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Administered SRO Admin JPM
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/28/2022
From: Bruce Bartlett
Bartlett B
Shared Package
ML20136A325 List:
Download: ML22157A086 (58)


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 1 of 58 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure Authorize an Emergency Dose for a Life Saving Operation JPM Number:

JPM450 Revision Number:

05 Date: 5/11/2021 Developed By:

Bill Kiser


5/11/21 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Justin Reynolds


8/27/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Aaron Reynolds


8/27/21 Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Matthew Beeler


8/27/21 Training Department: Print / Sign Date

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 2 of 58 JPM450 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.
2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.
3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)
4. Initial setup conditions are identified.
5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.
6. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.
7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).
8. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.
9. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure: EP-AA-113 Revision:

15 Procedure: EP-AA-113-F-02 Revision:

B Procedure:




10. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.
11. Verify performance time is accurate.
12. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.
13. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:


SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 3 of 58 JPM450 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 00 8/8/14 - New JPM.

01 7/16/15 - Updated procedure references.

02 6/22/16 - Updated procedure references.

03 10/01/18 - Updated JPM format and procedure revisions.

04 5/18/20 - Updated procedure references.

05 5/11/21 - Updated JPM format.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 4 of 58 JPM450 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section SETUP INSTRUCTIONS

1. This is an SRO admin JPM, no simulator setup is required.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 5 of 58 JPM450 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS An emergency lifesaving operation must be performed. The operation will take approximately 15 minutes in a 200 Rem/hr field. A volunteer, age 45, comes for your approval to perform the lifesaving operation.

The TSC has NOT been activated.

INITIATING CUE As the Shift Emergency Director, take the actions needed to authorize the lifesaving operation.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the examinee had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 6 of 58 JPM450 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:

of Task Standard:

The examinee will perform an emergency exposure determination, complete a brief of the affected personnel on the associated risks to that exposure and authorize that exposure as the Shift Emergency Director IAW EP-AA-113 PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE ACTIONS.

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number CUE Provide the examinee with a copy of:

  • Initiating Cue (last page of JPM)
  • Partially filled out EP-AA-113-F-02 Authorization for Emergency Exposure (page 10 of 11)

If the examinee asks if you have ever received an emergency exposure in excess of 25 Rem TEDE, reply, No.

If the examinee asks, inform him/her that there is a reasonable assurance that the victim is in the area and that they are alive.


The candidate should check the block for 25 Rem TEDE (Authorized to receive greater than 25 Rem TEDE) on EP-AA-113-F-02.

  • 01 EP-AA-113 4.3.1/Attachment 1 Determines which TEDE limit may be exceeded.

Examinee reviews EP-AA-113 Emergency Worker Exposure Limits and Associated Risks.

Examinee determines that the volunteer may receive > 25 REM TEDE to perform a lifesaving operation.

CUE If the examinee asks if you have been briefed, reply, I was told that you would perform the brief.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 7 of 58 JPM450 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number 02 EP-AA-113-F-02 Recognizes volunteer has not signed form for briefing.

Determines volunteer has not been briefed.

Examinee briefs the following with the volunteer:

50 rad will result in 2% of population affected by prodromal effects.

Risk of premature death (deaths per 1000 persons exposed) 5.3%

Average years of life lost if premature death occurs: 15 (years)

CUE When requested by candidate; sign, date and put current time as the Emergency Worker.

  • 04 EP-AA-113 Obtains volunteer acknowledgement.

Examinee obtains signature of volunteer acknowledging briefing on EP-AA-113-F-02.

CUE If a Radiation Protection Manager review is requested by candidate; sign as RP Manager, date and put current time.

05 EP-AA-113-F-02 Obtains Radiation Protection (RP)

Management Review.

Examinee requests Radiation Protection Manager review.

  • 06 EP-AA-113 4.3.3 EP-AA-113-F-02 Authorizes emergency exposure.

Examinee signs as the Station Emergency Director for approval.

