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Exam Rept 50-331/OL-86-02 on 861216-19.Exam Results:Six of Seven Senior Reactor Operators & Three Reactor Operators Passed Requalification Exams.Exam & Answer Key Encl
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/1987
From: Bishop M, Bjorgen J, Burdick T, Dave Hills, Mary Spencer
Shared Package
ML20212R066 List:
50-331-OL-86-02, 50-331-OL-86-2, NUDOCS 8702020485
Download: ML20212R077 (23)


n O. I U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION III Report No. 50-331/0L-86-02 Docket No. 50-331 License No. DPR-49 Licensee: Iowa Electric Light and Power Company IE Towers Post Office Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Facility Name: Duane Arnold Energy Center Examination Administered At: Duane Arnold Energy Center Examination Conducted: December-16-19, 1986 W.h Examiners: D. Hills I 7

) Date h $$Ab y J. Bjorgen ///

Date ff W- $bj&t.

M. Bishop ///M4 7 Date WYsNp M. Spencer ///8/f7 Date Approved By: . . Burdick, ief Operation Licensing Section

//M/77 Dbte i Examination Summary Examination administered on December 16-19,1986 (Report No.50-331/0L-86-02)

Written and oral requalification examinations were administered to seven Senior Reactor Operators (SRO) and three Reactor Operators (RO).

Results: Six SR0s and three R0s passed these requalification examinations.

Ihe remaining SR0 failed both the written and the oral portions of the examination. The Requalification Program Evaluation Report is contained in Attachment 1.

8702020485 870122 DR ADOCK 0500 3 1 ,


1. Examiners D. Hills, Chief Examiner J.Bjorgen M. Bishop M. Spencer
2. Examination Review Meeting Specific facility comments concerning written examination questions, followed by the NRC response, are enumerated in Attachments 2 and 3.
3. Exit Meeting At the conclusion of the examinations, an exit meeting was conducted.

The following personnel attended this exit meeting:

Facility Representatives D. Mineck, Plant Superintendent G. Middlesworth, Training Superintendent P. Roy, Supervisor, License Training R. Schlesinger, Training Instructor J. Morris, Training Instructor NRC Representatives N. Chrissotimos, Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Safety D. Hills, Operator Licensing Examiner J. Bjorgen, Operator Licensing Examiner M. Spencer, Operator Licensing Examiner, INEL M. Bishop, Operator Licensing Examiner, INEL J. Wiebe, Duane Arnold Senior Resi> Inspector The following issue was discussed: Requalification program evaluation guidelines, criteria and responses.

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ATTACHMENT 1 REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM EVALUATION REPORT Facility: Duane Arnold Examiner: D. Hills-Dates of Evaluation: December 16-19, 1986 Areas Evaluated: X Written X Oral Simulator Examination Results:

Pass / Fail Pass / Fail, Pass / Fail (S,M,orU)

Written Examination 3/0 6/1 9/1 S Operating Examination Oral 3/0 6/1 9/1 S .

Simulator N/A N/A N/A N/A Evaluation of facility written examination grading N/A Overall Program Evaluation Satisfactory X Marginal Unsatisfactory (Listmajordeficiency areas with brief descriptive comments)

Submitted: Forwarded: Approved-

$f.k. l '

(Branch Cnief Examiner 56ction Chief

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[ Question 5.03 4

We agree with all answers. However, we would like to point out that the term " exposure" is more frequently used at DAEC than history. As a result, 4 " core exposure" may be used as an answer.

We feel that this answer is equivalent to answer "c" and that credit should be given.

2 Resolution:

4 Comment accepted. The terms " core exposure" and " power level history" will be considered interchangeable where appropriate. Answer key changed.

Question 5.04 L We agree with the answers given for the second part of the question, however, we feel that there are more answers equally correct.

