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Applicant Exhibit A-40,consisting of Controlled Substances: Use,Abuse & Effects, Dtd 1981
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1985
OL-A-040, OL-A-40, NUDOCS 8511060021
Download: ML20138N774 (5)



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/9 - f'O Applicants' Exhibit 4'O Q e CCNC Contention WB-3 -l %

/3h 3' Docket No. 50-400 . ' '

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" Controlled Substances: Use, Abuse and Effects" U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (1981) gg p tilukA W 8 t/O -

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U.S. Department of Justice

, Drug Enforcement Admmistration Controlled Substances :

Use, Abuse and Effects Commonly misused drugs, their uses, abuses, effects, and the symptoms they produce.

DEFINITIONS Drug: A substance which by its chemical nature alters the making accurate diagnoses. Therefore,it is important not to structure or function of the livmg organism. (For the purpose act on your own for it could lead to falsely accusmg an mno-of this bulletin, a drug is any chemical substance that alters cent person. Seek profesuonal advice and help from the mood, perception, or consciousness, and is misused to the ap- experts, such as various agencies spectahnng m drug problems, parent mjury of the individual or society.) and phyucians.

Tolerance: A state m which the body's tissue ce!!s adjust to It should also be remembered that a person may have a the presence of a drug. The term " Tolerance" refers to a state leptimate reason for possessms a syrmge and needle (he my m which the body becomes used to the presence of a drug m be a diabetic) or hmng tablets and capsules (they may be pre.

pven amounts and eventually fa !s to respond to ordmanly senbed by a doctor). Ifaving the smffles and running eyes may effective dosaps. Hence, meresungly larger doses are nec- be due to a head cold or an allergy. Unusual or odd behavior essary to produce deured effects.

may not be connected m any way with drug use.

Habituation (psycholopcal dependence): The result of re.

Drugs other than narcotics can become addicting. Some peated consumption of a drug which produces psycholopeal people have acqwred an addiction to sedatives and certam but no phyucal dependence. The psycholopcal dependence tranquilizers. Stimulants m very large doses are addictive.

produces a deure (not a compuluon) to contmue takmg druga NnT '. Never taste an unknown substance.

for the sense ofimproved we!! bemg.

Physical Dependence (addiction): This occurs when a person cannot function normally wsthout the repeated use of a COMMON SIGNS OF DRUG MISUSE drug. If the drug is withdrawn, the person has severe physical 1. (.hanges in attendance at work or school, and psychic disturbance. 2. Change from normal capabilities (work habits, efficiency, Harmful Drugs: Are all drugs harmful? Every drug is harm- C1 ful when taken in excess, e g..even aspirm and. of course, 3. Po r phyucal appearance, including mattention to dres*

alcohol. Some drugs can also be harmfulif taken in dangerout and personal hypene.

combmations or by hyper sensitive people m ordmary amounts. 4. Weartng sunglasses constantly at inappropnate times (in.

doors or at night, for mstance)not only to hide dilated or constricted pupds but also to compensate for the eye's inability IDENTIFYING Tile DlCG USER to adjust to sunlight. Manjuana causes blood shot eyes.

A drug user will do everythmg posuble to conceal his habit.

5. Unusual effort made to cover arms in order to hide Soit is important to be able to recognize the outward signs needle marks.

and symptoms of drug misuse. One should be alert to these

6. Association with knowTi drug users.

symptoms, but it is important to realize that the drue problem 7. Stealing items whJch can be readily sold for cash (to is so complex that even experts sometimes have difficulty support a drug habit).

(Conunued on back pare )


.___ _ -.______. .___ _ _ m - . _ _ _ _ , _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ - _.

a Drugs C NTROI Schedule Trade or Other Names I FD RilRS Medecal Uses


h. ,Y Analgesic, antidiarrheal Ocium II. Ill. V reh'ct High Moronine 11, In Morptione, Pectoral Syrup AnaNesic, antitussive 11, Ill V Analgeme, antitussive Moderate f Codeine n ne A uu AC Heroin iacetylmorpoine. Hotse, Smack Under investigation f 1

! Hydromoronone Oilauded Analgesee 1 High i

Mooeridine Peth.d. net ll Demeros, Pethadot E ^a 4eiic 1 Doloon ne, Metnadone. Ano69esec. heroin Methm inadone substitute LAAM, Leritene, Levo Orom- i l' "' U I- oran. Percodan. Tussionen. Ansiges.c. ants.

