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Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leakage Rate Test
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/09/1990
From: Swinburne P
Shared Package
ML20065G693 List:
NUDOCS 9010230016
Download: ML20065G694 (81)


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l , I 1 I 1 .I l l REVIEWED'AND ACCEPTED-BY: l I Lg q i i l dalv 711, #F^ - J P. SWINBURNE Okk. 0 JAF. PERFORMANCE ENGINEER (NYPA) DATE- - 1 i LI


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 ,I 2.O                                                  INTRODUCTION                                                                            5 1

3.0 - L AW TECWICAL DhEE 6 1 3.1 General Data -6 l 3.2 Technical Data- 6 3.3 Test Results 6

      .I               4.0                                                 ACCEPThWCB CRIWWIA                                                                  '7-5.0                                                 TEST        "      <. ON-                                                            8 5.1                              Summary of Instruments                                                                   8 5.2                              Schematic Arrangement                                                                     9 I                                  5.3 5.4 5.5 Calibration Checks-..

Instrumentation Performance Instrument-Selection; Guide- 10:

                                                                                                                                                                .9 9         -i 5.6                              Supplemental Verification                                                       ill

6.O TEST PERNOM ERGB 13 6.1 Prerequisites . 13 6.2 Pressurization Phase' ;13 ll 6.3 Type A Testing Phase-. 14 l l 6.4 Verification Test Phase- .14  ! 7.O W TEODS OF_AMELYSIS 15 1 I 8.O 8.1 8.2 DISCUSSION OF BBSULTS-Type A Results. Supplemental: Test Results 16~ 16 16-8.3 Schedule For Ratesting- 17-9.0 TYPE;B A W C LEAERGE RATE . 18 9.1 1988 Local. Leakage _ Rate' Test Results-  ; i Summary Analysis . , . , i19-9.2 1990' Local Leak. Rate Test Results-l Summary Analysis _. . _ 25 i 3- 9.3 1990: Local' Leakage Rate Test ~ As' Found- !3 Analysis- . .

31: l l.- 9.4- 1988 & 1990 Containment Boundary-Mod. . 37-  !


 .                                                                                                                                                                                l k'                                                                                                                    >

I 1 s 1 Appendices j A ILRT COMPUTER PROGRAN




DATA I By Sensor Environment Mass Loss D - TYPE A CALCULATIONS Mass Point Analysis .; Total Time Analysis  ! E VERIFICATION TEST CALCULATIONS Mass Point' Analysis I F- TYPE A PLOTS Average Temperature vs Time l I Average Pressure vs Time ' l Average Dew Point.vs Time Containment Mass vs. Time Mass Point Leakage Rate vs Time- , Total Time Leakage Rate vs. Time-1 G VERIFICATION TEST PLOTS  ; I Average Temperature.vsETime. ' Average Pressure vs Time Average Dew Point vs Time j I Containment Mass vs Time Mass Point Leakage Rate va' Time-Total Time Leakage Rate-vs Time. I

                                                                                                                                                                                                ,                          .           u L

l iI LI < e Tr f.

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I i0 -- The J. A. FitsPatrick Nuo'. ear Power Plant-reactor containment ! building was subjected to periodio integrated leakage rate l'- test (ILRT) during the period from June: 6, 1990 to _ June 7, , 1990. The purpose of this test was to . demonstrate the 1 I soceptability of the built'ing leakage' rate at = an ' internal pressure of 60 psia (Pa). Testing was performed in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix J,LANSI N45.4-L I l I 1972 and J. A. FitsPatrick- Technical Specifioations ' with lI t interpretations. In addition, the receamendations of BN-TOP-1 and ANSI /ANS.56.8 - 1987 were considered where appropriate. The calculated Least- Squares Fit (LSF)L leakage- rate based on

                                                                                    -l 1

, the mass point method of analysis was'near sero and.foundJto- 4 be .06617%/ day with an associated 95% Upper-Confidence Level 1 I (UCL) of 0.03995%/ day. The' Total Time LSF was .0084%/ day withi an associated _95% UCL1of .27045%/ day.. The:effest ofz water. level changes (inoreases): and s local leakage- from . valves Jin service during the ILRT was 0.1331%/ day. The combined leakage I rate at the Total Time ~ 95% UCL is 0.4035 percent by weight per day. This is well below the Appendix J acceptance.oriterionL U 1 I of 75% La and the FitsPatrick Technical-Specification design. I leakage rate'(L d) of 0.5% by weight per day. - The: supplemental; instrumentation verifioation at Pa demonstrated an agreement p l between - calculated reactor- containment building.. integrated i leakage rates of 16.6 percent of.L4 which is'well_within--the l j 25% requirement of 10 CFR 50, Appendiz:J,'Section IIIiA.3.b. 3 All testing was performed . by: New York Power' Authority. with a 3 consultation and technical'assistanceLof TER Services,.Inc. 1 I I . I < I , J4 I I I . age . 3 .-. . . . _ __

8.0 INTRCOUCTICE The objective of the periodie' integrated leak' rate test was I the verification 'of the overall leak tightness of the reactor containment building,at an internal pressure:of 60 psia. The allowable' leakage is defined by . safety analyses _ and in-a 1!

                                                                              -l accordance with the site exposure-guidelines-specified:by 10-I          CPR 100. For J. A. Pitspatrick Nuclear' Power Plant,     the' maximum allowable integrated-leakage rate _at;a pressure of 60.  -!

i psia (Pa) is the design leakage rate (L d) - of 0.5 percent by g weight per day. l Testing was performed in accordancef with the _ procedural-I requirements as stated in J.L 1. -PitsPatrick Nuclear Power: Plant containment-Integrated Leak Rate Test Procedure GT-39P.- This procedure was reviewed by _ the Plant Operations.- Review


d I Committee and approved by:the Plant Resident Manager prior _to-the commencement of-the test. o; Leakage rate testing was_-- accomplished Jat - the : pressure of I 60.185 psia for a period of 12 hours,,followed by a 6.5 hour supplemental test for a verification of. test instrumentation..

                                                                             ]i I

I ' I ) I < I I t I I ' I i Page 5 I ' 1

lI l l 3.0 assan&L AuD TacuuIcan Data 3.1 eENERAL DATA i I Owaars Docket No.8 New York Power' Authority 50-333 1 l l Locations south shore of Lake Ontario,'s ailes l 5 east of Oswego, N.-Y. Containment Descriptions swa,-Mark I, Torus and Drywell uses suppliers General Electrio I. 3.2 TECENICAL D&T1 Containment Eat Free Volumes 259,952 oubio. feet I Design Pressures: Design Temperatures ,

                                                                                                         - 56 peig 340 deg P 1

3.3 Test Results'-- ILRT Test

1. Test Method ' Absolute
2. Data Analysis Technique- Mass Point'
3. Test Pressure (At Completica) . .
                                                                                                                                                                                  .50.195 psia                                             l
4. Equivalent Maximum Allowable Leakage Rate, La 0.6667%/ day l
5. 75% of Equivaleat'La j 3 (operational Allowable or Lg) .O.5%/ day 1 5 6. Integrated Leakage Rate Test Results-.

D Mass Point Total. Time g Type A LsP L.R.4/ day -0.06617 - -0'.00s4: j Type A UCL L.R.%/ day -0.03995 0.27045

7. Imposed Verification Leakage' Rate,,Lol0.5%/ day (3.6 SCPM) j
s. Verification' Test Results '

l MP Leakage ~ Rate: ' Total Time- l Mass-Point Analysis 0.5008%/ day' 'O.3805- )

9. Verification Test Limits
                                                                                                                  - .                                            opper 3                                  Mass Point Ana'.ysis                                                         0.3021%/ day                                    0.5521%/ day E                                  Total Time                                                                   0.3599%/ day                                 .0.6099%/ day.-
  • Upper Limit a Lo.+ Las +-0.25 Ld


  • Lower Limit a Lo + Lam.- 0.25 Lg-
10. Report Priatouts The report printouts and plots for the Type A and. verification ~

l-test calculations are provided in. Appendices 4 B-0.1 iI jI P.g. 6 LI . e-wri---r- v- M = c,--+ -es--*-ea+-a v+ . w e e ,- w e,- e e- . - ,s,w- .p.e,- ,Ee+--w- m -- eenre+b-- m. -c-. be-.r e ee --- e e - -wrs '+=-r--en-e-inwe, we+swea,w w ww



Acceptance . oriteria established : prior to . tho' test and as . ' specified by J. A.-PitsPatrick Technical Specifications with interpretations and 10CFR50,.Appendiz.J, follows . 3 a. The measured leakage rate (Laa) for peak pressure testing 5 at 60 psia (Pa) shall' be less than 75 percent of the maximum allowable leakage rate -(La) 8pecified as 1.5 I percent by weight'of the building atmosphere per day.and less than or equal-to the design leakage rate (L d. weight percent per day.

                                                                                                            ) of 0.5 I             b.              The test instrumentation shall be verified by means.of a-supplemental test.                  Agreement. between ; the . containment-leakage measured during the Type A test-'and. the I                              containment leakage measured during the supplemental test shall be within 25-percent of L 4-h I                                                                                                                      ,

i Lg . I 4 ,I 1 I ) I a g u

 ;                                                                    Page 7'                                                5 I




OF INSTRUMENTS 3 3 Test -instruments employed are . described, by system, in the i !E following subsections. An Instrumentation selection Guide , l (Ise) formula, is discussed in section 5.5.was calculated to ,g be 10.0343%/ day. ) i.g 1 5.1.1 Temperature Indicating System composants ..

a. Resistamoe Temperature Detectors.(RTD sensors)

I Quantity Type Accuracy, deg F is . . . .

                                                                                                                  '100 ohn, Platinum 10.1 sensitivity, dog F                                 10.1 5.1.2 Despoint Indicating System I                        Components
a. Devoe11 Elements l I Quantity.


                                                                 ~ Type

EG&G' Model.660,-Chill'ed Mirror. Range, deg=F -50*C to'+100*C-Accuracy, deg F i.54

                                *Two Foxboro 271140 dessells. Most conservative bounds used.-

5.1.3 Pressure Monitoring System Precision Pressure Ganges Quantity 2 Manufacturer .Volumetries 3 Type Model PPM 1000 3 Range,= psia- 0-100 Acouracy,: . psia - to.015% of. indication I sensor sensitivity, 10.001% .of: full scalej psia Repeatability, psia'- 10.0003%- of fulliscale: 5.1.4 Supplaneatal Test-Flow Monitoring System; Flowmeters I Quantity- 1 1 Manv.facturer 'Volumetries  ! Type. Model FM 10

      ;3                                                       Range', : sofa .                                   ~0-10
3 Accuracy i1% of full scalet
      .I-                                                                                                  Page s I

g- w-g s y' w'emw+r w .t y-',r- y * ,w-

       . . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _     . . - -      - . -   - - - . . . ~      ~ .           - .   .      . , . - -
i i



A mathematical model of the containment =was developed using?

I elevation and - plan view . construction drawings , to define

containment subvolumes boundaries. Subsequent to subvolume l boundary definition, volume fractions were assigned toisach subvolume in'the containment. Sensors' are wall; mounted: to

detect changes in containment atmospheric conditions. .

The 18- temperature sensors; and 61 dewcells: = were placed-throughout the reactor containment volume to permit monitoringe I of internal temperature' and : ' dewpoint. . Table I indicates-  ! i Instrumentation locations'and' Weighting Factors.- The two pressure gages were weighted'at'50% each.' j 5.3 CALIBRATION CHECKS  ! Temperature, dewpoint, pressure and flow '. measuring ~ systems L


were checked for calibration before'the-test in.accordance-

with JAF procadures as required ~by ANSI N45.4-1972,;.Section; i 6.2 and 6.3. Results of the calibration and calibration checks' are on file at James A. FitzPatrick' Nuclear Power Plant.- The i supplemental test at 60 psia = confirmed' the instrumentation' i acceptability. .


  • i l The two Volumetrics pressure gauges, the eighteen. temperature ,
sensors, six.dewcalls'and flowmeter-performed satisfactorily 1

' during the Type A ' Test and Verification Test. One dowcell- j encountered a one time minor.spikevat point.173 but was'not. l significant to the results of the. Type'A and.was? included. i I ll


!l l i I - I l -

                                                            , age 9 II I                                               -                            .

t _

I 5.5 INSTRUMENT SELBCTION GUIDE (ISG)- Justifination of instrumentation. selection was. accomplished,- I using manufacturer's sensitivity, accuracy and repeatability tolerances stated in section 4.1, by computing the Ise formula. o 1 ' Utilising the methods, techniques and assumptions in'Appendiz . e to AMS 56.8-1987 (P.eference 6), the ISO formula was computed ,. for the absolute method as follows:

a. Actual conditions l Acesptance criteria Actual Pressure (Lg)

_( Pa)

                                                                                                                      = 0.5%/ day.

s 60.195 psia Actual Drybulb Temperature (T) a 542.035*R-I Actual Dewpoint Test Duration

  • 77 170 *F (t) = 12 hours-op I b. Total absolute Pressures No. of sensors: 2 i

Range 0-100 paia l sensor sensitivity error.(E): io.001% of full scale Measurement system error (s): . i0.0003% 'of full' scale

                                                                                                                                                                  -r l        g                                                    *P a i[(E )2 p 4_ (gy)2) 1/2/[n0. of. sensors]1/2                                                     l
                                                             *P a i[ (0.001) 2 + (0.0003)2 j i/2/[2]1/2.


                                                             *P a 10.00074 psia-
c. Water vapor Pressures ep, )

l No. of sensors: 6 Chilled Mirror-sensor sensitivity error (E): 10.54*F-Measurement system error (a) ezoluding sensorzio.0142%' At a dowpoint temperature of 77.17F,-the. equivalent


i water vapor pressure change -(as determined from the steam-tables).is 0.015205 psia /*F.e ep l- y a g[(Ep312, (spj)23 1/2/[no. of sensors]1/2 ; E Py a.ic.54 dog F z (0.015205 psia /*F) = .00821 l 8Py a f(0.000142 E 100*F) z~(0.00821= psia /*F). A;

                                                                                                                                                                   .1 8Py a i 0.00011659 psia
                                                             *Py a i[(0.00821)2 + L (0.00011659)2)1/2/[6]1/2 j                                                             ePy a i 0.003352 psia Page 10 L


d. Temperature No. of sensors:. 18 I

Sensor sensitivity error-(E): 10.1 deg F = 0 1 degR= Measurement system error- (e),10.266 deg F

                                          *T = i[(ET)2 + (eT)2 1/2/                    3       [no. of. sensors)1/2
                                          'T = i[(0.1)2 + (0.266)23 1/2/18 l'
'T = 10.058 deg R -

l [ e. _ Instrumentation selection ouide-(Iso) .l ISG = (2400/t) (2 (*P/P) 2+ 2 ('Pv/P) 2+ 2 (*T/T) 2 31/2 3 ISG = i(2400/12) (2 ( . 00074/ 60.195) 2+ 2 ( . 003352/60.195) 2+ - ,

2(.058/542.06)23 1/2- j

' ISG = +200.(3.0225 x 10E-10-+ 6.202E-09 + i 2.29E - 08)1/2 i ! ISG = 10.0343%/ day l l . l The ISG formula does not exceed 0.25 L > l it is therefore concluded that> thed1 (instrumentation 0.125%/ day > l selected was acceptable f or. - use .' in determining- the . ' I l reactor containment integrated' leakage rate. . 7 i j 5.6 SUPPLEMENTAL VERIFICATION , In addition to the calibration checks - described;:in Section

5.2, test instrumentation operation !was- verified .by a '

supplemental test subsequent to'the completion.of the 12 hour l leakage rate test. This test. consisted-of imposing a!known l calibrated leakage rate on the reactor containment building. t l Af ter the flow rate was! established it was not: altered for. the duration of the test. l During the supplemental test, the measured: leakage rate was: j j L e =L'+L. o ' where,

                                           .L e = measured composite.leakageirate consisting of~

the' reactor building ~ leakagei rate plus the -imposed J, t I leakage rate. Lf L.,

                                                '== leakage imposedrate     leakage             rate '

of the reactor building'during'the 1i I Rearranging the above equation: supplemental ~ test phase L,,1 = L c -L o Page 11 l I  ; j

               --                           .                      . - - . . - . - .                                           . , . . . . .           . - - l.]