With an excessively short period, a rapid rate of power increase will l

occur. This could result in a reactor scram from reactor protection instrumentation. Likewise, short periods can cause the operator to

! have less reactor control or no control at all. Both of these are valid concerns associated with a short period.

j We ask that consideration be given to all answers that are truly concerns i due to short periods and that credit be given for these answers.

i i Resolution:

> Comment noted. Each candidate should, however,. demonstrate by his answer, a reason (i.e. the consequences) for " concern" from an operational and

' safety poin of view, such as a reactor scram, excessive heat up rates, thermal limit problems, or possible fuel damage. Answer key changed tc

include reactor scram and thermal limit problems.


i. Question 5.05 B

! Depending on how an examinee will define the term " initial," we believe that there are two possible answers to Part B of this question.

i We agree with the answer key in that alpha-moderator will indeed increase reactivity. However, if " initial" is taken to be that very first reaction, we feel that alpha-voids acting to decrease reactivity in also valid.

t I

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The initial response to the HPCI initiation is a decrease in reactor pressure with an accompanying increase in voids. This will result in a negative reactivity insertion. It is realized that the EHC system will rapidly respond to. bring pressure back-up, but we feel the initial response is correct.

We ask that if a candidate explains in terms of void coefficient and a decrease in reactivity that full credit be given.


Comment noted. The question refers, however, to HPCI injection, not HPCI initiation. Thus, the question requests the core response following the '

point in time of injection. Answer key unchanged.

Question 5.06 This question did not specifically ask for a definition or an example in Thermodynamic terms. As a result, the candidates tried to relate this question to real life systems encountered while operating DAEC. (ie:

Cooling Towers, GSW, etc.)

We recuest that credit be given if the system example defines isolated, closec or open systems, even if not in a Thermodynamic sense.


Comment noted. Consideration will be given for each answer in which the candidate demonstrates an understanding of the terns. Answer key unchanged.

Question 5.07 A The question does not state that four answers are required. ES-202-E.16 states the "open-ended" questions should be avoided. In addition, "If a specific number of responses are required, the question should clearly state that expectation . . . ."

We agree that the candidate should be able to list at least four responses, i however, we believe that there are other correct responses beside those j which are listed. We ask that the following responses be acceptable as i


1. Pump Cavitation l
2. Decrease in Pump Amps I
3. Pump Noise / Bearing Noise
4. Pump Seal Leakage
5. Higher Discharge i


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l Resolution:

Comment noted. Credit will be given for reasonable symptoms in addition to those listed in the original answer key. Symptoms described, however, L must be readily observed from a location adjacent to the pump. In addition, the candidate should describe the symptoms that represent cavitation" to demonstrate the ability to detect it. Accordingly, the responses " pump cavitation," or " decreased pump amps" will not be given credit since pump ampsaretygicallynotindicatedadjacenttothepump. Answer key changed to include seal leakage."

Question 5.07 B We agree with the answer key, however, we also feel that if the pump is too hot to touch, as soon as a flow path is established rapid cooldown of the pump casing could occur, possibly damaging the casing.

In addition, if the fluid being pumped had picked up enough heat from the Jump, downstream components could be damaged when a flow path is esta)lished. (Vent path is to Rad waste. Hot water will cause resin damage.)

We ask that the point of distribution of .25 for " system damage" include any aspect of the system and not be confined strictly to the word " system."


Comment noted. The question, however, refers to " system related concerns, other than pump damage . . . ." Accordingly, damage described must be valid system damage. Credit will be given for reasonable answers.

Answer key unchanged.

1 Question 5.08 This question is asking if the cooldown rate has been exceeded. In order to answer this, the magor point the candidate must know is what constitutes a violation of the cooldown rate.

Since the candidate was not asked to specifically state the cooldown rate, we question why a conversion to psia is required as well as why interpolation is needed.

If the candidate states that psia = psig, then it must be assumed that he is aware that a conversion must take alace. However, the final answer is not altered by not converting, only tie exact temperature is changed.

Since this was not specifically asked for, we ask the majority of the point of distribution be for the determination of whether or not the cooldown rate has been exceeded, and that the actual mathematical manipulation not count for 75% of the answer as shown on the answer key.