CUE JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 8 of 58 JPM450 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





Authorize Emergency Dose for a Life Saving Operation JPM Number: JPM450 Revision Number: 05 Task Number and


997777.03 Emergency Plan Activities performed by an SRO.

Task Standard: The examinee will perform an emergency exposure determination, complete a brief of the affected personnel on the associated risks to that exposure and authorize that exposure as the Shift Emergency Director IAW EP-AA-113 PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE ACTIONS.

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A System K/A Number Importance (RO/SRO)

Generic 2.3.4 3.2 3.7 Suggested Testing Environment: Classroom Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: EP-AA-113 Revision:

15 EP-AA-113-F-02 B

Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

10 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 9 of 58 JPM450 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 10 of 58 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 11 of 58 JPM450 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

INITIAL CONDITIONS An emergency lifesaving operation must be performed. The operation will take approximately 15 minutes in a 200 Rem/hr field. A volunteer, age 45, comes for your approval to perform the lifesaving operation.

The TSC has NOT been activated.

INITIATING CUE As the Shift Emergency Director, take the actions needed to authorize the lifesaving operation.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 12 of 58 JPM450 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure Classify An Emergency Event and Determine Protective Action Recommendations JPM Number:

JPM482 Revision Number:

01 Date: 5/11/2021 Developed By:

Bill Kiser


5/11/21 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Dennis Suchyta


8/27/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Aaron Speagle


8/27/21 Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Matthew Beeler


8/27/21 Training Department: Print / Sign Date

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 13 of 58 JPM482 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

14. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.
15. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.
16. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)
17. Initial setup conditions are identified.
18. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.
19. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.
20. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).
21. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.
22. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure: EP-AA-1003 Revision:

29 Procedure: EP-AA-1003 Addendum 3 Revision:

5 Procedure: EP-AA-111 Revision:

23 Procedure: EP-AA-111-F-07 Revision:

H Procedure: EP-AA-112-100-F-01 Revision:


23. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.
24. Verify performance time is accurate.
25. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.
26. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:


SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 14 of 58 JPM482 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 00 8/24/16 - New JPM.

01 5/11/21 - Updated procedure references. Updated JPM to new template.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 15 of 58 JPM482 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section SETUP INSTRUCTIONS

2. No setup is required for this JPM.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 16 of 58 JPM482 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS You are the Shift Manager.

The plant was operating at rated thermal power when a transient occurred.

Plant conditions are as follows:

  • Reactor Water level is -177 inches and lowering with no injection sources available.
  • Radiation levels in the containment are 37 R/hr.
  • Hydrogen concentration in the drywell is 9.2%.
  • No release is in progress.

INITIATING CUE You are to determine if any Emergency Action Levels have been exceeded.


Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the examinee had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 17 of 58 JPM482 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:

of Task Standard:

The examinee will determine an emergency event classification, how that classification is affected by changing plant conditions and then determine appropriate Protective Action Recommendations (PARs).

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number CUE Provide the examinee with the Cue Sheet and a copy of the following:

Shift Emergency Director Binder EP-AA-1003 Addendum 3 EALs EP-AA-1003 Addendum 3 Bases If the candidate reports his/her findings, acknowledge the report.


A 15-minute clock to declare the EAL starts as soon as the initiating cue is read and acknowledged via 3-part communication by the examinee. Record the time of the declaration below. The time declared must be no more than 15 minutes from the START TIME.

Record Time EAL Declared ___________

Record JPM Start Time (top of page) ___________

Verify NOT longer than 15 minutes between the time EAL Declared and Start Time:


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 18 of 58 JPM482 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


Determines that a Site Area Emergency EAL has been exceeded due to FS1 Loss or Potential Loss of ANY two barriers.

Examinee determines that the FS1 threshold has been exceeded due to:

  • Potential Loss of Fuel Clad because RPV level cannot be restored and maintained > -162 inches (TAF).

33 R/hr and RPV level cannot be restored and maintained > -

162 inches (TAF).

  • Potential Loss of Containment because Drywell hydrogen concentration 9%.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 19 of 58 JPM482 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

CUE Provide Cue Sheet #2 to the examinee.

If the candidate reports his/her findings, acknowledge the report.

