CP-202100155, (CPNPP) - Decommissioning Report

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(CPNPP) - Decommissioning Report
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/2021
From: Sewell S
Luminant, Vistra Operating Co. (VistraOpCo)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CP-202100155, TXX-21066
Download: ML21090A337 (378)


m Steven K. Sewell Senior Director, Engineering & Regulatory Affairs Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (Vistra Operations Luminant Company LLC)

P.O. Box 1002 6322 North FM 56 Glen Rose, TX 76043 T 254.897.6113 CP-202100155 TXX-21066 March 31, 2021 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Ref 10 CFR 50.75(f)

ATIN: Document Control Desk 10 CFR 72.30(c)

Washington, DC 20555-0001


Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (CPNPP)

Docket Nos. 50-445 and 50-446 and 72-74 Decommissioning Report

Dear Sir or Madam:

Attached is the biennial decommissioning report for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (CPNPP) Units 1 and 2, prepared and submitted by Vistra Operations Company LLC (Vistra OpCo / operator) pursuant to 10CFR50.75(f) and 10CFR72.30(c). Comanche Peak Power Company LLC (CP PowerCo / owner) is an unregulated utility and therefore does not meet the definition of an electric utility as defined by 10CFR50.2.

The recovery of decommissioning funds for the eventual decommissioning of CPNPP Units 1 and 2 is assured through the collection of a non-bypassable charge which is subsequently contributed to an external trust.

The applicable sections of the citation (e.g., an Order by the rate-regulatory authority) by the regulatory authority that allows for the collection of non-bypassable charges established for the collection of decommissioning funds estimated to be required under 10 CFR 50.75(b) and (c) is provided below.

The distribution utility will collect from customers and the generation company will contribute all funds collected to the decommissioning trust fund:

  • Enclosure to TXX-21066, Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Docket No. 50945, Item No. 23, Order dated January 29, 2021, page 2 of 7, paragraph #11.

The annual collection rate for each unit:

  • Enclosure to TXX-21066, PUCT Docket No. 50945, Item No. 1, 2020 Funding Analysis, Annual Projected Funding Requirement, Exhibit 4, Pages 20-24 of 24.
  • Enclosure to TXX-21066, PUCT Docket No. 50945, Item No. 23, Order dated January 29, 2021, Page 7 of 7, paragraph #1 and 2 of Section III.

Also, pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 72.30(c), Vistra OpCo is submitting the 2021 Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (CPNPP) Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Docket No. 72-74 (CPNPP ISFSI). Attachment 2 to this letter contains the information required by 10 CFR 72.30(b).

The amounts to be collected for CPNPP decommissioning are based on a site specific decommissioning study that includes direct waste disposal. In addition, the radiological cost component breakdown of the 2019 Site Specific cost is included in the 2020 Financial Assurance filing (Enclosure to TXX-21066, PUCT Docket No.

50945, Item No. 1, Comanche Peak Power Company LLC Filing dated June 16, 2020, document Lll-1774-001, Rev. 0, Page xx of xxi).

TXX-21066 Page2 of2 When projected to the license expiration date for each unit using the 2 percent annual real rate of return as allowed per 10CFR50.75(e)(ii), the projected Nuclear Decommissioning Trust balance is greater than the escalated NRC minimum cost of decommissioning for Units 1 and 2.

Should you have any questions, please contact Carl B. Corbin at (254) 897-0121 or carl.corbin@luminant.com.

Sincerely, Sc.L~

Steven K. Sewell 2021 Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 2021 Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Enclosure Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT), Docket No. 50945 (Item Numbers 1 through 24),

Application of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC for review of Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis c (email) - Scott Morris, Region IV [Scott.Morris@nrc.gov]

Dennis Galvin, NRR [Dennis.Galvin@nrc.gov]

John Ellegood, Senior Resident Inspector, CPNPP Uohn.Ellegood@nrc.gov]

Neil Day, Resident Inspector, CPNPP [Neil.Day@nrc.gov]

Attachment to TXX-21066 2021 Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Page 1 of2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 NRC Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Financial Assurance at December 31, 2020 Luminant Generation Company LLC Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (CPNPP)

Information is submitted to provide Financial Assurance Unit#2

1. The minimum amount of decommissioning fimds estimated to be required pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75 (b) and (c).

At December 31, 2020 Using NRC 10 CFR 50.75(c) formulas (Note 1) $ 404.8 million $ 404.8 million Site-specific study (Note 2) (Note 4) $ 873.2 million $ 902.0 million

2. The amount accumulated at the end of the calendar year preceding the date of the report for items included in 10 CFR 50.75 (b) and (c).

Investment categories per Regulatory Guide 1.159 2.6.2. (Note 3)

Cash 1% 1%

U.S. Equities 63% 63%

U.S. Fixed Income 36% 36%

100% 100%

Market Value at December 31, 2020 $ 797.8 million $ 875.9 million

3. A schedule of the amrual amounts remaining to be collected for items in 10 CFR 50.75 (b) and (c). Unit# 1 Unit#2 Years 2021 through 2029 ( 9 years) 14.0 million 5.4 million Year2030 3.5 million 5.4 million Year2031 5.4million Year2032 5.4 million Year2033 1.3 million Totals $ 129.4 million $ 65.7 million
4. The assumptioDS used regarding escalation in decommissioning costs, rates of earnings on decommissioning fimds, and rates of other factors used in fimding projectioDS. Unit# 1 Unit#2 Estimated Escalation rate for decommissioning costs (Note 4) 2.6680% 2.6400%

Estimated Earnings rates on decommissioning fimds (Note 5) 2021 through 2029 3.73% 3.73%

2030 through 2091 3.04% 3.04%

2092 and thereafter 2.19% 2.19%

Rates of other factors used in fimding projectioDS None None

5. Any power sale contracts upon which liceDSee is relying to certifying financial assurance. None None
6. ModificatiODS to licensee's method of providing financial assurance since previous report. None None
7. Material changes to trust agreement. None None NOTE: All forecast data are based on the Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis filed with the Public Utility Commission ofTexas on June 16, 2020 and is subject to approval by the Commission.

Attachment to TXX-21066 2021 Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Page 2 of2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 Note 1 Labor (South) and Energy are based on BLS (Lx=2.758, Ex=2.256) as of December 2020. Burial inflation factors are based on NUREG 1307, "Report on Waste Burial Charges," Revision 18 (Bx=8.040).

Note2 The Site Specific Decommissioning Cost estimates for unit 1 and 2, with a 10% contingency adjustment, are provided in the Enclosure to TXX-21066 (Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Docket No.

50945, Iteml, Financial Escalation Analysis Document Ll 1-1774-002, Rev. 0, beginning Page 14 and 22 of29).

Note3 The after-tax amount of funds accumulated through December 31, 2020 is provided below.

Tax Basis Market Value After Tax Unit 1 $399,909,707.36 $797,770,529.35 $718,198,364.95 Unit 2 $442,985,649.11 $875,902,564.95 $789,319,181.78 Total $842,895,356.47 $1,673,673,094.30 $1,507,517,546.73 Note: Calculation of after tax balance assumes 20% tax rate.

Note4 The rate of escalation in decommissioning costs for Unit 1 and 2 are provided in the Enclosure to TXX-21066 (PUCT Docket No. 50945, Item 1, Financial Escalation Analysis Document Ll 1-1774-002, Rev.

0, Page 7 of37).

Note5 The rate of earnings on decommissioning funds is provided in the Enclosure to TXX-21066 (PUCT Docket No. 50945, Item 1, Exhibit 2 of Funding Analysis dated June 2020, pg 13-15 of24). The Net Expected Investment Returns Allocation Factor in this schedule represents the weighted average allocations during the referenced Period as established in the June 16, 2020 filing.

to TXX-21066 Page I of3 2021 Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.30(c), each licensee for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI), including an ISFSI licensed under the General License provided for in 10 CFR Part 72, Subpart K, is required, at intervals not to exceed 3 years, to resubmit a decommissioning funding plan with adjustments as necessary to account for changes in costs and the extent of contamination, as well as information regarding the financial assurance provided for funding such costs. Vistra Operations Company LLC (Vistra OpCo) provides the following information regarding the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (CPNPP) Units 1 and 2 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Docket No. 72-74 (CPNPP ISFSI):

1. Information on how reasonable assurance will be provided that funds will be available to decommission the ISFSI:

See response to number 4 below, which discusses the appropriate method of financial assurance contemplated under 10 CFR 72.30(e).

2. A detailed cost estimate (DCE) for decommissioning:

In a report dated May 2020, TLG Services, Inc. (TLG) (Enclosure to TXX-21066) prepared a site specific Decommissioning Cost Study (with an adequate contingency factor) for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (CPNPP) that included the costs of decommissioning the ISFSI. The TLG Report determined the total cost of decommissioning the CPNPP ISFSI to be:

2019 Dollars Escalation Factor (%) 2020 Dollars (million) (from TLG Report) (million)

(Notel) (Note2)

Unitl 5.2 2.668 5.35 Unit2 5.2 2.640 5.34 Total 10.69 This cost estimate includes the cost of an independent contractor to perform all decommissioning activities and the cost of meeting the 10 CFR 20.1402 criteria for unrestricted release.

Below is the effect of the following on the detailed cost estimate since the previous report.

Spills of radioactive material producing additional None residual radioactivity in onsite subsurface material Facility modifications None (Note3)

Changes in authorized possession limits None to TXX-21066 Page 2 of3 2021 Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Actual remediation costs that exceed the previous None cost estimate

3. Identification of and justification for using the key assumptions contained in the decommissioning cost estimate:

The assumptions used in the development of the decommissioning cost estimate and their justification can be found in the TLG Report.

4. A description of the method of assuring funds for decommissioning from 10 CFR 72.30(e), including means of adjusting cost estimates and associated funding levels periodically over the life of the facility:

Vistra OpCo is using the external sinking fund method as authorized in 10 CFR 72.30(e)(5) and 50.75(e)(l)(ii). Vistra OpCo recovers its costs for decommissioning through cost of service ratemaking, including the estimated costs to decommission the CPNPP ISFSI, which are included in the TLG Report. Pursuant to Substantive Rule 25.303(£)(2) of the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT), the TLG Report is updated, and the required annual funding amount necessary to decommission CPNPP is adjusted under the jurisdiction of the PUCT.

In the event that funds remaining to be placed into the Vistra OpCo' s external sinking funds are no longer approved for recovery in rates by competent rate making authorities, Vistra OpCo will make changes to provide financial assurance using one or more of the methods stated in 10 CFR 72.30(e)(l)-(4).

5. The volume of onsite subsurface material containing residual radioactivity that will require remediation to meet the criteria for license termination:

There has been no event at the ISFSI facility to lead us to believe there is subsurface contamination. Therefore, Vistra OpCo assumes that there is no volume of onsite subsurface material containing residual radioactivity that will require remediation to meet the criteria for license termination.

6. A certification that financial assurance for decommission has been provided in the amount of the cost estimate for decommissioning:

The submission of this report serves as certification that financial assurance has been provided in the amount of the cost estimate for decommissioning.

to TXX-21066 Page 3 of3 2021 Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Notel The cost is without contingency is provided in Enclosure to letter TXX-21066 (Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Docket No. 50945, Item No. 1, document Lll-1774-001, Rev. 0, Appendix E, page 2 of 2, Table E, "Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant ISFSI Decommissioning Cost Estimate").

Note2 The rate of escalation in decommissioning costs are provided in the Enclosure to TXX-21066 (PUCT Docket No. 50945, Item No. 1, document Lll-1774-002, Rev. 0, Table 1, "Escalation Summary)

Note3 Enclosure to TXX-21066 (PUCT Docket No. 50945, Item 1, document Lll-1703-002, Rev. 0, dated May 2020, page viii of xxi) states in part, "The only substantive changes made to the plant inventory from the 2014 analysis (that would impact decommissioning) is the addition of the Stator Rewind building." These changes (Stator Rewind building) are within the scope of the analysis under 10 CFR 50.75 which is included in Attachment 1 to TXX-21066.

Enclosure to TXX-21066 11111 1 1111 11 11 Control Number: 50945 1111111111111111 11111111111111 Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage: 0

C'T 45 was, EN ERGY STEPHANIE ZAPATA MOORE Executive Vice President 8(

General Counsel Vistra Energy 6555 Sierra Drive Irving, TX 75039 o 214.875.8183 m 214.542.6460 June 16, 2020 Filing Clerk Public Utility Commission of Texas 1701 Congress Avenue P.O. Box 13326 Austin, TX 78711-3326 RE: Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis Pursuant to 16 TAC

§ 25.303(f)(2)

In compliance with 16 Tex. Admin. Code (TAC) § 25.303(0(2), Comanche Peak Power Company LLC ("Comanche Peak"), as Transferee Company, hereby files:

(1) A study of the decommissioning costs of Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant ("CPNPP"),

the Decommissioning Cost Analysis for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, prepared by TLG Services, Inc. dated May 2020 ("Decommissioning Study") (Attachment A);

(2) A financial escalation analysis of the decommissioning costs of CPNPP, the Financial Escalation Analysis for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, prepared by TLG Services, Inc. dated May 2020 ("Financial Escalation Analysis") (Attachment B); and (3) An updated funding analysis, the Funding Analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, prepared by Comanche Peak dated June 2020 ("Funding Analysis") (Attachment C).

The Funding Analysis calculates the required annual funding amount necessary to ensure sufficient funds to decommission both units of CPNPP, which, according to the Financial Escalation Analysis, is

$1,729 million in 2019 dollars for the prompt decommissioning alternative ("DECON") with a 10 percent contingency (see Tables 4 and 5). As shown on page 24 of Exhibit 4 of the Funding Analysis, an annual amount of $19.4 million throughout the remaining operating life of CPNPP is necessary to fully fund the anticipated decommissioning costs for CPNPP Units 1 and 2.

6555 SIERRA DRIVE IRVING, IEXAS 75034 o 213-875-8004 VIS1RAENERGI COM Lumlnant

June 16, 2020, Page 2 The Funding Analysis additionally contains within the study a description of the assumptions used in the analysis. Although the Decommissioning Study recommended an appropriate contingency of approximately 17.29 percent for Unit 1 and 17.55 percent for Unit 2 for the DECON alternative (see Appendix C), in compliance with 16 TAC § 25.303(0(2), an allowance for contingency of 10 percent was used in the Financial Escalation Analysis and Funding Analysis. In addition, because there is only a -2.7 percent difference between the required funding levels resulting from the Funding Analysis ($19.4 million) and the five year average CPNPP decommissioning fund collections from 2015-2019 ($19.9 million annually) and because of the assumptions in the Decommissioning Study, Financial Escalation Analysis, and Funding Analysis likely have inherent and considerable uncertainty based on the predictability of long-term costs and market conditions, Comanche Peak proposes no change in the current collection rate. Comanche Peak does propose an adjustment in the allocation between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds from 57.1 percent for Unit 1 and 42.9 percent for Unit 2 to 72.3 percent for Unit 1 and 27.7 percent for Unit 2 (see page 24 of Exhibit 4 of the Funding Analysis).

If you have any questions or require additional information concerning this filing, please contact me at 214-875-8183.

Respectfully Submitted, By: /s/ Stephanie Zapata Moore Stephanie Zapata Moore Executive Vice President and General Counsel 6555 Sierra Drive Irving, Texas 5039 (214) 875-8183 (phone)

(214) 875-9478 (fax)


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Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 DECOMMISSIONING COST ANALYSIS for the COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT prepared for Comanche Peak Power Company LLC prepared by TLG Services, Inc.

Bridgewater, Connecticut May 2020 000004

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page ii of xxi APPROVALS f leAt I

-X ' 5 N Project Manager Roderick Knight Date Project Engineer Technical Manager rancis W. Sey TLG Services, Inc. 000005

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page iii of xxi TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE EXECUTIVE



1. INTRODUCTION 1-1 1 1 Objectives of Study 1-1 1.2 Site Description 1-2 1.3 Regulatory Guidance 1-3 1.3.1 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management 1-4 1.3.2 High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 1-5 1.3.3 Radiological Criteria for License Termination 1-9
2. DE COMMI SSIO MNG ALTERNATIVES 2-1 2.1 DECON 2-2 2.1.1 Period 1 - Preparations 2-2 2.1.2 Period 2 - Decommissioning Operations 2-4 2.1.3 Period 3 - Site Restoration 2-7 2.1.4 ISFSI Operations and Decommissioning 2-8 2.2 SAFSTOR 2-9 2.2.1 Period 1 - Preparations 2-9 2.2.2 Period 2 - Dormancy 2-10 2.2.3 Periods 3 and 4 - Delayed Decommissioning 2-11 2.2.4 Period 5 - Site Restoration 2-12 2.2.5 ISFSI Operations and Decommissioning 2-12
3. COST ESTIMATE 3-1 3.1 Basis of Estimate 3-1 3.2 Methodology 3-1 3.3 Impact of Decommissioning Multiple Reactor Units 3-3 3.4 Financial Components of the Cost Model 3-4 3.4.1 Contingency 3-5 3.4.2 Financial Risk 3-6 3.5 Site-Specific Considerations 3-7 3.5.1 Spent Fuel Management 3-7 3.5.2 Reactor Vessel and Internal Components 3-10 3.5.3 Primary System Components 3-12 3.5.4 Main Turbine and Condenser 3-13 3.5.5 Retired Components 3-13 TLG Seruices, Inc. 000006

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page iv of xxi TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)

SECTION PAGE 3.5.6 Transportation Methods 3-13 3.5.7 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal 3-14 3.5.8 Site Conditions Following Decommissioning 3-15 3.6 Assumptions 3-16 3.6.1 Estimating Basis 3-16 3.6.2 Labor Costs 3-16 3.6.3 Design Conditions 3-17 3.6.4 General 3-17 3.7 Cost Estimate Summary 3-20

4. SCHEDULE ESTIMATE 4-1 4.1 Schedule Estimate Assumptions 4-1 4.2 Project Schedule 4-2
6. RESULTS 6.1
7. REFERENCES 7-1 TABLES DECON Cost Summary, Decommissioning Cost Elements xx SAFSTOR Cost Summary, Decommissioning Cost Elements xxi 3.1 Spent Fuel Management 3-22 3.2 Unit 1, DECON Alternative, Schedule of Total Annual Expenditures 3-25 3.2a Unit 1, DECON Alternative, License Termination Expenditures 3-28 3.2b Unit 1, DECON Alternative, Spent Fuel Management Expenditures 3-29 3.2c Unit 1, DECON Alternative, Site Restoration Expenditures 3-32 3.3 Unit 2, DECON Alternative, Schedule of Total Annual Expenditures 3-33 3.3a Unit 2, DECON Alternative, License Termination Expenditures 3-36 3.3b Unit 2, DECON Alternative, Spent Fuel Management Expenditures 3-37 3.3c Unit 2, DECON Alternative, Site Restoration Expenditures 3-40 3.4 Unit 1, SAFSTOR Alternative, Schedule of Total Annual Expenditures 3-41 3.4a Unit 1, SAFSTOR Alternative, License Termination Expenditures 3-44 TLG Services, Inc. 000007

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page v of xxi TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)

SECTION PAGE TABLES (continued) 3.4b Unit 1, SAFSTOR Alternative, Spent Fuel Management Expenditures 3-47 3.4c Unit 1, SAFSTOR Alternative, Site Restoration Expenditures 3-50 3.5 Unit 2, SAFSTOR Alternative, Schedule of Total Annual Expenditures 3-51 3.5a Unit 2, SAFSTOR Alternative, License Termination Expenditures 3-54 3.5b Unit 2, SAFSTOR Alternative, Spent Fuel Management Expenditures 3-57 3.5c Unit 2, SAFSTOR Alternative, Site Restoration Expenditures 3-60 5.1 DECON Alternative, Decommissioning Waste Summary 5-5 5.2 SAFSTOR Alternative, Decommissioning Waste Summary 5-6 6.1 DECON Alternative, Decommissioning Cost Elements 6-4 6.2 SAFSTOR Alternative, Decommissioning Cost Elements 6-5 FIGURES 4.1 DECON Activity Schedule 4-3 4.2 Decommissioning Timeline, DECON 4-5 4.3 Decommissioning Timeline, SAFSTOR 4-6 5.1 Radioactive Waste Disposition 5-3 5.2 Decommissioning Waste Destinations, Radiological 5-4 APPENDICES A. Unit Cost Factor Development A-1 B. Unit Cost Factor Listing B-1 C. Detailed Cost Analysis, DECON C-1 D. Detailed Cost Analysis, SAFSTOR D-1 E. Detailed Cost Analysis, ISFSI E-1 TLG Services, Inc. 000008

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page vi of xxi TABLE OF ACRONYMS / ABBREVIATIONS AIF/NESP-036 Atomic Industrial Forum document delineating a standardized cost estimating model for decommissioning ALARA As-Low-As-Reasonably-Achievable Comanche Peak Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (also referred to as Superfund)

CFR Code of Federal Regulations CPPC Comanche Peak Power Company, LLC DECCER TLG's Proprietary Decommissioning Cost Model DECON Prompt Decommissioning (NRC Acronym)

DOC Decommissioning Operations Contractor DOE Department of Energy ENTOMB Entombment or Hardened Storage (NRC Acronym)

EPA Environmental Protection Agency FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report GTCC Greater-than-Class C (as defined by 10 CFR §61)

IP Industrial Package ISFSI Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation LSA Low Specific Activity LTP License Termination Plan MARSSIM Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual MOU Memorandum of Understanding (between NRC and EPA)

MPC Multi-Purpose Canister MTU Metric Tons of Uranium NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission (or Commission)

NSSS Nuclear Steam Supply System NWPA Nuclear Waste Policy Act OFF Oldest Fuel First PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique PSDAR Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report SAFSTOR Passive Storage (NRC Acronym)

SCO Surface Contaminated Object TEDE Total Effective Does Equivalent WDF Work Difficulty Adjustment Factors TLG Services, Inc. 000009

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page vii of xxi REVISION LOG No. Date Item Revised Reason for Revision 0 05-11-2020 Original Issue TLG Services, Inc. 000010

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-17 74-00 1, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page viii of xxi EXECUTIVE


This report presents estimates of the cost to decommission the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (Comanche Peak) for the selected decommissioning alternatives following the scheduled and permanent cessation of plant operations. The estimates are designed to provide Comanche Peak Power Company LLC (CPPC) with sufficient information to assess its financial obligations, as they pertain to the decommissioning of Comanche Peak.

The analysis relies upon site-specific, technical information from an evaluation prepared in 2014,[1] updated to reflect current plant inventory, current assumptions pertaining to the operating life of the reactor, disposition of the two nuclear units and relevant industry experience in undertaking such projects. The costs are based on several key assumptions in areas of regulation, component characterization, high-level radioactive waste management, low-level radioactive waste disposal, performance uncertainties (contingency) and site restoration requirements.

The analysis is not a detailed engineering evaluation, but estimates prepared in advance of the detailed engineering required to carry out the decommissioning of Comanche Peak. It may also not reflect the actual plan to decommission Comanche Peak; the plan may differ from the assumptions made in this analysis based on facts that exist at the time of decommissioning.

The 2014 plant inventory, the basis for the decontamination and dismantling requirements and cost, and the decommissioning waste streams, were reviewed for this analysis. The only substantive changes made to the plant inventory from the 2014 analysis (that would impact decommissioning) is the addition of the Stator Rewind building.

The costs to decommission Comanche Peak for the alternatives evaluated are tabulated at the end of this section. Costs are reported in 2019 dollars and include monies anticipated to be spent for radiological remediation and operating license termination, spent fuel management, and site restoration activities.

A complete discussion of the assumptions relied upon in this analysis is provided in Section 3, along with schedules of annual expenditures for each scenario. A sequence of significant project activities is provided in Section 4 with timelines for each scenario. Detailed cost reports used to generate the summary tables contained within this document are provided in Appendices C and D.

1 "Decommissioning Cost Study for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant," Document L11-1703-001, Rev. 0, TLG Services, Inc., May 2015 TLG Services, Inc. 000011

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page ix of xxi Consistent with the 2014 analysis, the current cost estimates assume that the shutdown of the nuclear units is a scheduled and pre-planned event (e.g., there is no delay in transitioning the plant and workforce from operations or in obtaining regulatory relief from operating requirements). The estimates include the continued operation of the fuel building as an interim wet fuel storage facility for approximately five and one-half years after Unit 2 operations cease. During this time period, it is assumed that the spent fuel residing in the pools will be transferred to an independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) located on the site. The ISFSI will remain operational until the Department of Energy (DOE) is able to complete the transfer of the fuel to a federal facility (e.g., a monitored retrievable storage facility).[21 Alternatives and Regulations The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) provided initial decommissioning requirements in its rule adopted on June 27, 1988.131 In this rule, the NRC set forth financial criteria for decommissioning licensed nuclear power facilities. The regulations addressed planning needs, timing, funding methods, and environmental review requirements for decommissioning. The rule also defined three decommissioning alternatives as being acceptable to the NRC: DECON, SAFSTOR, and ENTOMB.

DECON is defined as "the alternative in which the equipment, structures, and portions of a facility and site containing radioactive contaminants are removed or decontaminated to a level that permits the property to be released for unrestricted use shortly after cessation of operations."[41 SAFSTOR is defined as "the alternative in which the nuclear facility is placed and maintained in a condition that allows the nuclear facility to be safely stored and subsequently decontaminated (deferred decontamination) to levels that permit release for unrestricted use."[51 Decommissioning is to be completed within 60 years, although longer time periods will be considered when necessary to protect public health and safety.

Projected expenditures for spent fuel management identified in the cost analyses do not consider any compensation from the DOE with regard to the delays incurred by CPPC in the timely removal of spent fuel from the site.

3 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 30, 40, 50, 51, 70 and 72 "General Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Federal Register Volume 53, Number 123 (p 24018 et seq.), June 27, 1988 4 Ibid. Page 24022, Column 3 5 Ibid.

TLG Services, Inc. 000012

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page x of xxi ENTOMB is defined as "the alternative in which radioactive contaminants are encased in a structurally long-lived material, such as concrete; the entombed structure is appropriately maintained and continued surveillance is carried out until the radioactive material decays to a level permitting unrestricted release of the property."[6] As with the SAFSTOR alternative, decommissioning is currently required to be completed within 60 years, although longer time periods will also be considered when necessary to protect public health and safety.

The 60-year restriction has limited the practicality for the ENTOMB alternative at commercial reactors that generate significant amounts of long-lived radioactive material. In 2017, the NRC's staff issued the regulatory basis for proposed new regulations on the decommissioning of commercial nuclear power reactors. In the regulatory basis, the NRC staff proposed removing any discussion of the ENTOMB option from existing guidance documents "since the method is not deemed practically feasible for current U.S. power reactors, and the timeframe for decommissioning completion using the ENTOMB method is generally inconsistent with current regulations."[71 In 1996, the NRC published revisions to the general requirements for decommissioning nuclear power plants to clarify ambiguities and codify procedures and terminology as a means of enhancing efficiency and uniformity in the decommissioning process.E8] The amendments allow for greater public participation and better define the transition process from operations to decommissioning. Regulatory Guide 1.184, issued in July 2000, (as revised in October 2013), further described the methods and procedures acceptable to the NRC staff for implementing the requirements of the 1996 revised rule relating to the initial activities and major phases of the decommissioning process.

The costs and schedules presented in this analysis follow the general guidance and processes described in the amended regulations. The format and content of the estimates is also consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.202, issued in February 2005.[9]

6 Ibid. Page 24023, Column 2 7 "Regulatory Improvement for Power Reactors Transitioning to Decommissioning," NRC Regulatory Basis Document, Docket ID NRC-2015-0070, RIN Number 3150-AJ59, November 20, 2017 8 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 2, 50, and 51, "Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Federal Register Volume 61, (p 39278 et seq.), July 29, 1996 9 "Standard Format and Content of Decommissioning Cost Estimates for Nuclear Power Reactors,"

Regulatory Guide 1.202, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, February 2005 TLG Services, Inc. 000013

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page xi of xxi In 2011, the NRC issued regulations to improve decommissioning planning and thereby reduce the likelihood that any current operating facility will become a legacy site.R0I The regulations require licensees to report additional details in their decommissioning cost estimate, including a decommissioning estimate for the ISFSI. This estimate is provided in Appendix E.

Comanche Peak Decommissioning Scenarios Two decommissioning scenarios were evaluated for Comanche Peak. The scenarios selected are representative of alternatives currently available to CPPC and are defined as follows:

1. The first scenario assumes that the units would be promptly decommissioned (DECON alternative) upon the expiration of the current operating licenses, i.e.,

2030 and 2033 for Units 1 and 2, respectively. Spent fuel in the wet storage pools would be relocated to the ISFSI for interim storage until such time that the DOE can complete the transfer, presumed to be in the year 2095.

2. In the second scenario, the nuclear units are placed into safe-storage (SAFSTOR alternative) at the end of their current operating licenses. Spent fuel in wet storage pools at that time would be relocated to the ISFSI for interim storage so as to minimize caretaking costs. The fuel would be transferred to the DOE (consistent with the assumptions in the DECON scenario) until the process is presumed to be complete in the year 2095. Decommissioning is deferred to the maximum extent (approximately 50 years) such that the property is released for unrestricted use within the generally required 60-year period (i.e., 2090, based upon the current Unit 1 shutdown date).

Methodology The methodology used to develop the estimates described within this document follows the basic approach originally presented in the cost estimating guidelines[111 developed by the Atomic Industrial Forum (now Nuclear Energy Institute). This reference describes a unit factor method for determining decommissioning activity costs. The unit factors used in this analysis incorporate site-specific costs and the latest available information on worker productivity in decommissioning.

10 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, and 72, "Decommissioning Planning," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Federal Register Volume 76, (p 35512 et seq.), June 17, 2011 11 T.S. LaGuardia et al., "Guidelines for Producing Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Cost Estimates," AIF/NESP-036, May 1986 TLG Services, Inc. 000014

Comanche Peak Nuclear Pozver Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page xii of xxi An activity duration critical path is used to determine the total decommissioning program schedule. This is required for calculating the carrying costs, which include program management, administration, field engineering, equipment rental, quality assurance, and security. This systematic approach for assembling decommissioning estimates ensures a high degree of confidence in the reliability of the resulting costs.

The estimates also reflect lessons learned from TLG's involvement in the Shippingport Station Decommissioning Project, completed in 1989, as well as the decommissioning of the Cintichem reactor, hot cells and associated facilities, completed in 1997. In addition, the planning and engineering for the Rancho Seco, Trojan, Yankee Rowe, Big Rock Point, Maine Yankee, Humboldt Bay-3, Oyster Creek, Connecticut Yankee, Crystal River, Vermont Yankee, Fort Calhoun and Pilgrim nuclear units have provided additional insight into the process, the regulatory aspects, and the technical challenges of decommissioning commercial nuclear units.

Contingency Consistent with cost estimating practice, contingencies are applied to the decontamination and dismantling costs developed as "specific provision for unforeseeable elements of cost within the defined project scope, particularly important where previous experience relating estimates and actual costs has shown that unforeseeable events which will increase costs are likely to occur."[1-2] The cost elements in the estimates are based on ideal conditions; therefore, the types of unforeseeable events that are almost certain to occur in decommissioning, based on industry experience, are addressed through a percentage contingency applied on a line-item basis. This contingency factor is a nearly universal element in all large-scale construction and demolition projects. It should be noted that contingency, as used in this analysis, does not account for price escalation and inflation in the cost of decommissioning over the remaining operating life of the nuclear units.

Contingency funds are expected to be fully expended throughout the program. As such, inclusion of contingency is necessary to provide assurance that sufficient funding will be available to accomplish the intended tasks.

Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management The contaminated and activated material generated in the decontamination and dismantling of a commercial nuclear reactor is classified as low-level (radioactive) waste, although not all of the material is suitable for "shallow-land" disposal. With the passage of the "Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act" in 1980,[131 and its 12 Project and Cost Engineers' Handbook, Second Edition, American Association of Cost Engineers, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, New York, p. 239 13 "Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act of 1980," Public Law 96-573, 1980 TLG Services, Inc. 000015

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page xiii of xxi Amendments of 1985,[141 the States became ultimately responsible for the disposition of low-level radioactive waste generated within their own borders.

The Texas Compact disposal facility is now operational and waste is being accepted from generators including CPPC by the operator, Waste Control Specialists (WCS).

For the purposes of this analysis, low-level radioactive waste generated in the decontamination and dismantling of the plant and remediation of the Comanche Peak site, and designated for direct disposal, is assumed to be shipped to the Texas Compact site. Waste disposal costs are based upon the Environmental Service Agreement for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste at the Texas Compact waste disposal facility between CPPC and WCS.

The dismantling of the components residing closest to the reactor core generates radioactive waste that may be considered unsuitable for shallow-land disposal (i.e., low-level radioactive waste with concentrations of radionuclides that exceed the limits established by the NRC for Class C radioactive waste Greater than Class C or GTCC.

The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 assigns the federal government the responsibility for the disposal of this material. The Act also states that the beneficiaries of the activities resulting in the generation of such radioactive waste bear all reasonable costs of disposing of such waste. However, to date, the federal government has not identified a cost, if any, for GTCC disposal or a schedule for acceptance.

For purposes of this analysis only, the GTCC radioactive waste is assumed to be packaged and disposed of in a manner similar to high-level waste and at a cost equivalent to that envisioned for the spent fuel. The GTCC is packaged in the same canisters used for spent fuel and stored on site (at the ISFSI). The GTCC is assumed to be transferred to a designated Federal disposal facility once the spent fuel has been removed from the site.

High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Congress passed the "Nuclear Waste Policy Act"[1-51 (NWPA) in 1982, assigning the federal government's long-standing responsibility for disposal of the spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive waste created by the commercial nuclear generating plants to the DOE. The NWPA provides that DOE will enter into contracts with utilities in which DOE promises to take the utilities' spent fuel and high-level radioactive waste and utilities will pay the cost of the disposition services for that material. The NWPA, 14 "Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985," Public Law 99-240, 1986 15 "Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 and Amendments," DOE's Office of Civilian Radioactive Management, 1982 TLG Services, Inc. 000016

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page xiv of xxi along with the individual contracts with the utilities, specifies that the DOE was to begin accepting spent fuel by January 31, 1998.

Today, the country is at an impasse on high-level waste disposal, despite DOE's submittal of its License Application for a geologic repository to the NRC in 2008. The Obama administration eliminated the budget for the repository program while promising to "conduct a comprehensive review of policies for managing the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle ... and make recommendations for a new plan."[161 Towards this goal, the Obama administration appointed a Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (Blue Ribbon Commission) to make recommendations for a new plan for nuclear waste disposal. The Blue Ribbon Commission's charter included a requirement that it consider "[o]ptions for safe storage of used nuclear fuel while final disposition pathways are selected and deployed."[171 On January 26, 2012, the Blue Ribbon Commission issued its "Report to the Secretary of Energy" containing a number of recommendations on nuclear waste disposal. Two of the recommendations that may impact decommissioning planning are:

o "[T]he United States [should] establish a program that leads to the timely development of one or more consolidated storage facilities."0-81 o "[T]he United States should undertake an integrated nuclear waste management program that leads to the timely development of one or more permanent deep geological facilities for the safe disposal of spent fuel and high-level nuclear waste."[191 In January 2013, the DOE issued the "Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste," in response to the recommendations made by the Blue Ribbon Commission and as "a framework for moving toward a sustainable program to deploy an integrated system capable of transporting, storing, and disposing of used nuclear fuel..."[201 16 "Advisory Committee Charter, Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future," Appendix A, January 2012 17 Ibid.

18 "Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future, Report to the Secretary of Energy,"

http://www.brc.gov/sites/clefault/files/doeuments/bre finalreport jan2012.pdf, p. 32, January 2012 19 Ibid., p.27 20 "Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste," U.S. DOE, January 11, 2013 TLG Services, Inc. 000017

Comanche Peah Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page xv of xxi "With the appropriate authorizations from Congress, the Administration currently plans to implement a program over the next 10 years that:

o Sites, designs and licenses, constructs and begins operations of a pilot interim storage facility by 2021 with an initial focus on accepting used nuclear fuel from shut-down reactor sites; O Advances toward the siting and licensing of a larger interim storage facility to be available by 2025 that will have sufficient capacity to provide flexibility in the waste management system and allows for acceptance of enough used nuclear fuel to reduce expected government liabilities; and

  • Makes demonstrable progress on the siting and characterization of repository sites to facilitate the availability of a geologic repository by 2048."[211 The NRC's review of DOE's license application to construct a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain was suspended in 2011 when the Obama administration significantly reduced the budget for completing that work. However, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a writ of mandamus (in August 2013)[22] ordering NRC to comply with federal law and resume its review of DOE's Yucca Mountain repository license application to the extent allowed by previously appropriated funding for the review. That review is now complete with the publication of the five-volume safety evaluation report. A supplement to DOE's environmental impact statement and an adjudicatory hearing on the contentions filed by interested parties must be completed before a licensing decision can be made.

Although the DOE proposed it would start fuel acceptance in 2025, no progress has been made in the repository program since DOE's 2013 strategy was issued except for the completion of the Yucca Mountain safety evaluation report.

Completion of the decommissioning process is dependent upon the DOE's ability to remove spent fuel from the site in a timely manner. DOE's repository program assumes that spent fuel allocations will be accepted for disposal from the nation's commercial nuclear plants, with certain exceptions defined in the DOE Contract, in the order (the "queue") in which it was discharged from the reactor.[231 CPPC's current spent fuel 21 Ibid., p.2 22 U.S. Court of Appeals for the District Of Columbia Circuit, In Re: Aiken County, et al, Aug.

2013,http://www.cadc.uscourts.gov/internet/opinions.nsf/BAEOCF3z1F762EBD985257BCGOO4DE B18/$file/11-1271-1451347.pdf 23 In 2008, the DOE issued a report to Congress in which it concluded that it did not have authority, under present law, to accept spent nuclear fuel for interim storage from decommissioned commercial nuclear power reactor sites. However, the Blue Ribbon Commission, in its final report, noted that:

"[A]ccepting spent fuel according to the OFF [Oldest Fuel First] priority ranking instead of giving priority to shutdown reactor sites could greatly reduce the cost savings that could be TLG Services, Inc. 000018

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page xvi of xxi management plan for the Comanche Peak spent fuel is based in general upon: 1) a 2056 start date for DOE initiating transfer of Comanche Peak spent fuel to a federal facility (not necessarily a final repository), and 2) a spent fuel transfer 2095 completion date.

Different DOE acceptance assumptions would result in different completion dates.

The 2056 start date for DOE acceptance of Comanche Peak spent fuel is based on assumed initial operation of the nation's first federal facility (not necessarily a final repository) in 25 years (2045) and Comanche Peak's place in the Oldest Fuel First (OFF) spent fuel queue per the schedule provided in DOE/RW-0567, Acceptance Priority Ranking & Annual Capacity Report.[241 DOE/RW-0567 also assumes an annual cap of 3000 metric tons of uranium (MTU) on its ability to accept spent nuclear fuel. Pursuant to that assumption, it is estimated that CPPC will be able to ship between 50 and 60 MTU per year from Comanche Peak to a federal interim storage facility or a geologic repository. This is an equivalent of 118 to 142 fuel assemblies per year, or approximately 4 dry cask containers (128 spent fuel assemblies) per year. At this rate, all spent fuel is estimated to be removed from the Comanche Peak site by 2095.

The NRC requires that licensees establish a program to manage and provide funding for the caretaking of all irradiated fuel at the reactor site until title of the fuel is transferred to the DOE.[251Interim storage of the fuel, until the DOE has completed the transfer, will be in the fuel building's spent fuel storage pools, as well as at an on-site ISFSI.

achieved through consolidated storage if priority could be given to accepting spent fuel from shutdown reactor sites before accepting fuel from still-operating plants. .... The magnitude of the cost savings that could be achieved by giving priority to shutdown sites appears to be large enough (i.e., in the billions of dollars) to warrant DOE exercising its right under the Standard Contract to move this fuel first." For planning purposes only, this estimate does not assume that Comanche Peak, as a permanently shutdown station, will receive priority; the fuel removal schedule assumed in this estimate is based upon DOE acceptance of fuel according to the "Oldest Fuel First" priority ranking. The plant owner will seek the most expeditious means of removing fuel from the site when DOE commences performance.

24 DOE/RW-0567 was published in July 2004 by the Department of Energy Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. Although an alternate location may be sited in the future, the referenced study based on Yucca Mountain is the most recent report issued by DOE.

25 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," Subpart 54 (bb), "Conditions of Licenses" TLG Services, Inc. 000019

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page xvii of xxi An ISFSI, operated under a Part 50 General License (in accordance with 10 CFR 72, Subpart K1261), has been constructed to support continued plant operations. The facility will be expanded at Comanche Peak to support future decommissioning operations.

Once the spent fuel storage pools are emptied, the fuel building can be either decontaminated and dismantled or prepared for long term storage.

DOE has breached its obligations to remove fuel from reactor sites, and has also failed to provide CPPC with information about how it will ultimately perform. DOE officials have stated that DOE does not have an obligation to accept already-canistered fuel without an amendment to DOE's contracts with plant licensees to remove the fuel (the "Standard Contract"), but DOE has not explained what any such amendment would involve. Consequently, CPPC has no information or expectations on how DOE will remove fuel from the site in the future. In the absence of information about how DOE will perform, and for purposes of this analysis only, it is assumed that DOE will accept already-canistered fuel. If this assumption is incorrect, it is assumed that DOE will have liability for costs incurred to transfer the fuel to DOE-supplied containers.

CPPC's position is that the DOE has a contractual obligation to accept the spent fuel earlier than the projections set out above consistent with its contract commitments. No assumption made in this study should be interpreted to be inconsistent with this claim.

However, at this time, including the cost of storing spent fuel in this study is the most reasonable approach because it insures the availability of sufficient decommissioning funds at the end of the station's life if, contrary to its contractual obligation, the DOE has not performed earlier.

Site Restoration The efficient removal of the contaminated materials at the site may result in damage to many of the site structures. Blasting, coring, drilling, and the other decontamination activities can substantially damage power block structures, potentially weakening the footings and structural supports. It is unreasonable to anticipate that these structures would be repaired and preserved after the radiological contamination is removed. The cost to dismantle site structures with a work force already mobilized is more efficient and less costly than if the process is deferre d.

Consequently, this study assumes that non-essential site structures addressed by this analysis are removed, once remediation is complete, to a nominal depth of three feet below the local grade level wherever possible. The site is then graded and stabilized.

26 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 72, Subpart K, "General License for Storage of Spent Fuel at Power Reactor Sites" TLG Services, Inc. 000020

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page xviii of xxi Summary The cost to decommission Comanche Peak assumes the removal of all contaminated and activated plant components and structural materials such that CPPC may then have unrestricted use of the site with no further requirements for an operating license. Low-level radioactive waste, other than GTCC waste, is sent to a controlled disposal facility.

Decommissioning and subsequent License Termination, exclusive of the ISFSI, is accomplished within the 60-year period required by current NRC regulations. Spent fuel remains in storage at the site until such time that the transfer to a DOE facility is complete (assumed to be 2095 for purposes of this analysis). Once the transfer is complete, the ISFSI is decommissioned and the site released for unrestricted use.

The decommissioning scenarios are described in Section 2. The assumptions are presented in Section 3, along with schedules of annual expenditures. The major cost contributors are identified in Section 6, with detailed activity costs, waste volumes, and associated manpower requirements delineated in Appendices C and D for the DECON and SAFSTOR alternatives. The major cost components are also identified in the cost summary provided at the end of this section.

The cost elements in the estimates are assigned to one of three subcategories: NRC License Termination, Spent Fuel Management, and Site Restoration. The subcategory "NRC License Termination" is used to accumulate costs that are consistent with "decommissioning" as defined by the NRC in its financial assurance regulations (i.e., 10 CFR Part 50.75). The cost reported for this subcategory is generally sufficient to terminate the operating licenses for the two reactors, recognizing that there may be some additional cost impact from spent fuel management. This subcategory also includes the costs of disposing of the retired steam generators and the reactor vessel closure head from Unit 1. The study assumes that the disposal of the components would occur after shutdown; however, the costs are identified separately because the disposal activities could be conducted at any time. The License Termination cost subcategory also includes costs to decommission the ISFSI (as required by 10 CFR §72.30). Section 3.5.1 provides the basis for the ISFSI decommissioning cost.

The "Spent Fuel Management" subcategory contains costs associated with the containerization and transfer of spent fuel from the wet storage pools to the ISFSI for interim storage, as well as the transfer of the spent fuel in storage at the ISFSI to the DOE. Costs are included for the expansion of the existing ISFSI to accommodate all of the spent fuel generated during plant operations, operation of the fuel building's storage pools until the spent fuel is transferred to the ISFSI, and the management of the ISFSI until such time that the transfer to DOE is complete. It does not include any spent fuel management expenses incurred prior to the cessation of plant operations, nor does it include any costs related to the final disposal of the spent fuel.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page xix of xxi "Site Restoration" is used to capture costs associated with the dismantling and demolition of buildings and facilities demonstrated to be free from contamination. This includes structures never exposed to radioactive materials, as well as those facilities that have been decontaminated to appropriate levels. Structures are removed to a depth of three feet and backfilled to conform to local grade.

It should be noted that the costs assigned to these subcategories are allocations.

Delegation of cost elements is for the purposes of comparison (e.g., with NRC financial guidelines) or to permit specific financial treatment (e.g., Asset Retirement Obligation determinations). In reality, there can be considerable interaction between the activities in the three subcategories. For example, an owner may decide to remove non-contaminated structures early in the project to improve access to highly contaminated facilities or plant components. In these instances, the non-contaminated removal costs could be reassigned from Site Restoration to an NRC License Termination support activity. However, in general, the allocations represent a reasonable accounting of those costs that can be expected to be incurred for the specific subcomponents of the total estimated program cost, if executed as described.

As noted within this document, the estimates were developed and costs are presented in 2019 dollars. As such, the estimates do not reflect the escalation of costs (due to inflationary and market forces) over the remaining operating life of the station or during the decommissioning period.

TLG Services, Inc. 000022

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rey. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page xx of xxi DECON COST


DECOMMISSIONING COST ELEMENTS (thousands of 2019 dollars)

Cost Element Unit 1 Unit 2 Total Decontamination 11,341 17,057 28,398 Removal 88,805 135,799 224,603 Packaging 30,685 31,258 61,943 Transportation 11,042 9,559 20,601 Waste Disposal 83,300 ; 80,865 164,165 Off-site Waste Processing [1] - - -

Program Management [2] 275,145 305,367 580,512 Security 132,081 111,849 243,931 Spent Fuel Pool(s) Isolation 14,174 9,449 23,624 Spent Fuel Management (Direct Costs) [3] 129,420 127,317 256,737 Insurance and Regulator Fees 35,680 30,562 66,242 Energy 18,234 13,890 32,124 Characterization and Licensing Surveys 17,436 16,771 34,207 Property Taxes 38,100 28,200 66,300 Miscellaneous Equipment 9,609 9,269 18,878 Decommissioning Staff Severance 11,850 11,850 23,701 Total [4] 906,903 939,062 1,845,964 Cost Element Unit 1 Unit 2 Total License Termination 585,345 590,212 1,175,558 Spent Fuel Management 275,928 274,017 549,946 Site Restoration 45,629 74,832 120,461 Total [4] 906,903 939,062 1,845,964

[1] Not currently cost competitive with direct waste disposal

[2] Includes engineering costs

[3] Excludes program management costs (staffing) but includes costs for spent fuel loading/transfer/spent fuel pools O&M and EP fees

[4] Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Seruices, Inc. 000023

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Page xxi of xxi SAFSTOR COST


DECOMMISSIONING COST ELEMENTS (thousands of 2019 dollars)

Cost Element Unit 1 Unit 2 Total Decontamination 9,509 15,763 25,272 Removal 92,786 136,856 229,642 Packaging 25,809 26,266 52,075 Transportation 9,705 7,908 17,613 Waste Disposal 80,864 77,706 158,571 Off-site Waste Processing111 - - -

Program Management [2] 334,585 349,423 684,008 Security 164,042 144,238 308,280 Spent Fuel Pool(s) Isolation 14,174 9,449 23,624 Spent Fuel Management (Direct Costs) [31 122,218 120,116 242,335 Insurance and Regulatory Fees 60,834 55,988 116,823 Energy 28,036 26,772 54,808 Characterization and Licensing Surveys 17,605 16,638 , 34,243 Property Taxes 38,100 28,200 66,300 Miscellaneous Equipment 20,049 40,354 60,404 Decommissioning Staff Severance 11,850 11,850 23,701 Total [4] 1,030,167 1,067,529 2,097,696 Cost Element Unit 1 Unit 2 Total License Termination 713,679 722,396 1,436,075 S ent Fuel Management 269,329 l 268,762 538,090 Site Restoration 47,160 76,371 123,531 Total [41 1,030,167 1,067,529 2,097,696 Not currently cost competitive with direct waste disposal Includes engineering costs Excludes program management costs (staffing) but includes costs for spent fuel loading/transfer/spent fuel pools O&M and EP fees

[4] Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc. 000024

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 1, Page 1 of 9

1. INTRODUCTION This report presents estimates of the costs to decommission the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (Comanche Peak) for the selected decommissioning alternatives following the scheduled and permanent cessation of plant operations. The current estimates are designed to provide Comanche Peak Power Company LLC (CPPC) with sufficient information to assess their financial obligations, as they pertain to the decommissioning of Comanche Peak.

The analysis relies upon site-specific, technical information from an earlier evaluation prepared in 2014,[1]* updated to reflect current plant inventory, current assumptions pertaining to the operating life of the reactor, disposition of the nuclear station and relevant industry experience in undertaking such projects. The costs are based on several key assumptions in areas of regulation, component characterization, high-level radioactive waste management, low-level radioactive waste disposal, performance uncertainties (contingency) and site restoration requirements.

The analysis is not a detailed engineering evaluation, but rather estimates prepared in advance of the detailed engineering required to carry out the decommissioning of the nuclear station. It may also not reflect the actual plan to decommission Comanche Peak; the plan may differ from the assumptions made in this analysis based on facts that exist at the time of decommissioning.

The 2014 plant inventory, the basis for the decontamination and dismantling requirements and cost, and the decommissioning waste streams, were reviewed for this analysis. The only substantive changes made to the plant inventory from the 2014 analysis (that would impact decommissioning) is the addition of the Stator Rewind building.

1.1 OBJECTIVES OF STUDY The objectives of this analysis are to present comprehensive estimates of the costs to decommission Comanche Peak, to provide a sequence or schedule for the associated activities, and to identify the waste streams expected from the decontamination and dismantling activities.

For the purposes of this study, the shutdown dates for the two units are assumed to be on February 8, 2030, for Unit 1 and on February 2, 2033, for Unit 2, based upon the expiration of the current operating licenses.

" References provided in Section 7 of the document TLG Services, Inc. 000025

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 1, Page 2 of 9 1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION Comanche Peak is located in Somervell County in North Central Texas, approximately 65 miles southwest of the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The nearest communities are Glen Rose and Granbury, about 4 and 10 miles, respectively, from the site. The station is comprised of two nuclear units that are essentially identical except for certain auxiliary systems.

The two nuclear steam supply systems (NSSS) each consist of a pressurized water reactor and a four-loop reactor coolant system. They are authorized to operate at 3,612 megawatts (thermal), following approval of a stretch power uprate application in 2008.

Each of the four loops of the reactor coolant system contains a vertical U-tube type steam generator and a single speed centrifugal reactor coolant pump. In addition, the system includes an electrically heated pressurizer, a pressurizer relief tank, and interconnected piping. The reactor coolant system is housed within a containment vessel, a free-standing cylindrical steel structure enclosed by a separate reinforced concrete reactor building. The Containment Building is designed to provide biological shielding as well as missile protection for the steel containment vessel. '[LG1] The containment shell is anchored to the Containment Building foundation with a steel liner plate encased in concrete forming the base of the containment.

Heat produced in the reactor is converted to electrical energy by the steam and power conversion system. A turbine-generator system converts the thermal energy of steam produced in the steam generators into mechanical shaft power and then into electrical energy. The turbine generators consist of a tandem (single shaft) arrangement of a double-flow high-pressure turbine and two identical double-flow, low-pressure turbines driving a direct-coupled generator at 1800 rpm. The turbines are operated in a closed feedwater cycle, which condenses the steam. The heated feedwater is then returned to the steam generators. The condenser circulating water system removes heat rejected in the main condensers. The heat is dissipated to Squaw Creek Reservoir.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 1, Page 3 of 9 1.3 REGULATORY GUIDANCE The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) provided initial decommissioning requirements in its rule "General Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities," issued in June 1988.121 This rule set forth financial criteria for decommissioning licensed nuclear power facilities. The regulation addressed decommissioning planning needs, timing, funding methods, and environmental review requirements. The intent of the rule was to ensure that decommissioning would be accomplished in a safe and timely manner and that adequate funds would be available for this purpose. Subsequent to the rule, the NRC issued Regulatory Guide 1.159, "Assuring the Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors,"[31 which provided additional guidance to the licensees of nuclear facilities on the financial methods acceptable to the NRC staff for complying with the requirements of the rule. The regulatory guide addressed the funding requirements and provided guidance on the content and form of the financial assurance mechanisms indicated in the rule.

The rule defined three decommissioning alternatives as being acceptable to the NRC: DECON, SAFSTOR, and ENTOMB. The DECON alternative assumes that any contaminated or activated portion of the plant's systems, structures and facilities are removed or decontaminated to levels that permit the site to be released for unrestricted use shortly after the cessation of plant operations.

The rule also placed limits on the time allowed to complete the decommissioning process. For all alternatives, the process is restricted in overall duration to 60 years, unless it can be shown that a longer duration is necessary to protect public health and safety. At the conclusion of a 60-year dormancy period (or longer if the NRC approves such a case), the site would still require significant remediation to meet the unrestricted release limits for license termination.

The 60-year restriction has limited the practicality for the ENTOMB alternative at commercial reactors that generate significant amounts of long-lived radioactive material. In 2017, the NRC's staff issued the regulatory basis for proposed new regulations on the decommissioning of commercial nuclear power reactors. In the regulatory basis, the NRC staff proposed removing any discussion of the ENTOMB option from existing guidance documents "since the method is not deemed practically feasible for current U.S. power reactors, and the timeframe for decommissioning completion using the ENTOMB method is generally inconsistent with current regulations."[4].

In 1996, the NRC published revisions to the general requirements for decommissioning nuclear power plants[51 When the decommissioning regulations were adopted in 1988, it was assumed that the majority of licensees TLG Services, Inc. 000027

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 1, Page 4 of 9 would decommission at the end of the facility's operating licensed life. Since that time, several licensees permanently and prematurely ceased operations.

Exemptions from certain operating requirements were required once the reactor was defueled to facilitate the decommissioning. Each case was handled individually, without clearly defined generic requirements. The NRC amended the decommissioning regulations in 1996 to clarify ambiguities and codify procedures and terminology as a means of enhancing efficiency and uniformity in the decommissioning process. The amendments allow for greater public participation and better define the transition process from operations to decommissioning.

Under the revised regulations, licensees will submit written certification to the NRC within 30 days after the decision to cease operations. Certification will also be required once the fuel is permanently removed from the reactor vessel.

Submittal of these notices, along with related changes to Technical Specifications, entitle the licensee to a fee reduction and eliminate the obligation to follow certain requirements needed only during operation of the reactor.

Before or within two years following cessation of operations, the licensee must submit a Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR) to the NRC. The PSDAR describes the planned decommissioning activities, the associated sequence and schedule, and an estimate of expected costs. Prior to completing decommissioning, the licensee is required to submit an application to the NRC to terminate the license, which includes a license termination plan (LTP).

In 2011, the NRC issued regulations to improve decommissioning planning and thereby reduce the likelihood that any current operating facility will become a legacy site.[6] The regulations require licensees to report additional details in their decommissioning cost estimate including a decommissioning estimate for the ISFSI. This estimate is provided in Appendix E.

1.3.1 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management The contaminated and activated material generated in the decontamination and dismantling of a commercial nuclear reactor is classified as low-level (radioactive) waste, although not all of the material is suitable for "shallow-land" disposal. With the passage of the "Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act" in 1980, [71 and its Amendments of 1985,[81 the States became ultimately responsible for the disposition of low-level radioactive waste generated within their own borders.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 1, Page 5 of 9 The Texas Compact disposal facility is now operational and waste is being accepted from generators including CPPC by the operator, Waste Control Specialists (WCS).

For the purposes of this analysis, low-level radioactive waste generated in the decontamination and dismantling of the plant and remediation of the Comanche Peak site, and designated for direct disposal, is assumed to be shipped to the Texas Compact site. Waste disposal costs are based upon the Environmental Service Agreement for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste at the Texas compact waste disposal facility between CPPC and WCS.

The dismantling of the components residing closest to the reactor core generates radioactive waste that may be considered unsuitable for shallow-land disposal (i.e., low-level radioactive waste with concentrations of radionuclides that exceed the limits established by the NRC for Class C radioactive waste Greater than Class C or GTCC). The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 assigns the federal government the responsibility for the disposal of this material. The Act also states that the beneficiaries of the activities resulting in the generation of such radioactive waste bear all reasonable costs of disposing of such waste. However, to date, the federal government has not identified a cost, if any, for GTCC disposal or a schedule for acceptance.

For purposes of this analysis only, the GTCC radioactive waste is assumed to be packaged and disposed of in a manner similar to high-level waste and at a cost equivalent to that envisioned for the spent fuel.

The GTCC is packaged in the same canisters used for spent fuel and stored on site ( at the ISFSI). The GTCC is assumed to be transferred to a designated federal disposal facility once the spent fuel has been removed from the site.

1.3.2 High-Level Radioa'ctive Waste Management Congress passed the "Nuclear Waste Policy Act"[9] (NWPA) in 1982, assigning the federal government's long-standing responsibility for disposal of the spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive waste created by the commercial nuclear generating plants to the DOE. The NWPA provides that DOE will enter into contracts with utilities in which DOE promises to take the utilities' spent fuel and high-level radioactive waste and utilities will pay the cost of the disposition services for that material. The NWPA, along with the individual contracts with the utilities, specifies that the DOE was to begin accepting spent fuel by January 31, 1998.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 1, Page 6 of 9 Today, the country is at an impasse on high-level waste disposal, despite DOE's submittal of its License Application for a geologic repository to the NRC in 2008. The Obama administration eliminated the budget for the repository program and while promising to "conduct a comprehensive review of policies for managing the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle ...

and make recommendations for a new plan." Towards this goal, the Obama administration appointed a Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (Blue Ribbon Commission) to make recommendations for a new plan for nuclear waste disposal. The Blue Ribbon Commission's charter includes a requirement that it consider

"[o]ptions for safe storage of used nuclear fuel while final disposition pathways are selected and deployed."[N]

On January 26, 2012, the Blue Ribbon Commission issued its "Report to the Secretary of Energy" containing a number of recommendations on nuclear waste disposal. Two of the recommendations that may impact decommissioning planning are:

  • "[T]he United States [should] establish a program that leads to the timely development of one or more consolidated storage facilities."
  • "[T]he United States should undertake an integrated nuclear waste management program that leads to the timely development of one or more permanent deep geological facilities for the safe disposal of spent fuel and high-level nuclear waste."[111 In January 2013, the DOE issued the "Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste," in response to the recommendations made by the Blue Ribbon Commission and as "a framework for moving toward a sustainable program to deploy an integrated system capable of transporting, storing, and disposing of used nuclear fuel..."[12]

"With the appropriate authorizations from Congress, the Administration currently plans to implement a program over the next 10 years that:

  • Sites, designs and licenses, constructs and begins operations of a pilot interim storage facility by 2021 with an initial focus on accepting used nuclear fuel from shut-down reactor sites;
  • Advances toward the siting and licensing of a larger interim storage facility to be available by 2025 that will have sufficient capacity to provide flexibility in the waste management system TLG Services, Inc. 000030

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 1, Page 7 of 9 and allows for acceptance of enough used nuclear fuel to reduce expected government liabilities; and

  • Makes demonstrable progress on the siting and characterization of repository sites to facilitate the availability of a geologic repository by 2048."

The NRC's review of DOE's license application to construct a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain was suspended in 2011 when the Obama administration significantly reduced the budget for completing that work.

However, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a writ of mandamus (in August 2013) ordering NRC to comply with federal law and resume its review of DOE's Yucca Mountain repository license application to the extent allowed by previously appropriated funding for the review. That review is now complete with the publication of the five-volume safety evaluation report. A supplement to DOE's environmental impact statement and an adjudicatory hearing on the contentions filed by interested parties must be completed before a licensing decision can be made. Although the DOE proposed it would start fuel acceptance in 2025, no progress has been made in the repository program since DOE's 2013 strategy was issued except for the completion of the Yucca Mountain safety evaluation report.

Completion of the decommissioning process is dependent upon the DOE's ability to remove spent fuel from the site in a timely manner. DOE's repository program assumes that spent fuel allocations will be accepted for disposal from the nation's commercial nuclear plants, with certain exceptions defined in the DOE Contract, in the order (the "queue") in which it was discharged from the reactor. CPPC's current spent fuel management plan for the Comanche Peak spent fuel is based in general upon: 1) a 2056 start date for DOE initiating transfer of Comanche Peak spent fuel to a federal facility (not necessarily a final repository), and 2) a spent fuel transfer 2095 completion date. Different DOE acceptance assumptions would result in different completion dates.

The 2056 start date for DOE acceptance of Comanche Peak spent fuel is based on assumed initial operation of the nation's first federal facility (not necessarily a final repository) in 25 years (2045) and Comanche Peak's place in the Oldest Fuel First (OFF) spent fuel queue per the schedule provided in DOE/RW-0567, Acceptance Priority Ranking & Annual Capacity Report.[131 DOE/RW-0567 also assumes an annual cap of 3000 metric tons of uranium (MTU) on its ability to accept spent nuclear fuel. Pursuant to that assumption, it is estimated that CPPC will be able to ship between 50 TLG Services, Inc. 000031

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 1, Page 8 of 9 and 60 MTU per year from Comanche Peak to a federal interim storage facility or a geologic repository. This is an equivalent of 118 to 142 fuel assemblies per year, or approximately 4 dry cask containers (128 spent fuel assemblies) per year. At this rate, all spent fuel is estimated to be removed from the Comanche Peak site by 2095.

The NRC requires that licensees establish a program to manage and provide funding for the caretaking of all irradiated fuel at the reactor site until title of the fuel is transferred to the DOE.I141 Interim storage of the fuel, until the DOE has completed the transfer, will be in the fuel building's spent fuel storage pools, as well as at an on-site ISFSI.

An ISFSI, operated under a Part 50 General License (in accordance with 10 CFR 72, Subpart K[151), has been constructed at Comanche Peak to support continued plant operations. The facility is assumed to be expanded to support future decommissioning operations. Once the spent fuel storage pools are emptied the fuel building can be either decontaminated and dismantled or prepared for long term storage.

DOE has breached its obligations to remove fuel from reactor sites, and has also failed to provide CPPC with information about how it will ultimately perform. DOE officials have stated that DOE does not have an obligation to accept already-canistered fuel without an amendment to DOE's contracts with plant licensees to remove the fuel (the "Standard Contract"), but DOE has not explained what any such amendment would involve. Consequently, CPPC has no information or expectations on how DOE will remove fuel from the site in the future. In the absence of information about how DOE will perform, and for purposes of this analysis only, it is assumed that DOE will accept already-canistered fuel.

If this assumption is incorrect, it is assumed that DOE will have liability for costs incurred to transfer the fuel to DOE-supplied containers.

CPPC's position is that the DOE has a contractual obligation to accept the spent fuel earlier than the projections set out above consistent with its contract commitments. No assumption made in this study should be interpreted to be inconsistent with this claim. However, at this time, including the cost of storing spent fuel in this study is the most reasonable approach because it insures the availability of sufficient decommissioning funds at the end of the station's life if, contrary to its contractual obligation, the DOE has not performed earlier.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 1, Page 9 of 9 1.3.3 Radiological Criteria for License Termination In 1997, the NRC published Subpart E, "Radiological Criteria for License Termination,"[16] amending 10 CFR Part 20. This subpart provides radiological criteria for releasing a facility for unrestricted use. The regulation states that the site can be released for unrestricted use if radioactivity levels are such that the average member of a critical group would not receive a Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) in excess of 25 millirem per year, and provided that residual radioactivity has been reduced to levels that are As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).

The decommissioning estimates assume that the Comanche Peak site will be remediated to a residual level consistent with the NRC-prescribed level.

It should be noted that the NRC and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) differ on the amount of residual radioactivity considered acceptable in site remediation. The EPA has two limits that apply to radioactive materials. An EPA limit of 15 millirem per year is derived from criteria established by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund).[17] An additional and separate limit of 4 millirem per year, as defined in 40 CFR

§141.66, is applied to drinking water.[181 On October 9, 2002, the NRC signed an agreement with the EPA on the radiological decommissioning and decontamination of NRC-licensed sites.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)['91 provides that EPA will defer exercise of authority under CERCLA for the majority of facilities decommissioned under NRC authority. The MOU also includes provisions for NRC and EPA consultation for certain sites when, at the time of license termination, (1) groundwater contamination exceeds EPA-permitted levels; (2) NRC contemplates restricted release of the site; and/or (3) residual radioactive soil concentrations exceed levels defined in the MOU.

The MOU does not impose any new requirements on NRC licensees and should reduce the involvement of the EPA with NRC licensees who are decommissioning. Most sites are expected to meet the NRC criteria for unrestricted use, and the NRC believes that only a few sites will have groundwater or soil contamination in excess of the levels specified in the MOU that trigger consultation with the EPA. However, if there are other hazardous materials on the site, the EPA may be involved in the cleanup.

As such, the possibility of dual regulation remains for certain licensees.

The present study does not include any costs for this occurrence.

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2. DECOMMISSIONING ALTERNATIVES Detailed cost estimates were developed to decommission Comanche Peak based upon the approved decommissioning alternatives: DECON and SAFSTOR.

Two decommissioning scenarios were evaluated for Comanche Peak. The scenarios selected are representative of alternatives available to CPPC and are defined as follows:

1. The first scenario assumes that the units would be promptly decommissioned (DECON alternative) upon the expiration of the current operating licenses, i.e.,

2030 and 2033 for Units 1 and 2, respectively. Spent fuel in the wet storage pools would be relocated to the ISFSI for interim storage until such time that the DOE can complete the transfer, presumed to be in the year 2095.

2. In the second scenario, the nuclear units are placed into safe-storage (SAFSTOR alternative) at the end of their current operating licenses. Spent fuel in wet storage pools at that time would be relocated to the ISFSI for interim storage so as to minimize caretaking costs. The fuel would be transferred to the DOE (consistent with the assumptions in the DECON scenario) until the process is presumed to be complete in the year 2095. Decommissioning is deferred to the maximum extent (approximately 50 years) such that the property is released for unrestricted use within the generally required 60-year period (i.e., 2090 based upon the current Unit 1 shutdown date).

The following sections describe the basic activities associated with each alternative.

Although detailed procedures for each activity identified are not provided, and the actual sequence of work may vary, the activity descriptions provide a basis not only for estimating but also for the expected scope of work, i.e., engineering and planning at the time of decommissioning.

The conceptual approach that the NRC has described in its regulations divides decommissioning into three phases. The initial phase commences with the effective date of permanent cessation of operations and involves the transition of both plant and licensee from reactor operations (i.e., power production) to facility de-activation and closure. During the first phase, notification is to be provided to the NRC certifying the permanent cessation of operations and the removal of fuel from the reactor vessel. The licensee is then prohibited from reactor operation.

The second phase encompasses activities during the storage period or during major decommissioning activities, or a combination of the two. The third phase pertains to the activities involved in license termination. The decommissioning estimates developed for Comanche Peak are also divided into phases or periods; however, TLG Services, Inc. 000034

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 2, Page 2 of 12 demarcation of the phases is based upon major milestones within the project or significant changes in the projected expenditures.

2.1 DECON The DECON alternative, as defined by the NRC, is "the alternative in which the equipment, structures, and portions of a facility and site containing radioactive contaminants are removed or decontaminated to a level that permits the property to be released for unrestricted use shortly after cessation of operations."

This study does not address the cost to dispose of the spent fuel residing at the site; such costs are funded through a surcharge on electrical generation.

However, the study does estimate the costs incurred with the interim on-site storage of the fuel pending shipment by the DOE to an off-site disposal facility.

2.1.1 Period 1 - Preparations In anticipation of the cessation of plant operations, detailed preparations are undertaken to provide a smooth transition from plant operations to site decommissioning. Through implementation of a staffing transition plan, the organization required to manage the intended decommissioning activities is assembled from available plant staff and outside resources.

Preparations include the planning for permanent defueling of the reactor, revision of technical specifications applicable to the operating conditions and requirements, a characterization of the facility and major components, and the development of the PSDAR.

Engineering and Planning The PSDAR provides a description of the licensee's planned decommissioning activities, a timetable, and the associated financial requirements of the intended decommissioning program. Upon receipt of the PSDAR, the NRC will make the document available to the public for comment in a local hearing to be held in the vicinity of the reactor site.

Ninety days following submittal and NRC receipt of the PSDAR, the licensee may begin to perform major decommissioning activities under a modified 10 CFR §50.59 procedure, i.e., without specific NRC approval.

Major activities are defined as any activity that results in permanent removal of major radioactive components, permanently modifies the structure of the containment, or results in dismantling components (for shipment) containing GTCC, as defined by 10 CFR §61. Major components are further defined as comprising the reactor vessel and internals, large bore reactor coolant system piping, steam generators, and other large components that are radioactive. The NRC includes the following TLG Services, Inc. 000035

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 2, Page 3 of 12 additional criteria for use of the §50.59 process in decommissioning. The proposed activity must not:

  • foreclose release of the site for possible unrestricted use,
  • significantly increase decommissioning costs,
  • cause any significant environmental impact, or
  • violate the terms of the licensee's existing license.

Existing operational technical specifications are reviewed and modified to reflect plant conditions and the safety concerns associated with permanent cessation of operations. The environmental impact associated with the planned decommissioning activities is also considered. Typically, a licensee will not be allowed to proceed if the consequences of a particular decommissioning activity are greater than that bounded by previously evaluated environmental assessments or impact statements. In this instance, the licensee would have to submit a license amendment for the specific activity and update the environmental report.

The decommissioning program outlined in the PSDAR will be designed to accomplish the required tasks within the ALARA guidelines (as defined in 10 CFR §20) for protection of personnel from exposure to radiation hazards. It will also address the continued protection of the health and safety of the public and the environment during the dismantling activity.

Consequently, with the development of the PSDAR, activity specifications, cost-benefit and safety analyses, and work packages and procedures, would be assembled to support the proposed decontamination and dismantling activities.

Site Preparations Following final plant shutdown, and in preparation for actual decommissioning activities, the following activities are initiated:

Characterization of the site and surrounding environs. This includes radiation surveys of work areas, major components (including the reactor vessel and its internals), internal piping, and primary shield cores.

  • Isolation of the spent fuel storage pools and fuel handling systems, such that decommissioning operations can commence on the balance of the plant. The pools will remain operational for approximately five and one half years following the cessation of Unit 2 operations. During TLG Services, Inc. 000036

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 2, Page 4 of 12 this time period, it is assumed that the spent fuel residing in the pools that cannot be directly transferred to the DOE will be moved to an ISFSI for interim storage.

Specification of transport and disposal requirements for activated materials and/or hazardous materials, including shielding and waste stabilization.

  • Development of procedures for occupational exposure control, control and release of liquid and gaseous effluent, processing of radwaste (including dry-active waste, resins, filter media, metallic and non-metallic components generated in decommissioning), site security and emergency programs, and industrial safety.

2.1.2 Period 2 - Decommissioning Operations This period includes the physical decommissioning activities associated with the removal and disposal of contaminated and activated components and structures, including the successful termination of the 10 CFR §50 operating license. Significant decommissioning activities in this phase include:

  • Construction of temporary facilities and/or modification of existing facilities to support dismantling activities. This may include a centralized processing area to facilitate equipment removal and component preparations for off-site disposal.
  • Reconfiguration and modification of site structures and facilities as needed to support decommissioning operations. This may include the upgrading of roads (on- and off-site) as required to facilitate hauling and transport. Modifications may be required to the containment structure to facilitate access of large/heavy equipment. Modifications may also be required to the refueling area of the building to support the segmentation of the reactor vessel internals and component extraction.
  • Design and fabrication of temporary and permanent shielding to support removal and transportation activities, construction of contamination control envelopes, and the procurement of specialty tooling.
  • Procurement (lease or purchase) of shipping canisters, cask liners, and industrial packages.
  • Decontamination of components and piping systems as required to control (minimize) worker exposure.

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  • Removal of piping and components no longer essential to support decommissioning operations.
  • Removal of control rod drive housings and the head service structure from reactor vessel head.

Removal and segmentation of the upper internals assemblies.

Segmentation will maximize the loading of the shielded transport casks, i.e., by weight and activity. The operations are conducted under water using remotely operated tooling and contamination controls.

Disassembly and segmentation of the remaining reactor internals, including the core baffle assembly, lower core barrel, and lower core plate. Some material is expected to exceed Class C disposal requirements. As such, the segments will be packaged in modified fuel storage canisters for geologic disposal.

Segmentation of the reactor vessel. A shielded platform is installed for segmentation as cutting operations are performed in-air using remotely operated equipment within a contamination control envelope. The water level is maintained just below the cut to minimize the working area dose rates. Segments are transferred in-air to containers that are stored under water, for example, in an isolated area of the refueling canal.

Removal of the activated portions of the concrete biological shield and accessible contaminated concrete surfaces. If dictated by the steam generator and pressurizer removal scenarios, those portions of the associated cubicles necessary for access and component extraction are removed.

Removal of the steam generators and pressurizer for material recovery and controlled disposal. The generators will be moved to an on-site processing center and the steam domes removed for transportation.

The steam domes, internal components, the lower shell and tube bundle will be packaged for direct disposal. These components can serve as their own burial containers provided that all penetrations are properly sealed and the internal contaminants are stabilized, e.g., with grout. Steel shielding will be added, as necessary, to those external areas of the package to meet transportation limits and regulations.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 2, Page 6 of 12 At least two years prior to the anticipated date of license termination, a LTP is required. Submitted as a supplement to the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) or its equivalent, the plan must include: a site characterization, description of the remaining dismantling activities, plans for site remediation, procedures for the final radiation survey, designation of the end use of the site, an updated cost estimate to complete the decommissioning, and any associated environmental concerns. The NRC will notice the receipt of the plan, make the plan available for public comment, and schedule a local hearing. LTP approval will be subject to any conditions and limitations as deemed appropriate by the NRC. The licensee may then commence with the final remediation of site facilities and services, including:

  • Removal of remaining plant systems and associated components as they become nonessential to the decommissioning program or worker health and safety (e.g., waste collection and treatment systems, electrical power and ventilation systems).
  • Removal of the steel liners from refueling canal, disposing of the activated and contaminated sections as radioactive waste. Removal of any activated/ contaminated concrete.
  • Surveys of the decontaminated areas of the containment structure.
  • Remediation and removal of the contaminated equipment and material from the auxiliary and fuel building and any other contaminated facility. Radiation and contamination controls will be utilized until residual levels indicate that the structures and equipment can be released for unrestricted access and conventional demolition. This activity may necessitate the dismantling and disposition of most of the systems and components (both clean and contaminated) located within these buildings. This activity will facilitate surface decontamination and subsequent verification surveys required prior to obtaining release for demolition.
  • Routing of material removed in the decontamination and dismantling to a central processing area. Material certified to be free of contamination is released for unrestricted disposition, e.g., as scrap, recycle, or general disposal. Contaminated material is characterized and packaged for controlled disposal at the low-level radioactive waste disposal facility.

Incorporated into the LTP is the Final Survey Plan. This plan identifies the radiological surveys to be performed once the decontamination activities are completed and is developed using the guidance provided in TLG Services, Inc. 000039

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 2, Page 7 of 12 the "Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM)."[Zol This document incorporates the statistical approaches to survey design and data interpretation used by the EPA. It also identifies commercially available instrumentation and procedures for conducting radiological surveys. Use of this guidance ensures that the surveys are conducted in a manner that provides a high degree of confidence that applicable NRC criteria are satisfied. Once the survey is complete, the results are provided to the NRC in a format that can be verified. The NRC then reviews and evaluates the information, performs an independent confirmation of radiological site conditions, and makes a determination on the requested change to the operating licenses (that would release the property, exclusive of the ISFSI, for unrestricted use).

The NRC will amend the operating licenses if it determines that site remediation has been performed in accordance with the LTP, and that the terminal radiation survey and associated documentation demonstrate that the property (exclusive of the ISFSI) is suitable for release.

2.1.3 Period 3 - Site Restoration Following completion of decommissioning operations, site restoration activities will begin. Efficient removal of the contaminated materials and verification that residual radionuclide concentrations are below the NRC limits will result in substantial damage to many of the structures.

Although performed in a controlled, safe manner, blasting, coring, drilling, scarification (surface removal), and the other decontamination activities will substantially degrade power block structures including the reactor, auxiliary, radwaste warehouse and fuel buildings. Under certain circumstances, verifying that subsurface radionuclide concentrations meet NRC site release requirements will require removal of grade slabs and lower floors, potentially weakening footings and structural supports.

This removal activity will be necessary for those facilities and plant areas where historical records, when available, indicate the potential for radionuclides having been present in the soil, where system failures have been recorded, or where it is required to confirm that subsurface process and drain lines were not breached over the operating life of the station.

It is not currently anticipated that these structures would be repaired and preserved after the radiological contamination is removed. The cost to dismantle site structures, once remediation is complete, with a work force already mobilized on site is more efficient than if the process is deferred.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 2, Page 8 of 12 This cost study presumes that non-essential structures and site facilities are dismantled as a continuation of the decommissioning activity.

Foundations and exterior walls are removed to a nominal depth of three feet below grade. The three-foot depth allows for the placement of gravel for drainage, as well as topsoil, so that vegetation can be established for erosion control. Site areas affected by the dismantling activities are restored and the plant area graded as required to prevent ponding and inhibit the refloating of subsurface materials.

