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Environ Radioactivity Survey for 1986
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach, 05000000
Issue date: 12/31/1986
Shared Package
ML111711009 List:
CON-NRC-30-83-647 NUDOCS 8705040325
Download: ML20210A005 (43)


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STATE OF WISCONSIN 1986 Point Beach Environmental Radioactivity Survey NRC 30-83-647 0


Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services Division of Health Bureau of Environmental Health Section of Radiation Protection O e.O. eex 309 Madison, Wisconsin 53701 I

l 8705040325 870427

, PDR ADOCK 05000266 R pyg

e V

Table of Contents Page Number 1

Introduction 1

Sampling Techniques 2

Analytical Procedures 4

Quality Assurance 5

Sensitivities and Error

- Wisconsin DHSS 6

Sensitivity - Point Beach 7

Results and Discussion 16 References 17 Table 5 - Sample Summary for 1986 19 Table 6 - EPA Cross Check Results List of Tables - Wisconsin and Point Beach Data Table 1. Comparison of yearly log-normal averages for gross beta activities of the air particulate 7 filters composites.

Table 2. Calculated doses to a maximum exposed individ-ual for Wisconsin samples with activitier greater than MDC and background levels. 14 Table 3. Parameters used in the dose calculations for 15 the Soviet accident at Chernobyl.

Table 4. Calculated doses resulting from radioactive fallout from the Soviet accident at Chernobyl to a maximum exposed individual for Wisconsin samples with activities greater than MDC and 15 background levels.

Table 5. Sample summary for 1986 from the environmental split sample monitoring program conducted by Wisconsin and Point Beach. 17 EPA Cross Check Results for 1985 and 1986. 19 Table 6.

Table 7. Air particulate gross beta and air iodine (I-131) results for January - June, 1986.

Indicator site. 25 Table B. Air particulate gross beta and air iodine (I-131) results for July - December, 1986. 26 Indicator site.

Table 9. Air particulate gross beta and air iodine (I-131) results for January - June, 1986, q]s- 27 Control site.

List of Tables (continued) lll Table 10. Air particulate gross beta and air lodine (I-131) results for July - December, 1986. ,

Control site. 28 Table 11. Gamma isotopic results for January - December, 1986 from the monthly composite of air

  • particulate samples. Indicator site. 29 1able 12. Gamma isotopic results for January - December, 1986 from the monthly composite of air Control site. 30 particulate samples.

Table 13. Analysis of surface water samples from 31 January - June, 1986. Indicator site.

Table 14. Analysis of surface water samples from 32 July - December, 1986. Indicator site.

Table 15. Analysis of surface water samples from 33 January - June, 1986. Control site.

Table 16. Analysis of surface water samples from 34 July - December, 1986. Control site, 35 Table 17. Analysis of fish samples for 1986. 36 Table 18. Analysis of fish samples for 1986. 37 Table 19. Analysis of shoreline sediments for 1986.

Table 20. Analysis of milk samples for January - 38 December, 1986. Funk farm.

Table 21. Analysis of milk samples for January - 39 Lehrmann farm.

Table 22.

December, 1986.

Analysis of vegetation samples for 1986. 40 lk O

DOH 7055



INTRODUCTION This report is prepared under U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Contract NRC 30-83-647 by the State of Wisconsin, Department of Health and Social Services, Section of Radiation Protection. This report covers the calendar year 1986. Results of environmental radioactivity monitoring are listed in tabular form. The data presented consists of duplicative sample analysis such as air and TLD data and split sample analysis conducted by the state radiation protection laboratory or subcontractor and the licensee. A brief description of sample collection techniques and analytical procedures conducted by the state laboratory is also given. A sample collection summary f or 1986 is included in Table 5. The sample summary includes type and number of samples collected, Minimum Detectable Concentrations ( MDC's ) or Lower Limits of Detection (LLD's) as well as the range of reported activities for each type of sample analysis.

SAMPLING TECHNIQUES Direct Radiation - Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLD's)

Continuous monitoring of direct radiation is performed quarterly using thermoluminescent dosimeters. The dosimeters are placed at 43 locations in the area of the Kewaunee and the Point Beach nuclear power plants.

Air Samples Continuous air samples are collected weekly f rom two stations. Air particulate samples are collected on 47 mm. glass fiber filters. Air iodine samples are collected using charcoal absorbers mounted in tandem with the air particulate filters. The nominal sampling rate is 1 - 2.5 cubic feet of air per minute.

Surface Water A split sample consisting of 3.5 liters of liquid effluent is collected monthly at a point close to the discharge of the Point Beach effluent channel. This sample is a monthly composite of weekly grab samples and is collected while the plant is discharging liquid to the channel. A background surf ace water sample is also taken at the Green ssttio=-aoto*.15e 12 ""t ^ urte *r P2-O aveuP i from the Coast Guard Station, 4.8 miles SSE, is included as a background sample for Point Beach.


Milk g A raw milk sample is collected monthly f rom the Lehrmann f arm and the W. Funk farm. The milk sample is split between WI DHSS and the Point ,

Beach nuclear power facility.

Sediment .

A split sample for shoreline sediment is collected from three locations on an annual basis.

Fish Split samples of both migratory and non-migratory fish are collected periodically f rom locations in Lake Michigan near the Point Beach -

Kewaunee area.

Food Products A split sample for vegetation (grass) is collected from several locations in the Point Beach area.

ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES The procedures given are abstracted to present only the basic steps.

The analysis of the samples has been subcontracted to the State A detailed description of the procedures used h

Laboratory of Hygiene.

is available from the State Laboratory of Hygiene.

Air Particulate Samples - Beta Gamma Place the 47 mm. glass fiber filter on a 2-inch stainless steel planchet. Beta count in an external gas flow proportional counter.

Calculate activity correcting for counter efficiency.

Air Particulate Samples - Gamma The monthly or quarterly composite of air particulate filters is placed on a Ge(Li) detec7or and the gamma spectrum is collected. Scan the gamma spectrum for any peaks and print out regions of interest which would include possible plant attributable radionuclides.

Calculate the activity for isotopes in the regions of interest, regardless if they are above or below the minimum detectable concentration, correcting for counter efficiency and for decay.

Surface Water - Alpha, Beta Gamma Filter a 500 ml aliquot of sample. Evaporate filtrate in a 2-inch stainless steel planchet. Place filter paper in a 2-inch stainless .

steel planchet and dry at 103 degrees Celsius. Beta and alpha count the soluble and insoluble portions in an external gas flow proportional counter. Calculate activity correcting for counter efficiency and for self-absorption.


p Surface Water - Gamma Isotopic V

A 3.5 liter sample is placed in a Marinelli beaker and analyzed on a GeLi detector. Scan the gamma spectrum f or any peaks and print out regions of interest which would include possible plant attributable radionuclides. Calculate the activity for isotopes in the regions of interest, regardless if they are above or below the minimum detectable

  • concentration, correcting for counter efficiency and for decay.

Surface Water - Iodine 131 Chemical Extraction A stable iodine carrier is added to a 2 liter sample of raw milk. The sample is passed through an anion exchange column and the iodine is removed from the resin by batch / extraction using NaOC1. After reduction to elemental iodine by hydroxylamine hydrochloride, the lodine is extracted into carbon tetrachlorine reduced with bisulfite, and back extracted into water. The iodine is precipitated as palladous iodide with the chemical yield determined gravimetrically and counted in an external gas flow proportional counter correcting for counter efficiency and for decay.

Vecetation oI Food Product - Alpha, Beta and Gamma Isotopic Dry sample at 110 degrees Celsius, grind, weigh into stainless steel planchet. Beta and alpha count in an external gas flow proportional

~g counter. Calculate activity correcting for self-absorption and (J

A counter efficiency.

The f ood product sample is finely chopped. The sample is packed to the 500 m1 mark of a 500 ml Marinelli beaker, weighed and counted for 900 minutes on a Ge(Li) detector. Scan the gamma spectrum for any peaks and print out regions of interest which would include possible plant attributable radionuclides. Calculate the activity for isotopes in the regions of interest, regardless if they are above or below the minimum detectable concentration, correcting for counter ef ficiency and for decay.

Soil or Sediment - Alpha, Beta and Gamma Isotopic Dry sample at 110 degrees Celsius, grind, and weigh into a stainless steel planchet. Beta and alpha count in an external gas flow proportional counter. Calculate activity correcting for self-absorption and counter efficiency.

The dried sediment is added to a 500 ml Marinelli beaker, weighed and

, counted on a Ge(Li) detector. Scan the gamma spectrum for any peaks and print out regions of interest which would include possible plant attributable radionuclides. Calculate the activity for isotopes in the regions of interest, regardless if they are above or below the

  • minimum detectable concentration, correcting for counter efficiency and for decay.


Milk - Gamma Isotopic g Procedure same as for Surface Water.

Milk - Iodine 131 Chemical Extraction Procedure same as for Surface Water. .

Fish - Gamma Isotopic A sample is placed in a 500 ml. Marinelli beaker. PlaceScanthe sample on the gamma a GeLi detector and collect the gamma spectrum.

spectrum for any peaks and print out regions of interestCalculate which wouldthe include possible plant attributable radionuclides.

activity for isotopes in the regions of interest, regardless if they correcting are above or below the minimum detectable concentration, for counter and for decay.

Direct Radiation Thermoluminescent dosimeters are supplied by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The exposed TLD's are shipped to NRC Region I and are read by the Commission.


The analysis of the samples is perf ormed under subcontract with the SLH maintains its own quality State Laboratory of Hygiene (SLH).

assurance program which was also reviewed by the NRC in January, 1985.

Analytical procedures provide for routine replicate analyses to verify methods and instrument operation. Traceable sources are used to regularly calibrate the counters and daily performance checks are made between calibrations. In addition, quality control charts are maintained on the counters.

SLH participates in the EPA Cross Check program. The quality assurance progam that the SLH participates in include analysis of blind samples, air filters, food, milk, gamma in water, alpha-beta in water, lodine in water, strontium in water and tritium in water. The EPA Cross Check code f or SLH is "AF". A complete listing of the EPA Cross Check results for 1985 and 1986 is included in Table 6.

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SENSITIVITIES AND ERROR - WISCONSIN DHSS Following the recommendations of the Health Physics Society, detection limits will be expressed as a minimum detectable concentration (MDC).

The minimum detectable concentration or MDC is an "a priori" estimate of the capabliity for detecting an activity concentration by a given measurement system, procedure, and type of sample. The MDC should not be viewed as an absolute activity concentration that can or cannot be detected. Minimum detectable concentrations (MDC) are based on the analysis performed and for gamma isotopic analysis have been calculated for a zero decay time. Minimum detectable concentrations (MDC's) are listed in Table 5.

The WI DHSS definition for minimum detectable concentration follows closely the equation for the lower limits of detection as defined in Activities defined by the equation the NRC contract NRC-30-83-64 7.

f or MDC will be used in this report.

The MDC for each radioisotope has been calculated from the following equation:

4.66 sb MDC =


  • V
  • 2.22
  • Y *S* exp(-dt)

O Where:

O MDC is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as defined above, as picoeuries per unit mass or volume, sb is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate, as counts per minute, E is the counting efficiency, as counts per disintegration, V is the sample size in units of mass or volume, 2.22 is the number of disintegrations per minute per picoeurie, Y is the fractional radiochemical yield, when applicable,

. S is the self-absorption correction factor, d is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide, and t for environmental samples is the elapsed time between sample collection, or end of the sample collection period, and time of counting.


i 1

l Guide lines adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are used in the reporting of specific analyses. Results f rom specific g

analyses will be reported whether the results are negative, zero, or positive. Caution should be exercised in the interpretation of

  • individual negative values. While a negative activity value does not have physical significance, it is significant when taken together with other observations which indicate This thatwillthe procedure true allow allvalue of a of the data distribution is near zero.

to be reported and will allow a statistical evaluationAn without estimation of an bias arbitrary cutof f of small or negative numbers.

in the nuclide analyses is then possible as well as a better It evaluation of distributions and trends in the environmental data.

is important when reviewing the data in the following tab 7as to compare the reported result to the actual minimum deter; table concentration (MDC) for that analysis.

Resulto for specific analyses will beThereported as an activity followed error term is a plus or minus by an error term for that analysis.

counting error term at the 2 sigma (95%) confidence interval and is printed as (+ /-).

SENSITIVITY - POINT BEACH According to Point Beach Radiological Effluent Specifications,Radionuclides analysis is only required on the radionuclides listed.

other than those reported were not detected. Naturally occurring Lower g

radionuclides are commonly detected but are not reported.

limits of detection (LLD's) are included in Table 5.