If the candidate reports a General Emergency declaration, ask him/her what, if any, protective action recommendations are required?.


A 15-minute clock to declare the EAL starts as soon as cue #2 is read and acknowledged via 3-part communication by the examinee. Record the time of the declaration below. The time declared must be no more than 15 minutes from the examinees acknowledgement of cue #2.

Record Time EAL Declared ___________

Record cue #2 Start Time ___________

Verify NOT longer than 15 minutes between the time EAL Declared and cue #2 Start Time:


Determines that a General Emergency EAL has been exceeded due to FG1 Loss of ANY two barriers AND Loss or Potential Loss of third barrier.

Examinee determines that the FG1 threshold has been exceeded due to:

  • Loss of Fuel Clad because Containment Radiation Monitor is reading > 41.3 R/hr.

33 R/hr and RPV level cannot be restored and maintained > -

162 inches (TAF).

  • Potential Loss of Containment because Containment Radiation Monitor is reading >

97 R/hr and DW Hydrogen concentration is 9%.

CUE If requested, the wind direction is 159 degrees.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 20 of 58 JPM482 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

  • 03 EP-AA-111-F-07 Reviews Clinton PAR Flowchart.

Examinee determines that a Rapidly Progressing Severe Accident is not in progress (primary containment has not be lost), requiring evacuation of Sub Area 1.

CUE JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 21 of 58 JPM482 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





Classify An Emergency Event and Determine Protective Action Recommendations JPM Number: JPM482 Revision Number: 01 Task Number and


997777.02, Determine a Protective Action Recommendation Task Standard: The examinee will determine an emergency event classification, how that classification is affected by changing plant conditions and then determine appropriate Protective Action Recommendations (PARs).

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A System K/A Number Importance (RO/SRO)

Generic 2.4.44 2.4 4.4 Suggested Testing Environment: Classroom Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: EP-AA-1003 Revision:

29 EP-AA-1003 Addendum 3 5

EP-AA-111 23 EP-AA-111-F-07 H

EP-AA-112-100-F-01 AD Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

20 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 22 of 58 JPM482 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 23 of 58 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


SUBSEQUENT CONDITIONS You receive the following reports:

  • Hydrogen concentration in the Drywell is now 10.2%.
  • Radiation level in the containment is now 103 R/hr.
  • No release is in progress.

Determine if any additional Emergency Action Levels have been exceeded.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 24 of 58 JPM482 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

INITIAL CONDITIONS You are the Shift Manager.

The plant was operating at rated thermal power when a transient occurred.

Plant conditions are as follows:

  • Reactor Water level is -177 inches and lowering with no injection sources available.
  • Radiation levels in the containment are 37 R/hr.
  • Hydrogen concentration in the drywell is 9.2%.
  • No release is in progress.

INITIATING CUE You are to determine if any Emergency Action Levels have been exceeded.


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 25 of 58 JPM482 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure Determine Minimum Crew Compliment JPM Number:

JPM510 Revision Number:

03 Date: 5/10/2021 Developed By:

Matthew Beeler


5/10/21 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Justin Reynolds


8/27/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Aaron Speagle


8/27/21 Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Matthew Beeler


8/27/21 Training Department: Print / Sign Date

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 26 of 58 JPM510 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

27. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.
28. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.
29. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)
30. Initial setup conditions are identified.
31. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.
32. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.
33. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).
34. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.
35. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure: OP-CL-101-102-1001 Revision:

7d Procedure:






36. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.
37. Verify performance time is accurate.
38. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.
39. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:


SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 27 of 58 JPM510 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 00 11/18/12 - New JPM.

01 7/8/16 - Updated procedure references. Updated estimated time to complete based on validation.

02 3/5/18 - Updated procedure references. Updated JPM to new template.

03 5/10/21 - Updated procedure references. Updated JPM to new template.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 28 of 58 JPM510 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section SETUP INSTRUCTIONS

3. No setup is required for this JPM.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 29 of 58 JPM510 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS Plant status is as follows:

  • The plant scrammed late on midshift.
  • All rods are in.
  • Reactor pressure is 600 psig and stable.
  • RPV level is being maintained between Level 3 and Level 8 with feed water.

