B11382, Application for Amend to License DPR-61,revising Tech Specs Re Refueling Cavity Water Level Per Safety Analysis of Cavity Water Level & Seal Redesign.Fee Paid

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Application for Amend to License DPR-61,revising Tech Specs Re Refueling Cavity Water Level Per Safety Analysis of Cavity Water Level & Seal Redesign.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 05/10/1985
From: Opeka J
To: Zwolinski J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20127M403 List:
B11382, NUDOCS 8505230258
Download: ML20127M399 (3)


r O. O CONNECTICUT YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY B E R L I N. CONNECTICUT P.O. BOX 270 HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06141-0270 TELEPHONE coa-ess-swo May 10,1985 Docket No. 50-213 B11382 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attn: Mr. John A. Zwolinski

  • Operating Reactors Branch #5 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555


(1) W. G. Counsil letter to D. M. Crutchfield, dated September 28,1984.

(2) W. G. Counsil letter to D. M. Crutchfield, dated September 20,1984.

(3) W. A. Paulson letter to W. G. Counsil, dated October 2,1984.


e Haddam Neck Plant Proposed Revision to Technical Specifications Refueling Cavity Water Level This proposed revision to Technical Specification 3.13, Refueling, ensures that the assumptions and initial conditions of the Reactor Cavity Seal Failure Safety Analysis (Reference (1)) will be met. The proposed changes are as follows:

o The minimum allowable water level above the flange is being increased to 24 feet. This level along with the back-up seal ensures that in the event of a cavity seal failure the operator will have sufficient time (20 minutes minimum) to place any fuel bundle, in the process of being moved, in a safe location without exceeding a dose of 2 rem.

o Movement of the fuel wili be allowed for the response to a decreasing cavity level as specified in the applicable emergency procedure.

Pursuant to 10CFR50.90, Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPCO) hereby proposes to amend its operating license, DPR-61, by incorporating the attached proposed changes into Section 3.13, Refueling, pages 23 and 24a, of the Haddam Neck Plant Technical Specifications. This fulfills the commitment made in Reference (2) to revise this specification based on the seal redesign and safety analysis.

During our review the impacts on two design basis accidents evaluated for the refueling mode were considered and it was concluded t a the technical u>l

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specification change does not ' increase the probability of the design basis C accidents. - The accidents considered were the boron dilution accident and the fueChandling accident. No assumptions associated .with the boron dilution-

. accident .were : Impacted. Therefore, there is no Increase in probability or

' consequences of the boron dilution accident. Concerning the fuel . handling

accident, the consequences are not increased because the level of water above

' thei fueliin the cavity <is: proposed to increase._ J The proposed : technical

' specification change also does not increase the probability of occurrence of a

- fuel handling accident. As noted, a provision has been added to allow movement -

of: fuel . in response to a - decreasing cavity = level so a -fuel assembly can be (returned to the reactor vessel in the event a' decreasing refueling water cavity level is detected. The operation is no different from routine fuel movement and

. thus does not increase the probability'of a fuel handling accident.

From a mechanical standpoint, the increase in minimum level is consistent with the normal water level range considered in the original plant design: and' therefore does not create an unanalyzed accident.

..Please note that the adequacy of the seal to withstand "approximately 24 feet" of; hydrostatic . head was discussed .in: the NRC Safety Evaluation: Report

. forwarded via Reference (3). In fulfilling a commitment made in Reference (2) we have increased the minimum refueling cavity water level requirement above

the flange to 24 feet. With this increased water volume and assumed failed seal

' leak rate in our safety analysis, the operator has a minimum of 20 minutes to place any fuel bundle, in the process of being moved, to a safe location without exceeding a dose of 2 rem. These proposed technical specifications support the use of the. temporary seal design.. It is recognized that these proposed changes formalize two of the elements of the procedures which were utilized during the post refueling outage. Further evaluation of the technical specifications may be warranted following completion of the ongoing effort to optimize the seal design for future outages.

The attached-proposed change has been reviewed pursuant to 10CFR50.59 and-


has been found not to constitute an unreviewed safety question based on the considerations and conclusions outlined above.

In accordance with 10CFR50.92, CYAPCO has reviewed the attached change and concluded that no significant hazards considerations are involved. The basis for

, ;this conclusion is that the three criteria of ~10CFR50.92(c) are not comprised, a conclusion which11s supported by our determination made pursuant to s 10CFR50.59. - Further, the change falls within the envelope 'of Item- (li) of

." Examples of Amendments that are Considered not Likely to involve Significant Hazards - Considerations." Specifically, it is a change that imposes more stringent requirements than currently exist for refueling cavity water level.

The Haddam Neck Plant Nuclear Review Board has reviewed and approved the attached proposed changes, and concurred in the above determinations.


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= In accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50.91(b), a copy of this letter is being provided to the State of Connecticut.


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3 Pursuant to the requirements of 10CFR170.12(c), enclosed with this amendment request is the application fee of $150.00.


3. F. Opera v Senior Vice President cc:; Kevin McCarthy, Director Radiation Control Unit Department of Environmental Protection -

State Office Building -

Hartford, Connecticut 06424 STATE OF CONNECTICUT )


Then personally appeared before me 3. F. Opeka, who being duly sworn, did state

- that he is Senior Vice President of Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company, Licensee ' herein, that he is authorized to execute and file the foregoing

'information in the name and on behalf of the Licensees herein and that the

- statements contained in said information are true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief.

/?b/Zlys b xte Notary Publy Ny Coamnon Expires March 31,1988 L