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Startup Rept.
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire
Issue date: 02/08/1984
Shared Package
ML20087D266 List:
NUDOCS 8403130344
Download: ML20087D278 (352)


{{#Wiki_filter:- - - - - s a L DUKE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 2 DOCKET NO. 50-370 LICENSE NO. NPF-17 STARTUP REPORT l FEBRUARY 8,1984 s ) pa 8=8gg, q, J.6


                                                                      .vq TABLE OF CONTENTS 6..M.a
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LIST OF FIGURES viii l{Jg'j"


1.0-1 '

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2.0-1 3.0 INITIAL FUEL LOADING 3.0-1 4.0 TESTING PRIOR TO INITIAL CRITICALITY 4.0-1 4.1 Reactor Coolant System Flow Test 4.1-1 4.2 Reactor Coolant System Flow Coastdown Test 4.2-1 4.3 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) Bypass 4.3-1 Loop Flow Verification Test 4.4 Pressurizer Functional Test 4.4-1 4.5 Movable Incore Detector Functional Test 4.5-1 4.6 Full Length Rod Drive Timing Test 4.6-1 4.7 Rod Position Indication Alignment Check 4.7-1 4.8 Rod Drop Time Measurement 4.8-1 4.9 Incore Thermocouple Functional Test 4.9-1 4.10 Incore Thermocouple and RTD Cross Calibration 4.10-1 4.11 Rockwell Acoustic Leak Detection Functional Test 4.11-1 4.12 Pressurizer Safety Relief Valve Acoustic Leak 4.12-1 Detection Test 5.0 INITIAL CRITICALITY 5.0-1 i

        . - . . ,    ,~                            . . . _ , _ . . . . . . . . _ .. . .      , . . . . _ _ . ,

TABLE OF CONTENTS 6.0 ZERO POWER PHYSICS TESTING 6.0-1 6.1 Boron Endpoint Measurement Test 6.1-1 6.2 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient of 6.2-1 Reactivity Measurement 6.3 Zero Power Flux Map Test 6.3-1 6.4 Rod Worth and Boron Worth Determination 6.4-1 6.5 Stuck Rod Worth Measurement Test 6.5-1 7.0 POWER ESCALATION TESTING - CORE PERFORMANCE / 7.0-1 PLANT RESPONSE 7.1 Unit Load Steady State 7.1-1 7.2 Thermal Power Output Measurement Test 7.2-1 7.3 Core Power Distribution Test 7.3-1 7.4 Unit Load Transient Test 7.4-1 7.5 Unit Loss of Electrical Load Test 7.5-1 1.6 Preliminary Incore and Nuclear Instrumentation 7.6-1 System Correlation Test 7.7 Incore and Nuclear Instrumentation System 7.7-1 Correlation Test 7.8 Below Bank Rod Test 7.8-1 7.9 Loss of Offsite Power Test 7.9-1 8.0-1 (!!f' F, e - 8.0 POWER ESCALATION TESTING - INSTRUMENTATION

4. : '

AND CONTROLS 7W 4,'*Q/ 8.1 Operational Alignment of Frocess Temperature 8.1-1 h $ Instrumentation '*w'-

                                                                                                                  '4?.lL-8.2 Startup Adjustments of Reactor Control System               8.2-1 w-

= 8.3 Calibration of Steam and Feedwater Flow 8.3-1 Instrumentation at Power ii .

TABLE OF CONTENTS 8.4 Steam Dump Control System Dynamic Test 8.4-1 8.5 Nuclear Instrumentation System Calibration 8.5-1 at Power I 8.6 Steam Generator Level Control Test 8.6-1 8.7 Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control 8.7-1 System Test 8.8 Rod Control System at Power Test 8.8-1 9.0 POWER ESCALATION TESTING - MISCELLANEOUS 9.0-1 9.1 Loss of Control Room Test 9.1-1 9.2 Main Feedwater and Main Steam Systems Piping 9.2-1 .. Thermal Expansion Test 9.3 Effluent Radiation Monitor Test 9.3-1 9.4 Loose Parts Monitoring 9.4-1 9.5 Neutron Noise Analysis Testing 9.5-1 9.6 Reactor Coolant System Primary Loop Flow 9.6-1 Measurement 9.7 Primary :nd Secondary Chemistry During Power 9.7-1 Escalation 9.8 Biological Shield Survev 9.8-1 ' 9.9 Piping Dynamic Response Following Loss of 9.9-1 Electrical Load Test 10.0 POWER ESCALATION TESTING - TO BE PERFORMED 10.0-1 10.1 PD Pump Control of Pressurizer Level at 10.1-1 30% Power 10.2 Biological Shield Survey 10.2-1 10.3 Effluent Radiation Monit. rest 10.3-1 10.4 Pressurizer Safety Relief Valve Acoustic Leak 10.4-1 ' _ Detection System Test 10.5 Rockwell Acoustical Leak Detection Functional Test 10.5-1 iii see

