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Summary of 427th ACRS Meeting on 951207-08 Re Proposed Final GL, Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/03/1996
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
ACRS-2995, NUDOCS 9610070131
Download: ML20129G216 (34)


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                                  ""T LE OF CONTENTS                                                          l MINUTES OF THE 427TH ACRS MEETING                                               '

DECEMBER 7-8, 1995 l Pace i I. Chairman's Reoort (Open) . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 II. Procosed Final Generic Letter on Testino of l l Safetv-Related Locic Circuits (Open) . . . . . . . 2 III. Multiole System Resoonses Procram (MSRP) (Open) . . 5 l IV. Meetino with the Director of the Office of  ! Nuclear Reactor Reculation (NRR) (Open) . . . . . . 6 V. Meetino with the NRC Chairman (Open) . . . . . . . 10 VI. Meetino with the NRC Commissioners (Open) . . . . . 11 VII. Executive Session (Open) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 A. Letter l Procosed Final Generic Letter. "Testina of Safetv-Related Looic Circuits" (Letter to James M. Taylor, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from Robert L. Seale, Vice-Chairman, ACRS, dated December 13, 1995) B. Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommen-dations l C. Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Proce-  ! dures Subcommittee Held on December 6, 1995 (Open) { D. Future Meeting Agenda IGNATED og3g7ykI; C Wtified By ~ 9610070131 961003 PDR ACRS 2995 PDR O { g -7 Av-5 g

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I. Federal Register Notice II. Meeting Schedule and Outline { III.-Attendees  ! IV. Future Agenda and Subcommittee Activities  ! V. List of Documents Provided to the Committee VI. Transcript of Meeting with NRC Commission j ! i l I i [ ! s l l i F b i e t


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                        - - J w; 6ay LJ gj MINUTES OF THE FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVENTH MEETING OF THE 7V             ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS DECEMBER 7-8, 1995 ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND The 427th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards was held at Conference Room 2B3, Two White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on December 7-8, 1995. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and take appropriate action on the items listed in the attached agenda.          The meeting was open to public attendance. There were no written statements nor requests for time to make oral statements from members of the public regarding the meeting.

A transcript of selected portions of the meeting was kept and is available in the NRC Public Document Room at the Gelman Building, 2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. [ Copies of the transcript are available for purchase from Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc., 1323 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.] ATTENDEES ACRS Members: Dr. Thomas S. Kress (Chairman), Dr. Robert L. Seale (Vice-Chairman), Dr. George Apostolakis, Mr. James C. Carroll, Dr. Ivan Catton, ' Dr. Mario H. Fontana. Mr. William J. Lindblad, Dr. Don W. Miller, Dr. Dana A. Powers, Dr. William J. Shack, and Mr. Charles J. Wylie. [For a list of other attendees, see Appendix III.] I. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT (Open) [ Note: Dr. J. Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.] Dr. Kress, ACRS Chairman, convened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. and reviewed the schedule for the meeting. He announced the following: e Two additions to the ACRS technical staff: Michael Markley, introduced at this meeting; and Amarjit Singh, who will be introduced at the February meeting.

  • A letter from Admiral DeMars announcing the initial sea trials of the new attack submarine, and a book on the Naval propul-sion program, e A copy of COMM-SECY-95033, which is of interest to the Committee because it discusses the Committee's position on the
            $2,000 per man-rem value for doing regulatory analysis.

e The visit by Chairman Jackson to the Committee on December 8, 1995 and the list of priority items for discussion sent to the Commission. I

t f 427th ACRS Meeting 2 December 7-8, 1995 e A letter from Chairman Jackson to James Taylor on probabilis-  ; tic risk analysis and digital instrumentation and control.  ; e Two articles of interest in Nuclear News i i

                                - Article on health effects of low-level radiation                    !

, - Interview with Shirley Jackson 1 i e The schedule for the group photograph and Christmas lunch.  ! II. Procosed Final Generic Letter on Testina of Safetv-Related  !' Locic Circuits (Open) [ Note: Mr. S. Duraiswamy was the Designated Fede.Tal Official for this portion of the meeting.] I Introduction j Dr. Miller, Chairman of the Computers in Nuclear Power Plant Operations Subcommittee, introduced the topic to the Committee by i noting that the staff had developed the proposed final Generic l Letter in response to observed deficiencies in licensee surveil-  ; lance procedures for testing safety-related logic circuits. He l also noted that the Generic Letter had been revised in response to ' public comments. , NRR Presentation Bruce Boger, Director, Division of Reactor Controls and Human Factors (DRCH), introduced the NRR staff. Jared Wermiel, Chief, Instrumentation and Controls Branch (HICB), DRCH, provided supporting discussion for Hukam Garg, who led the discussion. Glenn Kelly, Lead Project Manager, Division of Reactor Projects, also participated. Mr. Garg provided an overview discussion of the proposed final Generic Letter including the background, regulatory bases, public comments, and resolution. Significant points made during the discussion were: i e


Notify licensees of problems with testing safety-related logic circuits, request implementation of corrective actions, and ensure licensee compliance with the requirements of existing technical specifications. e Requested Actions: Licensees to compare electrical drawing and logic diagrams for reactor protection, emergency diesel generator load shedding and sequencing, . and actuation logic for engineered safety feature systems I

.' a' 427th ACRS Meeting 3 December 7-8, 1995 against plant surveillance test procedures for agreement with plant technical specification requirements; and modify procedures, as required, to comply with technical specifications or obtain an amendment.

  • Implementation Schedule: Complete requested actions by startup from first refueling outage commencing one year after issuance of Generic Letter.

e Comment Resolution: Clarified wording on the staff's view that the proposed Generic Letter is a " compliance backfit" and not an imposition of new requirements; revised implementation schedule to provide expanded response time; clarified staff view on operability determinations for case-by-case enforcement discretion; and stated agreement to participate in an indtstry-sponsored workshop. Messrs. Carroll and Lindblad questioned the need for the proposed Generic Letter. They noted that the industry organizations made some good eguments with regard to the proposed final Generic Letter's apparent departure from risk-informed and performance-based regulation and their assertion that it was not needed. Mr. Carroll questioned whether any safety functions had been lost during events where logic circuit testing was a problem. Messrs. Carroll and Lindblad also questioned how the NRC staff determined that the industry was not getting the message and whether they had discussed these issues with industry organizations to assess other options prior to developing the proposed Generic Letter. They expressed the belief that the industry would not perform a uniform review, in part, due to the differences in each plant's technical specifications. They suggested that working with the industry might get the problem solved equally well. Mr. Lindblad expressed the belief that plant-events and incidents from personnel errors would continue, and that the Generic Letter would have a marginal benefit to safety. Messrs. Carroll and Lindblad also questioned whether the resource estimate was realistic and suggested that it would be low for most utilities. They questioned whether it was prudent to require plants with good operating experience to complete such extensive reviews and suggested that their resources could be better used on other problems, such as strainer clogging. Dr. Kress questioned how much time would normally be expected for licensees to respond to and achieve improvement from an Information Notice before further action was warranted. He expressed concern , over the difficulty in pinpointing the extent of the deficiencies l and uncertainties regarding the number of plants that may have i problems. He acknowledged the benefits of industry participation i but stated that a shared solution might also have resulted in a I Generic Letter. I l

