ML22157A414 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Clinton |
Issue date: | 01/28/2022 |
From: | Bruce Bartlett NRC/RGN-III/DRS/OLB |
To: | Exelon Generation Co |
Bartlett B | |
Shared Package | |
ML20136A322 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML22157A414 (18) | |
ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
2022 Clinton Initial License Examination
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
- 1. Correct answer distribution was not balanced. For the 25 SRO only questions the correct answer was A only 3 times while the correct answer was B 9 times.
Corrected - DONE
- 2. Correct answer distribution for the 75 RO questions was also not well balanced although not as significantly as the SRO only questions. A correct answer of B was again favored over A, C, and D with B being the correct answer 24 times, A and C were correct 16 times while D was correct 18 times. Twice B was the correct answer 4 times in a row and none of the first Gen 10 questions had a correct answer of C or eric D. The correct answers need to be redistributed in a more random manner.
Corrected - DONE
- 3. Question Information portion of each answer has errors in the Topic Box, the Tier number and other places. Some examples are given in the comments below. The information should be complete and any errors corrected. Corrected - DONE
- 4. Red letters are for showing the comment or concern was addressed.
- 5. Green block highlights are for Free Look items
- 6. Purple block highlights are for Tier 3 items.
- 1. Procedure CPS 4008.01 is referenced in the answer explanation but it should be added to the stem. DONE
- 2. Inserting CRAM Rods is a subsequent E action NOT an immediate action. Answers A 1 H 3 Y N/A N S and B changed to remove the immediate action statement and just leave the option to commence action to insert CRAM rods.
E 1. K/A references needs to be cleaned up.
2 F 3 Y N/A N S G2.4.03 should be a Tier 1 Group 1 in the Question Information portion. DONE ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
References Provided: One photograph of a remote shutdown pressure gauge, a photograph of a Yokogawa Reactor Vessel pressure and level, one photo of RVL Wide Range Pressure recorder and a Yokogawa Suppression Pool Temperature recorder and display.
3 H 3 Y N.A B S
4 H 3 Y N/A B S Clinton 2017 ILE FREE LOOK
- 1. The identified correct answer does not appear to be correct; it would make a good distractor.
- a. The stated reference (CPS 3305.01) states that RPS should be promptly reset to restore the normal cooling water flow path but does not state why. Precaution 4.1 E does state why there is a need for prompt 5 F 2 X Y N/A B S reset and why.DONE
- b. Automatic operation of the FCV does reduce flow through the normal flow path, however cooling flow is also provided from the Charging Header via the SCRAM inlet line as long as the Charging Header pressure remains at least 15psid higher than Reactor Pressure. Distractor changed.
- 1. The following portion of the stem is not needed and should be deleted. Which one of the following describes:
- the status of the cooldown rate in relation to the maximum cooldown rate allowed in CPS 3006.01, Unit Shutdown, E and 6 H 3 X Y N/A N S
- Pressure Control? Agree that it is not needed and it was deleted. DONE
- 2. Question stem requires the applicant to conclude that certain portions of CPS 4003.01H03 have been completed in order for them to conclude that RT has been isolated but the stem does not state the ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
status of the Hardcard. State that 4003.01H03 has been completed. Statement added - DONE
- 1. Training objectives appears to be for the wrong system. Should be Component Cooling Water System NOT Circulating Water System DONE
- 2. Topic portion of the question information E needs to be cleaned up with a typo to be 7 H 4 Y N/A B S fixed and a bullet list to be removed or completed. DONE
- 3. K/A section needs to have Tier 1 and Group 1 completed as well as the RO reference.
DONE References Provided: Photo of the CCW pump configuration after 4160 volt bus 1A de-energized.
8 H 3 Y N/A B S References Provided: Four photos of the alignment of service air controllers in different configurations.
- 1. This is a weak tie to Tier 1 requirement.
Please show additional justification.
New question written based on inability of the licensee to write a valid Tier 1 question to the H B E existing K/A. The previous K/A required a question 9 H 3 Y N/A N S related to a loss of shutdown cooling caused by a loss of shutdown cooling system flow. Difficult at best. New K/A randomly selected and documented.
The review of the new question had no comments.
Reference provided for new question: Graph of Reactor vessel heat up rate before refueling.
