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Approves Encl 850531 Proposed Route for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel for West Valley,Ny to Dresden Facility in Illinois (Erie County Alternate),Per 10CFR73.37
Person / Time
Site: 07003020
Issue date: 06/10/1985
From: Nulsen C
To: Danese F
NUDOCS 8506180197
Download: ML20126G967 (10)



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We' JUN 101985 j/;vw p - l Jg.s ,

Wn a par m cdouro(c), _


07013020110R { ~ Jf- p d nuclear Assurance Corporation dD RM (ins rt pror .assification)

ATTH.: ftr. F. L. Danese, M nager Cask operations 5720 Peachtree Parkway Norcross, Georqia 30092 3AFc;"/,Rns I::77'$,Tio I (Jnau ti.c ri; . y' r ai, f cct to Gentiemen: Meinic+ nive upci:.inal amixa.

Inis is in regard to your request for approval of a route to be used for trans- 1 port of spent reactor fuel as contained in your letter of t'ay 31, 1035.

The proposed route requested in your letter of May 31,1HS is judged to4 met the regulatory requirenents in accordance with 10 CFP 7.3.37 for shipaents of spent fuel an i is approved.

Please note that assurinq highway safety is the responsibility of the licensee and carrier and our approval is nat intended to provide relief in this rogard.

During seasonal periods wqen inclment weather with accniipanying hazardous road '

coo 11tions can occur with short natice, the appropri ate state police should be contacted with reqard to road conditions before a shipwnt (dNIEn~ces.

The initial arranqe ients with law enforcewnt ailencies along tne ro Jte, Data as re,psired by 10 CFR 73.17(a)(?), have been co,pleted by the fDC staf f.

relatioq to these arranip*:ents an1 a copy of the approvel route are enclosed.

This infor4 iation is ta be incorporatod into your shipment plans an1 provided to _voor carrier alor.j with instructions regarling its use.

Pleise note that the notification require,ents of 10 CFP 13.37t t) and 73.7?

for each ship,ent still apply. 4 hen naking a natification to a t;overnor or his desiqnee it should be very specific especially with regard to notification of serios shipwnts. Jritteq notification nust desiqnate exactly how aany indi-vidual snip,ents are to he inclu te41. In th2 event the nunher of shiplents in a series is revised, the chanqe notification should indicate that it is a revision of tno original notification and an increase in the niriher of snip-

ents, la addition, th9 change notification should specify that the date tho infornation can be decontrolle! for any of the shipnents in the revised series is ten days after the arrival at the destination of the last shipacot in that series.

D506180197 850610  ;

PDR ADOCK 070***** ,


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TU4 d M.w.D.l h .V J.l..Mi..\J.i.l.G.l.J.V..

  • *S" "* 3+2 41 i NRC FORM 318610 BOI NRCM O240 OFFICIAL RECORD <COPY r


SA' '~ ' a tl wnnm ,cr m e\VV <litul\tVITTY4hr l Pir. F. L. Danese )

JUN 101385 Should you require additional infomation or have questions concernin'] this raatter, please contact Charles Hillman of my staff (301-427-4186).


/r/ d.f kA-s C. K. f:ulsen, Acting Branch Chief Haterial Tra<.sfer SG Licensing Branch Division of Safeguards, rtiSS


As stated -

West Valley / Morris 07003020110R DISTRIBUTION:

w/ enclosure: w/o enclosure:

Docket File /70-3020 3rNT r/f Case File /70-3020 Subj. File (B-route approval)

Region I NMSS r/f

' Region !!! RFonner LCRouse 0 Weiss CHillman PDR (Sanitized)

Route only:

SGagner, PA SGM SGM (

CRH an CKNuTstn 6/f,/ 6/(p/85 SA:EGlDS-N:3RMDF

e f

SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL ROUTE SURVEY West Valley, New York to Dresden Facility, Illinois (Erie County Alternate)

June 1985

ROAD TRANSPORTATION ROUTE West Valley, NY to Dresden Facility, IL (Erie County Alternate)


1. NFS facility north to Schwartz Road 2 miles f

. 2. Schwartz Road west to US 219 2 miles ..

