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Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Metal Components 860625 Meeting W/Westinghouse & EPRI in Churchill Borough,Pa to Discuss Program for NDE of Cast Stainless Steel Matl.Fr Notice Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/08/1986
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
ACRS-2431, NUDOCS 8609220315
Download: ML20206S658 (9)


. - OgRS-M5/

m M*%" fM 2 k '.  ; h\3 1 d p CERTIFIED COPY f/?Sh 4

I g ,g ISSUED: JULY 8, 1986



. JUNE 25, 1986 WESTINGHOUSE R&D CENTER CHURCHILL BOROUGH, PA The ACRS Subcommittee on Metal Components met at the Westinghouse Research and Development Center in Churchill Borough, PA on June 25, 1986 to review the progress of Westinghouse's and EPRI's program on nondestructive examination (NDE) of cast stainless steel material. The committee also toured the fatigue cracking laboratory and NDE Center.

Notice of the meeting was published in the Federal Register on June 13, 1986(AttachmentA). The schedule of items covered in the meeting is in Attachment B. A list of handouts kept with the office copy of the minutes is included in Attachment C. There were no written or oral statements received or presented from members of the public at the meeting. E. Igne was the cognizant ACRS Staff member for the meeting.

Principal Attendees ACRS NRC Staff l

P. Shewmon, Chairman J. Muscara H. Etherington, Member E. Sullivan C. Mark, Member G. Johnson B. Thompson, ACRS Consultant M. Hum S. Bush, ACRS Consultant S. Lee E. Igne, ACRS Staff W. Economos Others l

1 l H. Clark, Westinghouse (W)

! T. Mager, W l R. Rishel, W C. Kim, W M. Behravesh, EPRI . ...

7g3 8609220315 860708 certified D/ h =


I METAL COMPONENTS 2 June 25, 1986 Meeting A. Curtis III, (Manager of Materials Engineering, RG&E), representing the Westinghouse Owners Group Materials Subcommittee, gave a brief

overview of the purpose of the meeting, which is to review the progress of the W/EPRI NDE program on cast austenitic stainless steel. He stated that the main objectives of the joint NDE program are to optimize and quantify flaw detection and sizing capabilities for inservice inspection of the welds of cast stainless steel components. The program should be l ' completed in about a year from now. Slippage of the schedule has occurred during the fabrication of calibration blocks. In response to a l committee question, A.~ Curtis stated that the ASME Code only addresses

! inspection at the welds of joints and not the base metal on either side of the weld. With respect to ferrite content, A. Curtis stated that

( weld specimens will contain various amounts of ferrite content which l affects the UT inspection and strength of the weld joint.

I l A. Curtis stated that the ultimate goal of this program is to eliminate inservice inspection of Westinghouse-designed plants' primary coolant piping and fittings because extensive literature surveys, experiments and operating experience gained so far from operating plants have not found a failure mechanism due either to corrosion or fatigue.

C. Kim, Senior Engineer, W, discussed the fabrication of test samples.

He stated that 75 samples will be fabricated from various materials and design considerations that will contain thermal and mechanical fatigue cracks. The methods used to initiate these cracks were summarized.

R. Rishel, Senior Engineer, W, discussed improved manual inspection technique development. The objectives of this phase are as.follows:

l l'

Establish tolerances for detection limits

  • List limitations for which the technique (s) must accommodate l

' Literature survey of current techniques and thoughts l

  • Demonstrate and quantify manual techniques.

L _


,g METAL COMPONENTS 3 June 25, 1986 Meeting It wa's mentioned that as a result of work in this area by the French no primary piping failure mechanisms based upon corrosion and design have been found; hence, the French no longer perform piping inservice inspection on the primary coolant piping system. The Japanese do.

The general world-wide consensus was that inspection of heavy-wall cast austenitic stainless steel is difficult because of large grain sizes and various levels of anisotropy with columnar /equiaxed grains. These factors cause severe attenuation and scattering of ultrasonic energy.

So far ultrasonic parameters proven to be more helpful in cast stainless steel inspection are dual-element focused, 40-45* longitudinal wave at 1.0 to 1.5 mhz.

