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Enforcement Conference Repts 50-245/85-31 & 50-336/85-36 on 860109.Major Topics Discussed:Discovery of Handgun in Briefcase in Tractor Trailer Cab Upon Exit from Protected Area on 851113
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 01/24/1986
From: Mccabe E, Roxanne Summers
Shared Package
ML20137R046 List:
50-245-85-31-EC, 50-336-85-36, NUDOCS 8602070171
Download: ML20137R049 (13)

See also: IR 05000245/1985031



                                U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                              REGION I
                                     50-245/85-31; 50-336/85-36
        Docket Nos.:    50-245; 50-336
        Licensee:       Northeast Nuclear Energy Company
        Facility:       Millstone Units 1 and 2
        Meeting At:     Region I, King of Prussia,-Pennsylvania
        Date:           January 9, 1986
        Prepared By:     k [ hm          -s                                  ([ay/%
                        R. J. Summers, Project Engineer                      /Date
       Approved By:            M Std
                        E. C. McCabe, Chief, Reactor Projects Section 3B
       Meeting Summary
       The enforcement conference was held to discuss the findings of NRC Special Inspec-
        tion 50-245/85-31; 50-336/85-36. The licensee presented the results of their re-
       view of the event and the corrective measures they have taken and plan to take to
       prevent recurrence.
   8602070171 060204
   PDR  ADOCK 05000245
   G                 PDR
                                                                              _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ -


   1.  Licensee Attendees
      J. Opeka, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Engineering and Operations
       E. Mroczka, Vice President, Nuclear Operations
      W. Romberg, Millstone Station Superintendent
      J. Kelley, Millstone Station Services Superintendent
       R. Kacich, Licensing Supervisor
       R. Asafayco, Quality Services Supervisor
      N. Tasker, Director, System Security (NUSCo)
   2. NRC Attendees
      T. Murley, Regional Administrator
      J. Allan, Deputy Regional Administrator
      R. Starostecki, Director, Division of Reactor Projects (DRP)
      W. Kane, Deputy Director, DRP
      J. Gutierrez, Regional Counsel
      E. McCabe, Chief, Reactor Projects Section 3B, DRP
      J. Joyner, Chief, Nuclear Material and Safeguard Branch, Division of Radiation
         Safety and Safeguards (DRSS)
      R. Keimig, Chief, Safeguards Section, DRSS
      J. Shedlosky, Senior Resident Inspector
      W. Madden, Physical Security Inspector, DRSS
      R. Summers, Project Engineer, DRP
      D. Holody, Enforcement Specialist
   3. Licensee Prese.7tation and Discussion
      The licensee made a presentation addressing their investigation into the dis-
      covery on November 13, 1985, of a handgun in a tractor trailer cab upon exit
      search from the Millstone Station protected area. The licensee's presentation
      included a review of the event and corrective actions taken and to be taken
      in the future. A copy of the licensee's presentation materials are appended.
   4. Meeting Results
      NRC Region I acknowledged the efforts the licensee has taken and plans to take
      to prevent recurrence of this type of event. Any enforcement actions taken
      in regard to this event will be forwarded under separate correspondence.
       . ._               _ __ _      _   _                 _                                                         . _


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                                        NORTHEAST NUCLEAR ENERGY COMPANY
                                              ENFORCEMENT CONFERENCE
                                                  USNRC REGION 1
                                                  JANUARY 9, 1986
 i            Reference: Special Inspection
              A    Problem Description
                   On November 13, 1985 at approximately 1310 hours a .38 caliber revolver was
                   found in a Tri-State Motor Transport tractor trailer cab as it was exiting
                   the Millstone Station protected area. The weapon was discovered inside a
                   locked briefcase which was located in the sleeper section of the cab, be-
                   tween the cab wall and the mattress, covered by two pillows. During the
                   inbound search the assigned guard failed to locate the briefcase and there-
                   fore did not discover the weapon.
                   The following is a summary of events that occurred concerning the Tri-State


