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Nine Mile, Unit 2, Transmittal of Core Operating Limits Report, COLR2-14, Revision 1
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/21/2013
From: Swift P M
Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, EDF Group, Nine Mile Point
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
COLR2-14, Rev 1
Download: ML13190A012 (23)


CENG.a joint venture ofEnom*g40NINE MILE POINTNUCLEAR STATIONP.O. Box 63Lycoming, NY 13093June 21, 2013U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 ATTENTION:


Document Control DeskNine Mile Point Nuclear StationUnit No. 2; Docket No. 50-410Core Operating Limits ReportEnclosed is a copy of the Core Operating Limits Report, COLR2-14, Revision 1 for Nine Mile Point Unit2 (NMP2). This report is being submitted pursuant to NMP2 Technical Specification 5.6.5.d.Should you have any questions regarding the information in this submittal, please contact John J. Dosa,Licensing

Director, at (315) 349-5219.

Very truly yours,Paul M. SwiftManager, Engineering ServicesPMS/MHS


Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Core Operating Limits Reportcc: NRC Regional Administrator, Region INRC Project ManagerNRC Senior Resident Inspector ENCLOSURE Nine Mile Point Unit 2Core Operating Limits ReportNine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLCJune 21, 2013 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTCOLR2-14Revision 1, Cycle 14Name,;;-Tae Wook AhnTiteDatePrepared by:Fuels EngineerReviewed by:Approved by:_Fuels EngineerMelisa Krick--J- , ? Supervisor, Reactor EngineerJohn Darweesh6/t/zo ~56~ 9//3Approved by:Approved by:ýobert Coe/(V/Phil W loski1 6-A/JV(3Supervisor, FuelsGeneral Supervisor, FuelsThis controlled document provides cycle specific core operating limits for use in conjunction with theNine Mile Point Unit 2 Technical Specifications.

Document pages may only be changed through areissue of the entire document.

COLR2-14 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 1, Cycle 14CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTTABLE OF CONTENTSpage1.0 AVERAGE PLANAR LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (APLHGR) 11.1 Limits for Technical Specification 3.2.1 12.0 MINIMUM CRITICAL POWER RATIO (ODYN OPTION B) 32.1 Limits for Technical Specification 3.2.2 33.0 LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (LHGR) 103.1 Limits for Technical Specifications 3.2.3 104.0 AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOR SETPOINTS 154.1 Limits for Technical Specification Table (OPRM Upscale) 155.0 CONTROL ROD BLOCK INSTRUMENTATION 165.1 Allowable Value for Technical Specification Table 1




FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES 188.0 SOURCE DOCUMENTS 19Page i COLR2-14NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTRevision 1, Cycle 141.0 AVERAGE PLANAR LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (APLHGR)1.1 Limits for Technical Specification 3.2.1The APLHGR(s) for each fuel type as a function of Average Planar Exposure shall notexceed the limits shown in Table 1.The limits of Table 1 shall be reduced to a value of 0.78 times the two recirculation loop operation limit when in single recirculation loop operation.

Page 1 of 19 COLR2-14NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTRevision 1, Cycle 14Table 1MAPLHGR versus Average PlanarAverage Planar Exposure MAPLHGR Limits(GWD/ST)

(KW/ft)0.00 12.8214.51 12.8219.13 12.8257.61 8.0063.50 5.00NOTES:1. APLHGR(s) are interpolated between exposure points for which explicit values are givenPage 2 of 19 COLR2-14 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 1, Cycle 14CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT2.0 MINIMUM CRITICAL POWER RATIO (ODYN OPTION B)2.1 Limits for Technical Specification 3.2.2For 2-Pump Operation, the Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) shall be equal toor greater than the maximum of the appropriate MCPR(P) from Figures 2c, 2d and 2eor the MCPR(F) from Figure 2f.For Single Loop Operation, the Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) shall be equalto or greater than the Minimum Critical Power Ratio for 2-Pump Operation plus 0.02.NOTES: 1. For Figures 2a and 2b tau (t) defined as follows:TA -TBwhere:TA = 0.866 seconds, control rod average scram insertion time limit to notch 39 per Technical Specification 3.1.4.vB =0.672+1.65n N1 x(0.016)i=1.1vin = number of surveillance tests performed in cycleNi= number of active control rods measured in the ioh surveillance testT= average scram time to notch 39 of all rods measured in the i"h surveillance testN, = total number of active rods measured in Specification = 1.0 prior to performance of the initial scram time measurements for the cycle2. ARTS provides for power- and flow-dependent thermal limit adjustments and multipliers, whichallow for a more reliable administration of the MCPR thermal limit. The MCPR(P) curves areindependent of EOC-RPT and scram time option, but are determined for other EOOS. The MCPR(P)limits for PROOS were converted to a K(P) consistent with the ARTS offrated limits. MCPR(F) isindependent of Scram Time Option and all EOOS.3. The Operating Limit MCPR values for Turbine Bypass Out of Service and EOC-RPT Out of Serviceare higher (more limiting) than for the standard normal operation case, and are therefore specifically identified where appropriate.

