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Forwards Endorsement 63 to Nelia Policy NF-206,Endorsement 51 to Maelu Policy MF-79,Endorsement 7 to Nelia Policies N-45 & N-64 & Maelu Policies M-45 & M-64
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 12/20/1984
NUDOCS 8412270371
Download: ML17321A362 (17)


REGULATO INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION i STEM (RIDS)ACCESSION NBR: 8412270371 DOC e DATE'.84/12/20 NOTARIZED I=-NO DOCKET FACIL;50-315 Donald C, Cook Nuclear Power Planti Unit li Indiana 8"05000315 50<<316 Donald C~Cook Nuclear Power Planti Unit 2i Indiana 8-05000316 AUTH BYNAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION BUCKLESi J~A, Marsh 8 McLennani Inc.RECIP~NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION SALTZMANiJe Assistant Director for State 8 Licensee Relations


Forwards Endorsement 63 to NEI IA Policy NF-.206iEndorsement 51 to MAELU Policy MF-79iEndorsement 7 to NELIA Policies N"45 8 N 64 8 MAELU Policies M-45 8 M 64.DISTRIBUTION CODEo M001D.COPIES RECEIYED:LTR J ENCL SIZEo TITLE: Insurance:

Indemnity/Endorsement Agreements NOTES: OL 10/25/74 OL: 12/23/72 0500031'5 05000316 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME'RR ORB1 LA COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 REC IPIENT ID CODE/NAME.

COP IES-LTTR ENCL INTERNA~R EXTERNAL: LPDR NTIS 01 03 04 1 1?2.1 1 SP NRC PDR 02 1 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 7 FNCL 7 f>>C$~!'Ev v'v!v<<v'!'vv R M F M E*R!R v!V vw~)~~v M it>>R'M)M/"'I'v!R'v~~I$v'll~!~)Rgf, I vw R!'M lw)v'1<<M 1 R>>v~~~~~~<<),>I Qv)')Q l'w T'I M f R IR gvw<<R l, R>>I)l I r j g T MM vV IIl'g I RM I R g v'M Marsh&McLennan, Incorporated 222 South Riverside Plaza Chicago, illinois 60606 Telephone 312 648-6000 December 20, 1984 Mr.Jerome Sal tzman Assistant Director State&Licensee Relations Office of State Programs U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 RE INDIANA 8 MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY

Dear Mr.Saltzman:

On behalf of Indiana 8 Michigan Electric Company, enclosed please find two certified copies of each of the following Endorsements:

ZsJim hh NF-206 MF-79 N-45 M-45 N-64 M-64 63 51 7 7 7 7 Very truly yours, Joseph A.Buckles Assistant Vice President M8M Nuclear Consultants JAB/sp Mr.D.Payne-Indiana 8 Michigan Electric Company Mr.S.G.Amerman-M&M Columbus 8412270371 841220 PDR ADQCK 05000315 J PDR o 7 N ear Energy Liability Insuranc NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM CALENDAR YEAR 1985 ENDORSEMENT l.ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 2.STANDARD PREMIUM ANO RESERVE PREMIUM: ln the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: This is to corti that this fs a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and boing ctade part oi'he Nuclear Enor-y Liability Policy (Facility Form)as des-'gnated, hereon.kfo Insurance is afforded hereunder.

John L Quattrocchi, Vice PresMent4k4Qg Vtdertrt@tg Arnerlcan Nuclctr haute'ffective Date of This Endorsement January 1, 1985 12:01 A.M.Standard Time I+dianaA-Michi an Electr-ic-Com an=December 14, 1984 Date of Issue NF-206 To form a part of Policy No.For the s cribing corn anies Endorsement No.63 Countersigned by General INeneger

'a~~,'l,'4l 1 I+9 I,~,+4" k c e NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL'TOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY.UNDERWRITERS ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM CALENDAR YEAR 1985 ENDORSEMENT 1.ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: 141,996.94 2.STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is: 3 107 242.67 This is to cert'&that tM8 is a.trtte aoPy ot the o&85nal Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made Part og the Huolear Fnergy Liability Polioy t Facility Form)as des-5gnated, horoon.Ho Ineuranoa is aXTorded herettnder.

