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Audit of Environ Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment at Wh Zimmer Nuclear Power Station
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Zimmer
Issue date: 07/31/1983
From: Decker Q, Humphrey T
Shared Package
ML20105B661 List:
CON-FIN-A-6415, FOIA-84-262 EGG-EA-6331, NUDOCS 8501180288
Download: ML20112J453 (42)


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,- , This is an informal report intended for use as a preliminary or working document

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Prepared for the U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Under DOE Contract No. DE-AC07-76ID01570 g

FIN No. A6415 Y $ 6 E 6 8501180288 PDR FDIA 840524 WILLIAM 84-262 PDR


, T. G. Humphrey Published July 1983 Reliability and Statistics Branch Engineering Analysis Division EG&G Idaho, Inc.

Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415 Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Under DOE Contract No. DE-AC07-76ID01570 FIN No. A6415 Me

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1 ABSTRACT The William H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station was audited to determine the environmental ~ qualification of safety-related electrical equipment.

Results of the audit are summarized in this report.

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NRC FIN No. A6415--Equipment Qualification Case Reviews i 11 l


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An audit of the environmental qualification of safety-related electrical equipment at the William H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station, was conducted by a team composed of representatives of the Reliability and Statistics Branch of EG&G Idaho, Inc., and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Staff. Qualification deficiencies for individual equipment items are provided in Appendix A. Summa *ies of the central file reviews are provided in Appendix B. As a result of the audit it was concluded that when the Zimmer Nuclear power Station resolves the concerns noted in this report, their qualification program will be completed and in accordance with 10 CFR 50.49.

t 5


FOREWORD This report is supplied as part of the " Equipment Qualification Case Reviews" being conducted for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Division of Engineering, Equipment Qualification Branch by EG&G Idaho, Inc., Reliability and Statistics Branch.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission funded the work under '

authorization, B&R 20-19-40-41-2.

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CONTENTS ABSTRACT .................... ........................................ 11


............................................................... iii FOREWORD ................................................ .......... .. iv

1. INTRODUCTION ....................................... ............ 1
2. BACKGROUND ....................................................... 2
3. PURPOSE .......................................................... 3
4. SCOPE ............................................................ 3
5. EVALUATION ....................................................... 3
6. CONCLUSION ....................................................... 4
7. REFERENCES ....................................................... 4 APPENDIX A--EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION STATUS ............................ 5 APPENDIX B--SUMMARIES OF CENTRAL FILE REVIEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4

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. 1. INTRODUCTION Equipment which is used to perform a necessary safety function must be demonstrated to be capable of maintaining functional operability under all service conditions postulated to occur during its installed life for the time it is required to operate. This requirement, which is embodied in General Design Criteria 1 and 4 of Appendix A and Sections III, XI, and XVII of Appendix B to 10 CFR 50, is applicable to equipment located inside as well as outside containment. More detailed requirements and guidance relating to the methods and procedures for demonstrating this capability has been set forth in 10 CFR 50.49, " Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants," and NUREG-0588, " Interim Staff Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment." This NUREG supplements IEEE Standard 323, and various NRC Regulatory Guides and industry standards.

On June 1 through June 3, 1983, a team of representatives of the Reliability and Statistics Branch of EG&G Idaho, Inc., and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff conducted an audit of the environmental qualification of safety-related electrical equipment of the William H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station. The work consisted of: (a) a pre-audit review of the licensee's environmental qualification submittal, (b) an audit of the licensee's central files for selected equipment items, and (c) a visual inspection of the equipment items for which the central files were audited. Qualification deficiencies for individual equipment items are provided in Appendix A. Summaries of the central file reviews are provided in Appendix B.

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2. BACKGROUND NUREG-0588 was issued in December 1979 to promote a more orderly and systematic implementation of equipment qualification programs by industry and to provide guidance to the NRC staff for its use in ongoing licensing reviews. The positions contained in this report provide guidance on (1) how to establish environmental service conditions, (2) how to select methods which are considered appropriate for qualifying equipment in different areas of the plant, and (3) other areas such as margin, aging, and documentation.

In February 1980 the NRC requested certain near term Operating License (OL) applicants to review and evaluate the environmental qualification documentation for each item of safety related electric equipment and to identify the degree to which their qualification programs comply with the staff positions discussed in NUREG-0588. IE Bulletin 79-01B " Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Equipment," issued January 14, 1980, and its supplements dated February 29, September 30, and October 24, 1980 established environmental qualification requirements for operating reactors. This bulletin and its supplements were provided to OL applicants for consideration in their review. A final rule on environmental qualification of electric equipment important to safety for nuclear power plants became effective on February 22, 1983. This rule, Section 50.49 of 10 CFR Part 50, specifies the requirements to be met for demonstrating the environmental qualification of electrical equipment important to safety located in a harsh environment. In accordance with 10 CFR 50.49, the electrical equipment in the Wm. H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station may be qualified in accordance with the acceptance criteria specified in Category I of NUREG-0588.

The qualification requirements for mechanical equipment are principally contained in Appendices A and B of 10 CFR 50. The ~

qualification methods defined in NUREG-0588 can also be applied to mechanical equipment. -




3. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to evaluate the adequacy of the


Wm. H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station environmental qualification program for electric equipment important to safety as defined in 10 CFR 50.49, and for safety-related mechanical equipment. A discussion of open items, as well as any unresolved issues, is provided in this report.

4. SCOPE The scope of this report includes an evaluation of the completeness of the list of systems and equipment to be qualified, the criteria which they must meet, the environments in which they must function, and an assessment of the qualification documentation fo. the equipment. The principal area of review was the qualification of safety-related equipment which mu:t function in order to prevent or mitigate the consequences of a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) or high energy line break (HELB) inside or outside of containment, while subjected to the harsh environments associated with these accidents. ,
5. EVALUATION General areas of concern which remain as a result of both the audit and the pre-audit review are as follows:
1. Seals and connecting interfaces were not part of the equipment qualification program.
2. A maintenance / surveillance program has not been developed for safety related equipment.
3. Specified accuracy for required equipment has not been identified

, and should be included in the submittal.



4. The data packages should be reviewed in depth and analyzed for completion and accuracy by the engineer approving the package. ',
5. Mechanical equipment qualification program has not been developed. '
6. Cable submergence has not been adequately addressed.
6. CONCLUSION As a result of the audit it was concluded that the William H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station demonstrated a high leve' of effort toward the EQ program. When the applicant resolves the concerns noted above their program will be complete and in accordance with 10 CFR 50.49.

, 1. Interim Staff Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment, NUREG-0588.

2. IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations. IEEE Std. 323-1974.
3. Environmental Qualification Report for Class 1E Equipment, William H.

Zimmer Nuclear Power Station, The Cincinnatt Gas and Electric Company.

4. Code of Federal Regulations, 10 CFR 50.49, Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants.




e Ge 5

p APPENDIX A EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION STATUS The attached tables list the status of Class 1E Equipment for the

'. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station. The codes below are used for status designation.

Zimmer Status CQ -

Equipment conditionally qualified 10 -

Insufficient documentation to establish qualification Q -

Equipment qualified QDU -

Qualification documentation unavailable Reviewer Evaluation A -

Aging deficiency P -

Pressure deficiency Q -

Qualified R -

Radiation deficiency T -

Temperature deficiency AC' -

Accuracy deficiency CS -

Chemical spray deficiency ND -

No data

.0T -

Operating time deficiency RQ To be replaced with qualified equipment RT -

Component being retested i


Review in progress by applicant TIP -

Testing in progress 7

EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION REPORT (REVISION 1)--ZIMMER NUCLEAR POWER STATION Component Evaluation Data Sheet Nueer Component Manufacturer Applicant Reviewer Tae Number Model Nuder Status Evaluation AP01 480 Volt MCC ITE lAPISEA 5600 Series CQ Ri AP02 480 Volt MCC IIE 1AP15EB 5600 Series RT CQ AP03 E lectrical Conas Corporation IAP50E A-N, J-N, P. R-tf lastrument Control Penetration Q Q