                   The Tri-State vehicle in question arrived at the Vehicle Access Point on
 '                 the Unit 1 and 2 side at approximately 0945 hours. The officer assigned to
                   vehicle sign in/ vehicle searches notified the Radwaste Department and ob-
                   tained authorization for the-vehicle to enter the protected area.
                   Once the vehicle was " frisked" by Health Physics it was allowed to enter
                   the inbound search pen via gate 12 (Appendix A Vehicle Access Program).
                   The driver was then questioned by the search officer as to whether or not
                   he was carrying any weapons, explosives, drugs or liquor; to which he
                   replied in the negative. The driver then opened all his cargo storage
                   doors and he and.his passenger proceeded to the personnel access point to


                   be processed.

l A few minutes into the search the driver came out of the personnel access

                   point and asked the search officer if he could enter his vehicle to re-
                   trieve his passenger's handbag, as she needed her identification for pro-
                   cessing. The search officer directed him to enter the search pen via gate
 e                  12 (outside the protected area). At this time the driver advised the
 !                 search officer that he remembered that he had some "little bottles" in the
                   vehicle. When the officer questioned him further he determined that the
                   driver was referring to small bottles of liquor. The officer advised the
                   driver that the liquor could not be brought into the protected area, how-
                   ever, the bottles could be locked in the property hold box in the personnel
                   access point until he left the protected area. The officer then questioned

i the driver again to determine if there were any other prohibited items in

                   the vehicle. The driver again replied no.

l ~

                   The search officer then completed searching the vehicle. The search in .

j cluded the cargo areas, the inside of the cab on both sides, the overhead, '

                    the sleeping compartment, under the seats, the. engine compartment and the
                   exterior undercarriage area. The search officer appc'rently performed an
                    inadequate search as he did not discover the briefcase in the sleeping
 1 --       .                                                               , , , _ _ _   - _ _ - , _ - - - - _ - _ .
         The vehicle with the driver, passenger and escort entered the protected
          area at 1000 hours.           The cab was then hooked up to a trailer. The driver,
          passenger and escort exited the vehicle, locked it and went to the radwaste
          trailer where they remained until approximately 1235 hours. When all the
          required paperwork was ready the driver, passenger and escort went to the
          radwaste office for approximately 10 to 15 minutes then returned to the
          vehicle and drove to the exit search pen.
          While the driver and passenger were processing out through the personnel
          access point a different search officer performed an exit search of the
          vehicle. During this exit search the officer discovered a briefcase in the
          sleeping compartment between the wall of the cab and the mattress, covered
          by two pillows. The briefcase was locked. After completing the vehicle
          search the officer requested that the driver be sent into the search pen to
          open the locked ~ briefcase. The search officer asked the driver if there
          was.anything inside the briefcase she "should know about" prior to him