i 427th ACRS Meeting 4  ! December 7-8, 1995 r Dr. Miller expressed the belief that the Generic Letter was necessary. His concerns regarding the timing for required actions were adequately addressed in the resolution of public comments. He agreed that the scope was consistent with regulatory requirements per 10 CFR 50.36 (c) (3) , Technical Specifications. ' The NRC staf f reiterated their view that the proposed final Generic Letter requested verification of compliance with technical specifications and did not represent new requirements or an i i increase in scope. They acknowledged that they could have - solicited industry participation before developing the Generic Letter. However, they viewed it as a compliance issue and did not believe a workshop or other effort would replace the need for the Generic Letter. They also acknowledged that there would be some variance in the uniformity of licensee implementation but asserted that some reduction in the number of events and incidents should occur. l 4 Nuclear Enerav Institute Presentation I Biff Bradley, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), stated that the issue l of testing safety-related logic circuits could be effectively ' addressed without the need for the Generic Letter. He offered to ) work with the staff and assist in organizing an industry workshop i or other appropriate venue to address the issues. He acknowledged l Dr. Kress' observation that the end result of a participatory I effort might still be a Generic Letter. However, he also stated that it might produce a better final product. The Committee extensively discussed the need for the staff to address the issues associated with testing safety-related logic , circuits in~a comprehensive manner. However, they expressed the l belief that the issue could be more appropriately addressed by l existing NRC inspection programs. The Committee noted that NEI had offered to work with the NRC staff and industry in developing a more effective means of ensuring compliance with requirements for testing safety-related logic circuits. Drs. Shack and Kress , provided additional comments expressing the view that the actions  ! required by the proposed final Generic Letter were appropriate and that the Generic Letter should be issued. Conclusions The Committee issued a letter to Mr. Taylor, dated December 13, 1995. In this letter, the Committee did not support issuance of the proposed final Generic Letter.

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427th ACRS Meeting 5 December 7-8, 1995 III. MultiDie System ResDonses Procram (MSRP) (Open) [ Note: Mr. P. Boehnert was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.) Introduction Mr. Wylie, Cognizant ACRS Member, introduced this matter to the Committee. . He noted that the MSRP has been extant since 1986, when the staff initiated same, in response to ACRS concerns over potential " hidden" safety issues for system interactions. The Committee has discussed this issue several times, most recently in March 1994. The NRC staff " resolved" the MSRP in August 1995. 4 Mr. Wylie also noted that in September 1995, ACRS Fellow August

Cronenberg was asked to review the MSRP to determine if the
Committee's concerns had been addressed. Dr. Cronenberg's reports

, on this matter, which have been sent to the Committee Members and cognizant NRC staff, were the topic of discussion, with represen-1 tatives of the NRC staff adding their views as appropriate, i Presentation by A. Cronenbera i Dr. Cronenberg provided an overview of the MSRP issues and their

.                      resolution via the individual plant ' examinations (IPEs) for

] external events (IPEEE) process. He noted the following points:

e In reviewing the chronology of this matter, he noted that

! 21 issues were identified by the staff, stemming from the j six Unresolved Safety Issues that were believed germane - to the issue of " systems interactions."  ; e The staff has closed out the MSRP by declaring that all 21 issues have been/will be addressed in the IPE/IPEEE l process or via the generic issue resolution process. 4 l e A sampling of selected IPEs/IPEEEs by Dr. Cronenberg led him to conclude that all MSRP issues appear to have been ! addressed, to some degree; many of the issues, however, 4 were addressed in a cursory manner. There was extensive Committee discuss'en on the programmatic resolution of the 21 identified MSRP != ucs via the larger issue of capturing the technical safety ist. .es associated with system , interactions. There was a general consensus that the ACRS should i pursue this matter further with the staff. i a r .i E

i l . 427th ACRS Meeting 6 December 7-8, 1995 NRC Staff Presentation Ronald Emrit, RES, made a brief presentation, the point of which was that the goal of the report on the MSRP was to prioritize the issues, not to address the resolution of each specific concern. Mary Drouin, RES, discussed the staff's review process for the IPEs/IPEEEs vis-a-vis the resolution of the MSRP concerns. Ms. Drouin discussed the objectives of the NRC review of the IPE/- 1 IPEEEs, and pointed out that the staff review focuses on the completeness of the submittal and the reasonableness of the results. In response to Mr. Wylie, Ms. Drouin indicated that the staff did not issue any guidance to licensees relative to evalua-tion of systems interactions. Rather, NRC has included this topic as part of its review process. Ms. Drouin also noted that, in many instances, licensees identify and fix a vulnerability before they submit the IPE/IPEEE report (these items are identified in the licensee's report). For those issues not readily amenable to a fix, the vulnerability is identified in the report with a proposed fix (a number of licensees have done this for ae issue of internal flooding). RES plans to issue letter reports on the results of the IPE and IPEEE reviews related to the MSRP issues in June and December 1996, respectively. 1 Mr. Wylie indicated that the Committee will pursue this matter ' further and that a letter report discussing ACRS concerns appears necessary. Mr. Lindblad said that the Committee seems to , have two concerns: (1) whether the specific issues related to J systems interactions are being adequately addressed, and (2)  ; whether the 21 MSRP issues are being adequately addressed. ' Conclusion The Committee deferred action on this matter, primarily due to a lack of time. Dr. Cronenberg was asked to examine the MSRP issues, vis-a-vis their treatment in a plant-specific PRA. A draft letter on this matter will be considered during the February 1996 ACRS Meeting. IV. Meetine with the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Recula-tion (NRR) (Open) l l [ Note: Dr. M. El-Zeftawy was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

   .                                                                          l 427th ACRS Meeting                7 December 7-8, 1995 Introduction Dr. Kress, ACRS Chairman, stated that it was a pleasure to have William Russell, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, discuss items of mutual interest such as risk-based and perfor-mance-based regulation.

i William Russell's Presentation ' Mr. Russell indicated that he would discuss five items, beginning l with the Westinghouse AP-600 review. In recent discussions with  ! Westinghouse regarding the design certification review of the AP-600, the NRC staff estimated the cost of completing the review through the Final Safety Evaluation Report to be between $11 and

      $12 million.

Westinghouse indicated that due to funding uncertainties, it would be unable to fully fund such an effort for this fiscal year. Westinghouse, however, requested that NRC, including the ACRS, continue to review the following: o Code and testing issues e Regulatory treatment of nonsafety-related systems e Some severe accident performance issues l e Instrumentation and control issues e Emergency safety features e Several pilot ITAACs (Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria) The staff review effort in other areas has been halted, but was documented for future resumption. The draft safety evaluation report (SER) supplement on the testing program and codes will be completed in Fiscal Year 1996. Currently, there is no schedule for review completion. The second item for discussion was the Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (SBWR) review. Testing sponsored by General Electric (GE) is continuing into early 1996. The NRC staff evaluation of test data and issue resolution, and review of the TRACG code, is ongoing. The SER for the test and analysis program is expected to , be completed by spring 1996. GE will decide on design review I I restart in March 1996. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) piping design code changes were the third item discussed. The ASME code proposed a new approach to piping design with some revisions to Section III (1994 Addenda). The NRC staff believes that the new approach significantly relaxes design-allowable stress limits for dynamic loads such as earthquake loads. The staff has opposed the new changes due to unresolved technical concerns. As a result, ASME I l

l l 427th ACRS Meeting 8 December 7-8, 1995

                                                                                  'l established a special Working Group to reexamine the new changes and consider additional technical data.