I The reactor containment' - building. leakage during' .the supplemental test can be.omloulated by-subtracting.the known. superimposed leakage rate fron the measured composite leakage '


rate. The reactor containment building leakage ~ rate during _ the .j 3 supplemental test (Lam') #2s then compared to the measured l

    .5                                    reactor containment building leakage rate during the preceding .                                                                                                                                                    !

l 12 hour test (Lam) to determine instrumentation neceptability.-. Instrumentation . is considered acceptable if the differenos-I. between the two leakage ' rates -is within 25 percent of the. maximum allowable leakage rate (La)* l I u I 1 I l I I I I u I ' LI . I-I

    --I I                                                                                        4a.e 1.                                                                                                                                                      ,
  . I.
 'A          ,(i- - - - ' ,. ,-,m,-n.----   -,                           e- , a +ve--= ,. ------*-*-e-we+==-- -w-   -----s-   --- =---*s-----     a   --*# '" - ' * * ' ' " ' ' " " - - - ~ " * - - - - ' ^ ^ " ' " ' * * ' ^ " " - ' " " ~ ^ ' " ^ ^ -"

I  ! l s.o Test PERPotmancE 6.1 PREREQUISITES  : Prior to commencement of reactor containment building. pressurisation, _the following basic . prerequisites 'were satisfied: r

a. Proper- operation- of all- test instrumentation .was-verified. ,
b. All automatio containment building' isolation valves were- -

i olosed by a_ annual containment isolation signal.without 1 ! any preliminary azeroising or adjustment.. j o. Equipment.within the reactor containment building, ., >W subject to damage,. was protected from external'-


l- differential pressures.-  ; t I d. Portions of fluid . systems which, ' under post-accident conditions become extensions of the containment boundary, were drained and vented. e. I Pressure gauges were provided on the following systems to. provide : a means of detection for' . leakage .into these systems: 4

1. Personnel-Access Ratch *
2. Equipment Access Eatch- .


f. Reactor containment building recirculation fans were not-operational >
g. Potential pressure-sources were removed'or isolated from-- ,

the reasotor containment building. l

h. A general ~ . inspection of the- accessibleJinterior - andL exterior areas of-the containment was completed.

L 6.2 PRESSURIEATION PERSE During the entire ILRT period,1 data was collected'and recorded electronically at--fifteen minute intervals via the computer. , (see Appendices E-o.)- Following the ~ satisfaction L of the i prerequisites,: pressurisation 'of.1the reactor containment building was; started'on June s, 1990 at 01:18.- containment 1 pressure and temperature were monitored continuously. throughout the pressurisation stage.~ The-pressurisation-rate L was approximately 7;1 psi per hour.. I w u I Page 13- l Y .

                                                                                                '   '\- --.E_. .= .- a . . . - . -, J

When containment internal pressure reached 60.951 psia at 07:45 on June 6, 1990, pressurisation was secured. At 18:30 on June 6, 1990, the- reactor ~ containment building. stabilisation criteria had been met. . The level: changes in the- ' Torra indicated a water leak. The water leak was through an. RER system relief valve plug which was not properly restoredL  ! following a test conducted during this refueling outage. The  ; restoration was made and Torus water ~ohanges.stabilised. l 6.3 TYPE & TESTIBG PERSE Leakate rate testing' started at 18:45 on June 6, 1990, and-was it.itiated at the 60.185 psia pressure level. - The Type' A test ran without abnormalities or perturbating events of any'_  ! significanos and was completed at 06:45 on. June 7, 1990.. 6.4 YERIFIC& TION TBST PERSE l Immediately following the 12 hour Type A-test, a superimposed' { 1eakage rate of 3.6 scFM or .5%/ Day was started at 08:15'on-June 7, 1990, for an additional 6.5_ hour. period. The l Verification test also ran without- abnormalities- or perturbating events and was : completed: at 14 45 on-: June 7,-~ 1990. Depressurisation was complete at 23:00, June 7,-1990. ' s l 1' l ~ Page 14 c . .

I L q 7.0 METBODS OF AB& LYSIS i The absolute method of leakage rate determination was employed - I during testing at the 60.195 psia pressure leve1~. The ATEST. computer code (described in Appendia A) calculated the percent per day leakage rate using the mass point technique;of data I analysis. The mass point technique of computing leakage rates uses the Ideal Gas Law equation to calculate tho' weight of air- -i inside containment for each -fifteen minute interval.- The-I Total Time Technique in accordance with BN-TOP-1 was also used  ! in-the la bour Type A. A superimposed induced flow method was used for the,6.5 hour I supplemental test. ATEST computer code fits a straight line using a-linear least squares fit._-In addition, the computer { code also computes the upper bound of the 95% Upper Confidence _ Level.

                                                                                .i s

i I  : l l I 1 1  : l l l 1 Page.15

                                                                           -- 5

I S.O DISCUSSICE OF RESULTS The ILRT data and calculated leakage rates are' presented as I reports and plots in Appendices.B through-e. These reports and plots-illustrate an ILRT that was performed uninterrupted and without perturbation. . The Type A containment. mass'and- ' I mass point leakage rate plot shows that the leakage' rate remained essentially constant for the entire test period data. I a S.1 TYPE & RESULTS Ig i The method used in' calculating the mass point leakage rate is defined in section 7.0. The result of this' calculation is a I mass point leakage rate .of. -0.06617%/ day. The 95%!.UCL associated with this leakage rate is -0.03995%/ day.- The , method used in calculating the Total Time leakage rate is- 'E defined in section 7.0. The result of this calculation is a 5 Total Time LSF leakage rate of -0.0084%/ day. The 95%..UCL  ; associated with this . leakage ~ rate is 0.27045%/ day.

                                                                                                                                   .In I                                          addition, the valves not in'ILRT configuration and Torus water                       l level variations                          were also considered but.. had minor sigt.ificanoe on the result.

The salculated leakage rate and the calculated leakage rate at7 the tapper -bound of the 95% UCL are well- below the acceptance criteria of 0.5 percent ' per day L d. Therefore, reactor con':ainment building leakage: at 60 psia (Pa) .is considered -

  • acceptable.

S.. SU - T.STR.SULTS g After conclusion of the 12 hour test at.60.156 psia, Thermal Mass Flowmeter was placed in service'and a1 flow-rate, of 3.6 l l SCFM was established.- This flow rate'is.about equivalent to a leakace rate of L4 (.49 %/ day). I The Total Time calculated leakage rate -(La). duringl the supplemental test'was calculated to be 0.3805 percent per day, using the Total-Time mathe,4 of analysis. The building leakage rate during the supplemental test is then: determined as fo1M est Lam'" Lc=" Lo Laa's 0.3805%/ day - 0.4932%/ day _j Laa's .1127%/ day I I I .ag. 16



e I comparing- this leakage rate with the building leakage rate during the 12 hour test yields the followings

                                                                                           ,)j 1-                                                                                             i l Lam - Laa l ' / . Le = l 0. 0084 - 0.1127 l / 0. 5 m    0.017 The building leakage ~ rates ' agree within 1.7 percent ofcLe which is below the acceptance criteria of as percent-of Lo*
             'Using the formulation of ANS 56.8 -_1981,                                       l

(Lam + Laa' - 0.25 Ld )& Le 1 (Las + Laa' + 0.25 Ld)_ i 0.3021 1 La 5 0.5521 I Since La was measured to be 0.5008 percent per day, this value - falls within the. acceptable ~ range.- Therefore,3 the: I acceptability of the test instrumentation is ' considered: to have been verified.

     . 8.3   SCEEDULE 708 RETESTIBB                                                          i The thorough examination ,of the containaeat penetration                        1 boundaries        revealed       no I            abnormalities.

be in good repair. structural. deterioration- -F All portions of the conta'inment: vere-found;to' I I , Therefore, the next periodio Type-Airatestiis= proposed to be previously submitted >sabedule. performed in-approximately three years. Za.accordance:with-i I I " g i I I I , age 1, i d


Attachments 9.1 and 9.2 summarise the results of the Local Leakage Rate Test's (LLRT's) data which has been obtained from neriodic testing performed since the 1987 Periodic Type A Test. Pre-repaired data is provided for surveillance testing performed in 1988 and 1990. The leakage rates that are listed Attachments 9.1 and 9.2 are individual valve measurements, unless otherwise noted. I Each penetration's leakage rate can be obtained from site reference material. These LLRT's were performed utilising " volumetric" leakage measuring equipment using the make-up air test method by I pressurising the listed penetrations with , air or nitrogen and either measuring leakage across the containment isolation valves boundary (Type C) or across the resilient seals (Type B). Attachment 9.3 contains an analysis of the containment penetrations that were repaired during the 1990 JAFNPP Refueling Outage to assess the "as-found" containment leakage condition. Section 9 also contains a summary of the primary containment boundary modification improvements that were made during the 1988

           & 1990 JAFNPP Refueling outages.                                              The details of these improvements are described in Attachment 9.4.

The acceptance criteria for Types B and C testing are in accordance I with 10CFR50, Appendiz J. all penetrations and valves, subject to Types B and C tests, is The combined "as-left" leakage rate for l well below the acceptance criteria of less than 0.60 La* ] L I The data contained in this section are summarised below l I Att. No. Title I 9.1 1988 Local Leakage Rate Test Results Summary Analysis 9.2 1990 Local Leakage Rate Test Results Summary Analysis 9.3 1990 Local Leakage Rate Test "As Found" Analysis I 9.4 1988 & 1990 Containment Boundary Modifications I I i l l Page is _ _ - . . .. _,_.y- - - -



ANALYSIS Penetration system No./ Type Equipment / ' . Pre-Repair . Post-Repair Repair /' Test valves Tested Leakaae taef/dav) Leakaoe faef/ day)- Notes Drywell Stabilizers O dog (GE-90) B "O" rings .1018 .1018 45 dog (GE-135) B "O" rings .1018 .1018-90 deg (GE-180) B "O" rings .1196 .1196' B "O" rings .1018 .1018 I.135deg(GE-225) 180 dog (GE-270) B "O" rings .1018 .1018 825 dog (GE-315) B "O" rings .1018 .1018 870 dog (GE-0) B "O" rings .1211 .1211 315 dog (GE-90) B "O" rings .1226 .1226 Drywell Head B "O" rings .6429 ' 9213 I - X1-A Equipment & Emergency Escape Hatch B "O" rings .1018 1.8192

                                                                                                                       .1018 40.4655
                                                                                                                                   ; Equip. HatchJ Emerg. llatch X-1B Equipment Hatch B                        "O" rings                           .2112                     .1018        No repair performed X-2A Personnel                                                                                                                                     -

Access Hatch B "O" rings 36.2917 46.1036 . Modification. F1 86-108 ' performed on this hatch I X-4B Drywell Head Manway B "O" rings- .1018 .1018 4 X-6 CRD Removal

 .             Hatch                              B      "O" rings                           .1018                    .1018 X-7A "A" Main                                                                                                                                      -.

Steam Line C 29AOV-80A (IPC) .1366 .1366' .l 29AOV-86A (OPC) (combined)  ! X-7B "B" Main ~ Steam Line C 29AOV-80B (IPC)' 100.5602 ~106.5602 29AOV-86B (OPC) (combined). X-7C "C" Main Steam Line C 29AOV-80C (IPC) 25.0007 25.0007 ) 29AOV-86C (OPC) (combined) X-7D "D" Main Steam Line C 29AOV-80D (IPC) 11.0864. 11.0864 , 29AOV-86D-(OPC) (combined) l- X-8 Condensate ' Drain C 29NOV-74 (IPC) .1018 .1018 ' I 29MOV-77 (OPC) 2.8148 2.8148 I ,

            .. .       ~.- . - - - . . --             - . _ _ -             .  .   . _ . .      - , . . . . - - . . .            . . - . . - .           ..           -.
                                                                                                                                                                                        - i P:necration System No./   Type              Equipment /             Pre-Repair .                            Post-Repair                 ..

Repair /-  ! Test Valves Tested Leakaos facf/ day) Leakaos faef/ day) Notes 1 X-9A Feedwater C FWS-28A (IPC) 16.6443 16.6443- MOV-69:New. 13MOV-21 (OPC) 20.6654 156.772 valve which- i 34NRV-111A'(OPC) (combined) replaces i RWC-62 (OPC). RWC-62 as a l I 12MOV-69 CIV- - Modification: l F1-87-068

                                                                                                                                                                                       -l X-9B Feedwater                    C           FWS-285 (IPC)                    3.2016                                           3.2016           WR 62285 23MOV-19 (OPC)               279.95                                               3.11-            performed ong 34NRV-118 (OPC)               (combined)                                                           23AOV-18 (NOTES Test              j performed thru.

23AOV-18): X -10 Steam to I RCIC Turine C 13MOV-15 (IPC) 13MOV-16 (OPC) 4.2858 (combined)- 3.1726 MOV-15 New valve. installed l by' modification.


X-11 Steam to-HPCI Turbine C 23MOV-15 (IPC) 1338.67- 35.0956' MOV-15,-16:' . 23HOV-16 (OPC) (combined)= New valves I- 23MOV-60 (OPC)

                                                                                                                           ~ i

                                                                                                                                                                ' modification
                                                                                                                                                               ~F1-86-039                 f X-12 Shutdown Cooling Supply            C          10MOV-18 (IPC)                    43.6722                                     44.6902                                       ,

to RHR 10MOV-17 (OPC) 88.1077 :88.1077' X-13A RHR (LPCI) .. l Return

C 10MOV-27A (OPC) 11508.49 109.944, 'MOV-27A. ,

10MOV-25A (OPC) 166.952 166.9521 Packing i tightened ,i 1 under WR 62272 X-13B RHR (LPCI . J Return) C 10MOV-278 (OPC) 120.124- 120.124 . MOV-25B:- 10MOV-25B (OPC) 4815.14 '94.6740 Packing 1 { ,- tightened ~ under WR'. i 10/59299 .. i

         - X-14 RWCU Supply                       C          12MOV-15 (IPC)                   104.854,                                      39.3457-              MOV-15:DNew from                                    12MOV-18-(OPC)                   193.'929 .                                         6.6933--

U Recirculation valve. .. 1 12MOV-80 (OPC) (combined) ' installed by < f MOD F1-87-130 MOV-18:WRd



64232 for. 'l pcking X-16A Core Spray C 14MOV-11A (OPC) .1018 .1018.

Pump Discharge 14MOV-12A (OPC) .1018 .1018 i

                          ..                                                                             l i

ll i i Panetration System No./ Type Equipment / Pre-Repair Post-Ripair Repair /- -4 1 Test Valves Tested Leakaos faef/dav) Leakane faef/davi Notes

          -168 Core Spray I

X C 14MOV-118 (OPC) .1b78 .1878 Pump Discharge 14MOV-128 (OPC) .3762 .3762-X-17 RPV Head Spray C 10MOV-32 (IPC) 5.6148 5.6448 I X-18 Floor Drain Sump Discharge C 10MOV-33 (OPC) 20MOV-82 (IPC) 20AOV-83 (OPC) 1.9393-

                                                              .9472 1.9393 3.8684
                                                                               .1018 X-19 Equipment Drain C     20MOV-94 (IPC)           4.0618           4.L618 Sump Discharge         20AOV-95 (OPC)           3.7208           3.7208 X-21 Service Air        C  SAS-10 (IPC)             8.1440 I                                 SAS-9 (OPC) 532.414.
                                                                               .2632      Deleted =

valves and capped penetration I w/modifica-tion F1-87-056 NOTE:no I longer will be B/C tested , X-22 Instrument C IAS-22'(IPC) .1831 .1831-Air / Nitrogen 2750V-141 (OPC) .1018 .1018 X-23 Cooling C ESW-168'(OPC) .1018 .1018 Assembly "A" AOV-130A: l RBC-24A"(OPC) .1018- . 1018- repaired I Supply X-24 Cooling C 15AOV-130A (OPC) 40.8727 22.9559 under WR 15/60957 ESW-16A (OPC) 15.27- .1018 ESW-16A dio-Assembly "B" I Supply RBC-248 (OPC) 15AOV-130B (OPC).

                                                              .1018 2.0105-
                                                                               .1018 2.0105 assembled, re-assembled per WR 61678 X-25 Drywell                                                                                     .

'-I Inerting, CAD C 27AOV-111 (OPC) 27AOV-112 (OPC)

                                                              .4912 (combined)
                                                                               .4912 and                  27AOV-131A (OPC)       432.65 -

X -71 Purge 5.003 CAD-68' CAD-68 (OPC) .(combined) _ repaired =I 27AOV-1318 (OPC) CAD-69 (OPC) 4.2807 (combined)

                                                                            '4.2807      'under WR d'958 C   27sOV-120A (OPC)          4.0363 Atmosphere                                                       4.0363                      ;

I'X-26AContainment 27SOV-120B (OPC) 2780V-120El(OPC) 3.1965 25.0935-3.1965

                                                                                .1018      SOV-121El 27sOV-120E2(OPC)            .8220             .8220      replaced
'l3                               27sOV-121A (OPC) 27SOV-121B (OPC) 6.3269 10.0171 6.3269-10.0171 under WR' 62276 27SOV-119F1(OPC)           1.1689          1.1689                      '

27SOV-119F2(OPC) .1018 .1018 I 2750V-122A (OPC) 27SOV-1228 (OPC) 27sOV-122El(OPC) 2750V-122E2(OPC) 1.4153 11.7070 95.2359

                                                                                .~ 415 3 11.7070 1.715.

