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License and TS Amendments
Person / Time
Site: Aerotest
Issue date: 03/21/2019
From: Slaughter D
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19084A051 (48)



3455 FOSTORIA WAY* SAN RAMON, CA 94583 ~ (925) 866-1212


ATTENTION: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738


License and TS Amendments Ladies and Gentlemen:

This letter and attachments are a follow up from the December 6, 2018 communication that declared the permanent cessation of operation for the ARRR (R-98).

This document presents relevant changes to the License and Technical Specifications needed to prepare for fuel storage and decommissioning activities. The Licensee proposes a small number of relevant text alterations and omissions that are needed to ensure the cessation and prevention of operation. The current ARRR license and Technical Specifications of record are provided in Enclosure 1. (Document Organization, format, and pagination will be preserved with only identified changes included.)

The proposed changes are listed in Enclosure 2; included with a proposed change is its location in the document and basis for the altered text. Clearly reactor operation is not permitted in the proposed license changes, Page 3. "C.(1) The Licensee is not authorized to operate the reactor at any power." The current circumstance at ARRR has no fuel in the core lattice and control rods fully inserted with rod withdrawal capabilities disabled. The proposed Technical Specifications include fuel movement and storage restrictions. The most significant of these is that fuel cannot be placed or stored in the core lattice, Page 12 "11.4 .... Under no circumstance is fuel to be transferred to or stored in the core lattice."

The third enclosure is the ARRR license and technical specification with the proposed changes included.

The license Operator's capabilities as defined by NRC regulations (i.e., 10 CFR 55) are no longer needed or relevant to the Licensee's mission. The SRO/RO operators will be replaced with Certified Fuel Handlers (CFH). The training and requalification program for the CFH are provided as Enclosure 4.

Should you have any questions or require additional information regarding this submission, please contact AO President David M. Slaughter, Ph.D. at (801) 631 5919 or

I declare under penalty of perjury that the statements above are correct and truthful.

t::~=, *l- \_

David M. Slaughter, Ph.D.

President, Reactor Administrator, Manager Aerotest Operations, Inc.


1. License and TS of Record
2. List of Changes
3. Amended License-TS
4. CFH Training/Requalification Program





1. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission), having previously made the findings set forth in Amended Facility Operating License No. R-98 issued on January 28, 1981, has now founc:I that:

A. The application for indirect transfer of license and conforming amendments to Amended Facility Operating License No. R-98, filed by Aerotest Operations, Inc.,

and Nuclear Labyrinth, LLC, dated May 30, 2012, and supplemented on July 19 and October 15, 2012; January 10, 2013; and April 21, June 16, August 22, and October 10, 2016, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (the Act), as amended, and the rules and regulations of the Commission as.stated in Title 10, Chapter I, "Nuclear Regulatory Commission,"

of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Chapter I).

B. Construction of the facility has been substantially completed in conformity with Construction Permit No. CPRR-86, and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C. The facility will operate in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; D. There is reasonable assurance: (i) that the activities authorized by this operating license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the rules

  • and regulations of the Commission;
  • E. Aerotest Operations, Inc. is technically and financially qualified to possess, use, arid operate the facility in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission;
  • Amendment No. 5

F. The issuance of this operating license will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public, and does not involve a significant hazards consideration; G. The receipt, possession, and use of byproduct and special nuclear material as authorized by this license will be in accordance with the Commission'.s regulations in 10 CFR Parts 30 and 70, including Sections 30.33, 70.23, and 70.31; H. The licensee is qualified to be the holder of the license; and I. The transfer of the license is otherwise consistent with applicable provisions of law, regulations, and orders issued by the Commission. pursuant thereto.

2. Facility Operating License No. R-98, issued to Aerotest Operations, Inc., is hereby indirectly transferred to Nuclear Labyrinth, LLC, and the license is amended to read as
  • I follows:

A. This license applies to the Aerotest Radiography and Research Reactor (ARRR),

a pool-type nuclear reactor owned by Aerotest Operations, Inc. The facility is located at the Aerotest Operations site near San Ramon, California, and is described in the application dated September 14, 1964 (the application), and in supplements thereto, including the application for transfer of license dated April 24, 1974, and the application for indirect transfer dated May 30, 2012. I B. Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses Aerotest Operations, Inc.:

(1) Pursuant to Section 104c of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," to possess, use, and operate the reactor at the designated location in San Ramon, California, in accordance with th~ procedures and limitations set forth in this license; (2) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, "Special Nuclear Material," to receive, possess,.and use up to 5.0 kilograms of contained uranium 235 in connection with operation of the reactor; and (3) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 30, "Licensing of Byproduct Material," (1) to receive, possess, and use a 2 curie americium-beryllium neutron startup source, and (2) to possess, but not to separate, such byproduct material as may be produced by operation of the reactor.

Amendment No. 5

c: This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the following Commission regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I: Part 20, Seqtion 30.34 of Part 30, Sections 50.54 and 50.59 of Part 50, and Section 70.32 of Part 70; is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:

(1) Maximum Power Level The licensee is authorized to operate the facility at steady state power levels not in excess of 250 kilowatts* (thermal). '

(2) Technical Spec_ifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendme.nt No: 5, are hereby incorporated in the license. The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.

(3) Physical Security Plan The licensee shall maintain in effect and fully implement all provisions of the NRG-approved physicc;il security plan, including amendments and changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR Section 50.54(p). The approved security plan consists of the document withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790(d), entitled "Aerotest Operations, Inc. Security Plan" dated August 10, 1976, submitted by letter dated October 4, 1976, as revised January 16, 1979.

D. Reports In addition to reports otherwise required under the license and applicable regulations:

(1) The licensee shall report in writing to the Commission within 10 days of its observed occurrence any incident or conditiori relating to the operation of the facility which prevented or could have prevented a nuclear system from performing its safety function as described in the Technical Specifications or in the Hazards Summary Report.

(2) The licensee shall report to the Commission in writing within 30 days of its

  • observed occurrence any substantial variance disclosed by operation of
  • the facility from performance specifications contained in the Hazards Summary Report or the Technical Specifications.

(3) The licensee shall report to the Commission in writing within 30 days of its occurrence any significant change in transient or accident analysis, as described in the Hazards Summary Report.

Ame:indment No. 5

.  ;-* *,. E. Records

( \

  • -. In addition to those otherwise required under this license and appli-cable regulations, the licensee shall ~eep the *following:

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.(1)* Reactor operating re1:or~s, _including power levels.

(2_) 'Ile.cords of in-:pile irradiations.

(3) Records .showing zadio;,ictivity re.leased or discharged -into t,he .air or :water beyond *the effective control of the licensee as measured at*the point of such release or discharge *.

(4) Records *of emergency reactor scrams,. *including reasons for emergency shutdowns.


This amended license is .effecti~e as o.f the date of issuance and shall ~pire at midnight April 16, 2005.

F:()R THE' ATO}ITC E!'iERGY CO}fHISS:i:O:~ ...


( *;;:;/'.; *.

Karl R. G.oller, Assistant Director

-f~r Operating Reactors Directorate of Lic~nsing


,Change No. 8 to the Technical Specifications Da*te of_ Issuance*. Oct* o b er 22 , 1974


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Trans. W/ Ch9ng~ No.



. l ~ - 1 ~ Mrl<iI/F/fM!cJtt M1rlrf~ !IlF/PlciJ/cM. l(/llrM!M'j Name Changed to: Aerotest Radiography and Research Reactor (ARRR) 10-22-74

1. 0 De Uni.dons 1.1 Shutdown

'The reactor, with fixed 8J:Cperiments in. plac;1e, *-shall *be con-

.sideJ;"ed to be shut dpwn -(not in operation) whenever ail o_f the foll;owing condition*s *have been met: (-a) the cc;msole

. key is in t~~ "off" _po~ition_ an4 ~h~. key is .removed from ..

  • the console ~nd under .the* control of a licensed ope:t;'.ator
  • (or stored in a locked storage area); (b) sufficient ,control

.rods are inserted .so as to assur~ *the .reac*tor ;ls subcr.itical by a margin greater than O. 7% delta k/k cold, .clean critical' condition; ( c) no work :is .in* progress *involving *.refueling

  • operations _03: maintenance of its control .rod.,me~hanisms.

,. 1.-2

  • Reactor Operation I I' React.or operation shall *mean an,y condition *wherE,!in the reactor is nQt shut down.
1. 3 Operable A system or component .shall be considered operabla when it

.if;! capa~le '.of performing i.ts required function }.n its normal manner.*

1.4 Operating A component or system .is operating if it is performing its

.required :function in its' normal. manner.* *

1. 5 * *Exoeriment Experiment shall mean any appar~tus, device, or materia*l
    • installed in *the core or experimental facilities (eXCe)?t for underwater lights_, fuel storage .racks and the like) w_hich is *not a normal part of these *facili-ties .*

,. 1,. 6 Experimental Facilities

.. Experimentai facilities shall me.a1;1 Glory Hole, vertical, tubes, pneumatic transfer sys.terns, central thimble, beam tubes, thermal column, and in-pool .irradiation facilities.

1. 7 Reactor Safety Circuits

.R~P-9 to.Z"-- safety.. circuits shall mean those circuits, including ,... * ......... * ** ,.

their associated input circuits, which are designed to initiate a *reactor scram, 2:. 0 Reactor Site 2.1 The reac.tor ,and ~ssociated equipment is* located within an exclusion area, at: the z'rofofil Oeue::iiim~ n=RillllQn-

  • ~ o.~,_1" 8~ ,o-.:J-ol-7'/J! I\RRR]~g:¥-

2.2 .A steel, .locked -p~rimeter fence shall surround t h e ~

fm?ility, *forming an exclusion area. The minimum distance from*the center of the reactor.pool to the boundar:y.of the exclus*ion area fencing shall be 50 feet. .Th~ restricted area,

,. as defined in 10 CFR 20, shall consist of the entire *exclusion

... __ , area

  • 2 .3. 'The.principal activities carried on within t):le exclusion are~ .! /

shall be those associated with the op~ration of the*.~ARRR reactor and the use of a hot cell and chemistry laboratory.

3., 0 Reactor Building 3.1 The reactor shall be housed .in a steel building capable of meeting the following functional requirements:

3 .* 1. l all circulating .fans and .air .. cond:i:t:!.oning systems ,except

  • the system which supplies air *to the control room shall have the capability to be shut off .from a s;Lngle control in the control room, 3,1,2 ventilation shall be achieved by gravity ventilators located on the roof of the building, and 3.1."3 a positive air pressure shall be maintained in the

.control room with respect to the. reactor room, "3. 2 An alarm system shall be installed to detect ~nau-thorized entry *into the reacto~ building, The alarm

.system shall be monitored constantly and its annun-ciation shall be tested. monthly."

, .4. 0 Reactor Pool (Prima-ry System)

,, -*. 4.1 The JD.ini,mum depth. of wa-ter above the top of the* active core

  • shall be i6 ft. The maximum ~ulk water temperature shall be 130°F and the minimum 60°F *

. 4 *.2 The. plt and conductivity of the primary coolant shall *be measured at- least once*'*each month. Corrective ac-t:1:on shall be taken to avoid ~x~eeding a pH of 7 .5* or .a conduc.tivity of 5 umho/cm.

'r1 * -~* ***,,.:

5 *0 .Reactor Core *

. t.

5 *.1 . Fuel Elements:: ~'.

5.1.1 The .reactor shall aonta:in*:n6,:.in6:ri:e:!:than:;. ,:;:*: 90 TRIGA type :fiie:f elements. The core shal 1 be loaded not* *morEHthan 3*.30 kg of **U-235, I:*-::,

5,1.2 The*maximum excess reactivity ~hove cold~ clean critical, with--or. without exper;!;ments ,i~ place, shall be 3 dollars.

  • S

./~ ' 5.1.3 The bathtemperature coefficient and the prompt fuel

t' \

tempe~ature coeff_ic:i.ent shall be negative at all opera.ting temperatures*:. and the minimum rea.c ti vi ty decrement at .full power shall -be 80 cents when measured with *.re~pe~t to source* po~*er level.

5, L 4 'The cooliint vc;>id coef:ficient shall* be .negative across the *ac't:tve core. MaxiJDuiii'* .in-core 1 *operating void* -shall be 10% *of the coolant ciore volumes as defined by a qylin(ler. :.boimded by th~ grid plate~.

  • 5.2 Reflector .Elements ,,. , .

5.2 .1 *. The overall *reflector ~lements' dimensions shall be the same as the fue,l ~lemen*ts.

5.3 Control Elements

. ;i ( .

5.3.1 The reactor sub~ritical by a minimum ~argin of 0.50 dollar.:* when *the maximum worth rod is fully withdrawn from the core, 5.3.2, The maximum rate of reactiv-ity addition for the control rods shall be 11 cents/second.* Ther~ shall be a mini-mum of three operable con~rol.elements.


' /

r ..

- 4

-5.3o3 The total time for insertion of the *control rods fol-

,.. lowing receipt of a.scram signal by the safety-system shall be a maximum of-600 milliseconds.

6.0 Reactor Safety* Systems 6.1 The* re*actor safety system shaq include sensing devices and associated circuits which automatically actuate visual and audible alarms and, when certain pr*e-set limits are e;it-

-~eedec;l., ~cram the r!l!actor, .T!-le systems shall l;Je fail~-safe

( de-energizing shall cause a. scram). Tab.le .l describes .the-minimum requirements of*the safe~y system.

6.2 The nuclear, process and radiatien monitoring instrumentation shall provide the functions and have *the set point. *range*s and associnted annunciations listed in Table 2 of these*


6. 3 *The. safety system shall be desig_ned such that no single component *failure or circuit fault shall simultaneously

/1 *'\: t 6.4 .Reactor sequences, interlocks and safety ci~cuits shall remain operable while fuel is .in the core. except that one channel *may be removed for maintenance purposes when the reactor is shut down.

6.5 Interlocks sha~l ,prev~nt safety rod withdrawal unless all of the following conditions exist:

6.5.1 The master switch is in :the ON position; 6.s.-2 The safety system has been reset; 3 ,.. *: :*

  • , . . . . . . **~* .>.

1 *.* ~ . I * * ! ... ~ *f. L. :; . : : :

6,5.3 All four nuclear instruments channels. are in *the OPERATE mode;*

6.5.4 The startup channel count rate is greater than 2 cps.

Ii shall not be po~sible' to withdraw more 1;han the-safety rod until it has reached *the upper limit interlock, at which time either the shim ~r regulating ~od may be moved, but only one at a time.

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  • 6.6 During a critical experiment., subcritical mult'iplicati on plots shall be obtained from _at least three instrumentat ion channels.. These* channels may be used in addition to the
  • normal oper~ting ins.trumentat ion in Table 1.

6.7 Process instrumentat ion with readout in the control room shall be ~perating to permit continuous indication of pool water temperature and .conductivity .. Alarms shall be ppel'-

alited _to indicate*low water flow, low *pool water and improper

.location of the crane bridge, 7.0 ., *Rqc;liation Monitoring -~ .. *t*---*--*

"7.. 1 A fixed gamma monitor employing Geiger tube detecto~s shall be located on the wall connecting the control room and the r~actor room. This monitor shall .serve.

as both an area -radiation monitor and a criticality*

alarm and wili annunciate *through an automatic monitoring* system to t4.e San Ramon*, California, Fire Department and actuate a siren within the reactor

.. building on high radiation level. The monitor shall ha~~ a minimum range of Oto 20* mr/hr, *The annun- ,,-

ciation and the siren actuation shall be tested ~ *. '.) 'f@ l)C.k.t!:1"Y~

men thly. II 'J. MJ' I a. /) .

fe,e. -

7.2 During reactor operation, a gas sample shall be continuously /

withdrawn .from the roof vent above .the reactor, or from the v.icini'ty of the reactor bridge and glory hole over the reactor core 11 and _pumped *through a radioactive gas detection chamber.*

~he gas chamber shall be .monitored by a beta-gamma detector which .shall have a continuous readout in the control *room *

. An annunciator ~hall indicate whei:i. the gas exceeds 2 mr/hr.

7. 3 A fission. _product water monitor shall be attached to .the process water cleanup system 'loop adjacent to the deminer-

-alizer and shall provide continuous indication :in the control room. High radiation levels within the demineralize r or.

pool water shall annunciate an audible alarm on the reac.tor console. The range o.£ the monitor shall be *f;-om 0.1 to *100 mr/hr.

7.4 Portable survey instruments for measuring beta-gamma dose rates

  • in* the range of 0, 01 *mr/hr *to 50 r/hr. shall be.. **,

available at the facility.

7.5 Portable instruments for measuri~g fast and thermal neutron dose rates from 0.1 mrem/hr to 1,0 rem/hr *shall be,1., =-'.*! "

avai-lable .. at the facility,

. 7.6 Radiation detecto:r packets.containing a series of threshold detec;.tors *shall be placed !it several locations within *the reactor building for post-accident radiation analyses.

8.0 Experimental Facilities*

  • 8 .1 Large-Component Irradiation Box 8.1.1 A large-component irradiation box.shall have a maximum volume of 20 cu. feet.* The bax shall encompass *not more than 120° arc of the cor~ and shall be design~d-so that it can be placed no closer than 5 cm to the outer .row-of active fuel-elements.

8.1.2. The platform shall be positioned remotely relative to *the reactor core ~ya pasitive drive and*shall be cap~iye to -the stand which is bolted to the*floor ,of the tank. Positive mechanical stops sh,11 *prevent moving the experiment box "into the active reactor care. 1 co2..shall be used fC:>r p"!i:rging and. to maintain

  • a slight positive pressure in::the box relative to* the
  • pool water-pressure.

8.1.3 To remave or .install the experiment box, *the platform shall be moved two or more feet away.from the .reactor core *. The box shall. then be lowered onto the platform arid ~olted in place with remote handling equipment.

The vo.ided box shall be purged of air prior to exposure to neutrons.

8.2 'Pneumatic Transfer Facility 8.2.1 A pneumatic *transfer facility may be* located in any reactor core *pos~tion. The facility shall be operated with dry CO2 and exhausted through a fUt~r.: . ,_: ..::.'.. i;J:

ventilation system, which is monitored fo~ radioactivityo

.8.2.2 The i.n-core ,portion of the transfer facility shall have a maximum'void.volume of 34 cu. in. in the active fuel .region. A manual control shall be pravided which is capable of overriding the automatic timer control *



8.3 Glory Hole Facility '

8.'3.1 A dry glory hole facility may be located*in any reactor core position. The glory hole shall accept capsules to a maximum of 1. 35 in, in diame.ter.

8.3.2. The glory hole shall be purged with co to prevent formation of excessive.a mounts of argon-41. 2 Gas samples shall be taken near the pool when the glory hole f~cility is operated without a shield plug to insure*ade quate

.monitorin g of radioactiv e gases,

8. 4 Neutron .Radiography,~ Facili t:y 8.4.l The beam *tube shall consist of a two-sectio n tapered tube having *a rectangula r cross section. The upper and lower sections of the tube shall be equipped with a fill and drain line.