The new rules were l proposed for use on an advanced reactor such as AP-600, but it has l been withdrawn. Currently, there are no prospective users. The i NRC staff assigned a relatively low priority to this item. l The fourth item was the management of generic activities. As part of an initiative to improve management of generic activities within  ! NRR, a process has been developed to assess the safety significance

         .of emerging generic issues from all sources to provide integrated project management oversight and documentation of the resolution of these generic activities.       The NRC Office responsibilities are as follows:

e NRR - Short-term, reactor-related issues (usually compli-ance) ; implement short-term actions, evaluate daily operational events, and analyze weekly events e RES - Long-term generic issues, primarily safety enhance-ments; NRC repository for generic issues, priori-tization, and resolution of generic issues e NMSS - Operating experience evaluation and follow-up in the areas of medical, health physics, fuel, and waste e 'AEOD - Operating experience collection, review, and evalu-ation; development of trends and pattern analyses for issues'of a generic nature. The sources of information for generic activities ~ include operating experience ('U.S. and foreign), technical reviews, inspection findings, research results, NRC staff, ACRS, industry (licensees, INPO, owners' groups), and the public (2.206, allegations). NRR has just distributed a report to the public on the major generic issues to facilitate communications with the nuclear industry. The report includes the following types of activities: e Generic activities anticipated to require sufficient staff j resources to warrant development of a task action plan (the  ; draft includes 21 issues), ' e Generic communications under development relating to reactors, e Other generic compliance activities (where a generic communi-( cation is not presently planned and the issue is of lessor significance / complexity than an activity covered by an action plan).


l 427th ACRS Meeting 9 December 7-8, 1995 The plan for next year is to revise and complete the procedures to reflect the integrated generic issue process and to update the current NUREG-0933 electronic data base. In addition, the staff is proposing periodic meetings with ACRS to discuss generic communi-cation and compliance activities. The fifth item addressed the PRA implementation plan, its pilot applications, and the development of guidance. Mr. Russell stated that the PRA policy statement has been issued and a PRA implementa-tion plan is in place. The framework for regulatory activities is underway. The five regulatory applications under review are motor- .' operator valve testing, in-service testing, in-service inspection ISI), technical specifications, and graded quality assurance. The staf f has completed 29 safety evaluation reports regarding IPEs and , is conducting several IPEEEs. Other reviews include South Texas l technical specification changes, Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) PRA, and the emergency diesel generator study (NUREG/CR 5994). The staff is proposing parallel development of the Standard Review Plan (SRP) and Regulatory Guide (RG) with pilot applications. The NRC Chairman has requested the completion of the SRP and the RG within two years. The NRC office directors (NRR/RES/AEOD) will meet in December 1995, to review the overall plan and schedule. The staff expects significant interaction with the ACRS regarding this matter. There is also a major international project to exchange information and criteria for review of PRAs at a meeting in June 1997. The proposed topics for this special meeting would be the review procedures and criteria for different regulatory applications of PRA such as: e configuration control during operation and maintenance o Relaxation of regulatory requirements with regard to ISI and testing o Demonstration of adequate safety level of plants designed to earlier safety standards Other related staff PRA efforts are increased training, increased staffing, the senior reactor (analysis) program, the reliability data rule, and IPE insights. CONCLUSIONS This briefing was for information only.


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l l  ! 427th ACRS Meeting 10 f December 7-8, 1995 ' l V. MEETING WITH THE NRC CHAIRMAN (Open) l [ Note: Dr. M. El-Zeftawy was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.) Dr. Kress welcomed Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, and expressed the Committee's appreciation for her appearance before the Committee. Chairman Jackson expressed her pleasure in being invited by the j Committee. She acknowledged the valuable contribution of the ' Committee to the Commission in the resolution of numerous signifi- 4 cant safety issues. Some of these issues are: establishing the { design certification process for the ABWR and System 80* designs, resolution of technical issues to both evolutionary and passive designs, thermal-hydraulic test programs for passive designs,  ; technical areas associated with aging operating plants, and license  ; renewal. Other issues are monitoring the safety of operating l reactors with contributions on issues such as reactor pressure vessel annealing, digital instrumentation and control, and implementation of the maintenance rule. Chairman Jackson alco agreed on the ACRS priority items for the next two years. l Chairman Jackson noted that the NRC needs to be guided by a strategic vision that includes elements such as a firm health and safety basis in protecting the public. Such a vision will undergird the NRC regulatory approach and maintain an appropriate programmatic focus that influences resources planning.. The NRC regulatory approaches might change; however, the core safety philosophy has not changed over the years; i.e., maintaining defense-in-depth and safety margins. Chairman Jackson spoke of current efforts such as safety goals and philosophy, and strategic assessment and rebaselining to enhance the NRC regulatory effectiveness. The Chairman emphasized that consistency, both internally and externally, should be embodied in the regulations. Dr. Kress expressed an interest in Chairman Jackson's views on performance-based regulation. She responded that she has asked the NRC staff to develop action plans in the areas of PRA and digital instrumentation and control (I&C) . The Chairman had also requested the development of an SRP for use by the NRC staff in conducting l reviews of industry-generated IPEs, IPEEEs, and PRAs for use in regulatory uecision-making. In addition, the Chairman requested the staff te expeditiously develop another SRP for digital I&C to ensure that safety margins are addressed and available for use in reviewing licensees' changes in the installation of digital I&C.

I ,, ,o i l 427th ACRS Meeting 11 December 7-8, 1995 The Chairman noted that she expects the completion of these two tasks in two years, including review by the ACRS. Chairman Jackson noted that another area that merits ACRS consider-ation is the aging of operating plants (such issues as measurement of reactor vessel embrittlement and age-related degradation) and issues associated with license renewal. The Chairman stated that the NRC should be more proactive in the international arena, and she proposed a focused international reactor research program that would involve aging issues and PRA. Dr. Catton added that fire protection was another problem area. Dr. Fontana expressed a concern regarding the ability of the agency to maintain its technical capability in the face of reductions in national laboratory and other contract support. Chairman Jackson responded that these questions were being addressed as part of the strategic assessment and rebaselining efforts, as well as through resource planning. In closing, the Chairman noted that she will be relying on the ACRS to provide independent technical advice on issues submitted by the staff as well as the industry to ensure regulatory effectiveness. Specifically, these include review of the SRPs for PRA and I&C as they are developed, involvement in monitoring aging issues, alerting the Commission on issues that could affect the safe operation of plants, providing input on the NRC research program areas (excluding budget), and generally assisting the Commission in continuing to function as a learning organization. CONCLUSION The Committee meets with the NRC Chairman periodically to discuss , items of mutual interest. VI. MEETING WITH THE NRC COMMISSIONERS (Open) (Mr. Sam Duraiswamy was the Designated Federal Official for this portio of the meeting.] The Committee met with the NRC Commissioners on Friday, December 8, 1996, in the One White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland. l The NRC Commissioners were briefed by and held discussions with the Committee on the following topics: o Proposed resolution of Generic Issue 78, " Monitoring of Fatigue Transient Limits for the Reactor Coolant System" l l

s' . 427th ACRS Meeting 12 December 7-8, 1995 e The NEI petition for rulemaking to amend l') CFR 50.48,

                    " Fire Protection" e      Development     of  improved  nondestructive   examination techniques e      National Academy of Sciences / National Research Council study on " Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants, Safety and Reliability Issues" e      Status report of IPEs

[A transcript of that meeting is provided to the ACRS as the record for this portion of the meeting. The transcript is attached as Appendix VI.] VII. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Open) [ Note: Dr. J. Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.] A. Letter Procosed Final Generic Letter "Testina of Safetv-Related Loaic Circuits (Letter to James M. Taylor, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from Robert L. Seale, ACRS Vice-Chairman, dated December 13, 1995) B. Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations [ Note: Mr. S. Duraiswamy was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.] The Committee discussed the response from the NRC Executive Director for Operations to 7tCRS comments and recommendations  ! included in recent ACRS reports: l EDO letter dated November 28, 1995, responding to the ACRS reports dated August 16, 1982 and November 8, 1995 concerning the Application for Operating License for l Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 1. l l The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO ' response. EDO letter dated November 15, 1995, responding to the ACRS report dated October 13, 1995, concerning Revision 1 to Regulatory Guide 1.152 " Criteria for Digital l Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants.". l

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427th ACRS Meeting 13 December 7-8, 1995 I The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO response. EDO letter dated November 14, 1995, responding to the ACRS letter dated October 16, 1995, concerning the Fatigue Action Plan. The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO response. C. Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee _ Held on December 6, 1995' (Open) The Committee heard a report from Dr. Kress on the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee meeting held on December 6, 1995. The following items were discussed:

1. BUDGET IMPACT The Appropriations Bill that covers FY1996 funding for the NRC was signed by the President on November 13, 1995.