SOV-112E1 replaced under WR-62275 I ll: . 1

1 l l Ptnetration System No./ Type Equipment /. Pre-Repair- ' Post-Repair Repair / l Test Valves Tested- Leakaae facf/dav) Lankaae faef/dav) Notes ' X-26A Containment C 27AOV-113 (OPC) Gross' .1420 I Vent & Purge X-26B (Drywell Exhaust) 27AOV-114 (OPC) 27MOV-113 (OPC) 27MOV-122 (OPC) (combined)'

                                                                                                .1018 I  X-31Ac "A" Recirculation Pump Seal Mini-C        RWR-13A (IPC) 02-2SOV-001 (OPC) 3.0184 70.7001 3.0184
                                                                                                 .1018     SOV-001 repaired                 l Purge supply                                                                                     under WR 64811                    1 X-31Ad Drywell                 C        27sOV-135A (OPC)             .1018 Continuous                         2780V-1358 (OPC)             .1018 I       Atmosphere Monitor Sample Supply l

i l I X-31Bc "B" Recirculation-Pump Seal Mini-Purge Supply C RWR-135 (IPC) 02-2SOV-002.(OPC) 48.1514 30.~7436

                                                                                                 .4255 RWR-13B repaired under_WR02/
                                                                                                          .60712 SOV-l l

i 002- . J replaced-


62280 I X-35A TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC)

                                             "O" ring (OPC)
                                                                                               . 1018'
                                                                                                                           -t X-35B TIP Probe                C/B Ball Valve (OPC)                2.5094               '2-5094-
                                             "O" ring-(OPC)               .1018                  .1018/

X-35C TIP Probe C/B' Ball Valve (OPC) .1446 .1446-

                                             "O"   ring (OPC)           9.8135               1.8135-I  X-35D TIP Probe                C/B Ball Valve (OPC)
                                             "O" ring (OPC)
                                                                                                 .1018                     M h

X-35E TIP Indexer. C/B CAD-901 (IPC) 62.4034 .1018 Purge-Supply 2780V-001 (OPC) .1018 .1018 "O" ring .1018' .1018 I X-39A Containment Spray c 10MOV-26A (OPC) 10MOV-31A-(OPC) RHR-52A (OPC) 14 2011 (combined). ' 12.1142'. MOV-26A,;31A:.j replaced'

                                                                                                          ~F1-87-133'            i X-39B Containment              c        10MOV-26B (OPC)         1084.17                  1.75         MOV-26B, 31B.

Spray 10MOV-31B (OPC) (combined) replaced RHR-52B (OPC) under. MOD.  ? F1-87-133-X-41 Recirculation C 02AOV-39 (IPC) 1.3896 .3563 Valves system 02AOV-40 (OPC) 5.4553 .3843 . replaced- [ with SOVs: I. MODF1-87-045 i X-42 Standby C SLC-17 (IPC) .9773 ..u.9773 , Liquid Control SLC-16 (OPC) .10.165 -10.'165 I , .

j PCnetration System No./ Type Equipment / Pre-Repair Post-Repair Repair / Test Valves Tested Leakane faef/ day) Lankana facf/ day) Notes

  • X-45 Drywell C 16-1AOV-101A (OPC) .5538 .5538 lI Pressure (Mensor) sensor Connection 16-1AOV-101B (OPC) (combined) -l X-52A X-558 Drywell C 27sOV-125A (OPC) 7.8895 7.8895 i

continuous I Atmosphere Monitor Sample Return 27sOV-1258 (OPC) 1.5728 1.5728'

-lW   X-57C Instrument Nitrogen C   IAs-29 (IPC) 27sOV-145 (OPC)
                                                                                .4581 I

{ X58B Drywell I C 2730V-122F1 (OPC) .3227 .3227 Hydrogen / Oxygen 27sOV-122F2 (OPC) .1018 .1018 sample supply , X-58C Drywell C .1018 I Hydrogen / Oxygen sample supply 27sOV-120F1 (OPC) 27sOV-120F2 (OPC) 7.009

                                                                                .1018 7.009 X-58D Drywell         C I                              27sOV-123F1 (OPC)                              -.1018

Hydrogen / 27sOV-123F2'(OPC) .1018 l Oxygen sample .1018 supply , I X-61 Breathing Air X-62 Cooling C BAS-5 (IPC) bas-4 (OPC) 3.3187 1.3336', 3.3187 1.3336 j i C 15AOV-131B (OPC) .9213 .9213~ I Assembly "B" Return X-63 "A" C RBC-268 (OPC) .9569 .9569 j! RBC-21A (CPC) .1018 .1018 ' I Recirculation Pump & Motor Coolers supply EsW-158 (OPC) 15AOV-132A (OPC)

                                                                              ' 1018
                                                                                .8780 l

i I X-64 "A" Recirculation Pump & Motor Coolers supply C 15AOV-133A (OPC) RBC-22A (OPC) 6.9326' 5.599 6.9326 5.599 ,; I X-65 Equipment Drain Sump Return C 15AOV-134A (OPC) RBC-33 (OPC) 9.8746-- 9.0184


9.0184 I X-66 Cooling Assembly "A" Return C 15AOV-131A (OPC) RBC-26A (OPC) 3.6852

                                                                                 .4290                  !

X-67 "B" C RBC-21 (OPC) .1018 5 Recirculation .1018 EsW-15B (OPC) .1018- .1018- si Pump & Motor 15AOV-1328 (OPC) 1.801 Coolers supply 1.8011 I i I i

Type Equipment / IPCnetrationNo./ avstani tant Valves tent h Pre-Repair Lankana faef/davn Post-Repair Laakmaa faef/ day) Repair / Notes X-68 "B" C 15A0V-1338 (OPC) 3.6749 Recirculation 3.r7*9 Pump & Motor RSC-228 (OPC) 6.8816 6.lBit Coolers supply X-100A (Electrical) B "0" rings .2860 .2860 X-1005 (Electrical) B "0" rings .1018 .1018 X-100C (Electrical) B "o" rings .5110 .5110 X-100D (Electrical) B "o" rings .4367 .4367 X-100F (Electrical) B co" rings .4273 .4273 X-1000 (Electrical) B "o" rings .1018 .1018 X-100K (Electrical) B "0" rings .1730 .3730 X-101A (Electrical) B "o" rings .1018 .1018 X-1018 (Electrical) B "0" rings .1018 .1018 X-101C (ElectrLen1) B "0" rings .3834 .3838 I X-101D (Elactncal) X-101E (Electrical) B B "0" rings "0" rings

                                                                           .4169 X-101F (Electrical) B     "0" rings               .7411                  .7411 IX-103A(Electrical) "0"  B       rings               .5517                  .5517 X-103B (Elcetreical) B    "o" rings               .4652                  .4652 X-104C (Electrical)   B   "o" rings               .8444                  .8444 X-104D (Electrical) B     "0" rings               .1206                  .1206 X-104E (Electrical) B     "O" rings               .4209                  .4209                 i X-106A (Electrical) B     "0" rings               .1018                  .3018 X-1063 (Electiical) B     "0" rings               .2891                  .2831 X-107   (Electrical) B    "0" rings               .4005                  .4005 X-108   (Ficetrical)  B   "0" rings               .5405                  .5405 X-109   (Electrical) B    "0" rings               .3990                  .3990 X-1100 (Electrical)   B   "0" rings               .9024                  .9024 X-1100 (Electrical) B     "0" rings               .2952                  .2952 X-1118 (Electrical) B     "O" rings               .4061                  .4061 X.100A Torus Access B     "0" rings               .1018                  .1018                 l X-2003 Torus Access B     "O" rings               .1018                  .1018 I                                                                                                  .


I Type IPenetrationNo./ Svetam Tant Equipment / Valvan Tasted Pre-Repair Lankana faef/davn Post-Repair Lankana faef/davi Repair / Noten B 'O' rings .4061 .4061 IX-200CTorusAccess X-2025 Torub to C 27A0V-101A (OPC) 44.1817 44.1817 Reactor Bldg 27V3-6 (OPC) (combined) IX-2D2GVacuum Breakers 27A0V-1013 (OPC) 27V3-7 (OPC) 685.114 (combined)

                                                                           .7146     AJV-1013 repaired under WR I   X-202F Drywell to Torus Vacuus B   "0" rings (27VB-1)         .2677             .2677 62184 I X-2020   Drywell Torus Vacuumto a   *0* rings (27va-2)         .2036             .2036 X-202H Drywell to          *0" rings (27V8-3)         .2677             .2671 Torus vacuum X-202D Drywell to      B   'O' rings (27VB-4)      14.5574              .2036      va-4 Torus Vacuum                                                                   repaired under WR IX-202IBreaker"0" Ring seals 60762        :

X-202E Drywell to B "0" rings (27VB-4) .20J6 .2036 I Torus Vacuum X-202J Breaker Ming seale

                     *0" C   2780V-119A (OPC)           .1018             .1018 IX-203AContainment Atmosphere sampling               2780V-1193 (OPC)           .1018             .1018                   I 2780V-119El (OPC)         2.4584            2.4584      New Valve 2780V-119E2 (OPC)         2.4544             .1171      New Valvo IX-2038      Containment Atmosphere C   2780V-124A (OPC) 2780V-1248 (OPC)
                                                         .1018 N/A      Removed Sampling Return                                                       N/A      Removed 2780V-12481 (OPC)          .3715             .1089 I                              2780V-124E2 (OPC) 2i40V-124F1 (OPC) 2750V-124F2 (OPC)
                                                                           .2367 C   27A0V-117 (OPC)       7451.76 Vent & Purge                                                    114.525        A0V-118 IX-205 Containment (Torus Exhaust) 27A0V-118 (OPC) 27MOV-117 (OPC)

(combined) 10.8417 10.8417 repaired under WR 27MOV-123 (OPC) (combined) 60714 c IX-211Acontainment spray 10MOV-38A (OPC) 10MOV-39A (OPC) 1033.27 (combined) 87.1408 (combined). X -2115 Containment I C 10MOV-385 (OPC) 2733.33 spray 99.764' MOV-388 10MOV-398 (CPC) (combined) repaired ) under WR  ! 62286 1 C RCIC-04 (CPC) 8459.58 IX-212RCICTurbine Exhaust RCIC-05 (OPC) 677.479 17.1024 54.1067-RCIC-4, S replaced 13MOV-130 (OPC) .3054 .3054 under MOD F1-87-136-I  ; I i

4 I Type IPenetrationNo./ Svaten Test Equipment / Valves Tested Pre-Repair Leakane iaef/ day) Post-Repair Leakane faef/ day) Repair / Nottg X -214 HPCI Turbine I Exhaust C HPI-12 (OPC) HPI-65 (CPC) 3736.06 94.8776 96.4555 94.4776 HPI-12 replaced under mod F1-87-134 X-217 23MOV-59 (OPC) .2352 .2352 I. X-218 Torus C 16-1Aov-102A (OPC) 17.1024 2.7537 AoV-102A Pressure 16-1A0V-1028 (OPC) (combined) repaired (Mensor) Sensor under WR connection 62284 X-220 Torus C 27A0V-115 (OPC) 2.9318 2.9318 Inerting, CAD 27A0V-116 (CPC) I and Purge 27A0V-132A(OPC)

                                                  %D-67 (OPC)

PA0V-1328(CPC) (combined) 8.9228 (combined) 39.2998 (combined) 8.9228 (combined) 1.7052 CAD-70 (OPC) (combined) (combined) X-221 Condensate C RCIC-07 (CPC) 4.2960 8.2814 RCIC-7, 8 Drain From RCIC-08 (OPC) .1425 13.0813 replaced  !

                                                                                                           -under MOD X-831A (Electrical)                  8 "O" rings                  .2229              .2223 I

I I I i I 4 I I I ___.__.m . . . _



ANALYSIS i P0n:tration system No./ Type Equipment / Pre-Repair Post-Repair Repair / Te=t Valves Tested Leakaae (nef/dav) Leakaae tsef/ day) Notes l l 0 dog (GE-90) B "O" rings .1018 .1018 i 45 dog (GE-135) B "O" rings .1018 .1018 90 deg (GE-180) B "O" rings .1018 .1018 135 dog (GE-225) B "O" rings .1782 .1782 180 dog (GE-270) B "O" rings .1018 .1018 . 225 dog (GE-315) B *0" rings .1232 .1232 270 dog (CE-0) B "O" rings .1018 .1018 315 dog (GE-90) B "O" rings .2026 .2026 Dryw311 Head B "O" rings 25.2973 .1925 New "O" , rings 1 installed i X1-A Equipment & , Emergency B "O" rings .1018 .1018 Equip. Hatch

>                Escape Hatch                                                                             36.7498                                  .1018            Emerg. Hatch X-1B Equipment Hatch B                                   "O" rings                                             .2301                       .1217            No repair performod X-2A Personnel Access Hatch             B                "O" rings                                31.2526                                31.2526                                          ,

i X-4B Drywell Head , Manway B "O" rings .1125 .1018 IX-6 Hatch CRD Removal B "O" rings .2495 .2495


6 X-7A "A" Main Steam Line C 29AOV-80A (IPC) Cross 21.9886 AOV-80A l 29AOV-86A (OPC)- (combined) seat repaired under WR 29/72979 X-7B "B" Main Steam Line C 29AOV-808 (IPC) GROSS 11.9615 AOV-86B I 29AOV-86B (OPC) (combined) seat repaired under WR 29/72980 ,

                       "C" Main IX-7CSteam                        Line        C                29AOV-80C (IPC)                                       .1018                       .1018 29AOV-86C (OPC)                           (combined)

X-7D "D" Main Steam Line C 29AOV-80D (IPC) GROSS .3614 AOV-80D i 29AOV-86D (OPC) (combined) seat J repaired  ! under WR- l 29/72981 J l X-8 Condensate - l Drain C 29HOV-74 (IPC) 926.889 .1018 MOV-74' l 29MOV-77 (OPC) 2.8148 2.8148 replaced -1 MOD F1 128 l l l l I

i P n0tration No./ Type Equipment / Pre-Repair Post-Repair Repair / l System Test Valves Tested Leakase fmef/ day) Leakaae fnef/ day) Notes l l X-9A Feedwater C FWS-28A (IPC) 38.2768 34.2768 NRV-111A 13MOV-12 (OPC) .1018 .1018 replaced ' 34NRV-111A (OPC) (combined) under Mod l E 12MOV-69 F1-87-132 i X-9B Teodwater C F'es-288 (IPC) *245 15.5245 NRV-111W 23MOV-19 (OPC) 27V.v5 3.11 replaced 4 34NRV-1118 (OPC) (combined) under Mod i F1-87-132 , X-10 Steam to C 13MOV-15 (IPC) 401.601 7.7443 MOV-15: 13MOV-16 (CPC) (combined) repair &d IRCICTurbine under. WR13/72386 MOV-16: replaced with Mod F1-88-188 X-11 Steam to HPCI C 23MOV-15 (IPC) Gross 9.5794 MOV-15, Turbine 23MOV-16 (OPC) (combined) ~16 pack. 23MOV-60 (OPC) retorqued under WRs I 23/73064 & 23/73063 MOV-15 Discs & seats re-paired under WR 73041 X-12 Shutdown C 10MOV-18 (IPC) 127.25 127.25 MOV-17 Cooling Supply to 10MOV-17 (OPC) Gross 2.8656 repaired RHR by WR10/ 65175 l X-13A RHR (LPCI) C 10MOV-27A (OPC) 492.712 243.811 MOV-27A l Rsturn 10MOV-25A (OPC) 120.124 120.124 packing tightened >

                                                                                                                                                                          .per WR 10/73030                        .

X-13B RHR (LPCI) C 10MOV-278 (OPC) 641.34 88.8714 MOV-25B: R3 turn 10MOV-25B (OPC) 39.1421 39.1421 stem relaxed. ' Operator repaired under 17R - 10/71464- , I l _- , _. _ _ . _ _ _ ~ . . _ _ , - - .

