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Notification of 870629 Meeting W/Util in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Status of Outage & Other Restart Activities
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 06/16/1987
From: Doerflein L
Shared Package
ML20206C347 List:
FOIA-88-198 NUDOCS 8811160257
Download: ML20206C382 (25)


{{#Wiki_filter:. _ _ _ _ - O 5 JUN 1 E 1987 t No. 87-033


U.S. Nt; CLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I NOTICE OF LICENSEE MEETING Name of Licensee: Boston Edison Company Name of Factifty: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant Docket No.: 50-293 Time and Date of Meeting: 1:00 P.M. , June 29, 1987 Location of Meeting? NRC Region ! Miin Conference Room, King. of Prussia, PA Purpose of Meeting: Discuss the Status of the Outage and Other Restart Activities NRC Atter. dees: W. T. Russell, Regional Administrator W. F. Kane, Director, Olvision cf Reactor Projects (ORP)

W. V. Johnston, Acting Director, Division of Reactor Safety (ORS)

T. T. 'iartin, r Of rector, Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards (ORSS)

5. J. Collins, Leputy Director, ORP J. T. Wiggins, Chief, Projects Section 18, DRP M. H. McBride, Senior Resident Inspector, Pilgrim R. H. Wessman, Project Manager, NRR Licensee Attendees: R. Bird, Senior Vice President - Nuclear Operations R. Ledgett, Executive Assistant to the Senior Vice President J. Howard, Vice President - Engineering and Quality Assurance D. G1111spie, Of rector, Planning and Restart K. Roberts, Nuclear Operations Department Manager 4

Note: Attendance by NRQ personnel at this meeting should be made known by 1 June <24, 1987 via. telephone call to J. Wiggins, Region I, at FTS 8- 1128 or 215-33/-5128 . I. * 'f-

                            .~';;r    .c Prepared by:

t.. k)h 0 T. Doerflein TActing Chief Reactor Projectj Section IB 8011160257 001010 PDR FOIA JOHNEON08-190 PDR g,,,*



       -Define and implement a start up program to be used for the current outage which will ensure the operability of plant hardware and the readiness of both management and the operating staff for start up.

To includes-Establishing a stable management team with a clearly defined onsite organization

                        -Prioritization of plant modifications and oemonstrated capability to accomplish scheduled work
                        -Demonstrate effective management attention in ensuring resolution of identified problems
                        -Provide Restart Readiness Report to NRC 45 days prior to start up
                        -Develop test program and power escalation milestones and schedule (mode switch and S/D from outside CR)
                        -Finish review and updating of procedures
                        -Provide containment modifications program to NRR
       ~ Resolve chronic staffing shortages by identifying the underlying reasons for those vacancies, and define and implement a program to achieve adequate staffing leveln.

To includes-Licensed operator recutting and trainings security staffing operations technical support staffing; and HP first line supervisor vacancies BGD1QLQGICOL_QQUIBQLS

       -Complete implementation of those corrective actions required by the Radiological Improvement Program in response to the order modifying the license dated November 29, 1980.

To includes-Continue decontamination efforts

                        -Demonstrate increased management attention and involvement in radiological controls improvements
                   ,4     ,and correcti ve action to problems
                    ~/ -Improve communications with other onsite

( ; organizations deluIEUGUCE

        -!mplementation of an effective program to identify, prioritize and control the backlog of both safety related and balance of plant maintenance work items.

To includes-Implement an effective work planning and scheduling process

                        -Reduce backlog of maintenance items
                         -Improve material condition of the plant
                         -Ausure technical adequacy of procedures


        -Define and implement effective measures to assure that surveillance testing is technically adequate and is performed when required.

To includes-Strengthening the surveillance scheduling system

                      -Improve surveillance test procedure technical adequacy, especially logic system functional tests
                      -Establish an effective M&TE control program EIBE_EBQIECIl0N
 *      -Define and implement actions to address long-standing fire protection equipment and training deficiencies.

To includes-Resolution of Appendix,A and Appendix R conflicts

                       -NRR approval of Appendix R exemption requests
                       -Resolution of the numerous degraded fire barriers and establishment of an effectve barrier surveillance program
                       -Repair of inoperable fire protect.'sn system equipment, reduced reliance upo- compensatory measures, and implementation of continuing maintenance in this area SECUSIIY
        -Correct a substantial portion of the security system hardware deficiencies and reduce reliance upon compensatory measures


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                                      .. .i for 5/8-10/87.

