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License NPF-13 for Facility
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/16/1982
From: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20054K377 List:
NUDOCS 8207010518
Download: ML20054K381 (22)


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1. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission or the HRC) having found that:

A. The application for a license, as amended, filed by Mississippi Power & Light Company, for itself and the Middle South Energy, Inc.

and South Mississippi Electric Power Association (hereinafter referred to as the licensees) complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Cmmission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I, and all required notifications to other agencies or bodies have been duly made; B. Construction of the Grand Gulf Huclear Station, Unit 1 (the facility),

has been stbstantially empleted in confomity with Provisional Construction Permit No. CPPR-118 and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Commission; C. The facility will operate in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Concission; D. There is reasonable assurance: (i) that the activities authorized by this operating license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be con-ducted in compliance with the Conmission's regulations set forth in 10 CFet Chapter I; E. The Mississippi Power & Light Company (MP8L)* is technically ,

qualified to engage in the activities authorized by this operating '

license in accordance with the Conmission's regulations set forth h 10 CFR Chaoter I; 8207010 gBo % $ N 6 PDR ADO PDR P

  • The HP&L is authorized to act as agent for the co-owners and has exclusive resconsibility and control over the physical construction, oneration, and maintenance of the facil i ty .

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F. The licensees have satisfied the applicable provisions of 10 CFR Part 140, " Financial Protection Requirenents and Indennity Agreements,"

of the Co, mission's regulations; G. The issuance of this license will not be inimical to the connon defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; H. Af ter weighing the environmental, economic, technical, and other benefits of the facility against environnental and other costs and considering available alternatives, the issuance of Facility Operating License flo. HPF-13, subject ti the conditions for protection of the environaent set forth herein, is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied; and I. The receipt, possession, and use of source, by-product and special nuclear material as authorized by this license will be in accordance wi th the Carnission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70.

2. Based on the forencing findings regarding this facility, Facility Operating License NPF-13 is hereby issued to the Mississipoi Power & Light Company, Middle Sajth Energy, Inc., and South fiississippi Electric Power Association to read as follows:

A. This license applies to the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1, a boiling water nuclear reactor and associated equipnent, owned by Middle South Energy, Inc., and South Mississippi Electric Power Association and operated by Mississippi Power and Light Company. The facility is located in Claiborne County, Mississippi, and is described in the licensees' " Final Safety Analysis Report," as supplenented and anended, and in the licensees' Environ 1 ental Report, as supplemented and amended.

B. Subject to the conditions and requirenents inenrporated herein, the Connission hereby licenses:

(1) Mississippi Power & Light Company, Middle South Energy Inc.,

and South Mississippi Electric Power Association, to possess the facili ty at the designated location in Claiborne County, Mississippi, in accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in this license; (2) MPal, pursuant to Section 103 of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50,

" Licensing of Production and Utiltization Facilities," to possess, use, and operate the f acility at the designated location in Claiborne County, Mississippi, in accordance vdth the procedures and limitations set forth in this license; orncr> _. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .

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(3) f1P&L, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, possess j and use at any time special nuclear naterial as reactor fuci, in accordance with the linitations for storage and anounts required for reactor operation, as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report, as supplemented and amended; (4) HP&L, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to receive, possess, and use at any time any byproduct, source and special nuclear material as sealed neutron and sources for reactor startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and radiation monitoring equipment calibration, and as fission detectors in amounts as required; (5) !!P5L, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to receive, possess, and use in anounts as required any byproduct, source or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical fom, for sanple analysis or instrument calibration or associated with radioactive apparatus or cmponents; and (6) lip &L, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproduct and special nuclear ruterials as may be produced by the operation of the facility.

C. The license shall be decned to contain and is stbject to the conditions specified in the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I and is stJbject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations, and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is sthject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:

(1) Haximum Power Level lip 8L is authorized to operate the facility at reactor core power levels not in excess of 5 percent of full power (191 negawatts themal) in accordance with the conditions specified herein and in Attachment 1 to this license. The preoperational tests, startup tests and other items identified in Attachment i to this license shall be completed as specified. Attachment 1 is an integral part of this license.

(2) Technical Specifications and Environmental Protection Plan The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A and the Environnental Protection Plan contained in Appendix B attached hereto are hereby incorporated in this license. tiPAL shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications and the Environmental Protection Plan.

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rw (3) Independent Verification of Staff Perfornance and other Plant Activities (Section 13.4, SER, 55ER #2)

(a) MPAL shall establish a sdicanmittee of the Corporate Safety Revief Committee to review and evaluate the:

(i) Status and readiness of the plant and systems needed to support intended modes of operation and/or testing (ii) Readiness of personnel to conduct intended operation and testing (iii) Morale and attitudes of plant personnel that have a bearing on safe plant operation (iv) Past performance in plant operations and adherence to procedures and administrative controls (v) Changes in current organization with regard to ex-perience and qualifications of plant managenent and supervisory personnel since the last evaluation (vi) Results and effectiveness of the PSRC (vii) Status of plant as compared to other RWR startups based on the subcanmittee's knowledge and experience.

Reviews shall be conducted prior to exceeding 5 percent and 50 percent of full power and within 30 days following conpletion of the 100 hour0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> warranty run. The sd,canmittee shall be composed of a mininun of three professionals not employees of MPAL with experience which will be responsive to the concerns presented above. In conducting these evaluations, the subconnittee shall conduct interviews of representatives of all levels of plant staff nanagement. The subconnittee shall report directly to the Chain 7an of the Corporate Safety Review Committee and, in turn, MP&L shall submit the report of these reviews to NRC.

(b) The Plant Safety Review Comnittee shall review all Unit 1 Preoperational Testing and System Denonstration activities performed concurrently wi th Unit 1 initial fuel loading or vdth the Unit 1 Startup Test Program to assure that the activity will not affect the safe performance of the Unit 1 fuel loading or the portion of the Unit 1 Startup Program being perforned. The review shall address, as a minimum, system interaction, span of control, staffing, procedures, security and health physics, with respect to performance of the activities concurrent with the Unit i fuel loading or the portion of the Unit 1 Startup Progran being performed.

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(4) Deferred Preoperational Deficiencies The Licensee shall satisfactorily resolve those deficiencies sich were deferred from the preoperational testing program on a schedule that shall assure that the capability of a system required to be operable by Technical Specification is not degraded.

(5) Probable fiaximum Precipitation (PMP) (Section 2.4.3 SSER #2) j (a) MP8L shall provide sufficient sand bags at entrances to safety related structures. During periods of significant precipitation, these entrances shall be monitored. When the water level reaches an elevation of one inch below the entrance, sand bags shall be applied to protect the entrances to one foot above the entrance.

(b) Prior to exceeding 5 percent power, MP&L shall submit an analysis of PMP flooding and their plans for a permanent solution.

(6) Soil Structure Interaction (Section 3.7.1, SER, SSER #2)

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall co,plete structural nodifications, if required, as a result of the flRC staf f's completion of its review of MP&L responses.

(7) Seismic Instrumentation (Section 3.7.4, SER, SSER #2)

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, the installation of triaxial strong motion accelerometers on reactor supports shall be completed.

(8) Containment Pressure Capability (Section 3.8.1, SSER #1)

Prior to operation above 5% power, MP&L shall submit additional infomation, as needed, to demonstrate to the NRC's satisfaction that the containment accident pressure capability is 46 psig or greater.

(9) Masonry Walls (Section 3.8.3, SER, SSER #2)

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MPAL shall co7plete structural modifications, if required, as a result of the NRC staff's completion of its review of the MPAL response to IE Bulletin 80-11.

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(10) Dynamic Testing (Section 3.9.2, SER, SSER #2) ttP&L shall conduct vibrational neasurement and inspection programs during preoperational and initial startup testing in accordance wi th the guidelines of R.G.1.20, " Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Progran for Reactor Internals During Preoperational and Initial Startup Testing," for prototype reactors.

An evaluation report demonstrating satisfactory results shall be provided to the NRC no later than 6 months after completion i of testing, but not later than June 1,1983.

(11) Dynamic Qualification (3.10, SER, SSER #1, SSER#2)

(a) Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall canplete any modifications or replacement of equipment found necessary as a result of the fatigue evaluation. In the interim, MP&L shall document the occurrence of every safety relief valve actuation into the suppression pool; the associated cumulative damage factors shall be calculated for typical representative equipment and kept up-to-date; and MP&L shall report to HRC any malfunction of equipment that occurs due to any safety relief valve discharge.

(b) MP&L shall ca1plete all actions related to seismic and dynamic qualification of equipment identified in section 3.10 of SSER.82 on the schedule identified in that SSER.

(12) Environmental Qualifications (Section 3.11, SER, SSER #1; Appendix H, SSER #2 )

(a) No later than June 30, 1982, MP&L shall be in conpliance with the provisions of HUREG-0588, " Interim Staff Position on Environnental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment", Revision 1, dated July 1981, for safety-related electrical equipment exposed to a harsh environment.

(b) No later than June 30, 1982, complete and auditable records shall be available and maintained at a central location sich describe the environmental qualification methods used for all safety-related electrical equipment in sufficient detail to document the degree of compliance with NUREG-0588, Revision 1, dated July 1981. Such records shall be updated and raaintained current as equipment is replaced, further tested, or otherwise further qualified to document emplete cmpliance.

(c) By September 15, 1982, HP&L shall complete the open items and corrective actions stipulated in Appendix H to Supplement No. 2 of the Safety Evaluation Report.

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(13) Seismic and Loss-of-Coolant Accident Loads (Section, SER, SSER #2)

(a) By August 30, 1982, MP&L shall submit to NRC a cmplete description of the analytical nethods, along with all analytical results, with regard to fuel assembly liftoff.

(b) Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, the fuel assenbly liftoff issue shall be resolved. 1 (14 ) Sur_veillance of Control Blade (Section, SER)

Within 30 days after plant startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall comply with items 1, 2 and 3 of Bulletin No. 79-26 and submit a written response to HRC on item 3.

(15) Core Stability Analysis and Prohibition of Natural Circulation (Section 4.4.1, SER)

(a) Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall submit a new core stability snalysis for operation beyond cycle 1.

(b) Hatural circulation shall be prohibited as an operating node.

(16) Loose Parts Honitoring (Section 4.4.1, SER)

(a) A loose parts monitoring system (LPMS) shall be installed by the time of initial reactor startup testing and fully tested as specified in Attachment 1.

(b) Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall submit an evaluation of the LPMs to address conformance to R.G.1.133, Rev.1, dated May 1981.

(17) Scran Discharge Volume (Sections 4.6, SER)

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall incorporate the following additional nodifications into the scral discharge volume systen:

(i) Redundant vent and drain valves, and (ii) Diverse and redundant scran instrunentation for each instrunented volume, including both delta pressure sensors and fl oat sensors.

(18) Inservice Inspection Program (Section and 6.6, SER, SSER #2)

By June 30, 1983, the initial inservice inspection progran shall M n M tied bj M"'d..

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(19) Containment Purqe (Section 6.2.4 SSER #2)

Until the drymil otrge valves are qualified, MPAL shall keep the drywell purge valves sealed closui, as defined in SRP-6.2.4, Itm II.6.F above an operating tenerature of 200 F.

However, to accom odate the need for drywell presstre control during operating transients, the exhaust line of the drywell purge system may be opened during operating nodes 1 through 3 wi th the following restrictions:

(a) While venting the drywell, the containment shall not be vented or purged.

(b) The drymil purge supply line shall be sealed closed.

(c) The total time of venting the drywell when the operating tenperature is above 200 F shall be linited to 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (cumulative) pending deconstration of the operability of the drymil purge systcu's valves.

(20) Containment Pressure Roundary (Section 6.2.8, SER)

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall replace the feedwater check valve disc with a disc nade frm a suitable ma tertal .

(21) Pressure Interlocks on Valves Interfacina at low and liigh Pressure (Section 6.3.4, SSER#2)

Prior to startuo following the first refueling outage, the licensee shall implement isolation protection against overpressurization of the low pressure mergency core cooling systens (RHR/LPCI and LPCS) at the high and low pressure interface containing a check valve and a closed motor-operated valve.

(22) Containment Concerns (Section 6.2.9, SSER#2)

Prior to operation above 5 percent power MP&L shall, on the schedule identified in its June 8,1982 letter, provide a schedule for resolution and a technical basis for continued operation for each unresolved Mark III containment concern.

The schedule for resolution and technical basis for operation above 5 percent power pending resolution shall be satisfactory to the NRC.

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(23) Compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.97 (Sections 7.5.1, SER)

By July 15, 1982, MPAL shall provide a proposal including a proposed inplementation schedule of neeting Revision 2 of Regulatory Guide 1.97, " Instrumentation for Light Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant Conditions During and Following an Accident," dated Dececher 1980.

(24) 1E Bulletin 79-27, Loss of Hon-Class IE Instrunentation and Control Power System Bus During Operation (Section 7.8B, SER SSER #2)

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall complete any design changes found necessary as a result of this review.

(25) IE Information Notice 79-22, Qualification of Control System (Section 7.8.C, SER, SSER #2)

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall complete any design changes found necessary as a result of this review.

(26) Control System Failures (Section 7.8 D, SER, SSER #2)

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall couplete any design changes found necessary as a result of this review.

(27) Failures in Vessel Level Sensing Lines (Section 7.8H, SER, SSER #2)

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall implement any design changes found necessary as a result of the NRC review of the MP&L evaluation of failures in vessel sensing lines contained in the MP&L letter dated September 10, 1981.

(28) Standby Service Water System (Section 9.2.1 SER, SSER #2)

Ho irradiated fuel may be stored in the Unit 1 spent fuel pool prior to completion of modifications to the standby service water (SSW) system and verification that the design flow can be achieved to all SSW system components. However, should a core offloading be necessary prior to coupletion of these modifications (scheduled for the first scheduled refueling outage), irradiated fuel may be placed in the spent fuel pool when the RHR system operating in the spent fuel pool cooling mode is available. Until the SSW system is modified, the spent fuel pool cooler shall be isolated from the SSW system by locked closed valves. The position of these valves shall be verified every 31 days until the design flowrate for SSW systs) is demonstrated.

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(29) Spent Fuel Pool Ventilation System (Section 9.4.2, SER, SSER #2)

If spent irradiated fuel is placed in the spent fuel pool prior to installation and operability of the safety related backup fuel pool cooling punp room coolers, the plant shall be placed in shutdown condition 1 and renain shutdown with the RHR system dedicated to the fuel pool cooling node.

(30) Remote Shutdown Panel (Section, SER, SSER #2)

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall install electrical isolation switches between the control room and the Division 1 remote shutdown panel. This design nodificatin'-

shall be provided to the NRC staff for approval no later than January 1, 1984.

(31) Fire Protection Progran (Section 9.5.9, SER)

MP&L shall maintain in effect and fully implement all provisions of the approved Fire Protection Plan. In addition, MP&L shall naintain the fire protection program to neet the intent of Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50, except that an oil collection system for the reactor coolant pump is not renuired.

(32) Interplant Comunicatic . S:,; tens (Section, SER, SSER #2)

Tests of the communication systems used to mitigate the consequences of an event and attain a safe plant shutdown shall be satisfactorily completed during preoperational and startup tests. An evaluation of the test results shall be provided within 90 days after test completion, but no later than June 1,1983. Any systen modifications found to be required shall be completed prior to startup after the first refueling outage.

(33) Reliability of Diesel-Generators (Sections 9.6.3 through 9.6.7, SER, SSER #2)

(a) Prior to startuo following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall implement the following design modifications with respect to diesel-generator reliability:

(1) A heavy duty turbocharger gear drive assembly shall be installed on all EMD diesel-generators.

(2) Controls and monitoring instrumentation shall be removed from the engine and engine skid, except instruments determined to be qualified for this environment by the NRC staff and except for sensors and other equioment that must be directly mounted on the engine or associated piping. The controls and nonitoring instruments shall be installed on a free 3i.o nd i rr3 fiour area. if Lne fi oor i s nu t viaration Tree, omce> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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(b) Prior to exceeding 5% power MP&L shall resolve outstanding NRC concerns regarding energency diesel engine auxiliary support systens other than those specified in (a) above.

(34) Turbine Disc Integrity (Section 10.2.1, SER, SSER #1)

During each refueling outage MPSL shall ultrasonically inspect the bores and keyways of the low pressure turbine discs for indications of cracking. All unacceptable indications and '

their dispositions shall be reported prior to startup for the next cycle of operations. These inspections shall continue until the potential for turbine disc cracking has been assessed and an acceptable alternate inspection schedule has been established.

(35) Circulating Water System (Section 10.4.5, SER)

MP&L shall not fill the Unit 2 circulating water systen (including the natural draft cooling tower basin) until Unit 1 flooding concerns related to this system are resolved to the satisfaction of the NRC staff.

(36) Advisor to Assistant Vice-President (Section 13.1.1 SER, SSER #2)

MP&L shall provide one or mre additional staff ment >ers reporting directly to the Assistant Vice President - Nuclear Production, who have substantial commercial nuclear power plant, operating canagement experience and who will act as advisors to the Assistant Vice President - Nuclear Production on all decisions affecting operation of the pl ant. The additional staff members may be pemanent employees or contracted consultants, but they shall be retained in this advisory position for a period of at least one year starting from initiation of fuel load and extending through the first year of operation following initiation of fuel load.

(37) Operating Shift Advisor (Section 13.1.2, SER)

At least one individual on each operati g shift shall have substantive previous BWR operatirs experience, including startup and shut down of a BWR and undeq conditions that one might expect to encounter during the initial-startup and power escalation at the Grand G11f plant.

This individual is not required to be licensed on the Grand Gulf Unit I and need not be an MP&L employee, but as a minumum shall be retained on a contract basis to act as a consultant or advisor to the GGNS shift crew.

Such an experienced person shall be assigned to each operating shift until the plant achieves and demonstrates full power opera tion, omcc> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....................

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(38) Training Instructors (Section 13.2, SER)

Permanent training center instructors and consultants assigned to training, who, after initial criticality will teach systens, integrated responses, transients, and simulator courses to license candidates or NRC-licensed personnel, shall either demonstrate or have previously demonstrated their competence to the HRC staff by successful completion of a senior operator examination prior to teaching licensed operators.

(39) Emergency Preparedness (Section 13.3, SER, SSER #2)

(a) Prior to exceeding 5 percent power, ItP&L's Emergency Pre-pardness Plan, which has been detennined to be acceptable for operation at up to 5 percent power, shall be revised such that the itens identified in SSER #2, and are resolved.

(b) Prior to exceeding 5 percent power, a test shall be perfonned to demonstrate an adequate alerting / notification system, in accordance with Section IV #D #3 of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50.

(c) Prior to exceeding S percent power, MP&L shall demonstrate that the state of of fsite preparedness, which has been deternined to be acceptable for operation at up to 5 percent power, provides assurance that adequate protective measures can and will be taken in the event of a radiological emergency during operations in excess of 5 percent power. The use of 10 CFR 50.54(s)(2) to specify a period within which corrective actions must be taken to assure an adequate state of energency preparedness will include instances vAere NRC finds that the lack of progress in completion of the procedures in the Feoeral Emergency Management Agency's proposed rule set forth in 44 CFR Part 350 is an indication that najor substantive problems exist in achieving or main-taining an adequate state of preparedness. Any corrective period specified will relate to substantive problems identi-fied by the Federal Energency Management Agency.

(40) Initial Test Proqram (Section 14, SER)

MP&L shall conduct the post-fuel-loading initial test program (set forth in Section 14 of MP&L's Final Safety Analysis Report, as anended) without making any major modifications of this progran unless such modifications have been identified and have received prior NRC approval .

Major nodifications are defined as:

(a) Elimination of any test identified in Section 14 of HP&L's Final Safety Analysis Report, as amended, as being essential; cance> .

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(b) Modification of test objectives, methods or accept-ance criteria for any test identified in Section 14 of M?&L's Final Safety Analysis Report, as amended, as being essential; (c) Performance of any test at a power level different from that described in the program; and

( d) Failure to complete any tests included in the described progro (planned or scheduled for power levels up to the authorized power level).

(41) Partial Feedwater Heating (Section 15.1, SER, SSER #2)

Operation of the plant in the partial feedwater heating node shall be prohibited until analyses which justify that operation with partial feedwater heating would not result in a more limiting change in minimum critical power ratio than that obtained with normal feedwater heating are provided to and approved by the NRC staff.

(42) One Time Technical Specification Exceptions for Phase I Operations (Section 16, SSER #2)

Prior to exceeding 1.0 percent of rated thermal power for the first time, the following one time exceptions are granted from the Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A of this ifcense:

a. Technical Specification require 7ents to have Primary Containment (Drywell & Containment) operable are suspended. These are Soecifications,,,,,,,, 3.6.4 (including actuation i nstrumen tation) .
b. In addition to the exceptions pennitted by specification 3.10.1 the following reactor vessel head off exceptions are also pennitted:

Technical Specification 3.3.2 (primary contain1ent isolation actuation instrumentation only);, items 3 and 4;;, Table, i tem 17;;, Table, i tems 2,4,6 and 7; 3.3.8;;; 3.4.7;;; 3.6.4; 3.6.5; and

c. For the perfonnance of single control rod scre time and friction testing, the provisions of Table 1.2 for the Hot Shutdown Condition may be suspended to permit the reactor mode switch to be in the refuel position provided that the one-rod-out interlock is operable. In addition, the Technical Specifications specified in (a) above may be suspended during this testina.

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NRC FORM 318 (10-80) NRCM ONO OFFIClAL RECORD COPY usam mi-muo

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d. While in Operating Condition 5, the following Technical
Specifications shall be suspended

(1) In and and an operating re-circulation ptenp nay be ssstituted for an operating i shutdown cooling mode loop.

(2) 3.9.12 (3) The provisions of specification Table


part 4 may be suspended while the outboard main steam

, isolation valves and the main steam shutoff valves

are closed.
e. Prior to going above Operating Condition 5, the provision of

, specification 3.3.3 and 3.5.2 may be suspended for the purpose 1

of instrumenting for the vibration monitoring progre.

I f. Provided that the outboard MSIVs and the main steam shutoff valves are closed, the provisions of the following specifications I

may be suspended:

3.3.1, Table 3.3.1-1, Item 7; 3.3.2, Table 3.3.2-1, Item 2b;, Tabl e, Items 3 and 4;, Table, Item 17; and

9 The provisions of specification may be suspended.

i (43) Assurance of Proper Design and Construction (Section 17.5, I 55ER #2)

) Prior to exceeding 5 percent power, the independent consultant review of the mechanical and structural design of the Train A residual heat renoval system shall verify that this system has been designed i and constructed in accordance w'th all pertinent NRC requirements.

This verification review shall consider design, installation,

- inspection, testing, and any other aspects necessary to ensure confonnance wi th the design. Also, the independent consultants' evaluation of Bechtel-Gaithersburg QA program shall be completed i

and show that the program was functioning properly for the new loads design changes.

A final report on this review must be s@mitted to NRC for review and approval prior to exceeding 5 percent power.

(44) NUREG-0737 Conditions (Section 22.2)

MP&L shall complete the following conditions to the satisfaction of the NRC. These conditions reference the appropriate items in Section 22.2, "THI Action Plan Requirements for Applicants for
Operating Licenses." in the safety Evaluation Panart and tunn1 ente I and 2, NUREG-0831.

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(a) Contrcl Room (I.D.1, SER and Appendix E, SSER #2)

Prior to exceeding 5 percent power, MP&L shall evaluate and report on:

(i) the enviroment in the control roon and in the area of "

the renote shutdown panels, and (ii) the labels and location aids on the shared panels, back panels, and remote shutdown panel.

These reports shall be sthmitted to the staff for review and approval no later than August 1,1982.

( b) Training During low-Power Testing (I.G.1, SER)

MP&L shall conduct a special test, Simulated Loss of Onsite and Offsite Alternating-Current Power Test, as described in the MPAL letter dated August 18, 1981. At least 4 weeks prior to perfoming the Special Test, MP&L shall provide a safety analysis for this test and its procedures to NRC for review and approval.

( c) Post Accident Sampling (II.B.3, SER, SSER #1)

Prior to exceeding 5 percent power, MP&L shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the NRC staff the capability to promptly obtain reactnr coolant samples in the event of an accident in which there is core damage. MP&L shall:

(i) Provide a procedure for relating radionuclide gaseous and ionic species to estimate core damage.

(ii) Demonstrate that the reactor coolant system and suppression chamber sample locations are represen-tative of e 'e conditions.

(iii) Submit data supporting the applicability of each selected analytical chemistry procedure or on-line instrument along with documentation demonstrating compiiance with these license conditions by July 31, 1982. Review and approval of these procedures is not a condition for full power operation.

(d) Hydrogen Control (Section II.B.7 SER, SSER #2)

Prior to exceeding 5 percent power, MP&L shall provide the necessary technical sibmittals for justification of interim operation with the hydrogen ignitor system (HIS).

Operation above 5 percent power is contingent upon approval of this system.

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(e) Direct Indication of Safety / Relief Valve Position (II.D.3, SER)

Prior to exceeding 5 percent power, MPAL shall install a safety / relief valve position indication syston that meets the IEEE Standards 323-1974 and 344-1975.

( f) Instrumentation for Detection of Inadequate Core Cooling (II.F.2, SER, SSER #2)

By Auqust 31 1982, MPAL shall submit a report addressing the analysis perfomed by the BWR Owners Group regarding additional instrunentation relative to inadequate core cooling and shall implement the staff's requirements af ter the conpletion of the staff's review of this report.

These modifications shall be completed on a schedule acceptable to the staff.

( g) Proper Functioning of Heat Removal Systems (II .K.3.13, SER)

Prior to startup following the first outage of sufficient duration after qualified equipment is available, qualified cauipment which automates RCIC restart on low water level shall be installed.