_ . . . . - - ~ - . _ - - _ . . _ - - . . - ~ . . . - . . . . . . - . . - - . - _ _ . - . _ . . . . . . _ . - . . - . . . - - . _ . . . f i POnSystem tration No./ Type Equipment / Pre-Repair: Post-Repair Repair / Test Valves Tested Leakane facf/davn Leakaos faef/ day) Notes ' . I ! lX-14RWCUSupplyFrom C 12MOV-15 (IPC) GROSS 28.8094 MOV-15:New i g R: circulation 12MOV-18 (OPC) 391.93 23.5158 disc i 12MOV-80 (OPC) (combined) installed

under WR l

I 12/ 72988 MOV-18-80 ' replaced E under Mod . E ri-88-28' j -MI-90-006  ! C 14MOV-11A (OPC) .7539 .7539 l' IX-16ACoreSpray Pump Discharge 14MOV-12A (OPC) .6928 .6928 X-16B Core Spray C 14MOV-11B (OPC) .1018 .1018 Pump Discharge 14MOV-12B (OPC) .1018 .1018 X-17 RPV Head Spray C 10MOV-32 (IPC) 81.7963 24.7374 MOV-32 5 " 10MOV-33 (OPC) 1.7917 3.6241 repaired by WR 10/73033 X-18 Floor Drain C 20MOV-82 (IPC) .1558- .1558 Sump Discharge 20A0V-83 (OPC) .1553 .1553 X-19 Equipment Drain C 20MOV-94 (IPC) 44.1812 21.887 Leakage  ; Sump Discharge 20A0V-95 (OPC) 40.4655 '15.27 past20RDW- ' 91A, B repaired under WR 20/72978 I NOV-94 Replaced-by MOD F1-87-133 - 7 IX-22 Instrument Air / C IAS-22 (IPC) .1018 .1018  : Nitrogen 2780V-141 (OPC) .1018 .1018 X C ESW-16B (OPC) 9.2588 9.2588 A0V-130A: I-23CiolingAssembly "A" 5 apply RBC-24A (OPC) (combined) (combined) seat 15A0V-130A (OPC) 352.737 11.3507 topaired under , WR 73032 I-24CoolingAssembly X C ESW-16A (OPC) 15.27 .1018 ESW-16A

                      'B"  Supply                                             RBC-248 (OPC)                                          193.929                         13.234                       repaired                '
                                                                                                                                          -4.2858 I         X-25 Drywell Inerting,                         C 15A0V-1308 (OPC) 27A0V-111 (OPC)                                            18.5785 4.2858 18.5785 under WR 46/72753 CAD and X-71 Purge I                                                                   27A0V-112 (OPC)                                             (combined)                                                                     ?

27A0V-131A (OPC) GROSS .1018 CAD-68 CAD-68 (OPC) (combined) . repaired'  ! 27A0V-1318 (OPC) .8765 .8765- .by WR


CAD-69 (OPC) (combined) 27/73082-  ! __ __ _ _ - _ _ . . _ - . . . ._ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _. -. ,. _ L

  .-.m  _. , .       . . . _ .             . , . . - - . . . . .                  ,,m. . . .~. . .           ,. ..           .. ~......_...-.-m                  .- . . - . . m  ... . .

Il  ! .l l P:nstration No./ Typw Equipment / Pre-Repair Post-Repair Repair / i System Test _ Valves Tested Leakaos faef/ day) Leakaos facf/ day) Notes l C 2780V-120E1 (OPC) .1273 .1273 4 IX-26A containment Atmosphere 2750V-120E2 (OPC) .1018

                                                                                                                                                     .1044 2750V-119F1 (OPC) 2750V-119F2 (OPC)                           387.858                                  .1018                    80V-119F2 2780V-122E1 (OPC)                                  2.7333                          2.7333                     replaced             )

2780V-122E2 (OPC) .6796 .6796 under WR I 27/73083 X-26A containment \*ent C 27A0V-113 (OPC) 79.2004 79.2004

           & Purge                                             27A0V-114 (OPC)                              (combined)

X-268 (Drywell Exhau.'t) 27MOV-113 (OPC) .1181 .1181 I 27MOV-122 (OPC) (combined)  ; i X-31Ac "A" Recire C RWR-13A (IPC) .1018 .1018 ' Pump Seal Mini-Purge 02-280V-001 (OPC) 618.435 2.0666 SOV-001 Supply replaced under WR 72985 X-31Ad Drywell C 27SOV-135A (OPC) .1502 .1502 2780V-13EB (OPC) .1018 .1018 IContinuousAtmosphere Monitor sample supply X-31Bc "B" Recire C RWR-138 (IPC) .1344 .1344 SOV-002 Pump Seal Mini-Purge 02-280V-002 (OPC) 438.249 .1018 replaced supply under WR02/72984 X-31Bd Drywell C 2780V-1358 .1018- .1018 Continuous Atmosphere 6.4440 6.4440 Monitor Sample supply C/B 2750V-104d (OPC) 2.2447 ------- Valve IX-35ATIPProbe "O" Ring (OPC) .1018 ------- removal by Mod F1-88-253 IX-35B TIP Probe C/B 0780V-104A (OPC) 2.825 .8511 valve "0" Ring (OPC) 4.3673 .1018 replaced under MOD F1-88-253 X-35C TIP Probe C/8 0780V-104C (OPC) 5.8383. .1018 Valve "0" Ring (OPC) 4.2960 .1018 replaced I X-35D TIP Probe C/B 07S0V-104B (OPC) 2.7639 .1018

                                                                                                                                                                           -under Mod F1-88-253' Valve
                                                                "0" Ring (OPC) l  I                                                                                                                   .1018                         .1018                     replaced-under Mod F1-88-253-1 C/B CAD-901 (IPC)                                                            .1018                         -------                   Valves               ,

Purge Supply IX-35E TIP Indexer 2780V-001 (OPC) .1018 removed Ring l t "0" .1018- ------ - under Mod - l F1-88-253 1 c 2.4382 2.4382 l IX-39AContainment Spray 10MOV-26A (OPC). 10MOV-31A (OPC) (combined). I RHR-52A (OPC) ll

                                 -                         -- , . , - .     , ,_~                  ~- _             _            -              _    -       , - . ,                     ,..m,

l i PCnetration No./ Type Equipment / . Pre-Repair Post-Repair Repair / System Test Valves Tested Leakaos facf/ day) Leakaos faef/dav) Notes I

E X-39B Containment c 10MOV-263 (OPC) .3793 .3793

! g spray 10MOV-318 (OPC) (combined) { RHR-523 (OPC) C 02AOV-39 (IPC) 261.117 .509 System IX-41 Recirculation 02AOV-40 (OPC) 194.947 .5228 X-42 Standby Liquid C SLC-17 (IPC) 4.5505 .9773 SLC-16 l I Csntrol SLC-16 (OPC) .3314 .2540 replaced under Mod F1-87-129 X-45 Drywell Pressure C 16-1AOV-101A (OPC) .7895 .7895 (Mensor) Sensor Connection 16-1AOV-1013 (OPC) (combined) )

>    X-52A Drywell                C           2780V-125A (OPC)                      .1018                  .1018 Atmosphere                             2750V-125C (OPC)                      .1018                  .3018 r

Continuous Monitor Sample Return l 1 X-SSB Drywell C 2780V-125A (OPC) .4917 .4917 1 Continuous Atmosphere 2780V-1255 (OPC) .1018 .1018 l Monitor Sample Return -j X-57C Instrument C IAS-29 (IPC) .1502 .1502 Nitrogen 2780V-145 (OPC) .1018 .1018 J X-58B Drywell Hydrogen / C 2780V-122F1 (OPC) .1018 .1018 , Oxygen Sample Suppy 2780V-122F2 (OPC) .1018 .1018 5 X-58C Drywell Hydrogen / C 27SOV-120F1 (OPC) 2.0819 2.0819 Oxygen Sample Supply 27sOV-120F2 (OPC) .5717 .5717 IX-58DDrywellHydrogen/C Oxygen Sample Supply 2780V-123F1 (OPC) .1018 .1018 27SOV-123F2 (OPC) .1018 .1018 X-59 Drywell Hydrogen / C 2780V-123E1 (OPC) 1.8884 1.8884 Oxygen Sample Supply 2750V-123E2 (OPC) .3314 .3314 l X-62 Cooling Assembly C 15AOV-1318 (OPC) 20.7672 20.7672 "B" Return RBC-268 (OPC) 2.2142 2.2142 l IX-63"A" Recirculation Pump & Motor Coolers C RBC-21A (OPC) 21.2253 1.8121 Retested ESW-153 (OPC) ' (combined) sfter Su pply 15AOV-132A (OPC) .3513- .3513 c, Neck I. varve-inspection X 64 "A" Recirculation C 15AOV-133A (OPC) '5.1868 5.1868 l ISupply Pump & Motor Coolers RBC-22A (OPC) 4.0466 4.0466' X 65 Equipment Drain C 15AOV-134A (OPC) 7.600 7.600 ISumpCoolerReturn RBC-33 (OPC) 5.2020 5.2020 X-66 Cooling Assembly C 15AOV-131A (OPC) .3986 .3986 "A" Return RBC-26A (OPC) .7615 .7615-I X-67 "B" Recirc Pump C RBC-21B (OPC) .8659 .8659 ,

       & Motor Coolers Supply                 ESW-ISB (OPC)                        (combined) 15AOV-132B (OPC)                  28.706                  28.700 1
                                                                                                                                   .l 1

L __ , - , _ , . ~ . . . . ~ , -. ~

                                                                                        .   - .-.        -     - - A-~.       -
  - - . _             _ - -                     - - . . -             -.-        . . -. . . . ~                - - - - .                 -.-              . -    .-
l P n:tration System No./ Type Equipment / Pre-Repair Post-Repair Repair /
  • Test Valves Tested Leakaos faef/ day) Leakaae facf/ day) Notes X-68 "B" Recirc Pump C 15A0V-133B (OPC) 42.0434 10.0477 AoV-1338
               & Motor Coolers Supply                         RBC-228 (OPC)                              28.0459                28.0459            repaired under
  • WR15/73031 t

X-100A (Electrical) B "0" rings .1354 .1354 X-100B (Electrical) B "O" rings .1018 .1018  ! X-100C (Electrical) B "O" rings .8073 .8073


X-100D (Electrical) B "C" rings .6017 .6017 X-100F (Electrical) B "0" rings .1018 .1018 I X-100G (Electrical) B "O" rings .1018 .1018 X-100K (Electrical) B "0" rings .1018 .1018 X-101A (Electrical) B "o" rings .1018 .1018 X-101B (Electrical) B "o" rings .1018 .1018  ; X-101C (Electrical) B "0" rings .1018 .1018 -> X-1010 (Electrical) B "0" rings .1018 .1018 X-101E (Electrical) B "0" rings .1018 .1018 X-101F (Electrical) B "o" rings .1018 .1018 X-103A (Electrical) B "0" rings .1543 .1543 X-103B (Electrical) B "O" rings .1176 .1176 X-104C (Electrical) B "0" rings .1018 .1018 X-104D (Electrical) B "0" rings .1018 .1018 , X-104E (Electrical) B "O" rings .2413 -.2413 X-106A (Electrical) B "O" rings .1018 .1018

  • X-106B (Electrical) B "0" rings .3416 .3416 ,

X-107 (Electrical) B "O" rings .1965 .1965 X-108 (Electrical) B "0" rings .2596 .2596 X-109 (Electrical) B "O" rings .1018 .1018 X-110C (Electrical) B "O" rings .5014 .5014-X-110D (Electrical) B "O" rings .1018 .1018 X-111B (Electrical) B "0" rings .1222- .1222 X-200A Torus Access B "0" rings .1018 .1018 X-2008 Torus Access B "O" rings .1018' .1018 I

                                 , . - , . , - - - - - - -     -4.,.~     ..w, .    -,. ,             ,.                 ,

w- m , , e, .,

I IPonstrationNo./ System Type Test Equipment / Valves Tested Pre-Repair Leakaos facf/ day) Post-Repair Repair / Leakane faef/ day) Notes X-200C Torus Access B "O" rings .3054 .3054 X-2028 Torus to C 27AoV-101A (OPC) 108.417 108.417 R3 actor Building 27VB-6 (OPC) (combined) IX-2020VacuumBreakern 27A0V-1013 (OPC) 27VB-7 (OPC) 7.635 (combined) 7.635 X-202A Drywell To B "0" rings (27VB-1) .1604 .1604 Torus Vacuum IX-202PBreaker"O"Ringseale X-202B Drywell to B "O" rings (27VB-2) .4892 Torus Vacuum .4892 IX-202GBreaker"O"RingSeals X-202C Drywell to B "0" rings (27VB-3) .1360 .1360 Torus vacuum IX-202HDrywelltoTorusVacuum X-202D Drywell to B "O" rings (27VB-4) .4449 .4449 Torus Vacuum IX-202IBreaker"O"RingSeals X-202E Drywell to B "O" rings (27VB-5) .4648 .4648 Torus Vacuum IX-202JBreaker"O"RingSeals X-203A Containment C 2780V-119El (OPC) 6.9224 .1018 Atmosphere Sampling SOV-119El 2750V-119E2 (OPC) .1018 .1018 replaced under WR27/72982 X-203B Containment C 2780V-124E1 (OPC) .1304 .1304 Removed Atmosphere Sampling Return 2780V-124E2 (OPC) .1018 .1018 Removed 2780V-124F1 (OPC) .1767 .1767 2750V-124F2 (OPC) .1167 .1167 X-205 Containment Vent C 27A0V-117 (OPC) GROSS 143.538

               & Purge (Torus Exhaust)                                              .

A0V-117 27A0V-118 (OPC) (combined) repaired 27MOV-117 (OPC) 34 5102 I 27MOV-123 (OPC) (combined)

                                                                                                 .3131     under WR 73092 MOV-123 repaired by WR27/65165 X-211A containment       C         10MOV-38A (OPC)           84.6976 Spray                                                                           84.6976 10MOV-39A (OPC)           (combined)           (combined)

X-211B Containment c 10MOV-388 (OPC) 2b7.554 Spray 116.b61 MOV-38B 10MOV-398 (OPC) (combined) repaired under WR X-212 RCIC Turbine C RCIC-04 (OPC) 44.8938-Exhaust 44.8938 RCIC-05 (0(C) 49.0167 49.0167 X-214 HPCI Turbine C HPI-12 (OPC) .2189 Exhaust .2189 HPI-65 (OPC) 2.9828 2.9828 I I .

1 PCn3tration No./ Type Equipment / Pre-Repair Post-Repair Repair / syntam Test valves Tested Leakaos fsef/ day) Leakaos fsef/ day) Notes X-218 Torus Pressure C 16-1AOV-102A (OPC) 2.3465 2.3465 ) (Mensor) sensor 16-1AOV-1028 (OPC) (combined) Connection C 27AOV-115 (OPC) 3.1151 3.1151 IX-220TorusInerting, CAD and Purge 27AOV-116 (OPC) (combined) (combined) 27AOV-132A (OPC) 1.6639 1.6639 l CAD-67 (OPC) (combined) (combined) , l 27AOV-1328 (OPC) .2820 .2820 l g CAD-70 (OPC) (combined) (combined) ) X-231A (Electrical) B "O" rings .1018 .1018 l I I g . I I l l l I l l I 1 l

l. .

l . I 9.3 1990 LOCAL LEAEAGE RATE TEST "AS FOUND" ANALYSIS The pre-repair LLRT, the repair, and the post-repair LLRT for each I i I boundary, or penetration, was reviewed. The not leakage contribution for each penetration was determined using the following criteria: l l 1

1. A leakage equivalent to the repair improvement achieved on each valve in the penetration is calculated.

l I 2. The leakage equivalent is the difference between the pre-repair and the post-repair LLRT results.

3. If a repair was not performed, a zero leakage equivalent is assessed to the valve.
4. The leakage equivalent assessed to a penetration may be I reduced due to the safety-related service . of the system associated with the penetration (s) . Justification for this reduction will be provided with the analysis. l
5. The not equivalent leakage for the penetration is the lowest of the inside or outside valve grouping (e.g., simulated minimum pathway leakage). '


6. If the "As-Left" leakage of a repaired valve is lower than the "As-Lett" leakage of a valve that didn't require a repair, then the penetration not equivalent leakage is the dif ference between the "As-Left" leakages.
7. For series valves tested together, the penetration not equivalent leakage is half the total leakage when both valves are repaired at the same time (prior. to performing another test).

(l m 8. When the summation of the leakage equivalent and the leakage measured during (s)awith successful Type A test(s)isshall greater than L,d I the penetration excessive under a corrective action program. leakage be analyze l i I l l I Page 31- i

 -      _ . . -   . __   . - . - ..   -.       - - -         .   . - . . . . - - - . -                      - - - .    -       -~   - .-           ~ . - - .