Licensee / Tac 111ty Notification / subject Pilgrim 5/6 ENS Call DN 50-293 HCU Seismic Qualification tweet . During an inspection of the Centrol Red Drive systeme Hydraulic Centrol Unit (MCU) installation th licensee ident1fted that some of the HCU held down belts were leese er missing.e As a result the HCU configuratten did nel Corresp6Ad to that used during the seismic qualification testing. The inspection was performed in response to a General Electric letter dated 10/22/88. which indicated the problem was identified at another facility and r e C eaune nde d all , plaats check their HCU installattens. Licensee engineering evaluatten is  ! contineine. The resident inspotters will review the results of this evaluation and t he IIconsee correc t 1we actions. 6 Licensee / Facility Notification / Subject ( Pilgrim SALP Managessent Meeting / Das 50-293 Informatten item Eweet The SALP Management Meeting with the sosten Edison Company is being held today to Ch11tenw111e. Massachusetts. e .



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S _r _+ , 4 I .) aEGION I sepaNIssG REPosti PAGE 5 JUNE 2 198F License-/Fac111ty Netif1catlon/ subject PilgrNa S/2 RI via PC DN 50-293 General Electric Type HfA Relay Armature Binding Event sea has determined that a significant percentage of General Electric Besten (GE] typE ' A awa111ary relays testalled in safety-related applications at Palgrim are susceptible le mechanical binding of the armature. GE Service N -

I Advice Letter (SAtt 180.1 issued en November 14 1986 indicates that NFA relays mensf ac tored between January 1983 and Oc tober 1986 may emperience mechanical Dandang caused by anterrect local $en of a step tab welded to the relay armature. The a ncor rec t postatoning of the step tab cmined wa t h einer movement of the matnel ac assembly when cont insees ty energized wit h AC power, can cause noterference between the tab and t h relay core. This interf erence result s in 4 t he fc11ere of t he norrally closed relay contac t s 1 deonergaratten. The test reccomended by GE in SAL toclosee$enrelafustingthe 138.1 is.c wdes ad - b Of j rolcy coil and core assembly to place 11 in the most disadvantageous positten.

' The licensee is testin installed relays in the as-found condition, and in sc cordanc e wi t h t he me bed pre s c ribed i n t he SAL . AC relays manufactured wit 01o. prior to, and af ter t he dates referenced in SAL 18s.1 have exhibited "h b 3 . g, d       ( y e6 t(

ecrysag degrees of banding when tested in accordance wit h 't he SAL. No relay te ,## dccto has shown evidence of binding in the as-found condition. 5* ad(ation the 1acecsce is evaluating the possib111ty that normal equi at and panel vibratie.- hjg + ,.pWe g Elc cocid cause siet ter problems in DC relays. Testing of relays nas identified samtler instances of binding. Besten Edison currently plans to replace the armatcres en all saf ety-related MFA relays which ut illae the normally closed cont ac t s . Subsequently all remainig saf ety-related relays installed and in the wareheese will be tested and appropriate ac tion taken. Representatives ei the General Elec t ric Company are ensite and involved in test ing and data collec tion. Thas assee is being reviewed by GE and the licensee for reportability under IDCFO part 21. The resident inspectors will continue to monitor t hese actaostaes. e S O

h. G .

I P02 ( JbH 10 '87 09:37 NRC KING OF PRUSSIA-2

       .                                          OFFICE hDIDRA40UM                                       1
   .      Boston Edison Company                                                  RNGControlNva6Yr To:     K. P. Roberts                 from R                gg                         _,
                                                                                 "Record Type A4.08 Date:     June b. 1987              , Dept. Doc. NED 87-545           Non-$4fety Related Suh.iect:  HTA Reley Armature Rep 14 Cement 01stribution:

D. Gl111spie M. Mlley P.S. #87-148 A. Marqu4rdt M. Maguire R. Sherry ' R. V. Atkins J. pawlak _ = _ l Due to potential ' Armature 81nding" issues identified in GE SAL 148.1 and in agreement with MED action items assigned in the WUORG 6/1/87 seating, on the , subject, the following is a preliminary response identifying those HFA relays which can be worked on immediately and a final response, due on 6/20/87, will include any additions.  ;