Non-contaminated concrete rubble produced by demolition activities is processed to remove reinforcing steel and miscellaneous embedments.

The processed material is then used on site to backfill foundation voids.

Excess non-contaminated materials are trucked to an off-site area for disposal as construction debris.

2.1.4 ISFSI Operations and Decommissioning For purposes only of this estimate, transfer of spent fuel to a DOE repository or interim facility is assumed to be exclusively from the ISFSI.

If this assumption is incorrect, it is assumed that DOE will have liability for costs incurred to transfer the fuel to DOE-supplied containers and to dispose of existing containers. The ISFSI will continue to operate under a general license (10 CFR Part 50) following the amendment of the operating licenses to release the adjacent (power block) property.

Assuming the DOE starts accepting fuel from Comanche Peak in 2056, transfer of spent fuel from the ISFSI is anticipated to continue through the year 2095. This assumption is made for purposes of this estimate, although it is acknowledged that CPPC will seek the most expeditious means of removing fuel from the site when DOE commences performance.

At the conclusion of the spent fuel transfer process, the ISFSI will be decommissioned. The NRC will terminate the Part 50 license when it determines that the remediation of the ISFSI has been performed in accordance with an ISFSI license termination plan and that the final radiation survey and associated documentation demonstrate that the facility is suitable for release. Once the requirements are satisfied, the NRC can terminate the license for the ISFSI.

Spent fuel is stored on the ISFSI in multi-purpose canisters, with concrete overpacks. For purposes of this cost analysis, it is assumed that once the inner canisters containing the spent fuel assemblies have been removed, any required decontamination performed on the storage TLG Services, Inc. 000041

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 2, Page 9 of 12 overpack (some minor activation is assumed), and the license for the facility terminated, the concrete overpacks can be dismantled using conventional techniques for the demolition of reinforced concrete. The concrete storage pad is then removed and the area regraded to minimize ponding.

2.2 SAFSTOR The NRC defines SAFSTOR as "the alternative in which the nuclear facility is placed and maintained in a condition that allows the nuclear facility to be safely stored and subsequently decontaminated (deferred decontamination) to levels that permit release for unrestricted use." The facility is left intact (during the dormancy period), with structures maintained in a sound condition. Systems that are not required to support the spent fuel pools or site surveillance and security are drained, de-energized, and secured. Minimal cleaning/removal of loose contamination and/or fixation and sealing of remaining contamination is performed. Access to contaminated areas is secured to provide controlled access for inspection and maintenance.

The engineering and planning requirements are similar to those for the DECON alternative, although they are limited in scope with no large scale dismantling activities anticipated. Site preparations are also similar to those for the DECON alternative. However, with the exception of the required radiation surveys and site characterizations, the mobilization and preparation of site facilities is less extensive.

2.2.1 Period 1 - Preparations Preparations for long-term storage include the planning for permanent defueling of the reactor, revision of technical specifications appropriate to the operating conditions and requirements, a characterization of the facility and major components, and the development of the PSDAR.

The process of placing the station in safe-storage includes, but is not limited to, the following activities:

  • Isolating of the spent fuel storage services and fuel handling systems so that safe-storage operations may commence on the balance of the plant. This activity may be carried out by plant personnel in accordance with existing operating technical specifications. Activities are scheduled around the fuel handling systems to the greatest extent possible.

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  • Transferring of the spent fuel from the storage pools to the ISFSI for interim storage, following the minimum required cooling period in the spent fuel pools.
  • Draining and de-energizing of the non-contaminated systems not required to support continued site operations or maintenance.
  • Disposing of contaminated filter elements and resin beds not required for processing wastes from layup activities for future operations.
  • Draining of the reactor vessel, with the internals left in place and the vessel head secured.
  • Draining and de-energizing non-essential, contaminated systems with decontamination as required for future maintenance and inspection.
  • Preparing lighting and alarm systems whose continued use is required; de-energizing portions of fire protection, electric power, and HVAC systems whose continued use is not required.
  • Cleaning of the loose surface contamination from building access pathways.
  • Performing an interim radiation survey of the plant, posting warning signs where appropriate.
  • Erecting physical barriers and/or securing all access to radioactive or contaminated areas, except as required for inspection and maintenance.

Installing security and surveillance monitoring equipment and relocating security fence around secured structures, as required.

2.2.2 Period 2 - Dormancy The second phase identified by the NRC in its rule addresses licensed activities during a storage period and is applicable to the dormancy phases of the deferred decommissioning alternatives. Dormancy activities include a 24-hour security force, preventive and corrective maintenance on security systems, area lighting, general building maintenance, heating and ventilation of buildings, routine radiological inspections of contaminated structures, maintenance of structural integrity, and a site environmental and radiation monitoring program. Site maintenance personnel perform equipment maintenance, inspection activities, routine services to maintain safe conditions, adequate lighting, heating, and ventilation, and periodic preventive maintenance on essential site services.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 2, Page 11 of 12 An environmental surveillance program is carried out during the dormancy period to ensure that releases of radioactive material to the environment are prevented and/or detected and controlled. Appropriate emergency procedures are established and initiated for potential releases that exceed prescribed limits. The environmental surveillance program constitutes an abbreviated version of the program in effect during normal plant operations.

Security during the dormancy period is conducted primarily to prevent unauthorized entry and to protect the public from the consequences of its own actions. The security fence, sensors, alarms, and other surveillance equipment provide security. Fire and radiation alarms are also monitored and maintained.

Consistent with the DECON alternative, the spent fuel storage pools are emptied within five and one half years of the cessation of operations. The transfer of the spent fuel to the DOE begins during the dormancy period in year 2056 and continues throughout (and beyond) the delayed decommissioning phase.

After a period of storage (such that license termination is accomplished within 60 years of the cessation of Unit 1 operations), it is required that the licensee submit an application to terminate the license, along with an LTP (described in Section 2.1.2), thereby initiating the third phase.

2.2.3 Periods 3 and 4 - Delayed Decommissioning Prior to the commencement of decommissioning operations, preparations are undertaken to reactivate site services and prepare for decommissioning. Preparations include engineering and planning, a detailed site characterization, and the assembly of a decommissioning management organization. Final planning for activities and the writing of activity specifications and detailed procedures are also initiated at this time.

Much of the work in developing a termination plan is relevant to the development of the detailed engineering plans and procedures. The activities associated with this phase and the follow-on decontamination and dismantling processes are detailed in Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. The primary difference between the sequences anticipated for the DECON and this deferred scenario is the absence, in the latter, of any constraint on the availability of the fuel storage facilities for decommissioning.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 2, Page 12 of 12 Variations in the length of the dormancy period are expected to have some effect upon the quantities of radioactive wastes generated from system and structure removal operations. Given the levels of radioactivity and spectrum of radionuclides expected from forty years of plant operation, no plant process system identified as being contaminated upon final shutdown will become releasable due to the decay period alone. The delay in decommissioning yields lower working area radiation levels. As such, the estimates for this delayed scenario incorporate reduced ALARA controls for the SAFSTOR's lower occupational exposure potential.

Although the initial radiation levels due to 60Co will decrease during the dormancy period, the internal components of the reactor vessel will still exhibit sufficiently high radiation dose rates to require remote sectioning under water due to the presence of long-lived radionuclides such as 94Nb, 59 Ni, and 63Ni. Therefore, the dismantling procedures described for the DECON alternative would still be employed during this scenario. Portions of the biological shield wall will still be radioactive due to the presence of activated trace elements with long half-lives (152Eu and 154Eu).

Decontamination will require controlled removal and disposal. It is assumed that radioactive corrosion products on inner surfaces of piping and components will not have decayed to levels that will permit unrestricted use or allow conventional removal. These systems and components will be surveyed as they are removed and disposed of in accordance with the existing radioactive release criteria.

2.2.4 Period 5 - Site Restoration Following completion of decommissioning operations, site-restoration activities can begin. Dismantling, as a continuation of the decommissioning process, is clearly the most appropriate and cost-effective option, as described in Section 2.1.3. The basis for the dismantling cost in this scenario is consistent with that described for DECON, presuming the removal of structures and site facilities to a nominal depth of three feet below grade and the limited restoration of the site.

2.2.5 ISFSI Operations and Decommissioning Completion of the spent fuel transfer operations is currently assumed to be in year 2095. Once complete, the ISFSI will be decommissioned as described in Section 2.1.4.

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3. COST ESTIMATE The cost estimates prepared for decommissioning Comanche Peak consider the unique features of the site, including the NSSS, power generation systems, support services, site buildings, and ancillary facilities. The basis of the estimates, including the sources of information relied upon, the estimating methodology employed, site-specific considerations, and other pertinent assumptions, is described in this section.

3.1 BASIS OF ESTIMATE The estimates were developed using the site-specific, technical information from the 2014 analysis. This information was reviewed for the current analysis and updated as deemed appropriate. The site-specific considerations and assumptions used in the previous evaluation were also revisited. Modifications were incorporated where new information was available or experience from ongoing decommissioning programs provided viable alternatives or improved processes.

3.2 METHODOLOGY The methodology used to develop the estimates follows the basic approach originally presented in the AIF/NESP-036 study report, "Guidelines for Producing Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Cost Estimates,"[21] and the DOE "Decommissioning Handbook."[22] These documents present a unit factor method for estimating decommissioning activity costs, which simplifies the estimating calculations. Unit factors for concrete removal

($/cubic yard), steel removal ($/ton), and cutting costs ($/inch) are developed using local labor rates. The activity-dependent costs are estimated with the item quantities (cubic yards and tons), developed from plant drawings and inventory documents. When specific CP information was not available, quantities were taken from information for a similar plant. Removal rates and material costs for the conventional disposition of components and structures rely upon information available in the industry publication, "Building Construction Cost Data," published by RSMeans.[23]

The unit factor method provides a demonstrable basis for establishing reliable cost estimates. The detail provided in the unit factors, including activity duration, labor costs (by craft), and equipment and consumable costs, ensures that essential elements have not been omitted. Appendix A presents the detailed development of a typical unit factor. Appendix B provides the values contained within one set of factors developed for this analysis.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 2 of 60 Regulatory Guide 1.184[241 Revision 1, issued in October 2013, describes the methods and procedures that are acceptable to the NRC staff for implementing the requirements that relate to the initial activities and the major phases of the decommissioning process. The costs and schedules presented in this analysis follow the general guidance and sequence in the regulations. The format and content of the estimates is also consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.202,1251 issued February 2005.

This analysis reflects lessons learned from TLG's involvement in the Shippingport Station Decommissioning Project, completed in 1989, as well as the decommissioning of the Cintichem reactor, hot cells, and associated facilities, completed in 1997. In addition, the planning and engineering for the Rancho Seco, Trojan, Yankee Rowe, Big Rock Point, Maine Yankee, Humboldt Bay-3, Oyster Creek, Connecticut Yankee, Crystal River, Vermont Yankee, Fort Calhoun, Pilgrim and Indian Point nuclear units have provided additional insight into the process, the regulatory aspects, and the technical challenges of decommissioning commercial nuclear units.

Work Difficulty Factors TLG has historically applied work difficulty adjustment factors (WDFs) to account for the inefficiencies in working in a power plant environment. WDFs are assigned to each unique set of unit factors, commensurate with the inefficiencies associated with working in confined, hazardous environments.

The ranges used for the WDFs are as follows:

  • Access Factor 10% to 20%
  • Respiratory Protection Factor 10% to 50%
  • Radiation/ALARA Factor 10% to 37%
  • Protective Clothing Factor 10% to 30%
  • Work Break Factor 8.33%

The factors and their associated range of values were developed in conjunction with the AIF/NESP-036 study. The application of the factors is discussed in more detail in that publication.

Scheduling Program Durations The unit factors, adjusted by the WDFs as described above, are applied against the inventory of materials to be removed in the radiological controlled areas. The resulting man-hours, or crew-hours, are used in the development of the TLG Services, Inc. 000047

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document LH-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 3 of 60 decommissioning program schedule, using resource loading and event sequencing considerations. The scheduling of conventional removal and dismantling activities is based upon productivity information available from the "Building Construction Cost Data" publication. In the DECON alternative, dismantling of the fuel building systems and decontamination of the spent fuel pools are also dependent upon the timetable for the transfer of the spent fuel assemblies from the pools to the ISFSI.

An activity duration critical path is used to determine the total decommissioning program schedule. The schedule is relied upon in calculating the carrying costs, which include program management, administration, field engineering, equipment rental, and support services such as quality control and security. This systematic approach for assembling decommissioning estimates ensures a high degree of confidence in the reliability of the resulting costs.

3.3 IMPACT OF DECOMMISSIONING MULTIPLE REACTOR UNITS In estimating the near simultaneous decommissioning of two co-located reactor units there can be opportunities to achieve economies of scale, by sharing costs between units, and coordinating the sequence of work activities. There will also be schedule constraints, particularly where there are requirements for specialty equipment and staff, or practical limitations on when final status surveys can take place. For purposes of the estimates, Units 1 and 2 are assumed to be essentially identical. Common facilities have been assigned to Unit 2. A summary of the principal impacts is listed below.

  • The sequence of work generally follows the principal that the work is done at Unit 1 first, followed by similar work at Unit 2. This permits the experience gained at Unit 1 to be applied by the workforce at the second unit. It should be noted however, that the estimates do not consider productivity improvements at the second unit, since there is little documented experience with decommissioning two units simultaneously. The work associated with developing activity specifications and procedures can be considered essentially identical between the two units, therefore the second unit costs are assumed to be a fraction of the first unit ( 43%).
  • Segmenting the reactor vessel and internals will require the use of special equipment. The decommissioning project will be scheduled such that Unit 2's reactor internals and vessel are segmented after the activities at Unit 1 have been completed.
  • Some program management and support costs, particularly costs associated with the more senior positions, can be avoided with two reactors undergoing decommissioning simultaneously. As a result, the estimates are based on a TLG Services, Inc. 000048

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 4 of 60 "lead" unit that includes these senior positions, and a "second" unit that excludes these positions. The designation as lead is based on the unit undertaking the most complex tasks (for instance vessel segmentation) or performing tasks for the first time.

  • The final radiological survey schedule is also affected by a two-unit decommissioning schedule. It would be considered impractical to try to complete the final status survey of Unit 1, while Unit 2 still has ongoing radiological remediation work and waste handling in process. As such, the transfer of the spent fuel from the storage pools and subsequent decontamination of the fuel building is coordinated so as to synchronize the final status survey for the station.
  • The final demolition of buildings at Units 1 and 2 are considered to take place concurrently. This is considered a reasonable assumption since access to the buildings is considered good at the station.
  • Unit 1, as the first unit to enter decommissioning, incurs the majority of site characterization costs.
  • Shared systems and structures are generally assigned to Unit 2.
  • Station costs such as emergency response fees, regulatory agency fees, corporate overhead, and insurance are generally allocated on an equal basis between the two units.

3.4 FINANCIAL COMPONENTS OF THE COST MODEL TLG's proprietary decommissioning cost model, DECCER, produces a number of distinct cost elements. These direct expenditures, however, do not comprise the total cost to accomplish the project goal, i.e., license termination and site restoration.

Inherent in any cost estimate that does not rely on historical data is the inability to specify the precise source of costs imposed by factors such as tool breakage, accidents, illnesses, weather delays, and labor stoppages. In the DECCER cost model, contingency fulfills this role. Contingency is added to each line item to account for costs that are difficult or impossible to develop analytically. Such costs are historically inevitable over the duration of a job of this magnitude; therefore, this cost analysis includes funds to cover these types of expenses.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 5 of 60 3.4.1 Contingency The activity- and period-dependent costs are combined to develop the total decommissioning cost. A contingency is then applied on a line-item basis, using one or more of the contingency types listed in the AIF/NESP -036 study. "Contingencies" are defined in the American Association of Cost Engineers "Project and Cost Engineers' Handbook"[261 as "specific provision for unforeseeable elements of cost within the defined project scope; particularly important where previous experience relating estimates and actual costs has shown that unforeseeable events which will increase costs are likely to occur." The cost elements in this analysis are based upon ideal conditions and maximum efficiency; therefore, consistent with industry practice, contingency is included. In the AIF/NESP-036 study, the types of unforeseeable events that are likely to occur in decommissioning are discussed and guidelines are provided for percentage contingency in each category. It should be noted that contingency, as used in this analysis, does not account for price escalation and inflation in the cost of decommissioning over the remaining operating life of the station.

Contingency funds are an integral part of the total cost to complete the decommissioning process. Exclusion of this component puts at risk a successful completion of the intended tasks and, potentially, subsequent related activities. For this study, TLG examined the major activity-related problems (decontamination, segmentation, equipment handling, packaging, transport, and waste disposal) that necessitate a contingency.

Individual activity contingencies ranged from 10% to 75%, depending on the degree of difficulty judged to be appropriate from TLG's actual decommissioning experience. The contingency values used in this study are as follows:

  • Decontamination 50%
  • Contaminated Component Removal 25%
  • Contaminated Component Packaging 10%
  • Contaminated Component Transport 15%
  • Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal 25%
  • Reactor Segmentation 75%
  • NSSS Component Removal 25%
  • Reactor Waste Packaging 25%
  • Reactor Waste Transport 25%
  • Reactor Vessel Component Disposal 50%

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  • Non-Radioactive Component Removal 15%
  • Heavy Equipment and Tooling 15%
  • Supplies 25%
  • Engineering 15%
  • E nergy 15%
  • Characterization and Termination Surveys 30%
  • Construction 15%
  • Taxes and Fees 10%
  • Insurance 10%
  • Staffing 15%
  • Spent Fuel Storage (Dry) Systems 15%
  • Spent Fuel Transfer Costs 15%
  • Operations and Maintenance Expenses 15%
  • ISFSI Decommissioning 25%

The contingency values are applied to the appropriate components of the estimates on a line item basis. A composite value is then reported at the end of each detailed estimate (as provided in Appendix C and D). A contingency of 25% is applied to the subtotal of the ISFSI decommissioning costs in Appendix E.

3.4.2 Financial Risk In addition to the routine uncertainties addressed by contingency, another cost element that is sometimes necessary to consider when bounding decommissioning costs relates to uncertainty, or risk. Examples can include changes in work scope, pricing, job performance, and other variations that could conceivably, but not necessarily, occur.

Consideration is sometimes necessary to generate a level of confidence in the estimate, within a range of probabilities. TLG considers these types of costs under the broad term "financial risk." Included within the category of financial risk are:

  • Transition activities and costs: ancillary expenses associated with outplacement of 50% to 80% of the site labor force shortly after the cessation of plant operations, added cost for national or company-mandated retraining, and retention incentives for key personnel.

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  • Delays in approval of the decommissioning plan due to intervention, public participation in local community meetings, legal challenges, and national and local hearings.
  • Changes in the project work scope from the baseline estimate, involving the discovery of unexpected levels of contaminants, contamination in places not previously expected, contaminated soil previously undiscovered (either radioactive or hazardous material contamination), variations in plant inventory or configuration not indicated by the as-built drawings.
  • Regulatory changes, for example, affecting worker health and safety, site release criteria, waste transportation, and disposal.
  • Policy decisions altering national commitments (e.g., in the ability to accommodate certain waste forms for disposition), or in the timetable for such, for example, the start and rate of acceptance of spent fuel by the DOE.
  • Pricing changes for basic inputs such as labor, energy, materials, and disposal. Items subject to widespread price competition (such as materials) may not show significant variation; however, others such as waste disposal could exhibit large pricing uncertainties, particularly in markets where limited access to services is available.

This cost study does not add any additional costs to the estimate for financial risk, since there is insufficient historical data from which to project future liabilities. Consequently, the areas of uncertainty or risk are revisited periodically and addressed through repeated revisions or updates of the base estimates (e.g., in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.159).

3.5 SITE-SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONS There are a number of site-specific considerations that affect the method for dismantling and removal of equipment from the site and the degree of restoration required. The cost impact of the considerations identified below is included in this cost study.

3.5.1 Spent Fuel Management The cost to dispose the spent fuel generated from plant operations is not reflected within the estimates to decommission Comanche Peak. Ultimate disposition of the spent fuel is within the province of the DOE's Waste Management System, as defined by the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. As TLG Services, Inc. 000052

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 8 of 60 such, the disposal cost is financed by a surcharge paid into the DOE's waste fund during operations. On November 19, 2013, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ordered the Secretary of the Department of Energy to suspend collecting annual fees for nuclear waste disposal from nuclear power plant operators until the DOE has conducted a legally adequate fee assessment.

The NRC does, however, require licensees to establish a program to manage and provide funding for the management of all irradiated fuel at the reactor site until title of the fuel is transferred to the Secretary of Energy. This requirement is prepared for through inclusion of certain high-level waste cost elements within the estimates, as described below.

Completion of the decommissioning process is dependent upon the DOE's ability to remove spent fuel from the site in a timely manner. DOE's repository program assumes that spent fuel allocations will be accepted for disposal from the nation's commercial nuclear plants, with limited exceptions, in the order (the "queue") in which it was discharged from the reactor. CPPC's current spent fuel management plan for the Comanche Peak spent fuel is based in general upon: 1) a 2056 start date for DOE initiating transfer of Comanche Peak spent fuel to a federal facility (not necessarily a final repository), and 2) a spent fuel transfer 2095 completion date. The management of the spent fuel inventory is delineated in Table 3.1. Different DOE acceptance assumptions would result in different completion dates.

ISFSI An ISFSI pad has been constructed at Comanche Peak to hold 84 storage casks (overpacks). The ISFSI was licensed by the NRC under the general license provisions of 10 CFR Part 72. The first cask was placed on the ISFSI pad on February 28, 2012.

Assuming that the DOE doesn't start accepting spent fuel until 2055; Comanche Peak will need to construct a second pad to accommodate the entire inventory of spent fuel discharged over the reactors' operating life.

Construction of a second pad is included within the estimates. Post-shutdown and maintenance costs for the ISFSI pads are also included and address the cost for staffing the facilities, as well as security, insurance, and licensing fees. Costs are provided for the final disposition of the pads once the transfer is complete.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Pozver Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 9 of 60 Canister Design The design and capacity of the ISFSI is based upon the HOLTEC HI-STORM 100S Version B dry storage system. The system consists of a multi-purpose canister (MPC) with a nominal capacity of 32 fuel assemblies and a concrete storage overpack.

Canister Loading and Transfer The estimates include the cost for the labor and equipment to load and transfer each spent fuel canister to the ISFSI. For estimating purposes, an allowance is used for the cost to transfer the fuel from the ISFSI into the DOE transport cask.

Since the DOE has not published details about its cask system, this rough estimate is necessary. However, use of this estimate should not be used to infer that TLG has any detailed information on the cask system DOE will ultimately provide.

Operations and Maintenance The estimates include the cost of operating and maintaining the spent fuel pools and the ISFSI, respectively. Pool operations are expected to continue approximately five and one half years after the cessation of Unit 2 operations. ISFSI operating costs are based upon a 2095 end date for spent fuel transfer.

ISFSI Decommissioning In accordance with 10 CFR §72.30, licensees must have a proposed decommissioning plan for the ISFSI site and facilities that includes a cost estimate for the plan. The plan should contain sufficient information on the proposed practices and procedures for the decontamination of the ISFSI and for the disposal of residual radioactive materials after all spent fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related GTCC waste have been removed.

The storage overpacks are assumed to have some level of neutron-induced activation, as a result of the long-term storage of the fuel, i.e., to levels exceeding free-release limits. As an allowance, 14 overpacks are assumed to require remediation, equivalent to the number of overpacks required to accommodate the final core off load from both units. The cost of the TLG Services, Inc. 000054

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 10 of 60 disposition of this material, as well as the demolition of the ISFSI facility, is included in the estimates.

In accordance with the specific requirements of 10 CFR §72.30 for the ISFSI work scope, the cost estimate for decommissioning the ISFSI reflects: 1) the cost of an independent contractor performing the decommissioning activities; 2) an adequate contingency factor; and 3) the cost of meeting the criteria for unrestricted use. The cost summary for decommissioning the ISFSI is presented in Appendix E.

GTCC The dismantling of the reactor internals is expected to generate radioactive waste considered unsuitable for shallow land disposal (i.e.,

low-level radioactive waste with concentrations of radionuclides that exceed the limits established by the NRC for Class C radioactive waste Greater than Class C or GTCC). The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 assigned the federal government the responsibility for the disposal of this material. The Act also stated that the beneficiaries of the activities resulting in the generation of such radioactive waste bear all reasonable costs of disposing of such waste.

Although the DOE is responsible for disposing of GTCC waste, any costs for that service have not been determined. For purposes of this estimate, the GTCC radioactive waste has been assumed to be packaged in the same canisters used to store spent fuel and disposed of as high-level waste, at a cost equivalent to that envisioned for the spent fuel. The number of canisters required and the packaged volume for GTCC was based upon experience at Maine Yankee (e.g., the constraints on loading as identified in the canister's certificate of compliance).

It is assumed only for purposes of these estimates that the DOE would not accept this waste prior to completing the transfer of spent fuel. Therefore, until such time as the DOE is ready to accept GTCC waste, it is assumed that this material would remain in storage at the Comanche Peak site. It is acknowledged, however, that CPPC will seek the most expeditious means of removing the GTCC from the site when DOE commences performance.

3.5.2 Reactor Vessel and Internal Components The reactor pressure vessel and internal components are segmented for disposal in shielded, reusable transportation casks. Segmentation is performed in the refueling canal, where a turntable and remote cutter are TLG Services, Inc. 000055

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 11 of 60 installed. The vessel is segmented in place, using a mast-mounted cutter supported off the lower head and directed from a shielded work platform installed overhead in the reactor cavity. Transportation cask specifications and transportation regulations dictate the segmentation and packaging methodology.

Intact disposal of reactor vessel shells has been successfully demonstrated at several of the sites that have been decommissioned. Access to navigable waterways has allowed these large packages to be transported to the Barnwell disposal site with minimal overland travel. Intact disposal of the reactor vessel and internal components can provide savings in cost and worker exposure by eliminating the complex segmentation requirements, isolation of the GTCC material, and transport/storage of the resulting waste packages. Portland General Electric (PGE) was able to dispose of the Trojan reactor as an intact package (including the internals).

However, its location on the Columbia River simplified the transportation analysis since:

  • the reactor package could be secured to the transport vehicle for the entire journey, i.e., the package was not lifted during transport,
  • there were no man-made or natural terrain features between the plant site and the disposal location that could produce a large drop, and
  • transport speeds were very low, limited by the overland transport vehicle and the river barge.

As a member of the Northwest Compact, PGE had a site available for disposal of the package - the US Ecology facility in Washington State. The characteristics of this arid site proved favorable in demonstrating compliance with land disposal regulations.

It is not known whether this option will be available when the Comanche Peak plant ceases operation. Future viability of this option will depend upon the ultimate location of the disposal site, as well as the disposal site licensee's ability to accept highly radioactive packages and effectively isolate them from the environment. Consequently, the study assumes that the reactor vessel will require segmentation, as a bounding condition.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 12 of 60 3.5.3 Primary System Components In the DECON alternative, the reactor coolant system components are assumed to be decontaminated using chemical agents prior to the start of dismantling operations. This type of decontamination can be expected to have a significant ALARA impact, since in this scenario the removal work is done within the first few years of shutdown. A decontamination factor (average reduction) of 10 is assumed for the process. Disposal of the decontamination solution effluent is included within the estimate as a "process liquid waste" charge. In the SAFSTOR alternative, radionuclide decay is expected to provide the same benefit and, therefore, a chemical decontamination is not included.

Reactor coolant piping is cut from the reactor vessel once the water level in the vessel (used for personnel shielding during dismantling and cutting operations in and around the vessel) is dropped below the nozzle zone. The piping is boxed and transported by shielded van. The reactor coolant pumps and motors are lifted out intact, packaged, and transported for disposal.

The following discussion deals with the removal and disposition of the steam generators, but the techniques involved are also applicable to other large components, such as heat exchangers, component coolers, and the pressurizer. The steam generators' size and weight, as well as their location within the reactor building, will ultimately determine the removal strategy.

A trolley crane is set up for the removal of the generators. It can also be used to move portions of the steam generator cubicle walls and floor slabs from the Containment Building to a location where they can be decontaminated and transported to the material handling area.

Interferences within the work area, such as grating, piping, and other components are removed to create sufficient laydown space for processing these large components.

The generators are rigged for removal, disconnected from the surrounding piping and supports, and maneuvered into the open area where they are lowered onto a dolly. Each generator is rotated into the horizontal position for extraction from the containment and placed onto a multi-wheeled vehicle for transport to an on-site processing and storage area.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 13 of 60 The generators are disassembled on-site for transport to the disposal site.

The interior volume is filled with low-density cellular concrete for stabilization of the internal contamination.

Each component is then loaded onto a rail car for transport to the disposal facility.

3.5.4 Main Turbine and Condenser The main turbine is dismantled using conventional maintenance procedures. The turbine rotors and shafts are removed to a laydown area.

The lower turbine casings are removed from their anchors by controlled demolition. The main condensers are also disassembled and moved to a laydown area. Material is then prepared for transportation to an off-site recycling facility where it is surveyed and designated for either decontamination or volume reduction, conventional disposal, or controlled disposal. Components are packaged and readied for transport in accordance with the intended disposition.

3.5.5 Retired Components The estimates include the disposition, from Unit 1, of four retired steam generators and a retired reactor vessel closure head. The components, currently in storage at the site, will be prepared for transport and disposal. Similar to the disposition of the operating units, the steam domes of the generators are assumed to be removed to meet transport clearances. The estimates for the retired components include the project management, contractor and supporting costs necessary to execute the tasks assuming that the disposition would be a coordinated effort (i.e.,

single mobilization effort).

The estimates also include the disposition of one high-pressure and two low-pressure turbine rotors as clean scrap.

3.5.6 Transportation Methods Contaminated piping, components, and structural material other than the highly activated reactor vessel and internal components will qualify as LSA-I, II or III or Surface Contaminated Object, SCO-I or II, as described in Title 49.[27] The contaminated material will be packaged in Industrial Packages (IP-1, IP-2, or IP-3, as defined in subpart 10 CFR 173.411) for transport unless demonstrated to qualify as their own shipping containers. The reactor vessel and internal components are TLG Services, Inc. 000058

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 14 of 60 expected to be transported in accordance with Part 71, as Type B containers. It is conceivable that the reactor, due to its limited specific activity, could qualify as LSA II or III. However, the high radiation levels on the outer surface would require that additional shielding be incorporated within the packaging so as to attenuate the dose to levels acceptable for transport.

Any fuel cladding failure that occurred during the lifetime of the plant is assumed to have released fission products at sufficiently low levels that the buildup of quantities of long-lived isotopes (e.g., 137Cs, 90Sr, or transuranics) has been prevented from reaching levels exceeding those that permit the major reactor components to be shipped under current transportation regulations and disposal requirements.

Transport of the highly activated metal, produced in the segmentation of the reactor vessel and internal components, will be by shielded truck cask.

Cask shipments may exceed 95,000 pounds, including vessel segment(s),

supplementary shielding, cask tie-downs, and tractor-trailer. The maximum level of activity per shipment assumed permissible was based upon the license limits of the available shielded transport casks. The segmentation scheme for the vessel and internal segments is designed to meet these limits.

The transport of large intact components (e.g., large heat exchangers and other oversized components) will be by a combination of truck, rail, and/or multi-wheeled transporter.

Transportation costs for material requiring controlled disposal are based upon the route and mileage to the Andrews County facility in western Texas. Truck transport costs are estimated using published tariffs from Tri-State Motor Transit.[281 3.5.7 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal The mass of radioactive waste generated during the various decommissioning activities at the site is shown on a line-item basis in the detailed Appendices C and D, and summarized in Section 5. The quantified waste summaries shown in these tables are consistent with 10 CFR Part 61 classifications. Commercially available steel containers are presumed to be used for the disposal of piping, small components, and concrete. Larger components can serve as their own containers, with proper closure of all openings, access ways, and penetrations. The volumes are calculated based on the exterior package dimensions for TLG Services, Inc. 000059

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 15 of 60 containerized material or a specific calculation for components serving as their own waste containers.

The more highly activated reactor components will be shipped in reusable, shielded truck casks with disposable liners. In calculating disposal costs, the burial fees are applied against the liner volume. Packaging efficiencies are lower for the highly activated materials (greater than Type A quantity waste), where high concentrations of gamma-emitting radionuclides limit the capacity of the shipping canisters.

The cost to dispose of the low-level radioactive material generated from the decontamination and dismantling activities is based upon CPPC's current cost for disposal at the Texas Compact facility operated by Waste Control Specialists in Andrews County.

3.5.8 Site Conditions Following Decommissioning The NRC will terminate the site license if it determines that site remediation has been performed in accordance with the license termination plan, and that the terminal radiation survey and associated documentation demonstrate that the facility is suitable for release. The NRC's involvement in the decommissioning process will end at this point.

Building codes and environmental regulations will dictate the next step in the decommissioning process, as well as CPPC's own future plans for the site.

A significant amount of the below grade piping is located around the perimeter of the power block. The estimate includes a cost to excavate this area to an average depth of four feet so as to expose the piping, duct bank, conduit, and any near-surface grounding grid. The overburden is surveyed and stockpiled on site for future use in backfilling the below grade voids.

Only existing site structures are considered in the dismantling cost. The existing electrical switchyard and access roads will remain in support of the electrical transmission and distribution system. The site access road will be left intact.

Structures are removed to a nominal depth of three feet below grade.

Concrete rubble generated from demolition activities is processed and made available as clean fill for the power block foundations. Additional fill is brought in to cap the power block excavations and to permit seeding for erosion control.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 16 of 60 3.6 ASSUMPTIONS The following are the major assumptions made in the development of the estimates for decommissioning the site.

3.6.1 Estimating Basis Decommissioning costs are reported in the year of projected expenditure; however, the values are provided in 2019 dollars. Costs are not inflated, escalated, or discounted over the periods of performance.

The estimates rely upon the physical plant inventory that was the basis for the 2014 analysis, with an adjustment to include the subsequent addition of the Stator Rewind Building.

The study follows the principles of ALARA through the use of work duration adjustment factors. These factors address the impact of activities such as radiological protection instruction, mock-up training, and the use of respiratory protection and protective clothing. The factors lengthen a task's duration, increasing costs and lengthening the overall schedule.

ALARA planning is considered in the costs for engineering and planning, and in the development of activity specifications and detailed procedures.

Changes to worker exposure limits may impact the decommissioning cost and project schedule.

3.6.2 Labor Costs CPPC will hire a Decommissioning Operations Contractor (DOC) to manage the decommissioning. CPPC will provide site security, radiological health and safety, quality assurance and overall site administration during the decommissioning and demolition phases. Costs for site administration, operations, construction, and maintenance personnel are based upon average salary information provided by CPPC.

Contract personnel will provide engineering services, e.g., for preparing the activity specifications, work procedures, activation, and structural analyses, under the direction of CPPC.

The craft labor required to decontaminate and dismantle the nuclear units will be acquired through standard site contracting practices. The current cost of labor at the site is used as an estimating basis.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 17 of 60 Reductions in the operating organization are handled through normal company practices. No costs have been included for this activity.

Severance costs are included for the decommissioning staff as the organization is downsized.

Security, while reduced from operating levels, is maintained throughout the decommissioning for access control, material control, and to safeguard the spent fuel (in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 37, Part 72, and Part 73). Security costs include provisions for recurring expenses.

3.6.3 Design Conditions Any fuel cladding failure that occurred during the lifetime of the plant is assumed to have released fission products at sufficiently low levels that the buildup of quantities of long-lived isotopes (e.g., 137Cs, 905r, or transuranics) has been prevented from reaching levels exceeding those that permit the major NSSS components to be shipped under current transportation regulations and disposal requirements.

The curie contents of the vessel and internals at final shutdown are derived from those listed in NUREG/CR-3474.[291 Actual estimates are derived from the curie/gram values contained therein and adjusted for the different mass of the Comanche Peak components, projected operating life, and different periods of decay. Additional short-lived isotopes were derived from NUREG/CR-0130[3°] and NUREG/CR-0672, [31] and benchmarked to the long-lived values from NUREG/CR-3474.

The control elements are disposed of along with the spent fuel, i.e., there is no additional cost provided for their disposal. Activation of the containment building structure is confined to the biological shield.

3.6.4 General Transition Activities Existing warehouses are cleared of non-essential material and remain for use by CPPC and its subcontractors. The plant's operating staff performs the following activities at no additional cost or credit to the project during the transition period:

  • Drain and collect fuel oils, lubricating oils, and transformer oils for recycle and/or sale.

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 18 of 60

  • Drain and collect acids, caustics, and other chemical stores for recycle and/or sale.
  • Process operating waste inventories, i.e., the estimates do not address the disposition of any legacy wastes; the disposal of operating wastes during this initial period is not considered a decommissioning expense.

Scrap and Salvage The existing plant equipment is considered obsolete and suitable for scrap as deadweight quantities only. CPPC will make economically reasonable efforts to salvage equipment following final plant shutdown. However, dismantling techniques assumed by TLG for equipment in this analysis are not consistent with removal techniques required for salvage (resale) of equipment. Experience has indicated that some buyers wanted equipment stripped down to very specific requirements before they would consider purchase. This required expensive rework after the equipment had been removed from its installed location. Since placing a salvage value on this machinery and equipment would be speculative, and the value would be small in comparison to the overall decommissioning expenses, this analysis does not attempt to quantify the value that an owner may realize based upon those efforts.

It is assumed, for purposes of this analysis, that any value received from the sale of scrap generated in the dismantling process would be more than offset by the on-site processing costs. The dismantling techniques assumed in the decommissioning estimates do not include the additional cost for size reduction and preparation to meet "furnace ready" conditions.

For example, the recovery of copper from electrical cabling may require the removal and disposition of any contaminated insulation, an added expense. With a volatile market, the potential profit margin in scrap recovery is highly speculative, regardless of the ability to free release this material. This assumption is an implicit recognition of scrap value in the disposal of clean metallic waste at no additional cost to the project.

Furniture, tools, mobile equipment such as forklifts, trucks, bulldozers, and other property are removed at no cost or credit to the decommissioning project. Disposition may include relocation to other facilities. Spare parts are also made available for alternative use.

Energy For estimating purposes, the plant is assumed to be de-energized, with the exception of those facilities associated with spent fuel storage. Replacement TLG Services, Inc. 000063

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 19 of 60 power costs are used to calculate the cost of energy consumed during decommissioning for tooling, lighting, ventilation, and essential services.

Emergency Planning FEMA and state fees associated with emergency planning are assumed to continue for approximately 18 months following the cessation of operations. At this time, the fees are discontinued. The timing is based upon the anticipated condition of the spent fuel (i.e., the hottest spent fuel assemblies are assumed to be cool enough that no substantial Zircaloy oxidation and off-site event would occur with the loss of spent fuel pools water). State fees continue until all fuel has been moved from the pools into dry storage (approximately five and one-half years following the cessation of operations).

Insurance Costs for continuing coverage (nuclear liability and property insurance) following cessation of plant operations and during decommissioning are included and based upon current operating premiums. Reductions in premiums, throughout the decommissioning process, are based upon the guidance provided in SECY-00-0145, "Integrated Rulemaking Plan for Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning.132] The NRC's financial protection requirements are based on various reactor (and spent fuel) configurations.

Taxes Property taxes are included within the estimates. However, the tax is based upon the land, without any consideration of any ongoing site operations and property assets.

Site Modifications The perimeter fence and in-plant security barriers will be moved, as appropriate, to conform to the Site Security Plan in force during the various stages of the project.

Site Restoration All structures will be removed except for the switchyard. The switchyard is required for grid operations. Structures to be removed include but are not limited to the reactor, fuel, auxiliary, radwaste warehouse, safeguard, diesel generator, and turbine buildings.

TLG Services, Inc. 000064

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 20 of 60 3.7 COST ESTIMATE


Schedules of expenditures are provided in Tables 3.2 through 3.5. The tables delineate the cost contributors by year of expenditures as well as cost contributor (e.g., labor, materials, and waste disposal).

Additional tables in Appendices C and D provide detailed cost elements. The cost elements are also assigned to one of three subcategories: "License Termination,"

"Spent Fuel Management," and "Site Restoration." The subcategory "License Termination" is used to accumulate costs that are consistent with "decommissioning" as defined by the NRC in its financial assurance regulations (i.e., 10 CFR §50.75). The cost reported for this subcategory is generally sufficient to terminate the plant's operating license, recognizing that there may be some additional cost impact from spent fuel management. This subcategory also includes the costs of disposing of the following Unit 1 components: the retired steam generators, the reactor vessel closure head, and spare high and low pressure turbine rotors. The study assumes that the disposal of the components would occur after shutdown, however, the costs are identified separately because the disposal activities could be conducted at any time.

The License Termination cost subcategory also includes costs to decommission the ISFSI (as required by 10 CFR §72.30). The basis for the ISFSI decommissioning cost that is included in both Appendices C and D is provided in Appendix E.

The "Spent Fuel Management" subcategory contains costs anticipated to be incurred once the nuclear units cease operation for the off-loading of the pools to the ISFSI for interim storage, and the eventual transfer of the fuel from the ISFSI to the DOE. Costs are also included for the operation of the ISFSI until such time that the transfer of all fuel from this facility to an off-site location (e.g.,

geologic repository) is complete.

"Site Restoration" is used to capture costs associated with the dismantling and demolition of buildings and facilities demonstrated to be free from contamination. This includes structures never exposed to radioactive materials, as well as those facilities that have been decontaminated to appropriate levels.

Structures are removed to a depth of three feet and backfilled to conform to local grade.

As discussed in Section 3.5.1, it is not anticipated that the DOE will accept the GTCC waste prior to completing the transfer of spent fuel. Therefore, the cost of GTCC disposal is shown in the final year of ISFSI operation. While designated for disposal at the geologic repository along with the spent fuel, GTCC waste is TLG Services, Inc. 000065

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 21 of 60 still classified as low-level radioactive waste and, as such, included as a "License Termination" expense.

Decommissioning costs are reported in 2019 dollars. Costs are not inflated, escalated, or discounted over the period of expenditure (or projected lifetime of the plant). The schedules are based upon the detailed activity costs reported in Appendices C and D, along with the timeline presented in Section 4.

TLG Services, Inc. 000066

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 22 of 60 TABLE 3.1 COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT Fuel Assembly Inventory DOE (end of year)

Year Pools ISFSI Acceptance 2009 2078 2010 2171 2011 2353 2012 2154 288 2013 1959 1 576 2014 2143 576 I-2015 2040 I 768 2016 1937 i 960 2017 2121 960 2018 2014 1152 i

2019 1911 1344 2020 2093 1344 1 2021 1990 1 1536 I 2022 1891 1 1728 2023 2073 1728 2024 1970 1920 2025 1871 2112 2026 2053 2112 2027 1950 2304 2028 1851 2496 2029 2033 2496 2030 2123 2688 2031 2123 2688 2032 2212 2688 2033 2405 2688 2034 1893 3200 2035 1413 3680 2036 933 4160 2037 453 4640 2038 - 5093 TLG Services, Inc. 000067

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 23 of 60 TABLE 3.1 (continued)


Year Pools ISFSI Acceptance i__ 2039 5,093 2040 5,093 2041 I 5,093 2042 5,093 2043 5,093 2044 5,093 2045 5,093 2046 5,093 2047 5,093 H 2048 - 5,093 I 2049 5,093 2050 4--- 5,093 2051 5,093 f 2052 5,093 2053 5,093 2054 5,093 2055 5,093 2056 4,965 128 2057 4,837 128 2058 4,709 128 2059 4,581 128 2060 4,453 128 2061 4,325 128 2062 4,197 128 2063 4,069 128 2064 3,941 128 2065 3,813 128 2066 3,685 128 2067 3,557 128 2068 3,429 128 TLG Services, Inc. 000068

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 24 of 60 TABLE 3.1 (continued)


Year Pools ISFSI Acceptance 2069 3,301 128 2070 3,173 128 2071 3,045 128 2072 2,917 128 2073 ' 2,789 128 2074 2,661 128 2075 2,533 128 2076 2,405 128 2077 2,277 128 2078 2,149 128 2079 2,021 128 2080 1,893 128 2081 1,765 128 2082 1,637 128 2083 1,509 128 2084 1,381 128 2085 1,253 128 2086 1,125 128 2087 997 128 2088 869 128 2089 741 128 2090 613 128 2091 485 128 2092 357 128 2093 229 128 2094 101 128 2095 101 Total L 5,093 TLG Services, Inc. 000069

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 25 of 60 TABLE 3.2 COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total

, 2030 55,641 i 12,806 i 2,065 ! 23 1 8,408 78,943

, 2031 68,548 22,837 l 3,415 14,593 j 24,929 134,323 2032 62,171 ' 27,663 2,196 34,336 13,184 139,549

. 2033 51,681 , 30,623 , 1,878 13,162 7,865 105,210 2034 46,751 32,074 1,729 3,091 5,342 88,987 2035 31,238  : 19,337 1,729 1,861 5,002 59,167 2036 L 7,991 ' 233 1,734 16 4,505 14,478 2037 i 7,969 232 1,729 16 4,492 14,438 2038 8,896 1,246 940 1,525 4,303 16,910 2039 15,049 815 274 13 2,208 18,359 2040 13,709 5,985 268 3 1,057 21,022 2041 11,879 6,850 231 0 925 19,884 2042 3,423 1,070 36 O 966 5,494 2043 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2044 1,863 0 0 O 976 2,839 2045 1,858 0 O O 973- 2,831 2046 1,858 O O 0 973 2,831 2047 1,858 O O 0 973 2,831 2048 1,863 O O 0 976 2,839 2049 1,858 0 O 0 973 2,831 2050 1,858 O 0 0 973 2,831 2051 1,858 , 0 0 973 2,831 2052 1,863 O 0 0 976 2,839 2053 1,858 O 0 0 973 2,831 2054 1,858 0 O 0 973 2,831 i 2055 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2056 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2057 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 2058 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2059 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 TLG Services, Inc. 000070

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 26 of 60 TABLE 3.2 (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total F-----

2060 1,963 i 300 0 976 3,239 .

2061 1,958 j 300 0 0 973 3,231 2062 1,958 . 300 0 0 973 3,231 2063 1,958 ' 300 0 0 973 3,231 2064 1,963 300 O O 976 3,239 2065 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 2066 1,958_ 300 0 O 973 3,231 r

2067 1,958 300 O O 973 3,231 2068 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2069 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 t-- 2070 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2071 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 i 2072 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 1 2073 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2074 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2075 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2076 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 1 2077 1,958 J 300 0 0 973 3,231 2078 1,958 L 300 0 0 973 3,231 2079 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2080 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2081 1,958 300 4-

-- 0 973 3,231 2082 1,958 300 0 l 0 973 3,231 2083 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2084 1,963 300 O 0 976 3,239 2085 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2086 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2087 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2088 1,963 300 0 O 976 3,239 2089 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 TLG Services, Inc. 000071

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 27 of 60 TABLE 3.2 (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2090 1,958 , 300 0 ; 973 ' 3,231 H r 2091 1,958 i 300 0 973 3,231 2092 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2093 1,958 300 0 j; 973 3,231 2094 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2095 1,958 ' 1,550 0 0 12,560 16,068 2096 j 3,466 1,344 12 3,073 3,260 11,156 Total 490,950 i 176,367 18,234 71,711 149,642 906,903 TLG Services, Inc. 000072

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 28 of 60 TABLE 3.2a COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF LICENSE TERMINATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2030 51,330 1,746 2,065 23 7,511 62,674 2031 66,550 ' 21,468 3,415 14,592 24,045 130,070 2032 60,817 27,450 2,196 34,333 12,476 137,273 2033 44,909 ' 13,392 1,878 i 13,161 7,161 80,501 2034 37,388 1 6,712 1,729 3,091 4,638 53,558 2035 25,621 i 4,120 1,729 1,861 4,298 37,629 2036 7,991 233 1,734 16 3,799 13,772 H

2037 7,969 232 1,729 16 3,788 13,734 2038 7,988 1,246 940 1,525 3,448 15,147 2039 13,451 815 274 13 2,146 16,698 2040 3,499 205 73 3 544 4,324 2041 120 0 0 0 328 448 2042 19 0 0 0 51 70 2043-94 0 0 0 0 0 0 2095 71 1,250 0 0 11,618 12,940 1 2096 498 223 8 3,073 2,705 6,508 H

Total 328,221 , 79,094 17,769 71,706 88,555 585,345 I TLG Services, Inc. 000073

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 29 of 60 TABLE 3.2b COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2030 3,687 11,061 897 15,644_ j 2031 428 1,285 0 0 884 2,598 2032 0 0 0 0 706 706 2033 5,708 17,125 704 23,537 2034 8,435 25,306 0 704 34,445 2035 5,061 15,184 0 704 20,949 2036 0 o 706 706 2037 0 0 704 704 2038 908 435 1,343 2039 1,599 0 63 1,661 2040 1,856 0 0 0 512 2,368 2041 1,858 0 0 595 2,453 2042 1,858 914 2,772 2043 1,858 973 2,831 2044 1,863 0 0 976 2,839 2045 1,858 0 973 2,831 2046 1,858 0 973 2,831 2047 1,858 973 2,831 2048 1,863 976 2,839 2049 1,858 0 973 2,831 2050 1,858 973 2,831 2051 1,858 0 0 O 973 2,831 2052 1,863 0 0 O 976 2,839 2053 1,858 0 O O 973 2,831 2054 1,858 0 O O 973 2,831 2055 1,858 0 O 0 973 2,831 2056 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2057 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2058 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2059 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 TLG Services, Inc. 000074

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 30 of 60 TABLE 3.2b (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2060 1,963 ; 300 976 3,239

-t 2061 1,958 ' 300 0 973 3,231 2062 1,958 300 973 3,231 2063 1,958 300 973 3,231 2064 1,963 300 0 976 3,239 2065 1,958 i 300 0 o , 973 3,231 2066 1,958 300 0 973 3,231 2067 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2068 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 i 2069 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2070 1,958 300 973 3,231 2071 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2072 1,963 300 976 3,239 2073 1,958 300 973 3,231 2074 1,958 300 973 3,231 2075 1,958 300 0 973 3,231 2076 1,963 300 0 976 3,239 2077 i 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2078 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2079 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2080 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2081 1,958 300 973 3,231 1

2082 1,958 300 973 3,231 2083 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2084 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2085 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2086 1,958 , 300 O 0 973 3,231 2087 1,958_ 300 O 0 973 3,231 2088 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2089 1,958 1 300 0 0 973 3,231 TLG Services, Inc. 000075

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 31 of 60 TABLE 3.2b (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2090 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2091 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2092 1,963 300 0 O 976 3,239 2093 1,958 i 300 O O 973 3,231 2094 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 2095 1,887 300 0 0 942 3,128 2096 0 0 0 0 0 0

,.._ Total 133,864 81,961 60,104 275,928 ,

TLG Services, Inc. 000076

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 32 of 60 TABLE 3.2c COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DE CON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF SITE RESTORATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2030 624 0 0 0 O 624 .

2031 1,569 84 0 0 1 1,654 2032 1,353 212 0 0 2 1,568 r 2033 1,064 106 0 0 1 1,171 2034 928 56 0 0 O 983 2035 557 I 33 0 O 0 590 2036 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 2037 0 0 0 0 0 0 2038 0 0 0 0 I 426 426 2039 0  : 0 0 O 0 0 2040 8,355 ' 5,780 195 O 2 14,331 2041 9,901 6,850 231 O 2 16,983 2042 1,546 1,070 36 O 0 2,652 2043-95 0 : 0 0 O 0 0 :

2096 2,968 1,121 4 O 554 4,648 1 Total 28,865 I 15,312 465 _ 987 45,629 I TLG Services, Inc. 000077

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 33 of 60 TABLE 3.3 COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 2034 f 50,370 63,674 13,041 21,279 2,103 3,407 23 12,622 5,329 16,776 70,867 _

117,757 L 2035 63,826 27,907 2,190 27,892 9,173 130,988 I 2036 i 61,932 32,427 1,876 12,316 5,976 114,527 F 2037 l 60,841 34,318 1,729 5,311 4,525 106,723 1 2038 50,430 23,008 1,391 5,596 7,192 87,617

_ 2039 31,093 3,960 648 2,440 7,139 45,279 2040 17,545 12,983 268 3 3,127 33,926 2041 15,568 15,074 231 0 2,843 33,716 2042 3,999 2,354 36 0 1,265 7,654 L 2043 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2044 1,863 0 0 0 976 2,839 2045 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2046 1,858 0 0 O 973 2,831 2047 1,858 0 0 O 973 2,831 2048 1,863 O 0 O 976 2,839 ,

2049 1,858 O 0 O 973 2,831 ,

2050 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 1-- 2051 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2052 r 1,863 0 0 0 976 2,839 2053 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2054 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2055 1,858 0 0 0 973 . 2,831 2056 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2057 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 j 2058 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 I 2059 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2060 1,963 300 O 0 976 3,239 2061 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 ,

2062 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 1 TLG Services, Inc. 000078

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 34 of 60 TABLE 3.3 (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2063 1,958 300 973 3,231 _

2064 1,963 300 0 976 3,239 2065 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2066 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2067 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2068 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2069 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2070 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2071 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2072 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 _

2073 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2074 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2075 1,958* 300 0 0 973 3,231 2076 1,963 ; 300 0 0 976 3,239 2077 1,958 ' 300 0 0 973 3,231 2078 1,958 , 300 0 0 973 3,231 2079 1,958 ' 300 0 0 973 3,231 2080 1,963 1 300 0 0 976 3,239 2081 1,958 ; 300 0 0 973 3,231 2082 1,958 . 300 0 0 973 3,231 2083 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2084 1,963_1 300 0 0 976 3,239 2085 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2086 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2087 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 1 2088 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2089 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2090 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2091 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2092 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 TLG Services, Inc. 000079

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 35 of 60 TABLE 3.3 (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2093 1,958 ; 300 0 0 973 3,231 2094 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2095 1,958 1,550 0 0 12,560 16,068 2096 3,4661 1,212 12 3,073 3,260 11,023 Total 525,2811 200,813 F-------69,276 13,890 ; 129,802 939,062 TLG Services, Inc. 000080

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 36 of 60 TABLE 3.3a COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF LICENSE TERMINATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 46,344 I 1,778 2,103 23 4,416 54,664 2034 62,206 I 20,098 3,407 12,621 15,897 1 114,228 2035 62,210 27,669 2,190 27,889 8,467 128,425 2036 54,395 I 14,697 1,876 12,315 5,270 i 88,553 2037 50,689 8,844 1,729 5,311 3,821 70,394 2038 43,697 8,212 1,391 5,596 6,544 65,440 1

2039 29,207 3,959 648 2,440 6,870 43,124 1 2040 4,164 263 73 3 995 5,498 2041 51 0 0 0 328 379 ,

2042 8 0 0 O 51 59 I 1----

2043-94 0 0 0 0 0 0 2095 71 1,250 0 0 11,618 12,940 2096 498 223 8 3,073 2,705 6,508 1

Total 353,541 , 86,994 13,425 69,271 66,982 590,212 TLG Services, Inc. 000081

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 37 of 60 TABLE 3.3b COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 3,755 11,264 0 O 913 15,932 _

I-2034 361 1,082 0 O 878 2,321 2035 0 0 0 0 704 704 2036 L 5,854 17,562 0 0 706 24,122 2037 8,446 25,337 0 0 704 34,486 2038 5,729 14,716 0 0 435 20,881 2039 1,874 0 0 0 63 I 1,937_1 2040 1,856 0 O 0 512 r 2,368 2041 1,858 0 O 0 595 2,453 2042 1,858 0 0 t_ 0 914 2,772 1 2043 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2044 1,863 1 0 0 0 976 2,839 2045 1,858 0 O 0 973 2,831 2046 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2047 1,858 1 0 0 0 973 2,831 2048 1,863 0 0 0 976 2,839 2049 1,858 O 0 O 973 2,831 :

2050 1,858 O 0 O 973 2,831 2051 1,858 O 0 O 973 2,831 2052 1,863 O 0 O 976 2,839 2053 1,858 O O 0 973 2,831 2054 1,858 O O 0 973 2,831 2055 1,858 0 0 O 973 1 2,831 2056 1,963 300 O 0 976 3,239 2057 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2058 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2059 1,958 300 0 j 0 973 3,231 2060 1,963 300 0 1 0 976 3,239 2061 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2062 1,958 L 300 0 973 3,231 TLG Services, Inc. 000082

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 38 of 60 TABLE 3.3b (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2063 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2064 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2065 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2066 1,958 , 300 0 0 973 3,231 2067 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2068 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2069 1,958 300 0 973 3,231

, 2070 1,958 300 0 973 3,231 2071 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2072 1,963 300 976 3,239 r

2073 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231

' 2074 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2075 1,958 t 300 0 973 3,231 2076 1,963 I 300 0 0 976 3,239 2077 1,958 300 973 3,231 2078 1,958 300 973 3,231 2079 1,958 300 973 3,231 2080 1,963 1 300 0 0 976 3,239 2081 1,958 ' 300 0 973 3,231 2082 _i__ 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2083 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2084 1,963 300 o o 976 3,239 2085 1,958 300 0 973 3,231 2086 1,958 300 0 973 3,231 2087 1,958 300 0 973 3,231 2088 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2089 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2090 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2091 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2092 1,963 300 976 3,239 TLG Services, Inc. 000083

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 39 of 60 TABLE 3.3b (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total b 2093 1,958 ' 300 0 I 973 3,231 2094 1,958 300 o 0 I 973 ---t1 3,231 2095 1,887 300 0 1 942 3,128 1 r___ 2096 o o i I

7 __I Total 134,056 ' 81,961 58,001 274,017 I TLG Services, Inc. 000084

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 40 of 60 TABLE 3.3c COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF SITE RESTORATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 272 0 0 0 0 272 2034 1,107 98 0 0 1 1,207 2035 1,616 238 0 0 2 1,856 2036 1,683 169 0 0 1 1,852 2037 1,706 i 137 0 0 0 1,843 2038 1,004 80 0 0 216 1,299 2039 12 0 0 0 209 221 2040 11,525 12,720 195 0 1,621 26,061 2041 13,658 15,074 231 0 1,920 30,883 2042 2' 133 2' 354 36 0 300 4,823 I--

2043-95 0 0 0 0 0 0 2096 2,968 1 989 4 0 554 4,515 Total 37,685 I 31,859 465 O 4,823 74,832 TLG Services, Inc. 000085

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 41 of 60 TABLE 3.4 COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 SAFSTOR ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2030 44,711 ' 12,281 2,065 23 8,167 67,247_!

2031 32,645 9,623 1,572 365 21,421 65,626 2032 11,989 8,725 462 9 4,251 25,437 2033 11,957 8,702 461 9 4,239 25,368 2034 11,957 8,702 461 9 4,239 25,368 2035 11,957 8,702 461 9 4,239 25,368 2036 11,989 8,725 462 9 4,251 25,437 2037 11,957 8,702 461 9 4,239 25,368 2038 8,444 ! 5,186 364 7 3,044 17,046 2039 3,577 ' 314 231 4- 1,388 5,515 '

E 2040 3,587 ' 315 1--- 231 4 1,392 5,530 '

2041 3,577 r 314 231 4 1,388 5,515 2042 3,577 _:._ 314 231 4 1,388 5,515_

2043 3,577 314 231 4 1,388 5,515 2044 3,587 ! 315 231 4 1,392 5,530 2045 3,577 314 231 4 1,388 5,515 2046 3,577 ' 314 231 4 1,388 5,515 2047 3,577 314 231 4 1,388 5,515 2048 3,587 315 231 4 1,392 5,530 2049 3,577 314 231 4 1,388 5,515 2050 3,577 314 231 4 1,388 5,515 2051 3,577 314 231 4 1,388 5,515 2052 3,587 315 231 4 1,392 5,530 2053 3,577 314 231 4 1,388 5,515 2054 3,577 314 231 4 1,388 5,515 2055 3,577 r 314 231 4 1,388 5,515 2056 3,687 . 615 231 4 1,392 5,930 2057 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2058 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2059 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 TLG Services, Inc. 000086

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 42 of 60 TABLE 3.4 (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2060 3,687 ' 615 I 231 4 1,392 I. 5,930 2061 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2062 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2063 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2064 3,687 615 231 4 1,392 5,930 2065 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2066 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2067 3,677 1 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2068 3,687 , 615 231 4 1,392 5,930 2069 3,677 : 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2070 3,677 , 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2071 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2072 3,687 t 615 i 231 4' 1,392 5,930 2073 3,677 ' 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2074 3,677 ' 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2075 3,677 L 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2076 3,687 , 615 231 4 1,392 5,930 2077 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2078 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2079 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 2080 3,687 , 615 231 4 1,392 5,930 2081 3,677 614 231 4 1,388 5,915 ,

2082 3,699 , 679 231 4 1,388 6,001 2083 35,596 4,478 1,856 18 1,468 43,416 2084 48,521 12,944 2,279 11,369 3,511 78,624 2085 51,121 . 29,809 2,190 40,622 8,707 132,449 2086 32,707 : 10,488 1,792 8,805 4,517 58,308 2087 29,784 7,421 1,729 3,754 3,851 46,540 2088 10,098 2,241 450 980 2,001 15,770 2089 16,196 1 1,179 299 14 1,603 19,291 TLG Services, Inc. 000087

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 43 of 60 TABLE 3.4 (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2090 13,103 6,571 255 1,011 1_

. 20,941 2091 11,925 7,150 231 O 925 . 20,231 2092 3,009 1,037 24 0 956 5,026 2093 1,955 292 0 0 957 3,204 2094 1,955 292 0 0 957 3,204 2095 1,955 1,542 0 0 12,544 16,042 2096 3,466 , 1,344 12 3,073 3,260 11,156 Total 579,224 , 188,142 28,036 69,275 165,490 1,030,167 TLG Services, Inc. 000088

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 44 of 60 TABLE 3.4a COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 SAFSTOR ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF LICENSE TERMINATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2030 41,024 1,221 2,065 23 7,270 51,602 2031 28,804 5,051 1,572 365 20,514 56,306 2032 3,376 430 462 8 3,485 7,762 2033 3,367 429 461 8 3,475 7,741 2034 3,367 429 461 8 3,475 7,741 2035 3,367 429 461 8 3,475 7,741 2036 3,376 430 462 8 3,485 7,762 1 2037 3,367 429 461 8 3,475 7,741 2038 2,676 381 364 7 2,574 6,002 1-2039 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2040 1,723 315 231 4 1,329 3,603 2041 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2042j 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2043 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2044 1,723 315 231 4 1,329 3,603 2045 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2046 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2047 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2048 1,723 315 231 4 1,329 3,603 2049 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2050 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2051 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2052 1,723 315 231 4 1,329 3,603 2053 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2054 1,719 314 2311 4 1,326 3,594 2055 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2056 1,723 315 231 4 1,329 3,603 2057 , 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2058 -1 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2059 j 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 TLG Services, Inc. 000089

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 45 of 60 TABLE 3.4a (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2060 I 1,723 315 231 4 1,329 3,603 1 2061 1,719 1 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 j 2062 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 '

2063 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2064 1,723 315 231 4 1,329 3,603 2065 1,719 ' 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2066 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 I----

2067 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2068

  • 1,723 315 231 4 1,329 3,603 I-- 2069j 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 d 2070 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2071 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2072 1,723 315 231 4 1,329 3,603 2073 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2074 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 1 2075 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2076 1,723 315 231 4 1,329 3,603 2077 1,719 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2078 1,719  : 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2079 1,719 ! 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2080 1,723 i 315 231 4 1,329 3,603 2081 1,719 1 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2082 1,719 1 314 231 4 1,326 3,594 2083 33,032 4,243 1,856 18 1,406 40,554 2084 44,978 12,603 2,279 11,369 3,448 74,677 2085 47,702 1 29,365 2,190 40,622 8,644 128,523 2086 29,801 10,117 1,792 8,805 4,454 54,969 2087 26,960 7,062 1,729 3,754 3,789 43,293 2088 8,311 1,925 450 980 1,938 13,605 2089 14,439 879 299 14 1,540 17,171 2090 2,325 134 48 2 175 2,684 TLG Services, Inc. 000090

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 46 of 60 TABLE 3.4a (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2091 120 . o ø o 0 i 120 2092 13 0 0 0 0 13 2093 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 2094 0 0 0 0 0 0

--r-2095 71 1,250 0 0 11,618 12,940 2096 498 223 8 3,073 2,705 6,508 I t Total 376,645 l 90,873 27,571 69,270 149,320 713,679 TLG Services, Inc. 000091

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 47 of 60 TABLE 3.4b COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 SAFSTOR ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2030 3,687 11,061 0 0 897 15,644 2031 3,830 4,563 0 O 883 9,276 '

2032 8,586 ' 8,273 0 O 706 17,564 ,

2033 8,562 8,250 0 0 704 17,516 2034 8,562 1 8,250 0 0 t 704 17,516 2035 8,562 8,250 0 0 704 17,516 2036 8,586 8,273 0 0 706 17,564

--t-2037 8,562 8,250 0 0 704 17,516 F--2038 5,752 4,792 0 0 435 10,979

' 2039 1,859 O O 0 63 1,921 2040 1,864 0 O 0 63 1,926 F--

2041 1,859 0 O 0 63 1,921 2042 1,859 63 1,921 1--- 2043 1 1,859 0 0 O 63 1,921 2044 1,864 0 0 O 63 1,926 2045 1,859 63 1,921 2046 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2047 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2048 1,864 0 0 O 63 1,926 2049 1,859 0 0 O 63 1,921 2050 1,859 0 0 O 63 1,921 2051 1,859 0 0 O 63 1,921 2052 1,864 0 0 0 63 1,926 2053 1,859 0 O 0 63 1,921 2054 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2055 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2056 1,964 300 O 0 63 2,326 2057 1,959 300 0 0 63 , 2,321 2058 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2059 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 TLG Services, Inc. 000092

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 48 of 60 TABLE 3.4b (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2060 1,964 300 0 0 63 2,326 ,

2061 1,959 300 0 63 2,321 2062 i 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2063 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321


2064 1,964 300 0 0 63 2,326 2065 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2066 1,959 300 0 O 63 2,321 2067 1,959 l 300 0 0 63 2,321 2068 1,964 300 0 0 63 2,326 F

2069 1,959 300 O 0 63 2,321 I 2070 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 H

2071 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2072 1,964 300 0 0 63 2,326 2073 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2074 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2075 1,959 t-- 300 0 O 63 2,321 2076 1,964 300 0 0 63 2,326 2077 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2078 I1,959 300 0 63 2,321 2079 1,959 300 0 0 l 63 2,321 ,

2080 1,964 300 0 0 63 2,326 2081 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2082 1,980 365 0 0 63 2,408 2083 1,989 235 0 0 63 2,286 2084 2,000 300 0 0 63 2,363 _

2085 1,915 300 0 0 63 2,277 2086 1,842 300 0 0 63 2,204 2087 1,830 300 O 0 63 2,192 2088 1,528 300 0 0 63 1,891 2089 1,757 1 300 0 0 63 2,119 TLG Services, Inc. 000093

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Reu. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 49 of 60 TABLE 3.4b (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2090 1,925 300 0 0 146 2,371 2091 1,923 300 O 0 156 2,379 2092 1,967 324 0 O 876 3,167

---1 2093 1,955 , 292 0 O 957 3,204 2094 1,955 1 292 0 O 957 3,204 2095 1,884 292 0 O 926 3,102 2096 0 0 0 0 Total 173,715 l 81,961 0 13,653 269,329 TLG Services, Inc. 000094

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 50 of 60 TABLE 3.4c COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 SAFSTOR ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF SITE RESTORATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2030 j 0 0 1 0 O 0 2031 11 1 9 0 0 24 4 4-7 11 2032 27 22 0 0 62 111 2033 27 22 0 0 61 111 2034 27 22 O 0 61 i 111 2035 27 22 0 0 61 111 r

2036 27 22 0 0 62 111 2037 27 ' 22 0 0 61 111 2038 16 ' 13 0 0 36 65 2039-82 0 0 0 0 0 0 2083 T 576 1 0 0 0 0 576 2084 1,544 40 0 0 0 1,584 2085 1,505 144 0 0 0 1,648 2086

  • 1,064 71 0 0 0 1,136 ,

2087 995 60 O 0 0 1,054 '

2088 259 16 0 0 0 274 2089 0 0 0 0 0 0 2090 8,853 6,137 207 O 690 15,886 2091 9,882 6,850 231 O 770 17,732 2092 1,029 713 24 0 80 1,846 2093 0 0 0 0 0 0 2094 0 0 2095 0 0 O 0 0 0 2096 2,968 1,121 4 O 554 4,648 Total 28,864 15,308 465 O 2,523 47,160 TLG Services, Inc. 000095

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 51 of 60 TABLE 3.5 COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 SAFSTOR ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 j 42,642 i 12,507 2,103 23 5,145 62,420 '

2034 35,716 13,638 1,542 396 14,913 66,205 '

2035 18,776 15,000 461 11 4,555 : 38,803 2036 L 18,828 15,041 462 11 4,568 ! 38,910 2037 18,776 15,000 461 11 4,555 38,8031 2038 12,520 ' 8,882 364 8 3,256 25,032 2039 i___ 3,852 1_ 406 231 4 1,457 5,949 I 2040 3,862 407 231 4 1,461 5,965 2041 3,852 406 231 4 1,457 5,949 2042 j 3,852 406 231 4 1,457 5,949 2043 3,852 406 231 4 1,457 5,949 2044 3,862 407 231 4 1,461 5,965 2045 . 3,852 406 231 4 1,457 5,949 2046 -I 3,852 ' 406

__ J 231 4 1,457 5,949 2047 3,852 ' 406 231 4 1,457 5,949 2048 3,862 407 231 4 1,461 5,965 ,

2049 3,852 406 231 4 1,457 5,949 ,

2050 3,852 406 231 4 1,457 5,949 '

2051 3,852 406 231 4 1,457 5,949 '

2052 3,862 407 231 4 1,461 5,965 2053 3,852 406 231 4 1,457 5,949 2054 3,852 . 406 231 4 1,457 5,949 2055 3,852 ' 406 231 4 1,457 5,949 2056 3,962 , 707 231 4 1,461 l 6,365 2057 3,952 . 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 2058 3,952 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 2059 3,952 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 2060 3,962 707 231 4 1,461 6,365 2061 3,952 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 TLG Services, Inc. 000096

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 52 of 60 TABLE 3.5 (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2062 3,952 i 706 i 231 4 1,457 6,349 1 2063 3,952  ; 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 1 2064 3,962 707 231 4 1,461 6,365 2065 3,952 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 2066 3,952 : 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 !

2067 3,952  : 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 1 2068 L 3,962 707 231 4 1,461 6,365 2069 l 3,952 1 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 '

2070 3,952 ' 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 1 2071 3,952 706 231 4 1,457 , 6,349 2072 3,962 707 231 4 1,461 , 6,365 2073 3,952 706 231 1,457 i 6,349 2074 3,952 706 231 4 l 1,457 6,349 2075 3,952 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 2076 3,962 707 231 4 1,461 6,365 2077 3,952 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 2078 3,952 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 2079 3,952 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 2080 3,962 707 231 4 1,461 6,365 2081 3,952 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 2082 3,952 706 231 4 1,457 6,349 2083 3,962 736 231 4 1,457 6,390 2084 27,626 3,300 2,101 19 1,447 34,492 2085 42,072 16,011 2,258 13,468 3,606 77,415 2086 54,192 30,141 2,190 32,960 6,743 126,226 2087 46,028 11,229 1,731 7,901 4,129 71,018 2088 43,210 10,088 1,574 6,892 3,668 65,433 2089 26,095 3,275 623 1,149 4,573 35,715 1 2090 16,268 14,167 255 2 3,180 33,872 I TLG Services, Inc. 000097

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-004 Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 53 of 60 TABLE 3.5 (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2091 15,452 T, 15,586 231 0 2,844 34,112 i 2092 3,376 1,915 24 0 1,156 6,471 1 2093 1,955 292 0 0 957 3,204 2094 1,955 292 0 0 957 3,204 2095 1,955 1,542 0 0 12,544 16,042 ,

2096 3,466 1,212 12 3,073 3,260 11' 023

-i Total 607,169 , 215,826 26,772 66,117 151,644 i 1,067,529 TLG Services, Inc. 000098

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 54 of 60 TABLE 3.5a COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 SAFSTOR ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF LICENSE TERMINATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 38,888 1,243 2,103 23 4,232 46,489 ,1 2034 29,109 ' 6,577 1,542 i 395 13,991 51,614 2035 3,679 i I

547 461 10 3,745 8,442 2036 3,689 549 462 10 3,756 8,465 2037 3,679 547 461 10 3,745 8,442 2038 2,972  : 488 364 7 2,760 6,592 2039 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2040 1,999 ! 407 231 4 1,398 4,039 2041 1,993 . 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2042 1,993 1_ 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2043 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2044 1,999 407 231 4 1,398 4,039 2045 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2046 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2047 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2048 1,999 407 231 4 1,398 4,039 2049 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 1 2050 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 1 2051 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2052 1,999 407 231 4 1,398 4,039 1- 2053 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2054 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2055 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2056 1,999 . 407 231 4 1,398 4,039 2057 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 :

2058 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2059 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2060 1,999 407 231 4 1,398 4,039 1 1

2061 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 .

2062 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 TLG Services, Inc. 000099

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 55 of 60 TABLE 3.5a (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2063 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 ! 4,028

' 2064 1,999 407 231 4 1,398 t 4,039 2065 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028

[_. 2066 1,993 7 406 231 1 4 1,394 4,028 2067 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2068 1,999 407 231 4 1,398 4,039 2069 1,993_ 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2070 1,993 406 231 4 1,394-7 4,028 .

2071 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 .1 4,028 '

2072 1,999 407 231 1,398 4,039 1!

2073 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 I 4,028 2074 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2075 1,993 _ 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 ,

2076 1,999 407 231 4 l 1,398 4,039 2077 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2078 1,993 _ 406 231 1,394 4,028 2079 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2080 1,999 407 231 4 1,398 4,039 2081 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2082 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2083 1,993 406 231 4 1,394 4,028 2084 25,457 3,031 2,101 19 1,384 31,991 2085 38,955 15,640 2,258 13,468 3,544 73,864 2086 50,375 29,665 2,190 32,960 6,681 121,871 2087 41,771 10,756 1,731 7,901 4,067 66,225 2088 39,360 9,648 1,574 6,892 3,606 61,080 2089 24,066 2,975 623 1,149 4,511 33,324 2090 2,265 172 48 626 3,113 2091 52 0 0 O 0 52 2092 5 TLG Services, Inc. 000100

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 56 of 60 TABLE 3.5a (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2093 J 0 0 0 0 _ O 0 2094 0 , 0 0 O O 0 2095 71 1,250 0 0 11,618 12,940 2096 498 223 8 3,073 2,705 6,508 Total L394,649 : 101,589 26,307 , 66,112 I 133,739 722,396 TLG Services, Inc. 000101

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 57 of 60 TABLE 3.5b COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 SAFSTOR ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 3,755 11,264 0 0 913 15,932 i 2034 6,587 1 7,045 0 0 878 1--- 14,510 1 I

2035 15,050 1 14,414 0 O 704 l 30,167 2036 15,091  : 14,453 0 0 L 706 30,250 :

2037 15,050 ' 14,414 0 O 704 30,167 j 2038 9,520 ' 8,372 0 O 435 18,327 2039 i 1,859  ; 0 O 0 63 1,921 I- 2040 I- 1,864 0 O 0 63 1,926 2041 1,859  ! 0 O 0 63 1,921 2042 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2043 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2044 1,864 0 0 0 63 1,926 2045 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2046 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2047 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2048 1,864 0 0 0 63 1,926 2049 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2050 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921

_ 2051 1,859 0 0 0 , 63 1,921 2052 1,864 0 0 0 63 1,926 2053 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2054 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2055 1,859 0 0 0 63 1,921 2056 1,964 300 0 0 63 2,326

_ 2057 1,959 300 0 63 2,321 2058 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2059 1,959 300 0 O 63 2,321 2060 1,964 300 0 0 63 2,326 2061 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2062 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 TLG Services, Inc. 000102

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 58 of 60 TABLE 3.5b (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2063 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2064 T 1,964 300 0 O 63 2,326 2065 f 1,959 300 0 O 63 2,321

- 2066 1.I 1,959 300 0 63 2,321 1

2067 1 1,959 300 0 O 63 2,321 2068 1,964 300 0 O 63 2,326 1

2069 1,959 1 300 0 o 63 2,321 ,

2070 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2071 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2072 1,964 300 0 0 63 2,326 2073 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2074 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2075 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2076 1,964 300 0 0 63 2,326 '

2077 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2078 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2079 1,959 300 0 0 63 2,321 2080 1,964 300 O 0 63 2,326 2081 1,959 300 O 0 63 2,321 2082 t 1,959 300 O O 63 2,321 2083 1,969 330 O O 63 2,362 2084 1,885 270 0 O 63 2,218 2085 1,923 . 300 O O 63 2,286 2086 1,982 , 300 O 0 63 2,345 2087 2,090 300 O 0 63 2,452 2088 2,103 300 0 0 63 2,467 2089 2,029 300 0 0 63 2,391 2090 1,960 300 0 0 146 2,406 2091 1,958 300 0 0 156 2,413 2092 1,971 324 0 0 876 3,171 TLG Services, Inc. 000103

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 59 of 60 TABLE 3.5b (continued)


Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2093 1,955 292 0 0 957 3,204 ,

t 2094 1,955 292 O 0 957 , 3,204 2095 1,884 292 O O 926 ' 3,102 2096 0 0 Oj__

Total 175,250 81,961 13 11,551 268,762 TLG Services, Inc. 000104

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 3, Page 60 of 60 TABLE 3.5c COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 SAFSTOR ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF SITE RESTORATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment &

Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 I 01 0 0 0 0 2034 20 16 1 0 0 44 80 1 2035 48 39 1 0 0 107 194 2036 48 39 1 0 O 107 195 .