Effective Date of This Endorsement January 1, 1985 12:01 A.M.Standard Time Issuedto ndiana&M'chi an Ele r'an To form a part of Policy No.Date of Issue December 14, 1984 For the s cribing corn anies General Manager Endorsernent No.Countersigned by "I~f g II Jj t ii4 l'n<.Jtf~KJ V' Nuclear Energy Liability Intturanco NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PREMIUM EIIDORSEMENT Calendar Year l985 ANNUAL PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies for the period designated above is:$4,650.00 This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and.being made part of the Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form)as des-ignated hereon.1/o Insurance is afforded hereunder.

John L.Quattrocchl, Vice President.

Liability Underwriting American Nuclear Iusurers Effective Date of January l, I985 tnls Endorsement

~12:01 A.M.Standard Time Indiana 6 Michigan Electric Company To form a part of Cert i f i cate No.N 45 I Date of issue Oecember l4 l 84 For the su cribi ng co panies 7'Endorsement No By Countersigned by Generai Manager I 0 Ae 72 NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year t98g ANNUAL PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annua 1 Premium due the companies for the period designated above is:$1,350.00 This is to certify that this is a true copy of the original Kndorsement having the endorsement number and being made part of the Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form)as des-i d hereon.No Insurance i.afforded.hereunder, igna e John L.Quattrocchi, Vice President-Liability Underwriting American Nuclear I nsurers Effective Date of this Endorsement Januar 1 1 8 To form n part of Certificate No.M-45 to Xnd iana&Michigan El ectr i c Company Date o f Issu Decembe r 1 4 I 84 For thc Subscribing Companies MU UAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIA ILITY U ERKVRITERS By Endorsement No.Countersigned by A u au OnlXRll l tsrIKSRNThTI vk:

Nucloar Energy Liability Inaurlnce NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PREMIUM EIIDORSEMENT Calendar Year~l 85 ANNUAL PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annuai Premium due the companies for the period designated above is:$4,650.00 This is to oerti y a tif th t a true copy of the original t havin the endorse.t:e:n ot.ulcer and heing made par t'."o-tFacility Fo)d s-of the Nuclear Energy L5.abi..ity r'o;.ioy 1gnated hereon.o nsu N Xnsuranco is afforded hereunder.

John L.Quattrocchi, Vice President-Lhbility UtgktNttgng American Nuclear Insurers Effecti fe Date of January I, I985 tnfs Endorsement 12:01 A.M.Standard Tlrne Issued to Indiana 8 Michigan Electric Company Ye form a earl ol Cert l fleece No.N-64 Date of Issue Oecember I4 I 84 For the su crjbi ng cc panies Endorsement No By Countersigned by General Manager oi II o rogllr~~+fr'1 r i t ir rrr r',r!Il r"yu 4<<,jar>>'"

C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I I I~~~~~4','l~~~II'~~~I 1~~~..~~~~.~~~~'~~~~~.~)-.~~~~~~l J~~~~

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~~~~NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1985 ANNUAI PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies for the period designated above is:$1,350.00 This is to oertify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part of the Nuolear Energy Liability Policy (Facility Form)as des-ignated hereon.No Insurance is afforded hereunder, John L.Quattrocchi, Uice President Liability Underwriting American Nuclear Insurers Effective Date of this Endorsement Januar 1 1 8 To form n part of Certificate No..H-64 Issue to Indiana&Hichi an Electric Com any Date of Issu December III I 8'or the Subscribing Companies MU UAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIA ILITY U HRKVItITERS I(By Endorsement No.Countersigned by huTIIolllzst)


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