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Affidavit of Jc Golden Re Rorem Subcontention 1(c),affirming That Adequate Plan for Emergency Medical Treatment & Transportation Exists.Correspondence W/Radiation Mgt Corp,St Joseph Medical Ctr & Northwestern Memorial Hosp Encl
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/13/1985
From: Golden J
Shared Package
ML20126G862 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8506180222
Download: ML20126H032 (17)


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) Docket Nos. 50-456 (Braidwood Nuclear Power ) 50-457 Station, Units 1 and 2 )

AFFIDAVIT OF JOllN C. GOLDEN (on Rorem Contention 1(c))

John C. Golden, being duly sworn, deposes and states as follows:

1. My name is John C. Golden. I am employed by the Commonwealth Edison Company (" CECO") as Supervisor of Emergency Planning. I have been employed by Commonwealth Edison sinco January 11, 1971. I am responsibic for the development, review, coordination and approval of nucicar station environ-montal radiological monitoring Icograms and emergency planning for all of CECO's nuclear power stations including the Braidwood Station. I have a Bachelor of Science in Physics (1962) from the University of Massachusetts, and a Master of Public Ilealth (1964) and Doctor of Public IIcalth (1970) from the University of Michigan. At Michigan I majorod in Radiological and Environmental llealth. Prior to working for Commonwealth i Edison, I worked as a lloalth Physicint for the Florida Stato

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, Board of Health (1964-1966) and Sandia Corporation, Albuquerque, New Mexico (1966-1968).

2. This affidavit is made in support of CECO's Motion for Summary Disposition of the following aspect of Rorem contention 1(c):

Intervenor contends that an adequate emergency plan for the Braidwood Station should include the following:

c) a suitable plan for providing medical treatment to operating personnel who might be exposed to radiation in the event of an accident, including transportation to medical facilities equipped to treat radiation casualties.

3. Ceco has established a plan for emergency medical treatment of its personnel at the Braidwood Station who may suffer radiation injuries and/or traumatic injuries accom-panied by radioactive contamination. This plan is outlined in CECO's Generating Station Emergency Plan ("GSEP" - Section 6.5) and the Braidwood Station GSEP Annex (Section 7.5). This plan is similar to the plans for Ceco's other nuclear power stations.
4. To acsist in the implementation of Ceco's plan, Ceco has contracted with Radiation Management Corporation ("RMC")

of Philadelphia. RMC conducts the training of Ceco personnel and support organizations such as hospitals and ambulance services who may be called on to assist in the omorgoney treatment of Ceco personnel suffering radiation injuries


. and/or contaminated injuries at CECO's nuclear power plants, including the Braidwood Station. RMC also assists the local hospital in the development of procedures and facilities to handle contaminated injured persons. Further, under CECO's agreement with RMC, RMC itself will provide support services in an emergency involving radiation injuries and/or contam-inated injuries. The details of RMC's program are explained in the affidavit of Roger E. Linnemann, M.D., Vice Chairman and Chief Medical Officer of RMC. (See also Golden Attachment A.) I will outline CECO's plan for the Braidwood Station.

5. Radiation Chemistry Technicians ("RCT's") and certain supervisors at the Braidwood Station will be trained and qualified to administer first aid to personnel who suffer radiation exposure and/or contaminated injury. At least one RCT will be available on each shift. The RCT and the supervisor will be responsible for rescuing or assisting with the roscue of the injured person, administering first aid, and arranging appropriato transportation of the injured person to a hospital, if necessary. The RCT will also asseus the magnitude of any surface contamination of the injured person and total body i

dose and, if possible, perform simple decontamination of the body surface prior to transportation of the injured person.

The RCT will accompany the injured person during any transport by ambulance to tho hospital and assist the ambulance and hospital staffs in the decontamination of the patient, con-tamination control, and radiation protection. The training of

the RCT's and the supervisors for meeting these emergency responsibilities will be provided by RMC. (See !inneman Affidavit.)

6. The Braidwood Station has entered into a Letter of Agreement with the Braidwood Fire Departcent under which the Braidwood Fire Department will transport injured Braidwood Station persennel to the St. Joseph Medical Center in Joliet, Illinois. (Golden Attachment B.) The Braidwood Fire Depart-ment has three ambulances, one of which may soon be retired, and a rescue vehicle. Each ambulance is capable of carrying four ambulatory patients er one critically injured patient.

