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Summary of 831201 Site Meeting W/Util Re Status of Offsite Emergency Planning.Attached Proposed Bill Subj of Long Discussion at Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/05/1983
From: Bellamy R
To: Martin T
Shared Package
ML20235N846 List:
FOIA-87-347 NUDOCS 8707200269
Download: ML20235N917 (5)



, ,p mecy UNITE 3 STATES


  1. $ est PARK Avresus unas or emussia.ptumsvevania is es

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%, . .. e / orc 5 1983 4 i

MEMORANDtM FOR: Thomas T. Martin, Director, Division of Engineering j


and Technical Programs 1 FROM: Ronald R. Bellamy, Chief, Radiological Protection Branch


STATUS OF SEABROOK OFFSITE EMERGENCY PLANNIN3 ACTIVITIES - DECEMBER 1,1983 MEETING On Thursday, December 1,1983, I attended a meeting at the Seabrook site to discuss the status of offsite emergency planning as it relates to l Se abroo k. The meeting was sponsored by FEMA (discussion leader E. Thomas), q l with other participants including the State of Massachusetts (J. Louver, Deputy Civil Defense Director), the State of New Hampshire (R. Strome, Civil Defense Director), the licensee (J. Mc%nald), and myself.

Highlights included: ,

1. The State Plan for Massachusetts is being revised by a State Planning Committee to update for Seabrook and include local plans interface.

A consultant s upplied by the licensee is doing the work.  !

? Massachusetts has 6 EPZ communities, with each local plan being actively revised after initial review. Local public meetings have started.

3. The position of the Governor of Massachusetts was clearly stated as committing to the 6 EPZ communities all the time they require for approval of local plans. A House Bill (6816) introduced on j

Novunber 21, 1983, may impact, in that it would requi,re a majority i

of the 6 EPZ communities to approve local plans prior to submittal I to the NRC or FEMA. State officials will respond on l December 7,1983.

A copy of the proposed bill is attached. This proposed bill was the  !

subject of a long discussion.

4. The State Plan for New Hampshire is undergoing revision and is 4 e

approximately 50% complete. It is expected to be submitted to FEMA <

in December 1983, with a local prototype plan (Greenland) shortly t hereafter. Other local towns are participating adequately with a l j few exceptions.

i e707poon69 070715 PDR FDIA PDH -


j CONNDRB7-347


DEC 5 1983 ,

i Tremas T. Martin 1 I

5. Interface between the two state plans is a major concern, in the following areas:
a. Transportation, physical road interface, cnd Lorder-town interface (are supposedly resolved at State Police level),
b. Alerting - New Hampshire automatically activates the EBS Notification System wnen the licensee declares a site area emergency, but Massachusetts does not, and
c. Health Physics matters, such as decon centers.

FEMA will hold working level meetings.

6. ASLB prehearing conference is to be held January 1984, to set a hearing schedule (no later than April). An interim FEMA finding j was requested by NRC (IE) to be submitted on February 15,19Ea.
7. A meeting has been scheduled at Seabrook for January 3-4,19E4, to i ascer tain further status. Our presence was generally expected and speci fically requested by New Hampshire.

In addition to attendance at these status meetings, NRC - Region I actions should include:

a. Discussion with FEMA - Region I, Regicnal Director to indicate our support for the FEMA activities. I have had such discussions with E. Thomas, FEMA, Division Director,
b. We should talk to licensee at corporate management level to determir:e l views of progress and what can be done to provide better i coordination.
c. I contact IE to verify that Seabrook revicw is a 'high priority item (already completed).

Ronald R. Bellamy, Chief l Radiological Protection Branch l

Attac hment:

As stated cc: T. Murley J. Allan R. Starostecki H. Kister R. Gallo '

H. Crocker l B. Bores E. Wojnas



HOUSE ,,......No. _

6816 By Ms. Hildt of Amesbury, petition of Barbara Hildt. Nicholas J.

Costello, Byron Rushing Frank M. Hynes. Stephen W. Doran and Eleanor Myerson for legislation to regulate the submission of radio-logical emergency response plans for the towns of Amesbury, Merri- ,

mac, Newbury, Salisbury and West New bury and for the city cf New- i buryport, Public Safety. .

E)e Cornmontecalffj of Stagsachusetts in the Year One Thousand Nine Hendred and Eighty-Three, n


I Whereas. The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat ,

2 its purpose, which is to preserve the rights of communities to invoke i 3 home rule to assure adequate planni g and preparedness in the case 4 of a radiological emergency.

5 Whereas, Radiological Emergency Response Plans for six Mas-6 sachusetts communities are presently being developed to be submit-7 ted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency or Nuclear 8 Regulatory Commission.

9 Whercar, A radiological emergency in the EinerSency Planning 10 Zone surrounding the Seabrook Station nuclear power plant may 11 result in 5163 billion property damage (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 12 Commission NUREG/CR-2239, SAND 81-1549and NUREG/CR- l l

13 2723, SAND 82-1110). l l

l Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General , j Cours assembled, and by the authority of the same, asfolluv:s: '

1 SECTION 1. Sec1 ion 2B of Chapter 639 of the Acts of 19.50, as 2 inserted by section 24 of Chapter 796 of the Acts of 1979,is hereby -  !

