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Rev 1 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/20/1985
From: Morgan R
Shared Package
ML14176B061 List:
PROC-851120, NUDOCS 8609080363
Download: ML20209B971 (64)


- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _

Enclosure 2 to Serial: RNPD/86-3790 Page 1 of 64 i


Revision 1 DOCKET NO. 50-261 PNSC Review h//Zu,w DATE ///20/U PNSCChafrman ,

CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY October 30, 1985 COXTRO__D CO?Y 8609090363 860630 PDR ADOCK 05000261 R PDR


Section Title Page TA8LE OF C0NTENTS........................................... i

LIST OF TA8LES.............................................. 11 LIST OF FIGURES............................................. iv 1.0 INTR 000CTION................................................ 1-1 2.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS............................................ 2-1 2.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination................. 2-1 l

2.2 Compliance with 10CFR20 (Liquids).................... 2-11 2.3 Compliance with 10CFR50 (Liquids).................... 2-16 l 3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS........................................... 3-1 3.1 Monitor Alare Setpoint Determination................. 3-1 3.2 Compliance with 10CFR20 (Gaseous).................... 3-12 3.3 Compliance with 10CFR50 (Gaseous).................... 3-20 l i


5.0 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON STU0IES.......................... 5-1 5.1 0bjective............................................ 5-1 5.2 Program.............................................. 5-1 6.0 TOTAL DOSE (40CFR190 CONFORMANCE)........................... 6-1 6.1 Compliance with 40CFR190............................. 6-1  :

6.2 Calculations Evaluating Conformance with 40CFR190.... 6-1 -

6.3 Calculations of Total Body 0ose......../............. 6-2 6.4 Thyroid Dose......................................... 6-3 6.5 Dose Projects........................................ 6-3 l APPENbIXA-MeteorologicalOtspersionFactor Computations......................................... A-1 l

APPENDIX 8 - Dose Parameters for Radiciodines, l Particulates, and Tritium............................ B-1 APPENDIX C - Lower Limit of 0etectability................... C-1 j Rev. I l

I i

-,----..---,-,,.-..,--.,,.,...v.. - , , . . . - . , - - - , - - . _ . , _ , , . _ , , , . , - , - - ~ - - . - , , - - - . - , ,

Page 3 of 66 LIST OF TA8LES No. Title Page 2.3-1 Ag , Values for the Adult for the H.8. Robinson Steam Electric P1 ant....................... 2-22 3.1-1 Gaseous Source Terms..................................... 3-10 3.1-2 Dose Factors and Constants............................... 3-11 3.2-1 Releases from H.8. Robinson Unit No. 2................... 3-16 4

3.2-2 Distance to Special Locations for the H.8. Robinson Plant (M1.)................................ 3-17 Dose Factors for Noble Gases and Daughters...............

3.2-3 3-18 3.2-4 Pg Values for an Infant for the H.B. Robinson Unit No. 2............................................... 3-19 3.3-1 thru R Values for the H.8. Robinson Steam Electric Plant...... 3-31 3-19 thru 3-49 4.0-1 H.8. Robinson Radiological. Environmental Monitoring Program....................................... 4-2 A-1 X/QValuesforLong-TersGrp)ndLevelReleases at Special Locations (sec/m ............................ A-4 ,


A-2 Depleted X/Q Values for Long-Tern Grgund i.evel Releases at Special Locations (sec/m )................... A-5 A-3 0/Q Values for Long-Ters Gr und Level Releases at Special Locations (m-2)............................... A-6 A-4 X/QValuesforlong-TernGrogndLevelReleases at Standard Distances (sec/m )........................... A-7 A-5 DepletedX/QValuesforLong-TermGrogndLevel Releases at Standard Distances (sec/m ).................. A-8 A-6 0/QValuesforLong-TersgroundLevelPeleases at Standard Distances (m- ).............................. A-9 A-7 X/QValueforShort-TersGrgundLevelReleases at Special Locations (sec/m )............................ A-10 A-8' Depleted X/Q Values for Short-Tem Ggound Level Releases at Special Locations (sec/m )................... A-11 11 Rev. I f

, . _ . . - . . - . . _ _ - - . - . , _ __.-,._.-. ._-.,,__ .__--___ - _ . - - - - , , . - - _ - _ _ _ - . ---_--_.__..-_,--._--_,._..-------___m._.

Page 4 of 66 '

LIST OF FIGURES No. Title Page 4-1 Radiological Sample Locations Near Site.................. 4-9 4-2 Radiological Sample Distant Locations.................... 4-10 0-1 H.8. Robinson Liquid Radweste Effluent System............ 0-3 0-2 H.B. Robinson Gaseous Radwaste Effluent System........... 0-4 4

1 4

tv Rev. 1

Page 5 of 64


The Off-Site Dose Calculation Manua'l (00CM) provides the information and methodologies to be used by H. 8. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Unit 2 (H8R) to assure compliance with Specifications 3.9.1, 3.9.2, 3.9.3, 3.9.4, 3.9.5, and 3.9.6 of the H. 8. Robinson Technical Specification. These portions are these related to liquid and gaseous radiological effluents. They are intended to show compliance with 10CFR20, 10CFR50.36a, Appendix I of 10CFR50, and 40CFR190.

The 00CM is based on " Radiological Effluent' Technical Specifications for PWRs (NUREG 0472 Rev. 3. Draft 7), " Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants" (NUREG 0133), and guidance from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Specific plant procedures for implementation of this manual are presented in H. 8. Robinson Unit 2 Plant Operating Manual. These procedures will be utilized by the operating staff of H8R to assure compliance with technical specifications.

The 00CM has been prepared as generically as possible in order to minimize the need for future revisions. However, some changes to the 00CM will be expected in the future. Any such chaoges will be properly reviewed and approved as j, indicated in the Administrative Control Section, Specification 6.16.2, of the H8R Technical Specifications.

t I

i 1-1 Rev. 1

Page 6 of 64 2.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 2.1 MONITOR ALARM SETPOINT DETERMINATION This methodology determines the monitor alarm setpoint that indicates l l

if the concentration cf radionuclides in the liquid effluent released l from the site to unrestricted areas exceeds the concentrations speci-fled in 10CFR20, Appendix D. Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases or exceeds a concentra-tion 2 x 10-4 uC1/m1 for dissolved or entrained noble gases. Two methodologies may be utilized to calculate monitor alarm setpoints.

l . Section 2.1.1 deter 1 mines a fixed setpoint based on the worst case assumptions that I-131 is the only nuclide being discharged. This is consistent with the limit of 10CFR20 Appendix 8. Footnote 3.a.

Section 2.1.2 methodology determines the setpoint based on the radionuclide mix via analysis prior to release to demonstrate compliance with 10CFR20. Appendix 8, limits and may also be used as an alternative method for calculating setpoints.

2.1.1 Setpoint Based on todine-131 ,

I The following method applies to liquid releases via the discharge canal when determining the alarm / trip setpoint for the Waste Disposal System Effluent Monitor (RMS-18) and the Steam Generator Blowdown Monitor (RMS-19) during all operational conditions when the radwaste discharge flow rate is maintained constant. This methodology com-plies with Specification of the RETS by satisfying the fol-lowing equation:

Cf 3<C ,


C = The effluent concentration limit (Specification imple-menting 10CFR20 for the site in uCi/ml.

2-1 Rev. 1

.y- -- ,_---,,.my _,,....,ry._ ._,_,_y _,r__.,,... --,.o__-., _,..-,w.,. . _ . , _ .

Page 7 of 64 e o The setpoint, in uC1/al, of the radioactivity monitor measuring the radioactivity concentration in the effluent line prior to dilution and subsequent release; the setpoint represents a value which, if exceeded, would result in concentrations exceeding the limits of 10CFR20 in the unrestricted area.

f = The waste effluent flow rate in gpe.

F = The dilution water flow rate in gps.

4 Determine c (the effluent monitor setpoint) in uC1/ml for each of the dilution water flow rates.

where: c=h C=3x 10-7 uC1/ml, the affluent concentration limit based on ICCFR20, Appendix B, for I-131.


, F = Dilution water flow rate (gpe). 1

= 160,000 gpm from one circulating water pump 1

, Unit 2.

= 250,000 gpa from two circulating water pumps l

, Unit 2.

= 400,000 gpa from three circulating water pumps l

, Unit 2.

I or

= 50,000 gpm from one circulating water pump 2 , Unit 1.


= 80,000 gpa from two circulating water pumps , Unit 1.

f = The maximum acceptable discharge flow, rate prior to dilution (gpm).

= 60 gpm for the Waste Disposal System Liquid Effluent Monitor3, 2-2 Rev. 1

Page 8 of 64

= 750 gpa for the Steve Generator Blowdown Monitor.

= 450 gpa for the Steam Generatcr Blowdown Monitor while draining a steam generator.

= 390 gpm for the Condensate Polisher Liquid Waste Monitor. Determine.CR (calculated monitor count rate in corrected counts per minute [ccpm]). Attributed to the radionuclides for each of the dilution water flow rates.

CR = (c) (E) -

E = The applicable affluent monitor efficiency located in the Plant Operating Manual, Volume 15. Curve Book. Use the radioactivity concentration "c" to find CR. Determine SP ' (the monitor alam/ trip setpoint including background

[cpe] for each of the dilution water flow rates.


. SP = (T,CR + Background) -

where: T, = Fraction of the' radicactivity from the site that may be re-leased via the monitored pathway to ensure that the site bound-ary limit is not exceeded due to simultaneous releases from several pathways.

i f

= .05 for the Waste Disposal System Liquid Effluent Monitor (RMS-18).

= .70 for the Steam Generator Blowdown Monitor (RMS-19).


= .25 for the Condensate Polisher Liquid Waste (RMC-37).

2-3 Rev. 1

Page 9 of 64 2.1.2 Setpaint Based on an Analysis of liquid Prior tn Discharge The following method applies to liquid releases via the discharge canal when determining the alarm setpoint for the Waste Disposal System Liquid Effluent Monitor (RMS-18), the Steam Generator Blowdown Monitor (RMS-19), and the Condensate Po11 sher Liquid Waste Monitor (RMS-37) when an analysis' of the activity of the principal gama emitters has been made prior to each batch released. Determine 0 (the minimam acceptable dilution factor):


! 0 = S{j g' i

C i =[Cg + [Ca+C3+Ct+CFe-55I Radioactivity concentration of radionuclide "1" in the liquid effluent prior to dilution (uC1/ml) from analysis of the liquid effluent to be released.

Cg = The sum of the concentrations of each measured gama-emitting I radionuclide observed by gamma spectroscopy.

C a = The measured concentration of alpha-emitting radionuclides observed by gross aloha analysis of the monthly comoosite sample.

C s

= The measured concentration of Sr-89 and Sr-90 in liquid waste as determined by analysis of the quarterly. composite sample.