& Low Power Medium Voltage Power CA01 Medtum Voltage Power Kerfte 0001 --

Q A Cele CA02 Lou Voltage Power Okontte 0002 --

Q Q Cele CA03 Low voltage Power Anaconda 0003 --

Cable Q Q CA04 Control Cable Okontte 0004 --

CD Q Q CAOS Control Cable Anaconda 0005 --

Q Q CA06 Control Cable Rockbestos 0006 --

Q Q CA07 Instrumentation Cable Samel Moore 0007 --

Q 'Q CA08 lastrumentation Cable Raycbee 0008 CQ Oi, A CA09 Instrumentation Cable Rockbestos 0009 --

Q Q CAIO Instrumentation Cable Boston lasulated Wire 0010 --

Q Q Call Instrumentation Cable Brand Rex 0011 --

QDU NO, RIP CA12 Splice Rtt Kerfte 0012 --


CA13 Spilce Rtt Okontte' 0013 --

CQ 01, A. RIP cal 4 Splfce Rit Raychem 0014 WCSF-N Q Q CAIS Terminal Block General Electric 0015 CR1518 000 RI CA16 Terminal Block Marathon 0016 6000 QDU RT i CA17 Terminal Block Kulka 0017 FIB-12 Q Q CAI8 Terminal Olock Buchanan 0018 824 Q00 RT

. . ~ . . ..' ' '


Component Evaluation Data Sheet Number Component Appilcant Reviewer Manufacturer Tae Number Model Number Status Evaluation CMol Limit Sultch RAMCO ICm03,10204.1C1012. ICM014 EAl?046302 00U RQ Ch32 Limit Sultch NAMCO ICMDOS. ICM006 EA17046302 000 RQ CM03 Solenold valve ASCO ICM003. ICM004. ICMDI2 IC414 Mi18320422v Q00 RQ CM04 Solenold Valve A500 ICm05. ICm06 HTI8320A22V 000 RQ CMOS Solenoid valve Target Rock 1C207. ICM000 76F-201 Q Q

  • CMD6 Solenold valve Target Rock ICM009.10. II.13, 23. 24 76F-201 Q Q C807 Solenoid Valve Tar 9et Rock ICM019. ICle20 76F-202 Q Q Cm8 Solenoid valve Target Rock ICte21, 1C9022 76F-202 Q Q C8e9 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount 1LT-CM008. ILT-C8622 II520P Q R. AC CMio Pressure Transmitter Rosemount ILT-CM009. ILT-CM023 11520P Q R. AC CMll Pressure Transeltter Rosemount IPT-CM010 1152GP Q R. AC CM12 Pressure Transeltter Rosemount IPT-CM021 1152GP CQ R. AC. RIP CM13 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount IPT-CM001. IPT-CfG82 II52GP Q R. AC CM14 Temperature Element Gordon ITE-CM047/51. 53/62, 64. 66 404-3107-050 Q No 68 CMIS Teseerature Element Gordon ITE-C#e44. ITE-CM045 402-4107-050 NO Q

CM16 Panels Delphi IPL40JA IPL40J8 Rlil QOu RQ CMIF Temperature Element Gordon ITE-CMD43. ITE-CM046 404-3107-050 Q No 0C01 250 VOC MCC ITE 10005E8.10C05EC 5600 Series CQ RT MG01 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount IPDT-HG001. IPUT-HG002 11520P Q R. AC MG02 Motor Operated Llettorque IT49-0001-008A/S SMB-000 Q Q Valve Operator (Rellence/R) 1149-0001-0094/5 HG03 Motor Operated limitorque II49-0001-012A/8 SMB-000 Valve Operator 000 RQ (Rellance/R) Il49 0001-0I3A/8


_ Number Component Manufacturer Appilcant Reviewer Tae numeer Model number Status Evaluation-HG04 Motor Operstad Llettorque Valve Operator IT49-0001-014A/S SMB-000 Q Q (Aellance/R) IT49-0001-021A/B HG05 Motor Operated lit General Valve Operator li49-D001-015A/B NH94Gl073L5 10 11P Controls li49-0001-Ol7A/O NG06 Motor Operated Limitorque IT49-0001-0022A/B 588-000 Valve Operator (Rellence/R) Q Q HG07 Motor Operated Limitorque IT49-F002A/S Valve Operator SMB-000 Q Q (Reliance /R)

HG08 Mot v Operated Limitorque If49-F004A/S SMB-Coo Q Valve Operator (Reliance /R)

Q HG09 Solenoid valve Target Rock li49-F305A. II49-F3050 26F-209 Q Q NG10 THis DATA SHEE T INTENil0NALLT LEFI SLANK

$ .HGli Recombiner CTI-Nuclear IT49-0001-3 027658 000 RIP HG12 Slower Motor Spencer IT49-0001-6A/B --

Q00 RIP HGl3 Pressure Transeltter Rosemount li49-N001A, IT49-N00018 II51AP ID RQ HG14 Pressure Transeltter Rosemount If49-N002A, II49-N002B Il51AP ID RQ hGl5 Flow Transmitter Rosemount IT49-N006A,I!49-NUO68 IISIDP IO RQ NG16 Flow Transmitter Rosemount IT49-N0074, II49-N0078 11510P 30 RQ HGIF Flow Indicator Sultch sarton IT49-N004A, IT49-N0048 288 CQ RQ NGIS . low Indicator Switch Barton li49-N005A, li49-N0058 288 CQ RQ HGl9 Millivolt Converter Rosemount IT49-K001A/S 535 ID RIP /RQ HP01 Pump Motor General Electric If22-C001 5K6348XC47A Q R HP02 Punp Motor Hestin9 house If22-C003 74D24113 ID RQ HP03 Position Switch Maglock l(22-F005 PFS-15 000 Tir HPO4 Motor Operated Lleltorque if22-F001 SM8-00 Valve %ator Q Q S


Camponent Evaluation Data Sheet Humber Component Appitcant Reviewer Manufacturer Tae Mus6er Model Number Status Evaluation NPOS Motor Operated Ltaltorque IE22-F004 SME-4 10 RQ Valve Operator (Reliance /0)

HP06 Motor Operated Liettorque IE22-F010 SMB-3 Q Q Valve Operator (Limit /S) IE22-F0ll HP07 Motor Operated Liettorque IE22-F012 SMB-2 10 Valve Operator (Reltance/B) RQ ItP08 Motor Operated Listtorque IE22-F015 $M8-2 Q Q Valve Operator (Aeitance/0)

HP09 Motor Operated Listtorque IE22-F023 SMB-3 Q Q Valve Operator (Limit /0)

HPIO Motor Operated Liettorque IE22-F314 SMB-000 ID R RIP, A.

Valve Operator (Reltance/RH)

P. T w HPll level Switch Magnetrol IE22-N002A, IE22-N0028

-d 3.5-75/lH96-M14HY CQ RIP PPD 159C4294 HP12 Flow Transmitter Batley IE22-N005 555 10 RQ PPD 163C1183 HPl3 Flow Switch Sarton IE22-N006 2894 ID Ri PPD 145C3008 HPl4 Differential Pressure Barton IE22-N009 2884 10 Ri Switch PP0145C3009 HPIS Ofiferential Pressure Sarten IE22-N013 2884 10 RT Indication Switch PP0145C3009 HPl6 Pressure Indication Sarksdale IE22-N012 P lH-M34055-V Switch ID Ri PP0159C4606 IN01 Motor Operated Liettorque llN008A, llN0088 Valve Operator 5MB-000-2 Q Q (D.C. Porter-Peerless /H)

INO2 Motor Operated Llattorque IIN061 Valve Operator SMS-000-2 000 RQ (D.C. Porter-Peerless /8)

INO3 Limit Switch NAMCO llN012 E A11031100 000 RQ


Component Evaluation Data Sheet W Component Manufacturer Tag Number Model Musber Aeolicant 11atus Reviewer Evaluation IN04 timit Switch NAMC0 IIN013 EA17031100 000 RQ IN05 Solenold Valve ASCO IIN012 HT8320A175 000 RQ IN06 Solenold Valve ASCO IIN013 HT8320A175 GJU RQ IN07 Solenoid Valve Target Rock 'IN170 16F-206 Q Q IMOS Solencid valve Target Rock IIN171 76F-206 R. RIP, CQ CT, A IN09 Solenoid Valve Target Rock 11 Nil 3, IIN132 76F-205 0 Q LC01 Heater General Electric IE32-9001A/D 470518673 Q T. A LCO2 Olower Motor Stemens 1E32-C001, IE32-C002A/S 2CH6-041-IV CQ RIP LC03 Motor Operated ttuttorque IE32-F001A/D SMS-000 Valve Operator 0 Q (Rellance/RH)

LC04 Motor Operated ttottorque IE 32-F002A/D SMB-000 Valve Operator Q Q (Reliance R/H)

LC05 Motor Operated Ltoltorque IE32-F003A/0 SMB-000 Valve Operator (Rellance R/H) IE32-f006, IE32-f007 Q -Q (C06 Motor Operated ttaltorque IE32-F008, IE32-F009 5MS-000-5 Q Q Valve Operator (Rellance R/H)

LC07 Flow Element Schutte & Roerting IE32-N006 A. E. J. N 20-9651-8550 400 RT LC08 Flow Transmitter Schutte & Roerting IE32-N0534. E. J. N 91X-16-4-20 000 RT LC09 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount IE32-N051A, E. J. N ll51AP 10 RQ LC10 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount IE32-N058. IE32-N060 1151GP 10 RQ LCII Olfferential Pressure Rosemount IE32-N054 Il510P 10 4 Transmitter LCl2 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount IE32-N055, IE32-N056 1151 10 RQ LCl3 Osfferential Pressure Rosemount IE32-N059 IISIDP 10 RQ Transmitter LCl4 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount IE32-N06tA E. J. N 1151GP 10 RQ i


Component Evaluatten Data Sheet Applicant Revlemer Number Component Manufacturer Tae Number Model N A r Status Evaluation LCl5 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount 1L'2-N050 1151GP 10 RQ L004 Temperature Element PVC0 1E31-N001A/0. IE31-N002A/O I45C32*4 CQ RIP IE31-N003A/O L902 Temperature Element PVC0 IE31-N001E/F IE31-N002E/F 145C3224 CQ RIP IE31-N003E/F L903 Temperature Element PVC0 IE31-N004A/S IE31-N005A/S 145C3224 CQ RIP LOO 4 Temperature Element PYC0 IE31-N006A/S 145C3224 CQ RIP LB05 Temperature Element PVC0 IE31-N0018A/0. lE31-N0029A/O 145C3224 CQ RIP L906 Temperature Element PVC0 IE31-N027A/S 14bC3224 CQ RIP L907 Temperature Element PVC0 IE31-N0027C/0 145C3224 CQ RIP g L908 Temperature Element PYC0 IE31-N024A 294/8 145C3224 CQ RIP IE31-NO30A/0. 31A/D L909 Temperature Element PVC0 IE31-N029C/0 145C3224 CQ RIP LOl0 Temperature Element PVC0 1E31-N0248 145C3224 CQ RIP L011 Temperature Element Eerden IE31-R0l?A. IE31-N017C 404-4107-050 0 NO LOl2 Temperature Element Gordon ITE-L9053-59. 06, 87 404-3107-050 Q NO IE31-Nol?B. O LOl3 Temperature Element Gorden ITE-LD038-51 404-3107-050 Q NO L OI4 Temperature Element Gordon lie-LODS2 404-3107-050 0 NO LOIS Temperature Element Gordon llE-L9088 404-3107-050 0 NO LOl6 Temperature Element Gordon ITE-LOD 89. 90. 93. 94, 96 404-3107-050 Q No LOl? Of fferential Pressure Barton IE31. N0074. IE38-N013A 288A CQ Ri Indication Switch

- LOIS Otfferential Pressere earton IE31-N0070. IE31-NOI38 288A CQ RT Indication Switch L D19 Olf ferential Pressure Barton IE31-N008A/0. 9A/D 288A CQ RT Indication Switch IE31-N010A/0. 11A/0


Component Evaluation Data Sheet Appilcant Revlemer Number Component Manufacturer Tag Number Model mus6er Evaluation Status a LD20 Olfferenttal Pressure 8arton IE31-N0124 288A -

CQ RT Indication Switch LD21 Differential Pressure Barton IE31-N0128 288A CQ RT Indication Switch L D22 Flow Transmitter Salley lE31-N015, IE31-N035, IE31-NO36 555 , ID RQ LD23 Pressure 5=ltch Sarksdale IE31-N022A, C PlHM34055-V ID RT LO24 Pressure $stich Barksdale IE31-N0228. D PlHM34055-V ID Ri LPOI Pump Motor General Electric IE21-C001 5K6339ECl47A Q Q IP02 Pump Motor Idestinghouse IE21-C002 74024113 ID RQ LP03 Position Switch Maglock IE21-F006 8F5-15 000 TIP m LPO4 Motor Operated Llettorque IE21-F001 SM8-0-25 Q Q

a. Valve operator (Reliance /8)

LP05 Motor Operated Llettorque IE21-f005 * *ES-0 Q Q Valve Operator (Reliance /R)

LP06 Motor Operated Liettorque IE21-Foll SMB-000-5 000 RQ Valve Operator (Paramount /8)

LP07 Motor Operated Limitorque IE21-F012 SMB-2 Q Q Valve Operator (Reltance/8)

LPOS Motor Operated Liettorque IE21-F330 5MS-000 ID RIP Valve Operator (Reliance /RH)

LP09 Pressure Indication 8arksdale IE21-N001 PlH-M340$$-v 10 RT Swttch IE21-N009 PPD 159C4606 LPIO Flow Transmitter Salley 1E21-N003 555 ID RQ LP11 Flow Indication Barton IE21-N004 2894 ID ai Switch LPl2 Of fferential Pressure Barton IE21-N006 2884 ID RT Indication Switch N803 Reitef Valve Crosby 1821-F013A/H, K/L , P. R, 5 CVG-01 00u R0 Solenold t


Component Evaluation Data Sheet Applicant Reviewer number C. at Manufacturer Tae W r Model humber Status Evaluation h802 Llett 5=ttch nAMCO 1821-F022A/D EA740-80001 Q00 RQ N803 Llelt Switch RAMCO IB21-F02**./0 EA740-86000 000 RQ N004 Liett Switch NA8CO 1821-F022A/D EA740-80000 000 RQ m805 Liett 5=ltch NAMCO 1821-F028A/D EA740-80000 000 RQ h806 Lielt 5=ltch NAfC0 1821-F028A/O EA740-80001 000 RQ a807 Liett 5=ltch NAMCO 1821-F028A/D EA140-86000 Q00 RQ m808 Solenote Valve ASCO 1821-F0224. 8. C. O HTI8320-A20 000 RQ m809 Solenold Valve ASCO 1821-F022A, 8. C HTI8323-20V 000 RQ N810 Solenoid Valve ASCO 1821-F0220 HTI8323-A20V Q00 SQ

- N8il Solenoid Valve ASCO 1821-N028A/O HTX8320-A20 QOd RQ NB12 Solenold Valve ASCO 1821-NO28A/0 HTX8323-20V Q00 RQ h813 Motor Operated Liettorque (Seltance/RH) 1821-F001. 1821-F002, 1821-F005 SMB-000 Valve Operator Q C5 2014 Motor Operated Liettorque (Lielterque/ 1821-F016 SM8-000-5 Q C5 Valve Operator AH)

NB15 Motor Operated Ltettorque (D.C. Porter / 1821-F019 SMB-00-2.5 Valve Operator Q Q Peerless /H) 2014 THIS DATA SHlfi thTENil0NALLY LEFT 8tAf8t N817 Motor Operated Ltaltorque (Reltance/RH) 1821-F065A/S SM8-3-80 Valve Operator Q Q .

N818 Motor Operated Listtorque (D.C. Porter / 1821-F067A/D SM8-000-5 QDU RQ Valve Operator Peerless /H) 2819 THl5 DATA 5HEET INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK NO20 Pressure Switch Barksdale IB21-N020A. 8. D. 23A. 8. D. Sli-M1255-GE 10 M1 454/0 n821 Pressure Switch Barksdale 1821-N020C. 1821-se023C OIT-M1255-GE 10 RI


Component Evaluation Sata Sheet shaber Component Applicant Reviewer Manufacturer Tag Number ModeI Number 5tatus Evaluation N022 Level Indication Barton 1821-N024A/8, 1821-N0240/E 288A CQ RT Switch N023 Level Indication Barton 1821-N024C, 1821-N024G 288A CQ RT Switch N024 Level Indication Barton 1821-NO3tA, 1821-N031C 2884 CQ RT Switch N025 Level Indication Barton 1821-NO318, 1821-NO310 288A CQ RT Switch N026 Level Indication Ba-ton 1821-NO37A/D 2884 CQ Ri Switch ,

N827 Level Indication Barton 1821-N038A/S 2884 CQ Ri Switch N028 Level Indicattoi Sarton 1821-N026A/S, 1821-N0260 760 10 RQ os Switch N029 Level Indication Barton 1821-N0/6C 760 !D R0 Settch N830 Level Indication Barton 1821-N044A/S 760 10 RQ Switch NO3) THIS DATA SHEET INTENTIONALLY LEFT SL A8K M832 Pressure Switch Static-0-Ring 1821-110474 C,1821-N048A/0 12NAA411XIO 10 RT/RQ NO33 Pressure Switch Static-0-Ring 1S21-810418, 0 12NAA411Il0 10 RT/RQ 11834 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount 1821-N051A/S IISIGP 10 RQ N835 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount IPT-N0003A/H,K/L, P. R, 5 1152GP9A22-P8 Q AC, R PC01 Austilary Belay General ElectrlC IHY-PC500-515 12thol1811 CQ itP PCO2 Llef t Switch Ltcon IPC005A/0, IPC006A/D 65-430140 000 RIP /TIP R001 Pilot Solenoid Valve ASCO IC11-0001-117, 118 HVA 90-405 Q T. P R002 Limit Switch NAMco ICll-Folo, ICll-F0ll SL-3C-82 000 RQ 9003 Pilot Solenold valve ASCO ICll-F009 Hi-8323-22 000 RQ

. + + .%


Component Evaluation Data Sheet Applicant Revlemer number Component Manufacturer Tag Number Model humber Status Evaluation R004 Level Suttch Magnetrol ICII-N013A/F 5.0-751 CQ RIP ROO5 Solenold Valve ASCO IC11-Fll0A/B HT8316C37 000 RQ RE01 Solenote Valve ASCO IRE 048. IRE 049 H18320Al?$ Q00

. RQ RE02 Llatt Switch mANC0 1RE048, IRE 049 EAl?031100 000 RQ RFJI Llatt Suttch NA8CO IRF001, IRF002 EA1703l100 Q00 RQ RF02 Solenold Valve ASCO 1RF001,IRF002 HT8320A175 000 RQ RH01 Motor General Electric If l2-C002A/C SK6328EC266A R Q

RH02 Pump Motor Westinghouse IE12-C003 74024113 10 RQ RH03 Position Switch Maglock IE12-F041A/C,IEl2-F050A/8 195-15 000 itP

, RH04 h ter Operated Limitorque IE12-F003A/B SMB-0-25 Q Q N Valve Operator (Reliance /8)

RH05 Motor Operated Limitorque IE12 I004A/C SMB-l-40 Valve Operator 0 Q (Reltance/B)

RH06 Motor Operated Limitorque 1[I2-F0064 SMS-0-40 Q Q Valve Operator (Llettorque/S)

RHOF Motor Operated Ltattorque IE12-F0068 SMB-0-40 Q Q Valve Operator (Reltance/B)

RHOS Motor Operated Lietterque IE12-F008 SMS-2-80 Q Q Valve Operator (0.C. Porter / Peerless /H)

RH09 Motor Operated Limitorque IEI2-F009 SMB-2-60 Q C5 Valve Operator (Reliance /H)

RMIO Motor Operated Limitorque IE 12-F011A/B SMB-000-5 Valve Operator Q Q (Reliance /8)

RHit Motor Operated Limitorque 1E li-F014A/8 SMu-000-2/H10C Q Q Valve Operator (Paramount /8)

RH12 Motor Operated Limitorque IEl?-Fol6A SM8-0-25 Valve Operator Q l (Reliance /8)



  • Evaluation Data Sheet humber Component Applicant Revleuer Manufacturer Tae W Model Rum 6er Status Evaluation EMI3 Motor Operated tiettorque IE12-F0168 588-0-25 Q Q Valve Operator (Reitance/8)

RH14 Motor Operated Liettorque IEl?-F017A SMB-0-25 Q T valve Operator (Reliance /8)

RH15 looter Operated Ltettorque IE12-F0178 SMB-0-25 Valve Operator Q Q (Reitance/0)

RMI6 Motor Operated Liettorque IE12-F021 SMB-2-25 Q Q Valve Operator (Rellance/B) 2 RMIF Motor Operated Lieltorque IE12-F023 SMB-1 Q Q Valve Operator 0.C. porter-peerless RM18 Motor Operated Limitorgue 1E12-F024A/B SMB-2-25 Valve Operator 0 Q (Rellance/B)

RMI9 Isotor Operated Liettorgue IE12-F026A/B SMB-000-5 CD Valve Operator (Reliance /0)

Q .Q RM20 Isotor Operated Liettorque IE12-F027A SMS-000-5 Valve Operator 0 0 (Rellance/5)

Reill Motor Operated Ltettorque IEl2-F0278 SMS-000-5 Valve Operator Q Q (Reliance /8)

RM22 Motor Operated Liettorgue IEl2-F040 SMB-000 Q Q Valve Operator (Reliance /0)

RM23 Motor Operated Liettorque IE12-F042A SMB-0 Valve Operator Q Q (Reliance /0)

RM24 Motor Operated Lieltorque IE12-F0428/C SMB-0 Valve Operator Q 4 (Reliance /A)

RH25 Motor Operated Listtorque IEI2-F047A/B SMS-0-25 Valve Operator Q Q (Rellence/S)

RH26 Motor Operated Liettorque 1El2-F048A/B SMB-3 dalve Operator Q Q (L ietotrgue/8)

RH27 Motor Operated Liettorque IE12-F049 SMB-000-5 Q Q Valve Operator (Rellance/B)


Component Evaluation Data Sheet Applicant Revlemer ,

number Coseonent Manuf acturer Tag hus6er Model hunter Status Evaluation RM28 Motor Operated Llettorque IEl2-F052A/S SM8-2 Q Q Valve Operator (porter-Peerless /B)

RH29 Motor Operated Liettorque IE12-F053A/B SMS-3 Q Q Valve Operator (Rellance/RH)

RH30 Motor Operated Liettorque IEI2-F064A SMB-000-5 000 RQ Valve Operator (Reliance /B)

RM31 Motor Operated Limitorgue IE12-F0648/C 'SMB-000-5 00u RQ Valve Operator (Reliance /S)

RH32 Motor Operated ilettorque 1E12-F068A/S SMB-000-2/H10C QOu RQ Valve Operatw (Paramount /B)

RH33 Motor Operated Lletterque IE12-F073A/B SMS-000 Q Q Valve Operator hellance/RH a RH34 Motor Operated Llettorque IE12-F074A/S SMS-000 50 Valve Operator Q Q (Reliance /RH)

RH35 Motor Operated Lieltorque It12-F087A/S SMB 000 Q Q Valve Operator (Reliance /B)

RH36 Motor Operated Llettorque IEl2-F099A/S SMB-000-2 ID RIP valve Operator (Rellance/ItH)

RH37 Motor Operated Lieltorque IEI2-F338A/C SMB-000 10 RIP Valve Operator (Reliance /RH)

RH38 Solenold Valve ASCO 1E12-F0514/5 HT8320AI15 000 RQ RH19 Solenold Valve ASCO 1E12-F0604. IEl?-F075A HTI8320A22V 000 RQ RH40 Solenold Valve ASCO 1E12-F0600. IEI2-F0758 HTX8320A22V QDu RQ RHet Solenold Valve ASCO lE12-F065A/8 HT8320Al?5 060 RQ RH42 Llef t Switch NA8E0 IEI2-FOC0A, IE12-F075A EAI7046302 000 RQ RH43 Llelt Switch IIAMCO lE12-F0608. IE12-F0758 EA17046302 000 RQ

. RH44 Flow Transeltter Bailey IE12-NUO7A. 1EI2-h015A 555 ID RQ RH45 Flow Transaltter Bailey 1E12-180078. IE12-le0158/C 555 10 RQ


Component -

Evaluation Data Sheat Ihm6er Component Manufacturer Applicant Reviewer Tag Number Model Number Status E valuat ion RN46 Flow Transmitter Bailey IEI2-N013 555 10 RQ NH47 Pressure Transmitter Bailey IEI2-N0264 556 to

  • Ry RH48 Pressure Transmitter Bailey IE12-N0260, IEI2-N028 556 10 RQ RH49 Otfferential Pressure Barton IE12-h009A 2884 Indication Switch 10 RT RH50 Olffereattal Pressure Barton IE12-N0098/C 288A Indication Switch 10 RT RH51 Olfferential Pressure Barton IE12-h022A 288A Sultch IO RT RH52 Olf ferential Pressure Barton IEl2-HU298 2884 Switch 10 Ri to RH53 Pressure Switch Barton O IP05-RH007A/8, 8A/8, 288A CQ RT lP5H-RH005A/8, EA/8 RH54 Olfferential Pressure Sar ton IE12-N0104 289A Indication Switch 10 Ri RH55 Of f ferential Pressure Barton IEI2-m0100/C 289A 10 Indication Switch al RH56 Pressure Switch Static-0-Rin9 IE12-ND16A IE12-N019A 5N-AA3 10 RT RH57 Pressure Switch Static-0-Ring IE12-h0168/C, IEl2-h0198/C $N-AA3 10 ki RH58 Pressure Indication Robert Sham IEl2-N022A Switch SP-222C Q 01, 1 '

RH59 Pressure Indication Robert Shaw IE12-N0220/C SP-222C Switch Q 01, i RH60 Pressure Switch Bartsdale IE12-NO32A, IE12-NO33A Sll-M1255-GE 10 RT NH61 Pressure Switch Barksdale fl2-NO328, IE17-N0338 Bli-Ml255-GE 10 RT RIGI Motor Operated tlettorque IE51-f008 SM8-00-10 Valve Operator (0.C. Porter-Peerless /H) Q Q R102 Motor Operated ttaltorque IE51-f019 Valve Operator SMu-00-10 Q Q 0.C. Porter-Peerless /fl


Component Evaluation Data Sheet Appilcant Number Component Reviewer Manufacturer Tae Number Model Number Status Evaluation RIO3 Motor Operated Liet tors.ue IE51-F031 SMB-000-5 QDu RQ Valve Operator D.C. Rellence/8 RIO4 Motor Operated L imitorque IE51-F045 SMS-1 QDu RQ Valve Operator (D.C. Rellance) -

RIOS Motor Operated Limitorque IE51-F063 SM8-0-40 00U RQ Valve Operator RIO6 Motor Operated Liettorque IE51-F064 SMB-0-40 CQ RIP Valve Operator (D.C. Porter-Peerless)

RIO7 Motor Operated Llattorque IE51-F068 SMS-00-7.5 Valve Operator 000 RQ (D.C. Reliance /8) i RIOS Motor Operated Ltoltorque IE51-F069. IE51-F080 SMB-00 Valve Operator Q Q (D.C. Porter-Peerless /H)

$ RIO9 Motor Operated Limitorque IESI-F076 SMB-00 Q C5 Valve Operator (Reliance /RH)

All0 Motor Operated Limitorque IE51-F317 SMB-00 Valve Operator Q T. P. R (Rellence/RH)

Rill Pressure Switch Barksdale IE51-N012A C 02H-M8055 ID RT RI12 Pressure Switch Barksdale IE51-N0128. D 02H-M80$$ ID Ri RP01 Pressure Switch Static-0-Ring IC71-N002A. B. D 12NAAYX9fi ID RT/RQ RP01 Pressure Switch Static-0-Ring IC71-N002C 12NAAYX9fi 10 RT/RQ RROI Solenold Valve ASCO 1833-F019 HTX8320A22V QDu RQ RR02 Solenoid Valve ASCO 1833-F020 HTX8320A22V 000 RQ l RR03 Limit Switch NAMC0 1833-F019 [A17046302 QDu RQ RR04 Limit Switch NAMCO 1833-F020 EA17046302 QDu RQ RR05 Motor Operated Ltattorque 1833-F023A/8 SMS-2 Q C5 Valve Operator (Relt ance/RH) j RR06 Solenoid Valve Target Rock 1833-F355A. D. 1833-F356A. D 76F-207 Q Q RR07 Solenold Valve larget Rock 1833-F3558/C. 1833-F3568/C 76F-208 Q Q


Component Evaluation

' Data Sheet Number Component Applicant Reviewer Manufacturer Tag Number Model Nus6er Status Evaluation R008 Flow Transmitter Rosemount 1833-N014A/D. 1833-N024A/D 1151DP ID RQ RR09 Pressure Switch Static-0-Ring 1833-N0184 5N-AA351TX10 ID RT RRIO Pressure Switch Barksdale 1833-N0188 81T-Ml255-GE 10 RT RIO1 Motor Operated Listtorque 1G33-F001 SMB-00-15 0D0 RQ Valve Operator (Rellance/H)

RT02 Motor Operated Ltoltorque IG33-F004 SMB-00-25 Valve Operator Q Q (D.C. Porter-Peerless /H)

RIO3 Motor Operated Limitorque IG33-F040 $N8-00-10 QDU RQ Valve Operator (Reltance/RH)

VG01 Proportional LOVE 1FC-VG039 541-851-8134 10 RIP Controller 8115-816-8174 VG02 Proportional LOVE IFC-VG040 541-851-8134 y Controller 8115-816-8174 10 RIP VG03 Delu9e Valve Atkomatic IFSV-VG003A/8 IF5V-VG005A/8 FGX5700GX QDU RQ VG04 Deluge Valve Atkomatic IFSV-VG020A/8 IFSV-VG028A/8 FGX5700GX 000 RQ VG05 Solenoid Valve ASCO IFSV-VG0438. O. F. H. HTX8320A185 000 RQ IFSV-VG0448, 0, F. H VG06 Limit Switch NAMCO IIS-VG007AA/A8, llS-VG0078A/88 EA74020100 Q00 RQ VG07 Limit Switch NAMCO IIS-VG007CA/C8, ll5-VG049A/8 EA14020100 000 RQ VG08 Limit Switch NAMCO IIS-VG014A/8,125-VG022AA/A8 EA14020100 QDU RQ llS-VG029A/B VG09 Limit Switch NAMCO 125-VG031 A/8.125-VG032A/8 EA14020100 000 RQ VG10 Limit Sultch NAMCO IIS-VG022CA/C8, llS-VG050A/8 EA14020100 QDU RQ VGli , Limit Switch NAMCO IZ5-VG04388, 125-VG04488 EA70010000 000 RQ VG12 Current Relay LOVE 1FSV-VG045 (R18). IFSV-VG046 56-851-8115-843-8114 10 RIP (R68)

VG13 Dif ferential Pressure HAYS IF T-VG039 252:A QDU RQ 1ransattter

, i

  • 4 e e 8


Component Evaluation Data Sheet number Con:ponent Applicant Reviewer Manufacturer Tae Number Model Number Status Evaluation VG14 D1fferential Pressure HAYS IFT-VG040 252:A QDU RQ Transmitter VGIS Differential Pressure HAV$ IFT-VG045, IFT-VG046 252:A QDU Transmitter RQ VGl6 Current Relay LOVE IFY-VG0398 56-8115-8181-8108- 10 RI 8174 VGli Current Relay LOVE IFY-VG0408 56-8115-8181- ID RT 8100-8174 VG18 Austilary Relay General Electric IFSY-VG0452, IFY-VG039 12HFA51A494 10 RIP VG19 Auxillary Relay General Electric IFSV-VG046I, IFY-VG040 12HFA51A49H ID RIP VG20 Austitary Relay General Electric IFY-VG083, IFV-VG084 12HFA51A42H 10 RIP g VG2I Auxillary Relay General Electric IFY-VG085, IFT-VG086 62 12HFA51A42H ID RIP VG22 Damper Actuator lii General Controls IFT-VG007A/B, IFZ-VGOI4 NH-95-C260-2C617 10 IIP VG23 Damper Actuator ITT General Controls IFZ-VG007C NH-95-C260-?C617 10 itP VG24 Damper Actuator lii General Controls IEZ-VG022A, IFZ-VG029 NH-95-C260-2C617 ID TIP VG25 Damper Actuator til General Controls IFl-VG0220/C NH-95-C260-2C617 10 IIP VG26 Damper Actuator ITT General Controls IFZ-VG03tA/S, IFZ-VG032A/B NH-95-C260-2C617 ID flP VG27 Damper Actuator lii General Controls IF2-VG049 NH-91-C200-2C617 10 Tir VG28 Damper Actuator ITT General Controls IFZ-VG050 MH-91-C200-2C617 ID IIP VG29 Control Switch General Electric IHS-VG003A/8, lHS-VG005A/8 58-1 ID RIP /RQ/RT VG30 Control Switch General Electric IHS-VG020A/8, INS-VG028A/8 $8-1 ID RIP /RQ/RI VG31 Instrument Power EEPC0 IJ f-VG008 Supply PCI?2-0.3 10 RQ VG32 Instrument Power EEPCO IJY-VG023 Supply PCI12-0.3 ID RQ VG33 Time Delay Relay Agastat IKV-VG039, IKY-VG072, 7012AD ID RIP IKV-VG092


