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Reportable Deficiency on 790621:emergency Dc Motor Control Ctr Cooler RRA-FC-12 Is Powered from Noncritical Motor Control Ctr MC-7C-A.Design Directive Issued & Power to RRA-FC-12 Is Presently Being Provided
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Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 06/11/1979
Shared Package
ML17272A531 List:
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, NUDOCS 7907250314
Download: ML17272A532 (6)



NO DOCKET" 0 FACILc50 397 HPPSS Nuclear Pr oJecti Unit"?'r Nashington Public Powe 05000397 AUTH;NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION

  • Washington Public Power~Supply System REC IP~NAME RECIP IENl AFFILIATION, SUBJECT!RO on 790611!emergency DC MCC room cool:e1'RA~FC~12 is power'ed from noncritical.

motor contr ol ctr, MC 7C APPED issued 8 power'o RRA FC 12 is pr esently pr ovided by Class IE MCC 7B~Design drawings wil I be>revised, DISTRIBUTION CODE!B019S COPIES RECEIVED:LTR,J'ENCL'

'SIZE" TITLE:!CONSTRUCTION DEFICIENCY REPORT (10CFR50~55E), NO~S'g t l4 f A'IIf W W~%A W f0%P%fO Sl+W IP P W Iif I4%W sf SP%&&w w%Iff~yg R IIf A ff fif Nf%IW%Nf sf Q%AQ%+W%W FN Nf IW W Q%+N fN Ig%%II/'A IO Of+%RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME!

ACTION!14 PM 4 Cy~E4 20 LA Ca r~f INTERNAL!0 05 I8E" 08 MPA 10 QAB 12 JORDAN'/IE 16 AD FOR ENGR 17 AO REAC SFTY 22" DIR DPM AD/SITE.TECH GEOSCIENCES BR EXTERNAl!03 LPDR 24 ACRS COPIES LTTR ENCI'x, 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1'1 1 1 1 1 1 1=1 1 1 1 16 ib RECIPIENT ID~CODE/NAME, 15 BC~~E O'I 21 AD<4->scE-~~c 02 NRC" PDR 01 EDO 8 STAFF 09 DEPY DIR DPM 11 STANDRDS DEV 13FIELD COOR/IE'7 AD PLANT SYS 19 AD SYS/PROJ 23 OELD DIRECTOR DSE.STRUCT ANLYS BR 04 NSIC COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Jgg~t'gpg TOTAL NUMBER OF COPTER REQUIREOI LTTR f(~ENCL CF ilr'l<r'4)t*<<II<W<<t~f it<<>W t NW>)I J I<, t,,'i,, 1 Il'<<'jf<<"I ,l'N II lc't" O'W V'tqP 1)"j<<<m')$'m<i g t~fr e<NI<iI(r>><W N 4thrgrh gr',<~t)<'>p f Vrb't Qt1 lj,'t 4>>1 4 Ig<<'I)t e ee ee<<e ee ee\>>'e'i)p<l'<T g>>>>J (j 44 I'7 W>>" 4<q'<<Jf<N tt>+rr-()6 g)f gilt'<iI't 5,<'4,<<4,<f<'<<'y 7<<,')<-(TlT eeer'eeceeeeeeh

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-..e weeaaee>>ee a: eche e>>>>r"er~4<I jjl'Y W l lir'$44 t<I, (ii<(>>W If<a NN g<<fW<'N I'('N'I ii<h'f W.r'II 0>>, l i<4'I P'-i>>i<<I, q fj~$>>I g 4<4<W REPORTABLE'EFICIENCY AND CORRECTIVE ACTION WPPSS NUCLEAR.PROJECT NO.2'MERGENCY D;C.MCC'ROOM"COOLER, RRA'-FC-12, POWERED FROM NON-CRITICAL MOTOR CONTROL CENTER WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM DOCKET NO.50-397 LICENSE NO.CPPR-93 Description of Deficienc: Current design drawings show power for the Emergency D.C.MCC Room Cooler, RRA-FC-12, is supplied from non-critical motor control center MC-7C-A.This fact was noted during a review of Class 1E equipment and following an evaluation of the safety implications, the subject was determined to be a reportable deficiency under 10CFR 50.55(e).Region V of the NRC was notified of the deficiency, by telephone, on June 21, 1979..Safet Im lications:

