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Discusses 850820 Request for Approval of Encl Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel.Route Meets Requirements of 10CFR73.37 & Is Acceptable
Person / Time
Site: 07003020
Issue date: 10/22/1985
From: Mccorkle G
To: Danese F
NUDOCS 8510280457
Download: ML20133N230 (8)



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, ,/ ~ - a-d d a. y 1 o g g,,, 4 9 /nq302179H i " '

Gr m, h tra tipg,gg 70 miclear Assurance Corporation A T T "- "r. F. L. Danese. "anager When septratrid from enclosuro(a),,,_ _

Ca sk if psrations ./~ . HANDI.E Ti!ISECUEUT M 5720 Peachtrae Parkway f7

'iarc ross , m 10002 ' ~ "OW Y ' b-d/

(insert proper classiiication).


Tnis is in re' lard to your re<p2est for approval of a route to be used for transport of spent reactor fuel as contained in your letter of August 2G, 19%.

The route roquested in your letter is judged to neet the re1julatory require-me,ts in accordance with 10 CFR 73.37 for ship, ants of spent f ool and is approved.

Arrangemonts with law enforce 1cnt agencies along the routa as required by 10 CFR 73.37(t)(2) have hoen completed by the fMC staf f. Data rel ati ng to thow arrange,ents and a copy of the approved route are enclosed. Inis infon1ation is to be incorporated into your shipwnt plans an1 providori to your carrier along with instructions regartling its use.

Please note that assuring highway safety is the responsiSility of tne licoqsee and carrier and our approval is not intended to provide relief in this rAJard, n uring seasonal p^riods when incloient weather with accenpanying hiza rdous road conditions can occur with short notice, the appropriate stito police shoul d be contacted with regard to road conditions before a shipaent connences.

Please note that the notification requirewnts of l')CFP 73.37(f) and 73.72 for each ship 1ont still apply. hen making a notification to a governor or his dMignee, it should be very specific especially with regard to noti fica-tion of series shi p1ents. Written notification nust designate sactly Mw many individual shipnents are to be included. In the event the nt 1ber of ship,ents in a.sories is revised, the chanqe notification should indicate that it is a revision of the original noti fication an'i an increa se or decrea se.

in the niriher of snipients. In addition, the change noti fication should spec-ify that tho information for any of tho shipnents in the revised series may  ;

not be decontrollo'! until ten days af ter tho arrival at tho destination of '

the last shiplent in th)t serios.



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B510280457 051022

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nac ronu m no nomacu ano ' OFFICIAL RECORD COPY c u.s. m u n w oo.2 o

ma 5 -SAFmau"nnus 'NnRfs"t,r d ,

Should you ra;vii re addi tional infor- ation or havo rei. stions concornino this natter, ol ease cont.tct Charles Hillman of my sta ff at ( ',:11) 1? / 41F6 Sincerely, l $* ?7lah'h) ,/f a a ,J Genrqa H. *ct:orkl e, chie f Sifoquards L'c.tctor and c O' Transportatinq l iconsing " ranch

[j nivision of Safequards, VBs


As statei West Valley / West Jef ferson 07003020200R OISTRIBUTION:

w/ enclosure w/o enclosure Docket File /70-3020 SGRT r/f Case File /70-3020 tNSS r/f Region I RFonner Region III LCRouse 0 Weiss PDR (Sanitized) CHillman RRentschler Route only:

SGagner, PA l

1.w SA EGES- N:BV A7 W

"'u )SGRT: 1 ,,. .SE.RI.Sds.... ..S.GRT.:.fdb1... ... .. . . . . .... ... .. . .. ...... ...... . .... . ... .

.u ~,.,cp CRHfl pw RRRe tachler GWMcCorkle

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A us. oi>o ass-4oo-247 une ronu mo no soincu o24o OFFICIAL RECORD COPY


Road Transportation Route A

West Valley, NY to llest Jefferson, OH NEW YORK Total Mileage 416

1. NFS f acility north to Schwartz Road
  • 2.0 miles
2. Schwa rtz Road we st to US-219* 2.0 mil es
3.16-219 north to NY-39* 8.0 mil es 4 NY-39 west to US-20* 32.0 mil es
5. US-?0 south to NY-60* 1.5 miles
6. NY-60 north to I-90 (NY Thruway)* 0.5 miles
7. I 40 south to Dennsylvania State Line 28.0 miles Sub total 74.0 mil es PENNSYLVANIA
8. I-90 west to I-79 23.0 miles
9. I-79 soutn to I-70 138.0 mil es
10. I-70 west to West Virginia State Line 19.0 miles l l

Subtotal 180.0 mil es )


11. ..I-70 west tc Ohio State Line 14.0 miles 1


12. I-70 west to I-2 70 120.0 miles
13. 1-270 southwest to I-70 18.0 mil es
14. I-70 west to Ohio 142 9.0 mil es
15. Chio 142 south to West Jefferson, Ohio
  • 1.0 mile Sub total 148.0 mil es To tal 416.0 mil es 1



  • Access to or exit from interstate or state preferr6d routes.

l SEP ::63

Fn00 ann FilEL STOPS The businesses and locations listed below were identified hv the NRC route analysis teams as possible food and fuel stops. All possible stops along the route are not listed. Only a few of the locations were visited by the NRC teams. In order to be listed, food and fuel stops were required to be close to the route.

NEW YORK No specific food and fuel stops have been identified.


