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Intervenor Exhibit I-2,consisting of Portions of Chapter 2 to NFPA 1978 Publication, Std for Installation of Oil Burning Equipment, Re Tank Storage
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/17/1984
OL-I-002, OL-I-2, NUDOCS 8412130141
Download: ML20100N432 (6)


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31-4 on. nUnNING EQMPhtENT

9. .,.-

'%.y y 3-3 Supply Connections .. . . 31-45

.'- ' y ' :.' 3-4 Vent Piping . .. . 31-46

. A' Sedd W h IWWtin d

4. 3-5 Pressurized Tank Fred 31-47

, . ..g .(nf A . . . .

Oil Burning Equipment

. y, m .j 3-6 Oil Gauging . . . . .. . 31-47 f.sN.r; y

' 3-7 Oil Pumps and Valves .... . 31-47 " 83 - '

1 't ! .'. (F 3-8 Centralized Oil Distribution Systems . 31-48


? 3-9 Oil Distribution Systems for Roof. Mounted c,r Chapter 1 General Provisions

' . 9[/ (

Ceiling-Suspended Oil-Fired Units . 31-50 6.3 ,

3-10 Tests of Piping . .. ... 31-52 1-1 Definition of Terms.

s (/ .h . . 4j Chapter 4 Installation of Oil Burners and Oil-Fired

. 1-1.1 For the purpose of this installation standard, the Units . 31-53 following terms shall be interpreted in accordance with the following definitions.

hj 4-1 General Requirements ... . 31-53 Air IIcater. An indirect-fired appliance intended to supply

0 -I 4-2 Posting of Instructions . . . . . 31-53 heated air for space heating and other purposes, but not intended Md for permanent installation.

' 4-3 Controls 31-54

,5 ~;

Antillooding Device. A primary safety control which causes

.", ; 4-4 Requirements for Specific Appliances (Clearar.ces, the flow of fuel to be shut off uimn a rise in fuel level or upon receiv-

.9'a ,

Mounting, Etc.) . 31-56 ing excess fuel, and which operates before the hazardous discharge 4-5 Installation of Outdoor Appliances . . . 31-67 f fuel can occur.


Appliances, Industrial.

Chapter 5 Installation of IIcating and Cooking Ap-

. . g tj.

pliances . .. . . . 31-68 (a) Low-licat Industrial Appliance. An industrial appli-ance such as a commcitial cooking range, pressing machine boilcr

' LI.v:j 5-1 Kerosene and Oil Stoves and Portable Kerosene at any prrssuir, bake oven, candy furnace, stereotype furnace, dry-

'E J IIcaters . . 31-68 ing and curmg apphance, and other process apphances m which materials are heated or melted at temperatures (excludmg flue. gas

. .,J}

. .c .

31-71 temperatuirs) not exceeding 600*F. Appliances otherwise classed as APPenda'x A . .

  • medium-heat appliances may be considered as low-heat appliances l E not lamer than 100 cu ft in size excluding any burner equipment
Appendix B . . . . ... . .

3g_73 and blower compartment.

.u .

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Appendix C . 31-75 (b) Medium-Ileat Industrial Appliance. An industrial appli-


ance such as an annealing furnace (glass or metal), charroal furnace, J Appendix D Suggested Prov. .isions for a Mun. .icipal Or- galvanizing furnace, gas producer, commerrial or industrial inrin.

o dinance . . . . . . .. 3,_77 erator, and steam boiler operating at cwcr 50 psig pressure when

- 4

  • such appliance is larger than 100 cu ft in .ize, and other furnaces classified as medium-heat appliances in accordance with nationally

'p p.5 Appendix E . . . . . ..... . 31-80 recognized good practice. Appliances otherwise classed as medium-heat appliances may be considered as low-heat appliances if not, 4

yg /8 larger than 100 cu ft in size excluding any burner,cquipment ant!

gi) blower compartment. ,,

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31-24 Olt, BURNING EQUIPMENT TANK STORAGE 31-25 s .~ /w N ,

.w. '

4 h, 1-10 Fuel Oil. '

Chapter 2 Tank Storage

.,3- 1-10.1 The grade of fuel oil used in a burner shall be that

' ffliii.;-

.Q '. for which the burner is approved and as stipulated by the manu- 2-1 Design and Construction of Tanks.

a g.; facturer. Crankcase oil or any oil contammg gasolme shall not

,. 3Eg
be used. For use of oil fuels other than those defined herein, see 2-1.1 Materials.

. .w > ; l-2.3. '

u. . ..i . ;(w,sg 'c 2-1.1.1 Tanks shall be built of steel except as provided in NOTE: The label of Underwriters I.aboratories Inc. stipulates for each 2-1.1.2 through 2-1.1.5.

burner the grade of fuel oil for which the burner is listed.

'.c( wt. g, W ,

2-1.1.2 Tanks for underground service may be built of j s,./g 1-10.2,lVhere heavy od.s are used, provision shall be made l material other than steel.

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for maintammg the oil at the proper atomizmg temperature.

Automatically operated burnen requiring the preheating of oil shall be arranged so that no oil can be delivered for combustion until I

2-1.1.3 Tanks built of materials other than steel shall be designed to specifications embodying principles recognized as

,if. the oil is at a suitable atomizing temperature.

4;j{1 .' l good engineering design for the material used and shall be approved by the authority havingjurisdietion.

m 1-10.3 Except as permitted in 1-2.3, no steam coil operating

y.  ;,CJj-f at a pressure greater than 15 lbs per sq in. gauge shall be installed  ;

2-1.1.4 Unlined concrete tanks may be used for above-


Yi c.. in an oil tank. When a pressure reducing valve is used to limit the ground or underground service for fuel oils having a gravity of 1' steam pressure 15 psi or less: (a) a relief' valve set at not more than 40 degrees API or heavier. Concrete tanks shall be built in accord-i; 5 psi above the normal pressure in the coil shall be provided, and , once with sound engineering practice.

- g' .h[)

(b) provision shall be made to limit the steam temperature to 250*F. 2-1.1.5 Tanks may have combustible or noncombustible

.. e.47 .

I. .mmgs.

!;c h.., NOTE: Tank heaters which are connected so that the condensate or water

, is not returned to the boiler are preferred.

2-1.2 Fabrication.

~.. c .

. .:  ; 4,.yJ{ . 1-10.4 Hot water coils may be installed in oil tanks provided ,

2-1.2.1 Tanks may be of any shape or type consistent with

.y F.h . ,, they are connected to indirect heaters and provisions are made to i sound engineering design. s

. . . . , p.g/ limit the water temperature to 250*F. i

.ap 1 2-1.2.2 Metal tanks shall be welded, riveted and caulked, 1-10.5 Electric heaters may be installed in oil tanks provided brazed, or bolted, or constructed by use of a combination of these

'.Yp Ty.j,9 they are equipped with approved thermostats designed to prevent methods. Filler metal used in brazing shall be nonferrous metal or the oil from exceeding its minimum flash point. . an alloy having a melting point above 1,000*F and below that of the fig , metal joined.

9 u; 1-10.6 When heaters are installed in an oil tank, provm, ,ons

' '. h ,I shall be made to prevent the oil level in the tank from. dropping to 2-1.2.3 Tanks shall be used under substantially atmos-l Pheric pressure and shall be built m accordance with appmved


hj a point which exposes the surface of the heater. I standards of design. Atmosphene tanks may be built m accordance a with:

9 (a) Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Standardfor Steel Ahore-Q

. ground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids, UL 142-1472:

Standard for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustrble

a. Liquids, U L 58-1972; or Standardfor SteelInside Tanksfor Ost-Burner

.;, . Furt, UL 80-1974.

.\ ]'*

(h) American Petroleum Institute Standard No. 650, Welded Steel Tanksfor OilStorage, Sixth Edition,1977.

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.j ;. y 31-2G ont, plMtNING EQUIPstENT t TANK RTORAGE II-_27

>p 2-1.2.4 Tanks built according to Underwriten Laborato- 2-2.4 Corrosion protection for the tank and its associated

'. E k.; 4, 3 .' ries Inc. requirements in 2-1.2.3(a) may be used for operating pres- ' buried piping shall be provided by one or more of the following

., y,," a sures not exceeding 1 psig and shall be limited to 2.5 psig under ' methods: (1) use of protective coatings or wrappings, (2) cathodic ,

. 11'l emergency venting conditions. pmtection, or (3) corrosion resistant matenals of construction.

, m., j

' C 2-1.2.5 The tank shall be designed for the maximum static i 2-2.5 Underground tanks shall be equipped with an open J.,W head which will be imposed when the vent or fill pipe is filled with  ! vent or an automatically operated vent, arranged to discharge N oil. The maximum static head so imposed on tanks built in ac- to the open air. Vent openings and vent pipes shall be of ampic D cordance with 21.2.3(a) shall not exceed 10 psig at the bottom of size to prevent abnormal pressure in the tank during filling but not smaller than the pipe size specified in Table 2-1.