           !. PURPOSE:   To thfors P W S personnel on the progress of the subject HFA relay's preliminary evaluation and detail results.                          ,

l  !!. REASON: To supply PRPS personeel with a list of relays which have been identif'ted in the reliminary evaluation which meet the  : esta411shed c a for /htse 1 and Phase 2 aresture replacement. In s is to allow planning schedsling, and start  ; of the trastuft replactment progree. 1 III. DEFINITIONS: A. Phase i AletATURE REPLACDIUti CRITEAIA (RF0 7) [

1. Safety Related Relay (Class IL) normally energizec (during  :

normal operation) and

2. Moraally cleted (RC) contactis when deenergized perfore .

- Class 1E function. . l

8. Phase 2 Asul41URE R&LACDIGIT CRIT (R1A (RFO 7)
l. Safety Related Relay (Class 1E) normaily energized (during normal operation) and.
2. Notsally closed (IsC) contact /s when deenergized perfore non-safety function (te. alare or computer input.) l C. Phase 3 AIBGLTURE AptACDIENT CRITERIA (Long Tern)
1. All russletec Safety aclated Relays (class IE) norms 11y  !

duries neveal aseratten) and having only  ! 45 agatects) shoe doesorgized. l 2. All 1sted attaFs in warsheese. l l 1 I W//.1. ' 1

                                                             ~                    - --. - - -

D. ArtAYS NNICH 00 NOT RtQulkt ANNATURF ctPLACCMENT l 1, A1) Safety Related Relay'; which are not normally energtred.

2. All Non-$4fety Relays. 1 IV. RESUL15 A. A total of 420 type HTA relays have been identified. ]
5. A total of 394 relays have been evaluated and the results are: )
1. Phase 1 ARMATURE REPLACEMENT = 17 relays ,
2. Phase 2 ARMATURE REPLACDtfMT a 64 relays
3. NO PHASE 1 or 2 ARMATURE REPLActHtNT e 293 relays  ;

C. Twenty six relays have been identified but not yet evaluated. It can be expected that these relays will not require armature . replaconent as established in Phase 1 or 2. For more details on this preltalnary evaluation and the results, see the attachments which show how the evaluation was performed, identifying all relays ovaluated and those yet to be evaluated, f v. Cope 4ENT: The above results are only a preliminary review performed by the i Power Systes's Group. A more indepth final study is required l and will be made and independently vertfled by the S&SA Group of

WED. ,

We do not, at this time, expect to add more relays regulfing  ! Phase 1 or 2 armatvre replacement. I VI. ATTAOettuTS A. Flow disgram showing how the HFA relays which were supplied by l the Gemral Electric Company for the Nuclear ao11er Ptekage were  ; evaleeted. (The balance of plant relays were evaluated on a one i by one basis.) i

8. Ten sheets (1 thru 10) Ilsting the Nuclear Boller Package relavi and the results. (All have been evaluated.) j Armature Reclacement  !

Phase 1 Phase i ! i 1 Sheet #1 = 34 ANA "A" Relays .


sheet M = 30 MR 'B' helays a  ! l Sheet M - 30 Relays 0 7  ! 0 0 Sheet M - 17 rt to tys 0 0 sheet M - 19 Rel  !

                                              *A*    Sys                  4                    24 meet 3      40                                                               j heet # = #         Y'
                                                      . telays 4

2 24 16 i 33 3 . 19 shoot me . m

                                                       . Relays
                                                     & Blaudoun 0

5 13 1 i l s  : I

PO4 JUN 10 '87 09:38 HRC KING OF PRUSSIA-2

      .                c. Five sneets listing the Balance of Plant relays which have been identified. (Some of vntch have not yet been evaluated.)
                            $heet allA . 36    541ence of Plant Safety Related Relays which do Sheet #115 - 4'    not require Phase 1 or 2 armature replacement.