The Braidwood Fire Department has 28 personnel, including 12 emergency medical technicians. All of the Braidwood Fire Department personnel are licensed and qualified to drive the ambulances. The Braidwood Fire Department personnel will receive special training from PMC in the handling, care and transportation of contaminated injured persons. (See Linneman Affidavit.)

7. The Braidwood Station has also entered into Letters of Agreement with the fire departments of five other Iceal communities which can provide backup arbulance service to the Braidwood Fire Department: Braceville, Gardner, Essex, Wilmington, and South Wilmington Township. Each of these fire departments has one ambulance, except Willmington which haF two. Wilmington and Gardner also each have one rescue vehicle. The emergency medical technicians frcm these five

other fire departments will be invited to attend the training sessions to be provided by RMC.

8. Further, CECO's Dresden Station has a Letter of Agreement with the Coal City Emergency Squad for assistance to the Dresden Station, similar to the agreement with the Braidwood Fire Department for Braidwood Station. They are located approximately six (6) miles from the Braidwood Station and could be called on for assistance at Braidwood, if needed.

They have three ambulances and a staff of 39 emergency medical technicians. The Coal City Emergency Squad has already received training from RMC. (See Linnemann Af fidavit.)

9. The Braidwood Fire Station also is a participant in a mutual aid pact with emergency squads from 24 communities in the area, including those already mentioned. The participants in this pact have a general agreement to provide mutual support to one another in the event of an emergency. There is a total of about 20 ambulances available under this pact (inclusive of those counted above).
10. Braidwood Station has entered into an agreement with St. Joseph Medical Center in Joliet, Illinois for the treatment of contaminated injured personnel and for the initial treatment of radiation exposure. (Golden Attachment C.) St. Joseph Medical Center is located about 20 miles from the Braidwood Stat ion, A similar agreement with St. Joseph Medical Center already exists with respect to CECO's Dresden

. Station. In consultation with RMC, St. Joseph Medical Center

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c has developed procedures and facilities to treat contaminated injured personnel. The procedures and facilities permit medical personnel to treat the traumatic injury while preventing the spread of contamination. The existing procedures at St. Joseph are being revised to address Braidwood Station as well as Dresden Station. Additional procedures are being developed to permit expanded use of the emergency facilities in the event of multiple injuries. A conference room adjacent to the emergency room at St. Joseph Medical Center can be used to accommodate additional patients arriving at the hospital who may be arriving with contaminated injuries. The St. Joseph Medical Center staff receives training from RMC, as well. (See Linnemann Af fidavit.)

11. The St. Joseph Medical Center would also be used for the initial treatment of radiation injuries to Braidwood Station personnel. Because serious radiation injuries usually do not develop until days or weeks following exposure, there is little exigency with regard to their treatment. Should it be determined that the radiation injuries require further evaluation, the patient would be transferred to the North-western Memorial Hospital in Chicago. CECO has an agreement with Northwestern Memorial under which that hospital has agreed to provide treatment to CECO personnel suffering l

radiation injuries. (Golden Attachment D.) Northwestern Memorial Hospital maintains the specialized capability and facilities necessary for treatment of radiation injuries.

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A Q 7-Further, under CECO's agreement with RMC, RMC will also provide expert medical consultation for treatment of radiation

injuries to CECO personnel.
12. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the foregoing information is true and correct.

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ohn C. Golden 1

Subscribed and Sworn before me this d day of June, 1985.