INITIATING CUE You are the on-coming Work Center Supervisor. The on-coming crew consists of the following personnel:

SRO #1 - Qualified STA SRO #2 - Qualified Shift Manager & STA SRO #3 - Qualified Shift Manager 5 Reactor Operators (all qualified FB and 1 qualified as a FB Leader) 3 Equipment Operators (all qualified FB and EROC) 2 RP Technicians 2 First Aid/Rescue Operations Responders supplied by Security 1 EMD/IMD Technician 1 MMD Technician 1 Chemistry Technician Determine shift staffing requirements for the on-coming crew.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the examinee had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 30 of 58 JPM510 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:

of Task Standard:

The examinee will determine additional crew members required to support minimum on-shift staffing.

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number CUE Provide the examinee with the Cue Sheet and a copy of OP-CL-101-102-1001 CPS Minimum On-Shift Staffing Functions.

  • 1 Compares on-coming crew composition with the minimum shift staffing requirements.

Examinee reviews OP-CL-101-102-1001 Table 1 and determines that an additional NLO qualified operator (EO or RO) is required to meet minimum shift staffing requirements.

CUE Provide Cue Sheet #2 to the examinee and cue the examinee as follows:

  • You now take the shift with the personnel listed in the INITIATING CUE and any additional personnel you have requested.
  • Two hours after you take the shift SRO #1 has a personal emergency, leaves the site and will not return.
  • SRO #3 assumes the CRS position and SRO #2 remains as the SM.

Evaluate shift staffing requirements in light of this recent change in staffing.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 31 of 58 JPM510 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


  • 2 Determines required staffing and additional staffing needs.

Examinee reviews OP-CL-101-102-1001 Table 1 and determines that:

  • an IA OR STA is required in Mode 3, THEREFORE
  • an additional SRO is required to cover that IA/STA to meet minimum shift staffing requirements, the position must be manned within two hours.

CUE JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 32 of 58 JPM510 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

ANSWER KEY Position Position Requirements Filled By:

Shift Manager (SM)

Cannot be the IA or the STA.

SRO2 Control Room Supervisor (CRS)

May also be STA, but not the IA.

SRO3 Reactor Operator (RO)

No other concurrent duties.

RO1 RO2 Shift Technical Advisor (STA)

No other concurrent ERO duties, except IA when permitted.

SRO Within 2 hrs Incident Assessor (IA)

Separate IA is only required if CRS is STA.

No other concurrent ERO or Fire Brigade duties.

SRO Within 2 hrs Non Licensed Operators (NLO)

Can also be EROC, ENLO, or a Fire Brigade position.





Safe Shutdown Operator (SSQ)

Can not be A RO, B RO, Fire Brigade Member or EROC.

Must be C area qualified.


Shift Emergency Director SED job function assigned to SM.

SRO2 ERO Communicator (EROC)

Can not be the SM, STA, IA, A RO, B RO, ENLO, a Fire Brigade position, or SSQ. [See 2.2 discussion]



Supports Repair & Corrective Actions.

Can not be the EROC.

Mech Maint can fill this function.

MM01 Fire Brigade Leader May be provided by other position.

RO3 Fire Brigade Members Can also be ENLO or ERO Access.

RO4 RO5 EO3(D)


First Aid/

Rescue Operations May be provided by other positions or Security.

SEC01 SEC02 Radiation Technician May be assigned other ERO functions.

RP01 Offsite Dose Assessment Normal RP function during an event. Cannot be assigned to the SED.

RP02 In-Plant Surveys RP Personnel.

RP01 In-Plant Protective Actions (ERO Access 1/2)

On shift Personnel.

RO4 RO5 EMD/IMD Technician Supports Repair & Corrective Actions.

EM/IM01 Chemistry Technician Supports ERO Rad Assessment Function.

CH01 Refueling SRO During CORE ALTERATIONs only.

NA Note: Different combinations may be used to achieve the same results. However, the outcome must determine the following:

Cue 1 - an additional NLO qualified operator (EO or RO) is required.