C t

= The measured concentrations of H-3 in liquid waste as deter-mined by analysis of the monthly composite sample.

l l

CFe-55 = The measured concentration of Fe-55 in liquid waste as deter-mined by analysis of the quarterly composite sample.

I 2-4 Rev.' 1

,. -,.,,n.,--e-,-.. --

Page 10 of 64 MPCg o The liquid effluent radioactivity limit for radionuclide "i" (uC1/ml) from 10CFR20, Appendix 8.

S = 2. A safety factor used as a conservatism to assure that the radionuclide concentrations are less ther, the limits specified -

in 10CFR20, Appendix B, at the point of discharge. Determine c (the monitor setpoint concentration luc 1/ mil attributed to the radionuclides for the dilution water flow rate available during the release. ,

e F

c =({g Cg ) ( p ) (Tm) i where:

C g = The total radioactivity concentration of gama-emitting radio-nuclides in liquid effluent prior to diluttori (uC1/ml).

j f = The maximum approved discharged flow rate prior to dilution (gps).

= 60 gpm for the Waste Disposal System Liquid Effluent Monitor3. 1 l = 750 gpm for the Steam Generator Blowdown Monitor.

= 450 gpm for the Steam Generator 81owdown Monitor while draining a steam generator.

= 390 gpm for the Condensate Polisher Liquid Waste Monitor.

F = Dilution water flow rate (gps).

= 160,000 gpa from one circulating water pump l . Unit 2.


= 250,000 gpa from two circulating water pumps , Unit 2.

= 400,000 gpa from three circulating water pumpsi , Unit 2.

, or i

I 2-5 Rev. 1 l

I Page 11 of 64

= 50,000 gpm from one circulating water pump 2 , Unit 1.

= 80,000 g;.2 from two circulating water pumps 2 , Unit 1.

T, = Fraction of the radioactivity from the site that may be re-leased via the monitored pathway to ensure that the site boundary limit is not exceeded due to simultaneous releases from more than one pathway.

= .05 for the Waste Disposal System Liquid Effluent Monitor (RMS-18).


= .70 for the Steam Generator Blowdown Monitor (RMS-19).

= .25 for the Condensate Polisher Liquid Waste.

that h < 1, the release cannot If it is determined be made.

Reevaluate the discharge flow rate prior to dilution and/or the dilution flow rates.

Ifh>1,thereleasemaybemade. Determine SP (the monitor alarm setpoint [ccpm].

SP = (c) (E,) + background.


E, = The applicable effluent monitor efficiency based on "c," from the efficiency curves located in the Plant Operating Manual, Volume 15, Curve Book.

i e


2-6 Rev. 1 l

Page 12 of 64 l 2.2 COMPLIANCE WITH 10CFR20 (LIQUIDS) ,

i 1

Liquid effluents from H.B. Robinson Unit 2 (H8R) will occur both continuously and on a batch basis. The following sections discuss I the methodology which will be utilized by the H8R to show compliance U with 10CFR20.

2.2.1 Continuous Releases Staam generator blowdown is continuously released from HBR. Each ,

operational working day grab samples will be taken of steam generator blowdown. These samples are composited at the rate ed 100 al/sgr. i An aliquot of the SG composite is analyzed each week for I-131 and various other fission, activation, and corrosion products, as out-lined in Table 4.10-1 of the technical specification for H8R. Sam-ples are to be maintained until the end of the quarter and analyzed for strontium. Steam generator volumes are based on blowdown rates.

In addition, a monthly analysis will be performed to determine the activity levels of tritium and dissolved and entrained gases.

Compliance with 10CFR20 during actual release is established through ,

the steam generator blowdown affluent monitor alarm setpoint. This -

setpoint is based upon I-131 as noted in Section 2.1. However, if a continuous release should occur. in which the effluent monitor alarm setpoint is exceeded, then actual compliance with 10CFR20 may be determined utilizing the actual radionuclide mix and the following equation:



= (2.2-1) dc ,


Conci = Concentration of radionuclide "i" at the unrestricted area,uC1/m1; 2-11 Rev. 1

Page 13 of 64 The mixture of radionuclides released must be of such concentrations that Equation 2.2-3 must be met.

For H8R, the liquid radwaste effluent line discharges to the circu-lating water system. Therefore, the dilution flow rate (Dfr) is a function of the number of circulating water pumps operating. Unit 2 af the H.8. Robinson Steam Electric Plant has three circulating water pumps. Pump curves show that with three pumps operating, the circu-lating water flow is 400,000 gpm, with two pumps--250,000 gpe, and with one pump--160,000 gps. Unit 1 of the H.B. Robinson Steam Elec-tric Plant has two circulating water pumps. The circulating water flow is 50,00G gpa with one pump and 80.000 gpa with two pumps. At least one circulating water pump must be operating during any liquid waste discharge.

Batch releases from the H8R liquid radwaste system may occur from the waste condensate tanks, the monitor tanks, the steam generators, and ,

the Condensate Polisher Liquid Waste. The maximum release rate (Rb )

i is 750 gpa for the steam generators, 60 gpm from, the monitor and waste condensate tanks, and 390 gpm for the Condensate Polisher ,

Liquid Wastes. Postrelease The Steam Generation Blowdown Monitor (RMS-19), the Waste Disposal

! System Liquid Monitor (RMS-18), and the Condensate Polisher Liquid Waste Monitor (RMS-37) setpoint will each be limited to 50 percent of the 10CFR20 limits. These setpoints will ensure that 10CFR20 limits are. net. However, because they are based upon a given mix, the possibility exists that the alarm trip setpoints may be exceeded, while ICCF<20 limits are not exceeded. The following methodology is provided to determine whether actual releases exceeded 10CFR20 limits.


The con
entration of each radionuclide in the unrestricted area following release from a batch tank will be calculated in the follow- .
ing manner:

2-14 Rev. 1 0

,- - , . - - - -a,-,,- - , - - -_..,n-e_a,,n_.-,,-,-,-.,n,-r- ---------n- - - - r.-.-,,-,--,-,,,,----,-,,,--,---mm-m w, mw,,,,-,,,-w,n m--,,-,,,,--,-n-s-,wg

Page 14 of 64 ,

Ofr = Dilution flow rate from circulating water pumps during release k, gpm.

The circulating water pump flow rates were given in Section above.

i For the case where a batch release is occurring at the same time that a continuous release is occurring, the compliance with 10CFR20 limits may be determined by the following equation:

C V +C V Concik

= ikb kb . 1ke kc (2.2-8)

V kd where:

C ike = Concentration of radionuclide "1" in continucus releases during release period k, 9C1/ml; Vke = Volume of continuous release during period k, gal.

Calculated concentrations are to be compared to the concentration in Appendix B. Table II, Column 2 of 10CFR20.


2.3.1 Cumulation of_Coses The dose contribution from the release of liquid effluents will be calculated once per month, and a cumule.tive sunnation of these total body and any crgan doses should be maintained for each calendar quarter. The dose contribution for all batch releases will be calcu-lated using the following equation:

Drb"S k 11 A, 9 t

kb C

ikb F kb (2.3-1) 2-16 Rev. 1 m

,7 . . - . . -__,,,--m -%..-y. .m,g- ----.y---y.--.---se

, p+g-w--- s. y-y-. -myjm--93-m-.rwmw y-a -v-9

Page 15 of 64 where:

Drb = The cumulative dose connitment to the total body or any organ r, from batch liquid effluents, arem; tkb = The length of time of batch release k over which Cikb and Fkb are averaged for each batch liquid release, hours; Cikb = The average concentration of radionuclide "1" in undiluted batch liquid effluent during batch release k, uC1/ml; .

t Ay , = The site-related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or any organ t for each identified principal gamma and beta emitter, eram-al per hr-uC1;

, Fkb = The near-fleid average dilution factor for Cikb during any

- batch liquid effluent release k. Defined at the ratto of the volume of undiluted liquid waste released to the product of the dilution volume from the site discharge structure to unrestricted receiving waters times 1.0. (1.0 is the site-  !


I specific applicable f&ctor for the sixing effect of the H8R

( discharge structure as defined in i4UREG-0133, October 1978).

\1 i ,

.kb _

V x 1.3 kd Where Vkb and Vkd are as tiefined in Equation 2.2-5.

The dose f&ct:r A. , was calculated for an adult for each isotope using the icilowing equation:

A9 , = 1.14 x 105 (21BF9 ) DFj, (2.3-2) wh . :

J .

3 1.14 x 105 = 100 hx 10

  • 86 hr i

2-17 Rev. 1 4

i .



Page 16 of 64 i

21 = Adult fish consumption rate from Table E-5 of Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1, kg/yr; BFj = Bioaccuuulation factor for radionuclide "1" in fish from Table

, A-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109. Revision 1, pCi/kg per pCi/1; ,

OFg, = Dose conversion factor for radionuclide "1" for adults for a particular organ s from Table E-11 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 Revision 1, mres/pC1.


The potable water pathway does not exist either within Lake Robinson i or downstream of the Lake Robinson dam. Therefore, the potable water ters was excluded from the calculation of Aj , values. Table 2.3-1 ,

presents Ag , values for an adult at H8R.

As noted in Section 2.2.2, steam generator blowdown is continuously released from H8R. The dose from continuous releases will be calcu-

, lated using the following equation:

0,c = [ [j A j, t he Cike Fpg (2.3-3) I l


i 0,c = The cumulative dose commitment to the total body or any organ r, from liquid effluents for continuous releases, mrem; the = The length of time of continuous release period k over which C

ike and Fke are averaged for all continuous liquid releases, hours; C

ike = The average concentration of radionuclide "1" in undiluted l

liquid effluent during continuous release period k from any l continuous liquid release, uC1/ml; 2-18 Rev. 1 e


. , . . . . . . _ . - . _ _ _ . - . . _ . . _ . - . - - , _ . _ . . , _-.-.....-,e.___,,., .___,_-_-.--,...-.m.___,_,,.s_,._ ,_ _ _

Page 17 of 64 F

ke = The near-field average dilution factor for Cike during contin-uous liquid effluent release k. Defined as the ratio of the volume of undiluted liquid waste released to the product of the dilution volume from the site discharge structure to unrestricted receiving water times 1.0. (1.0 is the site-specific applicable factor for the mixing effect of the HBR discharge structure as defined in NUREG-0133, October 1978). ,

V kc F "

ke V x 1.0 kd Where V ke and Vkd are, as defined in Equation 2.2-5, only now distin-guished for continuous releases.

The sum of the cumulative dose from all batch and continuous releases-for a quarter are compared to one half the design objectives for total body and any organ. The sum of the cumulative doses from all batch and continuous releases for a calendar year are compared to the design objective doses. The following relationships should hold for H8R to show compliance with Technical Specification of the technical specifications for H.8. Robinson Unit 2. j, For the calendar quarter, 0, 3 1.5 mrem total body (2.3-4) 0, 5 5 mrem any organ (2.3-5)

For the calendar year, D, 5 3 mrem total body (2.3-6)

I 0, $ 01 mrem any crgan .

