MONTHYEARML20216J6721999-09-22022 September 1999 Forwards Copy of Memorandum ,received from La Robertson,Fema Region Iv,Re Summary of Disaster Initiated Review,Hurricane Floyd for Bnpp,Offsite Preparedness.Memo Accurately Reflects Issues Discussed During 990918 Telcon ML20211L3541999-09-0303 September 1999 Notification of 990914 Meeting with Util in Southport,Nc to Discuss Brunswick Practices Re Protection of Threatened & Endangered Species of Sea Turtles Near Plant ML20204E2851999-03-17017 March 1999 Requests Entry of Attached Draft Info Provided by CP&L on 990315,into Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Docket Files & Pdr.Info Pertains to Pending Request to Extend Electrical Bus Allowed Outage Time Submitted to NRC on 961101 ML20203C2491999-02-0909 February 1999 Notification of 990309 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Application to Amend Brunswick Steam Electric Plant TSs to Extend Allowable Outage Time for Specific Electrical Buses ML20207L6971999-02-0909 February 1999 Notification of 990309 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Application to Amend BSEP TSs to Extend AOT for Specific Electrical Buses.Meeting Has Been Cancelled ML20155E0811998-10-30030 October 1998 Notification of 981117 Meeting with CP&L in Rockville MD to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Application to Amend TSs to Extend Allowable Outage Time for Specific Electrical Buses ML20198P7281998-05-0808 May 1998 Discusses OI Rept 2-97-015 Re Brunwsick Alleged Discrimination Against Employee for Raising Concerns Re Environmental Qualification Program to Nrc.Oi Did Not Substantiate Allegation ML20216B0961998-03-0404 March 1998 Forwards SER Accepting 971117 Request for Approval of Alternative to Insp of RPV Circumferential Welds in Plant, Unit 1 Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) & 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(5) for Next Two Operating Cycles ML20198R4051998-01-16016 January 1998 Notification of 980128 Meeting W/Carolina Power & Light Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Conversion to Improved TSs ML20197K1151997-12-15015 December 1997 Notification of Meeting W/Cp&L on 980108 in Rockville,Md to Discuss Staff Questions Re Plant Conversions to Improved TSs ML20199J6951997-11-20020 November 1997 Notification of 971202 Meeting W/Util to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Licensee TS Amend Request to Support Hardware Upgrades to Control Building Ventilation Sys ML20199J7191997-11-20020 November 1997 Notification of 971205 Meeting W/Util to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Licensee Conversion to Improved TS ML20236N3921997-09-10010 September 1997 Discusses Closure of TIA 97-006 Re Vessel Disassembly W/O Secondary Containment Integrity Established for Brunswick Steam Electric Plant,Unit 1 ML20217K8211997-08-13013 August 1997 Notification of 970904 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Staff Questions Re Units 1 & 2 Conversion to Improved TSs ML20217H8481997-08-0707 August 1997 Notification of 970811 Meeting W/Util in Southport,Nc to Discuss Consultation Procedures Associated W/Endangered Species Act ML20198G1181997-08-0707 August 1997 Notification of 970820 Meeting W/Cp&L in Rockville,Md to Discuss Staff Questions Re Plant Conversion to Improved TSs ML20198G1121997-08-0707 August 1997 Notification of 970908 Meeting W/Cp&L in Rockville,Md to Discuss Staff Questions Re Plant Conversion to Improved TSs ML20217H8341997-08-0707 August 1997 Notification of 970814 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Plant,Units 1 & 2 Conversion to Improved TSs ML20149L5411997-08-0101 August 1997 Notification of 970806 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status & Review Schedule for BSEP Conversion to Improved TSs ML20149K8921997-07-25025 July 1997 Notification of 970801 Meeting W/Cp&L in Rockville,Maryland to Discuss Status & Review Schedule for Various CP&L Licensing Actions Under NRC Review ML20198P7121997-07-0909 July 1997 Discusses OI Rept 2-96-036 Re Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Discrimination Against Engineer for Raising Technical Concerns About Equipment Qualification Practices.Also Encl, Viewgraphs Re Cpl EQ Program Reconstitution Effort ML20198P6641997-02-12012 February 1997 Submits Brunswick