                                                                      . namn

TABLE OF CONTENTS 10.6 Main Feedwater and Main Steam Piping Thermal 10.6-1 '7 Expansion Test 10.7 Neutron Noise Analysis Testing 10.7-1 10.8 Unit Load Steady State 10.8-1 7 10.9 Thermal Power Output Measurement 10.9-1 10.10 Nuclear Instrumentation System Calibration 10.10-1 . ?;7 ;..,. at Power '" 4.5 [!t- '4 ', i 10.11 Operational Alignment of Process Temperature 10.11-1 ' - "' Instrumentation Test  : 10.12 Calibration of Steam and Feedwater Flow 10.12-1 Instrumentation at Power 10.13 Startup Adjustments of Reactor Control System 10.13-1 - 4 10.14 Core Power Distribution 10.14-1 10.15 Unit Loss of Electrical Load 10.15-1 10.16 Piping Dynamic Response following Loss of 10.16-1 Electrical Load Test . 10.17 Turbine Trip Test 10.17-1 10.18 Steam Generator Moisture Carryover Test 10.18-1 10.19 Reactor Protection System Trip Circuits Test 10.19-1

                                                                                      .-s iv 9

LIST OF TABLES Tables Title ic ..,T

                                                                          !Q :.[.'.,

2.0-1 Monthly Summary - March, 1983 i },j lM> 2.0-2 Monthly Summary - April, 1983 ' y q'.g a e. . 2.0-3 Monthly Summary - May, 1983 $[*/ .. 2.0-4 Monthly Summary - June, 1983 ' "

                                                                          . '. h,$

2.0-5 Monthly Summary - July, 1983 .7l

                                                                          %,4. .. 4 2.0-6    Monthly Summary - August, 1983                             y:? .l 2.0-7    Monthly Summary - September, 1983                            ( 3<i        .e 2.0-8    Monthly Summary - October, 1983 gi                -
                                                                          .',n, 2.0-9    Monthly Summary - November, 1983 2.0-10   Monthly Summary - December, 1983 3.0-1    Fuel Loading Summary 4.1-1    Calculated Reactor Coolant Loop Flows 4.3-1    Hot Leg RTD Bypass Loop Data 6.0-1    Beginning of Life, Hot Zero Power Delayed Neutron Data  _.

rs yu

                                                                          - A 5. 3 6.0-2    Nuclear Instrumentation System Overlap Data                .",  :w #,    .

4 t& 6.0-3 Positive Reactivity Coq uter Checkout $.jg 6.0-4 Negative Reactivity Computer Checkout 9k@g _ .4 . , 6.1-1 HZP Bcron Endpoint Test Results g,}.rps. u<.... 6.2-1 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient Summary d .I; i ll9g i{ 6.3-1 Zero Power Flux Map Core Parameters -L Q

                                                                          ' DA .' b 6.3-2    Zero PowerN Flux Map - Measured Fuel Assembly Relative      %'

Powers, F g


6.3-3 Zero PowerN Flux Map - Predicted Fuel Assembly Relative Powers, F g 6.3-4 Zero Power Flux Map - Relative Errors in F gN v

l LIST OF TABLES f- 6.4-1 HZP Integeral Bank Worths and Differential Boron Worths 7.2-1 Thermal Power Output Measurement Test - Primary Power M Levels (%) - 7.2-2 Thermal Power Outut Measurement Test - Secondary Power j Levels (%) 7-, .

                                                                    , g.n 7.2-3 Thermal Pcwer Output Measurement Test - Best Estimate    :?[

Thermal Power Levels (%) p.p M ', 7.3-1 Core Power Distribution Results - 30% Power Test ,'g 7.3-2 Core Power Distribution Results - 50% Power Test 7.3-3 Core Power Distribution Results - 75% Power Test 7.3-4 Core Power Distribution Results - 90% Power Test - 7.4-1 Unit Load Transient Test - 10% Load Decrease from 30% .. Power Results s 7.4-2 Unit Load Transient Test - 10% Load Increase from 20% .. Power Results . 7.4-3 Unit Load Transient Test - 10% Load Decrease from 75% Power Results 7.4-4 Unit Load Transient Test - 10% Load Increase from 65% Fower Results 7.4-5 Unit Load Transient Test - 10% Load Decrease from 90% " Power Results 7.4-6 Unit Load Transient Test - 10% Load Increase from 75% Power Results  ;