8.4.2. All.compo nents contacting the pool water shall be

~iijii?"",.,.,.. ,__fabricated

_ _ _from aluminum . . . ;stainless

. : . . _ _ : ; . : _ , ; ; _ ~ ~or . _ : _ ~ ~ ; . _ . . .*steel.

  • __ _- - : ; .'b

! "8. 4. 3 Th*e beam catche::- shield shall consist of a movable *"f,~e-.:P radiation shield," C, .,,,1 o


~~~--= ~~~~= -~~-;; ;;;;;;; ;a----- m=-= ===== ~

  • 8. 5 Thermal Column* I 8.5.l The thermal column shall be positioned remotely on steel locating pins immediatel y adjacent to the react~r
  • core.

8.5.2 Th~ thermal column shall be composed of a three-foo t cube of graphite encas~d in aluminum containin g five rows of 1.5 in. diameter irradiatio n -:holes. The rows shall be placed 6 inches apart and contain seven'hol es per row.

Slotted beams shall (,.be provided to *allow experimen ts to be attached directly. ~o the thermal column.

8.6 Vertical Tube ........... -..-..~**:-

Vertical irradiatio n tubes, having diameters up to 6 in **

may be attached' to the thermal column.

8.6.2 The ve'rtical tube shall be *purged with CO to prevent*'*

the formation of excess amounts of argon-41. 2



- 8


8.7 Other Irradiation Facilities 8.7~1 The central.7 fuel elements of the reactor may be removed from the core and a central irradiation facility installed provided the cross-s!ctional area-of the facility does not exceed 16 in.

8~ 7 .2 Two triang.ular exposure facilities are available which shall allow the insertion of circular experiments to

  • a maximum of 2 .,35 :in *.diameter or triangular experiments to a maximum of 3.* 0 in. on a* side.

8.7.3 Ir.radiation c~psules in the shape of dummy fuel elements shall have a maximum inner void volume of .34 cu. in.

in the active fuel region.

9.0 Experiment Limitations 9.1* Experimen~s *shall be evaluated in the most reactive condition.

9,2. The documentation of experiments, which shall be reviewed and I


approv.ed prior to insertion in the reac~or, shall include at-least:

9.2.1 The purpose of the experiment;*

9 .* 2 .* 2 A dese:ription of the experiment; and .

9 .2. 3 An analysis of the *possib:le haza;rds associated* with the performance of *the experim~nt.

9.3 The value c..f .tbe,.reactivity worth of any single independent experiment sb,all not exceed 2 d.ollars. .If such experiments are conne~ted or otherwise related so that their combined reactivity could be added to the core simultaneously, their combined reactivity shall not e~ce_ed 2 dollar!3.

  • 9.4 ~he reactivity worth of any single independent experiment not.rigidly* fixed in place shall not exceed 1 dollar~ If
  • such experiments are connected or otherwise related so t_hat their combined reactivi'ty could be added to the core simul-taneously, their combined reactivity worth.shali not exceed 1 dollar.

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. I 9.5 No experiment shall be inst~lled .in the reactor in such a manner that it could shadow the nuclear instrumentation-*

system monitors *.

9.6 No experiment shall be installed in the reactor in such a manner that a failure could interfere with the insertion *

  • of_ a reactor control element.
  • 9. 7 No experiment shall be per.formed involvi~g materials which coul~: .,

'9. 7 .1 c'ontaminate the reactor pool causing corrosive action on the reactor components or experime~ts; 9, 7 ,2 Cause excessive p-roduction of airborne rad~oactivity; or 9,7,3 Produce .an uncontained violent chemical reaction.

9. 8 Experiments shall not *be perforined involving eq~ipment whose failure could *result in fuel element damage, 9*. 9 The amount of special nuclear material contained .in an experi-ment shall be *limited to 5 grams in the form of solid samples or 3 g*~ams in the form .of liquid,
  • Liquid ."special **nuclear
    • ma.~eri, ls shall be doubly encapsulated.

,,9 .10- * -ints having mo:ving parts shall be designed to have*

reactiv'ty insertion rates less *than 10 c:ents/sec except that mo:* ing -parts* worth *1*ess than 5 .cents may be oscillated ot; remov.ed at higJ;ier .:rrequencies.

=- ..--***-~--- ________:_..!-.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-,-_ _ _ _ _ _ __

11 9,ll* Solid e:-.plosive materials may be brought into* the facili~y for the.p~rpose of being radiographed in the neutron *radio.graphy facilities located above the.pool, provided that the following conditions are met:

9~11.1 Individual explosive devices shall be _limited**

.to 1000 grains equivalent TNT encased in metallic s~eathing, *-~

I 9.11:2 .The maximum quantity of explosive material ~

I that*may be possessed time shall be limited to 50 pounds*eq~ivalent TNT.

9.11.} :Sxplosive material shall be stored* in-

'.esignated areas within the reactor facility.

.. .i . . . _. - - **

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. /' .

.,,i'*--. ..

9.11..3,1 Only the explosive d'eviqes t"o be*

radio graphed -w'i.thin 4 hrs, not to.

exceed a maximum of ten pounds equivalent TNT, may-b.e removed from the storage area at one time for radiographing, including preparation but excluding packaged shipments, 9,11,3.2 An *accountability log sh.all be maintained to show the amount o-f explosive material in the reactor facility it *au times, ah-d. shall contain.

a description of* the explosive, and the location within the-faci1ity (e.g.,. storage;** radiographing facility, or shipping-dock),

9.11.4* The* maximum amount of explos-iv:e material contained in devices that .may*be placed in the radiography -facili.ties at .a .time shall be limited to five pounds equivalent TNT.

r- .. Explosive material in the radiation

( \ field at one time shall be limited.--

. -~ .* '

te 1 pound equivaleut 'tNT.

9,11..4.2 Explosive material cot tained in *

-long device(s) shall b ~ limited to 0.5 pound. equivalen TNT*per .

  • d ,___ ***
  • foot ..11

==- ~----------=--'" ----------------- ---.

11 9.12 Persbnnel handling the explosive devices shall be trained

  • and familiar with the devices being_ radiograp_h1: d. . 1. .

1 9.12.l Personnel handling the' explosive devices shall c~q use *special equipment, such as no'9-sparking .tools.* i-r.\;

and shoes,- protective clothing, safety shields (},":' J" 11 and *.grounded benches as required for. the ~J, explosives being handled.

9.12.2 Vnshielded.high frequency generating. e~uipment shall not be operat.ed within .50 feet of any e ..;:pl:osive device .




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9, 12

  • 3 .The explosiv~ dev:'.ces shall be subjected to a total exposure no:: to exceed 3 X 1011 neutrons/ Clllz

,and 3 x *10 3 roen t;:.ans of gammas.

~ ~

9,12.4 Explosive dev:!,ces that, upon *ignition, have or pr~vide a thrus.t :l..n a ~efin.i~e d-i5ection shall be I positioned *so as ~o- be, aimed a'!,lay from the reactor and components , 11 ' * ~

I' *

,j I

c>~l pfu, ~11,.

10.0* General Qper 9 ting Limitation s J 10, l Rene tor operation shall be per:ai tted only when two or more personnel are in the reactar tJilding, at least one of whom is a licensed Operator.*

.10, 2 The reac*t:-or-; hall not be Ope1*; i:Cd wherever there are significan t defects in fuel elements, control rods or control circuitry.

l .

c I

-tf 10,.3 ~pon occurrence of abnormal or,::r~~i.on of the* reactor; including its controls, safety systems .:;ad auxiliary systems, action

  • i shall be taken irnmedi.atel y *to secure the safety of the facility and determine the cause of *th, abnormal behavior.


I.. 11.0 *Fuel Storage and ~ransfer 11.1 The .fuel storage pits .located *.n t:he floor of .th_e .reactor room shall accommoda te a maxir.. *m of 19 fuel elements (700 gm U-2.35) in storage racks* dry or flooded -with water. The fuel storage pits shal 1 be sec. l. red with a lock and chain ex'?ept dµring fuel transfer (!f -,rations.

Add.itional fuel storage racks may be located in the rea tor 11.2

  • tank. Each of these storage facilities shall be s.o designed 7

thatJor .all conditions of moderation keff sha*11 not exceed a value of 0.8 .

i i 11.3 A fuel .handling *tool shall be u~ed in transferri ng fuel ele*

I ment:s. *of low radioactiv ity bet1-*een the storage .pits and the reactor; a shielded fuel trp,nf fer cask shall be used for *the .*

I tr.ans fer of highly radioac~i:v c. fuel elements, The fuel* handling /

tool shall remain in a locked c.lbinet under the cognizanc e of

  • the _Reactor Supervisor when net authorized for use.*


I J Amendment.No. 4

..... . JAN f: 0 -l98*i

~ ---* r

11.4 All fuel transfers in the reactor tank shall be conducted by a minimum staff of three men, and shall include a licensed Senior Operator and a licensed Operator. The staff members shall monitor the operation using appropriate radiation monitoring instrumentation. Fuel transfers outside the reactor tank but within the facility shall be supervised by a licensed Operator.

  • 11.5 Not more than one fuel element shall be allowed in the facility which is not in storage or in the core lattice.

12.0 Administrative Requirements 12.1 Organization 12.1.1 The Reactor Supervisor shall have responsibility of the reactor facility. In all matters pertaining to reactor operations and to these Technical Specifications, the Reactor Supervisor shall be responsible to the President, Aerotest Operations, Inc. The President, Aerotest Operations, Inc. shall report to the Board of Directors of Aerotest Operations, Inc.

12.1.2 The Radiological Safety Officer shall review and approve all procedures and experiments involving radiological safety. He shall enforce rules, regulations and procedures relating to radiological safety, conduct routine radiation surveys and is responsible to the Manager, Aerotest Operations.