Responses to Recipient EQ Questions ML20198P6191997-02-0505 February 1997 Informs That Author Passed Along Brunswick Licensee Engineering Evaluation on Flexible Conduit & Conduit Seal Configuration to F Ashe of Eelb NUREG-1299, Forwards Continuation of Curtiss Papers to Be Filed Under Commission Correspondence in Pdr.Advanced Copy Sent to Pdr. List of Documents Included in Four Boxes Encl1994-06-29029 June 1994 Forwards Continuation of Curtiss Papers to Be Filed Under Commission Correspondence in Pdr.Advanced Copy Sent to Pdr. List of Documents Included in Four Boxes Encl ML20134B5061994-04-13013 April 1994 Submits Plants Which Will Be Discussed in Categories Indicated Re Results of Screening Meetings for June 1994. Partially Deleted ML20217D3401994-01-28028 January 1994 Provides Brunswick Restart Assessment Panel Recommendation to Proceed W/Restart of Brunswick,Unit 1.Summary of 930112 Plant Performance Review,Restart Review Plan,Unit 1 Specific Restart Issues & Status of Restart Issues Encl ML20212E5101994-01-26026 January 1994 Discusses Status of Restart Issues Assigned to NRR for Resolution at Facility.Restart Review Plan Encl ML20059K3721994-01-12012 January 1994 Notification of 940119 Significant Meeting W/Util at Brunswick Media Center to Discuss Restart,Readiness & Power Ascension Plans ML20059J1451994-01-12012 January 1994 Notification of Significant Meeting W/Util in Atlanta,Ga to Discuss Scope of Upcoming Brunswick Unit 2 Refueling Outage ML20217D3621994-01-12012 January 1994 Discusses Status of Restart Issues Assigned to NRR for Plant,Unit 1 ML20059L0871993-12-21021 December 1993 Forwards Rept of Technical Review Team:Potential Shroud Cracking in 1984 ML20217D3551993-12-16016 December 1993 Informs Staff of Intent of CP&L to Restart Brunswick Unit 1 in Near Future & Identifies Issues That May Be Adverse to Recommendation Which Have Not Been Identified ML20058A6421993-11-18018 November 1993 Notifies of 931130 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Evaluation of Core Shroud Cracks & Safety Analysis for Design of Repair Mod ML20058J7081993-11-10010 November 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 931216 in Southport,Nc to Discuss Plant SALP ML20058J7221993-11-0505 November 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 931215 to Discuss Facility Restart Readiness ML20058J5441993-11-0505 November 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 931118 to Discuss SALP Board Meeting Re Peformance of Facility During Period 921101-931106 ML20057F9191993-10-15015 October 1993 Notification of 931022 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Core Shroud Cracks,Evaluation Methodology & Analysis & Design of Repair Option ML20059A0301993-10-13013 October 1993 Forwards Written SALP Feeder Inputs on Performance of Plant During Period 921101-931106.Informs of Assigned Responsibility by Functional Area for Presentation to SALP Board on 931118.Encl Filed in Central Files ML20057E7281993-10-0505 October 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 931025 to Discuss Restart Readiness ML20057E7621993-10-0505 October 1993 Notification of 931020 Meeting W/Util in Atlanta,Ga to Discuss Nuclear Assessment dept-related Issues ML20057E4901993-09-23023 September 1993 Notification of Significant Meeting W/Util on 931012 to Discuss Nuclear Engineering Dept-Related Issues ML20057B9281993-09-22022 September 1993 Notification of 930923 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Inspection Activities Associated W/Facility Core Shroud ML20217D4971993-08-24024 August 1993 Forwards Evaluation of Qa,Engineering & Operations Re, Charter for Brunswick 1 Readiness Insp ML20056E0321993-08-13013 August 1993 Notification of 930829 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Technical Issues Re Unit 1 Restart Readiness. Meeting Recheduled ML20056E4571993-08-0505 August 1993 Forwards Technical Review Rept Re, Tardy Licensee Actions Initiated Because of Delayed Replacement of Batteries in Uninterruptible Power Supplies at Plant ML20056E0611993-08-0202 August 1993 Notification of 930817 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Technical Issues on Restart Readiness ML20211M3491993-04-0808 April 1993 Informs Commission of Present Status of Staff Review of Activities of Licensee in Preparation for Restart of Plant, Units 1 & 2 ML20128F9861993-02-0909 February 1993 Notification of 930217 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Implementation of motor-operated Valve Test Program at CP&L Facilities ML20128C3421993-01-29029 January 1993 Notification of 930202 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Revision of Amend Request Proposing Termination of Confirmatory Order on Brunswick Improvement Plan ML20128A8001993-01-21021 January 1993 Notification of Significant Meeting W/Util on 930204 to Discuss Startup Related Issues 1999-09-03