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Notary Public* V

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@' RMC Radiation Management Corporation 3440 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 243-2950 l

June 11, 1985 ,

Mr. J. F. Gudac, Superintendent Braidwood Nuclear Station

. Commonwealth Edison Company R.R. #1 Box 84


Braceville, IL 60407


Emergency Medical Assistance Program

Dear Mr. Gudae:

This confirms an agreement between Radiation Managtment Corporation (RMC) and Commonwealth Edison Company, wherein RMC agrees to furnish certain services to Braidwood Nuclear Station, operated by Commonwealth Edison

. Company. These services comprise a program that is identified by RMC as 7

'an Emergency Medical Assistance Program (EMAP). With regard to Braidwood Nuclear Station, the EMAP contains the following provisions:

1. Semi-annual inventories of plant and hospital equipment and supplies; one of these inventories will be in conjunction with (6.)

below, and semi-annual review of the hospital's treatment and decontamination manual's telephone directory;

2. Twenty-four-hour-per-day availbility of expert consultation on management of radiation accidents;
3. Availability of Bioassay Laboratory for evaluation of radiation accidents;
4. Twenty-four-hour-per-day access to a Radiation Emergency Medical Team consisting of a physician, certified health physicist, and technicians with portable instrumentation to location of accident victim; Continued. ....

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Mr. J. F. Cudac '

June 11, 1985 Page Two

5. Availability and access to a medical center equipped for the definitive evaluation and treatment of radiation injuries;

. 6. Annual training for plant and hospitaP personnel who may be directly or indirectly involved in the execution of the radiation medical emergency program;

7. Preparation (or review) of an accident scenario for use in a radiation medical emergency drill;
8. Conduct, umpire and video tape a radiation medical emergency drill;
9. Submission of two Drill Evaluation Reports; one relating to the observations made at the station, and another relating to observations made at the hospital; and..........
10. Participation in an annual seminar on the management of radiation ,

accidents for physicians. Each site may send two persons.

Accident Response Consultation and laboratory services by RMC personnel are at no charge, except incremental costs associated with consultative activities, such as travel, lodging, sample collection and transportation, and other related expenses.


( Hugttei-ik Roger E. Linnemann, M.D.

Vice Chairman REL: bun ec: John Colden Victor Copeland ,

r Mr. J. F. Gudac, Superintendent Braidwood Nuclear Station Commonwealth Edison Company R.R.#1, Box 84 Braceville, Illinois 60407 This signed letter of agreement confirms our support of the Commonwealth Edison Generating Station Emergency Plan (GSEP). If an emergency situation should arise at Braidwood Station involving fire fighting and/or ambulance response, we will provide additional timely assistance to the extent of our capability.


Signed: // , /, __

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0HIEf <01/ftD _.

Representi A ,.,s o a,7 r> Y Date: 8M C, /9F[

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LAL/j ab i (0444z) 8Nha mmm mmam 3 .

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'~ 333 North Madison'5 ' Administration joliet. lilinois 60435 l (815) 725-7133

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September 20, 1984

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i Mr. John F. Gudac I Superintendent Braidwood Nuclear Station Route #1, Box 84 - . __

Braceville, IL 60407

Dear Mr. Gudac:

Enclosed is the signed agreement confiming the support of Saint Joseph Medical Center in the Comonwealth Edison Generating Station Emergency Plan.


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R.F. Schinderle Executive Director / Administrator i

RFS:ma Enclosure i

aImmmmmmmmentnummunn e m E oxam Amomr c Conductruy tlue F reemen Su< ten Health Care Cerperstren

- tvvat.JiLuh _fr-

r Mr. J. F. Gudac, Superintendent Braidwood Nuclear Station Commonwealth Edison company R.R.#1, Box 84 Braceville, Illinois 60407 This signed letter of agreement confirms our support of the Commnonwealth Edison Generating Station Emergency Plan (GSEP) . If a radiological / medical emergency situation should arise at Braidwood Station. St. Joseph Hospital will provide additional timely assistance to the extent of its capability.



Representing: ,


..t.: snar i LAL/ jab (0444z)


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{. \' 0. % ' I Agreement, entered into this 18U1 day of bhrch , 1983, by and between Commonwealth Edison Company, an Illinois corporation (herein-after called " Edison"), and Northwestern Memorial Hospital, a not-for-profit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois (hereinafter called " Northwestern Memorial").