(2.3-7) where: ,

i i

2-19 Rev. 1 1

. - m.~ - - - . . . , , - . - - , .-_m, - - . , . . . _ . , , - .

Page 18 of 66 Or = Cumulative total ese to any organ t or the total body from continuous and batch releases, arem; i

=O rb + O rc The quarterly limits given above represent one half the annual design objective of Section II.A of Appendix I of 10CFR50. If any of the limits in Expressions 2.3-4 through 2.3-7 are exceeded, a special report pursuant to Technical Specification must be filed with

  • the NRC. This report complies with Section IV.A. of Appendix I of l 10CRF50.

2.3.2 Pro.fection of Doses 4

Doses resulting from the release of liquid effluents will be projected once per 31 days. These projections will include a safety margin, based upon expected operational conditions, which will take into consideration both planned and unplanned releases.

Projected dose will be calculated as follows: '

l PD = (OA)(TA) +M (2.3-8)

(TE) where:

PD = projected doses in arem.

DA = dose accumulated during current quarter in mrem.

TE = time el:psed in quarter in days.

TA = time in quarter in days.

M = safety margin in eres.

l l

If the projected doses exceed 0.2 arem to the whole body or 0.6 mrem

.to any organ when averaged over a calendar quarter, the liquid rad-waste equipment will be operated to reduce the radioactive materials i

in the liquid effluent.

l l 2-20 Rev. 1 i

l L

Page 19 of 64 (Leftblankintentionally).

I i

l i

l l

l l

l l

l l

l t .

l l 2-21 Rev. 1 1

(Left blank intentionally).

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-24 Rev. 1 .

i Page 21 of 64 l

3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 3.1 MONITOR ALARM SETPOINT DETERMINATION This methodology determines the monitor alarm setpoint that indicates if the dose rate in the unrestricted areas due to noble gas radionuclides in the gaseous effluent released from the site to areas at and beyond the site bound-ary exceeds 500 mres/ year to the whole body or exceeds 3000 mres/ year to the skin.

The methodology described in Section 3.1.2 provides an alternative means to determine monitor alarm setpoints that may be used when an analysis of batch releases is performed prior to release.

3.1.1 Setootnt Based on Conservative Radionuclide Mix (Ground and Mixed Mode Releases Releases through the steam generator flash tank vent can only occur through this vent when significant primary-to-secondary leakage exists within the steam generators and the plant is operating below 30 percent power. Detection of primary-to-secondary leakage is accomplished most effectively by continu-ously monitoring the condenser vacuum pump vent (RMS-15). Steam generator ,

blowdown is continuously monitored by RMS-19 as a liquid pathway.

The following method applies to gasecus releases via the plant vent and con-denser vacuum pump vent when determining the high-alarm setpoint for the plant vent gas monitor (RMS-14) and condenser vacuum pump vent gas monitor (RMS-15) during the following operational conditions:

  • Continuous release via the plant vent.
  • Continuous release via the condenser vacuum pump vent.
  • Batch release of containment purge via the plant vent.

3-1 Rev. 1

Page 22 of 64

. Batch release for containment pressure relief via the plant vent.

. Batch release of waste gas decay tanks via the plant vent.

4 Determine the " mix" (noble gas radionuclides and composition) of the gaseous effluent.

a. Determine the concentration (uC1/cc) of radioactive isotopes to be released in the gaseous effluent. This source tem will be used for calculating the release rate.

If the concentration of radioactive isotopes listed in Table 3.1-1 (calculated using the Gale code) results in a more conservative release rate this may be used as the source tem for

, calculating the release rate.

! b. Determine S j (the fraction cf the total noble gas radioactivity in the gaseous effluent comprised by noble gas radionuclide "1")

for each individual noble gas radionuclide in the gaseous efflu-ent.

Ag Si


(3.1-1) li A i

Ag = The radioactivity of noble gas radionuclide "i" in the gaseous effluent from Table 3.1-1 or from analy-sis of gaseous effluent to be released. Determine the Q, (the maximum acceptable total release rate of all l noble gas radionuclides in the gaseous effluent (uC1/secl) based upon the whole body exposure limit cf 500 mres/ year by:

500 Q" (3.1-2)

(T76) [9 KS g9 3-2 Rev. 1 t

, . . - . _ . . _ - _ _ , . . _ . . . _ _ _ _ - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . . - . ~ .

Page 23 of 64 (YM) = The highest calculated annual average relative dis-persion factor for any area at or beyond the unre-stricted area boundary for all sectors (sec/m3 ),

= 8.1 E-5 sec/m 3 (Continuous Ground Release) from Table A-1, Appendix A.


9.9 E-7 sec/m3 (Continuous Mixed Mode Release) from Table A-10 Appendix A, only with upper wind speed 3 9 aph.


5.1 E-5 sec/m3 (Batch Ground Release) from Table A-7, Appendix A.


2.9 E-6 sec/m3 (Batch Mixed Mode Release) from Table A-16, Appendix A only with upper wind speed 19 mph.


= The total whole body dose factor due to gamma emis-sions from noble gas radionuclide "1" (arem/yr/

3 uC1/m ) from Table 3.1-2.

s Determine Q, (the maximum acceptable release rate of all gas radio-nuclides in the gaseous effluent luci/secl) based upon the skin ex-l posure limit of 3000 mres/yr by:

3000 Q, = (3.1-3)

(YM)[j[(L9 + 1.1 Mg ) Sj l Lg + 1.1Mg= The total skin dose factor due to emissions from 3

l noble gas radionuclide "1" (mrem /yr/uCi/m) from Table 3.1-2.

l Determine C, (the maximum acceptable total radioactivity concentra-tion of all noble gas radionuclides in the gaseous effluent


l 3-3 Rev. 1 I


Page 24 of 64 2.12 E-3 Q.#

C, a y (3.1 4)

NOTE: Use the lower of the Q, values obtai'ed in Sections and This will protect both the skin and total body l from being exposed to the limit.


i F = The maximum acceptable effluent flow rate at the point of release (cfa).

= 60,000 cfm for plant vent.  :


45 cfm for the condenser vacuum pump vent.


10,800 cfm for the fuel-handling building.

2.12 E-3 =

Unit conversion constant to convert uCi/sec/cfm to uC1/cc. Determine CR (the calculated monitor count rate above background at-tributed to the noble gas radionuclides [ccpm]) by:

CR =

(C,) (E,)

E, = Obtained from the applicable effluent monitor eff t-ciency curve located in the Plant Operating Manual, Volume 15, Curve Book. Use the radioactivity con-centration "C," to find CR. Determine the HSP (the monitor high-alarm setpoint including back-ground [cpal) by:


T,CR + background (cpm) (3.1-5) 3-4 Rev. 1

Page 25 of 64 where:

472 = A conversion factor to convert cfm to cc/sec.

Cj = The radioactivity concentration of noble gas radio-nuclide "i" in the gaseous effluent (uC1/cc) from the analysis of the gaseous affluent to be released.

F = The maximum acceptable effluent flow rate at the pointofrelease(cfa).

= 45 for the condenser.

= 50,000 for the containment purge.

AP 2730 I4*I c) ( 7 )

2 E6 (


C g for pressure relief.

&P t 2730 525 (g) (7) t


t for a gas decay tank release, where:

= 2 E6 and 525 are the volumes (f 3t ) of the contain-ment and decay tank respectively, and eT , Tt , a PC '

and a Pt are the respective temperature and change in pressure (psig) fo116 wing the release of the containment and decay tank.

t = Length of release (min).

0*C = 273'K.

. T e

= 273*K + C'.

T t

= 273*K + C'

! 3-6 Rev. 1

Page 26 of 64 Determine the monitor alarm setpoint based on total body dose rate:

a. Determine CRt (the monitor count rate per er'em/yr, total body).

I =

C CR ,

(T/Q)[9 KR gj where:

C = The count rate of the wnitor corresponding to the radioactivity concentration in the analyzed sample.

C = Cj (uti/ml) x monitor efficiency (eps/uC1/cc) = cpm.

T/G = The highest calculated annual average relative dis-persion factor for any area at or beyond the unre-stricted area boundary for all sectors (sec/m3 ) from Appendix A.

3 from

= 5.1 E-5 sec/m (Batch Ground Release)

Table A-7, Appendix A.

= 2.9 E-6 sec/m 3 (Batch Mixed Mode Release) from Table A-16, Appendix A, only with upper wind speeds of > 9 mph.

Kj = The total whole body dose factor due to gatua emis-l sions from noble gas radionuclide "i" (ares /yr/uC1/m3 ) from Table 3.1-2.

b. Determine St (the count rate of the , gaseous effluent noble gas monitor at the alarm setpoint based on total body dose rate

. [cepm]):

St = SF x T, x Ot x CRt 3-7 Rev. I I

Paga 27 of 64 TABLE 3.1-1 GASE0US SOURCE TERMS

  • Condenser vacuum Contgineont Purge l Pues vent 2 or Presure Relief Gas oecay rants Plant Vent 81steese etestonectido A, (Ci/yr ) s, A: (Ci/yr) Sr A; (Ci/yr) 5, A; (Ci/yr) 5 Kr-SSm 2.0E0 S.26E-2 1.0E0 4.3M-2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Kr-SS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.M 0.00 0.00 I .6E 2 8.00E-t Wr-47 1.0EC 2.6X -2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Kr-44 3.0E0 7.89E-2 2.0E0 0.70E-2 1.0E0 2.90E-3 0.00 0.00 xe-131m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.0E0 2.90E-3 9.0E0 4.50E -2 xe-133s 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.0E0 1.16E-2 0.00 0.00 xe-133 2.8El 7.37E-1 1.8E
  • 1 7.8X-1 3.1E2 - 8.99E-1 3.lEl 1.5K-1 xe-135 4.0E0 1.0M-1 2.0E
  • I 8.70E-2 4.0E0 1.16E-2 0.00 0.00 Ar-41 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.00 2.5E l 7.25E-2 0.00 0.00 TOTAL. 3.8El 2.3El 3.45E2 2.0E 2
  • Source terms are based upon GALE Code and not actual releases from the evaluation of H.8. Robinson Unit 2 to demonstrate conformance to the design objectives of 10CFR50, Appendix I, Table 2-4. These values are only for rou-tine releases and not for a complete inventory of gases in an emergency.

1 These values are used to determine the monitor alarm setpoints for the Plant Vent Gas Monitor (RMS-14) and Fuel-Handling Basement Ext aust Monitor (RMS-20).

2These values are used to determine the monitor alarm setpoint for the Condenser Vacuum Pump Vent Monitor (RMS-15).

l I

i 3-10 Rev. 1

Pagn 28 of 64 Kg a The total body dose factor due to gamma emissions for noble gas radionuclide "i," arem/ year per uC1/m3 .

. y.

Lj = The skin dose factor due to beta emissions for noble gas radionuclide "1," mrem / year per uC1/m3 .