Cue 2 - an additional SRO is required within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for the vacant SRO position.

(Cue 2)

(Cue 1)

(Cue 1)

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 33 of 58 JPM510 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





Determine Minimum Crew Compliment JPM Number: JPM510 Revision Number: 03 Task Number and


999999.25 Prepare a Minimum Shift Complement Form Task Standard: The examinee will determine additional crew members required to support minimum on-shift staffing.

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A System K/A Number Importance (RO/SRO)

Generic 2.1.5 2.9 3.9 Suggested Testing Environment: Classroom Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: OP-CL-101-102-1001 Revision:

7d Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

25 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 34 of 58 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


SUBSEQUENT CONDITIONS You now take the shift with the personnel listed in the INITIATING CUE and any additional personnel you have requested.

Two hours after you take the shift SRO #1 has a personal emergency, leaves the site and will not return.

  • SRO #3 assumes the CRS position and SRO #2 remains as the SM.

Evaluate shift staffing requirements in light of this recent change in staffing.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 35 of 58 JPM510 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

INITIAL CONDITIONS Plant status is as follows:

  • The plant scrammed late on midshift.
  • All rods are in.
  • Reactor pressure is 600 psig and stable.
  • RPV level is being maintained between Level 3 and Level 8 with feed water.

INITIATING CUE You are the on-coming Work Center Supervisor. The on-coming crew consists of the following personnel:

SRO #1 - Qualified STA SRO #2 - Qualified Shift Manager & STA SRO #3 - Qualified Shift Manager 5 Reactor Operators (all qualified FB and 1 qualified as a FB Leader) 3 Equipment Operators (all qualified FB and EROC) 2 RP Technicians 2 First Aid/Rescue Operations Responders supplied by Security 1 EMD/IMD Technician 1 MMD Technician 1 Chemistry Technician Determine shift staffing requirements for the on-coming crew.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 36 of 58 JPM510 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure Reactivation of SRO License JPM Number:

JPM539 Revision Number:

01 Date: 5/10/2021 Developed By:

Matthew Beeler


5/10/21 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Justin Reynolds


8/27/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Aaron Speagle


8/27/21 Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Matthew Beeler


8/27/21 Training Department: Print / Sign Date

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 37 of 58 JPM510 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 38 of 58 JPM539 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

40. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.
41. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.
42. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)
43. Initial setup conditions are identified.
44. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.
45. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.
46. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).
47. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.
48. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure: OP-AA-105-102 Revision:

16 Procedure:






49. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.
50. Verify performance time is accurate.
51. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.
52. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:


SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 39 of 58 JPM539 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 00 9/22/14 - New JPM.

01 5/10/21 - Updated procedure references. Updated JPM to new template.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 40 of 58 JPM539 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section SETUP INSTRUCTIONS

4. No setup is required for this JPM.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 41 of 58 JPM539 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS You are the Shift Manager.

An SRO is in the process of license reactivation.

OP-AA-105-102, Attachment 2, Reactivation of License Log is filled out up to the point of the Shift Manager review for the licensee.

INITIATING CUE Perform the Shift Manager review of OP-AA-105-102, Attachment 2 for the licensee and report the results to the Shift Operations Superintendent (SOS).

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the examinee had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 42 of 58 JPM539 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:

of Task Standard:

Examinee reviews OP-AA-105-102 and the partially filled-in copy of OP-AA-105-102 attachment 2 and determines that the SRO does NOT meet the procedural requirements for reactivating his/her license.

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number CUE Provide the examinee with Cue Sheet, the partially filled-in copy of OP-AA-105-102 attachment 2, and a copy of procedure OP-AA-105-102.

  • 1 Reviews OP-AA-105-102, Reactivation of License Log and checks to see if the Hours on Shift are applicable for license reactivation (performed as Shift Manager or Unit Supervisor) and the licensee has the required 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> in the same calendar quarter.

Examinee recognizes that 32 hours3.703704e-4 days <br />0.00889 hours <br />5.291005e-5 weeks <br />1.2176e-5 months <br /> listed in the Hours on Shift are performed as CRS (Unit Supervisor) and 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> as WEC Supervisor. Examinee determines that the 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> as WEC Supervisor are NOT applicable for license reactivation -


  • 2 Examinee checks that the required plant tour has been completed.