Sheet #12A - 39 Balance of Plant Non-Safety Relays which do Sheet #125 - 16 not requiri Phase 1 or 2 armature replecteent Sheet #13 f 26 salance of Plant Welays which have not been evaluated but are expected NOT to require Phase 1 or 2 armature replacement. VII .SlM4ARY To susmartre the arorementioned:

a. The following seventeen (17) relays require Phase 1 replacement; 10A-Ks2A 5A488 2t-K18 104-K828 5A-K40 2E-K13A 5A-KsA 5A-K98 2E-K138 5A4BC 5A-K90 2C=K13C i

5A-KSA 16A-KAA 2C-K130 5A-K9C 16A-Kas

b. The eighty-four (84) relays requiring Phase 2 replacemenc can be found in the appropriate attachments.




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y l W y NO l m WMN  ; ! SEMO USEO/NOT 8RWWIS REC'AED  ; l

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                                                                                                     .STOP' t
                                             $ THE RELAY                                 .No m    NO RJRTHEM l                                        NYN                                                  '

EVALUAT10NS sr, neouseo uwNanu.ctceso l CONTACTS BEMG l UNDPORU3WD l 01MiR THAMMAf5A ORCG M i

                   'YES"                          1 r W                               l s r                                                                            it    -

PHASEa  ; PNu31 Men ARAMRAWIMPLAGelegir  ! l (1Y - _a L. (WNV8)  ! i L.._.--. _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _

JUN 10 '87 14:00 NRC KING OF PRUSSIA P02 I

                                                                                 $f MER AL $ ILICTRig                       ,                       l tacite aan esetasi, eus tecas straatatut W h4CTh((C>#4Mr e C/44 acM 1),wa4WM, aEM4%VN4A le334116 4 (elH est MCo
                                                                       %ftAT A5fD ACC($$0er $(ty!Cg ADy!C( Lg7Tig
                                                                                    ,                                                             j Subjec t:                     HTA Amaturt Ifeding                                 hder 134.1 Nevenber 14, 1996 1ssued by:                    R. A. N4sener pmpared by:                   3. 8. Duerwachter inere relays.have been two reports of incorrect operation of nFA autt1f ary In both cases the relays, which had been continuously eMrgfred with ac power f ailed to provide correct contact operatten when de-energited.

Our investigation indicated that the Nchantcal binding, which prever,ted correct relay operation which is welded to the a.rvature. was caused by incorrect location of a stop tab This incorrect positioning, comb 1Md with minor movement of the magnetic assembly, which espertenest vibretten when the relay is energlied with oc power, causes the ersaWre binding, 1 The too1%g vsed to weld the stop tab has been corrteted. Relsyn manuf4ctu,ed 6f tee October 24, Date Code YA and later, are not subject to this defect. Although it is not postible to identify emettly when the stop tab prvblem began, relays inanufactured between Janwary IM3 and October 1H6 art suspect and may be checked in the following 3anMrs

1. Loosen the four coli and sore mounting screws located at the rear of
the relay case.


2. Allow the coil and core assembly to move dow?t as far as possible '

with the relay In the upright position. Retf 9hten the screws to i 18 20 inch pounds. (1 hts posttfons the algnetic asseetly in the j most disadvantageous position.) , 3 Clott the smature by hand end gradually releest. Per correct operatton, the arsature should move to the full open position with no binding and with correct contact action. if binding f exprtenced, we reccermnd the followingi f  ; for kwelear 1_t_ A)y11 cations, a r splacement relay is recwrended. Yeplatsetnt relays shoWMTe ordered through ycyr 10c41 GC  ; district sales office. kelsys ereered before Deceeber 1,1987 l

E0d 1H30!S38 08H WI8011d 2g
37 28. 01 HO l

9 9 3 3 d v d d I 9 g /j

JUN 10 '87 14:01 NRC KING OF PRUSSIA P03 JAN 23 '87 11819 NRC bYSTER CREEK PO4 CIN ER AL $ ILICTRIC service Adytce IN.1 l November 14, 1946 Page two will be furnished at 60% of the published hendbook prf te. Requests for replacement MFA's must includt! A. A rvference to Service Advice No. IM.1'

8. Acqwlsition nVmber and purchase order under Which the original relay was furnished C. Nuclear Damage W4tver for. Non-It_ App 11cetton),, e replaternent amature is recornended.