          opening it. He replied, no. The driver unlocked the briefcase combination
           lock and advised the officer that she could open it. When the officer
           lifted the top she noticed the barrel of a gun. She shut the briefcase,
           told the driver to move back slowly with his hands up and had gate 14
          opened to allow him out of the pen.
       B   Cause Of Problem
           NNECo determined that this incident was due to inadequate performance by
           the inbound search officer due to the following:
                     The licensee personnel and the Contractor Training Department did an
                     indepth review of the training program and concluded that it was
            *        A review of the vehicle search history shows that security officers
                     find prohibited item prior to vehicle entry and take appropriate
                     The weapon was found during the exit search which is of the same
                     quality and uses the same standards as the entrance search.
       C   Corrective Action
           Completed Actions
            *        The inbound search of ficer, who has a long history of good service,
                     was suspended for three days, then retrained and requalified in all
                     access control and search tasks (personnel and vehicle access).
                     An awareness bulletin was promulgated by the contractor force manage-
                     ment for review by all security personnel.
         - - - - - _       .____  - _ _
    -      *
                  A special program was established by the contractor force where their
                  supervisors monitor a specific number of vehicle searches each shift
                  and document the results. On the spot corrections are made as neces-
                  The contractor reviewed the existing training program for vehicle
                  searches and concluded that the training program is satisfactory.
                  The Tri-State Motor Transport Company has been informed of the inci-
                  dent by letter and advised of station policy.
                  The Tri-State Motor Transport Ccmpany has been advised of NRC enforce-
                  ment action and requesting a response detailing their corrective
                  Signs have been posted at each vehicle access stating weapons and
                  firearms must be declared to security prior to protected area entry.
             Planned Actions To Be Completed Prior To April 1, 1986
                  As an enhancement to the training program, arrangements have been made
                  to lease a cab over engine with a sleeping compartment to be used for
                  hands-on guard training.
                  A letter will be re-issued to trucking firms that frequently do busi-
                  ness at Millstone advising them of station policy and NRC requirements.
                  This letter will be re-issued periodically.
             *    A bank of lockers that can be utilized by drivers to store items they
                 - do not want searched or brought into the protected area will be placed
                  outside the protected' area and away from the search area.
          D  Conclusion / Summary
             NNECo has determined that the incident was an isolated event that has been
             adequately corrected and should not recur based on the following:
                  NNECo identified the problem.
                  The guard who discovered the weapon reported it promptly and properly
                   followed procedures.
                  As indicated by past discoveries the searches have been effective in
                  prohibiting unauthorized material from being taken into the protected
                  The matter was promptly reported to the NRC.
                   Appropriate corrective action has been taken and will be reinforced by
                   additional actions prior to April 1, 1986.

F ! l i i i


 .        .
                                               APPENDIX A
                                         VEHICLE ACCESS PROGRAM
         The Vehicle Access Points at Millstone are both located adjacent to a personnel
         access point. Each Vehicle Access Point has. inbound and outbound search pens
         which isolate and control the vehicles during the search process. CCTV is used
         to monitor the search pens and to inspect the tops of the vehicles. The
         monitors for the CCTV system are located at the vehicle access booths which are
         manned by an armed guard when the access point is in use. Normal vehicle
         processing is as follows:
                Vehicles stop outside the search pen areas for authorization and logging
                Once authorization has been obtained the vehicle is allowed to enter the
                inbound search pen providing that the pen is empty or that searches have
                not been initiated on vehicles previously let in the pen.
                The driver and any passengers are required to leave the search pen and go
                to the personnel access point for processing. The gates to the search pen
                are closed while the search is being conducted.
                When the search is completed the officer requests that the protected area
                gate be open and allows the driver and any passengers or escorts (now
                badged) into the pen from the protected area side.
                Once the vehicle exits the pen the protected area gate is closed. Written
                security procedures prohibit opening both sets of gates in a search pen
                except during an emergency.
               .Upon exiting the same process is used in reverse using the outbound pen.
                                                                                          _ _
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   .     .. -
                       VEHICLE SEARCH INFORMATION
              DATE            WEAPON OR PROHIBITED ITEMS
              04-09-84        WINE
              04-09-84        BEER
              12-31-84        KNIFE
              01-10-85        BEER
              02-05-85        WEAPON                          j
              02-19-85        WEAPON
              03-04-85        WEAPON AND AMMO
              03-05-85        WEAPON
              04-03-85        BEER
              04-12-85        LIQUOR
              05-15-85        BEER
              10-01-85        WEAPON
              11-13-85        LIQUOD
              12-09-85        WEAo0N
              12-11-85        WEAPONS