Component Evaluation Data Sheet

__ humber Component Manufacturer Applicant Reviewer Tag Nusdner Model Number Status Evaluation VG34 Time Delay Relay Agastat IKY-VG040. IKV-VG078 7012AD ID RIP IKY-VG093 VG35 Time Delay Relay Agastat IKV-VG050 70l?AT ID RIP VG36 Time Delay Relay Agastat IKV-VG074 7012All ID RIP VG37 Time Delay Relay Agastat IKY-VG077 7012AH ID RIP

, VG38 ilme Delay Relay Agastat IKY-VG083. IKV-VG004 7022-PE ID RIP VG39 Time Delay Relay Agastat IKV-VG005. IKY-VG006 7022-PE ID RIP VG40 Time Delay Relay Agastat IKV-VG045 7032-AOC 10 RIP VG41 Time Delay Relay Agastat IKY-VG046 7032-ADC 10 RIP VG42 Time Delay Relay Agastat IKY-VG073 7032-AEC ID RIP

$ VG43 Time Delay Relay Agastat IKY-VG076 7032 AEC 10 RIP VG44 Level Switch Mercold ILS-VG003. IL5-VG005 201WT9806-52C60 QDU RIP /RT/RQ VG45 Level Switch Mercold ILS-VG020. ILS-VG028 20lWT9806-52C60 00U RIP /RT/RQ VG46 Differential Pressure lii Barton IPDT-VG008 385 Transmitter Q00 RQ VG47 Dif ferential Pressure ITT Barton IPDT-VG023 385 Transmitter 0 00 RQ VG48 Current Relay LOVE IPDY-VG008 48-8115-843-816-8174 ID RIR VG49 furrent Relay LOVE IPDY-VG023 48-8115-843-816-8174 ID RIP VG50 Temperature Element Allison lie-VG035 1052-RID Q0U RIP /Rl/RQ VGSI Temperature Element Allison ITE-VG036 1052-RTD 00U RIP /NT/RQ VG52 Temperature Element Allison lie-VG037 1052-RfD 000 RIP /RT/RQ VG53 Temperature Element Allison 11E-VG038 1052-RTD 000 RIP /RT/RQ VG54 Temperature Allison lii-VG035. ITT-VG036 1052 Iransmitter QDU RIP /RI/RQ


Component Evaluation Data Sheet Ihamber Camponent Appincent Reviewer Manufacturer Tag Number Model Number Status Evaluation VG55 Temperature Allison ITT-M037(R68), lit-M038(R6A) 1052 000 iransultter RIP /RT/RQ VG56 Temperature Sultch Mercold 115-%003, lis-VG005 7038-80452 000 RIP /RT/RQ VG57 Temperature Sultch Mercold ITS-VG020, ITS-VG028 7038-80452 000 RIP /RT/RQ VG58 Ausillery Relay General Electric IT5Y-%007 126N 11813 ID TIP M59 Auxillery Relay General Electric liSV- %022 120m ilBIl ID TIP VG60 Fan Motor Type H Westinghouse IVGOICA, IVGOICS 76C53097 Q P E61 Fan Motor Type H Westinghouse IVG02CA 78036171 Q P VG62 Fan Motor Type H Westinghouse IWG02C8 78036171 Q P K63 Fan Motor Westinghouse IVG03CA 73H70443 ID RQ VG64 Fan Motor Westinghouse IVG0308 73070443 ID RQ VG65 Electric Heater indeeto Co. IVG04AA 9N/A QDU RIP VG66 Electric Heater Indeeco Co. IVG04A8 9N/A QDU RIP VG67 Temperature Indicator General Electric III- M 035A, lil-VG036A 180 ID RIP /RI/RQ VG68 Temperature Indicator General Electric III-VG037A, III M0384 180 ID RIP /RI/RQ VG69 THIS DATA SLEET INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK VG70 Limit Sultch NAMCO 125-VG0228A/88 EA74020100 000 RQ VG71 Limit Switch NAMC0 125-VG04384, 125-VG04484 EA70070001 000 RQ VG72 Time Delay Relay Agastat IK Y-VG089 7022AD ID RIP ,

VG73 Time Delay Relay Agastat IK Y-VG090 7022A0 10 RIP

. VG74 Auxillary Relay General Electric ifY-VG087 12imlI811 ID IIP VG75 Auxillary Reiar General Electric IfY VG088 I?imil811 ID llP VG76 Aunillary Relay General Electric IFV-VG089 12imil811 ID IIP VG77 Auxillary Relay General Electric If Y-VG090 12tm llBil ID 11P


Component Ev aluat ion ,

Data Sheet Miamber Camponent Applicant Revteuer Manufacturer Tag Number Model Number Status Evaluation VG78 Panel Powers Regulator IPL6MA(RIB), IPL6W8(R68) 000 M, RIP VPOI THIS DATA SifET INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK VP02 Motor Operated Limitorque IVP006A, IUP012A Valve Operator SMB-000-5 000 RQ (D.C. Porter-Peerless /8)

W P03 Motor Operated Limitorque IVP-0068, IVP-0128

Valve Operator 54 -000-5 Q00 RQ (D.C. Porter-Peerless /B)

VPO4 Motor Operated Ltaltorque IVPO45A/B SMS-000 Q Valve Operator (Reliance /RH)

C5 VQOI Solenoid valve ASCO IFSV-VQO32. IF5V-VQO33 HII8321A-6EMO Q0U RQ IFSV-VG034 VQO2 Solenold Valve ASCO 1F5V-VQO37, IF5V-VQ038 HTX8321A-6EMO g Q0U RQ cn IF5V-VQ039. IF5v-VQ040 VQO3 Solenold Valve ASCO IFSV-VQ031 HTX8321A6E M Q0U RQ VG04 Limit Switch /Solenold Target Rock IVQ005A/8 76F-205 Q Q VQ05 Limit Sultch/ Solenoid Target Rock IVQOO8A/R 76F-205 Q Q VYOI Temperature Element Rosemount ITE-VY009 88-14 CQ RIP VYO2 Temperature Element posemount lie-VY010 88-14 CQ RIP VY03 Temperature Element Rosemount ITE-VY011 88-14 CQ RIP VYD4 Temperature Element Rosemount ITE-VY012 88-14 CQ RIP VYO5 Temperature Switch United Electric ITS-VY001 300-6A5 CQ RIP VYO6 Temperature Switch United Electric ITS-VYOO2 300-645 CQ RIP VYO7 Temperature Switch United Electric ITS-VY003 300-6AS CQ N!P VYO8 Temperature Switch United Electric ITS-VY004 300-645 CQ RIP VYO9 Damper Actuator IIT General Controls lil-VY00lA/S, 2A/8, 3A 4A, 5, 6 NH-950260602L37 10 IIP VY10 Damper Actuator lii General Controls ITI-VY0038, lil-VYOO7 hH-95C2602-2L 37 ID flP VY11 Damper Actuator lii General Controls lil-VYOO8 NH-95C2602-L 37 10 IIP