( h) Modify Break Detection Logic to Prevent Spurious Isolation oThigh Pressure Coolant Injection and Reactor Core l' solation Cooling System (II .K .3.15, SER)

Prior to startup followinq the first outage of sufficient duration after qualified equipment is available, MP&L shall complete installation of the modification to the logic of the RCIC system.

(1) ttodification of Automatic Depressurization System Logic -

Feasibility for Increased Diversity for Some Event Senuences (II.K.3.18, SER, SSER #2)

(a) By November 1,1982,11P&L shall evaluate the alternative design modifications of the BWR Owners Group relative to the logic for the automatic depressurization systen, sub-mit such evaluation and propose modifications to !!RC for review and approval .

( b) Prior to starup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall implement the approved alternative logic modification of the automatic depressurization systen.


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(j) Auto Restart of Core Spray and Low Pressure Core In.iection System (II.K.3.21, SER)

Prior to startup following the first refueling outage, MP&L shall provide an auto restart for the high pressure core spray.

(45) SRV Test Program (Section A-39, Appendix C, SER, SSER #1, SSER #2)

During Cycle 1, an inplant SRV test program shall be carried out to confim that the contair:1ent building response to SRV loads is acceptable. Results of these tests shall be provided to NRC no later than four months after test conpletion. The final results of the Kuosheng SRV test program shall be provided when they becone available.

D. Exemptions from certain requirenents of Appendicies G and H to 10 CFR Part 50 are described in the Safety Evaluation Report.

These exceptions are authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the covon defense and security and are otherwise in the ptblic interest. Therefore, these exemptions are hereby granted. The facility will operate, to the extent authorized herein, in confomity wi th the application, as amended, and the rules and regulations of the Commission (except as hereinafter exempted therefron), and the provisions of the Act.

E. MPSL shall maintain in effect and fully implement all the provisions of the Commission-approved physical security and guard training and qualification plan, including amendments made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR Section 50.54(p). The approved plans, which are safeguards inforrution protected under 10 CFR 73.21, are collectively entitled

" Grand Gulf Station Physical Security Plan", Revision 1, 2 and 3; the " Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Security Training and Qualification Plan", Revision 1 and the " Safeguards Contingency Plan for Grand Gulf Nuclear Power Station" Revision 1. The identification of vital areas and measures used to control access to these areas, as described in the physical security plan, may be subject to amendments in the future based upon a confimatory evaluation of the plant to detemine those areas where acts of sabotage might cause a release of radionuclides in sufficient quantities to result in dose rates equal to or exceeding 10 CFR Part 100 limits.

F. This license is stbject to the following additional condition for the protection of the environment:

Before engaging in additional construction or operational activities which may result in a significant adverse environmental impact that was not evaluated or that is significantly greater than that evaluated in the Final Environmental Statement MP&L shall provide a tritten notification of such activities to the Director of the Office of Huclear Reactor Regulation and receive written approval from NRC before pra :ccdir.] wi th sh sctiviti cs.

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i G. MPal shall report any violations of the requirements contained in Section 2, Items C(1), C(3) through (45), and E of this license within twenty-four (24) hours by telephone and confirmed by telegran, mailgram, or facsimile transmission to the HRC Regional Administrator, Region II, or designee, no later than the first working day following the violation, with a written followup report within fourteen (14) working days.

H. MP&L shall have and maintain financial protection of such type and in such amounts as the Cmmission shall require in accordance with Section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, to cover public liability claims.

I. This license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall expire at midnight on Septenber 4, 2014.


Harold R. Denton, Director Of fice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attachments:

1. Attachment 1
2. Appendix A - Technical Specifications (NIREG-0926)
3. Appendix B - Environnental Protection Plan Date of Issuance: June 16,1982 D #2 PM  !

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ATTACHMENT 1 TO LICENSE NPF-13 This attachment identifies certain preoperational tests, system demonstrations and other items which must be cmpleted to the Commission's satisfaction. The licensee shall not proceed without written confirmation from NRC that the

 ,following items have been conpleted in accordance with the conditions and schedule set forth below.
1. Prior to initial criticality the licensee shall complete to the satisfaction of the NRC the following open items and construction deficiencies:
a. Resolve issue regarding installation of ' automatic sprinklers in the auxiliary building which differs from the SER. (81-48-01)
b. Resolve issue regarding the lack of fire protection systems in certain areas as required by the,FSAR. (82-34-01)
c. Resolve issue regarding maintaining the control room at greater than 1/2 inch water pressure,
d. Detemine cause of short in stator of division II diesel generator.


e. Resolve issue regarding failure of relay in division I diesel generator voltage control . (82-15) f.

