MONTHYEAR05000317/LER-1999-006, :on 990922,manual Reactor Trip Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Electrical Current Determination.Evaluated Trip Risk Assessment Process for Enhancements.With1999-10-22022 October 1999
- on 990922,manual Reactor Trip Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Electrical Current Determination.Evaluated Trip Risk Assessment Process for Enhancements.With
05000317/LER-1998-011, :on 980428,prematurely Released Fire Watch Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Cure Time Communications.Revised Configuration Control Documents.With1999-09-20020 September 1999
- on 980428,prematurely Released Fire Watch Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Cure Time Communications.Revised Configuration Control Documents.With
05000317/LER-1999-005, :on 990720,corrosion Behavior & Onset of Oxide Spalling of High Duty Fuel Noted on Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Normal Phenomenon.Operability Evaluation for Current Cycle Operation Will Be Performed.With1999-08-23023 August 1999
- on 990720,corrosion Behavior & Onset of Oxide Spalling of High Duty Fuel Noted on Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Normal Phenomenon.Operability Evaluation for Current Cycle Operation Will Be Performed.With
05000317/LER-1999-003, :on 990701,recognized That Unapproved Methodology Was Used to Allow CREVS to Remain Operable in accept-as-is Condition.Regulatory Notification Required in 10CFR50.72(b)(1)(ii)(A) Performed.With1999-07-30030 July 1999
- on 990701,recognized That Unapproved Methodology Was Used to Allow CREVS to Remain Operable in accept-as-is Condition.Regulatory Notification Required in 10CFR50.72(b)(1)(ii)(A) Performed.With
05000317/LER-1999-002, :on 990401,discovered That Radioactive Sources Were Lost.Caused by Inadequate Control.Searched Storage Locations on Three Separate Occasions,Including Document Storage Locations.With1999-05-25025 May 1999
- on 990401,discovered That Radioactive Sources Were Lost.Caused by Inadequate Control.Searched Storage Locations on Three Separate Occasions,Including Document Storage Locations.With
05000317/LER-1997-010, :on 971210,1B EDG Failed to Start During Performance of Routine Surveillance Test.Caused by Piece of Stainless Steel Foreign Matl in Governor Hydraulic Boundaries.Stainless Steel Replaced.With1999-01-29029 January 1999
- on 971210,1B EDG Failed to Start During Performance of Routine Surveillance Test.Caused by Piece of Stainless Steel Foreign Matl in Governor Hydraulic Boundaries.Stainless Steel Replaced.With
05000317/LER-1998-009, :on 980408,required Hourly Fire Watch Missed, When Contractor Maint Worker Failed to Perform Fire Watch Patrol.Caused by Personnel Error.Plant Mgt Reiterated Expectation to Contractor Personnel.With1999-01-0808 January 1999
- on 980408,required Hourly Fire Watch Missed, When Contractor Maint Worker Failed to Perform Fire Watch Patrol.Caused by Personnel Error.Plant Mgt Reiterated Expectation to Contractor Personnel.With
05000317/LER-1998-008, :on 981020,reactor Protective Sys Instrumentation TS Error Was Noted.Caused by Incorrect Use of Thermal Power in Ts.Revised TSs 3.3.1 & 3.3.2.With1998-11-11011 November 1998
- on 981020,reactor Protective Sys Instrumentation TS Error Was Noted.Caused by Incorrect Use of Thermal Power in Ts.Revised TSs 3.3.1 & 3.3.2.With
05000318/LER-1998-005-01, :on 980725,initiated Plant Cooldown Due to RCS Pressure Boundary Leakage.Caused by Crack in Inconel Alloy 600-type Weld Filler Matl of Nozzle.Leaking Penetration Was Repaired from Outside of Pressurizer1998-08-24024 August 1998
- on 980725,initiated Plant Cooldown Due to RCS Pressure Boundary Leakage.Caused by Crack in Inconel Alloy 600-type Weld Filler Matl of Nozzle.Leaking Penetration Was Repaired from Outside of Pressurizer
05000318/LER-1998-004-01, :on 980723,manual Plant Trip Occurred Due to Moisture Separator Reheater Vent Line Rupture.Caused by Flow Accelerated Corrosion.Replaced Ruptured Pipe & Completed Insp of Other Small Bore high-energy Piping1998-08-24024 August 1998
- on 980723,manual Plant Trip Occurred Due to Moisture Separator Reheater Vent Line Rupture.Caused by Flow Accelerated Corrosion.Replaced Ruptured Pipe & Completed Insp of Other Small Bore high-energy Piping
05000318/LER-1998-003-01, :on 980507,relays out-of-calibration Were Noted Due to Bumped Dial & Actions Not Taken.Caused by Improperly Installed Cover.Technicians Will Be Trained on Event & Protective Covers Will Be Clearly Marked1998-06-0404 June 1998
- on 980507,relays out-of-calibration Were Noted Due to Bumped Dial & Actions Not Taken.Caused by Improperly Installed Cover.Technicians Will Be Trained on Event & Protective Covers Will Be Clearly Marked
05000317/LER-1998-007, :on 980404,eight of Sixteen MSSVs on Unit 1 Lifted at Pressure Above Setpoint Required in Tech Specs During as-found Lift Test.Cause of Event Currently Under Investigation.Reset Failed Valves1998-05-0404 May 1998
- on 980404,eight of Sixteen MSSVs on Unit 1 Lifted at Pressure Above Setpoint Required in Tech Specs During as-found Lift Test.Cause of Event Currently Under Investigation.Reset Failed Valves
05000317/LER-1998-006, :on 980325,1B DG Failed to Start During Performance of Routine Surveillance Test.Caused by Piece of Nylon in Governors Shutdown Solenoid Valve.Conducted Review1998-04-21021 April 1998
- on 980325,1B DG Failed to Start During Performance of Routine Surveillance Test.Caused by Piece of Nylon in Governors Shutdown Solenoid Valve.Conducted Review
05000317/LER-1998-005, :on 980312,spare Reactor Trip Breaker Did Not Meet TS Requirements.Caused by Inadequate Procedures.Revised Procedures to Include Testing Requirements for Spare Breaker1998-04-13013 April 1998