The OLMCPR values for all other analyzed EOOS transient events arebounded by the Normal Operation limits.4. EOR is the End of Rated exposure as defined in the Cycle Management Report.5. The K(P) multiplier at P-bypass (26% power) for PROOS has been adjusted to match the EIS coditionin order to add conservatism under the PROOS condition.

Page 3 of 19 COLR2-14NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTREVISION 1, CYCLE 14Figure 2aMCPR Operating Limits(BOC to EOR-1611 MWd/ST)1.541.52Ix0.=EE._6i~1.501.481.461.441.42(1,1.53)(1,1.50)(1,1.42)1.401.3800.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Tau0.60.7 0.80.91Page 4 of 19 COLR2-14NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTREVISION 1, CYCLE 14Figure 2bMCPR Operating Limits(EOR-1 611 MWdIST to EOC)IzCLC.0E1.661.641.621.601.581.561.541.521.501.481.461.441.42(1,1.65)(1,1.50)(1,1.47)00.1 0.20.3 0.40.5 0.60.7 0.80.91TauPage 5 of 19 COLR2-14NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTREVISION 1, CYCLE 14Figure 2cMCPR(P) for <26%Power,

<75%FlowK(P) for >26% Powerfor Equipment In Service and Recirculation Pump Trip Out of Servicea-C.)@83.5003.2503.0002.7502.5002.2502.0001.7501.5001.2501.000I __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _-~ -! -! -! -~ -!(23,(2.470)

(26, 2.390)(26,1.511)

MCPR(P) = 2.390 + 2.67E-02(26.0-P) for 23.0% 5 P < 26.0%MCPR(P) = K(P)*(the appropriate MCPR limit from Figures 2a or2b) for 26.0% 5 P 5 100.0%-U K(P) = 1.336 + 6.03E-03(55.0-P) for 26.0% 5 P < 55.0%K(P) = 1.150 + 8.60E-03(60.0-P) for 55.0% < P < 60.0%K(P) = 1.000 + 3.75E-03(1 00.0-P) for 60.0% 5 P < 100.0%-7"ýý(55,1.336)

_______ _______ 4- 4 4.(60,1.150)

(55, 1.193)(85,1.056)

(100, 1.000)I2025303540455055 60 65Power (% Rated)70 75 80 85 90 95 100Page 6 of 19 COLR2-14NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTREVISION 1, CYCLE 14Figure 2dMCPR(P) for <26%Power,

<75%FlowK(P) for >26% Powerfor Turbine Byvass Out of Service0.C.).83.5003.2503.0002.7502.5002.2502.0001.7501.5001.2501.00020 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65Power (% Rated)70 75 80 85 90 95 100Page 7 of 19 COLR2-14NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTREVISION 1, CYCLE 14Figure 2eMCPR(P) for <26%Power,

<75%FlowK(P) for >26% Powerfor Operation without a Backup Pressure Regulator V.3.5003.2503.0002.7502.5002.2502.0001.7501.5001.2501.000

= 2.390 + 2.67E-02(26.0-P) for 23.0% < P < 26.0%MCPR(P) = K(P)*(the appropriate MCPR limit from Figures 2a or 2b)for 26.0% < P S 100.0%--K(P) = 1.122 + 5.97E-03(90.0-P) for 26.0% < P < 90.0%K(P) = 1.000 + 3.BOE-03(100.0-P) for 90.0% S P < 100.0%(23, 2.470) .(26, 2.390)(26, 1.511)..... 03(90, 1.122) 1 -___ __ __ __ ______, ____ (90, 1.038)i (100,11.000).