Insta11ction of the armature may be accceplished by following the steps outif med en Att6chnent A. Repiscewnt ar1 natures Art avaliable on a no. charge basis and should be ordered through your local 4t (16trict sales office. Reguests for the ersatures must includt 1 A. A reference to service Advice No.188.1

8. Date codes of the relays for which the replacement amaturts will be used.

Replacement arvatures will be av4114ble thr0Jgh December 5, 1947 labor for installation of the armature or relay are the responsibility of the purchaser, I l l 5'Od 1N301S38 08N WIBOIId 8G831 29. Of Hn 9#33 dvd 219 l - . _ . . _


                                                                                    ,                     . . . - . .                  .w eP GENERAL $ ELECTRIC AffACMN1A-SA184f       _

The amature contact springsh6Wid be mpleted as fe11ews to maintain proper n9ffat erfentation: 1. Disentape the control spring frtri the arsatvre by control spring a Uusting ecrow out and then (ce. pullf ag the  ! 2. Recove lower taref thensis six of screws fastenf nt the contact trafded leads to the the case.

3.  !

111t tne lower portton of the armature and contact assee.bly out from the relay and slide the entire assedly dDwn and ogt. 4 Remove cM of tne two screws holding the namepiste end inoving contact assembly to the omstyrt. , , 6 Loosen the remaining sertw.

6. i
                                              'Ao t a t e t he a rma t u re 70 de g re e s . f reeft its nottial position.

7 Replace the screw that was recoved in 4.1bove. through the contact ' anseebiy, and festen wtth a 8-36 nut (user must supply aut).

4. Reaove the other screw (160serad in I, above)
9. i i fasten tht contact esterably dr.d nardplate to the new Armature with  !

the recoved screw. ' i 10. Remove the 8 .16 not (added in 7. abo.'a) and rotett the armature  ! until the Revf al contact assembly and MMplate heits line Up with i the rematatng hole in the erwature, l i i 11. Replace the 1eese screw and tighten the assembly to 14 20 inch p ounds , i l i 12 Replace the eiwetm into tne relay b/ reversing Steps ), ! end 3.  ! t

                                                                    #0d              1N301S3d OdH W!dO11d 89fEI 28a BI HI I 9pcc 494 419   i

JUN 10 '87 14:02 NRC KING OF PRUSSIA P05

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  • 1000 FIAsf AVENUE XING Of PRUSSIA, PA 19406 ETS-87-041 DATE: May 18, 1987 To: Dick Thibault SUBJECTt Relay Manufacturing Dat6 Codes g g HEFERENCE: Letter EFS-87-035 - samn subject Sandern to Byors Q.$ ,

Dear Dick,

This will confirm our telephone conversation (thisdate') ,. regarding the information the referenced ' , letter. ' 8 The information in the letter is correct as stated ar.d ' agrees with the notations on the copy gene to this office. . That ist

                                                 -PSMD MTE CODES-                                                       .                    .



DEUl . J 982 AU BU CU DU EU TU GU llU JU KU LU MU IN 1983 AW BW CW DW EW F4 GW JW Kt/ LW ff4 . 19Ad AY RV cx DX EX rx cX HX JX Jct LX. 10( 1985 JY AY BY CY DY EY FY GY til XY LY HY 1986 NA OA PA RA SA TA UA VA 'WA XG YA 2A . 1987 NB 05. PB RB SS TB UB VB WB X4 IB 28 i Should yoti require additional clarification, please contadt me. gyps.. - l regram Mana . .. Nuclear Elac- ical Maintenance . . p cc: O. C. Nelson . * ..

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4 JUN 10 '87 14:03 HRC KING OF PRUSSIA P07 l j Au m ar H FA -

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JUN 10 '87 14:03 HRC KING OF PRUSSIA P08

       .      Boston Edison Company                                                RMG Control Number K. F'. Roberts AIA7M To:                                   from R. N. Swanson gy Record Type A4.04 Date. June 5 1987                     Dept. Soc. NED 47->43          Mon-Safety Related iptt.11f t: HFA Reley Armature Replacement,-

Distribution: D. Gillispie H. Mlley P.S. #87-148 A. Marquardt M. Maguire R. Sherry R. V. Atkins J. Pawlak Y Due to potential "Armature Sinding" issues identi.'ted in GE $AL.188.1 and in on the agreementwithM(0actionitemsassignedintheNUORG6/1/87avetingfArelays subject, the following is a preliminary response identifying those H whis can be worked un lamediately and a final response, due on 4/20/87, will Intlude any addlLivos. I. PURPO$t: To inform PNPS personnel on the progress of the subject HFA relay's preliminary evaluation and detail restilts.