M9 = The air dose fsetor due to gassia emissions for noble gas radionuclide "1," mrad / year per uti/m3 .

i 1.1 = The ratio of the tissue to air absorption coeffi-cients over the energy range of the photon of in-terest, mres/arad (reference NUREG 0133, October 1978).

hj, = The release rate of noble gas radionuclide "1" in gaseous effluents from the condenser vacuum pump vent uC1/sec.

h jy = The release rate of noble gas radionuclide "i" in gaseous effluents from the plant vent uC1/sec.

The determination of limiting location for implementation of 10CFR20 for noble gases is a function of the radionuclide mix, release rate, and the meteoro-logy. For the most limiting location, the radionuclide mix will be based on sample analysis of the effluent gases.

The X/Q value utilized in the equations for implementation of 10CFR20 is based upon the maximum long-term annual average (YM) in the unrestricted area.

l Table 3.2-0 pre ~sents the distances from H8R to the nearest area for each of the 16 sectors as well as to the nearest residence, vegetable garden, cow, goat, and beef animal. Long-ters annual average (X/Q) values for the HBR release points to the special locations in Table 3.2-2 are presented in Appen-dix A. A description of their deriviation is also provided in this appendix.

3-13 Rev. I i

Page 29 of 64 To select the liciting location, the highest annual average M value for the I ground level releases and the mixed mode releases was used. Since mixed mode releases may not necessarily decrease with distance (l.a., the site boundary i may not have the highest M value), long-term annual average (M) values, calculated at the midpoint of 10 standard distances as given in Appendix A were also considered. For H8R, mixed mode release X/Q values decrease with distance for all directions except the WNW, NW,~ and NNW so that the maximum

! site boundary X/Q is usually greater at the site boundary than at distances greater than the site boundary. In addition, the maxitsum site boundary X/Q

! for both the ground level and mixed mode releases occurs at the SSE site boun-dary. Therefore, the limiting location for implementation of 10CFR20 for

< noble gases is the SSE site boundary.


, Values for Kj, Lj, and Mj, which were used in the detemination of the limit-ing location and which are to be used by H8R in Expressions 3.2-1 and 3.2-2 to l show compliance with 10CFR20, are presented in Table 3.2-3. These values were taken from Table B-1 of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 Revision 1. The values i

have been multiplied by 1.0 E6 to convert microcuries to picocuries for use in Expressions 3.2-1 and 3.2-2.

l 3.2.2 Radiciodines and Particulates 1

The dose rate in an unrestricted area resulting from the release of radio-iodines, tritium, and particulates with half-lives > 8 days is limited to 1500 mru/yr to any organ. Based upon NUREG 0133, the following is used to show compliance with 10CFR20.

[j P j [(M)y Qgy + (M), Qj,1 I 1500 mres/yr (3.2-3) i l

I 3-14 Rev. 1 l

1 i

Pags 30 of 64 Qgy = Petease rate of radionuclide *18 from the plant vent, uC1/sec. )

Qge = Release rate of radionuclide "1" from the condenser vacuum pug vent, uC1/sec.

(S), = Annual average relative dilution for plant vent releases at the site boundary, sec/m 3.

(M), = Annual average relative dilution for condenser vacuum pump vent releases at the site boundary, sec/m3 .

Pg = The dose parameter for Iodine-131 Iodine-133, tritium, I and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days for the inhalation pathway only in the most restrictive sector in eres/yr per uC1/m3 . The dose factor is based on the most restric-tive group (child) and most restrictive organ (thyroid) at the SITE BOUh0ARY (see Table 3.3-18).


In the calculation to show compliance with 10CFR20, only the inhalation is considered. A description of the methodology used in calculating the Pi values is presented in Appendix B. Compliance with 10CFR20 is achieved if the dose rate via inhalation pathway to a child is < 1500 ares / year. .

3-15 Rev. 1

Page 31 of 64 TABLE 3.2-1 RELEASES FROM H.8. ROSINSON UNIT N3. 2*

(C1/yr) -

Condenser vacuum Plant Vent Pump Vent Isotope (0.) (0.) Total Kr-85m 2.0E0 1.0E0 3.0E0 Kr-85 1.6E2 0.00 1.6E2 Kr-87 1.0E0 0.00 1.0E0 Kr-88 4.0E0 2.0E0 6.0E0 Xe-131m 1.0t1 0.00 1.0E1 Ye-133m 4.0E0 0.00 4.0E0 Xe-133 3.7E2 1.8E1 3.9E2 Xe-135 8.0E0 2.0E0 1.0E1 I-131 3.6E-2 2.3E-2 5.9E-2 I-133 5.4E-2 3.4E-2 9.8E-2 Mn-54 4.7E-3 0.00 4.7E-3 Fe-59 1.6E-3 0.00 1.6E-3 Co-58 1.6E-2 0.00 1.6E-2 Co-60 7.3E-3 0.00 7.3E-3

! Sr-89 3.4E-4 0.00 3.4E-4 Sr-90 6.3E-5 0.00 6.3E-5 Cs-134 4.7E-3 0.00 4.7E-3 Cs-137 7.8E-3 0.00 7.8E-3

  • Calculations based upon GALE Code and do not reflect actual release data from the Evaluation Comformance to the Design Objectives of 10CFR50, Appen-dix 1. These values are only for routine releases and not for a complete in-ventory of gases in an emergency.

l i

l 3-16 Rev. 1 l



Site Milk Milk Meat Nearest Nearest Sector Boundary Cow Goat Animal Resident Garden NNE 1.26 - -

1.65 1.3 1.4 NE 1.01 - -

1.16 1.2 1.3 ENE 0.86 - -

2.41 0.9 2.2 E 0.61 4.2 -

3.12 0.8 2.d ESE 0.50 - -

1.99 0.6 0.6 SE 0.29 - - - 0.3 0.3 SSE 0.26 - - - 0.3 0.3 S 0.28 - -

2.32 0.3 0.4 SSW 0.29 - - 2.08 0.3 0.5 SW 0.36 - 2.5* 2.27 0.4 0.5 WSW 0.36 - -

2.69 0.4 0.6 W 0.30 - - 3.97 0.6 0.6 WNW 0.55 - -

4.07 0.7 0.9 NW 1.23 - -

1.60 1.3 1.3 NNW 1.89 - -

2.84 2.9 3.0 N 1.94 - - 2.93 2.9 2.9

  • Milk is not presently used for human consumption.

'l 3-17 Rev. 1

. - - . , , , , _ , . . - - - . - , . - - . . . - , ,--,,,e---a.,---,.-- . . , - - , - - - - --.---,.,,-,-.-.-..5 - - -- ,-_. -.. -,..------ - - -


  • Total Body Skin Gama Air Beta Air Oose Factor Dose Factor Oose Factor Dose Factor Kq Lj Mg Ng (ares /yr (ares /yr (arad/yr (arad/yr Radionuclide per uti/m )3 per uCi/m3 ) per uti/m ) 3 per uC1/m3 )

Kr-83m 7.56E-02 --- 1.93E+01 2.88E+02 Kr-85m 1.17E+03 1.46E+03 1.23E+03 1.97E+03 Kr-85 1.61E+01 1.34E+03 1.72E+01 1.95E+03 Kr-87 5.92E+03 9.73E+03 6.17E+03 1.03E+04 Kr-88 1.47E+04 2.37E+03 1.52E+04 2.93E+03 Kr-89 1.66E 44 1.01E+04 1.73E+04 1.06E+04 Kr-90 1.56E+04 7.29E+03 1.63E+04 7.83E+03 Xe-131m 9.15E+01 4.76E+02 1.56E+02 1.11E+03 Xe-133m 2.51E+02 9.94E402 3.27E+02 1.48E+03 Xe-133 2.94E+02 3.06E+02 3.:i3E+02 1.05E+03 Xe-135m 3.12E+03 ~7.11E+02 3.36E+03 7.39E+02 i Xe-133 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 2.46E+03 l Xe-137 1.42E+03 1.22E+04 1.51E+03 1.27E+04 Xe-138 8.83E+03 4.13E+03 9.21E+03 4.75E+03-Ar-41 8.84E+03 2.69E+03 9.30E+03 3.28E+03

  • The listed dose factors are for radionuclides that may be detected in gaseous effluents.

i l

i 3-18 Rev. 1 i



Isotope Inhalation Ground Plane Cow Milk Goat Milk H-3 6.47E2 0.00 2.38E3 4.86E3 P-32 2.03E6 0.00 1.60E11 1.93E11 Cr-51 1.28E4 6.67E6 4.79E6 5.65ES Mn-54 1.00E6 1.09E9 3.89E7 4.6AE6 Fe-59 1.02E6 3.92E8 3.93E8 5.11E6 Co-58 7.77E5 5.29E8 6.06E7 7.2SES Co-60 4.51E6 4.40E9 2.10E8 2.52E7 Zn-65 6.47E5 6.89E8 1.90E10 2.29E9 Rb-86 1.90E5 1.28E7 2.22E10 2.67E9 Sr-89 2.03E6 3.16E4 1.27E10 2.66E10 Sr-90 4.09E7 0.00 1.21E11 2.55E11 Y-91 2.45E6 1.52E6 5.26E6 6.32E5 Zr-95 1.75E6 3.48E8 8.28E5 9.95E4 Mb-95 4.79E5 1.95E8 2.06E8 2.48E7 Ru-103 5.52E5 1.55E8 '1.05ES 1.27E4 Ru-106 1.16E7 2.99E8 1.44E6 1.73E5 Ag-110m 3.67E6 3.14E9 1.46E10 1.75E9 Te-127m 1.31E6 1.18E5 1.04E9 1.24E8 Te-129s 1.6BE6 2.86E7 1.40E9 1.68E8 Cs-134 7.03E5 2.81E9 6.79E10 2.04E11 Cs-136 1.35E5 2.13E8 5.76E9 1.73E10 Cs-137 6.12E5 1.15E9 6.02E10 1.81E11 Ba-140 1.60E6 2.94E7 2.41E8 2.89E7 l 1.37E7 1.65E6 Ce-141 5.17E5 1.98E7 Ce-144 9.84E6 5.84E7 -

1.33E8 1.60E7

. I-131 1.48E7 2.46E7 1.06E12 1.27E12 I-132 1.69E5 1.78E6 1.39E2 1.64E2 1-133 3.56E6 3.54E6 9.80E9 1.18E10 1-135 6.96ES 3.67E6 2.27E7 2.68E7

  • Units are eres/yr 3 for H-3 and the inhalation pathway and mres/yr per uC1/see per m'yr for the uC1/m food and ground plane pathways.

3-19 Rev. 1

Paga 35 of 64 3.3 COMPLIANCE WITH 10CRF50 (GASEOUS) 3.3.1 Noble Gases , Cumulation of Doses Based upon MUREG 0133, the air dose in the unrestricted orea due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents can be determined by the following equa-tions:

0,=3.17x10-8[1 Mi I(E)y Djy+(M)y ijy + (M),Ijel (3.3-1) 0,=3.17x10-8[j N g [ (M), 4 , + (5), igy + (M), 49] 9 (3.3-2) i wherr.:

0 7

= The air dose from gauna radiation, mrad.