Therefore, the NRC should not be affected by any further budgetary negotiations this fiscal year.

2. INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES a) Dr. Birkhofer, of the RSK, is expected to visit the NRC December 7-8 and may request a meeting with ACRS. A meeting between the ACRS and the RSK may be proposed at that time. Dr. Birkhofer is expected to discuss this subject with Chairman Jackson during his visit.

Conclusion The Subcommittee recommends that a bilateral meeting be ] held in Washington in 195s6 if the RSK requests it. i b) ACRS received a letter from the Secretary of the U.K. Advisory Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (ACSNI), expressing an interest in a cooperative agree-ment with the ACRS. ' Conclusion The Subcommittee recommends that the ACRS expand its cooperative agreements to include the United Kingdom and that the ACRS staff-contact the appropriate NRC offices ) to draft an agreement.  ;

! .o - l 427th ACRS Meeting 14 December 7-8, 1995 c) If the ACRS is interested in a quadripartite meeting l (possibly expanded to include the U.K.) scheduled by early FY97, planning for this meeting should begin now. Conclusion The Subcommittee recommends that such a meeting be planned for FY 1997. This is consistent with discussions during the last quadripartite meeting. It is likely that  ; the Japanese will host this meeting. , d) A meeting with the Canadian Advisory Committee on Nuclear Safety has been suggested to discuss performance-based  ! vs. prescriptive regulation. Canadian regulations are I generally performance-based but recent trending is toward i more prescriptive regulation, while the U.S. is going in the opposite direction. I Conclusion i i The Subcommictee recommends that the ACRS staff contact l Professor J.T. Rogers, Chairman of the Canadian Advisory l Committee, to determine their interest in such a meeting.

4) MEMBERS' ISSUES l a) A memorandum by Mr. Carroll requested a letter from the I NRC that clarifies the NRC policy regarding the space needed for working on ACRS matters and storing ACRS  ;

j documents. A draft letter has been prepared. Conclusion l Dr. Larkins has discussed this request with the Office of Administration and is awaiting their response, b) A draft letter has been prepared by Mr. Carroll to Chairman Jackson concerning the Inspector General issues raised earlier this year. Conclusion The draft letter will be discussed when the Full Commit-j tee prepares its reports to the Chairman. i j c) Mr. Carroll has suggested that the ACRS discuss taking a role in the debate on the health effects of low-level radiation. The ACNW is also interested in this subject, along with decommissioning and the NRC staff's approach

,*a . 427th ACRS Meeting 15 December 7-8, 1995 to spent fuel storage issues. The ACRS/ACNW Executive Director suggests that a joint ACRS/ACNW Working Group be established to review these issues and report to their respective Full Committees. This' Joint Working Group could also handle a request from the Spent Fuel Project Office for a meeting with both ACRS and ACNW to discuss their current activities. The Staff Requirements Memorandum 95-249, dated November 29, 1995, on the subject of Risk Harmonization Issues and Recommendations requests a staff briefing on the progress and status of the risk harmonization effort in mid-1996. Conclusion The Subcommittee recommends that a Joint ACRS/ACNW Working Group be established and that the ACRS request that, after the NRC staff briefs the Commission on risk harmonization, the NRC staff brief the ACRS. d) Dr. Catton has requested reconsideration of the dates of the.May and June meetings. Conclusion The Subcommittee will submit this request to the Full Committee. e) During last month's Planning and Procedures Subcommittee discussion, Mr. Lindblad raised a concern regarding the regular scheduling of meetings by the ad hoc. Advisory Panel. As a follow-up to that discussion, Dr. Larkins spoke with Mr-. James M. Taylor, EDO, and it was agreed-that there would be one more meeting of the Advisory Panel, after which the meetings would be on an as-requested basis. f) Dr. Seale raised the issue of ACRS review of a proposed Supplement 1 to Generic Letter 83-11 concerning licensee qualification for performing safety analyses. Conclusion

          .       The Subcommittee recommends that the Full Committee discuss this issue.

g) Mr. Carroll suggested that the ACRS may wish to discuss the status of severe accident management activities. He also asked whether a recent 2.206 petition concerning the distribution of potassium iodide should be discussed by the Committee.

i I 427th ACRS Meeting 16 December 7-8, 1995  ; l Conclusion It was noted that arrangements are being made to schedule a meeting of the Severe Accidents Subcommittee, during which severe accident management activities will be discussed, s The Subcommittee recommends that the Full Committee decide on the need to review the 2.206 petition concern-ing the distribution of potassium iodide.

5) ELECTION OF OFFICERS The following members have declined consideration for election as ACRS officers for CY 1996:

W. J. Lindblad - Chairman and Vice-Chairman J. C. Carroll - Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Member-at-Large C. J. Wylie - Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Member-at-Large D. Future Meetino Acenda Appendix IV summarizes the proposed items endorsed by the . Committee for the 428th ACRS Meeting, February 8-10, l 1995. The 427th ACRS meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. on Friday, December 8, 1995. l l I i i I d 4

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n. _ - ~


                                                                                                                                                        .uim    tend.this cf any potential changue la thapumpened asumed indi                                ces or two working       pr===*=*ta== by and hold discuss 6ame agenda, etc., that may have acommed.                  doye prior to the meeting to be adviend               with repressmanateus of the NBC senE. les anneuhanan, and otherinhessand-i            oseed: Neuenhar 13. tees.                          of me adn           .e dangsela
                                                                                        - ededule etc.,that

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         ""8"8 4             noACRS                    =u       . M #88 .              . _      _=._    Q. . 8,*

betwena Paus.e 7:ssa.m.and t.a.m.d to causant theahese mammed artsCa(Er.r). os . I I and Procedures willhold a snesdag on a,,regg,,,,,g,,,,,,,, ,,g ,,g,,, omoseber s.1oes. Rosen T-ast.11ses

                                                                ****"*'ai nee- W uneens l                                                                                                                      prter to the unsestag to be adeleod of any Rockville Pike. Radville. Maryland.                        no ACRS Maa===ue- as no entire meeting will be open to                 ladividual Piset 8===8==84a== (IPts)                  poesmatal dampein the peepened i