12.1.3 The Reactor Safeguards Committee s~all be composed of not less than five members, of whom no more than three are members of the operating organization. The committee shall meet on call of the chairman and they shall meet at least annually. The committee shall be responsible for, but not limited to the following: Reviewing and approving nuclear safety standards associated with the use of the facility; Reviewing and approving all proposed experiments and procedures and changes thereto, and modificc.tions to the reactor and its associated components; Amendment No. 5

tI *

- 13 12.~.3.~ Determining whether proposed experiments, proced~res or modifications involve unreviewed safety questions; as defined in *10 CFR 50, Part 50.59(c), and are in accordance.with th~se Technical Specifications; Conducting periodic audits of procedures, reactor operations and maintenance, equipment performance, and records; 12.1,3.5 Reviewing all reported abnormal occurrences ,:

arid violations qf these Technical Specifications P \. fa ;,f evaluating the causes of suc.h events and the 11 ~~ :.1 corrective action taken and recommending . e, e, ,1).i,),*'~O measures to prevent reoecurrence and; 5 ,!~ ,r *

-~ Reporting* their findings and re*commendations cha .*-5"".,, .

concerning the above* to the Manager, .Aerates t :u.._l'.1f... .]..O~I 0 .

Operations. 11 }J#

12.1.4 The Reactor Supervisor shall have a Bachelor's degree

. (_ in Engineering or Physical Science and shall have a minimum of 4 years experience in the operation of a nuclear facility during which he shall have demonstrated comP.etence ..:in- supervision and reactor operations. He shall-hold a Senior Reactor Operator license for the I facility, 12 .* 1.. 5 The Radiological .Safety Officer shall .hav-e a Bachelor I s degree in 'Biological or Physical .Science and shall have a minimum of 2 years experience in personnel and environmental radiation monitoring programs at a nuclear facility. Certification as a Health Physicist by the Health Physics Society is acceptable in lieu of the education and experience requirements gi"ven above,

  • 12 .2 Procedures 12.2.1 Detailed written procedures shail be provided and followed for the following reactor operations: Normal startup, op~ration and shutdown of the complete faqility and of *au* sys*tems and.

components involving nuclear safety of the -


( ......._


" _../


(. *-,.

14 12 ~2 .1. 2 Re.fueling operations.

........ :* ..,- .....~. ; ~*

12.2.l.3 Actions to be taken to correct specific and foreseen potentiai malfunctions of systems or components, including responses to alarms, suspected primary system leaks and abnormal

  • reactivity changes.

12.~.l.5 Preventive or corrective maintenance opera~

tions which could.have an effect on the safety of the reactot:

  • 12.2.2 Temparai:y procedures which do not .change the intent of previously approved procequres may be utilized*

on.approval by a licensed .Senior Reactor Operator and one other qualified individual. Such procedures shall be.subsequently reviewed by the Reactar Safe-guards Committee.

12.3 Records r-. In ad4i*tion to *those records required under the facil.ity license and applicable regulations, the following records shall. be kept when explosive materials a:re to be irradiated or radiographed: . .

12.3.1 the type and quantity of material ir.fadiated.

12.3.2 ~ate, time of day, and length of exposure.

12.3~3 Total neutron and gamma exposure level,

,.- . \"



Detector Minimum Info:rmat:ion Minimum. Range *rnfo:tma ~ion to (No.) Sensitivity Logic Element

.. ., . . (Scram) .

Startup BF3 -4.5 counts/sec per Neutron f~ux, source lev.el to Perio.d; (a)*

(1) Proportional n/cm2-sec *. . peridd* 1 watt --*

low coun.t rate Counter scrclll I~..

Log N Compensated 4 X 10-14 amp/n/ Po~:,er level~ 10-i watts to scram (2) ion chamber cm2 -sec per~od~ 120% full ~d

.. . . .. ~ .. . ..

'Linear Uncompensatei3 4.4 J,10-14 amp/* Power*level 30 *watts to High (nd low Level ion chamber n/cm -sec 120% f.ull power level b) scrams Safety (3)


.. . .. ., ~ . .. " .

Linear Compensated 4.4 X 1()-14 amp/ Power*level 10-l watts-to High and* low Level ion chamber u/cm2 -sec *.

1'207. ,full power level *scram Safety (4)

(a) Scrams on Channel 1 are by-passed wheir signal on Channel .2* exceeds a fixed *setting similarly the

  • high voltage *ts removed from the detector and 'the detector is s*hqrted~ ~,."'"

(b) Low level scram is bypassed* o.n Channel 3 and* 4 when Channel 2 is bel:ow**.!i fixed setting.


" ......,.. ... -~....,..*

16 .. .


No. o; Switches A~~unciator ajd * . *. Annunc.iator and Sensor or Tri Device

  • or Sensors Scram Set Poi* t Alarm Set Point Short Period;,Chs. 1, 2 2 .?:. 3 sec *. I*
  • High Neutron Flux * *.

tevel; Chs.* 3, 4 2 S *98'7. ~f .-*fu*ll r

,scale and not

  • greater than.1201.

full power .

  • ijigh Temperature of
  • -Cool'.e1.nt Water l Low *pool Water Level 1 <l ft max decrease
  • seismic Disturbance -1*
  • IV *on modified
  • .Mercalli Sc~le
  • i r=


. max. ,.

  • I
  • .. _.,. Bric!go *Crane Location 1 When* located off
  • storage position i I

Loi, :~eutron Detector

. Voltage; Chs. ~. 3, 4 Low* Source .Level; Ch. 1-

. *3 .

. l I I

) 500 volts*

i:i. 2 cps I

) I.

Loss *of Instrument Power; ).

  • *. Ch. 2, 1* X Low Neutron Flux; Ch. 3 -~5% of fuli

& 4 '2. *. scale I . \\ .jl Are.a Radiation Monitor 1

  • S, 10 mr/hr water Radioactivity_ 1 * .520 mr/hr

.Demineralizer Water Flow 1 ~4 gpm Building Gas Effluent Monitor 1 ~ 2 mr/hr 11 Master Key Switch 1 Not 01.1 ON"

!* position


Manual Scram Button 1*. Button .Dep~essed

! I

,I I**'

. ~ ,...,.........;.;


3455 FOSTORIA WAY* SAN RAMON, CA 94583 * (925) 866-1212


Changes to the operating license R-98:

Page 2. B (1)

  • Omit", use and operate".

(Basis: no longer allowed in permanent shutdown)

Page 3. C.(1) The Licensee is not authorized to operate the reactor at any power (Basis: no longer allowed in permanent shutdown)

Page 3. C.(1) Replace with "The Licensee is not authorized to operate the reactor at any power."

(Basis permanent cessation)

Page 3. C.(2) Change Technical Specifications amendment no. from 5 to 6 Change from "operate" to "maintain" (Basis: Fuel possession only)

Changes to Appendix A:

Page 3. 4.1 Change minimum temperature from "60 F" to "40 F" (Basis: variation in seasonal water temperature is approximately around 50 F}

Page 3. 4.2 Omit "pH and" and "a pH of 7.5 or" (Basis: pH is correlated with water conductivity; limiting conductivity to 5

µmho/cm ensures acceptable range of pH.)

Change "at le 9st once a month" to "quarterly"*

(Basis: reasonable measurement frequency given storage strategy.)

Page 12. 11.5 Omit "or in the core lattice" (Basis: No fuel to be stored in core lattice.)

Page 12. 12.1.1 Change from "Reactor Supervisor" to "Certified Fuei Handler Supervisor" Change from "reactor operations" to "fuel handling operations" Page 12. 12.1.2 Change from "Manager" to "President" Page 13. Change from "Manager" to "President" (Basis: Current administrative officer)

  • Enclosure 2*

Page 14 Change from "Refueling" to "Fuel Handling" (Basis: No fuel to be loaded in the core lattice.)

12.2.2 Omit "licensed Senior Reactor Operator and one other" (Basis: SRO/ROs not needed.)

Replace in its entirety:

Page 12. 11.4 Transfer of irradiated fuel in the reactor tank shall be conducted by a minimum staff of two, a Certified Fuel Handler (CFH) and an additional person trained in radiation safety.

The staff shall monitor the operation using the appropriate radiation monitoring instrument. A RSO or designee shall be present for irradiated fuel transfers outside of the reactor tank but within the facility. Under no circumstance is fuel to be transferred to or stored in the core lattice.

(Basis: limited activities to Fuel storage and transfer only.)

Page 13. 12.1.4 The CFH Supervisor shall have at least 5 years of experience in irradiated fuel movements arid demonstrated knowledge of the relevant NRC regulations and ALARA principles. Classroom education in the nuclear and radiation related fields of study may be considered in lieu of the experience requirement.

(Basis: limited activities to Fuel storage and transfer only.)

Page 13. 12.1.5 The Radiation Safety Officer shall have a minimum of 2 years of experience in personnel and environmental radiation monitoring programs. Classroom education in the nuclear and radiation related fields of study may be considered in lieu of the experience requirement.

(Basis: limited activities to Fuel storage and transfer only.)




  • The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG or the Commission), having previously made the findings set forth in Amended Facility Operating License No. R-98 issued on January 28, 1981, has now found that:

A. The application for indirect transfer of license and conforming amendmen ts to Amended Facility Operating License No. R-98, filed .by Aerotest Operations, Inc.,

and Nuclear Labyrinth, LLC, dated May 30, 2012, and supplemented on July 19 and October 15, 2012; January 10, 2013; and April 21, June 16, August 22, and October 10, 2016, complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (the Act), as amended, and the rules and regulations of the Commission as stated in Title 10, Chapter I, "Nuclear Regulatory Commissio n,"

of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Chapter I).

B. Construction of the facility has been substantially completed in conformity with Construction Permit No. CPRR-86, and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C. The facility will operate in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions.of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; D. There is reasonable assurance: (i) that the activities authorized by this operating license can. be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the