O s

= The air dose from beta radiation, mrad.


= The air dose factor due to gama emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide "i," erad/ year per 3

uC1/m .

Nj = The air dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide "1," mrad / year per 3

uC1/m .

! (M), = The annual average dilution for areas at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for long-term plant vent releases (> 500 hrs / year), sec/m3 .


= From Table A-1 for ground level releases.

3-20 Rev. 1 ,

i 4

- _ . . _ - . _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ ________m-,,_--._________..m . - - - - _________ .- _

Pago 36 of 64

- From Table A-10 for mixed mode releases to be used only

's with upper wino speeds > 9 mph. -

(5), = The dilution for areas at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for short-term vent releases ($ 500 ,

3 I bours/ year), sec/m .

= From Table A-7 for ground level releases.

= From Table A-16 for mixed mode releases.

(M), = Annual average relative dilution for condenser vacuum

pump vent releases at the site boundary. (> 500

) hours / year), sec/m3 .


- = From Table A-1 for ground level releases; ggy = The average release of noble gas radionuclide "1" in I


gaseous releasts for short-term plant releases ($ 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> / year),uC1; Q, j

= The average release of noble gas radionuclide "1" in gaseous releases for long-term condenser vacuum pump vent releases (> 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> / year), uC1; Q gy = The average release of noble gas radionuclide 't" in gaseous effluents for long-term vent releases (> 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> / year), uC1; 3.17 x 10-8 = The inverse of the number of seconds in a year (sec/ year)*I.

I i

! At H8R the limiting location is 0.26 miles SSE. Based upon the tables pre-l sented in Appendix A, substitution of the short-term X/Q value into Equation l

3.3-1 yields lower dose value than the long-term X/Q values been used. In order to be conservative, for purposes of this document only, long-term an'nual i

3-21 Rev. 1 i

Pagn 37 of 64 average (M)valueswillbeused. Should the calculated doses exceed 10CFR50 limits, recalculation of doses may be performed using short-term X/Q values for batch releases.

To select the limiting location, the highest annual average M value for ground level and mixed mode releases and the nighest short-term X/Q value for ground level and mixed mode releases were considered. Since mixed sede re-leases may increase and then decrease with distance (i.e., the site boundary may not have the highest X/Q value), long-term X/Q values were calculated at the midpoint of 10 standard distances as given in Appendix A. The calculated values decreased with the distance for all but the WNW, NW, and NNW sectors.

The values for these sectors were not found to be limiting such that the maxi-mun site boundary X/Q for both long-term and short-term ground level and mixed mode releases occurred at the SSE site boundary. The limiting location for implementation of 10CFR20 for noble gases is the SSE site boundary.

l Values for Mg and Ng which are utilized in the calculation of the gansna air and beta air doses in Equation 3.3-1 to show compliance with 10CFR50 were pre-sented in Table 3.2-3. These values originate from NUREG 0472, Revision 0, and were taken from Table B-1 of the NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109. Revision 1.

The values have been multiplied by 1.0 E6 to convert from picoeuries to micro-curies.

The following relationship should hold for H8R to show compliance with H8R's Technical Specification

For the calendar quarter:

0 1 5 mrad (3.3-3)

D, 1 01 mrad (3.3-4)

For the calendar year:

i O 1 10 mrad (3.3-5) l 3-22 Rev. 1

Page 38 of 64 0, < 20 mrad, (3.3-6)

The quarterly limits given above represent one-half of the annual design ob-jectives of Section II.B.1 of Appendix I of 10CFR50. If any of the limits of

'quations 3.3-3 through 3.3-6 are exceeded, a special report pursuant to Tech-nical Specification 6.9.4.a must be filed wita the NRC. This report complies with Section IV.A of Appendix I of 10CFR50. Projection of Doses Doses resulting from the release of gaseous effluents will be projected once per 31 days. These projections will include a safety margin based upon expec-ted operational conditions which will take into consideration both planned and unplanned releases.

Projected dose will be calculated as follows:

PO =


+M .3-7) l where:

PO = Projected doses in eres.

OA = Dose accumulated during current quarter in mrem.

TE = Time elapsed in quarter in days.

TA = Time in quarter in days.

M = Safety margin in mrem.

If the projected doses exceed 0.6 mrad for game radiation 02 1.3 mrad for

! beta radiation when averaged over a calendar quarter, the ventilation exhaust treatment system will be operated to reduce releases of radioactive matcrials.

1 3-23 Rev. 1 j


,,.-----r--,n--.--, _ ----n,--,-~~,,--.----,--.-,n,-,,-.~,-.._we,,,-,-w-----n---, , ,-a,-,- www-,,,_n,n.w,,-,--------

Page 39 of 64 3.3.2 Radiciodine and Particulates Cumulation of DosesSection II.C of Appendix ! of 10CFR50 limits the release of radiciodines and radioactive material in particulate form from each reactor such that estimated dose or dose commitment to an individual in an unrestricted area from all pathways of exposure is not in excess of 15 mres to any organ. Based upon NUREG 0133, the dose to an organ of an individual from radiciodines, tritium, and particulates with half-lives > 8 days in gaseous effluents released to unrestricted areas can be deter 1 mined by the following equation:

0,=3.17x10-8[9 R

[ (M), Qgy + (M), Q9 , + (R),Qj,1 + ,

(R 9 +R9) [(M), Qgy + ( @ ), q,y + ( M ), Qq ,1 + (3.3-8)  :


+ R9+M R,V G j (RTg

+R T +N T +RT) IIN)v OTv + (*/9)v 9Tv * ( E l eOTe l g g y where:

Or = Dost to any organ r from radiciodines and particlates, mrem.

i 3.17 x 10-8 = The inverse of the number of seconds in a year, (sec/ year)*I.

l (M), = Annual average relative concentration for plant vent releases (> 500 hrs /yr) sec/m3 .

= Froc Table A-1 for ground level releases.

3-24 Rev. 1

Pagm 40 of 64

= From Table A-10 for mixed mode releases only to be used with wind speeds > 9 mph.

(177), = Annual average dilution for condenser vacuum pump vent releases (> 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> /yr) sec/m3 ,

= From Table A-1 for ground level releases.

(574), = Annual average deposition factor for plant vent releases

(> 500 hrs /yr) m-2

= From Table A-3 for ground level releases.

= From Table A-12 for mixed mode releases only to be used with upper wind speeds > 9 aph.

(0/q)y = Relative deposition factor for short-term plant vent releases ($ 500 hrs /yr), a-2,

= From Table A-9 for ground level releases.

= From Table A-16 for mixed mode releases only to be used with upper wind speeds > 9 mph.

(D/Q), = Annual average relative deposition factor for condenser vacuum pump vent releases (> 500 hrs / yr), m-2,

= From Table A-3 for ground level releases.

Qj, = Release of radionuclide "1" in gaseous effluents for long-term condenser vacuum pump vent releases (> 500 hrs /yr),uC1.

i 3-25 Rev. 1

Paga 41 og 64 Qgy a Release of radionuclide "1" in gaseous efflu nts for long-term plant vent releases (> 500 hrs /yr), uC1.

q9, = Release of radionuclide "1" in gaseous effluents for short-term plant vent releases (< 500 hrs /yr), uti.

R = Dose factor for an organ for radionuclide "1" for the .

I 9G ground plane exposure pathway, arem/yr per uCi/sec per m-2 Rj = Dose factor for an organ for radionuclide "i" for the

. inhalation pathway, mres/yr per uC1/m3 ,

Rj = Dose factor for an organ for radionuclide "i" for the vegetable pathway, mres/yr per uC1/m-2, Ry = Dose factor for an organ for tritium for the vegetable pathway, mres/yr per uC1/m3 ,

Ry = 00se factor for an organ for tritium for the inhalation pathway, mres/yr per uC1/m3 ,

t .

Qg = Release of tritium in gaseous effluents for long-term vent releases (> 500 hrs /yr), uti.

R 9

= Dose factor for an organ for radionuclide "i" for the j M milk exposure pathway, mrem /yruC1/sec/m2 .

R = Dose factor fer an organ for tritium for the milk T

pathway, mres/yr/uC1/m3 ,

R. = Dose factor for an organ for tritium for the meat T

8 pathway, mrem /yr/uC1/m3 ,

l .

! 3-26 Rev. 1

Page 42 of 6,4 )

= Dose factor for an organ for radionuclide "i"for the R,0 l seat exposure pathway, mrem /yr/uC1/sec/m2 ,


. Release of tritium in gaseous effluents for long-term condenser vacuum pump releases (> 500 hrs / yr), uCt.

qw = Release of tritium in gaseous effluents for short-term plant vent releases ($ 500 hrs /yr), uC1.

To show compliance with 10CFR50. Equation 3.3-8 is evaluated at the limiting pathway location. At H8R this location is the vegetable garden 0.3 miles in the SSE sector. The critical re eptor is a child. Substitution of the appro-priate X/Q and 0/Q values from tables in Appendix A into Equation 3.3-8 would yield sn equation with the short-term X/Q and D/Q values being less than the long-term values. Therefore, for this document, only long-term annual X/Q and 0/Q values (i.e., more conservative values) are used.

The determination of a limiting location for implementation of 10CFR50 for radioiodines and particulates is a function of:

1. Radionuclide mix and isotopic release
2. Meteorology
3. Exposure pathway
4. Receptor's age In the determination of the limiting location, the radionuclide mix of radio-iodines and particulates was based upon the source terms calculated using the GALE Code. This six is presented in Table 1.2-1 as a function of release j point. The only source of short-term releases from the plant vent is contain-l ment purges.

In the determination of the limiting location, all of the exposure pathways, j as presented in Table 3.2-2, were evaluated. These include cow milk, goat I milk, beef and vegetable ingestion, and inhalation and ground plane expo.

  • Sure. An infant was assumed to be present at all milk pathway locations. A child was assumed to be present at all vegetable garden and beef animal 3-27 Rev. 1 I. __ __

Page 43 of 64 locations. The ground plane exposure pathway was not considered a viable pathway for an infant. Naturally, the inhalation pathway was present everywhere an individual was present.HBR Technical Specification requires that a land-use census survey be conducted on an annual basis. The age groupings at the various receptor locations are also determined during this survey; a new limiting location and receptor age group can result.

For the determination of the limiting location, the highest D/Q values for the vegetable garden, cow milk, and goat milk pathways were selected. The thyroid dose was calculated at each of these locations using the radionuclide mix and releases of Table 3.2-1. Based upon these calculations, it was determined that the limiting receptor pathway is the vegetable / child pathway.

1 In the determination of the limiting location, annual average 0/Q and X/Q values are used. A description of the derivation of the various X/Q and 0/Q values is presented in Appendix A.

Short-term and long-tern X/Q and D/Q values for ground level releases and for long-term mixed mode releases are provided in tables in Appendix A. They may be utilized if an additional special location arises different from those presented in the special locations of Table 3.2-2.