! public an==d==as, with this escopdes of and on Pr a-h8H=*te Risk Asessement agenda, een., that sesy been ecuared. j ay be cloemd pursuana (FRA) willhold a knat on Dund:lessembs136 tenso e to partice S U.S.C. that 582 (2) and (el to discuse Deosamber 14 and 1s.1998, la T- s ,% i l ory==l-tia=al and p - " snetters. ,2Bs.11548 <-ges e } me, ,oia,e solei, to in,e,s, ,, . Rockville Pike, Rockvule. (#R Dec es-M cu *and 11-ae esc a:4s and ! d---- N snesdag will be open to pubhc

rules matterand. . practices of ACRS,
                                                 .oad an        at. - t -                                                                     -

cons eut. a ci.ariy un rr t.d n . aganda ur sa,,ect m g d *Oez,"s".m m.1 *.=-vamam-- - ! * #a," c :=h. m m g Sessguardag RAmant i

           .nall be as follows:                                  a.m. until the conclusion of business.

l Wodaa= day. December 6.1995-2:00 Fddey, Dessen6er 15.1985-4:J0 oJut. In accordance with the of l j P.M. until the conclusion of l==ia- until the conclusion of business. Secticas 29 and 182h. of tosnic i The Suh===ittee will discuse De Sahea==ietens wul continue to Ensegy Act(42 U.S.C. 303e,2232bl.the l proposed ACRS activities and related discuss topics rel nad to Rink Based Advisory Communes on Reedoe I 1 j matters, ne purpose of this mesdag is Pv -" d y Applications (RBRA), e

                                                                                                                               - " wul hold a amesdag on                                             l to gather information. analyse relevant               t aMi tident18cetice of the models,                   h 7-4, tees. la Conturence 1

] issues and facts, and to formulate analysis and regulatory issues that are Roosa T-233.11548 Rockvule Pike. I proposed positions and actions, as currently annoaable to risk bened Rockvine. Maryland,nodemof this appropriate for deliberation by the full regalatory approach and other related 4----- m " in , Committee. matters, ne purpose of this meeting to the F ,,, M.sIfusedey. Oral statements may be tad by to gather informattom analyse relevant August 22.1988 (es FR 43819). members of the public the iseume and facts.and to formulare concurrence of the Suhra==ittee proposed positicas and actices, as Thuredsy, W 7,2885 Chairman: written = ras--ts will be appsoprisee. for deliberstion by the full - 330 A X -a:48 AX:Opsaisig accepted and made available to the e-= nee.= - Remores by the ACRS Chairusen Committee. Electronic recording wtB Oral cass-menes easy be presented by (Open) no ACR$ Chairunan will make be permitted only during these umanhuse of the public witn the opealag reunasks seessding onaduct of of the meeting that are oyente concurremos of the Suhra==ittee the meadng and cia =====* brie 0y public and questions mayheasked only Chairman, written statements willbe regarding itsune of current tatsrest. by members of the hhr=====mame its accopend and made available io the During tMa seasica. the t'a===ittee wiu ' consultants, and staf. Pemsons desising Comanittee. Eletsronic recordiny will di=enan priorities far properation of to make oral statemente should motify bepermitted only during those ACRS reporte. s:48 AX-10rts AX: Proposed Final the co6nivant ACRS staff peroom named of tae saasting that are open to below five days prior to the meeting. if puhuc, and questions may be asked only Generde lamar on "- " , - Testing of ahms of the Subcounnittees,their r_' " possable, so that propriate by consu ==ltants, and staff. Persons desiring- ne ib=.? 4 logic Circuim (Open)-

                                                                                                                                      ==en==will beer prenantations arrangements can            made.                                                                                                                                                 ,

Further information regarding topia to make oral statements should notify by and hold diar ='aam with - to be discussed, the sched of the t ACRS staff engineer re, . ---"ves of the NRC staff sessions open to the public, w the telow live days prior to the regarding the proposed flaal Generic m has been runralled or mooting, ti possible, so that appropriate latter on *-- ,_-heting of Safety-ench uled, the Qiairman's ruling on arrangements can be made. Related LogiaCircuits. During the initial poruon of the R v mesmatatives of the industry will equests for the opportunity to present to. oral statements, and the time allotted m the Subcomnuttees. along with perui.ipate, as ap consultants wbo may be 2000 AX-12:00 :Multgle therefor can be obtained by contacting any of present, may exchange preliminary System flesponses Program (MSRP) the cognizant ACRS staff person.Dr.

                                -         -                                                                                                                                               e

33334 Federal Eagisent / Vol. So, No. 227 / Monday, Nor==har 27, 1995 / Notices W ACRS ca, . ",'g ed h *" E

                                                                                            %*"fle"M"* ,tha *** """"5'd                  e          o 2:30 PX-3Jee Pm  "-- ;with th (Open H N w m m m                                        for ACKS meetings may be adjusted by Director of she         afMaclearAsoceer items that may be discussed with the                he Chaiman as nona==ry to facilitate Ngulation (         (Open)--N                 NRC h                                        the conduct of the meeting, persons 10.m Ax-22:00 Ax: Meeting with Pl anning to attend should chck with c==ittee will heer pressatadens by and hold diamada== with Mr. W1Hiaa            the NRC Chaftman (OpenHN                     the Chief of the Nuclear Reactors Branch Russell. NRR Direcaer, an itsees of         Chainnan will meet with the r==ittee if oud readeduling would result in mutualinternet,             the following to discuss her regulatory agenda and            major inconv==taam Risk /PerforsmanceBased         taeb=a                  y, and other items of =ntual Riek. Based ' , " : Progreen,                  terest. .                                     la ecoordance with Subsection 10(d)

P.l. 93-463 I have determined that it is Activities of the Nuclear lad setry in 22:25 AX-22:25 PR: Paparatio.^ necess l Support of the Risk / Perdoemanon-Based forMeeting with the NHC %jgr.b portions of this above to discuss matters i Regutsetana Apeso and SNWR rwriew Comunisadonors(Open) NCounmittee thatreises status, and A&dE code review, wiH papere for enesting wis b NRC to b intamal peroommelrules andPrectices of this 3.m PK-3:38 e ofthe Planning and Procedurne Seanunfuse r==ialan=3 to diaru= i, tans mutualinterestincludina, g_ of. ' Advisory Counmittee per 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(2), and to discues matters b t (Open/ Closed)-no Comenittee win to amend to CPR 50.44. Pire M mlenes of hear a report of the Planning and Handestructive h==ination wouldcmedtute a j Techniques, and National Academmy of ' clearly unwermated invasion of Procedures Suha===ittee on matters i related to the conduct of ACRS Scianose/Netional Rsenarch Council Personal privacy per S U.S.C. 552b(c)(a). j buaia==a, and organisational and Study on Digital Instrumentation and Further infomadon sugarding topics personnel maatars plating to the ACRS Control to be di- i whether the meeting sta5 members. 1:30 PK-Jaco PK: Meeting with the has been conmiled or :=arhaduled b A portion of this session may be NRC Commissioners (OpenHN Chairman's ruling on requests for b I closed to discu= organisational and r==itte will met with the NRC opportunity to oral statements Personnel enattese that relate solely tn. r==i=aianaes in the Ca==taaioners' and b h a emfwce the intamal personnel rules and Celersnos Room.One White Flint obtained by . - = e.n=~ Mr. Sam practices of this Advisory Comamitta. North, to dham items of mutual Duraiswamy. Chief. Nuclear Reactors and matters the relenes of which would interest including those noted above. Branch (telephone 301/415-7364) constitute a clearly unwarranted 3:25 FX-J:45 PX:Klection of between 7:30 AM and 4:15 P.M. EST-invasion of pwoonal prtvecy Officers for Calendar Year 1998 3:45 PR 4:15 PX: Future ACRS (OpenHb Committee will elect ACRS meeting noticas, meetmg Activities (Open) 'Ibe i ammettee wiH Chairman and Vice Chairman to the transcripts, and letter reports are now discuss rara ==endations af the ACRS, and Member at-Large to the available on FedWorld from the "NRC Pianning and Procedures Sahe -% Planning and Procedures hS9 a-ittee MAIN MENU." Direct Dial Access e