WHEREAS, Northwestern Memorial owns and operates hospital facilities in the City of Chicago, Illinois; and WHEREAS, Northwestern Memorial is engaged in providing hospital care and other related services to all persons admitted as patients of its medical staff; and WHEREAS, Northwestern Memorial is affiliated with Northwestern University for the purposes of providing medical education to students of such University; and WHEREAS, Northwestern Memorial maintains capability for primary and tertiary medical and patient care of persons injured as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation, including provision of such support facilities as two laminar flow controlled environment intensive care units, emergency room facilities equipped for radionuclide decontami-nation, special instrumentation for measuring the body burden of radionuclides, cell separator equipment, and other facilities required for special handling of radiation injury cases within the hospital; and WHEREAS, such facilities are an integral part of Northwestern Memorial's medical, patient care, research, and education programs; and SMME corrm ArrAaomr D

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- - ~2-WHEREAS, Edison regcrds the existence of such a facility as

. of importance, particularly in the event of an unlikely exposure of its employees, and, under prior agreements, provided financial assistance toward the acquisition and relocation of such facilities, and in consideration thereof received certain preemptive rights to their use; and WHEREAS, periodic expenditures are required for equipment maintenance and testing, for training of personnel, and other purposes necessary to maintain the aforementioned facilities in a state of readiness for use; and WHEREAS, Edison desires to assure the continued availability of such facilities and to maintain its preemptive rights to their use; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the undertakings and of the premises contained herein, the parties covenant and agree as follows:

ARTICLE I. TERM OF AGREEMENT A. This Agreement will remain in full force and effect for five (5) years from the date hereof, and thereafter until terminated by notice given by Northwestern Memorial 120 days in advance of the date of termination.

ARTICLE II. OTHER CONTRIBUTORS A. Edison agrees that Northwestern Memorial may solicit and accept other grants and assistance in support of and make use of any or all parts of the facilities committed to the treatment of radiation injuries, provided that such uses do not conflict with the purposes of this Agreement.

B. Northwestern Memorial agrees not to extend preemptive rights for use of such facilities to other persons without written consent of Edison, provided, however, that such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld by Edison.

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7. Northwestern Mercrial agrees to =aintain a suitarle capahility of providing primary and tertiary cedical and pat.ent care tc persens afflicted with injuries frc: expcsure to ionizing radiatien, and -

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accordingly will: .

1. Make space available within the hespital as required  ;

and own and raintain two er Ecre Feverse Isclatien Units  !

with lazinar air flew, and related ancillary facilities -

as herein described.

2. Ensure the availability of an adequate staff cf pre-fessicnal and cther persens qualified in the care and treat =ent cf persens exposed to icnizing radiatien.

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It is ackn:wledged, hewever, that if Northwestern Mercrial perferns rencdeling and renovaticn of the Reverse Isolation Units facilities  !

descrihed abcve, that the operation of these facilities cay be restricted for the pericd of ti=e required to cceplete the reredeling .

Edisen agrees that its chligatiens under Article IV cf this Agreenent s.u.a,1 . . ... +<nt. .....;.>s+.a

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cperation during renodeling; provided, however, that Ncrthwestern Me=crial shall provide written notice to Edisen at least 30 days prier to any such restrictions.

5. Northwestern Me=crial agrees to grant pree:ptive rights for the use of such facilities to Edison's e=plcyees admitted to the hospital, to the extent that such facilities are, in the opinien cf the attending physician, necessary to the treatment of injuries involving ionizing radiation. Northwestern Me=0 rial may make such facilities available to e=ployees of other centributers, and zay gran:

then preerptive rights similar to these provided herein with the written consent of Edison. All conflicts as to the use of such

e facilities by contributors shall be resolved by the Utilization Committee of Northwestern Memorial's medical staff. It is under-stood and agreed that the obligation to make payment for treatment of such patients will not be affected by this Agreement".

C. Northwestern Memorial agrees to continue the integration of these facilities into its regular teaching and hospital care program.

ARTICLE IV. EDISON'S OBLIGATION A. In consideration of the foregoing, Edison agrees to pay the sum of S 9,000.00 to Northwestern Memorial within twenty (20) days following the date of this Agreement, and to pay such amount each year during the term of this Agreement on or before the anniversary date of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement this 18thday of March , 1983.

For Commonwealth Edison Company O

cN.'ON'l O)O C h-ATTEST-Ac o Northwestern Memorial Hospital ATTEST: [ "

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g .h y ExecutifeVicePresident l