10 F 2 Y N/A B S
11 F 2 Y N/A B S
12 H 3 Y N/A B S References Provided: Four photos with the RPS/ARI indicators in different configurations.
13 F 3 Y N/A N S
14 H 3 Y N/A M S References Provided: A HCTL chart and a STPL chart.
ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
- 1. Stem needs to be more focused, or answer choices revised to eliminate multiple correct answers. DONE
- a. Choice A will occur before level reaches -50 (at -45.5). For the conditions given the High Water Level Reset must be depressed first.
- b. Choice B is trueas long as only after resetting the HI level reset.F or the conditions given the valve will open automatically at Level 2. - DONE
- c. Choice C is true since there is no indication that the initiation seal-in has been reset.
Changed by removing the need for reset to occur.
E d. Choice D is a true statement. Choice D 16 F 3 X X Y N/A N S changed to make it no longer true but still plausible because for the conditions given the valve will open automatically at Level 2.
- 2. Consider adding a bullet to state that no operator actions have been taken. AddedDONE
- 3. Consider restating the stem to read As RPV level lowers below the PRV High Level setpoint, the HPCS RevisedDONE
- a. Revise A to add when RPV level is [at or]
below -45.5 inches. Changed
- b. Revise B open whenever Changed
- c. Revise C to automatically open ONLY after Revised
- d. Revise D to state open ONLY after depressing BOTH the Revised
- 4. Revise explanations as needed for the above changes. DONE 17 H 3 Y N/A B S
18 F 2 Y N/A B S
19 F 2 Y N/A B S
E 1. K/A references missing Tier and Group 20 H 3 Y N/A B S numbers. The Tier and Group are blank in the Question information section. DONE ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
- 1. Revise 2nd sentence to state drop from position 21 H 3 X Y N/A N E 16 occurs. [An alternate position may be inserted S as long as the drop is significant enough to cause a significant power change.] Revised
- 2. Confirm that the Load Limit Potentiometer is expected to be set at 100%. Confirmed FREE LOOK
- 1. The Question Information section identifies the cognitive level as both Memory and High.
E Changed to High Cog only as the question deals 22 H 3 Y N/A N S with integrated plant operations as it affects RPV level post SCRAM.
- 2. For consistency, replace with the word inches in the 1st bulleted item.Done
- 3. Move an automatic scram to be the 1st Done bulleted item following At time 10:00,
- 1. For the values and rate of changes given the times to EOP-6 entry end up being very close together. Need to change the initial values and/or rate of changes in order to spread out the calculated time to entry. 48 seconds and 60 seconds are too close together and 23 H 3 X Y N/A M E should be more definitive in their differences.
S After a re-review by the Chief Examiner and several independent NRC examiners the values and rate of changes given are acceptable. DONE
- 2. Earliest entry into EOP-6 needs to be clarified to first parameter to meet EOP-6 Entry Conditions DONE
- 1. Distractor C to place the Mode switch in shutdown is not credible. Suggest changing initial power to a larger value and failing two feedwater heaters if it is desired to use this distractor. See CPS E 3105.01, paragraph 6.8. Reviewed 24 F 3 X Y N/A N S paragraph 6.8 and determined that in single loop operation that some candidates in other classes had placed the Mode switch in shutdown in these conditions. Also discussed this with the operators in the OV under exam security and they agreed that some operators ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
would place the Mode switch in shutdown.
No changes made. DONE E 1. K/A references need to be cleaned up in the 25 H 3 Y N/A N S question information. Corrected typos -
DONE 26 F 3 Y N/A B S
27 F 3 Y N/A B S
- 1. Change the word transient in the question stem as this is more than a transient. Use event or accident. DONE
- 2. The secondary under voltage relay 15 second time delay timer does NOT have to be timed out in order for the annunciator to energize. If the condition and the annunciator are not in for greater than 15 seconds then the second level UV relay will not lock in and the feed could return to the main or the reserve feeder 4.16 kV bus.
Need to state that the undervoltage condition exists for some time greater than 15 seconds. Additional discussion needed.
While all of the above is true, this question 28 H 3 X Y N/A B E has been used at least twice before and the S candidates assume that the undervoltage condition lasts for longer than 15 seconds as the annunciator remains locked in. No change made. DONE
- 3. If the intent of the question is to test knowledge of the RHR pump logic then could just leave the RHR pumps running for decay heat removal and strike the containment spray aspect. Seems like the question as written is testing both RHR and containment spray mode logic which is not necessary.