agarding items proposed for for m1=adar Year 1996. number to FedWorld is (800) 303-9672: consideration by the full c-mittee 3:45 FX-5:30 PR: Preparution of the local direct dial number is 703-321-during futum moedags. ACRS Reports (Open)-m emmittee 3339. 4:25 PM-4:30 PX.:Jisconctllation of will matinue its discussion of he ACRS meeting dates for Calendar ACRS Comments and ACRS reports on matters ermd during this meeting. . Year 1996 am provided below* Recommendations (OpenHh Committee will discuss responses of the Promdes for the conduct of and g NRC Executive Disctor for Operations Particigtion in ACRS meetings were g""**"8 1998 ACRS meeerig oones (EDO) to ra===ata and  ;"*"' in the Federal Register on recximmendati.ons ineladad in ascent September 27,1995 (60 FR 49925). In M February 6 10.1996 ACRS h een are accordance with these procedures, oral 423 unsei 7-e. tgoe to be seceived the EDO or written statsenents may be presented 430 Aars 11-13 teos be are the nneseen - - by m-h s of the public, electronic - 43i - usy 23-as 19ae 4:30 rx 4 4s Parneparetsen of reordings will be p=mitted only a u n ao.a2.iese ACRSRepares(Open)-he e - % during the open pardons of the meeting, 433 Augtnea-10 ines wtH discuss psoposse ACRSsoportson and eedoms may be asked only by 434 Septenter 12-14.1996 matters cr=ddased dadag this emedag of the Committee,its 436 ._ oomber 10-12, ises es well as a proposed ACRS report on casultants, and sta5. Persons desiring 436 m h 7-e.tses resolution of Generic Sainty leeue 78, to make oral statements should notify 437 - December 5-7.1998 Monitoring of retsgue wensient Limits Mr. Sam Duraiswamy, Chief. Nuclear for the Reactor Coolant System" Faears Branch, at least Sn days M Ntaemter20 ten Lefore the meeting,if possible, so that Andrew 1 Sense Friday, December 8,2995 appmpriate arrangements can be made AMearyCommirase Manapmer ONw L30 AX-d:35 AX:Opasting to allow the nar=aaary time during the (FR Doc. mass 36 Filed 11-M e e ad Remorts by the ACRS Chairman meeting for such statementa. Use of still, (Open)-N ACRS Onairman wiB make motion picture, and television cameros """"' " opening reunarks regarding made of during this meeting may be hmited to the meeting. selected portions of the meeting as B35 AM-b:25 AM:Prwr ion of determined by the Chatrman. ACRS Reports (OpenHN r== tune Information regarding the time to be set .

                                                                                           -m' Y C N #3C.
      . - . . . A s@ w.2                                                    .     -
 * *"
  • Appendix II
        ,[       #'o,                                         UNITED STATES
       !"              t                      NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                                  I

{ ,$ ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS l o, wAsumarow. o. c. 20ses l Decesaber 5, 1995 (Revised) l l SCIEDULE AND OUTLINE FOR DISCUSSION l 427th ACRS MEETING-DECEMBER 7-8, 1995 l Thursday. Dec "-er 7. 1995. Conference B m_ 2B3. T-e White Flint Marth. Rockville. Maryland f

1) 8:30 -

8:45 A.M. Onenina Ramarks by the AFDA Chairman (Open) 1.1) Opening Statement (TSK/SD) 1.2) Items of Current Interest (TSK/JTL/SD) 1.3) Priorities for Preparation of ACRS Reports (TSK/SD)

2) 8:45 -

10:33 A.M. ProDosed Final Generic Letter on Testina

    ~/                                                    of Safetv-Related Locie Circuits (Open)

(DWM/NFD/M'IM) 2.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 2.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff j regarding the proposed final Generic  ; Letter on Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits. l Representatives of the industry will  ! participate, as appropriate. N 10: N - 10:30 A.M. BREAK

3) 10:30 - 12:00 Noon Multiole System Resnonses Procram (MSRP)

(Open) (CJW/PAB) 3.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 3.2) Briefing by and discur,aions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the resolution of the MSRP issues. 12: N - 1:30 P.M. LUNCH I5 0

4) 1:30 -

3 : M P.M. Meetina with the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Reculation (NRR) (Open) l (TSK/MME) 4.1) Remarks by the ACRS Chairman l 4.2) Briefing by and discussions with i Mr. Russell, NRR Director, on items of mutual interest, including the 5 following: itsatibl fE u & tke M:zbh). - i

l I i i i 2

e Risk /larformance-Based Regulations
  • Risk-Based Inspection Program e Activities of the Nuclear industry in i support of the risk / performance-based
regulations 8 AP600 and SBWR review status l

e Staff evaluation of the 1994 Addenda to the ASME Code Section III, for Class 1, j' 2, and 3 Piping Systems

5) 3: -

3:3hP.M.8 Renort of the plannina and Proceduras ' 3!35 -- 0 34 subcommittee (open/ Closed) (TSK/JTL) Report of the Planning and Procedures Sub-i I V conunittee on matters related to the conduct of ACRS business, and organizational and , personnel matters relating to the ACRS staff 1 members.  ;

[ Note: A portion of this session may be
closed to discuss organizational and person-i nel matters that relate solely to the inter- ,

nal personnel rules and practices of.this  ! i

                                                                                        . Advisory Committee, and matters the release i                                                                                          of which would constitute a clearly unwar-4                                                                                          ranted invasion of personal privacy.]

i Y' 34 50 ! 6) 4e60 - 4:00 P.M. Future ACRS Activities (Open) .(TSK/SD) Discussion of the recommendations of'the

Planning and Procedures Subconunittee regard-ing items propored for. consideration by the
full Committee during future meetings.

F P,s t ,.. c 4 A D C c. f l l

7) 4.00 -

4.15 P.M. Reconciliation of ANA C. nts and Recom-mandations (Open) (TSK,, i f.1/t/97 3:35 - 3 $ P./1.J Discussion of the responses from the NRC j*' j Executive Director for Operations to com-ments and recomunendations included in recent j ACRS reports. t 0 . ". - 0:?^ P.". BREAK i Go 6:oS j 8) 4: 3G - SIE5 P.M. Prenaration of AMA Renorts (Open)

 ,                                                                                        Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:

j 8.1) Resolution of Generic Safety Issue 70, i " Monitoring of Fatigue-Transient

 ;                                                                                                        Limits for the Reactor Coolant i                                                                                                          System" (DAP/RLS/NPD)                          !

