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Westinghouse, NRC Semi-Annual Discharge Report July - December 2019
Person / Time
Site: Westinghouse
Issue date: 02/25/2020
From: Ferguson J
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, NRC/RGN-II
Download: ML20056F505 (21)


(9) Westinghouse Page 1 of 2 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC Nuclear Fuel Co lumbi a Fuel Site 5801 Bluff Road Hopkins, South Carolina 29061 USA Document Control Desk, Director Direct tel: 803-64 7-1000 Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 cc: USNRC, Region II Our ref: LTR-RAC-20-21 245 Peachtree Center Ave, NE, Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257


SNM-1107/70-1151 NRC Semi-Annual Discharge Report February 25, 2020 July - December 2019

Dear Sir:

The following report fulfills regulatory requirements as listed in 10 CFR 40.65 and 10 CFR 70.59, "Effluent Monitoring Reporting Requirements ." For the six-month period of July 1, 2019 through December 31 , 2019, the following quantities of radionuclides were released to the unrestricted area by the Westinghouse Electric Company's Columbia , South Carolina Nuclear Fuel Plant:

Total Total Regulatory 6-month 6-month Discharge Parameter Concentration emissions Measured Limit

(µCi) Concentration Uranium (analyzed as Gaseous 9.4 E- 15 µCi/ml* 5 E- 14 µCi/ml 243.52 gross alpha) 1,256.4 U-234 Liquid 67.3 U-235 2.0 E-08 µCi/ml 3 E- 07 µCi/ml Effluent 224.9 U-238 123.2 Tc-99 1.6 E-09 µCi/ml 6 E- 05 µCi/ml

  • Includes a dispersion factor of 1000 to account for dilution between the release point and the nearest site boundary As shown above , the effluent releases are within the NRC's regulatory limits designed to protect publ ic health and safety.

Gaseous effluent results were obtained from point source gross alpha analysis of stack gas effluent, and the individual radionuclide activity composition is inferred from the calculated average enrichment (85.04% U-234, 3.38% U-235, and 11.43% U-238). Tc-99 is not reported for gaseous effluents as the quantities of Tc-99 detected during benchmark testing of gaseous emissions were below the thresholds that would necessitate reporting.

Liquid effluent values were obtained by analysis of composite proportional samples prior to discharge to the Congaree River and basing the activity on the calculated average enrichment.

All liquid discharges are pumped through a single discharge line to the Congaree River. Liquid effluent composites were analyzed by alpha spectroscopy, and significant quantities of U-236 were not detected using this method. The total liquid effluent volume released to the Congaree River during the second half of 2019 was 7.71 E+07 liters.

© 2020 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC All Rights Reserved

Page 2 of 2 Our ref: LTR-RAC-20-21 February 25 , 2020 Calculated values have been reported for all results , due to variability of minimum detection concentrations (MDC) . Negative values are reported as zero.

To meet the requested dosage information outlined in Regulatory Guide 4.16, Section 6.1, LTR-EHS-20-17 , "Annual Assessment of Public Dose due to Liquid and Gaseous Effluents" is attached .

Sincerely, N~S~PClM.

Jeff Ferguson ~

Manager, Environment, Health and Safety


LTR-EHS-20-17, "Annual Assessment of Public Dose due to Liquid and Gaseous Effluents"

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 Page 1 of 3 Westinghouse Electric Company Nuclear Fuel Columbia Fuel Site 5801 Bluff Rd Hopkins, South Carolina 29061 USA To: Cynthia Logsdon, Diana Joyner Date: February 18, 2020 cc: Jeff Ferguson, Nancy Parr, Anna Pearson, Amanda Spalding From: David Wagoner Your ref:

Ext: 1919 Our ref: LTR-EHS-20-17 Fax: 803.695.4158


Annual Assessment of Public Dose due to Liquid and Gaseous Effluents Effluents released from plant operations are monitored to determine the quantities of radionuclides discharged into the environment. The cumulative radioactivity released is summarized semi-annually and annually and input into models developed by the NRC and EPA to estimate the dose to the public.

The whole body and organ dose via the following pathways were determined in this assessment:

Dose due to Gaseous Effluents by Direct Inhalation The whole body dose was estimated using the EPAs COMPLY Code at level 2 complexity. The organ dose was estimated using the calculated X/Q factor for stack number 1247 (Hot Oil Room Ex.), the measured release quantity, and the dose conversion factors from Federal Guidance Report No 11, Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air concentration Factors for Inhalation, Submersion, and Ingestion (FGR 11).

Dose due to Liquid Effluents by Ingestion of Potable Water Estimated using equations and recommended values in Regulatory Guide 1.109, Doses from Liquid Effluent Pathways (RG1.109). Dose conversion factors were taken from FGR 11.

Dose due to Liquid Effluents by Ingestion of Fish Estimated using equations and recommended values in RG 1.109. Dose conversion factors were taken from FGR 11.

Dose due to Liquid Effluents by Irradiation from Shoreline Deposition Estimated using equations and recommended values in RG 1.109. Dose conversion factors were taken from Federal Guidance report No 12, External Exposure to Radionuclides in Air, Water, and Soil Bounding dose assessments for direct inhalation and for ingestion are performed using conservative assumptions to determine the maximum potential dose to a hypothetical individual member of the public. The inhalation dose is determined for the hypothetical individual standing at the nearest site boundary (595 meters) for twelve months. The ingestion dose from liquid

© 2020 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC All Rights Reserved

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 Page 2 of 3 Our ref: LTR-EHS-20-17 February 18, 2020 effluent and external dose from sediment deposition is determined at the point at which the liquid effluent leaves the diffuser in the Congaree River.