Perhaps both are being tested but it is a valid question, no change made. DONE
References Provided: Two photos of the 4160 volt bus 1A1 and 1B1 alignment from the simulator
29 F 3 Y N/A B S
30 H 3 Y N/A N S ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
31 F 3 Y N/A B S
32 H 3 Y N/A B S References Provided: One photo of the 480 volt XFMR 1A and A1 breaker References Provided: Four photos showing 33 F 2 Y N/A M S different configurations of the SLC squib valves configuration.
34 F 2 Y N/A B S
35 H 3 Y N/A B E 1. Question information, Topic section is S incomplete. Corrected - DONE
- 1. Sentence which begins Which of the following conditions would the Source. In 36 F 3 Y N/A B E the stem should be more clearly written.
- 2. Question information, Topic section is incomplete. DONE
37 H 4 Y N/A B S
38 H 3 Y N/A B S
- 1. Need to add K/A information to Question Information. DONE
- 2. Explain why the Plant Condition info LPCS and RHR C are worded differently; they should E probably be the same a reason for the difference 39 H 3 X Y N/A N S included.Changed - DONE
- 3. Plant Conditions should be expanded to include RPV level and pressure, and DW pressure, parameters. In discussions with the licensee decided that the extra plant conditions would only add unnecessary complexity without adding clarity.
No change made - DONE
40 H 3 Y N/A B S
- 1. This is a better question for SPDS than it is for primary containment isolation. This is a K/A Mismatch as the question focuses on 41 F 3 N N/A N E information being supplied by SPDS and that S must be understood before answering the primary containment isolation system operation.
Need to see how this matches the K/A with SPDS.
ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
The review determined that indeed this question would probably work for SPDS but based upon the stem focusing on the isolation status of PCIV Groups and which Groups will meet the minimum conditions to be displayed. No changes needed - DONE
- 1. Stating that the air line to 1RE021 ruptures implies that the line has failed enough that the valve is now inoperable and will go to its 42 H 3 X Y N/A N E failed position. The failure should be clearly S affecting valve 1RE021 by stating that air has been lost or something similar. Change made to rupture-DONE
- 1. The stem contains a reference to reversing the current SP temperature trend. Please demonstrate how the applicant will reach this conclusion. The calculation related to the question below also addresses this point.
The answer explanation demonstrates how the calculation is performed and it is within the candidates KSA. With the heat removal 43 H 3 X Y N/A N E capability of the RHR loops equal to 1% of S steam flow then the candidate must calculate how much flow is going through the open SRV. Then they can determine the correct answer. No change needed - DONE
- 2. Show more detail on the calculation for the valve being open. How is the applicant expected to perform this calculation? This was answered as part of the d iscussion above. No change needed - DONE References Provided: Four photos of portions of the 44 H 3 Y N/A B S main steam relief valve pan with the valves in various configurations.
45 F 2 Y N/A B S
46 H 3 Y N/A B S References Provided: Two photos of containment pressure handswitch and status lights.
47 F 3 Y N/A B S
48 F 3 Y N/A B S
49 F 2 Y N/A B S ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
50 H 2 Y N/A B S
51 F 3 Y N/A B S
- 1. Two of the distractors indicate that the dryer tower inlet valve will fail closed. With no flow through the tower distractors B and D are not plausible. Corrected by changing from the tower inlet valve to the dryer bypass valve -
52 F 3 X Y N/A N U DONE S 2. Operating for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> without power to reactivate the dryer is not plausible. The 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> should be reduced to a more believable 8. The answer and distractors were changed to remove a time based number. Revised question SAT. - DONE
53 F 3 Y N/A N S
1.Listed as Tier 3 question but it is a Tier 2, Group 2 Changed - DONE
- 2. The justification for the correct answer is weak and unclear. Neither of the referenced procedures state that it is unacceptable to place the pump control switch in PTL and some crews would do so in order to prevent inadvertent pump manual or automatic operation. Either 54 F 2 X Y N/A N E find better justification for the correct answ er or change S distractor 4. The licensee does not have a procedure which clearly states to not place the pump control switch in PTL. During OV the crews did not place the hand switch of a failed component in PTL and when asked why most used the justificat ion contained in one of the listed procedures (MA - AA-716 -004). No changes made
55 H 3 Y N/A B S
56 F 2 Y N/A N S
57 H 3 Y N/A B S
58 H 2 Y N/A N S References Provided: Photo of 480 v XFMR 1A and A1status 59 F 3 Y N/A B S ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
References Provided: A photo of the simulator 60 H 3 Y N/A B S status of the reactor feed pumps and discharge valves.
61 H 3 Y N/A B S References Provided: Five photos of load set and MW meters.
- 1. As written distractor A and D are not plausible.