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RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A sample collection summary f or 1986 is included in Table 5. The sample summary includes the type and number of samples collected as well as the range of reported activities for each type of sample

. analysis. Results from the individual sample analyses are listed in Tables 7-22.

Radioactive fallout resulting from the Soviet accident at Chernobyl was detected in WT DHSS and Point Beach samples collected during the time period of 00<01/86 - 07/01/86. Sample analysis results are discusted in the individual sections and dose calculations are performed in the section Dose to Individuals from Radioactive Fallout from the Soviet Accident a_t, t Chernobyl.

Air Particulate WI DHSS and Point Beach maintain separate air sampling stations. The indicator site for both WI DHSS and for Point Beach ic located at the residency at the north property line, 1.3 miles NNW. The control site for WI DHSS is located at the Green Bay Pumping Station - Rostok, 15.6 miles NNE. The control site for Point Beach is located at Silver Lake gm College, 17 miles WSW.

O A summary of reported activities by WI DHSS and Point Beach f rom air particulate samples is included in Table 5. Results from the individual sample analyses are listed in Tables 7-10.

The yearly averages, f rom a log-normal distribution, f or the gross beta analysis on the air particulate filters are given in Table 1.

The WI DHSS and Point Beach yearly averages f or gross beta activity from the air particulate filters are comparable and showed no significant differences between the respective indicator and control sites.

Table 1. Comparison of the yearly averages for gross beta activity from air particulate filters for 1986.

WI - Section of Radiation Point Beach Protection units of pC1/M 3 Indicator Control Indicator Control 0.015 1 0.002 0.013 1 0.0C? 0.02 1 0.01 0.02 1 0.01 7

The elevated gross beta activities for the time period of 05/05/86 - g W

06/12/86 are due to radioactive f allout f rom the Soviet accident at Chernobyl. Elevated gross beta activities were reported by WI DHSS and Point Beach and were present in samples f rom both the indicator and the control sites. Elevated gross beta activities were also reported in air particulate samples from the three other WI DHSS environmental monitoring areas.

A summary of reported gamma isotopic activities for WI DHSS and Point Beach from the monthly or quarterly air particulate filter composites is included in Table 5. Results from the individual sample analyses are listed in Tables 11-12.

In the WI DHSS gamma isotopic analysis, bery111um-7 (Be-7) was detected in all composites from both the indicator and the control sites. Bery111um-7 (Be-7) is a naturally occurring radioisotope that is constantly produced through nuclear reactions between cosmic rays and nuclei in the atmosphere. All other radionuclides were below their respective MDC for the 1st, 3rd and 4th quarter composites.

For the 1st, 3rd and 4th quarter composites, Point Beach did not report any activities above their respective LLD. Point Beach does not report naturally occurring radioisotopes and no comparison can be made for the bery111um-7 (Be-7) reported by Wisconsin.

At the observed lower levels of activity the WI DHSS and Point Beach data are comparable in the gamma isotopic analysis of the air Influence by the Point Beach nuclear facility on g'

particulate samples.

air quality is not evident when comparing the data from the indicator and control sites.

Radioactive fallout resulting from the Soviet accident at Chernobyl was detected in WI DHSS and Point Beach samples f or the time period of 05/05/86 - 06/12/86. The radioisotopes detected in the WI DHSS sample analysis of the May and June monthly composites of air particulate samples were ruthenium-103 (Ru-103), cesium-134 (Cs-134) and cesium-13 7 (Cs-13 7 ) . The indicated radioisotopes were detected in both the control and indicator composites and the activities f rom both sites are listed in Tables 11-12. The indicated radioisotopes were also detected in air particulate composites f rom the three other WI DHSS environmental monitoring areas within Wisconsin at approximately the same activities.

For the 2nd quarter composites, Point Beach repor.ted activities f or ruthenium-103 (Ru-103) and cesium-137 (Cs-137) for both the indicator and the control sites. Activity for cesium-134 (Cs-134) was less than the Point Beach LLD of 0.01 pCi/M3 The WI DHSS and Point Beach data are comparable in the gamma isotopic analysis of the air particulate samples for the 2nd quarter of 1986.

O 8

Air Iodine U Air lodine samples are taken at the same sites as the air particulate samples.

A summary of reported air iodine activities for WI DHSS and Point Beach is included in Table 5. Results from the individual sample analyses are listed in Tables 7-10.

All reported WI DHSS and Point Beach air iodine measurements except for the time period of 05/05/86 - 06/12/86 were below the required NRC LLD of 0.07 pCi/M 3 for both the indicator and the control sites.

Radioactive f allout f rom the Soviet accident at Chernobyl was detected in WI DHSS and Point Beach air iodine (I-131) measurements. The weekly air iodine (I-131) activity for the time 3period of 05/05/86 -

06/12/86 was in the range of 0.03 - 0.18 pCi/M for WI DHSS and 0.04 -

0.52 pC1/M 3 for Point Beach. Air iodine (I-131) activity was observed at both the indicator and the control sites for WI DHSS and Point Beach. Elevated air iodine (I-131) activity was also observed in the three other WI DHSS environmental monitoring areas.

Surface Water Surface water from the effluent channel is a split sample. This sample is a monthly composite of weekly grab samples. Surface water trem a co=tro1 es te i mot a P11t a=P 1e. W1 ones ce11ecte a me=ta1v O grab sample at the Green Bay Pumping Station - Rostok, 15.6 miles NNE.

A monthly grab sample is collected by Point Beach at the Coast Guard Station, 4.8 miles SSE.

A summary of reported activities by WI DHSS and Point Beach f rom the monthly surf ace water samples is included in Table 5. Results f rom the individual sample analyses are listed in Tables 13-16.

All reported activities by WI DHSS and Point Beach are at background levels for the samples taken at the control sites. All reported gamma isotopic activities were less than the respective WI DHSS MDC or the respective Point Beach LLD. Gross beta activities reported by WI DHSS and Point Beach were all at background levels for samples collected at the the control sites. The gross beta yearly average f or WI DHSS of 3.911.5 pCi/ liter and f or Point Beach of 2.910.4 pCi/ liter for the control sites are not significantly dif f erent f rom reported yearly average gross beta activities from previous years.

For samples taken at the indicator site, effluent channel, all reported gamma isotopic activities were less than the respective WI DHSS MDC or the respective Point Beach LLD. Tritium (H-3) was detected by WI DHSS in four monthly composites in the range of 1160 -

19300 pCi/ liter. Point Beach reported tritium (H-3) activities in three quarterly composites in the range of 1660 - 6790 pC1/11ter. The WI DHSS and Point Beach activities f or tritium (H-3) are comparable O when WI DHSS monthly activities were quarterly averaged. WI DHSS reported three iodine-131 (I-131) activities above its MDC of 0.4 9

pCi/ liter. The WI DHSS reported activities f or iodine-131 (I-131) we re 2.911. 6, 2. 4 + 0. 6 and 3. 610.7 pCi/ liter. All reported iodine-131 (I-131) activities for Point Beach were less than 0.5 pCi/ liter. The gross beta yearly average f or WI DHSS of 5.311.6 pCi/ liter and for Point Beach of 2.210.5 pCi/ liter is not significantly different from previous years.

All activities reported by either WI DHSS or Point Beach are below the standards for uncontrolled areas specified in ICRP Report No. 2 or 10 CFR 20. Plant influence is not evident af ter comparing WI DHSS and Point Beach data for the indicator and control sites.

Radioactive fallout from the Soviet accident at Chernobyl was not evident or detectable in surface water samples.

Fish Split samples were taken for fish. The samples were obtained from the Point Beach pumphouse.

A summary of reported activities by WI DHSS and Point Beach f or fish samples is included in Table 5. Results f rom the individual sample analyses are listed in Tables 17-18.

For WI DHSS, the detected levels of activity for cesium-137 (Cs-137) and for naturally occurring potassium-40 (K-40) were also reported in previous years. For Point Beach only cesium-137 (Cs-137) was detected g above its respective lower limit of detection (LLD). Naturally w occurring isotopes such as potassium-40 (K-40) are not reported by Point Beach.

At the low level of reported activities the WI DHSS and Point Beach data are comparable.

Radioactive fallout from the Soviet accident at Chernobyl was not evident or detectable in fish samples.

Shoreline Sediments Split samples were taken for shoreline sediments at three locations.

A summary of reported activities by WI DHSS and Point Besch for shoreline sediment is included in Table 5. Results from the individual sample analyses are listed in Table 19.

From the WI DHSS gamma isotopic analysis, naturally occurring potassium-40 (K-40) and radioisotopes from uranium and thorium decay series were detected in all three samples. Cesium-134 (Cs-134) and cesium-137 (Cs-137) were detected at site E-06 and cobalt-60 (Co-60) was detected at site E-12. All reported activities for cobalt-60 (Co-60), cesium-134 (Cs-134) and cesium-137 (Cs-137) were less than the respective required NRC LLD. g 10

p Point Beach analysis did not detect any radioisotopes above their d respective LLD and does not report naturally occurring radioisotopes such as potassium-40 (K-40).

Radioactive fallout f rom the Soviet accident at Chernobyl was not evident or detectable in shoreline sediment samples.

Milk A split sample is taken f or milk. Milk is collected f rom the Funk farm, 3.8 miles WSW and f rom the Lehrmann f arm, 2.7 miles NNW.

A summary of reported activities by WI DHSS and Point Beach for milk samples is included in Table 5. Results f rom the individual sample analyses are listed in Tables 20-21.

For WI DHSS naturally occurring potassium-40 (K-40) was detected in all of the samples. Activities for iodine-131 (I-131) were less than the WI DHSS MDC of 0.4 pCi/ liter except for the 01/08/86 and 03/12/86 samples from the Funk farm and the 06/05/86 sample from the Lehrmann farm. The 01/08/86 and 03/12/86 reported iodine-131 (I-131) activities from the Funk f arm are not statistically dif ferent from the reported Point Beach activites of <0.5 pCi/ liter and are less than the required NRC LLD of 1.0 pCi/ liter. The 06/05/86 reported iodine-131 (I-131) activity from the Lehrmann farm is due to the radioactive t')

fallout from the Soviet accident at Chernobyl and was also reported by

\d Point Beach. Iodine-131 (I-131) was also detected in milk samples from the other WI'DHSS environmental monitoring areas. The detected activity for cesium-134 (Cs-134) from the 09/03/86 sample from the Funk f arm of 14 pCi/ liter is only slightly above the WI DHSS MDC of 12 pC1/ liter, was not reported by Point Beach and is less than the required NRC LLD of 15 pCi/ lites.

Point Beach did not detect any isotopes above their lower limits of detection in its gamma isotopic analysis. Reported results for iodine-131 (I-131) were less than 0.5 pCi/ liter except for the 05/14/86 sample from the Funk farm and the 05/19/86 and 06/05/86 samples from the Lehrmann farm. The 05/14/86 reported iodine-131 (I-131) activity from the Funk f arm is not statistically dif ferent from the WI DHSS MDC of 0.4 pCi/ liter. The 05/19/86 reported iodine-131 (I-131) activity f rom the Lehrmann f arm can not be compared since it was not a split sample. The 06/05/86 reported iodine-131 (I-131) activity f rom the

' Lehrmann farm is comparable with the reported WI DHSS activity.

Naturally occurring potassium-40 (K-40) is not reported by Point Beach.

Influence by the Point Beach nuclear f acility is not evident af ter reviewing the WI DHSS and Point Beach data.

Vegetation - Food Products Point Beach does not sample for food products. A split sample f or vegetation was taken at four sites.


A summary of reported activities by WI DHSS and Point Beach for vegetation samples is included in Table 5. Results from the h

individual sample analyses are listed in Table 22.

In the WI DHSS gamma isotopic analysis naturally occurring potassium-40 (K-40) was detected in all fo.r samples and cesium-137 (Cs-137) in the sample from site E-06. Act2vities f or iodine-131 (I-131) were ,

below the WI DHSS MDC of 60 pCi/kg.

Point Beach does not report naturally occurring radioisotopes. Only cesium-137 (Cs-137) was detected in the sample from site E-06 and was comparable with the WI DHSS reported activity. Activities for iodine-131 (I-131) were below the Point Beach LLD of 80 pCi/kg.

Influence by the Point Beach nuclear f acility is not evident af ter reviewing the data for WI DHSS and Point Beach.

Radioactive fallout from the Soviet accident at Chernobyl was not evident or detectable in the vegetation samples collected at this time.

Dose to Individuals from Gaseous and Licuid Effluents Dose calculations for gaseous and liquid effluent releases were performed according to the mathematical models illustrated in USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose The of Evaluating doses, listed in Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I".