< A':' [ the tank.

2-1.2.6 Pressure tanks if required to confonn to 2-1.2.5

.. shall be built in accordance with the principles of the ASME Iloiter Table 2-1

,p and Pressure Vessels Code,Section VIII Pressure Vessels. Division a

~. I or 2,1977 Edition, and Addenda dated Summer 1977 and Winter i Appro=.

1977, Capacity of l ank, Imperial Diameter of Yent,

. ,*' *) Gallons Iron Pope Sue i 1g IJ.S. Callons 500 " I'"
  • I"* h*'

./ 2-2 Installation of Underground Tanks (Including Tanks 50s in 2,500

' 501 io 3,000 1 % inches Under Buildings).

l 3,00t to 10,000 2.501 to R,300 2 inches c' t' 2-2.1 Only a tank complying with the construction provisions 8 10,001 to 20,000 8,30s to 16.600 2H inches cJ of Standani UL 58 [see 2-1.2.J(a)j or as provided in 2-1.2.6 shall i 20,001 to 35,000 16.60: to 29,000 3 mches 1,.h; be buried underground.

NOTE: Where tanks are filled by the une of a pump through tight connec-3 ( 2-2.2 Excavation for underground tanks shall be made with -

tions, a vent pipe not len in sire than the dischas ge of the pump shall be uard.

due care to avoid undermining of foundations of existing structures. l Underground tanks or tanks under buildings shall be so located .

g.; ; with respect to existing building foundations and supports that the 2-2.6 Except as pmvided in 3-8.8, all connections to an under-

.M, loads carried by the latter cannot be transmitted to the tank. The ground tank shall be made through the top of the tank.

ig i distance from any part of a tank storing fuct oil to the nearest wall  ; of any basement, pit or property line shall be not less than I ft. ,

2-2.7 An underground tank shall be provided with means


for gauging. (See J-6.)

" 2-2.3 An underground tank shall be set on a firm foundation

,j and surrounded with at least 6 in, of noncorrosive inert , materials such as clean sand, carth or gravel wc!! tamped m place. I'he tank 2-3 Installation of Unenclosed Supply Tank Inside 11uilding.

f .a shall be placed in the hole with care since dropping or rolling the 2-3.1 An unenclosed supply tank :nside of a building shall


  • tank into the hole can break a weld, puncture or damage the tank l conform to the following provisions:

'n metal or scrape olT the protective coating of coated tanks. A tank I 2-3.1.1 A supply tank not larger than 10 gal shall be spe-N shall be covered with a minimum of 2 ft of carth, or shall be covered ,' .

cifically approved for the purpose.

M with not less than I ft of earth on top of which shall be placed a slab 3 .1 of reinforced concrete not less than 4 in. thick. Nen undergroimd l 2-3.1.2 An approved safety can may be used as a storage

.,( tanks are, or are likely to be, subjected to trallic, they shall be pm- l tank.

,g tected against damage from vehicles passing over them by at least i 2-3.1.3 A supply tank larger than 10 gal but not larger 3 ft of earth cover, or 18 in. of well-tamped carth, plus 6 in. of rein- than 660 gal shall meet the construction provisions of Standard forced concrete or 8 in. of asphaltic concrete. When asphaltic or UL 80 [src 2-1.2.J(a)j, or as provided in 2-1.2.5.

. j,]

- reinforced concrete paving is used as part of the protection, it shall

' M. extend at least I ft horizontally beyond the outline of the tank in all 2-3.1.4 A supply tank shall be of such s.ize and shape that it can be installed in and removed from the building as a unit.

  • - d directions.

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l 1.. o.I / 31-28 ost, nunsino zotnntzur l TANK BPORAGE 3I-29

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Fr.g 2-3.2 The sire and location of unenclosed tanks inside of any buildmg or any one portion of a building separated from other por-2-3.9 A supply tank provided with fill and vent pipes shall y be equipped with a gauging device. (Sc(Section J-6.)

.gi tions by a fire wall shall be in accordance with the following: I

' ' Okl3[ 2-3.2.1 Not more than six safety cans may be located in any .

2-3.10 Any unused opening in a tank equipped with fill and

'q.h one or more stories of a building. No such safety can shall have an  ! vent pipes shall be closed vapor tight by a pipe plug or cap screwed

,,Qi individual capacity exceeding 5 gal. j up tightly.