If no conversion is used, the answer will be:

@ 900 psig = 532 '(900 psia)

@ 100 psig = 328 (100 psia)

YM cooldown 204 + 1.33 = 153 /hr ANSWER - C00LDOWN RATE IS NOT EXCEEDED If the point distribution is not changed, we request that points not be deducted for error carried forward if the conversion to psia is not accomplished by the candidate.


Comment noted. Full credit.will be given for a reasonable demonstration of the ability to use the steam tables. Answer key so noted.

Question 5.10 A We agree with the answer key, but we also feel that other possible problems exist with this recommendation. We ask that consideration be given to answers which may address the possibility of a Xenon precluded startu) existing or which address the possibility of edge rods exhibiting hig1 worths.

Attached is a P6 of Module RXTH-SH 29 of the DAEC reactor theory text describing Xenon precluded.

Attached is a P7 of DAEC IP0I 2, startup procedure concerning peripheral rod worths.


Comment noted. Xenon precluded startup and high peripheral rod worth will be added to the answer key for problems with a fast startup. The candidate should, however, also address any, problems with pulling rods to the 100%

rod line. (i.e. Technical Specifications violation or fuel damage.)

Question 5.10B This question can be interpreted two different ways. Depending on how it is interpreted, there may be two different, yet correct responses.

First off, if the question is interpreted as intended, the correct answer is as stated on the answer key.

However, the question states that the RE wants to pause to do a SDM test.

How long would this pause last . . . ?

If the question is interpreted such that the question is asking how long the SDM test will take, i.e. "the pause," we feel that the best answer is (1) 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

. o-We ask that either (1) 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or (4) 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> be acceptable.


Comment noted. The question, however, requests an estimate of the length of pause required to obtain meaningful data. Answer key unchanged.

Question 6.01 Attached is P9 of 0.I. 70 Standby Gas Treatment System.

The conditions which will initiate SBGT are those listed along with the setaoints. The answer ke hig1 radiation " failure"and y lists as apool for refuel setpoint forhigh exhaust reactor building radiation vent

" mode switch out of operate."

These conditions will indeed initiate SBGT, but we do not consider these as system setpoints. We ask that the setpoints be those as listed in the 0.I. and that points not be lost for not mentioning " failure" or " mode switch out of operate."


Comment accepted. Points will not be lost for failure to include " failure" or " mode switch out of operate." Answer key unchanged.

Question 6.03 The answer key states that the answer for a.) includes Group 9.

The candidates may or may not have included this as an answer. The reason for this is that 2 psig in the drywell is not in itself a group nine isolation signal. The group nine signal requires both 2 psig and steam line low pressure as noted on the attached pages:

1. Page 45 of 5.0. E-13
2. Pages 3.7-29 of DAEC T.S.

We ask that Group 9 for Question 6.03 a. be an optional response.

Resolution: ,.

Comment noted. Based on Table II, Page 46 in System Description Manual E-13, (Revision 1). However, the answer key will remain unchanged.

Question 6.05 Answer a. is one of the methods available to achieve cold shutdown, but it is doubtful that SRVs would open long enough to get RPV temperature less than 212 F to achieve cold shutdown.

Other methods available to achieve cold shutdown would be feed and bleed with Condensate /Feedwater system and draining through RWCU or maximizing the flow through the RWCU rejecting as much heat as possible to RBCCW.

This may be slow, but it will accomplish the task.


Comment noted. E0P 1, Pages 39 and 47, " shutdown cooling ," however referstousingthesafetyreliefvalvesforalternateshutdowncooling.

Answer key unchanged. Full credit will be given for all reasonable means of using either the main condenser or suppression pool cooling as the heat sink. ,


, Question 6.07

! This question is asking for those parameters and the values used to select a flow path.

This deals with the LPCI Loop Select logic.

In order to select a loop, the 900 psig reactor pressure is not required if both recirc. pumps are running.

The 900 psig setting is not used to determine loop selection, rather it is used to provide pump coastdown prior to loop selection.

We request that 900 psig not be a required answer.

Attached are Pages 23-27 of SD C-1 describing loop selection.