l ,

   r~'      Interoffice memorandum
   Q,       tu:  Burns Supervisory Personnel frors Ronald C. Petersen [[ datz November 14, 1985
                                                     Chief of. Security
       subject Vehicle Searches                      ,
                                                U3-821                                            -
            As all are aware, a loaded handgun came on site on November 13 through VAP.
            This was a one-hour NRC reportable event, and NRC disposition is pending.
            The amount, quality, and speed of corrective action taken following an event
            such as this can have a, major effect on the final NRC dispositon. As'a part
            of our corrective action, the following practice will begin with the se:ond
            shift on November 14.
            Supervisors will begin monitoring individual vehicle searches at each vehicle
            access point. The number of searches monitored should be as many as practical,
            but not fewer than four per shift. Searches monitored should focus on tractors
            with . sleeping compartments whenever possible. The supervisor is to carefully
            observe the search, ensure that the search is adequate, and correct any minor
            deficiencies'on the spot. If an inadequate search is observed, ensure that a
            proper search is perfonned and report the incident to the shift connander for
            final resolution. All observations are to be documented on Burns Routine Re-
            ports and will include the date, time, and location of search, the officer
            perfonning the search, and coments concerning the throughness and adequacy of
            the search.
           ,This is a temporary measure to be continued until further notice.
                                                   _                    _ . _ _ _ -
                        -__       ,

l ....,-.-

                                                .                        .
                                                                            ..                 .. ; u . . ...-_ ,
                Interoffice memorandum
                toc All Burns Security               from:                                          November 14. 1985
                             Personnel                            Ronald
                                                                  Chief     C..Petersen.h
                                                                        of Security            date:
           subject Awareness - Vehicle Searches                                            cop
             On November 13, 1985 at approximately 0945 brs., a tractor with a sleeping com.
             partment entered site through VAP. Questioning of the driver revealed the pre-
             sence of several small liquor bottles, which were properly removed and held.
             The search revealed no other material or conditions calling for denial of access,
             and the cab entered the Protected Area.
             On the same date at approximately 1310 hrs., the same vehicle was exiting the
             Protected Area when the outbound search revealed the presence of a locked brief-
             case. The search officer, observing proper procedure and precaution had the
             driver unlock the briefcase. The officar opened the briefcase and discovered.
             a loaded .38 caliber handgun. The briefcase was found between the mattress and
             the wall of the cab, covered by two pillows.                Investigation indicates this to
             be the location of the briefcase when the vehicle came in, and when it was not
             discovered by the in-bound search officer.
             The result was that a loaded weapon was inside the protected area in a blue pass
             vehicle driven by a non-picture V badge individual. This was a one-hour NRC
             reportable event, and the final cisposition by the NRC is pending.
             The above described incident highlights the r.eed to ensure that every search be
             complete and thorough, and that search officers be aware of all areas within a
             vehicle where prohibited items may be hidden. Vehicle searches are a routine
             function, with the vast majerity of searches revealing no prohibited items. We
             cannot let this fact lull us into a false sence of security. As evidenced b.y
             the above incident, a loaded weapon could be present on any vehicle we search.
             The consequences of not finding one are potentially severe.
             Let's learn fom this incident and prevent any re-occurance through thoroughness
             and awareness.
   -     -
                 - . _ . . _             .. -          , - . .                                  --         - - - . - . - - - - - .
       .                                                                              .
                                                                       Geomi Men e See Suwt Benin Connect cut
                        [,7%," "",",~,,.                                       P O BOX 270
                        .3,     .w.                                            HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT 061414270
                 g    y e                                                      (203) 666-6911
             L              .ee
                             .r am
                                u   ar-a ca*. .
                                                                               Novernber 22, 1985
               Tri State Motor Transport Co.
               Lock Box No. 462
               Joplin, M0.        64802
               Recent events at Millstone Nuclear Power Station in Waterford , Conn. ,
               have indicated a need for a re-statement of Northeast Utilities pelicy
                regarding possession of weapons at this station.
                Briefly stated, the policy is that no weapon is to be brought into the
                station's protected area.
                 If an individual applying for protected area access has a weapon in his
                 possession, and a valid permit for that weapon issued by the State of
                Connecticut, the weapon is to be surrendered to the guard force prior to
                 entry. The weapon will be returned upon exit.                                       .
                 If an individual applying for protected area access has a weapon in his
                possession, and has n_c     o   valid permit for that weapon issued by the State
                of Connecticut, that person is in violation of Connecticut state law.
                The weapon vill be confiscated by the Security Of ficer and, together
                with the person possessing the weapon, turned over to the police for

