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E-44108 Attachment 12 E-mail from Richard Mcintosh (Talen Energy) to Don Shaw (Areva) for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna, 07201004  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/2015
From: McIntosh R W
Talen Energy
To: Shaw D
AREVA TN, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML16054A226 List:
Download: ML16054A242 (3)


E-44108 Attachment 12 E-mail from Richard McIntosh (Talen Energy) to Don Shaw (AREVA) for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station


From: McIntosh, Richard Wayne [

] Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 3:20 PM To: SHAW JR Donis (BE/LO)


RE: AREVA Licensing Action to Remove the CoC 1004 Requirements for a Spent Fuel Pool - Susquehanna Your use of my email to conclude Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC, will voluntarily comply will be acceptable.

Best regards, Richard McIntosh l NRA Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC l phone: (570) 542-1695 l From: SHAW JR Donis (AREVA) [

] Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 3:00 PM To: McIntosh, Richard Wayne Cc: WILLIFORD Dennis (AREVA); Nestico Jr, Anthony William; Karchner, Duane D; Sgarro, Rocco R; O'Rourke, Brenda W


RE: AREVA Licensing Action to Remove the CoC 1004 Requirements for a Spent Fuel Pool - Susquehanna Richard,

Thank you. Brenda and I had a good conversation and Brenda contacting us next week is perfectly fine.

My reading of your email below is that it serves as Susquehanna's agreement to voluntarily comply with the proposed

revision to all amendments. Please let me know if that is not the case. The reason NRC needs this is that you have every right to remain in compliance with the licensing bases for the various CoC 1004 amendments under which Susquehanna loaded their NUHOMS systems (Amendments 0, 4, 8, 9, and 10, I believe) and not change to the new Revision 1 licensing bases. That is why it is voluntary and that is why AREVA TN must send NRC the communications from all of the CoC 1004 general licensees. NRC cannot proceed to approval with having 100% voluntary agreement.

I don't mean to confuse things, but unlike Part 50, Part 72 CoC amendments are not superseded by subsequent amendments. I just want to ensure that we are all clear.

Regards, Don Don Shaw Licensing Manager AREVA TN Americas A Division of AREVA Inc. 7135 Minstrel Way, Suite 300 Columbia, Maryland 21045 USA Phone: 410.910.6878 Fax: 410.910.6902 Mobile: 240.565.3452 From: McIntosh, Richard Wayne [

] Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 2:08 PM 2 To: SHAW JR Donis (BE/LO)

Cc: WILLIFORD Dennis (RS/IB); Nestico Jr, Anthony William; Karchner, Duane D; Sgarro, Rocco R; O'Rourke, Brenda W


RE: AREVA Licensing Action to Remove the CoC 1004 Requirements for a Spent Fuel Pool - Susquehanna I understand that both you and Brenda O'Rourke, at Susquehanna Nuclear LLC, have had a discussion today concerning these planned changes on the CoC 1004, and that Brenda contacting you next week in the first week of the new year will be acceptable support to your efforts.

Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC is aware of the proposed changes in the CoC 1004 and is following the proposal's review with the NRC, so both you and Dennis Wiliford may still refer to Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC to identify that General License holders have been contacted, and that Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC station is aware of the potential impacts and needs to implement changes as would be appropriate for such a revision in the CoC. We also understand from your discussion today with Brenda O'Rourke that there is going to be an NRC request for additional information expected and that the 'ball' remains in the NRC's court at this time.

In connection with the message thread below and its general request for a response/replay from General License holders that confirms their implementation of a new revision to the CoC 1004 will be pursued, the station will of course support an approved amendment's issuance to the CoC, as would be necessary to remain in compliance with this new licensing basis.

Best regards, Richard McIntosh l NRA Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC l phone: (570) 542-1695 l

E-44108 Attachment 12 E-mail from Richard McIntosh (Talen Energy) to Don Shaw (AREVA) for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station


From: McIntosh, Richard Wayne [

] Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 3:20 PM To: SHAW JR Donis (BE/LO)


RE: AREVA Licensing Action to Remove the CoC 1004 Requirements for a Spent Fuel Pool - Susquehanna Your use of my email to conclude Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC, will voluntarily comply will be acceptable.

Best regards, Richard McIntosh l NRA Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC l phone: (570) 542-1695 l From: SHAW JR Donis (AREVA) [

] Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 3:00 PM To: McIntosh, Richard Wayne Cc: WILLIFORD Dennis (AREVA); Nestico Jr, Anthony William; Karchner, Duane D; Sgarro, Rocco R; O'Rourke, Brenda W


RE: AREVA Licensing Action to Remove the CoC 1004 Requirements for a Spent Fuel Pool - Susquehanna Richard,

Thank you. Brenda and I had a good conversation and Brenda contacting us next week is perfectly fine.

My reading of your email below is that it serves as Susquehanna's agreement to voluntarily comply with the proposed

revision to all amendments. Please let me know if that is not the case. The reason NRC needs this is that you have every right to remain in compliance with the licensing bases for the various CoC 1004 amendments under which Susquehanna loaded their NUHOMS systems (Amendments 0, 4, 8, 9, and 10, I believe) and not change to the new Revision 1 licensing bases. That is why it is voluntary and that is why AREVA TN must send NRC the communications from all of the CoC 1004 general licensees. NRC cannot proceed to approval with having 100% voluntary agreement.

I don't mean to confuse things, but unlike Part 50, Part 72 CoC amendments are not superseded by subsequent amendments. I just want to ensure that we are all clear.

Regards, Don Don Shaw Licensing Manager AREVA TN Americas A Division of AREVA Inc. 7135 Minstrel Way, Suite 300 Columbia, Maryland 21045 USA Phone: 410.910.6878 Fax: 410.910.6902 Mobile: 240.565.3452 From: McIntosh, Richard Wayne [

] Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 2:08 PM 2 To: SHAW JR Donis (BE/LO)

Cc: WILLIFORD Dennis (RS/IB); Nestico Jr, Anthony William; Karchner, Duane D; Sgarro, Rocco R; O'Rourke, Brenda W


RE: AREVA Licensing Action to Remove the CoC 1004 Requirements for a Spent Fuel Pool - Susquehanna I understand that both you and Brenda O'Rourke, at Susquehanna Nuclear LLC, have had a discussion today concerning these planned changes on the CoC 1004, and that Brenda contacting you next week in the first week of the new year will be acceptable support to your efforts.

Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC is aware of the proposed changes in the CoC 1004 and is following the proposal's review with the NRC, so both you and Dennis Wiliford may still refer to Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC to identify that General License holders have been contacted, and that Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC station is aware of the potential impacts and needs to implement changes as would be appropriate for such a revision in the CoC. We also understand from your discussion today with Brenda O'Rourke that there is going to be an NRC request for additional information expected and that the 'ball' remains in the NRC's court at this time.

In connection with the message thread below and its general request for a response/replay from General License holders that confirms their implementation of a new revision to the CoC 1004 will be pursued, the station will of course support an approved amendment's issuance to the CoC, as would be necessary to remain in compliance with this new licensing basis.

Best regards, Richard McIntosh l NRA Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC l phone: (570) 542-1695 l