2037 48 39

  • 0 O 107 194 2038 28 23 0 0 62 113 2039-2083 0 0 O 0 0 0 2084 283 0 O 0 0 283 2085 1,193 72 0 0 0 1,264 2086 1,835 175 0 0 0 2,010 2087 2,167 173 0 0 0 2,341 2088 1,747 140 0 0 0 1,887 2089 0 0 0 0 0 0 2090 12,044 13,694 207 0 2,408 1 28,353 2091 13,443 15,286 231 0 2,688 31,648 2092 1,400 1,591 24 0 280 3,295 2093 0 0 0 0 0 0 2094 0 0 0 0 0 0 2095 0 0 0 0 0 0 '

2096 2,968 989 4 0 554 4,515 Total 37,270 i 32,277 465 0 6,359 76,371 TLG Services, Inc. 000105

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 4, Page 1 of 6

4. SCHEDULE ESTIMATE The schedules for the decommissioning scenarios considered in this study follow the sequences presented in the AIF/NESP-036 study, with minor changes to reflect recent experience and site-specific constraints. In addition, the scheduling has been revised to reflect the spent fuel management plan described in Section 3.5.1.

A schedule or sequence of activities for the DECON alternative is presented in Figure 4.1. The scheduling sequence is based on the fuel being removed from the spent fuel pools within five and one half years. The key activities listed in the schedule do not reflect a one-to-one correspondence with those activities in the cost tables, but reflect dividing some activities for clarity and combining others for convenience. The schedule was prepared using the "Microsoft Project Professional" computer software.[331 4.1 SCHEDULE ESTIMATE ASSUMPTIONS The schedule reflects the results of a precedence network developed for the site decommissioning activities, i.e., a PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) Software Package. The work activity durations used in the precedence network reflect the actual man-hour estimates from the cost table, adjusted by stretching certain activities over their slack range and shifting the start and end dates of others. The following assumptions were made in the development of the decommissioning schedule:

  • The fuel building is isolated until such time that all spent fuel has been discharged from the spent fuel pools to the ISFSI for interim storage.

Decontamination and dismantling of the storage pools is initiated once the transfer of spent fuel is complete (DECON alternative).

  • All work (except vessel and internals removal) is performed during an 8-hour workday, 5 days per week, with no overtime. There are eleven paid holidays per year.
  • Reactor and internals removal activities are performed by using separate crews for different activities working on different shifts, with a corresponding backshift charge for the second shift.
  • Multiple crews work parallel activities to the maximum extent possible, consistent with optimum efficiency, adequate access for cutting, removal and laydown space, and with the stringent safety measures necessary during demolition of heavy components and structures.

TLG Services, Inc. 000106

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 4, Page 2 of 6 4.2 PROJECT SCHEDULE The period-dependent costs presented in the detailed cost tables are based upon the durations developed in the schedules for decommissioning. Durations are established between several milestones in each project period; these durations are used to establish a critical path for the entire project. In turn, the critical path duration for each period is used as the basis for determining the period-dependent costs. A second critical path is shown for the spent fuel storage period, which determines the release of the fuel building for final decontamination.

Project timelines are provided in Figures 4.2 and 4.3, with milestone dates based on the 2030 and 2033 shutdown dates for Units 1 and 2, respectively. The fuel pools are emptied approximately five and one half years after Unit 2 shutdown, while ISFSI operations continue until the DOE can complete the transfer of assemblies.

Deferred decommissioning in the SAFSTOR alternative is assumed to commence so that the site can be released for alternative use, excluding the ISFSI, within a 60-year period from the cessation of plant operations.

TLG Services, Inc. 000107

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 4, Page 3 of 6 FIGURE 4.1 DECON ACTIVITY SCHEDULE Task Name 2026 2029 203" 2035 2036 2041 2044 CPNPP DECON Unit 1 & 2 schedule Shutdown Unit 1

  • Penod la Unit 1 - Shutdosvn through transition **

Cernhcate of permanent cessation of operations submitted

  • F ue: 17.0rag,..;*.;:,..

Rec.:1,1'411re pl in:

Prepare activity specifications MI Perform site characterization PSDAR submitted

  • Written certificate of permanent removal of fuel submitted
  • Site specific decommissioning cost estimate submitted
  • DOC staff mobilized
  • Penod lb Unit 1 - Decommissioning preparations **

Fuel storage pco: .Dpes atICAla Reconfture plant continue i City fuel stowe operanor s Prepare detailed work procedures

  • Isolate spent fuel pool
  • Period 2a Unit 1 - Large component removal tip.

Fuel storage pool operations NMI Dry fuel storage operations Preparauon for reactor vessel removal Reactor vessel & internals Remo:ring large NSSS components disposmon Non-essential systems Mani turbineigenerator Ilam condenser Period 21, Unit 1 - Decontamination i wet fuel)

Reactor Building Decon Fuel storage pool operations Dry fuel storage operation; Remove systems not supporting wet fuel storage NEM Decon buildings not supporting wet fuel storage MWM Penod 2c - Unit 1 - Delay Prior to Spent Fuel Pool Decon gpomnip Delay Penod Zd Unit 1 - Decontamination following wet fuel storage

  • Dry fuel storage operations
  • Remove spent fuel cooling system components Decon wet fuel storage area
  • Period 2e Unit 1 - Delay before License Terra IMP Star: De:ay ten End Delay *

-:nit 2 Operations Shutdown Unit 2

  • Period la Unit 2 - Shutdown through transition ***

Certificate of pennanent cessation of operations submitted

  • Fuel storage pool operations Reconfigure plant Dry fuel storage operation; Prepare activity specifications Perform site characterization Tag Mlestale
  • TLG Services, Inc. 000108

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 4, Page 4 of 6 FIGURE 4.1 (continued)

DECON ACTIVITY SCHEDULE Task Name 2026 2029 2r,5 2035 2055 2041 2344 PSDAR submitted Written certificate of permanent removal of fuel submitted

  • Site specific decommissioning cost estimate submitted
  • DOC staff mobilized
  • Period lb Unit') - Decommissioni ,f, pteparations Fuel storage poo: operations Reconfigure plant i:continuei Dry fuel storage operation; Prepare detailed work procedures Decon NSSS
  • Isolate spent fuel pool M gp*Now Penod 2a Unit 2 - Large component removal Fuel storage pool operation; MEI Dry fuel storage operations Preparation for reactor vessel removal Reactor vessel & internals Remainiug large NSSS components dispotton Non-essential systems Main turbineigenerator Main condenser II=

License termination plan submitted

  • viming Period 2b Unit 2 - Decontamination (wet fueli Fuel ;forage pool operations Dry fuel image operations Remove systems not supporting wet fuel storage M Decon buildings not supporting wet fuel storage IIMM License termination plan approred
  • Fuel storage pool available for decommissioning
  • Period 2d Unit 2 - Decontamination Mixing wet fuel storage PP Dry fuel storage operations M Remove seiriain: sTstems Dec _,n

- .C.

- -. fie: st:c-i'se al ea Period a Unit 1 & 2 - Plant bream tennination Dry fuel storage operanons

  • Final Site Suitrey N7C re-,-.eit. ,ceapp.. y...al Part 50 license terminated
  • gm..

Period lb Unit 1 & 2 - Site restoration Bui: lin: demolitions liachfili and landocaping TLG Services, Inc. 000109

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 4, Page 5 of 6 FIGURE 4.2 DECOMMISSIONING TIMELINE DECON (not to scale)


Peed 2 Por cd 3

?e* cd Dece-rm sser Ste VS Opete crs Ss P-eca*-ecrs Cce-et ens Pes*crs*.cr 243.7.

A J,J1-2095 get-203C Jg-ZCZ 6tb-ZW: Dec- 'XS g6e Sec Cze*at crs A,,g-Z038 Sce-c F .4! er. TT :ICE S.S Oce-st ors 2-7'5 6 Pe. Z cd 3 Pe* cd Decom sscr -g Ste crs Pd'at,cns Owec s-s gecc-stc^

A .1%

.rels.Z.W3 Jun-2096 A-g-2as4 c-Z:eC r.-2045 TLG Services, Inc. 000110

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 4, Page 6 of 6 FIGURE 4.3 DECOMMISSIONING TIMELINE SAFSTOR (not to scale) tP.t 1 So.t.etdeve. END 1 Per,Cc : Per od 2 Per .od 3 SA=5, 0 0 Percd 2 Pe*Cd 3 aecon, n. ssor ni Ste Spent Fue' :S.S.

P, ece-at cns Safe-Storage Pann ng Operat t:S Restore on - rars'er D&D


Jun-2096 e13-21130 A.g-2C31 Ma-'063 Se p-2M4 Pe o-2090 :eb-2392 Dec 2095

vePC Coe-etons A.g-2(58 Spent .ue,T, ansFer to DOE ss Ope*-atbns SFS Opera
ons 2656 Ur- t2 Sh...tdovr, END Per,od 2 Pe, cd 2 Pe-zd 3 De corr rr ss;on ng Pe, cd 3 ,,on ng De con* n- ---- S te S,:e, t F..ae SFS, P -epa-az cns Ope, at ons . e, r, ng Opera! cans Re:::rat on `'ers'e" D&D N ,

2033 jun- 2396 Aug-2034 Peb-2M4 Pe h-2090 .et-2092 De c 2C95 TLG Services, Inc. 000111

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 5, Page 1 of 6

5. RADIOACTIVE WASTES The objectives of the decommissioning process are the removal of all radioactive material from the site that would restrict its future use and the termination of the NRC license. This currently requires the remediation of all radioactive material at the site in excess of applicable legal limits. Under the Atomic Energy Act,[34] the NRC is responsible for protecting the public from sources of ionizing radiation. Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations delineates the production, utilization, and disposal of radioactive materials and processes. In particular, Part 71 defines radioactive material as it pertains to transportation and Part 61 specifies its disposition.

Most of the materials being transported for controlled burial are categorized as Low Specific Activity (LSA) or Surface Contaminated Object (SCO) materials containing Type A quantities, as defined in 49 CFR Parts 173-178. Shipping containers are required to be Industrial Packages (IP-1, IP-2 or IP-3, as defined in 10 CFR §173.411).

For this study, commercially available steel containers are presumed to be used for the disposal of piping, small components, and concrete. Larger components can serve as their own containers, with proper closure of all openings, access ways, and penetrations.

The destinations for the various waste streams from decommissioning are identified in Figures 5.1 and 5.2. The volumes are shown on a line-item basis in Appendices C and D and summarized in Tables 5.1 and 5.2. The volumes are calculated based on the exterior dimensions for containerized material and on the displaced volume of components serving as their own waste containers.

The reactor vessel and internals are categorized as large quantity shipments and, accordingly, will be shipped in reusable, shielded truck casks with disposable liners.

In calculating disposal costs, the burial fees are applied against the liner volume, as well as the special handling requirements of the payload. Packaging efficiencies are lower for the highly activated materials (greater than Type A quantity waste), where high concentrations of gamma-emitting radionuclides limit the capacity of the shipping canisters.

No process system containing/handling radioactive substances at shutdown is presumed to meet material release criteria by decay alone (i.e., systems radioactive at shutdown will still be radioactive over the time period during which the decommissioning is accomplished, due to the presence of long-lived radionuclides).

While the dose rates decrease with time, radionuclides such as 137Cs will still control the disposition requirements.

TLG Services, Inc. 000112

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 5, Page 2 of 6 The waste material produced in the decontamination and dismantling of the nuclear plants is primarily generated during Period 2 of DECON and Period 4 of SAFSTOR.

Contaminated components and activated materials are routed for controlled disposal.

For purposes of constructing the estimates, waste disposal costs are based upon CPPC's current rates for disposal at the Texas Compact facility, operated by Waste Control Specialists.

TLG Services, Inc. 000113

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 5, Page 3 of 6 FIGURE 5.1 RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSITION

  • DAW Resin / Filters 10.

(Class A)

Direct Burial Containerized Waste I

Waste Control '

Decommissioning Bulk Waste Specialists Low-Level Radioactive Waste * (Contaminated Soil Andrews County, Streams and Concrete)

Texas Reactor Waste (Class A)

Reactor Waste (Classes B/C)


  • NSSS Decontamination (Class B/C)

Reactor Waste Geologic Disposal (Class GTCC) Federal Facility TLG Services, Inc. 000114

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 5, Page 4 of 6 FIGURE 5.2 DECOMMISSIONING WASTE DESTINATIONS RADIOLOGICAL

--- 1 Waste Control Specialists Andrews County, TX TLG Services, Inc. 000115

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 5, Page 5 of 6 TABLE 5.1 DECON ALTERNATIVE DECOMMISSIONING WASTE


Waste Volume Mass Waste Cost Basis Class RI (cubic feet) (pounds)

Low-Level Radioactive Waste Control A 777,961 55,072,098 Waste (near-surface Specialists disposal) (WCS) B 3,653 418,723 673 90,169 Greater than Class C Spent Fuel (geologic repository) Equivalent GTCC 4,123 803,947 Total [21 786,410 56,384,937

[1] Waste is classified according to the requirements as delineated in Title 10 CFR, Part 61.55

[2] Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc. 000116

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 5, Page 6 of 6 TABLE 5.2 SAFSTOR ALTERNATIVE DECOMMISSIONING WASTE


Waste Volume Mass I

Waste Cost Basis 1 Class [11 (cubic feet) (pounds)

Low-Level Radioactive Wasth Control 774,980 54,114,229 Waste (near-surface Specialists disposal) (WCS) B 1,002 101,000 811 90,705 Greater than Class C Spent Fuel (geologic repository) Equivalent GTCC 4,123 803,947 Total [2] 780,916 55,109,881 In Waste is classified according to the requirements as delineated in Title 10 CFR, Part 61.55

[2] Columns may not add due to rounding.

TLG Services, Inc. 000117

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 6, Page 1 of 5

6. RESULTS The analysis to estimate the costs to decommission Comanche Peak relied upon the site-specific, technical information developed for a previous analysis prepared in 2014, updated to reflect current assumptions pertaining to the disposition of the nuclear station and relevant industry experience in undertaking such projects. While not an engineering study, the estimates provide CPPC with sufficient information to assess their financial obligations, as they pertain to the eventual decommissioning of the nuclear station.

The estimates described in this report are based on numerous fundamental assumptions, including regulatory requirements, project contingencies, low-level radioactive waste disposal practices, high-level radioactive waste management options, and site restoration requirements. The decommissioning scenarios assume continued operation of the station's spent fuel pools for a minimum of five and one half years following the cessation of operations for continued cooling of the assemblies.

The cost projected to promptly decommission the station (DECON), manage the spent fuel, and restore the site, is estimated to be $1.846 billion. The majority of this cost (approximately 63.7%) is associated with the physical decontamination and dismantling of the nuclear plant so that the operating license can be terminated.

Another 29.8% is associated with the management, interim storage, and eventual transfer of the spent fuel. The remaining 6.5% is for the demolition of the designated structures and limited restoration of the site.

The cost projected for deferred decommissioning (SAFSTOR) is estimated to be $2.098 billion. The majority of this cost (approximately 68.5%) is associated with placing the plant in storage, ongoing caretaking of the plant during dormancy, and the eventual physical decontamination and dismantling of the nuclear plant so that the operating license can be terminated. Another 25.7% is associated with the management, interim storage, and eventual transfer of the spent fuel. The remaining 5.9% is for the demolition of the designated structures and limited restoration of the site.

The primary cost contributors, identified in Tables 6.1 and 6.2, are either labor-related or associated with the management and disposition of the radioactive waste.

Program management is the largest single contributor to the overall cost. The magnitude of the expense is a function of both the size of the organization required to manage the decommissioning, as well as the duration of the program. It is assumed, for purposes of this analysis, that CPPC will hire a Decommissioning Operations Contractor (DOC) to manage the decommissioning. CPPC will provide site security, radiological health and safety, quality assurance and overall site TLG Services, Inc. 000118

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 6, Page 2 of 5 administration during the decommissioning and demolition phases. Contract personnel will provide engineering services, e.g., for preparing the activity specifications, work procedures, activation, and structural analyses, under the direction of CPPC. The size and composition of the management organization varies with the decommissioning phase and associated site activities. However, once the operating licenses are terminated, the staff is substantially reduced for the conventional demolition and restoration of the site, and the long-term care of the spent fuel (for the DECON alternative). Finally, both the estimates for DECON and SAFSTOR include the costs of disposing of the retired steam generators, the reactor vessel closure head, and spare high and low pressure turbine rotors from Unit 1. The study assumes that the disposal of the components would occur after shutdown, however, the costs are identified separately because the disposal activities could be conducted at any time.

As described in this report, the spent fuel pools will remain operational for a minimum of five and one half years following the cessation of operations. The pools will be isolated and an independent spent fuel island created. This will allow decommissioning operations to proceed in and around the pool areas. Over the five and one half-year period, the spent fuel will be packaged into transportable canisters for relocation to the ISFSI.

The cost for waste disposal includes only those costs associated with the controlled disposition of the low-level radioactive waste generated from decontamination and dismantling activities, including plant equipment and components, structural material, filters, resins and dry-active waste. As described in Section 5, disposition of the low-level radioactive material requiring controlled disposal will be at Waste Control Specialists' Andrews County facility. Highly activated components, requiring additional isolation from the environment (GTCC), are packaged for geologic disposal.

The cost of geologic disposal is based upon a cost equivalent for spent fuel.

Removal costs reflect the labor-intensive nature of the decommissioning process, as well as the management controls required to ensure a safe and successful program.

Decontamination and packaging costs also have a large labor component that is based upon prevailing wages. Non-radiological demolition is a natural extension of the decommissioning process. With a work force mobilized to support decommissioning operations, non-radiological demolition can be an integrated activity and a logical expansion of the work being performed in the process of terminating the operating license. Prompt demolition reduces future liabilities and can be more cost effective than deferral, due to the deterioration of the facilities (and therefore the working conditions) with time.

The reported cost for transport includes the tariffs and surcharges associated with moving large components and/or overweight shielded casks overland, as well as the TLG Services, Inc. 000119

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 6, Page 3 of 5 general expense, e.g., labor and fuel, of transporting material to the destinations identified in this report. For purposes of this analysis, material is primarily moved overland by truck.

Decontamination is used to reduce the plant's radiation fields and minimize worker exposure.

License termination survey costs are associated with the labor intensive and complex activity of verifying that contamination has been removed from the site to the levels specified by the regulating agency. This process involves a systematic survey of all remaining plant surface areas and surrounding environs, sampling, isotopic analysis, and documentation of the findings. The status of any plant components and materials not removed in the decommissioning process will also require confirmation and will add to the expense of surveying the facilities alone.

The remaining costs include allocations for heavy equipment and temporary services, as well as for other expenses such as regulatory fees and the premiums for nuclear insurance. While site operating costs are greatly reduced following the final cessation of plant operations, certain administrative functions do need to be maintained either at a basic functional or regulatory level.

TLG Services, Inc. 000120

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 6, Page 4 of 5 TABLE 6.1 DECON ALTERNATIVE DECOMMISSIONING COST ELEMENTS (thousands of 2019 dollars)

Cost Element Total Percentage Decontamination 28,398 1.5 Removal 224,603 12.2 Packaging 61,943 3.4 Transportation 20,601 1.1 Waste Disposal 164,165 8.9 Off-site Waste Processing [1] 0 0.0 Program Management [21 580,512 31.4 Security 243,931 13.2 Spent Fuel Pool(s) Isolation 23,624 1.3 Spent Fuel Management (Direct Costs) [3] 256,737 13.9 Insurance and Regulatory Fees 66,242 3.6 Energy 32,124 1.7 Characterization and Licensing Surveys 34,207 1.9 Property Taxes 66,300 3.6 Miscellaneous Equipment 18,878 1.0 Decommissioning Staff Severance 23,701 1.3 Total [4] 1,845,964 100.0 Cost Element Total Percentage License Termination 1,175,558 63.7 Spent Fuel Management 549,946 29.8 Site Restoration 120,461 6.5 Total [4] 1,845,964 100.0 Not currently cost competitive with direct waste disposal Includes engineering costs Excludes program management costs (staffing) but includes costs for spent fuel loading/transfer/spent fuel pools O&M and EP fees

[4] Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc. 000121

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 6, Page 5 of 5 TABLE 6.2 SAFSTOR ALTERNATIVE DECOMMISSIONING COST ELEMENTS (thousands of 2019 dollars)

Cost Element Total Percentage Decontamination 25,272 1.2 Removal 229,642 10.9 Packaging 52,075 2.5 Transportation 17,613 0.8 Waste Disposal 158,571 7.6 Off-site Waste Processing[11 0 0.0 Program Management 121 684,008 32.6 Security 308,280 14.7 Spent Fuel Pool(s) Isolation 23,624 1.1 Spent Fuel Management (Direct Costs) [3] 242,335 11.6 Insurance and Regulatory Fees 116,823 5.6 Energy 54,808 2.6 Characterization and Licensing Surveys 34,243 1.6 Property Taxes 66,300 3.2 Miscellaneous Equipment 60,404 2.9 Decommissioning Staff Severance 23,701 1.1 Total [4] 2,097,696 100.0 Cost Element Total Percentage License Termination 1,436,075 68.5 Spent Fuel Management 538,090 25.7 Site Restoration 123,531 5.9 Total [41 2,097,696 100.0

[1] Not currently cost competitive with direct waste disposal

[2] Includes engineering costs

[3] Excludes program management costs (staffing) but includes costs for spent fuel loading/transfer/spent fuel pools O&M and EP fees

[4] Columns may not add due to rounding TLG Services, Inc. 000122

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 7, Page 1 of 3

1. "Decommissioning Cost Study for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant,"

Document L11-1703-001, Rev. 0, TLG Services, Inc., May 2015

2. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 30, 40, 50, 51, 70 and 72, "General Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 53 Fed. Reg., 24018-, June 27, 1988 [Open].
3. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.159, "Assuring the Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors," Rev. 2, October 2011 [Open]
4. "Regulatory Improvement for Power Reactors Transitioning to Decommissioning," NRC Regulatory Basis Document, Docket ID NRC-2015-0070, RIN Number 3150-AJ59, November 20, 2017 [Open]
5. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 2, 50 and 51, "Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 61 Fed. Reg. 39278, July 29, 1996 [Open].
6. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Parts 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, and 72, "Decommissioning Planning," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Federal Register Volume 76, (p 35512 et seq.), June 17, 2011 [Open]
7. "Low Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act," Public Law 96-573, 1980. [Open].
8. "Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985," Public Law 99-240, January 15, 1986 [Open]
9. "Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982," 42 U.S. Code 10101, et seq. lOpen]
10. Charter of the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future, "Objectives and Scope of Activities," Activities" ',Open]
11. "Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future, Report to the Secretary of Energy," p. 32, January 2012 [Open]
12. "Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste," U.S. DOE, January 11, 2013 [Open]

TLG Services, Inc. 000123

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 7, Page 2 of 3

7. REFERENCES (continued)
13. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," Subpart 54 (bb), "Conditions of Licenses"


14. DOE/RW-0567 was published in July 2004 by the Department of Energy Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. Although an alternate location may be sited in the future, the referenced study based on Yucca Mountain is the most recent report issued by DOE.
15. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 72, Subpart K, "General License for Storage of Spent Fuel at Power Reactor Sites" f Open]
16. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 20, Subpart E, Final Rule, "Radiological Criteria for License Termination," 62 Fed. Reg. 39058, July 21, 1997 [Open]
17. "Establishment of Cleanup Levels for CERCLA Sites with Radioactive Contamination," EPA Memorandum OSWER No. 9200.4-18, August 22, 1997


18. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 141.66, "Maximum contaminant levels for radionuclides" [Open]
19. "Memorandum of Understanding Between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Consultation and Finality on Decommissioning and Decontamination of Contaminated Sites," OSWER 9295.8-06a, October 9, 2002 jOpen]
20. "Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM),"

NUREG1575, Rev. 1, EPA 402-R-97-016, Rev. 1, August 2000 [Open]

21. T.S. LaGuardia et al., "Guidelines for Producing Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Cost Estimates," AIF/NESP-036, May 1986 [Omni.
22. W.J. Manion and T.S. LaGuardia, "Decommissioning Handbook," U.S.

Department of Energy, DOE/EV/10128-1, November 1980 [Open]

23. "Building Construction Cost Data 2015," RSMeans (From the Gordian Group),

Rockland, Massachusetts [Open]

TLG Services, Inc. 000124

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Section 7, Page 3 of 3

7. REFERENCES (continued)
24. "Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors," Regulatory Guide 1.184, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, October 2013 [Open]
24. "Standard Format and Content of Decommissioning Cost Estimates for Nuclear Power Reactors," Regulatory Guide 1.202, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, February 2005 [Open]
26. Project and Cost Engineers' Handbook, Second Edition, p. 239, American Association of Cost Engineers, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, New York, 1984


27. U.S. Department of Transportation, Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, "Transportation," Parts 173 through 178 [Open]
28. Tri-State Motor Transit Company, published tariffs, Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), Docket No. MC-427719 Rules Tariff, March 2004, Radioactive Materials Tariff, August 2011 [Open]
29. J.C. Evans et al., "Long-Lived Activation Products in Reactor Materials" NUREG/CR-3474, Pacific Northwest Laboratory for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. August 1984 [Open]
30. R.I. Smith, G.J. Konzek, W.E. Kennedy, Jr., "Technology, Safety and Costs of Decommissioning a Reference Pressurized Water Reactor Power Station,"

NUREG/CR-0130 and addenda, Pacific Northwest Laboratory for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. June 1978 [Open Main Report:I [Open Appendices],

31. H.D. Oak, et al., "Technology, Safety and Costs of Decommissioning a Reference Boiling Water Reactor Power Station," NUREG/CR-0672 and addenda, Pacific Northwest Laboratory for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. June 1980 [Open Main Reportl fOpen Appendices]
32. SECY-00-0145, "Integrated Rulemaking Plan for Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning," June 2000 [Open]
33. "Microsoft Project Professional," Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA
34. "Atomic Energy Act of 1954," (68 Stat. 919) [Open]

TLG Services, Inc. 000125

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix A, Page 1 of 4 APPENDIX A UNIT COST FACTOR DEVELOPMENT TLG Services, Inc. 000126

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix A, Page 2 of 4 APPENDIX A UNIT COST FACTOR DEVELOPMENT Example: Unit Factor for Removal of Contaminated Heat Exchanger < 3,000 lbs.

1. SCOPE Heat exchangers weighing < 3,000 lbs. will be removed in one piece using a crane or small hoist. They will be disconnected from the inlet and outlet piping. The heat exchanger will be sent to the waste processing area.
2. CALCULATIONS Activity Critical Act Activity Duration Duration ID Description (minutes) (minutes)*

a Remove insulation 60 (b) b Mount pipe cutters 60 60 c Install contamination controls 20 (b) d Disconnect inlet and outlet lines 60 60 e Cap openings 20 (d) f Rig for removal 30 30 g Unbolt from mounts 30 30 h Remove contamination controls 15 15 i Remove, wrap, send to waste processing area 60 60 Totals (Activity/Critical) 355 255 Duration adjustment(s):

+ Respiratory protection adjustment (50% of critical duration) 128

+ Radiation/ALARA adjustment (37% of critical duration) 95 Adjusted work duration 478

+ Protective clothing adjustment (30% of adjusted duration) 143 Productive work duration 621

+ Work break adjustment (8.33 % of productive duration) 52 Total work duration (minutes) 673

      • Total duration = 11.217 hr ***
  • alpha designators indicate activities that can be performed in parallel TLG Services, Inc. 000127

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix A, Page 3 of 4 APPENDIX A (continued)

3. LABOR REQUIRED Duration Rate Crew Number (hours) ($/hr) Cost Laborers 3.00 11.217 $23.37 $786.42 Craftsmen 2.00 11.217 $37.54 $842.17 Foreman 1.00 11.217 $42.51 $476.83 General Foreman 0.25 11.217 $45.31 $127.06 Fire Watch 0.05 11.217 $23.37 $13.11 Health Physics Technician 1.00 11.217 $38.74 $434.55 Total Labor Cost $2,680.14
4. EQUIPMENT & CONSUMABLES COSTS Equipment Costs none Consumables/Materials Costs

-Universal Sorbent 50 @ $0.70 sq ft { $35.00

-Tarpaulins (oil resistant/fire retardant) 50 @ $0.54/sq ft {2}               $27.00
-Gas torch consumables 1 @ $22.43/hr x 1 hr {3}                               $22.43 Subtotal cost of equipment and materials                                       $84.43 Overhead & profit on equipment and materials @ 16.25 %                         $13.72 Total costs, equipment & material                                              $98.15 TOTAL COST:

Removal of contaminated heat exchanger <3000 pounds: $2,778.29 Total labor cost: $2,680.14 Total equipment/material costs: $98.15 Total craft labor man-hours required per unit: 81.88 TLG Services, Inc. 000128

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix A, Page 4 of 4

  • Work difficulty factors were developed in conjunction with the Atomic Industrial Forum's (now NEI) program to standardize nuclear decommissioning cost estimates and are delineated in Volume 1, Chapter 5 of the "Guidelines for Producing Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Cost Estimates," AIFINESP-036, May 1986.
  • References for equipment & consumables costs:
1. www.mcrnaster.com online catalog, McMaster Carr Spill Control (7193T88)
2. R.S. Means (2019) Division 01 56, Section 13.60-0600, page 23
3. R.S. Means (2019) Division 01 54 33, Section 40-6360, page 736
  • Material and consumable costs were adjusted using the regional indices for Dallas, Texas.

TLG Services, Inc. 000129

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix B, Page 1 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (DECON: Power Block Structures Only) TLG Services, Inc. 000130

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix B, Page 2 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (Power Block Structures Only) Unit Cost Factor Cost/Unit($) Removal of clean instrument and sampling tubing, $/linear foot 0.28 Removal of clean pipe 0.25 to 2 inches diameter, $/linear foot 2.95 Removal of clean pipe >2 to 4 inches diameter, $/linear foot 4.37 Removal of clean pipe >4 to 8 inches diameter, $/linear foot 8.79 Removal of clean pipe >8 to 14 inches diameter, $/linear foot 16.51 Removal of clean pipe >14 to 20 inches diameter, $/linear foot 21.69 Removal of clean pipe >20 to 36 inches diameter, $/linear foot 31.86 Removal of clean pipe >36 inches diameter, $/linear foot 37.75 Removal of clean valve >2 to 4 inches 58.98 Removal of clean valve >4 to 8 inches 87.92 Removal of clean valve >8 to 14 inches 165.05 Removal of clean valve >14 to 20 inches 216.92 Removal of clean valve >20 to 36 inches 318.57 Removal of clean valve >36 inches 377.48 Removal of clean pipe hanger for small bore piping 22.98 Removal of clean pipe hanger for large bore piping 73.37 Removal of clean pump, <300 pound 153.24 Removal of clean pump, 300-1000 pound 424.68 Removal of clean pump, 1000-10,000 pound 1,640.49 Removal of clean pump, >10,000 pound 3,189.82 Removal of clean pump motor, 300-1000 pound 173.58 Removal of clean pump motor, 1000-10,000 pound 675.84 Removal of clean pump motor, >10,000 pound 1,520.64 Removal of clean heat exchanger <3000 pound 893.52 Removal of clean heat exchanger >3000 pound 2,273.02 Removal of clean feedwater heater/deaerator 6,318.47 Removal of clean moisture separator/reheater 12,871.52 Removal of clean tank, <300 gallons 196.54 Removal of clean tank, 300-3000 gallon 610.39 Removal of clean tank, >3000 gallons, $/square foot surface area 5.28 TLG Services, Inc. 000131

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix B, Page 3 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (Power Block Structures Only) Unit Cost Factor Cost/Unit($) Removal of clean electrical equipment, <300 pound 79.73 Removal of clean electrical equipment, 300-1000 pound 282.60 Removal of clean electrical equipment, 1000-10,000 pound 565.20 Removal of clean electrical equipment, >10,000 pound 1,370.12 Removal of clean electrical transformer < 30 tons 951.54 Removal of clean electrical transformer > 30 tons 2,740.26 Removal of clean standby diesel generator, <100 kW 971.92 Removal of clean standby diesel generator, 100 kW to 1 MW 2,169.37 Removal of clean standby diesel generator, >1 MW 4,491.03 Removal of clean electrical cable tray, $/linear foot 7.74 Removal of clean electrical conduit, $/linear foot 3.40 Removal of clean mechanical equipment, <300 pound 79.73 Removal of clean mechanical equipment, 300-1000 pound 282.60 Removal of clean mechanical equipment, 1000-10,000 pound 565.20 Removal of clean mechanical equipment, >10,000 pound 1,370.12 Removal of clean HVAC equipment, <300 pound 96.41 Removal of clean HVAC equipment, 300-1000 pound 339.58 Removal of clean HVAC equipment, 1000-10,000 pound 676.76 Removal of clean HVAC equipment, >10,000 pound 1,370.12 Removal of clean HVAC ductwork, $/pound 0.30 Removal of contaminated instrument and sampling tubing, $/linear foot 0.96 Removal of contaminated pipe 0.25 to 2 inches diameter, $/linear foot 16.98 Removal of contaminated pipe >2 to 4 inches diameter, $/linear foot 26.49 Removal of contaminated pipe >4 to 8 inches diameter, $/linear foot 41.94 Removal of contaminated pipe >8 to 14 inches diameter, $/linear foot 78.61 Removal of contaminated pipe >14 to 20 inches diameter, $/linear foot 93.01 Removal of contaminated pipe >20 to 36 inches diameter, $/linear foot 125.50 Removal of contaminated pipe >36 inches diameter, $/linear foot 146.72 Removal of contaminated valve >2 to 4 inches 304.27 Removal of contaminated valve >4 to 8 inches 357.67 TLG Services, Inc. 000132

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix B, Page 4 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (Power Block Structures Only) Unit Cost Factor Cost/Unit($) Removal of contaminated valve >8 to 14 inches 714.04 Removal of contaminated valve >14 to 20 inches 898.65 Removal of contaminated valve >20 to 36 inches 1,182.93 Removal of contaminated valve >36 inches 1,395.10 Removal of contaminated pipe hanger for small bore piping 100.72 Removal of contaminated pipe hanger for large bore piping 330.15 Removal of contaminated pump, <300 pound 647.02 Removal of contaminated pump, 300-1000 pound 1,485.28 Removal of contaminated pump, 1000-10,000 pound 4,538.08 Removal of contaminated pump, >10,000 pound 11,047.09 Removal of contaminated pump motor, 300-1000 pound 675.28 Removal of contaminated pump motor, 1000-10,000 pound 1,891.42 Removal of contaminated pump motor, >10,000 pound 4,246.86 Removal of contaminated heat exchanger <3000 pound 2,778.29 Removal of contaminated heat exchanger >3000 pound 8,198.72 Removal of contaminated tank, <300 gallons 1,086.50 Removal of contaminated tank, >300 gallons, $/square foot 20.05 Removal of contaminated electrical equipment, <300 pound 475.56 Removal of contaminated electrical equipment, 300-1000 pound 1,175.08 Removal of contaminated electrical equipment, 1000-10,000 pound 2,265.99 Removal of contaminated electrical equipment, >10,000 pound 4,530.43 Removal of contaminated electrical cable tray, $/linear foot 23.12 Removal of contaminated electrical conduit, $/linear foot 12.92 Removal of contaminated mechanical equipment, <300 pound 528.02 Removal of contaminated mechanical equipment, 300-1000 pound 1,293.94 Removal of contaminated mechanical equipment, 1000-10,000 pound 2,490.96 Removal of contaminated mechanical equipment, >10,000 pound 4,530.43 Removal of contaminated HVAC equipment, <300 pound 528.02 Removal of contaminated HVAC equipment, 300-1000 pound 1,293.94 Removal of contaminated HVAC equipment, 1000-10,000 pound 2,490.96 TLG Services, Inc. 000133

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix B, Page 5 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (Power Block Structures Only) Unit Cost Factor Cost/Unit($) Removal of contaminated HVAC equipment, >10,000 pound 4,530.43 Removal of contaminated HVAC ductwork, $/pound 1.60 Removal/plasma arc cut of contaminated thin metal components, $/linear in. 2.53 Additional decontamination of surface by washing, $/square foot 5.36 Additional decontamination of surfaces by hydrolasing, $/square foot 23.65 Decontamination rig hook up and flush, $/ 250 foot length 4,375.66 Chemical flush of components/systems, $/gallon 23.27 Removal of clean standard reinforced concrete, $/cubic yard 69.14 Removal of grade slab concrete, $/cubic yard 78.57 Removal of clean concrete floors, $/cubic yard 316.38 Removal of sections of clean concrete floors, $/cubic yard 902.97 Removal of clean heavily rein concrete w/#9 rebar, $/cubic yard 99.53 Removal of contaminated heavily rein concrete w/#9 rebar, $/cubic yard 1,627.85 Removal of clean heavily rein concrete w/#18 rebar, $/cubic yard 134.81 Removal of contaminated heavily rein concrete w/#18 rebar, $/cubic yard 2,148.41 Removal heavily rein concrete w/#18 rebar & steel embedments, $/cubic yard 363.98 Removal of below-grade suspended floors, $/cubic yard 188.84 Removal of clean monolithic concrete structures, $/cubic yard 695.81 Removal of contaminated monolithic concrete structures, $/cubic yard 1,607.29 Removal of clean foundation concrete, $/cubic yard 552.17 Removal of contaminated foundation concrete, $/cubic yard 1,498.65 Explosive demolition of bulk concrete, $/cubic yard 40.12 Removal of clean hollow masonry block wall, $/cubic yard 23.51 Removal of contaminated hollow masonry block wall, $/cubic yard 60.56 Removal of clean solid masonry block wall, $/cubic yard 23.51 Removal of contaminated solid masonry block wall, $/cubic yard 60.56 Backfill of below-grade voids, $/cubic yard 32.27 Removal of subterranean tunnels/voids, $/linear foot 84.40 Placement of concrete for below-grade voids, $/cubic yard 150.69 Excavation of clean material, $/cubic yard 2.73 TLG Services, Inc. 000134

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix B, Page 6 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (Power Block Structures Only) Unit Cost Factor Cost/Unit($) Excavation of contaminated material, $/cubic yard 34.30 Removal of clean concrete rubble (tipping fee included), $/cubic yard 24.66 Removal of contaminated concrete rubble, $/cubic yard 21.99 Removal of building by volume, $/cubic foot 0.25 Removal of clean building metal siding, $/square foot 1.01 Removal of contaminated building metal siding, $/square foot 3.40 Removal of standard asphalt roofing, $/square foot 1.32 Removal of transite panels, $/square foot 1.54 Scarifying contaminated concrete surfaces (drill & spall), $/square foot 10.25 Scabbling contaminated concrete floors, $/square foot 5.75 Scabbling contaminated concrete walls, $/square foot 14.56 Scabbling contaminated ceilings, $/square foot 49.36 Scabbling structural steel, $/square foot 4.69 Removal of clean overhead crane/monorail < 10 ton capacity 407.45 Removal of contaminated overhead crane/monorail < 10 ton capacity 1,197.99 Removal of clean overhead crane/monorail >10-50 ton capacity 977.88 Removal of contaminated overhead crane/monorail >10-50 ton capacity 2,874.69 Removal of polar crane > 50 ton capacity 4,157.44 Removal of gantry crane > 50 ton capacity 15,299.77 Removal of structural steel, $/pound 0.14 Removal of clean steel floor grating, $/square foot 3.35 Removal of contaminated steel floor grating, $/square foot 9.78 Removal of clean free standing steel liner, $/square foot 7.92 Removal of contaminated free standing steel liner, $/square foot 23.21 Removal of clean concrete-anchored steel liner, $/square foot 3.96 Removal of contaminated concrete-anchored steel liner, $/square foot 27.09 Placement of scaffolding in clean areas, $/square foot 16.34 Placement of scaffolding in contaminated areas, $/square foot 22.80 Landscaping with topsoil, $/acre 24,918.61 Cost of CPC B-88 LSA box & preparation for use 2,254.33 TLG Services, Inc. 000135

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix B, Page 7 of 7 APPENDIX B UNIT COST FACTOR LISTING (Power Block Structures Only) Unit Cost Factor Cost/Unit($) Cost of CPC B-25 LSA box & preparation for use 1,819.78 Cost of CPC B-12V 12 gauge LSA box & preparation for use 1,737.49 Cost of CPC B-144 LSA box & preparation for use 11,629.42 Cost of LSA drum & preparation for use 225.68 Cost of cask liner for CNSI 8 120A cask (resins) 13,434.75 Cost of cask liner for CNSI 8 120A cask (filters) 9,492.83 Decontamination of surfaces with vacuuming, $/square foot 0.64 TLG Services, Inc. 000136

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix C, Page 1 of 17 APPENDIX C DETAILED COST ANALYSIS DECON Tables C-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 2 C-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2 10 TLG Services, Inc. 000137

Consunche Peak Ntt, l t' Pt,s.s't Maki Do, token! L11-1771-001, Het , tt Dr, omen,ssronmg Cowl Anolv,v Append C, l'agr L of 17 Table C-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2 0 10 Dollars/ 011-bitc LLllW N Spent Fuel Site 16.6,2E3 Bs. ial Vulamrs Hui tal / Utilim and Artait, 1/e, on Itenv,,a1 Packaging 'I ren.port Proces.ong Iliepoes1 Other Totel TO1.11 I It Tenn M*nagement Re.tmAtion Volume Claws It Clas, C 111.1 1 lhocusxod Craft Contractor Indes 3etia Doncription Coat Cost, Ceets Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Ft Al Cu Feet Cu rcel Alt , hhe Klanhoura Manhunt. PERIOD la - Shoteloon through TransitIon Pe. mil la 11.0, I 1/0 anumnatnnnnn Inane, 11 Pupae ',Anemia, oletamau*Roomareal 174 1 201 1,12 Not& alum of et ....sawn, 1.11 fu,1 k re mare. 1.11 NUR., anon of RN .n.n. Defuebna t.sti 1/...xta ate plan. rpm & pluton. sit. la tb Prep 0 and ...bout 1,114R 30.1 1.17 Ream, plant dna. & ,p.t* 710 711.1 l* I A Ptlfrom detailed lad .01ns la 1 Estnnate -prods.. mambo/ 134 20 151 151 1000 la I 111 Rad prodeit tleh ',Mon 111 Mg 151 151 1 OM la I II RI laded bede oda, 1 am Mart 171 26 201 201 1 100 la I 12 Reline mann sorb ...quanta 1 006 151 1,167 1,157 7,1110 la I I Prilean SKR ..1.1 5 A 416 62 171 1711 1 1110 la 1 II Peepare/.ulanni IlefuoledTet banal Specs. atIona 11.106 151 1 157 1 157 7 510 la I Et Nato 01 t eat Study 671 101 771 771 5 000 la I 16 Pr ea.., kabala h radIstad P1101 us ran mot Plla 111 20 151 151 1,0110

 .3.1.303 9prodnallona la I 17      PLInt lernporm * &Mateo                                                                                                        90      759            681                                                                                                               4,520 1.1171 Plattl....t..o.                                                                                                                      81      611            5711                                                                                                              1 54 la I 17 l ,SS I banal 1111111.111011 Flush                                                                                                  10        77              77 la I 17 4 limo.. Intim                                                                                                         9                                 I IPA                                                                                                               7 100 I.. I 17 5 %bona.           I                                                                                                                                    I 1211.                                                                                                             1,1110 la I 17 6 11.eltanal                                                                                                                                                  77                                                                                                                1121 la I 17 7 lite 1ln g, rut abate                                                                                                                                     161                                                                                                               I 120 l* 1 17 R ReInfort ed cm rite                                                                                                                                      121                                                                                                               10110 la 1 17     11.an IA 1 17 In Ram Coml. n.er.                                                                                                                           62                                                                                                                                1011 1 17 11 Plan,. u,nares 62,1112,                                                                                           410                  181            ili                          1                                                                                    1 121 la 1 17 12 Wank. manna. meat                                                                                                                       711/           71e                                                                                                               1 510 la 1 17 111 aribly ;molt Elm-tout                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      5110 la 1 17     Total                                                                                                           5071                      6        5 101                                                                                                               171127 Plannang t         15.pnnnnnn la I III    PlepatedramanlItoa                                                                                                 122         111     170                                                                                                                              2 1011
    .110       Plant pp,. 3. mop tam                                                                                           1 1011       5111   3 11111         tilt LI I 20     ',mon aer .lean up ...km                                                                                          122          211     116            216                                                                                                               1 IOU 1 -. 1 21    61221In1/Cunt CnIrl En,11,59e0linalel,                                                                            100        2611   2 760             760 la 1 22      Proem. eadoimets 1111nnnnn                                                                                        161          21      190            1911                                                                                                              1,2 s0 la 1         Subtotal Paolo& la Ai lusty Cont..                                                                             16 2111       111   18 727         111,1129                                                                                                             78 157 Ibrrod la eollattlal not, la 3 I       Spr Puel Capttal mut Tram. r                                                                                   11111       2       16 461                         lb MI la I         bobtotal Penod t. Collo...al 1 ont.                                                                            11 111      2117    11. 161                        16151 Panod la Pena-11,1010ml (Naas 1.21         luau, am                                                                                                                      ltt   3 527           1 527 la 42        hope lA tau,                                                                                                    11             11   3 644           1,1.14 la 4 1       lb Alb phy.u*slapplo.                                                                                                                  641            641 1.24         Ilealr emanate.% real al                                                                                                       All     628 la   2i      lhopo.al of 1/r1W aentrilld                                                                                                              12             44                                        1.110                                   12 190 Plant eneruN budge.                                                                                             2,004        101                   2 105 la 1 7       RN(' Fma                                                                                                        1 092               1 206           I 208 la 4 8       Enurtems Illtawrit                                                                                                411          42      461 la 4 i       Sp. al Fuel Pao1163.10                                                                                            414          62      176
l. 1 10 18211 uperallItal'mt* 51
  • la 411 lei ilk; NA, IUD t 775 1,775 1111101 la 1 12 Staff 1,1 281112 1 125 11 157 11 157 422 210 l* t Subiotal Pelted la PenarldlepeadEnt VW% I 059 43 211 5011 52 9,1 51 922 610 12 190 20 571 010 la 0 TOT SL PE71011 la COTE I 050 Al 75 812 11 150 MA 117 17 451 Id 191/ 20 651 197 PERU 10 -1.0.coatuniaatonsou Prepoiabona P. eel lt, Ihreal Detainatiewonia8 Der aded %lurk hard-dorm lb 1 I I Plant nvalem. 1,711
11. 1 1 2 N95.5 De. eat ournalten Flush 1 000 lb 1 1 3 Rattler numnal, 125 1.6 2 100 lb 1 1 1 Remanant bodbIlia 1111 77 21/8 52 1 MO lb 1 1 5 1.111/..onlmg a.nerablv 151 1,000 lb I 1 6 e511 bowman 6. 111 151 1 MO
11. 1 1 7 Inroreruntrumen6dloo 11 151 1 000 000138 TLG tie, usre,

0'0.0010h. Prak Nu. fear Power Plaid untent LII-1774001, Re, 0 omn.s*on in, Coll Anal,. Appent. C, Page 2 of 17 Table C-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollar./ 011-Sito LLB, ABC Spent Fuel Site hmened 14,1,21 Volume. 11,,, sal Utilit, amel Hoton Removal 11.1tagn. Trompor1 Prucemong Irtopmal Other Total Total L. Torn, 542nagement 1..totation Volume Clam 14. 13 Chom C OTC, PI °carved Craft Contraotor Loh.. DosonptIon Coot Cos. Cult, Costs Cu Peet Cu rot Cu Foot Cu bout Cu Foot WI , Lbs Munhoun, 0.211.1 nork...Inus (ton/mural 11, I 1 Rearbo v, 187 71 5,1 11. lb 1 1 9 Fa, M. 161 al 1115 51 1,1141 lb 1 I 10 Allsnlo oho blo 60 9 69 141 170 11, 1 I II Moloni 41 Amid 101 24 1111 145 1200 1 12 blmn, rent,212. 017 91 710 710 111110 16 1 I 13 Ftemfon , mann 111 20 151 77 000 11, 1 I I Nlam Tudont 205 11 ill

  • 211 I VDU 16 I 15 Mom Condemn, 205 31 11I . 241 1 VW lb 1 1 16 Ounholv bullibur .2 55 121 179 22 2 710 lb I 1 17 Re.1,4 budilme 51 121 179 12 1,761 lb I 1 Total 4 45.1 6.1 1 1111 4 161 904 11211 lb 1 2 llama Brunn, tuap Blf 121 1 21,1 I 21,1 101.7 lb 1 Subtotal Period lb 4 lIntv Ve*i* 641 4,459 I OW 6,192 5,428 1,111,7 11241 Pena lb Adahlional 1`.1.

lb i 1 Synil pmd uolahun .322 1815 II 171 14 174

  • lb 2 2 Stie 2,1,51221,.. 5,101 I 651 7 155 7 155 5011 111 352 lb i %AIWA Poomal 11, adelittunAl Cato 1781,1 1140 21 129 21 1.71 10 51,111 10 1151 Pena lb 15,1102.1Coato lb 1 Ilemet.M,Pmea1 1016 154 iiiil 1140
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  • 11
  • lb I 12 Seam/. Stal, Con 2.4 111 l 1,17 1 1./7 75 4117 lb 4 11 11411' CAL 5 1/10 1117 4,1111 la III 61014 16 4 14 111,10, Maff t not 11511 2 160 14,711 16 711 - 212 711 lb 4 Sublotml lb nod lb Penod.4), p, rd.( ern% 17 562 14 26 9111 1 2/11. 11,1147 11 111 01 158 7 IBS 12 15191.

lb U T1,7,14 PERIOD lb C/PiT 4 1111 171.1 137 287 665 51015 10091 70 214 ell 778 1161 4111 861 ILI 779 111,04 396 017 l'Elt1(6/ 1 TOTALS 1 011 2.821 119 291 /1115 126 576 21 MI 1511 .1 1111 715 17,961 1.11 461 110 9101 11 82 11117,151 Pc4(01/ 24 - Loire Component Itemu,41 P,nod 1a Dunt onansionomna N,41,2, Steam Suppl, Sralemllemaral 2., 1 1 1 Raaefin 1%.12.1 P.m, 8i '12 21 25 112 1011 161 141 1 API /1119/14 1 117 2, 1 I 2 Pleosatzto RAW Tar. 111 II II 15 106 11,6 541 111Ali 11182 - S. I 1 1 Atm., Cl ou Int Pump. I. 4110. 11 06 297 .1 1 -5/7 427 2 114 1. 7 211 79/800 1 555 100 10, 1 1 4 11., ,,aner .1 ill 515 121 575 R,n. 1 200 I 5141 1 115 265 451 1 064 OM 22 1 1 5 /Aram Gennbour. 1 717 012 1,715 Sll 37ii PI 741 IS 7111 111.1 1,711 2110 12 137 2 121 La 1 I I, Betnovl ',team bleenalo, Prot. - 5111 1,6115 9 511 .710 I / 916 14,9. 11.1 1,627,500 7111 La 1 1 7 CRUNIsfll'1,61eira e /Amain, 14 mar.d IH, 197 5612 45 112. 214 I 150 I ISO 1/111 1.015 4211 2a 1 I 8 Rent. V.,e1Inteenalo 5 611 i2 ,n5 WI 1.1118 402 9574 11111 13 In 2 115 050 117 1141,07 12121 1459 22 I 1 5 Read. Woad 7S 6,919 2412 1,b2 1 112 402 7061 191111 Nall 11,5111 1171 221 12 121 1 4. la 1 I Petah 411.i Id 186 III III 5.251 27 957 804 21196 91 112 91 112 .211 901 117 9 517 7111 97 117 6 412 1...2104312for B.mment la I 2 MAsnPuebinelthnenum 277 978 100 1 1 478 161 141 80,711 IMIS 7 9101

2. 1 1 514in 1 127 021 21.2 11 157 II 117 1*2 052 1912,111 12 750 eau ad,. NW,Bon, (lean Iludill1.1.40,1,1101, 201.1 1 lit AIM 91 1,91. 69R 5 514
2. I 1 n S2.352n1 III 77 77 15/1 2a I 4 Tata. 472 101 77 / 771 6 117 000139 T7,01 Cr*l'i11.14, 1111

t'ornaric he Prak Nu, Ira, Porney unaent L11-1 771-001, Ref 0 onginuslon Int ('0,1 Anal,., Appendm l'egor 1 of 17 Table C-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollars) 011-(4(ta. LIAM AR(' ',pent Fuel Yroce.(icrl Bui (Al Volumes Btu (al / 1.1,(1(t, Decon Removal 1,1(.1taimy '1 rainsport Ploaux,ing 171,(14.11 ((fhel TotAl lAr 1arm Management ReattnAtion Volume I Laos A lums If ( (A( Pio(esmod Craft Cora. actor Indea At.tivIt Der,r, (tton Cost Co. Costs Co.. Coat, Costa Coral, um Costs Coifs Coat% Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Pet I Cu FeLt Cu Fa et NIA ,11,1, M.anhoups Planhourm Dsspoaal of 11..nt %stems 2.4 I 5 I Aux111.(ry Feed...if( busulated) lb) I. 577 2.15 2 kmulialy Steam 24 I 5 1 1,110111 Onsulola di 11 21 I 170 24 1 5 4 itot Rea,cle (unman! AM) 2(1 K8 as 191 660 24 1 5 5 Ihn on Thra mAI 16 r, n, nOme lunulaird1 51 2. 359 21,109 la I 'I 1, Rom, Thelma! R. gent Mien lunaroulalad/ 117 1,01 flltl 1 001 22,721 24 I 5 7 Lenta)41 1. Mum, Cannel lanoulals. 109 172 271 722 12 24 I 511 Clammed ohm( t ontatil (Inunauldia. 117 I 017 1 17 1.7 1111217 24 I 3 9 Chenuc..11(eed lea 1 1 10 Chenn, Al Feed - 111. 971 2, I 1 II Chilled Want -Natty 24 I 1 12 /lulled Ude, alafen - ;27 27 24 1 1 11 Canal,. WAto  % - 1

2. 1 5 11 Component Coo.. Water 22 LI 15 15 Component Cmains 1141.- Me& 920 it 1 057 411i7 1 077 ;11 L. iiit, ConclensAte Itn, u1.1ted, 117 116 24 1 5 17 Condenade lummulatrall 1112 15 117 la 1 5 12 Cond, mato l'olnIum 97 24 1 5 19 Conclem(e( VAtUMA %i airy Ho, l'umm, 4,1 5 20 Erna, non Sao am 24 1 5 21 Feedualt 24 1 122 Feedw.liet Re\ 278 24 I 5 11 Cover-nor 3, Bun, 24 I S21 Generator a Cooling 24 1 5 25 Genet...Puma" Slater 61 gm I 5 26 Gene, dor 5, II lad 24 I 127 livaluren1las 24 1 i 2R 111.un ',Aro Reheat & 91earn 1 105 ga I 5 29 M.am Ilak, at 2. St, Ana Dump - RCS 1 10414 la I 5 21 :dun Talon, Labe nal I 19n
l. I 5 II slam Turban, lad Pun. mon 2 778 2a 1 5 12 Atilogen11....

B. I 5 21 1,1 idvni Sampan. 10 24 1 S. Pim ,***** Sump., lunnnnn 1/ 177 299 2a I 5 15 16 xim Coolant 115 IS S1S 1.41 A* 1 5. Reetdual 11, ni ken. al 1 262 1 5.1 7 447 Ls 1 5 27 hafeti 1.1(7 Mu( 0.12142,1 129 1111 1 714 2a 1 5 ,afet, In, ((on nommulata 41 221 h 474 2a I 1 19 Se. ',rid., Ilan( Sampling 14 1010 14 I 5 42 Ste nn alt nerdm Bluutloun enuip 129 1421 24 I 141 TYI bum Elertlohydr Until lanualaledl 34 1.1 24 1 5 42 Ty( 7.1t, ((Ay& 011(11 lanuitualned1 lb 418 la I 141 Tull., Gland Steam R. Inman I 117 24 I 5 44 Tudnne IhAter Ihama 441 12 601/ 24 I 5 45 Turban, 214nt Cool, omulAted) 113

2. I i 46 Turban, Plant Coo., lonanualsIntl 1611 1 192 24 I i 47 Toll.... (Hash
  • Los, onoulaleall 111 I 105 24 I 5 411 forbanee - Los, lonmanatsdl 12 1 701 24 15 49 V1311 I Ildied WAIll Non a.afen 18 100 I 5 50 Vint ehalled Wedea Nan Sala, Re 145 2 115 51961 2 991 22 15 51 %mains/Lou. hot.. lantana.. 6 251 2a 1 Tin al. ban't 11174 4 815 1 1211905 171 217 Scaffold]. in suppoll of de. ammiaesaan. 1212 110 655 954 107 19,511 17 21.

9a 1 Sabletal genad 24 Rahn. Dans 1 ill 21 0511 21. 526 6 745 91,1 1300211 127 716 2 112 231 275 21 611 112 111 290 l'eand 2. Soldanneal Costa 24 2 I Itelund kraa Clan. 2i7 1 b. HMI 1 241 50119111 I 021 2 OM 24 2 2 It, ha, d 111. and LI' TuaLane Man,t, itt I 150 I 510 3 101 I 211 100 11111 1(100 24 1 Landfall 7 156 119 I 180 4.1 121,1ntal Petted 44 1,21itio9al Dun. 1 591 1 213 i.;12 1 5 21010 7 0118 4,180 Paned 2, edl atend L5nta 2.11 Pince. dnammusiontat sun Rasa. 117 19 921 110 2.11 Nan. denannuammung sbanauslIlanIt wants 772 1 120 221 211 Ala 1 1 Sm nod Allow., 271 24 1 1 Srassanan 57 11) 24 1 5ulatalal Monad :a( 41..41 Casts 5 116 1 791 HA 145 Naiad a, ha ang-Drpe n4ent Coats 2a 1 I Dn. supplies 31 157 157 24 1 2 humAnce 1 026 I 1. I 129 2a 1 1 husests Ian, 11 1711 4 711 24 1 I Dealt& p.n. supplun 1 10. i 022 l.ii Elea, a...me. seat d .1 671 I 1 212 4 222 000140 TI G et, Itif

Coma. h* Peak Nut le 04 l'011.41 4111 Dot 110001i L11-1171-004 Ree. 0 11.0 omr4.47700.10, COVi Arealrv.0 App.07.11.7 C, Prage, 0 0111 Table C-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2 019 Dollars) (112212. LL811 NM spent Fuel Site Pionensed But Bin / Unlit/ nnd ninon Removal l'ankaging Transport Prone.,t, Oisposal Other Iola! Total Lig Tenn M*nagement Redman,, Volume Chi. k Cl,r, 11 C Pronnsed Craft Contractor Antivin Description Cod Coda Coat, Corte Contingency Costa Casts Co.ts Cost. Cu Feel u Feet Cu Fest Cu Feel Cu It eat Int , l.k, Manhou. 15 nud Depend nt Cod. n ontin tied/ 12 16 Inginual ol DAN' generated 01 15 57 (181, *vi 2.47 Plait m 4(212.1 3 271 491 1 7131 47. 2.48 NRC t 951 91 1017 1 017 I 1 Emergi Plainuag r5 259 12. 2117 4111 ta 1 10 bprot 1' Ill I Pool lbLM 712 107 217 117 la 4 11 120111 Operatinn calla 12 ION 102 2a 1 12 Itelnedi tano Simms 1 125 402 1 521

  • la 1 11 So 212, 'AAR l'oal IC 1. I 5211 11 257 111311 239 459 la 1 14 111.11' IX Call 11 1711 1 522 22999 22 929 271 921 la 1 15 .012. Staff Vint 15 171 5 121 111791 30,7'17 S01911 la 1 Sub. II I, I NA 2.1 Proud llopAndonl Costa 122 4024 01 15 114. RI 105 11 021 100 710 99 299 12ii 219 711 121 1 015 1114 It TOTAL 6E211/11 la IN (Tr I 170 10 539 22 7111 7 711 11 na 87 120 ists,. 229 a II 215 1 211 21399 2111 797 101 117 21 411 420 320 799 1 012 4412 PICRIC/I) - SO. 1/enontanimation Penad 24 Duval 11822onn.00lony AttIttlie.

Ilisposal id Ilan/ .51,111\ db 1 1 k Sunhat y Ruddieg /WM' 1.12511,4841 7 22 20 21 4 211 218 24 1 1 1 Ban & Mid Union/Iola d die 111.41/ . 51 24 1 1 4 Voirimeded All .1ndi ML innulaii.

  • 58 1 1 5 Compioned All Inatniment Aag 8 I MI 21 11 1 112 211 I IL Comm nied Instrument air -21,212 115 17 57 14 2411 230 511 91 1111 21121 2b117 Au 27 1 11 2b 1 1 8 Comm eded nu hert b.! .11.
  • AP 113 21 7 71 57 269 1119 1.58 42 721 3229 lb 1 1.1 Cninpieieed (In. 3.. pinmmila 41 17 . 11 -11 2111 26 1 1 10 ,iit.nmeit Hatch., 1 1 1 17 17 2 522 191 th 1 I 11 I 2nidninent Ill Magee Nil, /1VA1' 411 11 27 21 111 121 447 27 171 1 057 2b I 1 12 Containingnt 5p1 125 127 111 1 148 501, d 782 1700 II 107 242 274 9 9112 22 I 1 11 Contain/1mi I ((Milan. HVAC Onaulatedi 21 2.23 1 INA 1 2. 5 501 151 S. 5 521 20 1 1 14 Containnon1 Ventilation 111Arilu l.L,Jt 10 57 21 122 122 701 11997 201 22 1 I 15 Cont., 6nom IIV IC 2 25 1 1 11. D. nano-ally"! L 1,1 . 4 MAketIpWAter iS . 911 20 1 1 11 PIIIIMelabsed S. Res Makeup OCA 21 11, 209 309 821 11 057 2 11215 lb 1 1 12 lbespl Geo & 2oolau Le. linaulate41 7 7 1113 26 I 1 12 Inc, Oen & nunliarns. (voulaulated, 20 I 1 111 Itunel Generator luid (2.1 34 1 I 21 Itunel Room MAC 71 12 71
  • 2 215 124 117 24 1 1 :2 Rho LLL,,l
  • Clean 1 IWO 210 I RIO 1.0
  • IV 217 2131 1 21 Ells nu al - CORGIVIIMAId 112 111 MI 110 114 715 17 150 1 191 24 1 I 21 Met 2 1, al RCS 9210 1 11 , 255 1111 3 1111 2 779 110224 21014 3b I I 27 lire Prottstaun 22 12 fli 2 UM 24 I 1 24 Fur Proteetwis 111' / 22, 42 11.1 95 502 511 1 434 93 752 1 in 261127 LeakItate Test 10 11 1 101 711 21.

1 I 28 Potable IVani 1 19 db 1 1 2t1 R,,liatinn Alanoon01 2b 1 I 10 Safrpuard, Buil/bog IIVAC (18.82.0120 fi 49 172 11 0111 140 24 1 1 1 safiteu0(2( Budding 11V IP funladdateill 74 131 409 25 970 I 11.1 lb 1 172 lt VI. WAter 1410 24 1 1 11 Ser, IL, Water - RCA 1 5 /111; 11 57/1 ddillo 21111 20 1 1 34 Tin bine Building 146/11' limulaled1 3 22 I I 35 TurInnt Budding 11,11/ panotaul.toll 27 722 1 1 44 nlA L 12 ano. 111 195 I I 17 anis 12 am.. RCA 79 1SJ 21 101 711 12 111 5 177 24 1 1 IH R,,t' Manage...It luniniulatol/ . 24 1 142 Wa.te meson, 142241 (18.4/1.toAll 1.6! IR 1 20 152 152 11/2 11022 4 211 20 1 1 40 %Van. roovoni Loryncl lunloollatob '1 11 1.1 41 179 174 291 IN 12.11 4/12 24 1 I 41 %I aide ProessIng Sad 0 1 2111 0011 Total. 172 4 887 sri 507 1 261 2 211 12 111; 10 411 217 . L1. 117 111 1111.210 11 12 se affollbs8 auppull ord. onseuaannifit 202 4 141 NIX SLR IN 1 11 112 21 545 Lin ontanunalion Ihle Huang, 24 I .1 I Read, 1,135 715 119 151 1 2912 1 110 4 115 4 515 113 911 222 111 49 4111 tb 1 1 Safeguard 142 II 18 12 112 181 921 222 1 poi 911799 5271 2411 Taal. 1 1.819 2117 112 1 411 1 al0 5 029 5 042 A 251 261 220 551121 a Tel nun, non PL. 319 22 612 4,096 22 1 5 NRI. 2:22 en al 01 let msnolan plan lb 1 Soblai .114ioad 24 nom" Coo. 1 .3 2 297 22 5 119 519 17221 19 0111 lb 7. 21. 77 511 1112 .5 211 602 2094 P. nod 24 Additanital rod. tb A 1 lloderg. soled 111210op 122.42 Own 457 725 711 1 971 1 971 11418 24 A 0ublot41142,01 24 .4221242 Coda O 157 725 711 3971 i 073 10 1111 000141 TLC Sem.. 44. Inc

('omanche l'eak Nuclear l'omer Plant oca amen! 111-1771-00I. Rev 0 Deconamemomng Appendm C, Page 6 of 17 Table C-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousand.; of 2019 Dollars) MO' ',pint Fuel hate Poccosed Mural Volumes Bui cal l Utclatc and YolslO Deeon Removal Palmgang Freeman, Douai-41 Other Total Total la Tenn Management Hahn a hole volume Clan.; 4 1`1,, Ft l ban l 0119 Pa creamed Craft Contractor Index Acura) Ileacratcon al t cot Coats Coca Cu reel Cu Fret Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Feet , Lfl. Manhours el*nhours Polo.] ah Cats 1 PI son onmusslonm,n1t1 Acle I 71 451. 156 1.21115 107 a7il Preto+ Jo amminsionmp hi ince al flesh woods , _ 12 711 78 12 012 Mr 1 1 Small tool allewasee 111 11. iilt lb 1 I :spent Ft64 Capital and Tran*fc 4411011 10 On 1119 74

  • 014 107 2 111 2 11.1 27 1 SIMMS] Poled Er Collata cal Vats 81 1,N 811, in in 79711 2,944 16,1119 Pc toed Ai Period-Irmo ndent Cant.

Oh 1 I Dixon mimillen 1011 .51 I AM 1,21. 4711 lomnam a

  • 1 158 laic I 19I 1 494 21.4 1 Pippo le tarn
  • 911 91 I MS 1 002 27 1 I llealth ph. cis amishm 2 127 552 2 609 2 459 2b 5 Ileac c accoutred lona( 5010 712 1 762 5 742 214 10 440ponal of DAS genes alc d 09 57 215 215 141 24 1 7 Plant ea, lcudigt 1 121 511 1946 Prib iblV Elle Fee, 1 260 4213 I 1116 I 186 ilu 1 9 Rineeseno, Planning Pc a AU 21 177 24 4 10 dotal Fuel Tool ULM 942 141 1021
  • A. 1 11 LiquAl it Onset, Pi+ some Equipment& ie. ax 474 71 515 515 4 12 ISh SI (seams Com* 121 PI 112 lb 4 14 14 undo] h tom %mole 1 ID 275 2 10/1 2.102 Si 4 II See tam Staff Cod 11111 2 012 15 121 15,121 111 120 ib 4 15 DOC %tiff Coat 21 254 1 188 21 112 21 112 215 720 24 4 lb Illehit Mali ISM 4 tub,/ 1 919 121.1111 MOM 175 921 11 4 %biota Period 24 Prnod-Dromedent I 1 7 ID 78 Plt 11 119 99 /1110 WI 27/1 1 402 45 I41 1 071 971 TOTAL l'E/11011444 COST 2 16 010 010 lin 571 28 Oil 402 5110 121 917 711 122 2 219 1 111025 225 158 I 074 049 PE11101/ le-Soca. Fool dela, Pc ior 10 ..FP.IM- 4*4)

Paned. Disec t Deioneimestumng btivittee Pissed 2c Collalec al Cool. A 2 1 %comma 4,721 A 1 Sibtotal Ps oat a CollaterA Chaste 721 PenodS Peread*Deoesdent Coate 2,41 Inccomme I 712 1 905 1905 2,1 2 Pcupeity taxa 1 161 t 11, I 277 I 477 e 4 1 lhalth Orna * .0141404.* 1152 1452

2. 4 4 Dhomal el PAW gc its dad 711 78 21 425 Pe 4 5 Plant eno budget 1 OA uS6 5 021 5 021 4,du NOV Feee I 111 151 I 687 1 627 47 Emerceno IN./ at]

bli hpent Fuel Pacc11144 1 202 I 182 PP. 4 **4911 , 9900444440,so". 405 41 694 A 4 10 1140 Oporalmj l'usts 150 21 182 llia Pk 4 II Sella. St Aff rmt 17 109 2,qU, 19 671 19 671 117 WO 2c. 4 12 Ptdite Salt 001 4015 152 1 1147 1 167 15 104 IS 1 Subtotal Pc toed A Peened-11a math nt Cont. 11 117 1 597 10 501 11,137 21,721 1111,244 la 0 TOTAL PERIOD 24 COST 14 017 5 101 41 910 PI Sib 21 725 101 244 PER101/ id -1/econtammahon Folios leg Wct Fut I Money. Pc mud 241 Dues Ds ontimmonang Actirai* 241 I I Demme meal OA rack* 12 7 1012 191 2114 Disonsd of Plant %atom 2411 2 1 Fuel Buckling iiSAC lunusulated1 2 479 2di ,ii Fuel llandlina 1291 2d I J Sorel Fuel Pnol Cooling

  • Chant. 11E01 2d14 Totale 19 571 ad 1 1 +McMinn in .uppot urdsommi*moning 161 77 NN 1 Id I Sulatol Posed ad at to ill Cm. 106 1 .1 711/ 217 71.

Pr nod 2d Addclianal eml* id 1 I Laa ea+ Terammam Manion. 1,1119 5 min ad 42 Optiational Tools and hquipment 11714121 id 1 Pang Range 345 id 2 Subloldl Persil 2c1 Malmo t loos I 524 117 1/11 iu 4,210 Pa clod PA Collat. A Cash, ld 1 1 Procm* decommimmaing es asks. 41 1'11 PI 1 000142 TIM Om mem, Mc

Document L II-1771-001, Der 0 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Appenths Page 7 of 17 D,unntuenonno Cost Analyst,. Table C-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollars) 1111-Site LLIVA NO lkp,nt Fuel Site Prom.uumd )lui .1 Volume, 11ultal / Unlit, and Inton Removal huhu,. Tran+pott Do.44 Other Tocul Total lac Tenn 114.1.1111.12,u111 1,.. 1.1.111111 Tulume CI.1a. 0 IT, . "Tee Puu.....,nd °Ia1,11,101' A541,145 Connnen, Cost, Couto 1'u,, Cu Fo.pl Cu Feel Cu Peet Cu Feel Cu 1'6,1 IN, Lfl, Manhounl Menhuum Ihmnpnon Cowl Cuul C11212 Cou, Coat.

1. 2 Pa rod 2*115,114. Al Cmh O on on tied) 2d Small 1eol Allowisu e 147 111 161 901 41111 S 2*21 116 1179 22 1 4 Dneminnumeng Equnarine Insane.

117 6011 II02 I IN I 11111 5 591 Pk All 2111, 24 i bubtabd oad 22 Ci,11 0.2 Cue. Paned 22 P. noddli pi nalnt 04,66. 22 4 I ltn..z 6 7 2442 Ineel4no* 52 52 22 4 1 Paepern iamb 45 15 244 1 Ilmith bbto* bepplp* 76 9 95 2121 limey oinminesd , m441 171 201 2111 21, 4161, 111 22 4 6 1164,,,, 41 of DAW gem rated 22 4 7 l'14e, budget 54 10 74 71 12 4 191tc F29, , 46 41, id 4 0 Ihnt menet Plumung 44 11 11 23 4 14.1 Ppent Fut 116.4 ULM 111 2,1 4 II Idmitd 1426 on. Pneeming rteilmenthen

  • 2,14 12 lb1*51 70 514 205 111 11 911 id 4 LI 944m. hut Ctst .12 2,11 14 DOC Stall (Nut 199 75 574 574 971 WI 774 701 lb 9 23 4 In 1,91222 Staff 1.1 11 1 907 330 J 316 2 D91 ltq 7 III 12 2.12 2,11 Subtotal P.m. 22 Pet.4-16pandenl 11U 114 1212 1291 1 2641 7 102 5258 111 120 IS VIM 7162111 2nq0 14 251 id U TIPP M. PERIOD Id COCT PHR11,15 2e -1.66 benne Leen. Termination 1644.1 2a Deal t 61.11.1011111. 1111,111es Pei tiel 2e 15214..145-16 2n 1 1 9e, ern. 1111 57 115 4311
24. 1 Subtubd Pena4 Cada .1 57 112 411 Pelted . Paned 1.6,444.1 24 I I hum An, .192 49 541 541
  . 12         1.4.4114 tom                                                                                                          ill                    164            161 I 'I    Itral. Plsibub bunks.                                                                                                                                        95 2
  • 1 6 11;,11
2. 1 1 LInlim.41*4'1 /AW114 404*41451 11 Ilant bed.4 *
  . 16                                                                                                                                              21      227           227 2.4 7        ISF51 operant,. Cann                                                                                                 45               7       52 SGI               011     751
  • 2.11 Rem4M41 him. liens.

Li99 110 I MIN 611 99.* it* 001 2n4 9 theme, SI .4564 4114 125 959 N91 111107 2z4 10 1.11,1441 bull Out t 1110214 hubtutal Pelted 2e Pared-Dependent Conn lb tnll 561 4 b1A 501 1112 1641 Se 1 76 1 250 621 5 0111 1*4141 1 112 112 1641 IN tin 2n0 TOT11. PERIOD 21 VONT l'El21411/ lf- Lena. Tell...lwa Peszedllf De ell bet entimnumung '641.146 lf 1 I 011181( 4 0,11.114141.901.5 lfll Throw.. lu enue 21 1 Subrot41 Paned a,utent Penod 21.141,14.62 Camt* 2121 LP nue T4411111,21.11 Swam 1pin us. 4 287 I 287 77 177 I IA/ 1290 '619 4 2117 I 227 77 277 61101 21 2 Subtotal Pent.If 412444.441 Perind CulIatesal Cum. 21 I nor sttil rlot Awe even... tllb 172 2 OA.) MO 21 l Subtotal Puled LT 15214. al Col, 11111, 272 WY 2009 Kned If Pt ned-Dlit ncknt 214 I Ione e 11'1 4*14 401 2122 Pies.It Ian. lin 111 .1 111 214 4 Health ulIngun 111; 21-14 Impu6elot 1/AW 11 - 21 21 117 6 724 Lf 4 5 19.4 enaM1 1,412{. 102 41 147 147 214 6 NAV fte6 147 40 417 417 214 7 ISPNIOper4t.. 11 l, 47 7 1 172 PIA I 469 51111 12 910 21 I I, S.II ewe 1 062 bel 4 671 4 671 46 622 114 9 IXIC Db.14861 I,1911 660 5057 41212 115 59 912 111 1 10 144,144. 21I Subtotal Pi Ised 6,41-114pendene Cud. II II 2211 17. 11519 1.6127 1 II 117 11 119 471 1.511 II lb PM 4071 20 1111 4. 706 I 112 b 711 77,4140 612 591 210 TOTAL PERIOD 21COOT 000143 TLG terrace, len

Comanche l'eah Nuclear Posner Plant Domentenl 211-1 7744101, fin 11 !Mono...awning l'orl Analvvm Append C, l'age 8 of 17 Table C-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thous.nd. of 2019 Dollar./ Oft-kn, LLD, NRC Spent Fuel messed 04.1 hal Volume. Bunall

  • nd Annie, Dm on Dern ON, Pt kaging 1 ranopoi ...mom Diopima I Other Total rolol Tenn 11*nammont Bonin,lion Volume .1 Cl.re. OTC(' Prammond Craft Conk **toi Index limidoption Cost Cost Costs Coats Coat, Cony Conti/mini, Cosi, l'ONtal COSI!, Cu Fen ( u Fun Cu Fon Feat Cu Fan 11 t Ain 91anboura 41anhours PERIOD 2 TOT OLS 1 132 1/1211 21257 8 786 12 NIA 2.1 581 5.218 4..6 84 WO 5 351 143 +21 ofs I 137 * .85 nOO 870 642 6,8 2 813 681 l'ERICill 36 -Akio Rood ... nen Pined 36 112 t Darommeeimunt Viln 864 Demolition of Remamin2 kite Fluibliiim 16 1 1 1 ...atm I 11 I 6 11 617 Di I 1 2 I'm Ratio 1 lid 1.0.1.

16 I IS !bean Clem satin 1214 lb 1 1 4 (1I2 Steam DeanMot ',imam Fatality 541 021 622

14. 1 1 5 latimind 1275 1 471 10 725 ib 1 1is Ihinchm. a. 151 10 1 1 7 Tulbmo 451 M18 521 '1 210 sb 1 I 8 Turbme P. di gal 711 106 805 159 14 1 1 Totals 515 10111 7057 6, 194 9ito 16 I 2 tirade Llanilatapo 946 I MA 16 1 t Final rep.. MDR(' 1 lb 1 Subtotal Pimid &Actions. Couto 7 447 1 185 61616 Penad riek.