The release rates for gaseous effluent are determined by gross alpha measurements performed on daily air samples, one per stack for 47 stacks (Attachment 1). The release rates for liquid effluent are determined by isotopic analysis of composite liquid effluent samples taken monthly (Attachment 3). Based on these results, the following quantities were released in calendar year 2019:

446.35 µCi of Uranium in gaseous effluent 3.83 mCi of Uranium in liquid effluent 1.10 mCi of Technetium in liquid effluent Using these results and the methods previously mentioned the whole body dose, dose to the bone, and dose to the lung were determined for an individual present at the nearest site boundary.

Table 1 provides a summary of the results for each pathway. The gaseous and liquid effluents released during 2019 resulted in a potential whole body dose of 0.16 mrem and lung dose of 1.6 mrem to an individual present at the nearest site boundary. The dose to the bone is negligible.

The estimated whole body dose is well below the 25 mrem annual dose limit and the 1 mrem annual ALARA goal for a member of the public.

Table 1. 2019 Annual Dose to the Public from Liquid and Gaseous Effluents Whole Body Dose Organ Dose - Bone Organ Dose - Lung (mrem/yr) (mrem/yr) (mrem/yr)

Gaseous Effluents Direct inhalation* 0.16 6.1E-03 1.6 Liquid Effluents Potable Water 9.1E-05 1.4E-03 -

Aquatic Food (Fish) 5.3E-06 7.7E-05 -

Shoreline Deposition 3.9E-09 - -

Total (mrem) 0.16 7.6E-03 1.6

  • Assumes 80 % residence time There were no changes in source material and no release points were added or removed during 2019. Based on updated emissions testing in support of the SCDHEC air permit renewal, the orientation and stack height for the S-958 scrubber (samples 1233 and 1234) was modified to optimize atmospheric dispersion for nitrogen oxides (NOx) in 2019. The attachments below illustrate the method used to calculate each result listed in Table 1.

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 Page 3 of 3 Our ref: LTR-EHS-20-17 February 18, 2020 : 2019 Gaseous Effluent Discharges : Lung/Bone Organ Dose due to Gaseous Effluent : 2019 Liquid Effluent Discharges : Whole Body Dose from Liquid Effluent Pathways - Potable Water : Dose to the Bone Surface from Liquid Effluent Pathways - Potable Water : Whole Body Dose from Liquid Effluent Pathways - Aquatic Foods : Dose to the Bone Surface from Liquid Effluent Pathways - Aquatic Foods : Whole Body Dose from Liquid Effluent Pathways - Shoreline Deposits : 2019 Isotopic Fractions 0: Comply Results David Wagoner, CHP Anna Pearson Radiation Safety Engineer Manager, RSO EH&S Operations EH&S Operations

Attachment 1 2019 Gaseous Effluent Discharges Sampling Location Stack Height Gross Alpha Concentration* 1st Half (JanJun) 2nd Half (JulyDec) Total uCi Release Rate (Ci/s)