MONTHYEARML20216J6721999-09-22022 September 1999 Forwards Copy of Memorandum ,received from La Robertson,Fema Region Iv,Re Summary of Disaster Initiated Review,Hurricane Floyd for Bnpp,Offsite Preparedness.Memo Accurately Reflects Issues Discussed During 990918 Telcon ML20211L3541999-09-0303 September 1999 Notification of 990914 Meeting with Util in Southport,Nc to Discuss Brunswick Practices Re Protection of Threatened & Endangered Species of Sea Turtles Near Plant ML20204E2851999-03-17017 March 1999 Requests Entry of Attached Draft Info Provided by CP&L on 990315,into Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Docket Files & Pdr.Info Pertains to Pending Request to Extend Electrical Bus Allowed Outage Time Submitted to NRC on 961101 ML20203C2491999-02-0909 February 1999 Notification of 990309 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Application to Amend Brunswick Steam Electric Plant TSs to Extend Allowable Outage Time for Specific Electrical Buses ML20207L6971999-02-0909 February 1999 Notification of 990309 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Application to Amend BSEP TSs to Extend AOT for Specific Electrical Buses.Meeting Has Been Cancelled ML20155E0811998-10-30030 October 1998 Notification of 981117 Meeting with CP&L in Rockville MD to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Application to Amend TSs to Extend Allowable Outage Time for Specific Electrical Buses ML20198P7281998-05-0808 May 1998 Discusses OI Rept 2-97-015 Re Brunwsick Alleged Discrimination Against Employee for Raising Concerns Re Environmental Qualification Program to Nrc.Oi Did Not Substantiate Allegation ML20216B0961998-03-0404 March 1998 Forwards SER Accepting 971117 Request for Approval of Alternative to Insp of RPV Circumferential Welds in Plant, Unit 1 Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) & 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(5) for Next Two Operating Cycles ML20198R4051998-01-16016 January 1998 Notification of 980128 Meeting W/Carolina Power & Light Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Conversion to Improved TSs ML20197K1151997-12-15015 December 1997 Notification of Meeting W/Cp&L on 980108 in Rockville,Md to Discuss Staff Questions Re Plant Conversions to Improved TSs ML20199J6951997-11-20020 November 1997 Notification of 971202 Meeting W/Util to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Licensee TS Amend Request to Support Hardware Upgrades to Control Building Ventilation Sys ML20199J7191997-11-20020 November 1997 Notification of 971205 Meeting W/Util to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Licensee Conversion to Improved TS ML20236N3921997-09-10010 September 1997 Discusses Closure of TIA 97-006 Re Vessel Disassembly W/O Secondary Containment Integrity Established for Brunswick Steam Electric Plant,Unit 1 ML20217K8211997-08-13013 August 1997 Notification of 970904 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Staff Questions Re Units 1 & 2 Conversion to Improved TSs ML20198G1181997-08-0707 August 1997 Notification of 970820 Meeting W/Cp&L in Rockville,Md to Discuss Staff Questions Re Plant Conversion to Improved TSs ML20198G1121997-08-0707 August 1997 Notification of 970908 Meeting W/Cp&L in Rockville,Md to Discuss Staff Questions Re Plant Conversion to Improved TSs ML20217H8481997-08-0707 August 1997 Notification of 970811 Meeting W/Util in Southport,Nc to Discuss Consultation Procedures Associated W/Endangered Species Act ML20217H8341997-08-0707 August 1997 Notification of 970814 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss NRC Staff Questions Re Plant,Units 1 & 2 Conversion to Improved TSs ML20149L5411997-08-0101 August 1997 Notification of 970806 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status & Review