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Requests Info Re Implementation of Compliance W/Executive Order 11988 Re Floodplains in Preparation for Proceedings
Person / Time
Site: Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 10/13/1978
From: Roisman A
National Resources Defense Council
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7810300268
Download: ML20150B222 (3)


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Natural Resources Defens , unc 4 c.


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202 737-5000 ( om d $

ll'estern O$ce D New York 0@ce 2345 YALs sTarzT M b 122 EAST 4 2ND SME PA1.0 ALTO, CAL, j f pj goggLIC DOCWM OctoberROO13, 1978 N stw voax,N.v tu t7 1 485 327-10c0 212 949-o049 l 1

I Harold Denton 1 Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation I Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 l


Dear Mr. Denton:

l On October 6, 1978, the NRC published in the Federal Register the attached Compliance with E.O. 11988 on Floodplains. l In it the NRC stated that pending completion of new regulatory -

l guides, the NRC staff will include floodplain considerations in individual licensing reviews. Would you please identify what steps the Staff will be taking to comply with this directive in the OPS proceeding? In particular, please explain how conditional approval of estuarine, riverine and barrier island siting for FNPs is consistent with the flood-plain policy articulated in E.O. 11988.

Sincerely, ,

g. Y '^f ,i V"Wi Anthony / /I./RoismanL i

/ l cc: attached service list / I 970'30=-


. ry13 n4 Recpled Paper.

, } +  % .

NOTICES . b5I (7590-01] tivities under its authority. The NRC 4. NUREO 0180: Early Site Revich. Proce.

staff routinely considers the environ. dures and Possible Techmcal Reuew Op.

' mental impact of its action pursuant tons.

NUCLEAR REGULATORY S. NUREG-0158: Draft Environmental to the requirements of the National COMMISSI Environmental Policy Act of 1969. as Standard Review Plans for the Environmen.

COMPtlANCf WITH LO.11988 ON amended (NEPA). The NIIC believes $ns r huc e$rNo er tants -

FLOODPtAINS that the procedures and purposes of the order can be appropriately accom. Regulatory guides are periodically

. Ptens le Revise Reeviefery Guide

  • modated as a part of the agency's com. revised to reflect pub!!c comments and licensing experience. As each of the Executive Order 11988 expresses the pliance with NEPA. NRC's NEPA reg, policy of the Federal Government ulations in 10 CFR Part 51 do nog above guides is revised. floodplain con-8 that Federal agencies should attempt .ipecify in detail the kinds of environ, siderations will be incorporated into to reduce the risk of flood loss and to mental considerations that are to be the revision. Also, as new guides and minimize the effects of floods by addressed in the NEPA review. Howev.,' regulations are developed, floodplain avoiding. where practicable develop. er, these matters are addressed in reg. considerations will also be included. In .

the meantime, specific technical ment in floodplains. Under the order' ulatory guides and other staff docu. l Federal agencies with responsibilities rnents. The NRC has identified the instructions have been given to NRC for conducting Federal activities and following regulatory guides and relag. staff that will result in floodplain con.

programs affecting land use are re. ed staff documents for revision to spe. siderations being included in mdividu.

cifically include floodplain consider. al licensing reviews.

quired to evaluate the potential ef.

fects of any action they might take in ations' Dated at Washington. D.C. this 28th a floodpain. In addition. each agency t. Regulatory Oulde 4.2: Preparation of day of September.1978, la to amend its regulations within one Environmental Reports for Nuclear Pcwer For the Nuclear Regulatory Com.

year to comply with the order and Stauons (Ruiston 2L mission *

2. Regulatory Guide 4.7: General Site must explain what means the agency Sultability Criteria for Nuclear Power Sta* l will employ to pursue non hazardous SAMUE1. J. CHILK.

uses of riverine, coastal. and other 3 "#[g'ul to y Outde 3.8; Preparation of floodplains in connection.With the ac. Envircnmental Reports for Uranium Mills. IFR Doc. 78-28550 Filed 10 5-78: 8:45 aml o .

l i



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FED (t At afollitt, VOt. 43, NO.195--FRID AY, OCTOBf t 6,1978

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6 s RELATED CORRESPONDENCE Richard S. Sal ran, Chairran Stephen M. Schinki, Esq.

Atcmic Safety r.d Licensing Appeal Board Office of Executive Iacal Director U.S. Nuclear ? qalatory F M ssion U.S. Nuclear Pegulater/ Ccnnission Washington, D.C. 20055 Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. John H. B".ck Carl Valore, Jr., Esc.

Atomic Safety rd Licensing Appeal Board Valore, McAllister, Ce3rier, Arcn &

U.S. Nuclear ?qalatory Conmission West:Toreland Washington, D.C. 20555

  • 535 Tilton Foad P. O. Box 152 Michael C. Farar Northfield, New Jersey 08225 Atomic Safety ed Licensing Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Fegulatory Conmission Mark L. First, Esq.

Washington, D.C. 20555 Deputy Attorney General Division of Law, State ibuse Annex Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq., Chairran Trenton, New Jersey 07625 Atcmic Safety r.d Licensdr.g Board U.S. Nuclear ? qalatory Conmission R. William Potter, Esq.

Washington, D.C. 20555 Assistant Deputy Public Mvocate State of New Jersey l Dr. David R. Schink P. O. Box 141 l Atomic Safety rd Licensing Board Trenten, New Jersey C9601 l Departrent of Oceancgraphy Texas A&M t.lhiw.rsity Mr. Kenneth B. Walten College Staticn, 'bxas 77840 Brigantine Tutoring 309 21st Street, South Inster Kornblith, Jr. Brigantine, New Jersey 08203 Atomic Safety rd Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Camission Mr. George B. Ward Washington, D.C. 20555 Nuclear Power Plant C2mittee City Hall Dr. David L. Ee rick Brigantine, New Jersey 08203 Atomic Safety rd Licensing Board University of Arincna Rarold P. Abrams, President Tucson, Ari::r.a 35721 Atlantic Cbunty Citice .s Cbuncil on Environnent Alan S. Posenthal, Esq., Chairran 9100 Amherst Avenue Atomic Safety rd Licensing Margate, New Jersey 08402 Appeal Board Fr.el U.S. Nuclear ?qalatory Commission Cocketing and Service Section Washington, D.C. 20555 office of the Secretary U.S. Nuclear Pegulatorf (bnmission Barton Z. Ccwan, Esq. Washington, D.C. 20555 John R. Kenrick, Esq.

Eckert, Sea ans, Charin & Mellott Richard M. Hluchan 600 Grant Stree: Deputy Attomey Gener.'J.

Pittsburgh, Fe r.sylva.nia 15219 State of New Jersev 36 West State Street #

'Ihomas M. Da"gherty, Esq. Trenton, New Jerset


a 4 Offshore Pcker Systers // COC W 8000 Arlingtr. ?a.fceay vssac 3 P. O. Box 80C0 '

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Jacksonville, Florida 32211 I 0C3 l?1970 # 4 6 gw a s.s se"#

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