Table 2. were calculated f or the maximum exposed individual f or WI DHSS samples with activities greater than MDC and background levels.

Doses resulting from gaseous and liquid effluent releases are in compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I.

Dose to Ind5viduals from Radioactive Fallout from the Soviet Accident M Chernoby; Dose calculations were performed on samples collected af ter the Soviet accident at Chernobyl. Radioactive fallout was detected in air particulate and air iodine samples during the period of 05/07/86 -

06/12/86, in milk samples during the period of 05/14/86 - 06/30/86 and in vegetation samples collected in early June, 1986.

Air particulate and air iodine reported activities by WI DHSS were uniform over the four environmental monitoring areas within Wisconsin and the average activities f rom the f our areas were used in the dose calculations. Air particulate and air iodine activities returned to and remained at background levels after 06/30/86.

Analysis of vegetation samples collected 06/02/86 f rom the WI DHSS LACBWR environmental monitoring area had detectable activities f or ruthenium-103 (Ru-103), lodine-131 (I-131) and cesium-137 (Cs-137) in 12

n approximately the same proportions as those reported in air Analysis of vegetation samples collected in

() particulate composites.

September and October from the four WI DHSS environmental monitoring areas had no detectable activities f or isotopes present during the period of 04/28/86 - 06/30/86.

Ground deposition affected only the milk pathway since food products were not ready f or harvest at that time. Milk samples from local

- farms were collected from the four WI DHSS environmental monitoring areas and pooled milk samples were collected f rom six major milk cooperatives within Wisconsin. Iodine-131 (I-131) was detected in a majority of the samples at activities ranging from the WI DHSS MDC of 0.4 pCi/ liter up to 45 pCi/ liter and cesium-137 (Cs-137) was detected in only a couple of samples at activities only sligbt2y above the WI DHSS MDC of 12 pCi/ liter.

Dose calculations were perf omed according to the mathematical models illustrated in USNRC Regula: cry Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the I". The Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix calculated doses represer.t the dose received during the indicated time period due to radioactive fallout from4, the Soviet accident at were calculated for the Chernobyl. The doses, listed in Table maximum exposed individual for WI DHSS samples with activities greater than MDC and background levels. The parameters used in the dose calculations are listed in Table 3.

It is important to note that the doses listed in Table 4 are calculated doses for the exposure periods listed in Table 3 and only represent the dose received f rom exposure to radioactive f allout from the Soviet accident at Chernobyl. From the doses listed in Table 4 it The is apparent that the dose to the thyroid is the most important.

thyroid dose is due mainly to the detected activity for iodine-131 (I-1 131). m s, The thyroid dose received f rom air iodine (I-131) is anginhalation ,

dose and was calculated from continuous air sampling. The air iodine (I-131) activity 21sted in Table 3 is the average activity from four weekly samples.

The thyroid dose from milk is an ingestion dose calculated from detected activities f or lodine-131 (I-131) from grab milk samples.

Iodine-131 (I-131) for the listed exposure period in Table 3 was detected in milk samples from within Wisconsin at activity levels of

<MDC (0.4 pCi/ liter) to 45 pCi/ liter. One mi'1k ' sample collected from a local farm by the LACBWR nuclear generating facility had a iodine-131 (I-131) activity of 70 pCi/ liter. The activity for iodine-131 (I-131) of 45 pCi/ liter listed in Table 3 is probably greater than the average activity detected during the indicated time period but was used for calculation purposes as a worst case possibility.

The activities for iodine-131 (I-131) detected in milk samples is less Q than the U.S. Food & Drug Admi nis t ra t ion's (FDA) Preventative C Protective Action Guides (PAG's) which would require public health officials to take action to prevent food stuffs from entering commerce 13



if the PAG is exceeded. The FDA PAG's were set up for short-term emergencies such as the Soviet accident at Chernobyl. The FDA Preventative PAG f or iodine-131 (I-131) is 15000 pCi/ liter f or peak activity in milk.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) limit for iodine-131 (I-131) in water is 3 pCi/ liter'. The EPA limit is more protective than the FDA's Preventive PAG f or iodine-131 (I-131) but this limit was set up for a lifetime consumption of drinking water. Iodine-131 (I-131) was only detected in milk samples for the time period of 05/14/86 - 06/17/86 and it would be difficult to apply the EPA limit for iodine-131 (I-131) in water.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in document 40 CFR 190 restricts the annual exposure of the population from all parts of the nuclear fuel cycle, including nuclear power plant. The EPA restriction for annual exposure is 25 millirems to the whole body or any organ, except for the thyroid for which the limit is 75 millirems.

The Wisconsin limits for permissible levels of radiation exposure from external sources in unrestricted areas is defined in theU.S. Wis.Nuclear Adm.

Code section HSS 157.12 which have been taken f rom The exposure limit stated in HSS Regulatory Commission 10 CFR 20.

157.12 is 500 millirem whole body in any one year.

The calculated doses f rom radioactive f allout from the Soviet accident at Chernobyl listed in Table 4 are below current state and f ederal regulations and present little risk to the Wisconsin general public. g

' Table 2. Calculated doses to a maximum t.xpos,ed individual for Wisconsin samples with activities greater than MDC and backgmund levels.

[ .

Maximta Exposed Individual

.- s (mrem / year)

- Dampli Khole type Description population body bone t'rfroid fish average of 8 infant child 0.035 0.25 teenager 0.091 0.20 ,

adult 0.16 0.18 shoreline 10/07/86 E-06 infant --

M =nt child 0.0012 .

teenager O.0058 adult 0.0010 shoreline 10/07/86 E-12 infant child 0.0011 g

' teenager 0.0055 adult 0.0010 14

- - - - - .. - ., ~.- , . - - - , . - , - . - .

.-- - - - - . - . - - - - - , , , , , - .,n.

o  ;

Q Table 3. Parameters used in the dose calculations for the Soviet accident at Chernobyl.

Sample time Isotope 1.109 Table E-5 Dose type period activity modification type

. air particulate 04/28/86-05/31/86 Ru-103 0.038 pCi/M3 E-5/12 Inhalation I-131 0.03 Cs-134 0.011 Cs-137 0.028 air particulate 06/01/86-06/30/86 Ru-103 0.012 pCi/M3 E-5/12 Inhalation Cs-134 0.004 Cs-137 0.009 air iodine 05/07/86-06/04/86 I-131 0.11 E-5/12 Inhalation milk 05/14/86-06/17/86 I-131 45 pC1/1 E-5/12 Ingestion A Table 4. Calculated doses resulting frcan radioactive fallout from the Soviet U accident at Chernobyl to a maximum exposed individual for Wisconsin samples with activities greater than MDC and background levels.

Maximum Exposed Individual (mrem / exposure period)

Sample whole type Description population body bone thryoid air particulate infant 0.0002 0.0017 0.037 air 0.0006 0.0028 0.041 04/28/86-05/31/86 child 0.037 teenager 0.0013 0.0021 adult 0.0008 0.0015 0.030 air air particulate infant 0.0001 0.0005 ---

06/01/86-06/30/86 child 0.0002 0.0009 -

teenager 0.0004 0.0007 -

adult 0.0003 0.0005 ---

air air iodine infant 0.0002 0.0003 0.14 05/07/86-06/04/86 child 0.0002 0.0004 0.15 teenager 0.0002 0.0003 0.13 adult 0.0002 0.0002 0.11 0.034 0.25 17.2 milk 05/14/86-06/17/86 infant 7.1 child 0.030 0.15 teenager 0.031 0.06 3.6

- adult 0.030 0.03 2.3

'O 15

References g Food and Drug Administration, Background for Protective Action Recommendations: Accidental Radioactive Contamination of Food and

  • Animal Feeds, HHS Publication FDA 82-8196, August, 1982.

Radiation Protection Standards, Federal Radiation Council, Report No.

2, September 1961. .

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Radiation Protection Requirements for Normal Operations of Activities in the Uranium Fuel Cycle, 40 CFR 190, November, 1976.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Upgrading Environmental Radiation Data, Health Physics Society Committee Report HPSR-1 (1980),

EPA 520/1-80-012, August 1980.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Title 10, Part 20.

i O




Table 5. Satple sue-aay fc- 1986 free the envirenre-tal split sample m:9ite-ing pregaam conducted by


V W! DHSS and Peir.t Bea:h.

- M! DwSS data Point Beach data Saeple type i Numbea of*a l Number of*a (units) l M00 Sarples Analysis range l LLO Samples Analysis range 0.003 99/97 gross bete 0.002 - 0.197 l 0.01 104/97 gross beta <0.01 - 0.18 air partgculate (pCi/M) 12 gamma isotopic l 8 gamma isctopic 0.025 12/12 Be-7 0.058 - 0.11 l 8e-7 analysis not required 0.007 12/0 Zr-95 -0.001 - 0.003 l Zr-95 analysis net required 0.004 12/6 Ru-103 -0.001 - 0.028 l 8/2 Ru-103 (LLD - 0.01 0.016 12/0 Ru-106 -0.001 - 0.009 l Ru-106 analysis not required 0.002 12/6 Cs-134 0.000 - 0.012 [ 0.01 8/0 Cs-134 <0.01 0.002 12/6 Cs-137 0.000 - 0.027 l 0.01 8/2 Cs-137 (0.01 - 0.02 0.006 12/0 Ce-141 -0.001 - 0.002 l Ce-141 analysis net re:uired 0.009 12/0 Ce-144 -0.002 -'0.005 i Ce-144 analysis not ro uired air iodir.e 0.045 100/6 I-131 -0.06 - 0.18 l 0.03 104/6 1-131 <0.03 - 0.52 (pCi/*3) surfa:e wate- 1.6 24/24 geess beta 2.2 - 21.8 l 1.0 24/23 gross beta <0.5 - 4.9 (pCi/litea) 750 24/4 H-3 -310 - 19300 l 500 8/3 H-3 (500 - 6790 0.4 24/3 1-131 -3.5 - 3.6 l 0.5 24/0 1-131 <0.5 24 ga -.s is: topic l 24 gamma isetopi:

9 24/0 Mn-54 2 l 10 24/0 Mn-54 <10 20 24/0 Fe-59 9 l 30 24/0 Fe-59 <30 13 24/0 Co-!! 4 l 10 24/0 Co-58 (10 11 24/0 C -60 2 l 10 24/0 Co-60 (10 22 24/0 In-65 12 l 30 24/0 Zn-65 (30 Cs-134 13 10 24/0 Cs-134 (10 13 24/0 l 12 24/0 Cs-137 4 l 10 24/0 Cs-137 (10 15 24/0 Zr-95 8 l 15 24/0 Ir-95 (15 15 24/0 Ba-140 5 l 15 24/0 Ba-140 <15 fish 8 gamma is:tepic l 12 gamma 1sete:ic (pC1/kgwet) 550 8/8 K-40 2300 - 3600 l 12 K-40 analysis not required Mn-54 13 130 12/0 Mn-54 (130 40 8/0 l 120 8/0 Fe-59 20 l 260 12/0 Fe-59 (260 Co-58 15 130 12/0 Co-58 <130 54 8/0 l 50 8/0 cc-60 30 l 130 12/0 Co-60 (130 100 8/0 In-65 3 - 70 l 260 12/0 In-65 <260 45 8/0 Cs-134 23 l 130 12/0 Cs-134 (130 55 8/8 Cs-137 60 - 150 l 150 12/3 Cs-137 <150 - 260 v


Table 5. (con: fog,j)

Point Bea:h data Nyege ov 'a ,

Sample type l N ebe* of*a l range l LLD Samples Analysis range (units) l MDC Sampies Analysis 3/3 gross beta 5700 - 20300 shoreline 740 3/3 gress beta 9000 - 14000 l gana isotepic l 3 gamma isotopic sediments 3 13 - 50 Co-58 analysis not required (pci/kgdry) 70 3/0 Co-St l 15 - 120 Co-60 analysis not required 90 3/1 Co-60 l 30 - 150 Cs-134 analysis not required 60 3/1 Cs-134 l 3/0 Cs-137 <150 80 3/1 Cs-137 18 - 90 l 150 1000 - 5900 K-40 analysis not required 400 3/3 K-40 l Ra-226 450 - 2000 [

Ra-226 analysis not required 100 3/3 Pb-214 380 - 2560 l Pb-214 analysis not re:uired ISO 3/3 Ei-214 440 - 2670 81-214 analysis not re;;1 red 200 3/3 l T1-209 290 - 2420 l T1-209 analysis net re;ufred 300 3/2 A:-228 350 - 2580 l A -228 analysis not rec h ed 320 3/3 1-131 -0.17 - 0.63 l 0.5 24/3 1-131 <0.5 - 21.4 milk 0.4 24/3 gan a isete;i: [ 24 gamma isctopic (001/ liter) 24 K-40 analysis not re:uired 120 24/24 K-40 1250 - 1500 l Cs-134 <5 12 24/1 Cs-134 14 l 5 24/0 Cs-137 10 l 5 24/1 Cs-137 <5 - 5.2 12 24/0 4 5 24/0 Ba-140 <5 15 24/0 Es-140 l gress beta 6900 - 9400 l 4/4 gaess beta 5900 - 7400 vegetation 740 4/4 (p01/kgwet) 4 gat-a iset:pic l 4 gawa isotopf:

2500 - 5600 Be-7 analysis net re:ufred 1100 4/4 Ee-7 l K-40 4700 - 7000 K-40 analysis not required 600 4/4 l Cc-55 4 l Co-58 analysis net required 50 4/0 Cc-50 -100 - 6 l Co-60 analysis net recuired 55 4/0 IP-95 (-1) Ir-95 analysis not re;uired 80 4/0 ]

4 60 4/0 1-131 <60 60 4/0 1-131 l 24 60 4/0 Cs-134 <60 50 4/0 Cs-134 l Cs-131 145 80 4/1 Cs-137 <80 - 190 60 4/? l

  • a - Number of samples / number of analyses dete:ted above MDC or LLD.