Mt 1 Commit fkliabiag 4111 lb J Siablwal Delia 16 additional f mt. 1481 Peind 16 Collateml Coat. lb 1 1 Small tool allummar il 1b j Sublobil Paled 10 1ull anal Cuna Peluid 36 Kiwi Di pi adoni Nola lb 4 1 Inminur rb42 Ploy., Mu, 175 179 lb I 1 Hem oummemit I. nial 91111 6 898 6 92 4b1i Plant enerti 61111.9 401 60 11.1 61 Di 4 5 NIIC ISA SI Fen Del 1116

 .10 16      142941 I ',unarm l'uoto                                                                                                                14       lei                        123 lb 17      Sem*,l, smif f'gol                                                                                                   2492            51/5     1901                      2 UM          1                                                                                      117 160 ibi         1101.10*ITCoot                                                                                                      011111         1 170    11 271                                  II    1                                                                                 110 240 1b 1 9      Malin Ma Coat                                                                                                       1 097            765     11161                      1407          1Rr4                                                                                   70 IWO lb 1        Subtulal l'nuid 16 Periaddh pimidi at Nola                     5551                                                20 MI           1/74         215         656         4 9116      11677                                                                                   267 MO TOTOI PERIOD lb 1'1AT                                         iin7e                                                211577          5 119    15 7141        1157                     11511                                                                    66 165         1.9 140 P13111011 ak* Natal       ..... opekilionorihippinli Vine:81a Dino 1 Denminsmoimint Dina.      Millal.eal Cook k 11        Spi al Fuel eaptlal and Tranatin                                                                                   11511           2087     1411110                    16 0110 4 1        Subtotal Penal b Collik         l'into
  • 11911 211147 16111M 16100 Peraml*Deprodent Coats b 4 1 hemiante 16951 1 6113 17 4611 17,fihn 4 1 Psupoik lama 21 511 152 11674 2 2671 4 1 19 mg 7nei 43 budget 6 11 NOV 19E91 lam 6 31511 7 685 7 6115 O 17 IS1. 313 Operas., mk. 49111 41/ 1 170 1 170 lc 4 97i la sly Staff lIoal 511691 4toa 67 404 67 194 1 159 861 k 47 VILMA, 6111 Coal 28 295 4 211 12 540 12 510 177965 A lintel d Ikeiod 1. Pesiuddhpiaden1 Coal, 111 1112 17 041 152 4.2. 192 Mb 1811821 O0 TOTaL P141101/ 1 MIST 111 M5 20 011 161,426 1611426 1,111.4828 PERIOD Id
  • OTCC .....

Pena td Ihnet Denanmemionant Nwlear Sham Sayph, Smrein Remy 61 1 I 1 Vaned& lain nala DT( 13 Demeal 1000 10 077 1 742 It 8 DI 12 8 14 2061 1111 974 1411 1 Tonal, 1001 101177 1 712 12 819 14,1119 21.1 1111 571 Id 1 Subtotal lkiaml Id At to 24 Nat. 000 10 077 1 764 12 819 141101 1.1 101 974 Pniod Penod*Dipindrat 614 I Inow ami Piopaoly tarn Plant maim Mahn 000144 ID9 ri ea, In(

l'ontnn, he Peak Nan len,r l'omer Plant Dot unarnlL)1-1771-00I, Rev 11 Ilecurnmaas,onang Cart AnnI446r Apprnd C,Prsg,, Sof 17 Table C-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands a 2019 Dollar.) 00-site LLEM NE, Spent Fuel lal 111.0 0.) Utility and ACIIVI{N Doom Removal Itankogynx 'I I nap:oil Dopsvol Other TotAl Total L. Term Manap.ment RestmaDon Volume Clays A Class II ClAss C GT( I Processed Craft Contrastor Indox 1/e.4nption Cost Costs Costs Costs OW. Contlneenvy Costs Costs Costs Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Fect Cu Peet M t Lim Manhours Manhours IN nod id Persod,Dependont Costs h usury', 41 114 1 SRC ISFSI FeeN i 0 I id 4 5 ISFN1 Operatin. Cool* id 4 Is 664unn Marcos. 42 fi 10 12 1 007 1s9 4 7 1,1,111, 9141 eo41 212 3 21 21 414 Subtotal Paid id Penadylleuendt n1 13a414 91 1.1 107 101 1 .104 WO TOT IL PERIOD id 13119T 1000 10 077 91 1 771 12 9% Id 920 2%1 11,1 VI 1 104 PERRY]) lo 1,1.11 ISesoutunt Kno4 irlIons Da4,4111111*440M22 ,I, Insa

   %nod le 4,d1104,231 lams 1.3 1       1.2.,144 To rmutsitoh 1%2%1                                                2110                                                         1 172           LIU                                                                Id 114                              1,291 IRO         9429           1 241 1,2        Suls101.0 Prruul Addilional dy4,14                                         200          171           171                       9/1     1 472           I 1%,       5 242        51112                                     12                                  1 291 120         9 122          1 221
   %nod is nodylluptaulenl Costa le I       hum        r                                                                                                                                31                                      47 Piounla tau"                                                                                                                              211T             1,7        1171         111 Iv I i      Plant riwrit %idyl                                                                                                                           7                2                       2 1.44       Sad via, Staff 1%1                                                                                                                         ha               lfl        79           79                                                                                                          1 710 1.39       Unhl, 'lt.iRlml                                                                                                                           141               ily       179          179                                                                                                          1 821 ie 4       Subtotal l'uosl le PeroddIrpendent Cosh                                                                                                   5,1             111         h.           hith                                                                                                         1 150 1e 0       191T11. PERIOD lr 1X ,ST                                                     10         172           111                    2 in       2,005           l 212         Ion        b 502                                     DI III                              1,851,180         9 129          11111 10,2114112 af -1211041%to INN..... nut Perna af      srl Ilstonunrutoluei 401.1.

rynod it auldMonal Corti 22 1 Uneolilioo nod Site lit iturahon %FS! 1 I% 159 552 1 211 1211 15 11 2 Subtotal hued If lildmonal (Your 1,1% 459 552 120 1211 15 214 Prnod 2 , 41,10 al Cuyl, lf .1 1 %Nall tool Ahura= lf 1 Suluolal Ft iusl if , ollysi al , .41, nod it Pnioddltioduk nun. if 1 1 lonomor 14 1 2 Floury', tau, II- 117 it I 1 Ilea, v eqmplovolio90 d I; II/ 110 If I 1 Plant eney ay body I 4 if 1 2*2 unti Staff eat 11 It I %aft l'u4 b7 11 1 Subtotal IN nod 11. 21nodyDrpendeel Cody. 113 207 17. 10I 1f 11 T, (TAL PERIOD MOIST 1 495 11,2 600 1 4 IN 14111101, TOT41.0 17 757 I 172 171 12, I 171 411 22924 212,412, 20 144 171 112 42411 12,114 2 MI 18.1 154 TOTAL II MT TO DEIN/MI/1SW MI 8 181 VA VG 25 578 131 624 2114 91,1 925 145 215 929 45 425 143011 11127 1,7 2 1%1 111 021 9,1 POTAL COST TO DECOMMISSION WITH 17 29, CONTINOE9C1 $996,901 thousands of 2019 dollar. TOT IL NRC LICENSE TERMIN sTION COST IS 44 54% OR $585,1-15 thousands of 2119 s SPENT I.1.IEL MANAGEMENT COST PC le %%OR 1275,1121 thovonds of 2019 dollars NON-NUCLE 111 DEMOLITION COST IN 6 Or. OR 11414143 thoominds of 4219 elollais TOTH. LOW-LEVEL RADIO,TIVE WASTE VOLUME BURIED WWI UDING IITCl I 165,194 Cubit Feet TOTAL GREATER THAN CLASS C IIADWASTE VOLUNIE GENER TED %I ltubn, Fest TOT M. SC RAP NIETSI. REMOVED 59,580 Tons TOT, CRAFT LABOR REQUIREMENTS 775,272 Man-hams End Notes nin

  • mar at, kt Ous RV , hal 21,1 du ommuils2,02 'No 0.1
      -no% air, that I hu .,,      ptttttmed by &venom...mu. 44,0 1.1.014,, Va. thulhv. alien. less then II Shut is nonuero dean,. muss ' oulmate, a Ivo value 000145 TLC Verntee, In,

Comanche Peak Nu. Icar Power Plant Den unarnl 1 11-1171-001.11, O Deconanasssontng Coat Append m C, Page le of 17 Table C-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Una 2 DECON Decommtssionmg Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2 019 Dollars) tperit 11,1 90te occond ilium es HUI / Wait, land Acta,. Removal Packaging t IO oceoong Disposal Othei Total Total lac Term Management Restoration °him, ClAb* (1.4,11 C IlTCC ine.sed Craft Contra, tor 1 .tda \ctn. it hen ri tion Cost CoOs Costa Cu Fent Cu Feet Cu 14 9,1 l'u Feet Cu Fcet Wt Lb. Manbouro M*nhours PURIM, i, - Shutdonn [111.10 ra notlori Pei nut la Du t Ilecommi.noning A. &rant, la 1 I Prepare prehnunaty dn anuninumung tuut la I 2 Nottfaration of l'e,alton.d./peratton6

1. 1 1 Re., fucl ...Am I in Ilerld I I NCIIIIit.lon of Pei m*ri. fueling t I 1 In nut ate plant mom no * ',amain u.ette la 1 6 Nino, and ta,nut I 'Al 1.1 7 Iletten plain
  • lA I i Ptiln aelallea Iaa lb 9 Eatnnate bv.piodint Intl ntnt*

la I 10 End modwt deo i intim la I 11 Delolnd bop] an. I Int annum I a I 12 Define ma, nu, k A. awn la I 1 Pet ha in SER tnd E la I II Prep. ehuhnut 11, fueled Tr. bon al .utetallt autos. I 15 Perham Sile-hprofir Mud/ Prapatehubmul Is t dash d Fuel Man.= nt Plan

  .141,111v Spa. du atium la 1 17 I Plant &                     fanIttur la I 17 2 Plant nvdt la 1 17 3 14:3111 Decoustamtnattan Flesh la I 17 4 Reo tor mit( th.                                                                                                                                    11.1 la I 17 5 Reactr.r.....41                                                                                                                        129 la I 17 b lholaAn .1a. Id                                                                                                                           ,,

la 1 17 7 Steam generators 1216 la I 17 8 Rein., inle 106 1 la 117 9 M TU1 bin, la I 11 10 Mon Conch non, la l 17 11 NAM NO Luton. & 179 la 1 17 12 him.. Innnnnnmen. 261 la 1 17 13 Fatiltn. & hltellanteaut 111 la I 17 Taal Plannmi IL hue Prt paa anon* la I 111 Ptilt,ilt dumanIhng nespentt 118 21 118 firi la I 19 Plant prep 1. temp lati, 3 1011 510 3 910 la 1 20 11. AN* watt, .1. ino/p 41,tem 110 12 012 19.1 nnnnRI( ern Caul Zorlredlouhnt. 2 100 Unl 2 760 la 1 22 Pia u. cabs/heel, & 71 21 la 1 Ouldutal Per. la Attu tt, 111287 I 5;1 11 8.10 11 151 Pnusd I t Vollatet 41'00, la l 1 hin n1 Fuel Cyntal and nalt..61 -13111 2. 147 16 461 In 161 la 0 64818.1 Pena la Cullan 11 111 2 117 11. 161 lt,,i.l Perted la Pt NA-Dependent Coal. 1101 !mutant.. 1 1127 27 la 1 2 Proper, taxa. 179 la 4 1 Health physis*supplin 11 611 1.11 la 14 Ile., equIpment la 1 5 llopmal of 12 414 Iltlait II I 190 lalU Pls. rump budget 1111 2 105 la 4 1 NRC Fees 75 als la 1 0 hnstagenc. Ft.* 16 161 I 9 bpenl Fuel 1,1 la 1 la 1.1Fhl Operating 1 1 la 1 I I Snout, Stalleinl a 775 b 775 110 010/ lai 12 lltdtte St aft VIM j11 ild 1 125 11 117 11 157 412 240 la I ..uhtutal Penud la P. nod In pendent I NW 10 12.013 19 OM 411 1115 11101 12 190 571040 In 0 TIITAL PER1011 1* COST 11/5.1 11 Al 66 till lijb 77 677 59 910 17 161 1 406491 PER1011 16 - DeconanutuannInn Pit.paaahont. unI 16 Dire., ammtwountnu A. tn ales II. laded Noel Pi Bertha 16 1 1 1 Plallt 221.111 II/ I l d WASS DM inflammation Flush 1211 ll,tit Reactor inlet,. th 1 070 II, I 1 4 Remanung Innlasn, 572 lb I 1 5 CRI, ooling 128 lh 1 1 b ZED hounn. & MN. lb 1 1 7 In.., Instrumental. 422 000146 Tlfc et-t.at-er,

Colman, he l'enk Nut leur 1,09, 111001 Dot wage. 1-001, Re, 0 net oananarrannong ('raft Analvma, Appendu C, Page II of 17 Table C-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2 019 Dollars) 011,0, UR, NRC Spent Fuel \ Slava I Unlit, and Athol, negon Removal Packaging nom,. PIA/Among Despond Of fl,, Total Total Lig I erm Alonagement Restoration olume (lois Cl.m* 11 Clitos l OTI`C mom, CmIt Contemn.. Index Aotitito Itesoription Cost Cost Cost* Costs Coots Cu.t. Curitingen, Coots Coat. Costs Coots Cu Feet Cu 1p,t Cu Feet Cu Fuel Cu Feet ba AlmMoura Alanhouni

  ',Wed N ot Fox viltut             unl inmoll lb 1 8 Item. vmtel                                                                                                                             20/1                       1211/           210                                                                                                                 1 551 lb 1 1 9    Faithl, Imam°.                                                                                                                       119             10                         10                                                                                                                  511 I 1 10 Allostle Mid&                                                                                                                                                     MI             40                                                                                                                  141 lb 1 1 11 litologli al tharld                                                                                                                                                7.3
  • 311 11A I 1 12 Meam generators 214 12 1411 101
  • I 921 lb 1 1 13 Roam odium...to 57 .36 21 11 422 IIA 1 14 Main Tuba,. 11 121 101 6211 14 1 1 MAIO , ,M1t.11brla 11 121 101 262 lb 1 1 lb Auxtham Wadding 117 24 11111 121 IP 1,168 lb 1 1 17 1/eagtor budding 147 21 120 162 12 L lld 11.1 I Total I 1114 112, 1.i1 1 784 111 14 222 lb 1 2 Drees roman loop ill 1 MI 1 361 1 MA 11167 U. I StibtolAd PI nod lb Aetna) Com. 221 1 404 7112 A MA 2 02. I 067 II LIM Pentad 11,1214102onal Coin lb I Spent fool pool ...Loom 11 017 1211 4449 4 449 lb 2 2 Site Omen le 2 111 7116 1,1159 4 059 11,042 Itt MA Subtotal Period lb Add/hold Coils 10 170 1 111 12 51MI 12 509 112142 4 10 Peg tad lb Collatn Al 3 .12.1s lb Al I Ill, MI Ibt1,11. ,11 . ID 1 IRO 1 120 lb 12 DOC staff relumtion expenses 11114 272 I OW1 2 029 lb 1 1 Process det imolai...mg water wane 51 16 15 215 215 11 355 lb 1 4 Pieces. derommomnmgehemand limb 2 a*te 2 211 251 1,1111 I 401 1164 91070 lb 3 5 Small tool AlOWYMe - 2 2 lb 12 hpe tutting A Apiipmmt
  • 120 1 I20 I 120 lb 1 7 Deco. og 2 041 . 111 2 406 4 405 lb 1 40bn...113n-24 lb Vallateral I mt. 1 171 I 2112 12.1 11115 1111 1 1116 1 217 2 276 II 672 10, 1151 111822 225 Pound Ils I*enod*Depoack at Cuss lb 4 1 Snot. suppbm 12 45 45 I 591 120 1,7531 I 719 Proper, taxes 199 XI 219 214 tt. 4 4 lhalth oto 117 72 319 M4 lb 4 1 Hem, equmment 72
  • 212 211 lb 4 6 Ilnposal of LI 1411. {mei ated 7 12 (32 lt lb 1 7 Plen1 enelm budg* t I 999 320 2,299 2 299 lbdt SRC tem 191 11 211 214 lb 4 9 lann gem/ Planning fa i* 210 21 211 211 lb 1 10 Sin nt Furl 11.10.131 21/6 11 217 117 1144 11 1118,1 Opel itm.16.1, 27 1 11 11 lb 4 12 Snulatv Staff 0.94 2 910 441 1 171 1 AM 71 1311 1114 IJ 1140. Miff Cmt 5 550 232 6 111.1 6 1112 61 266 11A 4 14 111128 Staff Cent 14 414 2,114 16 622 15 bU 211 179 lb A Subtotal Peeled 16 16 559 7 12 27,175 1 122 12 III 0 615 194 7 122 12 150 I/M lb 0 TOT U. PERIN) lb 19147 1 041 1 751 137 281 1163 41 670 7 955 56 752 55 2 lb 1.19 111 622 114 717 II 145 MUMS 1*ER1013 1 TOTALS 1 051 MO 13, 491 225 102,221 17,951 111 115 115,76/ 17 961 7/1 I 292 1151 I HI 912 I I 11,5 975,447 PERIOD 2a - Lai ge Component Remo) al Penni 2a Ihm1 In*ammnuenme kw lea, lettam huppli ...tem Ilemosal
2. 1 l I Reaetur Coolant Ihmns 81 912 21 25 112 108 4111 421 1 275 121421 t 117 21 1 I 2 Premonon Relief Tank 21 111 11 II 11 162 161 5111 10 511 1,0111 *
 ¿a I I 1 limo tor Coolant Pump. & Motors                                 79          05          297           261                  1 207                       127         112          DM                                             7211                                  74211011            115           1110 2a I 1 1 PgesAut In A                                                  -               tn         511          III                    575                       221,    1 101           I 504                                            1 115                                      1151         1 inte          012
2. 1 I 5 91mon lit nei atom
  • 1 717 212 I 714 9911 l 712 PI 781 Pi 7111 1101.1 1 711 202 12,127 2 121
0. 1 I 2 21RD81.21412/Zinne %nu lun SI nunal 106 197 1.11.1 13 sib 214 I 15" I 150 1 252 1741125 2211 1, 1 I 7 Ileutur %end Mined. 54 1 421 IX 515 6111 11/2 9174 11111 11111 2 115 441 117 116 601 El 521 I 159 Za 1 III Reactor %mewl 79 6 410 2 212 662 1 812 102 78O1 11 211 19 214 115111 171221 12 1.11 1 419 24 1 1 Tot.A. 411, Ils 11111 17 1.11 15, unl 11111 21,11. 72 172 72 176 im 172 941 :17 6 110 201 .17 117 OK!

Removal of Mans Equtpment la 1 2 Mom TurbAnnAlenersim 275 4711 160 4 029 ltP 6 lbl A 161 45 711 21113..1 7 915 la 1 1 Main Om& nu is 241 1 127 621 5722 2 022 11 57 II 137 62 054 . 1912 111 12,750 Caw air. Outs hum Clean Budding Dentolitlim 2, I I I Reactor 603 41 615 6.15 5 311 2.4 I I 2 lunlian 2111 12. 425 315 2,1111 2a I 4 1 Safeguaol 67 M 77 77 552 2,11 1 Fuel 427 U. 111 111 1IPA, Sa I 4 Tat., 1 262 MI 1 451 I 451 II 2411 000147 TLG ev, 1 tie

Contar0 he l'rak NY, let, 1,w., Plant Dot ument L11-1777401, 1242 0 Deromnusannung Cost 71221,20. Appendia C. Pa2r 12 0117 Table C-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 DECON Decommissummg Cost Estnnate (Thousands of 2019 Dollar./ Oil-Situ I LIM NRC Npunt rucl lite IN summed Burial BUI 4.1 / Utility end Decon Removal Fackaging Tiampoit uvesling ll,.pol othol Total Total L. Tenn Managetvient Realm alum \ ultimo Claim Class, 0,4 C 1111,111 Yrocesvad Contraster

                                             'San ity IN*bription                                                                                                                               osts         ti set Cu Feat    Cu Feet  u Feet Cu F sat  119 , Lba      Manhours       Nlanhoura Ilispus II a Flant Syst, ms
   , I 5 1        \ median Fee Mt aim (In, u1.11411                                                 171                                               Cit,   1,412       1 912                                                                               412 5711             1111 2445           Aumban Steam                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .1 970 1 5 1 Piano Ret st, le Misdated)                                                                                                                                                                                   113                                      751        1 225 la 1 5 4      Bosun Ret sit le lumnsid                                               142                                                           tdi                                                               1 120                               215 164          15 70/1 2,1 5 Boson Thermal Reeenesmiem                                                        51                                                                                                                               159                                212111          21177 2, 1 5 9 11nron Thermal ItemmeiMMIllmilmitelale.                                     217                                                          145                                                                1 215                                 78 156          75115 2.1 I 1 7     Cal Lon 1          0 IS                                                    1                                                           .                                                                                                                          dll 11        Cheum al 2. \ alum. Control °mid dell                                  191                                                          118                                                                                                      50 559          6 5, 2a I 19 Chem, al V,lthttUU thililtltllt,fltUlUtttll                                  5111                                                                                                                                                                2.42 220         20 ura 22 1 i 10 Chem al let d                                                                11                                                                                                                                                                                     121 2 a 1 1 II Cimino al Feud
  • PC4 5 :171 251
2. 1 5 12 Chilled Neter - Safe, 119 2.1 1 1 11 Chilled 51 Ater
  • Safe,
  • NV 57 10 MI 2 212 L. I 1 14 Chlount 12 149 I 1 15 Cum, meg , 199 121 10 129 2a I 5 lb Comp., ut ,,liagitltltt 25 741 2a 1 5 17 Component t Lading a 1041 17 7115 1 114 11.5  % 119 ia 1 5 15 Cond. mat, Onsulatt 4/ 111 1 171 2.1 I 1 15 Con& ns lunmml ili 1111 2a I 5 20 Condemate l'obalun5 1111 3 527 la 1 5 21 endenser V.111111%8 01 Mt Ilea Frain], 61 2 017 2a 1 5 22 EMI at 12on SUM, 55 1 1106 1 1 21 Feed, atm 119 7 0111 2a I 5 21 !Neil, Ater /1(. 4 58 1 250 79 575 1 502 IU 1 1 23 0, nel.klut .1c Evan.

Za 1 5 . Gent ralin am Cooling 217 Za I 5 27 Generatui WAlis 55 1 715 22 1 1 28 Gen, alor SI al Oil 218 2a I 1 29 Ils um Gm 54 2.1 I 5 40 11mn team Reht al L Meant Dump 1 116 2.0.5 il 111am Steam flLli.UiL 1,1. am Dianni - 0 619 5 11 161 941 10 542 22 1 5 12 Main Tulbme Luba Oil 1 MI 28 1 5 11 bk. Tuilime Oil IN atm Pa 1 5 11 Nitrogen G. la 1 15 n Gas 2a 1 5 12 l'ust Arcident 9anninng 951 222 la 1 5 17 Norms Sampling I laleth 11 216 259 Pa I 6 .111 Rem., Coolant 31 594 1921 Za I 5 it IttNervoir Maki up Witt / 790 P.a 1 10 Reservoir Ramo 14114 2 005 A411 II Recvnou SEINI" Timm Za 1 5 la Residual Heat Rt reeval 5011 175 217 7 174 2,1 Sli safely Net non li,,ll ite 1 445 111 9*17 2 765 la l S II Safetv Imeetzen Gininsul 7 106 171 51111 419 la I 1 11 ',Gonda's, Plant 'sampling 1 5111 Za I 1 16 am 11enek atm 111ox clown Leh arum 4 .5 2a I S 17 Turbine Elm tildistli Cntll (maul milt 818 Pa 1 5 NI Turbine Elt,lv,h,1, Cntil 21 552 2a I 1 14 Tut lune Gland 9leani 9 Drams 10 1 112 2a 1 1 50 Tul bme 11, Alt,- Dian, 411 14.29G 2, 1 1 51 Tuihme Plant Cooling 19 549 2a 1 1 52 Tui bine l'L.,ttl'.,Cl,vrl,,,,lt,9lUt,dl I 420 2a 1 1 51 Tmlinies 011till WI, timid aled) 2.1 1 1 51 Tulblne. 11111111 WW1 liammulalmll 271 2a 1 1 51 Sent nulled 11,1,1 Non Salt it 121 1 S 56 Sent nulled Mahn -Nan %lb it IN'S 122 170 11260 2a I 1 57 Nestninhouse Fromm Inulluim n19 7 991 ia I 1 13.19 1 217 7,1g 1 197 21 762 N947 9211 21121922 ilU l lealfuldmg in supper, of dmoinnumietung 1 152 25 12 121 1615 ibil 71 5211 10 251 22 I subtotal Pined 2a 4.101, 1981s I 651 27011 191 52111 16,707 122 515 119,710 17,411,110 196 162 a Addillonal Coal, Pa t I 1.991111I AU I Isubtotal 1. 13 AA Addiltarial Cash 1 Period 22 l'ullatel 11,16 da 1 1 Proems drenumnastaisin9 salves...1r 775 I 181 70 514 24 12 Fyn... ornammeninn TN al flush 9 ist, 112 521 1 191 127 197 La 1 1 .9211 ioul 287 2a 1 St*. aaaaa 15911 2.* 1 Sublet 1,ml 22 Val .11 Caste 2 17 5 2 571 14111;lb FelInd Felaiidulis pendent Coma 22 1 1 Devon simplies 000148 T7 4: 21200er, log

Comma, he Peak NlIf fear Ihneer )locument L11-1174401, Dec 11 Dec conmasscon rng Cost Anaheim Appendu C, Page 13 of 17 Table C-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousand. of 2019 Dolls.) 011-00 =LAW N tl',p,,t hurl 00 In uralist d Bin Volume. 1uo.1 Urdu/ *nd As ID its Doom Removal Packinong Tonnspull Po/cussing Dopund Other 31/01 Tut.) 1 /4 Toon 31.4n.ineineni Deolurateon Chos .1 Class /4 ClAss C OTC( 0 (messed Craft ( untr.stor Index Irdnity 0 bun Co.) Cost. Costs Coots Coots Contingen, Costs CO.. CO.. et, rod Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu 1*eet W1 1.6. Manhoure Manhours rood 21 PM Pa Dependent Cos)s n onl mod)

2. 2 Inour*no* 1 022 IIG 1 1111 1 110
2. I 1 Properis 69 7111 758 1.4 4 114.1411 physns supplies 7112 607 14115 I 1115
2. 4 s Ihnov 1*1112,11911 2414141 1877
  • 512 1 4121 222 24 46 Dispos.luf 12.111 roor,ofld 1211 11 72 455 155 1/ 321 126 110 206 0.0 7 Mad Gals, bud., 281 I% 4770 1 774 2.40 NRC en. 629 6%

2.4 0 Haws' Plonsung Fe.49 259 1011 225 2a I 10 qpeat DIM Pool 011ed fltl 107 120 810 2.2 II 196611,0 rating 14nsts 108

  • 102 21 I 12 %bolo] 1Gos1a 412,046 1 WA 4011 1 is. 1 591i 2,4 11 Set uno St., Cast 10 152 1 5.1.0 11 675 11 675 2111272
2. .1 11 1/01°41.0 461 21,11i 1,527 27 042 27 012 279,117 2.4 15 6642210d 15,711 101 41 117 11 117 50/,192 2, 4 4221622,11(enad 2. Pal ind.112,edent 126 Is £61 l40 14 11 77 WO 12 017 27 121 96 HIS 1 2I1 6 21 I41 146 11:16 I 019 427
2. q TOTH. P16811111 2,19181 1 971 11 7% 21,1160 5 801 17 28'l RI 770 11 278 221 710 221 111 1211 201 215 9115 %I 117 17 617 5110 1% %0 1.016819 PERIOD 232. 104.aalanumtion Yelled 71) WI, 111n ommaquanInn arladie, Ilispa4.1 of Pl.n40/40/10 lb 1 1 1 1usb ars 10,16,2 1111C lanulaloll 10 IC 29 115 155 a 1, 270 1 117 76 1 1 2 Aurshaq liuddIns WAD bnunbul.11191.1 62 17 15 184 121 11/ 541 I LI I 16 I 1 1 11.4,, Inns A Mu onnolled 144 II5'A14 2 91 11 1 1 1 Comp, essed Au Inst, nnsulaloll *
  • lb I I 5 Comp] ess*cl Air
  • lion ument sop
  • KM 6 ll 4 11 11 74 71 121 172 Hs 1 1 b 1(ompu d fl,, ll.lument Air RCA 111 21 51 284 261 619 42 216 2477 26 1 1 7 Comp, essed . Serum e Ars 17 11 11 826 26 I I 8 Compressol . neon. Au
  • DC k 114 1*1 54 276 276 521 17 4411 i H11 I 1 9 Comp, essed nr ,nsu brbuunsulatedl 45 15 I .247 711/ 1 1 10 Conhunment Ildrhes 16 2 7 17 37 91 6 019 114 kb 1 I II ennoinment IlvdDoun Purge HI b 4 14 171 171 5711 17 164 1,464 26 1 1 12 Centanment sprat 174 110 I 1 01 512 2 211 214 11 112 251 411 10 156 214 1 1 12 Connun men( ent an. IIVAA lumnaull 10 21 121 122 01 11117 1104 0 I 1 If Conhamment Nhntdanns1114.91*62bulatidl /01 11.1 611 225 1 421 1 221 1621 1% 14/ 1 165 214 I I 15 Cantral thsom1INhIC in 5 41 1 1,114 Ai I I In Denunet.112.(1 Sr RC/ Makeup Hahn 12 119 1 491 1 662 21/ I 1 17 Denunelahred & ILCS Make, Water -Om 416 71 21 2% 177 901 91.5 2 2% 116 10: q 141 26 1 1 18 lansI Gen A 164,10111 , 10621*4911 . 7 181 Hi 1 1 12 Diesel Gen & .0411,,us lumesulztril) 71 it 85 25 2 111 211 1 1 20 Inesel Denerann 1101 1/11 461 26 I I /I Inesel Ram 111 V( 4 117 26 1 I 22 Eleelia.l. Clean 1,846 277 2 121 212 ' 56,761 121 I 1 di Mrs (r, el. Canlammind 297 21 225 1 VI 720 /20 21171 111 669 7,11111 26 1 1 21 Els/Danl. RCA 661 111 DIG 011 I 212 6 112 6 4414 111511 1 175471 66 121 26 1 1 23 Fur Protertion 474 71 111 /15 11 852 26 1 1 As Led, 11.telho. 2 12 12 14 1 2.-02 121 26 1 1 27 1440( Plant 111 114 0,4,1..11 2 0 2 . 72 2111 I I 28 MIA 11.n1 113 AD Ainualuhardl 27 911 Ac I I 2q Ishotellineens Espupnnao 21 :71 4 ;TI 26 1 I ill Offne S \ e1,11 2611 11 10061e W.01 112 1,892 211 1 1 V. Primat v Plan, DS SC Mud Ai& 12 62 161 161 370 16 1112 1 1110 26 I 1 12 Primus Plant 01Ar nnnnn OS 21 142 64 119 221 1 112 21 121 2 416 SI 1 11 11.1(dion 11enuonna 4 20 1 1 11 5.1esua liuddlng II% 114 linsul.te(11 12 171 11 018 160 26 1 1 11, Safe/Ands Buddin, /15 AD (uninnulateill 4 44 21 121 124 409 25 9711 I lb I 26 1 I 17 Senn e lVain 58
  • 67 1822
 % 1 I 48 heroes W.01
  • RCA 21/6 109 12 boa 11 1.141 1 241 1 178 119 ll 3,1211 1 1 NI TwInne F011(1012 HVAI'10021.1.111 92 1 1 10 Tta hint 11m21182119AC (unnpaulatiell 1140 I I II UPS 11N 1C 1 0 1 19 HI 1 1 N*nts 111.u,, 15 40 40 I 092 Lb I I 41 \ ents 8 Mans - Rl'A 117 22 215 isl 1 281 1201 112 117 146 15,760 26 1 1 44 Nast, Nlanasement (rnsula6 (11 12 . 14 429 26 1 I 15 asti Anasernen1 (unansulan (11 127 1'1 147
  • 1 4 NI 21, 1 1 16 14 Ants Proressins lumns21.6 (0 90 120 74 217 197 I 658 105 114 2 617 26 I 1 17 14h.at Pro...sung Lustid1insul.i.d/ 129 182 14 120 170 716 716 1 075 699119 111,244 1114 I 1 JV Waste Prqd sang laqind (unansulation 201 164 102 15 PH 172 1 077 1 677 1 105 287 192 17 4411 lb I I 49 Nast, Pro( esung tiodd 21 q 4 12 24 110 110 410 27 072 671 be 1 I 50 W.144114 al1401.1 (insuhded1 56 . 64 1,7211 26 1 1 11 Wales TlemInteet Oalunaddedl 587 22 676
  • 676 10710 26 1 1 Taials 655 4714 1111 ;AI h1217 4 412 212.'t3 19 101 1 191 64110 1027 401 2112 926 000149 TLC. Serowe., Inc

Compyr.1.. N., Ir., Dot amen( L11-1771-001, Rea 0 Deronanuttaonatt Cott Analyst, Append ty C, Page 11 of 17 Table C-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Una 2 DECON Decommissionmg Cost Estnnate (Thousands of 2019 Dollars) tats.lits 1.1.RM NW' spun, Fuel 'sae Piorefroal 1,8,1 Volumes lim 'al / Uttlaf and Acfls ffs 15econ Removal Parkaping 'Ft ansport ofassing Dispoaal talon- Total Total Lis 'I arm Management Foam anon 5 ammo Class A Clas, 14 Clasa OTC,' CI oreafed Craft Conti...tor Inch, 'sanity Deasription Cana. Costs Coots ContIngel, C". , Coats Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Feet f Feel Cu Feet Wt 1.11, Maoism,. tlanhours 21, 1 2 'a elleklmg m support a do, onmussfoning 1 440 .7 105 2 217 lfI7 I 447 .+1 000 50 121 1/0 onLomanaboo abut. litablo, As 1 1 1 Reader 1 lfl 711 1 110 1 515 4 545 18945 1162 451 45416 110 1 12 bsettlian 57 .195 695 2 8115 2,RO5 12 156 51111112 2ff 1110 Ss 1 I I lisda sate 41 ...bout. 17 25 LB 151 111 26 904 7 1111

21. 1 I 1 Satennud 111. 71 inlqi, t11 21108 08 799 1 071 26 1 I Tula& 1 075 .1 127 117 11 61W 1 577 247 51 777 lb 1 1 Prepaebuboul Limo., Telma...on Plan 1 15 270 272 25 I 5 Reanve NRC Pl1lP.i ol nainntallan 211 1 Subtotal Pena 26 8.11.10 Costs 2 241 12 112 1,1 tnll II 110 JO 119 4 NI 511 166 5526442 425 025 1 711 Penad 26 Udall/nal Val, 2112 1 Underwanu115.1111es Est.. atom 5 7P2 1711 1 571 116111 21/ 2 Subtend Penad.8. Uktilmal (bat. 1971 111.111 11.9 nal 2b Cobs. el Coda
21. 1 1 Pinata, clef offuniaaioning water wiaste 111 19 427 21/ 2 Plasess de, unnuanan1118 16.0111a1111.11 a sate 14616 15,1 Smell bed sllassno 11
21. 14 Spent Frt I CspAsl and Tioy-La 1 11111/11 71 819 , 019 Lb 1 5 Sean nu. 11 110 26 1 bublaiel Pened Fullatels1 Fun, 140 171 67 104 10 270 72 lu5 70 ;19 1 111.

7nual Pentd.11epa nano eu...b. 26 1 1 no euppIns 216 110. 14D 2 112 2042 luaus our 1 0, 1 1'12 MI 4 1 Prapn u len 91 11100 1 000 1512 Health phyatt....upphee 810 1 1011 7 He nv ...pop= al toad 751 5 5 755 2041 1.6apa...11 of I fAW generated 07 22q 121 5 829 117 71111 1047 Plant .1 torn bud.. 1,418 511 1 1911 10 In& 929 20 Emit st n 15.daung Fee. 142 371 176 26 4 10 Sp. nt Fuel Pool O&M 941 111 1 082 1082 102 11 Uvula Rada aste Peaemems Ettulpm, nIllenure. 474 71 345 ib2 12 Offrl au, 11.a.t. 124 19 112 142 as 4 11 Ilemoltal buns quern. 1 8 11 175 106 1101, 264 11 Sn tatty Starr Coat 13 017 2010 15 406 11 1116 112 15 4 lv 11111' Staff Cala 29,1150 4 178 14 4211 11 128 115 MO I% 1 16 Mahn 10,1(1..1 2 0 754 521180 52 0116 61111016

21. 4 Sulduld Pnaud Peried.Inta nl Costa I 16 11.1 11 197 IS 1 16 751 1%066 121 106 1 601 117 9112 1 WI U91 th 0 TOT aL PHR1OD 21 146 1 416 104 bal 1101184 11,611 242 625 MO 074 711 110 1 121 1111 111 5 9011 511 lig 101 1 1111,015 PEII1011 .10 Ilesontsintnatten Fallowing 11 et Fuel Stelae.:

Pe. nal 28 Dant Ileraaumammung inme. 24 1 1 &neve *eat ta 1,007 1 007 1,1142 191 ./40 Dopesal of Maul &Mem. 24 1 2 1 Islenneal Vont...124nd It 1111 10 115 151 112  % 1411 1 .112 ld 1 2 - ROA FH11 1 d27 1 2/7 1,279 116411 111271 2412 I Nue Plant., RC 414 2 211 1 412 11.11 111615 111171 1.4 I d 1 l* uel flialdmg tiViC Onsulats 11 10 70 2411 15 71.5 RI 1

 &I 125 nutlitultImg HVit'lunintodal.d)                                                                                                                    16           fll           81                                               290                                    18 444            es, 24 1 2 a Fled Ilan/line                                                                                                                                                               17                                               61                                       1891            112 3.4 I 7 %stage Treaunrnt                                                          22                                                                        1                                                                                                                                  678 bd 1 22 Spent Fuel Peel Omahas & Cleanup                                        851                                                                              2517            2517                                                                                       522 128         22 215 2d 1 2        Tote&                                                              W.                                                                  llt         6, Wu           6 284                                            19 VI                                   1 277 151         11 771 De. ..... nnatten et Sate InstkIsnas 24 1 1 1 Full                                                                                                                                                      1011          4014                                                     1                                 122 116         41718 0411          Fatah                                                                                                                                               1011           a011                                              qii64                                    121511          11710 161 1 1       0,21144108 in auppoll 1.1 desnontaatananst                         2101                                                                                1119           401                                               189                                    10 SRO         10 061 24 1          1 ubta1.2 Peeled .18 1.51111. eaat.                    IOU       J 179                      192                                        2,         10 719         10 711                                             211                                    12115 115         109 111 Pond 2d addinund Coate 24 2 1        loreneelbrmundtea Saor. Flamm,                                                                                                                      I 1111         1 125                                                                                                                        210 2d 2 2       Opnanend Taal, and Ittpupment                                                                                                                          2111            281                                             5;00                                    14. 000 0d 2 1        Faun, 11.018.                                                                                                                                          120 Subtotal Penni 2.1 utlablumel Com                                                                                                                  2 026           1 606                                             51100                                    54- 001/

000150 TLG Sentare, Inv

('onattn, he Perak Nu, tear Come? Plant Dot ...nen! 111-1775 001. Re, II Derommuwonrne ('oe, Annie, us Append G C, Page 15 of 17 Table C-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollar.)

                                                                                                                        ,ntl.n,,c,   LLEV,                                             POIC        Spent F            50,,      Proiatssa            Burial Volumes            But nal I                   Utility and Detain        liemo*ul      22akaging    1-5...port     oresning   Dispos21   Othei        Tula          Total      Lo l,n,n     112,noment       Restoration   \ ohm. Clams 5  Class li         C  t1TCC     massed         Cnilt      Contra, tor krui       Oesaription  Cost            Cost         Costs                     Costs       Costs     Costs     Contingt lace    Costs        Coo.          Costs           Coy,        Co FSlIC'll F eet Co Feet    Cu Feet Cu Feet 11,1 Lbs      Man/lours      Manion..

Penotl 22 n'ollattoal r'oyty 2,1 I Itioreaa rhs on...toning 4241 oast, .72 52 I 3.12 102 27 0,01 91 22 13 braa111ool allowance . 21 . 111 71 71 . Pd 14 Bea onuriosoulang li.11116. 911.9. 111. 111 575 - 161 901 504 1,001 147 2d 1 'into mil I 071 131 9 601 5 5111 2dl Valaata/ Pert. 33 redialerel -72 kl 151 iib 81b 1 073 557 48111 5 814 161117i 110 Pen. 2d Pre inibllopeoderit Cialb 2d 1 1 li..ni bun... 139 81 121 121

   .ldil        1 ,,,,,                                                                                                                             152               19        911           941 22 1 1       ...eta tax,                                                                                                                                                     111 2d I 1       Ib,lth physiasaupplie,                                                 901                                                                         1.        1 1 il        1 111 Heiisi, equip...I rent                                               I All
  • 272 2087 2081 32 4 6 Disposal el II V,V genn2led 57 51 12 Al1 ROI 2 817 16 111 2417 Plant eye, gt 01 751 7.

214 8 NR1' F eea 484 28 312 111 2d 4 5 Liquid Kado.istagrasisam825.10PentO... 114 52 015 015 31 4 111 1 1461 ctoirating Coats 52 2s1 4 II Remedial t Sin y* 1,51 101 761 761 24 4 12 Saturn. tital Coat 1 0111 2111 1501 1.11 5111. .021

   ,nl Lit 1/(11 staff O.                                                                                                                       7 11/1          1111        1111          1511                                                                                                                  RI Th4 NI 1 14 111.19 1021/11.                                                                                                                       1111.11          1 711     111.01        12976               429                                                                                                .1,810 921 4         2.128. Pen.. Po irel.Dept ndent Coos                      115       2 720             57          . 211                    51  21 194            11.1      111771       29 100             I 671                             2 811                                 16 ILI              92       215,195 2211          TOT IL PE KB       atd (Ism                             1 112       la 163          526                                 1 552  rd 721            712111    SLI 12.2     411 101            1471                                                                   .1011          1097.          .1119 PERIOD 14- lasonse Tenninallon Penod 23 Ihral                          614. 112a, 211 I         01115E too...too at. et,                                                                                                            1,               27         Rll          :m1 2112          Tn....19 ense 211           Sublatal Penal .21 la to 03 Oa,                                                                                                     151 proud 2/ Addilion.1 Des, 212 I         I urn. Teemanano* SM.%                                                                                                                           1,781       7,7111        7 7111                                                                                                151,511           1 120 212           SiabloI21 Period d 4142..4 Owls                                                                                                                  1 711       7 71i         7 7111                                                                                                151521            tidl Proud ff Collor, 21 Cir, jr i 1       BUC.621          slain espriati,                                                                                                 1,1115            272      2 0115        211114 21 12         89, lam                                                                                                                          21101             101      1 115         2 105 2f 3          9.1.121 Pm. 2f 4531ateral Cob,                                                                                                   11121             ST1      .1 1,15       .1 395 genod.Pesuidala ildi          Insular.                                                                                                                            115              11         151 244 2         Proper, tee,.                                                                                                                      311                                       1114 114 1         11.21lh ph, baa burgh,                                                                                                                             1117        915           515 2144          1.102...1 tat USW gi nee. d                                                             7                                  11                          1         21            24                                              117 Pf 4 5        Plant energy budget                                                                                                                 102              41         117           147 21 1 b        IOW Urea                                                                                                                           215               21        270           270 214 7         MIMI °petal.. C.15                                                                                                                    41                          17                          47 1014          genus. stage,.                                                                                                                   1 2711            152       1,469           561             910 214 9         1210 Staff Co.                                                                                                                   1 052             1119     4 671          11171 214 IV        Bislity 51211C.                                                                                                                  f 018             662      5017           1601              155 214           401.821 Poled 21. Peuud.e.aden1                                        7111                                                11  11077            1 1111     13 501       12 2,             1 412                                137                                  4711               11 210           TOTAL 15311101/ 31 COOT                                                7111             7                                  II  10 591              L114    25 561       Al 551            1 112                                117                                  6 711        151 519        112 194 PE 21011 2 TOT8L9                                                     8 114     54,015         21 778         7 PIO                  50913  299 116          191111     514800       111211           82 7111          7 1119            195 225     953        117         15 241 860       1059 416      3,1112 121 PERIOD           -Pito Itabtoiation Prima Allinsl beromnusoonn, tellosett Denudation al Ron,,,,, g           Molding, 16 I 1 Rea tor                                                                    1 411                                                                          51 5      l9Lb                                        1516                                                                     31 617 36 1 I 2 Adman,,,,,,,                                                                 77                                                                           ,,          89                                         95                                                                     1,212 16 I I I Au:0,o                                                                  2 519                                                                           it       2 911                                        2 911                                                                    18 .2 2/1 1 I 1 ebbobiatien1CB 1.11123.0                                                                                                                                             1/1                                         IN                                                                      107 lb I 1 5 Chlontintion ON 18.40                                                          5 nh 1 I h Cur W.iter Intake                                                          7711                                                                         117         015                                                                                                                 I 446
31. 1 I 7 Cnn, .205 1, 01199.8 17 20 40 16 I 1 5 Diesel (lento awe 410 42 472 172 4 310 lb t 1 Flex St 0,1,1 Binding 515 91 7011 7191 1, 1 1 10 blanten.mii 150 171 171 102 sh I 1 11 Mtg... 51.9.115, & 111.1ental Ilaprt/ 1170 210 110 1,15 lb 1 1 12 Alia Aline., 5116.40.1.079 1, 169 7 415 7 DI 98 741 ih 1 I In PA F eoung hule 11 91514, /111ilt ni 111 I 0In 1018 1 832 000151 TLG II, es, Inc

Comanche l'ealc NY, ifar Doer "tent L11-1774-001, flee 0 Dee onannassemIng Cost Append. C, Page 1G ol 17 Table C-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollars) NW' Siatrkt Fuel litu ;al Volume.. But Ul,l,ly and Remov.il PAckAgong Tian.port Prote.oung Disposal Odle; Total Total Lit Term tlg,,yrt atIOrk S plume A Cla .1, 14 1,64.0 Cla It Con tzat to; Act!, all l)esLript,or; Coata Co.., Cu I.Let Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Fret C. Feat Wt Lb. Olanhours tlanhoura 1.'11,4,11o/1ot Remauung Site Budding, It ontmutql, 31, 1111 RP BluldIng 18 7 t2 111 1 11 Raclwate San hate... 7,1 nil 201 171 16 1 1 ib S 1 474 I 471 1 171 11/ 721 16 1 1 17 Serve, leder Intake st.unire 312 2 .70 lb 1 1 10 Stator Renind 109 121 2 010 db 1 14 n4 46 705 lb 1 1 2* Lvdt,11,02 &La db 1 1 21 Tandy.. Tmarla 59.3 681 tb 1 1 22 Tudane P3d 6.1 121

  .16 1 1 21 Turkey P. derd31                                            704                                                                            009 ill I 1 14 Foal                                                    1 .1                                                                               Stu                                 1 IP;                                                                 27 877 lb 1 I       Trial.                                                651 210                                                              J 111      27541                                 PS 511                                                                 212 451 Sue eked.. taInstus 16 11        WY kFlii 411.                                                                                                                 514                                             1 410                                                                  6 170 14 1 1      Slade fa land.2 ape ate                                                                                                         81                                              629                                                                  1 4'12 46 1 4       heal laps. to NS('                                                                                                              11                   11.

Jb I 'subtotal Pannd Jbrt us l'ralL 46,171 1 919 1020r 101 10,1147 Panted lb 511/1111unal Past, 16 2 I Vann eta 41....bn, 271 ihreulnung sag Cofferdsin 6441 S. sysse 11,4tes Cuflaislans 11111 Jb enasllti. nun 14 2. Subtolal P. nod lb agldstlunal 1 oath 2,1114 18 6 Di 151121 Pr atoll lb Collate. al Pints 31 Small tool .111,11.41111. 171 SII i hubtutal Pi md lls l'allatel al Pads 171 l'enud 16 Cunt. lb l losurans. Jb18 Proper, tam lb 4 s 11.60, equipment naatal 16 1 1 Plant ,ne. 61141241 *101 tfl 161 db I NAP 143,1 Fees 164 17 186 14 4 b Pdhsl . rung l'isem 104 la 121 16 1 7 let univ StIff PM 504 1,4111 2 5011 1 Phi 07 360 16 IA 131/I' Staff Coat 0 101 1 170 11 271 11 171 110240 111 1 0 110111v 81.11f nal 047 767 861 654 70 200 al 4 %Mot .11...nod fir P. nal 11. peal nl Pest, 121.1h4 1 876 10 21'1 16 0 TOTAL 1'881013 a, CCIST 14 10 711 11 727 17 110 1.1 767 465 617 6411141.11 le Fuol Stan.. (las, alsunhlhh.pp. ng 1,41221 10111101AMISIlle Itlef Penal .11 2.11al.ral I'ode 1 Speni lad Capst11 and TranLfer 14 911 161100 16,200 1.i hulautal Parma le Callan ral Penh

  • 11411 16 000 16 DWI Pasuld l, Penzahllepentlent 1 vale
1. 4 I Insiu item 11, 111 1 1 WA 17 600 17,260 142 Planed) taw. AI 112 2 lit 21671 41671 Is 4 4 st21.16851 6 990 lee; 7 6119 ig 4 5 It.P.1 "Areal., Prat, 2 4 al 1111 1 170 3 170 kdl SM1 y St. eatt 58,691 81211 67 491 67 191 1 255 861 6 47 Mt., 44..ff CoLt CANS 4411 11510 11 140 177 465 de 4 Subtotal hand b Prno.1.11apeadtnt eaLt. 114 404 17 911 1521z6 i  ; 1243 820 6 0 TOT 1128E810D le OAT 110,195 4.0 011 1611 ILA 146 1,811 828 PERIOD id 2112VC aluppang Period 61 Dana t Ida amanwonns. tuna.

Nudeal Steam lupplt hiLtete Itt mod dd I 1 1 is lat. nab, Met' De.pledd 10,117: 1 762 111119 11814 2 01.1 101 971 PI 1 1 Total. 077 1,762 1211JV lean 2 Ma 011 971 dd I Subtotal Panad 3.1 Ith OP 101177 1 741 Lltyi 11819 01.1 101 071 Ka mil la Po std.Depeed. nt Psed.

 .14 4 I      livairon 1.1 4 2     Psupert 44 4 1       N111'14881 Ft..

000152 TLG tirsun es, Inc

roman, he l'enk Nue leur 1*0;ee; l'Ittott Du; morn! 1,11-1771-001. Re; 0 11e;orotetter;onmg Cost 41,14144w Append.. C, Page 17 417 Table C-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 DECON Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollars) Olt-Site URN, N RC Spent Fuel Nile oxessed limo] Volume* tal/ Utility and Decon Removal INGkeging Tharopoi Istos a,o nu Doponal Othet Total Total IA, Tenn Management Reetoration l alone A Plass FS tDss 17191C Yloceoed CrAft ContraLtur D*1/1 ALti, ity Det,option Cost Coyle CO.l, Coate Costs Costs Contingent., ( oat, Coate Corti, Co4l9 Cu Feet Cu Feet en Feet Cu Feel Cu Feet W1 1.6. Alanhours Ma/thou,, 1114. 4 Pei u91 34 rellud.ill polo, Coo. Rontmued, 3d 1 n 2 0 - id it. 4*** , Itaff Poet 14 1; 411 18 1 017 20 Si tati 914 7 Utility St./RD/at id 1 Subtotal Penad id Po iushlkNendeo1 Iketa 94 1.1 1r7 101 1 916 ld 0 TOT IL PERIOD LI COST 1,000 111077 94 1,771 LI 041, liqt nbl 101971 1 10b PERI(ND t..l,F)/1 Ilattlatantabon Pet tad le Don I. Desontmaskonsn8 As IV l'ea tad ie AdIttlautl east, le 2 1 La eat, Ternunanun INFM 200 171 ItiN 1 172 1 16/1 52112 5 812 111 11191 1811 9 129 I 221 Se 2 lublatal Permod 5,lthltan2119/919 200 172 171 PIN 1 172 1,11,0 5 842 9012 18,111 I 891 1811 9,429 1421 Penod 1. PenakDepeadent C0,16 k 4 I Inagua, 11 67 fe 4 t Prapon 21/7 67 111 tll k 4 1 Plant tile,. budget L 8 k 44 tokunk MAT, um 61 lb 7.1 1710 k 45 Unht* NIA Col 111 k 179 179 11181 S. 111 666 4.990 1e 4 Sublutal Peasud le Penodslhmentkat Vats le 0 TOTAL PERIM) te COST 172 171 2 4511 211111 1 1172 ION 6 50N 01 III 11191 1/117 i 1114 41111 PER11/1) 14-191491 Sete Iteslaralien Peuod 111/mallktanuntamantag kin/dub Paned If Uldtunntl Po, 512 la. 4 211 I'S MS /10 If 2 1 Item/Mak And lite liklartkm ISF/II 112 8u1064 Peond If klehltua Ai t.1.1. 752 1 225 1211 15 211. SU P. tad if Callalet al Vosta lf l 1 Small 1nel e 10 If d Subtotal Pena If Coll /ter II Ceuta SO Proad If PousIDI ptadent Posta 11 4 I Inautante 1f 4 2 hopes. 111 lt 117 If 4 , 1f 4 4 liecuntv Staff Coal 11 142 11 4 5 119412 5110 Cat 5N 768 114 Subtotal Penod If Proulkllepsndent east. 1117 21 110 1 111 11 TOTAL PERIOD 1115)ST L 170 M162 901 919 1 511 15.211, I 191 PERIM) TOTAI 18 SW 1 172 12 511 171 /ISO 12 417 2S9 1127 10 2011 171 1311 1,1, 1811 19 414 !O1,l 2 291 104 110 2132 1 1114 601 T1 /T AL 15 NT TO DECOMNIISSION 12 507 105,310 241198 1,1 1 11 7412 450 110 UM 919,006 540,111 271,017 71812 111 910 1,827 1/7 081 7.0 ...O. I 184 MI 1 5 197,12

 'TOTAL COST TO DECOMMISSION METH 17 55, CONTINGENCI                                                       1019,01,   thotmandl of 21118 doll...

TOTAL NRC LICENSE TERMINATION COST IS III, 011 15911 114 thousands of 2019 dollar. SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT COST IS SS 10, OR 1274,017 thousands al 2019 dollars NON-NUCLE 40 DEMOLITION CURTIS 7 97, OR 174 812 thousand...1' 2010 dollars TOTAL LOW-LEVEL RADIO ACTIVE MASTE VOLUME BURIED (EXCLUDING OTOS l 417,0113 Cub. Feet TOTAL GREATER TN AN CL ASS C RAI/WASTE VoLUME GENERATED 2,061 Cubic Feet TOTAL SCR IP METAL REMOVED 44,586 Tont TOTAL CRAFT LABOR REQUIREMENTS I 424,044 Man-hono, End Notes aft intht 49 lhat thk tnitt shaa N. 0. detakankam.NLO9 a*indis Aft th /1 dna atoll) performed 111 sksolneumianutg skiff auk An that data value k Irk than 0 7 hut ps wan tens ALAI tank/nu. I and. ah

  • a /13 yak, 000153 TLG Sp; nu es, 1n,

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix D, Page 1 of 22 APPENDIX D DETAILED COST ANALYSIS SAFSTOR Tables D-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 2 D-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2 12 TLG Services, Inc. 000154

roman. he I'enIt Nucleus I'mner Plant Dor inner" LI I-177 11 Ireronnnonnontne Cord Anal.... Append,. I). Page 2 of 2.1 Table D-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 SAFSTOR Decomnussioning Cost Estimate (Thomana. a 2 0)9 Dollars) 1.11£,Mc 1.1.1011 51,1 Spent Fucl Burial VOi WM. it. Utility anal 1606 Ety Pecan Remanal Packaging Tranaport ProcessIng lbaposal Other Tatal Total 1.ic Tann Mamm1...1 Restoration k olume eta*, 1. Clasa It Clot+ e GT( t Prokessed Ch all Contractor Acbt Deoaription Cott Cott., Coats en.ts e.t.a..., Coats Coats ('ubta Cent, ( u Feet ('s Ile. Cu Feet eu haat en Feat Wt , Lb, 'Danko. Manbou), PERIOD to Shutclo0n thl laugh Tian...in re) nal la 12011 1,ts antm(badaaingh Civil,. a 1.11 SAFS17/11 6t10 damn trearItton tun. 101 1 1 1* I 2 Preparr prElErnmArE rEorninramtaming anal 201 ioi 1,11 Notthrabon of l'e.sal)on of 00Er awn. la 1 1 Nemovo fool 6 too. a rn.0.00 nit la 1 5 NorEfiE ElEon of Pet manen1 Odurbarg 1I b 0vate plant argon, 2 wastaa*aate I t17 Piepare an.1 Eulorol P51,111 tivl U0 2 0110 IA 1 t Iip*','yt,L,y(.(s,, k .pecb d0i 201 1 MO 1 n Parlor.] (loaded rad 6urvet IA 1 10 E,01.1.0e -01.1.1' 131 151 In I II End prod., npuoa 111 151 la I IL Detailed by-pruducl im.111101 211 211 1 1 11 Define m9E. 0 orA arEp.ore 151 151 1 14 15.16Ern sEc and NA 7/1 478 IA 1 15 PerbErrn 13.4 Stud, 171 771 5 10 Atuvtly Flpardleatian6 la I Pr I Prep Ere plant aor166.0109 for sAarroa 4,020 la 1 16 2 1'1 011 91611911, 4,167 11 1 16 1 1.1.,nt structurea and bruldurry 110 13 1 iüfl W 161e mutt., mint 21100 1.1 16 1. ...lily module dorm int, 01.0 la I 16 201 Pet ad. II k Prra Muer. IA 1 17 I Plant 19.00*11 1,1111 IA 1( 2 Faxdaty doom.. & donna.. 1 WO 11 1 11 T.i ii 2 1111 la 1 IS Prom. va nun ele7111. 10.6911 1.0 I 10 Dimatblo-oneE0.0 non*Eartt 656tenrE IA 1 671 1./..1& illy NV') lo 121 10 EinAlrEoner gut &aril 11000*1001 *00. IA 1 22 1/0 babe. metont Emit 10,1 aEalenr* 1E 1 gab. El Ported It tnEity Pooh 1 Penal la 001601A C.0t. la. I /bunt Fuel t'apaal an1171 moan -il III U ii7 1.461 .101 1Et Suble.al Nita. la 1641.01.1130.19 11 114 .1 .7 Is 461 lol Primal la Porifixt*Dopendeat la 4 1 01,141.1111t 1 207 121 t 521 1 527 la 4 2 Pram i0 taxa, 1 11 * .1 1641 .11 la 1 1 Ilealth phy.y..upplm. 1721 641 611 la 1 4 Ilvatv EputorEent lentAl .2 1.28 la 1 5 16,960 of 1/ AP/ et RE lalod 7 44 14 010 IX 190 i.aü Plant 411.ei budget 0111 1111 la '1 tb ail 11R 9P1 la 1010 r,ent, 1'1 nomi 121 162

1. 1 9 0pEnt 16.1Pool 02M 11.42 416
  • I I 1 Ill ISFS1 °para.{ Ilan. 11 61
  • la 1 11 Elorgrav Stafreatt 201 ..1 C 775 G771 110 ma I , 12 1111110 tit ill Putt ottilfl 4 125 ft 111 0 157 ICA LIU lo `lebtatal 160 led Is PettarbIlependrnt Coats iO 44 9.0 illm 659 11.11 010 11 571001 In 0 Tr1TEUE PERIM/ la POST 64 4211 9 US PI 061 57 500 17 0,1 610 lt 1011 60.010 PE111E1D lb 0AF's77/11 Limited DEX.015 116tiothes 16 E oyl lbre 1 1/0 16% ontanunalionollit. Iturbbs..

IL I 1 I Rear. 1 121 1Imill 1 IIE 1 1 YrElegEusid 141 211 11 Total, 1 21,1 1805 11101 11, 1 Sub1ntal Pontal lb A. mot rn.i. 1.561 612 11011 1 /101 1 Prrtol lb Arldalbasal i .616 lb 2 1 9beet fuel pad bolahan 12 125 11 171 14171 In e 0.110..11,1911 lb blEbtiorral float. 12 325 11171 1-11, Pena. lb Pollater 00011 11 DcannequIrinnt 11-1 I 1/111 I 180 000155 TLG Irn

Conlon, he Peak Nut lens I'oses 1)04 timenl L I 1-1771-1101,11en 0 Ilreornmsnnonan0 COW Annlv.se Appends. I), Page 1st it Table D-I Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit I SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thou annds of 2019 Dollars) (111,t, SRC spent ud Frme,ced Bui hal Volume. Btu / Unl ly .anal 4ctavity Detun Heine, al PaLkarng Transport Processn. lespneal Odic, Total Total 14, l'enn slunneement Reetorenon ohms, Cie.. k CIA., II Claa. C (ITCC Prmeanud Co.... Index Desariptum Cost Co. CO., 5466 Curt, Cu.ls Contmleen, Co.41.4 CoNts Cost, Cost, Cu Feet l'u Feet ('u Feet ( u Feet Cu Feet , Lb. Manna.), Manlunns 151...1 II, (hdlatcl,1 neat. Ia erd 'stud) II, I 2 l'roc cab decommissL5mn u le .1 117 151 712 1 077 41 5,1 210 lb 1 1 PIO, lunou al 111.1. 41111. lb 14 Small toad albarana1 lb s 'subtotal Pentad lla an a Al Ont. 1512 1 177 el 191 3111 le nod 111 nod.Depaudcad l'unt* lb 4 l lM., mapplaeo 5031 lh 4 2 Inaurons* 0T0 lb 1 1 Props., Is 1.1%.* 21 lb 4 4 Ilealth nipplue nal 15 Sauey , annum, at atonal 157 lb le Ilnposal at It SW na notated 10 506 lb 1 7 Mont env, r, 1,0,1 S1O 575 5 lb 411 NSF Fea., 152 147 113 4 S Fees 101 115 lb 4 10 'opera Fuel l'uad 14.81 1 15 119 Ilk! II 18Fhl Oper.aun* l'oata 14 2 lb 11, 1 13 en au ,t, St.lt I 46,1 1 6119 17 lb 411 111ahte Stan t'oat 7 Ilia WI 101 271 Subtotal Pound lb Phoiod.Depeada nt 111 ll tlUa 11 244 12 5 1151t, 142 MA 15 0 TOT4.1. PRIM ID lb le PA' 130 9 117 31 403 4 666 12 SU 11 0711 e112 15 101 15 018 142,868 PE Prepanktunm For 1/annanoy I, li..i Iln urnann000nang maw. 1,1 1 Prepare output eannpanoot Pao stooge la I 2 Install tontuntnent priusure equ luu* la I i Interne aura, pram to &mammy I IT 1, 1 4 &ewe buddina acesea 1, 1 5 Pn pan & oublant anterank report 5u1,1o841 Pa laud le 4e. an Owl. 7 l'etiud la Full atonal Cool, la i I Prone,. du anamumaning ater nate 1111 8b2 1 0/5 78,2111 la 12 Protean dot anumaatonang mat II Staab n la 1 I bin all tool Mon e 1 Sabena Plead le Callan d Cane. 1 105 73 418 Paled le Pannal,le panda nt 1,41 lnmu our 1,42 PI pawn 1 nee le 4 3 Ilt all Is phsa4,* napalm,

   )44           Ile n eautenuon Inn la 4 5        lhapae*I of DOW goner d                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1    9 la 48         Plant nee, bu,13.1 1.4 7         SRC Fea 1p20          Ems gen, , Phanoing .*                                                                                                           105 la 45         Sponl Fuel Peal 06M                                                                                                              101 la 4 10       ISF,11 uperAtIng Vent%                                                                                                            11 la 4 11       'on unt,                                                                                                                      I 469                                                                                                                                                     17 1.07 I. i 12                 St Peet                                                                                                             7 1011                                                                                                                                                  101 071 la 4          bublatal Penud la Pernel Dependent Cohn.                                                                                     II 078                                                di0                                                                   1 10                         II2116/1 nnu. PERIOD la 11 /ST                                                  0                                              150    II 889                                                210                         1 457                                                    21 744        113 151 PERIM/ I TOT                                                                              2 11/7      291                           107   90 719                                             17 952                          1,569                                  le8 610           56 811        1193 214 PEOUnI                            Itonnansy       ath IN et Faust Fuel States, Penni 24 than) Ilroonnahosinang 04 I I        Ware rly Inyna Yen 04 I          4enu.annual nen onnwntal maser e leen ta.

lialuuunous Dad...phut meat 24 i 5 Mtttttnano eupplue 270 1 131 1151 0 I Sambaed Paned 21.11,14, 1%0, 271 I 115 1 155 Perna' 24 4.111111u11.1 Pa 2 I Landfill 2.0 2 F111.1( Rah,. 24 2 Subtotal Penad 24 Addams al 2 Pentad 21 rollaur el Farm k id Spent Fuel C .11 .1 knell med. - 061100 10 OW 75 I11,1 76 819 000156 TLC ';rruri es, Me

Doe .... I I-1771-0., Ilee l'untateot he Peale legal Pomp, Pherel Appendix D, Page 2 of 12 De4oenenarislonan, ('oeit eleantiveu Table D-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Una 1 SAFSTOR Decommasmonang Cost Estunate (Thousands of 2019 Dollars) L L104 N.' Spent f uel hitt Frotesttel Burial Volume. But .4i1 / 1161ny And Renton el Packa.n2 Transport 16 omitting Dispointl Other Total Total Lic Tenn llermgemcnt kleAorstion elume Clays A Class Class C 21T, Protesmed tan Contractor Activity Oscon Cott Coets Cents Cod., Cost, Con Contin..) Custe Costs Cu Feet eu Feet Cu Feet 1 u Feet Cu Feet Wt MAnhinns Alanhouit 0 Index 'M. it) Devarintien Co, , nstv l'4"" 16 mad 7a Viillatenil Costs iiiintinineb I Seterime 9 532 1117 11015 11413 4.4 1 4.9221 14 nod 240214111A Co414 714 177 11 I, 117111-1 11015 76 2111 Pi s 2.4 IS nud 16p4eiden1.914 244 I lumnantt 1 4111 7.12 Prippils 7 /W7 2.* 1 S 1144116 iihvwssupplis. 1 24 / 1 616 taws ,L a oats tos,,m1 1;95 47 ;19/2 .45 24 1 a 1UU

                   )9440t tour. Snake,                                                                                                                                                 1 214 La I la                                                                                                                                                                           1 541 1 155 124 1 7        Ilmertoiit PLinnont Feen 1 121
  • 2a 4 2 61est Fuel Peoll 0611.1 7.* 1 9 I6Flt Opel-ding Potts 117 1.114 11 775 1011 121 24 1 10 tortv Staff 7 170 /I 117 207063 24111 Dlahtt Stoff 13061
2. SWAM 2 16162421 Pi rIndtllipendeal NM. 1 241 22 10 47 41 1217 15 5116 1 11. 27 /141) 11 I Al 0114 24 0 TOTAL P9111011 2.0 (SISI. 1 2211 3/ RI 15)017 14 719 177 112 11 057 122 426 771, 1 PP, 27 249 1111 1 262 201 PER101.1 21. eSAFfsTOR Ilinnuney 44126 y Spen, Perusl 26 Ihree1 net ...ism...A/1 26 I flu newly Insperb.

lb 1 9einvtnnu envuunrnental mutes lb 1 1 Pri litre reports

  • lb 1 I Illts.nion nod nip!. reen1 25 1 211 es
11. 1 VMinnIrnenii tupphit 6,912 1 7211 6 6111 8610 A. I bubto1411/tnud 21i Ai Indy 1 ems 6 927 I 712 11.4 2./1 Period 26 rsibm.a Pinta 211 3 1 Spent Full yntal and Tr wirer 41b7 1 470 In 8117 4b 11 Sorrianit 727 104 216 26 SuldnlA Pena 76 CA/ 2.4*1 NM. 10 1. 1 529 II DI 8 10267 Pernid 714 P.puldlepend. ni 76 l 1 riin* 1.647 2.1 22 0111 2, WI 2642 P.m., /aim. 17 Ail I M. Pt .11 12 6.

26 1 1 0*44.4 tupphit 111311 5 1146 5 296 4fl 11 1.49.621 of 111W genii tted 41 12 151 - 54 112 112 4611 'A 270

    .4 4                    ner0t, 1491.1                                                                                                  2 4.            1 111     102.            Ill 292 21, 1 4        NM' Fen.                                                                                                                8 517             1155      C 301          4 101 21/ 4 1        IbPS1 Lipman. l'ut.                                                                                                     2 III             165       1 741                              79S 711474          111131      114 721        . 727             26001                                                                                                    I 951 WO 1114 4 2       grainy staff l'utt 21 44          1 /19214 Lt*1113n1                                                                                                    05 242           9 786      75 024         411 019           27 1111 12                     154 All 4.12         211.1      446215         151 UM             05WPl                                                                      92 271             VW           260 248 26 4          6461.A164.471.P.4.6.ependtril env, 2111/ 1611                                                                                                                               )61 275            l'A          221/ 0.12 26 0          TOTAL PERIOD 16 row                                                                                              114                  11 421     1.17 2116      MO SI) 121         41                    201  171 1/15         11 970     DI 164         211567           219 1/21            .76                                                     10. 171              115       4 114 112 FE111(11/ 4 TOT 11.

PERIOD SA. Ram te Site Follomang JASTri 0 Donna.) 16.2.1 la Ihrtel Drrommissioning 204/42ien 2111 I 1011 11 I I Frepne prelinun dnumummuning 171 2M1 1417 91 710 7111 1 600 la 1 2 Retien plAnt 24 et I. spn4 14 1 1 Prifeim itt )2192 42 , 41.1 0220 1.1 1 4 End Pi/A..1 2r9 /1.6. 114 20 134 154 11etielevl In-product interne. r 1 .. 201 /WI I 010 la 1 5 7 SOU

      ).. 11.      Define 1114,01 soil tequeng                                                                                              I 1/1.           151        I 157          1 157 116              42                        172                                                                                                                          H.
1. I 7 Perfoi 9E0 E 478
      *4 1 2                                                                                                                               1121b                        1 IT/          1 153                                                                                                                          SUB 19,6n ehubniit OefueltelTealuur 9 4.4150 Owns 1 I9          Pridunn Site-Spetilie 021 910014                                                                                          671            101          771            771                                                                                                                        5 000 111              AI         154             131                                                                                                                       1 000 12 I 10       PlepAreltulinnt 111*216.12 Fuel Miusage. et Pls.
    .221svilv Spredratio.

te 1 II 1 Retortit As plimi & tempera. Ls 2294 985 T1 1 137 1 U22 L. 1 11 2 PI int mt.. 554 621 572 to 1 II 3 Iteettur infmnalt /112 111 11/95 1 El. ti 1 II 1 Heistorviniel 272 111 11811 1001 12 I II 1 11,01,., tliu 67 lu 77 77 114 3 120 la I 11 6 Ste.] neralars 181 101 214 11 247 121 1 6121 24 1 II 7 Reinforced rontri

     .{A 1 II      Minn Tin/one                                                                                                                 11               .         67                                                                                                                                         100 Li I II 9 Main Conilenten                                                                                                                  51                         67                                                                                                                                         1U0 ia I II Ill Plant mins tines & buildings                                                                                                 414              41         121            211                                                                                                                          120 617                         710            710                                                                                                                        1 620 1.1 11 11 W 60e 211114.1-21411 i*l 11 I2 9.1.221, ...du-stout                                                                                                           121                         1.              64 000157 TIfe Serum es, Int

['onion, he Peak Mich..,, ran et Plant Doc sat.. LI I-1771-110I,11., tt Ilecomintsitontng Coyt Analysis Appendix D, of lL Table D-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 SAFSTOR Decommissnoning Cost Estimate

                                                                                                     )rhotiwiols of 2 019 Dollars) 011-bitt       ItIN                                              NW'          ',pant Fual         Site     19memad             Burial elume.            Banal /                   Utility and dandy                                                    Dem.,              Paylcaging Dampen Procesaing   Dimmel     Other          Total         Total      lay Tenn       Management        Restoration   ;claim, Clam 1   Clam lt  Clam C   tTC C Pr/named        (          Centragtor Index                              It tint, Dem Elution  emt       Cost      Coon               C ant.     ( ung     Coytt       Centmgenm        real.        Casta            ltttt           t on,      Cu Feet  Cu Feet 1'u Feet  Cu Feet Cu Feet  Wt          Manhaum       Manhou, 5 I IA             IWO          105        5 101                                                                                                                     717 Planauag           Prayarationg la I 1.1    Plepsiellmntsollmi3450ona                                                                                       122                           170           1711                                                                                                                2 100 it 1 11     Plant pup 231.31.3 mgt.                                                                                       s 1011             I    /     1910           11 31 1 14      Ilengn u*ter clean up dam m                                                                                     litfl                        216               :                                                                                                                 1 100 J. 1 11      lingund 'ant (5101 linalp.hoobant la                                                                              011                                    2 Ad la I In      Nunn t tasladlons &tantalite.,                                                                                    63                                        190                                                                                                                 I 2n 11 1        Sublet 11 IStuatt   la tauly Casts                                                                          lh ii1            2              705 0      C/11141                                                                                                               77 107 Knead la tatihInot al l'eals la 2 1      ahte Chard tensalon                                                                                                                        7 159         7 155                                                                                                                10 1152 1.4          Subtotal Planed le Iddit3onaleml.                                                                            1*Z::                         7 115         7 155                                                                                                                10 252 IN nod 3a Collattral Costs 1.1i 1       Spent Eitel Capital and                                                                                                                                                       100 t., l      END,i d l'ened I. Coll,.         Calif                                                                                                                                         1110 IS rad 3a Peno3.16 pendent eons la 4 I     !mutant                                                                                                                             131/      656            111, 1.4 2       Ple1m119 1209                                                                                                         1              .0       410 la 4 3     Ho21111 alwaassupplan                                                                                                             112         501           501 Ja I        Homy ynuspint el rent 11
  • 82 Gm It 4 5 plata. ,1 at DAW goner ded 37 17 10 311 I140 PLattl ennn budget 2 IX. t0i J 101 2 1115 14 4 7 258 W 128 tdi 1.41 18F51 uperant1R Cm, 51 131 11.1 1.4 8 am univ Stall Co.1 1619 1 887 1.1111 1 417 111.

12 4 10 l'Olut Mal Com III 112 2,7,15 00 112 20 104 olli 260 000 SA l Subtotal Penn., la Fined-Dependent l on. IT 1114 10119 27 766 25 779 1 927 10 211 1016110

    ,,,,        .mm.19E1111/1/ 1. c,                                         5315                                        17  151A9                               13     Ill 7134             2 387                                                               15 III         10 517       191 615 PEN101) M. Denman                           parationn Tynoil lb I/3rn Innunmanaming blaritu Iladaded Wutt, PinNun.

ib I 1 I Nam iistena MI5 617 1711 113 1 1 2 1139itor mlernals 115 1116 2 500 113 I 1 1 16 manung budding. tll 52 I 150 3b 1 1 1 12211 mobni amendalv 134 154 000 313 1 I 5 MD Ileum,. 411114m 1 000 36 1 1 6 'mole man umestmon 114 ono 36 I 1 7 knictur.escal 487 540 M I 1M Fac dor clonnital 161 125 1200 lb 1 19 13,113.31, shl. Ms 450 16 1 1 10 Mologn al 4nold Dal 125 12111 lb 1 1 11 Steam gc n, talon 617 7111 4 6011 M I I 12 16 "dame, man tt 114 77 113 I 13 NUM ',bum 205 211 211 I 560 ib I 1 14 Man, ConlInmen 2119 211 I 560 313 I 1 13 auxilmn laialdang 366 121 2 710 M 1 1 lb 16 mon buddang 166 121 71l1 th 1 1 Told 1 115 I 971 11111 ihl q,tlt.i.lP,n.d tb nativity Cain. 1 125 1 974 12 211 Pubal 36 Vollalerall mt. lb 1 I Ilona ey111133,11911 1203

  • 1 110 1 Ma 14 1111, st n 1,,IrOM 11116 lb 1 1 19pet gaunt equipment lb 1 1 Spent 13.1 u gat al indTi insfet 176 26 202 16 1 lama) Maned 03 d Costs 1 )152 6 11 4 Pernad 35315 nod*Dependent emts lb 1 1 11ag on 1012 Imo...".

30 1 1 Propeul 36 11 Ilmdth plu.sas 1 In 1 5 Deasy equipment Inn d 11 tl, 1 b II el 115W p mt at, 31 1910 Plant en, n butlgol 1 1 1 148 11*6 1St SI candled Vats lb 4 10 Strum. `,41111,1 25 135 22,115 lb 4 11 INH" huff east 5 I 75 5 1 5 971 141.1111 111 4 12 I'lahn &Can 1 179 11t90u 1U013 131 721 1134 Iltddol 4 Ilnuld Pn ted46 penal, at Coon 17 10 16 I 2 622 20 1.0 19 116 5 414 55/1 000158 TLC; Sulam re, ina

I'enonnehe l'eule IVorlea) I'amer Do. ...nes" L1,1774-001, lie) )1 11.00mm...on veg Cuel Anal wax Append), I), Page Co/ I! Table D-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollars) Olf-Site 1.16, NRC Spent FuLl Sus Fre,rised Burial v0111111 BUItAll Util.ty end Doom Parkagm6 Transport FroressIng 16aporal Othrr Total Total las Term Alonapelnent Restoration \ olunpe Class Class li Class C 071. C ProseAsed CIA( Contractor

                                         &snot, Derrell...1n  )'ott        Coat        Coats                      Costa      Caots     Costs     Contmpon,     Cost.       I oats         10,1.        Costs        Cu Feet  Cu Feet     Cu Fort    Cu Feet   Cu Fret Wt Lbr         Manion.          Mani..
    &0         TOT 0, PER) OD 16 (71 gr                             1 003    1 727                                                  10  23 216          1 903   29 9111       27 771           1 210          964                                                            5 910                10      24A 201 VER1011 I TOTALS                                                 11121    2721                                                   27  I& 11.11      111.4I                  12 517             017        I L.                   211                                     16 ILI           111 1.61      612 11111 FERMI/ 4a Large conponent aaninal 150ed la Dent Dr. onumxmonesi 1.101112.