Comment noted. System description C-1, RHR requires 900 psig reactor pressure to be confirmed following a recirculation pump trip, prior to allowing the LPCI loop select logic to proceed. Answer key unchanged.

Question 6.08 B Depending on the examinees point of view, this question could be correctly answerad as true or false.

If the statement is looked at from the point of view as to why the CRD was chosen as the system to provide seal purge the answer is true.

If the statement is looked at from the point of view as to the primary purpose of seal purge flow it is false.

We request that either answer be given credit.


Comment noted. The consideration that CRD was chosen primarily because of the pump discharge pressure is not considered valid as emphasized in

.r . .


. ..s system description A-2, Recirculation System. The need for cool, clean water is the overriding reason for selecting CRD flow to minimize seal damage and radwaste inputs. Answer key unchanged.

Question 6.09 A The point distribution for this question requires two specific answers for full credit.

The question asks for "which vessel level instruments." We feel that regardless of whether the instrument of indication is involved, the instrument type is the Wide Range Yarway.

We request that full credit be given for " Wide Range Yarway," instead of the original two part answer.


Comment accepted. Answer ke point value changed to (0.5)y changed to " Wide Range Yarway Instruments Question 6.09 B Ifflashinginthereferencelegoccurs,indicationlevelwillreadh_ig.

Examineemayspecificallystatethis,ratherthansaying" erratic indication Resolution:

Comment noted. Full credit will be given for "high" rather than " erratic" indication. Answer key unchanged.

Question 6.10 A Candidates may have stated the purpose of low-low set was to allow time to clear the water legs before subsequent reopenings of the S/RVs.

The high frequency loads and the thrust loads on the discharge lines would be a result of reopening the S/RV's with water in th.e legs.

Therefore, it is felt that the answer " time to clear the water legs before reopening" is as correct as the stated answer.

Attached is Page 27 of SD: A-6 indicating use of the term " water leg."


Comment noted. System description A-6 (Revision 0), Page 1 states that purpose of the low-low set system as described in the answer key. In the interest of simplicity, however, " reduces containment loading" will be accepted for "to mitigate the induced high frequency loads on the containment." Answer key so changed.

, 3 O' Question 6.10B The answer key is correct. LLS will function to maintain pressure between 1020 and 900.

The examinees may have described the entire LLS valve sequence r.s described on the attached Page 39 of SD A-6.


Comment noted. Key points desired in the answer are that two selected valves control pressure between approximately 900 and 1020 psig. Answer key unchanged.

Question 6.11 B The HPCI Turbine Control System can be placed in manual by two separate means.

The answer on the answer key is correct if HPCI is being controlled by the test pot.

However, if the candidate assumes that HPCI is under manual control using the HPCI flow controller, the given answer is incorrect.

Attached Page 33 of SD C-3 describes this particular manual mode. When in this mode, a HPCI initiation will have no effect on the Turbine Control System.

We feel full credit should be given for either answer provided the explanation by the candidate is clear as to which " manual mode" operation HPCI is in.


Comment accepted. Answer key changed to include the explanation for manual control on the flow controller.

Question 7.03 AsstatedonPages7-20oftheDAECE0Pbases,therearetwoobjectives associated with Graph 5.

These two are:

1. Verify proper operation of the pressure suppression function.
2. Ensure the suppression chamber design pressure will not be exceeded should emergency depressurization be required.

The answer key requires a third reason why the limit is imposed. This last statement is not a reason for the limit, rather it is a statement giving direction to the actions which must be taken in the ev,ent the conditions exist. .

9 e

a We ask that the last statement not be required for credit, making the statements above each worth 1.0 point.


Comment noted. As stated in the answer key; however, the curve helps the operators to monitor the degradation of containment to ensure blowdown is accomplished before conditions degrade to the point when design pressure would be exceeded during blowdown. Answer key unchanged.

Question 7.05 Reference IP0I Volume C.2 Pages II.E.2 and 3 lists more conditions than those listed on the answer key.