  • public,. and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Commission; E. Aerotest Operations, Inc. is technically and financially qualified to possess, use, and operate the facility in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commission; Amendmen t No. 6

F. The issuance of this operating license will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public, and does not involve a significant hazards consideration; G. The receipt, pas.session, and use of byproduct and special nuclear material as authorized by this license will be i.n accordance with the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 30 and 70, including Sections 30.33, 70.23, and 70.31; H. The licensee is qualified to be the holder of the license; and I. The transfer of the license is otherwise. consistent with applicable provisions of law, regulations, and orders issued by the Commission pursu*ant thereto.

2. Facility Operating License No. R-98, issued to Aerotest Operations, Inc., is hereby indirectly transferred to Nuclear Labyrinth, LLC, and the license is amended to read as follows:

A. This license applies to the Aerotest Radiography and Research Reactor (ARRR),

a pool-type nuclear reactor owned by Aerotest Operations, Inc. The facility is located at the Aerotest Operations site near San Ramon, California, and is described in the application dated September 14, 1964 (the applicatio*n); and in

  • supplements thereto, including the application for transfer of license dated April 24, 1974, and the application f<?r indirect transfer dated May 30, 2012.

B. Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Commission hereby licenses Aerotest Operations, Inc.:

(1) Pursuant to Section 104c of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, "Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," to possess the reactor at the designated location in San Ramon,. California, in accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in this license; (2) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, "Special Nuclear Material," to rec'3ive, possess, and use up to 5.0 kilograms of contained uranium 235 in connection with operation of the reactor; and (3) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 30, "Licensing*of Byproduct Material," (1) to receive, possess, and use a 2 curie americium-beryllium neutron startup source, and (2) to possess, but not to separate, such byproduct material as may be produced by operation of the reactor.

Amendment No. 6

c. This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the following Commission regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I: Part 20, Section 30.34 of Part 30, Sections 50.54 and 50.59 of Part 50, and Section 70.32 of Part 70; is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:

(1) Maximum Power Level The licensee is not authorized to operate the reactor at any power.

(2) Technical Specifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No. 6, are hereby incorporated in the license. The licensee shall maintain the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.

(3) Physical Security Plan The licensee shall maintain in effect and fully implement all provisions of the NRG-approved physical security plan, including amendments and changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR Section 50.54(p). The approved security plan consists of the document withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790(d), entitled "Aerotest Operations, Inc. Security Plan" dated August 10, 1976, submitted by letter dated October 4, 1976, as revised January 16, 1979.

D. Reports

  • In addition to reports otherwise required under the license and applicable regulations:

( 1) The licensee shall report in writing to the Commission within 10 days of its observed occurrence any incident or condition relating to the operation of the facility which prevented or could have prevented a nuclear system from performing its safety function as described in the Technical Specifications or in the Hazarqs Summary Report.

(2) The licensee shall report to the Commission in writing within 30 days of its observed occurrence any substantial variance disclosed by operation of the facility from perfo'rmance specifications contained iii the Hazards Summary Report or the Technical Specifications.

(3) The licensee shall report to the Commission in writing within 30 days of its occurrence any significant change in transient or accident analysis, as described in the Hazards Summary Report.

Amendment No. 6

E. Records In addition to those otherwise required under this license and appli-cable regulations, the licensee shall keep the following:

. ,l ** 1 ss .* *

.(1)* Reactor operating re~or~s, _including power levels.

(2_) Re.cords of in--:pile irradiations .

(3) Records .showing radioactivit y released or discharged ~nto tpe .air or water beyond *the .effective control of the licensee as measured at.the point of such release or discharge *.

(4) Records *of emergency reactor scrams,. *including reasons for emergency shutdowns.

F. This amended 1

  • 1cense is*

e*f. f ective* as o.f the date of issuance shall Eµ;pire at midn:tgh t April 16' 2005. and F:(>R THE' ATmrrc E~ERGY COMHISS1o:v I \

( ';;;;/~ *.

Karl R. Goller, Assistant Director

.f~r Operating Reactors Directorate of Lic~nsing


-Change No. 9 to the Technical Specificatio ns Date of Issuance: October 22, 1974


,, ....--., \,

l_ *. *)*'i

Trans. W/ Ch9ng~ No. 4 Dated S-15-68

..,,..._.___ I.!. ':<;,,

Do Nm Remrnr:~-

  • r LIC£:NS1: AUTHOR{ . ,... .
  • APPENDIX A t( flL.!::. Cf'.\1.,,

. ..J;L/t':..'/i LICENSE NO. R-98


. 1ifffrmt ¥-1~ MrJC/I/Ff~cJs'-hldrlriS'I/ItJb/I1 !IiFIPl<iiriil 1q11rtm!Il:t Name Changed to: Aerotest Radiograph y and Research Reactor (ARRR) 10-22~74

1. 0 Defini.tion s 1.1 Shutdown
  • The reactor, with fixea e]:tperiments in. plac;:e, *shall be con-

.side:i:-ed to be shut dpwn *(not in o*peration) whenever ail o_f the foll,owing conditio~s *have been met:: * (a) the Cc;>I\sole

. ~ey is in t~~ "off" _po~ition_ ail~ "!=M. ke.y is .removed from ..

... * *:the console and under .the* con:hol of a licensed opeJ;"ator

  • cor stored in a locked storage ~rea); (b) sufficien t eontrol

.rods are *inserted .so as .to assur~ *the .reac*tol' ;le subcritica l by a margin greater than 0.* 7% delta k/k cold, .clean critical' condition ; (c) no work :is .in-progres s *involving *refueling

  • operation s _03: *maintenan ce of its control .rocLmecha nisms.

f ,, 1.:2

  • Reactor Operation Reactor operation shall *mean an,y condition wherdn the reactor is nQt shut down.

l *3 Qperab1 e A system or component .shall be considered operable when it

.ii;; capa~le :of performing i.ts .requi"red function .~n its normal manner.*

1.4 Operating A component or system .is operating *if it is performing its

.required :function in its* normal. manner.*

1. 5 * *Experimen t Experimen t shall mean any apparatus, device, or materia*l
    • installed in *the core or experimen tal facilities (exce~t for underwate r lights, fuel storage .racks and the like) which is *not a normai" part of these *facili-tie s.*

I :

1.6 Experimen tal Facilities

.. Experimen tai facilities shall mea~ Glory Hole; vertical,t ubes, pneumatic .transfer sys.terns, central thimble, beam tubes, thermal column, and in-pool .irradiatio n facilities .

1.7 Reactor Safety Circuits*

.R~~~tO.°l;'*- safety.. circuits shall mean those c1rcuitS, including ..... * ...... _., __ -- .....

their associated input circuits, which are designed to initiate a *reactor scram.

2.* 0 Reactor Site 2.1 The reac.tor ,and associated equipment is*located within an exclusion area, at ~he Aoto1@ t-E!m1ii iaf..Ga:i ~~=am~ n-

  • ~ o_J,'-1** 8~ ,o-rJ-rtl.-7¥~ . ]oLS~
  • 2 .2 .A steel, locked ~~rimeter fence shall surround ARRR -a the~-

fa-c;llity, *forming an exclusion area. The minimum distance from*the center of the reactor.po ol to the boundai:y of the exclus*ion area fencing shall be 50 fe~t. .Th~ *restricted area,

,. as defined in 10 CFR 20, shall consist of the entir~ *exclusion

... __ ,, area

  • 2.3 "The. principal activities carried on within the exclusion area . O' /

shall be those associated with the op~ration of the~A RRR ""

reactor ar,d the use of a hot cell and chemistry laboratory .

3.0 Reactor Building

3. l The reactor shall be housed in a ste.el building capable of meeting the following functional requireme nts:

3.1. l all circulatin g .fans and .afr**condtt ioning systems -except

  • the system which supplies air *to the control room shall have the capability to be shut off .from a s~ngle control in the control room, 3 .1. 2 ventilatio n shall be achieved by gravity ventilato rs located on "the roof of the building, and 3.1."3 a positive air pressure shall be maintained in the

.control room with respect to the reactor room.

"3. 2 An alarm system shall he in~ta+led to detect ~nau-thorized entry-into the reactor building, The alarm

_syst.em shall be monitored constantly and its annun-ciation tested monthly." '

.J.,1 -

(. 3 -

, .4.0 Reactor Pool (Prima-ry System) *

    • .. - 4.1 The ~inimum depth of water above the top of the*active core shall be i6 ft. The maximum ~ulk water temperature shall be 130°F and the minimum40°F *

. 4 *. 2 The conductivity of the primary coolant shall *be measured at- least quarterly. Corrective ac*tion shall be taken to avoid ~x~eeding * .a conductivity of 5 umho/cm.

5 *0 .Reactor Core 5 *.1 . Fuel Elements='. ;,,