Station Description (m) (uCi/mL) uCi Uranium Released Released U234 U235 U238 1207 MET LAB EXHAUST 10 1.12E13 0.97 1.40 2.37 6.39E14 2.56E15 8.59E15 1239 MAINT WELD EX 11 1.61E13 2.36 5.36 7.72 2.08E13 8.32E15 2.80E14 1243 AC8 11 8.13E14 4.77 4.85 9.62 2.59E13 1.04E14 3.49E14 1222 CALC COMB GAS LN 1 12 8.47E14 0.21 0.50 0.71 1.91E14 7.65E16 2.57E15 1223 CALC COMB GAS LN 2 12 1.21E13 0.31 0.54 0.85 2.29E14 9.16E16 3.08E15 1224 CALC COMB GAS LN 3 12 9.48E14 0.24 0.42 0.66 1.78E14 7.12E16 2.39E15 1225 CALC COMB GAS LN 4 12 1.10E13 0.28 0.46 0.74 2.00E14 7.98E16 2.68E15 1226 CALC COMB GAS LN 5 12 8.11E14 0.21 0.22 0.43 1.16E14 4.64E16 1.56E15 1228 CHEM LAB EX #3 12 9.15E14 0.45 1.06 1.51 4.07E14 1.63E15 5.47E15 1231 DEV LAB EX #2 12 2.40E13 3.52 6.42 9.94 2.68E13 1.07E14 3.60E14 1237 ABF HOOD TORIT EX 12 8.79E14 1.94 1.96 3.90 1.05E13 4.20E15 1.41E14 1241 PELLET LINE 6 12 8.72E14 3.77 3.70 7.47 2.01E13 8.05E15 2.71E14 1247 HOT OIL RM EX 12 7.12E13 43.07 42.33 85.40 2.30E12 9.21E14 3.10E13 1201 FURNACE EX LINE 1 13 8.17E14 3.53 3.56 7.09 1.91E13 7.64E15 2.57E14 1202 FURNACE EX LINE 2 13 8.77E14 3.79 3.95 7.74 2.09E13 8.34E15 2.81E14 1203 FURNACE EX LINE 3 13 8.13E14 3.51 4.26 7.77 2.10E13 8.38E15 2.82E14 1204 FURNACE EX LINE 4 13 8.09E14 3.49 3.55 7.04 1.90E13 7.59E15 2.55E14 1205 FURNACE EX LINE 5 13 8.00E14 3.46 3.54 7.00 1.89E13 7.55E15 2.54E14 1206 NEW DECON ROOM 13 8.60E14 2.19 2.24 4.43 1.19E13 4.78E15 1.61E14 1208 INCINERATOR EX 13 2.79E13 8.19 6.04 14.23 3.84E13 1.53E14 5.16E14 1209 SUPPL INCIN EX 13 8.41E14 1.24 2.18 3.42 9.22E14 3.69E15 1.24E14 1217 CONV ENCL EX 4C 13 1.11E13 6.72 10.24 16.96 4.57E13 1.83E14 6.15E14 1218 CONV ENCL EX 4D 13 1.76E13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1219 CONV EMERG EX 4E 13 2.39E13 0.69 1.27 1.96 5.28E14 2.11E15 7.10E15 1221 DECON ROOM EX 13 2.52E13 5.55 14.67 20.22 5.45E13 2.18E14 7.33E14 1230 DEV LAB EX #1 13 1.54E13 2.26 4.24 6.50 1.75E13 7.01E15 2.36E14 1232 PELLET COMBINED EX 13 8.86E14 6.50 7.74 14.24 3.84E13 1.54E14 5.16E14 1233 SOLVENT EXT N EX 15 8.23E14 3.66 4.26 7.92 2.14E13 8.54E15 2.87E14 1234 SOLVENT EXT S EX 15 2.16E13 1.60 2.72 4.32 1.16E13 4.66E15 1.57E14 1229 HP LAB EX 15 8.23E14 0.74 0.94 1.68 4.53E14 1.81E15 6.09E15 1236 MAP COMBINED 15 2.21E13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1240 AC3 15 8.04E14 4.72 6.32 11.04 2.98E13 1.19E14 4.00E14 1246 AC4 15 8.16E14 4.93 5.03 9.96 2.69E13 1.07E14 3.61E14 1251 WATERGLASS SCR S1190 15 8.05E14 2.95 2.99 5.94 1.60E13 6.40E15 2.15E14 1210 CONV 1A EX 16 1.61E13 10.45 8.38 18.83 5.08E13 2.03E14 6.82E14 1211 CONV 1B EX 16 1.85E13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1212 S1030 A 16 1.55E13 17.29 26.98 44.27 1.19E12 4.77E14 1.60E13 1213 S1030 B 16 2.01E13 1.12 2.38 3.50 9.44E14 3.77E15 1.27E14 1227 CHEM LAB EX #2 16 3.16E13 2.87 5.51 8.38 2.26E13 9.03E15 3.04E14 1220 CHEM LAB FILT EX 17 8.42E14 7.27 8.77 16.04 4.32E13 1.73E14 5.81E14 1242 AC5 17 8.30E14 4.88 5.36 10.24 2.76E13 1.10E14 3.71E14 1244 AMMON FUME SCR 1008A 17 1.08E13 3.16 2.81 5.97 1.61E13 6.44E15 2.16E14 1245 AMMON FUME SCR 1008B 17 1.40E13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1238 IFBA EXHAUST 18 8.01E14 5.85 5.97 11.82 3.19E13 1.27E14 4.28E14 1248 ERBIA FURNACE EX 18 8.00E14 10.16 10.41 20.57 5.55E13 2.22E14 7.46E14 1249 ERBIA SCRUBBER EX 18 8.18E14 5.51 5.49 11.00 2.97E13 1.19E14 3.99E14 1250 ERBIA CHANGE ROOM 18 8.27E14 2.45 2.50 4.95 1.33E13 5.34E15 1.79E14 Total 202.83 243.52 446.35 1.20E11 4.81E13 1.62E12

  • Concentration LLD is 8E14 uCi/mL Z:\Groups\Regulatory\EH&S Operations\Environment\Environment 2019\Annual\PES_gaseous effluent 2019.xlsx

Attachment 2 Lung/Bone Organ Dose due to Gaseous Effluents 1st half (Jan-Jun) 2nd half (Jul-Dec) Total EPA STACK IDENTIFICATION uCi Uranium uCi Uranium uCi released Comply Run Results Hot Oil Room 43.07 42.33 85.40 Dose (mrem/yr) 4.60E-02 use highest release to calculate X/Q used by COMPLY Stack height (m) 12 U-234 U-235 U-238 Release Rate (Ci/s)

Dose from comply 0.04600 mrem/yr 2.30E-12 9.21E-14 3.10E-13 release quantity 85.40 uCi 8.54E-05 Ci App E table E-5 8000.00 m3/yr Effective Dose conversion EPA FGR 11 p150-151 U-234 3.58E-05 Sv/Bq 85.03%

U-235 3.32E-05 Sv/Bq 3.40%

U-238 3.20E-05 Sv/Bq 11.43%

weighted dose conversion 3.52E-05 Sv/Bq conversion factor 3700.00 mrem/pCi= factor* Sv/Bq weighted dose conversion 0.1303 mrem/pCi equations Dose (mrem) = R(a)*3.17e4*Q*(X/Q)*effective Dose conversion see RG1.109-25 Dose (mrem)/(R(a)*3.17e4*Q*effective Dose conversion)=(X/Q) 1.63E-05 X/Q Estimate Lung Dose using X/Q and annual releases for 2019 Estimate Bone Dose using X/Q and annual releases for 2019 App E table E-5 Lung Organ Dose conversion EPA FGR 11 p150-151 U-234 2.98E-04 Sv/Bq 85.03% 1.13E-06 Sv/Bq U-235 2.76E-04 Sv/Bq 3.40% 1.05E-06 Sv/Bq U-238 2.66E-04 Sv/Bq 11.43% 1.01E-06 Sv/Bq weighted dose conversion 2.93E-04 Sv/Bq 1.11E-06 Sv/Bq conversion factor 3700.00 mrem/pCi= factor* Sv/Bq 3700.00 mrem/pCi= factor* Sv/Bq weighted dose conversion 1.0848 mrem/pCi 4.11E-03 mrem/pCi release quantity 446.35 uCi 446.35 uCi 4.46E-04 Ci 4.46E-04 Ci Lung

  • 1.60 mrem Bone
  • 6.07E-03 mrem assume 80% residence Z:\Groups\Regulatory\EH&S Operations\Environment\Environment 2019\Annual\PES_gaseous effluent 2019.xlsx