1 O h*' "' CC' gy, y Fontanyl, Darvon' . diarrheat, antitussive H'9h'LO"

alwin * . t.omotel i Chloral Hydrate IV Noctec, Somnos Hypnotic Moder ate l l l Amobarbetal. Phenoberbetal, Anestnetic, y,qn. I s 8erbeturates 41, ill, IV Butisol, Phenos barbetal, anticonvulsant. l

! Secobarbital, Twinal sedative, hy pnotic Moderaw j

Glutet il Doriden I' Optimit, Parest, Chaalude. Sedative, hypnotic High Methaoualone H Somnafsc, Sopor Ativan. Atene Cionopin. Dai- Antran nie ty, ante 8enrodiazepines IV mane Diazepam, Librium.Seeas, ccnvulsan t. wda tive. Low Transene, Valium Verstraee hypnotic Oiner oepre nan n in.iv Pau ,g',. O',',a-a d "o'"a ^a"7'<v. iadai-'. Modcaw i

! Caesine e n Come, nake, Snow tocas enestnetic Amphetsmenes ll,111 Sichetemi e

,v .., istrle ** *:

Phonmetratine Preludin gy p,, g ,n, ,, ,, i Methylohenidate Ritalin notcodepsy, Possible Adipes Bacarate. Cyter' cm, so, ni, iv og'; g*;a rega,* d"Or l

Tepenil, voranil l

LSD Acid. Mictodot l Mescaline and Povoto l Metc. B utton s. Cactus None l

Arnphetamano Varlants ' 00g Unknown -

M TMA Phencyctidine il PCP, Angel Oust. Hog Veterinery anesthetic Degree '

Phoneyctidine Analogs PCE.PCPv,TCP unknown I I Bufotonine,, DM T' None i

M H8d"C'"*"' DET, Psilocvbin, Psiloevn None Pot, Acapulco Gold. Grass, ,,

k Wiuena Peefer, Sinsemilta, Thee Sticks Under Investigatio O **

Tetranydrocannetunoi l THC E HeenWs Hesh Heshwi Oil E Heen Oil 5 1



i Psychological Dependence Tol-0u on

,f g cts hnhours)

Usual Methods of Administration Pomble Ef fects I

Effects of Overdow I ~ wwsyndrom, Oral, smoked H,gh l Oral in ected, r smoked l Watery eyes,.

l Slow and '"""Y****- '

l Moderate Oral, insected Euphoris, Sha"0* Y * * "'"9- '

l m 36 bre atning, 1088 0' l dron sineis, l E injected. Snif fed smoked E resoiratory cfammy aptite, I

depression. Sk'" C0". ins a sty.

High Yes constricted vuls.ons, tremors, py g ,g g , coma. P8"'C Ch'll8 12 24 Oral, insected nauwa l' ' D *9-i nauwa j H'gh Low Variable l l . i Moderate l Poss.b'e l 58 l Oral l 8

Hign. Shallow  !

Moderate 1 16 f Slurred respiratron, Ansiety,  !

speecn, cold and insomnia.

disorientation, Cl8m mV skin, tr emors, ' IYes Orat.inrected drunken benavio,

,,inou, odorof d< lated pupils. w eak and raped delirium, convulsions, possible

,l i

l Low Mocerate l Possible I48I 12 E Snitted. in trcied E alconal increased alert-nets. e ncita tion, puise, coma, poss.ble death Agitation. in.

death Apathy, cresw in body long Oral,insected euphoria, in-temperature, periods of High creawd puls* halixinations, sleep, Yes 24 rate and blood con, gig,ons, irritability, pensure, poss.ble

. depres seon, I Oral Oral

'"50**'8 '05 8 af appetite death disorientat;on 8 12 Degree unknown E


  • or),,nget,o illusions and LO"9" *0 I Upto days E hallucinations. '" f'" $8 "If' D Withdrawal t g g ' poor pe. 'ention ' D' W M-DSY Ch ol'8-Yndrome not reported I

Smoked, oral, in sected of time and I l Variable distance D0"'bf e death


D'S'" *"*"O*" o"

Ia 's sn.C.',e 4

  • C -

N .

i, re - Pa, . e. '" = ,,


ves IS-kw.o,.1 o ra,e ~,. ia. .r,d messed  ;

I I2.d tite, disoriented ##

g MV h s occasionally I reported

  • Not designated a narcotic under the CSA ,

f Designated a narcotic under the CSA l l

\ \

l l


7 INDICATIONS OF POSSIBM 5(ISUSE DEPRESSANTS e g., Quaalude, Doriden /Barbuurares! OTiiER HAl.LUCINOGENS A. Behavior hke that of alcohol mtoxication, but without A. Behastor and mood vary widely. The user may sit or the odor of alcohol on breath. recime quietly in a state or may appear tearful or B. Staggenng, stumbhng, or apparent drunkenness without esen ternfied.

odor or use of alcohol. B. In some cases, dilated pupils.

