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Forwards Endorsements 106 & 107 to Nelia Policy NF-170 & Endorsements 90 & 91 to Maelu Policy MF-47
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/03/1985
NUDOCS 8509110013
Download: ML17254A543 (11)


C~REGUI ATORY IN NATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTE (RIDS)'ACCESSION NBR;8509110013 DOC~DATE;85/09/03 NOTARIZED:, NO, DOCKET FACIL:50 244 Robert Emme.t-Gonna Nuclear Planti Unit li Rochester G~05000244'uTH, NAME'UTHOR AFFILIATION STERNiD~'arsh 8 McLennani Inc, REC IP~NAME>RECIPIENT AFFILIATION SALTZMANgJi Assistanti Director for State L Licensee Relations


'orwards-Ehdorsements 106 L 107 to NELIA Policy Endorsements 90 8 91 to MALEU Policy MF-47, DISTRIBUTION CODE.: M0010 COPIES.RECEIVED:LTR

/'NCL/TITLE;Insurance Indemnity/Endorsement Agreements NOTEStNRR/DL/SEP 1cy.OL:09/19/69 NF" 170 8 SIZE',5000244 RECIPIENT'D CODE/NAME>>


?4X NRC>>PDR>>NOTES: 01.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SP LPDR 03'OTAL" NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR'ENCL>>7 H El EE Marsh&McLennan, Incorporated 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York10020 Telephone 212 997-2000 September 3, 1985 Mr.Jerome Saltzman Assistant Director State&Licensee Relations Office of State Programs U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Rochester Gas&Electric

Dear Mr.Saltzman:

Enclosed please find the following endorsements:

~Pclic NF-170 NF-170 MF-47 MF-47 Endorsement 106 107 90 91 ere y, Davi Stern Nuclear Consultant DS/gsj D.Barrett G.VanIngen p o9iiooi3 850903 DR~ADOC~~()PDR NLtcIear Ettergy Liability ineurartce NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION RESTORATION OF LIMIT OF LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that: 1.Payments made=and expenses incurred by the companies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits'f the companies'iability stated in Item~4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements.

2.The'limit of iiability stated in Endorsement No.99 which has been'reduced is hereby restored to$tea ooo ooo.oo.This restored limit appl.ies only with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement.

3.The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cumulative.

Each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount, of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability.

applies with respect to the bodily injury or, property damage out of which such loss or expense arises.This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part of the Nucloar Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form)as des-ignated hereon.No Insurance is affordod her nder.'I John L.ruat rocchi, Vice President-Liability Underwriting American NucIear Insurers Effective Date of this Endorsement Jul 1 1 85 12:Ol A.M.Standard Time Issued to Rochester Gas&Electric Cor oration To form a part of.Policy No Date of Issue Au ust 26 1 For th e su crlblng co panies Endorsement No 106 8y Countersigned by Ganerat.Manager NE-22b 0 1 fj I~i I c'I t/

/NiÃlenr Energy Liibillty Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CALENDAR YEAR 19S5 It is agreed that Items la.and lb.of Endorsement No.~~are amended to read: la.ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above 1s:$372 630.51 lb.STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is:$Additional Premium:$77.50 that this is a true copy of the original This is to certify tha umber and being made part Endorsement having the endorscmen~

num P li y (Facility Form)as des-, of the Nucle r E gy Liability o cy ignated hereon.o Xnsurance is a or John L.itt i, ice rocchresent LiabiTit un ijttri'ng Anicncan Niieiear Insurera Effective Date of this Endorsement 1 85 12:01 A.M.Standard Time Issued to Rochester Gas 6 Electric Corporation To form a part of Policy No Date of Issue For the su cribing co panies By A Gonoral Manager Endorsement No NE-36 Countersigned by

'0 p'I'C 0 NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Restoration of Limit of Liabilit Endorsement E It is agreed that: 1.Paynents made ard expenses incurred by the caqmnies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the ccmpanies'iability stated in Item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Erdorsements.

2.The limit of liability stated in Endorsement No.84 which has been reduced is hereby restored to$36 000 000.00 restored limit applies only with respect to o lxgatxons assumed or expenses incurred because of bcdily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this erdorsement.

3.The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cumulative.

Each payment made by the ccmpanies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduced by the amount of such payaent every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bcdily injury or property damage out.of which such loss or expense arises.Effective Date of this Endorscmcnt July 1, 1985 To form a part f Policy No.Issued to Rochester Gas&Electric Cor oration Dpgp pf Ipppz Au upt 26 1 85 For thc Subscribing Cornpanics MU'ly UAL ATO>llC ENERC Y LIADILI I Y.~)~=~~~DERI"Ir RITERS I'dofscnlcllt No.90 NE-22b Coulltccsli IIcd tly This is to certify that'%?i9'S*Ph V"5FRP88py of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part of the Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form)as des-ignated hereon.N Insurance is afforded her nder.John L.attr'oui;e.~g hrwriting American uclear Insurers

NVCLEAI<ENLRC Y L.lABILITY INSUl'ANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERC Y LIA13ILITY UNDERWRITERS l.Amendment of Advance Premium Endorsement Z.Standard Premiuni and Rcscrve Premium En<lorscmcnt 3.Additional Premium Duc l.Adva.nce Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due thc companies for the calendar year 1985 is$108 183.0 2.Standard Premium and Reserve Premium t'ubject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Eor the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium$108, 183.05 Reserve P r cmium$81~544 12 3.Additional Premium 22.50 Effective Date of this endorsement To Eorm a part of Policy No.MF-47.Issued to Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation Date of Issue August 26, 1985 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOM C ENERGY LIABILITY UNDER%'RITERS ,I By-Ž-~EndOIsOmettt NO.91 i)E-36 Countersigned by Authorized Rcprcscntative This is to certify that this is a true copy of the oxiginal Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part Of tho Nuclear Energy iability Policy (Pacility I'orm)as des-/natod hereon,.No Ins rance is afforded,hereun r, John L.Quattrncchi, Vice President-LiabQity Underwriting American Nuclear Insurers VL P I, 1, t'I/~t