I Ca ponent ID PEN. LLRT VALUE SCFD PEhttRAftom AS FOUND LLRT VALUE SCFD PENEfRAfl0W AS LEFT PENETRAf!ON LEAKAGE TYPE 'A' TEST LEAKAGE AS FC1JWD MIN PATH AS LEFT MIN PATM IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEutWT DW NEAD kA 25.2873 25.2873 0.1925 0.1925 25.0948 25.0948 j 1 DW STAB O' kA 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 j l DW STAB 45' WA 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.10;8 0.0000 DW $tA8 90* h4 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 DW stab 135' NA 0.1782 0.1782 0.1782 0.1782 0.0000 l DW stab 180' NA 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 DW stab 225' NA 0.1232 0.1232 0.1232 0.1232 0.0000 DW st AB 270' NA 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 DW stab 315' hA 0.2026 0.2026 0.2026 0.2026 0.0000 EQUIP MATCH x 1A 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 PERSONNEL x 2A 31.2526 31.2526 31.2526 31.2526 0.0000 AIRLOCK EQUIP HATCH x.18 0.2301 0.2301 0.1217 0.1217 0.1084 0.1084 MANWAY 0 RINO x4 0.1125 0.1125 0.1018 0.1018 0.0107 0.0107 I 0 RING X6 0.2495 0.2495 0.2495 0.2495 0.0000 29A0v 80A/86A x.7A CROSS 29.5090 29.5090 29.5090 0.0000 29A0v 808/868 x 78 Cross 16.0524 16.0524 16.0524 0.0000 29A0va80C/86C x 7C 0.1018 0.1367 0.1367 0.1367 0.0000 29A0v 800/860 x.7D CROSS 0.4850 0.4850 0.4850 0.0000 29Mov 77 x8 966.0820 926.8890 10.1800 0.1018 926.7872 926.7872 29Mov 74 x8 926.8890 0.1018 34WRV 111A/ X 9A 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0U00 12Mov69/13Mov21 a combined 34FWS 28A X 9A 38.2768 38.2768 34hRV 1118/ x 94 26.5698 15.5254 0.1018 0.1018 15.4236 15.4236 23mov 19 a caet ned centined x 9A I 34FWS 288 15.5245 15.5245 13Mov 15 x 10 401.6010 1.6950 7.7433 7.7433 6.0483 13Mov 15/16 x 10 1.6950 12.3687 23Mov 15 x 11 76.4009 76.4009 1.7052 1.7052 74.6957 74.6957 I I I l I I

l . , I Couponent ID PEN. LLRT VALUE PENEftAfl0N LLRT VALUE PENEftAfl0N PENEfkAfl0N T1Pt 'A5 ft$f

;                           #                SCFD                          AS FOUNO                     SCFD        AS LEFT                                LEAKAGE          LEAKAGE i                                       At FmJND                           MIN P&fM                  Al LEFT       NIN PATM                              IMPROVEleENT     IMPROVEME NT I

I 23seov 15,16,60 x 11 Ghost 9.5796 10n0V 17 x.12 Gaoss 127.2500 2.8656 2.86% 124.3844 Nott 2 10n0V 18 x 12 127.2500 127.2500 i N 25A X* 120.1240 120.1240 120.1240 120.1240 0.0000 13A W 10n0V 27A X* 492.7120 243.8110 13A I 10nov 258 10Mov 275 x-138 x-39.1421 641.3400 39.1421 39.1421 88.8741 39.1421 0.0000 138 12m0V 15 x 14 Geoss 28.8094 12mov 18,80 X 14 391.9300 391.9300 29.8274 29.8274 362.1026 362.1026 l I 14asov 12A 14eov 11A X-16A x-0.6928 0.7539 0.6928 0.6928 0.7539 0.6928 0.0000 i I 148eov 128 16A X-168 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 I 14aeov 118 10Mov 32 X-168 x 17 0.1018 81.7963 1.7917 0.1010 24.7374 3.6241 1.8324 10ssov 33 x 17 1.7917 3.6241 20Mov 82 x 18 0.1558 0.1553 0.1558 0.1553 0.0000 20A0V 83 x 18 0.1553 - I 0.1553 20MOV 94 x 19 44.1812 40.4655 21.8870 21.8870 18.5785 18.5785 20A0V 95 X 19 40.4655 15.2700 391A$ 22 x 22 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000

27$0V 141 x 22 0.1018 0.1018 l 15tec 24A/ x 23 9.2588 9.2588 9.2588 9.2588 0.0000 t

46EsW-168 x 23 comelned ecebined 15A0v 130A x 23 352.7370 11.3507 15tsc 248/ X 24 193.9290 4.2858 13.2340 4.2858 0.0000 46ESW 16A X 24 ceabined combined 1540V 130s x.24 4.28$8 4.2858 27A0V 111/112 x. 18.5785 18.5785 25/ I 71 l l 27A0v 131/ CAD- x- Ga055 9.8293 0.1018 9.8293 0.0000 1 68 25/ i I j I ,.--r

             ,        .           -- ~   ,y-..    - - - - - , - - . - , ,        ,,_..g., . , -. . ,                          , . , _ ~,-, , , , - . , ,              -,      ,,,e,, - , . - .,

[ Ccaponent 10 PEN. LLtf VALUE PENETRAfl0N LLtf VALUE PENETRATION PENEftAfl0N TTPE *A" TES? l # SCFD AS FOUND SCFD AS LEFT LEAKAGE LEAXAGE AS FOUND MIN PAYN AS LEFT MIN PATM IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT 27A0v 1310/ CAD- X 25/ 0.8765 0.8765 71 ' l 69 2FA0v 113,114 x- 79.2004 39.6002 79.2004 39.6002 0.0000 i

   =                                 26A,8 27Mov 113,122             x-              0.1181                  0.0591               0.1181                     0.0591      0.0000 l

I 2780V 119F1 26A,8 x-26A,8 0.1044 0.1044 0.1044 0.1044 0.0000 I 2750V 119F2 3780v 120E1 X. 26A,8 x-387.8580 0.1273 0.1018 0.1273 1 26A,e 2750v 120E2 X- 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 1 26A,4 2FSOV 122E1 X- 2.7333 2.7333 26A,8 27sov 122E2 x* 0.6796 0.6796 0.6796 0.6796 0.0000 26A,8 02 2RW 13A x- 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 31Ac 02 250v 001 X- 618.4340 2.0666 I. 02 2Rw 138 31Ac

x. 0.1344 0.1344 0.1344 0.1018 0.0326 0.0326 Site

! 03 2$0v 002 X- 438.2490 0.1018 W 31BC  ! 27 tov 135C x- 0.1502 0.1502 3140 l 2780v 135A x- 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 i 31AD l 37$0v 1350 X- 6.4440 6.4440 1 3180 27sov 1358 x- 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 I 0750V 1040 3100 35A x- 2.2447 2.3465 2.3465 2.3465 I 0 RINO x- 0.1018 i 354 0F$0v 104A x- 2.8250 7.1923 0.8511 0.9529 6.2394- 6.2394 358 0 tlNG x- 4.3673 0.1018 358 I 0Flov 104C x- 5.8383 10.1343 0.1018 0.2036 9.9307 9.9307 , 35C 0 RING X- 4.2960 0.1018 35c 07S0V 1040 X- 2.7639 2.8657 0.1"18 0.2036 2.6621 2.6621 32 l 0 RING X- 0.1018 0.1018 350 3

I Ccamponent 10 Pt h . LLRT VALut PthtfRA710N LLRT VALut PENETRAfl0N PENETRAi!ON ffPE *A" Itti 8 SCFD A$ FOUND SCFD A8 LIFT LEAKAGE LEAL &GE AS FOUND p!N PATM AS Liff NIN PATM IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT 27 CAD 901 K- 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 35E I 2F$ov 001 x-

                            !$t 0.1018 0-RING             x-     0.1018 I         10M0v 31A,26A, 35t x-39A 2.4382         1.2191    2.4382      1.2191       0.0000 10awa 52A             a ecueined                 contined 10M0v-318,268,     x-     0.3793         0.1897    0.3793      0.1997       0.0000 398 10aMR 52s             a contined                 contined 02 3$0v 39         K 41 261.1170                   0.5090                                                 -

I 02 2sov 40 x 41 ~ 194.9470 194.9470 0.5228 0.5228 194.4242 194.. 2 11 TLC 17 x 42 4.5505 4.5505 11SLC 16A K 42 0.3314 0.3314 0.2540 0.2540 0.0774 0.0774 I 16 1A0v 101A 8 3FSov 125C x 45 K-0.7895 0.1018 0.3948 0.1018 0.7895 0.1018 0.3948 0.1018 0.0000 0.0000 52A W 27sov 125A x- 0.1018 0.1018 5. 2Fsov 1250 x- 0.4917 0.4917 g $5. 27sov 1258 x- 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1918 0.0900 558 I ( 39tAs 29 2Fsov 145 x-

                            $7C x-0.1502 0.1018 0.1502 0.1018    0.1018      0.1018       0.0000 57C 37sov 122F2        x-     0.1018         0.1018    0.1018      0.1018       0.0000 588 2Fsov 122F1        X-     0.1018                   0.1018 588 37$0V 120F2        x-     0.5717         0.5717    0.5717      0.5717       0.0000 58C I       2F$ov 122F1        X-58C 2.0819                   2.0819 3

27sov 123F2 x- 0.1018 I 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 - 580 " l 27sov 123F1 0.1018 0.1018 - x580 2Fsov 123(2 x 59 0.3314 0.3314 0.3314 0.3314 0.0000 27sov 123t1 x-59 1.8884 1.8884 15A0v 1318 X-62 20.7672 20.7672 20.7672 20.7672 0.0000 15tsc 268 x 62 2.2142 2.2142 1GRBC 21A/ x 63 21.2253 0.3513 1.8121 0.3513 0.0000 e6tSW 15A = contined contined l

4 Comparent 10 FEN. LLRT VALut PENETRATIDW LLRT WAlut Pr22TkAfl0N PENETRAfl0N ITP8 'A8 TE$f 8 SCFD AS FOUND SCFD AS LEFT LEAEAGE LEAKAGE Al P&NC NIN PATN AS LEFT Mlu P&fM INP90VtW NT INPROVEWWT 1540v 132A x 63 0.3513 0.3513 1540v 133A x 64 5.1468 5.1868 5.1868 5.1868 0.0000 15tte 22A x 64 4.0466 4.0466 1540v 134A x 65 7.6000 7.6000 7.6000 74*ih0 0.0000 15tsC 33 x 65A 5.2020 5.2020 1 1540v 131A x 66 0.3986 6 0.3986 0.3986 0.0000 15tte 26A x 66 0.7615 0.7615 1548C 218/ x 67 0.8659 0.8650 0.8659 0.8659 0.0000 46ESW 158 = castilned I 1540v.13?B 1540v 1338 x 67 x 68 28.7076 42.0434 42.0434 28.7076 10.0477 10.0477 31.9957 31.9957 15ttC 228 x 68 28.0459 28.0459 EttC Ptu x- 0.1354 0.1354 0.1354 0.1354 0.0000 100A ELEC PEN X-I 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 1005 ELEC PEN x- 0.8073 0.8073 0.8073 0.8073 0.0000 100C ELEC PEN x- 0.6017 0.6017 0.6017 0.6017 0.0000 1000 ELEC PEN x- 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 100, 0.0000 1 EttC PEN ** 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 1000 I (LEC PEN ELEC PEN x-100K X-0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 101A 3 EttC PEN x- 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 toit (LEC Pth X. I 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 101C


ELEC PEN x- 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 1010 ELEC PtW X- 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 101E a ELEC PtW X- 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 101F ELtc PEN x- 0.1543 0.1543 0.1543 0.1543 103A 0.0000 ELEC PtW x- 0.1176 1 1038 0.1176 0.1176 0.1176 0.0000 ELEC PEN x- 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 104C

 '1  J ELEC PEN       x-        0.1018       0.1018    0.1018      0.1018       0.0000 1040 ELEC Ptu       x-        0.2413       0.2413     0.2413     0.2413       0.0000 104E e
   .-- - - - - . - . - - - - - - ..~                        .. . - - - . . .--             .     . - -    - . -    _- -- .              .-       -


                                                  #        SCFD                  AS FOUNO      SCFD      AS LIFT              LEAKAGE        LEAKAGE    ;

l A$ FMNS CilN PATM A$ LEFT C*lN PATM I W ROWENENT IMPROVEMENT i ELEC PEN X. 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 l 106A ELEC PEN x- 0.3416 0.3416 0.3416 0.3416 0.0000 l 1060 EttC PEN x*107 0.1965 0.1965 0.1965 0.1%5 0.0000 EttC Pfu x 108 0.2596 0.2596 0.2596 0.2506 0.0000 tLtc PEN x 109 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 W (LEC PEN ** 110C 0.5014 0.5014 0.5014 0.5014 0.0000 I ELEC PEN ELEC PEN x. 1100 x* 0.1018 0.1222 0.1018 0.1222 0.1018 0.1222 0.1018 0.1222 0.0000 0.0000 1 I 111e ELtc PEN x. 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 231A 0 RING x. 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 200A 0 RING x. 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 200s I 80TTON 0 RING TOP 0 RING x. 200C x. 0.1018 0.1018 0.3054 0.1018 0.1018 0.3054 0.0000 I CAvlTY 0 RING 200C x. 200C 0.1018 0.1018 V8 1 0 RlWG/ x- 0.1604 0.1604 0.1604 0.1604 0.0000 202F STUFFING B0X X- combined combined 202F YB 2 0 RING / X- 0.4892 0.4892 0.4892 0.4892 0.0000 202G x-l3 ! STUFFING B0X 202C combined combined V8 3 0 RING / X- 0.1360 0.1360 0.1360 0.1360 0.0000 202N STUFFING Sox x* combined combined 202N V8 4 0 RING / x- 0.4449 0.4449 0.4449 0.4449 0.0000 2021 STUFFileG Box x- combined combined 202I I VB 5 0 RING / STUFFING tox X-202J x. 0.4648 combined 0.4648 0.4648 combined 0.4648 0.0000 I 27A0V 1018/ 202J X-2028/ 7.6350 58.0260 7.6350 58.0260 0.0000 27ve 7 202G combined combined 27A0V 101A x. 106.4170 108.4170 2025/ I 27VB 6 2020 conbimd combined 27sov.119t2 x. 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.1018 0.0000 203A I

6 I Component ID PEN. f LLtf VALut SCFD A$ FOUND PENttRAfl0N A$ FOUND OIN PATM LLRI VALUE SCFD AS LIFT L MC3fRAflom AS LEFT NIN PAIN PENETRAfl0N LEAEAGE Iwe0VIIENT TYPE 'A8 ftST Lt4KAtt IMPROVtMENT I 2780V 119t1 2730V 124t2 X. 203A x-6.9224 0.1304 0.2194 0.1018 0.1304 0.2194 0.0000 203s 2750V 124t1 X- 0.1018 0.1018 2038 I 2750V 124F2 X- 0.1176 0.1176 2038 2780V 124F1  ;- 0.1767 0.1767 2038 2740V 117 E 205 caoss 187.8210 143.5380 143.8511 43.9699 43. % 99 27A0V 118 M 205 coelned combined


I 27NOV 117 2Me0V 123 I 205 X 205 34.5102 cambined 17.2551 0.3131 coelnad 0.3131 16.9420 16.9420 I 10MOV 34A X. 84.6976 42.3448 84.6976 42.3480 0.0000 211A 10MOV 39A X. combined combined 211A i I 10MOV 388 10MOV 398 X-2118 X. 257.5540 coetned 128.7770 116.5610 108.2805 20.4965 Nott 2 combined I 13acic 4 13acic 5 2118 u 212 44.8938 44.8938 44.8938 44.8938 0.0000 X 212 49.0167 49.0167 23rPI 12 x 214 0.2189 0;2189 0.2189 0.2189 0.0000 23rP! 65 Matte 2.9828 2.9828 I 16 140V 102A 16 140v 1028 x 218 X 218 2.3465 caeined 1.1733 1.1733 1.1733 0.0000 27A0v 115 x 220 3.1151 3.1151 27A0v 116 x 220 combined cosined 27A0v 132A x 220 1.6339 2.5155 1.6339 2.5155 0.0000 27 CAD 67 X 220 combined coelnad 27A0V 1328 M 220 0.2820 0.2820 27 CAD 70 X.220 combined cambined i TOTALS 2,700.1663 I 831.7323 1,868.4340 1,731.5238 1

l . i ll lI 9.3 1990 LOCAL LE&EAGE RATE TEST "AS FOUND" ANALYSIS l I ==>  ;

1. The resulting not equivalent "As Found" leakage of 5915.0128

, SCFD or 0.5705 percent / day, indicates that the plant allowable "As Found" leakage rate limit of L, or 1.5  : .i percent / day was not exceeded.  !

2. The RHR system restores and. maintains the coolant inventory 1 in the reactor vessel so that the core is adequately cooled after a LOCA. The'RHR system also provides containment '

j cooling so that condensation of the steam resulting from the blowdown due to the design LOCA is ensured. The RHR. system I valves, piping, and components.have been designed as 1

  ,l            essentially a leaktight systen, (seismic, safety-related).

During plant operations, periodic inspections are performed. i I Reference JAFNPP UFSAR~Section 4.8, RHR system. I '

                                                          .                  l I                                                                          l I                                                                          '

I I I I 1 I I

j lI ,l 9.4 1988 6 1990 CONTAIantENT BOUNDARY MODIFIC&t' IONS The following changes to the primary containment were made during  ; jI the 1988 Refueling Outage 1 1

1. 12MC <-69 added with Mod. F1-87-068 (Replaces 12RWC-62 as CIV) .


2. Replacement 13MOV-15 installed with Mod. F1-87-016.
3. Replacement 23MOV-15 & -16 installed with Mod. F1-86-039.


4. Replacement 12MOV-15 installed with Mod. F1-87-130.
5. Service Air Valves 39SAS-9 & -10. deleted. Penetration X-21 capped (Mod. F1-87-056).
6. Replacement 10MOV-26A, B, & -31A, B, installed with Mod.

F1-87-133. J l 7. 02AOV-39 & -40 replaced by 02SOV-39 & -40 under Mod. F1-87-045.