C. Falling asleep while at work.

C. increase in blood pressure heart rate, and blood sugar.

D. Slurred speech.

D3tay espenence nausea, chills, riushes. irregular breathing.

E. Pupils dilated.

sweatmg and trembling of hands.

F. Difficulty concentratmg.

E. There may be changes m sense of ught. hearing touch, smell, and time.

ST1MUL NTS/Amphetammes/

It is unhkely that a person who uses LSD. for instance.

A. The user may be eseessnely aetne. irntable, argumenta-would do so at work. unce a controlled envuonment.often in, tive, or nervous.

solsmg a fnend to preside care and superviuon ot' the user. is B. Excitation.euphona, and talkatneness. generally deured.

C. Pupils dilated.

D.Long penods without or sleepmg.

E. Increased blood pressure or pulse rates.

A. Odor of substance inhaled on breath and clothes NARCOTICS B. Ewenne naul sumnon and watenng of the eyn.

A. Sears (" tracks")on the arms or on the backs of hands.

' * " ' ' " """ '8 8'""8 I * "'"" *'""'"

caused by mfecting drugs. I"'" " '

B. Pupils constricted and fised: cessibly dilated durms D Nwunen e unconsmuinns.

withdrawal. L P'"#""' PId'U' or paper bags or rap contatmng dry C. Scratches self frequently. b *"*"'

D. Loss of appetite. Frequently eats candy eootes, and ""'d "#

dnnks sweet hquds. G Bad breath.

E. May hase snittles, red, watering eyes and a cough which disappears when he gets a "fis" Dunng withdraw al the Phency clidme IPCPI addict may be nauseated and vomitmg. Flushed sk2n, Phengehdme deseloped m the 1950's es now heitl) ruanu frequent yawmng, and muscular twitchmg are commun. These fa tured as a setermars anestnetie unJer the traJe name

, symptoms also disappear when the addset gets a "fh" Sernylan Smee l*)'it has 2N been proJuerd m clandestme i F. Users often leave synnges, bent spoons. cotton. need!es, laboratories. trequently m dangerously euntammated t'orms.

metal bottle' caps. medicine droppers, and g!assme bap m The prevaihng patterns of street level abuse are by oral locker ur desk drawers. ingestion of tablets or capsu;es.contanung the drug m powder G. The user is lethargic, drowsy, and may go on the " nod" fem bo'h alone and m cemeinatmn woh other drup, and by (i e., an altematmg cycle of denng and awakenmg.) smokang the drug af ter it has been sprinkled on parsley, man.

II. Anyone dissolvmg tablets for mjection runs a great nsk huana, or some form of tobaceo. It is sometimes sold to un.

and danger oflungimpaument due to depouts of talcum suspectmg consumrrs as LSD. TilC.or mescalme. Reported (part of the tablet)obstructmg or occludmg the lung through esperiences under the mtluence of pheneyshd;ne Jre mamly the blood stream. nondeseript or u,1pleaunt. In low doses the espertence usually proceeds in three successne stages changes in body MA"ljUANA image.tomenmes accompaniej by feehnp of depersonshra.

A. In the early stages of marijuana usage, the person may tion, perceptual distortions, infrequently eudenced as usual appear animated with rapid, loud talk 2ng and bursts oflanh. or auditory hallucmations,and feehnp of apathy or estranee, ter. In later stages,he may be sleepy. ment. The esperience of ten mcludes drowunen. inaNhts to B. Pupils may be dilated and the eyes bloodshot.


serbakte, and feelmgs ot emptiness or " nothingness." Reports C. May have distortions of perception and halluemations. of diftleulty in th nkmg. poor cuneentratmn, and preoecupa.

l 'Ihe manjuana user is difficult to recognize un,ess he is non with death are common Many users have reacted to its actut'ly under the miluence of the drug, and even then, he may use with an acute psychotic episode. Cs .non ugns of be able to work reasonably well. The drug may distort his phencychome use include ilushmg and profuse sweatmg.

depth erd time perception, malung dnytng or the operauen of Analgeus,insoluntary eye movements. muscular meoord na.

machmery hanrdous, contmued use of manjuana has tion, double sinon, dininen, nausea, anJ vomitmg may also been associated w1th mental detenotation. be present.

ts. utmnt nt*ttu errt:r . un 3 ui.u.