3. US 219 north to NY 39 8 miles 4a NY 39 west to US 62 15 miles 4b. US 62 north to Eden-Evans Center Road 12 miles 4c. Eden-Evans Center Road west to I-90 (NY Thruway) 3 miles 4d. I-90 (NY Thruway) south to Pennsylvania State Line ji!j miles Subtotal 95 miles PENNSYLVANIA
5. I-90 west to I-79 23 miles
6. I-79 south to I-80 59 miles
7. I-80 west to Ohio State Line 18 miles Subtotal 100 miles OHIO .
8. I-80 west to Indiana State Line 237 miles INDIANA
9. I-80 west to Illinois State Line 151 miles ILLIN0IS
10. I-80 west to I-55 37 miles
11. 1-55 south to Lorenzo Road 10 miles
12. Lorenzo Road west to Dresden Road 4 miles
13. Dresden Road north to facilit'y ,

2 miles Subtotal 53 miles TOTAL MILES 637 miles



'\ t

FOOD AND FUEL STOPS The businesses and locations listed below were identified by the NRC route analysis teams as possible food and fuel stops. All possible stops along -

the route are not listed. Only a few of the locations were visited by the NRC teams. In order to be listed, food and fuel stops were required to be ,

close to the route, j,


1. Angola Service Area. I-90, NY Thruway, mm 446.


1. Union 76 Truck Stop. NY/PA Line.
2. Green Shingle Truck Stop. I-90, Exit 5, mm 19.
3. Several small diesel fuel stops located on I-79.


1. Truck World. Intersection of I-80, US 62. 3 miles west of PA State Line.
2. Service Plazas. Located on I-80, Oh'io Turnpike at mm 140, 100, 49, 21.


1. Union 76 Auto / Truck Stoo. I-80, Indiana Tollroad, mm 144, Angola Exit.
2. Service Plazas. Located on I-80, Indiana Tollroad, at mm 153, 126, 90, 56, 22.

~ '

ILLINOIS' The vehicle will be under continuous escort as the route goes through a heavily populated area. No specific food and fuel stops have been identified. There are multiple truck, food and service cases along the tollway.

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IEEW voks/PtimsttVAalA -

tmatancy Ptumt samstus: Area Code: ny (136) PA (814) (4I2) -

IdW fust SIATE susite ANGE A FR(BUNIA Ircop *A" P11EISVt VAml A st(RCla 7TE~MI-9300 7IUT49-2%0 - 7 ICE 7&l521 PA 5 tate Po1Tce 24 hr dispatch TEll0F *5*-

Iroop *E* 412-662-4200 116-593-1000 Wellsville ERIE iscort Contact

  • II4~898-1641 e



a 19 a 19 m 19 m 19 Mi tiLA: $P SP $P $P SP E 5 facility hv PA e Idellsville e Boston (off route) e frie Lb}oAngola (c) e fredunta

  • l*2{offroute)(aj4b 3 l
  • 4a
  • C ' W~ l (E) (of f route) (b)
  • 5 *6 I l

.attarau9as [ rte g thoutaugua Erle Crawford Mitt 5 IN County County County l g g County County JURl5DICilON 9 45 I 41  !

35 28 I I IUIAI Mitl5 s 9 54 I I 101 136 164 (95) et V NOAD IRAll5PUNIAlluss Noult - West Valley, NV to Dresden f acility. IL e llA Response Center (trie County Alternate)

HP/$P leighway Patrul/5 tate Police

  • l. Isf 5 f acility north to 5thwarta Road (2 miles);
  • 2. Schwartz Road west to US 219 (2 miles);

5 %eritt *3 US 219 north to NT 39 (8 miles CP City Police *4a. IIT 39 west to US 62 (15 miles));  ;

C*P County Police

  • 4b. US 62 north to iden-Evans Center Road (12 miles);

e CB kadte Monitored (base) *4c. Eden-twans Center Road west to I-90 (NY Ihruway) (3 miles);

CB RaJiu Munitored (Car) *44.1-90 (Isf ihruway) south to Pennsylvania State line (53 miles);

hs Channel Munitored *5.1-90 west to I-79 (23 miles);

R Neact broup *6. I-79 south to 1-110 (59 miles);


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  • Int uLiler.y Plumet steelms: Area Code? N(412) not(216) ~~

tNele State Mtgs.uay Patrol MtitCiR USMP

{412]542-4290 OSMP Chie Ingrapite (24 hr) NMA (216)?M-2996 lEle Iernpite (24 hr)

(216)234-2tt96 Omes: MI Mi ma CH 9 i MIam (H 9, tilA: $P SP SP PA INI e Mercer (Q{d)_joffroute}Je) e Berea a Jt) e Vouantense n Jajji)