8. Replacement 13RCIC-4 & -5' installed with Mod. F1-87-136.
9. Replacement 23HPI-12 & -65 installed with Mod. F1-87-134.


10. Replacement 13RCIC-7 & -8 installed with Mod. F1-87-135.

The following changes to the primary containment were made.during the 1990 Refueling Outage.

1. Replacement 29MOV-74 installed with mofification F1-87-128.
2. Replacements for 34NRV-111A & -111B installed with modifications F1-87-132.
3. Replacements for 12MOV-18 & -80 installed with modifications ,

F1-88-189 and M1-90-006.

4. Replacement 13MOV-16 installed with modification F1-88-188.
5. Replacement 20MOV-94 installed with modification F1-87-133. ,
6. Replacement 11SLC-16 installed with modification F1-87-129.
7. As part of the TIP system modification (F1-88-253),

penetratione X-35A and X-35E were capped and spared. Isolation valves 0750V-104A, B & C were replaced and lccated on  ; penetrations X-35B, C & D. I l I _ , _ , - . . . _ . ~ . . _ _ - - ___


1) ST-39F Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Test Procedure.

I 8) Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Appendix J.

3) ANSI N45.4 - 1972, " Leakage Rate Testing of Containment I Structures for Nuclear Reactors," American Nuclear Society,(March 16, 1972).

I 4) Steam Tables, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, (1967). ,

5) TER Services, Inc., ATEST Computer Code.
6) ANSI /ANS- 56.8 - 1987, " Containment'Systen Leakage Testing Requirements," American Nuclear Society, I 7) BN-TOP 1972, Rev. 1, Testing Criteria for Integrated Leakage Rate Testing of Primary Containment Structures for Nuclear Power Plants.

I I . I I I I I

. . . - . . - . . . - . _ - -. - - . - - _ . - _ . . - - - . _ _ - . - - j

I i

I  ; i l l i. l

                                                                        .                                                                                l

< TABLE I ! Instrumentation Locations Schematic i Weighting Factors lI l I i i I I I  : I '

          ,   -       - , - - . . - . .       .-..-....-....~.-...--....-_,-....-....-.-:----.-~. - - . .



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  • 06-20-1990 WEIGHT TABLE DESCRIPTION WEIGHT DESCRIPTION WEIGHT 1 RTD 1 0.0490 DC 1 0.2029 RTD 2 0.0490 DC 2 0.2029 RTD 0.1058 0.1475 l

I RTD RTD 3 4 5 0.1058 0.0390 DC DC DC 3 4 5 0.1475 0.1496 l l RTD 6 0.0390 DC 6 0.1496 1 l' RTD 7 0.0140 DC 7 0.0000 RTD 8 0.0140 DC 8 0.0000 PTD 9 0.0159 DC 9 0.0000 ' ' l RTD 10 0.0159 DC 10 0.0000 I W RTD 11 0.0213 DC 11 0.0000. ] RTD 12 0.0213 DC 12 0.0000 13 I RTD RTD RTD 14 15 0.0185 0.0185 0.0337 DC DC DC 13 14 15 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 l RTD 16 0.0337 RTD 17 0.2029 FLOW 1 1.0000 , RTD 18 0.2029 FLOW 2 0.0000 RTD 19 0.0000 I RTD RTD RTD 20 21 22 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 PRES PRES PRES 1 2 3 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000 RTD 23 0.0000 PRES 4 0.5000 IRTD RTD 24 25 0.0000 0.0000 PRES PRES 5 0.0000 6 0.0000 RTD 26 0.0000 I l RTD 27 0.0000 ' i RTD 28 0.0000 RTD 29 0.0000 .; I RTD RTD RTD 30 31 32 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 i 1 33 I RTD RTD RTD 34 35 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 RTD 36 0.0000 l 37 0.0000 IRTD RTD 38 0.0000 1 RTD 39 0.0000 I RTD RTD RTD 40 41 42 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 RTD 43 0.0000 I RTD RTD 44 45 0.0000 0.0000 RTD 46 0.0000 47 0.0000 IRTD RTD 48 0.0000 RTD 49 0.0000 RTD 50 0.0000 I j I l

1 1 I l l I l i 'l. 1 i. l APPENDIX A ATEST COMPUTER PROGRAM SUISIARY , iI i 4 s 1 l i I I l 1 1 1 I  ; I j

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~3 0

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1.O INTRODUCTION The Type A Test is an integrated leakage rate test (ILRT) designed ' to verify the loak test integrity of the entire containmenu I building. This test is performed at approximately three-year intervals as required by Appendix J of 10 CFR 50. It is performed in accordance with the American National Standard " Containment I System Leakage Testing Requirements," American National Standard " Leakage Rate(ANSI /ANS- 56.8-1907). Testing of Primary Containment for Nuclear Power Plants," (ANSI N45.4-1972), and the Bechtel Topical Report " Testing Criteria for Integrated Leakage I Rate Testing of Nuclear Power Plants," (BN-TOP-1, Rev. 1-1972). The ATBsT program computes total time leakage rates, mass point I leakage rates, LSF leakage rates, and 95% upper confidence level (UCL) leakage rates during the course of the test from input measured values of containment pressure, temperature and dew point. The ATEST program is designed to automate the task of sampling and reducing documents. the data to a usable form in accordance with the above This greatly limits the possibility of human error and I provides intermediate results after a short delay. This makes it possible to monitor the progress of the test very closely in approximately real time. For each of the two test periods, the I ATEST program samples the containment's environment and calculates the values needed to assess the status of the test. Interim results are provided as desired and the program checks to see if I the acceptance criteria have been satisfied for the two test periods. The program also produces a printout of all data gathered as well as a record of its calculations. In addition, the data are i stored on hard or floppy computer disks for future reference. The I program can recover from a power failure or any other accidental interruptions of the program's execution by reloading the old data and restarting the data sampling routine at the proper location. I- Lastly, should one of the RTDs or dew cells fail during the test, the program will detect the problem and the user can remove that sensor form further calculations. When the test is completed, the I program has the ability to recalculate all values for the test, suppressing any failed sensors or instruments from the entire series of calculations. ATEST is written in a high level language (QuickBASIC) and is designed for use on a micro-computer with direct data input from the data acquisition syM0m. Brief descriptions of program use, I i formulae used for leakage rata computations, and program logic are provided in the following sections. I I i


I 2.0 RIPLAMATION OF PROGRAM i The ATEST computer program is written for use by experienced ILRT l personnel, to determine containment integrated leakage rates based on the Absolute Method described in' ANSI N45.4-1972, ANSI /ANS56.8-1987, and BN-TOP-1. Information loaded into the program prior to or at the start of the test: . a, Number of containment atmosphere drybulb temperature sensore, dew point temperature (water vapor pressure) sensors and I b. pressure gages to be used in leakage rate computations for the specific test, Volume fractions assigned to each of the above sensors,

c. Calibration data for above sensors.

I d. f. Test pressure, Maximum allowable leakage rate at test pressure. I Data recorded from the data acquisition system during the test, and


used to compute leakage rates:

a. Time and date.

.I b. c. Containment atmosphere drybulb temperatures. Containment atmosphere pressure (s).

d. Containment atmosphere dew point temperatures.
e. Containment free air volume.

3 If an instrument.or sensor should fail during.the test, the data 5 from the sensor is not used. The volume fractions. for the remaining. sensors are recomputed and reloaded into the program for use in ensuing leakage rate. computations.. I I


I. q t I I I i 4 -

I 3.0 PROGRAM LOGIC AND OPERATION SU!@ULRY I- The ATEST computer program logic flow is controlled by a set of user options after. executive ' questions. The user options and a brief description of their associated function are presented below: . . LOG ON/OFF Allows for the use of the data acquisition system. for electronic entry and permanent I recording of data. Conversely, this toggle .can suspend the entry / recording process. AUTO / MANUAL This key (de) activates tho' automatic data entry and allows manual entry. I MAINT Provides for maintenance of, the data, calibration, and weighting factor files. Its-features include defining weighting factors, changing the time increment of logging -data, 3 l deleting a file record, displaying a record's ' average environmental contents, and changes the individual record's content. This key has several sub-tiers. INPUT Provides for eit' 'r a pre-arranged manual: I entry (s) or in the MANUAL mode, the input the recorded. data. REPORTS This key performs the' calculations of program and prints the.results. This key hasDaeveral- ' sub-tiers.- , I' PLOTS 1 This function implements 1the graphics portion :D of the program. Any. channel or' leakage-rate ' can be plotted. This _ key has .several sub-I END JOB


This key will properly terminatedthe program. n {


I IL 1 l 1

                                                                              ,                  .a 1
               &f                                                                    - < _ - -
                                                        ,                                                                                                                                  j I                                                                                                                                                                                1
,              .                    4.O                 COMPUTER REPORTS AND PLOTS-l 4.1                 Reports                                                                                                                                j REPORTS Does the analysis of the data' accumulated by the ILRT' system and then prints out a report of the results. The types -                                                                        ,

of analysis performed are: mass point,. total time, J environmenta.1 averages, mass loss, temperature stabilization,

                                                                                                                ~                                                                              1 and data rejection. All results from the analysis are printed =                                                                        l
       .E                                               off a thermal printer.           The subprogram REPORTS-requires 2the                                                                  ]

3 user to select a valid time window or record window as listed' below as a prerequisite for doing-analysis.' SENSOR LIST This report outputs'all the sensor: data for.ther selected records. MASS LOSS The mass loss!' analysis -;is based on the ANSI /ANS 56.8-1987 Standard-acceptance: criteria'and calculations TEMP STAB The temperature stabilization.analysisDis based;on. I-the Bechtel Topical ReportL (BN-TOP-1) and the. ANSI /ANS: 56.8- .l 1987 Standard with their respective;acceptanceLcriteria and: ' I calculations. DATA REJECTION .The data rejection,an ysisfinfbased on.the. 1 Bechtel Topical Report 1(BN-TOP-1); and the ANSI /ANS .56.'8-1987


l Standard, Appendix D,. with their: respective'3 acceptance criteria and calculations. u l TOTAL TIME The' total time analysisc is . based; on :the JBechteli Topical ' Report . (BN-TOP-1) ' and :its, acceptance : criteria and-j

                                                                                       '                                                                                                  .i calculations.

MASS POINT The mass point. analysis 11sLbhsed-on'the ANSI /ANS i 56.8-1987 Standard acceptance criteriatand' calculations. ', ENVIRONMENT The environment; analysis?is: based?on the Bechtel Topical Report (BN-TOP-1) . and the; analysis'Lis" based on the d ANSI N45.4-1972 Standard and ' its L acceptance: '

criteria ~ and 1
             ,                                          calculations.                                                                               .                                       U 4.2 Plots                                                                                                                                           i The' Graphics subprogram allows the. user to plotith's mass point .                                                                  1 analysis, . total' time Lanalysis,;fand- displayed (6 channels..                                                                        l
      ~g.                                               Further, plots-can be'made in atbatch mode bydinstrument type l                                                                   '

g :- to a printer,or'a plotter.. PLOTS-performsLautoranging onsthe; data . being - plotted - for axes valusia E < PLOTS ? requires 1 the ~ user. I

             .                                         to . select any valid. - time windowL ori ' record window f asi c a "

prerequisite for plotting.s j

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I *DATE 20-1990TEMPERATURE STABILIZATILIZATION TIME - 10:32:58 l l TIME TEMP TEMP BN-TOP-1 BN-TOP-1 TEMP ANSI 3 (DELTA) DIFF AVG AVG RATE AVG CRIT-(HOURS) TEMP INCR (1 HR) (2 HR) (2 HR) (4 HR)- I 0.00 543.664 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 l 0.25 543.313 -0.351 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 i O.50 543.245 -0.068 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I l 0.75 543.035 -0.210 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.00 542.945 -0.090 543.304 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 , l 1.25 542.827 -0.118 543.070 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.50 542.754 -0.073 542.999 0.000 0.000 0.000 I 1.75 542.708 2.00 542.453

                                          -0.255 542.871 542.699 0.000
                                                                -0.605 0.000 0.000 0.605 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 j

i 2.25 542.470 0.017 542.648 -0.421 0.421 0.000 0.000 I 2.50 542.371 2.75 542.331 3.00 542.255

                                          -0.076 542.563 542.519 542.354
                                                                -0.345 0.437 0.352 0.345 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000-0.000 0.000 3,25 542.237                      542.354 I          3.50 3.75 542.193 542.180
                                          -0.013 542.282 542.255
                                                                -0.264 0.295 0.281 0.'264 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.00     542.241          0.061   542.248     -0.106     0.106     -0 356         0.342 I          4.25 4.50 4.75 542.080 542.076 542.108
                                          -0.004 0.032 542.159 542.134 542.144
                                                                -0.111 0.195 0.148 0.111
                                                                                     -0.232 0.151-0'.176 0.160 5.00    542.168-          0.060   542.205 I          5.25 5.50 542.052 542.074
                                          -0.116 0.022 542.066 542.075
                                                                -0.059 0.043 0.092 0.059
                                                                                     -0. m c
                                                                                     -0.170 0.121 0.166 0.168 5.75     542.140          0.066   542.124     -0.020     0.052     -0.142         J.174 6.00     542.116        -0.024    542.142     -0.063     0.063     -0.084         L.032-6.25     542.067        -0.049    542.059     -0.007     0.021     -0.101         0.115 6.50     541.980        -0.087    542.027     -0.048     0.048-    -0.098         0.004 6.75     542.054          0.074   542.097                0.059 I          7.00 541.968 7.25     541.969
                                          -0.087 0.001 542.042 542.018
                                                                -0.042 0.100 0.056
                                                                                    ' -0.067;
                                                                                                  -0.031 7.50     541.958        -0.011    541.969     -0.058     0.058     -0.059         0.037 I          7.75 8.00 8.25 542.005 541.958 542.018 0.046
                                          -0.047 0.060 542.030 541.963 541.994
                                                                -0.024 0.068 0.079 0.073
                                                                                    '- 0.071
                                                                                                  -0.006 0.061
                                                                                                  .0.065 8.50 541.899            -0.119    541.929 I          8.75 541.937 9.00 541.935 9.25 541.968 0.038
                                          -0.002 0.033 541.948 541.947 541.993
                                                                -0.016 0.040 0.059~


                                                                                     -0. 0 5fc
                                                                                                  -0.015 0.021 0.035
                                                                -0.000     0.049     -0.071       -0.029 I          9.50 542.031 9.75 541.995 10.00 541.933 0.063
                                          -0.062 541.965 541.966 541.934 0.036
                                                                -0.012 0.095.


                                                                                     -G.046 0.143 0.095 0.044          i 10.25 542.091                0.157   542.029      0.036     0.086       0.006        0.116-10.50-542.082              -0.008    542.057      0.092     0.092       0.026'     -0.026 I_10.75541.989                     -0.094    541.992      0.026     0.032     -0.016         0.010         i I

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                        -APPENDIX C-TYPE A.-


. DATA 1 By Sensor. I Environment ' Mass Loss








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I*e*coccoooeo****oeconewoo DATE 19-1990 ENVIRONMENT LISTING ***************************** TIME - 12:15:18 I REC DATE TIME NUM TEMP VAPOR PRESSURE CORRECT. PRESSURE RELATIVE-HUMIDITY AIR PSIA /HR DENSITY VARIANCE 132 6 1845 542.067 0.4636 60.1854 84.58 0.2997 0.00000 133 6 1900 542.025 0.4636 60.1844 84,69 0.2997 -0.00403 134 6 1915 542.063 0.4640 60.1850 84.67 0.2997 0.00223 135 6 1930 541.986 0.4637 60.1843 84.81- 0.2997 -0.00246 136 6 1945 542.003 0.4639 60.1831 84.80 0.2997 -0.00479 137 6 2000 542.000 0.4639 60.1801 84.82 0.2997- -0.01216 138 6 2015 541.877 0.4640 60.1850 85.17 0.2998 -0.01976 139 6 2030 542.019 0.4642 60.1798 140 6 2045 84.81 0.2997 -0.02084 542.043 0.4638 60.1802 84,68 0.2997 0.00150 141 6 2100 541.989 0.4646 60.1789 .84.97 0.2997 -0.00505 142 6 2115 542.012 0.4634 60.1796 84.70 0.2997 0.00243 B 443 6 2130 541.963 0.4646 60.1804 85.05 0.2997 0.00333 l 144 145 6 2145 6 2200 542.041 541.957 0.4643 60.1797 84.78 0.2997 -0.00284 0.4642 60.1798 85.00 0.2997 0.00034 146 6 2215 542.115 0.4640 60.1810 84.52 0.2996 0.00500 147 6 2230 542.074 0.4639 60.1801 { 148 6 2245 542.085 60.18;0 84.62 0.2997~ -0.00381 i 0.4640 84.59 0.2997 .0.01196 149 6 2300 542.025 0.4647 60.1803 84.89 0'2997 -0.01083 150 6 2315 541.947 0.4645 60.1795 85.07 0.2997- -0.00325 s 151 6 2330 542.038 0.4648 -60.1802 84.88 0.2997 0.00255- ' 152 6 2345 541.949 0.4647 60.1793 85.11 154 0.2997 -0.00362 i 7 15 542.035 0.4643 60.1827 84.80 0.2997 0.01311 155 7 30 541.957 0.4656 60.1794 8l5.25 156 -0.2997 -0.01309 7 45 542.041 0.4646 60.1794 84,84 0.2997 --0.~ 000 21 ' 157 7 100 542.017 0.4649 60.1801 84.95 158 0.2997 0.00307 7 115 542.064 0.4649 60.1801 84.82 0.2997 0.00005 159 7 130 541.946 0.4650 60.1820  ; 160 7 145 542.160 85.17 0.2997- 0.00731 0.4647 60.1833 84.53 0.2996 0.00520 3


161 7 200 542.053 0.4650 60.1830 162 84'.86 0.2997. -0.00090 7 215 541.969 0.4650 60.1830 85.09 i 163 7 230 542.086 0.2997 0 00002 0.4646 60.1829. 84.72 0.2997- -0.00075 164 7 245 541.985 0.4646 60.1839- 84,99 165 7 300 542.047 0.2997 0.00400 - 0.4646 60.1834 84.81- 0.2997. -0.00175 166 7 315 541.981 0.4652- 60.1838 167 7 330 85.10 0.2997 0.00172 541.953 0.4652 60.1838' 85.19 0.2997 168 7 345 541.948 0.4646. -0.00038 60.1844 85.08' 169 7 400 O.2997 0.00276 5s. 884- 0.4642. 60.1868- 85.19' 0.2998 0.00938 170 7 415 bJ.960 0.4641 60.1859-171 430

                                                           '84.96L     0.2997    -0.00357 7         542.031   0.4566   '60.1934     83.40     0.2997-172    7   445   542.000   0.4547                                      0.03009 60.1968     83.14     02998:    0.01344 173    7   500   542.035   0.4162    60.2353     76.02, 174    7   515   541.926 0.3000      0.15392 0.4586    60.1934     84.04     0.2998    -0.16731 175    7   530   542.011   0.4616    60.1909 176        545 84.37-    0.2997   ' 0.01022.

