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Intervenor Exhibit I-7,consisting of Pages 30-78 & 79 of Undated Publication Entitled, Flammable & Combustible Liquids Code, Re Bulk Plants & Terminals
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/17/1984
OL-I-007, OL-I-7, NUDOCS 8412130178
Download: ML20100N491 (2)



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30;78 nt'i st _Pl AN1% AN!)1 ERsttN Ai.s 30 M

.{fg rt.AMM A n!.T. ann cnMacsnet.F. UQmns Conf.

r V Mri Chapter 6 Bulk Plants and Terminals travel, unless such area is prmidcd with ventilation designed to pre- k' YC.W. wit i f vent the accumulation of Gammahic vapors therem.

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Containers of Claw I liquids shall not le drawn from or

-[.M 6-1 Storage. 6-2.3.3


k ,s.M 'gl'.g 6-1.1 Claw I liquids shall be stored in closed containers or in I" "I hin huihlings unicu pmvision is made to prevent pw ac-

    • "*"**I*"'" " b d L.gL; , storage tanks aboveground outside of buildings. or underground in Whnc mecham. cal senulaimn -

is requirnt.


ns hall Ir kept in opera-

'y'";j .%1 .

accordance with Chapter 2.

iion while flammahic liquiels arc being handled. 7


.q h 6-1.2 Claw II and Class Ill liquids shall be stored in containcrs. or m tanks w thm buildings or aho cground outside of buildings or 6-3 Loading and Fac.h. .i tics.

S t.

,r underground m accordance with Chapter 2. 03.1 Tank vehiric and tank car loading or unloading facilitics

- shall be separatnl from alsweground tanks, warehouses, other plant ,

[{.' F 6-I.3 Containers of liquids when piled one upon the ether shall he huihlings or nearcs: line of adjoining property that can he built iqmn

., c j. i separated by dunnage sufficient to provide stability and to prevent by a distance of at least 25 ft 17.62 ml for Claw I liquids and at least l y G).,,j excessne stress on container walls. The height of pile shall be consis. 15 it (l.57 m) for Claw 11 and Claw Ill liquids. measured from the h.

gW tent with stabihty and strength of containers. nearest position of any fill simut. Huihlings for pumps or shelten for penonnel may be a part oI the fatility. '

M* 6-I A Piping, Valves and Fittings. Piping systems shall be in ac- k h,.J.

p {iy .Q][.e! cordance w th Chapter 3. 6-3.2 Equipment such as piping, pumps. and meten used for the L transfer of Claw I liquids between storage tanks and the fill stem of i[

D w.fd'c0 6-2 Buildings. ihc loading rack shall not he useil for the transler of Clau II or Claw 9, 6-2.1 Exits. Rooms in which liquids are stored or handical by

" I

.h p';M ., ,q pumps shall have exit facilitics arrangni to prevent occupants bring -"

trapped m the event of fire. NFPA 101. Life Safety Code. provides

,N,..g lp mformation on the number and location of exits. 6-3.3.1 When top loading a tank vehicle w.n h Claw I and Claw II liquids without vapor eontrol. valves used for ihe final control of Onw y e k.g shah Ir of the self-closing type and shall be manually hcht ogen ex. l

, . . I, J 4 j 6-2.2 IIcating. Rooms in which Class I liquids are storni or han- 5

'"In wlu rc automatic means are providnt for shutting off the flow L-f.j 'h k' s!!cd shall be heated only by means not constituting a source of igni.

g.[ tion. such as steam or hot water. Rooms containing heating ap- wlu n the vehicle is full. f;

.w..,$[.p pliances involving sources of ignition shall be locatal and arranged >

to prevent entry of flammahic vapon. 6-3.3.2 When top loading a tank vehiric w. h vapor control. Ilow it p'

' *g@i control shall be in acconlance with 6 3. l.1 and 6 3.4.2. u Z

c.P.'Ms 6-2.3 Ventilation.

'^ """" * "

d- Q 6-2.3.1 Ventilation shall be provided for all rooms. buihlings, or 6-3 A. I When bottom loa ling a tank vehiric. with or without vapor {.

Rgg enclosures in which Class I liquids are pumped or dispensed. Design of ventilation systems shall take into account the relatively high tontrol, a positive means shall be providnt for leading a prnleter- '

P.y, DSS.g mined quantity of liquid. together with an automatic secondary g specific gravity of the vapors. Ventilation may be provided by ade.

4. quate openmgs m outsule walls it noor level unobstructed except by shut-off control to prevent overfill. The connectidg components hc.


louvers or coarse screens. Where natural ventilation is inadequate
  • tween the loading rack and the tank vehicle requirnt to operate the  :

.  %,g mecharucal ventilation shall be provided. NFPA 91. Standardfor In secondary control shall be functionally compatible. .

, .w.j. stallation of Blower and Exhaust Systemsfor Dust. Stock and Vapor 6-3A.2 When bottom loading a tank vehicle that is equ.ippal for M.,, y; Remotal or Conveying, provides information on the installation of vapor control. but when valmr control is not usnl. the tank shall le


.. : . ;,. 3 mechamcal exhaust systems.

vental to the atmosrhere to prevent prewurization of the tank. Such  ;

hi?/o th 6-2.3.2 Class I liquids shall not be stornt or handled within a venting shall be at a height not lower than the top of the cargo tank ,

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building having a basement or pit into which flammable vapors may on the vehicle.

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