Mr. Behravesh, EPRI discussed EPRI's efforts currently under way in the area of ultrasonic inspection of welded joints in centrifugally cast stainless steel pipes of PWR's main coolant loop. Both inspection and l the determination of piping integrity (D. Norris) are incorporated in thejoint}{/EPRIprogram. M. Behravesh stated that cast stainless steel l materials are tough and that large flaw sizes (about 9.0 inches long and

( through-wall in a 20-inch diameter) are necessary before its integrity l is affected. In addition, degradation of fragture toughness due to thermal aging may be significantly overestimated under accelerated aging conditions used in experimental programs.

Preliminary NDE findings and status are as follows:

Limited experience base with NDE of centrifugally cast stainless steel (CCSS)

Extensive variations in UT characterics of CCSS materials limit the development and application of a fixed UT procedure for all PWR plants Use of proper reference material for calibration sensitivity is essential to the NDE of CCSS

9 METAL COMPONENTS 4 June 25, 1986 Meeting Depending on the material and UT parameters, detection of 30-60%

through-wall inside surface notches can be demonstrated.

S. Doctor, PNL, presented a brief status report on inspection reliability of cast stainless steel based on PNL and ANL studies on CCSS. In addition, PISC UT CCSS round robin test results were included.

Overall conclusions are as listed below:

CCSS materials are difficult to inspect ultrasonically because of anisotropic material properties.

Ultrasonic techniques have not been shown to reliably detect thermal fatigue cracks in CCSS.

Ultrasonic techniques can be used to determine the grain structure and orientation of CCSS microstructure.

Flaw type appears to be significant factor in detectability, i.e.,

thermal fatigue cracks more difficult to detect than mechanical fatigue cracks.

Plans are in place through PISC for understanding the ISI problems of CCSS and for validating this capability through round robin reliability testing.

S. Bush, ACRS consultant, discussed his letter to the ACRS in response to the Committee's interest in changes in steelmaking practices.

Generally, new pressure boundary components have higher toughness compared to " older" components because of the elimination or control of residual elements.

Future Meetings The subcommittee did not schedule any future meeting dates on this matter at this time.

NOTE: A transcript of the available in the NRC Public Document Room, 1717 H St., N.W., Washington, D.C., or can be purchased from ACE-Federal Reporters, 444 N. Capitol St.,

Washington, DC 20001 [(202) 347-3700]

' F2 der:1 Rsgist;r / Vol. 51. No.114 / Friday.' lune 13. 1986'/ N tices

  • 21M1 i

1 ,

l Signed this eth day of June 19e& ,, %e entire meetig will be open to * . Estedlune1038e6@_ 2 : x ,u .

Scort W. Co den. pubhc attendance. Mortae W.uberkia.

Unw rar- The egenda for the subject meeting Assistant Executive Darearfor bject -


lFR Dor 80-13318 Faled r-12-8(. 8 45 mm) shs!! be as follows: A'S'I'"- -

N **'**' 'O *

  • "*********'* Friday. June 27,1986-830 A.M until

.. _ _ _ _ the conclusion ofbusiness *f** ***' *** * .

NUCLEAR REGULATORY byThe NRRSubcommittees and Region Staff on will: a) Be the status briefed Ad / visory Committee en Reactor COMMISSION d various control room HVAC systems Safeguards Subcomadttee on Metal (Dochet No. 50-289(CH). (ASLBP No. 85- problems and the control room Components; Meeting m-c2-oTil habitability impros ement effort, b) be The ACRS Subcommttee on Metal General Pubhc Utilities Nuclear.Three briefed b) the AEOD Staff on the effects Components will holda meeting on June Mile Island Nuclear Station. Unit No.1 of ambient temperature on 16C systems. 25.1986. at the Westinghouse Research Evidentiary Hearing c) discuss with the Staff their and Development Center.1310 Beulah procedures and enteria for reviewing Road. Churchill.PA (octskirt of b.... i n n., Chi'ied Water Systems. their " walk- Pittsburgh. PA).