Tables 3.3-1 through 3.319 present Rj values for the total body, GI-tract, bone, liver , kidney, thyroid, and lung organs for the ground plane, inhala-tion, cow milk, goat milk, vegetable, and meat ingestion pathways for the l

infant, child, teen, and adult age groups as appropriate to the pathways.

These values were calculated using the methodology described in NUREG 0133 using a grazing period of eight months. A description of the methodology is presented in Appendix B.

l The following relationship should hold for HOR to show compliance with H8R l

Technical Specification

i 1

i i

3-28 Rev. 1 i

i  !


Page 44 of 64 .

For the calendar quarter:

0, 1 7.5 mrem (3.3-9)

For the calendar year:


0, 1 15 mres (3.3-10)

The quarterly limits given above represent one-half the annual design objec-tives of Section II.C of Appendix ! of 10CFR50. If any of the limits of Equations 3.3-9 or 3.3-10 are exceeded, a special report pursuant to Technical I Specification 6.9.4.a must be filed with the NRC. This report complies with Section IV.A of Appendix ! of 10CFR50. Projection of Doses Doses resulting from release of radiciodines and particulate effluents will be projected once per 31 days. These projections will include a safety margin based upon expected operational conditions which will take into consideration both planned and unplanned releases.

Projected dose will be calculated as follows:

= (O TA) g (3,3,gg)


. where:

I' PD = Projected doses in mrem.


! OA = Dose accumulated during current quarter in mrem.

TE = Time elapsed in quarter in days, i

3-29 Rev. 1

. r

Page 45 of 64 TA = Time in quarter in days.

M = Safety margin in mrem.

If the projected doses exceed 1.0 arem to any organ when averaged over a calendar quarter, the ventilation exhaust treatment system will be operated to reduce releases of radioactive materials.

i J

I 3-30 Rev. 1 4

, - _ . _ , _ _ , . _ ,r -_ - . , _ _ , . , - - _ _ . , - , , . - ,_

' m u

og a

  1. ~

m O

m TAALE 4.0-1 m i

i H. S. W41A130 AADIOLMICAL EINIMINAI. 183081385 m i

Esposure Pethmey Sample Sample NIat Descripties, Samplies and Amelysis I j and/or Sample hint Distance, and Olrecties Collectlan Freguancy Frequency Anetysis I 1 Airboree 1 Florence, S. C. (Control Station) Continuous operatlag IIeekly 1-131 for Air i Particulates aed 2e elles ESE a 189* sampler with sample Cartridges j Radiolodlae collection at least tesekly Gross nota j meekIy Querier 6y Gamma Scen of composite (by Iccation) 2 Reformation Center 0.2 elle 5 4 180*

3 Microwave tower 7

ro 0.7 elle N 8 5*

4 Spillway 0.4 mila ESE a IIO*

5 East Shore of lake across from plant latake

! Johnson's Landlag 0.9 elle

E w 8 is-6 Information Center .

0.3 mala SW 8 214*

j 7 EP&L Hartsville substation.

6.3 elles ESE 8 109*

2 Direct I. Ilorence, S.C. (Control Station)2 Continuous measurement Quarterly Gamma Dose j Radiation 26 elles ESE 8 II9* uith readout at least a once per querter ITLDs)

I m i <o l

I i .

i i

Table 4.e-I (cont inued) 'po ao to C

I Exposure Pathoey Sample Sample Point Descriptica. Samplies and Amelysis &

end/or Sample Phlet Distance and Direction Collection Frequency frequency Analysis I e s-2 Direct Radiation 2 Information Center Continuous measurement Quarterly Gemma Dose (cont inued ) 0.2 elle S e 180*

  • with readout at least once per quarter (TiDs) -
3. Microwave tower e 0.7 mile N 8 5* -

4 Spillway

0.4 alle ESE 8110*
5. East shore of lake across f rce plant intake Johnson's landing 0.9 alle E8E e 73*

6 Information Center I 0.3 mile SW 8 214' w

7 D'AL liertsville substation 6.3 miles ESE a log

  • 8 On transmission poles inter-secting with different transelssion lines directly from 6 , approu-Imately tuo pole sections down from railroad tracks 0.8 alle SSE.

9 Second transmission pole from 151 Highway 1.0 mile S.

10 Power pole at corner of the Church of God cometary 1.0 alle WSW.

II. Third power pole from the Old Camden 640ed 8.0 mile SW.


< < 82 Pine tree located at the second Intersection of dirt road. Yellow mark on tree 1.2 miles $$W. -.


m Table 4.3-1 (cont inued) g

  • I c-co Eaposure Pethuey SempIe Sampie 5%Iat f.mseriptIon, Sampiiog and Ano1ysIs I k and/or Sample Point Distence, and Direction Collectice Freiluency Frequency Amelysis I e 4-S 2 Direct Radiation 13 Corner pine tree where dirt road Continuous measurement Quarterly Camme Ouse (continued) splits 1.0 mile W. with roedout et least once per quarter (TL0s) 14 Power pole by Highway ISI on front of Pine Ridge Church 0.9 mile WNW.

15 Pine tree down dirt road off Highway l 151 directly adjacent to ash pond on CPAL property 1.0 elles NW.

16 Southeast fence at Derlington County  !

I 1.C. Turbine Plant 1.0 alle leef.

17 Small pine tree, right side of road, l.O alle down Discharge Canal road -

i c- et Old Unit One Weir I.l miles N.

18 Lef t side of train trestle over Black Creek 0.1 elle SE.

19 Third power sole on Road #S-16-23 from intersection ulth I.0 alle E.

20 Power Pole #47 at right side of Road

  1. $-16-39 going north I.3 miles ENE.

28 Power pole in the yard of A. Atkinson at Atkinson's boat landing.

22 Shady Rest at light polo near the dock 1.9 alles NNE.

23 Power Pole #41E-S on Road #4tE-S on Road #S-16-39 1.2 miles ESE.

p 24 ISI porth past, peach Iarm, first paved

< tioed #S-13-711 left. Fifth pole left side of road. Yellow marking 5.0 miles NW.

  • o cu Table 4.0-1 (coat lemed)

- O e

Emposure Pathuey Semple Semple Faint Deecriptica, Sampling and Aselysis' k I

and/or Sample Phlet Distencs, and Directica Collection Frequency ' Fragmency Analysis &

V 2 Direct Radiation 25 Road #S-13-346 off ISl North. Cross Continuous measurement Quarterly Gamme Dose (cont inued ) railroad tracks and proceed 3/8 mile, with readout et least tlalk down right fence line into the once per quarter (TLDs) woods towards pond. Badge on right pine tree i 18 yards directly la

front of fence marked % Trespessinga 4.6 elles NNif.

26 Power pole #32J-6 across old yellow house on Road #S-13-346 S.O alles N. s 27 Road #S-33-763, f 1.3 miles from Intersection 5.0 miles NNE.

28 Power Pole s30-4-A near dumpster on road #S-13-39 4.8 miles NE.

I u 29 Transelssion pole nearest Road #S 20 f 1/2 elle south of lookout tower.

30 Iocated on Road #S-16-20, power pole in front yard of Johnson Fence and Awning 4.6 miles E.

31 Lakeshore Drlwe, Pole #1122 right side of road. Yellow marking 4.6 miles ESE.

32 Straight down the end of Kalber Drlwe, 12 feet up the transmission tower. Yellow marking 4.5 elles SE.

33 Po.or Pole #25-4, lett side of Road

  1. S-16-495 near Harley Sogar's drive-may 4.6 miles SSE.

E 34 Transmission pole nearest Road

$ #S-16-772 4.6 elles S.



  • u Tabl3 4.0-1 (continuedi y to on o

Emposure Pathuey Sampie Sampie Polat Descrl'ptIon, Samptie6 and Ane1ysIs I &

end/or $mple Polet D3 stance. and Directica Collection frequency Frequency Analysis I ,


2 Direct Radiation 35 Power pole at corner of Road Continuous measurement Quarterly Gamma Dose $

(cont inued ) #S-34-Sl off Road #S-l6-12 with roedout at least 4.4 miles $$W. once per qvarter (TLDs) 36 Power pole f 3/4 alle doen paved road off Road #S-16-85 Pole is in front of old house 4.7 miles SW.

37 Transelssion tower closest to l

Clay Road 5.0 alles WSW.

38 Transmission pole right side of Road -

S-16-231 next to Union Church 4.9 miles W.

p 39 Power pois, right side of road m in middle of fleid. Yellom paint 5.0 miles I#af.

0 Gamma Scan 3 Waterborne 40 Black Creek at Road 1623 Composite saeple Monthly

e. Sur f ace Water 0.6 mile TSE f indicator ), over one-month period H-3 2

41 Black Creek (Control Station 7.2 elles leef.

40 Grab Sample Monthly Gemma Scan *

b. Grounduater Artesian well 0.6 mi l e E SE . H-3 42 Unit I deep well 43 Unit 2 dee9 well
c. Drinking Not required .

Water y d. Shoreline 44 East Shore of Lake. Shady Rest Seelannually Seelannually Gamma Scan *

< Sediment Club 1.9 miles NNE .

lablo 4.@-1 (ccat inued) y m

w Exposure Pathmey Sample semple Fbint Description, sampling and Analysis I and/or Sample f% Int Distence. and Direction Collection Fregweecy Fray mary Analysis n, o

k 4 Ingestion 53 Lyndale Fara 9.0 elles SW Seelmonthly when Sealsonthly Gamne Scen" and

a. Milk (control station) animals era on pasture; when enleels 1-131 enelysis semi-monthly 3 other flees are on posture; monthly when enleels sonthly 8 era on pasture; monthly other floos 3 other flees 0

54 Aurburndale Plantation 10.1 miles E.

b. Fish 45 Site verlos within Lake flobinson. Sealannually (collect Each sample Gamme Scen*

comparable species at Edible portion all three locations) 46 Prestwood Lake 4.9 alles ESE.

47 See Lake (Control Station)2 y3 p miles fedW or May Lake 12.5 alles NW.


c. Food Products 58 One location within 3 miles of site Annual at Harvest Each sample Gamma Scan" leaf y vege- in the sector with the highest de-tables position rate based on the latest Information or historical data (location may very).

49 One location greater then 5 alles from plant site with the least position rate (Control Station)p- .

Auburndale Plantation" 54 10.1 miles E.

d. Broad-leaf 50 0.25 alle SSE CP&L property'. Monthly when available Eech sample Caane Scan" vegetation (3 different plads of I-131 broad-leaf vegetation)

St. C.25 ME CP&L property'.

52 10 miles W Bethune (Control Station) .

Page 52 of 64 FOOTNOTES:

1. The LLD for each analysis is specified in Table 3.17-3 of the H8R Tech-nical Specifications.
2. Control stations are locations outside the influence of plant effluents.  !
3. Airborne particulate sample filter shall be analyzed for gross beta radio-activity 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or more after sampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay. If gross beta activity in air particulate is greater than ten times the yearly mean of control samples, gannia isotopic analysis shall be performed on the individual samples.
4. Gassia scan means the identification and quantification of gannia-emitting j

radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the facility.

5. Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is considered to be one phosphor; two or more phosphors in a packet are considered as two or more dosimeters.
6. Composite sample aliquots shall be collected'at time intervals that are short (5 or 6 times daily) relative to the compositing period (monthly in order to assure obtaining a representative sample).
7. Collection of drinking water samples is not required since there are no known reservoirs on Black Creek used for drinking purposes.
8. Water from Black Creek is used to irrigate feed and fodder for Arburndale Plantation's Dairy operation. This dairy is located f 11 miles east 9 90*

from plant.

9. Sample Points 50 and 51 are the highest and the second highest 0/Q values, respectively. These locations are more restrictive than site boundary

. locations.

4-8 Rev. 1

Page 53 of 64 6.0 TOTAL DOSE (40CFR190 CONFORMANCE) 6.1 COMPLIANCE WITH 40CFR190 Compliance with 40CFR190 as prescribed by Specification 3.9.6 is to be demonstrated only when one or more of Specifications,, and is exceeded by a f actor of 2.

Once this occurs the Company has 30 days to submit this report in accordance with Specification 6.9.4(d).

6.2 CALCULATIONS EVALUATING CONFORMANCE WITH 40CFR190 To perform the calculations to evaluate conformance with 40CFR190, an effort is made to develop doses that are realistic by removing assumptions that lead to overestimates of dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC (i.e., calculations for compliance with 10CFR50, App. I). To , accomplish this the fellowing calculational rules are used:

(1) Doses to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC via the liq' tid release pathway will be calculated.

(2) Ooses to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to a milk pathway will be evaluated only as can be shown to exist. Otherwise, doses via this ' pathway will be estimated as <1 ares /yr.

(3) Environmental sampling data which demonstrate that no pathway exists may be used to delete a pathway to man frcm a calculation.

(4) To sum numbers represented as "less than" (<), use the value of the largest number in the group.

. (i.e. <5 + <1 + <1 + <3 = 5)

(5) When doses via direct radiatic.1 are added to doses via inhalation pathway, they will be calculated for the sa:ne distance in the same sector.-

6-1 Rev. 1

-,y- - - - - , - - _ - -

Page 54 of 64 (6) The calculational locations for a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will only be at residences or places of employment.

NOTE: Additional assumptions may be used to provide situation-specific parameters, provided they are documented along with their concomitant bases.

6.3 CALCULATIONS OF TOTAL BODY 00SE Estimates will be made for each of the following exposure pathways to the same location by age class. Only those age classes known to exist at a location are considered.

6.3.1 Direct Radiation The component of dose to a MEMBER OF TAE PUBLIC due to direct radiation will be determined by:

(1) the direct radiation dose at the plant boundary in each sector. 0 8 ,e*

(2) Extrapolate that dose to the calculational location as follows:

= D D

L,e B,e (1.49 E+6) i (Xg,,)2 l

OL ,e = dose at calculational location in sector e.

1.49E+6 = square of mean distance to the site boundary (1220 m).

XL ,e = Oistance to calculational locations in sector e in meters.

6-2 Rev. 1

Page 55 of 64 6.3.2 Inhalation Oose The inhalation dose will be determined at the calculational locations for each age class at risk according to the methods outlined in Section 3.3 of this manual.

6.3.3 Ingestion Pathway The dose via the ingestion pathway will be calculated at the consumer locations for the consumers at risk. If no milk pathway exists in a sector, the dose via this pathway will be treated as <1 ares /yr.

6.3.4 Other Uranium Fuel Cycle Sources The dose from other fuel cycle sources will be treated as <1 mres/yr.

6.4 THYROIO DOSE The dose to the thyroid will be calculated for each sector as the sum of inhalation dose and milk ingestion dose (if existing). The calculational methods will be those identified in Section 3.3 of this manual.

6.5 OOSE PROJECTIONS Dose projections are to incorporate planned plant operations such as power reduction or outages for the orojected period.

i e

4 E-3 Rev. 1 j


__. _.-_ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . - , - - , -. . _ . _ . ~ , - - - . - .

Page 56 of 64 TABLE A-1 X/Q Values for Long-Tene Ground Level Releases at Special Locations (sec/m3 )*

Carolina Power & L19ht Comany - Robinson Release Type: Annual Release Mode: Ground Level Variable: Relative Concentration (Sec./ Cubic Meter)

Calculation Points: Special Model: Straight Line (ANNXOQ9)

Application of Terrain Correction Factors: Yes Number of Observations: 8703 Affected Site Sector Boundary Meat Dairy Residere- Garden NNE 6.67E-06 4.13E-06 0.00 6.26E-06 5.56E-06 NE 3.02E-06 2.56E-06 2.13E-06 2.44E-06 2.13E-06 ENE 4.41E-06 4.93E-07 0.00 4.18E-06 7.36E-07 E 6.39E-06 3.02E-07 1.44E-07 3.51E-06 3.68E-07 ESE 1.12E-05 1.18E-06 0.00 7.90E-06 7.90E-06 SE 3.28E-05 0.00 0.00 3.27E-05 3.27E-05 SSE -8.08E-05 0.00 0.00 6.01E-05 6.01E-05 S 3.29E-05 4.22E-07 0.00 2.78E-05 1.65E-05

( SSW 2.10E-05 5.61E-07 0.00 2.04E-05 8.07E-06 SW 8.91E-06 2.61E-07 2.14E-07** 6.90E-06 5.38E-06 WSW 3.97E-06 1.16E-07 0.00 3.22E-06 1.83E-06 W 2.11E-06 3.89E-08 0.00 1.38E-06 1.38E-06 WW 1.62E-06 5.32E-08 0.00 1.03E-06 6.06E-07 W 7.93E-07 5.06E-07 0.00 7.39E-07 7.39E-07 NW 1.31E-06 4.78E-07 0.00 4.42E-07 3.82E-07 N 1.45E-06 6.44E-07 0.00 6.67E-07 6.67E-07

  • Zeroes indicate that this point was not calculated
    • A milk goat is located here l

A-4 Rev 1 l


Page 57 of 64 TABLE A-2 3

Depleted 1/Q Values for Long-Tern Ground Level Releases at Special Locations (sec/m )*

Carolina Powr & Light Conpany - Robinson Release Type: Annual Release Mode: Ground Level Variable: Relative Depleted Concentration (Sec./ Cubic Meter)

Calculation Points: Special Model: Straight Line (ANNX0Q9)

Application of Terrain Correction Factors: Yes itsnber of Observations: 8703 Mfected Site Sector Boundary Meat Dairy Resident Garden NNE 5.84E-06 3.38E-06 0.00 .

5.25E-06 4.77E-06 NE 2.68E-06 2.21E-06 1.79E-06 2.09E-06 1.79E-06 ENE 3.95E-06 3.99E-07 0.00 3.72E-06 5.93E-07 E 5.79E-06 2.42E-07 1.08E-07 3.12E-06 2.86E-07 ESE 1.01E-05 9.72E-07 0.00 7.11E-06 7.11E-06 SE 3.08E-05 0.00 0.00 3.05E-05 3.05E-05 SSE 7.46E-05 0.00 0.00 5.61E-05 5.61E-05 S 3.11E-05 3.42E-07 0.00 . 2.61E-05 1.53E-05 SSW 1.91E-05 4.55E-07 0.00 1.96E-05 7.35E-06 SW 8.25E-06 2.14E-07 2.44E-07** 6.44E-06 4.88E-06 WSW 3.68E-06 8.92E-08 0.00 2.94E-06 1.6BE-06 W 1.98E-06 2.96E-08 0.00 1.26E-06 1.26E-06 WW 1.47E-06 4.07E-08 0.00 9.26E-07 5.42E-07 NW 6.71E-07 4.19E-07 0.00 6.31E-07 6.31E-07 NW 1.09E-06 3.80E-07 0.00 3.48E-07 2.98E-07 N 1.24E-06 5.11E-07 0.00 5.24E-07 5.24E-07

  • Zeroes indicate that this point was not calculated
    • A milk goat is located here A-5 Rev. 1

I Paga 58 of 64 TABLE A-4 X/Q Values for Long-Tern Ground Level Releases at Standard Distances (sec/m3 ) '

Carolina powr 8, Light Conpany - Robinson Release Type: Annual Release Mode: Ground Level Variable: RelativeConcentration(Sec./CubicMeter)

Calculation Points: Standard Model: Straight Line (ANNX009)

Application of Terrain Correction Factors: Yes Number of Observations: 8703 BASE DISTAfCE IN MILES /KILGETERS Attd Desigi Sect Dist .25 .75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 It .40 1.21 2.G1 2.82 3.62 4.42 S.23 6.G3 . 6.84 7.64 ffE 0. 8.E-05 1.5E-05 6.E-06 3.E-06 2.I-06 1.E-06 1.1E-06 8.T-07 5.E 07 3.7E-07 E 0. 3.9E-05 4.E-06 2.T-06 1.1E-06 6.9E-07 4.E-07 3.E-07 2.E-07 2.E-07 1.7E-07 EE 0. 3.2E-05 5.2E-06 1.E-06 9.E-07 5.I-07 3.E-07 2.E-07 2.1E-07 1.E-07 1.5E-07 E 0. 2.9E-05 4.E-06 1.E-06 8.I-07 6.E-07 3.I-07 2.E-07 1.9E-07 1.I-07 9.E-08 ESE 0. 3.E-05 5.E-06 2.I-06 1.I-06 9.2E-07 6.E-07 5.1E-07 3.E-07 2.7E-07 1.7-07 SE 0. 4.T-05 5.E 06 2.E-06 1.I-06 8.E-07 4.E-07 3.E-07 2.1E-07 1.9E-07 1.E-07 SSE 0. 8.E-05 1.E-05 5.T-06 2.E-06 1.E-06 9.E-07 6.'E-07 5.5E-07 4.5E-07 4.T-07 5 0. 3.E-05 4.E-06 1.7E-06 9.1E-07 4.2E-07 3.I-07 2.E-07 2.1E-07 1.7E-07 1.E-07 SSI 0. 2.E-05 4.E-06 1.9E-06 7.9E-07 4.5E-07 3.T-07 2.1E-07 1.E-07 1.E-07 9.E-08 SW 0. 1.E-05 2.E-06 8.I-07 3.7E-07 2.I-07 1.E-07 1.E-07 8.E-08 7.1E-08 5.9E-08 WSJ 0. 6.E-06 1.T 06 3.E-07 2.T-07 1.E-07 1.T-07 6.9E-08 5.E-08 4.E-08 3.E-08 W 0, 6.'iE-06 8.I-07 3.E-07 1.7E-07 1.I-07 8.E-08 6.7E-08 4.I-08 3.T-08 2.E-08 WW 0. 6.1E-06 7.E-07 3.T-07 1.E-07 1.I-07 9.E-08 7.1E-08 5.E-08 4.T4 3.T-08

  • 0. 1.1E-05 1.E-06 7.E-07 4.E-07 2.E-07 1.I-07 8.T-08 6.7E-08 5.I-08 4.E-08 NW 0. 2.T-05 3.E-06 1.9E-06 1.E-06 9.E-07 5.2E-07 2.7E-07 1.8E-07 1.E-07 9.E-08 N 0. 5.I-05 8.T-06 3.I 06 1.E-06 1.T-06 7.1E-07 4.9E-07 3.E-07 2.9E-07 2.E-07 Numer of Valid Observations = 8703 Wr of Invalid Observations = 57 weer of Calns Loer Lewl = 398 Veer of Calns I5per Limit = 0 A-7 Rev. 1

l Page 59 of 64 TAILE 45 Dupleted X/Q Values for Long-Tern Gmed tmel Relemas at Sr.andard Distances (ser/d)

Carolina Poner & Ligit Capptny - Robinson Release Type: Anrual  !