              !!. REASON:         To supply PNP $ personnel with a itst of relays whkh have been identified in the preltsinary evaluttion which meet the established criteria for Phase I and Phase 2 armature rcplacement. This is to allow planning, scheduling, and start of the armature replacement progras.


                                  's . Safety Related Relay (Class IE) normally energized (during normal operation) and,
2. Normal?y closed (NC) contact /s when deenergl2ed perform Class 1E function, a
1. Safety Related Relay (Class it) normally energtred (during normal operation) and,
2. NorMlly closed (NC) contact /s when deenergized perform

- non-safety function (ie. alarm or connu m tr99t.) C'. Phase 3 ARMAWRE RLPLACEMENT CRITERIA (Long Ters)

1. All remaining safety Related Relays (Class 1E) normally energized (during normal operation) and having only j

Normally Open (NO cor.tects) when deenergized.

;                                 2. All $afety Related Relays in warehouse.


I JUN 10 '87 14:04 NRC KING OF PRUSSIA P09 l U. Ntt.AYS WHICH 00 Not R(WIRf ARMAfttuF atPLActMENT

1. Alt safet
2. All Non-$y4fety notated Relays which ,. not norme11y enerstrea.

Relays. IV. RESUL1$  : A. A total of 420 type HfA relays have been identified. I S. A total of 394 relays have been ev41Vated and the results are: l l

1. Phile 1 ARMATURE REPLACEMENT . 17 relays
2. Phase 2 ARMATURE REPLACEMfMT 84 rela
3. NO PHASE 1 or 2 ARMATURE REPLACEMENT 293 .ys relays C. Twenty six relays have been identified but not yet evaluated.

It can be expected that those relays will not require armature , replacement as established in Phase 1 or 2. For we delat13 un this preliminary evaluation and the results. see the attachments which show how the evaluation was performed, Identifying all relays evaluated and those yet to be evaluated.

v. C e TNT: ine aeove results are only a preliminary review erforsted by the '

Power Systete's Group. A more indepth final stud is required and will be made and independently verlfted by t e StiSA Group of NED. We do not, at this tilse, expect to add more relays requiring Phase 1 or 2 armature replacement. VI. ATTACHNENTS A. Flow diagram showing hcw the H/A relays (Atch we'.'e supplied by the General Electric Ccepany for the NJclear Soller Package were evaluated. (The calance of plant ralays were evaluated on a one by one basis.)

6. Wn sheets (1 thru 10) Itrcing the Nutiser Boiler Package relays and the results. (All have been eval atsd.)

Atzairs_letlactment Phase ) Phase 2 Sheet #1 = 30 1HR "A" Relays 1 2 Sheet #2 - 30.RHR "s* Relays 1 2 Sheet #3 - 30 Core spray Relays 0 2 Sheet #4 = 17 Rectre Relays 0 0

                '       Sheet #5 = 19 HPCI Relays                          0           0 Sheet #6      40 RPS "A" Relays                    4          24 Sheet #7      40 RPS '8' Relays                    4          24
                        #heet #8
                        .             38 Primary Cont. Relays              2          16 Sheet #9 = 19 Primary Cont. Relays                0           13 Sheet elo . 20 Feedwater 6 01owdown                5           1

JUN 10 '87 14:04 NRC KING OF PRUSSIA P10

 .          c                               C.                     rive sheets listing the Balance of Plant relays thich have been identified.   (Some of which have not yet been evaluated.)
                                                                   $heet #11A . 36      Balance of Plant Safety Related Relays which do Sheet #118 = 4      not require Phase 1 or 2 armature replacement.