5.Ll The reactor shall aonta.:in*:n6.:.in6JI~:i:than:;. ,:::: 90 *TRIGA type =.fttef elements, The core shal 1 be loaded not* *m~t~g.than 3*.30 kg of **U-235.


5 .1. 2 The *maximum excess teac tivi ty a,bove cald, clean. cr:i. tical, with--or. without experiments ,i:i;i place, shall be 3 dollars *

  • -.i f



. 5.1.3 The b~t&"*'temperature, coefficient and the promP.t fuel

' tempel;'a1;:ure coeff.icient shall be negative at all operating temperatures*:-and the minimum reactivit;y

-decrement at .full power shall -be 80 cents when measured with *.respe~t to source* po,ier .level.

5. L 4 'The cooUint void coefficient shall* be .negative *across the -ac't'ive core. Maxi111uiii'-in-cere *operating void'-shall be 10% *of. the coolant riore volumes as defined by a qylinc;le:t\:.bounded by th~ grid plates. .
5. 2 Reflector . Elements 5.2 .1
  • The overall *reflector i?lements' dimensions shall be the same as the fuel ~lemen*ts.

5.3 Control Elements

. ;l.

5.3.1 The reactor shall"be sub~ritical by a minimum ~argiri of 0.50 dollar.:* when 'the maximum worth rod is fully withdrawn from the core.

5.3 * .Z The maximum rate of reactiv-ity addition for the control rods shall be 11 cents/second. Ther~ shall be a mini-mum of three ~perable con~r.ol.elements.

- 4 *- '

.s.3.3 The total time for insertion of the.control rods fol-lowing receipt of a. scram signal by the safety :system shall be a maximum of *600 miliiseeonds *.

6.0 Reactor Safety* Systems 6.1 The* reactor safetf system shal~ include sensing devices and associated circuits which automaticall y actuate visual and audible alarms and, when certain pr*e-set limits are e;K-

-~eede9., ~cram the r~actor. T!:ie systems shall °Qe fail--safe

-(de-energizil!,S shall cause a. scram). Tab.le l describes .the-minimum re~uirements of*the safety system.

6.2 The nuclear, process and radiatien monitoring instrumentat ion shall provide the functions and have *the set point *range*s and associated annunciation s listed in Table 2 of these

.specificatio ns.

6. 3
  • The. safety system shall be de113ig_ned such that no single component *failure or circuit fault shall simultaneou sly

6.4 Reactor sequences, interlecks and safety ch:cuits shall

... -*" " remain operable while fuel is .in the core except that one channe'l *may be removed for-maintena nce purposes when the reactor is shut down.

6.5 Interlocks sha~l _prev~nt safety rod withdrawal unless all of the following. conditions exist:

6.5.1 The master switch is in *the ON position; 6.5."2 The safety system has been reset;.* ,.. *: :*

',, , , _,***,; I,). ,,'l
  • 1, . L:";*'.r :; :: :

6.5.3 All four nuclear instruments channels. are in the OPERATE mode;*

6.5.4 The startup channel count rate is greater than 2 cps.

Ii: shall not be po~sible to withdraw more than the- safety ro~ until it has reached *the upper limit interlock, at which time ~ither the shim ~r regulating rod may be moved, but only one at a time.

/' , ..

i\ ___ ) '


  • I
    • -*-*-- --~-~- . -*---*----*----~ _. _ --- . ----*' ------------ ~-*

5 6.6 During a critical experiment., subcritical mult1plicati on plots shall be obtained from at least three instrumentat ion channels.. These* channels may be used in addition. to the normal oper~ting ins.trumentat ion in Table l.

6.7 Process instru~entat ion with readout in the control room shall be ~perating to permit continuous indication of pool water temperature and .conductivity .. .Alarms shall be ppel'-

abled _to indicate*low water flow, low *pool water and improper

.location of the crane bridge.

7.0 -, -~diation Monitoring --...

"7 .. 1 rA~f21?:*x='e="d:f=g='a:':mm:=a~ma!."_'o-""'nS';_l:i.~t~o=::r=:-e=m-=p'11;..;oy=J::,. ._n;;;;g;;;;;G~:;;.e~*i~;g;;;e;;;;r=t;;;;u~b.:e:=:;d.:~;::t:e:::c=t=o::i:~=s===ss:;===-~*~1 shall be located on the* wall connecting the control ,J . /

room and the r~actor room. This monitor shall .serve . 1" ~ *

  • D
~a~t!n~nw~ ~1a ~::~!~~~~: ;~~~~;~  ::\~t~:!~~~ ality. f\:v1J'\:D 1 monitorin~r system to t4_e San Ramon-, California, Fire V ,\/

Department and actuate a siren within the reactor ~

building on high radiation level. The monitor shall have a minimum range of Oto 20* mr/hr. The annun-ciaiion and the siren actuation shall be tested

_.,._.___ monthly."

.-. -- v...-.

"""------ ---=~=;= =~==== ==o=== ====== -=,-B.I.

7.2 During reactor operation, a gas sample shall be continuously withdrawn £ram the roof vent above .the reactor, or from the v.icini"ty of .the reactor bridge and glory hole over the *reactor core, and _pumped *through a radioactive gas detection chamber.*

the gas chamber shall be _monitored by a beta-gamma detector which .shall have a continuous readout in the control *room *

. An annunciator ~hall indicate whe~. the gas exceeds 2 mr/hr.

7. J A fission. _product water monitor shall be attached to .the process water cleanup system loo*p adjacent to the deminer-alizer .and shall provide continuous indication :in the control room. High radiation levels within the demineralize r or
pool water shall annunciate an audib1e alarm on the reactor console. The range o.f the monitor shall be *from 0.1 to JOO mr/hr.

7.4 Portable survey instruments for measuring beta-gamma dose rates

  • in* the range of O. 01 mr /hr *to 50 r /hr. shall be ..

available at the facility, 7.5 Portable instruments for measuri~g fast and thermal neutron dose rates from 0.1 mrem/hr to 1.0 rem/hr *shal.1 be,1.1 "*:*!

  • available .. at the facility.

.- 6

7. 6 Radiation detector packe*ts *containing a series of threshold detectors *shall be placed at several locations within *the reactor buil~ing for post-accident radiation analyses.

8.0 Experimental Facilities*

  • 8 .1 Large-Component Irradiation Box 8.1.1 A large-component irradiation box.shall have a maximum volume of 20 cu. feet.* The box shall enc*ompass not more than 120° *arc of the cor~ and shall be design~d-so that it can be placed no closer than 5 cm to the outer.row-of active fuel elements.

8.1.2. The platform shall be positioned remotely *relative to *the reactor core by a positive drive and*shall be cap~iye to -the stand which is bolted to the*floor ,of the tank. Positive mechanical stops shall *prevent moving the experiment box *into the active reactor core. 1 CO2 .shall be used f~r purging and. to maintain

  • a slight pCi>sitive pressure in:;the box relative to* the
  • pool water-pressure.

8.1.3 To remove or install the experiment box, *the platform shall be moved two or more feet away.from the .reactor core *. The box shall. then be lowered onto .the platform arid ~olted in place with remote handling equipment.

The vo.ided box shall be purged of air prior to exposure to neutrons.

8.2 *Pneumatic Transfer Facilit,Y 8.2.1 A pneumatic *transfer facility may be.located in any reactor core *position, The facility shall be operated with dry CC>i and exhausted through a fUt~r.: .. ,.: __::.'.. i:.. ,:.:

ventilation system, which is monitored fo~ radioactivity *

.8.2.2 The in-core ,portion of the transfer facility shall have a maximum"void.volume of 34 cu. in. in the active fuel ~egion. A manual control shall be provided which is capable of overriding the automatic timer control *



8.3 Glory Hole Facility '

8.'3.1 A dry glory hole :facility may be located* in any reactor core position. The glory hole shall accept capsules to a maximum of 1. 35 in, in diame.ter.

8.3.2 . The glory hole shall be purged with co to prevent formation of ounts of. argdn-41. 2 Gas samples shall be taken near the pool when the glory hole ty is operated without a shield plug to insure adequate

.monitoring of radioactive gases.

8. 4 Neutron .Radiograph1': Facili ti 8.4.1 The beam tube shall consist of a two-section tapered tube having *a rectang_ular cross section. The upper and lower sections of the tube shall be equipped with a fill and drain line.

8.4.2. All.componen ts contacting the pool water shall be


_ _ _from aluminum or-stainless

_~ _ ; _ steel. * - - : ; . **t,

8. 4. 3 Th-e beam catche::- shield shall consist of a movable (Ji~';.,71 ()

\ 11 r actia tion shield. 11 .,. r J!:ii;:j~-~==~=~=-=2* -e,,.:=:=,i,,iiWii;:;;;.;;_ _ _ _ _ _i=-i==== -==:A 1

  • 8.* 5 Thermal Column
  • I 8.5.l The thermal column shall be positioned remotely on steel locating pins immediately adjacent to the react~r
  • core.

8.5.2 Th~ thermal column shall be composed of a three-foot cube of graphite encas~d in aluminum containing five rows of 1.5 in. diameter irradiation holes. The rows shall be placed 6 inches apart and contain seven holes per row.

Slotted beams shall provided to allow experiments to be attached directly. to the thermal column.

8.6 Vertical Tube '**r*'**** **,."** ***:-

8_.6.1 Vertical irradiation tubes, having diameters up t;:o 6 in.~

may be attached" to the thermal column.

8.6.2 The vertical tube shall be *purged with CO to prevent***

2 the formation of excess amounts of argon-41.


- 8


8.7 Other Irradiation Facilities 8.7~1 The central.7 fuel elements of the reactor may be removed from the core and a central irradiation facility installed provided the cross-s!ctional area-of the facility does no_t exceed 16 in

  • 8~ 7 .2 Two triang.ular exposure facilities are available which shall allow the insertion of circular experiments to
  • a maximum of 2.,35 :in *.diameter or triangular experiments to a maximum of 3.* 0 in. on a* side.

8.7.3 Irradiation capsules in the shape of dummy fuel elements shall have a maximum inner void volume of 34 cu. in.

in the active fuel *region.

9.0 Experiment* Limitations 9.1* Experiments *shall be evaluated in the most reactive condition.

9.2. The documentation of experiments, which shall be reviewed ~nd I