9 18

1 4


(~T Table 6. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's crosscheck kl' program, comparision of EPA and State Laboratory of Hygiene (SLH) results.

Concentration in pCi/ sample *a Sample Date Analysis SLH result EPA result Deviation Type Collected +/- 1 sigma +/- 1 sigma Known Water 01-04-85 Sr-89 <1 3+/-5 Sr-90 31+/-2 30+/-1.5 0.8 Water 01-18-85 Alpha 4+/-2 5+/-5 -0.3 Beta 20+/-2 15+/-5 1.6 Food 02-25-86' Sr-89 No data provided 34.0+/-5.0 Sr-90 No data provided 26.0+/-1.5 I-131 33+/-6 35+/-6 -0.4 Cs-137 30A/-6 29+/-5 0.2

' K 1290+/-90 1382+/-120 0.9 Hater 02-08-85 Cr-51 53+/-18 43+/-5 1.8 Co-60 18+/-5 20+/-5 -0.7

() Zn-65 Ru-106 59+/-5 31+/-5 56+/-5 25+/-5 1.4 2.0 Cs-134 35+/-5 35+/-5 0.0 Cs-137 25+/-5 25+/-5 0.1 Water 02-15-85 H-3 3927+/-330 3796+/-366 0.6 Milk 03-01-85 I-131 9+/-1.0 9+/-0.9 0.6 Water 03-15-85 Ra-226 4.3+/-0.8 5.0+/-0.75 -1.6 Ra-228 7.8+/-1.4 9.0+/-1.35 -1.6 Water 03-22-85 Alpha 6+/-3 6+/-5 0.0 Beta 15+/-2 15+/-5 -0.1

, Filter 03-29-85 Alpha 12.7+/-4 10.0+/-5.0 0.9 Beta 33+/~4 36.0+/-5.0 -1.0 Sr-90 15+/-2 15.0+/-1.5 0.0 Cs-137 9.3+/-4 6.0+/-5.0 1.1 Water 04-05-85 I-131 8.0+/-1.0 7.5+/-0.8 1.1 i '

Water 04-12-85 H-3 3480+/-350 3559+/-364 -0.4 e

O 19

Table 6 (continued) ggg Concentration in pCi/ sample *a

  • Sample Date Analysis SLH result EPA result Deviation

+/- 1 sigma +/- 1 sigma Known Type Collected Alpha 34.7+/-3 32.0+/-5.0 0.9 Water 04-19-85 Beta 75.3+/-5 72.0+/-5.0 1.2 4.1+/-0.6 8.2 Ra-226 6.9+/-0.6 6.2+/-0.9 11.1 Ra-228 12.0+/-0.9 U No data provided 7.0+/-6.0 13.3+/-5 10.0+/-5.0 1.2 Sr-89 Sr-90 12.7+/-1.5 15.0+/-1.5 -2.3 Co-60 14+/-4 15.0+/-5.0 -0.3 Cs-134 12+/-4 15.0+/-5.0 -1.0 Cs-137 10.7+/-4 12.0+/-5.0 -0.5 15.3+/-1.2 15.0+/-1.5 0.4 Water 05-10-85 Sr-90 Sr-89 39.0+/-1.5 39.0+/-5.0 0.0 Alpha 11.7+/-2 12.0+/-5.0 -0.1 Water 05-24-85 0.9

+ Deta 13.7+/-1.8 11.0+/-5.0 Cr-51 52+/-8 44.0+/-5.0 2.9 Water 06-07-85 Co-60 13+/-2 14.0+/-5.0 47.0+/-5.0

-0.2 1.2 lll Zn-65 50+/-6 Ru-106 57+/-19 62.0+/-5.0 -1.6 Cs-134 36+/-3 35.0+/-5.0 0.2 Cs-137 19+/-3 20.0+/-5.0 -0.2 Water 06-14-85 H-3 2200+/-320 2416+/-351 -1.1 06-21-85 Ra-226 3.2+/-0.5 3.1+/-0.4 0.3 Water 2.7 Ra-228 5.2+/-0.6 4.2+/-0.6 Milk 06-28-85 Sr-89 No data provided 11.0+/-5.0 Sr-90 14+/-2 11.0+/-1.5 3.9 I-131 12+/-5 11.0+/-6.0 0.3 Cs-137 11+/-5 11.0+/-5.0 -0.1 K 1660+/-120 1525+/-76 3.1 Water 07-19-85 Alpha 10.7+/-1.5 11.0+/-5.0 0.6 Beta 10.0+/-1.5 8.0+/-5.0 0.7 Food 07-26-85 Sr-89 No data provided 33.0+/-5.0 Sr-90 No data provided 26.0+/-1.5 1-131 32+/-8 35.0+/-6.0 -0.9 Cs-137 28+/-8 29.0+/-5.0 -0.2 ,

K 1560+/-100 1514+/-76 1.0 Water 08-09-85 I-131 29+/-10 33.0+/-6.0 -1.3 lll 20

Table 6 (continued)


Concentration in DCi/ sample *a Sample Date Analysis SLH result EPA result Deviation Type Collected +/- 1 sigma A/- 1 sigma Known Water 08-14-85 H-3 4453+/-360 4480+/-448 -0.1 Water 08-23-85 U 5+/-5 4.0+/-6.0 0.3 Filter 08-30-85 Alpha 15.3+/-1.5 13.0+/-5.0 0.8 Beta 41.0+/-1.5 44.0+/-5.0 -1.0 Sr-90 19.0+/-1.5 18.0+/-1.5 1.2 Cs-137 7.7+/-4 8.0+/-5.0 -0.1 Water 09-06-85 Sr-89 23+/-2 20.0+/-5.0 1.2 Sr-90 6.0+/-1.5 7.0+/-1.5 -1.2 Water 09-13-85 Ra-226 8.7+/-1,3 8.9+/-1.3 -0.3 Ra-228 3.4+/-0.8 4.6+/-0.7 -2.9 Water 09-20-85 Alpha 7.3+/-1.7 8.0+/-5.0 -0.2 Beta 10.0+/-1.7 8.0+ -5.0 0.7

() Water 10-04-05 Cr-51 Co-60

<44, 19+/-5 21.0+/-5.0 20.0+/-5.0 -0.3 0.8 Zn-65 22+/-5 19.0+/-5.0 Ru-106 <40 20.0'/-5.0 Cs-134 16+/-5 20.0+/-5.0 -1.3 Cs-137 19'/-5 20.0'/-5.0 -0.2 Water 10-11-85 H-3 1823+/-320 1974+/-345 -0.8 Blind 10-21-85 Alpha 44'/-2 52.0+/-13.0 -1.0 Beta 76+/-2 75.0+/-5.0 0.3 Ra-226 5.7+/-0.8 6.3O+/-0.95 -1.1 Ra-228 13.1+/-1.2 10.10+/-1.52 3.4 U (nat) 10+/-5 8.0+/-6.0 0.5 Sr-89 29+/-2 27.0+/-5.0 0.8 Sr-90 8.7+/-1.5 9.0+/-1.5 -0.4 Co-60 18+/-2 18.0+/-5.0 -0.1 Cs-134 15+/-5 18.0+/-5.0 -1.0 Cs-137 19+/-5 18.0+/-5.0 0.2 Milk 10-25-85 Sr-89 No data provided 48.0+/-5.0 Sr-90 30.7+/-1.8 26.0+/-1.5 5.4 I-131 42+/-5 42.0+/-6.0 -0.2 Cs-137 56+/-5 56.0+/-5.0 0.1 K 1630+/-180 1540.+/-77.0 2.0

() Water 11-22-85 Alpha Beta 11.3+/-1.8 17.0+/-1.5 10.0+/-5.0 13.0+/-5.0 0.5 1.4 21

Table 6 (continued) ggg Concentration in pCi/samole *a Sample Date Analysis SLH result EPA result Deviation

+/- 1 sigma +/- 1 sigma Known Type Collected I-131 46+/-5 45.0+/-6.0 0.2 Water 12-06-85 Water 12-13-85 Ra-226 6.7+/-1.0 7.10+/-1.07 -0.7 7.30+/-1.10 2.6 Ra-228 8.9+/-1.1 32.0+/-1.2 31.0+/-5.0 0.3 Water 01-10-86 Sr-89 13.3+/-0.7 15.0+/-1.5 -1.9 Sr-90 4.0+/-1.4 3.0+/-5.0 0.3 Water 01-24-86 Alpha 7.0+/-5.0 0.1 Beta 7.3+/-1.4 Food 01-31-86 Sr-89 No data provided 25.0+/-5.0 Sr-90 No data provided 10.0+/-1.5 19+/-9 20.0+/-6.0 -0.2 I-131 18+/-8 15.0+/-5.0 0.9 Cs-137 K 103O+/-170 950+/-143 1.0 Cr-51 LT 40 38.0+/-5.0 Water 02-07-86 Co-60 Zn-65 174/-3 38+/-6 18.0+/-5.0 40.0+/-5.0


-0.6 g

Ru-106 LT 31 0.0+/-5.0 Cs-134 28+/-3 30.0+/-5.0 -0.6 Cs-137 23'/-3 22.04/-5.0 0.5 Water 02-14-86 H-3 4913+/-370 5227+/-523 -1.0 10+/-5 9.0+/-6.0 0.4 Water 02-21-86 U (nat) 02-28-86 I-131 9.0+/-1.0 9.0+/-6.0 0.0 Water Ra-226 3.9+/-0.5 4.1+/-0.6 -0.7 Water 03-14-86 Ra-228 11.9+/-1.8 12.4+/-1.9 -0.4 03-21-86 Alpha 15.7+/-1.5 15.0+/-5.0 0.2 Water Beta 10.3+/-1.3 8.0+/-5.0 0.8 04-04-86 I-131 8.0+/-1.5 9.0+/-6.0 -0.3 Water 04-25-86 Alpha 19.0+/-1.5 15.0+/-5.0 1.4 .

Filter Beta 47+/-2 47.0+/-5.0 0.1 Sr-90 17.0+/-1.5 18.0+/-1.5 -1.2 Cs-137 11.7+/-3 10.0+/-5 J 0.6 .