! Tir!,ri A +... :m u. L ;, down" of the Chilied Water Systerr5 at The entire meeting will be open to

q. . . 7 t ,g . , . q,, . Sht a".n Hara. and the cor.'ributmn to pubhc attendance.

t N..:r.. is huch p .c ti. : e. the risk to safe?) due to Chilled Water The aFenda for subject meeting shall I e.;d< ni.a _. b ora:c e 1: r.:renwnee m S} sten s failures based on PRA Studres be as follows; i th:s pan or. 23.1%,. at 9 30 and df discuss with the Staff de mimrnis it cdnesday. June 25. 2986-8.30 A.M i e m local m the Commnnweahh enuronmental radiation levels. untilthe conclusion ofbusiness Court. Courtroum No. :. 5th Fioor. South Oral statements may be presented by The Subcommittee will review the Office Buildmg Commonwealth Avenue. members of the public with the status of NDE of cast stainless steel, and Harraburg Penns)hania The hearing concurrence of the Subcommittee changes in steel. making practice.

will contmue through lune 2 .1986. and Chairman: written statements will be Oral statement may be presented by then reconvene on jul) 1.1986. all at the accepted and made available to the members of the pubbc with concurrence same location. An) change in schedu'ing Committee. Recordings will be permitted of the Subcommittee Chairman: written will be at the direction of the judge. only during those portions of the statements will be accepted and med?

The Commission ordered that the meeting when a transcript is being kept, available to the Committee. Recordings hearing be held to determme (1) whether and questions may be asked only-by will be permitted only during those the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal members of the Subcommittee,its portions of the meeting when a Board s condition. in its decision on consultants. and Staff. Persons desirin8 transcript is being kept, and questions management.related issues in the Three to rnake eral statements should notify may be asked only by members of the

,/Q Mile Island. Unit 1 (TMI-1) Restart the ACRS staff membernamed below as Subcommittee. its consultants, and Staff.

Proceedmp. barrinF Charles Husted from far in advance as is practicable so that Persons desiring to make oral superusor3 responsibihties insofar as appropriate arrangements can be made. statements should notify the ACRS staff During the initial portion of th'e members as far in advance as h Id e a e nd(2)whetherh is barred by concems about his attitude or meeting. the Subcommittees, along with practicable so that appg.riate any of their consultants who may be arrangments can be ma integnty from serving as an NRC '

cha p naq t along with

{ hcensed operator. or a licensed operator {sen ma mee i the S ts con 1 ants o considered during the balance of the t n ted to a terd t*.. l ,

' ' " ' '8 " '

l' 's O rac . . Tne Sutscomrmttees will then hea- nsidcr a n e of the D..:< f e 14 -! M..% .J9 er pics:ntatsns by and hold discuss.ony ,( eg,nn l d.c. o' im p.

w th rcpresen a:aes of the NRC Etaf. m big N will then hear l

M mn . B Mr.s,;.o .

thcir consultants. and other imeresh .- presentations by and hold discussions

4. .,

persens regard:ng this review. wi:h repter.entataes of the NRC Sta!!

Fur tr cr information regard:ng to;oc' its consuhants. and other interestec p 10 N- rou. i . . o (- n* m a . to be d scussed. whether the meet:n; persons repaidmg this review.

eum coot tsom has been cancelled or rescheduied tne Further information regarding topi:5

_-- -- _.._ Chair ran's ruhnc en requests fo: tb to i.e dacussed whether the meetin:

opp te n'esent ore'statoms r les been cancelicd or ren.heduled t.'

Advisory Committee on Reactor and the t;me abotted therefor car b+ Ch.strman's ruling on requests for the Safeguares JointSubcommittees or obtamed by a prepaid telephone ca! to opportunity to present oral staternem, Occupat ona' and invironments' the cocmzant ACRS faaff member M' and the time allotted therefor car. be Psotection Systarrs and A.szika'y Johr. S' hifigens (telcphone 202/6'4- ob;aincd by a prepaid telephone caf.o Systems: Meetmg t- the cognizant ACRS stafimember.Mr.

1414) betu een 615 AM and 5 00 T M The ACES Joigt (ubccr rmteres en Persons planning to attend th:s meeting Eipid.o Igne (selephone 202/634-1414; Os cupational and Emironmenta: are urged to contact one of the above betw een 8.15 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. Persons l l'rotection and Ausibars Sssterr,s ei!; named individual one or two days planning to attend this meeting are hold e. meeting on June h. '198ts. Roam before the scheduled meet;ng to be urged to contact the above named l indisidual one or two days before the adsised of any changes in schedule. etc..

11G .1717 H Stecet.NW. Washingtor..'

DC scheduled meetmg to be advised of ar.y l

which rna) have oaurred.

(O l


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  • ag Federal Register / Vol. 51. No.114 / Friday. June 13. 1986 / No.tices i

nges in schedule, etc whichtI may the cognizant ACRS staff member, htr. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Gary Quittschreiber (telephone 202/634-e occurred. Office of the Secretary

,g gn, g, , 3267) between 8:15 A.M. and 5.00 P.M: ,

Persons planning to attend this meeting

'"*" # are urged to contact the above named torder s6-5-9s, Dockets 42044. 3s553. and 414671


o.corit Eiecutn e Directorfor Proiect ndisi fual one or two days before the Revocation of the Section 401 or 418

13. . a41:4:8 Filed 8-12-en. 8 45.ent [s. [n s in cb d I e c. .ich rr Certificates of Profit

, e.uma coot Psm'as have occurred. Airlines. Inc. and Nelson Island A,r r D.ved to. m6. Service.Inc d/b/a Executive Charter; Advisory Committee on Reactor storton W. Libarkin. Order To Show Cause Safeguards Sut) committee on 1 e:er L-c.tr6 e Dimtor fer Prey: t Ret 'c w-CJff*C#'U" Regulatory Policies & Practices; Meeting LFR Doc. 88-13409 F. fed 6-12-66: 8.45 a:nl In FR Doc. 86-12657 appearing on sinos c e timi-a p+;e .:0570 in the issue of Thursday.

The ACRS SubcTrnittee on - - - - - -- - [une 5. ,W6. m,ake de following Regulatory Policies and Practices will

" SMALL BUSlHESS ADMINISTRATION  ![th d cket line in the heading and

,'g g7 g "8" Street , s in the second line of the " action" (Disaster Lcan Area e22401 caption. the Order number should have UC'he T entire meeting will be open to read "86-5-99*.

Pennsylvania; Declaration of Disaster public attendance. Loan Area ,,u i.a coes

The agenda for the subject meeting shall be as follows: As a result of the President's maior Thursday. June 26.19%8-30 AM. until disaster declaration on lune 5.1966. I Federal Aviation Administration the conclusion ofbusiness find that Allegheny Countyin the State of Pennsylvania constitutes a disaster Radio Technical Commission for The Subcommittee will review the' regulatory pmcess as it relates to the loan area because of severe storms and Aeronautics (RTCA). Special June 9.1985 Davis.Besse event using the flooding beginning on or about May 30' Committee 151-Airbome Microwave 1986. Eligible persons, firms, and Landing System Area Navigation Report of the Independent Ad Hoc Group for the Incident (NUREG-1201) as organizations may file ap lications for Equipment; Meeting th7 the basis for the meeting. physical damage until th close of-Oral statements :nay be presented by business on August 4.1986, and for, Pursuant to section 10(a)(2) of the economic injury until the close of Federal Advisory Committee Act(Pub.

CNembers of the public with the L 92-463: 5 U.S.C. App.1) notice la business on September 2.1986, at:

[ } neurrence of the Subcommittee Disaster Area 2. Office Small Business hereby given of a meeting of RTCA Gdhairmaniwritten statements will be Administration. Richard B. Russell Spacial Committee 151 on Airbome eccepted and made available to the Microwave Landing System Area Committee. Recordings will be permitted Federal Bldg. 75 Spring Street SW Suite 822. Atlanta. Georgia 30303, or Navigation Equipment to be held on luly enly during thot: portions of the 9-11.1986, in the RTCA Conference meeting when a transcript is being kept. other locally announced locations.

The interest rates area: Room. One McPherson Square.1425 K cnd questions may be asked only by Street. NW., Suite 500. Washington. DC.

members cf the Subcommittee. its *** commencing at 9:30 a.m.

consultants, and Staff. Persons desiring to make oral statements should notify Homeowners with credit available The Agenda for this meeting is as els*w here a noo follows: til Chairman's Introductory ths ACRS staff member named below as Remarks:(2) Approvalof the Tweifth farin advance as is practicable so that Hcmeuwners m:hout credit avail-appropriate arrangements can be made.

dul"* b'N - N Meeting Mim tes:(31 Review and B:.:nasses wah credit asadable Disc'sss SC-137 and EL*ROCAE %C-27 Dunng the initial portion of the meeting. the Subcommittee. along with 'k'"'h's:iO Overut.v af MOTS Test Du ne es ithout credit oadab!e Sections: t3) Techmut P esentaticns:(6) eny ofits consultants who may be c's w :ere..

i 4 000 Reparts of Me Operatens Working prssent, may exchange pretirninary Busines es tEIDL) wahout creait views regarding matters to be mdable elsewhere. 4 000 Croup and Accuracy! Display Working Other tnon-profit organizations in- Cro :p:17) Review of the Seventh Draft considered dung the balance of the ciud;ng chantable and religious MOPS. inicuding Task Assignments and meeting. to.5m Draft Comments:(8) Working Crow organizational The Subcommittee willJhen hold Sessions:(9)In Plenary: Working Group -

discussions with the Executive Director Progress andTask Assignments:(10)


r,f Operations. representatives of the The number assigned to this disaster Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Other Business: and (11) Data and Place da ag a of Next Meeting.

Panel, representatives of Toledo Edison [sg,22 en e ,

Attendance is open to the interested Company, and other infeststed persons regarding this revlem - (Catalog of FederalDomestle Assistance public but limited to space available.

Further information regarding topics Programs Nos. 55n02 and 59008) With the approval of the Chairman, t:a be discussed. whether the meeting asted:!une e61986- mernbers of the public may present oral sernsed xutik. statements at the meeting. Persons' has been cancelled or rescheduled. the Chairman'a ru!!ng on requests for the Deputy Associate Administmrorfot Disaster wishing to present statements or obtain cpportunity to present oral statementa Assistence. infqrmation should contact the RTCA N (FR Doc. 86-13336 Fifed 612-8e: 245 am!

Secretariat One McPherson Square.

1425 K Street. NW.. Suite 500, tried by e ptepthf telephone call to' su.rme coos (j@)tha.

s 8, time allotted therefor can be ' A-2

- e ,


acamg_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

i -

REVISION 1-6/16/86 e




- Objectives of Program 11:45 a.m. Items Brief Description of Program Phases / Tasks ,

1 & 2, includes -

- Program End Products


Phase I: FabricationofTestSamp1/ MM Mb ItM i t.OD. .

(a),0bjectives b Flaw Sample Matrix "

(Ic Thermal Fatigue Crack Process -

dd Mechanical Fatigue Crack Process (e Schedule for Flaw Samples Improved Manual Te hni Development T.1f- Phase II:


'h so .% O"- d ' __Obj ective s'--- '

a (Ib)p Brief Overview of Literature Survey Current Test Results

/(c) d) Schedule for Manual Technique Development Phase III: Automated Inspection and DateMww Processing - EPRI O" M (a Objectives 45 (b Preliminary Efforts 11:4 m. -12.Jd III. STATUS REPORT OF OTHER CAST STAINLESS STEEL



r2,4 f-p.m.

6 -1:00 l' 30b*h. IV. , Lxwch + + 4 CHANGES IN STEEL MAKING PRO

- Report by Dr. S. Bush l '. M -

%00-hpifrr c=><****t*MCW**-- -


-I VI. ACRS TOUR (NOTE: ThisportionProprietary) .

2:30-g:00p.m. .

I - Tour of Fatigue Cracking Lab

- Tour of NDE Center Lab: UT Demonstration ATTACHMENT B


1. Westinghouse Owners Group, A. E. Curtis III, " Demonstration of Flaw Detection and Characterization Capabilities for Ultrasonic Inspection of Main Coolant Loop Welds"
2. Electric Power Research Institute, M. M. Behravesh, " Ultrasonic Inspection of Welded Joints in Centrifugally Cast Stainless Steel Pipes of PWR's Main Coolant Loops"
3. Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Steven R. Doctor, " Status Report on Inspection Reliability of Cast Stainless Steel"
4. S. H. Bush, Consultant, " Changes in Steel Making Practice" for ACRS