Re-worded as part of the changes below, they are now plausible. DONE E 2. Reword the bulleted item to simply state that there 62 H 3 X Y N/A N S are no other level alarms on any other heaters.
The stated alarm is not a malfunction; it is the result of a malfunction. Change made - DONE
- 3. Is there a question of local control versus operation from the control room in manual? No, the re-wording of the distractors and answer made local control more clear. DONE 63 F 2 Y N/A B S Clinton 2011 NRC ILE (Q32)
Clinton 2017 NRC ILE (Q65) 64 H 3 Y N/A B S References Provided: VF supply and exhaust fan indications and control switch images embedded in the stem.
Clinton 2017 NRC ILE (Q58) 65 H 2 Y N/A B S References Provided: Images of MCR HVAC MU fan control and indication provided in the question stem.
- 1. The Stem should contain another Initial Condition to clearly state that this is the operators 1st watch of the new quarter. (Could change todays date.)
Changed the date - DONE U 2. The correct answer (C) should be modified to state 66 F 3 X X Y N/A N S simply that the last Medical Examination was completed December 2019. There is no CFR requirement to complete an NRC Form 396 unless a new NRC Form 398, License Application, is being submitted, i.e., for a License Renewal. Correct answer C was simplified - DONE As the question Stem states that All control rods are fully inserted and no other Initial Conditions deviate E from that condition, Distractor C is not plausible as 67 H 3 X Y N/A B S written. (No control rods are able to be inserted.
Recommend removing the 1st half of the distractor and simply state Place the Mode Switch...). Change made
- DONE ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
68 F 2 Y N/A N S
69 F 2 Y N/A N S Although this is a good K/A match, it is a weak tie to the Tier 3 Objective to remain focused on plantwide topics.
(Potentially need a replacement K/A since this is Tier 3.)
70 F 3 Y N/A N S This question does look at a bigger picture of plantwide operations as it addresses normal operations and anticipated Operational occurrences and fuel limits. No change needed - DONE As the question Stem does not include the possibility of a fuel handling accident, Distractor D has a very low E plausibility. (Not a gaseous release with liner leakage.)
71 F 2 X Y N/A B S IAW with procedure CPS 4011.01 VG will automatically initiate. Distractor D is wrong because it assumes that VG will be manually initiated. No change needed -
72 F 3 Y N/A N S FREE LOOK 1/2X2
- 1. In the outline this is a Tier 3 (Generic) K/A question. NUREG 1021;ES-401;D.2.a states in part Ensure that the questions selected for Tier 3 maintain their focus on plantwide generic K/As and do not become an extension of Tier 2.
- a. The question is a system -oriented question with the focus on the automatic LLS set points and the capacity of an individual SRV.
- b. To meet the K/A the question should focus 73 H 3 N N U generic aspects of EOP mitigation F 2 Y N/A B S strategies, e.g., 1) why SRVs are used over the other sources; or 2) why the given pressure band is the band of choice.
When the licensee attempted to re-write this question in response to the NRC comments they realized that they could not write an RO level question. The CE randomly pulled a new K/A and the licensee will write another question. New K/A 2.4.43 is documented in ES-401-4.
No comments on the Bank question - DONE ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
74 F 2 Y N/A N S Although this is a good K/A match, it is a weak tie to the Tier 3 Objective to remain focused on plantwide topics.
(Potentially need a replacement K/A since this is Tier 3.)
When the licensee attempted to re-write this question in response to the NRC comments 75 H 3 N/A B E they realized that they could not write an RO F 2 YS level question. The CE randomly pulled a new K/A and the licensee will write another question. New K/A G2.4.05 is documented in ES-401-4.
No comments on the new Bank question - DONE
References Provided: PPC image of RR components 76 H 3 Y Y B S embedded in the question stem LCO 3.4.1, 3.4.2, and LCO 3.4.3 with redactions and Power to Flow Map
- 1. Suppression Pool Level is incorrectly listed as 21 inches (symbol for inches is used instead of feet) 77 H 3 X Y Y B E Corrected - DONE S Clinton 2017 NRC ILE (Q76)
References Provided: HCTL Curve embedded in stem ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
FREE LOOK Reference Provided: HCTL Curve embedded in n stem
- 1. Question is a good SRO-Only candidate since the event involves implementation of two contradicting strategies, 1) lowering pressure to stay below HCTL; and 2) NOT cooling down until the reactor is sub-critical.
- 2. I challenge the appropriateness of the 800 -900 psig band.