  • d'A) 2-3.2.2 A supply or storage tank located above the lowest -

2-3.10.1 Two supply tanks connected to the same burner y;( .. story, cellar >r basement shall not exceed 60 gal capacity and the j as permitted by 2-3.2.3 may be cross-connected and provided with g.'., total capacity of tanks so located shall not exceed 60 gal. a single fill and a single vent pipe as described in Appendix A.

'- "'i .7d, 1. . 2-3.2.3 A supply tank shall be not larger than 660 gal. Not -

more than one 660-gal tank or two tanks of aggregate capacity of 2-4 Installation of Enclosed Supply Tanks Inside Buildings.

t ,, 2121

  • J. # ' 660 gal or less shall be connected to oil-burning appliances and the 2-4.1 A supply tank larger than 660-gal capacity shall be

, . th, q aggregate capacity of such tanks installed in the lowest story, cellar, enclosed wher. installed inside of a building.

J.M or basement of a building and unenclosed shall not exceed 1,320 l i

C' '. Q*,1 gal, unless separation is provided for each 660 gal of tank capacity.  !

2-4.2 Tankage inside of a building in excess of that permitted

,- N.y Such separation shall consist of an unpierced masonry wall or i in ur. enclosed tanks by 2-3.2.3 shall be enclosed.

Wg partition extending from the lowest floor to the ceiling above the

., pp Q; tank or tanks and sha'l have a fire resistance rating of not less than 2 hrs. See Appendix A, Figure A-3 for further details.

2-4.3 Regardless of enclosure, a supply or storage tank located above the lowest story, cellar, or basement shall not exceed 60-gal

1. W 2-3 3 An unenclosed supply tank not larger than 10 gal .

capacity and the total capacity of tanks so located shall not exceed

[$ $h

  • shall be placed not less than 2 ft horizontally from any source of  ; 60 gal.

heat either in or external to the appliance being served but in any }

' N.p rM .]

2-4.4 Only a tank meeting the construction provmons of case shall be located so that the temperature of the oil in the tank i

'M' will not exceed 25'F above room temperature.  ; Standards UL 58 and UL 80 [sce 2-1.2.J(a)], or as pr3vided m

& '- Q (

f. g ' 2-3.4 An unenclosed supply tank larger than 10 gal shall i

i 2-1.2.6, shall be installed enclosed mside of a buildmg.

t -

'g p be placed not less than 5 ft from any fire or flame either in or 2-4.5 Enclosed tanks in buildings shall be in accordance with icc external to any fuel-burning appliance, nor shall such a tank obstruct the following:

>M quick and safe access to any utility service meters, switch panels  ;

N!! and shutoff valves.  ! 2-4.5.1 In buildings of other than fire-resistive construction the gross capacity of the tank (s) shall be not more than 10,000 gal.

J 2-3.5. An unenclosed supply tank shall be securely supported by rigid noncombustible supports to prevent settling, sliding or 2-4.5.2 In buildings cf fire-resistive construction the gross

, f.@: 2 ..,

lifting. -

capacity of the tank (s) shall be not more than 15,000 sial.

^7;a 2-3.6 When a supply tank larger than 10-gal capacity is 2-4.5.3 The enclosure for tanks in 2-4.5.1 and 2-4.5.2 shall provided with an opening in the bottom for use as a burner supply include walls, a floor and a top and be formed from walls, partitions, k connection or as a drain, the tank shall be pitched towarti the open- floors or floor-ceiling assemblics having a fire resistance rating of

, j

  • ing with a slog of not less than % in. per ft oflength.

I not less than 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> with the walls bonded to the floor. If the walls f such enclosure extend to and are bonded to the underside of a 2-3.7 A shutoff valve shall be provided immediately adjacent

" b to the burner supply connection at the bottom of a supply tank. c nerete floor or roof which has a fire resistance rating of not less than 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />, a separate top is not required for the tank enchisure.

3 t, -

2-3.8 A supply tank larger than 10-gal capacity shall be ,

Exception: The gross capacity of tanks may or be more than 50,000 gal Jk' '.l

+ ,

provided with an open vent pipe not smaller than the pipe size specified in Table 2-1 and a fill pipe, both terminating outside j in any buildmg provided: -

,i9f the building. , (a) The individual capacity of any tank is not more than 25,000 gal.