- on 980312,spare Reactor Trip Breaker Did Not Meet TS Requirements.Caused by Inadequate Procedures.Revised Procedures to Include Testing Requirements for Spare Breaker
05000318/LER-1998-002-01, :on 980305,failure of Handswitch Passive Contact to Close Occurred.Caused by Contacts in Lower Contact Block of Handswitch Did Not Close as Designed. Handswitch Replaced1998-04-0707 April 1998
- on 980305,failure of Handswitch Passive Contact to Close Occurred.Caused by Contacts in Lower Contact Block of Handswitch Did Not Close as Designed. Handswitch Replaced
05000317/LER-1998-004, :on 980303,battery Charger Circuit Breakers Were Noted Missing from Seismic Positioner.Caused by Quality Issue Related to Vendor.All safety-related 480-volt Circuit Breakers Have Been Inspected1998-04-0101 April 1998
- on 980303,battery Charger Circuit Breakers Were Noted Missing from Seismic Positioner.Caused by Quality Issue Related to Vendor.All safety-related 480-volt Circuit Breakers Have Been Inspected
05000318/LER-1998-001-01, :on 980113,unit 2B EDG Had Been Inoperable for 15 Days.Caused by Speed Switch Adapter Failure.Inspected/ Replaced Other Diesel Speed Switch Adapters to Ensure Spring Clips Are Not Degraded1998-02-12012 February 1998
- on 980113,unit 2B EDG Had Been Inoperable for 15 Days.Caused by Speed Switch Adapter Failure.Inspected/ Replaced Other Diesel Speed Switch Adapters to Ensure Spring Clips Are Not Degraded
05000317/LER-1998-002, :on 980107,fire Hose Station & Room Sprinkler Sys Were Noted out-of-service.Caused by Operating Mislabeled Valve.Correct Tagout Boundary Was Established & Verified by Addl Complete Walkdown of Tagout1998-02-0909 February 1998
- on 980107,fire Hose Station & Room Sprinkler Sys Were Noted out-of-service.Caused by Operating Mislabeled Valve.Correct Tagout Boundary Was Established & Verified by Addl Complete Walkdown of Tagout
05000317/LER-1998-003, :on 980113,damage Was Found on Stanchion & Restraining Steel of Unit 1 LPSI Sys Pipe Support Location on Common Discharge Line.Caused by LPSI Pump Discharge Check Valve Slam(S).Pipe Support Was Removed1998-02-0606 February 1998
- on 980113,damage Was Found on Stanchion & Restraining Steel of Unit 1 LPSI Sys Pipe Support Location on Common Discharge Line.Caused by LPSI Pump Discharge Check Valve Slam(S).Pipe Support Was Removed
05000317/LER-1998-001, :on 980104,Unit 1 Entered Condition Outside of Tech Specs Due to Having Both Secondary Control Element Assembly Position Indications out-of-svc.Caused by Position Indication Being Inoperable.Procedure Revised1998-02-0303 February 1998
- on 980104,Unit 1 Entered Condition Outside of Tech Specs Due to Having Both Secondary Control Element Assembly Position Indications out-of-svc.Caused by Position Indication Being Inoperable.Procedure Revised
05000317/LER-1997-007, :on 971029,discovered That Three Surveillance Test Procedures Were Not Completed within Test Interval. Caused by Excessive Use of 25% Grace Period Allowed for Completion of Surveillance.Revised Procedures1997-12-0101 December 1997
- on 971029,discovered That Three Surveillance Test Procedures Were Not Completed within Test Interval. Caused by Excessive Use of 25% Grace Period Allowed for Completion of Surveillance.Revised Procedures
05000317/LER-1997-009, :on 971024,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Failure to Properly Terminate Electrical Lead on Condenser Vacuum Breaker Handswitch During Prior Handswitch Maintenance.Over 200 Similar Connection Insp1997-11-20020 November 1997
- on 971024,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Failure to Properly Terminate Electrical Lead on Condenser Vacuum Breaker Handswitch During Prior Handswitch Maintenance.Over 200 Similar Connection Insp
05000317/LER-1997-008, :on 971017,two Reactor Protective Sys Channels Were OOS During Test.Caused by Significant Variations in Power Supply Voltages.Requested Maint to Back Out of Calibr of Channel C & Return Channel to Svc1997-11-12012 November 1997
- on 971017,two Reactor Protective Sys Channels Were OOS During Test.Caused by Significant Variations in Power Supply Voltages.Requested Maint to Back Out of Calibr of Channel C & Return Channel to Svc
05000317/LER-1996-001, :on 960117,SRW Heat Exchanger Microfouling High than Assumed in Design Basis Occurred.Caused by Original Design Calculations for SRW Heat Exchangers Assumed Min SRW Flow.New Operability Limits Implemented1997-10-21021 October 1997
- on 960117,SRW Heat Exchanger Microfouling High than Assumed in Design Basis Occurred.Caused by Original Design Calculations for SRW Heat Exchangers Assumed Min SRW Flow.New Operability Limits Implemented
05000317/LER-1997-006, :on 970722,cable Spreading Room Halon Sys Was Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Operations Personnel Reminded of Possibility of Inoperable Dampers Affecting Halon Sys Operability1997-08-21021 August 1997
- on 970722,cable Spreading Room Halon Sys Was Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Operations Personnel Reminded of Possibility of Inoperable Dampers Affecting Halon Sys Operability
05000317/LER-1997-004, :on 970602,trip Bypasses Were Not Removed When Thermal Power Was Increased Above 15%.Caused by Failure to Recognize Difference Between Nuclear Instrument & Delta-T. Revised Plant Procedures1997-07-0202 July 1997
- on 970602,trip Bypasses Were Not Removed When Thermal Power Was Increased Above 15%.Caused by Failure to Recognize Difference Between Nuclear Instrument & Delta-T. Revised Plant Procedures
05000317/LER-1997-005, :on 970529,reactor Coolant Sys Leak Occurred. Caused by Failed Compression Fitting.Conducted Review of Compression Fitting Maint Performed on High Pressure Systems & Completed Insps of Compression Fittings1997-06-30030 June 1997