Sheet #12A = 39 Salance of Plant Non-Safety Relays which do Sheet #125 - 16 not require Phase .1 or 2 armature replacement Sheet #13 = 26 Balance of Plant Relays which have not been evaluated but are espected NOT to requira Phase 1 or 7 armature replacement. v't.$UM4Amy To sunmartre the aforemantionedt i

a. The following seventeen (17) rel' require Phase I replacement; IDA-K8FA 5A-K88 2(-K15 t 10A-K828 5A-Kao 2E-K13A 5A-K6A 5A-K98 2t-K138 ,

5A-K6C 5A-K90 2C.K13C i 5A.K9A 16A-K8A 2C-K13D 5A-K9C 16A-K85

b. The eighty-four (84) relays requiring Phase 2 replacement can be found in the appropriate attachments.

I l l l l

     ,                      215 337 G368




                                                                                      --+        NONR M DE;NG USED /NOT SPARES EV         ONS
                                                                  *YES'                        .~


                                                               , g 'YES.               _


                         Y tis'                              5p
                                                                                       'NO' 1r                                                              1r PHASE 2            I PHASE 1 ARMARJRE REPtACEMENT                                        ARMATURE REPLACEMENT (17 HELAYS)                                                    (84 RELAYS)
           - - ~ _ ~ _ _ _ _                             _

m .t ya, , FAGE 4 ,

      .nE3!ON 1 MORNgNG KEFDF;T 1

Outside sec,Pe of request i I 1 ! f f 1 f Notifacation/ Subject l Licensee / Fact!!ty  !

                              ~                                              6/11 P! via FC                                                                l

F.i}9[1$~ Containment Spray Header Internal { gN 50-Oc- - Corr esi on and Sorav No::le Fl o:tagt . ..  ! t Event a planned system modtfacation. the licensee 4 On 6/10. duri ng is.ol ementat t en ofcorrosion products an the primary contatnnent in the de mell sc-av cascovered the presence of Frimary containment spefv headers and nc::les an the drywull. anch rang headers lo:stediat different ac cr o : t el v conststs of two independent twel,'esoray no::les are angled downward at t*.t he ad er Toc upper header no::l es are aimed inward along Olevations. strty degrees. and the lows. headerto optams:e the system flow rate a*.d s cay l f radlus. As part of a modtfacation the e::1 sting no::l et venth an i the li censer has begun replacen ent of , cetteer.. iepecived design. F o o/a1 of all 104 flaires no: les in fthe r ee. the vocer no::les, header ane st er:14 the heaos .

                                                                                                                                           -          e rj j f

butiduo of a s5 9mfiantone-half amount inch of rust distributed thr oughout deep the lower header with s t e.n l a r eeter:a; 1 l rEtaty-four at er i a.1 appe c:: s satel yno::l es have Less s1gn oeen removed 4acant f r on.were found in tot l o.* *

  • Quartat.ef.  !

s es t u 1dentafIed in the header, Li c ense tt e'9tneering evaluations to ceterm?.n.) T r. e l header soray no::les. and l oc at t ore of the mate-t al are uncean The 1s. ce9ses operabt i t ty based on the amount unst is orise.tly thatdown with all fuel removed fron.orthe l ast peef on the svstet n r. medvessel. v snac.ertentiv J has stated that 1904, a wccessf the poperull air headerficw of test thewas the systen resulted in 1 was

                                                                                                                 ',' . 08.@ g a l l oa s l

1980. Al s o. a n. l actueted cur ang tat hienance acti vt ties,(LEh wht ch G4-015). The r es a c'ent intre te-1 ws1.j o.e t er beang spravsd into the cryHtell r the licensee *u evolvation, continve to f ollow Outside scope of request Ie i l


PeloeITYATTEuTIostStdutttD peauIaK1 REroaf - sEGtG.e 1 Jtity 7. ISPF Licensee /Tecility

                               ,a hetificatten/5s& Ject
 -Lit 33aee/ Tac 1119y      'k             Nel1ficattem/Sebject C11grie                                  7/8 SRI PC and Licomtee EN%

50 .03 Seacter Protecties System ActeetCees s Evaq Se F/7/87 twe Seassa protecties System (RPS) tripe occurred resulttog to