Component Evaluation Data Sheet Applicant Revlemer Number Component Manufacturer Tag Number Model Number Status Evaluation VV12 Fan Motor Westinghouse IVYOIC, 04C, 02C, 03C 76D53I12 Q P VYl3 THl1 DATA SMEET INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK VY14 Position Smitch NAMCO 125-VY001 A/8, 002A/S, 003A, EA75020100 000 RQ 004A,005, 006 VV15 Position 5mitch NAMCO 125-VY007,125-VY0038 EA75020100 Q00 RQ VY16 Position Smitch NAMCO 125-VYOO8 EA75020100 000 RQ WR04 Level Transmitter Rosemount ILO-WO36, ILO-WR037 Il52GP4A22-Pu Q AC WR02 Pressure Smitch ITT-Barton IPS-WR141-144 288A CQ RT WR03 Pressure Smitch ITT-Barton IIPS-WR145-148 288A CQ RT WR04 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount IPT-WR051. IPT-WR053 1152GP7A22 PB Q R AC ru N WR05 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount IPT-WR055, IPT-WR057 1152GP7A22-PS Q R AC WR06 Teaperature Element Rosemount ITE-WR033 183-108-1 CQ RIP WR07 Temperature Element Rosemount ITE-WR035 183-108-1 CQ RIP WR08 Temperature Element Gordon ITE-WR038 402-4107 Q NO WR09 Temperature Elesent Gordon iTE-WR040 402-4107 Q MD WR10 Temperature Element Gordon ITE-WRI?6 402-4107 Q ND WRll Pump Motor Westinghouse IWROIPA, IWROIPS 74C24tl4 ID RQ WR12 Pump Motor Westinghouse IWROIPC, IWROIPO 74C24114 ID RQ WR13 Motor Operated Limitorque (Reliance /8) IWR054 SM8-000 000 RQ Valve Operator WRI4 Motor Operated Ltattorque (Paramount /Bl IWR055 SMB-000 000 RQ Valve Operator 4

WRIS Motor Operated Limitorque (Reliance /RH) IWR158A/8, IWR160A/B SM8-000 Q Q Valve Operator W501 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount IPT-W5160 1152GP1A22-P8 Q AC, R


a j Component Evaluation Data Sheet Applicant Reviewer number Component Manufacturer Tas Mus6er ModeI humber Status Evaluation W502 Pressure Transmitter Rosemount IPT-W5161 1152GP7A22-PB Q AC. R W503 Motor Operated Llettorque (Reliance /B) IW5012A/B 5f8-000-2 Valve Operator 0 Q .

1 W504 Motor Operated Lieltorque (Rellence/B) IW5013A/B SMB-000 Valve operator Q Q a W505 Motor Operated Lieltorque (Reliance /ht) IW5014A/B SMB-000 I

, Valve operator 000 RQ

W506 Motor Operated Limitorque (Reliance /B) IW5073A/B $f8-000 000 RQ
  • Valve Operator 3

! W507 Motor Operated Liettorque (Reliance /B) 1W5076A SMB-000-2 l Q Q Valve Operator to

  • Motor Operated W500 Limitorque (Reliance /B) IW50768 SMB-000-2 0 Q Valve Operator W509 Llett Switch RANC0 IW5020 EA17031100 000 RQ -

W510 Limit Switch mAMC0 IW5025 EA17031100 000 RQ W511 Limit Switch .mAMC0 1W5030 EA17031100 000 RQ i

W512 Solenoid Valve ASCO IW5020 HV200-924-2VF 000 . RQ W513 Solenoid valve ASCO IW5025 8320490 QDU RQ W514 Solenold Valve ASCO 1W5030 HV200-924-2VF QDU RQ W515 Pressure Switch Barton IPS-W5249/256 288A CQ RT


  • e 29

9 APPENDIX B SUMMARIES OF THE WM. H. ZIMMER NUCLEAR POWER STATION CENTRAL FILE REVIEWS Rosemount Temperature Element, Model 183-108-1 The Rosemount temperature elements are used to measure the reactor building closed cooling water discharge header temperature. They are located in the reactor building.

The maximum specified environmental parameters to which the temperature elements may be exposed are: temperature, 218'F; pressure, 9.7 psig; humidity, 100%; and radiation, 5.1 x 106 rads TID. The temperature elements are required to remain functional for 100 days post-DBA.

The qualification documentation consisted of manufacturer calibration information and analysis sheets only. Analysis indicates that the temperature elements are qualified to 400*F and 1.0 x 100 rads TID and will remain functional for more than 100 days.

It is concluded that the Rosemount 183-108-1 temperature elements are not yet fully qualified. Additional testing or analysis is needed to establish humidity', pressure, and aging qualification. Additional test data is also needed to establish the radiation qualification of the Teflon insulated lead wires.

Conax Electrical Penetration Canister The Conax penetrations are used to pass instrument, control, low voltage, and medium voltage power through the containment wall. They are at various locations around the wall.

The maximum specified environmental parameters to which the penetrations may be exposed are: teinperature, 320*F; pressure, 40.4 psig; humidity, 100%; radiation, 1.63 x 10 8rads TID; and domineralized water 31 7 - r, ,. -

i spray. The penetrations will not be submerged and are required to remain operational for 100 days post-DBA. '

Testing of similar units is reported in Conax Corporation test reports IPS-746, IPS-582.2, IPS-353.2, IPS 585.3, IPS-585.1, IPS-481, and IPS-325.

The maximum environmental paramete:s to which these units were tested are:

temperature, 400*F; pressure, 80'; humidity,100%; radiation, 2 x 108 rads TID; and borated water spray. The test duration was 13 days extended to 100 days by analysis. Test parameters envelope the specified parameters by adequate margin. Calculations using the Arrhenius method indicate the penetrations have a qualified life of greater than 40 years.

It is concluded that the Conax electrical penetrations are qualified


i for use at the Zimmer Nuclear Power Plant. The applicant's qualification file supports this conclusion.

Westinghouse Motor Type-H. Model 76C53097 The Westinghouse motors are, located in the HVAC equipment room and are used to drive the recirculating fans.

The maximum specifi'ed environmental parameters to which the motors may

, be exposed are: temperature, 218'F; pressure, 9.7 psig; humidity, 100%;

5 and radiation, 8.68 x 10 rads TIO. The motors are required to remain operational for 100-day post-0BA. -

Testing of Type-H motorettes is reported in Westinghouse test report MM-9112. The maximum environmental parameters to which these motorettes were tested are: temperature, 410*F; humidity, 100*.; and radiation, 8

2 x 10 rad TIO. The motors were qualified for pressure by analysis.

The test duration was 57 days with additional thermal aging. Operability was extended to 100 days by analysis. Test parameters envelop the specified parameters by adequate margin. Calculations using the Arrhenius ,,'

method indicate a qualified life of greater than 40 years.

I 32

The Wer ghouse test report (MM-9112) recommends preventive maintenance, however the applicant has not indicated how this will be implemented, nor has a radiation resistant grease for the motor bearings been specified. It is oncluded that, provided the concerns noted above are addressed, the Westinghouse fan motors are qualified for use at the Zimmer Nuclear Power Plant. The applicants' qualification file supports this conclusion.

Kulka Terminal Block, Model 7T8-12 The Kulka terminal blocks are used at various locations inside containment to maintain electrical continuity. -

The maximum specified environmental parameters to which the terminal blocks may be exposed are: temperature, 320'F; pressure, 40.4 psig; 8

humidity 100%; radiation 1.63 x 10 rads TID; and dominera11 zed water spray. The terminal blocks will not be submerged and are required to remain operational for 100 days post-0BA.

Testing of similar terminal blocks is reported in Conax Corporation test reports 105-746 and IPS-512. The maximum environmental parameters to which these terminal blocks were tested are: temperature, 397*F; pressure, 70 psig; humidity, 100%; radiation 2 x 108 rads TID; and borated water spray. The test duration was 17 days extended to 100 days by analysis.

Test parameters envelop the specified parameters by adequate margin.

Calculations using the Arrhenius method indicate the terminal blocks have a qualified life of greater than 40 years.

It is concluded that the Kulka terminal blocks are qualified for use at the Zimmer Nuclear Power Plant. The applicant's qualification file supports this conclusion.

'e .

33 L ___________.__i________..___._.______ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- l I

l Limitoroue Motor Ooerated Valve Ooerator, Model SMB-2-60 The Limitorque motor operated valve operator (MOV) is used for containment isolation on the inboard shutdown cooling supply. The unit is located inside containment.