Release Mxie: Gramd Lew1  ;

Variable: Relative Concentration (Sec./Oucic Meter)

Calculation Points: Standard Rxtel: Straight Line (MM(E9)

Application of Terrain Cbrrection Factors: Yes tueer of Observatims: 8703 BAE DISTNE Ut MLE3/IGLDE19tS Artd Desip Sect Dist .25 .75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 m 40 1.21 2.01 2R 3R 4.42 5.23 6.G5 6.84 7.64 pee 0. 8.I 05 1.I 05 5.E 06 3.T 06 2.T-06 1.I 07 8.I-06 6.E-07 4.1E-07 2.7E-07 E 0. 3.E-05 4.1E-06 l'.E-06 9.E-07 5.E-07 3.E-07 2.E-07 2.E-07 1.E-07 1.I-07 EE 0. 3.1E 05 4.E-06 1.E 06 8.I-07 4.I 07 3.E-07 2.E-07 1.E 07 1.I-07 1.1E-07 E 0. 2.7E-05 4.1E-06 1.I-06 6.9E-07 5.E-07 2.7E-07 2.1E-07 1.4E-07 9.4E-08 7.2E-08 ESE 0. 3.4E 05 4.9E-06 2.E-06 1.1E-06 7.E-07 5.E-07 4.E-07 2.9E-07 2.1E-07 1.E-07 SE 0. 3.E-05 4.9E-06 2.E-06 1.1E-06 7.T-07 3.E-07 2.E-07 1.7E 07 1.4E-07 1.E-07 SSE 0. 7.E-05 1.1E-05 4.4E-06 2.E-06 1.I 06 7.E-07 5.1E-07 4.I-07 3.I-07 2.9E-07 5 0. 3.E-05 3.9E-06 1.4E-06 7.E-07 3.E-07 2.E 07 2.E-07 1.E-07 1.I 07 1.1E-07 SSW 0. 2.505 4.1E-06 1.E 06 6.E 07 3.7E-07 2.4E-07 1.7E-07 1.E-07 8.9E-08 6.9E 08 SW 0. 1.4E-05 1.9E-06 7.1E-07 3.1E-07 1.9E-07 1.E-07 9.E-08 6.7E-08 5.E-08 4.I-08 W9d O. 6.E-06 9.E-07 3.2E 07 1.7E 07 1.I-07 8.T-08 5.E-08 4.E-08 3.E-08 2.7E-08 W 0. 6.1E 06 7.E-07 2.E-07 1.4E-07 1.1E-07 6.E-08 5.E-08 3.I-08 2.I-08 1.E-08 neW 0. 5.E-06 7.E-07 2.E-07 1.E-07 1.1E 07 7.E-08 5.E-08 4.E-08 3.E-08 2.E-08 IW 0. 1.1E-05 1.E-06 6.4E-07 1.4E-07 2.E-07 1.E-07 6.1E-08 5.E-08 4.T-08 3.I-08 NfW 0. 1.9E-05 3.1E-06 1.E 06 1.1E-06 7.E-07 4.2E-07 2.T-07 1.I-07 8.E-08 7.1E-08 N 0. 4.9E-05 7.E-06 2.E-06 1.4E-06 8.1E-07 5 E-07 3.E-07 2.9E 07 2.2E-07 1.E-07 Number of Valid Observations = 8703 Number of Invalid Observations = 57 Nuinber of Calms Lower Level = 398 i Number of Calms Upper Limit = 0 A-8 Rev. 1

Peg 3 60 of 64

.. TAKE A-18 D/Q Values for 3hort-Tern Mtmed Made Releases at Special Locations (n-2)*

Carolina Powe & Light Coripany - Robinson l

Release Type: Purge Release Mode: Mixed Mode Variable: Relative Deposition Rate (Meter-2)

Calculation Points: Special Model: Purge (ACNPURG2)

Application of Terrain Correction Factors: No Itumber of Observations: 8703 Purge Time: 100 Hours Affected Sita Sector Boundary Meat Dairy Resident Garden NNE 5.77E-09 3.45E-09 0.00 5.70E-09 4.68E-09 NE 7.18E-09 5.72E-09 4.70E-09 5.2E-09 4.70E-09 ENE 1.04E-08 1.16E-09 0.00 9.77E-09 1.74E-09 E 2.08E-08 8.36E-10 5.32E-10 1.06E-08 9.36E-10 ESE 2.12E-08 2.22E-09 0.00 1.73E-08 1.7X-08 SE 2.99E-08 0.00 0.00 2.88E-08 2.88E-08 SSE 1.81E-08 0.00 0.00 1.64E-08 1.64E-08 5 3.04E-08 9.84E-10 0.00 2.80E-08 2.48E-08 SSW 3.66E-08 2.33E-09 0.00 3.72E-08 2.78E-08 SW 2.20E-08 1.48E-09 1.18E-09** 2.14E-08 1.97E-08 WSW 2.83E-08 1.23E-09 0.00 2.55E-08 2.07E-08 W 2.09E-08 4.69E-10 0.00 1.62E-08 1.62E-08 WW 2.01E-08 6.45E-10 0.00 1.38E-08 8.18E-09 W 4.9E-09 3.00E-09 0.00 4.53E-09 4.53E-09 NW 2.32E-09 9.15E-10 0.00 8.99E-10 8.09E-10 N 1.36E-09 5.75E-10 0.00 6.24E-10 6.24E-10

  • Zeroes indicate that this point es not calculated
    • A milk goat is located here A-21 . Rev. I t

Pago 61of 64 i The concentration of tritium in cilk is based on the airborne concentration

. rather than the deposition. Therefore, the Rg is based on X/Q:

Ry = K'KF,QpU,p(DFLj)a 0.75(0.5/H) .

(8.2 4) where: l l

R = Dose factor for the cow or goat milk pathway for tritium for 7

the organ of interest, ures/yr per uC1/m3 ;

K = A constant of unit conversion;

= 103 ge/kg; H = Absolute humidity of the atmosphere, ge/m3 ;

0.75 = The fraction of total feed that is water;

, 0.5 = The ratio of the specific activity of the feed grass water to the atmospheric water.

and other parameters and values are given above. A value of H = 8 grams /

meter3 , was used in lieu of site-specific information.

8.2.4 Grass-Cow-Meat Pathway The integrated concentration in meat follows in a similar manner to the devel-opment for the milk pathway, therefore:

~*E *e ~*t I

-1 t is ff " '

  • 8' b}-

Rj = I gK'QpU ,pF f (DFLj ), e ps. 1 _


~1 t -


-7( 1., E,te) 8, 9 (1-e 1 b) - -A jh t (1-ff,) p _

+ p ,

e (8.2-5) 1 where:

R = Dose factor for the meat ingestion pathway for radionuclide 98 .g. for any' organ of interest, sres/yr per uC1/sec per a-2; 8-11 Rev. 1 s

I s t

Pags 62of 64Ff a The stable element transfer coefficients, pC1/Kg par pct / day; U, = The receptor's seat consumption rate for age group a, kg/yr; tg = The transport time from slaughter to consumption, sec;

= The transport time from harvest to animal con 3umption, sec; th t, = Period of pasture grass and crop exposure during the growing l' season, sec; I, = Factor to account for fractional deposition of radionuclide "1."

For radionuclides other than iodine. It is equal to one. For radiciodines, the value of 19 may vary. However, a value of 1.0 was used in calculating the R values in Tables 3.3-6 through 3.3-8.

All other terms remain the same as defined in Equation 8.2-3. Table B-2 contains the values which were used in calculating Rg for the seat pathway.

The concentration of tritium in meat is based on its airborne concentration rather than the deposition. Therefore, the Rj is based on X/Q.

l RTg


K'KF 0pUap(OFLj)a f 0.75(0.5/H) (8.2-6) where:

l l

= Dose factor for the seat ingestion pathway for tritium for any Ry' organ of interest, ares /yr per uC1/m3 .

All other terms are defined in Equations 8.2-4 and 8.2-5.

B-12 Rev. I t

Pego 63 4,$,45 Vecetation Pathway The integrated concentration in vegetation consumed by man follows the expres-sion developed in the derivation of the milk factor. Man is considered to consume two types of vegetation (fresh and stored) that differ only in the time period between harvest and consumption, therefore:

-A -1 t R - I K' (DFLj ) , U ft e L

["II~' t'I + BI ' II~ i b) 9 q 1

-1 t I 'I I' II~'

-A't I 3

+ U, f 9 e I h [ "II~' Y A


PAj l

(8.2-7) v E, _


R = Dose factor for vegetable pathway for radionuclide "1" for the 9

organ of interest, erem/yr per uC1/sec per m~2; K' = A constant of unit conversion;

  • = 10hi/uC1; Ua = The consumption rate of fresh leafy vegetation by the receptor in age group a, kg/yr; U{ = The consumption rate of stored vegetatien by the receptor in age group a, kg/yr; The fraction of the annual intake of fresh leafy vegetation ft =

grown locally; l f = The fraction of the annual intake of stored vegetation grown g

locally; l

l l t = The average time between harvest of leafy vegetation and its t

! consumption, sec; 8-13 Rev. 1 l

l 1

_ - _ - - - , - - ._ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ , ~ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _

Page 64 of 66 i'

TA8LE 0-1 Liquid Process Monitors i

Name IDES # 10 # Drawing #

1 Containment Vessel 16 R-16 C997261 Fan Cooling Water


Component Cooling 17 R-17 C997246 Water Liquid Waste Disposal 18 PI 871109 NRC Industries 4PI Liquid Sample Manual Condensate Po11 sher 37 R-37 Plant Mod.-723 Liquid Waste H.8.R.-2-9065 Steam Generator 19 R-19 997261 Blowdown Liquid Radwaste Flow Measurement Devices l

Liquid Radweste Flow N/A FT 1064 l (ITT 8arton Flow

{ Integrator) l l

l l

0-1 Rev. 1

\ _ .__ _