l Your drivers can save themselves a great deal of trouble by not attecpt-

                 ing to bring any weapon into nuclear power stations under control of
                 Northeast Utilities. Please bring this letter to their attention.
                                                              Very truly yours,
                                                     NORTHEAST NUCLEAR ENERGY COMPANY
                                                                 & O
                                                              Wayne D. Bomberg
                                                          Station Superintendent
                                                      M1 . stone Nuclear Power Station
                  ec:   P. L. Weekley
     NORTHEAST UTILITIES                                   **' o"'ca * $*'o St'**t **'"a cenaaet cut
                 ZM,",*,,'m'"C                                     P O BOX 270
                 .. ..,,. .: . :,m                                   HARTFORD CONNECTICUT 06141-0270
       g         == s e u . a,   a ca                                (203) 666-6911
                 " " * " ***""
                                                          December 11, 1985
 i                                                        MP-8471
         Tri State Motor Transport Co.
         Lock Box No. 462
         Joplin, MO. 64802
         On November 22, 1985 I addressed a letter to you restating the Northeast
         Utilities policy regarding possession of weapons at this station.                The
         incident that prompted the letter was the introduction of a pistol into
         the station's protected area by a Tri State driver, Mr. Roosevelt
         At about 1:10 PM on November 13, 1985 a .38 caliber revolver was dis-
         covered in the " sleeper" section of the tractor trailer cab as the cab
         was being inspected for departure from the station. The revolver was in
         a briefcase between the mattress and the vall of the cab, covered by two
         Our subsequent investigation revealed that the officer who performed the
          search when the truck was enterinF the station did not find the weapon.
         However, this officer questioned Fr. Murray prior to the vehicle search,
          asking him if he was carrying any weapens, explosives, drugs or If quor.
         The driver replied "no". Subsequently, the driver adcitted to having
          four small bottles of liquer which were re=oved from the vehicle prior
          to its entering the station's protected area.
         The Nuclear Regulatory Cer=ir sien (NRC) has also investigated the
          incident. NRC enforcement action is likely, and may result in a signif-
          icant fine of Northeast Utilities.
         Please advise me as soon as possible that you have brought ey earlier
          letter to the attention of all of your drivers. Also, I would appreci-
          ate your advising me of any other corrective action that you have taken,
          or that you intend to take in the future.         A reply before January 1,

l 1986 would be helpful to me in my discussions with NRC officials. ! '

                                                   Very truly yours,
                                                   N6y    0
                                                   k.yne D. Rom rg
                                                Station Superi endent
                                           Millstone Nuclear Power Station
           ec:   E. J. Mroczka
                 J. J. Kelley
                 R. J. Asafaylo


                                      Security Program
                                 November, 1983   -
                                      Units 1, 2, and 3
                Violations                               Date   Level
     Failure to fulfill security plan                   5-11-84  IV
     comitment (Outage Access) didn't
     record card key access on one
     authorized personnel entry to VA
     Failure to provide effective                       2-20-85  IV
     surveillance of isolation zone.
     (Truck Parked next to fence
     blocking view of camera)
     Failure to detect unauthorized                    11-13-85
     weapon transported on site in
     attache case in Truck Sleeper
     Compartment. (LIC ID'd - special
     inspection by SRI - 50-245/85-31
     and 50-336/85-36
     Failure to lock door of                           12-5-85    V
     unattended vehicle. Re:
     Category I   -
                     Units 1 and 2
     Category 1   -
                     Unit 3 (Recomended to DRP)