Attachment 3 - 2019 Liquid Effluent Discharges 2019 Tc-99 Isotopic Uranium Total uCi/month Released Measurement Uncertainty / Error Uncertainty / Error Liquid Effluent Dischages Measured Sum U & Tc-Measured Concentrations (based on monthly GEL discharge samples)

Concentrations 99 Total U & Tc-Actual Actual U234 U235 U238 Total U Tc-99 U234 U235 U238 Tc-99 U234 U-235 U-238 Tc-99 Month 99 U234 U-235 U-238 Tc-99 kgal/month gal/month pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L piC/L piC/L piC/L piC/L piC/L (uCi) (uCi) (uCi) (uCi) pCi/L January 3484.056 3,484,056 16.9 1.57 3.66 22.1 5.89 28.0 222.9 20.7 48.3 77.7 1.7 0.6 0.8 16.8 22.6 7.8 10.5 221.5 February 2906.489 2,906,489 28.2 1.83 5.58 35.6 20.50 56.1 310.2 20.1 61.4 225.5 1.5 0.4 0.7 21.4 16.1 4.7 7.2 235.4 March 3436.647 3,436,647 34.4 1.86 6.88 43.1 14.60 57.7 447.5 24.2 89.5 189.9 1.5 0.4 0.7 26.9 19.0 5.0 8.5 349.9 April 2717.148 2,717,148 26.6 1.03 2.88 30.5 28.10 58.6 273.6 10.6 29.6 289.0 3.5 0.9 1.2 22.0 36.1 9.0 12.8 226.3 May 2927.418 2,927,418 28.4 1.08 4.94 34.4 5.35 39.8 314.7 12.0 54.7 59.3 2.0 0.4 0.8 22.6 21.8 4.8 9.2 250.4 June 3563.415 3,563,415 20.8 1.05 3.64 25.5 10.30 35.8 280.5 14.2 49.1 138.9 1.9 0.5 0.8 21.7 25.0 6.4 10.5 292.7 July 3102.469 3,102,469 16.0 0.89 3.26 20.1 1.52 21.7 187.9 10.4 38.3 17.8 1.7 0.5 0.8 26.3 20.1 5.6 9.2 308.8 August 4029.124 4,029,124 17.1 1.08 2.81 21.0 0.00 21.0 260.8 16.5 42.9 0.0 1.5 0.4 0.6 25.1 23.2 6.6 9.5 382.8 September 3130.477 3,130,477 15.3 0.71 2.57 18.6 0.90 19.5 181.3 8.4 30.5 10.7 1.0 0.2 0.4 23.3 11.8 2.9 5.0 276.1 October 3250.124 3,250,124 15.1 0.68 2.66 18.4 0.48 18.9 185.8 8.4 32.7 5.9 1.3 0.3 0.5 24.2 15.5 4.0 6.6 297.7 November 3195.197 3,195,197 12.9 0.63 2.32 15.9 7.34 23.2 156.0 7.6 28.1 88.8 1.4 0.4 0.6 24.0 17.2 4.4 7.4 290.3 December 3651.177 3,651,177 20.6 1.16 3.80 25.6 0.00 25.6 284.7 16.0 52.5 0.0 0.9 0.3 0.4 25.2 12.4 3.5 5.4 348.3 Total 39393.741 39393741 3105.7 169.1 557.5 1103.5 240.7 64.6 101.8 3480.1 Liters (L) 1.49E+08 3832.3 Milliliters (ml) 1.49E+11 uCi Uranium 4935.8 uCi Uranium & Tc-99 LIQUID DISCHARGES Quantity Average Concentration Radionuclide LLD (uCi/ml) Released Error Released (uCi/ml)


U234 6.00E-10 3105.7 +/- 241 2.08E-08 U235 6.00E-10 169.08 +/- 65 1.13E-09 U238 6.00E-10 557.48 +/- 102 3.74E-09 Total U 3832.3 2.57E-08 Tc-99 6.00E-10 1103.5 +/- 3480 7.40E-09 Total 4935.8 5.88E-08 Z:\Groups\Regulatory\EH&S Operations\Environment\Environment 2019\Annual\2019 Liquid Effluent.xlsx

Attachment 4 Whole Body Dose from Liquid Effluent Pathways - Potable Water Whole Body-Ingestion 5

730 liters Usage by adult/yr U 10CFR20 7.3 x 10 (ml) which is the annual water intake of "Reference Man."