                                                                                                       /    '

two felt scram e1gaals. A half-scram signal had been meneally / faserttlesofto esorted E PS chassel S to acc ommodato engeleg mateteensce. At 12:30 a.m. the Electri a1 Protectlen Assembly (EPA) es the eetpet of* the A RPS meter generator (MG) set t ripped, complet teg t he logic secessary f or the f ell scram. The EPA is e - de31 geed to open and remove RPS Regic power if certate degraded power seedittees rea sensed. The EPA wee reset and the scram cleared by abeet 12:40 a.m. Seheegesetly 14e 3 chassel of EPS was massally t ripped to allow costleseece of the clanned meistenance. At 1:45 a.m.. the EPA em the A MG set generct ing a seceed f ell scram. The seceed sc ram was reset at 5:a gate tripped JO a.m., after T c omp t s t .* e e o f the ac1stesence en the 3 RPS system. The reactor is present ay choldews with all feel removed from the vessel. All .eds were fell le at the stem cf the scrame with Deth control red drive perpa toelsted f or maleteaseco. The 112eesee is inveettgattog the cause of t he E PA t rip t . The residtet g sospec tors w111 meetter t he licensee *e followsp.


L1:eesee/Fac ilit y No t ific at ies/Sehj ec t C11 grim Informattee Itou De 5e-283 , Event W1111em Geldes. State Seaster for t he Commeewealt h of Messachuset t s, 1. he141eg o meettog to Weynesth. Messachusetts. to discuss Seiten Edisee's preposal to ese t he Ldger Power Stattee as a emergeecy evacuation receptise coster. kkC Regies I was leotted to attend het dec11eed. O e

                                                                       -    +


                                 's Peteesty Atiteef test et4WIe(9         De84tettet #19041 - etOICM I                                  JtRY 5 198F                                                                                                                                                  L
                                                                                                                                                                                                            .   ,                                                    l l

Outside scope of recuest t a f i t I i


t Liccesee/Fac38sJy ase t & t ac at lee.*543j ec t P .m rim .F/8 541

                                                    . e.t-C,eee. ... u e e- c,e,                                                                                                                                                                                     !

Scree .,  : (eeat l on F/F tace..e. ab. as...c t or S n.t a c.. tract.,

    .ec er a l,t he
                 ,s.ed t..t.4 ,..stsee  .. sin                                                             in. ecerity eard was oncerted off       alto med his a..e.t    cre,

site access w s terateated as of F/F. ' fme todteldeal maJ andergene drog screeslag ettertably im Jetr 1986 T:e results of a seceed test on tmis Indleideal are fee bach F/s The resident tospector is felteolog litsasse l l b i i


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   ,%CICN I MCRNING -ESCRT                              PAGE O                         SEPTEMBER S,                                      l o s -'

e ' LiccnOOO/Facil'.ty Ncti 81. atior /Subj cet Pilgrim f/S R! FC' DN 50-:'93 Secur'ty Incident Event turing ;ha 1.itt e. . e n i . .q h r.J r 5 s n 'L' E . the li c ans4e rect.r 1 t v f or c8* 2p,9re am w icue indir dudit r bs ce , v i n owne- contec? led arat immed .at:Pl y cut side the prots.ted area 2 2nc a. Tecu ity force rec.bers en duty at the mair, gate ob ser. 2c th? 1,- d l < 1 d u a l i ; r. t h e w c od '.; dod al sn ) tne protsected ared fonco 1 int a c',) a c or t . t u tho qatehcuse. f,pprop 1ata actions were ;aler, i n c '. u G i n g the dispatet cf .4 22curity re:pc.wc team. The icW indi,1 duels were apprehended and placed under ar. os.t f at tr cing b;' the 11 c er.soe. The P1ye.cuth Police Departmer.t was nctified and r u'c Le ;uer.t l y t o on: custods cf the individuals. Inspection of the accurit.) hea:1 at d searches of the surrounding aron by the licr:ncee did no' idcntify any d, maga. The licensee stated thet no ir. trusion detection alartra acre activated during the incidcnt. i.iconsto tocurity management stated th4c the individuals .were deersed and c )rr i ed h t nccul ar s and a c oinc ra. Proliminary t r f ormatien als:o indic ates th at they were residents cf a re.srhy c otr.mun i t y . The retidert inopsctcr5 will follow l icta neo i n es tiga ti c;nt . t.iconsce/ Facility Nc t i f i c a t i on / Sub.t ac t ,' Calvart C1iff5 Unit O C'8 SFI F-a-DN 50-7.![ Re+cter irig C

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