- on 970529,reactor Coolant Sys Leak Occurred. Caused by Failed Compression Fitting.Conducted Review of Compression Fitting Maint Performed on High Pressure Systems & Completed Insps of Compression Fittings
05000317/LER-1997-003-01, :on 970424,fuel Moved in Spent Fuel Pool Without Charcoal Absorber Banks Being in Svc.Caused by Personnel Error.Fuel Movement Suspended Until All Appropriate Personnel Could Be Trained1997-05-23023 May 1997
- on 970424,fuel Moved in Spent Fuel Pool Without Charcoal Absorber Banks Being in Svc.Caused by Personnel Error.Fuel Movement Suspended Until All Appropriate Personnel Could Be Trained
05000318/LER-1997-003, :on 970423,chemistry Sampling Was Not Performed as Required by TS 3.4.7 Due to Insufficient Consideration of Precise Wording of TS on Part of Chemistry Personnel.Ts Will Be Clarified When Improved TS Are Implemented1997-05-21021 May 1997
- on 970423,chemistry Sampling Was Not Performed as Required by TS 3.4.7 Due to Insufficient Consideration of Precise Wording of TS on Part of Chemistry Personnel.Ts Will Be Clarified When Improved TS Are Implemented
05000318/LER-1997-002-01, :on 970405,containment Purge Valve Isolation Sys TS Violation Occurred.Caused by Inaccurate Implementation of TS 3.9.9.Personnel Air Lock Interlocks Restored1997-05-0505 May 1997
- on 970405,containment Purge Valve Isolation Sys TS Violation Occurred.Caused by Inaccurate Implementation of TS 3.9.9.Personnel Air Lock Interlocks Restored
05000318/LER-1997-001-01, :on 970401,refueling Machine Overload Protective Circuitry Was Inoperable Due to Failure to Correctly Translate Refueling Machine Circuitry Design Into Ts.Mod to Overload Bypass Was Installed1997-04-30030 April 1997
- on 970401,refueling Machine Overload Protective Circuitry Was Inoperable Due to Failure to Correctly Translate Refueling Machine Circuitry Design Into Ts.Mod to Overload Bypass Was Installed
05000317/LER-1997-002, :on 970220,misread TS Requirements Resulted in Inadequate Test.Caused by Lack of Strict Adherence to Wording of Plants TS Requirements.Edgs 1B,2A & 2B Were Successfully Tested & Returned to Svc1997-03-24024 March 1997
- on 970220,misread TS Requirements Resulted in Inadequate Test.Caused by Lack of Strict Adherence to Wording of Plants TS Requirements.Edgs 1B,2A & 2B Were Successfully Tested & Returned to Svc
05000317/LER-1997-001, :on 970110,spent Fuel Moved W/Ventilation Sys Inoperable & Missed Surveillance Occurred.Cause Analysis Being Performed to Determined Casual Factors & Generic Implications for Event.Surveillance Performed1997-02-10010 February 1997
- on 970110,spent Fuel Moved W/Ventilation Sys Inoperable & Missed Surveillance Occurred.Cause Analysis Being Performed to Determined Casual Factors & Generic Implications for Event.Surveillance Performed
05000318/LER-1996-006, :on 961210,discovered EDG Had Been Inoperable for Six Days.Caused by Personnel Error.Checked Fuse Holder Covers,Conducted Tailgate Training & Revised Procedure Re Installation of Fuse Holder Covers1997-01-10010 January 1997
- on 961210,discovered EDG Had Been Inoperable for Six Days.Caused by Personnel Error.Checked Fuse Holder Covers,Conducted Tailgate Training & Revised Procedure Re Installation of Fuse Holder Covers
05000318/LER-1996-002, :on 960522,missed Fire Watch Occurred Due to Personnel Error.Root Cause Analysis Has Been Completed. Plant Mgt Reemphasized to Site Personnel Importance of & Requirements for Fire Watches1996-12-31031 December 1996
- on 960522,missed Fire Watch Occurred Due to Personnel Error.Root Cause Analysis Has Been Completed. Plant Mgt Reemphasized to Site Personnel Importance of & Requirements for Fire Watches
05000318/LER-1996-005, :on 961117,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Closure of Feedwater Regulating Valve.Magnetic Particle Examination Was Conducted on New,Replacement Spring Retainers.No Indications Were Found1996-12-17017 December 1996
- on 961117,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Closure of Feedwater Regulating Valve.Magnetic Particle Examination Was Conducted on New,Replacement Spring Retainers.No Indications Were Found
05000318/LER-1996-004-01, :on 960926,missed Surveillance Occurred Due to Less than Adequate Technical Review of Stp.Procedures Revised1996-10-28028 October 1996
- on 960926,missed Surveillance Occurred Due to Less than Adequate Technical Review of Stp.Procedures Revised
05000317/LER-1995-005, :on 951109,manual Reactor Trip Occurred.Caused by Failure of Digital Feedwater Control Module FIC-1111. Reviewed Design Engineering Standards & Existing FP 2000 Digital Controllers Are Being Replaced1996-10-10010 October 1996
- on 951109,manual Reactor Trip Occurred.Caused by Failure of Digital Feedwater Control Module FIC-1111. Reviewed Design Engineering Standards & Existing FP 2000 Digital Controllers Are Being Replaced
05000317/LER-1996-004, :on 960802,two Asi Channels OOS Due to Reversed Nuclear Instrumentation Leads.Leads Were Correctly Reconnected When Plant Was Brought Down on 9608021996-09-0303 September 1996
- on 960802,two Asi Channels OOS Due to Reversed Nuclear Instrumentation Leads.Leads Were Correctly Reconnected When Plant Was Brought Down on 960802
05000318/LER-1996-003-01, :on 960619,discovered Missed Fire Protection Compensatory Action.Caused by Personnel Error.Provided Awareness Training to Personnel Re Fire Protection Compensatory Actions Expectations1996-07-17017 July 1996
- on 960619,discovered Missed Fire Protection Compensatory Action.Caused by Personnel Error.Provided Awareness Training to Personnel Re Fire Protection Compensatory Actions Expectations