1. Union 76 Truck Stop. NY/PA Line.
2. Green Shingle Truck Stop. 1-90 Exit 5 mile marker (nn) 19.
3. Several small diesel fuel stops located on I-79.


1. Truck Stop of America. I-70 Exit 11 mm 7.


1. Shenandoah Truck Stop. I-70 Exit 187.

2 SEP E65 l

l l

1 I

NI W YHRk /PINNSVI VANI A (ML RG[ NC Y IUONI NINHfRS: Ar ea Coite: NY (116) PA (Hl 4) (412)


Troop " A" TIGTCI S/l PA State PoTic e EdiiP 5"

/4 hr dispatch Troop "L" 412-662-4700 116 -59 3-l [N U ERif Wellsville hTUH 98- 1641 Ccums: gr LL L A: SP SP sP sp Nf 5 Facility my pA ea e e Wallsville o Wallsville e Erie

.____(offroute) ___{off route) ,_ ,,_ _ ,(a } e j r edon i a _ ,,,,,

_*H_ _ ,*) (t) (off route) (b)I

  • 1 *2 *3 i *4 l *5 '6 */ _,___l Cattarauguy frie Cattaraugus Chautauqua Erie l Crawford MILFs IN l County l County l County l County County l Coun t y g JUR l50!C il0N 9 15 g 8 42 35 28 g g IOTAL MILES 0 9 24 32 74 109 136 KEY ROA0 IRANSPORTAIl0N N00TI - We st Va l le y , NY t o We st Je f f e r so n, f sH o lf A Response Center *l. NF 5 Facti tty north to 5chwarti Roet (2 miles);

HP/NP Highway Patrol /5 tate Police *2. Sc hwa rts Road west to H5-219 (2 miles);

5 sheriff

  • 3. US-219 nor th to NY-39 (8 mil es);

CP Ci ty Polic.e *4. NY-39 we st to US-20 (32 miles);

C'P County Police *S. U5-20 sout h to NY-60 (1.5 miles);

_ CB Radio Monitored (Ra se) *6 NY-60 north to I-90 (NT Thruway)(0.5 mile);

~, C8 Radio Monitored (Car) *1.1-90 south to Pennsylvania State Line (2H miles);

III/NO Channel Monitored *8. 1-90 west to 1-19 (23 miles);

R Reac t Group *9. 1-19 south to I-10 (138 miles).

Mi Pbbile Telephone (Useable)

E Escort Required 3

SEP 1985


  • PE NNSYLVANI A/Wi%i VIRGINI A EMERGENC Y Mt0NL NttiHERS: Area Code PA (412) WV (M1) OH (bl4)

MERCEg WASH I Nta T ON MtEELING SP(412)662-4200 3fT4127223-5200 HP(1641242-2252 FA WV Conun:

CH 9/19 SP HP LLE A:

Pittsburgh (E) oMercer -(f)oWashington (a) (b)oWheeling (c) (d) __. ...'


  • 0 Mercer Butler Allegheny Wa shington (hio County County County Count y County MILES IN 25 31 25 33 14 JUR ISDIC il0N 136 161 165 190 221 254 268 TOTAL MILES l awr en c e KEY County 4

LE A Response Center ROAD TR ANSPORI AlltlN R00!E - West Valley, NY to West Jef ferson,1)H o

HP/$P HighwJy Patrol / State Police S Sher i f f

  • 10.1 70 we st to West Virg inia 5t ate L1ne (19 mil es)

CP City Police *l1. I-70 west to Ohio State Line (14 miles)

C'P County Police CH Radio Monitored (Base)

CH Radio Monitor ed (Car)

Cii[No. Channel Monitored R React Group MT Muhile Telephone (useable)

E Escort Required 4

g . -

f MERI.E NC Y PHONE MIMRlW5: Area Code (614)




~~ ~

C0t umus IIE(A 4)b 95-0415 H'P'{Eii)4 39 13HH HP(6T4)45.i-0541 HP (614)921-iliM5 HP (b 1'4 J 4'66-2 hhu Conna: Mr MI

._CH9 ,, a _ CH 9 , . _ _ , _ CH 9. R ,___, _ C H 9 . R , , _ C H 9/19, R ,

LtE A: HP HP HP HP HP e Newark

_ _ _-_._ _ __ la _est. Clairsville_(cj(dl e Cambridge (e ___(f Lelanesville (ie Granville,[ot t ro e (il

_{hl e Columbusft _ _

l Helmont l Cdser n se y i Maskinqisu l lickinq l Er ank l in l l Mite 5 IN g County l

County g County l County l County  ; l J:lR 15DIC I l0N y

?H  ; 29 g 71 l 30 g 31 I i I I i i i I0IAL MitFS 268 296 125 35 / 3H? 4[3 4 }fy Mad t w n KEV County o LE A Response Center HP/SP Highway Patrol /5 tate Pol ic e RmD TR AN5 PORI All0N RGlif - West Valley, NY to West Jef fers>n, OH 5 Sherif f CP City Police

  • l 2. 1 - 10 we s t t o 1-270 (170 miles);

C'P County Police

  • l 3. I -? /9 sou t h to I-10 we s t ( IH m a l e s) ;

_ C8 Radio Monitured (Rase) *l4 1-/O west to Ohio 147 (9 miles);

CH Radio Monitored (Car) *15. Ohio 14? to West Jef f erson, Ohio (I mile).

CH/No. Channel Monitored R React Group Mr Mubile Telephone (useable)

E Escort Requiret 5 SEP 1985

_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .