99-0192, Forwards Updated 1999 ECCS Evaluation Model Revs Rept for VC Summer Nuclear Station.Rept Is Being Submitted Pursuant to 10CFR50.46,which Requires Licensees to Notify NRC of Corrections to or Changes in ECCS Evaluation Models
O'Reilly LER No.83-029 Page Two April 20, 1983 DESCRIPTION, CAUSE AND PROBABLE CONSEQUENCES On March 20, 1983, a Reactor Building purge was initiated per release permit (CP-83-002) at approximately 2235 hours0.0259 days <br />0.621 hours <br />0.0037 weeks <br />8.504175e-4 months <br />.
The Plant
was in Mode 5 with both the equipment and personnel hatches open.
At approximately 2350 hours0.0272 days <br />0.653 hours <br />0.00389 weeks <br />8.94175e-4 months <br />, Control Room personnel notified the Count Room that RM-A4, Reactor Building Purge System Radiation Monitor, particulate channel was reading higher than normal.
~ March 21, 1983, at approximately 0030 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />, the RM-A4 pump and detector were secured to change out -the filter.
The purge remained in progress.
At approximately 0035 hours4.050926e-4 days <br />0.00972 hours <br />5.787037e-5 weeks <br />1.33175e-5 months <br /> on March 21, 1983, the RM-A4 pump and detector were returned to service upon completion of the filter change out.
The purge was unmonitored for approximately five (5) minutes.
Technical Specification,-" Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation," Table 3.3-13, Item 4 (a), requires RM-A4 to be operable during purging operations.
There was no adverse consequence as a result of the event.
A spectroscopic analysis of RM-A4 particulate and iodine filters revealed no detectable radioactivity other than natural background levels from natural radon daughters.
The cause of the high reading is attributed to particulate accumulation on the filter.
Prior to the CP-83-002 release, the RM-A4 gaseous channel showed a stable 125 cpm.
Several hours after the termination of the purge, RM-A4 still showed 125 cpm, thus indicating that essentially no activity _was released during the event.
A Station Memorandum has been issued to appropriate plant personnel in an effort to increase the awareness level of the required operability of RM-A4 during purge operation per Technical Specification.
/01T-0:on 830119,w/plant in Mode 1,three Refueling Water Storage Tank Level Transmitters Failed High. Caused by Frozen Instrument Lines.Transmitters Thawed. Insulated Encls Will Be Installed
Updated LER 83-001/01T-1:on 830119,three Refueling Water Storage Tank Level Transmitters Failed High.Caused by Transmitter Base Freezing.Transmitters Thawed.Insulated Encls & Addl Permanent Heat Trace Will Be Installed
/03L-0:on 830109,spurious Inadequate Core Cooling Alarms Received on Channel B of RCS Subcooling Margin Monitor.Cause Unknown.Channel & Sys re-energized on 830110 & Channel Returned to Svc on 830111
/03L-0:on 830124,9% Discrepancy Found Between Main Control Board & Control Room Evacuation Panel (Crep) Indication for Pressurized Relief Tank Level.Caused by Instrument Drift.Crep Calibr & Returned to Svc
W/Plant in Mode 1,main Control Board Indication for Steam Generator B Steam Pressure Decreased Approx 100 Psig.Caused by Plugged Transmitter Sensing Line.Sensing Line Back Flushed
/03L-0:on 830203,main Control Board Indicator (PI-950) for Reactor Bldg Pressure Failed Low.Caused by Intermittent Pressure Transmitter Failure.Transmitter Output Returned to Normal
/03L-0:on 830206,only One Isotopic Iodine Analysis Performed During Power Reduction from 50% to 5%.Caused by Personnel Misinterpreting Power Changes.Chemistry Lab Policy Issued Re Need for Analysis
/03L-0:on 830210,flow Indicator for Steam Generator a Feedwater Flow FI-477 Failed Low.Caused by Failure of Power Supply FQY-477.Circuit Board Replaced
/03L-0:on 830113 & 19,condensate Storage Tank Level Transmitters LT-3631 & LT-3631A Failed Due to Frozen Instrument Lines.Caused by Temp Sensing Element Not Being Located Per Design Specs.Element Relocated
/03L-0:on 830217 & 0303,pressurizer PORV PCV-445B Found Leaking.Events Discovered by High Temp Indication in PORV Discharge Piping.Cause Unknown.Valve Will Remain Closed & Be Disassembled During 830317 Outage
/03L-0:on 830219,while in Mode 1,5% Discrepancy Observed Between Main Control Board & Control Room Evacuation Panel Indication for Pressurizer Relief Tank Level.Caused by Design Error.New Transmitter Installed
/03L-0:on 830216,w/plant in Mode 1,discrepancy of 6% Observed Between Main Control Board Indicators for Sodium Hydroxide Storage Tank Level.Caused by Loose Fitting on High Side Sensing Line of Level Transmitter
/03L-0:on 830306,while in Mode 1,nuclear Sampling Sys Valves 9398 A,B & C Failed to Close During Initial Performance of Accelerated Test Program.Caused by Crud Buildup on Valve Seats.Crud Dislodged & Switch Repaired
/01L-0:on 830317,trains of RHR & High Head Safety Injection Train a Inoperable for Approx 45 Minutes.Caused by Switching Problems W/Starting Circuitry of Chiller Unit XHX0001C.Switch Apparatus Modified
/03L-0:on 830305,fire Detector Sys Control Room Alarm Capability Lost for Intermediate Bldg Zones Aa,Bb & CC & for Diesel Generator Bldg Zones DG (427) & DG (436).Caused by Blown Fuse.Fuse Replaced
/03L-0:on 830307,steam Generator Blowdown Monitor RM-L3 Failed Low,Reducing Number of Operable Channels. Caused by Moisture in Monitor Detector Due to Overhead Sample Valve O-ring Rupture.Detector Replaced
/03L-0:on 830308,conduit Containing Smoke Detector Circuits Cut During Core Drilling for Plant Mod.Fire Watch Posted.Caused by Failure to See Conduit Embedded in Fireproofing Matl.Conduit & Cable Replaced
/03L-0:on 830311,main Steam Line C Radiation Monitor Experienced Spurious Alarms.Caused by Slack Detector Cable Allowing Signal Oscillations.Detector Cable Will Be More Adequately Secured by 830501
/03L-0:on 830313,containment Bulkhead Door Seal on Personnel Access Air Lock Found W/Excessive Seal Leakage. Caused by Dirt on Door Seal.Seal Cleaned.Air Lock Tested