05000318/LER-1996-002-01, :on 960522,fire Watch Missed.Caused by Personnel Error.Counseled Personnel Re Event1996-06-21021 June 1996
- on 960522,fire Watch Missed.Caused by Personnel Error.Counseled Personnel Re Event
05000317/LER-1996-003, :on 960423,discovered Holes in Containment Sump Screen Larger than Described in Ufsar.Holes Most Likely Installed During Plant Const.Sump Screens Visually Inspected & Repaired1996-05-24024 May 1996
- on 960423,discovered Holes in Containment Sump Screen Larger than Described in Ufsar.Holes Most Likely Installed During Plant Const.Sump Screens Visually Inspected & Repaired
05000317/LER-1996-002, :on 960410,required Fire Watch Missed.Caused by Lack of Fire Watch Ownership.Circumstances of Event Will Be Reviewed W/Appropriate Groups1996-05-14014 May 1996
- on 960410,required Fire Watch Missed.Caused by Lack of Fire Watch Ownership.Circumstances of Event Will Be Reviewed W/Appropriate Groups
05000318/LER-1996-001-01, :on 960227,breakers 552-41,552-21 & 552-61 Tripped Open in Plant Switchyard.Caused by Failure of Auxiliary Relay Card in Breaker 552-41.Failed Relay Card Replaced1996-03-28028 March 1996
- on 960227,breakers 552-41,552-21 & 552-61 Tripped Open in Plant Switchyard.Caused by Failure of Auxiliary Relay Card in Breaker 552-41.Failed Relay Card Replaced
05000317/LER-1996-001, :on 960117,determined That SW HX Microfouling Higher than Assumed in Design Basis.Caused by Design Deficiency.Conservative Operability Limits Established & Bay Temp & SW HXs Being Monitored1996-02-16016 February 1996
- on 960117,determined That SW HX Microfouling Higher than Assumed in Design Basis.Caused by Design Deficiency.Conservative Operability Limits Established & Bay Temp & SW HXs Being Monitored
05000317/LER-1995-006, :on 951116,manual Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Loss of 12 SG Feed Pump.Caused Oil Losses Allowing Pressure to Drop Before Standby Pump Could Restore Pressure.Trip Mechanism & Thrust Cleaned & Adjusted1995-12-13013 December 1995
- on 951116,manual Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Loss of 12 SG Feed Pump.Caused Oil Losses Allowing Pressure to Drop Before Standby Pump Could Restore Pressure.Trip Mechanism & Thrust Cleaned & Adjusted
05000317/LER-1995-005-01, :on 951109,manual Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Increasing SG 11 Water Level.Caused by Failure of Digital Control Module FIC-1111.Controller Sent to Vendor for Troubleshooting & Root Cause Analysis1995-12-11011 December 1995
- on 951109,manual Reactor Trip Occurred Due to Increasing SG 11 Water Level.Caused by Failure of Digital Control Module FIC-1111.Controller Sent to Vendor for Troubleshooting & Root Cause Analysis
05000317/LER-1995-004-01, :on 950816,inoperable Fire Barrier Penetration Seal Was Discovered.Caused by Inadequate Engineering Oversight & Less than Adequate Surveillance Procedure.Sealed Penetration Seal1995-09-15015 September 1995
- on 950816,inoperable Fire Barrier Penetration Seal Was Discovered.Caused by Inadequate Engineering Oversight & Less than Adequate Surveillance Procedure.Sealed Penetration Seal
05000317/LER-1995-003-01, :on 950730 & 31,entered TS 3.0.3 Due to High Bay Water Temps.Administration Limit for Bay Water Temp Raised & Current Unit 1 & Unit 2 SW Tube Type HXs Will Be Replaced1995-08-28028 August 1995
- on 950730 & 31,entered TS 3.0.3 Due to High Bay Water Temps.Administration Limit for Bay Water Temp Raised & Current Unit 1 & Unit 2 SW Tube Type HXs Will Be Replaced
05000317/LER-1995-002-01, :on 950616,manual Trip Occurred Due to Loss of 12 SG Feed Pump.Repaired Overspeed Trip Mechanism & Restarted Unit 11995-07-14014 July 1995
- on 950616,manual Trip Occurred Due to Loss of 12 SG Feed Pump.Repaired Overspeed Trip Mechanism & Restarted Unit 1
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEAR05000317/LER-1999-006, :on 990922,manual Reactor Trip Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Electrical Current Determination.Evaluated Trip Risk Assessment Process for Enhancements.With1999-10-22022 October 1999
- on 990922,manual Reactor Trip Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Electrical Current Determination.Evaluated Trip Risk Assessment Process for Enhancements.With
ML20217G6971999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Calvert Cliffs Npp,Units 1 & 2.With 05000317/LER-1998-011, :on 980428,prematurely Released Fire Watch Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Cure Time Communications.Revised Configuration Control Documents.With1999-09-20020 September 1999
- on 980428,prematurely Released Fire Watch Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Cure Time Communications.Revised Configuration Control Documents.With
ML20216J8731999-09-10010 September 1999 Rev 52 to QA Policy for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ML20211J3531999-09-0101 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 231 & 207 to Licenses DPR-53 & DPR-69,respectively ML20212A4441999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 for Ccnpp,Units 1 & 2. with ML17326A2011999-08-23023 August 1999 LER 99-004-00:on 990724,reactor Tripped Due to Main Transformer Bushing Flashover.Plant Was Brought to SS & Components Were Tested & Performed Satisfactorily.With 990823 Ltr 05000317/LER-1999-005, :on 990720,corrosion Behavior & Onset of Oxide Spalling of High Duty Fuel Noted on Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Normal Phenomenon.Operability Evaluation for Current Cycle Operation Will Be Performed.With1999-08-23023 August 1999
- on 990720,corrosion Behavior & Onset of Oxide Spalling of High Duty Fuel Noted on Fuel Assemblies.Caused by Normal Phenomenon.Operability Evaluation for Current Cycle Operation Will Be Performed.With