These additional conditions include:

1. At the OSS Discretion
2. dro Fire if notinpossible the Maintoorreduce Auxiliary Transformer power or Hy%.

to less than 25 gen Seal Oil Unit

3. Fire in both feed pumps or both recirc. MG sets.
4. By entering E0P-6.

We ask that these four answers be included as acceptable answers. E0P-6 and Pages II.3.2 and 3 are attached.


Comment accepted. Answer key revised to include:

If the fire is in Main or Auxiliary Transformer or Hydrogen Seal Oil Unit.

If the fire is in a Reactor Feed Pump or Recirc MG set.

If the fire is in the Control Room or Cable Spreading Room.

Question 7.09 A This answer key seems incomplete in that there are more concerns than justtheonegivenontheanswerkey.

One other concern of major interest is that a safety limit has been exceeded as outlined on the attached DAEC T.S.

Since the plant did not scram on primary source signal, a Tech. Spec.

violation has occurred and all applicable notification and actions as addressed in other plant procedures must be accomplished.

We ask that if the candidate states a concern regarding Tech. Spec.

violation that full credit be given.



Comment accepted. Answer ke Specification (safety limit)yviolation unchanged, is thehowever, basis for since a Technical the second concern lir,ted in the answer key.

} Question 7.09 8 We agree with the answer key, however, if a candidate states that Action 1

, is the appropriate response, sufficient justification could also include that our scram procedure requires a manual scram in the event that an automatic scram did not occur when it should have.

Attached Page 5 of IPOI 5, scram. We request that full credit be given if Action 1 (Answer A) is justified in this manner.


Comment accepted. Answer key unchanged; however, since it is considered

, adequate as is. -

Question 7.10 Per discussion with Mr. Paul Roy on 12/31/86, the question would require research by all licensed operators since the valve is not listed in Table 7.3.1 of Technical Specifications, but is listed as an automatic isolation valve in Table 7.3.1 of the final safety analysis report.

Resolution: -


Question 8.03 D Cor.;rol Rod withdrawal and insertion to test the position indicator ) robe would not be a " core alteration" if the vessel head was in place altlough it would be a core alteration if the head was removed. We request you grade the examinations based upon this information. Attached is a copy of Technical Specification definition Number 19.


I Comment noted. The definition of core alteration specifies the reactor vessel head is removed. A review of the definition indicates; however, that withdrawal of an SRM is also a " core alteration." Accordingly, the answer to 8.03a will also be changed to "yes."

i Question 8.07 We do not believe that there is a correct answer to choose from the four available.

Attached are Pages 18 and 19 of FRCHP No. 5, entitled " Additional Verifications Prior to Fuel Moving."

Page 19 states that SBLC System must be verified operable. DAEC Tech.

Spec. states:

"The system need not be operable when the reactor is in the cold conditions j and all control rods are fully inserted and Specification 3.3.A is met."

i This statement has been interpreted that SBLC must be operable when

! refueling because:

i 1. Refuel mode is more restrictive than cold conditions.

2. Not all rods are fully inserted during refuel operations. '

Thus the exception allowed in 3.4.A.1 is not allowed.

For these reasons, we respectfully request that the Question 8.07 be deleted from the examination.


Comment noted. The question refers to the restrictions imposed by the Technical Specifications. Accordingly, the answer key is considered to comply with the requirements of the Technical Specifications provided the conditions of 3.4.A.1 are met. Answer key unchanged.

Question 8.08 A ,

l The answer key requires "and the control rod can be moved in sequence to its correct position with RSCS bypassed."

i We do not believe that this portion of the answer is required in order to correctly answer the question.

We ask that for full credit, the answer be "If actual control rod l position is known then it is considered operable."

l Resolution:

i Comment accepted. Answer key changed to reflect that the control rod can be considered operable is its true position is known.

l Question 8.10 l This type of surveillance requirement is the primary responsibility of plant performance. Consequently, the operations shift supervisor is more concerned with ensuring the surveillance is completed than with memorizing the surveillance requirement.

l The examiner standard, ES-402 Pages 3 and 4 states that "The candidate is not expected to memorize the exact details, numbers and surveillance requirements contained therein."

i Due to the above, we respectfully request that Question 8.10 be deleted from the examination.

i i

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_s Resolution:

Comment noted. The general detail of the question is considered within the scope of ES 402 since license holders should know, in general, how to demonstrate primary containment integrity. This is considered to include a general knowledge of the types of leak rate tests required on the containment. Question retained.