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31-30 0:1. nunntwo EQUIPMENT TANK STOfLAoE 31-31 (1,) The tank (s) are in are enclosure having walls, a floor and a top 2-4.11 An enclosed supply tank shall be provided with a y

M? Mn if and constructed of assemblies having a fre resistance rating of not less tha!s , gauging device. (See Sectwn 3-6.)

3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> with walls bonded to thefloor.

. i.M - ]

(c) The tank enclosure is located in a room or area of the building cut of

,;&. Q h f vertically and horinntally from other ar.*as and floors of the building by 2-5 Installation of Outside Aboveground Tanks Not Larger

. ;,&q 3 assemblies ham,ng . Jre ressstance rating of not less than 2 hr. Access unto than 660 Gal.

t +i;' ,

the room shall be by an opening protected with a self-closing listed 3-hr j (Class A)fre door. Fire doors shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 2-5.1 The provisions of Section 2-5 do not appiy to c:n.

. ,E p&@/'

s 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Windows. The top and walls of the trilized oil distnbution systems. (See Section 3-8.)


'.Q.7 tank enclosure shall be independent of the building construction except that an

. y;, l exterior building wall haumg a fre resistance rating of not less than 3 hr 2-5.2 Tankage not in excess of that permitted by 2-3.2 may

,g may serve also as a wall of the tank enclosure. be installed outside abovegrmmd in a built-up area. The tanks 7* may be adjacent to buildings but the distance to the line of adjoin-i,f.. .>I-

, i ing property shall be in accordance with Table 2 2. Such tanks yj., 2-4.6 The tank shall he supported at least 4 in. above the floor i shall be suitably protected from the weather and from physical

. by masonry saddles at least 12 in. thick, spaced not more than 8 ft damage incident to outside use. The tanks shall not block normal

' -Q, s 9 l on centers and extending the full width of the tank. At Icast 15-in. means of egress.

clearance shall be provided between the tank an6 .he top and walls

-' f-2' W2'; of the tank enclosure for the purpose of inspection and repair.

n;qt i 2-5.3 A tank not larger than 60-gal capacity may be a 1)OT-5 r e tvg '

j Shipping Container (dnun), and so marked, a listed safety can, or a i <

2-4J All connections to an enclosed supply tank having a tank meeting the provisions of Standard UL 80 {see 2-1.2.3(a)l, or f , ;Q' ' capacity of more than 660 gal shall be made through the top of the as provided in 2-1.2.6.

tank, and the transfer of oil shall be by pump only and through con-Q,. g ,, tinuous piping to and from the consuming appliances.

2-5.4 A tank other than a DOT-5 Shipping Container hav-I l'

,Iiq ing a capacity of not more than 660 gal shall meet the provisions of t

  • u Standartl UL 80 [see 2-1.2.3(a)j, or as provided in 2-1.2.6.

1yifC, n( 2-4.8 Each tank enclosure shall be provided with an opening protected by a self-closing listed (Class A) fire door and a non-

, T) gle J combustible liquid-tight sill or ramp at least 6 in. high. Fire doors 2-5.5 Not more than one 660-gal tank or two tanks of aggregate shall be installed in accordance with NFI'A 80, Standard for Fire capacity of 660 galor less shall beconnected to oil-burning appliances.

- #1.s Doors and Windows. If the sill or ramp is more than 6 in. high, the i ly walls to a height corresponding to the level of oil that will be 1

. . r.g retamed shall be built to withstand the lateral pressure due to.the 2-5.6 Two supply tanks connected to the same burner as

'*,- hquid head. pennitted by 2 5.5 almvc may be cross-connected and provided with a single fill and a single vent as described in Appendix A hut

' 'i ]'

when so connected they shall be on a common slab and rigidly 2-4.9 Provision shall be made for adequate ventilation of  ; secu , ne t the othen

',- such enclosures prior to entering for inspection or repair of tanks.

.. .'  ; 2-5J Tanks having a capacity of 660 gal or less shall be securely 4 , supported by rigid noncombustible supports to prevent setthng, 7 ',y 2-4.10 An enclosed supply tank shall be equipped with an li sliding or lifting.

Y open vent or an automatically operated vent, terminating out-

. , j' . side the building. Vent openings and vent pipes shall be of ample '

size to prevent abnormal pressure m the tank dunng filhng but i 2-5.8 The fillinR of a Portable container from a st G

  1. j I not smaller than the pipe size specified in Table 2-1. larger than 60 gal shall be by means of a handy.pump on,orag

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