ML20210S6091999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for Ccnpp,Units 1 & 2. with 05000317/LER-1999-003, :on 990701,recognized That Unapproved Methodology Was Used to Allow CREVS to Remain Operable in accept-as-is Condition.Regulatory Notification Required in 10CFR50.72(b)(1)(ii)(A) Performed.With1999-07-30030 July 1999
- on 990701,recognized That Unapproved Methodology Was Used to Allow CREVS to Remain Operable in accept-as-is Condition.Regulatory Notification Required in 10CFR50.72(b)(1)(ii)(A) Performed.With
ML20210N6001999-07-27027 July 1999 ISI Summary Rept for Calvert Cliffs Unit 2. Page 2 of 3 in Encl 1 of Incoming Submittal Not Included ML20210B7941999-07-15015 July 1999 SER Denying Licensee Request for Changes to Current Ts,Re Deletion of Tendon Surveillance Requirements for Calvert Cliffs LD-99-039, Part 21 Rept Re Defect of ABB 1200A 4kV Vacuum Breakers. Initially Reported on 990625.Defect Results in Breaker Failing to Remain in Closed Position.Root Cause Evaluation & Corrective Action Plan Being Developed.Licensee Notified1999-06-30030 June 1999 Part 21 Rept Re Defect of ABB 1200A 4kV Vacuum Breakers. Initially Reported on 990625.Defect Results in Breaker Failing to Remain in Closed Position.Root Cause Evaluation & Corrective Action Plan Being Developed.Licensee Notified ML20209F1721999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for Calvert Cliffs Npp.With LD-99-035, Part 21 Rept Re ABB 1200A 4KV Vacuum Breakers Performing Trip Free Operation When Close Signal Received by Breaker. Defect Results in Breaker Failing to Remain in Closed Position.Root Cause & CAP Being Developed1999-06-25025 June 1999 Part 21 Rept Re ABB 1200A 4KV Vacuum Breakers Performing Trip Free Operation When Close Signal Received by Breaker. Defect Results in Breaker Failing to Remain in Closed Position.Root Cause & CAP Being Developed ML20196C6981999-06-21021 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Concluding That Use of ASME Section XI Code Including Summer 1983 Addenda as Interim Code for Third 10-year Insp Interval at Calvert Cliffs Units 1 & 2 Until Review of 1998 Code Completed,Would Be Acceptable ML20195K2811999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Ccnpp,Units 1 & 2. with 05000317/LER-1999-002, :on 990401,discovered That Radioactive Sources Were Lost.Caused by Inadequate Control.Searched Storage Locations on Three Separate Occasions,Including Document Storage Locations.With1999-05-25025 May 1999
- on 990401,discovered That Radioactive Sources Were Lost.Caused by Inadequate Control.Searched Storage Locations on Three Separate Occasions,Including Document Storage Locations.With
ML20206U7031999-05-18018 May 1999 Rev 1 to Ran 97-031, Main CR Fire Analysis for IPEEE Section 4-1 ML20206R5871999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Apr 1999 for Ccnpp,Units 1 & 2. with ML20195B3891999-04-30030 April 1999 0 to CENPD-279, Annual Rept on ABB CE ECCS Performance Evaluation Models ML20205N2951999-04-13013 April 1999 Special Rept:On 990314,fire Detection Sys Was Removed from Svc to Support Mod to Replace SRW Heat Exchangers in Unit 2 SRW Room During Unit 2 Refueling Outage.Contingency Measure 15.3.5.A.1 Will Continue Until Fire Detection Sys Restored ML20205J8331999-04-0707 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Concluding That Security Lighting,Portable Lighting & Helmet Lights,As Described by Licensee Satisfies Underlying Purpose of 10CFR50,App R,Section Iii.J.Grants Licensee Request for Exemption ML20210T5211999-04-0101 April 1999 Rev 0 to Ccnpp COLR for Unit 2,Cycle 13 ML20205P5441999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20204H6471999-03-21021 March 1999 SER Re License Renewal of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML20204B5961999-03-17017 March 1999 Corrected Page 7 to SER for Amend 205 for License DPR-69. Staff Deleted Word Not on Line One of Page 7 ML20207L2991999-03-0808 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 205 to License DPR-69 ML20207M8321999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1999 for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant.With ML20203D4311999-02-0505 February 1999 Safety Evaluation Accepting Procedure Established for long-term Corrective Action Plan Related to Containment Vertical Tendons 05000317/LER-1997-010, :on 971210,1B EDG Failed to Start During Performance of Routine Surveillance Test.Caused by Piece of Stainless Steel Foreign Matl in Governor Hydraulic Boundaries.Stainless Steel Replaced.With1999-01-29029 January 1999
- on 971210,1B EDG Failed to Start During Performance of Routine Surveillance Test.Caused by Piece of Stainless Steel Foreign Matl in Governor Hydraulic Boundaries.Stainless Steel Replaced.With
ML20199G4671999-01-20020 January 1999 SER Accepting USI A-46 Implementation for Plant ML20206Q3221999-01-11011 January 1999 Special Rept:On 981226,wide Range Noble Gas Effluent RM Was Removed from Operable Status.Caused by Failure of mid-range Checksource to Properly Reseat.Completed Maint & post-maint Testing & RM Was Returned to Operable Status on 990104 ML20207L0451999-01-0808 January 1999 Cost-Benefit Risk Analyses:Radwaste Sys for Light Water Reactors ML20199F4781999-01-0808 January 1999 Safety Evaluation Concluding That Bg&E Performed Appropriate Evaluations of Operational Configurations of safety-related power-operated Gate Valves to Identify Valves Susceptible to Pressure Locking.Concludes GL 95-07 Actions Were Addressed 05000317/LER-1998-009, :on 980408,required Hourly Fire Watch Missed, When Contractor Maint Worker Failed to Perform Fire Watch Patrol.Caused by Personnel Error.Plant Mgt Reiterated Expectation to Contractor Personnel.With1999-01-0808 January 1999