The answer requires " Flow Orificing," we request that you accept either " Flow Orificing" or " Core Orificing" since the two are used interchangeably. Reference General Electric - Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Pages 9-51.


Comment is valid. " Core Orificing" will be added to answer as an acceptable response since this term is used in the provided reference material. Point value remains the same.

1.07c Facility Comment: (ReplacementandRequalification)

The question asks why significant radiation levels are not present in the offgas holdup piping like they are in the vicinity of the MSIVs.

Answer states that N-16 decays with a short half life so it is decayed by the time it leaves the hotwell.

We request that the answer reflect the "offgas holdup piping."


Comment is valid. The answer will be changed to read as follows:

N-16 decays with a short half life (seven seconds) so it is essentially decayed off prior to reaching the offgas holdup piping.

(0.5) 1.08c Facility Comment: Replacement (1.08b Requalification)

This question is an extremely complex question which we believe could be any of the three allowable resJonses. The answer depends on which of the parameters is believed to lave the strongest effect. If you take the fact that as voids decrease the thermal flux increases, you will arrive at the conclusion that Rod worth will increase. But this assumes the total to ave flux ratio has increased which may or may not be true and it also ignores the thermal diffusion length change.

If there is only one correct answer though, it should be decrease.

This is due to the thermal diffusion length decreasing as voids decrease and the local to ave flux ratio stays ap3roximately constant, therefore Rod worth will decrease. SeeRXTH-IG03jective6.3. Also see NED0-24810 B Pages 4-14 and H-17-17/H-18. In the region of interest it clearly shows that Rod worth decreases as power increases, but the change is relatively small, see " maximum Rod Worth with single error" curve.

,. 3

  • i The worth of a control rod depends on many factors and a proper discussion to support the candidates conclusions should be allowed.

l' Resolution:

Comment is valid. Since the process is complex and the candidate may interpolate from different points in the power increase, any reasonable response will be accepted.

1.09b Facility Comment: (Replacement)

Various means of increasing the subcooling may be generated from an operating point of view, vice a generalized theoretical viewpoint.

We request the following be considered as acceptable means of increasing the subcooling.

1. Starting one or more Cooling Tower Fans.
2. Placing one or more Cooling Tower Cells back in service.
3. Startiro a second Circ. Water Pump.
4. PlacingmoreairejectorsonorstartingtheHogger. (Better vacuum will enable more energy to be extracted from the steam and, therefore more subcooling.)
5. Openin water)g the

. See blowdown valve toD-3, System Description bring in more Figure river 2, Valve water (cooler M0-4253.


Comment is valid. Even though the present answer is not a generalized theoretical viewpoint but an operational reality, it is reasonable to

' expect the candidates to respond with specific methods of accomplishing the desired effect. Therefore, any reasonable means of accomplishment will be accepted.

1.11 Facility Comment: (Replacement)

The questions asks for TRUE or FALSE and EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER. Both candidates never saw the " EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER" and thus just answered the TRUE/ FALSE portion. The statement EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER is hard to pick up even though it is capitalized. It gets lost being on the

j same line as the TRUE or FALSF We believe that the " EXPLAIN YOUR
ANSWER" would have been better off after the statement to which it was referring.


" EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER" will be moved to the end of the statement in

future use of this question.

l I


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2.01a Facility Comment: (Replacement and Requalification)

Request you also accept "takin condensate pumps are secured."g a suction See attached on Page SD A-1 the CST

56. when both Resolution:

Comment is valid. This statement is in the referenced material and will be accepted for partial credit as an interface with the condensate system. The answer key will be changed to read as follows on Replacement Exam:

a. "CRDpumpstakesuctionfromthecondensaterejectlinetoCST when at least one condensate pump is in operation (0.5). When neither condensate ump is operating, CRD suction is directly from the CST. (0.5 On Requalification Exam words will be the same, but point values will be 0.25 each in lieu of 0.5 each.

