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Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 8 to License SNM-1168 Re Mod to Radiation Protection Program During Shutdown of Fuel Fabrication Activities
Person / Time
Site: 07001201
Issue date: 04/06/1987
From: Ketzlach N, Rouse L
Shared Package
ML20206B116 List:
NUDOCS 8704080346
Download: ML20206B128 (4)



-y l APR 0 61987 FCUP:NK.

-DOCKET NO: 70-1201- ,

LICENSEE:7 Babcock & Wilcox (B&W)

FACILITY: Commercial Nuclear Fuel Plant 1 '




U The Babcock:& Wilcox Company, Connercial Nuclear Fuel Plant (CNFP), plans' to i shutdown fuel fabrication activities from June 15, through August 31, 1987, inclusive. During the shutdown period, B&W plans to do no fuel fabrication work or movement'of SNM, except that fuel assemblies may be shipped'to a customer site or received at the CNFP. The fuel assembly shipments and receipts will'be handled in accordance with the conditions of the license.

However, maintenance on their ECHO-330 system will continue during the


shutdown period with the radiation safety controls related to this system.

Outside the ECHO-330. operations, the plant status with regard to SNM will be that of a storage facility. Therefore, the CNFP has requested the following exemptions and modifications from several monitoring requirements during this period.

Exemptions I

1. At the end of the-shutdown period, the calendar year 1987 retraining of radiation workers shall be conducted.

l 2. Exemption from performing weekly measurements of glovebox negative

pressure, hood face velocities, and elephant trunk velocities.

i 3. Exemption from collecting daily air samples at work stations and periodic j lapel samples.

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- Babcock & Wilcox SER 2 APR 0 61987 Modifications

1. . Health-safety personnel shall conduct, at least monthly (currently weekly),

a formal audit of plant status relative to nuclear and radiological safety, except during plant shutdown of a week or longer.

'2. Differential pressure across the HEPA filters shall be checked quarterly and filters replaced when damage is evident or when the differential pressure exceeds 4 inches of water.



3. Gaseous effluent samples shall be collected weekly (currently daily), and counted after allowing'for decay of radon and its daughters.
4. The minimum survey frequency for the controlled pellet fabrication / rod loading charge room shall be monthly (currently weekly).
5. The minimum survey frequency for the intermediate change room shall be weekly (currently daily). {

S. The minimum survey frequency for the remainder of the plant and office area (clean areas).shall not be done (currently monthly).

7. During the shutdown period, the CNFP Emergency Response Organization may have to be supplemented by the B&W Naval Nuclear Fuel Division and/or Lynchburg Research Center Emergency Team personnel. However, the latter i shall receive CNFP specific training before becoming a member of the CNFP Emergency Team.

. Should it become necessary to initiate activities involving SNM (other than fuel assembly shipments or receipts), CNFP will send written

+' notification of the renewed licensed activities to the NRC Uranium Fuel

. Licensing Branch and to the NRC Region II Office prior to, or within 4 1 working day of the start of the activity.

Similar changes were in effect at the CNFP during the June 18, through October 16, 1983, shutdown period.


A. . Radiological Safety Exemptions from the requested requirements pose no radiological safety problems in the absence of any unclad SNM fuel handling activities.

1 Since there will be no unclad SNM fuel handling activities during this shutdown period, the above radiation safety monitoring frequencies should g be adequate for the protection of personnel, the public, and the

- environment.

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Babcock & Wilcox SERl ~3 pR06 N B. Nuclear Criticality Safety Reducing the minimum frequency of the nuclear criticality safety formal audits by the health-safety personnel from weekly to monthly will not reduce the effectiveness of the nuclear criticality safety programs. All other aspects of the program remain the same.

C. Environmental Protection There'is no requested change in the environmental protection requirements-for the facility. The requested change'in radiation safety monitoring requirements during the shutdown period do not result in (1) any significant change in the types or significant increase in the amount of effluents that may be released offsite; (2) any significant increase in-individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure; (3) any significant construction impact; and (4) any significant increase in potential for or consequences from radiological accidents. Therefore, in accordance with 10 CFR 51.22(c)(11), neither an Environmental Assessment nor an Environmental Impact Statement is necessary for the proposed action.

. D. General The amended application dated March 6, 1987, and its supplement dated March 25, 1987, were discussed on April 2,1987, with Mr. G. L. Troup, i Region II Inspector for the facility. He foresaw no safety or environmental problem with the requested authorization.

CONCLUSION Issuance of the amendment' authorizing exemptions and modifications to the CNFP radiation protection program during its summer shutdown of operations is recommended.

Driginal Signed By:

Norman Ketzlach

~ Uranium Process 1.icensing Section Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and

~ Material Safety, NMSS 18 ml Sigud Br2 '

-Approved by:

Leland C. Reuse, f.cting Chief n

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