Resolve issue regarding uninsulated leads used in GE type HMA relay in RHR pump control circuitry. (82-17) Resolve issue regarding defective threads on CRD housing support < 9 rods. (82-05)

h. Modifications to RCIC turbine mounting studs and lube oil piping support. '
2. Prior to oceeding 5 percent power, the licensee shall ceplete to the satisfaction of the NRC the following NRC Bulletin item, open items, construction deficiencies and TM1-2 Action Plan Items:
a. The requirements of NRC Bulletin 79-BU-18 audibility problems encountered on evaluation alam systems.
b. Completion and evaluation of the following preoperational tests.

(1) Feedwater Control System (1C34PT01) (2) Traversing Incore Probe (1C51PT03) (3) Loose Parts Monitor System (1C87PT01) (4) Main Steam Line Radiation Monitoring System (1017PT01)

(5) Off Gas Radiation Monitoring System (1017PT02) (6) Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Control System (1E32PT01) (7) Liquid Radwaste System (SF17PT02)


(8) Solid Radwaste System (SG18PT01) (9) 0ff Gas System (IN64PT01)

c. Completion and evaluation of the following acceptance tests.

(1) Main and Reheat Steam System (1N11AT01) (2) Auxiliary Steam System (SN12AT01) (3) Heater Vents and Drains System (1N23AT01) (4) Turbine Control Fluid System (IN32AT01) (5) Main and Reactor Feed Pumps Turbine Seal Steam and Drains (1N33AT01) (6) Lube Oil Storage and Conditioning (IN34AT01) (7) Turbine Lube Oil System (IN34AT02) (8) Generator / Generator Controls and Supervisory (IN41AT02) (9) Seal Oil System (IN42AT01) (10) Generator Cooling System (1N43AT01) i (11) Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide System (1N44AT01) l l (12) Exciter /Thyristor Voltage Regulator (IN51AT01) i (13) Circulating Water System (1N71AT01) (14) Make-up Water Treatment System (SP21AT01) (15) Main Transformer System (1R14AT01)


(16)' 22KV Isophase Bus Ventilation System (1R24AT01) (17) Isophase Bus Ventilation Heat Load (1R24AT01) (18) Cathodic Protection System (1R62AT01) (19) Turbine Building Ventilation System (1V41AT01)

[ , l d. Completion and evaluation of the following special tests. (1) Balance of Plant Piping Vibration Monitoring (Portion prior to 5% power) (IC885T04)


(2) Balance of Plant Piping Expansion Monitoring (Portion prior to 5% power) (1C88ST05) (3) verification Test of Vibration, Expansion and Temperature Sensors on Balance of Plant Piping (1C88ST06) (4) Transient Test Equipment Verification (Portion prior to 5% power) (1C88ST07)

e. Demonstrate full site personnel assembly and accountability.


f. Complete testing of radwaste discharge line. (82-21-07)
g. Verify seismic adequacy of Bettis air actuators furnished with certain Henry Pratt butterfly valves. (81-44)
h. Evaluate seismic qualification of standby diesel generator startup air canpressor 3/8 inch sensor line. (82-04)
1. Resolve inadequate flow in standby service water to RCIC system. (82-21)
j. Resolve issue related to Division III Diesel Generator room ventilation system being inoperable. (82-25)
k. Resolve failure of RWCU isolation valve not closing on Standby Liquid Control Systen initiation. (82-26)
1. Resolve problsn of Hiller actuators not fully closing valves on slow loss of air. (82-28)
m. Resolve problem of excetsive corrosion in Dikker safety relief j valve actuators. (82-29)
n. Detemine effect of error in Bechtel's jet impingement analysis.

l (82-30)

o. Detennine cause of corrosion on teminal boards in Rosemont transmitters. (82-23) l l p. Resolve prob.lems of yoke failures on Bettis actuators used .on i

24" Henry Pratt butterfly valves. (82-32)

q. Resolve missing vacuum breakers on vent lines for the scram i discharge volume.


r. Implementation of the following TMI-2 action plan (NLREG-0737) requirements.

(1) II.F.1.1 Modify procedures for accident monitoring instrumenta tion.


(2) II.F.1.2.a Install noble gas effluent monitor. (3) I I .F .1. 2. b Provide monitoring for Iodine particulate / , gaseous effluents. ( (4) I I .F .1. 2. c Install containment high range radiation monitors. (5) - ---- Complete other NUREG-0737 items required for full power unless specifically exempted by the license.


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