9 22

,s -Table 6 (continued) k_)

Concentration in DCi/ sample *a Sample Date Analysis SLH result EPA result Deviation Type Collected +/- 1 sigma +/- 1 sigma Known Blind 04-20-86 Alpha 14+/-2 17.0+/-5.0 -0.9 Beta 33+/-3 35.0+/-5.0 -0.7 Ra-226 3.1+/-0.4 2.90+/-0.44 0.7 Ra-228 2.1+/-0.3 2.00+/-0.30 0.8 0 (nat) 3.7+/-5.0 5.0+/-6.0 -0.4 Sr-89 6.7+/-0.9 7.0+/-5.0 -0.1 Sr-90 6.0+/-0.7 7.0+/-1.5 -1.2 Co-60 10+/-3 10.0+/-5.0 -0.1 Cs-134 4+/-2 5.0+/-5.0 -0.3 Cs-137 5+/-2 5.0+/-5.0 0.0 Water 05-09-86 Sr-89 5.0+/-2 5.0+/-5.0 0.0 Sr-90 5.OA/-1.5 5.0+/-1.5 0.0 Water 07-06-86 Cr-51 <38 0.0+/-5.0 Co-60 65+/-5 66.0*/-5.0 -0.5 Zn-65 06+/-5 86.0+/-5.0 0.0 Ru-106 47+/-5 50.0+/-5.0 -0.9 0

' Cs-134 Cs-137 45+/-5 8A/-5 49.0+/-5.0 10.0+/-5.0


-0.7 Water 06-20-86 Ra-226 7.3+/-1.3 8.6+/-1.3 -1.7 Ra-228 12.2+/-2.5 16.7+/-2.5 -3.1 Milk 06-27-86 Sr-89 No data provided 0.0+/-5.0 Sr-90 16.6+/-1.7 16.0+/-1.5 0.8 I-131 39+/-5 41.0+/-6.0 -0.5 Cs-137 38+/-5 31.0+/-5.0 2.4 K 1660+/-120 1000+/-80 1.4 Water 07-18-86 Alpha 8+/-2 6.0+/-5.0 0.7 Beta 18+/-2 18.0+/-5.0 -0.7 Food 07-25-86 Sr-89 No data provided 30+/-5 Sr-90 No data provided 19+/-1.5 I-131 24+/-5 30.0+/-6.0 -1.6 Cs-137 22+/-5 20.0+/-5.0 0.2 K 1180+/-120 1150+/-58 0.9 Water 08-08-86 I-131 41+/-10 45.0+/-6.0 -1.2

- Water 08-22-86 U (Nat) 4*/-4 4.0+/-6.0 0.1 j Water 09-12-86 Ra-226 6.5+/-0.9 6.1+/-0.9 0.8

! s Ra-228 10.3+/-1.5 9.1+/-1.4 1.5 l

23 i

Table 6 (continued) ggg Concentration in pCi/ sample *a

  • Sample Date Analysis SLH result EPA result Deviation Type Collected +/- 1 sigma +/- 1 sigma Known 09-12-86 Alpha 20+/-2 22.0+/-5.0 -0.7 Filter 0.3 Beta 67+/-2 66.0+/-5.0 Sr-90 21.3+/-1.8 22.0+/-1.5 -0.8 Cs-137 28+/-5 22.0+/-5.0 2.0 15.0+/-5.0 -1.3 Water 09-19-86 Alpha 11.3+/-2 0.2 Beta 8.7+/-1.5 8.0+/-5.0 61+/-10 59.0+/-5.0 0.6 Water 10-10-86 Cr-51 0.2 Co-60 32+/-5 31.0'/-5.0 Zn-65 88+/-5 85.0+/-5.0 1.0 Ru-106 68+/-5 74.0+/-5.0 -2.2 Cs-134 29+/-5 28.0+/-5.0 0.3 Cs-137 46+/-5 44.0+/-5.0 0.6 Water 10-17-86 H-3 5300+/-300 5973+/-597 -2.0 Water 11-21-86 Alpha 16+/-2 20.0+/-5.0 -1.4 Beta 23.7+/-2 20.0+/-5.0 1.3 lll
  • a - pC1/ sample refers to the following:

Sample Units water pol / liter milk pCi/ liter except for K mg/ liter food pC1/kg except for K mg/kg filter pCi/ filter 0

9 24

Table 7. Air particulate gross beta and air iodine (I-131) results for January - June. 1986. Indicator site.

/~'N O

WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH Point Beach SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1986 linnovresentsinunitsofpCi/M'1 WI - Section of Radiation Protection data Point teach date North Property LINorth Property Li North Property Line 1.3 miles NNW 1.3 miles NhW Collectiondate Air Particulate Air lodine Collecti m date AirParticulate Airlodine 01/04/06 0.010+/-0.001 -0.004+/0.016 01/06/86 0.02 (0.03 01/15/06 0.012+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.03 01/13/86 0.02 <0.03 01/24/06 0.016+/-0.001 0.000+/ 0.015 01/20/06 0.02 <0.03 01/29/06 0.017+/-0.002 0.016+/-0.01 01/27/06 0.02 (0.03 02/05/06 0.016+/-0.002 0.003+/-0.02 02/03/86 0.02 (0.03 02/13/06 0.013+/-0.001 -0.004+/-0.012 02/10/06 0.02 (0.03 02/19/06 0.021+/-0.002 -0.002+/-0.03 02/17/06 0.03 <0.03 02/26/06 0.015+/-0.001 -0.004+/-0.03 02/24/06 0.02 <0.03 03/06/06 0.012+/-0.001 -0.005+/-0.03 33/01/86 0.02 <0.03

, 03/12/06 0.015+/-0.002 -0.001+/-C.014 03/10/06 <0.01 <0.03 03/17/06 0.02 <0.03 03/26/06 0.012+/-0.00) -0.001+/-0.03 03/24/06 0.02 <0.03 1

04/02/86 0.014+/-0.001 0.011+/-0.03 03/31/86 0.02 <0.03 04/10/06 0.000+/-0.001 -0.003+/-0.02 04/07/86 0.01 <0.03 04/17/06 0.005+/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.03 ;4/14/86 0.01 <0.03 04/25/06 0.015+/-0.001 -0.003+/0.03 04/21/06 0.01 <0.03 05/01/96 0.014+/-0.002 0.006+/002 04/28/46 0.02 <0.03 05/04/06 0.132+/-0.004 0.003+/-0.01 05/05/86 0.02 <0.03 -

05/14/05 0.145+/0.004 0.18+/-0.04 05/12/06 0.07 0.05 05/21/s6 0.1st+/0.004 0.12+/0.03 05/19/88 0.18 0.52 05/29/06 0.1;t+/0.003 0.05+/0.03 05/27/86 0.15 0.18 06/04/06 0.197+/0.005 0.04+/0.04 06/02/86 0.17 0.18 06/12/05 0.02t+/-0.002 0.02+/0.03 06/09/06 0.18 <0.08

-0.02+/-0.03 06/16/86 0.02 <0.03 e6/tt/06 0.002+/-0.001 06/24/06 0.011+/0.001 0.002+/0.03 06/23/06 0.03 (0.03 0.00t+/0.002 0.004+/0.02 06/10/46 0.01 (0.03 07/02/06

O 25 i

__.m , . _ . - - - _ _ _ . . - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ . , _

_ . - . , ..._.-_m._,. - _ - . . _ . .-

Table 8. Air particulate groso bato cnd air iodino (I-131) reaulto for July - December.1986. Indicator site.

WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH Point Beach SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1986 Reesurementsinunitsofpoi/M"3 NI - Section of Radiation Protection data Point leech data North Property 1.ine North Property Line 1.3 eiles NW 1.3 eiles NW Collection date Air Particulate Air lodine Collectiondate Air Particulate Air lodine 07/07/86 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 07/10/06 0.013+/-0.001 0.009+/-0.03 07/14/86 0.01+/-0.01 <0.03 07/14/06 0.010+/-0.002 -0.007+/-0.03 07/21/16 0.01+/-0.01 <0.03 07/24/06 0.012+/-0.001 -0.012+/-0.03 07/28/t6 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 07/30/06 0.009+/0.002 -0.02+/0.03 06/04/06 0.01+/-0.01 <0.03 C2/08/06 0.014+/-0.001 0.002+/-0.010 08/11/06 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 C:/15/06 0.016+/0.001 -0.003+/-0.03 08/11/16 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 C:/27/16 0.015+/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.02 08/25/06 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 01/03/06 0.024+/-0.002 0.003+/0.018 09/02/06 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 0.011+/-0.001 0.013+/-0.03 09/01/16 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 a 09/10/16 09/25/06 0.011+/-0.001 -0.004+/-0.03 09/15/06 0.01+/-0.01 <0.03 W 09/22/16 0.01+/-0.01 <0.03 10/02/06 0.012+/-0.001 0.006+/-0.03 09/29/06 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 10/01/06 0.00t+/-0.001 -0.00t+/-0.03 10/07/86 0.02+/-0.01 (0.03 10/17/06 0.00t+/-0.001 -0.04+/-0.03 10/13/06 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 10/22/06 0.022+/-0.002 -0.06+/-0.04 10/20/16 0.01+/-0.01 <0.03 10/30/16 0.022+/-0.002 0.010+/0.04 0.04+/-0.01 (0.03 11/05/t6 *a -0.013+/0.03 10/27/06 11/03/06 0.03+/0.01 (0.03 11/14/06 0.016+/0.001 0.00t+/-0.016 11/10/16 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 11/19/06 0.020+/-0.002 0.012+/0.02 11/17/06 0.03+/-0.01 <0.03 11/26/06 0.016+/0.002 -0.03+/0.04 11/24/06 0.0!+/-0.01 <0.03 12/03/06 0.015+/-0.001 -0.004+/-0.03 12/01/06 0.03+/-0.01 <0.03 12/11/06 0.015+/-0.001 -0.002+/-0.03

-0.004+/0.03 12/08/06 0.02+/-0.01 (0.03 12/17/06 0.025+/-0.002 0.01t+/-0.002 -0.002+/-0.02 12/15/06 0.03+/-0.01 <0.03 12/23/06 12/22/06 0.04+/-0.01 (0.03 12/11/06 0.026+/-0.002 0.011+/-0.04 12/21/06 0.0$+/-0.01 <0.03

  • a - Air filter was reported lost in the field.

G 26

Table 9. Air particulate gross beta and air iodine (I-131) results for January - June, 1986. Control site.

o O

WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH Point Beach SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1986 linesurementsinunitsofpCi/M*3 181 - Section of Radiation Protection data Point Beach data treen Bay Pueping Station - Rostok SilverLakeCollege 15.6 miles M E 17 miles WSW Collectiondate Air Particulate Air lodine Collection date Air Particulate Air lodine 01/10/06 0.013+/-0.001 -0.004+/-0.017 01/06/06 0.02 <0.03 01/17/06 0.013+/-0.001 0.00$+/-0.03 01/13/86 0.01 <0.03 01/24/86 0.015+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.03 01/20/06 0.01 <0.03 01/31/06 0.016+/-0.001 0.006+/-0.03 01/27/86 0.03 <0.03 02/07/06 *a 0.002+/-0.005 0.018+/-0.09 02/03/86 0.02 <0.03 02/14/16 0.016+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.03 02/10/86 0.02 <0.03 02/20/06 0.015+/-0.001 -0.006+/-0.011 02/17/86 0.03 (0.03 03/07/06 0.012+/-0.001 0.016+/-0.03 02/24/86 0.02 <0.03 03/14/06 0.011+/-0.001 0.J2+/-0.01 03/03/86 <0.01 <0.03 e9 O

03/21/06 *a 0.003+/-0.005 -0.t3+/-0.12 03/10/86 0.01 <0.03 (0.03 03/27/06 0.011+/-0.001 0.012+/-0.03 03/17/06 (0.01 04/04/06 0.011+/0.001 -0.00$+/-0.01 03/24/86 0.01 (0.03 04/11/06 0.000+/-0.001 0.007+/-0.03 03/31/86 0.02 <0.03 04/10/86 0.006+/-0.001 -0.003+/-0.011 04/07/86 0.01 (0.03 04/25/06 0.013+/-0.001 -0.003+/-0.017 04/14/86 0.01 <0.03 C/02/06 0.014+/-0.001 -0.009+/-0.016 04/21/86 0.02 <0.03 05/09/06 0.015+/0.001 0.006+/-0.03 04/28/86 <0.01 <0.03 05/16/06 0.130+/-0.004 0.14+/-0.04 05/05/86 0.02 <0.03 05/23/06 0.156+/0.004 0.12+/-0.04 05/12/e6 0.06 0.48 0.082+/-0.003 0.03+/0.02 05/19/06 0.18 0.21 05/30/06 06/06/86 0.155+/-0.004 0.03+/-0.03 05/27/86 0.14 <0.03 06/13/06 0.029+/-0.002 0.012+/-0.01 06/02/06 0.15 0.04 06/20/06 0.013+/-0.001 -0.002+/-0.03 06/09/86 0.17 <0.08 06/27/06 0.009+/0.001 0.006+/-0.04 06/16/86 0.03 <0.03 0.00l+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.04 06/23/86 0.03 <0.03 07/03/06 06/30/86 0.02 (0.03 e, . Filter appeared to be clean. Possible low air flow.

O 27

Table 10. Air particulate gross beta and air iodine (I-131) results for July - December,1986. Control site.

O WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH Point Beach SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1986 Measurements in units of pCi/M'3 WI - Section of Radiation Protection data Point Beach data Green Bay Pumping Station - Restek SilierLakeCollege 15.6 miles NNE 17 m.les WSW Collection date Air Particulate Airledine Collection date Air Particulate Air lodine 07/11/86 0.012+/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.03 07/07/86 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 07/18/86 0.008+/-0.001 0.019+/-0.04 07/14/86 0.01+/-0.01 (0.03 87/25/86 0.005+/-0.001 -0.003+/-0.014 07/21/86 (0.01 (0.03 08/01/86 0.009+/-0.001 0.04+/-0.03 07/28/86 <0.01 (0.03 08/08/86 0.012+/-0.001 -0.004+/-0.04 08/04/86 0.01+/-0.01 <0.03 08/15/86 0.010+/-0.001 0.006+/-0.03 08/11/86 0.01+/-0.01 <0.03 08/22/86 0.012+/-0.001 0.004+/-0.03 08/18/86 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 08/28/86 0.011+/-0.002 -0.001+/-0.03 08/25/86 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 09/05/86 0.015+/-0.001 -0.003+/-0.03 09/02/86 0.02+/-0.01 (0.03 09/12/86 09/19/86 0.012+/-0.001 0.008+/-0.001 0.002+/-0.019 0.008+/-0.04 09/08/86 09/15/86 0.02+/-0.01 0.01+/-0.01


<0.03 h

09/26/86 0.009+/-0.001 -0.007+/-0.04 09/22/86 0.01+/-0.03 <0.03 10/03/86 0.010+/-0.001 -0.001+/-0.02 09/29/66 0.01+/-0.0' <0.03 10/10/86 0.008+/-0.001 0.004+/-0.04 10/07/86 0.02+/-0.01 (0.03 10/17/86 0.010+/-0.001 -0.03+/-0.04 10/13/86 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 10/24/86 0.020+/-0.002 -0.015+/-0.04 10/20/86 <0.01 <0.03 10/31/86 0.021+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.05 10/27/86 0.03+/-0.01 <0.03 11/07/86 0.014+/-0.001 -0.06+/-0.03 11/03/86 0.03+/-0.01 <0.03 11/14/86 0.013+/-0.001 -0.03+/-0.03 11/10/86 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 11/21/86 0.012+/-0.001 -0.007+/-0.02 11/'7/85 0.03+/-0.01 (0.03 11/24/86 0.03+/-0.01 (0.03 12/05/86 0.015+/-0.001 -0.012+/-0.02 12/01/86 0.02+/-0.01 <0.03 12/12/86 0.014+/-0.001 -0.00$+/-0.03 12/08/86 0.03+/-0.01 <0.03 12/19/86 0.022+/-0.002 0.007+/-0.03 12/15/86 0.03+/-0.01 <0.03 12/26/86 0.020+/-0.002 0.012+/-0.03 12/22/86 0.03+/-0.01 <0.03 01/02/87 0.018+/-0.001 -0.015+/-0.03 12/29/86 0.04+/-0.01 (0.03 9


Tobla 11. G mmo icotcpic rOaults for Jcnu0ry - D:ccmbor, 1986 from the monthly composite of air particulate samples.

p Indicator site.


, SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1986 Resourements in units of pCi/M*3 WI - Section of Radiation Protection data North Property Line 1.3 elles W W 1stQuarter 2ndQuartea 3rdQuarter 4thQuarter Nay June Be-7 0.071+/-0.010 0.086+/-0.013 0.092+/-0.012 0.062+/-0.010 0.09+/-0.03 0.11+/-0.02 Ir,Nb-95 -0.001+/-0.002 0.002+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.002 0.001+/-0.002 0.002+/-0.004 0.003+/-0.004 kr-103 0.000+/-0.001 0.015+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 0.020+/-0.004 0.010+/-0.003 Au-106 0.000+/-0.004 0.004+/-0.005 0.002+/-0.006 0.000+/-0.004 0.009+/-0.015 0.003+/-0.013 1-131 -0.005+/-0.04 0.07+/-0.09 -0.010+/-0.05 0.007+/-0.03 0.024+/-0.016 0.009+/-0.010 Cs-134 0.000+/-0.000 0.006+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 0.012+/-0.002 0.004+/-0.002 Cs-137 0.000+/-0.001 0.011+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 0.027+/-0.003 0.012+/-0.002 Co-141 0.000+/-0.002 0.002+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.002 0.001+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.003 0.000+/-0.003 Ce-144 0.000+/-0.003 0.000+/-0.003 0.000+/-0.003 0.000+/-0.002 0.00$+/-0.007 0.000+/-0.007 O Isotopes other tha9 those reported w ee not detected.

U Point Beach data North Property Line 1.3 elles M W 1stQuarte* 2ndQuetea 3rdQuarter 4thQuarter Games isotopic *a Ie-7 Ir,Nb-95 Ru-103 0.01 Ru-106 l-131 Cs 134 <0.01 (0.01 <0.01 (0.01 Cs-137 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Co-141

. Co-144 e . According to Point 0each Radiological Effluent Technical $pecifications, analysis is only required on the radionuclides listed. Radionuclides other than those reported wre not detected. Naturally occurring radica nuclides are commonly detected but aae not reported.

The geena isotopic analysis is performed on a quarterly composite.


Table 12. Gamma isotopic results for January - December, 1986 from the quarterly composite of air particulate samples.

Control site, g


  • Measurements in units of pCi/M'3
  1. 1 - Section of Rediation Protection data Green Bay Pumping Station - Rostok 15.6 miles NNE IstQuarter 2ndQuarter 3rdQuarter 4thQuarter May June Ie 1 0.062+/-0.011 0.071+/-0.013 0.074+/-0.011 0.050+/-0.010 0.07+/-0.03 0.073+/-0.019 Ir.Nb-95 0.000+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.002 -0.001+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.005 0.001+/-0.004 Ru-103 0.000+/-0.001 0.013+/-0.002 -0.001+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 0.021+/-0.004 0.017+/-0.003 Ru-106 0.000+/-0.004 -0.001+/-0.006 -0.001+/-0.005 0.000+/-0.004 0.009+/-0.017 0.004+/-0.012 1-131 -0.005+/-0.04 0.003+/-0.15 -0.014+/-0.04 -0.009+/-0.03 0.0$+/-0.02 0.011+/0.012 Co-1M 0.000+/-0.000 0.004+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 0.010+/-0.002 0.003+/-0.002 Co-137 0.000+/0.000 0.000+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.001 0.024+/-0.003 0.009+/-0.002 Co-141 0.000+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.002 -0.001+/-0.002 0.001+/-0.001 0.000+/-0.004 0.000+/-0.003 Co-144 0.002+/-0.002 0.000+/0.001 -0.002+/-0.003 0.000+/-0.002 0.000+/-0.008 0.00'.+/-0.006 lootopes other than those reported were not detected.

O Point Beach data Silver Lake College 17 miles NSW 1stQuarter 2ndQuartea 3rdQuarter 4thQuarter Gamme footopic 8 a Be-7 Ir,4b-05 Au-103 0.01 Ru-106 I-131 Co-1M <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Co-137 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 Co-141 Ce-144 8 a - According to Point Beech Radiological Effluent technical Specifications, analysis is only required on the radionuclides listed. Radionuclides other than those reported were not detected. Naturallyoccurring

  • l radionuclides are commonly detected but are not reported.

l l

The isetopic analysis is perfereed on a quarterly e pesite. g; I

30 '

Table 13. Analysis of surface water samples from January - June, 1986. Indicator site.


. NessurementsinunitsofpCi/ lite

  • WI - Section of Radiation Protection data Effluentchannel 0.1 mile E Collection Date January February Recch April Rey June tross Alphe-sol. 0.9+/-1.2 0.0+/-1.0 -0.4+/-0.1 1.6+/-1.4 0.9+/-1.3 0.7+/-1.3 GrossAlphe-insol 0.7+/-0.7 -0.1+/-0.4 0.5+/-0.6 0.2+/-0.5 0.2+/-0.7 0.4+/0.1 Gross Deta-sol. 4.7+/-1.2 2.9+/-1.2 3.3+/-1.2 4.0+/-1.3 3.1+/-1.3 3.1+/-1.3 Scoes tota-insol. 1.4+/-1.0 -0.2+/-0.0 0.3+/-0.9 1.3+/1.0 2.3+/-1.1 1.2+/-1.0 H-3 4900+/-400 420+/-320 160+/-330 5100+/-400 290+/-310 60+/-320

$r-09 0.0+/-0.6 0.2+/-0.5 0.9+/-0.4 0.3+/-0.6 -1.0+/-0.4 -0.1+/-0.3 SP-90 0.0+/-0.6 1.3+/-0.5 0.5+/-0.4 0.9+/-0.6 1.1+/-0.4 0.0+/-0.3 1-131 -0.3+/-0.1 -0.01+/-0.18 -0.05+/-0.07 2.9+/-1.6 2.4+/-0.6 -3.5+/-0.7 Senna Isotopic O.-54 -1+/4 -4+/4 -3+/-4 -2+/-8 -5+/4 -3+/-5 Fe 59 1+/-9 -1+/-10 -1+/-12 0+/-22 5+/-12 9+/-14 Co-50 -1+/-5 0+/-! -1+/5 2+/-10 0+/6 -3+/-6 Co-60 -!*/-5 -2+/5 1+/5 -5+/-7 0+/-6 -1+/5 In-65 4+/-10 -1+/-10 1+/-10 -3+/-19 -2+/-12 2+/-12 Cs 134 -1+/-6 5+/5 3+/-5 -3+/-7 -2+/-6 2+/5 Cs 137 4+/-6 0+/-6 -4+/-5 -!+/-8 -1+/-6 0+/-6 Zr-95 -3+/-12 4+/-13 -1+/12 -4+/25 -13+/-13 -4+/-15 84,La-140 1+/6 -4+/-13 -!+/-7 -6+/-44 -9+/-17 0+/25 lootopes othea than those detected weae net detected.

Point teach Data Effluent channel 0.1 mile E Collection Date January February march heil ,,

Ray June tross beta 2.3 1.7 3.2 3.0 2.0 3.2 H-3

  • a 1660 1950


  • a <5 <5

$r-90 + a <1 <1 1-131 <0,5 <0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 <0.5 Genoa Isotopic h 54 (10 (10 (10 <10 (10 <10 Fe 59 <30 <30 <30 (30 (30 <30 Co-51 (10 <10 (10 (10 <10 (10 Co-60 <10 (10 (10 (10 (10 (10 In 65 (30 <10 <30 <30 (30 <30 Cs-134 <10 (10 (10 <10 (10 (10 Cs-137 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 IP-95 (15 (15 (15 <15 (15 (15 Ia,La-140 <15 <15 <15 <15 (15 <15 e . The analysis is performed on a quaate ly composite.

According to Point Beach Radiological Efflur.t Specifications, analysis is only recuired on the radionuclides Os Itsted. Radionuclides othe than those reported were not detected. Naturallyoccurringradionuclidesa*e commonly detected but are not repeated.


Table 14. Analysis of surface water samples from July - D ccmboe, j 1986. Indicator site.

WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH Point Beach SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1986 lleesurementsinunitsofpCi/ lite- .

W! - Section of Rediation Protectica data Effluetchannel 0.1 mile E Collection Cete July August September October November Decembe-Gross Alphe-sol. -0.3+/-1.0 0.6+/-1.0 1.1+/-1.1 -0.3+/-1.0 -0.1+/-1.0 -0.5+/-0.9 Genes Alphe-insol 0.1+/-0.7 0.7+/-0.7 0.6+/-0.6 -0.1+/-0.5 0.4+/-0.7 -0.1+/0.7

Geoes Deta-sol. 3.5+/-1.2 3.2+/-1.2 2.1+/-1.2 2.6+/-1.2 4.1+/-1.3 2.4+/-1.2 l Gross Sete-insol. 11.3+/-1.9 0.5+/-0.9 2.3+/-1.0 0.1+/-1.0 0.1+/-1.0 0.0+/-0.9 H-3 410+/-320 260+/-330 1160+/-330 170+/-310 19300+/-500 470+/-310 Sr 19 -2.4+/-0.6 -0.3+/-0.4 -0.5+/-0.4 0.06+/-0.3 0.3+/-0.3 -0.2+/-0.5 Sr-90 1.0+/-0.7 0.1+/-0.4 0.S+/0.4 0.3+/-0.4 0.0+/-0.3 0.9+/-0.4 1 131 3.6+/0.7 -0.3+/-0.3 0.3+/-0.1 0.0+/0.6 0.06+/-0.2 -1.9+/-0.8 Ge**a Isotopic h-54 2+/5 -1+/-5 2+/5 0+/-2 1+/6 0+/-6 Fe-59 -1+/13 2+/-11 -2+/10 -2+/-5 3+/-11 -!+/-13 Co-50 0+/-6 -1+/5 -1+/-8 0+/3 -1+/6 -1+/-7 Co-60 -1+/-5 1+/-l 2+/-6 0+/-2 1+/-6 -1+/-1 In-65 1+/11 1+/-11 3+/-11 1+/-l -1+/-11 2+/-12 Cs 134 0+/-! 6+/l 3+/-6 2+/-2 7+/-1 2+/-6 Cs 137 -1+/6 2+/l 3+/6 1+/-3 -1+/6 1+/6 IP-95 6+/16 7+/14 C+/-14 -1+/-7 4+/-15 2+/-10 te,La-140 -4+/20 1+/-10 $+/-11 2+/9 0+/-10 -1+/-10 g

Isotopes othea than these detected weae ect detected.