- a. With both pool temperature and level rising, 900 psig at the upper end leaves a very 78 H 3 Y Y B E small margin to the HCT limit.
S b. Suggest changing choice A to read:
Restore and maintain RPV pressure below the HCT and STP limits but above 350 psig.
OK to exceed 100°F per hour.
- c. Add OK to exceed 100 °F per hour to choice B and Hold cooldown rate below 100°F per hour to choice C. This will add some consistency to the answer choices.
NRC: All comments above were incorporated. - DONE
STPL curve does not appear in the question stem, but is listed as an embedded reference on question summary page.
FREE LOOK Reference Provided: PPC image of suppression pool level trend embedded in the stem 79 H 2 X Y Y N E 1. Since the explanations for choices A and B are S so similar, recommend replacing one of them with 11:09. This would correspond with the NPSH/VORTEX limits being exceeded.
NRC: All comments above were incorporated. - DONE
- 1. Distractor analysis incorrectly states answer C is incorrect. Should indicate that answer D is incorrect. Analysis correctly describes why answer 80 H 2 Y Y N E D is incorrect. Corrected - DONE S 2. K/A justification s tate s drywell level should say drywell pressure. Corrected - DONE References Provided: EOP-1A ATWS RPV CONTROL 81 F 2 Y Y N S
82 H 2 Y Y B S ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
- 1. Embedding the CSIL curve is a strong cue that initiating containment spray is required. Perhaps attach EOP-6 with the entry conditions redacted to the exam and assess to ensure the remainder of 83 H 3 X Y Y B E the exam is not adversely impacted. The CSIL S curve was moved to the references at the back end of the test. DONE Clinton 2015 NRC ILE (Q88)
References Provided: Containment Spray Initiation Limit Curve embedded in stem
- 1. RG1 entry is listed in the stem as being due to a loss of fission product barriers. The root cause of why RG1 has been entered is of course a loss of fission product barriers, but radiation levels offsite or in the plant exhaust system is actually how this EAL is determined. Stem changed to rem ove the comment about being in RG1 and why. DONE
- 2. Why is it needed to exceed 260 R/HR to have to evacuate the areas given? We are in a GE since RG1 has been met. The Par Flow Chart asks if primary containment is lost per the EALs. Yes, it has since, multiple areas in the secondary containment are above Max Safe temperatures due to an unisolable primary system leak and the Primary Containment barrier is lost (sub-category 6 item 3 of CL 2-3). With primary containment lost and RG1 met the flow chart ind icates this 84 H 3 X X Y Y N E constitutes a rapidly progressing severe accident.
S Achieving FG1 due to a loss of the fuel clad barrier would not specifically have to be obtained to implement the evacuation. You are in an GE due to RG1 and you have lost primary containment per the EALs.
The stem has been changed to have the candidate pick between the criteria for a Site Area Emergency and a General Emergency and then select Sub Areas for evacuation. There is a typo (STGS instead of SGTS) and the answer explanation needs to have an old reference to Max Safe Temperature readings removed but this question is otherwise SAT.
References Provided: EAL wall chart (F series) and Clinton PAR Flow Chart attached to exam and PPC screen image of Met Tower data embed ded in question stem.
ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
- 1. Tables T and U are difficult to read. The Tables 85 H 4 E Y Y N E clarity were improved - DONE S References Provided: EOP-8 Tables T and U embedded in the question stem FREE LOOK
- 1. The phrase must be depressurized implies that immediate cooldown/depressurization is 86 H 3 X Y Y N E required. Recommend rephrasing the question to S read: Which of the following is the FIRST instance where RPV depressurization below 350 psig is permitted?
NRC: Comment above has been incorporated. DONE 87 H 3 Y Y B S Clinton 2018 NRC ILE (Q86)
88 H 4 Y Y N S
References Provided: Reportability Manual Excerpt
Question does not match the K/A. K/A is to be centered on the RCIC system. In this instance the applicant has to determine the effects that maintenance on the HPCS system have on reportability and the Technical Specifications. The K/A justification incorrectly states that maintenance is being done on the RCIC system.
U The K/A justification was corrected to show 89 F 2 N B E maintenance being performed on the HPCS system.