Room cooler, RRA-FC-12, removes heat from the critical D.C.motor control center room on the 471'levation of the Reactor Building during accident conditions, such as a LOCA, when the Reactor Building is i'solated and the normal HVAC system is shut down.This room contains 250VDC motor control center MC-S2-1A, Division I, which provides power to a number of RHR and containment isolation valves.In the event of a LOCA, it is estimated the temperature in the D.C.MCC room could reach 250oF or higher, if.RRA-FC-12 room cooler is inoperable.

Temperatures of this magnitude could result in failure of the motor control center with a resultant loss in power to safety related valves required to function post-LOCA and during shutdown.Although the valves are provided with manual override provisions, access to the valves, located in the Reactor Building, could not be assured under LOCA conditions.

Corrective Action Taken: A project Design Directive (PED-218-E-1158) has been issued detailing the wiring changes required to move the=power supply for RRA-FC-12 from non-critical motor control center MC-7C-A to Class 1E motor control center MC-7B.Design drawings will be revised and-the electrical contractor will proceed with the required wiring changes in accordance with this Directive.

The subject deficiency is not generic and should not affect other facilities.

V 907 25 0 pl/

EVALUATION REPORT FORMAT P oject HPPSS;HHP-2 bork Order 2808 Evaluation Report.6 ll 79 79-3 Specific Area of Concern Safet related cooler owered from Non-C3.'ass lE Bus Ou"side Contractor Involved (if any)Hone l.De'sc'iption of Devi tion:~rgency D.C.MCC Room Cooler, RBA-FC-12, is powered from non-cri,tical motor control center MC-7C-A.2.Date and Method of Discovery:

During a review of Class lE equipment included in the bNP-2 HVAC systems, the subject deficiency was discovered.

BAR~as advised of the deficiency by NPPSS on March 21, 1979.3.Analysis of'afety Implication:

The question removes"heat from the critical DC MCC room on El.47l,'f the Reactor Building.'his room contains 250 VDC MCC-S2-1A, Division X.If RRA-FC-12 were inoperable, ths temperature in this room would gise at approxim tely 15 F per minute and could reach 250 F or higher in the event of a LOCA.The fan is only uti'ized" on an ZAZ signal.The MCC provides power to RCIC and RHR valves (among others)as well as the RCXC v cuum and condensate pumps.The RCXC system is utilized during normal shutdown and possibly during a small-break LOCA.Several of the valves involved are isolation valves.Temperatures on the order of 250 P could result in failure of the MCC.Although the valves are provided with manual override provisions, access into'he Reacto Building could not be assured under LOCA conditions.

Accordingly, the deficiency is considered reportable according to 10CFR21 and 10CPR50.55(e) criteria since the safety of plant operation xwuld be a fected and since the defic'ency is on design"pproved and released for construction in non-conformance arith the S"f e ty Analys is Repor t.

~~, 4...>>O'er Pacilities wh may be Effected;2<one known..ized,r.r.r vr o JUN l3 I97S 5.'orrective Action (taken/proposed) b , A BED was..issued vhereby,power to RBA-PC-12 is now provided'y Class'lE'MCC-7B'.6.Reauired Project Evaluation and Individual Determination:

Protect 2anager R~tbt'bt (bh Project QA Group Supv.Cog.Group Supervisor Licensing Supervisor r R (Decisions by&e abov ust be nanMous to preclude x~>ther evalua-tion.Zn De event un nizity cannot be achieved, the below listed Directors shall evaluate.)

7.Beauired Directors and Individual Decisions:

Sianature b-'-'.ot Rc"c"able Director of Project O-,.erations i=ector oz Quality Assur"nce Director of Engineering and Design Office of the President Action Taken Client Advised.Licensing Supervisor DQt:s "4