Schedule for BSEP Conversion to Improved TSs ML20149K8921997-07-25025 July 1997 Notification of 970801 Meeting W/Cp&L in Rockville,Maryland to Discuss Status & Review Schedule for Various CP&L Licensing Actions Under NRC Review ML20198P7121997-07-0909 July 1997 Discusses OI Rept 2-96-036 Re Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Discrimination Against Engineer for Raising Technical Concerns About Equipment Qualification Practices.Also Encl, Viewgraphs Re Cpl EQ Program Reconstitution Effort ML20198P6641997-02-12012 February 1997 Submits Brunswick Responses to Recipient EQ Questions ML20198P6191997-02-0505 February 1997 Informs That Author Passed Along Brunswick Licensee Engineering Evaluation on Flexible Conduit & Conduit Seal Configuration to F Ashe of Eelb NUREG-1299, Forwards Continuation of Curtiss Papers to Be Filed Under Commission Correspondence in Pdr.Advanced Copy Sent to Pdr. List of Documents Included in Four Boxes Encl1994-06-29029 June 1994 Forwards Continuation of Curtiss Papers to Be Filed Under Commission Correspondence in Pdr.Advanced Copy Sent to Pdr. List of Documents Included in Four Boxes Encl ML20134B5061994-04-13013 April 1994 Submits Plants Which Will Be Discussed in Categories Indicated Re Results of Screening Meetings for June 1994. Partially Deleted ML20217D3401994-01-28028 January 1994 Provides Brunswick Restart Assessment Panel Recommendation to Proceed W/Restart of Brunswick,Unit 1.Summary of 930112 Plant Performance Review,Restart Review Plan,Unit 1 Specific Restart Issues & Status of Restart Issues Encl ML20212E5101994-01-26026 January 1994 Discusses Status of Restart Issues Assigned to NRR for Resolution at Facility.Restart Review Plan Encl ML20059K3721994-01-12012 January 1994 Notification of 940119 Significant Meeting W/Util at Brunswick Media Center to Discuss Restart,Readiness & Power Ascension Plans ML20059J1451994-01-12012 January 1994 Notification of Significant Meeting W/Util in Atlanta,Ga to Discuss Scope of Upcoming Brunswick Unit 2 Refueling Outage ML20217D3621994-01-12012 January 1994 Discusses Status of Restart Issues Assigned to NRR for Plant,Unit 1 ML20059L0871993-12-21021 December 1993 Forwards Rept of Technical Review Team:Potential Shroud Cracking in 1984 ML20217D3551993-12-16016 December 1993 Informs Staff of Intent of CP&L to Restart Brunswick Unit 1 in Near Future & Identifies Issues That May Be Adverse to Recommendation Which Have Not Been Identified ML20058A6421993-11-18018 November 1993 Notifies of 931130 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Evaluation of Core Shroud Cracks & Safety Analysis for Design of Repair Mod ML20058J7081993-11-10010 November 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 931216 in Southport,Nc to Discuss Plant SALP ML20058J5441993-11-0505 November 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 931118 to Discuss SALP Board Meeting Re Peformance of Facility During Period 921101-931106 ML20058J7221993-11-0505 November 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 931215 to Discuss Facility Restart Readiness ML20057F9191993-10-15015 October 1993 Notification of 931022 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Core Shroud Cracks,Evaluation Methodology & Analysis & Design of Repair Option ML20059A0301993-10-13013 October 1993 Forwards Written SALP Feeder Inputs on Performance of Plant During Period 921101-931106.Informs of Assigned Responsibility by Functional Area for Presentation to SALP Board on 931118.Encl Filed in Central Files ML20057E7281993-10-0505 October 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 931025 to Discuss Restart Readiness ML20057E7621993-10-0505 October 1993 Notification of 931020 Meeting W/Util in Atlanta,Ga to Discuss Nuclear Assessment dept-related Issues ML20057E4901993-09-23023 September 1993 Notification of Significant Meeting W/Util on 931012 to Discuss Nuclear Engineering Dept-Related Issues ML20057B9281993-09-22022 September 1993 Notification of 930923 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Inspection Activities Associated W/Facility Core Shroud ML20217D4971993-08-24024 August 1993 Forwards Evaluation of Qa,Engineering & Operations Re, Charter for Brunswick 1 Readiness Insp ML20056E0321993-08-13013 August 1993 Notification of 930829 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Technical