The maximum specified environmental parameters to which the MOV may be exposed are: temperature, 340*F; pressure, 45 psig; humidity, 100%;

8 radiation, 1.63 x 10 rads TID; and demineralized water spray. The MOV's will not be submerged and are required to remain operational for 100 days post-08A.

Testing of SMB model MOV's is reported in Limitorque Corporation test reports 80058 and 600376A. The maximum environmental parameters to which the MOV's were tested are: temperature, 340'F; pressure, 105 psig; humidity, 100%; radiation, 2 x 108rads TID; and chemical spray. In addition to the spray the tested units were inadvertently submerged during part of the test sequence. This submergence did not affect the MOV's operation. The test duration was,30 days extended to 100 days by

  • analysis. Test parameters envelop the specified parameters by adequate margin with the exception of temperature. The temperature margin deficiency is not considered significant because the MOV's were at a temperature of 340*F longer than they would be during a Zimmer LOCA.

Calculations using the Arrhenius method indicate a qualified life of greater than 40 years.

It is conciuded that the Limitorque MOV's are qualified for use at the Zimmer Power Plant. The applicant's qualification file supports this conclusion.

Gordon Temperature Element, Model 402-4107-050 l The Gordon temperature elements are used to monitor the air temperature of the suppression pool for main control room '

l 34 l

l l

l indication / recording. They are in the containment monitoring system and are located in the wetwell on the outer wall.

The maximum specified environmental parameters to which the elements may be exposed are: temperature, 340*F; pressure, 40.4 psig; humidity, 100%; radiation, 1.63 x 108 rads TID. The temperature elements will not be exposed to spray or submergence and are required to remain operational for 100 days post-08A.

Qualification documentation are: Zimmer Design Criteria A51-9, Rev. 4, 5/12/83; S&L Qualification Data Sheets A017-A022, SLC-219840, 3/25/83; CG&E Engineering Analysis Sheet EA-0012, 5/31/83. The maximum environmental parameters to which the elements were tested are:

temperature, 800*F; pressure, >45 psig; radiation, >1.9 x 108rads TIO.

Water spray and submergence are not applicable and operability time was determined to be greater than 100 days post-08A. The qualified life was determined to be 40 years by using the Arrhenius method. All parameters were determined by using analysis, there was no type testing performed on the elements. The qualification status of these elements were changed from qualified to conditionally qualified on May 31, 1983 and CG&E action plan added. The action plan states that a qualified conduit seal must be used at the conduit entry to the thermocouple head to assure qualification for 100% humidity conditions.

It is concluded that the Gordon temperature elements are conditionally qualified for use at the Zimmer Nuclear Power Plant and CG&E action plan is to be completed prior to fuel load. The applicant's qualification file supports this conclusion.

ASCO pilot Solenoid Valve. Model HVA 90-45

, The ASCO solenoid valves de-energize to open inlet and outlet scram s.

valves which are part of the hydraulic control unit which is in the control rod drive hydraulic system. These valves are located in the reactor

'. building.


The maximum specified environmental parameters to which the valves may ,

be exposed are: temperature, 235"F; pressure, 24.4 psig; humidity, 100*4, 6

radiation, 7.24 x 10 rads TID. The valves will not be subjected to spray .

or submergence and are required to operate 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> post-DBA.

The documentation references are: Zimmer Design Criteria A51-9, Rev. 2, 11/17/81; GE Document 383HA820, Rev. O, 2/23/73; GE letter CGE-1448, 2/20/81; CG&E Engineering Analysis Sheet EA-0008, 1/18/83. The maximum environmental parameters to which these valves were tested are:

temperature, 212*F; pressure, 24.4 psig; humidity, 100%; radiation, 7

1 x 10 rads TID. The test duration was for 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. Aging was done by analysis by using similarity of a Namco Limit Switch, model EA-740. The switches were thermally aged for 200 hours0.00231 days <br />0.0556 hours <br />3.306878e-4 weeks <br />7.61e-5 months <br /> at 200'F yielding a qualified life estimation of 4 to 7 years at ambients of 35'C to 40*C. The qualified life of the solenoid valves were then extended to 40 years by means of periodic maintenance and replacement of the elastomeric components every 5 years. The temperature was increased to 235'F by using the Arrhenius method.

It is concluded that the ASCO pilot solenoid valves are qualified for use at the Zimmer Nuclear Power Plant when the proper maintenance and replacement schedules are' performed on the valves. The applicants '

qualification file supports this conclusion.

Target Rock Limit Switch / Solenoid Valve. Model 76F-205 The Target Rock switch / solenoid valve function is for H 2 P""9' I the suppression pool and inboard inlet bypass. They are in the primary containment and suppression pool purge system and are located in the reactor building.

e The maximum specified environmental parameters to which the '

switches / valves may be exposed are: temperature, 225'F; pressure, 18 psta; humidity, 1004; radiation, 6.32 x 106rads TIO. They are not exposed to '

spray or submergence and are required to operate for 100 days post-08A.


f f

Documentation for the equipment is: Zimmer Design Criteria A51-9, Rev. 4, 5/12/83; Target Rock Recort 1827A,11/4/76; CG&E Engineering Analysis Sheet EA-0009, 1/20/83. The maximum environmental parameters to

, which similar ccmconents were tested are: temperature, 310*F; pressure, 8

84.7 psia; humicity, 100*4; radiation, 1 x 10 rad TID. The test curation was 30 cays and by using the Arrhenius method was extended to 100 days.

Aging of the equipment was done at 240 hours0.00278 days <br />0.0667 hours <br />3.968254e-4 weeks <br />9.132e-5 months <br /> at 175*F and using the Arrhenius method the qualified life was extended to 23 years at 104 F.

It is concluded that the Target Rock limit switch / solenoid valves are qualified for use of the Zimmer Nuclear power plant within the specified parameters. The applicants qualification File supports this conclusion.

Barton pressure Switch, Model 288A l

The Barton pressure switches are used to monitor service water pressure at the inboard and outboard isolation valves. They are part of the service water system and are located in the HVAC equipment room.

The maximum specified environmental parameters to wnich the switches may be exposed are: temperature, 150*F; pressure, 16.9 psia; humidity, 100'4; radiation, 5.84 x 103 rads TID. They are required to operate for 100 days post-CBA.

The documentation referenced are Zimmer Design Criteria, A51-9, Rev.

2, 11/17/81 and ITT Barton Reports R1-5344-5, 9/18/72, R1-550-3, 12/8/78, and 999.1217.2, 11/1/73.

The only tested environmental parameter was radiation at 2.2 x 10 6 rads TIO. No other parameters were tested.

It is concluded that the Barton pressure switches are not fully s.

. qualified. The applicants qualification file supports this conclusion and states that the devices will be retested to category I requirements of NUREG-0588.

37 l


7,,c acaw 335 u.s. NucLEAn mEcutATOmv cOwaisslON BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET EGG-EA-6331 4 7siLE ANO SU87iTLE 2. ILeme Drent Audit Of The Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related

. Electrical Equipment At The William H. Zimmer Nuclear 3 aEciP,ENT s AccEssieN NO Power Station 7 AUTMOatSi 5. DATE REPORT COVPLETED Q. R. Decker, T. G. Humphrey July I" 1983 9 PERFORMING ORGANi2ATiON NAVE AND MAILING ADORESS tractum l<a Code) CATE REPORT ISSLED "oN'" I"

July 1983 EG&G Idaho, Inc. s <Lene a-as Idaho Falls, ID 83415 8 ILe** Drent 12 SPONSORING ORGANi2AT40N N AME AND MAILING ACORESS Itacevoe l'a Coors , ,, 7 Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation  : pig so.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 A6415 13 TYPE OF AEPO AT et nico cov t at o (tae'us,ve adrest 15 $VPPLEVENTARY NOTES 14 sLeme ama A 16 A83TR ACT r200

  • eras or resss The William H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station was audited to determine the environmental qualification of safety-related electrical equipment. Results of the audit are summarized in this report.

17 nEY WORC$ AND COCUMENT ANALv51$ 17e CESCRiPTCas 17e iCENT18tE 85 C8EN ENCE O T1avs te AV AsLAsiLif t $7AfEVENT 19 $E .0 A55'h.swa mi I2' NO :s p A;gs Unclassi'ied i Unlimited 2 Un*E E *(/ M *'

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