Examinee determines that the Date and Active Licensee signature for the required plant tour are missing on the Shift Position Log - REQUIREMENT NOT MET.

3 Report the results of the review to the Shift Operations Superintendent (SOS).

Returns without signing OP-AA-105-102, Attachment 2, to the SOS.

Informs the SOS that the Licensees license CANNOT be reactivated due to insufficient hours on shift AND because a plant tour has not been properly documented as complete.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 43 of 58 JPM539 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


JPM Stop Time:

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 44 of 58 JPM539 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





Reactivation of SRO License JPM Number: JPM539 Revision Number: 03 Task Number and


100101.01 Apply the administrative requirements of CLINTON POWER STATION Organization, Responsibilities and Minimum Qualifications.

Task Standard: Examinee reviews OP-AA-105-102 and the partially filled-in copy of OP-AA-105-102 attachment 2 and determines that the SRO does NOT meet the procedural requirements for reactivating his/her license.

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A System K/A Number Importance (RO/SRO)

Generic 2.1.4 3.3 3.8 Suggested Testing Environment: Classroom Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: OP-AA-105-102 Revision:

16 Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

10 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 45 of 58 JPM539 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 00 Page 46 of 58 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

INITIAL CONDITIONS You are the Shift Manager.

An SRO is in the process of license reactivation.

OP-AA-105-102, Attachment 2, Reactivation of License Log is filled out up to the point of the Shift Manager review for the licensee.

INITIATING CUE Perform the Shift Manager review of OP-AA-105-102, Attachment 2 for the licensee and report the results to the Shift Operations Superintendent (SOS).

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 47 of 58 JPM539 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Job Performance Measure Identify Temporary Abnormal Equipment Positioning IAW OP-AA-108-101 JPM Number:

JPM578 Revision Number:

00 Date:

7/20/21 Developed By:

Bill Kiser


7/20/21 Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Justin Reynolds


8/27/21 SME or Instructor: Print / Sign Date Reviewed By:

Aaron Speagle


8/27/21 Operations Representative: Print / Sign Date Approved By:

Matthew Beeler


8/27/21 Training Department: Print / Sign Date

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 48 of 58 JPM539 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 49 of 58 JPM578 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 9 and 13 below.

53. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.
54. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.
55. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)
56. Initial setup conditions are identified.
57. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.
58. Task standards identified and verified by instructor or SME review.
59. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).
60. IAW NUREG 1021 Appendix C, clearly identify the task standard (i.e., the predetermined qualitative or quantitative outcome) against which task performance will be measured.
61. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure: OP-AA-108-101 Revision:

15 Procedure:






62. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.
63. Verify performance time is accurate.
64. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.
65. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. For subsequent validations, sign and date below:


SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)



SME / Instructor (Print/Sign)


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 50 of 58 JPM578 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section Revision Record (Summary)

Revision #

Summary 00 7/20/21 - New JPM

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 51 of 58 JPM578 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section SETUP INSTRUCTIONS

5. No setup is required for this JPM.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 52 of 58 JPM578 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS

1. You are the WEC SRO.
2. A leak has developed on the A Plant Service Water Pump (1WS01PA).
3. The A Plant Service Water Pump motor has been thoroughly wetted.
4. The A Service Water Pump was operating; the control switch (1HSWS001) on panel 1H13-P800 has been placed in the Pull To Lock position.
5. The last ACPS # used was22-002.
6. IR# 1234567 was written to document the leakage and motor wetting.
7. ESOMS is currently unavailable. Your EST tag # will be EST-(2 Letter System Designator)-(ACPS #).

INITIATING CUE Complete paper copies of OP-AA-108-101 Control Of Equipment And System Status - Equipment Status Tag (EST) Log and Attachment 2 - Abnormal Component Position Sheet (ACPS) as required to support EST placement.