31293 mixing - dilution Dilution at difuser M Congaree Flow 9388 cubic feet/sec see Nureg-1118 Environmental Assessment for renewam SNM-1107 May 1985 0.3 cubic ft/sec Average discharge F Effluent Flow 3.00E-01 cubic feet/sec effective bone effective bone 2.83E-04 U-234 mRem/pCi D EPA Limiting Values of Radioanuclide Intake Sv/Bq Sv/Bq mRem/pCi mRem/pCi 2.66E-04 U-235 mRem/pCi D FRG no 11 1988 U-234 7.66E-08 1.13E-06 2.83E-04 4.18E-03 2.55E-04 U-238 mRem/pCi D Exposure-to-dose conversion factors for ingestion U-235 7.19E-08 1.05E-06 2.66E-04 3.88E-03 1.46E-06 Tc-99 mRem/pCi D U-238 6.88E-08 1.01E-06 2.55E-04 3.74E-03 Tc-99 3.95E-10 6.04E-11 1.46E-06 2.23E-07 12 hrs transit time t-p reg guide 1.109 table E-15 3.23557E-10 U-234 decay const 1.12404E-13 U-235 decay const Nuclide T(1/2) yr T(1/2) hr 1.77058E-14 U-238 decay const URANIUM234 2.45E+05 2.14E+09 3.24E-10 3.71407E-10 Tc-99 decay const URANIUM235 7.04E+08 6.17E+12 1.12E-13 for comaprison only URANIUM238 4.47E+09 3.91E+13 1.77E-14 0.9999999961 U-234 exp(-t-p) TC-99 2.13E+05 1.87E+09 3.71E-10 Part 20 table 2 1.0000000000 U-235 exp(-t-p) Dose Conversion soluble forms 1.0000000000 U-238 exp(-t-p) uCi/ml milliters uCi pCi mRem mRem/pCi 0.9999999955 Tc-99 exp(-t-p) U-234 3.00E-07 7.30E+05 2.19E-01 2.19E+05 50 2.28E-04 U-235 3.00E-07 7.30E+05 2.19E-01 2.19E+05 50 2.28E-04 Activity Released U-238 3.00E-07 7.30E+05 2.19E-01 2.19E+05 50 2.28E-04 Tc-99 6.00E-05 7.30E+05 4.38E+01 4.38E+07 50 1.14E-06 3.106E-03 U-234 release fraction Ci ICRP 69 Comparison 1.691E-04 U-235 release fraction Ci 5.575E-04 U-238 release fraction Ci Sv/Bq Rem/Bq mRem/pCi 1.104E-03 Tc-99 release fraction Ci adult 5.00E-08 0.005 1.85E-04 check U sum 0.00383 infant 3.70E-07 0.037 1.37E-03 bone-adult 7.90E-07 0.079 2.92E-03 8.80E-07 U-234 release fraction *dose factor*exp(-*tp) 4.50E-08 U-235 release fraction *dose factor*exp(-*tp) 1.42E-07 U-238 release fraction *dose factor*exp(-*tp) 1.61E-09 Tc-99 release fraction *dose factor*exp(-*tp) 1.07E-06 all nuclides sum of nuclides 85.53473 usage 1100*(usage*dilution)/flow 9.14E-05 mRem see regulatory guide 1.109 page 1.109-2 and 1.109-3 for formula and definition of terms.

Z:\Groups\Regulatory\EH&S Operations\Environment\Environment 2019\Annual\2019 Liquid Effluent.xlsx

Attachment 5 Dose to the Bone Surface from Liquid Effluent Pathways - Potable Water Bone Surface-Ingestion 5

730 liters Usage by adult/yr U 10CFR20 7.3 x 10 (ml) which is the annual water intake of "Reference Man."

31293 mixing - dilution Dilution at difuser M Congaree Flow 9388 cubic feet/sec see Nureg-1118 Environmental Assessment for renewam SNM-1107 May 1985 0.3 cubic ft/sec Average discharge F Effluent Flow 3.00E-01 cubic feet/sec effective bone effective bone 4.18E-03 U-234 mRem/pCi D-bone EPA Limiting Values of Radioanuclide Intake Sv/Bq Sv/Bq mRem/pCi mRem/pCi 3.88E-03 U-235 mRem/pCi D-bone FRG no 11 1988 U-234 7.66E-08 1.13E-06 2.83E-04 4.18E-03 3.74E-03 U-238 mRem/pCi D-bone Exposure-to-dose conversion factors for ingestion U-235 7.19E-08 1.05E-06 2.66E-04 3.88E-03 2.23E-07 Tc-99 mRem/pCi D-bone U-238 6.88E-08 1.01E-06 2.55E-04 3.74E-03 Tc-99 3.95E-10 6.04E-11 1.46E-06 2.23E-07 12 hrs transit time t-p reg guide 1table E-15 3.23557E-10 U-234 decay const 1.12404E-13 U-235 decay const Nuclide T(1/2) yr T(1/2) hr 1.77058E-14 U-238 decay const URANIUM234 2.45E+05 2.14E+09 3.24E-10 Part 20 table 2 3.71407E-10 Tc-99 decay const URANIUM235 7.04E+08 6.17E+12 1.12E-13 Dose Conversion soluble forms URANIUM238 4.47E+09 3.91E+13 1.77E-14 0.9999999961 U-234 exp(-t-p) TC-99 2.13E+05 1.87E+09 3.71E-10 uCi/ml milliters uCi pCi mRem mRem/pCi 1.0000000000 U-235 exp(-t-p) U-234 3.00E-07 7.30E+05 2.19E-01 2.19E+05 50 2.28E-04 1.0000000000 U-238 exp(-t-p) U-235 3.00E-07 7.30E+05 2.19E-01 2.19E+05 50 2.28E-04 0.9999999955 Tc-99 exp(-t-p) U-238 3.00E-07 7.30E+05 2.19E-01 2.19E+05 50 2.28E-04 Tc-99 6.00E-05 7.30E+05 4.38E+01 4.38E+07 50 1.14E-06 Activity Released ICRP 69 Comparison 3.106E-03 U-234 release fraction Ci Sv/Bq Rem/Bq mRem/pCi 1.691E-04 U-235 release fraction Ci 5.575E-04 U-238 release fraction Ci adult 5.00E-08 0.005 1.85E-04 1.104E-03 Tc-99 release fraction Ci infant 3.70E-07 0.037 1.37E-03 bone-adult 7.90E-07 0.079 2.92E-03 check U sum 0.00383 1.30E-05 U-234 release fraction *dose factor*exp(-*tp) 6.57E-07 U-235 release fraction *dose factor*exp(-*tp) 2.08E-06 U-238 release fraction *dose factor*exp(-*tp) 2.47E-10 Tc-99 release fraction *dose factor*exp(-*tp) 1.57E-05 all nuclides sum of nuclides 85.53473 usage 1100*(usage*dilution)/flow 1.35E-03 mRem see regulatory guide 1.109 page 1.109-2 and 1.109-3 for formula and definition of terms.