- on 980408,required Hourly Fire Watch Missed, When Contractor Maint Worker Failed to Perform Fire Watch Patrol.Caused by Personnel Error.Plant Mgt Reiterated Expectation to Contractor Personnel.With
ML20198S7591999-01-0707 January 1999 SER Accepting Quality Assurance Program Description Change for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML20199E2931998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1998 for Calvert Cliffs Npp. with ML20207M2281998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Rept for Bg&E. with ML20206R9911998-12-0808 December 1998 Rept of Changes,Tests & Experiments (10CFR50.59(b)(2)). with ML20198B2631998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1998 for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20195H1001998-11-16016 November 1998 Safety Evaluation of First Containment Insp Interval Iwe/Iwl Program Alternative 05000317/LER-1998-008, :on 981020,reactor Protective Sys Instrumentation TS Error Was Noted.Caused by Incorrect Use of Thermal Power in Ts.Revised TSs 3.3.1 & 3.3.2.With1998-11-11011 November 1998
- on 981020,reactor Protective Sys Instrumentation TS Error Was Noted.Caused by Incorrect Use of Thermal Power in Ts.Revised TSs 3.3.1 & 3.3.2.With
ML20195E5281998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Oct 1998 for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Station,Units 1 & 2.With ML20196E2211998-10-31031 October 1998 Non-proprietary Rev 03-NP to CEN-633-NP, SG Tube Repair for Combustion Engineering Designed Plant with 3/4 - .048 Wall Inconel 600 Tubes Using Leak Limiting Alloy 800 Sleeves ML20154Q7191998-10-21021 October 1998 Special Rept:On 980923,unit 1 Wrngm Was Removed from Operable Status.Caused by Failure of Process Flow Transducer.Completed Maint to Remove Process Flow Transducer Input to Wrngm Microprocessor & Completed Formal Evaluation ML20154G3931998-10-0505 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Concluding That Flaw Tolerance Evaluation for Assumed Flaw in Inboard Instrument Weld of Pressurizer Meets Rules of ASME Code ML20154M5841998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1998 for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20153C1091998-09-18018 September 1998 Part 21 Rept Re Defective Capacity Control Valves.Trentec Personnel Have Been in Contact with Bg&E Personnel Re Condition & Have Requested Potentially Defective Valves ML20153C2571998-09-18018 September 1998 Special Rept:On 980830,wide Range Noble Gas Monitor (Wrngm) Channel Was Removed from Operable Status.Caused by Need to Support Performance of Required 18-month Channel Calibr.Will Return Wrngm to Operable Status by 980925 1999-09-30
[Table view] |
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4 PETE:l: E. K.t'r::
Baltimom Gas and Electric Company Plant General Manager Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 1650 Calvert Cliffs Parkway Lusby, Maryland 20657 410 495-4101 February 10,1997 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 ATTENTION:
Document Control Desk -
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Unit Nos. I and 2; Docket Nos. 50-317 and 50-318; License Nos. DPR 53 and DPR 69 Licensee Event Report 97-001 Soent Fuel Moved with Ventilation System Inoperable and Missed Surveillances The attached report is being sent to you as required under 10 CFR 50.73 guidelines. Should you have questions regarding this report, we will be pleased to discuss them with you.
Very truly yours,
oocueT Len Nummenies PAos (s) veAn l secuewTiAL meviesow wummen numeen Calvert Cliffs, Unit 1 05000 317 97
- - 001 00 03 OF 06 Ttxi y oraw speco a,enwea. use., :.;
copnes of NRC Fome 306N 07)
l to the air still escaping under the door. At 1715 that evening, it was determined that this condition was outside the design basis of the plant.
It was therefore reported to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission via the Emergency Notification System.
l On Wednesday, January 15, 1997, the System Manager tested various vent paths in the Auxiliary Building and found that during non-outage conditions, the SFP area would maintain a negative pressure versus the Auxiliary Building in any configuration with two air supply fans operating, and could do so, depending on the configuration, with one supply fan operating. Appropriate procedures will be revised and personnel trained prior to fuel movement to ensure that two supply fans are operating or that the SFP area is maintained at a negative pressure whenever fuel is being handled.
On Wedr.esday, January 22, 1997 at about 1105 hours0.0128 days <br />0.307 hours <br />0.00183 weeks <br />4.204525e-4 months <br />, Surveillance Test Coordination personnel were reviewing the records for STP-542, which, at 18 month intervals, verifies the ability of the SFP ventilation system to maintain negative pressure relative to the outside atmosphere and the Auxiliary Building, in accordance with Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement 4.9.12.d.2.
They found that the full STP had not been run since September of 1994 and was due in March 1996.
The test had been partially run on July 18, 1995 following replacement of the HEPA banks. The partial test verified exhaust fan operability, HEPA bank operability and air distribution.
It did not verify negative pressure versus the outside or the Auxiliary Building. The Functional Surveillance Test Coordinator reviewed the test and, failing to recognize that the section verifying negative pressure had not been run, crroneously concluded that the test was complete. He reset the 18 month clock following the partial test.