Nuelea Ikea. 702.1, 91.202 Remo. J la 1 1 1 kr lor Cr...1.21P0222 1; 81. 21 17 152 71 169 162 I 275 115 421 2 165 Ix I 1 2 Prrs.......1 16 heti ank 11. II . 26 110 115 40 511 205

  • 14 1 l 0...tor Corl...0- Pump. & 18 5.1 71 202 1207 164 I 969 L9211 7,111 7928011 575 Slt l,II IA 171 111 575 4117 I 101 I 1111 3,415 285 851 1 1414 750 11 5 Stearn 1 747 119 I 2.11 9 914 1 721 19 .1 19 606 11,061 1527 5121 11 067 I 500 1 b 16.00.1 Ste.. kesr. ttii 1.1202 I. 1.695 9 (134 2 724 14 VI 11874 31061 5,11 5121 750 4, 1 1 7 fIRDNI.ACIrkkryke rem.. Remus+, 22 171 1.112 12 306 164 97.1 979 41152 179 021 5 142 4,118 12..21. Rearel latent 02 10 4 222 10 ill 421 1,064 117 7 919 27 1A, 17 1ll, 521 521 106 118 811 21 790 1 150 4 a 1 1 9 Rrartor 6 320 .112 2 102 1. 116 17 117 17 557 11611 972 871 41 790 I 150 4.11 Total, 1110 13 210 14119 1 601 27 419 611 21 726 21279 81 279 11/1 721 501 41. 4 71.1077 7411110 5 320 Rd mot al of Mg. Egli... 21
4. 1 2 Man TrAnarkleeeratur 015 978 LI. 6 Ill 2 121 11741 2 905 964 7 045 4.13 /dam I ...dew. 197 1,427 742
  • 011 II 102 II 102 62 059 912 411 II 211 C.Ieng Coate froen Clom14*21.11nr Ja )41 kr.. 601 695 .1 5 539 4a l 4 2 Ilateguard 67 77 77 5111 I 1 Tula.. 672 101 771 773 1, 117 Dixperal urrlant %MN.

4.* 1 5 1 Maillan Fr...abater 0/..alakr1/ 550 167 e7 720 317 14160 1 260 6 577 421 212 14252 4.154 A1113111,1 Ste 02 12 14 191

4. 1 5 1 Boron 1.4,4 le Onsul+e In 10 LI I 170 112
4. i 5 4 Bo. Reg (uinnAulatedl 211 4 11 60 60 111 685 4a 1 5 5 Boon The) tnal Repno 1 ,110111111.21. 71 11 10 10 139 159 112 21 1119 1 812 la i 5 6 1.1(1n Theimal Reset( anon 6.6.slateall Ulb SI 1111 81 126 1 11111 .710 1 622 la 1 5 7 Chenu, al & l'olume Control 02.1.41.) 161 22 61 112 115 742 16.6. 4 061/

4.4 158 Chenw al& \ olume control unuilwl.emll 126 51 111 747 717 1.7 I211617 287 59 Chemical F.-ed 7 4111 14 I 5 1. ('henu, Feed - 12VA 11 971 J11 4a 1 5 11 (-lolled N.A.,. Sale, 12.

4. 1 5 12 Water . Yalet, RCA 4 1118 188 17 21212 4a 1 13 Coeulatm, Wato 177 106 101 720 4.1 1 5 14 .1..nronrnt l'arlanr nate. 71/0 la 1 ¶ 11 Component )(own., W..
  • 920 17 711 I 057 I 057 11, ;1711 1 277 )51 21 100 la 1 ¶ lb Condensate hnsulaled) 127 141. 116 1 135 11 1 5 17 Condens lumnsulas4.2) 11.12 117 117 1 200 la 1 ¶ IX Condensate Colohnt. 97 111 111 001 la 1 ¶ IX Condrnsr. S'ac rum
  • 11*11.1 Box Pirm.nr 64 71 71 2 011 la 1 III U016910, SIeam 71 22 J 115 4a 1 Al 212 21.2 212 7,122 la 1 5 VI t redo ate, R1, 1 52 11 11 278 78
  • I 217 77 1 110
4. 1 5 21 (len. slot 1. &Anita L.152. (lenoatu( (1.s Cooling 247 11 1 5 2) Cent 7tor N Pei 0 001 la 1 5 11, (1, no ator +Mil 211 la 1 77 1lAdroyan 11 L. 1 5 &I Alain Steam Reheat & Steam Dump 15 I 105 12 1 5 29 Main Steam Reheat
  • Steam 1)...
  • Re 129 610 1 518 1 , In tan Mall l* 1 5 In Main Turbme Lutn Oil 51 51 I 190 la 1 5 0 Alam 'Forbin, (Wren& all. 11:1 101 101 2 77II la 1 5 12 Niti(gen (lat 2 I I 1 5 11 Cos) Att view Samplin, 0 15 951 222 la 15 14 Prol hamplIng 8 19 111 10 177 11 212 241 la 1 5 .11 Hearlor (Amlant 102 15 5 41 215 211 115 11617 522 la 15 Resuluallieal Remo, al 205 112 611 611 2;17 I PIA I 1011 51191 172 22' 5 721
4. 1 1 17 Sale(, I n(et )hon (inset ined/ 1211 15 15 111 7 411 411 1 411 52 551 1 1.
4. 1510 Sabo line. tom Iumn.tilaledI 156 1112 I11.1 I 753 4.4 I 5 10 Setontlary Holt Samplms 20 1 040 4.1 6 40 Ste IT. Gen, +or Blesdom & C1, 111111. 109 101, 126 1481 la I 41 Tu( lone Ele.11oh,1) 00aul+4911 LI .1 4+ 1 5 41 Turbmt Eh, trolly& ( n)rl 16 lb 116 la 1 5 41 Turbme Gland Steam S. IL a 21, IL 19 IS 1 157
4. 1 5 44 TuOnnt Heal,' Drain. 186 111 12 600 la I 5 19 1 orlon* l'Aint Coolang nn, n1+1.1.1 15 19 511 la 1 5 46 Turbine Plant Coobny (1102.21at. 1 IGO 1611 I 193 Ii 1 5 47 'filabint Maga Leal saik 16 I 105 la 1 IA Talton,. (119)14 Losl )tosumulatol) 19 1 7111 000159 TLG Serum el, In,

C011.allf he l',uk Mirka) Pinner Plant lenient LI I-1771-001, flee 0 Derinninainisonang Cost Analveis Appendix D. l'age 7t,I Lt Table D-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate ahouranda a 2019 Dollars) Int-Sac 1,1111 NRC 'Apent Fuel 144/441 VI/1mm, Utility anal Act. it, Nemo, al Paclotanta Tranaport Procesumg lhaposal Olin., Total Total lac Fenn Alan.raetmnt Restoration %online Clad. 4 Clnau 11 C1.1.9 C oceaacd Clan Contractor Index Actiott, Detunption Cu9t Coat Coat, 1 oat. 1 ogt. I oat+ Costs Continen, Ceuta Couto Cott, Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Feet , Lbs Alanloono M*nhoul DramAal of Plant ',AU n,, nonllnoun la 1 5 19 k,,t Watt- Non den 16 2 18 51 la 1 5 50 Watt -Nun %dal,- LICA t5 ilS 5191, 1

4. 19 51 Wmunglonor In.lnimeso , 871 117 Ja I 5 Totals 1 07 1 4 13 DM', 12171 14 41904 819 91K 116 112 Affoldmg +appal do amMloAnalall 1 121 612
  • 107 19 714 11,171
4. 1 bublut 419.nad l, h.11,Otl'iml, 22610 17 61/5 t 614 27 990 1111922 114 67U * .1 717 19 443110 Am. 127 Pol awl la A.1,1111...1 Cwt.

4.2 1 Reload /loam (Imam lb ad 151 217 1 695 16115 1241 VW 950 10, A ono Ja 2 RtMed111) mod LI' Tobin. Rolm. 115 Ulg I 550 1 551 101 1,041 100 1811 ono 44 qublaid Pentad 14 tbkhlimul 1 asts 115 1215 1 215 4, 712 1 5A1 050 n214, iota Proud 14 rallalm Coat. It 1 I Prom, deconnuasammg balm

  • tale ti seal ted 21 a 11 Spent Pad Vasil and nand" la 1 /hada,l rental la Call Anal Clots Primal 4a Prroablltamolabi la 1 I boa. auppbm 26 129 129 2,14 how mit 029 1124 1,11 Prupsto t obs 4a 1 4 Ifralth utivaus supplue. 109 294, 2 526 Ilsa, a/roam...8M! 451 1 171a 11713 ta 1 b 11,26.0 at WAY lanes ded III 290 80 211 la 1 7 Plot( t no ItadItel 2.7 lt171 101 1102 2422 614 1 624 44 1 9 14,2 Fad,. arta 1111110.01. Popopmmo/Strva lb Vit 119 671 4 t 1 Ill Iblt 61 Oyer !ling Cods 77 114 II Rena dulttblainn Moo lb 1 141 171 1 112 1 112 1 I I IL %au.) Staff Cual 2.116 150 u ldfl qifl 1192 61 8. 0 12 12 1504' St. Cast 17 190 1,771 19 71.8 19 71.11 201 019 IA 4 11 llIsh1.5 Staff Vast 21,161 1,681 211247 27 428 119 114 44 1 bubial d Peitod 44 lb mud-lk to ode. 1'mi. 50 601 8 524 62 532 1192 811,111 111 412231 1t l TOTAL ff,LT 18601 II 907 51 761 17 lttl 187 6115 122 015 I 241 401 21 019 DU 27b 411/ 424 611 PERIOD 412 Bd. Dosontammatlion lb mud 41. Ihres Ilmommommon lb I I Remove bpsnl Mel lo 21 41 971 971 1Old M1216 llopood ofRon 51)st/

lb I 4 2 Auoll u) But122218111, 1C Amnia. Hsd/ 2 011 46 12 1 Ball Ilms & klite UmunlIalltd d22 !DAC lb I 2 1 Compressed Ahr 1/11114 Al4 fuoulati 14 141 1,111plessed Att lto.trunn nt 901'ltl'h ll 2418 211 lb I b Connneu.ed Sir In,trununt Ill'h lu 5 2 0 11 181 21121 lb I 2 7 Campos ,14.1, I' Br XX 1 16 I 2 II Cunttn,---ed Sir - Serl1le - Ill'h 2. 1,511 42 741 3 424 111 I. 4 Compiested fl, 14-41 41 lammodAltd) 7 10 1 10 Cent unman( llat. hos 16 lb 544 170 1), I 2 II Cantonment Ilvdragen Purge ID kr 127 17 471 411 lb I IA Cant annnent Sprat 2 7110 71111 11 197 MG 471 4 411, lb IA 1.2 Conianonnt VenttlAtmo /I% 41'01,111AM. 218 I 1 121 1 Ws 191 91.1 41184 261 2 14 11ontanunn Alenl datum 111.11111,41.11.411 118 118 104 n en' 711 lb 1 2 15 Corona flown HA AC 42. lb 1 2 II. Dammet dotal .5 In, Sl, 1.ttp WAles 15 411 46 1 2 17 It, mine, do. L RCS AlaLaup Wan -112, 42 209 al09 447 iri's 4614 18 illegal (1, n & Aloullaru a fins. iled) 6 1 IAA 46 1 d 19 Iltmal 11, n /1. aunharna. bammulaledi 71 82 2 219 46 1 2 2(1 IlleAel ILL aerator Furl Os! id 14 1,2 lb 1 2 21 lluuel Room HA 41. 117 a 1 2 22 Vet Ins Al - lean 1 600 0 1840 1 1 29 217 lb 1 2 01 Litt tra al - Contanamated 136 215 15 47 159 l 1.26 lb 1 224 Elet tru al - RCA 'tau  ! 10 I 6 779 440 624 21 014 46 I 2 25 Foe Protu non 91 2 US 46 I 1 21 no Pruitt tn41 1 114 92 7511 2 5115 46 I 27 Fuel BultlIng HS' le luntioulak 4/ Id 2679 112 46 I 2 48 Fuel Hamlin. 61 1.1 111 46 I 2 29 Leak Fait Ta4 104 718 412 46 I 2 JO Potobla Nano 19 46 I 11 11 oLzanun blumbd102 46 1 92 %drys ds Budibng HVAP hood ate. 14 111/18 111 46 I 2 11 SAleduaolb Building IIVAC dol/ 45 972 1021 000160 TLG vs, lin

f'ononnehe I'enk Nuelen, Power Ilan, Document LI 1-1172-0/ I. Rev 0 Deruminaselon nag Cunt Anal.. Appendh, I). Page 412 Table D-I Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollars) 1.1.131 NRC Spent Fuel 9.te 19 messed Burial Volum,. Itu, .1 I Utility sod 11.11vity Itecon Remota( Pachaging Transport Proceinung Ilmposal Other Total Total Idc Term Management Restoration olume ClAss 4 CIA,. 11 Clams C 11T3'C Processed Coat Contractor Ines: Acton.. Description CO4t CO., COMt, Costa 1'ontingencs Posts Vogt. Costs l'u Feet l'u Feet Cu Feet Cu Feet l'u Feet Wt . Lb, Manhouls :Sanborn 1/Imosal of Plan. Mo. m. ontenuoll IL I 2 14 Sores e Water 11 I 21.0 lb I 11 herr. e Watt r IS C'A b./ 74 151 214 1116 i 172 11121101 I 11.7 46 l 2 .10 0.. Fuel Pool Vooling 8. lir mop 116 lb ib 14 112 119 11 021 2t17 4112 17 Tm lone ItuddIng M towslatedt 0 1 41, 1 i 18 Turbo... Budflon FIVM Sielnmilate911 2: 21

  • 25
  • 72.2 101 2 v,n1, & 1/ron. 16
  • 2 le
  • 111 1,13 46 1 2 10 Monis [9 ons 21M 112 11 74 MI MN 711 4la II 1 117 44 I 1 11 WPUM irenumt (bolnaatalated/ . 91 lb 1 a 42 Wash Prwosong Liquid linsolalob 122 14 17 114 246 102 It 022 1 NO ib 1 d II Wash Pam essiss lassod (unteroilalod/ 58 1./ 126 126 201 111.2141 1 128 lb I 2 14 %Kok Paa455019 540 A 11 8111 18
11. 12 To1 1522 26'4 171 10.0 2 11.1. 1/ 011. 10 1.4 ;111 1021117 2 154 222 III 111 41, 1 3 fa affelaing m swim. detonassmosing IV 5 1115 911 924 101 1'tloi 21 1171 annnabon of llual2111p lb 1 4 1 Reactor 1 11 2:a 1.00 111 147 .1e2 111R 1 NI 1221 11 714 70 1.42 It OM lb l ti, Safogo..4 , l 46 15 11 91, 1111 101 4111 I 162 61541 1627 0514 Total. 1 154a b51 124 149 1022 1014 INI 1 224 16040 7411 189 .17 4.1.1 lb 1 5 PropareMilanal laolor Tannin mon l'Inn 544 Ill 412 412 4 0, lb lb IleNtre NIS` of its staaathm plot
11. 1 lltdstutol 1,10.141. Ulnas Nods 1 IN 4141 1 I If 557 5 190 545 171.4 14 144 16 111U 1 214 Ils 151 1 177 M127 101 1,11 1 016 l'onod lb Iddllinnal Coats lb 2 I Imes., TOIM111.1.0, Rm. ev Plannint - 1 ON 104 1 121 1 125 .140 lb 4 1 Undertmuell UbblIes Ims NANO 157 781 712 1 1171 197.1 114111 lb 8 1 1/perdtional Tads and Equqmoo*t 12  : 12 125 12 281 281 1 220 147 020 lb 2 4 Nol 1.5.42 .

lb 8 5ubtot Knead alb Walton al Cods 2;57 12 12 1/13 1 All I 040 5 579 5 574 1 MN 1170110 11411 I 0 Proof lb Collabobal Cute 4b 1 1 Process do omanhodanins 444

  • 491.e 14 12 11 III 9 0 it 22 111 12 hoer, do ononomonin. Amnia al flioh 9.41. . . * .

lb 1 4moll tool alio, an, e III I 11. 161.1 Dereennuodemng E4,,usmen1 Ihmmattlee 111 -51 571 161 SOI 901 1A, 116 270 127 lb 1 5 Apt. Fuel Com. 4 Inol Fr melee 7111 111 RID 814 lb 3 %NINA Peoed Cell der d Cools 111 112 141 76 1P.1 1 7111 104 1 975 1 1/4 849 1, 110 021 172 Ponol lb Po nrablhperol. Cosh. lb 1 I Ilerensupplics .141

  • 211 1201 1 21.

14 1 2 lmanAnce I 266 127 I 4.11 1 141 lb I 1 Properl, twos 1119 85 40 414 lb I 4 116.41111 Morass Neylos 1 590 4,15 2471 2 171 th / 5 lb ecnooment Nitta 4 1 - 701 5 571 5 171 II. I h lbsposal of I/ SW reel a OA 11 100 - 41 216 211, 24111 111251 ea 41, I 7 Plant on.. gs hu.1491 1 19/ 474 1671 11.71

41. I t NW) e. 919 45 11144 1 ell lb I 9 Loond tl,d,irnt. smile Equipmrett5a5*9 221 114 1 117 1 017 4b I 10 141911 Operant.. Coels 114 17 112 11 lb I 11 1.1.049urem* I 710 216 I 006 .

lb I 12 Set mite Staff 1,st 1502 In IVA I 1112 626 42 711 lb I 1 i 1101 staff Cost 17 021 1 551 14 574 I5 571 207 571 170 1121 100 I 116104 Stall 1, 91 25 245 1 744 24 INS 22 DU I 047 4b I Suble1.111,iudib Pcsiedd/esesdent Coals 1E1 bt.52 60 21 517111 4 115 72 1111 68 510 1 806 1 941 Is 251 92 671 244 11, v T.TiL PERIOD lb 11 .tif 2 112. 11 IN 1 117 626 177 174174 11 6411 41 1121 I 651 70 674 14111,11 212 101 1.21615 PE11100 les nolo, holm o Lacanoo sononation Preand le 110.... nwassansmon018 Pena Is CollAletal Casts Je 1 I Spent Fuel PaNlal and'. Nab, 17 416

4. 1 Subield Penal le 41141esall ask 17 I Prood le PonodaDepeolla n1 Coal..
4. loam ana o 452 717 717 4.12 It, rla lass* 114 11 .n 420 4.4 l Health physi*9upp10. 101 2.1, 116 1.4 4 Dwposal of 119W sesereted , 102 2179 le 1 5 Plant en., loldp.1 4a. 4 i 2tt, 20.

le 4 7 12F141 1 1m4413.2 eo414 19 68 gnash. lie.er 11101 270 2 I./71 722 1 152 17 749 4 Utility 25.41 rust 1 106 166 I 272 1 184 15 414 000161 TLC Serer. re. In,

( umunrhe Peuk Ns, Ira, l'oerer Plant Doi usu.° 1,11-1771-)fl01. Hen 0 11c. oturnmvsonsne Cow( Anal.... Append D, Pug. .1 of 22 Table D-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Esttmate (Thousands of 2019 Dollars) 011,14 1,1 NFU" Spent Futl Sac Proceshed litufal 501,00, 700 1.7 MIA, and 1,61.7.12 I V,en Itenunal Packaging Transport Procesring Daspubal Othcr Totbl Total IA,. rem, Management Restoration I alum, Class?, Ctn., 11 Clam; (ITCC Processed CLaft Contractor Index f Cason lam. Cost+ eo,,to Costs l'ostr Contingent., l'oxtv Cos. Costs ('u Feet ('u Feet Cu Feet l'u teet l'u Feet Wt ,L1r, Manhouts Manhouts 4,4 ',dotal Peotel reral]lOpetelt nt 4 1 142 1 AS 3 4111 1 SON 100 17, 416,

   -6] 0       TOT 11, 1'E/4101/ 4. COST                                                                                    4     1621            1,        1 IN1          5-111,                                              111.                                      2179                        41.1 1%1111111 41. let.ortao TOrM10*1100 rona di/nal nrrommeerenua 14 1 1     011190 tordloodon tone" a 12        Fa numate bona 41 1       Sub...11%122141 Artody Coots                                                                                            6 Po nal 4f1datIonal Cats 412 I      la. ...Tarantella. Sun ev                                                                                                                    1 247         4 2117                                                                                                       77 17.

II 2 Salinlal dutl 4f Arlddlouel Cals 1 217 77 179 PI nod 41 Collateral C.V. If 1 1 IN/C st df n ballad expense. 1 lItR Spent Fuel Capital and %anal.

               %Mold] l'eserd aeon arta Cal, 2, nod lf Po no6Dept ndent l'ats If 1 1     Insured, If I 2     hyped, taxa                                                                                                                                     111 rrÇ l     He 1116 26.7u6 eupara                                                                                                                           660 it it      lbepos d            pert Ited                                                                                                                                                                                                                             17 714 II 5       Plant en, ley budgel                                                                                                                            117 vlLL       NBC F                                                                                                                 197            ICI          47 If 4 7     1SFS1 Otorrung Vat.                                                                                                    11             6          17 11 1       Saud, Staff Cod                                                                                                   1111             104       1 129                                                                                                                                     12 910 114 2      1.1141' St.411 Vat                                                                                                 1 01.2          6121      1 671              1                                                                                                                      16 622 114 10     Uldlts Staff Crot                                                                                          -       1 1911          660       51/17         I btlt           115                                                                                                       99 942 114         Subt.t.ahliud 41 Pt road/apt adult Cala                                                                     11   11 191          1 757     11 199                         1 111                                                                                              11      119 174 410        TOTAL 21011(111 If COST                                                                                     II   11. 716         1 105     111 179        111614          1 715                                 117                                       6 7 II        77 PHI       111 Ss4 PER1011 4 151TALS                                               Ill    11 142     19 997      75                   11 Mg  110 9117         55,121   .112 1117       296 053         II %I          t97C
  • 116 729 9511 116 RI 9911 610 172 417 1 711 107 22:111011 Itooteattien Freud %bums( Da onnmemenum A46.112.6 Demolition of Reisesnua Site %attn..

514 1 1 1 ReaL, 1411 1916 1916 11617 514 1 1 01/0 Wan Yard Pam, 17 tlC 11, 16 15 1 1 1 17usel114111earte 410 172 172 1 210 Sb 1 I 1 Ohl Skein ttttt ea Madge Fa dity 541 632 622 1621 511 1 I 5 Mess od 1 170 1 171 1 171 10 725 56 1 1 6 Svottbrar 790 56 1 1 7 %Aunt 191 141 7 210 56 1 III Tab,. Pedestal 701 4 119 9011 Thial. e 919 17 161 al Bar llama aa dm ibla Orals SE land. ...ate tat I 12 56 1 1 Ful d wport to MU' SF %Waal Penal 7b At to ily 7 161 1 11%1 Pet tal lb Additional 1,17

   % 1         Conon tr whin.

51r 2 subtotal Penal at Addition deeds hood 51, Cell Arra] Cos% 56 1 1 %tall tool allow me 55 I Sp. ot Furl Capttal and 15 an.l.i ib I Subtotal Pedal 56 Cell do rat 154.2. 1 0

   %nod 5616 elot61/rpentb nt
11. I 1 Iva. mare 6% 656 lb 1 2 Proper, tare. 11110 MAO
51. 1 1 Ile us equ]paret lent .1 21212 6 X9B
51. l 4 Plant ,no gy budget 60 161 161 56 4 9 21111.` ISFSI hes 17 lel.

lb I b 1.4%1 Oper atv 1%46 16 125

  • lb 1 7 0111Mtv StaReeet (299 195 1 al 27 SW 56 12 1101` Sled Com 2 all 141/ 11211 11271 110 LIII 56 1.1 Cobh Staff Vat 097 705 51161 1 654 70 200 lb I Subtotal Mood 50 15 notbDtpendest ree17 211 /72 lu 112 1 B at 174 1%7 MO 000162 71X1 Sem. es, Int

('omanche Peak Nu/ lam )32arer, Document 1 II-MI-M. Re., 0 Dressunuaraconme Csst Anolvats Append. D, Pnie 10 of 22 Table 13-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollar.)

                                                                                                          /11,,te    LL 161                                            NI.'        Spent F set       Sor         l'ruLes4cd            Huss! Volum..           Ina tat /                  Utility mild Aslivity                                                     Dea.on Remo, al  Paastkng   Teinsport Proces,/ng  Diapor21   tither      Total          Total     Lis l'entt   llananement      Restore Don      %Own.. Chola .4  els. 15  Clasi  OTC('   Proc....A       l'iatt      ContrAvtop Index                                  At heti, Deno-it/non  Co.t                                    / osts    Costs     Co..;     Conlingencl       ore,       Cc..           Csait,         Cost,            u Feet Cu Meet  ('u Feet Du Frit u Feet  Ts, Lb,       Manhouni      Man/lout, ih 0          TOTAL PERIOD RI, COST                                                                                         21 180           1 210     10 422           241            I 770            12.3                                                                               22.. 360 Ii11101/              titor22, Operal1.1101,1h0, 1, of
  • Se Dont On ammunannii delnines Paned & iillaterd than St I I %peat Anal Cannel and Transfer 1 135 203 1 5511 1 5110 I Subtend Pined 5. roll d coats 1 155 SO1 1 512 1 SSA olled '15 1, 2.1. al Nat.

h 41 Insuiante 1 151 115 1 &A.

5. ii Ps open, lazes 1 54J 151 1.7 11,97 1.4 1 Maw roe, is bodice St 4 4 N111' 11FSI Fres 111 44 4112 1112 1t DIFSI Op,. sue. OM, 210 11 242 212 *
h. 15 bra Inas Staff Cut 1 2011 h 11 4 1111 4 SP, 101 122 h 47 man S1411 Cos, 1 0211 1114 2 111 k 111 21 0931 34l Sublutal Pt Dad 51 Po ealeDesenulent Costs 1511S 1.221 10 MG 11111116 1111 Ar 0 TOT th PRRlt ti 10410 1 181 12 /91 12 124 121 101 PERIOD Sd Met' shipping Paned Sd Dun t Dnommintioni02 4113112,
    /bah at Stearn Rupnls System R. move]

S.1 t 1 1 %Tani & Internals 1711 1 000 10 077 I 71.2 12 &Pi IA 8 PI 21121 VII 271 Sd 1 1 Totals 1,1102 10 077 1,752 111110.1 12 819 2,021 101 974 5d I labial& l'enod id 11111, l'osts 1000 10571 1 7. It 211 12 11 P1 J 1111 971 Penad Sd Perladdhirendt al Cost. 5d1 1 insures" 11 l 11

   ,dai          Pin, ty taxes                                                                                                        15                J       17
    )d41         NarlSlSl 2, t.                                                                                                                                  ,

Id 4 5 ISF11 t Pasts 2 2 id h Seraph, Staff Oust 12 1017 hid 7 Utilatt Staff /1st 23 21 229 id 4 Solana d Period 341 Peno4 Depend, at Ns,. 91 11 127 101 1 106 Sdo ToTAL PERRID id CD1T 1 000 Is 0, 7 91 1 771 12 116 12 /140 11121 4111 974 1 102 PERI01/ So ISFSI Decontamination Penal iv Dent llnenoneorming Down Poled ApAddilion d Costs I lAtensa TrrounationISF11 1210 172 171 1 1211 511IS 242 18 414 1 291 1110 1.19 1141 5.* J Saint al Perted le Additional Cuts 200 172 171 Mt& 1042 242 IA 411 11191 1211 9 129 1221 Po Ind 11. Ptanichllentazdent ((ents It 4 1 Insolent. Se 1 2 Pnpert, gazes 267 1..; 211 111 ii " 11401 eat/ gi bud.° 7 A Se 1 4 Sesaanr Elaff Coal h1 lb T1 1710 5e I 5 l'ithh tilsIT 0.1 la 1 11. 171 174 1 2111 5% 1 'subtotal Potod 1, P. Dud Iltilendrin tints 211 121 hidi 0132 1590 St 0 TOTAL PERIOD COST :210 172 171 2 1511 21105 I 102 1121 2 902 IX 4. 1 291 150 9 129 PER101/ -111(.11 Shia linatutation Pond St Intent Ileturanuasunung Attn.. Pent& 5f Additional Costs Nil 1 Drandaron and 1tte Restoration ISM 222 155 332 .11 .11 15 212 Sf 1ubtotal Penod If lachtlonal J 151 332 4 211 1211 19 212 Pi nod Iff Chlhderal 7111 Sm tool nu, 50 Sf t bulnetal hind SICollaleral Costs 92 Pena St Pin iod Dept ndint Conn Sf 1 Pry's', t*ie. 11 127 117 Af J equipment o d 17 112 112 of 4 4 Planl eon it budget 1 , 4 5f 15 Set to, or Si Cost IS 112 slis 11210, Staff rust 7101 000163 77,G Sr11,114,

Comanche Prole Nut lion hove, Moo Dot si,.si L I 1-1771-001. Rev II D,r0000b000nang Cool AilaIwor Append Lv IL Page II 421 Table D-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 SAFSTOR Decomnussioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollar.) 011-,4 1.1,1{W SRC 5orn FuLI Ills ohms, Du, Lel I Utthly 44tivity Ileum Rem,. al TrAnsport ProLeaseng Ilmpueel Other Tot41 Total Tenn Manegement Re.teratsln Clabs Cleo. 13 Claes C Pro4toseal Coat Contswter Index Satwst, Descr,..110n Cc. omt. Co.. Cuel, Contingem, Coet-, Corte l'0.14 Eeet Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Feet Wt Lb4 Manhouis 514 Sulnotel Peeled If Penod-Drylendent 115 202 12 441 1,111 iiU TOT (L. PEIt101.5(CONT 411.1 I 6111 18 1,S [16 1 101 PERIOD 5 TOT U.S 17 717 1 172 371 12 511 14 782 10 170 76 407 ii 4118 17 ilti 40 111 Kul 1 2 0E1 291 1St 1111/114 4118 110 TOTAL COSI' FO DECOMMISSION 7 110 72 .1 21 SO2 8 )1 01 101 707 I IX 1.1110 11111/ 147 7111.7 Mag i.ii 47 ISO 1b5 611 111.1 27 TN. Km 770 ilb 7 397 ISS

  'TOTAL COST TO DECOMMISSION WITH lb 54.. CON717lGENC1                                             SI 030 167   thou....3. of 2019 (holler.

ToTAL NRC LICENSE TERMINATION l'OST IS 69 2W. OR 1711,074 thotsend. 2019 SPENT FUEL SI ANAOEMENT l OST IS 26 14,011 11214.320 thoumand, el 2019 ¿WI... NON-NUCLEAR DEMOLITION COST IS 4 50'.11R 347,160 thou....di ol 2919 duller. TOT, LOW-LEVEL R kI)10A( TIVE O ASTE VOLUME BURIED (ES:CLUDIN(1 el 166 118 rubs. Fe, TOTAL ',REP METAL REAR/RED 55,1111 To.. TOTH. CRAFT 1-111OR REQUIREMENTS 770 756 Man-hour, End Note. 0/, -..42411.* nua Oos minas Aa eloominnsinam.

  • nolo Atm that An Nunn pprfodnad In de. ommonaomag .1.11 U
  • use13.01.. that di.. due Iii ill an u 1 but is amosu.

to II commune - utdrairs Amu, dor 000164 T1,6 S evi, lot

Cannant he Peal, NI11^14,0 Power lihsrd Dot umen1 1,11-1771-001. Rev 0 Derownwswonane ('owl Analyst Anyenthe D. Page 12 1,1 21 Table D-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thouumadig of 2019 Della.) Olf*Site 1.1.1011' Nile Spon Fuel hat Pro,,,,, d Burial Volum,. 1, 1 / Unlit, and Artwity !Item Itemanal Tritium°. Prot...song thaposal Other Teta! Total Lao Tenn Management Restoration %alum, eta.. U Ciao. C CITCC Freeeatted Clan Contratdur Index wi eo wn no, Coot Coot Coot, Cost. Cu heel Cu Feet ( u Feet l'u Feet Cu heel 1Vt Manna., Manhouto FEE101/ t, -hhutdonn tin aunt Ttanoitturt th not l* 1/trot lhounsmannanang at 'nth,. la I I 5AF.{11111 nits Au. to *ana. 101 la I Pirpai. pielmunarn de,annIsa4.4.4 cobt 1* 1 1 Nuliht ni,on of cessat no 499A19111IL la I 1 11/91save furl ...nor maten .1 Nat., Men of Yeoman, n De. ling De IAN III 0.1111 my 2. pines. waste Pa/ par, *nd ,telmut PhD 16,1,6 plant ilts go LA 19 Perron detaded rad ...II, 1* I 10 Eatunateln*ptedurt n11 Awns. la I 11 End pretha dem nstion la I 12 Iletaded Itv*produtt Intent...a la III Or., tn.., work ace la 1 14 Perform sElt and EA la I 15 IS Afar. Sat 44.4.fie 46.41 bludv Ilsteslleslauss. la I 16 1 1/resale plant Andra/461e. far 6211/4711/11 61 I 16 Plant 6441.. I 16 5 tat strut lutra aoll blatlthasa 179 I . 1 16 4 CV rte loasaisment la 1 16 5 Fauhly We dorm., 115 I 1 16 Tolal 910 Inhaled Albs k haredwea I 1 17 1 Plant materna a 17 2 rrailvd......1*dorm.sat la I 17 1.1 I . 1 IS rpm tire vacuum Amt. 4411/ I a 1 19 Ilrmithle-Aluisur son. out 4y.ter. la 1 11 Ilraut 11. tlry la I 21 1/6.01e-energier rantammaled.stem. la 1 22 Ileran/s/ mt. unlammsateds44090. I. 1 .11.1 tl 164 lad I a At .02 rolls 171 16464 la Cullaleral la 1 I Sp.. Fuel Captal Ti an.f. .6117 16 WI 16 161 la Sublalal Penod la eullater4111.6, 11 211 2,117 16 161 16 161 Penet1-14,pestb n11.16

  , II          Inms666./.                                                                                                                       121   I 147        I 521 114 2         P.P., .4. 9                                                                                                                              17"          479 la I I        Health plono.pplara                                                                                                                      611          641 11       Ilea., I ointment Oitlal                                              b
  • 6.

lal 5 Dopetal of DAM greet

  • 1 11 14 12 140 1.te Plant at .67 buds/1 7 001 101 9 tltS 2 107 la 1 7 NH/ Fee, 571 51 l.to 62/

tall &vergers Plasmas Arm 421 la 9 spent ut I rad 04.21 414 176 I. 1 10 IIFSI 0.1er mni Cos. 11

  • la 4 II Sri um, htaff cool 1191 6 771 la 4 12 1.01. sun Cat 22,1612 4 29 it 117 SI 157 122 210 la I 1446141.1169iod l. 94 999Depeach sit 1.4. 59 20 11 120 IL 260 19l41 As 19J 571010 In TOT6LITRIOD 1, /9 ly'r 20 161109 61 1111 9n,, 17 ltal 1400 No Nil PERIOD IL - .4.111.TOS LimIte.d DESION 1164,411444 Pruett 11, Dun I Dm ummiaaaame, Derantsmula.46 of lb I 1 I Rearlas I 122 1 I II. 1 1 2 /Washan 711 1 0ff, lb 1 l 1 Rashaale Warrhowe 241 IL 1 I ...id 141 All lb 1 1 Tulak 217 1 1.

lb I Salo.] Pe mid lb ia twin, Van. k 917 I I. Penad lb 4111.044.11.4. lbJ 1 %sal fuel pug welatiun 11 217 l2li 9 119 lb Subtet 4 Pt laud lb Rd,l,ttn.d C.t, s 217 1 119 000165 TLC Se II' 1,1 ea, In,

Constant lee Peale Nu, lea, Poorer Plant Dof anion" I I 77,10/, Rai a Deranangsslon tag Covt Analgrui elygendog D, Page Id of 22 Table D-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 SAFSTOR Decommwsnoning Cost Estnmate (Thousands cd 2 019 Dollars) LL101 NI1C Spent S114I S,tn burol Volume. Baud / Utility And Artioty I/goin Itununal PACkAging TrAnnport Praeusing Diagonal Olin, Tutal Total 1.15 Term Management Itiuniration lolurne Clio. a Flnirs C OTC,' Pr.,,,,, d (M1,11 Citarator Index ltivity Deurognal tn. ( trilingual C.O. Cost. Coo, Cu Fee Cu butt Cu 1, wet Peet Cu Punt W,, l,bn Abinhoui. l'enurl lb Cuyty lb 1 I Di,. eying. nt 1 Oa. 151 1 lilt lb 12 Priai 33 ileiiiiningenoning Atm' wain. 192 ..011 10 lb 13 Proxy... tIn iiinnuituoinut. Atom A1110,11 siutr lb 4 gnu. tool Allowance lb 1 Subtotal Coo. lb 1.421.41tri. Cwt.. I 417 70 MO Panto. lb P und-Ilegroduat COM1l* lb 4 Moo muipluy 164 2 mutant lb 4 1 mina On, 110 11 4 4 Iralth phvyn, Yulsaht

  • 11 S 527 157 1111 e nr* tnp11,1411*41411414*1 117 157 4 14.4*0441 DASV pen airel 111511 103 7 I'Llot en., budge, 500 M171,
  • 8 Fe Fee. Lt.! to 106 111.

lb I 9 Ilmergen,y 19 auto. la 105 10 Hs to Spa Pm I Pool O&M 110 lb 1311b1 onitaling 14 lb 4 12 Snout./ Stull 42,st 1 ..) 220 I 110'fi 1 b119 17 197 lb 4 lt 1 , 01.5 SiAliVairt 7,155 1 075 11. 101 271 lb 1 SISSIII4 Pent. lb Panad-Drpendrat 44404 10 111 174 10t2 l4bPfl 11 2 15 031 1121.11 lb 0 TOT. PERI, II.1 lb COST 3 1101 Ibl 111501 I 71. 20 472 29 221 ,fl llll 1111 812 Id 010 112 5. PERIOD lc Prep...am far ...PITO& Inarmanct Pcntal le Ilutt1 ninous.anng la 1 I Pre,. 41.1.1411 eq...nl fur clan., 1 la 12 1..11contaanment prmurr east al Wes 700 b 1 1 Intr.. aurant ntna Satat Ins0 17 507 la 1 1 Set on buddinc la I1 Pn par. & Mo. it pint 19 le 1 2.1.2 Paned le I 181 1155 El 1,17 Penal l. l`alloleral easIs I. 1 I Prost.. derannsnouoning 0, 1 llin1n 1 105 75 315 211 I I 4111111 tool Wu. me 1 Stiblanal cams, Al Ibid. 78 11. SAngli le Pratt& Dep.& al 150. It I 1 lams amp 1175 879 It I 2 Prus.rl, 1 110 It I 1 H. al. yhtnt* suppltes 289 Olt It 1 4 Haat rnttal 117 117 lc 4 5 lluginAl IlkW gettegalrd 1 9 II 4 L Plant ell, tsdts, 975 571 h I7 blItt' 97 lflfl 101, II 15 SW rgeno Planam. Fat

  • 101 10 115 1,1 9 Stn. ISM Poll ll&111 1111 l 119
1. 4 10 ISFSI t 000,052 l'oals 4 II Seruartv Start( tat 1 Nei I MN 17, a7 14 4 12 Mint St la Pont 7 18. 107, 5111, 115,1, 101 271 5 4 Subtutal Period PencablOpradeel Costs 10 171 1551 12 112 120R2 142 INA 1, 0 TOTAL PERI/ ill lc COST 114 100 11,110 2014 11 281 14 412 I 4S7 SI 152 21 7. 143 117 11E121011 I TOTALS 9 312 111 1111.111 lqntt 112 972 5/M11,1 17 4 118 flntllnfl 11 1 712 1171 PERIOD 25 -SAPSTIllID.mancy lth & et Spent Fuel Stol Are Pew. 22 Ihr.01 amnsaainung t.lnnJln.

S. I 1 Quantal, lapin.. 2A 1 2 SI inbannual vb. slal sunny 22 3 Prepare 'morn 2, 1 4 Ihntivan., rEci

2. 5 Alaintenancr lit t subtotal Pt nod 2a Aa unity Pas. NS 2 110 Prnad 22 talthlaan al Cala ta 2 I Landfill 2a 2 buont 2A 2 SubtoLil no. 2A 4111111100,111,41.

Puna. Onlater ,1 Coyly 2A 1 2 ',ant nal tnafee 10 020 71. 76 210 000166 'PLC Sryla. re, lea

Canaan, ler Peale Nue hew Power Plant tanarrel LI LII71-00l, Het, 0 l)proneenessumang Coal Analvses Appenth: l), Page I I 0111 Table D-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate 1Thotmands of 2019 Dollars) 011,(to LLIM 1911C ',pent Fuel Site ems, VOILMlei 11. 231 / UttlIty and autLvity Doton Remm Parkagmg Transport Pr...awn. Disposal Other Total Total las Fenn slanagement Restoration ultimo Class A Class 11 Class C (IT( C Processed Ctuft Contractor Indus Activet, Destnption Cost Cabs. E O.% Contingent, t ma. Cost. Costs CI.1 1,I*1 Cu Feet Cu Feat Pu Feat Cu Feat Vat Lb, Monhum ellatte al Cm, uenunted/ no 121, 9511 2a 1 Sulautal Parma Ia Costa >5 855 :git Slo I `I 50 812 P.m& 2a P. ioddlapendrail t 2a I 1 Immante 218 1 222 24 4 Praprril ta3.32 511 I 7.12 2a 4 1 Health 22,os oupplim 2013 I 22 I 022 2,44 lhapo* DAW pmel ded 2a 1 5 PIM{ net gy 110 11111 41,11. 71 820 820 2a 4 7 Eintrger, Planning Flea 00 021

2. 88 0,311 Fa. I Puol O&M 1.54 212 I 902
  • 1 402 2a 4 9 11F01 I 218 11 210
  • 210 2.1 10 lks arils st.dr 21 512 1 112 27,082 2,181 17 WI 2112,787
    .1a I II     l'0.11D Staff rtut                                                                                              21.02            1 1.1    27 470          1 121          21 051                                                                                               VA 111 214           %St.. Poluld am ttablIrpondenl Pooh                                      lei                              11   51, 241         8 188    1,5 507        21711            41 727                              911/                                 111 214                    211 102 21 0         'MT./ PERIODS Coll'                                                       21                               n  140. 2           21 I2H   159107           11 714         120 5811                             9211                                 I    94                    912 4/12 Pc k101/ S         YMNT11/11/unitaitry IDS lb 2 Spent Fuel M.Ao, Petted 22 1/0 t I/0 caumnalomn, Artnntion 26 1 1       IS 3213 th le.pnttou ib14         &nu. Innu tl environmental 'Intro 22 1 1       Pg. gat. report>
   ,fbil         lilluminou, rear replatement                                                                                    12,7121                                 12 2 1 1113 I 5      %Iamb nom, "uppltm                                                                                              7 049                                    .8 1 S I           Subtotal 12 nod 213 tn..,                                                                                      21 737            Soll Paned& Collaltml (9831, 1lb 11.       Suet Futl Capital and 11m.fer                                                                                    2 771                    II 210                         11 240 2b 1 2       Semeran                                                                                                                                    2 102 22 1          Subtotal 12 tiod
  • Falderal I'mi, 72 1,46 11 240 Pnlid Peno&1223rnoint Fied*

2134 1 Imulatur - 27 185 92 821 1 42 Proper. tau, - 111,2011 I MI ill 029 20 025 4i Healt), rheum 2upplim 1 020 5 101 1 101 2b 4 4 lkapusal ef PAW penal.' 54 4 t09 91 101 2b 4 5 Plaint buk. I 2 110 l 170 11/ 500 10 500 2bIo NHL` Per. 7 WO 724 11711 2714 213 1 7 ISFSI /persim. Cwt. - 179 174 4.9l 891 Sesurat StAITtlual . 75 111 11,170 82 104 121 1 57 111 I 9291314 19 Milan Stall l'end .0, 112 220 7132lb 42 2211 27 212 917 454 2b 1 %Sot& Pftiod 2, 12 nod-Dependant Fo212 4 121 157 2112 591 29 457 210 214 151 119 87 "PI 705 '14 102 2'147 1011

21. 0 TOTAL FE11101/ (919T 4 121 157 212 127 PS 422 1012 226 lit 170 .0 4 709 94 loi 31 917 108 111, 11101/ TOTILS 1149 192 172 211 852211 IV DI 217221 212 112 113 427 1049 5'10 PER101) la - a...sato Si& bollovang SAPSTOR Dormant 12 nod l. Ilmt t Detenumamomass 138111m 1,11 hrpme prehnun lin abl la I 2 kr, lev. d,,a,,,e.

la I 1 Perfalm detalled rad ...Int Ja 1 I KmItunclue, de.ermlian 1415 lh tad., IDv-urodurl narman la I b Define in*ene nod, ud12,.. la I 7 Perferm SEP aml laln Prep ...Auburn 1/rfuel4 Tedium Smilbutions la I 9 Pelham 21tempeliht Font %ludo la I 12 l'D paiohubnat hra312141.1 Viul Alma& int nt Plan amb*11,1 92.112 1.3 I II i Itmuln ate plaid & tenpin., tanhtim da I 11 2 Plant "1,149118 la 1 II 1 12.33 MI internal. la I 11 I Ft 33 let D.32e1 la 1 11 1 Blebs al 810.1.1 Sa I 11 Steam generators Sa I 11 12 infeudd la 1 II 8 Mars Tull.'" SA 1 11 9 Slam l'emlensen Sa I II 10 1'1 m stem Witt Inonnin

   .11 I 11 11 12 halt roumgantont ia 1 11 12 Faulity & oitealunnaut 000167 TLC Sere e) em, Iree

Conauorhe 1)rak Nut lea) Power Plant oarnenl L11-177,0111. Rer, 0 Drrommasssontn, Coxt Annly1.1) Append>> I), 1)0g* 15 0121 Table D-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thonsonds of 2019 Dollarol 010-5i1t LL.11, NRC Spent Fucl llurtol Volume. tlo,,ol l Unnty And tclevity De,on Nemo, al Packnotng Transport Procestnni 1topoaa1 Other Total Total Lo, Tenn Itlanagotincnt Hatttoratton olunty Clam 4 CIA. 11 Claus. C (1TCC Processed et, Contractor I ndox At.. )t, Des, Coat enc. Coat, Cost, Coat, Coots Continnenct Coot. Coota flan, ( u Foot l'u Feet Cu Fort Cu Feet Cu Feat tett 1.64 Manhottam Manhout 2 221 IA 1 2 426 2 112 111 Plannm t 8 Sam Pr. parnamo a 1 12 Pra pass- abontantliou omphme 21 1111 IM 1.* I 11 Plant pa ep & temp .sre.. 110 1910 I 9111 l* I II 11.-mAn an, clean up m.ltna 00 91 92

1. 1 11 flancuag/Mona mat Statile-MAMA. 160 2 760 2 Tell IA 1 lb Iceman, casks/looms & a ontausero 11 111 81
f. 1 SOW al Proud a ninny nem. I II 761 II In 5 P. atoll 1.. Adohtsonol Cool, 1.2 1 Site Ohara human., 7110. 1019 OM 11,1112 ta bantotal Penult IA addatIonAl emto 014 I DM 11,012 Pentad 1, Collatcral fa 1 1 Spent bawl Capital And Tlansfer 117 11t SUR. d Miami II Coll d Costs 117 Prnod da Peeled-Dom mind Cm..

1.4 1 10. am FOS Pl.. ,,,,, LP, 4 fa l t ll.sltl, ph, VI * ,uppbecc. 512 SA I I Ilemy menacing amt.d bin 6211 I5 Ilispos al of 1/411 nanerand 25 121 11 113 PI tilt rot try Inlekol 001 101 4t005 2 101 1.1 7 1411C Tem 254 240 la 1 8 1,1, 51 tam rating rbsto 61 M I9 %morn, %tali l'ood 1 694, 471 1 MO 679 I 272 11 680 SA 4 10 Otabli Staff Vast 11471 2 0. 15 491 II 9110 511 194 660 La 4 Subtotal Knoll IA Penod-Orprndo el 10 lb 16 475 tqsu In 178 211 511 1 846 421 16 212 MU la 0 T(71.-11.1141414111 1 a COST 10 lb 11 1112 17 197 1'illfl 2 244 121 If Itlt') 1101004 PERIOD db Dotomm,,,,, lung Propmatuana Patna, lb Dwelt In. ons11.040116 1/.9,11.41%1'mb Procedure% 1 1 1 Plant Bamb00% 272 lb I 1 2 Sa o tor anternAls lb I 1 1 Rem mans Mukha.. 16 1 1 4 tit cat a....9IMM lb 1 1 5 1 .811 boom,. 811'1 tuba% lb I 1 b Int t ninth untentatton 16117 Itt oil), I ta ttri fh 1 1 8 Fat tralo lb 1 1 9 Mamdr sharldb lb 1 1 10 lbolonc al shield

11. I 1 II am gent Iamb Lb I 1 12 16 anforced comma-16 1 I 13 Maan Tudame 16 1 1 11 Maan Monderaers 16 1 1 15 cluxalmn 16 1 1 16 ten. buablun 16 I I Tot d 0, 1 Sublotal Pamod lb blenly Penod 16 thdlalerol Costa 16 I I Ihron emnpmaaal I 1.11 I IVO 110(' scoff relmAlaun.1,n.r. MN 2 OM) tbtl Pape Lamm, rpmsnmat 1 lin itPl Spent Furl Capital and Twofer 197 lt17 lb I Subtotal P, aocl 4,11M r al rwu 1616 1.1 1,17 Pa nod 116 Penod-Dtprodent OM%

lb 1 1 Dm= mpplos 5 ibii human.. lb I 1 hope', am% lb 4 4 Heal. pbv.0

  • tupelo.

lb 1 5 Hetet emonment nt al lb 1 6 Onposal of 111M p no rated 261 X 16 1 7 Plmt man ta budget 16 /I SDP Fem. 16 1 9 ISF81 I cm ratan. art, 21, 4 10 Senator, Mali Med 027 21 541 lb 1 II 111/1` Steil elmt 12 056 lb 1 12 Md. NtAll l'end UX 172 (It 4 Subtotal Paned 10, Permal-Dopmdent Cosh 162 069 000165 UR) .Seraut es, 104

Do4 anent L I I-I 771-001, Rev II l'untant he Peale Nucl.,,, Porn, Plant Deeen....nntg Cosi Aeane,, Append u I4tge IC of 22 Table D-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (rhousanala 0/. 2019 13.11....) 1.1111-luta LlatiN1 NRC Spent Ft.. l l'ioaesaell Burial Volum., limbal Utility and Renunal Paakegang Traneport Peoaeiamg Mapeaal Other Total Total Le+ Tenn Mtn. gement Reef/ration t lase 1 CIA.. lb Claw/ C GTCC Proaeaaed Chat( Contraator Nativity Index ActiNity Degaription Coat ( ott e0.4 Coe, Confine.," Cott, Coot, Cunt+ ( Feet l'u Rust 1u Feet (`u eat Cu Feet , Lim Manboms Manboul e 1 0-62 1695 11. 516 2 589 22 1,1 20 b51, 1 107 21,1 225 179 1161, fb TOTRL 1.111111311 3b 11112 3 667 41 17 510 5 CUM 55776 151017 3 15L 147 lN 11 IMO MI+. 4,53, 11,11101/ a 151T SI, PER101/ 4aa Large Component Remo, al Centel la Dem Dreommematieg kauettut Ruth. ar Meant .8148,t,t.t,.lt,i.ti.tii 5114 J. 1 1 I ReAttor Coolant 1.001.11 17 BB 11 17 ISA 71 lbn 11+1 1 275 2 101 I0 II 8 M17 21, itS 111 181 10 511 601

  • l,lii Pieseune t Reim I 1. 4.11.

III' 59 71 208 1 207 11,4 I 91'1 1,939 7,311 7'taa.l J 571 80 I I .1 Reactor Cotlatl Numb ir Wk. la 1 1 I lbe*eaniect iii 171 171 207 1 1111 I 1111 1415 1/15 253 I 116 750

   ,      I                                                              .          1 717          115        11015                       9 511                     1,721     15 1118        15 1,118                                              11004                                  I 517 500            1110.7            1 500 Nleatn 11.11.1 22         174          253            12                          106                      161         4711          475                                                4 553                                   175 1/21            5 Ili la 1 1 b   111DR1s11,1../Sa mar Sans lure Remus 19       1 511       10 III          421                        1111.1        117        7 1140    27 110         27 lib                                                   VII                                    1151111           21 790            1 150 la 1 I I    Read.             lelans Rawl. %marl                                                        la 1.01       1 Mal          412                       2 1011         117           416    17 517         17 557                                                15 bit                                   970 1171           21 7911           1 150
1. 1 111 6 312 172 71 OM 1 601 Ja 1 1 Tulalu 100 11150 11757 2 9110 17 111 011 III 443 111 001 IA 1101 1.9 650 501 101, Remand 0f111.2e liqmpmenl 4, 12 ItImmTtninnek4 n. rater `1711 111*11 1 /I 111 11 121 15 711 505 564 414 I 117 081 1,71) II IO2 11,1121 52 OM 1 ..42 111 II 011 4a 1 i Man Conderbera C idang finis frum nem Bualclang I/emu/alarm 5 519 4 a 14 1 405 GUS 125 2011 4.lii Atoshan 4+ 1 I 1 bat sia ad 77 107 111 151 11157
   /a 1 1 1.1.1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1E201 li il       15.1.16                                                             1%2                                                                                          I 131          I 451 Ihapea..1uf llllll %stems 4 .1 5 I Atm&          Feedstle. (maul ale&                                                     171           59                          740                       11       1 913         1 912                                                 b 755                                   112 570            14 112 1         111                                                                                                                            1.71.

44 1 5 J &nullity Stemn 797 4.* 1 5 t 1191,01 Re, t ,la Onaulab dl 11 1 1.5 11S 11 751 BY el 174 IN 528 9B11 1 420 2IB 10.1 5 107 la I 5 J 11010. ltinnuul .ledl 42 1 5 Ilea on Thermal Vegetal... (Insulated. 11 10 1 115 155 11 AI I ail 194 1 .12 ' 114 .11,1 11,1 1 3.15 7S lib 5 014 la 151 ROI 011 Thelma, Regene, Alm laumbulatetll la 1 5 7 Carbon Denude (las 1

  • 20 170 21 87 1 104 11.4 77.1 51/ 511.1 1,15 11 15 N Chanel. ;1 N ohm, Cone.4 latitulated1 401 97 .15 lli I 241 1 145 1 771 142 320 11.1 4 a 1 C.t Chen., al & Volume Cumal buuntul meat
                                                                                                    .                                                                                 15                                                                                                                           111 44 1 10 Chew, Feed
4. lSlt Ch, wail Feed
  • RC, 13 471 253 139 4a 1 5 12 Chill, d Wale( - Safe!,

LI 15 13 chtn,d IVit,t,.sam, Res 2119 171 RI 051 2 212 l,i S l4 Chlorin. 11 li la 1 5 17 Cut ul oast Ra.ee 121 265 11.9 10 419 0,1 I. 1 5 16 la 1 5 17 Compote nt Coshes Wata. Competent Caolang *Ill`.1 1045 25 02 RIO 1 :113 RI I 184 154 1 184 151 17 71U. 1 116 105 21, 115 175 la 1 s IS Condon-ale laabutatedl 114 la 1 3 19 Conderualt funny-elated, 111 129 115 1 541 101 119 119 137 la 1 5 90 Contlentele Polehns 1.1 72 72 017 la I 5 21 Combo., l'at nun& Store Rm NUM., 55 61 1 806 4.1 15 24 Ex. non Meant 219 252 252 7 084 I 5 23 Fet'uleater la 1 5 34 Feed. RCA 511 7 Alb 1 SU 75 671 1 502 la 1 5 45 Gent,. 4 am 15 in t1ento ator Csolmt 1.47 la 1 S117 tienelater 1111.11, Wain 1 741 la 1 5 25 aletu Alta Seal 218 14 la 1 5 29 livaltes.n (Le Ja 1 5 10 Main Steam 11* heat & Means Vanua 12 1 1)6

1. is 11 Main Su an. lb heat & ma Ilunae. RIM 115 57 9 311 1 515 I 123 11.11 .11 11151/

Ja I 5 12 Maui Lsheog SU I 181

   *la 1 5 11 Masu Turban, Ott PunfSe alum                                                                                                                               11          .17 Ja I 5 .14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        15 oP Cat Ja 1 5 15 atM 200                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 12
a. I 5.0, 1,, tauleni &mph., 15 911 222 la 1 5 17 Pro* eta 0anualtnilumiebulatedl 15 10 il 177 II 230 211 la 1 5 15 tol CO-014/1( 102 15 47 /25 23, 111 14 556 511 IS II Rev-noir b1 Mut N .09 87 11 100 1110 7513 Ja 1 5 it, ReaerNou Return 15.14e 04 10 71 1 095 4a I 5 11 806ertou Ma la, e Tower 11 108 la 1 5 12 Retulual Heat Rt moval 204 115 5.1 011 215 1 250 I 2511 3811 175 217 'I 701
   .1a 1 5 It S+1, 10 ltlt , tmt (111,l11-11171)                                      112             16          15                          101                        71                      3.                                                 I 405                                      5159'7           2 751 4, I 5 /4 Safety lnya non (muntulated)                                             139          170            75                         856                        311      I 711i        I 704                                                                                         171 598            5 119 4a 1 5 IS kleomdart mt Samplut.                                                     Utt                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1 04u 4 .1 5 10 51. mu 11.80 Nur Blusahme & (lama.,                                      111
  • 111 * .1 4+ 1 5 17 TurlurieEleattalmbaM1,11,00.4.451/ *
  • 81/1 000169 77.6 Ilene, es Ion

('onaurtehe Pesi. Nu, leas Power Doe sown,' L11-1 7714111, Rev 11 Drromonsattontng Cost Anes17,14 Append...4D. I'LL. 17 of 21 Table D-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thunman& of 2019 Dollars) I.LIIW 5111 Sptnt Fucl ml Volumes BLIL Jul I IIIIIIty And Activity Decon ol PaLkseing Tran,101 ProAGGini Disponntl Otlici Tots! Total Lib Tern, NI...gement Resk,ration VuIunt. Class Claus li C GT( (' Prnbeu.d Clad( Contractor Index AatnitA Degcr,Gon Cost Coot. l'u Feet l'u Feel Cu Fuel Cu Feet Cs Feut Wt blanliouG, Pdanhoui. s Plant SA stems 0 °Man u.,/ 1, TurLme E1G nob, dr CM', (umnsulited,

   .1.* 1 5 1,1  TulInne Oland Stt an, 1/1.nnx
   .14 15 50     Tutlime Ilea.] 19 anis Ja 1 5 51     TmLine Plant CoolIng (Insulated)

Ja 1 6 52 TuiLine Plant I 'oullni liminstdated) la 1 5 5.1 - I (insulated,

4. 1 5 51 TmInnes 0111111 . LOT 1 loninsidateth la 1 53 en, !lulled V. r - Non S dm, 4a 1 5. %int, einued Wan r
  • Nun Safe.. 11C.1 52 562 1088 42 1 5 57 Wi stinghouse im Instruments 14 1 5 Totals 6887 2 6 Maeda.. in sussuilnfiletammnsuimne 2.6 1 117 Subtotal Penal di 5i1611F HMIS 4611 PI 059 2 210752 5i 1 Pilled It Collatnal 4a 1 I Paine. dm imunmstniun. water **rdi /111 44 1 1 Small tool Allowance la 1 I Spent Fuel Cap62,1 andllansfir 4, 1 Subtotal l'eilad la Colleiterd Cud, Period la Frnad*Depeodi al NH, 4.1 1 1 Ilesun stuiphis 9 la Insuranie la 1 I Proper, 1.1,11, 4a 1 1 Ilralth tilivurs supplant. 2 1 M1 la IF SWAY 1.111,Mrld 10 4, l fl Lhspoe of OW ginnaiml 5 11111,91 Ia I 7 Plant enei it budget 401 I S Nil,' Fees la 19 14,11.1 ad, aar Pi otesaung Equipmenteerrues 112 la 4 10 121911 Om !sting Neb. 12 I I 11 RemodG1 171 14 Setanitv In/ .160
1. 1J 1/0C Marl ibLt In 4 11 1.966, NIA Cubt i ,12 1k 4 Sublut d 14 nal 41Forualallilientlent Costs 1452 1115 171 1 11/111 101694 la 0 TOTH FE111013 Ja COST 11661 17 7117 I b112 if 117 31 in, 178 445 172 Mb
  • 17211210 141 152 F.'s 777 PERIM/ 411- Dmontammatnin Ois is 1 onnneaucinuts St Wines Iliapedil of PI Int Ssstesis 16 I I 1 Ainallars Iluildmg II% 1C (Insulated) 111170 AL 1 12 Ausillari lioildang 111 Sr liminsidated1 40 511 45 1 I S Batt 00, L Misc l'nannitolled Sit Se 41, 1 1 4 Compressed Air lo,lt br ansulatedl ii AL 1 I 5 Commas...Alt hist es nom, Au
  • 11l, 1 7 9 it 1 172 lb 1 10 411.- In*trunitnt 111*11c514 14216 2977 46 1 17 Compressed Air ...Go, bi 6116 4fl1l5 Compriusid ibit
  • 9eisaii br
  • RCS 17 1 1281 16 I I 9 Compreowd Akr Lnsu 41(munsulaimll 1467
   .1 I lo Cniumnment Ilati hos                                             IS                                                                                                                                                                          6 019               169 16 1 l 11 Containment 116164ti n Pinue UCH'                              51)                                            61                                                                                   1711                                   17 161            1 112
   .1 1 12 Containment Sprry                                               171                                         1 161                            2        uiio                                       I   118                                  811 111           10 46 1 I II l'ontamment entilatmn 115 All luninsull                        27                                                                                                                                                                         11 MC               711 46 1 I 14 Cnntanunent Sent ilabnn IIN 4Cl,25ulatrall                   1111                                           b11                       1     I       1   1                                                                               119 197               711 461 I 13 Cunt] lt.om HT 11'
  • 1 16 1 I 16 IL rnmemlueel LI1CS lake, Wales 120
  • ab 1 I 17 Dernmeralized b Nlakeup Watr.
  • kVA 1111 2 251 116 116 1 As I I 18 Diesel Gen 6. AuxillArn, hnsulated)

AL I 1 19 Diesel Gen te 46 1 120 Iht,,A14,neraml Fail Oil binumulated1 74 s 12 46 1 1 21 Diesel Iiiiiim111*11. 117 Ab 1 1 12 EIG la al

  • Clean 1 AM 7 21
  • M16 765 46 I I 21 FAGG,' l'enl inn, .1.1 271 2 11 61111 2071 111.4 6612 Ili 1 I 21 016 Incal
  • Contimmard F1113 . 116 412 26 116 1 501 16 1 1 21 Ele. tneal
  • NC% 2 4 16 1,175 111 ill 1 175971 59,111 lb 1 1 20 Eleatneal
  • HCAF1111 lqn 111 I 227 1879 216 112 10 271 1 1 27 Fur Protection 47 71 515 1.16 Ab 1 1 28 Dre PI,1,v Win
  • 21'6 777 11 12 6 891 .111645 111 .171 16 I I 29 Fuel Budding IIL 4C(insulateill 21 218 15 765 t
11) I I 10 Fuel Building umumul 26 12 2.10 16 141 546 16 1 1 11 hiel Handling 5 7 1841 I 11 000170 TLG Ser1,14 rs, Iwo

Coneeenche Peak Nude,,, Peewee Clued Duo gemen) 1,)1-1771-1101, Rep 0 Dee onamus wrung Coed Analysts Append 4.ell, Page 12 0(22 Table D-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollars) llIfetilte LLB. NBC Spent Fuel Slte ...eased Burial Vellums 1.1.1 / Utility And 1clev,44, Demo, Itemo+al Packaging Transport Pi5, , e ee ing Dr pu71 1 / tlle r 1;i tl a l To ta! n Management Hestora lion °lune: Class k Clash 11 Clash C Prim-eased Ciatt Contractor Index Ilugaription l ,, . l . . ., , t tln etn , n f e nt, 1 . s ,. Cost+ Coat+ Cu Feet l'u t'erl Cu Feat Cu beet Cu Fret Wt , Lb+ Manhou,

  • Nlanbouts of Plant Sr stem. (c ontmu.11 lb 1 1 42 Le ite Teri 11 1 202 110 41 1 1 5 Mpu HAM neauldad)
  • 1.1 46 1 1 44 Mt., Plant II\ Al' ninnuallaled/ 41
  • ii hil 46 1 1 1141. Arnett,. Eturpaami 276 20 .75 4;79 137 16 I I R. Off,. & 1 WU B4 40 1 1 17 Pot &It nt. 71 11002 46 1 1 111 P.m.,, Plant IIV be Immlaledl 17 11 62 MI 135 155 570 16 1110 1019 46 1 I (9 l'urn ar PI Ant 111 (uninnulated) 86 25 14, 120 1 114 81 J21 2111 46 1 1 10 Aelon.onng . 1 4 102 lb 1 I 11 tial, ru. dr 141.11Ing HVAI. Moulalon 2 19 17 171 1101,1 41, 11 1, at ,11.114, nu,14,02 HVAC lunaluaditon 14 22 118 112 105 45 970 1 010 41, 1 1 41 ,ervu Wrter 1 0,12 lb II 14 'wry,. - PI A 105 5,2 504 211 I 1 141 5 ;70 120 51.I 5 IMO lb 1 1 11 Sewage Preatun nt 28 25 25 672 11r 1 I 16 Spent Fut 1 Pool l'aolan & Cleanup Pi: 2 112 llilt 2 52 , 120 19 WM j 1 17 Tlul.ne 11t1chrs. 119 AC (mulatto:0 .12 40 1 1 19 Turbot, 11u4&n1lIN AC lumnallatodl 10 010 lb 1 I 1. UP: 111 1('
  • 1
  • A& 1 1 50 Vent, & 1,1n, 10
  • I 1P12 413 I 110 Van t* & Diarn.
  • Itt`k 112 171 502 02 . 2 11B 117 11. 10 215 11, 1 I 52 11 woo Man agentara nmulattoll 12 11 lb 1 I 51 Pearl, Man trement mmnooltaal, 127
  • i'l 117 1 Vi 11111 lb 1141 Vt on Ploressing li is lunansulat.,0 81 1110 1114 4116 1 658 1,14 141 4i9fi 46 1 1 55 W.te Pruressmg Lrapnd Onrulated, 24,0 11 140 14111 541 504
  • 1 075 11119 6 155 46 I 1 Wroe Pr. trzsure 1 upnd lumnaulatol, 141 101 801 2/ 1 1 195 1 193 4 50/ 287 152 OPl7 lb 1 1 57 1,1,te Prot sell/ , 142 27 8711 511 44 1 I BB Wahl TI, lament nroulaten 50 111 L780 46 1 1 15 Man Tualmont on 1117
  • 811 676 676 11 716 lb 1 1 Tut d* II 407 1 ,121 /110 0 071 5,1151 211411 21 ;51 1 2. 82 ,02 5 1111 755 107 210 lb 1 St offuldIng aupporl of do ommutuonsni 1 121 11 11 157 175 11151 11100 I 117 51 5011 41 UPI 11**Manmanon 01.1. InultImm lb I il *Ma 1023 1 111 117 1014 915 Jul 211 11 119 7112141 111.

lb I 1 2 Atathaiv 670 62 450 316 1.5 1.1 6 770 1111,111 22,770 lb 1 44 Rale*. Warehome 221 17 114 371 174 285 112 b 181 lb I 4 '14.2u4n1 111 15 12 101 JUI 101 I 212 61511 4 627 11,1 4 Thal. 2101 17'1 211 1 561 1 6114 6 161 6 561 21016 1 146 UPI 76 1114 Prapandaubma Tormanslute Plan 217 15 /70 270 1 791 lh l 9 Income 18114' approva of tenninanun pl an flublatal Pt nod 46 A, may 2 111,111 2111 I 060 10 791 211 7 1119 Si 143 14'Y. 107 177 6 542 961 110 218 1751 Perad 46 541thno,611 ( *la 46 2 1 Luna, Terminalma Mama naming

  • 1 015 1 135 I 125
  • 4,2111 16 round lInblie
  • rat mama 2 15: 701 1 07 I 1571 11 618 al 1 Om...Mond Tusk awl Euumment IN 185
  • 111 281 5 .1041 117 0110 0 lb Z4 2.1 14nt Med 10 2 Sublatall'eliod lb111116,6411.1+ o 157 12 INS I /101 11190 5 575 1,1 3,1181/ 147;100 11 bill 6 ;111 nod 40 Callateml Ctn.

lb 1 Pratea4 decomnnommIllsoatoltom It. 11 ii 60 60 11N 7071 46 il l'em tletommuunam2 hoeut al Ilmh waale 46 I 1 9mall tool allow., e its 45 AA 46 1 1 98801 Fuel Ilamtal and 11m*fer 111 94 715 710 46 1 Subintal lud 41, 1.11alar414.1, .1 140 048 120 710 ;IN 71178 lb Palma Dependant eft. lb I I Ilat on *uppla* 1 771 111 2416 olih 46 4 2 Insttrant I 071 107 1 1111 1 1111 46 4 1 PI um], tate,. 711 72 791 791 46 4 1 Herlth 4981, 716 I 742 714 46 4 1 11..tov equipnu al lent, 91.1 1,11 1 030 4 555 11, 1 h of D fl,ltifltllll 10 lfl 611 409 4119 51172 1114 49 181 46 4 7 Plan, t telt, loon. 2 706 406 1 112 31l2 4b41 NM' Feet 510 11 562 962 46 4 LiquP1 iabr INti Plamung Eqmprou elPlerut t 710 114 462 46 I 11 101,SI flparalute Cana 92 15 111 lli 15 4 11 10emet101,6 nous Burnt.. 1 118 117 114,7 1 667 lb 4 12 Kraut itv Stall Coat 1 034 1111 1511 1 222 2 289 78 621 lb 4 11 1.111(. 1taff l'rot 21611 .1 212 .11,1111, 211156 210 111 44 4 14 l'ulat Staff l'mt 31 260 4 UPI 16 050 11651 1204 1155t, 464 %Mold lb 1,1 ltaldhpsedrol Veal, 1;71 0417 111 10 1115 61/11 11 411 81 511 701112 )656 1 672 1111PI ilfi 775 001 41, 0 'TOTAL PERIOD lb COST 1129 11 120 21170 1 151 II In 65 11511 15 611 117 1185 118 651 1 115 4 216 11.1 125 6/104111 44101,, 711001 000171 TLC Serum es, 10.

Comanche Peak Nuclear Ihmer ('lan) Doe ,,,,,eta LH-1771411k Rep 11 perommomonms l'oe1 Analynx Appends., l). Page 114 11 Table D-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousand. of 2019 Dollars) 02,2, 1.1,22 NRC Spent Fucl Sqc iicesscd Buriul Utility and Activity Reminal Packaging Thumper) Prucemiug Inuposcl Other Total Total luc Term 11.ina gement Restothlion %Atm. Claus 5 Clans 11 flats C OTCC Prinumed I ether...tor Ind., Ictivatt Cu., Cu Feet Cu I] eet Cu Fiqt Cu I eel INet Wt Lim M-thhouth Inardiem. PERIOD 4d- Continuing Sae Decunt.unination Peram1 42 Dm. t DeDucuriassimung Id 1 1 Kt mare *eat 1Z/dealt. 11112 191,216 1122md of 11.1 tt.tc , Id 12 Tut 1kt ant man mon at 60. limblier4 Id 1 I I Put I 644 2 544 Zbl .76 Id 1 1 TWA, 25o9 MI 176 17 12 1 1 'a ommalarananannos 261 1 1 9 ld 1 hubtatel Pmad &Intl, Pabla 3151 3 ,151 7 1115 471001 15 Po nod 4d Coll atrial rusts 4d 1 1 11m44.1e1.2.22aams watt r a abb 214 1d 4 l bmall tut/ Aliso.* Id 4 1 Deremnisiodoning Equipment 1/ ilb 117 Id 1 5 *at FM I Cupnal sad Traa.11 r 21 Id .1 Yablinid Pm mil ld Voltam id emlb 5 HI 121 164 Pt nod 4d Parladdltpandtn1 eabl. 214 1 on susphes 141 1441 hum-nut 12 41 ?input, mar Iledhli phyues td 4 5 Ileam equipme 'Ufa ld 4 6 1.pbtal of PAW star, dad 1 II 125 Tk 44 4 7 Plant rule, budD1 Id 4 /SRC 1,14 9 19F51 mint( r.irila 4,1 4 10 'mum. StAft 21 9 21 Id 4 11 1101. 111,11 Val 11 2811 ld 4 12 nil. Staff Cost 101 145 Id 1 Madinat Mined. Period Dependent Vinto 1 15 1 21 11 225 1711,167 id Torii. PERIOD la row' 1 if. 11 14 211744 1/1 271 1711 187 PERIOD 42-1dcans* Tarnmnation remal lf 112.11.amma,mmg trhatlIss 401 1 URINE Dinfinnutum . 1111.0 4111 Telluanalr harm, 41 1 821212,11 Penad If &Mitt eatlt, 201 nud af siddiltunAl Culla 112 1 La Tfrennuman 9%24.4 5 517 7 718 7 718 11 2 lublal al Pt,. It Addillanal `ebb. 5 MO 7 718 7 718 111921 Pemad lf luilalessl Pad. 4f 1 I 110t. btsd rt la* Alum es, na, 811/ 1f14 Spant Fuel rspalal mod nmsfas 1 II 1 Sub. d rms. /It Callalt, 11 Cum 0711 1 Ponood Ptalud.Dependen1 Pula 11 label me 154 11 1 2 Psa,f) tam 122 t 12 If 1 t lh 21111 pima. ,ppllt* 215 911 11 1 I 1..pobal of 1/511 ,,,,,, rd 44 6 7 11 II 1 5 Pl.. anti's) bud, 147 It 1 6 NHL' Fres 246 270 41 I 7 ll.KSI Ore/2122 ,161, 41 47 If A , 'al.111,1 1 272 192 1 1121 511 12 1110 II I 9 IMP ...fre.t 4 062 4121 1 671 I 671 46 622 11 1 10 MOM 81221,1 . I 1411 .0 5 057 I 602 115 14 912 41 1 bub1.21 Paned AI Paned-Dependent Costa /1 111/77 1 801 11 148 12 127 I 460 6,711 119 171 11 0 TOTAL Pk111,111 If COST 11 P12411 1 942 21 gig 14 117 1 762 117 67,1 111515 144 541 PERIOD 4 TOT 51, 501 57 1117 20 101 13851 152 112 62 111 191210 115 117 1155 056 1121 120 24 910 210 927002 1 741 714 000172 T1,(1 berra er, /no

Comanche Peale Nue Ism Iherm Plant (he lenient 11-1772-00I, Rim 0 Deramnnemonang Cmt Appends,, P 0., 20 of 22 Table D-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Potver Plant Unit 2 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollars) oti-s.t. NtIl Spent Fuel Pro,,,, ed Burial Munkcs Bus nal / 1.101ily and halevaly Ca4kagnag Transport Procenang 1/neosil Other Tafel Total lac Tenn Management Restorason alums Cls. k CI.. it Clan. (' CITCC Processed el aft Contractor Index At las it, Mani a Mien Costs l'osix Contingent., l'usts CoNts u4t. t u Feet Cu Feel Cs Feet Cs Feat Cs Feet Ws , Lb4 Mantuan Manilas. l'22101/ 52- San Renal anan 1 ,..6156 Dun i //nunineniumng Oa mama Dimoliltan of hemming MS. 2041Mism lb 1 1 I Ileac. 1 "15 isi& II 617 Mt 1 1 2 Adnumshanne 1 210 Mr 1 AUIAlarl 1 2911 III 102 52 1 1 1 Chlorm Itton (CM Mt ali1 In 107 52 1 1 5 luonmmos (sx, Inlakt 1 MI 1 1 6 Cut Mate, Intake 779 MA 6lii. 514 I 1 7 Cm Mato Y.s Mem,. 17 20 16 lb I 1

  • lancl (lent Am MU 172 1 2 ni 52 1 19 Flet titn age llsM222 1*111 702 7011 1621 51] 1 1 10 Mamtename 21 171 175 2 1111 l I l Mee.. en SupponCli & Malts hal Slating ih 1 I 12 Miscellaneous 92e Minims.

lb 1 I 14 P2 Fen lag \ FU:1 883 10 970 Ii1 1 UM Ilu 11U 7 115 1,11Y.1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 'III MI5 52M B*igi l* &RP.                                                                                                                                        I UM 42 1 I 14 11P Builchng                                             111                                                                           15                                       55 ib 1 1 li Rads .e.te Walsbuun                                   175                                                                            iiii                                     201                                                                      1 171 lb 1  I 16   Sal/nand                                         1 279                                                                  192     I 171                                    I 171                                                                    10 Mt 52 1 1 17 Serve e Water inloia Snug line                         116                                                                           MI                                        th I                                                                   2 170 lb 1 1 18 Staler Renina                                         100                                                                            125                                       125                                                                    2 UM lb 1 I In Solo hie..                                                                                                                              96                                                                                                                705 51a I I Al Swilk       In, 1611 Hums                                lb                                                                            18                                       IS                                                                       290 lb I 1 21 Tank, & Tunis la                                      392                                                                                                                     621                                                                     7 276 52 I 1 22 TInbale                                                45s                                                                            5j1                                      sgl                                                                     7 2411 56 I 1 21 Tanbme Pedratal                                             1                                                                         209                                      609                                                                     4 159 5b 1 1 24 Pliel                                                  745                                                                            MO                                       IN                                                                    .17 /77 56 1 I       TWA..                                            =210                                                                          25 541                                   25,541                                                                   212 911 Sue Closesul MInstini lb 1 2      Rai       2114                                    1415                                                                  112                                                                                                                         6 1311 iltit        4666 & I 2616a ap<< late                             3.10                                                                                                                                                                                            1 WM lb 1 4        Final nuail loNR1
  • 1111 5h 1 Stible24129iod lb ha Vons 26 172 1111 210 Y14
  ?renal. halalinunal am, lb 2 I        ruiseele Ca asking                               1 071                                                                         I :ills                                                                                                             7 271 slang Wale. Cuff, clarn                      265                                                                           115                                       -515                                                                     1941
               *Isnscs Ntster Cofferdam                            450                                                                            5111                                     512                                                                      4211 itst,iiUfl, Ilebna Ilnpoas1                                                                             I 110                   4,210 7*25         hIst Chad hublalal Paned 56,41211.ml Cant,                  2 329                                                 I 110                                                            62111                                                                    151211 Urinal. Collates 2 Cuala 5b 1 1       Small tool allow ince                                                                                                                                                       127 56 1 i       Hp ill FYI I Caudal and Temalig MI s         thiblot l'a tual IL Callum.] Cm&

Pena 52 PensibUspeniket (lean 54 1 1 Inamanse 616 2 reapic MI 1 I Iles. esumment rent al TIN sla 1 1 PI Int enn m budget Ma 1 NIIC 1ST% Fe. 17 DM 52 1 & 1212,1 Operatm2 Cana lb 125 1h17 hn urns M.AtTl`o*I 212 .9 1901 2,4111 1 I 27 WO lb 1 2 Dtie MAL that `1801 l 170 11 MI 11 271 110211/ 5b 19 Ulan, Matte. S097 766 6 abl 1207 1 651 70000 524 .126221 Paned Periad*Depemles1 rheas 20.5 21.1 4 027 16 All 267,11110 ih 0 TOTAL l'8111o1/ 54 rovr 11 1 24 MU /11111 62225 1 827 21 291 265 617 262 422 PERIOD i, - Fuel Mumma MInash2neiMaa Pinny Unsaid Se Usen ammovsonsit6 As 6,21_', Paned St rellani al Conn St I 1 Spent Fuel Capital anal Ti andel I 115 illt 1 Mg h l Subtotal Ihno415a Callateral Cala 1 595 1 1111 Penal 5e Prno&Ilepenala n1 VIM. Se 1 1 12412 ante I 111 I 15 St 4 2 Proper, Mara 1 SIS 151 Plant eneam NRe141.21 Fees 411 li MRSI Operausg Cam 000173 MG Sen. es. /111

Cumum l,p Peak Nude°, Prover Ilan/ Dm moral L1,177,001, Rev Decommission me I'm( Analysts Append"D, Page L of 11 Table D-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousand. of 201 9 Donor.> 017,51, l,LOST NRC Spun, Fuel Burml \ elation. Muni / Utility 003 Activity Omen Remmal Packaging Transport Processing Disposal Other Total Total 14, Tenn Menegentent Restoratton %ohm., Class 4 CU.. 13 CIA,. C (LTC(' Prouessed Centrautor Index Mtn. Dmenption Coe, 1 osts Contingent' Cost. eels Coat, Cu Feet l'u Feet Cu Feet Cu Feet Cu Feet Wt ,1.64 SIAM-mum MAnhenis Period St 1,mod In pendent Costs rc eminent/ 5, 4 6 ,rvr ,taff t`ost 1 209 1 259 219 St 4 7 51.411 ensl 1139 4 111 ti1 Si 4 bilblnl al Pt nal II Plryilarl.nelnYldrIlt 1111,1.