Z:\Groups\Regulatory\EH&S Operations\Environment\Environment 2019\Annual\2019 Liquid Effluent.xlsx

Attachment 6 Whole Body Dose from Liquid Effluent Pathways - Aquatic Foods Whole Body 21 Kg Usage by adult/yr U see regulatory guide 1.109 page 1.109-40 table E-5, Recommended Values for U(ap) 31293 mixing - dilution Dilution at difuser M Congaree Flow 9388 cubic feet/sec see Nureg-1118 Environmental Assessment for renewam SNM-1107 May 1985 0.3 cubic ft/sec Average discharge F Effluent Flow 3.00E-01 cubic feet/sec effective bone effective bone 2.83E-04 U-234 mRem/pCi D EPA Limiting Values of Radioanuclide Intake Sv/Bq Sv/Bq mRem/pCi mRem/pCi 2.66E-04 U-235 mRem/pCi D FRG no 11 1988 U-234 7.66E-08 1.13E-06 2.83E-04 4.18E-03 2.55E-04 U-238 mRem/pCi D Exposure-to-dose conversion factors for ingestion U-235 7.19E-08 1.05E-06 2.66E-04 3.88E-03 1.46E-06 Tc-99 mRem/pCi D U-238 6.88E-08 1.01E-06 2.55E-04 3.74E-03 Tc-99 3.95E-10 6.04E-11 1.46E-06 2.23E-07 24 hrs transit time t-p reg guide 1table E-15 3.23557E-10 U-234 decay const 1.12404E-13 U-235 decay const Nuclide T(1/2) yr T(1/2) hr 1.77058E-14 U-238 decay const URANIUM234 2.45E+05 2.14E+09 3.24E-10 for comaprison only 3.71407E-10 Tc-99 decay const URANIUM235 7.04E+08 6.17E+12 1.12E-13 URANIUM238 4.47E+09 3.91E+13 1.77E-14 Part 20 table 2 soluble forms 0.99999999223 U-234 exp(-t-p) TC-99 2.13E+05 1.87E+09 3.71E-10 Dose Conversion 1.00000000000 U-235 exp(-t-p) uCi/ml milliters uCi pCi mRem mRem/pCi 1.00000000000 U-238 exp(-t-p) U-234 3.00E-07 7.30E+05 2.19E-01 2.19E+05 50 2.28E-04 0.99999999109 Tc-99 exp(-t-p) U-235 3.00E-07 7.30E+05 2.19E-01 2.19E+05 50 2.28E-04 U-238 3.00E-07 7.30E+05 2.19E-01 2.19E+05 50 2.28E-04 Activity Released Tc-99 6.00E-05 7.30E+05 4.38E+01 4.38E+07 50 1.14E-06 ICRP 69 Comparison 3.106E-03 U-234 release fraction Ci 1.691E-04 U-235 release fraction Ci Sv/Bq Rem/Bq mRem/pCi 5.575E-04 U-238 release fraction Ci 1.104E-03 Tc-99 release fraction Ci adult 5.00E-08 0.005 1.85E-04 infant 3.70E-07 0.037 1.37E-03 check U sum 0.00383 bone-adult 7.90E-07 0.079 2.92E-03 bioaccumulation factor BNWL-2075 1.76E-06 U-234 release fraction *bioaccumulation factor*dose factor*exp(-*tp) 2 UC-11 9.00E-08 U-235 release fraction *bioaccumulation factor*dose factor*exp(-*tp) 2 Methodology for Calculation of Radiation Doses 2.84E-07 U-238 release fraction *bioaccumulation factor*dose factor*exp(-*tp) 2 in the Environs from Nuclear Fuel 2.42E-08 Tc-99 release fraction *bioaccumulation factor*dose factor*exp(-*tp) 15 Cycle Facilities 2.16E-06 all nuclides sum of nuclides 2.46059 usage 1100*(usage*dilution)/flow 5.31E-06 mRem see regulatory guide 1.109 page 1.109-2 and 1.109-3 for formula and definition of terms.

Z:\Groups\Regulatory\EH&S Operations\Environment\Environment 2019\Annual\2019 Liquid Effluent.xlsx