Point Beech Data E+fluentchanael C.1 mile E July August Septembe- October Nove+be- Decembe-Collection Dete Gross beta 2.0+/0.6 2.2+/-0.5 2.7+/0.6 1.0+/0.5 2.4+/0.3 <0.5 H3*a 4 00 6790+/-140 Sr 19 *a 4 d Se 90

  • a <1 0

<0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 1-131 Goema Isotopic h 54 C0 <10 00 00 00 00 Fe St 40 do 40 40 00 40 do 00 <10 00 00 Co-ll <10 00 00 00 00 00 00 Co 40 40 00 00 00 00 00 2n ll de 00 00 00 00 00 Cs 134 '

00 00 00 00 <10 00 Cs 137 Cl d5 U$ d5 d$

tr95 di la,La 140 05 dl dl dl d5 <15 e 4 the analysis is performed on a cusatsaly coeposite.

Acceeding to Point leech Radiological Effluent Specifications, analysis is only required on the radionuclides g listed. Radionuclides othea thai those repeated weas net detected. Naturallyoccurriesradionuclidesare W coseonly detected but are not reported.

32 l l

Tchlo 15. Anolyais of curfcco wotor compica frem Jcnuary - Juno, 1986. Control site.

m Q C]ISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH Point Beach SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 198C IIsosurements in units of pCi/litea W! - Section of Radiation Protection data Green Bay Pueping 15.6 miles hht Collection bete 01/06/06 02/07/06 03/03/06 03/31/06 05/05/06 06/02/06 tross Alphe-sol. 0.7+/-1.0 0.1+/-0.9 0.l+/-1.0 0.5+/-1.0 0.2+/0.9 0.0+/-0.9 tross Alphe insol 0.1*/-0.6 0.0+/0.6 0.6+/-0.6 0.4+/-0.6 0.2+/-0.6 0.4+/-0.7 tross tota-sol. 2.4+/-1.1 3.7+/-1.1 3.0+/-1.2 3.2+/-1.2 2.5+/-1.1 2.4+/-1.2 teses tote insel. 0.3+/-0.9 1.4+/-1.0 1.5+/-1.0 1.6+/-1.0 0.0+/-0.9 1.3+/-1.0 H-3 -110+/320 150+/-300 260+/-320 270+/-330 110+/-120 300+/-310 Se-et 0.0+/0.5 -0.4+/-0.5 0.2+/-0.5 0.7+/-0.5 0.4+/-0.3 0.5+/-0.6 Se-90 0.0+/0.4 0.3+/-0.5 0.0+/-0.5 0.3+/-0.5 0.4+/-0.3 0.3+/-0.6 l 131 -0.02+/-0.09 -0.03+/-0.07 0.3+/0.1 0.06+/-0.07 0.4+/-0.1 0.24+/-0.12 teena Isotopic m 54 0+/5 -3+/-4 1+/5 -2+/-5 -1+/5 -1+/-3 Fe 59 4+/9 0+/11 7+/-10 4+/-9 -1+/-l -1+/5 Co 50 4+/5 -2+/! -1+/-5 -1+/-4 0+/-5 -2+/-3 l Co-60 1+/5 2+/-5 1+/5 -!+/-5 ,*/5 0+/3 In65 12+/-12 14+/11 -1+/-10 -2+/-10 -2+/11 0+/-6

, Co 134 13+/7 -3+/5 5+/5 1+/-5 -i+/-5 -2+/!

Cs 137 1+/5 2+/5 2+/6 2+/-6 -2+/-5 C+/-3 IP Il -4+/-13 24+/14 -4+/-13 -3+/-11 1+/-12 -7+/6 la,La140 -3+/6 5+/19 -10+/-20 -2+/5 0+/6 -1+/4 Isotopes othea than those rocceted mere not dete:ted.

Point teach data 8 c Coast Guard Station 4.0e11es$$!

05/05/t6 06/02/06 Collution Date 01/06/t6 02/03/16 03/03/06 04/01/16 6eoes beta 2.4 2.6 3.4 3.5 3.0 2.0 H3*b 0 00 0 00

<5 Se Il

  • b <5


$r 90

  • b <1 1 131 40.5 <0,5 <0.5 (0.5 <0.5 <0.5 toenelectopic b*54 <10 <10 <10 (10 <0 <10 Fe55 00 00 00 00 00 <30 (10 (10 <10 <10 Co lt <10 <10 Co 60 (10 00 (10 00 <10 <10 In-65 40 00 00 00 00 00

<10 (10 <10 <10 (10 (10

, Co 134 Cs 137 C0 00 <10 00 00 C0 C5 U$ <15 C5 C5 C5 fr 95 te,Le-140 05 415 Cl C5 <15 Of

  • b - Analysis is pe+ formed on a qua'tealy compcsite.

, v/[)

  • c - According to Point leech Radiological Efflueet Specifications, analysis is only required on the radionuclides listed. Redionuclida othe than thou reported we not detected. Naturally occurring radionuclides are commcalydetectedbutareretreported.


Tablo 16. AnalyJis C9 Curfcco wDtor Ccmpico frcm July - Occcmbar, 1986. Control site.

WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEAT.TH Point Beach SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1986 Measure *ents in units of pCi/litea

  • WI - Section of Radiation Prcte: tion data Green Bay Pumping 15.6 miles hh!

Collection Oate 07/02/16 08/04/86 09/03/86 10/01/16 11/04/86 12/04/86 Gross Alpha-sol. 1.3+/-1.4 -0.2+/-0.9 0.7+/-1.0 -0.2+/-0.0 -0.1+/-0.9 -0.2+/-0.9 Gross Alpha-insol -0.3+/-0.6 0.1+/-0.7 -0.1+/-0.5 0.1+/-0.7 0.6+/-0.7 0.3+/-0.7 Gross Oeta-sol. 3.7+/-1.2 2.7+/1.2 2.2+/-1.2 2.7+/-1.2 3.1+/-1,2 2.3+/-1.2 GrossBeta-insol. -2.8+/-0.6 1.9+/-1.5 -0.4+/0.9 1.4+/-1.0 1.0+/-1.0 0.4+/-1.0 H3 110+/-330 230+/-320 130+/-330 120+/-310 40+/-300 $10+/-310

$r-19 -0.1 +/-0. 4 -4.5+/-0.7 0.4+/-0.4 -1.0+/-0.4 0.6+/-0.4 0.5+/-0.4 Sr-90 0.6+/0.3 2.6+/-0.1 0.4+/-0.4 1.1+/0.4 0.1+/-0.4 0.0+/-0.4 1-131 0.04+/0.12 0.13+/-0.09 -0.3+/-0.2 0.15+/-0.07 -0.16+/-0.11 0.11+/0.16 GeneaIsotopic D 54 -6+/7 -1+/-5 1+/-5 -1+/5 C+/-5 2+/-5 Fe-51 4+/-14 6+/-11 5+/-11 3+/-9 4+/-10 -2+/-9 Co-51 -2+/-? -1+/-6 3*/-6 1+/6 1+/-5 0+/-5 Co 60 -1+/ ' 1+/-5 1+/-5 1+/-5 1+/-6 -1+/-6 In 65 3+/16 0+/-10 7+/12 -3+/-10 5+/ 12 5+/-12 Cs-134 -1+/-7 2+/-6 2+/-6 3+/6 2+/-6 1+/-7 Cs 137 0+/l -1+/5 5+/-6 3+/-6 1+/ 6 -4+/6 IP-ll -14+/16 1+/13 5+/-13 -l+/-12 5+/-13 2+/-13 84,La-140 3+/-7 -1+/g 2+/? 0*/6 1+/-7 -2*/-t h Isotopes other than those reported meas not date:ted.

Point Beach data e e Coast Guard Stati 4.1 miles S$!

Collection Date 07/14/86 08/04/16 09/02/16 12/07/86 11/03/t5 12/01/16 Gross beta 4.t*/-0.7 3.0+/0.4 2.0+/-0.3 2.7+/0.5 3.6+/0.3 2.0+/-0.4 H-3

  • b <500 (500

$r-Il *b <5 <5 SP-90

  • b <1 (1 1 131 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0,5 (0.5 <0.5 6eena Isotopic m 54 00 <10 <10 (10 <10 00 Fe 51 <30 (30 <10 (30 (30 (30 Co-58 <10 00 00 <10 00 00 Co-60 (10 00 00 00 00 00 In 65 <30 00 00 00 00 00 Cs 134 <10 00 00 C0 00 00 Cs 137 d0 00 00 (10 00 00 gr95 C5 d5 dl 05 C5 C5 8a,La 140 <15 <15 dl d5 d5 C5
  • b - Analysis is performed on a cusate ly coeposite.  :

' c - Aceceding to Point les:h Radiological Effluent $ce:ificatiers, smalysis is only required on tre radionuclides listed. Radionuclides othea than these repeated weas not dete:tes. Naturally occurring radionuclides are g

commonly dete:ted but are not re:orted.


Table 17. Analysis of fich ocmpica for 1986.


WI - Section of Radiation Protection Collection Date 05/14/06 05/14/05 06/25/06 06/25/06 09/03/06 09/03/06 Type whitefish trout brown trout laketrout brauntrout saloon Location Point Bea:h Point Bea:h Point leech Pointleech Point teach Point teach Geeselootopic N-40 2000+/-500 2000+/-500 3100+/400 1300+/500 3400+/-500 2300+/-400 C-54 -13+/-17 -9+/-20 3+/-14 -2+/-16 13+/-19 4+/-15 Fe-59 -2+/-70 -15+/-90 1+/-40 20+/-40 -5+/50 13+/-40 Co 50 -1+/-30 -2+/-30 15+/-16 f+/-14 f+/-19 10+/-20 Co 60 II+/-30 4+/30 f+/20 -1+/20 30+/30 15+/-20 2n 65 70+/-50 3+/-60 13+/40 60+/40 30+/-50 30+/-40 Cs 134 7+/-20 4+/20 4+/-13 10+/-15 20+/-20 -3+/-17 Co-137 60+/30 00+/-30 110+/20 100+/30 150+/-30 00+/-20 A tectopes other then those reported weae not dete:ted.

V Point Beach data *a Collection Date 05/14/86 05/14/46 05/14/06 05/14/06 09/03/06 12/09/06 Type whitefish trout brown trout perch lake trout trout Point lee:h Pointles:h Point les:h PointBeach Pointleach Point 8ee:h Location Geeselectopic N 40 (130 (130 (130 h 54 (130 (130 <130

<!60 (260 (260 (490 <!60 (260 Fe-59 4130 (130 <130 <130 <130 Co-50 (130 (130 <130 <130 (130 <130 Co-60 (130 (260 <260 <!60 <!60 <260 <!60 In 65 (130 (130 <130 <130 <130

, Co 134 <130

<150 260+/-30 170+/-10 <150 Cs 137 (150 (150 e b - Aeterding to Point Beech Radiological Effluent Specifications, analysis is only required on the radionuclides listed. Radionuclides othea then those reported were not detected. Ileturally occurring redfonuclides eae cessonly detected but are not reported.

35 u _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ -

TCble 18. Analysis of fish samples for 1986.