2.01c Facility Comment: (Replacement and Requalification)

Request you also accept " Seal Leakoff from the Recric Pumps" since it is supplied by CRD and drains to the Radwaste Sump System. See attached SD A-2 Page 68.


Comment valid. "Recirc Pump Shaft Seal Staging Flow" will be added to the answer sheet. I assume this was the desired answer since it was the Highlighted response in the supplied reference. Point value remains the same.

2.04 Facility Comment: (Replacement and Requalification)

Low Steam Line Pressure is a direct Turbine Trip, but it is also a signal to isolate both the inboard and outboard steam supply valves.

It is not a true isolation in the sense that it will reset itself but it does isolate HPCI from the Reactor with the same steam line, isolation valves as a regular isolation. See attached SD C-3 Figure 9.


Comment is valid. Credit will not be deducted if Isolation is "ALS0" included for this answer. A notation to this effect will be added to the answer key.

2.08c Facility Comment: (ReplacementandRequalification)

The answer key has "CLOSE" as the answer, but it should be "N0 CHANGE."

The only heat exchanger throttle valve in the RHR system is the inboard valve. See attached 0.I. 149 Page 16 of 143. This valve does not get p

. i any automatic signals to either open or close. The valves in question are M0V-1939 for Loop B and M0V-2029 for Loop A. See attached SD C-1 Figure 2. As shown on the attached SD C-1 Figures 11 and 13, neither of these valves get either an open or shut signal on a LPCI initiation signal or LPCI Loop Selection Logic Initiation.


Comment is valid. Answer key will be changed to "No Change" for Part "C."

2.09a Facility Comment: Replacement (2.09onRequalification)

This question may elicit procedural interlocks in addition to the system interlocks. See attached 0.I. 183.3 Page 4 of 37.


Comment is not valid. The cuestion specifically asks for automatic interlocks, therefore )rocecural requirements would not be acceptable.

The answer remains uncianged.

2.12 Facility Comment: (Replacement)


These are listed in the attached SD A-6 Page 10 and this particular component is also referenced in the attached SD D-7 Page 23.


Comment is valid. "Offgas jet compressor" will be added to the answer key as a possible response. Point value remains unchanged.

3.01a Facility Comment: (Replacement)

The pumps all start in the same manner. They will always have a delay built in whether or not there is a loss of offsite power.

Therefore, Part a. should be the same answer as Part b. See attached SD C-1 Page 32. (Recent Revision)


Comment is valid. The "A" part of Question 3.01 will be deleted and the point value reduced by 0.5.

3.0lb Facility Comment: (Replacement)

Your answer states ten seconds and 15 seconds after the standby diesel generators come on line, but it is actually " sensed "when essential bus voltage is greater than 65% of rated. See attached SD C-1 Page 32.

We request that either answer be acceptable.

. i e Resolution:

Comment is valid. The answer will be chan bus voltage is greater than 65% of rated" gedofto"after instead "after essential standby diesel generators come on-line." Credit will not be given for either answer.

3.05 Facility Comment: (Replacement and Requalification)

There is no correct answer among the four answers provided.

Answer a. is wrong because the circuitry requires two condensate pum)s running to start the second Reactor Feed Pump. See attached SD )-15 Page 11.

Answer b. is wrong because tripping one condensate pump with both Reactor Feed Pumps running will cause its associated Reactor Feed Pump to trip, not both Feed Pumps. See attached SD D-15 Page 11.

Answer-c. is wrong because there is no time delay for lube oil pressure. An Auxiliary Lube Oil Pump is provided to supply greater than 9 psig for the Reactor Feed Pump Start logic. See attached SD D-15 Page 11.

Answer d. is wrong because the low pressure suction trip has a five second time delay associated with it. Therefore, the feed pump will not trip immediately. See attached SD D-15 Page 11.

Due to no correct answer available, we request this question deleted.