20 25 30 35 4045 50 55 60 65 70Power (% Rated)75 80 85 90 95 100Page 8 of 19 COLR2-14NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTREVISION 1, CYCLE 14Figure 2fFlow-Dependent MCPR Limits1.801.701.601.50U.C.,W~IL1.401.301.201.1020 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Flow (% Rated)110120Page 9 of 19 COLR2-14 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 1, Cycle 14CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT3.0 LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (LHGR)3.1 Limits for Technical Specification 3.2.3During power operation, the Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) of any rod in anyfuel assembly at any axial location shall not exceed the minimum of: 1) the limitingvalues shown in FBIR2-14, Rev 00, "Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Fuel Bundle Information Report" times the LHGRFAC(F) from Figure 3d; and 2) the limiting values shown inFBIR2-14, Rev 00, "Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Fuel Bundle Information Report" timesthe appropriate LHGRFAC(P) from Figures 3a or 3b or 3c. FBIR2-14, Rev 00, "NineMile Point Unit 2 Fuel Bundle Information Report" contains the LHGR limits forboth U02 rods (which contain no gadolinium) and the most limiting gadolinium-bearing rods. Other gadolinium-bearing rods have LHGR limits which lie betweenthese two curves. Compliance with these limits will be monitored by the plant'sprocess computer.

NOTES: ARTS provides for power- and flow-dependent thermal limit multipliers, which allow for a morereliable administration of the LHGR thermal limits. The LHGRFAC(P) curves are independent ofrecirculation pump trip operability, but are determined for other EOOS. The LHGRFAC (P) limits forPROOS are also presented in a manner more consistent with the ARTS offrated limits. LHGRFAC(F) is identical for all EOOS.Page 10 of 19 COLR2-14NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2REVISION

1. CYCLE 14CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT1.0000.9000.8000.7000.6000.5000.400C.)U---JFigure 3aLHGRFAC(P) for < 26% Power, < 75% FlowLHGRFAC(P) for a 26% Powerfor Equipment In Service and Recirculation Pump Trip Out of Service(100, 1.000)(26,i 0.613) 0 00(23, 0.597)--*-LHGRFAC(P)

= 0.613 + 5.33E-03(P-26.0) for 23.0% < P < 26.0%-LHGRFAC(P)

= 1.000 + 5.23E-03(P-100.0) for 26.0% < P < 100.0%0.3000.2000.1000.0002025 3035 40 4550 55 60 65Power (% Rated)70 75 80 85 90 95 100Page 11 of 19 COLR2-14NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTREVISION 1, CYCLE 14Figure 3bLHGRFAC(P) for < 26% Power, __ 75% FlowLHGRFAC(P) for ? 26% Powerfor Turbine Bypass Out of Service1.000m0.9000.8000.7000.600-.1.J0.5000.4000.3000.2000.1000.00020 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65Power (% Rated)70 75 80 85 90 95 100Page 12 of 19 COLR2-14NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTREVISION 1, CYCLE 14Figure 3cLHGRFAC(P) for < 26% Power, < 75% FlowLHGRFAC(P) for ? 26% Powerfor Operation without a Backup Pressure Regulator (100, 1.000)U-%-I1.0000.9000.8000.7000.6000.5000.4000.3000.2000.1000.000(90, 0.948) 1l.4 (90, 0.850)(26, 0.613)(23, 0.597)LHGRFAC(P)

= 0.613 + 5.33E-03(P-26.0) for 23.0% < P < 26.0%---lLHGRFAC(P)

= 0.850 + 3.70E-03(P-90.0) for 26.0% :5 P < 90.0%LHGRFAC(P)

= 1.000 + 5.20E-03(P-1 00.0) for 90.0% < P < 100.0%20 25 3035 40 45 50 55 60 65Power (% Rated)70 75 80 85 90 95100Page 13 of 19 COLR2-14NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORTREVISION 1, CYCLE 14Figure 3dFlow-Dependent LGHR Multiplier LHGRFAC(F)


(112,1.000) 4-(30, 0.625),,,, LCGRFAC(F)

= 1.000 + 6.82E-03(F-85.0) for 30.0% < F < 85.0%LHGRFAC(F)

= 1.000 for 85.0% < F S 112.0%I20304050640 70Flow (% Rated)8090100110120Page 14 of 19 COLR2-14 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 1, Cycle 14CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT4.0 AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOR SETPOINTS 4.1 Limits for Technical Specification Table (OPRM Upscale)Allowable value < 1.13Page 15 of 19 COLR2-14 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT5.0 CONTROL ROD BLOCK INSTRUMENTATION 5.1 Footnote Values for Technical Specification Table Revision 1, Cycle 14(a) MCPR <(b) MCPR <(c) MCPR <(d) MCPR <1.701.701.701.40(e) MCPR <(h) Allowable Value:Low Power Range -UpscaleIntermediate Power Range -UpscaleHigh Power Range -Upscale(i) NTSP:Low Power Range -UpscaleIntermediate Power Range -UpscaleHigh Power Range -Upscale1.70124.6119.6114.6124.2119.2114.2Page 16 of 19 COLR2-14 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 1, Cycle 14CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT


FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 6.1 Technical Specification 5.6.5.b.