WI - Se: tion of Radiation Prote: tion Collection Date 12/10/06 12/10/66 Tyr,e salmon trout Location Point Bea:h Point Bea:h GammaIsotopi:

K 40 2600+/400 3100+/-500 Mn-54 -1+/-14 -t+/-19 Fe-59 20+/-30 -3+/-50 Co 59 9+/-16 6+/-20 Co 60 6+/-20 6+/-30 In-65 40+/-30 40+/-50 Cs 134 23+/-16 14+/-20 Cs-137 '140+/-30 130+/30

!sotcaosotherthanti.:serepeatedweaenotdete:te Point Bea:h data 8a 12/09/t6 12/09/86 12/09/86 12/05/86 12/09/86 Collection Date 12/09/96 trout saleen salmon salmon trout trout Type Point Bea:h Point Beach Point Bea:h Point Bea:5 Point Beach location Point les:h GamesIsotopic R 40 (130 <130 <130 <130 Mn-54 (130 <130 (260 <260 <260 (260 Fe ll (260 <260

<130 <130 (130 <130 Co58 <130 <130 (130 <130 <130 <130 Co-60 (130 (130

<260 (260 <260 (260 In 65 (210 <260

<130 (130 (130 <130 Cs 134 <130 <130 ,

<150 <150 (150 (150 (150 Cs-137 <150

  • a Accoading to Point Beach Radiological Effluent See:ifications, a6alysis is onlyradionuclides '

listed. Radionvc11 des othe than those reoorted weae not detected. Naturally clides aae coseonly detected but are not repeated.

O 36

Tcble 19. Analysis of shoreline sediments for 1980.


. V SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1986 MeesurementsinunitsofpCf/kg(dry)

C3 - Section of Radiation Protection data l

C llection Date 10/07/06 10/07/06 10/07/06 Type Shoreline sed. Shoreline sed. Shoreline sed.

Location E-05 E-06 E-12 1.4 miles N 5.3 miles SSE 0.1 mile E Analysis Grossbeta(dry) 10000+/-4000 14000+/-4000 9000+/-4090 trossalpha(dry) 4000+/-6000 11000+/-7000 2000+/-5000 Gamma Isotopic Co-50 13+/-30 50+/-30 3O+/-30 Co-60 30+/-30 15+/-30 120+/-30 Cs-134 60+/-30 150+/-40 30+/-30 Cs-137 11+/-30 90+/-30 70+/-30 R-40 4200*/-400 1000+/-300 5900+/-500 Re 226 e a 190+/-50 2180+/-150 460+/-40 Pb-214 *a 150+/-80 2560+/-110 300+/-70 81214 *a 720+/-10 2610+/-120 440+/-70 fl204 *a 1060+/-10 2420+/-120 290+/-80 O Ac-220 *a 1000+/-120 2500+/-150 350+/-100 O

  • e - Naturally occurring radioisotopes Ac-228 and T1-208 re from the Thorium-232 decay series.

Ra 226, Pb-214, and 81-214 are from the Uranium 238 decay series.

Isotopes other then those reported wee not detected.

point teach data *b C:,llectionDate 10/07/06 10/07/86 10/07/86 Type Shoreline sed. Shorelinesed. Shorelinesed.

Location E 05 E 06 E-12 1.4 miles N 5.3 elles $$f 0.1 mile E Analysis Grossbeta(dry) 5700+/2600 20300+/3600 8100+/3000 trossalpha(dry)

Seene Isotopic Co-50 t . Co 60

> Cs 134 I

Cs-137 <150 (150 <150

, , R 40 e b - According to Point Beech Radiological Effluent $weifications, analysis is only required on the radionuclides

's"** 'iv d' '<< -

O '< t 4. a<' < 's commonly detected but are not reported.

<4 - 'dt <4. < re4" 37 4

, . _ . _ , - . . _ . . - _ - , . _ . ~ _ _ _ . . . , - - _ _ . - _ . , ..m.- . _ _ , - , , . _ . , _ , _ _ _ , _ . . _ - _ _ - -- _-, - . _

Table 20. Analysis of milk samples for January - December, 9986.

Funk form.

WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH Point Beach SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1986 MeasurementsinunitsofpCi/ lite- Funk fare 3.8 miles WSW WI - Section of Radiation Protection data ,

02/05/86 03/12/86 04/02/86 05/14/86 06/05/86 Collectiondate 01/08/86 Isotope:

0.23+/-0.09 0.60+/-0.09 0.07+/-0.11 -0.07+/-0.09 -0.17+/-0.08 1-131 0.58+/-0.11 8a,La-140 -3+/-6 1+/-5 -3+/-6 -1+/-7 -2+/-7 -3+/-5 4+/-7 4+/-5 4+/-6 -2+/-7 -2+/-6 Cs-134 -1+/-7 5+/-6 0+/-7 5+/-6 7+/-6 9+/-7 -1+/-6 Cs-137 1300+/-170 1410+/-180 1600+/-190 1390+/-100 K-40 1370+/-180 1300+/-170 1.4+/-0.6 2.0+/-0.7 1.3+/-0.5 2.0+/-0.7 1.9+/-0.5

$r-90 1.9+/-0.6 09/03/86 10/08/86 11/05/f6 12/03/86 Collection date 07/09/95 08/05/86 Isotope:

-0.09+/-0.09 -0.12+/-0.11 0.01+/-0.06 0.12+/-0.10 0.12+/-0.0!

1-131 -0.21+/-0.15 0+/-6 0+/-7 -2+/-5 4+/-10 -1+/-5 8a,La-140 0+/-7 1+/-E -1+/-7 14+/-7 11+/-7 7+/-8 -1+/-t Cs-134

-1+/-? 9+/-7 -1+/-8 7+/-10 5+/-8 C -117 10+/-7 1530+/-190 1340+/-100 1370+/-180 1500+/-200 1330+/-160 K-40 1340+/-170 4.1+/-0.3 2.4+/-0.6 1.2+/-0.6 3+/-2 1.8+/-1.0

$*-90 1.6+/-C.7 Isotopes othea tha9 those reported we e net detected.

Point Beach data Funk faam 3.8 miles WSW 02/05/86 03/12/86 04/02/85 05/14/26 06/04/85 Collection date 01/08/06 Isotope:

<0.5 <0.5 0.6 <0.6 1-131 <0.5 (0.5

<5 <5 <5 (5 Ba,La-140 ($ <5

<$ (5 <5 (5 Cs 134 <5 <5

<5 <5 <5 <5 Cs-137 (5 <5 NA NA NA NA NA K 40 NA (5 (5 <5 (5 <5 <!

Sr-89 1.6 1.8 1.4 1.0 Se-10 1.4 2.3 09/03/86 10/08/86 11/05/85 12/03/88 Collectiondate 07/09/85 08/06/06 lectope:

(0.5 <0,5 <0.5 (0.5 1131 (0.5 <0.5

<5 <5 <5

<5 <5 Ba,Le 140 <5 '

<5 <5 <5 (5

<$ <5 Co 134 <5

<5 <5 <5

<5 <$

Cs 117 NA NA NA NA R 40 h4 NA

<5 <5 <5


$r It <5 <5 1.9+/-0.5 1.7+/-C.4 2.1+/-0.6 1.6+/-0.4 1.6+/-0.5 SPIT 1.1+/0.6 NA - According to Point Beach Radiological Effluent Specifications, analysis is only required on the radionuclides listed. Radionuclides othe- than those repeated we o not detected. Naturally occurring radionuclides aae comeonly detected but are not repeated.

I 38

TCblo 21. Anolycie of milk complos for Jcnuary - D ccmbar, 1986.

Lehrmann farm.

(3 C) WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH Point Beach SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1986 Neesurements in units of pC1/ liter Lehrasnn farm 2.7 miles NNW WI - Section of Radiation Protection data Collection date 01/08/85 02/05/86 03/12/86 04/02/86 05/08/86 06/05/86 Isotope:

1-131 0.19+/-0.09 -0.03+/-0.12 0.29+/-0.08 -0.15+/-0.09 0.22+/-0.09 22+/-8 Ba,La-140 -4+/-5 0+/-5 -14+/-8 -1+/-6 -5+/-5 -1+/-5 Cs-13f 5+/-6 3+/-6 1+/-8 4+/-6 -1+/-6 -1+/-7 Cs-137 0+/-7 4+/-7 3+/-10 5+/-6 -1+/-7 9+/-6 R-40 1490+/-180 1310+/-170 1500+/-200 1250+/-170 1340+/-100 1410+/-180 Sr-90 2.5+/-0.5 2.7+/-0.6 2.9+/-0.7 2.5+/-0.8 2.3+/-0.7 3.0+/-0.6 Collection date 07/09/86 08/06/86 09/03/86 10/08/86 11/05/86 12/03/86 Isotope:

1-131 0.29+/-0.16 0.03+/-0.08 -0.03+/-0.12 -0.06+/-0.07 0.01+/-0.10 0.02+/-0.06 Se,La-140 1+/-6 1+/-7 2+/-7 1+/-6 1+/-7 4+/-7 Cs-134 0+/-6 1+/-9 3+/-7 1+/-7 7+/-7 4+/-7 Cs-137 1+/-7 -1+/-9 -1+/-9 6+/-6 3+/-7 10+/-7 R-40 1310+/-180 1350+/-190 1260+/-190 1580+/-190 1400+/-180 1510+/-190 Sr-90 2.8+/-0.6 2.9+/-0.6 2.9+/-0.7 2.5+/-0.6 2.4+/-0.5 2.8+/-0.8 Isotopes other than those reported were net detected.

Point Beach data Lehrsann fare 2.7 miles NNW Collection date 01/08/86 02/05/86 03/12/86 04/02/06 05/19/86 06/05/86 Isotope:

<0.5 (0.5 <0.5 (0.5 2.7 21.4 1-111 Ba,La-140 (5 <5 <6 <9 (5 <5

<5 <5 <5 <5 <5 Cs-134 <5

<5 <5 ($ <5 <5 5.2 Cs-137 N4 NA NA NA NA K-40 NA Sr-89 (5 (5 ($ <5 <5 (5 SP-90 2.8 3.4 2.2 2.7 2.3 1.9 Collection date 07/09/86 08/06/86 09/03/86 10/08/06 11/05/86 12/03/86 Isotope:

1-131 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (0.5 (6 (5 <5 <5 <5 Ba,La-140 <$

<$ <$ <5 <5 ($ <5 Cs 134

($ (5 <5 <5 <5 Cs 137 <5 NA NA NA NA NA NA K-40

  • <$ <5

<5 <$ <5 Sr 89 <5 SP-90 2.0+/-0.5 3.7+/-0.7 2.6+/-0.5 2.2+/-0.5 3.1+/-0.6 2.4+/-0.6 O 14A Aeterding to Point teach Radiological Effluent Specifications, analysis is only required on the radionuclides listed. Redienuclides other then those reported were not detected. Naturally occurring radionuclides are consonly detected but are not reported.


Table 22. Analysis of food product semples for 1906.

WISCONSIN DIVISION OF HEALTH Point Beach SECTION OF RADIATION PROTECTION 1986 MeasurementsinunitsofpCi/ kilogram (wet)

  • k WI - Section of Radiation Protection data I collection Date 10/07/86 10/01'86 10/07/86 10/07/86 Type vegetation vegetatwn vegetation vegetation l Location E-02 E-03 E-04 E-06 1 0.7 miles SSW 0.8 miles WNW 1.0 miles NNW 5.3 miles SSE Analysis Grossbeta(wet) 6900+/-1400 8200+/-1400 9400+/-1600 7600+/-1700 Grossalpha(wet) -200+/-1300 700+/-1400 600+/-1600 0+/-1600 Gamma Isotopic Oe-7 2800+/-300 2600+/-170 4200+/-300 5600+/-200 K-40 5400+/-500 7000+/-400 5800+/-500 4700+/-300 Co-58 -17+/-30 -5+/-14 -9+/-30 4+/-13 A Co-60 -100+/-40 6+/-19 -80+/-40 4+/-15 Zr-95 -14+/-70 -4+/-30 -20+/-70 -1+/-30 1-131 -19+/-40 -2+/-20 -1+/-40 4+/-18 Cs-134 -10+/-30 -6+/-14 -9+/-30 24+/-13 Cs-137 -13+/-30 2+/-15 11+/-30 145+/-18 h

Isotopes other tha9 thost recceted were net detected.

Point Beach data 8a, Collection Date 10/07/86 10/07/86 10/07/86 10/07/86 fype votetation vegetation vegetation vegetatfor.

Location E-02 E-03 E-04 E-06 0.7 miles SSN 0.8 miles M 1.0 miles NNW 5.3 miles SSE Analysis Grossbeta(wet) 5900+/-200 1400+/-500 7400+/-300 7000+/-300 Grossalpha(wet)

Gamma Isotopic 8e-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 -

Ir-95 1-131 (60 <60 <60 <60 Cs-134 <60 (60 <60 <60 Cs-137 <80 (80 <80 190+/-50

  • a - According to Point 8esch Radiological Effluent Specifications, analysis is only required on the radionuelides listed. Radionuclides other than these reported were nct detected. Naturally occurring radionuclides aae commonly detected but are net reported.