When ready to fill out/hang the EST tag, inform the Shift manager.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the examinee had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 53 of 58 JPM578 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

JPM Start Time:

JPM Sequence #:

of Task Standard:

The examinee will complete OP-AA-108-101 Control Of Equipment And System Status - Equipment Status Tag (EST) Log and Attachment 2 - Abnormal Component Position Sheet (ACPS) as required to support EST placement.

STEP ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number CUE Provide the examinee with the Cue Sheet and the following:

  • Blank copy of:

o Attachment 1 - Equipment Status Tag (EST) Log o Attachment 2 - Abnormal Component Position Sheet (ACPS)

Examinee reviews section 4.2 Processing the ACPS.

Examinee completes the ACPS using the instructions on the ACPS (Attachment 2). At a minimum, the examinee will fill in:

ACPS Number Station Unit System Purpose for Abnormal Positioning Action Required for Removal 10CFR50.59 Questions (all N)

SRO Approval SRO Peer Check (N/A)

EPN EST Number Normal Position Abnormal (Desired) Position

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 54 of 58 JPM578 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


Examinee reviews section 4.3 Processing, Approving, and Hanging Equipment Status Tags.

Examinee completes the EST Log using instructions on the EST Log (Attachment 1). At a minimum, the examinee will fill in:

EST Number ACPS Number Tag Location 03 Informs Shift Manager task is complete.

Examinee notifies the Shift Manager when ready to fill out/hang the EST tag.

CUE JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time:

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 55 of 58 JPM578 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

EST-WS-22-003 22-003 1H13-P800 1HSWS001 Pump Leak IR# 1234567 NOT Required - see note below (OK if filled in)


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 56 of 58 JPM578 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)22-003 Clinton 01 Plant Service Water (WS) 1HSWS001 EST-WS-22-003 Auto After Start Pull To Lock A WS Pump leaking excessively IR# 1234567 Examinee Signature xx/xx/xx xx:xx N/A N/A N/A KEY May be Auto After Stop if examinee explains correct plant conditions.

TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 57 of 58 JPM578 SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



Operators Name:

Emp. ID#:





Identify Temporary Abnormal Equipment Positioning IAW OP-AA-108-1 JPM Number: JPM578 Revision Number: 00 Task Number and


140109.29d Apply the administrative requirements for Component Manipulation Documentation.

Task Standard: The examinee will complete OP-AA-108-101 Control Of Equipment And System Status Attachment 1 - Equipment Status Tag (EST) Log and Attachment 2 -

Abnormal Component Position Sheet (ACPS) as required to support EST placement.

K/A Number and Importance:

K/A System K/A Number Importance (RO/SRO)

Generic 2.2.14 3.9 4.3 Suggested Testing Environment: Classroom Alternate Path:

Yes No SRO Only:

Yes No Time Critical:

Yes No Reference(s):

Procedure: OP-AA-108-101 Revision:

15 Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method:

Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete:

15 minutes Actual Time Used:



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory NOTE: Enter finalized grading, comments, and notes relevant to this evaluation in the associated TQ-AA-150-F03A/B. (See AR 4282419).

Evaluators Name (Print):

Evaluators Signature:


TQ-AA-150-J020 Revision 01 Page 58 of 58 JPM578 SRRS: 3D.100; There are no retention requirements for this section INITIAL CONDITIONS

1. You are the WEC SRO.
2. A leak has developed on the A Plant Service Water Pump (1WS01PA).
3. The A Plant Service Water Pump motor has been thoroughly wetted.
4. The last ACPS # used was22-002.
5. IR# 1234567 was written to document the leakage and motor wetting.
6. The A Service Water Pump control switch PSW PMP 1A (1WS01PA) on panel 1H13-P800-63C is currently in the Pull To Lock position.
7. ESOMS is currently unavailable. Your EST tag # will be EST-(2 Letter System Designator)-(ACPS #).

INITIATING CUE Complete paper copies of OP-AA-108-101 Control Of Equipment And System Status - Equipment Status Tag (EST) Log and Attachment 2 - Abnormal Component Position Sheet (ACPS) as required to support EST placement.

When ready to fill out/hang the EST tag, inform the Shift Manager.