Attachment 7 Dose to the Bone Surface from Liquid Effluent Pathways - Aquatic Foods Bone Surface 21 Kg Usage by adult/yr U see regulatory guide 1.109 page 1.109-40 table E-5, Recommended Values for U(ap) 31293 mixing - dilution Dilution at difuser M Congaree Flow 9388 cubic feet/sec see Nureg-1118 Environmental Assessment for renewam SNM-1107 May 1985 0.3 cubic ft/sec Average discharge F Effluent Flow 3.00E-01 cubic feet/sec effective bone effective bone 4.18E-03 U-234 mRem/pCi D EPA Limiting Values of Radioanuclide Intake Sv/Bq Sv/Bq mRem/pCi mRem/pCi 3.88E-03 U-235 mRem/pCi D FRG no 11 1988 U-234 7.66E-08 1.13E-06 2.83E-04 4.18E-03 3.74E-03 U-238 mRem/pCi D Exposure-to-dose conversion factors for ingestion U-235 7.19E-08 1.05E-06 2.66E-04 3.88E-03 2.23E-07 Tc-99 mRem/pCi D U-238 6.88E-08 1.01E-06 2.55E-04 3.74E-03 Tc-99 3.95E-10 6.04E-11 1.46E-06 2.23E-07 24 hrs transit time t-p reg guide 1.109 table E-15 3.23557E-10 U-234 decay const 1.12404E-13 U-235 decay const Nuclide T(1/2) yr T(1/2) hr for comaprison only 1.77058E-14 U-238 decay const URANIUM234 2.45E+05 2.14E+09 3.24E-10 3.71407E-10 Tc-99 decay const URANIUM235 7.04E+08 6.17E+12 1.12E-13 Part 20 table 2 soluble forms URANIUM238 4.47E+09 3.91E+13 1.77E-14 Dose Conversion 0.99999999223 U-234 exp(-t-p) TC-99 2.13E+05 1.87E+09 3.71E-10 uCi/ml milliters uCi pCi mRem mRem/pCi 1.00000000000 U-235 exp(-t-p) U-234 3.00E-07 7.30E+05 2.19E-01 2.19E+05 50 2.28E-04 1.00000000000 U-238 exp(-t-p) U-235 3.00E-07 7.30E+05 2.19E-01 2.19E+05 50 2.28E-04 0.99999999109 Tc-99 exp(-t-p) U-238 3.00E-07 7.30E+05 2.19E-01 2.19E+05 50 2.28E-04 Tc-99 6.00E-05 7.30E+05 4.38E+01 4.38E+07 50 1.14E-06 Activity Released ICRP 69 Comparison 3.106E-03 U-234 release fraCi Sv/Bq Rem/Bq mRem/pCi 1.691E-04 U-235 release fraCi 5.575E-04 U-238 release fraCi adult 5.00E-08 0.005 1.85E-04 1.104E-03 Tc-99 release fra Ci infant 3.70E-07 0.037 1.37E-03 bone-adult 7.90E-07 0.079 2.92E-03 check U sum 0.00383 bioaccumulation factor BNWL-2075 2.60E-05 U-234 release fraction *bioaccumulation factor*dose factor*exp(-*tp) 2 UC-11 1.31E-06 U-235 release fraction *bioaccumulation factor*dose factor*exp(-*tp) 2 Methodology for Calculation of Radiation Doses 4.17E-06 U-238 release fraction *bioaccumulation factor*dose factor*exp(-*tp) 2 in the Environs from Nuclear Fuel 3.70E-09 Tc-99 release fraction *bioaccumulation factor*dose factor*exp(-*tp) 15 Cycle Facilities 3.15E-05 all nuclides sum of nuclides 2.46059 usage 1100*(usage*dilution)/flow 7.74E-05 mRem see regulatory guide 1.109 page 1.109-2 and 1.109-3 for formula and definition of terms.

Z:\Groups\Regulatory\EH&S Operations\Environment\Environment 2019\Annual\2019 Liquid Effluent.xlsx

Attachment 8 Whole Body Dose from Liquid Effluent Pathways - Shoreline Deposits Whole Body 12 hr Usage by adult/yr U see regulatory guide 1.109 page 1.109-40 table E-5, Recommended Values for U(ap) 31293 mixing - dilution Dilution at difuser M Congaree Flow 9388 cubic feet/sec see Nureg-1118 Environmental Assessment for renewam SNM-1107 May 0.3 cubic ft/sec Average discharge F Effluent Flow 3.00E-01 cubic feet/sec Sv/s:Bq/m^2 mrem/hr:pCi/m^2 9.86E-12 U-234 mRem*m^2/pCi*hr D U-234 7.40E-19 9.86E-12 EPA FRG 12 Dose Coeff for exposure to contaminated ground surface 1.97E-09 U-235 mRem*m^2/pCi*hr D U-235 1.48E-16 1.97E-09 7.34E-12 U-238 mRem*m^2/pCi*hr D U-238 5.51E-19 7.34E-12 1.04E-12 Tc-99 mRem*m^2/pCi*hr D Tc-99 7.80E-20 1.04E-12 12 hrs transit time t-p see regulatory guide 1.109 page 1.109-69 table E-15, Recommended Values 131040 hrs xposure time of sedime t-b page 1.109-68 t-i 3.23557E-10 U-234 decay const Nuclide T(1/2) yr T(1/2) hr T(1/2) day 1.12404E-13 U-235 decay const URANIUM234 2.45E+05 2.14E+09 3.24E-10 8.90E+07 1.77058E-14 U-238 decay const URANIUM235 7.04E+08 6.17E+12 1.12E-13 2.56E+11 3.71407E-10 Tc-99 decay const URANIUM238 4.47E+09 3.91E+13 1.77E-14 1.63E+12 TC-99 2.13E+05 1.87E+09 3.71E-10 7.75E+07 0.0000423980 U-234 exp(-t-p)*[1-exp(-t-b)]

0.0000000147 U-235 exp(-t-p)*[1-exp(-t-b)]

0.0000000023 U-238 exp(-t-p)*[1-exp(-t-b)]

0.0000486679 Tc-99 exp(-t-p)*[1-exp(-t-b)]

Activity Released 3.106E-03 U-234 release fraction Ci 1.691E-04 U-235 release fraction Ci 5.575E-04 U-238 release fraction Ci 1.104E-03 Tc-99 release fraction Ci check U sum 0.00383 1.16E-10 U-234 release fraction *dose factor*exp(-t-p)*1-exp(-t-b)*t-i 1.26E-09 U-235 release fraction *dose factor*exp(-t-p)*1-exp(-t-b)*t-i 1.54E-11 U-238 release fraction *dose factor*exp(-t-p)*1-exp(-t-b)*t-i 4.33E-12 Tc-99 release fraction *dose factor*exp(-t-p)*1-exp(-t-b)*t-i 1.39E-09 all nuclides sum of nuclides 2.812101 usage 11000*(usage*dilution*shore width factor)/flow 3.92E-09 mRem see regulatory guide 1.109 page 1.109-2 and 1.109-3 for formula and definition of terms.

see regulatory guide 1.109 page 1.109-40 table A-2,Shore width Z:\Groups\Regulatory\EH&S Operations\Environment\Environment 2019\Annual\2019 Liquid Effluent.xlsx