Issues Re Unit 1 Restart Readiness. Meeting Recheduled ML20056E4571993-08-0505 August 1993 Forwards Technical Review Rept Re, Tardy Licensee Actions Initiated Because of Delayed Replacement of Batteries in Uninterruptible Power Supplies at Plant ML20056E0611993-08-0202 August 1993 Notification of 930817 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Technical Issues on Restart Readiness ML20211M3491993-04-0808 April 1993 Informs Commission of Present Status of Staff Review of Activities of Licensee in Preparation for Restart of Plant, Units 1 & 2 ML20128F9861993-02-0909 February 1993 Notification of 930217 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Implementation of motor-operated Valve Test Program at CP&L Facilities ML20128C3421993-01-29029 January 1993 Notification of 930202 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Revision of Amend Request Proposing Termination of Confirmatory Order on Brunswick Improvement Plan ML20128A8001993-01-21021 January 1993 Notification of Significant Meeting W/Util on 930204 to Discuss Startup Related Issues 1999-09-03
[Table view] |
D D 5/1g <f JUL 101987 MEMORANDUM FOR: Steven A. Varga, Director DISTRIBUTION:
Division of Reactor Projects I/II (Docketef11e4 NRC PDR Lawrence C. Shao, Director Local PDR Division of Engineering G. Lainas and Systems Technology E. Sylvester P. Anderson Charles E. Rossi, Director PD21 r/f Division of Operational Events Assessment Frank J. Congel, Director Division of Radiation Protection and Emergency Preparedness Jack W. Roe, Director Division of Licensee Performance and Quality Evaluation James G. Partlow, Director
. Division of Reactor Inspection and Safeguards THRU:
Elinor G. Adensam, Director Project Directorate II-1 Division of Reactor Projects I/II FROM:
Ernest D. Sylvester, Project Manager Project Directorate 11-1 Division of Reactor Projects I/II l
Enclosed is a draft of NRR's SALP input for Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Onits 1 and 2 covering Carolina Power & Light Company (CP&L) licensing activ-
ities for the period from November 1, 1985 through June 30, 1987. The report is based on inputs provided by NRR reviewers and observations by NRR project management during their interactions with CP&L during the SALP period. A per-formance rating of Category 2 has been assigned by the NRR SALP evaluation effort for the current licensing period.
Please review the draft assessment and provide any comments you feel are appro-priate. All comments received by July 17 will be considered for incorporation in the final report. Due to the short time available for comment, please pro-vide your comments directly to the Brunswick Project Manager, Ernie Sylvester, at XZ1952.
l The NRC SALP Board meeting for Brunswick is sched led for August 19, 1987.
Ernest D.
vester, Project Manager Project Directorate 11-1 Division of Reactor Projects I/II
Draft NRR SALP Report LA:PD21:DRPR PM:PD21:DRPR D f 2 jd'RPR PAnderson ESylvester/dsf EAdeJ(sam D
7/ /87 7/t /87 7/ p'87 8707160195 870710 PDR ADOCK 05000324 P
v 1
Ij WASHINGTON, D. C. 20655 JUL 101997.
Steven A. Varga, Director Division of Reactor Projects I/II i
1 Lawrence C. Shao, Director'
- )
Division of Engineering j
and Systems Technology 1
i Charles E. Rossi, Director Division of Operational Events Assessment Frank J. Congel, Director Division of Radiation. Protection and Emergency Preparedness O
Jack W. Roe, Director-Division of Licensee Performance and Quality Evaluation.
James G..Partlow, Director Division of Reactor Inspection and Safeguards THRU:
Elinor G. Adensam. Directo j
Project Directorate II-1
Division of Reactor Projects I/II I
Ernest D. Sylvester, Project Manager Project Directorate 11-1 Division of Reactor Projects I/11
.i Enclosed is a draft of NRR's SALP input for Brunswick Steam Electric Plant.
I Units 1 and 2 covering Carolina Power & Light Com)any (CP&L) licensing activ-ities for the period from November 1, 1985 througi June 30, 1987. The report is based on inputs provided by NRR reviewers and observations by NRR' project management during their interactions with CP&L during the SALP period. -A per-formance rating of Category 2 has been assigned by.the NRR SALP evaluation effort for the current licensing period.
Please review the draft assessment and provide any comments you feel are appro-priate.