7 541.849 0.4627 60.1903 85.01 177 7 600 542.018 0.4624 60.1906 0'2998- -0.00230 178 7 615 84.49: 0.2997- 0.00127. 541.996 0.4623: 60.1922 84.54 0.2998' 179 7 630 541.948 0.4625 O.00623 60.1940 84.70 0.2998 0.00732 180 7 645 542.035 0.4619 60.1946- 84.36' 0.2997 0.00223 i 1

                                                                                                 'f i'
                                                                                          .f i j
      *c0000000000000000000000000**          MASS LOSS        ,*****************************


                                                  .INCR LOSS (1 HR)

LOSS. (x 24) y 1 I 132 133 134 0.00 0.25~ 0.50 77903.914 77908.719 77903.938 0.000 4.805

                                                   -4.781 0.000
                                                                            -0.000 01000 0.000 0.000 l

135 0.75 77914.172 10,234 0.000 0.000 I 1 136 1.00 77910.234 -3.938 -6.320 -151'.688 l 137 1.25 77906.789 -3.445 1.930 46.313-138 1.50 77930.867 24.078 -26.930 -646.313. I 139 140 141 1.75 2.00 2.25 77903.672 77900.680 77906.828

                                                   -2.992 6.148 10.500 9.555:
                                                                            -0.039 252.000 229.313
                                                                                                      -0.938 142     2.50             77904.289          -2.539                  26.578                   637.875 I     143 144 145 2.75 3.00 3.25 77912.461 77900.313 77912.453 8.172
                                                 -12.148 12.141
                                                                            -8.789 0.367
                                                                                                   -210.938 8.813          l j
                                                                                                   -135.000               l I     146 147 148 3.50 3.75 4.00 77891.438 77896.078 77898.336
                                                 -21.016 4.641 2.258 12.852 16.383 1.977 308.438 393.188
                                                                                                     =47.438           j l

l 149 4.25 77903.406 5.070 9.047 217.125 I I 150 4.50 77913.578 10.172 -22.141 -531.375 1 151 4.75 77901.266 -12.313 -5.188 -124.500 l 152 5.00 77912.914 11.648 ' -14.578- -349.875' H I 153 154 155 5.25 5.50 5.75 77901.234 77905.070 77912.016

                                                 -11.680' 3.836-6.945 2.172 8.508
                                                                                                     -52.125 204.188,
                                                                                                   -258.000             ,

156 6.00 77899.813 -12.203 13.102 ' I 157 158 159 6.25 6.50 6.75 77904.258 77897.523 77916.898 4.445



                                                                           -3.023 7.547
                                                                           -4.883 314.438
                                                                                                    -72.563 181.125               l
                                                                                                   -117.188 I     160 161 162 7.00 7.25 7.50 77887.797 77902.844 77914.922
                                                 -29.102 15.0471 12.078 12.016 1.414--
                                                                         -17.398-288.375 33.938
                                                                                                   -417;563-163     7.75             77897.852        -17.070'                  19.047'                  457.125:

164 8.00 77913.680 15.828 '- 25.883- -621.188 165 8.25 77904.297 -9.383 -1.453 -34.875 l 166 8.50 77914.242 9.945 0.680 l16.313 l I 167 168 169 8.75 9.00 9.25 77918.227 77919.789 77932.094 3.984 1.563-12.305

                                                                                                   -667.125 H

l 170 9.50 77919.969 -12.125 I 171 172 173 9.75 10.00 10.25 77919.523 77928.250 77973.047


8.727 44.797

                                                                         -40.953                   -982.875 I     174 175 176 10;50 10.75 11.00-77934.664
                               '77919.039 77941.633
                                                 -15.625 22.594
                                                                         -14.695 0.484
                                                                                                   -352.688 11.625
                                                                                                   -321.188 l

11.25 77917.672 -23.961 55,375 1329.000-178- 77922.859 I.177 179 11.50 11.75 77932.195 5.188 9.336 11.805

                                                                         -13.156 283.313
                                                                                                   -315.750 180    12.00             77920.375        -11.820                   21.258                   510.188 I

I I . -

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I APPENDIX.D! ' - TYPE,A-CALCULATIONS. U Mass Point Analysis. l

                                                                               ' Total Time Analysis.                                                                                                                                                                    )

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ceooooconsceooooooooooooosocos MASS POINT *****000***0000000*C0**0**00* I DATE 19-1990 TIME - 12:15:52 CORR. CONT LSF I TIME TEMP VAPOR-PRESS DEW POINT AIR PRESS AIR MASS LEAK RATE UPPER CONF LEVEL 1845 542.067 I 1900 1915 1930 542.025 542.063 0.4636 0.4636 0.4640 77.278 77.278 77.307 60.185 60.184 60.185 77903.91 77908.72 77903.94 0.00000 0.00000

                                                              -0.00144 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 541.986     0.4637    77.282     60.184 77914.17   -0.32030     0.38305 I   1945 2000 2015 542.003 542.000 541.877 0.4639 0.4639 0.4640 77.295 77.298 77.301 60.183 60.180 60.185 77910.23 77906.79 77930.87
                                                              -0.36660-0.12790 0.15264 2030  542.019                                                        -0.01531  i 77.315 I   2045 2100 2115 542.043 541.989 0.4642 0.4638 0.4646 77.291 77.341 60.180 60.180 60.179 77903.67 77900.68 77906.83
                                                              -0.01140 0.17092 0.25363 0.21852 i

542.012 0.4634 77.268 60.180 77904.29 0.01773 0.20534 2130 541.963 0.4646 77.345 60.180 77912.46 2145 542.041 0.4643

                                                              -0.00487     0.15127 77.326     60.180 77900.31    0.03097     0.16691 2200  541.957     0.4642    77.320     60.180 77912.45    0.00988 2215  542.115                                                         0.12743 I   2230 2245 542.074 542.085 0.4640 0.4639 0.4640 77.304 77.301 77.301 60.181 60.180 60.183 77891.44 77896.08 77898.34 0.06066 0.08069 0.08739 0.17436 0.18165 0.17627 2300  542.025     0.4647   77.348      60.180 77903.41    0.07960     0.15864 I   2315 2330 2345 541.947 542.038 541.949 0.4645 0.4648 0.4647 77.335 77.359 77.353 60.180 60.180 60.179 77913.58 77901.27 77912.91 0.05298 0.05451 0.12833 0.12210 542.032                                             0.03628     0.09991 I     30 O

15 542.035 541.957 0.4651 0.4643 0.4656 77.376 77.325 77.408 60.179 60.183 60.179 77901.23 77905.07 77912.02 0.03923 0.03591 0.02444 0.09699 0.08862 0.07397 45 542.041 0.4646 77.347 60.179 77899.81 0.02916 I 100 115 130 542.017 542.064 541.946 0.4649 0.4649

                      .O.4650 77.362 77.361 77.372 60.180 60.180 60.182 77904.26 77897.52 0.02795 0.03335 0.07487 0.07008 0.07265 77916.90    0.01978     0.05859 145  542.160 I    200 215 542.053 541.969 0.4647 0.4650 0.4650 77.353 77.367 77.367 60.183 60.183 60.183 77887.80 77902.84 77914.92 0.03343 0.03234 0.02226 0.07192 0<06824 0.05723 230  542.086     0.4646   77.347     -60.183 77897.85 I    245 300 315 541.985 542.047 541.981 0.4646 0.4646 0.4652 77.347 77.343 77.380 60.184 60.183 60.184 77913.68 77904.30 0.02578 0.01812 0.01748 0.05870 0.04992 0.04738 330  541.953 77914.24    0.01103     0.03989 I    345 400 415 541.948 541.884 0.4652 0.4646 0.4642 77.386 77.341 77.319 60.184 60.184 60.187 77918.23.

77919.79 77932.09 0.00333

                                                              -0.016?O 0.03158 Q.02362 0.01242 541.960     0.4641   77.311      60.186 77919.97 I    430 445 500 542.031 542.000 542.035 0.4566 0.4547 0.4162 76.818 76.695 74.043 60.193 60.197 60.235 77919.52 77928.25
                                                              -0.03188 0.00655 0.00161
                                                                          -0.00575 515  541.926                                 77973.05   -0.05611    -0.02185 I    530 545 542.011 541.849 0.4586 0.4616 0.4627 76.949 77.150 77.220 60.193 60.191 60.190 77934.66 77919.04 77941.63
                                                                          -0.03705 600  542.018     0.4624    77.199     60.191 77917.67   -0.06580 I    615 630 645 541.996 541.948 542.035 0.4623 0.4625 0.4619 77.196 77.207 77.170 60,192 60.194 60.195 77922.86 77932.20
                                                                          -0.04048 77920.38   -0.06617    -0.03995    i MAX ALLOWABLE LEAK RATE :    .5 EPRI EQUATION #6 IS SATISFIED.


l **cocecococoo******* TOTAL TIME CALCULATION RESULTS ******************* DATE 19-1990 TIME - 12:15:33 CORR. LSF UPPER MEASURED VAPOR DEW AIR LEAK CONF LEAK I I TIME TEMP PRESS POINT PRESS RATE LEVEL RATE I 1845 542.067 0.4636 77.278 60.185 0.0000 0.00000 0.00000 542.025 0.4636 77.278 60.184 0.0000 0.00000 I19001915 542.063 0.4640 77.307 60.185 -0.0014 0.00000

                                                                                                                  -0.00139 193C            541.986   0.4637         77.282      60.184        -0.2529           4.06250            -0.42125

' .E 1945 542.003 0.4639 77.295 60.183 -0.1865 1.27920- -0.19464 3 2000 542.000 0.4639 77.298 60.180 -0.0863 0.83952 -0.07082-2015 541.877 0.4640 77.301 60.185 -0.2906 0.75496 -0.55355 2030 542.019 0.4642 77.315 60.180 -0.1505 0.70452 0.00423 I2045 542,043 0.4638 77.291 60.180 -0.0455 0.68875 0.04989 2100 541.989 0.4646 77.341 60.179 -0.0119 0.63119 -0.03993 2115 542.012 0.4634 77.268 60.180 0.0217 0.60284 -0.00464  ! 541.963 0.4646 77.345 60.180 0.0153 0.56808- -0.09569 ) I 2130 2145 542.041 0.4643 77.326 60.180 0.0485' O.55307 0.03703 l 2200 541.957 0.4642 77.320 60.180 0.0400 0.53184 ,-0.08095 2215 542.115 0.4640 77.304- 60.181 0.0816 0.53775 0.10986 2230 542.074 0.4639 77.301 60.180- 0.1024 0.53565 0'.06441 2245 542.085 0.4640 77.301 60.183 0.1133 0.53035 0.04300 2300 542.025 0.4647 77.348 60.180- 0.1129 0.52148 -0.00370 541.947 0.4645 77.335 60.180 0.0977 0.50984 -0.06613 I23152330 542.038 0.4648 77.359 60.180 0.1008 0.49267 0.01718 2345 541.949 0.4647 77.353 60.179 0.0894 0.48224 -0.05544 542.032 60.179 I 0.0921 O 0.4651 77.376 0.46878 0.01575 15 542.035 0.4643 77.325 60.183 0.0902 0.46009 -0.00646 30 541.957 0.4656 77.408 60.179 0.0823 0.44944 -0.04341 45 542.041 0.4646 77.347 60.179 0.0853 0.43986- 'O.02105 I 100 115 130 542.017 542.064 541.946 0.4649 0.4649 0.4650 77.362 77.361 77.372 60.180 60.180 60.182 0.0842-0.0877 0.0779 0.43291 0.42737 0.42009

                                                                                                                 -0.00168 0.03029
                                                                                                                 -0.05927 542.160 145                                                 60.183 I                              0.4647         77.353                     0.0868          0.41591               0.07094             !

200 542.053 0.4650 77.367 60.183 0.0858 0.41134 0.00455-215 541.969 0.4650 77.367 60.183 0.0784- 0.40386 -0.04521 230 542.086 0.4646 77.347 60.183 0.0803 0.39678 0.02410 i l 245 541.985 0.4646 77.347 60.184 0.0744- 0.39050 -0.03761 3 300 542.047 0.4646 77.343 -60.183 0.0732 0.38310 =-0.00143 315 541.981 0.4652 77.380 60.184 0.0679 O;37639 -0.03743 330 541.953 77.386 60.184 I 0.0617 0.4652 0.36820 -0.05039 1 l 345 541.948 0.4646' 77.341- 60.184 0.0555 0.35963 -0.05433L 400 541.884 0.4642 77.319 60.187 0.0457 0.35104 -0.09385 415 541.960 0.4641 77.311 60.186 0.0409 0.34110 -0.05205 I 430 445- 542.000

          '500 542.035 542.031   0.4566 0.4547 0.4162 76.818 76.695 74.043 60.193 60.197 60.235 0.0368 0.0305-0.0121 0.33370 0.32609 0.32073
                                                                                                                 -0.20778 515' 541.926             0.4586         76.94'9     60.193         0.0060          0.30487            -0.09021 530            542.011   0.4616         77.150      60.191 E      I    545            541.849   0.4627                     60.190.

0.0046 0.29844 -0.04334 L 77.220 -0.0022 0.29126- -0.10563 600 542.018 0.4624 77.199 60.191 -0.0027 0.28543' -0.03766 ,I 615 630 541.996 541.948 0.4623 0.4625' 77.196 77.207 60~192 60.194

                                                                             -0.0077 0.28070 0.27490
                                                                                                                 -0.07416 q

I L 645 542.035 0.4619 77.170- 60.195 -0.0084 0.27045 -0.04225 MEASURED LEAK. RATE USING= TOTAL TIME: -0.008380 THE MEAN TOTAL TIME RATE OF- -0.050326 IS LESS THAN ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM RATE OF .5 {

i 1


I a I l I

                                                                                                                                                                              .l 1
                                                                                                                                                                         -r I


I i
        .g                                               Total Time' Analysis.

g Mass Point Analysis = , LI l

                                                                                                                                                                         .1 l

.I LI r 4 1: I. A I l aI -

     ,I                                                                                                              -


            ' -                                                                                             _i l',

IJ .' 1 .,.