1:General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 204011-P-A-i18 andNEDE 204011 -P-A- 18-US, April 2011.Page 17 of 19 COLR2-14 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 1, Cycle 14CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT


FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION BASES2.1.1 Bases Reference 3:General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 24011 -P-A-i18 andNEDE 24011-P-A-18-US, April 2011.2.1.1 Bases Reference 4:Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point 2 Cycle 14, 0000-0129-4873-SRLR, Rev. 1, April 2012.3.1.1 Bases Reference 7:General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 24011 -P-A- 18 andNEDE 24011-P-A-18-US, April 2011.3.1.6 Bases Reference 1:Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point 2 Cycle 14, 0000-0129-4873-SRLR, Rev. 1, April 2012.3.2.1 Bases Reference 1:General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 24011-P-A-18 andNEDE 24011 -P-A- 18-US, April 2011.3.2.2 Bases Reference 2:General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 24011-P-A-18 andNEDE 24011-P-A-18-US, April 2011.3.2.2 Bases Reference 3:Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point 2 Cycle 14, 0000-0129-4873-SRLR, Rev. 1, April 2012.3.2.3 Bases Reference 1:General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE 24011-P-A-i18 andNEDE 24011-P-A-18-US, April 2011.3.2.3 Bases Reference 2:Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point 2 Cycle 14, 0000-0129-4873-SRLR, Rev. 1, April 2012.Page 18 of 19 COLR2-14 NINE MILE POINT UNIT 2 Revision 1, Cycle 14CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT8.0 SOURCE DOCUMENTS The Core Operating Limits contained in this report were obtained from the following documents:

Section 1.0 -APLHGR LimitsSupplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point 2 Cycle 14, 0000-0129-4873-SRLR, Rev.1, April 2012.Section 2.0 -MCPR LimitsSupplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point 2 Cycle 14, 0000-0129-4873-SRLR, Rev.1, April 2012.Nine Mile Point Station Unit 2 -APRM/RBM/Technical Specifications/Maximum Extended Load LineLimit Analysis (ARTS/MELLLA),

NEDC-33286P, Rev. 0, March 2007 (NER-2E-037)

Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 ARTS/MELLLA, Task T0900, GE-NE-0000-0055-2373-RO, Rev. 0, February 2007 (NER-2E-037).

Engineering Report for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2, Reload 11, Cycle 12, 0000-0067-1271

-ER, Rev 0, March 2008.Evaluation of Loss of Stator Water Cooling for Nine Mile Point Units I and 2, 0000-0158-1307-RO, Rev 0, March 2013.Section 3.0 -LHGR LimitsSupplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point 2 Cycle 14, 0000-0129-4873-SRLR, Rev.1, April 2012.Nine Mile Point Station Unit 2 -APRM/RBM/Technical Specifications/Maximum Extended LoadLine Limit Analysis (ARTS/MELLLA),

NEDC-33286P, Rev. 0, March 2007 (NER-2E-037).

Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2 ARTS/MELLLA, Task T0900, GE-NE-0000-0055-2373-RO, Rev. 0, February 2007 (NER-2E-037).

Section 4.0 -APRM Setpoints Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point 2 Cycle 14, 0000-0129-4873-SRLR, Rev.1, April 2012.Design Specification Data Sheet 22A2843AM (NMPCNO NSSS 161405000),

Neutron Monitoring System.Section 5.0 -Control Rod Block Instrumentation Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Nine Mile Point 2 Cycle 14, 0000-0129-4873-SRLR, Rev.1, April 2012.Nine Mile Point Station Unit 2 -APRM/RBM/Technical Specifications/Maximum Extended LoadLine Limit Analysis (ARTS/MELLLA),

NEDC-33286P, Rev. 0, March 2007.Instrument Limits Calculation Constellation Generation Group Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 2Rod Block Monitor (NUMAC ARTS-MELLA),

0000-0053-1006 NMP2 A-M-T506-RBM-Calc-2006, Rev. 1, March 2008 (Found within NMP document NSSS 168805002).

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