. \

l 3 l 1 8.2) Proposed Final Generic Letter on Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits (DWM/NFD/MIM) l 8.3) Resolution of Multiple System Responses Program issues (CJW/PAB) Friday. Dec--Ser 8. 1995. Confer =aae m e a= 2B3. T-G White Flint Morth. Rockville. Ma rv1= =d

9) 8:30 -

8:35 A.M. Ocenino Ramarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open) (TSK/SD) 21

10) 8:35 -

9:DS A.M. Prenaration of ACRS Reoorts (Open) Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on: 10.1) Proposed Final Generic Letter on Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits (DWM/NFD/MTM) 10.2) Resolution of Multiple System

  • Responses Program issues (CJW/PAB) 2 2. 49
11) 9:25 -

9 : 45 A.M. Precaration for M eetina with the NRC Chairman (Open) (TSK/IEE) Discussion of topics for meeting with the NRC Chairman 2 9 9: 45 - 10 : 0A A.M. BREAK

12) 10:0 -

11:00 A.M. ,Meetine with the NRC Chairman (Open) (TSK/MME) Meeting with the NRC Chairman to discuss the Chairman's regulatory agenda and philosophy. 20 11:00 - 11:FE A.M. BREAK 2C

13) 11:25 -

12:15 P.M. Precaration for Meetina with the NRC Commissioners (Open) (TSK, Prepa. ration for meeting with the NRC Commissioners to discuss the following items: l e Resolution of Generic Safety Issue 78, l Monitoring Fatigue Transient Limits for the Reactor Coolant System (DAP/RLS/NFD) e Rulemaking to amend 10 CFR 50.48, Fire Protection (IC/GA/NFD) l

 . .. l 1                                                 4 1

I e Nondestructive Extanination Techniques l (RLS/NFD)

  • NAS Study on Digital I&C (DWM/MIM) e Regulatory Guide 1.152, Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants (DWM/MIM) ,


  • Use of IPE in the Regulatory ProcesE -

Status Report (GA/ leg) 12:15 - 1:15 P.M. LUNCH

                              .25                                                        l
14) 1:30 -

3:Op P.M. Meetina with the NRC Cew=nissioners (Open) . (TSK,, l Meeting with the NRC Conmissioners in the  : Co:mnissioners' Conference Room, One White  ! V Flint North, to discuss the matters identi-fied under Item 13. 3 : XS" - 3',27 Rs. ie rba (See .~Etem ?,P. 2) *

15) 3:p7 -

3:45 P.M. Election of Officers for CY 1996 - (Open) i (TSK/JTL/CAH) Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman to the ACRS, and Member-at-Large for the Planning and Procedures Subconmittee. L: 10

16) 3:45 -

SGQ P .M. Prenaration of ACRS Renorts (Open) Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on: 16.1) Proposed Final Generic Letter on Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits (DWM/NFD/MIM) 16.2) Resolution of Multiple System Responses Program issues (CJW/PAB) NOTE:

  • Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a specific ites. The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.
  • Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the ACRS - 35.

l I l l

_ _ . ~ . . . - - . __ m _. . . - . _. _ - . - - - . i *

 -,          l APPENDIX III:        MEETING ATTENDEES 427TH ACRS MEETING DECEMBER 7-8, 1995 NRC STAFF December 7 l

l J. Fair NRR/DE J. Wermiel NRR/DRCH/HICB G. Kelly NRR/DRPW/PD33 B. Boger NRR/DRCH L. Soffer EDO R. Emrit RES/DET/GSIB M. Drouin RES/ DST /PRAB J. Chen RES/ DST /PRAB W. Hodges RES/ DST C. Serpan RES/ DST T. King RES/ DST M. Vagins RES/DET T. Hsia NRR/SPSB M. Mayfield RES/DET W.T. Russell NRR M.N. Leach NRR/DSSA R.H. Bernhard NRR/DSSA (RII, ORT) C.M. Craig NRR/DRPM R. Borchards NRR/ DISP L. Plisco NRR/ DISP A. Chaffee NRR/DRPM/PECB D. Crutchfield NRR/DRPM E. Goddin NRR/DRPM M. Virgilio NRR B. Grimes NRR December 8, 1995 L. Soffer- EDO S. West NRR l

 .   .i ,

Appendix III 2 427th ACRS Meeting ATTENDEES FROM OTHER AGENCIES AND GENERAL PUBLIC December 7 A. Wyche SERCH Licensing /Bechtel B. Morgan Winston/Strawn P. Negus GE S. Katradis NUS Corp / Licensing B. Bradley NEI L. Connor STS, Inc. D.J. Fulford LIS/NUS L. Zerr STS M.'Straul Scientech Boione Scientech R. Huston TVA December 8 A. MacKinney NEI W. Murphy NEI A. Wyche SERCH Licensing /Eachtel R. Huston- TVA

           , =.              -                         ,. _.              .       -.                         .- -     - - _ _ - . - .       .    . ..

i 1, APPENDIX IV: FUTURE AGENDA l The Committee agreed to consider the following during the 428th { ACRS Meeting, February 8-10, 1995- 1 I Thursday, February 8, 1996, Conference Room 2B3, Two White Flint North, Rockville, Maryland i

1) 8:30 -

8:45 A.M. Onenina Remarks by the ACRS Chairman ' 1.1) Opening Statement (TSK/SD) 1.2) Items of Current Interest (TSK/JTL/SD) l 1.3) Priorities for Preparation of ACRS  ! Reports (TSK/SD) l 4

2) 8:45 - 10:45 A.M. Adecuacy of Individual Plant Examinations
,                              2.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman j                               2.2) Briefing by and discussions with 1

representatives of the NRC staff { regarding the adequacy of the IPEs l for regulatory applications. t Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate. 10:45 - 11 00 A.M. BREAK

3) 11:00 - 2:45 P.M. Recirculation Sumo Strainer Cloccing Events I 3.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 3.2) Briefing by and discussions with .

representatives of the NRC staff l i and BWR Owners Group regarding the l recirculation sump strainer clogging i events, including those that occurred at Barseback, Perry, and Limerick l Nuclear Power Plants, and the associa-  ! ted regulatory actions. l (12:30 - 1:30 P.M.- LUNCH) 2:45 - 3:00 P.M. BREAK I

4) 3:00 -

5:00 P.M. Westinchouse COBRA / TRAC Best-Estimate Thermal Hydraulic Code (Open/ Closed) 4.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 4.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation and the NRC staff regarding the Westinghouse COBRA / TRAC best-

i Appendix IV 2 4Mth ACRS Meeting 6(27 \ estimate code to be used in support of the AP600 passive plant design certification. l (Note: A portion of this session may be  ! closed to discuss Westinghouse proprietary information applicable to this matter.] 5:00 - 5:15 P.M. BREAK

5) 5:15 -

6:45 P.M. Prenaration of ACRS Reoorts Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on: 5.1) Annual ACRS Report to Congress on the NRC Safety Research Program 5.2) Regulatory Actions related to Recirculation Sump Strainer Clogging Events 5.3) Westinghouse COBRA / TRAC Best-Estimate l Thermal Hydraulic Code 5.4) Resolution of Multiple System Responses Program (MSRP) issues 5.5) Adequacy of Individual Plant Examinations Friday, February 9, 1996, Conference Roam 2B3, Two White Flint North, Rockville, Maryland

6) 8:30 -

8:35 A.M. Ocenine Remarks by the ACRS Chairman

7) 8:35 -

10:00 A.M. Human Performance Procram Plan 7.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 7.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the Human Performance Program Plan developed by the staff to integrate all NRC activities in this area. Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate. 10:00 - 10:15 A.M. BREAK

8) 10:15 - 11:45 A.M. Imolementation Guidance for License Renewal 8.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 8.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding updated implementation


 .- a :

Appendix IV 3 446th ACRS Meeting J/AQ1 guidance for license renewal. 1 Representatives of the nuclear industry will I partic?.pate, as appropriate.

9) 11:45 - 12:00 Noon Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations Discussion of the responses from the NRC Executive Director for Operations to comments and recommen-dations included in recent ACRS reports.