Failure to perform the STP within the required time limit constituted a condition prohibited by Technical Specifications. Both Units were in MODE 1 at 100 percent power and normal operating temperature and pressure at the time of discovery.
This event resulted from insufficient consideration of and inadequate barriers erected to ensure that the assumptions of the UFSAR fuel handling accident safety analysis were met.
Section of the UFSAR, " Fuel Handling Incident in the Spent Fuel Pool Area," states that, "All of the activity released to the air above the spent fuel pool is assumed to be discharged to the outside atmosphere through charcoal filters." Air leaking from the SFP area to the Auxiliary Building in the event of a fuel handling accident would not pass through charcoal filters.
Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement 4.3.12.d.2 requires verification that *each exhaust fan maintains I
the spent fuel pool area at a measurable negative pressure relative to the 1
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Calvert Cliffs, Unit 1 05000 317 97
- - 001 -
00 04 OF 06 ft.XT pt more space ss registed, uso soumones copes of NRC Form 3664 (I T) 1 i
outside atmosphere during system operation." Surveillance Test Procedure STP-M-542 tests for negative pressure versus outside air and surrounding areas, including the Auxiliary Building. However, this procedure does not i
account for possible bypass flow as a result of ventilation lineup changes in surrounding areas, including the Auxiliary Building.
Fuel handling procedures j
require verification that the SFP area exhaust fans work but give no a
consideration to prer.;ure differences between the SFP area and surrounding areas, including the Auxiliary Building.
Operations, Engineering, Maintenance, and Nuclear Fuel Management personnel were accustomed to thinking in these terms and did not give consideration to pressure differences between the SFP area and the Auxiliary Building.
A Root Cause Analysis is under way to review this item and its generic t
implications. The findings of this review will be included in a supplement to this report.
The missed surveillance was the result of personnel error on the part of the i
responsible Functional Surveillance Test Coordinator. He had erroneously counted partial performance of the STP on July 18, 1995 as complete performance and so had changed the schedule of the test from December 1995 to January 1997.
a As noted above, the UFSAR analysis for a fuel handling accident assumes that all releases will pass through a charcoal filter.
Section of the UFSAR also states that, "The charcoal filters have an absorption efficiency of i
90 percent for inorganic iodine and 70 percent for organic iodine." The analysis calculates a thyroid dose at the site boundary of 3.39 Rem.
With the door ajar as found, the System Engineer estimated one percent air leakage from
the SFP area. This would raise the dose at the site boundary to approximately
3.58 Rem thyroid and 0.16 Rem whole body. While slightly higher than calculated in the UFSAR, this is still considerably lower than 10 CFR Part 100 limits and well below the UFSAR calculated site boundary thyroid dose of 14 06 Rem from a fuel handling accident in containment. The UFSAR analysis also assumes that the damaged fuel assembly has the highest activity in the core.
The fuel actually being moved at the time of discovery of this condition was considerably less active than assumed in the UFSAR analysis, Even if all the iodine released during a fuel handling accident bypassed the j
l charcoal filters, the site boundary dose would be no greater than 22.25 Rem j
thyroid and 0.72 Rem whole body, which is considerably less than 10 CFT Part 100 limits.
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l NUMBER NUMBER Calvert Cliffs, Unit 1 05000 317 97
- - 001 -
00 05 OF 06 TEXT (it more space se tuguroa une -i.e
.! copes of AIRC Form 3664 (17)
I This item was reportable under 10 CFR 50.73 (a) (2) (ii) (B) as a condition outside the plant's design basis and under 10 CFR 50.73 (a) (2) (1) (B) as a l
condition prohibited by the plants Technical Specifications, j
There were ne safety consequences resulting from the missed STP.
The partial test verified the operability of the fans and HEPA filters. The complete test was successfully performed on January 24, 1997. Apart from this event, there is no evidence that the SFP ventilation system was incapable of performing its i
safety function without being declared inoperable between the time the STP expired and was performed again.
Fuel movement is required by procedure to stop if the SFP exhaust fans are incapable of performing their safety function. This item was reportable under 10 CFR 50.73 (a) (2) (1) (B) a s.*.
condition prohibited by the plant's Technical Specifications.
A, Upon notification of the air leakage from the SFP area, the Control Room immediately had the open door shut and, following review of SFP ventilation system flow requirements, suspended fuel movement in the SFP area.
Appropriate procedures are being revised to require verification that two Auxiliary Building air supply fans are operating or that the SFP area is maintaining negative pressure relative to the Auxiliary Building whenever the SFP ventilation system is required to be operable.
Fuel movement will not resume until revision of the procedures and appropriate training of fuel handling personnel is completed.
Fuel movement will be suspended in the event of the loss of one of two operating air supply fans, or a change in Auxiliary Building ventilation lineup with a single fan operating.
A Root Cause Analysis is under way to deteru.ine casual factors and generic implications for this event. The findings of this review will be included in a supplement to this report.
The STP was performed on January 24, 1997.
A review of all current STPs is underway to verify that additional STPs have not been missed. The results of this review will be reported in a supplement to this report.
YEAR SEQUENTIAL REVISaON NutfGER Nutf9ER Calvert Cliffs, Unit 1 05000 317 97
- - 001 -
00 06 OF 06 Mmom nonce a renwers. uee m copes of NRC Form 366A)(17)
Affected Component Identification:
IEEE 803 IEEE 805 f
Component or System EIIS Funct System ID SFP Ventilation Fan FAN VG SFP Ventilation Filter FLT VG 4
i Auxiliary Building Fan FAN VF l
Auxiliary Building Radiation Monitor RE VF B.