Attachment 9 2019 Isotopic Fractions Based on the plant nominal enrichment for 2019 Nuclide Average Specific Activity Weighted  %

wt% Ci/g Activity Activity U-234 0.04 6.220E-03 2.388E-06 85.03 U-235 4.42 2.160E-06 9.549E-08 3.40 U-236 0.01 6.470E-05 4.076E-09 0.15 U-238 95.56 3.360E-07 3.211E-07 11.43 Total 100.0 2.809E-06 100.00 Z:\Groups\Regulatory\EH&S Operations\Environment\Environment 2019\Annual\2019 Liquid Effluent.xlsx

Attachment 10 - Comply Results COMPLY: V1.6. 2/10/2020 4:40 40 CFR Part 61 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH THE CLEAN AIR ACT LIMITS FOR RADIONUCLIDE EMISSIONS FROM THE COMPLY CODE - V1.6.

Prepared by:

Westinghouse Electric Company Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility 5801 Bluff Rd. Hopkins, SC 29061 David Wagoner 803.647.1919 Prepared for:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Radiation and Indoor Air Washington, DC 20460 2019 Annual Dose to the Public due to Gaseous Effluent SCREENING LEVEL 2



Release Rate Nuclide (curies/SECOND)

U-234 Y 6.390E-14 U-235 Y 2.560E-15 U-238 Y 8.590E-15 RELEASE RATES FOR STACK 2.

Release Rate Nuclide (curies/SECOND)

U-234 Y 4.680E-13 U-235 Y 1.870E-14 U-238 Y 6.280E-14 RELEASE RATES FOR STACK 3.

Release Rate Nuclide (curies/SECOND)

U-234 Y 3.010E-12 U-235 Y 1.200E-13 U-238 Y 4.050E-13 RELEASE RATES FOR STACK 4.

Release Rate Nuclide (curies/SECOND)

U-234 Y 3.200E-12 U-235 Y 1.280E-13 U-238 Y 4.300E-13 RELEASE RATES FOR STACK 5.

Release Rate Nuclide (curies/SECOND)

U-234 Y 1.100E-12 U-235 Y 4.410E-14 U-238 Y 1.480E-13 RELEASE RATES FOR STACK 6.

Release Rate Nuclide (curies/SECOND)

U-234 Y 2.020E-12 U-235 Y 8.080E-14 U-238 Y 2.720E-13 RELEASE RATES FOR STACK 7.

Release Rate Nuclide (curies/SECOND)

U-234 Y 8.700E-13 U-235 Y 3.480E-14 U-238 Y 1.170E-13 RELEASE RATES FOR STACK 8.

Release Rate Nuclide (curies/SECOND)

U-234 Y 1.300E-12 U-235 Y 5.210E-14 U-238 Y 1.750E-13 SITE DATA FOR STACK 1.

Release height 10 meters.

Building height 9 meters.

The source and receptor are not on the same building.

Distance from the source to the receptor is 595 meters.

Building width 137 meters.


Release height 11 meters.

Building height 9 meters.

The source and receptor are not on the same building.

Distance from the source to the receptor is 595 meters.

Building width 137 meters.


Release height 12 meters.

Building height 9 meters.

The source and receptor are not on the same building.

Distance from the source to the receptor is 595 meters.

Building width 137 meters.


Release height 13 meters.

Building height 9 meters.

The source and receptor are not on the same building.

Distance from the source to the receptor is 595 meters.

Building width 137 meters.


Release height 15 meters.

Building height 9 meters.

The source and receptor are not on the same building.

Distance from the source to the receptor is 595 meters.

Building width 137 meters.


Release height 16 meters.

Building height 9 meters.

The source and receptor are not on the same building.

Distance from the source to the receptor is 595 meters.

Building width 137 meters.


Release height 17 meters.

Building height 9 meters.

The source and receptor are not on the same building.

Distance from the source to the receptor is 595 meters.

Building width 137 meters.


Release height 18 meters.

Building height 9 meters.

The source and receptor are not on the same building.

Distance from the source to the receptor is 595 meters.

Building width 137 meters.

Default mean wind speed used (2.0 m/sec).


Input parameters outside the "normal" range:

Building (width) is unusually WIDE.

Receptor is unusually FAR.


Effective dose equivalent: 0.2 mrem/yr.

      • Comply at level 2.

This facility is in COMPLIANCE.

It may or may not be EXEMPT from reporting to the EPA.

You may contact your regional EPA office for more information.

                    • END OF COMPLIANCE REPORT **********

COMPLY: V1.6. 2/10/2020 2:04 40 CFR Part 61 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH THE CLEAN AIR ACT LIMITS FOR RADIONUCLIDE EMISSIONS FROM THE COMPLY CODE - V1.6.

Prepared by:

Westinghouse Electric Company Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility 5801 Bluff Rd. Hopkins, SC 29061 David Wagoner 803.647.1919 Prepared for:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Radiation and Indoor Air Washington, DC 20460 Hot Oil Room SCREENING LEVEL 2 DATA ENTERED:

Release Rate Nuclide (curies/SECOND)

U-234 Y 2.300E-12 U-235 Y 9.210E-14 U-238 Y 3.100E-13 Release height 12 meters.

Building height 9 meters.

The source and receptor are not on the same building.

Distance from the source to the receptor is 595 meters.

Building width 137 meters.

Default mean wind speed used (2.0 m/sec).


Input parameters outside the "normal" range:

Building (width) is unusually WIDE.

Receptor is unusually FAR.


Effective dose equivalent: 4.6E-02 mrem/yr.

      • Comply at level 2.

This facility is in COMPLIANCE.

It may or may not be EXEMPT from reporting to the EPA.

You may contact your regional EPA office for more information.

                    • END OF COMPLIANCE REPORT **********