                                                                                                .,-il t        i
                                                                                                                         ,       , ,                   .>          +-

__y. ., . . . . . u . . . - . . ~..._4...a,

                    - _ . - . . . _ -                    .. -.          - . . -           .   . . . -                   ~       -        .       -           --

e conoceeeecococo . TOTAL' TIME WITH VERIFICATION TEST' **************: DATE <06-20-1990 TIME - 10:21345 TOTAL TIME VERITICATION I TIME MASS GROSS LSF GROSS 954 UCL SCFM NET LSF NET 95% UCL l 815 77912 0.0000 0.0000 3.600 -0.5002 -0.5002 830~ 77926 0.3452 0.0000 3.595 -0.1542 -0.4994 845 77905 0.6159 12.5164 3.606 0.1148 12.0154 900 77916 0.3164 4.5118. 3.600 -0.1837 4.0116 E 915 77896 0.4396 3.5923' 3.599 -0.0605 3.0922 ,

3 930 77905 0.3523 2.6868 3.617 -0.1503 2.1842 945 77904 0.2831 2.2296 3.611 -0.2187 1.7279' 1000 77892 0.3010 2.0579 3.611 -0.2008 1.5561-1015 77882 0.3473 1.9682 3.617 -0.1554 1.4654 1030 77889 0.3275 1.7843 3.616 -0.1750 1.2818 2045 77879 0.3378 1.7036 3.622- - -0.1656 1.2002

1100 77862 0.3865 1.7012 3.622 -0.1170. ' 1'.1977 I1115 77872 0.3840 1.6058 3.621 -0.1194 1.1025 1130 77876 0.3648 1.5159 3'.633 -0.1402 1.0109 1145 77866 0.3628 1.4639 3.622 -0.1407 0.9604 1201 77865 0.3534 1.4065 3.594 . -0.1462- 0.9069


1215 77857 0.3583 1.3722 3.594 -0.1414 0.8725 1230 77856 0.3564 1.3328 3.594 -0.1433 0.8331 1245 77859 0.3477 1.2876 3.595 -0.~1527 0.7878 1301 77855 0.3360 1.2490 3.595 -0.1618 0.7492 1315 77845 0.3414 1.2277 3.589 -0.1577 0.7287 1330 77836 0.3477 1.2134 3.594- -0.1521: -0.7136 I1345 77830 0.3551 1.2010 3.589 . -0.1440. 'O.7019 1401 77825 0.3610 1.1887 3.589 -0.1382 0.6895 1415 77812 0.3754 1.1887- 3.546- --0.1179' 0.6954 , 1430 77817 0.3805 1.1745 3.546 -0.1127s 0.6813 .; LEAK RATE:< MAX AND > MIN ALLOWED

             - (Lo + Lam - .25 La) <=                          Lc       <= (Lo + Lam + .25 La')

0.3599 <= 0.3805 <= 0.6099 I , I , LI i kh

 \                                            ,     ,  ,                        . . . ,.              ..

1 . 3,

                                                                                                                             .a     ..a..


                                                                                                                                             . . ' , . . - .    .- . s

000000000000*eo MASS' POINT WITH VERIFICATION TEST **************** I - DATE 19-1990 TIME - 12:20:36 MASS POINT VERIFICATION GROSS GROSS- NET NET TIME MASS LSF 95% UCL SCFM LSF 95 UCL 800 77931.3 0.0000 0.0000 3.584 -0.4978 - 0.4978 i 815 77911.8 0.0000 0.0000 3.600 -0.5002 - 0.5002 830 77925.6 0.3450 0.0000 3.595 -0.1543 - 0.4994  ; 845 77904.9 0.8015 2.5422 3.606 0.-3005 2.0411 ' 900 77916.0 0.4605 1.3888 3.600 -0.0396 0.8887 l 915 77896.4 0.6416 1.2352 3.599 0.1415 0.7351 930 77904.9 0.5257 0.9448 3.617 0.0232 0.4422 945 77904.1 0.4421 0.7576 3.611 -0.0597 0.2558 1000 77891.9 0.4732 0.7139 3.611 -0.0286 0.2121 I-1015 77881.5 0.5331 0.7322 3.617 0.0304 0.2295' 1030 77889.2 0.4986 0.6630 3.616 -0.0040 0.1604' 1045 77879.1 0.5072 0.6428 3.622 0.0038- 0.1394 1 1100 77861.8 0.5663 0.6953 3.622 0.0628 0.1918 l I1115 77871.9 0.5516 0.6623 3.621 ,0.0483 0.1590 l 1130 77875.7 0.5165 0.6183 3.633 0.0115 0.1133 1 1145 77865.9 0.5082 0.5972 3.622 0.0047 0.0936 l 1201 77865.3 0.4934 0.5728- 3.594 -0.0062 0.0731' 1215 77857.2 0.4925 0.5627 3.594 -0.0072 0.0631' 1230 77855.9 0.4865 0.5494 3.594 -0.0132 0.0497 77858.6 0.4705 0.5292 3.595 -0.0293 0.0294' I12451301 77854.8 0.4582 0.5124 3.595 -0.0417 0.0126 1315 77844.9 0.4584 0.5076 3.589 -0.0407 0.0086 1330 77835.7 0.4659 0.5113 ~3.594 -0.0340- 0.0115 1345 776?3.8 C 4742 0.5166 3.589 -0;0249 0.0175 1401 77824.7 6.4819 0.5215 3.589' -0.0173 0.0223 - 1415 77812.3 0.4971 0.5366 3.546 0.0038 0.0433-1430 77816.8 0.5008 0.5375 3.546 0.0075 0.0442 (Lo + Lam - .25 La) <= Lc <= (Lo + Lam + . 25 La) 0.3021 <= 0.5008 <= 0.5521 I l I l I

             $                             4ed                            ,   ~c.w.-      .,       -    %--m , ret---rp-w    -4w-p       -a # e ,e1c-

i r i i I. -t t APPENDIX F-l TYPE A PLOTS j

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .t Average-Temperature vs Time
                                                                                 . Average' Pressure vs Time                                                                                                                     i Average Dew Point ^vs Time; I                                                                          ' Containment' Mass vs Time' Mass -' Point ' Leakage Rate: vs. Time 1

Total Time Leakage ~ Rate vscTime  ; i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    . i l
                                                                                                                                                                                     . (.                 >                  'I i

i 4 I 'h t , 1 i t "I '


i 3 ' f f , , , , , f .' f '!' r< d

                                                ; ,                    s s ( i.                                                                                                      i, , . .
                                                                                                                                                                            .....=..~;-,_f.a. _
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   , - f-'     .j
                                                                                                       . - .              - . .              .~ ..... . .- ~.,.+                            L-                  - . . . . '

M. :m m m 'mi 'm m m~ m W W W W W W W m m W f' PLOT OF RTD AVG.

                               -          82.5s4                                                                                                        '

_ 82.479 _. 82.445 D _ 82.41o1


7 E  ; ' 12.341 g E S' _ .

82. h l j 7_

I [. _- i

l. _- .

B2.23 _ .82.20

                                             ;-l:      -;l .-                       l-   ~ ll                  -l-      ll        l        .l     -l s.oo-                         

o.oo Es.20 ;2.4o - ; 4.e0.: .- 7. 20 ' s.4o: so.8o s2.oo

18: 45:'17:

DELTA TIMEIIN-HOURS 1.= _ _ _ . . ._ 1_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . ._

m m m( rI 31. PLOT '0F PRESSUE AVG

                                      -           f60.657                                                                                                              -

_. .60.656

 =                                   _
                               -. _             60.653
                 .s--               ,._ . ?acaw
                 ?       -

_ - - .'80

     .a                    a

_ 180. 9

                                                      -..    ~

_I ~.

                                                                                       ~      '

[~ _ 10100 }i.20 2. R ~ 3.80: L4.80; - 6.005 ..7.20 8.40: 9.60 10.00 12.00-s ~ f ' ;gg. 4g q;7.. .- DELTA TIMELIN HOURS - gs2Q : ~ . _ - o.___- - -.-

                                        .            .= =~                . . = = = _    =_:.     = __;-                                  = . - _ -   . - -

m m mmmm e e g lg g g



m. :m ' M ' W im. m .g 1

i PLOT OF DEW CELL AVG 77.429 i i _ 77.402- l _- 77.376 i

           - D               _-                '77.350


                   .0        -              177.323                                                                                            I

, 'R' xE _ 77. E' J [_

              .S                            ~77.270
              .F            _              :


_ 77.2t7?

11 f~ g. . -

     -; z                   _              . 77.' 19t'
        .c ....

!' ~ is . ' ' 4- E0.00 J i1.20 - 42.40 .3.60'- =4.80' 6.00 7.20 1 8.'40 ! 9.60 10.80 12.00-y a l- A_  : ._- . -

4 18: 45:: 17- ~'? . DELTA-TIME IN HOURS'

__2'-I--.ek_._ _ Y- 2----- - - - -

                                                                 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -       --------         - - - ^ - - '
l. W l: M
                                                     'W: 'M                                                                   m                                            m -m ' W                                  W    m                       m. m            W- m                            mm                              m               m          W a


                                                 -          77.944                                              -

~T _ -77.938

                   .. 0                                     77.932 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .


                                                 ._         77.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              )(l 1

j L . . [ S 77.


p  :: o -

                                                            -77.9 4 iff                                                                 L                                                                                                                                           A
                                                                                     .                                                                                                                                  l/                                        l                                                                                                   t j                                                                                                                                             m jy L
         ~ I BI             -


S i

! .- 77.896

= -
r- .
                                                                ..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    i
                                                          -77.890                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .

_ .[ j- fl. ~l . l- l l l l l l

                                ~ '0100-                                                                                                                                             3.60:                                                                                                                  10.80'

21.20) -2.40f ~~4.80 6.00' . 7. 20 ~ ~ 8.40 9.60' .12.00

      - ~

I - . ;l m'


c -{ f 845:~2::. 7l . DELTA : TIME ..IN ~ HOURS 1 -



m,_m.. m- .h -m;----------se . -w c-__% --m, .a-aw-a .4w4, .s.i.m_ams.a.. ,p..,.g. r.ra3 a ,__.e. w4.--a..4,a.,

                                                                                                                                                                    -                             ,-     p   ,      .w,,.a_m      a      ,g.,p44smo..agm. s 4%e.              ._m.,_

e. I 8 l- .y.

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       .I l                                                                                                      t     i                                                                                      S.                                                      l o
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l _._ E. . l u I: l I I I l  % [- .! h gi,g

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -                         4 g       a y
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1 g *-

73 l _

i F- .

      .I                                          a                                                                                                                                       y                                                                                    d a                                                        :

is 4  ; l i d I < t %. . ii 1 -  :.i Jl: O' N b a M3 '. g. 'A' d.I T

                                                                                -T W.

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  • mi  ;;
                                                                     *               '                                *-                  - *-                   .-                  e.                               - M. =:


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3.. i, i  ; 7, 'a { --

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - -' LA

9 --p { W m :M M M M - W - W W W W W W

                         .,   2 a



j _ TOTAL TIME - UCL .; _ 4.062 TOTAL TIME - LSF l h 4 1 _ 19.611 4-

                                                                           .sp                                                                                                                                                                          q

. . i 1 , l 1.160  !, s - -J

                                     -3 .

I.- i w: ..

  • i !2708  ;

12 "#: :8-

                                     .~.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   !

i' _- ,2.257 t-, ^ . t I c.. iD : f n - - L A :- _ c' is906 - '~ i

     %                                                                 s                .
u7 r
1'354 >
         .. "                                                                                                                     ..a l

I~ ' 3.

    ~                                                                                                                         ~
                            ~                                                                                             -
                                                                           ' _0 .

c- .,

                                          -                          8 --


                  =_                                _.                r 0.451-                                   :                                               --                   --                                    --

_N _

                                                                                                                   --2_                          : g _.-                        .g; l-                                      g                            g
                                                        ./                                                                                                                                  g            .
                                                                                                                        - m                         .            .                .         .              _           .l           .l                   1 T..                                           .                                             .

, :0.001 .i'.20: 2.40- 3.60- 4.801 '6.00 7.20 8.40 9.60 10.80 . 12.00 i y i ... s . s 18: 45:'7 DELTA TIME IN: HOURS

          .-              ,,.h&..,                                 ,
                                                                                  ,o        ,          .~ .. ,                  t-.               g    4   r ~      -  -
                                                                                                                                                                                , , ,     m    ,w , ,-.      , c .m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    +        ,n ,.  ,...,..~,,-, wen 4

I 1 I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . j$

i I I APPENDIX'G g VERIFICATION Ti'.ST PLOTS Average Temperature ~vajTime j Average Pressure vs Time:

      'I Average Dew' Point vs. Time.

Containment Mass vsDTime .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          >l D

l Mass' Point Leakage Rate:vs. Time' , '! Total Time-Leakage ~RateiVs Time: .c 5 .l

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              '1 1
l. 1
                                                                                                                                                                                          ;,-                                                                         .0 1

s' , , h, i

                                                                                                                                                          ?                                                                                                                   )j f ,*                                                                                                                                                                      o                                                  ,      ,                                      a
                                                                                                                         ;      ij                , 'i i,                     , _

I';_ h. 4,' #, N 's ( !;', ' [ ,,[  ! i.- s ' ' 3

                                                                                                                                                                 " ' ' ' ' l~' ~t )' "'.~ * * ,* ;' ' ' ~ " ' ' " *a ' ~ * * ~ ~ ' " 'l ; ??' ' ~ ' ~'s
                                                                                                  ..                          i                                       i
                       .,t.                .,
                                                                           .,      .4   - - . -

E--,---------, - - - - -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~ ' i14~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "


m m m m m m m m m m m 'm m


m M 'm. m: PLOT OF RTD AVG

                                -           82.501                                                                                                                               -

_ 82.475

                                -           82.449 D?          _           82.423                                                    j
                -6              _          82.397                                4 R

E. _ :82.371 E l S' . 82.'3d .-

     +            F_           ._               .
q l f. ..

e - ..


j.[ l? l. l l '- ll /l _ Jl' l -l l


0.00 ?0 .67- .1.33 :2.00- 2.67- -L3.33 -4.00 4.67 .5.33 6.00 6.67. 9 8 . l0* M - DELTA TIME IN HOURS

. L. :.2 =_: a .= .: := ._=-- - _ .x a _ - , - _ _ _ _ - - - - . - _ . . - . . . - _ - . _ - _ _ _ _ _
M m-M:M-m M' M M -m m M M M M M M4 m W. m er PLOT OF PREDBSURE AVG s - 60.655 -

_ . . 47 _- 80.839 _ 760.631 _ 60.6a3

              'P 6h 615:

S _


_ 60.607

(. -

.z1 .. _.

  ?2(                                  _

_3 . 80.599 = _- ~60.591

 .~;                                     _. 60.583
                                                                           ]            l       -]           l-             -]               ]                   j    .j
m r
                                      , ,,            g ,7    1.33    a.s7'     4.00              4;s7             s.00       s.e7-3 J_       -8::20ir7=                                                   DELTA TIME IN. HOURS 3                                                      _
                                                   -   =_ -   -2    - _ . .w  _-    --    ..       .   . = _ _ . _ . - - .   - _ _ . .     -   = . - . _ _ . - _ _ .


                            -          77.290                                                                                                                                                           ,;

_ 77.281

                            -          77.271                                                                                                                                                                 i i

D _-- 77.262 i E .-

            -B.            _.         '77.252
            .E             _           77.243-                        L l'
                                                                            .                                                                                    1 E-                 -

S. - _7 . f F 4

                                           .                _                                                                                                                  j 215                  1                                                                                                                                     :l
                 +-:              ,
                                                                                                ~'                                                   '
j. _1

_0.00-2 0.67 ?

1.33- 2.00- 2. 67.. :3.33 .4.00 4.67.: ~5.33 6.00 6.67L 8:{0-b_7;_i..
       .r 1                                                                             DELTA TIME IN HOURSE                                                              -
         ~=_=.=.,a...                               .
                                                           =. .         .;_.,~..                     ~..       .   , . _ _      . _;        -          .
m. pm m; m- m m :m W W. M- M M W 'W W W W W W"

PLOT 0F EAStmED MASS _. 77.937

  • 7 924 1

0 - 77. 11 O O _ 77.898 S _ 77.884 _ o _ 77.871 f _ 77.858 i 8 _ 77.845 - S

    .           _   77.831                                                                                                                                           ;

r _. 77.818 - 1 I I I I 0.00 0.67 1.33 2.00- 2.67 3.33 4.00 4.67~ 5.33- 6.00 6.67-a 8: 0: 7 DELTA TIME IN HOURS _ . . . . ._, ~ _ . . . . 1


            -     0.684                                        MAX ALLOWED eTOTAL TIME - UCL

_ 0.6LS - TOTAL TIE " LSF _ 0. x _ D 411 l D f (.342 = x-D

                          /                                                                                                                                         '         1 I

A _ ).274 Y _ 0.205 _ 0.137 _ 0.068 f l 0.00- 0.67 1.33 2.00 2.67 3.33 4.00 4.67 5.33 6.00 6.67 4 8: 0: 7 DELTA TIME IN HOURS


                    -          ii MAX ALLOWED                                                                                                                       1
                                                          \                    -
                                                                                    - NASS POINT - UCL-

_ 0. 2 MASS POINT - LSF _ 0.7 N _ 0. \ N


x I A N "Q \ _/ _b N - _ 0 1845 x /___

D i

A _. .565 l Y j;

                            '267 I                        i 1 1                               I 0 ,178 l                              >

! I l _ 0,.089 i I

0.00 0.67 1.33 2.00 - 2 E/ 3.33 4.00 4.67 5.33 6.00 6.67 8

g m- e, s- y , ,.4a-- q'w i n 'g. , - p.. ' - , _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -}}