All comments received by July 17 will be considered for incorporation in the final report. Due to the short time available'for comment, please pro-l vide your comments directly to the Brunswick Project Manager Ernie Sylvester, i
at X24952.
The NRC SALP Board meeting for Brunswick is scheduled for August 19,L1987.
Q Ernest D. Sylvester, Project. Manager Project Directorate 11-1 Division of Reactor Projects I/II'
Draft NRR SALP Report
i 1.
Licensing Activities (November 1, 1985 to June 30,1987)
The basis for this appraisal was the licensee's performance in support of licensing actions (amendment requests, responses to generic letters and other actions) which have been reviewed and evaluated by the staff during the rating period. The subjects involve include the following:
Generic Reviews Appendix R to 10 CFR 50 Hydrogen Recombiner, Generic 1.etter 84-09 Diesel Generator Reliability, Generic Letter 84-15 Mark I Drywell Vacuum Breakers, Generic Letter 83-08 Breaks in BWR Scram Systems IGSCC Inspection Programs, Generic Letter 84-11 Plant-Specific Reviews Visual Weld Acceptance Criteria l
Core Spray System Amendment Control Rod Block Instrumentation Amendment RCIC Steam Line Isolation Time Amendment Chlorine Detection System l
Appendix J Exemption Hydrogen Water Chemistry Preimplementation Test i
Core Reloads The licensee's management demonstrated active participation in licensing activities and kept abreast of current and anticipated licensing actions.
Management control and oversight of licensing activities was generally i
satisfactory. The licensee's management has adopted a computerized i
scheduling system that provides management excellent control over the scheduling and prioritization of licensing' activities initiated by the NRC staff.
This awareness of scheduling control is evident in the bi-monthly licensing action review meetings held with the NRC staff. Conse-quently, commitments to NRC requirements and responses to requests for information are usually implemented on time, and when conditions preclude prompt implementation or response, a justification for the delay is provided.
l The licensee's management is committed to a program to clarify and simplify the Brunswick facility Technical Specifications to minimize oper-1 ator error and increase equipment reliability.
However, a weakness has 1
been noted in the coordination between on-site management and licensing management with regard to translating the schedular needs of the plant l
1 into a schedule for resolution of the associated licensing activity.
In addition, the licensing management has not consistently assured that the evaluations provided in accordance with 10 CFR 50.91 are adequate to clearly justify the no significant hazards considerations determinations accompanying amendment requests.
The licensee's management and staff generally demonstrated sound techni-cal understanding of issues involving licensing actions. The licensee has developed on-site expertise to approach licensing actions from a pro-bablistic risk assessment (PRA) perspective in an attem?t to increase margins of safety in the functioning of plant systems. The plant-initi-ated PRA studies have identified deficiencies in the design of a safety-related ventilation system and prompted further licensee studies to up grade the system. While the licensee brings considerable technical exper-tise to bear in resolving NRC staff concerns, some of the' licensee sub-mittals lack the necessary information for review by the NRC. That is, while the licensee staff usually shows a good understanding of the tech-nical issues and applies a conservative approach to their resolution, the technical arguments used to justify the licensee's position are frequently not communicated in a thorough and clear manner.
The licensee keeps abreast of industry approaches to the resolution of generic plant safety issues and demonstrates an awareness of programs at other facilities. This has been accomplished through membership in all major utility advisory and owners' groups.
Licensee management has been represented in leadership positions in many of these groups. The licensee has taken the initiative in the resolution of many multiplant safety issues. Where appropriate, the licensee either adopts methods of resolution promulgated by industry-supported groups, or proposes alter-nate methods of resolution. Where a plant-specific alternate method of compliance has been proposed, the licensee has occasionally not provided thorough technical arguments to justify the alternate approach, as indi-cated, for example, by the difficulties involved in the resolution of the hydrogen recombiner issue.
The licensee was generally responsive to NRC initiatives as evidenced by programs for improvement of the facility Technical Specifications and the use of probabilistic risk assessment to improve safety at the Brunswick facility. The use of hydrogen water chemistry was tested by.the licensee in response to the NRC program to reduce intergranular stress corrosion cracking at boiling water reactor facilities. The licensee has demon-strated a readiness to support NRC review of licensing issues by pro-viding additional information on an expedited basis. The licensee has developed an integrated schedule (long-range plan) to assure that plant modifications required by NRC regulations are implemented on a high-pri-ority basis, and that other modifications to improve safety are scheduled appropriately.