  • ii1S 10606 5e 0 TOT 11. PERU ill le 110,1 . 10 910 1 424 11 LIS PERK/11 id -GTCC shipping Issued 53 Dun t Ilettoonsivouoing 1"..rdo kl 1 51,00 siiPP11 lhetuni Removal 54 I 1 I 15504 & In1.111415 lire, 110,541 I OM 07 itsiq lean 3061 101 971 54 I. I TulA15 1,1100 10 077 12 1135 121101 31/61 101 571 id 1 Ruble/WI P.004 ,1 11110 eme. 1IMO 10 077 1 71,2 12 801 12,1115 2 Ubl 1111 971 Pelted 5d Po ned.Dependent emir 9d41 Insurer..,

9d41 Plo0.551 142,5 id 4 .1 N111'1'411 rim ISMS1 1,146 ...moo ',Leff Carl 1 217 9d 4 I Pull, ',Allot Sel 4 Subtotal rensd Penni-Dep. mient Coals 1 5d 0 TOTAL PER101) 54 VONT 000 111077 401 971 se-16FS1 IF*sontaniinalinn 1*111011 Se Dowel Decommitatuniung trlAttlin PrilOd '.1ddifiettal emu

    'd L 1         Lr.ense Termination 15105l                                                                                                 I 172                           it       5 942                                       IN 414                                IBM 120             1211         1 All Sobtulal Pot,ul 71 kddiliontl                                                                                    3192      1 172                                    5,242                                       111 411                               1 851 140                        1 241 Period5. Pr] ard*Dependeni le I 1        lama...2e 5.Ld          Proper11 tases 5e I 1        1.100 enrrp budget Serially Maitre...5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1 710 1 't     110105 5,41 earl                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       12111
5. 1 Subtotal Pened 5e 1,4.1 Ilepi ink little, S911 la 0 T1/TAL PICRIt ill 5e 15151. 2 1511 LOOS it 1.14 1 M11 1110 9 429 1211 P1221/71/ 51 -151.54I /letruation Pt nog 921/111,1 1.1 nmetiamiumn.9.Ttt iilt lind 51 kddilional 512 1 th mulition and %le Reotoralien P4F51 1,11 15 116 522 501.0.1.4 Pellud if roldinceal 1411 15 216 Nord 511'ullelend if I Int ill toul dlud owe 5f I 51410.141Pintid carieeri not, Prised 5f Pt siot1.10 pi nth Ill 1,0 5f 4 A Polo Mt Lod.

9123 PI int 4 814.10 budie 524 4 'ty.lmLlt Steil eu..1 524 I 1.5110, 15.5, 51 4 Sublet d Pt tied 11 I'M lad 11..0.0450 Cos, 1 III 110 TTITIL PP ORM 51005T 1 370 121 1S1S 4 513 35 216 I 191 PER1011 0 751TOIJ. 111,171 1 172 11515 111 092 11974 101618 19 ISO 17257 671110

  • IS 111 2 Mal 2291151 110 290 107 277 NTT,. DICt50.45055ino: 11 W12 11/1/ 579 22117 b bl 937 7031016 111200 11167 ST1 722 i96 2 76 171 501 2 01,1 27 5110121 1 PH 199 7 3911141 000174

'PI 9civr, re. Mt

Comanche Peak NY( lea, Power Plant Document L114772401. Rea a Itecommusgon mg Coat Amami.. Append. 0. Pate 22 412 Table D-2 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 SAFSTOR Decommissioning Cost Estimate (Thousands of 2019 Dollars) Off-811e 1.1.10% N RC Spent Fad Sao lb o4o4ed Ifunal Voluntef Bufoli Utility and Actnity Decon Remota.] Packaging Transport Pro4esong INaposal Other Total Total Lo Tenn Manarement Restoration 9, plume Clas, A Ciao R Ciao, (' GTCC Ifroveoed Coat entootor Index Acfnaly lhoro fption (`ost Co9tr Coot, CU., Coots Connneeno Curb, oar Cods ett Faet l'u Feet C9 Feel Cu Fret Cu Feet Mt Lbr MAnhouts Mayhew-, TOTAL COST TO DECOMM19SION wITfl I? CONTINGENCI SI 067,529 thousand. of 2019 dollars TOTAL NR C LICENSE TERNIINATION ( OST IS 67 67% OR $722.196 notion, of 2019 dolloa SPENT FUEL 91 ANAGEMENT COST IS CS 10'. OR S2611,762 thou.and. of 2019 dollat. NON-NUCLEAR DEMOLITION COST lb 7 IV. flit S76,171 <bounty& of 2019 dollars TOTAL LOIN-LEVEL R Ullo ACTIN E 01 MtTE VOLUME BURIED (KW LUDING MVO 410 ,6 ( ulna, Fecl T),TAL GREATER THAN CLASS C RADWA.STE VOLUME GENERATED 2,061 Cubit: Feet n'T. SCR kP MET RI, REMOVED 04 us Tone TOTAL CRAFT LABOR REQUIREMENTS 1 394 199 Man-houo End Nol, nht

  • Sub 2tra that 1hn At notv nut tharat a.. Jet onnotosonsg nu.

at, that No o toe) perlanned by do 0111111SOIOnor. St& 0 an& Mr., that dos less than 0 5 but ts non*oos S. olli.toonieg * ' iritssuesteistaiiii 000175

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis 0 Appendix E, Page 1 of 2 APPENDIX E DETAILED COST ANALYSIS ISFSI TLG Services, Inc. 000176

Comanche Peale Nuclear Power Plant Document LI 1-1774-001, Rev. 0 Decommissioning Cost Analysis Appendix E, Page 2 of 2 Table E Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant ISFSI Decommissioning Cost Estimate (thousands of 2019 dollars) Burial Oversight LLRW Removal Packaging Transport Other Total Volume Craft and Disposal Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Class A Manhours Contractor Costs (cubic feet) Manhours Activity Description Decommissioning Contractor Planning (characterization, specs and procedures) - - - - 466 466 - - 1,288 Decontamination (activated disposition) 399 343 743 4,916 - 6,402 36,828 4, 149 License Termination (radiological surveys) - - 2, 024 2,024 - 14,709  : Subtotal 399 343 743 4,916 2,489 8,891 36,828 18,858 1,288 Supporting Costs NRC and NRC Contractor Fees and Costs - - - - 455 455 - - 1, 153 Insurance - - - - 108 108 - - - Property taxes - - - - 533 533 - - - Plant energy budget - - - - 13 13 - - - Security Staff Cost - - - - 126 126 - - 3,419 Utility Staff Cost - - - - 286 286 - 3,761 Subtotal - - - - 1,521 1,521 - - 8,333 Total (w/o contingency) 399 343 743 4,916 4,011 10,413 36,828 18,858 9,621 Total (w/25% contingency) 499 429 929 6,146 5,013 13,016 - - - The application of contingency (25%) is consistent with the evaluation criteria referenced by the NRC in NUREG-1757 ("Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance, 000177 TLG Services. Inc.

Attachment B 000178

Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 FINANCIAL ESCALATION ANALYSIS for the COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT prepctred for Comanche Peak Power Company LLC prepared by TLG Services, Inc. Bridgewater, Connecticut May 2020 000179

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 2 of 37 APPROVALS i Project Manager Rodericd:-&igh"0 1V-17/712-42 te Technical Manager ancis W. Sey or Da TLG Services, Inc. 000180

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 3 of 37 REVISION LOG No. Date Item Revised Reason for Revision 0 05-11-2020 Original Issue TLG Services, Inc. 000181

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 4 of 37 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE INTRODUCTION 5 TABLES

1. Escalation Summary 7 Schedule of Annual Expenditures (nominal dollars)
2. DECON Alternative, Unit 1 8
3. DECON Alternative, Unit 2 11
4. DECON Alternative, Unit 1 Contingency Adjusted 14
5. DECON Alternative, Unit 2 Contingency Adjusted 17
6. Escalation Bases 20
7. Component Escalation Summary 21 Schedule of Annual Expenditures (escalated dollars)
8. Schedule of Total Annual Expenditures, Unit 1 22 8A. Schedule of License Termination Expenditures, Unit 1 25 8B. Schedule of Spent Fuel Management Expenditures, Unit 1 26 8C. Schedule of Site Restoration Expenditures, Unit 1 29
9. Schedule of Total Annual Expenditures, Unit 2 30 9A. Schedule of License Termination Expenditures, Unit 2 33 9B. Schedule of Spent Fuel Management Expenditures, Unit 2 34 9C. Schedule of Site Restoration Expenditures, Unit 2 37 TLG Services, Inc. 000182

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 5 of 37 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of an escalation of the costs to decommission the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (Comanche Peak) to the projected year of expenditure. Financial schedules are provided for the base case, in which the nuclear units are expected to operate for 40 years. The baseline estimates (in 2019 dollars)[1] were adjusted for the required contingency ceiling and escalated using IHS forecast information. A twenty-five year moving average was used for future years beyond the current forecast horizon of the IHS database. A single value effective escalation rate (composite value) is also identified for each of the nuclear units. The results are summarized in Table 1. Order of Operations The process to escalate the decommissioning estimates was conducted in the following sequence:

  • Source information was extracted from the latest decommissioning cost analyses (reproduced in Tables 2 and 3).
  • The cost schedules were adjusted for the 10% ceiling value for contingency, as required by the Public Utility Commission of Texas' Substantive Rule §25.231(b)(1)(F)(i). The adjusted schedules are provided in Tables 4 and 5.
  • The schedules of expenditures are presented in the following five categories: Labor, Equipment and Materials, Energy, Waste Disposal, and Other. The appropriate escalation index for each of the five escalation categories is identified, as summarized in Tables 6 and 7.
  • The index values were applied against each of the unescalated schedules of expenditures to calculate a schedule of future value (Tables 7 and 8).
  • An effective single value annual escalation rate was determined.

Escalation Factors The escalation indices selected for Labor, Equipment and Materials, Energy and Other cost categories are identified in Table 6 and were provided by IHS via their DataInsight-Web online service using first quarter 2020 projections. 1 "Decommissioning Cost Analysis for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant," Document No. L11-1774-001, TLG Services, Inc., May 2020 TLG Services, Inc. 000183

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 6 of 37 When the decommissioning schedule extended beyond the forecast database, the escalation was determined using a twenty-five year moving average logic. A disposal agreement with Waste Control Specialists for disposal services includes a provision for the future adjustment in rates. The IHS index equivalent to the index identified in this agreement was used to escalate low-level radioactive waste disposal costs to the year of expenditure. TLG Services, Inc. 000184

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 7 of 37 TABLE 1 ESCALATION


(millions of dollars) Escalated Baseline Adjusted Value Effective Decommissioning Cost Cost * (Year of Escalation Unit Start End (2019 $) (2019 $) Expenditure $) Rate 40 Year Operating Life Unit 1 2030 2096 906.903 850.529 1,794.504 2.668% Unit 2 2033 2096 939.062 878.768 1,896.826 2.640%

  • Decommissioning costs adjusted for the 10% ceiling value required by Public Utility Commission of Texas' Substantive Rule 25.231(b)(1)(F)(i)

TLG Services, Inc. 000185

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 8 of 37 TABLE 2 COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars) Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2030 55,641 12,806 2,065 23 8,408 78,943 22,837 1 3,415 14,593 24,929 134,323 2032 62,171 27,663 2,196 34,336 13,184 139,549 2033 51,681 30,623 1,878 13,162 7,865 105,210 2034 46,751 32,074 1,729 3,091 5,342 88,987 2035 31,238 19,337 1,729 1,861 5,002 59,167 2036 7,991 233 1,734 16 4,505 14,478 2037 7,969 232 1,729 16 4,492 14,438 2038 8,896 1,246 940 1,525 A 4,303 16,910 2039 15,049 815 274 13 I 2,208 18,359 2040 13,709 1 5,985 268 3 1,057 21,022 2041 11,879 ' 6,850 231 O925 19,884 I 2042 3,423 1,070 36 0 966 5,494 2043 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2044 1,863 O 0 0 976 2,839 2045 1,858 O 0 0 973 2,831 2046 1,858 O 0 0 973 2,831 2047 1,858 O 0 0 973 2,831 2048 1,863 0 O 0 976 2,839 2049 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2050 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2051 1,858 0 O 0 973 2,831 2052 1,863 0 0 0 2053 1,858 0 0 0 2054 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2055 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2056 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2057 1 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2058 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2059 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 TLG Services, Inc. 000186

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 9 of 37 TABLE 2 (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars) Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2060 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 I 2061 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 I 2062 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2063 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2064 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2065 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2066 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2067 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2068 1,963 300 O 0 976 3,239 2069 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2070 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 L 2071 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2072 1,963 300 0 O 976 3,239 2073 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2074 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 2075 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2076 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2077 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 2078 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 2079 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2080 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2081 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2082 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2083 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2084 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2085 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2086 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2087 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 2088 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2089 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 TLG Services, Inc. 000187

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 10 of 37 TABLE 2 (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars) Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2090 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 ' 2091 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 ' 2092 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2093 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2094 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 ; 2095 1,958 1,550 0 0 12,560 16,068 2096 3,466 1,344 12 3,073 3,260 11,156 Total 490,950 176,367 18,234 71,711 149,642 906,903 TLG Services, Inc. 000188

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 11 of 37 TABLE 3 COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars) Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 50,370 13,041 2,103 23 5,329 70,867 2034 63,674 21,279 3,407 12,622 16,776 117,757 2035 63,826 27,907 2,190 27,892 9,173 130,988 2036 61,932 32,427 1,876 12,316 5,976 114,527 2037 60,841 34,318 1,729 5,311 4,525 106,723 2038 50,430 23,008 1,391 5,596 7,192 87,617 2039 31,093 3,960 648 2,440 7,139 45,279 2040 17,545 12,983 268 3 3,127 33,926 2041 15,568 15,074 231 0 2,843 33,716 2042 1 3,999 2,354 36 0 1,265 7,654 2043 1,8581 00 0 973 2,831 2044 1,863 O 0 0 976 2,839 2045 1,858 0 0 O 973 2,831 2046 1,858 0 0 O 973 2,831 2047 1,858 O 0 0 973 2,831 2048 1,863 ol o 0 976 2,839 2049 1,858 0 O 0 973 2,831 1--2050 1,858 0 O 0 973 2,831 [_ 2051 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2052 1,863 0 0 0 976 2,839 2053 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2054 1,858 0 O 0 973 2,831 2055 1,858 0 0 0 973 2,831 2056 1,963 300 0 O 976 3,239 2057 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2058 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2059 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2060 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2061 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2062 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 TLG Services, Inc. 000189

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 12 of 37 TABLE 3 (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars) Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2063 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 ' 2064 1,963 300 0 O 976 3,239 2065 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2066 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2067 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 2068 1,963 300 0 O 976 3,239 2069 1,958 300 O i 0 973 3,231 2070 1,958 L 300 0 0 973 3,231 2071 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 2072 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2073 . 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2074 L 1,958_ 300 0 0 973 3,231 2075 l 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 2076 1,963 300 0 O 976 3,239 2077 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 2078 1,958 300 0 O 973 3,231 2079 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2080 1,963 300 O 0 976 3,239 2081 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2082 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2083 1,958 300 O 0 973 3,231 2084 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2085 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2086 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2087 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2088 1,963 300 0 0 976 3,239 2089 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2090 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2091 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2092 1,963 300 0 O 976 3,239 TLG Services, Inc. 000190

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 13 of 37 TABLE 3 (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars) Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2093 1,958 300 0 0 1 973 1 3,231 1 2094 1,958 300 0 0 973 3,231 2095 1,958 1,550 0 0 12,560 16,068 2096 3,466 1,212 12 3,073 3,260 11,023 E ' Total 525,281 200,813 13,890 69,276 129,802 939,062 TLG Services, Inc. 000191

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 14 of 37 TABLE 4 COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2030 52,581 12,085 ! 1,951 21 8,077 74,716 2031 64,211 20,852 : 3,227 13,250 23,656 125,197 2032 57,747 24,944 2,075 31,154 12,500 128,420 2033 48,427 28,480 1,775 11,960 7,467 98,109 2034 44,050 30,202 1,634 2,831 5,079 83,795 2035 29,442 18,207 1,634 1,704 4,758 55,744 2036 7,551 214 1,638 14 4,288 13,705 ,m 2037 7,5T1 213 1,634 14 4,276 13,668 2038 8,325 1,152 888 1,396 4,093 15,855 2039 14,082 L 743 259 12 2,113 17,209 2040 12,917 5,649 253 3 1,016 19,838 2041 11,226 6,473 218 O 888 18,805_, 2042 3,235 1,011 34 0 928 5,207 2043 1,756 0 0 0 935 2,691 2044 1,761 0 0 0 937 2,698 ; 2045 1,756 0 O 0 935 2,691 2046 1,756 0 O 0 935 2,691 I 2047 1,756 O 0 0 935 2,691 2048 1,761 O O 0 937 2,698 2049 1,756 0 0 0 935 2,691 2050 1,756 O 0 0 935 2,691 2051 1,756 0 O 0 935 2,691 2052 1,761 0 O 0 937 2,698 2053 1,756 0 O 0 935 2,691 2054 1,756 0 0 0 935 2,691 2055 1,756 0 O 0 935 2,691 2056 1,855 284 0 0 937 3,076 2057 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2058 1,850 284 935 3,069 2059 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 TLG Services, Inc. 000192

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 15 of 37 TABLE 4 (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2060 1,855 284 O 0 937 3,076 : 2061 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2062 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2063 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2064 1,855 284 0 0 937 3,076 2065 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2066 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2067 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2068 1,855 284 0 O 937 3,076 2069 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2070 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2071 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2072 1,855 284 0 O 937 3,076 2073 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2074 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2075 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2076 1,855 284 0 0 937 3,076 2077 1,850 284 0 O 935 3,069 2078 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2079 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2080 1,855 284 0 0 937 3,076 2081 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2082 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2083 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2084 1,855 284 0 0 937 3,076 2085 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2086 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2087 1,850 284 0 O 935 3,069 2088 1,855 284 0 O 937 3,076 2089 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 TLG Services, Inc. 000193

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 16 of 37 TABLE 4 (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2090 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2091 1,850 284 O 0 935 3,069 2092 J 1,855 284 0 0 937 3,076 2093 I 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2094 1,850 284 0 0 935 3,069 2095 1,850 1,428 0 0 11,884 15,163 2096 3,261 1,264 11 2,814 3,004 10,354 Total 461,484 163,974 17,231 65,173 142,667 850,529

  • Decommissioning costs adjusted for the 10% ceiling value required by Public Utility Commission of Texas' Substantive Rule 25.231(b)(1)(F)(i)

TLG Services, Inc. 000194

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 17 of 37 TABLE 5 COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 l 47,544 12,293 1,985 21 5,113 66,956 2034 59,571 19,392 3,216 11,416 15,884 109,478 ; 2035 59,164 25,095 2,067 25,202 8,657 120,186 2036 57,939 30,106 1,771 11,167 5,660 106,643 ! 2037 57,162 32,226 1,632 4,854 4,299 100,173 2038 47,309 21,578 1,313 5,114 6,816 82,129 2039 28,956 3,664 612 2,230 6,763 42,225 2040 16,491 12,246 253 2,968 31,961 2041 14,694 14,228 218 2,699 31,839 2042 3,775 2,222 34 0 1,210 7,240 2043 1,754 0 0 934 2,688 2044 1,759 0 0 937 2,695 2045 1,754 o o 0 934 2,688 2046 1,754 0 0 934 2,688 2047 1,754 0 934 2,688 2048 1,759 0 0 0 937 2,695 2049 1,754 o o 0 934 2,688 2050 1,754 934 2,688 2051 1,754 0 0 0 934 2,688 2052 l 1,759 o 0 0 937 2,695 2053 1,754 0 o 934 2,688 2054 1,754 0 0 0 934 2,688 2055 1,754 0 0 0 934 2,688 2056 1,853 283 0 0 937 3,073 2057 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2058 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2059 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2060 1,853 283 0 0 937 3,073 2061 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2062 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 TLG Services, Inc. 000195

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 18 of 37 TABLE 5 (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2063 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2064 1,853 283 0 O 937 3,073 2065 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 L 2066 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2067 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2068 1,853 283 0 0 937 3,073 2069 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2070 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2071 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2072 1,853 283 0 0 937 3,073 2073 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2074 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2075 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2076 1,853 283 0 0 937 3,073 2077 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2078 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2079 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2080 1,853 283 0 0 937 3,073 2081 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2082 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2083 1,848 283 0 0 i 934 3,065 2084 1,853 283 0 0 937 3,073 2085 1,848 283 0 O 934 3,065 2086 1,848 283 0 O 934 3,065 ! 2087 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2088 1 1,853 283 0 O 937 3,073 2089 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2090 1 1,848 283 0 0 934 3,065 2091 1,848 283 O 0 934 3,065 1 2092 1,853 283 0 0 937 3,073 TLG Services, Inc. 000196

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 19 of 37 TABLE 5 (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, 2019 dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2093 1,848 I 283 0 0 934 3,065 2094 1,848 I 283 0 O 934 3,065 2095 1,848 ' 1,426 0 0 11,871 15,145 j 2096 3,257 1,137 11 2,808 2,998 10,213 i Total 492,648 l 186,657 13,110 62,816 123,537 878,768

  • Decommissioning costs adjusted for the 10% ceiling value required by Public Utility Commission of Texas' Substantive Rule 25.231(b)(1)(F)(i)

TLG Services, Inc. 000197

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 20 of 37 TABLE 6 ESCALATION BASES Cost Category Escalation Source Labor ECI Total Compensation, Private Industry Workers (ECIPCTNS) Equipment and Materials Producer Price Index, Machinery & Equipment (WPIP11) Energy Producer Price Index, Fuels and Related Products and Power (WPIP05) Other Consumer Price Index, Services (CUSASNS) Low-Level Radioactive Waste As specified in the Disposal Agreement between Luminant Generation Company LLC and Waste Control Specialists LLC TLG Services, Inc. 000198

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 21 of 37 TABLE 7 COMPONENT ESCALATION


Escalated Costs Average Effective ($ thousands) Escalation Rate Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 Labor 1,010,087 1,102,468 2.859% 2.854% Equipment and Materials 206,862 241,720 1.193% 1.197% Energy 26,728 21,043 2.987% 2.868% Waste Disposal 98,469 101,093 2.206% 2.200% Other 452,359 430,502 2.823% 2.819% Total 1,794,504 1,896,826 2.668% 2.640% TLG Services, Inc. 000199

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 22 of 37 TABLE 8 COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2030 73,960 j 13,655 2,822 27 11,304 101,768 , 2031 92,869 23,859 4,748 17,226 34,008 172,710 , 2032 85,674 28,890 3,101 41,369 18,447 177,481 2033 73,706 33,390 2,703 16,217 11,314 137,330 2034 68,793 35,844 2,535 3,921 7,902 118,995 2035 47,190 21,881 2,585 2,412 7,600 81,668 2036 12,424 260 2,650 21 7,033 22,388 2037 12,719 263 ' 2,696 21 7,203 22,902 2038 14,434 1,438 1,492 2,109 7,080 26,553 2039 25,070 940- E 443 18 3,753 30,224 2040 _ 23,613 7,240 440 4 1,853 33,150 2041 i 21,070 8,405 385 0 1,664 31,524 2042 6,234 1,330 61 0 1,784 9,409 2043 3,475 0 0 0 1,846 5,321 2044 3,577 0 O 0 1,901 5,478 r 2045 3,663 0 O 0 1,947 5,610 2046 3,768 0 0 0 2,003 5,771 2047 3,876 _ 2,060 5,936 2048 3,996 0 0 0 2,124 6,120 2049 4,097 0 0 0 2,178 6,275 2050 4,212 0 0 0 2,240 6,452 2051 4,330 0 0 0 2,302 6,632 2052 4,462 0 0 0 2,373 6,835 2053 4,572 0 0 0 2,432 7,004 2054 4,698 0 0 0 2,499 7,197 2055 4,826 0 _____ 0L,_,,,, 0I 2,568 7,394 2056 5,237 446 0 0 2,646 8,329 2057 5,365 452 0 0 2,711 8,528 2058 5,511 458 0 0 2,785 8,754 2059 5,661 464 0 0 2,861 8,986 TLG Services, Inc. 000200

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 23 of 37 TABLE 8 (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total

                                               -r-2060          5,831 j        470            0            0      2,948        9,249 2061          5,974          476            0            O      3,021        9,471 2062          6,138          482            0            0      3,104        9,724 2063          6,306          488            0            0      3,189        9,983 2064          6,496          495            0            0      3,286       10,277 2065          6,656          501            0            0      3,367       10,524 2066          6,839          507            0            O      3,460       10,806 2067           7,027         514            0            0      3,556       11,097 2068          7,238          521            0            0      3,664       11,423 2069           7,418         527            0            0      3,755       11,700 2070           7,623         534            0            0      3,859       12,016 2071           7,833         541            0            0      3,966       12,340 2072          8,070          548            0            0      4,087       12,705 2073          8,270          555            0            0      4,189       13,014 2074          8,497          562            0            0      4,304       13,363 2075          8,731          569            0            0      4,423       13,723 2076          8,994          577            0            0      4,558       14,129 2077           9,216         584            0            0      4,671       14,471 2078           9,469         592            0            0      4,799       14,860 2079           9,728         599            0            0      4,932       15,259 2080         10,021          607            0            0      5,082       15,710 2081         10,269          615            0            0      5,208       16,092 2082         10,550          623            O            0      5,352       16,525 2083         10,839          631            O            0      5,499       16,969 2084         11,165          639            0            0      5,667       17,471 2085         11,441          647            0            O      5,807       17,895 2086         11,755          656            0            0      5,967       18,378 2087         12,077          664            0            O      6,132       18,873 2088         12,440          673            0            O      6,319       19,432 2089         12,747          681            0            O      6,475       19,903 TLG Services, Inc.                                                                000201

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 24 of 37 TABLE 8 (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2090 13,097 690 0 O 6,654 20,441 2091 13,455 699 o 0 1 6,838 20,992 2092 2093 13,860 14,203 L 708 717 O 0 0 0 7,046 7,220 21,614 22,140 2094 14,592 726 0 0 7,420 22,738 2095 14,992 3,706 0 0 96,939 115,637 2096 27,148 3,323 67 15,123 25,175 70,836 Total 1,010,087 206,862 26,728 98,468 452,359 1,794,504

  • Decommissioning costs adjusted for the 10% ceiling value required by Public Utility Commission of Texas' Substantive Rule 25.231(b)(1)(F)(i)

TLG Services, Inc. 000202

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 25 of 37 TABLE 8A COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF LICENSE TERMINATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2Eii 1 68,229 P 1,845 2,822 27 10,108 83,031 2031 90,138 22,379 4,748 17,225 32,798 167,288 2032 83,777 28,658 3,101 41,366 17,456 174,358 2033 63,965 14,300 2,703 16,215 10,301 107,484 2034 54,975 7,400 2,535 3,921 6,862 75,693 2035 L 38,681 4,599 2,585 2,412 6,533 54,810 2036 12,424 260 2,650 21 5,935 21,290 2037 12,719 263 2,696 21 6,078 21,777 2038 12,947 1,438 1,492 2,109 5,680 23,666 2039 22,381 940 443 18 3,648 27,430 2040 5,976 240 120 4 954 7,294 2041 213 0 0 0 591 804 2042 34 0 0 0 95 129 2043-94 0 0 0 0 0 0 2095 546 2,971 0 0 89,560 93,077 2096 3,800 537 45 15,123 20,763 40,268 Total 470,805 85,830 25,940 98,462 217,362 898,399

  • Decommissioning costs adjusted for the 10% ceiling value required by Public Utility Commission of Texas' Substantive Rule 25.231(b)(1)(F)(i)

TLG Services, Inc. 000203

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 26 of 37 TABLE 8B COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2030 4,901 ' 11,810 0 0 1,196 17,907 2031 586 1,390 0 0 1,209 3,185 2032 0 ' 0 0 O 988 988 2033 8,210 18,973 0 0 1,012 28,195 2034 12,449 28,381 0 0 1,039 41,869 2035 7,666 17,244 0 0 1,067 25,977 2036 0 0 0 0 1,099 1,099 2037 0 0 0 0 1,125 1,125 2038 1,488 O 0 0 714 2,202 2039 2,689 O 0 0 105 2,794 2040 3,205 0 O 0

  • 896 4,101 2041 j_ 3,295 0 0 0 1,070 4,365 2042 3,384 0 O 0 1,689 5,073 2043 3,475 0 0 0 1,846 5,321 2044 3,577 0 0 0 1,901 5,478 2045 3,663 0 O 0 1,947 5,610 2046 3,768 0 O 0 2,003 5,771 2047 3,876 0 0 O 2,060 5,936 2048 3,996 0 0 0 2,124 6,120 2049 4,097 0 0 0 2,178 6,275 2050 4,212 0 0 0 2,240 6,452 2051 4,330 0 0 0 2,302 6,632 2052 4,462 0 0 0 2,373 6,835 2053 4,572 0 0 0 2,432 7,004 2054 4,698 0 0 0 2,499 7,197 2055 4,826 0 0 0 2,568 7,394 2056 1 5,237 446 0 0 2,646 8,329 2057 5,365 452 0 0 2,711 8, 528 2058 5,511 458 O 0 2,785 8,754 2059 5,661 464 0 0 2,861 8,986 TLG Services, Inc. 000204

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 27 of 37 TABLE 8B (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 1 2060 2061 5,831 5,974 l 470 476 0 0 0 0 2,948 3,021 9,249 9,471 2062 6,138 482 O 0 3,104 9,724 2063 6,306 488 O 0 3,189 9,983 2064 6,496 495 0 0 3,286 10,277 2065 6,656 501 0 0 3,367 10,524 2066 6,839 507 0 0 3,460 10,806 2067 7,027 514 0 O 3,556 11,097 2068 7,238 521 0 0 3,664 11,423 2069 7,418 527 0 O 3,755 11,700 2070 7,623 534 0 O 3,859 12,016 2071 7,833 541 0 3,966 12,340 O j 2072 8,070 548 O 0 4,087 12,705 2073 8,270 555 O O 4,189 13,014 2074 8,497 562 O O 4,304 13,363 2075 8,731 569 O O 4,423 13,723 2076 8,994 577 O 0 4,558 14,129 2077 9,216 584 O 0 4,671 14,471 2078 9,469 592 O 0 4,799 14,860 2079 9,728 599 0 0 4,932 15,259 2080 10,021 607 0 0 5,082 15,710 2081 10,269 615 0 0 5,208 16,092 2082 10,550 623 0 0 5,352 16,525 2083 10,839 631 0 0 5,499 16,969 2084 11,165 639 0 0 5,667 17,471 2085 11,441 647 0 0 5,807 _ 17,895 2086 11,755 656 0 0 5,967 18,378 2087 12,077 664 0 0 6,132 18,873 2088 12,440 673 0 O 6,319 19,432 2089 12,747 681 0 O 6,475 19,903 TLG Services, Inc. 000205

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 28 of 37 TABLE 8B (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2090 iO9jj 690 0 0 1 6,654 20,441 2091 13,455 699 0 0 : 6,838 20,992 2092 13,860 708 0 0 1 7,046 21,614 2093 14,203 717 0 0 7,220 22,140 2094  ! 14,592 726 0 0 7,420 22,738 2095 , 14,446 736 0 0 7,379 22,561 ! 2096 0 0 0 0 O 0 i Total 472,510 100,972 0 0 229,888 803,370

  • Decommissioning costs adjusted for the 10% ceiling value required by Public Utility Commission of Texas' Substantive Rule 25.231(b)(1)(F)(i)

TLG Services, Inc. 000206

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 29 of 37 TABLE 8C COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF SITE RESTORATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2030 830 0 0 0 0 830 2031 2,145 90 0 0 1 2,236 r 2032 1,897 232 0 0 3 2,132 2033 1,530 118 0 0 1 1,649 2034 1,369 63 0 0 0 1,432 L 2035 843 38 O 0 0 881 2036 0 0 0 0 O 0 2037 0 0 O 0 0 0 2038 0 0 0 O 694 694 2039 0 0 0 O 0 0 2040 14,432 7,000 320 , 3 21,755 2041 i 17,562 8,405 385 O 3 26,355 2042 2,816 1,330 61 0 1 4,208 2043-95 0 0 0 O 0 0 , 2096 L 23,349 2,786 22 O 4,412 30,569 Total i 66,773 20,062 788 O 5,118 92,741

  • Decommissioning costs adjusted for the 10% ceiling value required by Public Utility Commission of Texas' Substantive Rule 25.231(b)(1)(F)(i)

TLG Services, Inc. 000207

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 30 of 37 TABLE 9 COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 72,363 14,412 3,023 29 i 7,746 97,573 I 2034 93,032 23,014 4,989 15,812 24,711 161,558 2035 94,829 30,160 3,270 35,668 13,J 177,756 2036 95,326 36,643 2,865 16,146 9,285 160,265 2037 96,541 , 39,724 2,693 7,173 7,242 153,373 L 2038 82,024 26,940 2,205 7,724 ii1T130,684 2039 51,550 4,634 1,045 3,442 12,014 72,685 2040 30,146 15,695 440 4 5,414 51,699 2041 j 27,581 18,476 385 0 5,055 51,497 2042 7,275 2,923 61 0 2,327 12,586 2043 3,471 0 0 0 1,845 5,316 J -f-- 2044 3,573 0 0 0 1,900 5,473 1-2045 3,659 0 0 O I 1,945 5,604 2046 3,764 0 0 0 2,001 5,765 2047 3,871 0 0 0 2,058 5,929 2048 3,992 O 0 0 2,122 6,114 2049 4,093 0 0 0 2,177 6,270 2050 4,207 0 0 O 2,238 6,445 2051 4,324 0 0 0 2,301 6,625 2052 4,456 0 0 0 2,371 6,827 2053 4,567 0 O 0 2,430 6,997 2054 4,692 0 0 0 2,497 7,189 2055 4,820 0 0 0 2,566 7,386 2056 5,231 446 0 l 0 2,643 8,320 2057 5,359 452 0 0 2,708 8,519 2058 5,505 457 0 0 2,783 8,745 2059 5,655 463 0 0 2,859 8,977 2060 5,824 469 0 0 2,945 9,238 2061 ' 5,968 475 0 O 3,018 9,461 2062 6,131 481 0 O 3,101 9,713 TLG Services, Inc. 000208

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 31 of 37 TABLE 9 (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total p-- 2063 6,299 488 0 0 3,186 9,973 2064 6,488 494 i 0 0 3,283 10,265 2065 6,648 500 0 0 3,364 10,512 2066 6,831 507 0 0 3,457 10,795 2067 7,018 513 0 0 3,553 11,084 k 1 2068 7,230 520 0 0 3,661 11,411 2069 7,410 527 O 0 3,752 11,689 2070 7,614 533 O 0 3,856 12,003 2071 7,824 540 O 0 3,963 12,327 2072 8,060 547 O 0 4,084 12,691 2073 8,260 554 0 0 4,185 12,999 2074 8,488 561 0 0 4,301 13,350 2075 8,721 569 0 O 4,419 13,709 2076 8,983 576 0 O 4,554 14,113 2077 9,205 583 0 O 4,667 14,455 2078 9,458 591 0 O 4,796 14,845 2079 9,717 599 0 0 4,928 15,244 2080 10,009 606 0 0 5,078 15,693 2081 10,257 614 0 0 5,204 16,075 2082 10,538 622 0 0 5,347 16,507 2083 10,826 630 0 0 5,495 16,951 2084 11,152 638 0 0 5,662 17,452 2085 11,428 647 O 0 5,802 17,877 2086 11,741 655 0 0 5,963 18,359 2087 12,063 663 0 0 6,127 18,853 2088 12,425 672 O 0 6,313 19,410 2089 12,732 681 0 O 6,470 19,883 2090 13,081 689 0 O 6,649 20,419 2091 13,440 698 0 0 6,832 20,970 2092 13,844 707 0 0 7,040 21,591 TLG Services, Inc. 000209

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 32 of 37 TABLE 9 (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total

                                   --F 2093         14,186           716            O            0        7,215        22,117 2094    j    14,575           726            O            0        7,414        22,715 2095         14 974         3,700                                96,828       115,502
                 '    4 2096         27,114         2,990           67      15,095       25,132         70,398 Total     1,102,468      241,720        21,043     101,093      430,502     1,896,826 ;
  • Decommissioning costs adjusted for the 10% ceiling value required by Public Utility Commission of Texas' Substantive Rule 25.231(b)(1)(F)(i)

TLG Services, Inc. 000210

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 33 of 37 TABLE 9A COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF LICENSE TERMINATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 66,578 1,947 3,023 29 6,429 78,006 2034 90,868 21,692 4,989 15,811 23,411 156,771 2035 92,385 29,890 3,270 35,665 12,760 173,970 2036 83,622 16,273 2,865 16,145 8,186 127,091 2037 80,358 10,085 2,693 7,173 6,118 106,427 2038 71,005 9,504 2,205 7,724 10,729 101,167 2039 48,381 4,634 1,045 3,442 11,563 69,065 2040L 7,058 307 120 4 1,729 9,218 2041 91 590 681 2042 15 95 110 0 0 0 L_ 0 2043-94

                                              ----t                                       i 2095             545       2,965                                89,456         92,966 2096          3,793          536           45      15,095       20,725         40,194

, Total 544,699 97,833 20,255 i 101,088 191,791 955,666

  • Decommissioning costs adjusted for the 10% ceiling value required by Public Utility Commission of Texas' Substantive Rule 25.231(b)(1)(F)(i)

TLG Services, Inc. 000211

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 34 of 37 TABLE 9B COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 5,394 12,465 O O 1,317 ! 19,176 2034 532 l 1,213 0 0 1,299 1 3,044 2035 0 0 O 0 1,066 1,066 2036 9,091 20,176 0 0 1,097 30,364 2037 13,463 29,480 0 0 1,124 44,067 2038 9,376 17,342 O O 713 1 27,431 2039 3,149 0 0 0 105 3,254 i 2040 3,202 O 0 0 896 _ 4,098 2041 3,292 O O 0 1,069 4,361 2042 3,380 O 0 0 1,687 5,067 2O433,471 O O 0 1,845 5,316 2044 3,573 O O 0 1,900 5,473 2045 3,659 0 0 0 1,945 5,604 2046 3,764 O 0 0 2,001 5,765 2047 3,871 O O O 2,058 5,929 2048 3,992 0 0 0 , 2,122 6,114 2049 4,093 0 0 0 2,177 6,270 2050 4,207 0 0 0 2,238 6,445 2051 4,324 0 0 0 2,301 6,625 2052 4,456 0 0 O 2,371 6,827 2053 4,567 0 0 0 2,430 6,997 2054 4,692 0 0 O 2,497 7,189 2055 4,820 0 0 O 2,566 7,386 2056 5,231 446 0 0 2,643 8,320 2057 5,359 452 0 0 2,708 8,519 2058 5,505 457 0 0 2,783 8,745 2059 5,655 463 0 0 2,859 8,977 2060 5,824 469 O 0 2,945 9,238 2061 5,968 475 O 0 3,018 9,461 2062 6,131 481 0 I O 3,101 9,713 TLG Services, Inc. 000212

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 35 of 37 TABLE 9B (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2063 6,299 488 0 0 3,186 9,973 2064 6,488 494 0 0 3,283 10,265 2065 6,648 500 0 O 3,364 10,512 2066 6,831 507 0 O 3,457 10,795 2067 7,018 513 0 O I 3,553 11,084 2068 7,230 520 0 0 l 3,661 11,411 527 0 O 3,752 11,689 2070 7,614 533 0 O 3,856 12,003 2071 7,824 540 0 O 3,963 12,327 2072 8,060 547 0 0 4,084 12,691 2073 8,260 554 0 0 4,185 12,999 _1 2074 8,488 561 , 0 0 4,301 13,350 2075 8,721 569 , 0 0 4,419 13,709 2076 8,983 576 0 0 4,554 14,113 2077 9,205 583 0 0 4,667 14,455 2078 9,458 591 0 0 4,796 14,845 2079 9,717 599 0 0 4,928 15,244 2080 10,009 606 0 0 5,078 15,693 2081 10,257 614 0 0 5,204 16,075 2082 10,538 622 0 0 5,347 16,507 2083 10,826 630 0 0 5,495 16,951 2084 11,152 638 0 0 5,662 17,452 2085 11,428 647 0 0 5,802 17,877 2086 11,741 655 0 0 5,963 18,359 2087 12,063 663 0 0 6,127 18,853 2088 12,425 672 0 0 6,313 19,410 2089 12,732 681 0 0 6,470 19,883 2090 13,081 689 0 O 6,649 20,419 2091 13,440 698 0 0 6,832 20,970 2092 13,844 707 0 0 7,040 21,591 TLG Services, Inc. 000213

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 36 of 37 TABLE 9B (continued) COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 1 2093 14,186 716 0 0 7,215 22,117 2094 14,575 726 0 0 7,414 22,715 2095 14,429 735 7,373 22,537 2096 0 0 0 O 0 Total 475,021 103,820 O O 226,874 805,715

  • Decommissioning costs adjusted for the 10% ceiling value required by Public Utility Commission of Texas' Substantive Rule 25.231(b)(1)(F)(i)

TLG Services, Inc. 000214

Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Document L11-1774-002, Rev. 0 Financial Escalation Analysis Page 37 of 37 TABLE 9C COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 DECON ALTERNATIVE, CONTINGENCY ADJUSTED

  • SCHEDULE OF SITE RESTORATION EXPENDITURES (thousands, year of expenditure dollars)

Equipment & Year Labor Materials Energy Burial Other Total 2033 391 0 O O O 391 2034 1,632 110 0 0 1 1,743 2035 2,444 270 0 0 3 2,717 2036 2,613 194 0 0 1 2,808 2037 2,720 159 0 0 0 2,879 2038 1,642 94 O 0 353 2,089 2039 20 0 0 0 350 370 2040 19,887 15,388 319 0 2,790 38,384 2041 24,199 18,476 385 0 3,395 46,455 2042 3,880 2,923 61 0 545 7,409 2043-95 0 O 0 0 0 0 2096 23,321 2,454 22 0 4,408 30,205 Total 82,749 40,068 787 0 11,846 135,450

  • Decommissioning costs adjusted for the 10% ceiling value required by Public Utility Commission of Texas' Substantive Rule 25.231(b)(1)(F)(i)

TLG Services, Inc. 000215

Fl+D 0 A (D n

Comanche Peak Power Company LLC Funding Analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Decommissioning Trust June 2020 nnn217




CP1 20



- CP2                                      22 III. CONTRIBUTION 


- CPNPP                                       24 000218

Page 3 of 24 Exhibit 1 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC HISTORIC ASSETS & FEES AND FORECAST MARKET ASSUMPTIONS 2020 Funding Analysis I. BEGINNING BALANCE FOR CP1 AND CP2 Line December 31, 2019 CP 1 CP 2 Total 1 Market Value $ 688,618,908 $ 762,704,159 $ 1,451,323,067 2 Tax Cost to Trust $ 365,285,048 $ 411,726,049 $ 777,011,096 3 Taxable Gain (Line 1 - Line 2) $ 323,333,861 $ 350,978,110 $ 674,311,971 4 Current Tax liability on Gain (Line 3

  • 20% tax rate) $ 64,666,772 $ 70,195,622 $ 134,862,394 5 Market Value (Line 1) $ 688,618,908 $ 762,704,159 $ 1,451,323,067 6 Less tax due on the gains (Line 4) $ (64,666,772) $ (70,195,622) $ (134,862,394) 7 Net Aker-Tax Value (Line 5 - Line 6) $ 623,952,136 $ 692,508,537 $ 1,316,460,673 NOTES. (Exhibit 1, Part I)

Source BNY Mellon Trust Statements CP1 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #1 CP2 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #2 000219

Page 4 of 24 Exhibit 1 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC HISTORIC ASSETS & FEES AND FORECAST MARKET ASSUMPTIONS 2020 Funding Analysis II. ANNUAL ADMINISTRATIVE FEES AND EXPENSES - CP1 AND CP2 (Qualified & Non-Qualified Trusts for Years 1990 through 2019) Total Fees After-Tax Fund Total Fees Cumulative Line Year & Expenses Accumulation & Expenses Average (A) (B) (C) (D) 0 1990 $ - $ 2,692,810 1 1991 63,011 12,027,168 2 3400% 2 3400% 2 1992 68,248 21,938,028 0 5674% 1 4537% 3 1993 72,680 35,384,304 0 3313% 1 0796% 4 1994 137,200 54,498,992 0 3877% 0 9066% 5 1995 157,686 85,640,823 0 2893% 0 7831% 6 1996 230,398 113,357,508 0 2690% 0 6975% 7 1997 268,106 152,218,016 0 2365% 0 6316% 8 1998 411,554 198,212,817 0 2704% 0 5865% 9 1999 360,497 236,580,092 0 1819% 0 5415% 10 2000 428,491 251,966,537 0 1811% 0 5055% 11 2001 497,961 264,792,098 0 1976% 0 4775% 12 2002 703,708 260,881,442 0 2658% 0 4598% 13 2003 736,915 311,625,106 0 2825% 0 4462% 14 2004 696,090 346,568,619 0 2234% 0 4303% 15 2005 710,142 373,699,075 0 2049% 0 4153% 16 2006 741,938 424,867,663 0 1985% 0 4017% 17 2007 729,487 458,904,241 0 1717% 0 3882% 18 2008 801,677 385,153,952 0 1747% 0 3763% 19 2009 745,464 460,901,056 0 1935% 0 3667% 20 2010 943,790 515,612,651 0 2048% 0 3586% 21 2011 938,635 551,817,706 0 1820% 0 3502% 22 2012 928,159 621,538,919 0.1682% 0 3419% 23 2013 369,200 737,409,484 0 0594% 0 3296% 24 2014 1,951,004 827,285,193 0 2646% 0.3269% 0.17% Average over 25 2015 1,284,926 854,877,095 0.1553% 0.3201% the last 10 years. 26 2016 1,432,847 938,026,084 0.1676% 0 3142% 27 2017 1,814,560 1,087,543,749 0 1934% 0 3097% 28 2018 1,937,855 1,080,584,463 0.1782% 0 3050% 29 2019 1,854,543 1,316,460,673 0 1716% 0 3004% Avg 30 Annual 759,199 10 402,296,748 0.19% 0.30% (Average over last 29 years ) Avg 31 Annual 0.1745% (Average over last 10 years ) NOTES (Exhibit 1. Part II) (A) Total Fees & Expenses reported by BNY Mellon, as custodian Payments each year include some amounts for previous year accruals (B) Net After-Tax Fund Accumulation is the Market Value less tax liability (C) Fee as a percentage of the After Tax Accumulation at the beginning of the year (D) Simple cumulative average of column (C) CP1 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #1 CP2 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #2 000220

Page 5 of 24 Exhibit 1 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC HISTORIC ASSETS & FEES AND FORECAST MARKET ASSUMPTIONS 2020 Funding Analysis III. FORECAST LONG-TERM CAPITAL MARKET ASSUMPTIONS Forecast Rates Line (A) * (B) 1 Long-term Capital Market Return Assumptions 2 Equity 6.26% 3 Fixed income (Bonds) 3.05% 4 Cash 2.20% 5 Federal income Tax Rate 20.0% 6 Month to begin proposed collections in 2020 9 The contribution will occur in the following month NOTES (Exhibit 1, Part III) Assumption Sources: Lines 1-4 Average of two forecasts (A) JP Morgan Long-Term Capital Market Return Assumptions, 2020 Edition (B) Aon Hewitt Long-Term Capital Market Assumptions (30 Years) - 2020 01 Line 5 Based on the current Federal Income Tax rate of 20% with no State Income Tax Line 6 Timing assumption for initial collections based on this Funding Analysis 000221

Page 6 of 24 Exhibit 1 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC HISTORIC ASSETS & FEES AND FORECAST MARKET ASSUMPTIONS 2020 Funding Analysis IV. ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION COLLECTIONS - CP1 AND CP2 (Collections deposited in the Trust each year) CP 1 CP 2 Total Line Year (A) (B) (C) 1 2015 $ 7,853,901 $ 8,999,964 $ 16,853,865 2 2016 11,247,797 7,751,860 18,999,657 3 2017 11,765,107 8,108,384 19,873,491 4 2018 12,805,945 8,825,719 21,631,664 5 2019 13,090,718 9,021,981 22,112,700 Avg 6 Annual 11,352,694 8,541,582 19,894,275 NOTES (Exhibit 1, Part IV) (A) & (B) & (C) Nuclear Decommissioning Collections deposited in the Trust each year Reported in the annual Status of Nuclear Decommissioning Funds - Transferee Company Annual Report by Luminant Generation Company LLC CP1 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #1 CP2 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #2 000222

Page 7 of 24 Exhibit 2 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC DETERMINATION OF EXPECTED ASSET ALLOCATION 2020 Funding Analysis I. WEIGHTED AVERAGE LIFE - CP1 Remaining Time Weighted Line Year Spending Life Dollars to go Weighting Avg Life Tngger Points (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) 1 2019 - 77 5 1,794,504,000 2 2020 - 76.5 1,794,504,000 0 00 71.8 3 2021 - 75 5 1,794,504,000 0.00 71.8 4 2022 - 74 5 1,794,504,000 0.00 71.8 5 2023 73.5 1,794,504,000 0.00 71.8 6 2024 - 72 5 1,794,504,000 0 00 71.8 7 2025 - 71.5 1,794,504,000 0 00 71.8 8 2026 - 70 5 1,794,504,000 0 00 71.8 9 2027 - 69 5 1,794,504,000 0.00 71.8 10 2028 - 68.5 1,794,504,000 0 00 71.8 Trigger Point: 11 2029 67.5 1,794,504,000 0.00 71.8 Equity limited to 12 2030 101,768,000 66 5 1,692,736,000 3.77 71.8 30% at license expiration (2030 13 2031 172,710,000 65 5 1,520,026,000 6.68 68.0 for Unit #1) 14 2032 177,481,000 64 5 1,342,545,000 7.53 61.4 15 2033 137,330,000 63 5 1,205,215,000 6.50 53.8 16 2034 118,995,000 62 5 1,086,220,000 6.17 47.3 17 2035 81,668,000 61.5 1,004,552,000 4.62 41.2 18 2036 22,388,000 60 5 982,164,000 1.35 36.5 19 2037 22,902,000 59 5 959,262,000 1.39 35.2 20 2038 26,553,000 58 5 932,709,000 1.62 33.8 21 2039 30,224,000 57 5 902,485,000 1 86 32.2 22 2040 33,150,000 56 5 869,335,000 2.08 30.3 23 2041 31,524,000 55 5 837,811,000 2 01 28.3 24 2042 9,409,000 54.5 828,402,000 0.61 26.2 25 2043 5,321,000 53 5 823,081,000 0.34 25.6 26 2044 5,478,000 52.5 817,603,000 0.35 25.3 27 2045 5,610,000 51 5 811,993,000 0.35 24.9 28 2046 5,771,000 50 5 806,222,000 0.36 24.6 29 2047 5,936,000 49.5 800,286,000 0.36 24.2 30 2048 6,120,000 48.5 794,166,000 0.37 23.9 31 2049 6,275,000 47.5 787,891,000 0.38 23.5 32 2050 6,452,000 46 5 781,439,000 0.38 23.1 33 2051 6,632,000 45.5 774,807,000 0 39 22.7 34 2052 6,835,000 44 5 767,972,000 0.39 22.3 35 2053 7,004,000 43 5 760,968,000 0 40 22.0 000223

Page 8 of 24 Exhibit 2 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC DETERMINATION OF EXPECTED ASSET ALLOCATION 2020 Funding Analysis I. WEIGHTED AVERAGE LIFE - CP1 Remaining Time Weighted Line Year Spending Life Dollars to go Weighting Avg Life Trigger Points (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) 36 2054 7,197,000 42.5 753,771,000 0.40 21 6 37 2055 7,394,000 41.5 746,377,000 0.41 21.2 38 2056 8,329,000 40 5 738,048,000 0 45 20.7 39 2057 8,528,000 39.5 729,520,000 0 46 20.3 40 2058 8,754,000 38 5 720,766,000 0.46 19.8 41 2059 8,986,000 37 5 711,780,000 0.47 19 4 42 2060 9,249,000 36.5 702,531,000 0 47 18.9 43 2061 9,471,000 35.5 693,060,000 0.48 18 4 44 2062 9,724,000 34.5 683,336,000 0.48 18.0 45 2063 9,983,000 33 5 673,353,000 0 49 17 5 46 2064 10,277,000 32.5 663,076,000 0 50 17.0 47 2065 10,524,000 31.5 652,552,000 0.50 16.5 48 2066 10,806,000 30.5 641,746,000 0.51 16.0 49 2067 11,097,000 29 5 630,649,000 0.51 15 5 50 2068 11,423,000 28.5 619,226,000 0.52 15 0 51 2069 11,700,000 27.5 607,526,000 0.52 14.5 52 2070 12,016,000 26 5 595,510,000 0.52 13.9 53 2071 12,340,000 25 5 583,170,000 0 53 13.4 54 2072 12,705,000 24.5 570,465,000 0.53 12 9 55 2073 13,014,000 23.5 557,451,000 0 54 12.3 56 2074 13,363,000 22 5 544,088,000 0.54 11.8 57 2075 13,723,000 21.5 530,365,000 0.54 11.3 58 2076 14,129,000 20 5 516,236,000 0 55 10.7 59 2077 14,471,000 19.5 501,765,000 0.55 10 2 60 2078 14,860,000 18.5 486,905,000 0.55 96 61 2079 15,259,000 17.5 471,646,000 0.55 91 62 2080 15,710,000 16 5 455,936,000 0.55 8.5 63 2081 16,092,000 15.5 439,844,000 0.55 80 64 2082 16,525,000 14.5 423,319,000 0 54 7.4 65 2083 16,969,000 13 5 406,350,000 0 54 69 66 2084 17,471,000 12 5 388,879,000 0.54 64 67 2085 17,895,000 11.5 370,984,000 0.53 5.8 68 2086 18,378,000 10 5 352,606,000 0.52 53 69 2087 18,873,000 9.5 333,733,000 0.51 4.8 Trigger Point: 70 2088 19,432,000 8.5 314,301,000 0.49 4.3 Equity limited to 71 2089 19,903,000 7.5 294,398,000 0 47 3.8 0% when the Weighted 72 2090 20,441,000 6.5 273,957,000 0.45 33 Average Life 73 2091 20,992,000 5.5 252,965,000 0 42 28 reaches two and 74 2092 21,614,000 4.5 231,351,000 0.38 2.4 a half years, which occurs in 75 2093 22,140,000 35 209,211,000 0.33 20 2092 for Unit #1. 76 2094 22,738,000 2.5 186,473,000 0 27 1.7 77 2095 115,637,000 1.5 70,836,000 0.93 1.4 78 2096 70,836,000 05 0.50 05 79 80 Total $ 1,794,504,000 000224

Page 9 of 24 Exhibit 2 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC DETERMINATION OF EXPECTED ASSET ALLOCATION 2020 Funding Analysis I. WEIGHTED AVERAGE LIFE - CP1 Remaining Time Weighted Line Year Spending Life Dollars to go Weighting Avg Life Trigger Points (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) NOTES. (Exhibit 2, Part l and 11) (E) Sum of column (C) spending in all subsequent years. (D) Assume remaining life for next years expenditure is one half year (F) The time weighted life at the end of the year in column (B). Formula. (G) The weighted average life at the end of the year in column (B). Formula: (H) Tngger Points are based on weighted average life defined in Substantive Rule §25 303 (e)(3)(B)(vi). CP1 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #1 CP2 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #2 000225

Page 10 of 24 Exhibit 2 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC DETERMINATION OF EXPECTED ASSET ALLOCATION 2020 Funding Analysis II. WEIGHTED AVERAGE LIFE - CP2 Remaining Time Weighted Line Year Spending Life Dollars to go Weighting Avg Life Trigger Points (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) 1 2019 - 77.5 1,896,826,000 2 2020 - 76.5 1,896,826,000 0 00 72.8 3 2021 - 75 5 1,896,826,000 0.00 72.8 4 2022 - 74 5 1,896,826,000 0.00 72.8 5 2023 - 73.5 1,896,826,000 0.00 72.8 6 2024 72.5 1,896,826,000 0.00 72.8 7 2025 71 5 1,896,826,000 0.00 72.8 8 2026 - 70 5 1,896,826,000 0.00 72 8 9 2027 - 69.5 1,896,826,000 0.00 72.8 10 2028 - 68 5 1,896,826,000 0.00 72.8 11 2029 67.5 1,896,826,000 0.00 72.8 12 2030 66.5 1,896,826,000 0 00 72.8 13 2031 - 65.5 1,896,826,000 0.00 72.8 Trigger Point: 14 2032 - 64.5 1,896,826,000 0.00 72.8 Equity limited to 15 2033 97,573,000 63.5 1,799,253,000 3.27 72.8 30% at license expiration. (2033 16 2034 161,558,000 62.5 1,637,695,000 5 61 69.5 for Unit #2) 17 2035 177,756,000 61.5 1,459,939,000 6.68 63.9 18 2036 160,265,000 60 5 1,299,674,000 6.64 57 2 19 2037 153,373,000 59.5 1,146,301,000 7.02 50.6 20 2038 130,684,000 58.5 1,015,617,000 6.67 43.6 21 2039 72,685,000 57.5 942,932,000 4.12 36 9 22 2040 51,699,000 56.5 891,233,000 3 10 32.8 23 2041 51,497,000 55.5 839,736,000 3.21 29 7 24 2042 12,586,000 54 5 827,150,000 0 82 26 5 25 2043 5,316,000 53.5 821,834,000 0 34 25.6 26 2044 5,473,000 52.5 816,361,000 0 35 25.3 27 2045 5,604,000 51 5 810,757,000 0.35 25.0 28 2046 5,765,000 50.5 804,992,000 0 36 24.6 29 2047 5,929,000 49.5 799,063,000 0.36 24.2 30 2048 6,114,000 48 5 792,949,000 0.37 23.9 31 2049 6,270,000 47.5 786,679,000 0.38 23.5 32 2050 6,445,000 46.5 780,234,000 0.38 23.1 33 2051 6,625,000 45.5 773,609,000 0.39 22.7 34 2052 6,827,000 44.5 766,782,000 0.39 22.4 35 2053 6,997,000 43.5 759,785,000 0.40 22.0 000226

Page 11 of 24 Exhibit 2 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC DETERMINATION OF EXPECTED ASSET ALLOCATION 2020 Funding Analysis II. WEIGHTED AVERAGE LIFE - CP2 Remaining Time Weighted Line Year Spending Life Dollars to go Weighting Avg Life Trigger Points (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) 36 2054 7,189,000 42 5 752,596,000 0.40 21.6 37 2055 7,386,000 41.5 745,210,000 0 41 21 2 38 2056 8,320,000 40 5 736,890,000 0.45 20.8 39 2057 8,519,000 39 5 728,371,000 0.46 20.3 40 2058 8,745,000 38 5 719,626,000 0 46 19.9 41 2059 8,977,000 37 5 710,649,000 0 47 19.4 42 2060 9,238,000 36.5 701,411,000 0.47 18.9 43 2061 9,461,000 35 5 691,950,000 0.48 18.4 44 2062 9,713,000 34.5 682,237,000 0 48 18.0 45 2063 9,973,000 33.5 672,264,000 0 49 17.5 46 2064 10,265,000 32.5 661,999,000 0.50 17.0 47 2065 10,512,000 31.5 651,487,000 0.50 16.5 48 2066 10,795,000 30.5 640,692,000 0 51 16.0 49 2067 11,084,000 29.5 629,608,000 0 51 15.5 50 2068 11,411,000 28.5 618,197,000 0.52 15.0 51 2069 11,689,000 27.5 606,508,000 0.52 14.5 52 2070 12,003,000 26.5 594,505,000 0.52 13.9 53 2071 12,327,000 25.5 582,178,000 0 53 13.4 54 2072 12,691,000 24.5 569,487,000 0.53 12.9 55 2073 12,999,000 23.5 556,488,000 0 54 12.4 56 2074 13,350,000 22.5 543,138,000 0.54 11.8 57 2075 13,709,000 21.5 529,429,000 0 54 11.3 58 2076 14,113,000 20.5 515,316,000 0.55 10.7 59 2077 14,455,000 19.5 500,861,000 0 55 10.2 60 2078 14,845,000 18.5 486,016,000 0 55 9.6 61 2079 15,244,000 17.5 470,772,000 0 55 9.1 62 2080 15,693,000 16.5 455,079,000 0 55 8.6 63 2081 16,075,000 15 5 439,004,000 0.55 80 64 2082 16,507,000 14.5 422,497,000 0 55 7.5 65 2083 16,951,000 13 5 405,546,000 0 54 6.9 66 2084 17,452,000 12 5 388,094,000 0 54 6.4 67 2085 17,877,000 11.5 370,217,000 0.53 58 68 2086 18,359,000 10.5 351,858,000 0 52 5.3 69 2087 18,853,000 95 333,005,000 0.51 4.8 Trigger 70 2088 19,410,000 85 313,595,000 0.50 4.3 Point: 71 2089 19,883,000 7.5 293,712,000 0.48 3.8 Equity limited to 72 2090 20,419,000 65 273,293,000 0.45 3.3 0% when the 73 2091 Weighted 20,970,000 55 252,323,000 0.42 2.8 Average Life 74 2092 21,591,000 45 230,732,000 0 39 24 reaches two 75 2093 22,117,000 35 208,615,000 0.34 2.0 and a half years, which 76 2094 22,715,000 25 185,900,000 0.27 17 occurs in 2092 77 2095 115,502,000 1.5 70,398,000 0.93 1.4 for Unit 2 78 2096 70,398,000 0.5 0 50 0.5 79 80 Total $ 1,896,826,000 000227

Page 12 of 24 Exhibit 2 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC DETERMINATION OF EXPECTED ASSET ALLOCATION 2020 Funding Analysis II WEIGHTED AVERAGE LIFE - CP2 Remaining Time Weighted Line Year Spending Life Dollars to go Weighting Avg Life Trigger Points (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) NOTES: (Exhibit 2, Part l and 11) (E) Sum of column (C) spending in all subsequent years. (D) Assume remaining life for next years expenditure is one half year. (F) The time weighted life at the end of the year in column (B). Formula: Column (F) = column (C) / (previous year column (E) ) X column (D) (G) The weighted average life at the end of the year in column (B). Formula. Column (G) = sum of remaining values in column (F) (H) Tngger Points are based on weighted average life defined in Substantive Rule §25.303 (e)(3)(B)(vi) CP1 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #1 CP2 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #2 000228


                                 % of     End of Year                                . After      After Line Year   from Trust     Balance   NDT Balance    Equity Bonds     Cash Composite Fees       Tax (A)  (B)       (C)           (D)         (E)        (F)     (G)      (H)    (1)      (-I)       (K) 1  2019               -             1,316,460,673 2  2020               -    0.0%     1,387,166,718  60%      40%       0%  4.976%   4.801%     3.841%

3 2021 - 0.0% 1,460,174,416 60% 40% 0% 4.976% 4.801% 3.841% 4 2022 0.0% 1,535,986,480 60% 40% 0% 4.976% 4.801% 3.841% 5 2023 - 0 0% 1,614,710,631 60% 40% 0% 4.976% 4.801% 3.841% 6 2024 - 0.0% 1,696,458,728 60% 40% 0% 4.976% 4.801% 3.841% 7 2025 - 0.0% 1,781,346,926 60% 40% 0% 4.976% 4.801% 3.841% 8 2026 0.0% 1,869,495,842 60% 40% 0% 4.976% 4.801% 3.841% 9 2027 - 0.0% 1,961,030,728 60% 40% 0% 4.976% 4.801% 3.841% 10 2028 - 0.0% 2,051,020,869 50% 50% 0% 4 655% 4.480% 3.584% 11 2029 - 0 0% 2,138,944,740 40% 60% 0% 4.334% 4.159% 3.328% 12 2030 101,768,000 4 8% 2,109,613,448 30% 65% 5% 3 973% 3.798% 3.038% 13 2031 172,710,000 8 2% 2,003,347,453 30% 62% 8% 3 943% 3.769% 3.015% 14 2032 177,481,000 8.9% 1,888,946,817 30% 61% 9% 3 938% 3.763% 3.011% 15 2033 234,903,000 12 4% 1,708,304,614 30% 58% 12% 3 907% 3.733% 2.986% 16 2034 280,553,000 16.4% 1,474,151,390 30% 54% 16% 3 873% 3.699% 2.959% 17 2035 259,424,000 17.6% 1,254,403,468 30% 52% 18% 3 863% 3.689% 2.951% 18 2036 182,653,000 14.6% 1,106,314,528 30% 55% 15% 3.889% 3.715% 2 972% 19 2037 176,275,000 15.9% 960,202,452 30% 54% 16% 3 878% 3 703% 2.962% 20 2038 157,237,000 16.4% 829,055,394 30% 54% 16% 3 874% 3.699% 2.959% 21 2039 102,909,000 12.4% 749,368,550 30% 58% 12% 3.907% 3.733% 2.986% 22 2040 84,849,000 11.3% 685,684,023 30% 59% 11% 3 917% 3 742% 2.994% 23 2041 83,021,000 12.1% 621,913,886 30% 58% 12% 3.910% 3.736% 2.988% 24 2042 21,995,000 3 5% 618,531,936 30% 66% 4% 3 983% 3 808% 3.047% 25 2043 10,637,000 1.7% 626,653,736 30% 68% 2% 3.998% 3.824% 3 059% 26 2044 10,951,000 1.7% 634,704,011 30% 68% 2% 3.998% 3 824% 3.059% 27 2045 11,214,000 1.8% 642,732,690 30% 68% 2% 3.998% 3 823% 3 059% 28 2046 11,536,000 1.8% 650,678,810 30% 68% 2% 3 998% 3.823% 3 059% 29 2047 11,865,000 1.8% 658,532,682 30% 68% 2% 3.998% 3 823% 3.058% 30 2048 12,234,000 1 9% 666,250,592 30% 68% 2% 3.997% 3.823% 3.058% 31 2049 12,545,000 1.9% 673,887,643 30% 68% 2% 3.997% 3 822% 3 058% 32 2050 12,897,000 1 9% 681,399,451 30% 68% 2% 3 997% 3.822% 3.058% 33 2051 13,257,000 1 9% 688,773,993 30% 68% 2% 3.996% 3.822% 3 058% 34 2052 13,662,000 2.0% 695,961,063 30% 68% 2% 3.996% 3.822% 3 057% 35 2053 14,001,000 2.0% 703,022,360 30% 68% 2% 3.996% 3.821% 3 057% 000229


                                  % of     End of Year                                     After     After Line Year    from Trust     Balance   NDT Balance     Equity Bonds     Cash Composite Fees      Tax (A)  (B)        (C)           (D)         (E)         (F)     (G)      (H)    (l)      (J)       (K) 36  2054       14,386,000   2.0%       709,907,008     30%     68%       2%  3.996%   3.821%    3.057%

37 2055 14,780,000 2.1% 716,600,387 30% 68% 2% 3 995% 3.821% 3 057% 38 2056 16,649,000 2 3% 721,589,168 30% 68% 2% 3.993% 3.819% 3 055% 39 2057 17,047,000 2.4% 726,324,381 30% 68% 2% 3 993% 3.818% 3.055% 40 2058 17,499,000 2.4% 730,743,053 30% 68% 2% 3 993% 3.818% 3 054% 41 2059 17,963,000 2.5% 734,823,202 30% 68% 2% 3.992% 3 818% 3 054% 42 2060 18,487,000 2.5% 738,493,115 30% 67% 3% 3.992% 3.817% 3 054% 43 2061 18,932,000 2.6% 741,820,934 30% 67% 3% 3 991% 3 817% 3 053% 44 2062 19,437,000 2.6% 744,734,837 30% 67% 3% 3.991% 3.816% 3 053% 45 2063 19,956,000 2.7% 747,207,809 30% 67% 3% 3.990% 3 816% 3.053% 46 2064 20,542,000 2.7% 749,157,840 30% 67% 3% 3 990% 3 815% 3.052% 47 2065 21,036,000 2 8% 750,662,897 30% 67% 3% 3.989% 3 815% 3 052% 48 2066 21,601,000 2.9% 751,636,758 30% 67% 3% 3.989% 3.814% 3 051% 49 2067 22,181,000 3.0% 752,047,788 30% 67% 3% 3.988% 3 813% 3.051% 50 2068 22,834,000 3 0% 751,804,105 30% 67% 3% 3.987% 3 813% 3 050% 51 2069 23,389,000 3.1% 750,985,761 30% 67% 3% 3.987% 3 812% 3.050% 52 2070 24,019,000 3 2% 749,498,467 30% 67% 3% 3.986% 3 811% 3 049% 53 2071 24,667,000 3.3% 747,303,295 30% 67% 3% 3.985% 3.811% 3.048% 54 2072 25,396,000 3 4% 744,295,737 30% 67% 3% 3.984% 3 810% 3 048% 55 2073 26,013,000 3.5% 740,565,311 30% 67% 3% 3.983% 3 809% 3.047% 56 2074 26,713,000 3.6% 736,005,009 30% 66% 4% 3.982% 3.808% 3.046% 57 2075 27,432,000 3 7% 730,569,941 30% 66% 4% 3.981% 3 807% 3 045% 58 2076 28,242,000 3.9% 724,140,264 30% 66% 4% 3.980% 3.806% 3 045% 59 2077 28,926,000 4 0% 716,814,208 30% 66% 4% 3.979% 3 805% 3.044% 60 2078 29,705,000 4 1% 708,467,183 30% 66% 4% 3.978% 3 803% 3 043% 61 2079 30,503,000 4 3% 699,048,440 30% 66% 4% 3.976% 3.802% 3 042% 62 2080 31,403,000 4.5% 688,420,859 30% 66% 4% 3.975% 3.800% 3 040% 63 2081 32,167,000 4 7% 676,686,316 30% 65% 5% 3.973% 3.799% 3 039% 64 2082 33,032,000 4.9% 663,707,638 30% 65% 5% 3.972% 3.797% 3 038% 65 2083 33,920,000 5.1% 649,423,150 30% 65% 5% 3.970% 3 795% 3 036% 66 2084 34,923,000 5 4% 633,675,287 30% 65% 5% 3.967% 3 793% 3.034% 67 2085 35,772,000 5 6% 616,576,511 30% 64% 6% 3.965% 3.791% 3 032% 68 2086 36,737,000 6 0% 597,966,866 30% 64% 6% 3.962% 3.788% 3 030% 69 2087 37,726,000 6 3% 577,775,497 30% 64% 6% 3.959% 3.785% 3.028% 70 2088 38,842,000 6 7% 555,824,154 30% 63% 7% 3.956% 3.781% 3.025% 71 2089 39,786,000 7 2% 530,858,352 20% 73% 7% 3.631% 3.457% 2 765% 72 2090 40,860,000 7.7% 502,783,830 10% 82% 8% 3.306% 3.131% 2 505% 73 2091 41,962,000 8.3% 471,631,750 0% 92% 8% 2.979% 2.805% 2 244% 74 2092 43,205,000 9 2% 438,498,849 0% 91% 9% 2.972% 2.798% 2.238% 75 2093 44,257,000 10.1% 403,534,239 0% 90% 10% 2 964% 2.790% 2.232% 76 2094 45,453,000 11.3% 366,549,636 0% 89% 11% 2.954% 2.780% 2 224% 77 2095 231,139,000 63.1% 140,107,974 0% 37% 63% 2 514% 2.339% 1 872% 78 2096 141,234,000 100.0% 0 0% 0% 100% 2.200% 2.025% 1.620% 79 0 - 0 0% - 0% 100% 0% 3.050% 2.875% 2 300% 80 Total $ 3,691,330,000 000230


                                        % of         End of Year                                              After      After Line   Year       from Trust       Balance      NDT Balance       Equity Bonds      Cash Composite Fees       Tax (A)    (B)           (C)            (D)              (E)           (F)     (G)      (H)       (1)         (-1)       (K)

NOTES: (Exhibit 2, Part III) (D) Column (C) divided by the Previous year's Column (E) Spending for year divided by the Previous year's Ending of Year NDT Balance (F)-(H) Asset Allocation each year (I) Retum composite based on the year's asset allocation [Returns from Exhibit 1, Part 111, Lines 2-41 (Equity return x Equity allocation) + (Bond return x Bond allocation) + (Cash retum x Cash allocation) (J) Column (I) - Fees & Expenses [Fees & Expenses from Exhibit 1, Part 11, Line 26] (K) Column (J) X (1 - Income Tax Rate) [Income Tax rate from Exhibit 1, Part 3, Line 5] CP1 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #1 CP2 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #2 000231

Page 16 of 24 Exhibit 3 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC ESTIMATED ANNUAL DECOMMISSIONING EXPENDITURES 2020 Funding Analysis I. CURRENT DOLLAR DECOMMISSIONING COST (Including 10% Contingency) 2019 Dollar Decommissioning Cost (1) Line Period CP 1 CP 2 Total Cost (A) (B) (C) = (A) + (B) 1 2030 74,716,000 $ - $ 74,716,000 2 2031 125,197,000 - 125,197,000 3 2032 128,420,000 - 128,420,000 4 2033 98,109,000 66,956,000 165,065,000 5 2034 83,795,000 109,478,000 193,273,000 6 2035 55,744,000 120,186,000 175,930,000 7 2036 13,705,000 106,643,000 120,348,000 8 2037 13,668,000 100,173,000 113,841,000 9 2038 15,855,000 82,129,000 97,984,000 10 2039 17,209,000 42,225,000 59,434,000 11 2040 19,838,000 31,961,000 51,799,000 12 2041 18,805,000 31,839,000 50,644,000 13 2042 5,207,000 7,240,000 12,447,000 14 2043 2,691,000 2,688,000 5,379,000 15 2044 2,698,000 2,695,000 5,393,000 16 2045 2,691,000 2,688,000 5,379,000 17 2046 2,691,000 2,688,000 5,379,000 18 2047 2,691,000 2,688,000 5,379,000 19 2048 2,698,000 2,695,000 5,393,000 20 2049 2,691,000 2,688,000 5,379,000 21 2050 2,691,000 2,688,000 5,379,000 22 2051 2,691,000 2,688,000 5,379,000 23 2052 2,698,000 2,695,000 5,393,000 24 2053 2,691,000 2,688,000 5,379,000 25 2054 2,691,000 2,688,000 5,379,000 26 2055 2,691,000 2,688,000 5,379,000 27 2056 3,076,000 3,073,000 6,149,000 28 2057 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 29 2058 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 30 2059 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 31 2060 3,076,000 3,073,000 6,149,000 32 2061 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 33 2062 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 34 2063 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 35 2064 3,076,000 3,073,000 6,149,000 36 2065 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 37 2066 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 38 2067 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 39 2068 3,076,000 3,073,000 6,149,000 40 2069 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 000232