approv.ed prior to insertion in the reac~or, shall include at-least:

9.2.1 The purpose of the experiment;*

9 .* 2.* 2 A dese:ription of the expel".iment; and .

9.2.3 .An analysis of the-possible haza;rds associated* with the performance of *the experiment.

9.3 The value of -the--reactivity worth of any single independent experiment shall not exceed 2 d.ollars. .If such experirnent1;1 are conne~ted or otherwise related so that their combined reactivity could be added to the core simultaneously, their combined reactivity shall not e,i;ceed 2 dollar1:1.

  • 9.4 ~he reactivity worth of any single independent experiment not-rigidly* fixed in place shall not exceed 1 dollar~ If such experiments are connected or otherwise related so ~hat their combined reactivi-ty could be added to the core simul-taneously, their combined reactivity worth.shali not exceed 1 dollar.

'* ___ ,,.I

9 9.5 No experiment shall be inst~lled .in the reactor in such a manner that it could shadow the nuclear instrumentation, system monitors. . .

9.6 No experiment shall be installed in the reactor in such a manner that a failure could interfere with the insertion *

  • of. a reactor control element.
  • 9. 7 No experiment shall be per.formed involving materials which coul~: .,
  • 9. 7 .1 Contamina'te the reactor pool causing corrosive action on the reactor components or experimeµts; 9.7.2 Cause excessive production of airborne rad~oactivity; or 9.7.3 Produce .aii uncontained violent chemical reaction.

9, 8 Experiments shall not *be performed involving eq?ipment whose fai_lure could result :i.n fuel element damage.

,*.,..,,.- . 9*. 9 The amount of special nuclear material contained in an experi-

/(. .

ment shall be *limited to 5 grams in the form of solid samples or 3 g*~ams in the form .of liquid.

  • Liquid .'special **nuclear ma~eri,ls shall be doubly encapsulated.

9 .10- *Experin. mts having moving parts shall be designed to have*

reactiv*ty insertion rates less *than 10 cents/sec except that mo:* ing .parts* *1*ess than 5 .cents may be oscillated o,; remo,7.ed at higl;ler .frequencies.

=- **-*---- -----...:....-'---------------- -.--------

119 .ll' Solid e:-.plosive materials may be brought into* the facili~y fer the.p~rpose of being radiograplied in the neutron *radio.graphy facilities located above the.pool, provided that the following conditions are met:

9~11.1 Individual explosive devices shall. be _limited**

to 1000 grains equivalent TNT encased ~-n metallic s~eathing. **l--:

9.11.2 . The maximum quantity of explosive material I 1

that*may be possessed time shall be limited to 50 pounds*eq~ivalent TNT.

9.11.) 3xplosive material shall be stored* in

'.esignated areas within the reactor facility .

..., .. r ... *., ..

4 rL. .

  • 9,11..3.1 Only the explosive d"evices to be radiographed within 4 hrs, not to-exceed a maximum of ten pounds equivalent TNT, may.he removed from the storage area at one time for-radiographing, including preparation but excluding packaged shipments, 9,11,3.2 An*accountability log shall be maintained to* show the amount o.f explosive ma,terial in the reactor fadlity it all times, ab:d. shall contain a description of the explosive, and.

the location within the *facility (e.g., storage;-- radiographing facility.

or shipping-dock).


  • The* maximum amount of expu.os-iv.e material contained in devices that .may'be placed in

.the radiography -facili.ties a.t .a .time shall be limited to five pounds equivalent TNT.



r - *.\ '.

9, 11. 4.1 Explosive material *in the radiation flield at one time shall be limited:*

. ---** te 1 pound equivalent TNT, 9, 11..4. 2 Explosive material cot tained in*

  • 1ong device(s) shall b ~ limited to 0,5 pound. equivalen TNT*per.

. -*"***- __ . ..

  • foe t ..11

.----------_:-=:::::.____:.____----=-----~----- --------- .

11 9 .12 Persbnnel handling the explosive devices sha*11 be trained and familiar with the devices being. radiographt d. . ,. .

1 9.12 *.1 Personnel handling the' explos1ve devices shall chq use *special equipment, such as no~sparking _tools. : .r,1,* \

and shoes,* protective* clothin_g, safety shields 1 iJ.r: l'J"1 and :grounded benches as required for. the V explosives being handled, 9,12.2 Vnshielded'high frequency generating. e~uipment shall not be operated within .50 feet of any e.-:pl:osive device.

i:  :

I c*


t u


I i~


. I 9,12.3 .The explosiv~ dev:.ces shall be subjected to a total exposure no:: to exceed 3 X 1011 neutrons/ CJD2

.l .and 3 x *10 3 roent;:.e.ns of. gammas *

  • 1 9,12.4

~ ~

Explosive devices that, upon 'ignition, have or provide a thrus.t :'an a ~efin.i~e di5ection shall be positioned *so as ~o be. aimed a~ay from the reactor and components, 11 ' * * ~ *

,.,i c>~l1:}~h' pfu .

10.0*General Qper~ting Limitations J 10, l Rene.tot" operation shall be per:aitted only when two or more personnel are in the reactar t~ilding, at least one of whom

'is a licensed O,i>e.rator **

- - -~-~- ...

.10. 2 The reactor shall not be oper; ::ad wherever there are: significant defects in fuel elements, control rods or control circuit-ry.

1 .t, *. .

10. J l,!pon: occurrence of abnormal or ,~r;g_i.on of the* reactor; including its controls I safety systems .:;;1d auxiliary systems, action shall be taken immedi.ately *to secure 'the safety of the facility and determine the cause of *th, abnormal behavior. /

11.0 *Fuel St*orage and Transfer 11.1 The .fuel sto.rage pits located *.n the floor of .the .reactor room shall accommodate a maxir.. *m of 19 fuel elements (700 gm U-23.5) in storage racks* dt"y or flooded -with water. The fuel storag.e pits shall be seq red ~ith a: lock and chain

  • except dµring fuel trans*fer '?f -,rations.

11.2 Additional fuel storage racks may be located in the rea tor

  • tank. Each of these storage facilities shall ~e s.o des, gned 7

that~for .all conditions of moderation keff sha*11 not exceed a value of 0.8 .


i 11.J A fuel .'handling *tool shall be u~ed in transferring fuel ele-

\ ments. *of low radioactivity bet\..*een the storage .pits and the reactor; a shielded fuel tr~nr [er cask shall be used for the .*

I tr.ansfer of highly radioactiv*c. fuel elements *. The fuel handling /

tool shall remain in a locked c.1binet under the cognizance of the Reactor Supervisor when net authorized for use,*


I J Amendment.No. 4

- ----~---*

. <J?\N f: G-198*J r

11.4 Transfer of irradiated fuel in the reactor tank shall be conducted by a minimum staff of two, a Certified Fuel Handler (CFH) and an additional person-trained in radiation safety. The staff shall monitor the operation using the appropriate radiation monitoring instrument. A RSO or designee shall be present for irradiated fuel transfers outside of the reactor tank but within the facility. Under no circumstances is fuel to be transferred to or stored in the core lattice. * ** **

  • 11.5 Not more than one fuel element shall be allowed in the facility which is not in storage.*
  • 12.0 Administrative Requirements 12.1 Organization 12.1.1 The CFH Supervisor shall have responsibility of the reactor facility. In all matters pertaining to 1ue1hand11ng operations and to these Technical Specifications, the CFH* Supervisor shall be responsible to the President, Aerotest Operations, Inc. The President, Aerotest Operations, Inc. shall report to the Board of Directors of Aerotest Operations, Inc.

12.1.2 The Radiological Safety Officer shall review and approve all procedures and experiments involving radiological safety. He shall enforce rules, regulations and procedures relating to radiological safety, conduct routine radiation surveys and is responsible to the President, Aerotest Operations.

12.1.3 The Reactor Safeguards Committee shall be composed of not less than five members, of whom no more than three are members of the operating organization. The committee shall meet on call of the chairman and they shall meet at least annually. The committee shall be responsible for, but not limited to the following: Reviewing and approving nuclear safety standards associated with the use .of the facility; Reviewing and approving all proposed experiments arid procedures and changes thereto, and modifications to the reactor and its associated components; Amendment No. 6

~t *~-  !*'I

- 13 12.~.3.~ Determining whether proposed experiments, proced~res or modifications involve unreviewed safety questions; as defined in *10 CFR 50, Par.t 50.59(c), and are in accordance.with th~se Technical Specifications;

12. l. 3, 4 Conducting periodic audits of procedures, reactor operations and maintenance, equipment performance' and records; .

12, l, 3. 5 Reviewing all reported abnormal occurrences ), {,'.

arid violations qf these Tecbnical Specifications, \.. {;;, ,.f evaluating the causes of suc.h events and the '!;~} ~~1.s :A corrective action taken and recommending . e~ ,,,titfO measures to prevent reoccurrence and; S ,t1"' *

  • i, 12 .1. 3, 6 Reporting* their findings and re*commendations ha /}..*~5* .

concerning the above* to the President, .Aerotest ~ 1J.v'J.0:10.

Operations, 11 1

  • ,:..L0"' -1
  • 12 .1. 4 The Certified Fuel Hander Supervisor shall have at least 5 years of

. (_ experience in irradiated fuel movements and demonstrated knowledge of the relevant NRC regulations and ALARA principles. Classroom education in the nuclear and radiation related fields of study may be considered in lieu of the experience requirement.

I 12.~ 1..5 The Radiation Safety Officer shall have a minimum of 2 years of experience in personnel and environmental radiation monitoring prog'rams. Classroom education in the nuclear and radiation related fields of study may- be considered in lieu of the experience *requirement.

