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Interim Deficiency Rept Re Unsupported Anchors Between Concrete Floors & Equipment Base Plates,Initially Reported 801107.Caused by Unfilled Annular Space Between Pipe Shim & Anchor.Use of Shims Around Anchors Will Be Discontinued
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/09/1980
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, ER-100450-10050, PLA-586, NUDOCS 8012190573
Download: ML18030A024 (7)


REGULA TUR r>>FOR'>AT IOtt DISTR IBU1IO<SY i E"I (RIOS)ACCESS IU't f R:8012190573 OuC.r(ATE: 80/12/09 NOTARI EEO: NO FACIL'"-Susqirehanna Steam Electric Station~unit 1r Pennsylva 0-3 H souehanna Stea(n Electric Stations i!nit 2i Pennsyl va Ar!THuR At-FlLIATION T I 3 g.'4~'v(~Pennsylvania Power 8, Light Co.REC IP e i(A<<c REC Ir'Ie,i<1 AFF ILI'ATIOtt GR1ERi8~H~Reqron li Pni 1 aaelphia<Of f ice of the Oir ector


Interim deficiency rept re unsupparted anchars between concr ete floors 8 equioment base plates>ini-tial ly reported 801107~Caused by-un'l 1 ed annul ar space between pipe shim anchor.use of Snims around anchor s wi1 1 oe discontinued

~OISTH IbiJTION CCOc,: R019S COYIES RECEI VEi):LTD E4CL SIZE: TITLE: Construction Oeticiency Repor t (10CFR50.55E)

NOTES:Send I(t,E 3 copies t-S'AR 8 a'll'amends, Send It(E 3 copies, FSAR'll all amends'OCKET 05000387 0500u388 05000387 05000388 DECI'PIE" 1 IO CO()E/ttA>iE AC 1'Ot'i A/0 L I CEiiStvG 04 RUSdbR(rOK.H.

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LTTR~E(~CL TWO NORTH NINTH STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA.18101 PHONEr t215I 821~5151 NORMAN W.CURTIS Vice Presiaent-Engineering 8 Conslructlcn-Nuclear 821-5381 December 9, 1980 Mr.Boyce H.Grier Director, Region I U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC STATION INTERIM REPORT OF A DEFICIENCY RELATING TO SHIMMING OF BASE PLATES ERs 100450/100508 FILES 840-4/900-10 PLA-586 n wr CA ro

Dear Mr.Grier:

This letter serves to provide the Commission with an interim report of a deficiency regarding the use of pipe shims around anchors between concrete floors and equipment base plates.The deficiency was originally reported by telephone to NRC Region I Inspector Mr.L.Narrow by Mr.R.A.Schwan of PPGL on November 7, 1980.During that conversation, Mr.Narrow was advised that the condition was under evaluation for reportability under the provisions of 10CFR50.55(e).

The deficiency has been documented by Bechtel under MCAR 1-64 issued on November 4, 1980;and PPaL has subsequently concluded that the condition is reportable under 10CFR50.55(e).

The attachment to this letter contains the description of the problems, the approach to resolution along with the basi.s.for reportability.

Since the details of this report-provide information relevant to the reporting requirements of 10CFR21, this correspondence is considered to also discharge any formal responsibili.ty PPGL may have for reporting in compliance thereto.We expect to provide a fi.nal report on the deficiency in February, 1981.Very truly yours, N.W.Curtis Vice President-Engineering a Construction-Nuclear tLC (V 5 Attachment FLW:mcb PENNSYLVANIA POWER IL LIGHT COMPANY 0r.Boyce H.Grier December 9, 1980 cc: Mr.Victor Stello (15)..Director, Region I U.S.Nuc'lear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C., 20555 I Office of'Management Information a Program Control U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Mr.Robert M;Gall'o U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.0.Box 52, Shickshinny, Pennsylvania 18655 0'TTACHMENT

'O PLA-586 DESCRIPTION OF THE POTENTIAL PROBLEMS Bechtel Engineering became aware that pipe.shims have been used around anchors between concrete floors-and, base.plates.These were used fear setting and leveling of the base plates of various types of supports.The majority of.the existing.base plates, have been already grouted, however, the annular space between.pipe shim and the anchor is not filled'S'ee Figure'l.').The grout, thickne'ss (and.also.the height of the pipe shim)generally r'anges between one and two inches.As.the anchors are unsupported'ithin the height of pipe.shims,, their, shear capacities may b'e significantly.

reduced.I Further communication by Bechtel.Engineering with Bechtel Field.Engineering indicated that this aondition~ists-..typically on the following types of floor mounted supports: a.Large and small pipe supports.b.Instrument.

supports c.Electrical supports Zn the above condition, on a few floor mounted pipe supports, it was observed'hat a nut was placed'within the pipe shim and tack welded.(See Figure'2')This'condition may-have an adverse impact in developing and verifying required installation torque/prestress in the anchors.'PPROACH"TO RESOLUTION OF THE.PROBLEMS (On discovery of.the problenrs, Bechtel Field Engineering was instructed by Bechtel Engineering to discontinue use of pipe shims around anchors.An inspection program is planned to identify and determine the scope of this problem;, Based upon the information obtained, adequacy of anchors will be accordingly evaluated.

For the resolution of the problem>the following options are being considered.

a.Developing an arialytical method for engineering evaluation.

, b.Removing pipe shims, where base plates are not grouted.c.Filling the annular space with an approved material.STATUS OF'ROPOSED RESOLUTIONS Bechtel.field personnel are currently developing a field procedure for under<<taking the inspection program necessary to resolve the use of pipe shims around anchors.The inspection is scheduled to commence in December 1980.Additionally, the field has established the feasibility of filling the void shown in Figure 1 with grouting material.Bechtel Engineering is in the process of evaluating this condition by analytical method.r An inspection and remedial program is presently being planned which will deal with the tack welding of leveling nuts inside pipe shims (Figure 2).

ATTACM:-?K TO PLA-586 (Pa e 2)REPORTABZ LXTY PPsL Engineering has determined these-problems to be reportable to NRC under lOCPR50.55(e) for the following reasons.a.The conditions, had they gone unnoticed, might have adverse impact on the safe operation/shutdown of the plant as these anchors support safety related systems and/or piping.b.Based upon the-available information, these conditions may require extensive evaluation.

and/or repair to meet structural requirements.

'Z 9 Pd/W NRoo7 PIPE SHIT.~\4~~~~0~~t'r~r e\~o~~r 4~0 h~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~'I (gl" C':~~~.~(g]c e gr~>~,~er d SHIMNIAIG.OF BASE'PEA TED~1 Z

~~'o o@.~Oi~,~0~~gt~~~~~~F.: Ex]sv-w c come.EX PANsldN ANCHOR pyps sHl