Page 17 of 24 Exhibit 3 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC ESTIMATED ANNUAL DECOMMISSIONING EXPENDITURES 2020 Funding Analysis I. CURRENT DOLLAR DECOMMISSIONING COST (Including 10% Contingency) 2019 Dollar Decommissioning Cost (1) Line Period CP 1 CP 2 Total Cost (A) (B) (C) = (A) + (B) 41 2070 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 42 2071 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 43 2072 3,076,000 3,073,000 6,149,000 44 2073 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 45 2074 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 46 2075 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 47 2076 3,076,000 3,073,000 6,149,000 48 2077 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 49 2078 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 50 2079 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 51 2080 3,076,000 3,073,000 6,149,000 52 2081 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 53 2082 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 54 2083 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 55 2084 3,076,000 3,073,000 6,149,000 56 2085 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 57 2086 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 58 2087 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 59 2088 3,076,000 3,073,000 6,149,000 60 2089 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 61 2090 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 62 2091 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 63 2092 3,076,000 3,073,000 6,149,000 64 2093 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 65 2094 3,069,000 3,065,000 6,134,000 66 2095 15,163,000 15,145,000 30,308,000 67 2096 10,354,000 10,213,000 20,567,000 68 2097 - 69 Totals $ 850,550,000 $ 878,768,000 $ 1,729,318,000 NOTES: Exhibit 3, Part l) (1) As found in Table 4 and 5 of Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Financial Escalation Analysis prepared by TLG Services Inc. Includes an allowance for contingency of 10% of the cost of decommissioning in compliance with Substantive Rule §25.231(b)(1)(F)(i). CP1 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #1 CP2 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #2 000233

Page 18 of 24 Exhibit 3 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC ESTIMATED ANNUAL DECOMMISSIONING EXPENDITURES 2020 Funding Analysis II. FUTURE DOLLAR DECOMMISSIONING COST (Including 10% Contingency) Future Dollar Decommissioning Cost (1) Line Period CP 1 CP 2 Total Cost (A) (B) (C) = (A) + (B) 1 2030 101,768,000 $ - $ 101,768,000 2 2031 172,710,000 - 172,710,000 3 2032 177,481,000 - 177,481,000 4 2033 137,330,000 97,573,000 234,903,000 5 2034 118,995,000 161,558,000 280,553,000 6 2035 81,668,000 177,756,000 259,424,000 7 2036 22,388,000 160,265,000 182,653,000 8 2037 22,902,000 153,373,000 176,275,000 9 2038 26,553,000 130,684,000 157,237,000 10 2039 30,224,000 72,685,000 102,909,000 11 2040 33,150,000 51,699,000 84,849,000 12 2041 31,524,000 51,497,000 83,021,000 13 2042 9,409,000 12,586,000 21,995,000 14 2043 5,321,000 5,316,000 10,637,000 15 2044 5,478,000 5,473,000 10,951,000 16 2045 5,610,000 5,604,000 11,214,000 17 2046 5,771,000 5,765,000 11,536,000 18 2047 5,936,000 5,929,000 11,865,000 19 2048 6,120,000 6,114,000 12,234,000 20 2049 6,275,000 6,270,000 12,545,000 21 2050 6,452,000 6,445,000 12,897,000 22 2051 6,632,000 6,625,000 13,257,000 23 2052 6,835,000 6,827,000 13,662,000 24 2053 7,004,000 6,997,000 14,001,000 25 2054 7,197,000 7,189,000 14,386,000 26 2055 7,394,000 7,386,000 14,780,000 27 2056 8,329,000 8,320,000 16,649,000 28 2057 8,528,000 8,519,000 17,047,000 29 2058 8,754,000 8,745,000 17,499,000 30 2059 8,986,000 8,977,000 17,963,000 31 2060 9,249,000 9,238,000 18,487,000 32 2061 9,471,000 9,461,000 18,932,000 33 2062 9,724,000 9,713,000 19,437,000 34 2063 9,983,000 9,973,000 19,956,000 35 2064 10,277,000 10,265,000 20,542,000 36 2065 10,524,000 10,512,000 21,036,000 37 2066 10,806,000 10,795,000 21,601,000 38 2067 11,097,000 11,084,000 22,181,000 39 2068 11,423,000 11,411,000 22,834,000 40 2069 11,700,000 11,689,000 23,389,000 000234

Page 19 of 24 Exhibit 3 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC ESTIMATED ANNUAL DECOMMISSIONING EXPENDITURES 2020 Funding Analysis II. FUTURE DOLLAR DECOMMISSIONING COST (Including 10% Contingency) Future Dollar Decommissioning Cost (1) Line Period CP 1 CP 2 Total Cost (A) (B) (C) = (A) + (B) 41 2070 12,016,000 12,003,000 24,019,000 42 2071 12,340,000 12,327,000 24,667,000 43 2072 12,705,000 12,691,000 25,396,000 44 2073 13,014,000 12,999,000 26,013,000 45 2074 13,363,000 13,350,000 26,713,000 46 2075 13,723,000 13,709,000 27,432,000 47 2076 14,129,000 14,113,000 28,242,000 48 2077 14,471,000 14,455,000 28,926,000 49 2078 14,860,000 14,845,000 29,705,000 50 2079 15,259,000 15,244,000 30,503,000 51 2080 15,710,000 15,693,000 31,403,000 52 2081 16,092,000 16,075,000 32,167,000 53 2082 16,525,000 16,507,000 33,032,000 54 2083 16,969,000 16,951,000 33,920,000 55 2084 17,471,000 17,452,000 34,923,000 56 2085 17,895,000 17,877,000 35,772,000 57 2086 18,378,000 18,359,000 36,737,000 58 2087 18,873,000 18,853,000 37,726,000 59 2088 19,432,000 19,410,000 38,842,000 60 2089 19,903,000 19,883,000 39,786,000 61 2090 20,441,000 20,419,000 40,860,000 62 2091 20,992,000 20,970,000 41,962,000 63 2092 21,614,000 21,591,000 43,205,000 64 2093 22,140,000 22,117,000 44,257,000 65 2094 22,738,000 22,715,000 45,453,000 66 2095 115,637,000 115,502,000 231,139,000 67 2096 70,836,000 70,398,000 141,234,000 68 69 $ 1,794,504,000 $ 1,896,826,000 $ 3,691,330,000 NOTES: (Exhibit 3, Part II) (1) As found in Table 8 and 9 of Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Financial Escalation Analysis prepared by TLG Services Inc. Includes an allowance for contingency of 10% of the cost of decommissioning in compliance with Substantive Rule §25.231(b)(1)(F)(1). CP1 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #1 CP2 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #2 000235



- CP1 Net Fund     Decommissioning     Fund      Weighted   Net Line Year Contributions     Earnings          Outlays    Accumulation  Avg Life Retum (A)      (B)            (C)              (D)            (E)        (F)      (G) 1  2019                Balance at 12/31/19        >      623,952,136 2  2020   12,012,715       24,197,915                -   660,162,766  71 8    3.841%

3 2021 13,992,779 25,626,864 - 699,782,410 71 8 3.841% 4 2022 13,992,779 27,148,731 - 740,923,920 71.8 3.841% 5 2023 13,992,779 28,729,055 - 783,645,754 71.8 3.841% 6 2024 13,992,779 30,370,083 - 828,008,616 71.8 3.841% 7 2025 13,992,779 32,074,145 - 874,075,541 71 8 3.841% 8 2026 13,992,779 33,843,665 - 921,911,985 71.8 3.841% 9 2027 13,992,779 35,681,154 - 971,585,918 71 8 3.841% 10 2028 13,992,779 35,076,226 - 1,020,654,923 71.8 3.584% 11 2029 13,992,779 34,196,043 - 1,068,843,745 71.8 3.328% 12 2030 3,498,195 30,983,227 101,768,000 1,001,557,167 71.8 3.038% 13 2031 27,594,459 172,710,000 856,441,626 68.0 3.015% 14 2032 23,112,021 177,481,000 702,072,647 61 4 3.011% 15 2033 18,915,006 137,330,000 583,657,653 53 8 2.986% 16 2034 15,510,509 118,995,000 480,173,162 47.3 2.959% 17 2035 12,965,445 81,668,000 411,470,606 41.2 2.951% 18 2036 11,895,330 22,388,000 400,977,937 36 5 2.972% 19 2037 11,539,517 22,902,000 389,615,454 35.2 2.962% 20 2038 11,137,523 26,553,000 374,199,977 33 8 2.959% 21 2039 10,723,749 30,224,000 354,699,726 32 2 2.986% 22 2040 10,122,769 33,150,000 331,672,495 30 3 2 994% 23 2041 9,440,856 31,524,000 309,589,352 28.3 2.988% 24 2042 9,289,057 9,409,000 309,469,409 26 2 3 047% 25 2043 9,385,585 5,321,000 313,533,993 25 6 3.059% 26 2044 9,506,935 5,478,000 317,562,929 25.3 3 059% 27 2045 9,627,745 5,610,000 321,580,674 24.9 3.059% 28 2046 9,747,570 5,771,000 325,557,244 24.6 3.059% 29 2047 9,866,045 5,936,000 329,487,288 24.2 3.058% 30 2048 9,982,666 6,120,000 333,349,954 23.9 3 058% 31 2049 10,097,858 6,275,000 337,172,812 23.5 3 058% 32 2050 10,211,352 6,452,000 340,932,164 23.1 3.058% 33 2051 10,322,824 6,632,000 344,622,989 22.7 3 058% 34 2052 10,431,689 6,835,000 348,219,678 22 3 3.057% 35 2053 10,538,406 7,004,000 351,754,084 22 0 3.057% 36 2054 10,642,688 7,197,000 355,199,772 21 6 3 057% 37 2055 10,744,156 7,394,000 358,549,927 21 2 3.057% 38 2056 10,826,451 8,329,000 361,047,379 20.7 3.055% 39 2057 10,898,760 8,528,000 363,418,139 20 3 3.055% 40 2058 10,966,585 8,754,000 365,630,724 19.8 3.054% 41 2059 11,029,422 8,986,000 367,674,146 19 4 3.054% 42 2060 11,086,390 9,249,000 369,511,536 18.9 3.054% 43 2061 11,137,924 9,471,000 371,178,459 18 4 3 053% 44 2062 11,183,549 9,724,000 372,638,009 18 0 3.053% 45 2063 11,222,669 9,983,000 373,877,678 17.5 3.053% 46 2064 11,254,280 10,277,000 374,854,958 17 0



- CP1 Net Fund     Decommissioning         Fund            Weighted                Net Line   Year    Contributions        Earnings           Outlays       Accumulation        Avg Life              Return (A)          (B)               (C)               (D)              (E)               (F)                  (G) 47   2065                           11,278,861        10,524,000      375,609,818         16 5                3.052%

48 2066 11,295,841 10,806,000 376,099,659 16 0 3 051% 49 2067 11,304,497 11,097,000 376,307,156 15.5 3.051% 50 2068 11,303,707 11,423,000 376,187,863 15 0 3.050% 51 2069 11,293,960 11,700,000 375,781,823 14.5 3.050% 52 2070 11,274,564 12,016,000 375,040,387 13.9 3.049% 53 2071 11,244,690 12,340,000 373,945,077 13 4 3.048% 54 2072 11,203,057 12,705,000 372,443,135 12 9 3.048% 55 2073 11,150,170 13,014,000 370,579,304 12 3 3.047% 56 2074 11,085,287 13,363,000 368,301,591 11.8 3.046% 57 2075 11,007,468 13,723,000 365,586,059 11.3 3 045% 58 2076 10,915,206 14,129,000 362,372,265 10 7 3.045% 59 2077 10,809,046 14,471,000 358,710,311 10.2 3 044% 60 2078 10,688,099 14,860,000 354,538,410 9.6 3.043% 61 2079 10,551,285 15,259,000 349,830,696 91 3.042% 62 2080 10,396,898 15,710,000 344,517,594 85 3.040% 63 2081 10,225,434 16,092,000 338,651,027 8.0 3.039% 64 2082 10,035,876 16,525,000 332,161,904 7.4 3.038% 65 2083 9,826,973 16,969,000 325,019,877 6.9 3.036% 66 2084 9,596,779 17,471,000 317,145,656 6.4 3.034% 67 2085 9,345,816 17,895,000 308,596,472 58 3.032% 68 2086 9,072,873 18,378,000 299,291,345 5.3 3.030% 69 2087 8,776,487 18,873,000 289,194,832 48 3 028% 70 2088 8,454,452 19,432,000 278,217,284 4.3 3.025% 71 2089 7,418,401 19,903,000 265,732,685 38 2.765% 72 2090 6,400,204 20,441,000 251,691,888 3.3 2.505% 73 2091 5,411,567 20,992,000 236,111,455 28 2.244% 74 2092 5,042,537 21,614,000 219,539,991 2.4 2.238% 75 2093 4,652,551 22,140,000 202,052,543 20 2.232% 76 2094 4,240,418 22,738,000 183,554,961 1.7 2.224% 77 2095 2,353,280 115,637,000 70,271,241 1.4 1.872% 78 2096 564,759 70,836,000 (0) 05 1.620% 79 80 Totals 141,445,923 1,029,105,941 1,794,504,000 NOTES. (Exhibit 4, Part l) Line 1 Net After-tax Market Value of the Trust at December 31, 2019. (See Exhibit 1, Part I, line 7) Line 2 Current contributions for 9 months with new rates implemented on September 1, 2020 (Contributions lag by one month) Columns (B) Assumes new rates are implemented and continue until the end of each unit's license. (C) Fund earnings are net of projected expenses and taxes. (C) = [ previous (E) + [ (B) - (D) ] / 2 j* Return (D) Decommissioning Cost from Exhibit 3, Part II. (E) Column (E) = Previous year (E) + Current year (B) + Current year (C) - Current year (D). (F) Weighted Average Life (See Column (G) on Exhibit 2, Part I & II) (G) Net after-tax and fee Retum from Exhibit 2, Part III 000237



- CP2 Net Fund     Decommissioning     Fund      Weighted   Net Line Year Contributions     Earnings          Outlays    Accumulation  Avg Life Return (A)      (B)            (C)               (D)           (E)        (F)      (G) 1  2019                Balance at 12/31/19        >      692,508,537 2  2020    7,746,062       26,749,353                -   727,003,952  72 8    3 841%

3 2021 5,359,503 28,028,552 - 760,392,007 72 8 3 841% 4 2022 5,359,503 29,311,051 - 795,062,560 72 8 3.841% 5 2023 5,359,503 30,642,814 - 831,064,877 72 8 3 841% 6 2024 5,359,503 32,025,732 - 868,450,112 72.8 3.841% 7 2025 5,359,503 33,461,771 - 907,271,385 72.8 3.841% 8 2026 5,359,503 34,952,970 947,583,858 72.8 3.841% 9 2027 5,359,503 36,501,450 - 989,444,810 72.8 3.841% 10 2028 5,359,503 35,561,633 - 1,030,365,946 72.8 3 584% 11 2029 5,359,503 34,375,546 - 1,070,100,995 72.8 3.328% 12 2030 5,359,503 32,595,784 - 1,108,056,281 72 8 3 038% 13 2031 5,359,503 33,490,043 - 1,146,905,827 72 8 3.015% 14 2032 5,359,503 34,608,840 - 1,186,874,170 72 8 3 011% 15 2033 1,339,876 34,005,916 97,573,000 1,124,646,961 72.8 2.986% 16 2034 30,889,267 161,558,000 993,978,229 69 5 2.959% 17 2035 26,710,633 177,756,000 842,932,862 63 9 2.951% 18 2036 22,668,730 160,265,000 705,336,592 57 2 2.972% 19 2037 18,623,407 153,373,000 570,586,998 50 6 2.962% 20 2038 14,952,419 130,684,000 454,855,417 43.6 2.959% 21 2039 12,498,407 72,685,000 394,668,824 36.9 2 986% 22 2040 11,041,703 51,699,000 354,011,527 32.8 2 994% 23 2041 9,810,007 51,497,000 312,324,534 29.7 2.988% 24 2042 9,323,993 12,586,000 309,062,528 26.5 3 047% 25 2043 9,373,215 5,316,000 313,119,742 25 6 3 059% 26 2044 9,494,340 5,473,000 317,141,082 25 3 3.059% 27 2045 9,614,934 5,604,000 321,152,016 25.0 3.059% 28 2046 9,734,550 5,765,000 325,121,566 24.6 3 059% 29 2047 9,852,827 5,929,000 329,045,393 24.2 3.058% 30 2048 9,969,244 6,114,000 332,900,637 23.9 3 058% 31 2049 10,084,194 6,270,000 336,714,831 23.5 3.058% 32 2050 10,197,455 6,445,000 340,467,287 23.1 3 058% 33 2051 10,308,717 6,625,000 344,151,004 22.7 3.058% 34 2052 10,417,381 6,827,000 347,741,386 22.4 3 057% 35 2053 10,523,891 6,997,000 351,268,276 22 0 3 057% 36 2054 10,627,960 7,189,000 354,707,236 21.6 3.057% 37 2055 10,729,223 7,386,000 358,050,459 21.2 3 057% 38 2056 10,811,330 8,320,000 360,541,789 20 8 3.055% 39 2057 10,883,453 8,519,000 362,906,242 20 3 3.055% 40 2058 10,951,087 8,745,000 365,112,330 19 9 3.054% 41 2059 11,013,727 8,977,000 367,149,057 19.4 3.054% 42 2060 11,070,523 9,238,000 368,981,580 18.9 3.054% 43 2061 11,121,895 9,461,000 370,642,475 18.4 3.053% 44 2062 11,167,354 9,713,000 372,096,829 18.0 3.053% 45 2063 11,206,302 9,973,000 373,330,131 17 5 3.053% 46 2064 11,237,751 10,265,000 374,302,882 17 0 66612/4




- CP2 Net Fund     Decommissioning        Fund             Weighted                 Net Line  Year     Contributions        Earnings           Outlays      Accumulation         Avg Life                Return (A)          (B)                (C)               (D)             (E)                (F)                   (G) 47   2065                           11,262,196        10,512,000     375,053,078          16.5                 3.052%

48 2066 11,279,021 10,795,000 375,537,099 16.0 3.051% 49 2067 11,287,533 11,084,000 375,740,632 15.5 3 051% 50 2068 11,286,610 11,411,000 375,616,242 15 0 3 050% 51 2069 11,276,695 11,689,000 375,203,938 14 5 3.050% 52 2070 11,257,142 12,003,000 374,458,080 13.9 3.049% 53 2071 11,227,137 12,327,000 373,358,217 13 4 3.048% 54 2072 11,185,385 12,691,000 371,852,602 12 9 3.048% 55 2073 11,132,404 12,999,000 369,986,007 12 4 3.047% 56 2074 11,067,411 13,350,000 367,703,418 11.8 3.046% 57 2075 10,989,464 13,709,000 364,983,882 11.3 3.045% 58 2076 10,897,117 14,113,000 361,767,999 10.7 3 045% 59 2077 10,790,898 14,455,000 358,103,897 10 2 3.044% 60 2078 10,669,876 14,845,000 353,928,773 9.6 3.043% 61 2079 10,532,971 15,244,000 349,217,744 9.1 3.042% 62 2080 10,378,521 15,693,000 343,903,266 86 3.040% 63 2081 10,207,023 16,075,000 338,035,288 80 3.039% 64 2082 10,017,446 16,507,000 331,545,734 7.5 3 038% 65 2083 9,808,539 16,951,000 324,403,273 6.9 3.036% 66 2084 9,578,358 17,452,000 316,529,631 6.4 3.034% 67 2085 9,327,409 17,877,000 307,980,040 5.8 3 032% 68 2086 9,054,481 18,359,000 298,675,521 53 3.030% 69 2087 8,758,144 18,853,000 288,580,665 4.8 3 028% 70 2088 8,436,206 19,410,000 277,606,871 43 3.025% 71 2089 7,401,797 19,883,000 265,125,668 3.8 2.765% 72 2090 6,385,274 20,419,000 251,091,942 3.3 2 505% 73 2091 5,398,353 20,970,000 235,520,295 28 2.244% 74 2092 5,029,563 21,591,000 218,958,858 2.4 2.238% 75 2093 4,639,838 22,117,000 201,481,696 20 2.232% 76 2094 4,227,979 22,715,000 182,994,676 1.7 2 224% 77 2095 2,344,057 115,502,000 69,836,733 1.4 1.872% 78 2096 561,267 70,398,000 0 0.5 1.620% 79 80 Totals 73,399,969 1,130,917,494 1,896,826,000 NOTES (Exhibit 4, Part II) Line 1 Net After-tax Market Value of the Trust at December 31, 2019 (See Exhibit 1, Part I, line 7) Line 2 Current contributions for 9 months with new rates implemented on September 1, 2020 (Contributions lag by one month) Columns (B) Assumes new rates are implemented and continue until the end of each unit's license. (C) Fund earnings are net of projected expenses and taxes. (C) = [ previous (E) + [ (B) - (D) 1 / 2 ]

  • Return (D) Decommissioning Cost from Exhibit 3, Part II (E) Column (E) = Previous year (E) + Current year (B) + Current year (C) - Current year (D).

(F) Weighted Average Life (See Column (G) on Exhibit 2, Part I & II) (G) Net after-tax and fee Retum from Exhibit 2, Part III 000239

Page 24 of 24 Exhibit 4 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC 2020 Funding Analysis III. CONTRIBUTION


Line Description CP 1 CP 2 Total 1 Average annual amounts currently being collected 11,352,694 8,541,582 19,894,275 2 Current Contribution Allocation 57.1% 42.9% 100.0% 3 Annual funding amount determined in this nuclear decommissioning Funding Analysis 13,992,779 5,359,503 19,352,282 4 Contribution Allocation 72 3% 27.7% 100.0% 5 Change in annual contributions determined in this Analysis 2,640,086 (3,182,079) (541,993) 6 Funding Analysis


7 (A) Change the allocation of collections between CP 1 and CP 2 as shown above. 8 (B) Maintain the same collection factor NOTES: (Exhibit 4, Part III) Line 1-2 represents the average annual collections over the last five years (See Exhibit 1, Part IV) Line 3-4 represents the new collection rate calculated in this Funding Analysis and the allocation between units Line 5 shows a change in required annual collection rates of -$541,993 or (2 7%) Line 6-8 Funding Analysis conclusions CP1 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #1 CP2 = Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit #2 000240

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 2 Addendum StartPage: 0

                                                                                           < REEC~.
                                                                                         ?~ J ol 20242
                                                                                                            \433~-R.0 DOCKET NO. 50945                                       0 1
                                                                                          \C ek APPLICATION OF COMMANCHE                                          §         PUBLIC UTILITY eQMMIRSION     4 PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC FOR                                        §                          tt)-7 REVIEW OF NUCLEAR                                                 §                    OF TEXAS*~ELERMc5f~

DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY § AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER 16 § TAC § 25.303*(2) § ORDER NO. 1 REQUIRING COMMISSION STAFF'S COMMENTS This Order addresses Comanche Peak Power Company LLC's June 17, 2020 application for a review of a nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis under 16 Texas Administrative Code § 25.303(f)(2). By August 7,2020, Commission Staff must file comments on the application, including recommendations on the sufficiency of the application and notice. Commission Staff must also file a procedural schedule for further processing of the application. Signed at Austin, Texas the 20th day of July 2020. PlBUC' UT1!Lrn COjl,113.SION OF TEXAS 1 7 /,\- EUN*R Bl]*ICH,GTER ImEF AD,lrVSTRAT]VE LAW JUDGE Q \CADM\Docket Management\Electric\MISCELLANEOUS\50xxx\50945-1 docx \\puc4-aav-fs\shared\cadm\docket management\electnc\miscellaneous\50xxx\50945-1 docx

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 3 Addendum StartPage: 0


                                                                                             <<.<04 RECEIVED xtb, Nd<    AUG D 7 2020

Iml i><Ij DOCKET NO. 50945 44 lbl

                                                                               \\ \ BY               /0//

APPLICATION OF COMMANCHE § A~-/ '/ PUBLIC UTILITY COM. _- - -____~V'%*,/f PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC FOR § Xtiwtt3bt5>/ REVIEW OF NUCLEAR § OF TEXAS DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY § AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER § 16 TAC §25.303(f)(2) § COMMISSION STAFF'S SUFFICIENCY RECOMMENDATION COMES NOW the Staff(Staff) ofthe Public Utility Commission of Texas (Commission), representing the public interest, and files this Sufficiency Recommendation. In support thereof, Staff would show the following: I. BACKGROUND On June 16, 2020, Comanche Peak Power Company LLC (Comanche Peak) filed an application for review of a nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis under 16 Texas Administrative Code § 25.303(f)(2). On July 20,2020, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) issued Order No. 1, directing Commission Staffto file a recommendation regarding the sufficiency of the application and notice and providing a proposed procedural schedule by August 20, 2018. Therefore, the pleading is timely filed. II. COMMENTS REGARDING SUFFICIENCY AND NOTICE Staffhas reviewed the application and recommends that the application and notice be found sufficient. 1 Uj

III. PROPOSED PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE Staff recommends the following procedural schedule: Event Date Deadline for Comanche Peak to file proof of August 24,2020 notice Deadline to file motions to intervene September 1,2020 Deadline for intervenors to request hearing, or September 11,2020 deadline for intervenor comments on the merits, if not requesting a hearing Deadline for Staff to request a hearing, or September 21,2020 deadline for Staffto file recommendation ifnot requesting a hearing Deadline for Comanche Peak to respond to September 28,2020 intervenor or Staff recommendations and to request a hearing, or deadline for parties to file proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, and ordering paragraphs. IV. CONCLUSION Staff respectfully requests the entry of an order finding the application and notice sufficient and adopting the above referenced procedural schedule. 2

Dated: August 7,2020 Respectfully submitted, PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS LEGAL DIVISION Rachelle Nicolette Robles Division Director Eleanor D'Ambrosio Managing Attorney

                                               /s/ John Harrison John Harrison State Bar No. 24097806 1701 N. Congress Avenue P.O. Box 13326 Austin, Texas 78711-3326 (512) 936-7277 (512) 936-7268 (facsimile)

John.Harrison@puc.texas.gov DOCKET NO. 50945 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that, unless otherwise ordered by the presiding officer, notice of the filing of this document was provided to all parties ofrecord viaelectronic mail on August 7,2020, in accordance with the Order Suspending Rules, issued in Project No. 50664.

                                               /s/ John Harrison John Harrison 3

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 5 Addendum StartPage: 0

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                                                                                         ~            AUG 1 2 1020 FUJ DOCE[I 3<<k 5-*5                                 \*c           BY_      -Ij
                                                                                                                  ,/.j APPLICATION OF COMANCHE PEAK
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  • ANAIXSIS UNDER 16 TAI § 25-3*3(i*Z) * *ILI~$

AFFIDAUT REGARDING PROO, <<* Vm I STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME. the undetsigmed :=ul~giitly afqp,e,mudl. lb=iklg Gmtl dili* sw.eini. dem~Be{i anti stated:

1. --My name is Gary- L Moor I aiimii Diue=ou- dr Ligmli Apwmdimn£. 0 m,Im tthc autijurizedi legal representative ot- Comamche Peak Pe#rir Cg=iputmy IL]L£' <<llomum:ik ]Mmit"h. liariing its principal place of b,Bines5 at 6555 Skmt IDuiirc b#,& -I[X 75@B~l. Il am tikM: authorized:

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Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 6 Addendum StartPage: 0

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REVIEW OF NUCLEAR § OF TEXAS ln-u >>- DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY § AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER § 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2) COMMISSION STAFF'S FINAL RECOMMENDATION COMES NOW the Staff(Staff) ofthe Public Utility Commission of Texas (Commission), representing the public interest, and files this Final Recommendation. In support thereof, Staff would show the following: I. BACKGROUND On June 16, 2020, Comanche Peak Power Company LLC (Comanche Peak) filed an application for review of a nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis under 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.303(f)(2). On August 10, 2020, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) issued Order No. 2, directing Staff to file a final recommendation by September 21,2020. Therefore, the pleading is timely filed. II. FINAL RECOMMENDATION As detailed in the attached memorandum of Darryl Tietjen of the Commission's Rate Regulation Division, Staff recommends approval of the application. The evidence provided by Comanche Peak demonstrates compliance with 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4). III. CONCLUSION Staff respectfully requests the entry of an order approving the application. 1 O3

Dated: September 21, 2020 Respectfully submitted, PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS LEGAL DIVISION Rachelle Nicolette Robles Division Director Eleanor D'Ambrosio Managing Attorney _/s/ John Harrison John Harrison State Bar No. 24097806 1701 N. Congress Avenue P.O. Box 13326 Austin, Texas 78711-3326 (512) 936-7277 (512) 936-7268 (facsimile) John.Harrison@puc.texas.gov DOCKET NO. 50945 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certi fy that, unless otherwise ordered by the presiding officer, notice of the filing of this document was provided to all parties of record via electronic mail on September 21, 2020, in accordance with the Order Suspending Rules, issued in Project No. 50664.

                                               /s/ John Harrison John Harrison 2

Public Utility Commission of Texas Memorandum To: John Harrison, Legal Division Fronn: Darryl Tietjen, Rate Regulation Division Date: September 21,2020 Re : Docket No . 50945-Application of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC for Review of Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis Under 16 TAC § 25.3030)(2) Recommendation I recommend approval of the request by Comanche Peak Power Company LLC (CPPC) to maintain at current annual funding levels the amount of estimated decommissioning expense for Units 1 and 2 of the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (Comanche Peak). Additionally, I recommend approval of CPPC's request to adjust the allocations between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds from 57.1% for Unit 1 and 42.9% for Unit 2 to 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% percent for Unit 2. Background and General Information Both Units 1 and 2 of Comanche Peak have operating license terms of 40 years. Consistent with the expiration dates of the licenses, the expected dates for ceasing operations and beginning decommissioning expenditures are 2030 for Unit 1 and 2033 for Unit 2. On behalfofCPPC, the engineering firm TLG Services, Inc. (TLG) issued in May 2020 an updated analysis ofthe cost of decommissioning Units 1 and 2. TLG developed a cost estimate (expressed in year-2019 dollars) of $1.729 billion, an amount that refiects a contingency rate of 10 percent as required by 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.303(f)(2). Based on this cost estimate, and as further discussed below, an annual funding amount of $19.4 million over the remaining operating life of CPPC is necessary to fully fund the estimated future decommissioning costs. CPPC states in its application that the five-year average ofdecommissioning fund collections from 2015-2019 was $19.9 million annually. CPPC further states (on page 2 of its filing) that the assumptions in the decommissioning study, financial escalation analysis, and funding analysis "likely have inherent and considerable uncertainty based on the predictability of long-term costs and market conditions." As a result of these considerations, CPPC proposes no change in the current funding rate. Discussion The determination of an annual funding amount for future decommissioning expense requires various inputs and assumptions, including the rate at which the amount ofdecommissioning costs will escalate, the investment returns that the decommissioning trust fund will earn over time, the timing of the actual expenditures, and the overall time period over which the entire decommissioning process will occur. Based on the information in the current filing related to

Docket No. 50945-Staff Recommendation Page 2 of 2 Comanche Peak's updated decommissioning cost estimates, projected cost escalation, and anticipated investment returns, CPPC proposes no change in current collection levels, which, as noted above, have averaged $19.9 million per year over the last five years. CPPC does, however, propose an adjustment in the allocation between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds from 57.1% for Unit 1 and 42.9% for Unit 2 to 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2. 1 have reviewed the funding model and the information provided by CPPC in its filing and in response to informal discovery; this information includes the rates of return estimated by JP Morgan and Aon Hewitt,1 the tax and fee information provided by BNY Mellon, and the estimated decommissioning cost escalation rates as estimated by TLG. I believe that the types of investments and the expected rates of return assumed by the investment advisors over the investment horizon are reasonable and consistent with the provisions of 16 TAC § 25.303 (which establishes the investment guidelines for nuclear decommissioning trust funds), and I find that the composite cost escalation rate of approximately 2.65%, as estimated by TLG, is generally consistent with the escalation rates approved by the Commission in other recent proceedings involving decommissioning-expense funding.2 Incorporating the inputs described above into CPPC's decommissioning-expense funding model results in an annual funding amount of approximately $19.4 million. For purposes of collecting an appropriate amount of annual decommissioning-expense funding for Comanche Peak, and as a conservative approach to ensuring adequate funding levels given the degree of inherent uncertainty in long-term financial and economic projections, I believe that CPPC's request to maintain funding at the current levels is reasonable. Additionally, to achieve a proper balancing of funds for Units 1 and 2,1 believe it is reasonable to approve CPPC's request to adjust the allocation between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds from 57.1% for Unit 1 and 42.9% for Unit 2 to 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2. Accordingly, I recommend that the Commission approve CPPC's requests in this proceeding. 1 Aon Hewitt manages the trust investments, with Comanche Peak providing overall investment trust management oversight along with managers PIMCO, NISA Investment Advisors, Northern Trust, and BNY Mellon. 1 See, Application of NRG South Texas LP for Review ofthe Cost of Decommissioning Units 1 and 2 of the South Texas Project, Docket No . 48447 , Order ( Dec . 20 , 2018 ); Notice by the San Antonio City Public Service Board of Receipt of Updated Decommissioning Study and Filing Under 16 TAC § 25.303(D, DocketNo. 48556, Order (Mar. 1,2019).

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 7 Addendum StartPage: 0

4#// REC~NVEl) il/0/ V il-31 DOCKET NO. 50945 C,3 < SEP 2 8 2020


APPLICATION OF COMANCHE PEAK § t \ By_ PUBLIC UTILIT ¥4GQMIVIISS-~N/ / POWER COMPANY LLC FOR REVIEW § C LE.1>> OF NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING § OF TEXAS ----- COST STUDY AND FUNDING § ANALYSIS UNDER 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2) § JOINT PROPOSED ORDER AND REQUEST TO ADMIT EVIDENCE COMES NOW Comanche Peak Power Company LLC (Comanche Peak), together with the Staff (Staff) of the Public Utility Commission of Texas (Commission), representing the public interest, and files this Joint Proposed Order and Request to Admit Evidence of Comanche Peak for review of nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis pursuant to 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.303(f). The Proposed Order includes proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, and ordering paragraphs, in compliance with Order No. 2. In accordance with Order No. 2, this filing is timely on September 28,2020. I. REQUEST TO ADMIT EVIDENCE The parties jointly request to admit the following evidence into the record of this proceeding: (a) Comanche Peak's application for review of nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis under 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2) filed on June 16,2020 (AlS Item No. 1); (b) Staff's sufficiency recommendation filed on August 7,2020 (AIS Item No. 3); (c) Comanche Peak's Affidavit Regarding Proof of Notice filed on August 12, 2020 (AlS Item No. 5); and (d) Staff's final recommendation filed on September 21, 2020 (AIS Item No. 6). II. PROPOSED ORDER The Proposed Order would approve Comanche Peak's recommendation regarding its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis pursuant to 16 TAC § 25.303 to adjust the allocation of collections between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds but make no change in the current collection rate. The docket was processed in accordance with applicable JOINT PROPOSED ORDER AND REQUEST TO ADMIT EVIDENCE Page 1

statutes and Commission rules. Notice of the application was provided to interested parties. No protests and no requests for hearing were filed. Therefore, Comanche Peak and Staff are the only parties to this proceeding. III. CONCLUSION Staff has reviewed Comanche Peak's filing and recommends its approval, and therefore, the parties respectfully request that the Commission adopt the attached findings of fact and conclusions of law as well as grant the admittance of the specified pieces of evidence. Respectfully submitted, ls/ Kirk D. Rasmussen Kirk D. Rasmussen State Bar No. 24013374 Jackson Walker LLP 100 Congress Avenue, Suite 1100 Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 236-2000 (512) 691-4427 (fax) Email: krasmussen@jw.com ATTORNEYS FOR COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a copy of this document was served on all parties of record on this date via the Commission's Interchange in accordance with the Commission's order in Docket No. 50664 suspending PUC Procedural Rule 22.74.

                                                     /s/ Kirk D. Rasmussen Kirk D. Rasmussen JOINT PROPOSED ORDER AND REQUEST TO ADMIT EVIDENCE                                          Page 2

DOCKET NO. 50945 APPLICATION OF COMANCHE PEAK § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION POWER COMPANY LLC FOR REVIEW § OF NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING § OF TEXAS COST STUDY AND FUNDING § ANALYSIS UNDER 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2) § PROPOSED ORDER This Order addresses the nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis filing of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC (Comanche Peak) for review of the annual cost of decommissioning Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 (CPNPP), pursuant to PURA1 § 39.205 and 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.303. Public Utility Commission of Texas (Commission) Staff recommended that the Commission approve the continuation of the current annual funding amounts for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to CPNPP and authorizes Comanche Peak to make an adjustment in the allocation of collections between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds that was shown as necessary through the cost study and funding analysis. I. Findings of Fact The Commission makes the following findings of fact. Applicant

1. Comanche Peak is a power generation company registered with the Commission under power generation company number 20407.
2. Comanche Peak is a power generation company that generates electricity that is intended to be sold at wholesale.

i Public Utility Regulatory Act, Tex. Util. Code §§ 11.001-66.016 (PURA).


3. On June 16,2020, Comanche Peak filed a study of the decommissioning costs of CPNPP, a financial escalation analysis of the decommissioning costs of CPNPP, and an updated funding analysis of CPNPP.
4. Comanche Peak requested no change to the current annual funding amounts for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to CPNPP.
5. Comanche Peak requested an adjustment in the allocation of collections between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds.
6. In Order No. 2 filed on August 10,2020, the administrative law judge (ALJ) found the application sufficient.

Decommissioninlz Costs and Funding

7. Comanche Peak administers a nuclear decommissioning trust fund for CPNPP, for which Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC (Oncor) is the collecting utility.
8. Comanche Peak's current annual funding amount approved in Docket No. 448452 is
9. The contribution allocation approved in Docket No. 44845 is 57.1% for Unit 1 and 42.9%

for Unit 2. Notice

10. Comanche Peak sent via FedEx a copy of the nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis to the Office of Public Utility Counsel in accordance with the requirements of 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2).

1 Application of Luminant Generation Company LLC or Review of Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis , Docket No . 44845 , Ordering Paragraph No . 2 (Nov . 6 , 2015 ).

11. Comanche Peak emailed a copy of the decommissioning cost study and funding analysis to Oncor.
12. In Order No. 2 filed on August 10,2020, the ALJ found the proposed notice sufficient.
13. On August 12,2020, Comanche Peak filed the affidavit of Gary L. Moor, Director of Legal Operations, attesting to the provision of notice as described in findings of fact 10 and 11.

CPNPP Nuclear Decommissioninu Trusts

14. As of December 31, 2019, the Net After-Tax Value of the trusts for CPNPP Units 1 and 2 was $1,316460,673, with $623,952,136 for Unit 1 and $692,508,537 for Unit 2.
15. The Decommissioning Cost Analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, prepared by TLG Services, Inc. (TLG) dated May 2020 (Decommissioning Study) and Financial Escalation Analysis for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (Financial Escalation Analysis), prepared by TLG in May 2020, estimate the total cost to decommission and completely dismantle CPNPP at $1,729 million in 2019 dollars assuming a ten percent contingency.
16. Based on the results of the Decommissioning Study and Financial Escalation Analysis, Comanche Peak performed a Funding Analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (Funding Analysis) in June 2020.
17. The Funding Analysis shows a -2.7 percent difference between the required funding levels of $19.4 million and the five-year average CPNPP decommissioning fund collections from 2015-2019 of $19.9 million annually.
18. Because of the small difference in the required funding levels and five-year average collections and the inherent and considerable uncertainty ofthe predictability of long-term costs and market conditions, Comanche Peak proposed no change in the current collection rate.
19. Based on the results of the Funding Analysis, Comanche Peak proposed an adjustment in the allocation between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds from 57.1% for Unit 1 and 42.9% for Unit 2 to 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2.
20. On September 21, 2020, Commission Staff recommended approval of Comanche Peak's application.


21. On September 28,2020, Commission Staff and Comanche Peak filed a joint request to admit evidence.
22. ln Order No. 3 filed on , the ALJ granted the joint request and admitted the following evidence into the record ofthis proceeding: (a) Comanche Peak's application for review of nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis under 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2) filed on June 16,2020: (b) Commission Staff's sufficiency recommendation filed on August 7,2020; (c) Comanche Peak's A ffidavit Regarding Proof of Notice filed on August 12,2020; and (d) Commission Staff's final recommendation filed on September 21,2020.

Informal Disposition

23. More than 15 days have passed since the completion of the notice provided in this docket.
24. Commission Staff and Comanche Peak are the only parties to this proceeding.
25. No party filed protests or requests for hearing.
26. The decision is not adverse to any party.

II. Conclusions of Law The Commission makes the following conclusions of law. The Commission has jurisdiction over the application under PURA §§ 14.001,14.002, and 39.205. Notice of this proceeding complies with 16 TAC § 22.55 and 25.303(f)(2). The Commission processed this application in accordance with PURA, the Administrative Procedure Acd and Commission rules. The remaining costs associated with nuclear decommissioning obligations continue to be subject to cost of service regulation under PURA § 39.205. Under PURA § 39.205, the Commission is authorized to adopt rules to ensure that decommissioning funds are prudently collected, managed, and spent for the intended purpose of such funds and that any surplus is returned to retail customers. Comanche Peak filed its periodic study of the decommissioning costs for CPNPP and its updated decommissioning funding analysis in accordance with 16 TAC § 25.303(f). Comanche Peak has demonstrated that the funds in its nuclear decommissioning trusts are being invested prudently and in compliance with the investment guidelines set forth in 16 TAC § 25.303(e). Comanche Peak has demonstrated efforts to achieve optimum tax efficiency, including efforts to achieve "qualified" status in accordance with Internal Revenue Code § 468A. The annual funding amounts proposed by Comanche Peak for its nuclear decommissioning trust are necessary to ensure sufficient funds to decommission Comanche Peak Units 1 and 2 at the end of their useful life. 3 Administrative Procedure Act, Tex. Gov't Code §§ 2001.001-.902.

10. The requirements for informal disposition set forth in 16 TAC § 22.35 have been met in this proceeding.

III. Ordering Paragraphs In accordance with these findings of fact and conclusions of law, the Commission issues the following Order:

1. The Commission approves the annual funding amounts for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to Comanche Peak's ownership interest in CPNPP Units 1 and 2.
2. The Commission approves maintaining the annual funding amount of $20,077,165 through 2025 effective the date of this Order.
3. The Commission approves an adjustment in the allocation of the decommissioning funds of 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2.
4. All other motions, requests for entry of specific findings of fact and conclusions of law, and any other requests for general or specific relief, if not expressly granted herein, are hereby denied.


Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 8 Addendum StartPage: 0

ED ~j~

                                                                                     ~/ RECEIV
                                                                                     / lcD DOCKET NO. 50945                               ~~i
                                                                                     ~ BY-
                                                                                         \4                  7-/<7 P~L ING C\.~<<

APPLICATION OF COMMANCHE § PUBLIC UTILITY CONIM**SION PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC FOR § REVIEW OF NUCLEAR § OF TEXAS DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY § AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER 16 § TAC § 25.303*(2) § ORDER NO. 3 ADMITTING EVIDENCE This Order addresses the September 28,2020, joint request to admit evidence filed by Commission Staff and Comanche Peak Power Company LLC. The following evidence is admitted into the record of this proceeding:

1. Comanche Peak's application, including all attachments, filed on June 16, 2020;
2. Commission Staffs sufficiency recommendation filed on August 7,2020;
3. Comanche Peak's affidavit regarding proof of notice filed on August 12,2020; and
4. Commission Staffs final recommendation filed on September 21,2020.

Signed at Austin, Texas the 30th day of September 2020. Pl-BI.IC t-lll.1-1~', (.();1111>>ION ()1 Il*'7\*\N JffUN'A*:R lp<PU -h Bt Aki*t*I.1'FR CHI E F A D 11 !Nl >,Tlt \TI VE I,A# .Jl DG E Q \CADM\Docket Management\Electric\MISCELLANEOUS\50xxx\50945-3 evidence docx 00

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 9 Addendum StartPage: 0

DeAnn T. Walker Greg Abbott Chairman Governor Arthur C. D'Andrea Commissioner Shelly Botkin 4~ RECEIV ED ~\ Commissioner / f- C John Paul Urban Public Utility Commission of Texas (<,~( OCT - 6 2020 Executive Director /1-

                                                                                                   \\  ~ £3y                    jCOI
                                                                                                            ~\--ZUZZZL" TO:                 DeAnn T. Walker, Chairman Arthur C. D'Andrea, Commissioner Shelly Botkin, Commissioner All Parties o f Record FROM:               Hunter Burkhalter ZZE Chief Administrative Law Judge RE:                 Open Meeting of November 5,2020 Docket No . 50945 - Application of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC for Review of Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis Under 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2)

DATE: October 6,2020 Because of the COVID-19 state of disaster, the Commission has moved to a work at a home environment and is working to maintain operations as normally as possible. However, all known challenges have not yet been overcome and the dates provided in this notice are subject to change. Enclosed is a copy ofthe Proposed Order in the above-referenced docket. The Commission will consider this docket at an open meeting currently scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 5,2020, at the Commission's offices, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas. The parties must file corrections or exceptions to the Proposed Order by Tuesday, October 27, 2020. If there are no corrections or exceptions, no response is necessary. ag Q*\CADM\Docket Management\Electric\M ISCELLANEOUS\50xxx\50945 PO Memo docx ~ Printed on recycled paper An Equal Opportunity Employer 1701 N. Congress Avenue PO Box 13326 Austin, TX 78711 512/936-7000 Fax: 512/936-7003 web site: www.puc.texas.gov

DOCKET NO. 50945 APPLICATION OF COMMANCHE § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC FOR § REVIEW OF NUCLEAR § OF TEXAS DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY § AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER 16 § TAC § 25.303*(2) PROPOSED ORDER This Order addresses the application of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC for review of its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis under 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.303(f)(2). The Commission approves (a) continuation of the annual funding amount of $20,077,165 for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to Comanche Peak's ownership interest in Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2, through 2025; and (b) adjusting the allocation of the decommissioning funds to 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2. I. Findings of Fact The Commission makes the following findings of fact. Applicant

1. Comanche Peak is a foreign limited liability company registered with the secretary of state under filing number 802412555.
2. Comanche Peak is a power generation company registered with the Commission under power generation company number 20407.
3. Through Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Comanche Peak generates electricity that is intended to be sold at wholesale.


4. On June 16, 2020, Comanche Peak filed an application for review of a study of the decommissioning costs of Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, a financial escalation analysis of the decommissioning costs, and an updated funding analysis.

Docket No. 50945 Proposed Order Page 2 of 6

5. In the application, Comanche Peak requested no change to the current annual funding amounts for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant.
6. In the application, Comanche Peak requested an adjustment in the allocation of decommissioning funds between the Unit 1 and Unit 2.
7. In Order No. 2 filed on August 10, 2020, the administrative law judge (ALJ) found the application administratively complete.

Decommissioning Costs and Funding

8. Comanche Peak administers a nuclear decommissioning trust fund for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, for which Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC is the collecting utility.
9. Comanche Peak's current annual funding amount approved in Docket No. 44845' is
10. Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant consists of two units, Unit 1 and Unit 2, and the annual amount collected to cover the cost of nuclear decommissioning is allocated between the two units.
11. The annual amount collected to cover the cost of nuclear decommissioning has, since 2015, been allocated between Unit 1 and Unit 2 at an average rate of 57.1% for Unit 1 and 42.9%

for Unit 2. Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Decommissionine Trusts

12. As of December 31, 2019, the net after-tax value of the trusts for Units 1 and 2 totaled
       $1,316,460,673, consisting of $623,952,136 for Unit 1 and $692,508,537 for Unit 2.
13. The Decommissioning Cost Analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant prepared by TLG Services, Inc. dated May 2020 and the Financial Escalation Analysis for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant prepared by TLG in May 2020 estimate the total cost to decommission and completely dismantle Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant at $1.729 billion, in 2019 dollars, assuming a ten percent contingency.
      ' Application of Luminant Generation Company LLC for Review of Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis, Docket No . 44845 , Order at Ordering Paragraph No . 2 ( Nov . 6 , 2015 ).

Docket No. 50945 Proposed Order Page 3 of 6

14. Based on the results of the Decommissioning Study and Financial Escalation Analysis, Comanche Peak performed a Funding Analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant in June 2020.
15. The Funding Analysis shows a -2.7 percent difference between the required funding level of $19.4 million annually and the five-year average Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant decommissioning fund collections from 2015-2019 of $19.9 million annually.
16. No change to the current annual collection rate is warranted because (a) there is only a small difference between the required annual funding rate and the five-year average actual annual collection rate, and (b) there is inherent and considerable uncertainty as to the predictability of long-term costs and market conditions.
17. Based on the results of the Funding Analysis, the allocation between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds should be adjusted from 57.1% for Unit 1 and 42.9% for Unit 2 to 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2.


18. On June 15, 2020, Comanche Peak provided a copy of its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis to the Commission's Financial Review Division.
19. On August 12, 2020, Comanche Peak filed the affidavit of Gary L. Moor, Comanche Peak's Director of Legal Operations, attesting that, subsequent to filing its application, Comanche Peak provided copies of its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis to the Office of Public Utility Counsel and Oncor.
20. In Order No. 2 filed on August 10, 2020, the ALJ found the notice sufficient.


21. On September 28,2020, Commission Staff and Comanche Peak filed a joint request to admit evidence.
22. In Order No. 3 filed on September 30,2020, the ALJ admitted the following evidence into the record of this proceeding: (a) Comanche Peak's application, including all attachments, filed on June 16, 2020; (b) Commission Staffs sufficiency recommendation filed on August 7,2020; (c) Comanche Peak's affidavit regarding proof of notice filed on August 12,2020; and (d) Commission Staffs final recommendation filed on September 21,2020.

Docket No. 50945 Proposed Order Page 4 of 6 Informal Disposition

23. More than 15 days have passed since the completion of the notice provided in this docket.
24. No person filed a protest or motion to intervene.
25. Commission Staff and Comanche Peak are the only parties to this proceeding.
26. No party requested a hearing and no hearing is needed.
27. Commission Staff recommended approval o f the application.
28. This decision is not adverse to any party.

II. Conclusions of Law The Commission makes the following conclusions of law.

1. The Commission has authority over the application under PURA2§§ 14.001,14.002, and 39.205.
2. Notice of this proceeding was provided in compliance with 16 TAC § 22.55 and 25.303(f)(2).
3. The Commission processed this application in accordance with PURA, the Administrative Procedure Act,3 and Commission rules.
4. The remaining costs associated with nuclear decommissioning obligations continue to be subject to cost of service regulation under PURA § 39.205.
5. Under PURA § 39.205, the Commission is authorized to adopt rules to ensure that decommissioning funds are prudently collected, managed, and spent for the intended purpose of such funds and that any surplus is returned to retail customers.
6. Comanche Peak filed its periodic study of the decommissioning costs for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant and its updated decommissioning funding analysis in accordance with 16 TAC § 25.303(f).

2 Public Utihty Regulatory Act, Tex. Util. Code §§ 11.001-66.016. 3 TeX- Gov't Code §§ 2001.001-.903.

Docket No. 50945 Proposed Order Page 5 of 6

7. Comanche Peak demonstrated that the funds in its nuclear decommissioning trusts are being invested prudently and in compliance with the investment guidelines in 16 TAC
        § 25.303(e).
8. Comanche Peak demonstrated efforts to achieve optimum tax efficiency, including efforts to achieve "qualified" status in accordance with Internal Revenue Code § 468A.
9. The annual funding amounts proposed by Comanche Peak for its nuclear decommissioning trusts are necessary to ensure sufficient funds to decommission Comanche Peak Units 1 and 2 at the end o f their useful life.
10. The requirements for informal disposition under 16 TAC § 22.35 have been met in this proceeding.

III. Ordering Paragraphs In accordance with these findings of fact and conclusions of law, the Commission issues the following orders.

1. The Commission approves continuation of the annual funding amount of $20,077,165 for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to Comanche Peak's ownership interest in Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2, through 2025.
2. The Commission approves adjusting the allocation ofthe decommissioning funds to 72.3%

for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2.

3. The Commission denies all other motions and any other requests for general or specific relief that have not been expressly granted.

Docket No. 50945 Proposed Order Page 6 of 6 Signed at Austin, Texas the day of November 2020. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS DEANN T. WALKER, CHAIRMAN ARTHUR C. D'ANDREA, COMMISSIONER SHELLY BOTKIN, COMMISSIONER W2013 q \cadin\docket management\electnc\miscellaneous\50xxx\50945 po docx

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 10 Addendum StartPage: 0

f DOCKET NO. 50945 Iii;: 29 2020 OCT 27 AM APPLICATION OF COMANCHE § PUBLICIUTILITY COMMISSION PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC §  :,t 'k'l 't' i*A FOR REVIEW OF NUCLEAR § DECOMMISSIONING COST § OF TEXAS STUDY AND FUNDING ANALYSIS § UNDER 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2) § COMMISSION STAFF'S NOTICE OF NO EXCEPTIONS OR CORRECTIONS Staff of the Public Utility Commission of Texas will not be filing exceptions or corrections to the findings of the Proposed Order filed on October 6,2020. Dated: October 27,2020 Respectfully Submitted, PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS LEGAL DIVISION Rachelle Nicolette Robles Division Director Eleanor D'Ambrosio Managing Attorney _/s/John Harrison John Harrison State Bar No. 24097806 1701 N. Congress Avenue P.O. Box 13326 Austin, Texas 78711-3326 (512) 936-7277 (512) 936-7268 (facsimile)


DOCKET NO. 50945 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that, unless otherwise ordered by the presiding officer, notice of the filing of this document was provided to all parties of record via electronic mail on October 27, 2020, in accordance with the Order Suspending Rules, issued in Project No. 50664. _/s/John Harrison John Harrison 2

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 11 Addendum StartPage: 0

Public Utility Commission of Texas Commissioner Memorandum 202011 ) y -3 PM 2: 47 TO: Commissioner Arthur C. D'Andrea Commissioner Shelly Botkin FROM: Chairman DeAnn T. Walker DATE: November 3,2020 RE: November 55 2020 Open Meeting - Item No. 18 Docket No . 50945 - Application of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC for Review of Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis Under 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2) I have attempted to find compliance in the record of this case with 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(A),(B), and (D), but I have been unable to find the required evidence. In particular, I have not been able to find compliance with the following requirements:

  • 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(A) - "The cost study and funding analysis shall be accompanied by a report or testimony supporting the analyses and the requested annual funding amount."
  • 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(B) - "The Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Funds administrator shall demonstrate that the decommissioning funds are being invested prudently and in compliance with the investment guidelines in subsection (e) of this section."
  • 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(D)-"The Transferee Company (or the funds administrator and the Transferee Company, if different) shall demonstrate efforts to achieve optimum tax efficiency as defined in subsection (e)(3)(B)(iii) of this section, including, as applicable, maintenance of tax-exempt status or efforts to achieve "qualified" status in accordance with Internal Revenue Code §468A (or any successor thereto) with respect to its taxable nuclear decommissioning trust funds."

Therefore, I request that the applicant submit references to the record in which compliance with the above requirements are met. If the applicant is unable to provide references to evidence that proves compliance with the Commission's rules, then I believe the docket should be remanded to Docket Management to address the issues. If the Commission receives the necessary information to address the above issues, then I recommend that the Commission make the following changes to the order in this proceeding.

New findings of fact 185 19, and 20 should be added to support proposed conclusions of law 6,7, and 8 respectively. All subsequent findings of fact should be renumbered.

18. Comanche Peak's cost study and funding analysis was accompanied bv a report or testimonY supporting its analysis and the requested annual funding amount.
19. Comanche Peak has established investment policies to ensure that nuclear decommissioning funds collected, plus the amounts earned from investment of the funds. will be available at the time of decommissioning.
20. Comanche Peak has demonstrated efforts to achieve optimum tax efficiency to maximize the net earnings on the nuclear decommissioning trust funds.

Conclusion of law 1 should be modified for accuracy.

1. The Commission has authority over the application under PURA §§ 14.0019 11.002, and 39.205.

A new conclusion of law 7 should be added to document Comanche Peak's compliance with 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(A). All subsequent conclusions of law should be renumbered.

7. Comanche Peak's cost study and funding analysis was accompanied by a report or testimonv supporting its analysis and the requested annual funding amount under 16 TAC 4 25.303(f)(4)A).

Proposed conclusions of law 7,8, and 9 should be modified for completeness.

       ?&. Comanche Peak demonstrated that the funds in its nuclear decommissioning funds are being invested prudently and in compliance with the investment guidelines in 16 TAC § 303(e) under 16 TAC 4 25.303(f)(4)(B).
82. Comanche Peak demonstrated efforts to achieve optimum tax efficiency, including efforts to achieve "qualified" status in accordance with Internal Revenue Code
               § 468A under 16 TAC 4 25.303(f)(4)(D).

91Q. The annual funding amounts proposed by Comanche Peak for nuclear decommissioning trusts are necessary to ensure sufficient funds to decommission Comanche Peak Units 1 and 2 at the end of their useful life in accordance with 16 TAC 4 25.303(f)(2). In addition, I propose delegating to the Office of Policy and Docket Management staff the authority to modify the order to conform to the Citation and Style Guide for the Public Utility Commission of Texas and to make other non - substantive changes to the order for such matters as capitalization, spelling, grammar, punctuation, style, correction of numbering, and readability. I look forward to discussing this matter with you at the open meeting. 2

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 12 Addendum StartPage: 0

JW I Jackson Walker LLP Kirk D. Rasmussen (512) 236-2310 (Direct Dial) (5 I 2) 391-2120 (Direct Fax) krasmussen@Jw.com November 4,2020 Via Interchange Filing / 1 !- Chairman DeAnn T . Walker

                                                                                                                              ~*<<EYM Ila Commissioner Arthur C. D'Andrea                                                                                         /m Commissioner Shelly Botkin                                                                                               07 1701 N. Congress Avenue                                                                                               F>>3/
                                                                                                                           -1 J PO Box 13326 Austin, Texas 78711 Re :   PUC Docket No . 50945 ; Application of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC for Review of Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis Under 16 TAC §25.303(f)(2)

Dear Commissioners:

On June 16,2020, in compliance with 16 Tex. Admin. Code (TAC) § 25.303(f)(2), Comanche Peak Power Company LLC (Comanche Peak), as Transferee Company (as defined in 16 TAC § 25.303(c)(2)), of the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (CPNPP) assets, filed a cover letter along with the Decommissioning Cost Analysis for the Comanche Peak Power Plant, the Financial Escalation Analysis for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, and the Funding Analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant. Based on the results of the studies and analysis, Comanche Peak is not requesting a change to the established decommissioning funding levels for CPNPP. The filing package made in this docket was consistent with the filing Comanche Peak's predecessor transferee company made in 2010 in Docket No. 34277 (the last filing in which no change to the funding levels was requested). We believe the filing package contains sufficient information in the reports and analysis included for the Public Utility Commission of Texas (Commission) to find the filing compliant with 16 TAC § 25.303(f). However, to the extent the Chairman and the Commissioners feel further evidence is necessary to evaluate the current status of Comanche Peak's decommissioning fund, we will be happy to file and offer additional testimony, affidavit, or report from an appropriate company official specifically addressing any additional information the Commission would like. I will be available at the open meeting on November 5,2020, to answer any additional questions the Commission may have regarding this filing. Sincerely,

                                                       /s/ Kirk Rasmussen Kirk D. Rasmussen Counsel for Comanche Peak Power Company LLC JW I AUSTIN 27263239v. 1 100 Congress Avenue, Suite 1100
  • Austin, Texas 78701 I www.jw.com I Member of GLOBALAWTM 1\

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 13 Addendum StartPage: 0

DOCKET NO. 50945 APPLICATION OF COMANCHE PEAK § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION POWER COMPANY LLC FOR § 2£'Ltj NOV -5 AM M-: 4@ REVIEW OF NUCLEAR § . : . OF WEXAS DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY § h: iNc CL.i rl AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER 16 TAC §25.303*(2) ORDER REMANDING PROCEEDING TO DOCKET MANAGEMENT On June 16,2020, Comanche Peak Power Company, LLC filed an application for review and approval of a nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis. At the November 5, 2020 open meeting, the Commission determined the application and subsequent filings did not include evidence required by 16 Texas Administrative Code § 25.303(f)(4)(A), (B), and (D), and that the application should be remanded to address the requirements of the rule. The Commission remands this proceeding to Docket Management for further processing consistent with its discussion at the November 5,2020 open meeting. Signed at Austin, Texas the # day of November 2020. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS

                                            -7.9f*4£,i DEANN T. WALKER, CHAIRMAN at O ID ec-ARTHUR C. D'ANDREA, COMMISSIONER SHELLY B(]      j   MMISSIONER W2013 q:\cadm\orders\interim\50000\50945 ro.docx 03

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 14 Addendum StartPage: 0



OPEN MEETING DATE: 11/5/20 i, f




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Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 15 Addendum StartPage: 0

                                                                                             /0/   RECEIV
                                                                                           /f>>/            ED NOV - 9 20 20 DOCKET NO. 50945                               1 N By_

14X -/ APPLICATION OF COMMANCHE § PUBLIC UTILITY COM W . -h= 1:,&V PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC FOR § REVIEW OF NUCLEAR § OF TEXAS DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY § AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER 16 § TAC § 25.303*(2) § ORDER NO. 4 REQUESTING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND ESTABLISHING PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE In light of the Commission's Order Remanding Proceeding to Docket Management filed on November 5,2020, the administrative law judge adopts the following procedural schedule to provide Comanche Peak Power Company LLC the opportunity to cure the deficiencies identified by the Commission: Deadline for Comanche Peak to supplement the November 30,2020 application Deadline for Commission Staff to file a December 11,2020 recommendation on the supplemented application Deadline for the parties to file a revised proposed order, December 18, 2020 if appropriate Signed the 9th day of November 2020. PUB1,IC UTILITY COM,MISSION OF TFFAS 3 ifuN'A,]R BU][tia-rXL'rER CIIIEF ADMINISTRATIVE LAWJLDGE Q*\CADM\Docket Management\Electnc\M ISCELLANEOUS\50xxx\50945-4 reg info-pioc sched docx

DOCKET NO. 50945 APPLICATION OF COMMANCHE § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC FOR § REVIEW OF NUCLEAR § OF TEXAS DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY § AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER 16 § TAC § 25.303(f)(2) § ORDER NO. 4 REQUESTING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND ESTABLISHING PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE In light of the Commission's Order Remanding Proceeding to Docket Management filed on November 5,2020, the administrative law judge adopts the following procedural schedule to provide Comanche Peak Power Company LLC the opportunity to cure the deficiencies identified by the Commission: Deadline for Comanche Peak to supplement the November 30,2020 application Deadline for Commission Staff to file a December 11,2020 recommendation on the supplemented application Deadline for the parties to file a revised proposed order, December 18, 2020 if appropriate Signed the 9th day of November 2020. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS ffuN*R BIJIEKHXT,7'ER CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE Q*\CADM\Docket Management\Electnc\MISCELLANEOUS\50xxx\50945-4 reg info_proc sched.docx

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 16 Addendum StartPage: 0

                                           ~~'p ttr~, erj   ov 0* c:-1 L.LJGU? OU       1 i]    £>>' vv DOCKET NO. 50945 V  -'-:.f,t!  B t APPLICATION OF COMANCHE PEAK         §             FAABOR£ tHE POWER COMPANY LLC FOR REVIEW         § OF NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING           §    PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION COST STUDY AND FUNDING               § ANALYSIS UNDER 16 TAC §              §                OF TEXAS 25.303(f)(2)                         § Direct Testimony of Kristopher Moldovan on Behalf of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC November 30,2020 000001

INDEX TO THE DIRECT TESTIMONY OF KRISTOPHER MOLDOVAN, WITNESS FOR COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC I. POSITION AND QUALIFICATIONS .......................................................... 3 Il. PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY ..................................................................... 4 Ill. COMANCHE PEAK DECOMMISSIONING 5 A. Funding Requirements 5 B. Compliance with PUCT Rules..............................................................6 C. Assumed Escalation Rate..................................................................11 D. Trust Balance and Administration Cost..............................................12 E. Assumed Netlnvestment Return........................................................13 F. Decommissioning Funding Plan.........................................................17 IV. CONCLUSION......................................................................................... 18 V. AFFIDAVIT..............................................................................................19 VI. EXHIBITS Exhibit KM-1 Comanche Peak Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Investment Policy.....................................................20 Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000002

1 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF KRISTOPHER MOLDOVAN 2 I. POSITION AND QUALIFICATIONS 3 Q. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND BUSINESS ADDRESS. 4 A. My name is Kristopher Moldovan. My business address is 6555 Sierra 5 Drive, Irving, Texas 75039. 6 Q. BY WHOM ARE YOU EMPLOYED AND IN WHAT CAPACITY? 7 B. I am Senior Vice President & Treasurer of Vistra Corp. (Vistra) and its 8 subsidiaries, including Comanche Peak Power Company LLC (Comanche 9 Peak or Company), the owner of Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant 10 (CPNPP) as well as its associated Nuclear Decommissioning Fund (NDF). 11 Q. PLEASE OUTLINE YOUR EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND 12 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE. 13 C. I have an undergraduate degree in Engineering from the University of 14 Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a law degree from the Duke University 15 School of Law. I have been employed at Vistra and its predecessor 16 companies, Energy Future Holdings Corp. (EFH) and TXU Corp. (TXU) 17 since 2006. I have previously served Vistra as Senior Counsel and as Vice 18 President & Assistant Treasurer. Prior to joining TXU, l was an attorney in 19 private practice for nearly 10 years. 20 Q. WHAT ARE THE PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES OF YOUR POSITION 21 AS SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER? 22 A. I am accountable for all treasury-related activities for Vistra and its 23 subsidiaries. In doing so, I consult and work closely with the Vistra Chief 24 Financial Officer to 1) develop general financial strategies, 2) direct the 25 financing activities of Vistra and its subsidiaries in order to assure the 26 availability of adequate funds, access to capital, proper capitalization and 27 credit rating and efficient funding for the Companies' business activities, 3) 28 ensure the adequate and proper communication and the accurate and Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000003

1 timely disclosure of financial information regarding Vistra to credit rating 2 agencies and commercial banks, 4) direct the overall cash management 3 activities of Vistra and its subsidiaries, 5) manage Vistra's interest rate 4 risks, 6) ensure financial and legal compliance with all of the terms, 5 conditions and covenants of the Companies' financing arrangements, and 6 7) direct the management of Vista's insurance portfolio. As Treasurer, I 7 serve on Vistra's Management Committee, Risk Committee and the 8 Retirement Plan Committee, and I serve as chairman of the Thrift 9 Committee and the Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Committee. 10 Il. PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY 11 Q. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR TESTIMONY? 12 A. The purpose of my testimony is to demonstrate that the Company is in 13 compliance with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) 14 Substantive Rule applicable to nuclear decommissioning at 16 Tex. 15 Admin. Code (TAC) § 25.303. 16 Q. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF ANNUAL FUNDING OF THE 17 DECOMMISSIONING TRUST? 18 A. The purpose of funding an external trust is to ensure that adequate funds 19 are available to pay for the safe dismantlement of the facility at the end of 20 the useful life of both generating units and to comply with the U.S. Nuclear 21 Regulatory Commission (NRC) and PUCT requirements. This funding of 22 future costs allocates the expense of retiring the plants to the customers 23 who are receiving the benefits of its generation during its useful life. 24 Excess funding, if any, will be returned to ratepayers after the completion 25 of the plant's decommissioning or as otherwise allowed by NRC and 26 PUCT guidelines. Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000004

1 Ill. COMANCHE PEAK DECOMMISSIONING 2 A. Funding Requirements 3 Q. WHAT AMOUNT IS BEING REQUESTED FOR DECOMMISSIONING 4 EXPENSE IN THIS FILING? 5 A. Comanche Peak's current annual funding amounts approved in Docket 6 No. 44845 is $20,077,165. Comanche Peak proposes no change in the 7 current collection rate in this proceeding. 8 The Decommissioning Cost Analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear 9 Power P/ant, prepared by TLG Services, Inc. (TLG) dated May 2020 10 ( Decommissioning Study ) and Financial Escalation Analysis for the 11 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant ( Financial Escalation Analysis ), 12 prepared by TLG in May 2020, estimate the total cost to decommission 13 and completely dismantle CPNPP at $1,729 million in 2019 dollars 14 assuming a 10 percent contingency. As of December 31, 2019, the Net 15 After-Tax Value of the trusts for CPNPP Units 1 and 2 was 16 $1,316,460,673, with $623,952,136 for Unit 1 and $692,508,537 for Unit 2. 17 Based on the results of the Decommissioning Study and Financial 18 Escalation Analysis , Comanche Peak performed a Funding Analysis for 19 Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant ( Funding Analysis ) in June 2020 . 20 The Funding Analysis shows a -2.7 percent difference between the 21 required funding levels of $19.4 million and the five-year average CPNPP 22 decommissioning fund collections from 2015-2019 of $19.9 million 23 annually. Because of the small difference in the required funding levels 24 and five-year average collections and the inherent and considerable 25 uncertainty of the predictability of long-term costs and market conditions, 26 Comanche Peak proposed no change in the current collection rate. Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000005

1 Q. IS COMANCHE PEAK PROPOSING AN ADJUSTMENT IN THE 2 ALLOCATION OF THE DECOMMISSIONING FUNDS BETWEEN CPNPP 3 UNITS 1 AND 2? 4 A. Yes. Based on the results of the Funding Analysis, Comanche Peak 5 proposes an adjustment in the allocation between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 6 decommissioning funds from 57.1 percent for Unit 1 and 42.9 percent for 7 Unit 2 to 72.3 percent for Unit 1 and 27.7 percent for Unit 2. 8 B. Compliance with PUCT Rules 9 Q. ARE THERE SPECIFIC GUIDELINES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND 10 FUNDING OF DECOMMISSIONING TRUSTS RELATED TO NUCLEAR 11 POWER PLANTS SUCH AS COMANCHE PEAK? 12 A. Yes. The NRC has established guidelines to ensure the adequacy of 13 funds for the safe dismantlement, decontamination, and disposal of the 14 generating units at the end of their useful lives. These guidelines apply to 15 both the amounts of fund contributions and the methods for funding for the 16 ultimate decommissioning of the units. The PUCT has also adopted rules 17 establishing certain requirements for nuclear decommissioning trusts. 18 Q. WHAT DOES THE PUCT'S SUBSTANTIVE RULE SPECIFY 19 CONCERNING THE MANAGEMENT OF THE DECOMMISSIONING 20 TRUST? 21 A. In general terms, 16 TAC § 25.303 specifies Comanche Peak's duties in 22 the selection of trustees and managers of decommissioning trust funds, 23 outlines what must be contained in the agreements between Comanche 24 Peak and these parties, and limits what investments may be included in 25 the portfolios of decommissioning trusts. Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000006

1 Q. HAS COMANCHE PEAK FOLLOWED THE GUIDELINES ADOPTED BY 2 THE PUCT IN THE SELECTION OF THE TRUSTEE AND MANAGER OF 3 THE COMANCHE PEAK NDF? 4 A. Yes. The Bank of New York Mellon has served as trustee for the NDF 5 since its inception in 1990. Dresdner RCM Global Investors, who has 6 served as the fixed income investment manager since the fund's inception 7 in 1990 was merged into Pacific Investment Management Company 8 (PIMCO) in 2002. In 1994, after rule changes allowed for equity 9 investments, Mellon's Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Stock Index Fund 10 (now DT DV Stock Index Fund) was first used to manage the equity 11 investments in the trust. This commingled equity fund was selected after 12 developing an investment strategy, evaluating alternatives, and 13 conducting a search. In 1998, after additional changes in the 14 Commission's investment rules and a new manager search, Northern 15 Trust Quantitative Advisors (now Northern Trust Investments, Inc.) was 16 hired to manage an additional separate account S&P 500 index fund. In 17 2017, after adoption of the most recent Investment Policy, the Northern 18 Trust Investments account was assigned to their Tax Advantaged Equity 19 team, with responsibility for both S&P 500 index and MSCI EAFE index 20 separate accounts, thus diversifying equity investments to include some 21 non-U.S. developed markets. In 2019, NISA Investment Advisors, LLC 22 was hired as a second fixed income separate account manager, to 23 complement and diversify from the fixed income management of PIMCO. 24 Performance for the investment managers is reviewed quarterly, and the 25 trustee is reviewed every few years, with formal reviews for the investment 26 managers and the trustee occurring as needed. Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000007

1 Q. HAS COMANCHE PEAK COMPLIED WITH THE PUCT'S GUIDELINES 2 CONCERNING THE MANAGER AND INVESTMENT AGREEMENTS? 3 A. Yes. Comanche Peak complied with those guidelines in the original 4 agreements, and subsequent amendments, which have all been filed with 5 the PUCT, most recently in Docket No. 45753. 6 Q. DOES THE MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT ADDRESS THE 7 INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN 16 TAC § 25.303(e)(3)? 8 A. Yes, it does. The fund managers and trustee have been instructed to 9 follow the guidelines set forth in 16 TAC § 25.303, which limit the types of 10 securities that may be purchased and which also limit the equity securities 11 that can be held by the trust. 12 Q. DOES COMANCHE PEAK HAVE AN INVESTMENT POLICY THAT 13 ENSURES COMPLIANCE WITH THE INVESTMENT GUIDELINES IN 16 14 TAC § 25.303(e)? 15 A. Yes. Attached as Exhibit KM-1 is a copy of Comanche Peak's Nuclear 16 Decommissioning Trust Investment Policy, that became effective 17 September 1,2017. 18 Q. HOW DOES COMANCHE PEAK MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE 19 NDF? 20 A. Contributions are made monthly based on billings during the previous 21 month. 22 Q. PLEASE EXPLAIN THE PROCESS. 23 A. Assume that the April billing cycle begins on March 28th. Meters are read 24 that day, and the retail electric providers (REPs) are billed shortly 25 thereafter; assume it is March 2gth. Payments from REPs are not due until 26 35 days later, or May 3rd. This process then continues for each day of the 27 April billing cycle. On approximately May 15, Comanche Peak contributes 28 the full amount billed by Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC (Oncor) in Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000008

1 April to the NDF. At that point, due to the 35-day payment period that 2 REPs have, only up to half of the April billing month bills are due and 3 monies have been collected from the REPs, at least half of the bills for the 4 April billing month are not yet due and the Rider NDC - Nuclear 5 Decommissioning Charges have not yet been received by Oncor or 6 Comanche Peak. Since the contribution is made at about the midpoint in 7 the collection period, effectively half of the contribution has been paid in 8 arrears, but the other half has been paid in advance, so the net for the 9 entire billing month is that the NDF effectively receives the contribution on 10 the same day that Oncor receives the revenues. Near the end of May, 11 Oncor remits to Comanche Peak the entire April billing month of the Rider 12 NDC billings (not collections) along with its settlement of substantially all 13 other intercompany accounts payable/receivable. 14 In sum, from a monthly net use of funds standpoint, the effect of 15 Comanche Peak's approach is that the NDF receives the contribution as 16 of the date the revenues are received by Oncor, without any delay. Thus, 17 Comanche Peak's approach provides a superior result for the NDF as 18 compared to waiting until Oncor has actually collected the revenues and 19 then making a weekly deposit of those receipts (or a monthly deposit with 20 imputed interest). This approach to deposits to the NDF is consistent with 21 the intent of 16 TAC § 25.303(g)(2)(C). 22 This approach was presented to the Commission in 2005 in Docket 23 No. 31252 (see Horton Testimony, pp. 8-9) and Order No. 2 approved the 24 filing, noting that "the docket was initiated as a compliance filing and is not 25 the proper forum for a contested case proceeding." In 2010, no separate 26 docket was initiated for the five year compliance filing for CPNPP, which 27 was placed by the Commission in Docket No. 34277. In 2015, the same 28 implied interest approach was presented to the Commission for CPNPP in Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000009

1 Docket No. 44845 (see Frenzel Testimony, pp. 10-11) and approved by 2 order of the Commission on November 6, 2015. 3 If the Commission orders a different approach to NDF deposits in 4 this proceeding, Comanche Peak will of course comply with the 5 Commission's order. 6 Q. WHAT FUNDING METHOD IS COMANCHE PEAK PROPOSING IN THIS 7 FILING, AND DOES IT COMPLY WITH THE PUCT'S GUIDELINES? 8 A. Comanche Peak is proposing to continue the external sinking fund method 9 used since the establishment of the NDF and that is required by the 10 PUCT's Substantive Rules. This method requires monthly irrevocable 11 deposits to an external trust to fund the future decommissioning of 12 Comanche Peak. At the present time, Comanche Peak is making monthly 13 contributions to the external, irrevocable trusts established in 1990. The 14 fund balances are included on page 1 of Funding Analysis. The current 15 funding amounts are based on a 1997 decommissioning study that was 16 updated and redetermined in 2000 for use in the TXU Electric Company 17 unbundled cost of service proceeding. The decommissioning study was 18 subsequently updated in 2005, 2010, and 2015. 19 A review of decommissioning expense must be performed every 20 five years as required by 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2). Thus, Comanche Peak's 21 filing in this docket accomplishes Comanche Peak's requirement to further 22 update the decommissioning cost study and funding analysis. These 23 periodic reviews are required to assure the adequacy of funds for the new 24 technologies, decommissioning requirements, and other assumptions that 25 may change over time. Comanche Peak is also in compliance with 16 26 TAC § 25.303(c)(4), which requires the trust to be irrevocable and 27 external. Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000010

1 Q. WHAT EFFORTS DOES COMANCHE PEAK TAKE TO ACHIEVE 2 OPTIMUM TAX EFFICIENCY AS DEFINED IN 16 TAC 3 § 25.303(e)(3)(B)(iii)? 4 A. All decommissioning funds are deposited and invested in tax-qualified 5 nuclear decommissioning trusts, as called for under 16 TAC 6 § 25.303(e)(3)(B)(iii). In addition, Comanche Peak works with investment 7 managers to achieve tax efficiency within the management of the NDF 8 assets, as follows: (1) all managers are made aware of the taxable nature 9 of qualified decommissioning trusts and invest accordingly, and they are 10 evaluated on both a pre-tax and after tax basis; (2) rebalancing and other 11 transaction activity is done thoughtfully so as to reduce realized taxable 12 gains where possible, within the guidance provided by the Investment 13 Policy; and (3) investment manager Northern Trust Investments, through 14 their Tax Advantaged Equity team, makes trades explicitly for tax 15 efficiency purposes (e.g., capturing tax losses to offset gains elsewhere in 16 the portfolio) and assists in overall tax gain/loss positioning across the 17 NDF. 18 C. Assumed Escalation Rate 19 Q. WHEN WILL DECOMMISSIONING FOR CPNPP BEGIN, AND HOW 20 LONG WILL IT LAST? 21 A. Comanche Peak's operating license for CPNPP Units 1&2is for 40 22 years. Commercial operation began in 1990 and 1993 for units 1 & 2, 23 respectively. Therefore, for CPNPP Unit 1, the 2020 decommissioning 24 cost study projects that commercial operations will cease and 25 decommissioning expenditures will begin in 2030. For CPNPP Unit 2, the 26 study projects that commercial operations Will cease and 27 decommissioning expenditures will begin in 2033. Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000011

1 Q. HOW WERE THE COSTS USED TO DETERMINE THE FUNDING 2 LEVELS DEVELOPED? 3 A. As previously mentioned, the current funding amounts are based on a 4 1997 decommissioning study that was updated and re-determined in 2000 5 for use in the TXU Electric Company unbundled cost of service 6 proceeding. The decommissioning study was subsequently updated in 7 2005, 2010, and 2015. This most recent update to the decommissioning 8 costs was developed by TLG, the same industry expert that performed the 9 previous studies. 10 D. Trust Balance and Administration Cost 11 Q. WHAT IS THE CURRENT BALANCE IN THE NUCLEAR 12 DECOMMISSIONING TRUST? 13 A. The balance in the trust at December 31, 2019 is shown on page 3 of the 14 Funding Analysis. Since the income and capital gains realized by the trust 15 are taxed at 20 percent, it is necessary to adjust the balance for the 16 current tax liability on the unrealized gains. The current tax liability is 17 calculated by multiplying the tax rate of 20 percent times the difference 18 between the market value and the tax cost of the assets in each trust. The 19 net after-tax value of the trust, which is the market value less the tax 20 liability, is $623,952,136 for Unit 1 and $692,508,537 for Unit 2. While the 21 Trust has certain tax advantages, the income and capital gains obtained 22 by the Trust are only tax-deferred, not tax exempt. Failure to reduce the 23 balances to reflect the taxes owed on the income and capital gains 24 realized by the Trust will result in the Trust having inadequate funds to 25 meet the cost of decommissioning Comanche Peak. 26 Q. HOW WERE THE PROJECTED FEES AND ADMINISTRATION 27 EXPENSES DETERMINED? 28 A. The actual total annual fees and administration expenses incurred by the 29 trust are shown on page 4 of the Funding Analysis. This was used as the Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000012

1 basis to forecast fees and administration expenses. Several factors 2 influence these expenses and must be considered in forecasting future 3 expenses. First, there is a timing issue, as most of the expenses are paid 4 in arrears on a quarterly basis. Another significant factor is the allocation 5 between active managers and passive managers. The cost for active 6 managers is generally higher than for passive managers. At present, our 7 equity segment is passively managed and our fixed income segment is 8 actively managed. This allocation is expected to remain the same until the 9 equity allocation is reduced in later years, at which time the additional 10 allocations to cash should keep the fees relatively stable. Normal 11 expenses were developed from an analysis of full-year expenses from the 12 ten-year period 2010 to 2019. The average of the actual expenses over 13 this ten-year period was 0.1745 percent of NDF assets, which was used 14 for the pre-tax expense. 15 E. Assumed Net Investment Return 16 Q. WHAT NET INVESTMENT RETURNS (GROSS RETURN LESS 17 EXPENSES, FEES AND TAXES) WERE USED IN YOUR ANALYSIS? 18 A. Net investment returns after expenses, fees, and taxes, which vary based 19 upon asset allocation are detailed on pages 13-15 of the Funding Analysis 20 based on the time periods corresponding to stipulated portfolio 21 composition limits in 16 TAC § 25.303(e)(3)(B)(vi). 22 Q. PLEASE SUMMARIZE HOW THE NET INVESTMENT RETURNS WERE 23 DETERMINED. 24 A. The net investment return for each year was derived in three stages. First, 25 the long-term expected pre-tax gross investment return was determined 26 for equity, fixed income, and cash. Next, the expected rate for fees, 27 administration expenses and taxes was determined. Finally, asset 28 allocation was established for different time periods during the NDF's life. 29 The net investment return for the portfolio for each time period was Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000013

1 determined by subtracting the expected rate for fees, administration 2 expenses, and taxes from the combined equity, fixed income, and cash 3 returns and weighting each asset class's return. 4 Q. HOW WERE THE FORECASTED INVESTMENT RETURNS FOR EACH 5 ASSET CLASS DEVELOPED? 6 A. Forecasted investment returns for each asset class were sourced from JP 7 Morgan and from Aon Investments as shown on page 5 of the Funding 8 Analysis. Comanche Peak averaged the forecasted returns from these 9 sources to derive the forecasted returns for each asset class. Pages 13-15 10 of the Funding Analysis show the calculation of the projected returns. 11 Q. HOW DID YOU DETERMINE THE PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT MIX? 12 A. The portfolio investment mix between equity, fixed income, and cash was 13 developed by considering the liability of the trust, diversification, 14 preservation of assets, and the applicable provisions of the 16 TAC 15 § 25.303(e). Equity returns are significantly higher than the fixed income 16 and cash returns, so based on the future liabilities, the equity exposure 17 should be at the maximum permitted exposure, especially early in the life 18 of the trust when there is sufficient time to recover from any market 19 downturns. Pursuant to the restrictions of 16 TAC § 25.303(e), Comanche 20 Peak currently targets 60 percent of the NDF assets to be allocated to 21 equity securities. In the early years, there will be very little cash, and any 22 expenses can be covered with residual cash exposure while new 23 contributions and dividends are being invested or through shorter term 24 fixed income investments. Once decommissioning starts, Comanche Peak 25 will allocate funds to cash based upon the requirements of 16 TAC 26 § 25.303 and projected decommissioning expenditures as shown on 27 pages 13-14 of the Funding Analysis. The remainder of the NDF 28 (approximately 40 percent prior to the start of decommissioning) is 29 invested in fixed income securities. Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000014

1 Q. WHEN DO YOU EXPECT TO REDUCE THE EQUITY EXPOSURE, AND 2 WHY? 3 A. While a large allocation to equity investments is appropriate for long-term 4 liabilities, as payment of decommissioning expenses draws closer, the 5 volatility of equities requires a reduction in the equity exposure to preserve 6 capital. 16 TAC § 25.303(e)(3)(B)(vi) limits the equity exposure to 30 7 percent in years in which decommissioning expenditures occur. For Unit 1, 8 this trigger point is reached in 2030, as shown on page 7 of the Funding 9 Analysis. Beginning in 2027, Comanche Peak assumed an orderly three-10 year transition from 60 percent equity to 30 percent equity, adjusting the 11 equity allocation by an average 10 percent each year to reach the required 12 level by 2030. As shown on page 8 of the Funding Analysis, the second 13 equity balance trigger point is reached in 2092, when the Weighted 14 Average Life of the NDF reaches 2.5 years and no equity investments are 15 allowed under 16 TAC § 25.303. Again, Comanche Peak assumed an 16 orderly three-year transition from 30 percent equity to 0 percent equity 17 beginning in 2089, adjusting the equity allocation by an average 10 18 percent each year to reach the required level by 2092. 19 Q. HOW DID YOU DETERMINE THE ALLOCATION TO CASH WITHIN THE 20 FIXED INCOME ALLOCATION? 21 A. During the collection period no cash is required as most cash needs can 22 be covered with contributions and income. As decommissioning 23 expenditures begin, the duration of the fixed income portfolio is shortened 24 by adding a cash allocation. Pages 13-15 of the Funding Analysis shows 25 the expenditures from the trust each year compared to the trust balance, 26 and a calculation of the average during different time periods. To maintain 27 sufficient liquid assets to meet the expected cash flow requirements, the 28 cash component within the fixed income allocation for the period was 29 assumed to be the percent required each year. Cash includes any fixed Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000015

1 income security with a maturity of less than one year, and these levels are 2 consistent with Comanche Peak's investment strategy. 3 Q. PLEASE SUMMARIZE COMANCHE PEAK'S PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT 4 MIX FOR EACH OF THE THREE TIME PERIODS YOU HAVE 5 DISCUSSED? 6 A. The investment mix used in calculating the net investment returns detailed 7 on pages 13-15 of the Funding Analysis are as follows: 8

  • 60 percent Equities, 40 percent Fixed Income in 2019 through 9 2027, then ramping down to 30 percent equity by 2030; 10
  • 30 percent Equities, Cash in the percent required to meet 11 expenditures for the year, and the remainder in Fixed Income in 12 2030 through 2088, then ramping down to 0 percent equity by 13 2091;and 14
  • The percent required to meet expenditures in Cash and the 15 remainder in Fixed Income for 2091 and thereafter.