Previous Similar Events
4 Previous similar events will be discussed in a supplement to this report.
l i
i e
1 i
| | Reporting criterion |
05000318/LER-1997-001-01, :on 970401,refueling Machine Overload Protective Circuitry Was Inoperable Due to Failure to Correctly Translate Refueling Machine Circuitry Design Into Ts.Mod to Overload Bypass Was Installed |
- on 970401,refueling Machine Overload Protective Circuitry Was Inoperable Due to Failure to Correctly Translate Refueling Machine Circuitry Design Into Ts.Mod to Overload Bypass Was Installed
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(x) 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000317/LER-1997-001, :on 970110,spent Fuel Moved W/Ventilation Sys Inoperable & Missed Surveillance Occurred.Cause Analysis Being Performed to Determined Casual Factors & Generic Implications for Event.Surveillance Performed |
- on 970110,spent Fuel Moved W/Ventilation Sys Inoperable & Missed Surveillance Occurred.Cause Analysis Being Performed to Determined Casual Factors & Generic Implications for Event.Surveillance Performed
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000318/LER-1997-002-01, :on 970405,containment Purge Valve Isolation Sys TS Violation Occurred.Caused by Inaccurate Implementation of TS 3.9.9.Personnel Air Lock Interlocks Restored |
- on 970405,containment Purge Valve Isolation Sys TS Violation Occurred.Caused by Inaccurate Implementation of TS 3.9.9.Personnel Air Lock Interlocks Restored
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000317/LER-1997-002, :on 970220,misread TS Requirements Resulted in Inadequate Test.Caused by Lack of Strict Adherence to Wording of Plants TS Requirements.Edgs 1B,2A & 2B Were Successfully Tested & Returned to Svc |
- on 970220,misread TS Requirements Resulted in Inadequate Test.Caused by Lack of Strict Adherence to Wording of Plants TS Requirements.Edgs 1B,2A & 2B Were Successfully Tested & Returned to Svc
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iii) 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000317/LER-1997-003-01, :on 970424,fuel Moved in Spent Fuel Pool Without Charcoal Absorber Banks Being in Svc.Caused by Personnel Error.Fuel Movement Suspended Until All Appropriate Personnel Could Be Trained |
- on 970424,fuel Moved in Spent Fuel Pool Without Charcoal Absorber Banks Being in Svc.Caused by Personnel Error.Fuel Movement Suspended Until All Appropriate Personnel Could Be Trained
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B), Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(x) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iii) 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) 10 CFR 50.73(s)(2)(viii) | 05000318/LER-1997-003, :on 970423,chemistry Sampling Was Not Performed as Required by TS 3.4.7 Due to Insufficient Consideration of Precise Wording of TS on Part of Chemistry Personnel.Ts Will Be Clarified When Improved TS Are Implemented |
- on 970423,chemistry Sampling Was Not Performed as Required by TS 3.4.7 Due to Insufficient Consideration of Precise Wording of TS on Part of Chemistry Personnel.Ts Will Be Clarified When Improved TS Are Implemented
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000317/LER-1997-004, :on 970602,trip Bypasses Were Not Removed When Thermal Power Was Increased Above 15%.Caused by Failure to Recognize Difference Between Nuclear Instrument & Delta-T. Revised Plant Procedures |
- on 970602,trip Bypasses Were Not Removed When Thermal Power Was Increased Above 15%.Caused by Failure to Recognize Difference Between Nuclear Instrument & Delta-T. Revised Plant Procedures
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications | 05000317/LER-1997-005, :on 970529,reactor Coolant Sys Leak Occurred. Caused by Failed Compression Fitting.Conducted Review of Compression Fitting Maint Performed on High Pressure Systems & Completed Insps of Compression Fittings |
- on 970529,reactor Coolant Sys Leak Occurred. Caused by Failed Compression Fitting.Conducted Review of Compression Fitting Maint Performed on High Pressure Systems & Completed Insps of Compression Fittings
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(A), Completion of TS Shutdown 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000317/LER-1997-006, :on 970722,cable Spreading Room Halon Sys Was Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Operations Personnel Reminded of Possibility of Inoperable Dampers Affecting Halon Sys Operability |
- on 970722,cable Spreading Room Halon Sys Was Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Operations Personnel Reminded of Possibility of Inoperable Dampers Affecting Halon Sys Operability
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications | 05000317/LER-1997-007, :on 971029,discovered That Three Surveillance Test Procedures Were Not Completed within Test Interval. Caused by Excessive Use of 25% Grace Period Allowed for Completion of Surveillance.Revised Procedures |
- on 971029,discovered That Three Surveillance Test Procedures Were Not Completed within Test Interval. Caused by Excessive Use of 25% Grace Period Allowed for Completion of Surveillance.Revised Procedures
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000317/LER-1997-008, :on 971017,two Reactor Protective Sys Channels Were OOS During Test.Caused by Significant Variations in Power Supply Voltages.Requested Maint to Back Out of Calibr of Channel C & Return Channel to Svc |
- on 971017,two Reactor Protective Sys Channels Were OOS During Test.Caused by Significant Variations in Power Supply Voltages.Requested Maint to Back Out of Calibr of Channel C & Return Channel to Svc
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000317/LER-1997-009, :on 971024,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Failure to Properly Terminate Electrical Lead on Condenser Vacuum Breaker Handswitch During Prior Handswitch Maintenance.Over 200 Similar Connection Insp |
- on 971024,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Failure to Properly Terminate Electrical Lead on Condenser Vacuum Breaker Handswitch During Prior Handswitch Maintenance.Over 200 Similar Connection Insp
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000317/LER-1997-010, :on 971210,1B EDG Failed to Start During Performance of Routine Surveillance Test.Caused by Piece of Stainless Steel Foreign Matl in Governor Hydraulic Boundaries.Stainless Steel Replaced.With |
- on 971210,1B EDG Failed to Start During Performance of Routine Surveillance Test.Caused by Piece of Stainless Steel Foreign Matl in Governor Hydraulic Boundaries.Stainless Steel Replaced.With
| 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) |