Comment is valid. This question will be deleted and the point value adjustedaccordingly. The reference material supplied was very confusing.

3.09b Facility Comment: (Replacement and Requalification)

Your answer is correct if you have the recirc system back to normal.

If you assume that the "B" recirc pump is at 20% speed due to the problem in Part "a," then you will only get the "A recirc pump to runback to 45%. We request that you accept either answer as correct.


This comment is addressed by the question itself (STATE ANY ASSUMPTIONS YOU MAKE). If the candidate states he assumes this condition then full credit will be given for actions based on those assumptions. For future use a statement will be added to the question to require consideration of each failure separately.


. = . .

. t >

-3.12(3) Facility Comment: (Replacement)

Request you also accept < 9 LPRMs for APRMs A-D and < 13 LPRMs for i

APRMs E and F if stated in this manner. Your answer is correct, thisisjustthemorespecificcase. See attached SD 1-3 Page 23.


Comment is valid. Answer key will be modified to also accept this

, answer for full credit for Answer No. 3.

3.14 Facility Comment: (Replacement)

A. Pressure Regulator" since the bias has May get " Controlling"B" been applied to the regulator.

! B. This may be called the " Pressure Average Manifold" vice " Steam throttle Pressure." Either should be correct since P and ID M-103 calls it the " Pressure Averaging Manifold" and the

! System Description 0-11 Figure 4 shows it as the " Steam Throttle Pressure." Both references are attached.

D. May get "Non-Controlling" Pressure regulator since this has a bias applied.


Comment is valid. These alternate answers will be added to the answer key.

3.15 Facility Comment

We request that you also arept " Loss of 125 VDC" or " Loss of Control Power" as an acceptable answer. The Trip circuit and red indicating light are powered from Control Power which is normally 125 VDC and loss of control power will prevent a legitimate trip

from occurring. This would be a fault in the tripping circuit.

4 See the attached typical 4160 volt breaker control, Bech E104-3.


Comment is valid. These two alternate answers will be added to the answer key as acceptable for full credit.

1 4.06 Facility Comment: (Replacement and Requalification)

! We request that you accept either your answer, what the Startup IP01 2 states or accept Observe that at least two IRM channels in i each trip system are increasing before the highest SRM count rate i reaches 105 cps." See IP0I 2 Page 17 of 48 and 01 878.2 Page 7 of j 21. DAEC is in the process of changing to the statements in

OI 878.2, but it is not complete.

1 i

, . . - - _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ , , - _ _ _ _ . ,. .__,.r_,,,,..... _ . , - - . _ . _ . . - __ _ , - . _ . _ . - _ . - _ . . , . . _ , , _ _ . .

,so Resolution:

Comment is not valid. Even though it is unfortunate that a conflict exists between the procedures the question specifically ask for the action required by IP01-2. Therefore, the answer must remain unchanged.

4.09 Facility Comment: (Replacement and Requalification)

The question asks "What will your actions be per IP0I 7, to complete the electrical lineup," yet the answer re notdo....leavetheadjacent,"Init.quiressomethingthatyoudo

' column blank. We request that no points be deducted if this has not been stated. We do request that credit be given for:

1. Listing of all discrepancies on the cover sheet.
2. Returns the lineup to the OSS for review.

ThesetwoactionsarerequiredperIP0I7, Revision 0, Paragraph 5, Step 5.1 (3), Page 16.


Comment is partially valid. Leaving the "Init." column blank is a recuirement of the procedure that requires awareness by the operator anc will remain in the answer. The additional two items will be added to the answer and will also be required for full credit. The point value remains unchanged.i

,ao i

Examiner Changes 2.08H (Replacement and Requalification)

This part of the question will be deleted since it repeats Part D.

Point value of the question remains 2.00 but each part now worth 0.285.

3.0lb (Replacement)

Point value changed on answer key to be consistent with question value. This was a typo discovered during grading.

3.10 (Replacement and Requalification)

The following statement was added to the answer key to make this uestionconsistentwiththedoublejeopardyrule:

g' Credit will be given for actions based on answer regarding the readings after the range change."