16 Q. WHAT OTHER COSTS WERE INCLUDED IN THE FORECAST OF 17 INVESTMENT RETURNS? 18 A. Federal income taxes must also be included. The current federal income 19 tax rate of 20 percent is assumed to remain constant during the life of the 20 trust. Additionally, it is assumed there will be no state income tax. 21 Q. WHAT ACTIONS WILL COMANCHE PEAK TAKE IN THE FUTURE TO 22 ASSURE THE ADEQUACY OF THE DECOMMISSIONING FUNDING 23 AMOUNTS? 24 A. The funding amounts being requested in this case have been carefully 25 and thoughtfully derived. Nevertheless, of necessity, assumptions have 26 been made regarding future economic conditions, including inflation rates, 27 investment performance, investment alternatives, tax rates, and timing of 28 expenditures. Furthermore, future changes in technology and regulatory Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000016

1 requirements can impact the decommissioning cost itself. Periodic reviews 2 of all assumptions and cost estimates, in light of experienced and 3 expected conditions, will therefore be conducted at least every five years 4 throughout Comanche Peak's operating life, as required by 16 TAC 5 § 25.303(f)(2). When appropriate, Comanche Peak will request 6 adjustments to the funding amount to recognize needed changes. 7 Q. ARE ANY OF THE DECOMMISSIONING FUNDS DEPOSITED IN "NON-8 QUALIFIED" ACCOUNTS? 9 A. No. 10 F. Decommissioning Funding Plan 11 Q. PLEASE DESCRIBE THE FUNDING PLAN USED TO DERIVE THE 12 EXPENSE LEVELS REQUESTED. 13 A. The funding plan shown on pages 20-24 of the Funding Analysis uses the 14 assumptions described previously, and projects the trust investments and 15 expenditures from January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2096, on an 16 annual basis. The annual calculations for each unit are shown on pages 17 20-24. Column (B) shows the funding levels (contributions to the trust) 18 based on the current collection rate through 2033. Column (C) indicates 19 the expected earnings of the fund based on the net investment return 20 discussed earlier in my testimony. The investment return percentage is 21 applied to the ending balance of the prior period plus one half the current 22 period contributions, less the current period decommissioning outlays. 23 Column (E) is the resulting balance of the fund at the end of each time 24 period, taking into consideration fund contributions, earnings, and 25 decommissioning expenditures. At the end of the assumed 26 decommissioning period, the trust balance, or the sum of all contributions 27 and earnings less expenditures nets to zero, for each unit. Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000017

1 Q. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR DECOMMISSIONING FUNDING 2 TESTIMONY. 3 A. Utilizing the assumptions detailed earlier, the latest site-specific update for 4 Comanche Peak decommissioning, and the PUCT's 10 percent 5 contingency limitation, a decommissioning expense of $19,352,282 per 6 year, shown on page 24 of the Funding Analysis, is appropriate and 7 reasonable. Thus, no change to Oncor's Rider NDC - Nuclear 8 Decommissioning Charge is necessary. 9 IV. CONCLUSION 10 Q. ARE THE COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING TRUST 11 FUNDS INVESTED PRUDENTLY AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH 16 TAC 12 § 25.303(e)? 13 A. Yes. The agreements, practices, and policy I described in this testimony 14 ensure Comanche Peak's compliance with 16 TAC § 25.303(e). 15 Q. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR TESTIMONY. 16 A. Comanche Peak's proposed costs of nuclear decommissioning are 17 reasonable. These costs have been developed in compliance with the 18 PUCT's rules and utilizing sound investment principles. The annual 19 funding requirements have been calculated using reasonable projections 20 as to investment returns, inflation levels, and administrative costs and 21 fees. Collections from the current Rider NDC are consistent with the 22 annual funding requirements that have been calculated by Comanche 23 Peak, such that no increase to the collection rate is necessary at this time. 24 Q. DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR DIRECT TESTIMONY? 25 A. Yes, it does. Moldovan - Direct Comanche Peak Power Company 2020 Nuclear Decommissioning Study 000018

                                      § COUNTY OF DALLAS              § CJI C)

BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared N Kristopher Moldovan, who, having been placed under oath by me, did depose as CO follows: (D My name is Kristopher Moldovan. I am of legal age and a resident of the State of Texas. The foregoing direct testimony and the attached exhibits offered by me are true and correct, and the opinions stated therein are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate, true and correct. 6* Kristopher Moldovan SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME by the said Kristopher Moldovan this'3 fjlk.day of November, 2020. i-- l,iif7%* SHIRLEY BARBOUR I

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Notary PuEUc, State of Texas 000019

Docket No 50945 Exhibit KM-1 Page 1 COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING TRUST EFFECTIVE DATE: September 1,2017 INVESTMENT POLICY I. Statement of Purpose The purpose of this Investment Policy Statement ("IPS") is to define the policies for the investment management and investment oversight o f the Comanche Peak Power Company LLC ("Company") Nuclear Decommissioning Trust ("Fund"). The IPS sets forth the objectives for the Fund and the strategies to achieve those objectives; overall investment policies for the Fund; procedures to monitor and control the portfolio; and the delineation of duties for those responsible for management, investment, and oversight. The IPS is intended to comply with the prudent man investment standards. As such, investment managers are hereby instructed to act with the care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent man acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct ofan enterprise ofa like character and with like aims. Additionally, the policy limits contained herein are not so absolute as to require the investment manager to take any action contrary to that dictated prudence. This IPS may not be modified except by approval of the Company Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Committee ("Committee"). 000020

Docket No 50945 Exhibit KM-1 Page 2 II. Fund Objectives The Fund's primary objective is to satisfy Company nuclear decommissioning obligations and expenses in compliance with the requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC"), the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS"), the Public Utility Commission ofTexas ("Commission") and the provisions ofthe Trust Agreement, as amended. Furthermore:

  • Assets ofthe Fund shall be invested with a goal of earning a reasonable return commensurate with the need to preserve the value of the assets of the Fund;
  • In keeping with prudent investment practices, the portfolio ofsecurities held in the Fund shall be diversified to the extent reasonably feasible given the size of the Funds;
  • In selecting investments, the impact of the investment on the volatility and expected return of the assets of the Funds, net of fees, commissions, expenses, and taxes should be considered;
  • The assets of the Fund shall be allocated with an acceptable level of risk taking into account market conditions, remaining time horizon before commencement and completion of decommissioning, and the funding status ofthe Fund.

III. Responsibilities The Committee is responsible for the oversight and management of the Fund's investments. The Committee, may, at its discretion, retain the services of consultants and other service providers (an "Advisor") to assist the Committee in discharging its obligations for the plan. The Committee agrees that in carrying out its responsibilities it will:

  • Retain the right to replace an Advisor;
  • Work with an Advisor to establish a framework for the management of the Fund's assets;
  • Make determinations whether fee schedules of the Advisor are reasonable;
  • Investigate and determine whether past administration of Fund by the Advisor has been reasonable and suitable;
  • Review at least annually, and revise as appropriate, the provisions ofthis IPS;
  • Ensure that total trustee and investment manager fees paid on an annual basis by the Fund for the entire portfolio, including any comingled funds, shall not exceed 0.7% of the entire portfolio's average annual balance;
  • Ensure that Fund is managed so that funds are available at the time of decommissioning; and 000021

Docket No 50945 Exhibit KM-1 Page 3

  • Periodically review the performance of the Fund's investments.

Advisor is responsible for the following:

  • Assumption of discretion over Fund assets for manager selection, rebalancing and implementation of this IPS, as approved;
  • Asset and liability analysis;
  • Advising the Committee regarding IPS development;
  • Assisting the Committee with the maintenance of the IPS;
  • Investment manager structure analysis;
  • Investment manager search and selection, including investigation and determination of suitability and financial strength;
  • Monitor and report to the Committee the total trustee and investment manager fees paid on an annual basis by the Fund for the entire portfolio, including any comingled funds, to help Committee ensure that such fees shall not exceed 0.7% of tlie entire portfolio's average annual balance;
  • Performance measurement analysis and quarterly investment performance reports;
  • Periodic meetings with the Committee.

The Advisor agrees that in carrying out its responsibilities it will act only within the framework established by the Committee and outlined in this IPS, and promptly inform the Committee of any recommended changes to the asset allocation, investment strategies, or investment managers. IV. Asset Allocation The table below outlines the Fund's target allocation for both equity and fixed income allocations. The Advisor will monitor the Fund's position with respect to the allocation outlined below, making asset allocation and manager/strategy changes to the Fund as appropriate. The Advisor will notify the Committee when asset allocation or manager/strategy changes have taken place. This is done to keep the Committee informed regarding the actions taken by the Advisor to execute the IPS. 000022

Docket No. 50945 Exhibit KM-1 Page 4 Asset Mix Asset Class Minimum Normal Maximum Equity 0% 60% 60%

               -Domestic                    0%                       40%                     60%
               -Non US                      0%                       20%                    25%

Fixed Income 35% 40% 100% Cash 0% 0% 5% The guidelines and objectives in this IPS outline an asset allocation that the Committee has determined is appropriate for managing the Fund assets. Furthermore, in developing this asset allocation, the Committee and its Advisor considered the following:

  • Broad economic factors;
  • Historical and prospective information regarding the capital market performance;
  • Applicable investment strategies; and
  • The current regulatory environment and liabilities of the Fund.

The Committee recognizes that as market, regulatory, and business conditions change, this allocation may require adjustments. The Advisor will, on an ongoing basis, monitor these conditions and may recommend amendments to the allocation. Rebalancine Execution of asset class rebalancing must account for the tax impact to the Fund. Rebalancing may be implemented through any combination of the following actions: a) purchase/sale of securities, b) allocation of new contributions. If market fluctuations raise the equity allocation above the maximum, new contributions are to be allocated to Fixed Income until the Asset Mix is back to the Normal allocation. Reallocation of current investments may also be considered for moving toward Normal allocations, ifjudged prudent. V. Performance Obiectives The performance objective of the Fund is to provide a competitive, after-tax return on Fund assets, while at the same time preserving the value of the assets in the Fund within the risk tolerance established by the Committee. 000023

Docket No 50945 Exhibit KM-1 Page 5 The table below summarizes the performance targets for the investments relative to the market-based benchmarks indicated. In each case, the comparison of actual performance relative to benchmark is done on an after-tax, net of fees basis. After-tax, net offees peiformance targets for total fund and by asset class: ANNUAL PERFORMANCE TARGET (BASIS POINT SPREAD OVER BENCHMARK) BENCHMARK Total Fund +10 Weighted average of asset class benchmarks Domestic Equity +5 S&P 500 Non US Equity +5 MSCI EAFE Fixed Income and Cash Barclays Capital

                                                      +25                          Govt/Credit Vl.          Selection and Retention Criteria for Investment Managers or Funds The Advisor will make all decisions regarding retention, replacement, or elimination of managers, funds, or investment strategies for the Fund; however, Committee shall retain the right to remove or replace investment managers, institutional trustees or Advisor at its discretion. The Advisor will incorporate an understanding of the Committee's short and long-term investment objectives, as well as the guidelines of this IPS, when making investment decisions. The Advisor will inform the Committee with respect to these decisions.

The Advisor recognizes that decisions regarding managers are always prospective. Factors considered when making changes to manager structure include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Investment results compared to appropriate benchmarks and peer groups; 000024

Docket No 50945 Exhibit KM-1 Page 6

  • Consistency of investment philosophy and process;
  • Stability of portfolio management team, including research support;
  • Change in firm ownership, management, and incentives for key professionals;
  • Financial stability and strength for purposes of liability.

Other areas o f consideration include the following:

  • Legal or regulatory issues;
  • Adherence to investment guidelines;
  • Assets under management;
  • Client service;
  • Investment fees.

VII. Investment Guidelines Each investment manager appointed by the Committee to execute the IPS will invest Fund assets as prescribed by the Committee in accordance with this EPS and its judgments concerning relative investment values. In particular, the investment manager is accorded full discretion, within policy limits contained herein and guidelines of the manager's investment management agreement, to (1) select individual securities, (2) make periodic adjustments to the proportions of investment mediums for which the investment manager is responsible and (3) diversify Fund assets, to best attain the investment objectives. The investments are limited to common stocks; preferred stocks; collective trust funds; pooled investment funds, including real estate; government securities; corporate bonds, including convertibles; obligations of a state or local government; and short-term money market instruments. No investments shall be initiated in collective trust funds and pooled investment funds without prior approval by the Committee or its designated representative. Any other investment mediums that the investment manager deems appropriate, not previously permitted by this 1PS, may be presented by the investment manager to the Committee. The investment managers are authorized to maintain cash equivalents in United States Treasury bills and/or interest bearing instruments, subject to rating requirements set out in the Fixed-Income Investments section of this IPS. Tax Considerations 000025

Docket No. 50945 Exhibit KM-1 Page 7

1. The investment manager should manage the assets with the current and prospective tax rates and their impact taken into consideration with the objective of maximizing returns on an after-tax basis.
2. The applicable tax rate for the qualified trust is 20%. The tax rate is the same for both income and capital gains.
3. Tax deductible expenses incurred by the Fund may be o ffset by taxable investment income.

General Considerations

1. All trust investments must comply with the guidelines set forth by Commission Substantive Rule 25.303, which can be found at their web site:


2. There is no requirement for the investment managers to maintain significant liquid reserves. However, from time to time, as the Committee may determine, portions of an investment manager's account may be called upon for payment of decommissioning related expenses.
3. Security trades shall be made with an emphasis on highest net proceeds or lowest net Cost.
4. The Fund should be diversified with at least 20 different issues of securities and, with the exception of securities issued by the United States Government, the securities of a single issuer shall not represent more than 5% of the market value of the total portfolio.
5. There shall be no investments in securities ofthe Company or any of its subsidiaries, nor shall the investment manager invest in any equity or debt instrument of its own or that of any of its affiliates; however, collective trust funds or pooled investment funds in which such securities are held are not so restricted.
6. There shall be no trading of warrants or other options, including puts, calls and straddles, except when acquired as a result of the purchase of another security, or in the case of options, when sold as part of a covered position.
7. The use of leverage to purchase securities or the purchase of securities on the margin is prohibited.

Domestic Equity Investments 000026

Docket No 50945 Exhibit KM-1 Page 8

1. The objective of the equity investments is to match the performance of the S&P 500 Index through replicating the holdings and weightings ofthe S&P 500 Index.
2. Investments in issues convertible to common stock shall be considered equities for asset mix and performance measurement except as previously agreed to, in writing, by the investment manager and the Committee, or its designated representative.
3. At least 70% of the aggregate (domestic plus non-US) equity portfolio, based on market value, must have a quality ranking from a major rating service. The rated portion of the domestic portfolio must have a composite quality ranking at least equivalent to that ofthe S&P 500 index.
4. The Fund should not invest in equity securities of companies with capitalizations of less than $100 million.

Non US Equity Investments

1. The objective of the equity investments is to match the performance of the MSCI EAFE index through replicating the holdings and weightings of the MSCI EAFE Index.
2. Investments in issues convertible to common stock shall be considered equities for asset mix and performance measurement except as previously agreed to, in writing, by the investment manager and the Committee, or its designated representative.
3. At least 70% of the aggregate (domestic plus non-US) equity portfolio, based on market value, must have a quality ranking from a major rating service. The rated portion of the non-US portfolio must have a composite quality ranking at least equivalent to that ofthe MSCI EAFE index.
4. The Fund should not invest in equity securities of companies with capitalizations of less than $100 million.

Fixed-Income Investments

1. The Fund shall not invest in corporate or municipal debt securities that have a bond rating below investment grade ('BBB-" by Standard & Poor's Corporation or "Baa3" by Moody's Investor's Service) at the time that the securities are purchased.
2. The overall portfolio of debt instruments shall have a quality level not below a "AA" grade by Standard & Poor's Corporation or "Aa2" by Moody's Investor's Service. In calculating the quality of the overall portfolio, debt securities issued by the Federal 000027

Docket No 50945 Exhibit KM-1 Page 9 government shall be considered as having a "AAA" rating.

3. As a general rule, the municipal portfolio should be broadly diversified as to geography and issuer as well as security type.
4. Investment should be in investment grade, readily marketable fixed income securities including, but not limited to, obligations of the U.S. Government and its agencies, domestic and foreign corporations, municipalities and municipal agencies, supranational entities, mortgage related and asset-backed securities.
5. Foreign investments may include obligations of governments other than the United States, other foreign governmental and public sector agencies, international organizations and agencies, foreign corporations and banks, rate A or higher.
6. No more than 20% ofthe market value of the portfolio may be invested in non-dollar denominated fixed income securities. No more than 10% of the market value of the portfolio may be exposed to foreign currency fluctuation, i.e., any amount above 10%

must be hedged into U.S. dollars. Cash Equivalents

1. In addition to the applicable restrictions under fixed-income investments, diversification must be maintained. Cash-equivalent investments shall be made with concern for quality over return or yield.
2. Investments should be high quality, readily marketable money market securities including, but not limited to, Treasury bills, commercial paper rated Al or P[,

certificates of deposit and bankers' acceptance of domestic and foreign banks, and repurchase agreements purchased from primary dealers.

3. Investment in time or demand deposits must be with banks incorporated within the United States ranked in the top 100 and/or non-United States banks located in the United States of comparable size and quality. Such investments should be made in the short-term obligations of banks rated "P 1 " by Moody's Investor Service or an equivalent rating of any other nationally rated service.


1. The use of derivative securities in the Fund is limited to those whose purpose is to enhance returns of the Fund without a corresponding increase in risk or to reduce risk of the portfolio.
2. Derivatives may not be used to increase the value of the portfolio by any amount 000028

Docket No 50945 Exhibit KM-1 Page 10 greater than the value of the underlying securities.

3. Prohibited derivative securities include, but are not limited to, mortgage strips; inverse floating rate securities; leveraged investments or internally leveraged securities; residual and support tranches ofcollateralized mortgage obligations; tiered index bonds or other structured notes whose return characteristics are tied to non-market events; uncovered call/put options; large counter-party risk through over-the-counter options, forwards and swaps; and instruments with similar high-risk characteristics.

VIII. Proxv Voting Investment managers have been given the responsibility for voting proxy issues on securities held in their respective portfolios and such votes should be commensurate with the objectives of the Fund and this IPS. IX. Brokerage Brokerage commissions, incurred in the normal course of trading securities, are expenses of the Fund, and as such, are subject to the total portfolio expense limitation set forth in this IPS. Investment managers will have discretion and should seek "best execution" services. X. Review Process Policv Review It is recognized that changes to the investment objective and policies of the Fund may be in order fi~om time to time to ensure that it accurately reflects the Committee's views. Performance Review The Committee, or its representative, shall meet with the representative(s) of the investment manager(s) at least annually to review performance. ReportinH The investment manager shall keep accurate records of all investments and other transactions hereunder, and all records relating thereto shall be open at all reasonable times to inspection and audit by any person or persons designated by the Committee or by the Board of Directors of the Company. 000029

Docket No 50945 Exhibit KM-1 Page 11 The trustee shall submit quarterly reports detailing investment holdings, account transactions and performance results. Individual transactions advices will be sent as requested. The trustee shall keep accurate records of all investments, receipts and disbursements and other transactions hereunder, and all records relating thereto shall be open at all reasonable times to inspection and audit by any person or persons designated by the Committee or by the Board of Directors of the Company. Within 60 days following the close of the Fund's fiscal year (or following the close of such other annual period as may be agreed upon by the investment manager and the Committee) the trustee shall file a written report setting forth all securities and other property purchased and sold; all receipts, disbursements and other transactions effected by it during such annual period; and showing the securities and other property held at the end of such period. 000030

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 17 Addendum StartPage: 0



                                                                              ~~ RECEIV
                                                                              ~ DEC 1 1 2020 0

DOCKET NO. 50945 ~ BY 1t>1-___-,4%.4

                                                                                   >t / Aj n T>>/j APPLICATION OF COMMANCHE                      §        PUBLIC UTILITY COMM1MSONE<<

PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC FOR § REVIEW OF NUCLEAR § OF TEXAS DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY § AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER § 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2) COMMISSION STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION ON THE SUPPLEMENTED APPLICATION COMES NOW the Staff(Staff) of the Public Utility Commission of Texas (Commission), representing the public interest, and files this Recommendation on the Supplemented Application. In support thereof, Staff would show the following: I. BACKGROUND On June 16, 2020, Comanche Peak Power Company LLC (Comanche Peak) filed an application for review of a nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis under 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.303(f)(2). On November 5,2020, the Commission considered Comanche Peak's application and determined that the application and subsequent filings did not include evidence required by 16 Texas Administrative Code § 25.303(f)(4)(A), (B), and (D). The application was remanded to the Office of Policy and Docket Management, and on November 9,2020, Order No. 4 was filed, which established a deadline of December 11, 2020 for Staff to file a recommendation on the supplemented application. Therefore, this pleading is timely filed. II. RECOMMENDATION ON SUPPLEMENTED APPLICATION As detailed in the attached testimony of Darryl Tietjen of the Commission's Rate Regulation Division, Staff recommends approval of the application. The supplemental evidence provided by Comanche Peak on November 30,2020, demonstrates compliance with 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4). III. CONCLUSION Staff respectfully requests the entry of an order approving the application. 1

Dated: December 11,2020 Respectfully submitted, PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS LEGAL DIVISION Rachelle Nicolette Robles Division Director Eleanor D'Ambrosio Managing Attorney _/s/ John Harrison_ John Harrison State Bar No. 24097806 1701 N. Congress Avenue P.O. Box 13326 Austin, Texas 78711-3326 (512) 936-7277 (512) 936-7268 (facsimile) John.Harrison@puc.texas.gov DOCKET NO. 50945 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certi fy that, unless otherwise ordered by the presiding officer, notice of the filing of this document was provided to all parties of record via electronic mail on December 11, 2020, in accordance with the Order Suspending Rules, issued in Project No. 50664.

                                               /s/ John Harrison John Harrison 2


Docket No. 50945 Page 1 of 6 TESTIMONY OF DARRYL TIETJEN IN SUPPORT OF THE SUPPLEMENTED APPLICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction................. II. Purpose ofTestimony..................................................................3 III. Recommendation........................................................................3 IV. Discussion................................................................................4 Attachment DT-1 List of Testimonies by Darryl Tietjen Testimony of Darryl Tietjen in Support o f the Supplemented Application December 11,2020

Docket No. 50945 Page 2 of 6 1 I. INTRODUCTION 2 Q. Please state your name and business address. 3 A. Darryl Tietjen, 1701 N. Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas. 4 5 Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 6 A. I am employed by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (Commission) as the Director 7 of the Rate Regulation Division. 8 9 Q. What are your principal areas of responsibility? 10 A. In addition to the management of the Rate Regulation Division, I am responsible for 11 recommending fair rates of return on invested capital, evaluating financial integrity 12 requirements, conducting various financial analyses, leading or participating in various 13 rulemaking projects, and preparing testimony concerning various financial matters relevant 14 to public utilities regulated by the Commission. 15 16 Q. Please describe your educational background and professional qualifications. 17 A. I hold a Master of Business Administration degree with concentrations in finance and 18 accounting from The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin), and a Bachelor of 19 Business Administration degree with a concentration in finance, also from UT Austin. 20 While earning my master's degree, 1 was employed by UT Austin as an instructor, teaching 21 two sections ofundergraduate corporate finance. Prior to attending graduate school, I was 22 employed by a commercial bank, where I was principally involved in investment activities 23 and internal and external financial reporting. 24 I am a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensed in the state of Texas and a 25 member of the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants (TXCPA). I have twice 26 served as chairman o f the annual TXCPA-sponsored Energy Conference, for which I have 27 been a committee member for approximately 20 years. 28 I also hold the designation of Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), which is awarded 29 by the CFA Institute after successful completion of its three-part examination process over Testimony of Darryl Tietjen in Support of the Supplemented Application December 11,2020

Docket No. 50945 Page 3 of 6 1 a minimum three-year period. The curriculum for the CFA charter covers a defined body 2 of knowledge fundamental to the practice of investment management, and includes the 3 areas of finance, accounting, economics, statistics, and ethical and professional conduct. 4 5 Q. Have you previously testified before this Commission? 6 A. Yes. Attachment DT-1 provides a summary of the dockets in which I have filed direct or 7 other testimony. 8 9 II. PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY 10 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding, Docket No. 50945, 11 Application of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC for Review of Nuclear 12 Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis Under 16 TAC § 25.303*(2)? 13 A. The purpose of my testimony is to supplement my initial recommendation filed on 14 September 21,2020 in this docket and address the information provided in the testimony 15 filed on November 30,2020 by Kristopher Moldovan on behalf of Comanche Peak Power 16 Company LLC (CPPC). Mr. Moldovan filed his testimony in response to Order No. 4, 17 Requesting Additional Information and Establishing Procedural Schedule , to provide 18 additional information necessary to cure the deficiencies the Commission identified in the 19 application and subsequent filings.1 20 21 III. RECOMMENDATION 22 Q. Please state your recommendation in this proceeding. 23 A. I recommend that the Commission approve CPPC' s request. In my opinion, Mr. 24 Moldovan's testimony includes the information necessary to satisfy the requirements of 16 25 Texas Administrative Code § 25.303 (decommissioning rule). I discuss my 26 recommendation in greater detail below. 27

           ' Order Remaining Proceeding to Docket Management (Nov. 5,2020).

Testimony of Darryl Tietjen in Support of the Supplemented Application December 11,2020

Docket No. 50945 Page 4 of 6 1 IV. DISCUSSION 2 Q. Please describe the key information Mr. Moldovan provides in his testimony and how 3 you believe it addresses the evidentiary deficiencies identified by the Commission. 4 A. The Commission ' s Order Remanding Proceeding to Docket Management ( filed November 5 5,2020) states that "...the application and subsequent filings did not include evidence 6 required by 16 Texas Administrative Code § 25.303(f)(4)(A), (B), and (D)...." 7 With regard to the requirements of the referenced subparagraph (A) of subsection 8 (f)(4) of the decommissioning rule,2 it is my opinion that the filing of Mr. Moldovan's 9 testimony and the information contained therein demonstrate the necessary compliance. I 10 believe that Mr. Moldovan's testimony provides an appropriately detailed discussion ofthe 11 decommissioning cost study, the related funding analysis, and the requested funding 12 amount. 13 With regard to the referenced subparagraph (B) of subsection (f)(4) of the 14 decommissioning rule,3 Mr. Moldovan's testimony includes an attachment (Exhibit KM-15 1 ) containing CPPC ' s Investment Policy that, in my opinion , demonstrates the prudence of 16 the decommissioning trust funds' investment policies and compliance with the rule's 17 investment guidelines . In addition to a number ofvarious otherissues , CPPC ' s Investment 18 Policy addresses key points such as the trust funds' asset allocations, tax considerations, 19 performance objectives, and criteria for the selection and retention ofthe funds' investment 20 managers. 21 With regard to the referenced subparagraph (D) of subsection (f)(4) of the 22 decommissioning rule,4 Mr. Moldovan states on page 11, lines 4 through 6 ofhis testimony 2 The provisions of 16 TAC § 25.303(0(4)(A) state that "The cost study and funding analysis shall be accompanied by a report or testimony supporting the analyses and the requested annual funding amount." 3 The provisions of 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(B) state that "The Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Funds administrator shall demonstrate that the decommissioning funds are being invested prudently and in compliance with the investment guidelines in subsection (e) of this section." 4 The provisions of 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(D) state that "The Transferee Company (or the funds administrator and the Transferee Company, if different) shall demonstrate efforts to achieve optimum tax efficiency as defined in subsection (e)(3)(B)(iti) ofthis section, including, as applicable, maintenance oftax-exempt status Testimony of Darryl Tietjen in Support of the Supplemented Application December 11,2020

Docket No 50945 Page 5 of 6 1 that, "All decommissioning funds are deposited and invested in tax-qualified nuclear 2 decommissioning trusts, as called for under 16 TAC § 25.303(e)(3)(B)(iii)." As a point of 3 additional reference, I would note that his statement is consistent with the information 4 contained in CPPC's most recent annual nuclear decommissioning report that CPPC filed 5 on May 13 , 2020 in Project No . 34277 , Annual Report on the Status of Nuclear 6 Decommissioning Funding . Based on this information , I believe that CPPC has 7 demonstrated compliance with the requirements of 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(D). 8 9 Q. Do you believe that CPPC's funding process flows through to ratepayers appropriate 10 economic benefits? 11 A. Yes. Mr. Moldovan discusses on pages 8 through 10 of his testimony the process by which 12 CPPC makes monthly contributions to the decommissioning trust fund. As he explains, 13 CPPC's monthly funding process-which differs in funding frequency from the weekly 14 funding period described in 16 TAC § 25.303(g)(2)(C)-reflects the fact that a certain 15 portion of the funding contribution is essentially a pre-funding of amounts that have been 16 billed to ratepayers but not yet actually paid, and the result is a time-value-of-money effect 17 that replicates the imputation of interest. Mr. Moldovan indicates in his testimony (at the 18 bottom of page 9) that CPPC and its predecessors have used (and the Commission has 19 approved) this funding approach for at least the last 15 years. 20 21 Q. Do you generally agree with Mr. Moldovan's statement on page 9, lines 14 through 22 16 of his testimony that, "from a monthly net use of funds standpoint, the effect of 23 Comanche Peak's approach is that the NDF receives the contribution as of the date 24 the revenues are received by Oncor, without any delay"? 25 A. Yes. I would note, however, that I also agree with his statements on page 10, lines 3 26 through 5 of his testimony, where he states, "Ifthe Commission orders a different approach 27 to NDF [Nuclear Decommissioning Fund] deposits in this proceeding, Comanche Peak or efforts to achieve 'qualified' status in accordance with Internal Revenue Code §468A (or any successor thereto) with respect to its taxable nuclear decommissioning trust funds." Testimony of Darryl Tietlen in Support o f the Supplemented Application December ll,2020

Docket No. 50945 Page 6 of 6 1 will of course comply with the Commission's order," As I indicated above, I believe that 2 the process by which CPPC makes contributions to the trust fund appropriately takes into 3 account the time value of money; nevertheless, I understand that the Commission may 4 choose to direct CPPC to alter the funding process so as to more explicitly reflect the effect 5 ofimputed interest as provided for in 16 TAC § 25.303(g)(2)(C). 6 7 Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 8 A. Yes. Testimony of Darryl Tietjen in Support of the Supplemented Application December 11,2020

PUC Docket No. 50945 Attachment DT-1 Page 1 of 3 LIST OF TESTIMONIES BY DARRYL TIETJEN P.U.C. Docket Company Subject 10060 Brazos River Authority Rate of Return 10462 Tex-La Electric Cooperative Interim Rates/ROR 10325 Central Texas Electric Cooperative Rate of Return 10744 Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative Sale, Transfer, Merger 10820 Magic Valley Electric Cooperative Rate of Return 11347 Johnson County Electric Cooperative Rate of Return 11571 Fayette Electric Cooperative Rate of Return 11520 Southwestern Public Service Company Rate o f Return 12065 Houston Lighting & Power Company Decomm. Exp. 12700 El Paso Electric Company Rate Moderation/ Mirror CWIP 12815 Pedernales Electric Cooperative Rate of Return 12820 Central Power and Light Company Decomm. Exp. 12852 Gulf States Utilities Company Decomm. Expense/ Contra-AFUDC 13827 Southwestern Public Service Notice of Intent 14965 Central Power and Light Company ROR/ Decomm. Exp. 15638 Texas Utilities Electric Company Transmission COS 16585 T&H Communications SPCOA 16705 Entergy Gulf States Rate of Return 16705 Entergy Gulf States ROR on ECOM 18290 Entergy Gulf States Int. on Tax Remand 18845 Central and South West Companies Financial Condition of Resource Providers 21527 TXU Electric Company Securitization 21528 Central Power and Light Company Securitization 22344 Generic Unbundled Docket Return on Equity 22355 Reliant Energy ECOM Estimate 22352 Central Power and Light Company Cost of Debt 22354 West Texas Utilities Company Refinancing Costs 22350 TXU Electric Company ECOM Estimate 26942 Texas-New Mexico Power Company Reg Asset Treatment 29206 Texas-New Mexico Power Company Stranded Costs & True-up Issues 29206 Texas-New Mexico Power Company Int on Stranded Costs 29526 CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric Stranded Costs & True-up Issues 29526 CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric Int. on Stranded Costs 30485 CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric Financing Order Testimony of Darryl Tietjen in Support of the Supplemented Application December ll, 2020

PUC Docket No. 50945 Attachment DT-1 Page 2 of 3 LIST OF TESTIMONIES BY DARRYL TIETJEN (cont.) 30706 CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric Comp. Transition Charge 31056 AEP Texas Central Company Stranded Costs & True-up Issues 31994 Texas-New Mexico Power Company Comp. Transition Charge 32475 AEP Texas Central Financing Order 32907 Entergy Gulf States, Inc. Interest on Storm Costs 33106 Texas-New Mexico Power Company Interest Rate on CTC 33586 Entergy Gulf States, Inc. Financing Order 32795 $5 Billion Stranded-Cost Threshold Interest Amount 34448 CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric Financing Order 34077 Oncor Electric Delivery and Texas Energy Support of Stipulation Future Holdings Limited Partnership 35038 Texas-New Mexico Power Company Tariff Filing 33891 Southwestern Electric Power Co. CCN Application 36918 CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric Restoration Costs 36931 Entergy Texas Restoration Costs 39504 CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric Remanded True-up Costs 39722 AEP Texas Central Company Remanded True-up Costs 40627 Austin Energy Rate Issues 45188 Oncor Electric Delivery Company, et al. Federal Inc. Taxes; Cost of Capital 46238 NextEra, Oncor Federal Income Taxes 45414 Sharyland Utilities, et al. Federal Income Taxes 46936 Southwestern Public Service Co. Wind Facilities-Rate Treatment 46936 Southwestern Public Service Co. Testimony in Support of Stipulation 46957 Oncor Electric Delivery Company Testimony in Support of Stipulation (included in AIS item #420) 47527 Southwestern Public Service Company Testimony in Support of Stipulation 48401 Texas-New Mexico Power Company Testimony in Support of Stipulation Testimony of Darryl Tietjen in Support of the Supplemented Application December 11,2020

PUC Docket No 50945 Attachment DT-1 Page 3 of 3 LIST OF TESTIMONIES BY DARRYL TIETJEN (cont.) 48439 Entergy Texas Testimony in Support of Stipulation (Rate Case Exp) 48929 Oncor Electric Delivery Company, Rate-Related Issues Sharyland Utilities, LP, et al. 49308 AEP Texas, Inc. Testimony in Support of Stipulation (Financing Order) 49421 CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC Financial Protection Measures; Securitization-Related ADFIT 49421 CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC Testimony in Support of Stipulation 49494 AEP Texas Financial Protection Measures; Securitization-Related ADFIT 49494 AEP Texas Testimony in Support of Stipulation 49831 Southwestern Public Service Co. Testimony in Support of Stipulation 49849 El Paso Electric Company, et al. Accounting Issues; 49849 El Paso Electric Company, et al. Testimony in Support of Stipulation Testimony of Darryl Tietjen in Support of the Supplemented Application December 11, 2020

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 18 Addendum StartPage: 0


                                                  § JOINT REQUEST TO ADMIT ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE AND PROPOSED ORDER COMES NOW Comanche Peak Power Company LLC (Comanche Peak), together with the Staff (Staff) ofthe Public Utility Commission of Texas (Commission), representing the public interest, and files this Joint Request to Admit Additional Evidence related to the Commission's review of Comanche Peak's nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis under 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.303(f). The Proposed Order includes revised proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, and ordering paragraphs, in compliance with Order No. 4. In accordance with Order No. 4, this filing is timely on December 18, 2020.

I. REQUEST TO ADMIT EVIDENCE The parties jointly request to admit the following additional evidence into the record of this proceeding: (a) Direct Testimony of Kristopher Moldovan on behalf of Comanche Peak, filed on November 30,2020 (Interchange Item No. 16); and (b) Staff s Recommendation on the Supplemented Application, including the testimony of Darryl Tietjen, filed on December 11,2020 (Interchange Item No. 17). II. PROPOSED ORDER The Proposed Order would approve Comanche Peak' s recommendation regarding its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis under 16 TAC § 25.303 to make an adjustment in the allocation of collections between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds but make no change in the current collection rate. The docket was processed in accordance with applicable statutes and Commission rules. Notice of the application was provided to interested JOINT REQUEST TO ADMIT ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE AND PROPOSED ORDER Page 1 9>\

parties. No protests and no requests for hearing were filed. Therefore, Comanche Peak and Staff are the only parties to this proceeding. III. CONCLUSION Staff has reviewed Comanche Peak's supplemental filing with the direct testimony of Kristopher Moldovan and, based on the testimony of Darryl Tietjen of the Commission's Rate Regulation Division, recommends its approval, and therefore, the parties respectfully request that the Commission adopt the attached findings of fact and conclusions of law as well as grant the admittance of the specified supplemental evidence. Respectfully submitted,

                                                    /sl Kirk D. Rasmussen Kirk D. Rasmussen State Bar No. 24013374 Jackson Walker LLP 100 Congress Avenue, Suite 1100 Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 236-2000 (512) 691-4427 (fax)

Email: krasmussen@jw.com ATTORNEYS FOR COMANCHE PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a copy of this document was served on all parties of record on this date via the Commission's Interchange in accordance with the Commission's order in Docket No. 50664 suspending PUC Procedural Rule 22.74.

                                                     /s/ Kirk D. Rasmussen Kirk D. Rasmussen

EXHIBIT A - JOINT PROPOSED ORDER DOCKET NO. 50945 APPLICATION OF COMANCHE PEAK § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION POWER COMPANY LLC FOR § REVIEW OF NUCLEAR § OF TEXAS DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY § AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER 16 § TAC § 25.303*(2) PROPOSED ORDER This Order addresses the application of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC for review of its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis under 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.303(f)(2). The Commission approves (a) continuation of the annual funding amount of $20,077,165 for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to Comanche Peak's ownership interest in Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2, through 2025; and (b) adjusting the allocation of the decommissioning funds to 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2. I. Findings of Fact The Commission makes the following findings of fact. Applicant

1. Comanche Peak is a foreign limited liability company registered with the secretary of state under filing number 802412555.
2. Comanche Peak is a power generation company registered with the Commission under power generation company number 20407.
3. Through Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Comanche Peak generates electricity that is intended to be sold at wholesale.


4. On June 16, 2020, Comanche Peak filed an application for review of a study of the decommissioning costs of Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, a financial escalation analysis of the decommissioning costs, and an updated funding analysis.
5. In the application, Comanche Peak requested no change to the current annual funding amounts for the cost ofnuclear decommissioning related to Comanche PeakNuclear Power Plant.
6. In the application, Comanche Peak requested an adjustment in the allocation of decommissioning funds between the Unit 1 and Unit 2.
7. On November 30,2020, Comanche Peak supplemented its application with the direct testimony of Kristopher Moldovan.
8. In Order No. filed on , the administrative law judge (ALJ) found the supplemented application administratively complete.

Decommissioning Costs and Fundinjz

9. Comanche Peak administers a nuclear decommissioning trust fund for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, for which Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC is the collecting utility.
10. Comanche Peak's current annual funding amount approved in Docket No. 448451 is
11. Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant consists of two units, Unit 1 and Unit 2, and the annual amount collected to cover the cost ofnuclear decommissioning is allocated between the two units.
12. The annual amount collected to cover the cost ofnuclear decommissioning has, since 2015, been allocated between Unit 1 and Unit 2 at an average rate of 57.1% for Unit 1 and 42.9%

for Unit 2. Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Decommissioninjz Trusts

13. As of December 31, 2019, the net after-tax value of the trusts for Units 1 and 2 totaled
         $1,316460,673, consisting of $623,952,136 for Unit 1 and $692,508,537 for Unit 2.
        ' Application of Luminant Generation Company LLC for Review of Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study and Fi{ nding Analysis , Docket No . 44845 , Orderat Ordering Paragraph No . 2 (Nov 6 , 2015 ).
14. The Decommissioning Cost Analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant prepared by TLG Services, Inc. dated May 2020 and the Financial Escalation Analysis for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant prepared by TLG in May 2020 estimate the total cost to decommission and completely dismantle Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant at $1.729 billion in 2019 dollars, assuming a ten percent contingency.
15. Based on the results of the Decommissioning Study and Financial Escalation Analysis, Comanche Peak performed a Funding Analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant in June 2020.
16. The Funding Analysis shows a -2.7 percent difference between the required funding levels of $19.4 million annually and the five-year average Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant decommissioning fund collections from 2015-2019 of $19.9 million annually.
17. No change to the current annual collection rate is warranted because (a) there is only a small difference between the required annual funding rate and the five-year average actual annual collection rate, and (b) there is inherent and considerable uncertainty as to the predictability of long-term costs and market conditions.
18. Based on the results of the Funding Analysis, the allocation between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds should be adjusted from 57.1% for Unit 1 and 42.9% for Unit 2 to 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2.
19. Comanche Peak's cost study and funding analysis was accompanied by testimony supporting its analysis and the requested annual funding amount.
20. Comanche Peak has established investment policies to ensure that nuclear decommissioning funds collected, plus the amounts earned from investment of the funds.

will be available at the time of decommissioning.

21. Comanche Peak has demonstrated efforts to achieve optimum tax efficiency to maximize the net earnings on the nuclear decommissioning trust funds.


22. On June 15, 2020, Comanche Peak provided a copy of its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis to the Commission's Financial Review Division.
23. On August 12, 2020, Comanche Peak filed the affidavit of Gary L. Moor, Comanche Peak's Director of Legal Operations, attesting that, subsequent to filing its application, Comanche Peak provided copies of its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis to the Office of Public Utility Counsel and Oncor.
24. In Order No . 2 filed on August 10 , 2020 , the ALJ found the notice sufficient .


25. On September 28,2020, Commission Staff and Comanche Peak filed a joint request to admit evidence.
26. In Order No. 3 filed on September 30,2020, the ALJ admitted the following evidence into the record of this proceeding: (a) Comanche Peak's application, including all attachments, filed on June 16, 2020; (b) Commission Staffs sufficiency recommendation filed on August 7,2020; (c) Comanche Peak's affidavit regarding proof of notice filed on August 12,2020; and (d) Commission Staffs final recommendation filed on September 21,2020.
27. In Order No. _ filed on , the ALJ admitted the following evidence into the record of this proceeding: (a) the direct testimony of Kristopher Moldovan; and (b)

Commission's Staff's recommendation on the supplemented application, including the testimony of Darryl Tietjen in support ofthe supplemented application, filed on December 11,2020. Informal Disposition

28. More than 15 days have passed since the completion of the notice provided in this docket.
29. No person filed a protest or motion to intervene.
30. Commission Staff and Comanche Peak are the only parties to this proceeding.
31. No party requested a hearing and no hearing is needed.
32. Commission Staff recommended approval of the application.
33. This decision is not adverse to any party.

II. Conclusions of Law The Commission makes the following conclusions of law.

1. The Commission has authority over the application under PURA2§§ 14.001 and 39.205.
2. Notice of this proceeding was provided in compliance with 16 TAC § 22.55 and 25.303(f)(2).
3. The Commission processed this application in accordance with PURA, the Administrative Procedure Act3 and Commission rules.
4. The remaining costs associated with nuclear decommissioning obligations continue to be subject to cost of service regulation under PURA § 39.205.
5. Under PURA § 39.205, the Commission is authorized to adopt rules to ensure that decommissioning funds are prudently collected, managed, and spent for the intended purpose of such funds and that any surplus is returned to retail customers.
6. Comanche Peak filed its periodic study of the decommissioning costs for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant and its updated decommissioning funding analysis in accordance with 16 TAC § 25.303(f).
7. Comanche Peak's cost study and funding analysis was accompanied by testimony supporting its analysis and the requested annual funding amount under 16 TAC
8. Comanche Peak demonstrated that the funds in its nuclear decommissioning trusts are being invested prudently and in compliance with the investment guidelines set forth in 16 TAC § 25.303(e) under 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(B).
9. Comanche Peak demonstrated efforts to achieve optimum tax efficiency, including efforts to achieve "qualified" status in accordance with Internal Revenue Code § 468A under 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(D)
10. The annual funding amounts proposed by Comanche Peak for nuclear decommissioning trusts are necessary to ensure sufficient funds to decommission Comanche Peak Units 1 and 2 at the end of their useful life in accordance with 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2).

2 Public Utility Regulatory Act, Tex. Util. Code §§ 11.001-66.016. 3 Tex Gov't Code §§ 2001.001-.903.

11. The requirements for informal disposition under 16 TAC § 22.35 have been met in this proceeding.

III. Ordering Paragraphs In accordance with these findings of fact and conclusions of law, the Commission issues the following orders.

1. The Commission approves continuation of the annual funding amount of $20,077,165 for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to Comanche Peak's ownership interest in Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2, through 2025.
2. The Commission approves adjusting the allocation of the decommissioning funds to 72.3%

for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2.

3. The Commission denies all other motions and any other requests for general or specific relief, i f not expressly granted.

27679791v. 1

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 19 Addendum StartPage: 0

DeAnn T. Walker Greg Abbott Chairman Governor Arthur C. D'Andrea Commissioner t/2020 DEC 3 I PM U 03 Shelly Botkin Commissioner Fil ING CLERK Thomas Gleeson Executive Director Public Utility Commission of Texas TO: DeAnn T. Walker, Chairman Arthur C. D'Andrea, Commissioner Shelly Bolin, Commissioner All Parties of Record FROM: Hunter Burkhalter Z35 Chief Administrative Law Judge RE: Open Meeting of January 29, 2021 Docket No . 50945 - Application of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC for Review of Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis Under 16 TAC § 25.303(DO) DATE: December 31, 2020 Because of the COVID-19 state of disaster, the Commission has moved to a work at a home environment and is working to maintain operations as normally as possible. However, all known challenges have not yet been overcome and the dates provided in this notice are subject to change. Enclosed is a copy of the Revised Proposed Order in the above-referenced docket. The Commission will consider this docket at an open meeting currently scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, January 29, 2021, at the Commission's offices, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas. The parties must file corrections or exceptions to the Proposed Order by Monday, January 11,2021. If there are no corrections or exceptions, no response is necessary. ag Q*\CADM\Docket Management\Electric\MISCELLANEOUS\50xxx\50945 PO Memo 2.docx ~ Printed on recycled paper An Equal Opportunity Employer 1701 N. Congress Avenue PO Box 13326 Austin, TX 78711 512/936-7000 Fax: 512/936-7003 web site: www.puc.texas.gov

DOCKET NO. 50945 APPLICATION OF COMMANCHE § PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION PEAK POWER COMPANY LLC FOR § REVIEW OF NUCLEAR § OF TEXAS DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY § AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER 16 § TAC § 25.303(f)(2) REVISED PROPOSED ORDER This Order addresses the application of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC for review of its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis under 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.303(f)(2). The Commission approves (a) continuation of the annual funding amount of $20,077,165 for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to Comanche Peak's ownership interest in Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2, through 2025; and (b) adjusting the allocation of the decommissioning funds to 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2. I. Findings of Fact The Commission makes the following findings of fact. Applicant

1. Comanche Peak is a Delaware limited liability company registered with the secretary of state under filing number 802412555.
2. Comanche Peak is a power generation company registered with the Commission under power generation company number 20407.
3. Through Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Comanche Peak generates electricity that is intended to be sold at wholesale.


4. On June 16, 2020, Comanche Peak filed an application for review of a study of the decommissioning costs of Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, a financial escalation analysis of the decommissioning costs, and an updated funding analysis.

Docket No. 50945 Revised Proposed Order Page 2 of 7

5. In the application, Comanche Peak requested no change to the current annual funding amounts for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant.
6. In the application, Comanche Peak requested an adjustment in the allocation of decommissioning funds between the Unit 1 and Unit 2.
7. In Order No. 2 filed on August 10, 2020, the administrative law judge (ALJ) found the application administratively complete.
8. On November 5,2020, the Commission considered a proposed order in this docket and determined the application and subsequent filings did not include evidence required by 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.303(f)(4)(A), (B), and (D), and remanded this proceeding to Docket Management for further processing.
9. On November 30,2020, Comanche Peak supplemented its application with the direct testimony of Kristopher Moldovan.
10. On December 11,2020, Commission Staffprovided the direct testimony of Darryl Tietjen in support of the application.

Decommissioning Costs and Funding

11. Comanche Peak administers a nuclear decommissioning trust fund for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, for which Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC is the collecting utility.
12. Comanche Peak's current annual funding amount approved in Docket No. 448451 is
13. Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant consists of two units, Unit 1 and Unit 2, and the annual amount collected to cover the cost of nuclear decommissioning is allocated between the two units.
       ' Application ofLuminant Generation Company LLC for Review of Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis , Docket No . 44845 , Order at Ordering Paragraph No . 2 ( Nov . 6 , 2015 ).

Docket No. 50945 Revised Proposed Order Page 3 of 7

14. The annual amount collected to cover the cost ofnuclear decommissioning has, since 2015, been allocated between Unit 1 and Unit 2 at an average rate of 57.1 % for Unit 1 and 42.9%

for Unit 2. Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Decommissionin2 Trusts

15. As of December 31, 2019, the net after-tax value of the trusts for Units 1 and 2 totaled
      $1,316,460,673, consisting of $623,952,136 for Unit 1 and $692,508,537 for Unit 2.
16. The Decommissioning Cost Analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant prepared by TLG Services, Inc. dated May 2020 and the Financial Escalation Analysis for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant prepared by TLG in May 2020 estimate the total cost to decommission and completely dismantle Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant at $1.729 billion, in 2019 dollars, assuming a ten percent contingency.
17. Based on the results of the Decommissioning Study and Financial Escalation Analysis, Comanche Peak performed a Funding Analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant in June 2020.
18. The Funding Analysis shows a -2.7 percent difference between the required funding level of $19.4 million annually and the five-year average Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant decommissioning fund collections from 2015-2019 of $19.9 million annually.
19. No change to the current annual collection rate is warranted because (a) there is only a small difference between the required annual funding rate and the five-year average actual annual collection rate, and (b) there is inherent and considerable uncertainty as to the predictability of long-term costs and market conditions.
20. Based on the results of the Funding Analysis, the allocation between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds should be adjusted from 57.1% for Unit 1 and 42.9% for Unit 2 to 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2.
21. Comanche Peak's cost study and funding analysis was accompanied by, and have been supplemented by, testimony supporting its analysis and the requested annual funding amount.

Docket No. 50945 Revised Proposed Order Page 4 of 7

22. Comanche Peak has established investment policies to ensure that nuclear decommissioning funds collected, plus the amounts earned from investment of the funds, will be available at the time of decommissioning.
23. Comanche Peak has demonstrated efforts to achieve optimum tax efficiency to maximize the net earnings on the nuclear decommissioning trust funds.


24. On June 15, 2020, Comanche Peak provided a copy of its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis to the Commission's Financial Review Division.
25. On August 12, 2020, Comanche Peak filed the affidavit of Gary L. Moor, Comanche Peak's Director of Legal Operations, attesting that, subsequent to filing its application, Comanche Peak provided copies of its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis to the Office of Public Utility Counsel and Oncor.
26. In Order No. 2 filed on August 10, 2020, the ALJ found the notice sufficient.


27. On September 28,2020, Commission Staff and Comanche Peak filed a joint request to admit evidence.
28. In Order No. 3 filed on September 30,2020, the ALJ admitted the following evidence into the record of this proceeding: (a) Comanche Peak's application, including all attachments, filed on June 16, 2020; (b) Commission Staff s sufficiency recommendation filed on August 7,2020; (c) Comanche Peak's affidavit regarding proof of notice filed on August 12,2020; and (d) Commission Staffs final recommendation filed on September 21,2020.
29. On December 18,2020 Commission Staffand Comanche Peak filed ajoint request to admit additional evidence.
30. In Order No. 5 filed on December 31,2020, the ALJ admitted the following evidence into the record of this proceeding: (a) direct testimony of Kristopher Moldovan on behalf of Comanche Peak filed on November 30,2020; and (b) Commission Staffs recommendation on the supplemented application, including the testimony of Darryl Tietjen, filed on December 11,2020.

Docket No. 50945 Revised Proposed Order Page 5 of 7 Informal Disposition

31. More than 15 days have passed since the completion of the notice provided in this docket.
32. No person filed a protest or motion to intervene.
33. Commission Staff and Comanche Peak are the only parties to this proceeding.
34. No party requested a hearing and no hearing is needed.
35. Commission Staff recommended approval o f the application.
36. This decision is not adverse to any party.

II. Conclusions of Law The Commission makes the following conclusions of law.

1. The Commission has authority over the application under PURA2§§ 14.001 and 39.205.
2. Notice of this proceeding was provided in compliance with 16 TAC § 22.55 and 25.303(0(2).
3. The Commission processed this application in accordance with PURA, the Administrative Procedure Act,3 and Commission rules.
4. The remaining costs associated with nuclear decommissioning obligations continue to be subject to cost of service regulation under PURA § 39.205.
5. Under PURA § 39.205, the Commission is authorized to adopt rules to ensure that decommissioning funds are prudently collected, managed, and spent for the intended purpose of such funds and that any surplus is returned to retail customers.
6. Comanche Peak filed its periodic study of the decommissioning costs for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant and its updated decommissioning funding analysis in accordance with 16 TAC § 25.303(f).
7. Comanche Peak's cost study and funding analysis was accompanied by, and supplemented by, testimony supporting its analysis and the requested annual funding amount under 16 TAC §25.303(©(4)(A).

2 Public Utility Regulatory Act, Tex. Util. Code §§ 11.001-66.016. 3 Tex. Gov't Code §§ 2001.001-.903.

Docket No. 50945 Revised Proposed Order Page 6 of 7

8. Comanche Peak demonstrated that the funds in its nuclear decommissioning trusts are being invested prudently and in compliance with the investment guidelines in 16 TAC
        § 25.303(e) under 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(B).
9. Comanche Peak demonstrated efforts to achieve optimum tax efficiency, including efforts to achieve "qualified" status in accordance with Internal Revenue Code § 468A under 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(D)
10. The annual funding amounts proposed by Comanche Peak for its nuclear decommissioning trusts are necessary to ensure sufficient funds to decommission Comanche Peak Units 1 and 2 at the end of their useful life in accordance with 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2).
11. The requirements for informal disposition under 16 TAC § 22.35 have been met in this proceeding.

III. Ordering Paragraphs In accordance with these findings of fact and conclusions of law, the Commission issues the following orders.

1. The Commission approves continuation of the annual funding amount of $20,077,165 for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to Comanche Peak's ownership interest in Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2, through 2025.
2. The Commission approves adjusting the allocation ofthe decommissioning funds to 72.3%

for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2.

3. The Commission denies all other motions and any other requests for general or specific relief that have not been expressly granted.

Docket No. 50945 Revised Proposed Order Page 7 of 7 Signed at Austin, Texas the day of January 2020. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS DEANN T. WALKER, CHAIRMAN ARTHUR C. D'ANDREA, COMMISSIONER SHELLY BOTKIN, COMMISSIONER W2013 q \cadm\docket management\electnc\miscellaneous\50xxx\50945 revised po docx

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 20 Addendum StartPage: 0


                                                          § PUBLIC UTIL ITY CO>IMICC'r* '

DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY § AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER 16 § TAC § 25.303(©(2) ORDER NO. 5 ADMITTING ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE This Order addresses the December 18, 2020, joint request to admit additional evidence filed by Commission Staffand Comanche Peak Power Company LLC. The following evidence is admitted into the record of this proceeding:

1. Direct testimony of Kristopher Moldovan on behalf of Comanche Peak filed on November 30,2020; and
2. Commission Staff s recommendation on the supplemented application, including the testimony of Darryl Tietjen, filed on December 11,2020.

Signed at Austin, Texas the 31st day of December 2020. PUBLIC UTILITY COM>1ISS]ON OF TEX.AS iYUN*R BUIEKHXLTER CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE Q.\CADM\Docket Management\Electnc\MISCELLANEOUS\50xxx\50945-5 add evidence docx

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 21 Addendum StartPage: 0

DOCKET NO. 50945

                                                                                                                                  ~kx.SVX3 UP:5~


                                                                                                     %1 0

JAN 1 1 2021 t \ BY- )


PROPOSED ORDER Staff has reviewed the proposed order filed on December 31,2020 and has not identified any corrections or exceptions. Therefore, Staff will not be filing corrections or exceptions to the proposed order. Dated: January 11,2021 Respectfully submitted, PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS LEGAL DIVISION Rachelle Nicolette Robles Division Director Eleanor D'Ambrosto Managing Attorney

                                              /s/ John Harrison John Harrison State Bar No. 24097806
                                            ] 701 N. Congress Avenue P.O. Box 13326 Austin, Texas 78711-3326 (5 I 2) 936-7277 (512) 936-7268 (facsimile)

John.Harrison@puc.texas.gov Docket No. 50945 Page 1

DOCKET NO. 50945 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that, unless otherwise ordered by the presiding officer, notice of the filing of this document was provided to all parties of record via electronic mail on January 11, 2021, in accordance with the Order Suspending Rules, issued in ProJect No. 50664.

                                              /s/ John Harrison John Harrison Docket No. 50945                                                                               Page 2

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 22 Addendum StartPage: 0

Public Utility Commission of Texas I. Commissioner Memorandum 2021 JAN 28 A M 9: O i

                                                                              ' Lj ti .   .4 k¢ TO:             Commissioner Arthur C. D'Andrea                                       Fll LN'G 6[

LKK Commissioner Shelly Botkin FROM: Chairman DeAnn T. Walker &19/ DATE: January 28,2021 RE: January 29, 2021 Open Meeting - Item No. 4 Docket No . 50945 - Applicalion of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC for Review of Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study and Funding Analysis Under 16 TAC § 25.303*(2) I recommend that the Commission make the following changes to the revised proposed order in this proceeding. A new heading and findings of fact should be added after finding of fact 30 and a new conclusion of law should be added after conclusion of law 10 to address the need for a good cause exception. Subsequent findings of fact and conclusions of law should be renumbered accordingly. Good Cause Exception

31. It is Comanche Peak's practice is to make monthly deposits to the nuclear decommissioning trust funds. Comanche Peak does not use an imputed interest calculation in setting the decommissioning charge.
32. Every month at mid-month Comanche Peak deposits the amount of nuclear decommissioning charges that will be due from billings for the entire previous month to the nuclear decommissioning trust fund. At that mid-month point, about half of the previous month's bills are due from retail electric providers, so half of the contribution to the fund is paid in advance. The effect of Comanche Peak's process is that the nuclear decommissioning fund receives Comanche Peak's contribution the same day the collecting utility receives the revenues. without any delay or need to impute interest.

Conclusion of Law

11. Under 16 TAC § 25.303(h),good cause exists to waive the requirement in 16 TAC 4 25.303(g)(2)(C) that if deposits to the nuclear decommissioning trust funds are less frequent that weekly, an implied interest calculation shall be used in setting the decommissioning charge.

Finally, I propose delegating to the Office of Policy and Docket Management staff the authority to modify the order to conform to the Citation and Style Guide for the Public Utility

Commission of Texas and to make other non - substantive changes to the order for such matters as capitalization, spelling, grammar, punctuation, style, correction of numbering, and readability. I look forward to discussing this matter with you at the open meeting. 2

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 23 Addendum StartPage: 0

DOCKET NO. 50945

                                                                                   ,-   W APPLICATION OF COMANCHE PEAK                   §     PUBLIC UTIL 19418,ARIIAN£* 7 POWER COMPANY LLC FOR                          § REVIEW OF NUCLEAR                              §                 OF TEXWNiNG CLERK DECOMMISSIONING COST STUDY                     § AND FUNDING ANALYSIS UNDER 16                  § TAC §25.3032)                                 § ORDER This Order addresses the application of Comanche Peak Power Company LLC for review of its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis under 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.303(f)(2). The Commission approves continuation of the annual funding amount of $20,077,165 for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to Comanche Peak's ownership interest in Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2, through 2025; and adjusting the allocation of the decommissioning funds to 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2.

I. Findings of Fact The Commission makes the following findings of fact. Applicant

1. Comanche Peak is a Delaware limited liability company registered with the secretary of state under filing number 802412555.
2. Comanche Peak is a power generation company registered with the Commission under power generation company number 20407.
3. Through Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Comanche Peak generates electricity that is intended to be sold at wholesale.


4. On June 16, 2020, Comanche Peak filed an application for review of a study of the decommissioning costs of Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, a financial escalation analysis ofthe decommissioning costs, and an updated funding analysis.

l tj

Docket No. 50945 Order Page 2 of 7 In the application, Comanche Peak requested no change to the current annual funding amounts for the cost ofnuclear decommissioning related to Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant. In the application, Comanche Peak requested an adjustment in the allocation of decommissioning funds between Unit 1 and Unit 2. In Order No. 2 filed on August 10, 2020, the administrative law judge (ALJ) found the application administratively complete. On November 5,2020, the Commission considered a proposed order in this docket and determined the application and subsequent filings did not include evidence required by 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.303(f)(4)(A), (B), and (D), and remanded this proceeding to Docket Management for further processing. On November 30,2020, Comanche Peak supplemented its application with the direct testimony of Kristopher Moldovan.

10. On December 11,2020, Commission Staff provided the direct testimony of Darryl Tietjen in support of the application.

DecommissioninE Trusts Costs and FundinH

11. Comanche Peak administers a nuclear decommissioning trust fund for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, for which Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC is the collecting utility.
12. Comanche Peak's current annual funding amount approved in Docket No. 44845' is
13. Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant consists of two units, Unit 1 and Unit 2, and the annual amount collected to cover the cost of nuclear decommissioning is allocated between the two units.
        ' Application of Luminant Generation Company LLC for Review of'Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Study und Ftlndtng Analysis . Docket No . 44845 , Order at Ordering Paragraph No . 2 ( Nov . 6 , 2015 ).

Docket No. 50945 Order Page 3 of 7

14. The annual amount collected to cover the cost of nuclear decommissioning has, since 2015.

been allocated between Unit 1 and Unit 2 at an average rate of 57.1% for Unit 1 and 42.9% for Unit 2.

15. As of December 31, 2019, the net after-tax value of the trusts for Units 1 and 2 totaled
      $1,316,460,673, consisting of $623,952,136 for Unit 1 and $692,508,537 for Unit 2.
16. The decommissioning cost analysis for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant prepared by TLG Services, Inc. dated May 2020 and the financial escalation analysis for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant prepared by TLG in May 2020 estimate the total cost to decommission and completely dismantle Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant will be
      $1.729 billion, in 2019 dollars, assuming a ten percent contingency.
17. Based on the results of the decommissioning study and financial escalation analysis.

Comanche Peak performed a funding analysis for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant iii June 2020.

18. The funding analysis shows a -2.7 percent difference between the required funding level of $19.4 million annually and the five-year average Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant decommissioning fund collections from 2015 through 2019 of $19.9 million annually.
19. No change to the current annual collection rate is warranted because there is only a small difference between the required annual funding rate and the five-year average actual annual collection rate, and there is inherent and considerable uncertainty as to the predictability oj long-term costs and market conditions.
20. Based on the results of the funding analysis, the allocation between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 decommissioning funds should be adjusted from 57.1°/o for Unit 1 and 42.9°/o for Unit 2 to 72.3% for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2.
21. Comanche Peak's cost study and funding analysis was accompanied by. and have been supplemented by, testimony supporting its analysis and the requested annual funding amount.
22. Comanche Peak has established investment policies to ensure that nuclear decommissioning funds collected, plus the amounts earned from investment of the funds.

will be available at the time o f decommissioning.

Docket No. 50945 Order Page 4 of 7

23. Comanche Peak has demonstrated efforts to achieve optimum tax efficiency to maximize the net earnings on the nuclear decommissioning trust funds.


24. On June 15, 2020, Comanche Peak provided a copy of its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis to the Commission's Financial Review Division.
25. On August 12, 2020, Comanche Peak filed the affidavit of Gary L. Moor, Comanche Peak's Director of Legal Operations, attesting that, subsequent to filing its application, Comanche Peak provided copies of its nuclear decommissioning cost study and funding analysis to the Office of Public Utility Counsel and Oncor.
26. In Order No. 2 filed on August 10, 2020, the ALJ found the notice sufficient.


27. On September 28,2020, Commission Staff and Comanche Peak filed a joint request to admit evidence.
28. In Order No. 3 filed on September 30,2020, the ALJ admitted the following evidence into the record of this proceeding: Comanche Peak's application, including all attachments, filed on June 16, 2020; Commission Staffs sufficiency recommendation filed on August 7.2020; Comanche Peak's affidavit regarding proof of notice filed on August 12, 2020; and Commission Staffs final recommendation filed on September 21,2020.
29. On December 18, 2020, Commission Staff and Comanche Peak filed a joint request to admit additional evidence.
30. [n Order No. 5 filed on December 31, 2020, the ALJ admitted the following evidence into the record of this proceeding: the direct testimony of Kristopher Moldovan on behalf of Comanche Peak filed on November 30,2020; and Commission Staffs recommendation on the supplemented application, including the testimony of Darryl Tietjen, filed on December 11,2020.

Good Cause Exception

31. It is Comanche Peak's practice to make monthly deposits to the nuclear decommissioning trust funds. Comanche Peak does not use an imputed interest calculation in setting the decommissioning charge.

Docket No. 50945 Order Page 5 of 7

32. Every month at mid-month Comanche Peak deposits the amount of nuclear decommissioning charges that will be due from billings for the entire previous month to the nuclear decommissioning trust fund. At that mid-month point. about half of the previous month's bills are due from retail electric providers, so half of the contribution to the fund is paid in advance. The effect of Comanche Peak's process is that the nuclear decommissioning fund receives Comanche Peak's contribution the same day the collecting utility receives the revenues, without any delay or need to impute interest.

Informal Disposition

33. More than 15 days have passed since the completion of the notice provided in this docket.
34. No person filed a protest or motion to intervene.
35. Commission Staff and Comanche Peak are the only parties to this proceeding.
36. No party requested a hearing and no hearing is needed.
37. Commission Staff recommended approval of the application.
38. This decision is not adverse to any party.

II. Conclusions of Law The Commission makes the following conclusions of law.

1. The Commission has authority over the application under PURA2 §§ 14.001 and 39.205.
2. Notice of this proceeding was provided in compliance with 16 TAC §§ 22.55 and 25.303(f)(2).
3. The Commission processed this application in accordance with PURA. the Administrative Procedure Act,*3 and Commission rules.
4. The remaining costs associated with nuclear decommissioning obligations continue lo be subject to cost of service regulation under PURA § 39.205.

2 Public Utility Regulatory Act, Tex. Util. Code §§ 11.001-66.016. 3 Tex. Gov't Code §§ 2001.001-.903.

Docket No. 50945 Order Page 6 of 7

5. Under PURA § 39.205, the Commission is authorized to adopt rules to ensure that decommissioning funds are prudently collected, managed, and spent for the intended purpose of such funds and that any surplus is returned to retail customers.
6. Comanche Peak filed its periodic study of the decommissioning costs for Comanche Peak N uclear Power Plant and its updated decommissioning funding analysis in accordance with 16 TAC § 25.303(t).
7. Comanche Peak's cost study and funding analysis was accompanied by, and supplemented by, testimony supporting its analysis and the requested annual funding amount under 16 TAC §25.303(f)(4)(A).
8. Comanche Peak demonstrated that the funds in its nuclear decommissioning trusts are being invested prudently and in compliance with the investment guidelines in 16 TAC
        § 25.303(e) under 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(B).
9. Comanche Peak demonstrated efforts to achieve optimum tax efficiency, including efforts to achieve -qualified" status in accordance with Internal Revenue Code § 468A under 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(4)(D).
10. 'fhe annual funding amounts proposed by Comanche Peak for its nuclear decommissioning trusts are necessary to ensure sufficient funds to decommission Comanche Peak Units 1 and 2 at the end of their useful life in accordance with 16 TAC § 25.303(f)(2).
11. Under 16 TAC § 25.303(h), good cause exists to waive the requirement in 16 TAC
        § 25.303(g)(2)(C) that if deposits to the nuclear decommissioning trust funds are less frequent than weekly, an implied interest calculation shall be used in setting the decommissioning charge.
12. 1 he requirements for informal disposition under 16 TAC § 22.35 have been met in this proceeding.

III. Ordering Paragraphs In accordance with these findings of fact and conclusions of law, the Commission issues the following orders.

Docket No. 50945 Order Page 7 of 7

1. The Commission approves continuation of the annual funding amount of $20,077.165 for the cost of nuclear decommissioning related to Comanche Peak's ownership interest in Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2, through 2025.
2. The Commission approves adjusting the allocation ofthe decommissioning funds to 72.3%

for Unit 1 and 27.7% for Unit 2.

3. The Commission denies all other motions and any other requests for general or specific relief that have not been expressly granted.


                                          \>>A<< 1 SHELLY BOTK~N, COMMISSIONER W2013 q \cadm\orders\final\50000\50945 fo docx

Control Number: 50945 Item Number: 24 Addendum StartPage: 0


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