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Affidavit of Tj Maiman Re Braidwood Unit 1 Scheduled Fuel Load Date
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/02/1986
From: Maiman T
Shared Package
ML20141D793 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8604080276
Download: ML20141D798 (4)



Exhibit C




) Docket Nos. 50-456 (Braidwood Station, Units 1 ) 50-457 and 2) )

AFFIDAVIT OF THOMAS J. MAIMAN Thomas J. Maiman, being first duly sworn, depose, and state as follows:

1. I am-employed by Commonwealth Edison Company as Vice President and Manager of Nuclear Construction Projects. I have overall responsibility for the administration and management of the engineering, construction, testing and startup of the Byron and Braidwood projects. My duties include the conduct and co-ordination of these activities with the activities of other Company departments such as Quality Assurance, Licensing and Nuclear Operations so as to insure that the plants will be com-pleted in a timely and economic manner, have the requisite quality, meet all regulatory requirements and be both operable and main-tainable over time.
2. At the request of counsel, I will comment on the Braid-wood Unit 1 scheduled fuel load date. I will then provide my assessment of its achievability.

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3. The scheduled fuel load date for Braidwood Unit 1 is September 30, 1986. This date was established as a result of the most recent Braidwood budget and schedule review that was completed in December, 1985. The review took into con-sideration all known factors regarding construction and system testing status, including the integrated completion of on going quality verification and corrective action programs. The review also considered that some negative impact on the schedule had already resulted from the litigation process associated with the Quality Assurance contention due to managers having to respond to interrogatories and discovery requests. An estimate of the effect of continued participation of key project personnel in further aspects of the litigation process was also accounted for. That estimate assumed that hearings would begin in April and, accordingly, that an initial decision from the Licensing Board could be expected in mid-September.
4. My assessment today is that Braidwood Unit 1 can be ready to load fuel on September 30, 1986. I base this assessment mainly on the plant's current status of construction and testing as well as on the recent successes in accomplishing scheduled activities. As of the end of March, 1986, the Unit 1 construction is 94% complete. Systems turnover from construction to testing is 87% complete and systems testing is 72% complete. Most en-couraging is that critical path systems are being completed and tested on schedule including the significant Integrated Hot

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4. Functional (IHF) test sequence that-began on February 26, 1986 and is currently underway as' planned. It is expected that the IHF will conclude on schedule April 30, 1986.
5. The Integrated Hot Functional test is a.significant indicator of the plant's virtually complete construction. The IHF testing sequence is a major milestone event because it puts into operation both the primary and secondary side systems at full operating temperature and pressure. This is accomplished without fuel by using the reactor coolant pumps to provide the required heat input. The test exercises the integrated systems produce steam, roll the turbine, synchronize the generator to the Edison electric grid and produce first electricity. The successful completion of the IHF test signals essential completion of the primary and secondary systems and demonstrates system integrity and plant operability.

IHF is an especially significant milestone since Braidwood Unit 1 is a replicate of the already successfully operating Byron Unit 1.

6. Because Braidwood is a replicate of Byron, the design work is_ essentially complete and the plant completion activities after IHF as well as their time requirements are known. Thus, the Byron experience adds substantially to my confidence in the Braidwood schedule. Additionally, the Braidwood Station operating, technical and maintenance departments are nearing a high level of operational readiness including operator license training and NRC testing. Station departments also are drawing heavily on lessons learned from Byron.





7. .I conclude that September 30, 1986 is an achievable fuel ~ load date for Braidwood Unit 1. The possi-bility of a significant unforeseen event such as equipment failure.during testing, is currently'the only factor (excluding the hearing process itself) which could extend the projected fuel-load date beyond September 30, 1986.

Further affiant sayeth not.

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(ELAhtts Thomas J. M ' man Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of April, 1986.

Notary Publi6 f,:j C: .2 i a L 3 :3 ;;.=y 14,1937.