_l & _s I i p I Q) Clevelandt- (11_(b) {uffroute) (c ) t g Merter Irumbull gMahoniclIriambull

  • I I i Mitt 5 IN County Porta 9e Simuni t, g Cuyaho9e Jimisultilist 1 County founty County l Count y g

County County y torain County g

lr 31 13 I 8 I II l 20 l 1 8

14 18 l 20 l luf Al Mllii 164 101 8

214 2lt2 8

233 8 I I l 253 261 285

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  • RuAn IRANSPGAIAllGN Rutill - West Valley. NT to Dresden f acility. It (Frie County Alternate) e itA Response Center 6.1-)9 south to I-110 (59 miles);
  • 1. I 80 enest to Utile State line (18 miles in>/sr tilijleuay Patrul/ State Pullte S %ertil *8.1-80 isest to ladlana State line (337 m es);

tP City Pult(e C*P County Pullte

- CB Nadio munitored (Nase)

CR kadio muilteired (Car) hi k

ih.,que1 MunItored Re at t Group MI Mulelle telephone (Useable)

I L useri Itc.guered

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IMI NLI NL Y PatNel IRSONIR5: Area Code: (216) , .

OSMP 8(kt A '

Chie Iurnpite (24 br)

(216)234-2096 Dame:

Mim ilt 9 MI CN 9 mo M6CH 9 Illa:

SP 140 lit (d) JL ist (El

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Irle g Sandusty Ottawa (5andustyettama( Wood


  • 'aleda(*)l l Lucas fulton t

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22 101 At Mll6 5 305 1 1 1 I 1 l 112 h6 359 M2 364 315 389 4l6 1 43s 89 Y


NUA0 IRAlt5PGetI AI1011 RuellE - tiest Valley, NT to Dresden Facility, it e liA Wesponse Center (frie County Alternate) g Hl'/ *,P lilifway Patrol /5 tate Polite 8 l-80 west to ladlana line (220 miles);

5 $herill CP Ctty Police C*P County Polite

,- CB Radle Munitored (Base) m CB kadle Munitosed (Car) ,

til/Ist fhannel Munstored R Rea(t Gramp HI lbhlle Ielephune (liseable) 1 Isacrt keeguired

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IMiltGINCY PINN11 IIIMillNS: Area Code: (219) i '

  • STAlfWIDE: 317 ,232-0248 f

State Pellte' t

i 'Isviiana loIlroad towell 24 hr - 219.n4-4157 (219)696-6242 1

. (thn-tollroad)

, Enem: Lil 9 m 1


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CH 9 m

  • Cel 9 6 ,

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, County County C9 unty h ty 3

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Ml SJ) S $14 $89 i . **'

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, - Hub INANSPURIAll006 ROUlf - West Valley, NV to 14esden facility, IL e IIA Response Center (Erie County Alternate)

!N /SP . highway Petrul/5 tale Police j Y9. 1-8t3 west to Illinois State line (ISI mises);

5 t Sheriff -

' fr " " City Pullse C*P Cannet y Pullt.e

  • 4 m (Il Radio Monitosed Base) '

(R Radio Manitosed Carl ho R

thannel Munitored Rea(t 6roup

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MI Mnhile Ielephone (Useable) , #

( lscort Neipsired  ;. j

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lMt Rt.f MLV lipallt IRMRERS: Area Code: (312) (805)

  • 15P DI5IRICI 1510llWAT JollE I *

(lT2}$5CI}dts fat. 505 Tii$ll26-6291

' Camme:

MI CH 9m.R Mf CM 9a.R 111A: SP SP IN ll (t ) e Joliet jf) Dresden leuclear 3TG Cook TIT) *l2 l *I3 Pouer Station Mill 5 IN g Well g Grundy County County JuRISHIClluse 15 County l 35 lul At Mit ts $ 19 l 3 [

. 6$9 642 /

-Dtv ROAD IRANSPORIAlinel Boult . West Walley, NV to liresden f acility, it o llA ltesponse Center (Crie County Alternate) llP/SP 1169h way Patrol / State Police '80.180 west to 155 (37 miles);

S Sheriff

  • II. l.55 south to lorento Road {10 miles);

CP City Police

  • l2. torento Road uest to psesden Road (4 miles) and C'P County Pullte *l). Dresden Road north tu f acility (2 miles).

- C8 Radio Munitored (llase)

CH Radio henitosed (Car) bl Channel henitored R Neatt Gruup .

MI nobile telephone (uwahle) i Istort Requireil 3

.J. ,




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