12.2 Pro.eedures 12.2.1 Detailed written procedures provided and followed for the following reactor operations:

12. 2. l .l Normal startup* op~ration and shutdown of the complete facility and of *au* sya*tems and components involving nuclear safety of the ,*

facility, t-*,


' __ _../


12 ~ 2 .1. 2 Fuel Handling operations. Actions to be correct specific and ....... .".: . ..-:~**-: ; ~*

foreseen potentiai malfunctions of systems or components, including responses to alarms, suspected primary system leaks and abnormal

  • reac ti vi ty changes. Preventive or corrective maintenance opera~

tions which could.have an effect on the safety of the reacto"J;'

  • 12.2.2 'Tempora~y procedures which do not .change the intent of previously approved procequres may be utilized*

on:approval by a .

qualified individual. Such procedures shall be.subsequently reviewed by the Reactor Safe-guards Committee.

12.3 Records t.*-. In ad4i'tion to *those records required under the facil_ity r ~ ,*

license and applicable regulat'ions, the following records shall. be _kept when explosive .mater.ials a
re to be irradiated or radiographed:

12.3.1 Ihe type and quantity of material ir.~adiated.

12.3.2 ~ate, time of day, and length of exposure.

12.3~3 Total neutron and gamma exposure level.

'* ___/ .


TABLE .1 NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION Che.1mel Detector -.. Minimum Infopnation Minimum. Range *rn.foi:ma t;ion to I (Ho.) Sensitivity Logic Element

.. .. . . (Scram) .

Startup BF3 *-4.5 counts/sec per Neutron f~ux 1 source lev.!!l to Perio.d ~.ct=~; (a)*

(1) Proportional n/cm2-sec '- perfod* 1 watt -**

low coun.t: rate Counter scran Log N Compensated 4 X 10-14 amp/n/ Pm~er level, 10-i watts to Period scram (2) ion chamber cm2*-sec period- 120% full power.

'Linear Un.compensated 4.4 J .10-14 amp/* Power*level 30 *watts. to High ind low Level ion chamber n/cm -sec 120% f_ull power level b) scrams Safety (3) - ..

  • . I.

" .. .* ~ . " ".

Linear Compensated 4.4 X 10-!4 amp/ Power*level 10-1 watts-to High and* low Level ion chamber u/cm2 -sec *.

l20% -full power level *scram Safety (4)

(a) Scrams on Channel 1 are by-passed wheii* signal on Channel .2* exceeds a fixed *setting_ similarly the .

high voltage *1s removed from the detector and* the detector is s*hqrted~ ~ ,..,....

(b) Low level scram is bypassed o.n Channel 3 and* 4 when Channel 2 is bel:ow**a f:txed setting.

,;.~ ..,.*** ,-::*...


-- ------------=--------------------_:___ _;___..:..____..;._________;:..-----------

16 .. .

'I f TADLE 2 . . 'r


Ni:1. o; Switche s A~~unc iator aid . *. Annunc iator and Sensor or Tri Device

  • or Sensors Scram Set Poi*t Alarm Set Point Short Period; ,Chs. 1.. 2 2 2:. 3 sec. I*
  • High Neutron Flux * *.

level; Chs." 3g 4 2 ~ 98'7. ~£ :*fu.11 r

scale and not

  • greater than.1207.

full power '

  • ijigh Temper ature of
  • -Cootan*t Water l ~.130°F .

Low *pool Water Level l <1 ft max decreas e

  • seismi c Disturb ance l.

.. IV *on modifie d

  • Mercal li Scde
  • ma.x. i 1*

'- .. __ ,: Bridge *Crane n l When** located off

  • storage positio n Lot] :~eutron Detecto r

. Voltage ; Chs. Z. 3, 4 3*

Low* Source .Level; Ch. l* l f

I ~ 2 cps Loss *of Instrum ent Power;


  • *. Ch. 2, 1* X Low Neutron Flux;_C h. 3 ~57o o*f fuli

& 4 **2. -:-;cale Are.a Radiati on Mani tor 1

  • S, 10 mr/hr
  • water Radioa ctivity_ l
  • S:20 mr/hr

.Demin eralize r W~ter Flow 1 ->4 gpm Buildin g Gas Effluen t Monito r 1  :!: 2 mr/hr Master Key Switch 1 Not 011 "ON"

!- positio n


Manual Scram Button 1*. Button Dep~ess ed

Enclosure 4 ARRR CFH TRAINING/REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM Revision 3/6/2019 I. PURPOSE A CFH training/requalification program approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is required. After Initial CFH training, a reoccurring qualification program shall be conducted covering a period not to exceed 24 months. (Preference will be given to CFH candidates which maintained successfully a SRO license from a NRC Licensed research reactor or had extensive fuel handling experience at Aerotest Operations Inc.)

II. LECTURES A preplanned lecture will be given to Certified Fuel Handlers (CFH) on an annual basis; lecture topics to be covered include:

a. facility design and restrictive practices for fuel storage and movement
b. instrumentation and controls for fuel storage and protection
c. engineerep air and water sampling systems for radiati_on detection
d. normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures
e. radiation control and safety Ill. ON-THE-JOB CFH TRAINING Each CFH candidate shall perform at least ten fuel (or graphite) movements. Each CFH shall demonstrate a satisfactory understanding of the fuel handling equipment and procedures.

Each CFH candidate shall be cognizant of any changes to any part of the requirements and obligations for safe and secure fuel handling. ~hanges made in procedures and the facility and shall be reviewed before any scheduled activity that fuel is to be handled.

Each CFH candidate shall review the contents of all abnormal, security, and emergency procedures.

Each CFH.candidate shall undertake a medical examination by a qualified medical practitioner.


Enclosure 4 VI. ACTIVE/INACTIV E STATUS To maintain active status, each CFH shall "actively" performs at least ten fuel (or graphite) movements annually to maintain/demonstrate fuel-handling proficiency.

Each CFH shall demonstrate a satisfactory understanding of the fuel handling equipment and procedures, radiation protection, emergency, and security programs.

Each CFH shall be cognizant of any changes to any part of the requirements and obligations for safe and secure fuel handling. Changes made in procedures and the facility and shall be reviewed before any scheduled activity that fuel is to be handled.

Each CFH shall participate in the biennial emergency drill. The drill and applicable alterations to emergency procedures shall be reviewed with all CFH within 30 days of the completed drill.

  • V. CFH EVALUATION/ EXAM-ADMINISTRATION Biennial written examinations will be given to all CFHs. The biennial written exam shall include questions formulated from the lecture material presented in Section II specifically to reinforce the phenomena, equipment, and processes associated with
  • the facility licensee.

CFH, who score less than 80% overall on the written examination will be required to participate in a remedial course; the remedial activity, content and duration, will depend upon the individual's deficiencies.

The Aerotest Operations President shall be responsible for the preparation, administration and grading of the written examination.

  • VI.MEDICAL EXAMINATION A medical examination shall be required biennially similar to that required for SRO/RO.

VII. RECORDS Records of the training requalification program will be*maintained to document each CFH in the program. A summary document (log) will be maintained for each CFH that includes entries to support the CFH. active duty status, attendance dates for annual lecture, and references for any on-the-job training activities. Records will also include copies of the written examination with the answers given by each CFH. Also, any additional training given in areas where CFH exhibited deficiencies.


The CFH program shall be conducted for a perioq not to" exceed 24 months and will be followed by consecutive 24 month programs.

Name: - - - - - - -

CFH No. _ _ _ _ _ (Retired SRO No. _ _ _ _ )

LECTURES Preplanned lecture will be given to CFH on annually; lecture topics to be covered include: *

  • Date
a. facility design and procedures for fuel storage and movement
b. instrumentation and controls for fuel storage and protection
c. engineered air and water sampling system for radiation detection
d. normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures
e. radiation control and safety

_ _---eEach CFH candidate shall perform at least ten fuel (or graphite) movements.

Each CFH shall demonstrate a satisfactory understanding of the fuel handling equipment and procedures.

_ _---eEach CFH candidate will be cognizant of any changes to any part of the requirements and obligations for safe and secure fuel handling. Changes made in procedures and the facility and shall be reviewed before any scheduled activity that fuel is to be handled.

_ _---eEach CFH candidate will review the contents of all abnormal, security, and emergency procedures on a regularly scheduled basis.

- - - ' -__Each CFH candidate will undertake a medical examination by a qualified medical practitioner.


_ _ _To maintain active status, each CFH shall "actively" perform at least ten fuel (or graphite) movements annually to maintain/demonstrate fuel-handling proficiency.

Each CFH shall demonstrate a satisfactory understanding of the fuel handling equipment and procedures, radiation protection, emergency, and security programs.

_ _ _Each CFH shall be cognizant of any changes to any part of the requirements and obligations for safe and secure fuel handling. Changes made in procedures and the facility and shall be reviewed before any scheduled activity that fuel is to be handled.

_ _ _Each CFH shall participate in the biennial emergency drill. The drill and applicable alterations to emergency procedures shall be reviewed with all CFH within 30 days of the completed drill.

_ _ _Each CFH shall attend the annual lecture and pass a biannual exam with an 80 percent proficiency.

CFH EVALUATION/ EXAM-ADMINISTRATfON Biennial written examinations: Instr.- - - Score: - - - Date - - -

Medical Exam Dates: Exam date - - - Due date- - -