12:00 - 1:00 P.M. LUNCH

10) 1:00 -

2:30 P.M. Proposed Final Revision 2 to Reculatory Guide i 1.149, Nuclear Power Plant Simulation l Facilities for Use in Ooerator License ' Examinations , l 10.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 10.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed final Revision  ; 2 to Regulatory Guide 1.149. Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.

11) 2:30 -

3:00 P.M. Renort of the Plannina and Procedures Subcommittee Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee on matters related to the conduct of ACRS business, and organizational and personnel matters relating to the ACRS staff members. [ Note: A portion of this session may be closed to discuss organizational and personnel matters that relate solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of this Advisory Committee, and matters the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.] 3:00 - 3:15 P.M. BREAK

12) 3:15 -

3:45 P.M. Future ACRS Activities Discussion of the recommendations of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee regarding items proposed for consideration by the full Committee during future meetings.


Appendix IV 4 m th ACRS Meeting

13) 3:45 -

6:45 P.M. Preoaration of ACRS Reoorts Continue discussion of proposed ACRS reports on: 13.1) Annual ACRS Report to Congress on the NRC Safety Research Program 13.2) Regulatory Actions related to Recirculation Sump Strainer Clogging Events 13.3) Westinghouse COBRA / TRAC Best-Estimate Thermal Hydraulic Code 13.4) Resolution of Multiple System Responses Program (MSRP) issues 13.5) Adequacy of Individual Plant Examina-tions 13.6) Proposed Final Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide 1.149, Nuclear Power- Plant Simulation Facilities for Use in Operator License Examinations Saturday, February 10, 1996, Conference Room 2B3, Two White Flint North, Rockville, Maryland

14) 8:30 - 11:30 A.M. Precaration of ACRS Recorts Continue discussion of proposed ACRS reports identified under Item 13.

11:30 - 11:45 A.M. BREAK

15) 11:45 -

1:30 P.M. Stratecic Plannino Discussion of items of significant importance to NRC, including rebaselining of the Committee activities for FY 96-97. l l

 . 4

LIST OF DOCUMENTS PROVIDED TO THE COMMITTEE l [ Note: Some documents listed below may have been provided or prepared for Committee use only. These documents must be reviewed prior to release to the public.] MEETING HANDOUTS I AGENDA DOCUMENTS ITEM NO. 1 Ooenino Remarks by the ACRS Chairman

1. Introductory Statement of the ACRS Chairman, dated December 7, 1995.
2. Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, Secretary, to James M.

Taylor, Executive Director for Operations, dated i Septe nber 18, 1995: COMSECY-95-033 - Proposed Dollar per  ! Persvn-Rem Conversion Factor; Response to SRM Concerning Issuance of Regulatory Analysis Guidelines of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and SRM Concerning the Need for a Backfit Rule for materials Licensees (RES-950225) (WITS-9100294).

3. Article from Nuclear News, November,1995: "An interview with Shirley Jackson, new NRC chair."
4. Article from Nuclear News, September, 1995: "The Health Effects of Low-Level Radiation."

2 Procosed Final Generic Letter on Testino of Safetv-Related Locic Circuits

3. Memorandum from James M. Taylor, Executive Director for 4

Operations, to the Commissioners, dated December 4,1995: Proposed NRC Generic Letter 95-XX, " Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits."

6. Generic Letter 95-XX, Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits, dated December 7, 1995, presented by Hukam C.

Garg. [Viewgraphs]

7. Memorandum from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, to James M. Taylor, Executive Director for Operations, dated May 10, 1995: Proposed NRC Generic Letter Regarding Inadequate Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits.
8. Memorandum from Brian K. Grimes, NRR, to John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated April 21, 1995:

Forwarding of Proposed NRC Generic Letter Regarding Inadequate Terting of Safety-Related Logic Circuits.

           .-      .   . .       .        .- -.               .   -  . . - .    ~  .. . - _ . . .

t *) ! l


l Appendix V 2

              +teth ACRS Meeting A'A1 i

3 Multiole System Resoonses Proaram (MSRP) l l

9. Overview of MSRP Issues and IPE/IPEEE Process, dated l December 7, 1995, Presented by August Cronenberg, Senior ACRS Fellow [Viewgraphs) i l 10. Multiple Systems Responses Program [Viewgraph] l
11. IPE/IPEEE Review Process and MSRP Issues, presented by Mary Drouin, RES, dated December 7, 1995 '

i 1 4 Meetina with the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor i

Reculation (NRR) i
12. ACRS Meeting: Discussion of Items of Mutual Interest, dated December 7, 1995, presented by William T. Russell, Director, NRR [Viewgraphs) a
13. Draft Task Action Plans, pp. B-7, B-8 [Viewgraphs]

i 5 Report of the Plannina and Procedures Subcommittee,

14. Final Draft Minutes of Planning and Procedures i

{ Subcommittee Meeting - December 6, 1995 [ Handout #5.1] l 6 Future ACRS Activities

15. Future ACRS Activities - 428th ACRS Meeting, February 8-10, 1996 [ Handout #6.1] i 7 Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations ~  ;


16. Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations i [ Handout #7.1]
11' Precaration for Meetina with NRC Commissioners Memorandum from John
17. T. Larkins, Executive Director, 3 ACRS, to John . C. Hoyle, Secretary of the Commission,  ;

dated December 8, 1995: Schedule / Background Information 1 6

4 t Yo i


Appendix V 3

             -4+9th Ac:tS Meeting MZ27                                                                                          ;

MEETING NOTEBOOK CONTENTS Ild DOCUMENTS i 2. Procosed Final Generic Letter on Testino of Safetv-Related Locic Circuits ,

1. Table of Contents
2. Agenda  !
3. Project Status Report, dated December 7, 1995 Memorandum from Frank J. Miraglia, Deputy Director, NRR, 4.

to Edward L. Jordan, Chairman, Committee to review Generic requirements, dated October 18, 1995 i

                           -5. NRC Generic Letter No. 95-XX: Testing of Safety-Related Logic Circuits, dated September XX, 1995
3. Multiole System Resoonses Procram (MSRP)
  • l 6. Table of Contents
7. Tentative Agenda
8. Status Report, dated December 7, 1995 4
9. Memorandum from August W. Cronenberg, Senior ACRS Fellow, to ACRS Members and Staff, dated November 22, 1995
10. Memorandum from Lawrence C. Shao, Director, Division of Engineering Technology, NRR, to David L. Morrison, ,

Director, RES: Multiple System Responses Program - Final ' Report, dated August 2, 1995 j j

4. Meetino wi th the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Reculation (NRR) 4
11. Table of Contents
10. Tentative Agenda
,                         11. Status Report, dated December 7 1995 l                          12. Memorandum from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS,   to William T. Russell, Director, NRR, dated November 28, 1995: ACRS Meeting with the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, December 7, 1995, Rockville, Maryland
8. Preparation of ACRS Reoorts l
13. Table of Contents
14. Status Report, dated December 7, 1995 l
15. Draft Letter to James M. Taylor, EDO, dated November 15, 1995: Resolution of Generic Safety Issue 78, Monitoring i Transient Limits for the Reactor Coolant System
16. Memorandum from James M. Taylor, EDO, to the Commissioners, dated September 25, 1995: SECY-95-245:

Completion of the Fatigue Action Plan. l J

! r P, !                                                                                                 .




Friday, December 8,1995 i

l Pages: 1 - 61 i i . ANN RILEY & ASSOCIATES, LTD.

;                                         1250 I St., N.W., Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 842            ..- -

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