Y Y S There is a lot of discussion in the stem regarding the HPCS system but it is all to set up the question to address the impact upon the RCIC system. No change made - DONE
The tie to SRO only is weak. Is it being done through reportability? No, although there is a reportability call involved in the question. The candidate is required to utilize the basis document to asses the blown control power fuse on valve 1E22-F004 and its impact on HPCS operability. No change made - DONE 90 H 2 Y Y B S Clinton 2011 NRC ILE (Q82)
91 H 2 Y Y N S References Provided: ITS LCO 3.1.4
92 H 3 Y Y B S Clinton 2015 NRC ILE (Q93)
ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
This question does not meet the threshold for SRO ONLY as the answer and distractors include response actions which can be deduced by systems knowledge only. See example of UNSAT SRO ONLY question on page 34 of 52 in ES-401 of NUREG 1021, Rev 11.
93 H 3 Y N N U Due to the licenses inability to write an SRO only Y B S question on this topic as well as an overlap issue the Chief Examiner randomly selected a new K/A (245000 A2.01). No questions on the new (Bank) question.
Two graphics supplied as part of the question 94 F 3 Y Y B S
The distractor analysis for A B & C should be corrected to state that they are plausible if the examinee 95 H 3 X Y Y B E fails to recall the location of the channel fastener in S relation to the control rod blade center. DONE
References Provided: Core map 96 F 3 Y Y M S
97 F 3 Y Y B S Previous 2 Exams: Clinton 2021 NRC ILE (Q97)
98 F 3 Y Y B S Previous 2 Exams: Clinton 2019 NRC ILE (Q98)
99 F 3 Y Y B S Clinton 2013 NRC ILE
References Provided: EP-AA 1003 Addendum 3 pgs.
CL2-8 and CL 2 -9.
100 H 3 Y Y B S (Consider including all the pages for the Hazards portion of the Addendum to preclude Cueing.) DONE Clinton 2018 NRC ILE Refer to Section D of ES-401 and Appendix B for additional information regarding each of the following concepts:
- 1. Enter the level of knowledge (LOK) of each question as either (F)undamental or (H)igher cognitive level.
- 2. Enter the level of difficulty (LOD) of each question a 1(easy) to 5 ( difficult); (questions with a difficulty between 2 and 4 are acceptable)
- 3. Check the appropriate box if a psychometric flaw is identified:
- Stem Focus: The stem lacks sufficient focus to elicit the correct answer (e.g., unclear intent, more information is needed, or too much needless information).
- Cues: The stem or distractors contain cues (e.g., clues, specific determiners, phrasing, length).
- T/F: The answer choices are a collection of unrelated true/false statements.
- Cred. Dist: The distractors are not credible; single implausible distractors should be repaired, more than one is unacceptable.and
- Partial: One or more distractors are partially correct (e.g., if the applicant can make unstated assumptions that are not contradicted by stem).
- 4. Check the appropriate box if a job content error is identified:
ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7.
Q LOK LOD Stem Back Q - SRO Source Status 8. Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Focus Cues T/F Cred. Dist Partial Job-Link Minutia # / Units ward K/A Only (B/M/N) (U/E/S)
- Job Link: The question is not linked to the job requirements (i.e., the question has a valid K/A but, as written, is not operational in content).
- Minutia: The question requires the recall of knowledge that is too specific for the closed reference test mode (i.e., it is not required to be known from memory).
- # / Units: The question contains data with an unrealistic level of accuracy or inconsistent units (e.g., panel meter in percent with question in gallons).
- Backward: The question requires reverse logic or application compared to the job requirements.
- 5. Check questions that are sampled for conformance with the approved K/A and those K/As that are designated SRO -only (K/A and license level mismatches are unacceptable)
- 6. Enter questions source: (B)ank, (M)odified, or (N)ew. Verify that (M)odified questions meet the criteria of ES-401 Section D.2.f.
- 7. Based on the reviewer's judgment, is the question as written (U)nsatisfactory (requiring repair or replacement), in need of (E)ditorial enhancement, or (S)atisfactory?
- 8. At a minimum, explain any "U" Status ratings (e.g., how the Appendix B psychometric attributes are not being met).
ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
B=44 F=37 E=21 RO TOTALS: M=3 *H=38 U=3 Additional Notes: *Limit on LOK of H questions is 38-45
- Minimum New Questions at a LOK of H is 8
- N=28 (12)
B=16 F= 7 E=7 SRO TOTALS: M=1 *H=18 U=1 Additional Notes: *Limit on LOK of H questions is 1 3-25
- Minimum New Questions at a LOK of H is (2)
- N=8 (7)
- 1. Question numbers highlighted in xx are sample test items the facility submitted for pre-review.
- 2. Bank questions are indicated by B; Modified are indicated by M; New questions are indicated by N