3 further amended by adding at the end of the first paragraph the ,

j 4 following paragraph:-  ! {

l l

1 e

e O


- -)

q t

. 2 HOUSE - No. 6816 [Nevember 1983]

r 5 No individual radiological emergency response plan for the 6 towns of Amesbury, Merrimac, Newbury, Salisbury and West 7 Newsbury, and for the city of Newburyport shall be submitted to 8 the Federal Emergency Management Agency or Nuclear Regula- +

9 tory Commission pursuant to 10 Code of Federal Regulations, 10 Scetion 50.47 unlew a majority of the said six municipalities, by a 11 vote of Town Meeting or of the Board of Selectmen in the case of 12 each town and by a referendum vote by the voters of the City of -

13 Newburypc rt, or a vote of the City Council with approval of the 14 Mayor, vote approval of the individual radiological emergency 15 response plan directly affecting their city or town.

I SECTION 2. This act shall take effect uporf* passage.

i I

i t

I Tids Document Has seen Prmtad On 100% Recycled Paper.

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.k MILITIA 33 App.

$ 13-5 -

sednes:; di- deviations froan the applicable be!! ding codes pending the enteb11ahment ,of such cifica epace ,

standa rds. w St.1950, c. 639, i 2A, as added by St.1982, c. 350.

Aserswed April 17, 1952. C swealth a di- t.sawsey ret.renness Mitttia e=st,1: W,, sa. 11: c.J.s. war amd NatAonal Defensa -

33 es. sa: c.y.s. zentag g 136.

Cffler Cf C2 men and Hatsonal Daranse 4::338 El et eas.: I ohich abaO be ZeaInt C==237: C.J.s. Wittna il 1 et ses


the " director **. "

et tbs director 1 13-.2B. Wuclear.p_ower_plantaresa3 '

Q to bla duties The director shall desigunta certain areas of the commonwealth as " nuclear power, b suW to ap. p ,,g ,,,,,.. For purposes of ihte acetionc said areas aball canalet of all communi.

g d Ile shall co- ties loented within a ten m!!e radius of a nucles.r power plant, whither or not

  • 8 08 C'""'** aald power plant is located within the commonwealth.

escies of other

  • Re director shall annually publish and release to local off!clals of each political -

$ control of the subdtvisico within areas preparedness and response plane which wrill perrait the hall have such residents of aald areas to erneuste or take other protective actwna In the c?ent . ,.

act as may be 3r for carrying of a nuclear accident. Coples of sueb plans shan be made available to the pubile

'g-upon request for a fee which la pot to exceed the cost of reproduction. gg sr may, within rts, clerks and l

De director aball also annusuy pubilah and releak tmugh local officials to the realdenta or the said arena emergency public information. Such informatjen shell g<

es and snay re-trder to esceuta l

incl;.:!e warolug and altering previaton, evacuation routra, reception areas, and 7 dect to chaptar other recommended setions for each stem.

cf the civil de- The director shall propose proeduru for annual reflew by states and local offt- ~

equipment end clats of the preparedness and respacee plans with regard for, trat not limitad to, dp a rtnerda. such f actors as chas ges to traffle patterns, population denalties, and new con ,

strudon of schools, nospitala, lodustrial facIlitjes, and the !!he. Opportuolty far ' 3 full public particjpstion in such review including a public bearing, shall be pro. . ,

vided pursuant to section two of chapter thlrty A.

  • m St.1950, c. 639. 5 2B, as added by st197(r. c.196, t 2L trdng law a.HE at atis. c. Tos 9 St. an met. JurtedictJon, such Juds rnent er deelslee a t was approved Nov. 18, 1973, and try secuen shall not arfect or linpalt ar.y other section i 18 mado etreettve Jan. t. Itso. er any 3.ast er any eether eeetten unless in. _w

@ fallout al, ** . ElectJ:m 34 providear esparuble tram the section or part adjudged [-

Tecta of enemy ..

'~rbe provisions or this ac t are severable. - tavaltd. best shs12 aan conttood in its overs. gry esci dty and ud U may a+etten nr pe.rt or any secuan of tsone sa that secuon er part directir so-i

- thia act sha!! be adjudged lavalid or held voltad l'a the coatsoverer en which sweb

" onennet.itutionna try may court of cornpet.ent - Judsteent shaJ1 have beee renderwd."

p noestles upon -

I 13-5. Proclaznation of state of emergency by governor; emergency e such property i '*

M * * ** WN Because of the existlng possibluty of the occurrence of disaarers of unprecedented

1 est be aize and destructiveness resultinic from enemy attack, sabotage or other bost11e ac- g i a shelter abaII +

- t1cn. != erder to insure that the patparations cf the,awealth =111 be adequate ,

8 rMPect to the .3: to deal with auch disasters, and groertily to provide for the co'mmon defense sud f =

an administra. .q j., to protect the public peace, health, security and asfety, and to preserve the lives

'nt limiting the ' and property of the people of the comtoonwealth, if and when the congress of the - -

or sad lasuance Ur.lted States aban declare o ar, or If and whe's the President of the United States

} aball by proclarnation or otherwloe In!crm the governor that the peace and accurity fide laspector of -

B be built may {,; of the comanonwealth are endamgered by beIUgerent ac*a of any enemy of the IJnit.

? smployment of , f. .

ed States or of the commonwealth or by the Domissect threat thereof; or upon the

,# accurrence of any dlaitater or cata. strophe resultint; from attack, sabetage or other tar can be com.

or others. ,p Wme actions. e %gg 7 & M disWam or fronn fire, M en@

quake or other $11 ural causes;3t'Twbedver because of abeence of rainfall or other y


than tbooe de- ,

canae a cond2tsou e.zista in all or any parf of the cosnruoowealth whereby It may rea.

llegs may g1 runt , p i,

  • acambly be anticipated that the beslth, safety or property of the citizens thereof

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