In general, the licensee works expeditiously to resolve safety issues in a timely manner.
The size of the licensing staff is more than adequate to support licensing activities. The licensee has assigned a principal engineer to supervise Brunswick licensing activities and continues to provide a licensing staff
l member at the site. The creation of an onsite licensing engineer position l
has not eliminated concerns related to coordination of site licensing requirements with corporate office licensing activities. And, while the-licensing staff displays a wide knowledge in various technical disci-l plines, a weakness is evident in the training provided to the licensing staff relative to an understanding of the regulatory process, particularly with regard to the application of the standards in 10 CFR 50.92 for the determination of no significant hazards considerations in amendment 1
i With regard to the reporting of operational events, less direct information is available for an NRR evaluation than for the other criteria discussed above. However, it has been observed that the Licensee Event Report (LER) program at Brunswick is at least adequate. With few exceptions, l
LER submittals are made on a timely basis and contain detailed information i
on the event description and event evaluation.
No basis exists for an NRR evaluation of the criterion related to enforce-ment h.istory in the functional area of licensing activities.
Conclusion and Recommendations An overall performance rating of Category 2 has been assigned by the NRR l
SALP evaluation effort for the current rating period in the functional area of licensing activities. No definite trend in performance has been apparent over the rating period in this functional area. NRR recommends that the CP&L licensing staff be offered training in the regulatory process and safety issues commensurate with that already available in the areas of plant technology and operations.
Other Functional Areas In the NRR review of LER, a significant number of events has been caused by maintenance activities in which personnel errors and procedural deficiencies have caused undesirable transients and equipment malfunc-tions.
However, during an NRR maintenance survey conducted on-site in January 1986, no significant problems were found in the Brunswick main-tenance program.
In the functional area of plant operations, NRR staff members have found the plant to be in good order with respect to clean-liness and housekeeping during site visits.
No basis exists for an NRR evaluation in other functional areas.
l l
NRR/ Licensee Meetings Licensing Activity Review - Raleigh 12/4/85 Hydrogen Recombiner/ Integrated Schedule - Bethesda 1/14/86 Licensing Activity Review - Raleigh 1/16/86 Licensing Activity Review-Bethesda 2/26/86 Unit 2 Reload - Bethesda 3/18/86 Licensing Management - Bethesda 3/19/86 Licensing Counterpart Seminar - Bethesda 4/10/86 Licensing Activity Review - Bethesda 4/22/86 l
Licensing Activity Review - Bethesda 5/20/86 Licensing Activity Review - Bethesda 7/15/86 Unit 2 IGSCC Program - Bethesda 7/16/86 Licensing Activity Review - Bethesda 9/19/86 Fire Barrier Penetration Seals - Bethesda 10/15/86 i
IGSCC Repair (Pipelocks) - Bethesda 11/3/86 Licensing Activity Review - Bethesda 2/4/87 Hydrogen Recombiner - Bethesda 3/18/87 I
Licensing Activity Review - Bethesda 4/16/87 Licensing Management - Bethesda 5/7/87 Licensing Management - Bethesda 6/4/87 2.
NRR Site Visits Licensing / Plant Status Review 12/5/85 Maintenance Survey 1/13-17/86 Unescorted Access Certification /Long Range Plan 11/19-20/86 Licensing / Plant Status Review 6/15-16/86 3.
Comission Briefing None 4.
Schedular Extensions Granted None 5.
Reliefs Granted ISI Relief - Class I Valves 12/19/85 l
Orders Issued
i Denial of Equipment Qualification Schedular Extension-11/15/85 i
- 7. -
Exemptions Granted Exemptions from Sections III.G and J of Appendix R 12/30/85
Exemptions from certain requirements of Appendix J 5/12/87 8.
Emergency Technical Specification Changes
.l Unit 2 RCIC Valve Operation Time 6/10/86 I
l 9.
License Amendments Issued Unit 1 - 17 issued Amendment 93 to 109)
Unit 2 - 19 issued Amendment 118 to 136) l l
l l
l l
6 i