7.4-7 Control System Setpoint Data 7.6-1 Flux Map Data - FCM/2/01/003 7.6-2 Flux Map Data - FCM/2/01/004 7.6-3 Flux Map Data - FCM/2/01/005 7.6-4 Preliminary Incore and Nuclear Instrumentation Systems Correlation - Results 7.7-1 Incore and Nuclear Instrumentation Systems Calibration - Incore Data , vi

                                                                          ,&, i e

l 1y i Il

                        . _ _                                                      /      b

LIST OF TABLES _ 7.7-2 Incore and Nuclear Instrumentation Systems Correlation - Results 7.8-1 Excore Detector Data Sheet 7.8-2 Axial Offset and Incore Tilt Values - Control Rod D-12 at 217 Steps Withdrawn 7.8-3 Measured Assembly3F ' Values - Control Rod D-12 at 217 Steps Withdrawn .. e 7.8-4 Axial Offset and Incore Tilt Values - Control Rod D-12 at 194 Steps Withdrawn ' 7.8-5 Measured Assembly F 3 Values - Control Rod D-12 at 194 Steps Withdrawn x-7.8-6 Axial Offset and Incore Tilt Values - Control Rod D-12 at 3 0 Steps Withdrawn 7.8-7 Measured Assembly F 3 Values - Control Rod D-12 at 0 Steps Withdrawn 7.8-8 Below Bank Rod Test - Hot Channel Factor Data 8.1-1 Individual I.oop Predicted 100% AT Values 8.5-1 Nuclear Instrumentation System Overlap Data - McGuire Unit 2 8.6-1 Steam Generator Level Bypyss Valve Controller Settings (Typical of Four) 8.6-2 Steam Generator Level Control Value Controller Settings

   .        (Typical of Four) 8.6-3 Feedwater Pump Speed Controller Settings 8.7-1 Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control System Final Controller Setpoints 9.7-1  Primary Side Chemistry Specifications 9.7-2  Secondary Side Chemistry Specifications                        .

t n vii i



Figure Title 2.0-1 Monthly Power Summary - March, 1983 2.0-2 Monthly Power Summary - April, 1983


2.0-3 Monthly Power Summary - May, 1983 2.0-4 Monthly Power Summary - June, 1983 2.0-5 Monthly Power Summary - July, 1983 '33.1

                                                                       ..og 2.0-6  Monthly Power Summary - August, 1983                                 -N M

2.0-7 Monthly Power Summary - September, 1983 (k[h ppM 2.0-8 Monthly Power Summary - October, 1983 3/; 3p:, - 2.0-9 Monthly Power Summary - November, 1983 .' T.: . , ,


, 2.0-10 Monthly Power Summary - December, 1983 2.0-11 Reactor Core Map - Excore Detector Locations  ! bf 2,- - 79aa: 2.0-12 Reactor Core Map - Control Rod Locations  ; .F 7

                                                                                   -a 2.0-13 Reactor Core Map - Movable Incore Detector Thimble            [N.}.'

Locations ipCy

                                                                        !y. ': '-

2.0-14 Exit Thermocouple Locations jy ;[

                                                                        ; ~. '

3.0-1 Core Loading Sequence Initial Fuel Loading f _o a 3.0-2 W.B. McGuire Unit 2 Cycle 1 Core Loading Pattern ]. l W.B. McGuire Unit 2 Cycle 1 Core Assembly Insert Pattern 3.0-3 e 4.2-1 NC Flow Coastdown Test 1/4 Coastdown Transient 4.2-2 NC Flow Coastdown Test 4/4 Coastdown Transient z , 4.2-3 NC Flow Coastdown Test 1/3 Coastdown Transient 4.2-4 NC Flow Coastdown Test 3/3 Coastdown Transient 4.2-5 Reanalysis of Worst Case 4/4 Coastdown - Nuclear Power and Core Flow Data - viii

LIST OF FIGURES 4.2-6 Reanalysis of Worst Case 4/4 Coastdown Heat Flux and DNBR Data 4.4-1 Pressure Response to Opening of Both Pressurizer Spray Valves 4.4-2 Pressure Response to Actuation of all Pressurizer Heaters 4.6-1 CRDM Performance Results from - DBP (McGuire Unit 2) 4.6-2 CRDM Performance Results from - DBP (McGuire Unit 2) 4.6-3 CRDM Performance Results from - DBP (McGuire Unit 2) 4.6-4 CRDM Performance Results from - DBP (McGuire Unit 2) 4.6-5 CRDM Performance Results from - DBP (McGuire Unit 2) . . . 4.6-6 CRDM Performance Results from - DBP (McGuire Unit 2) 4.6-7 CRDM Performance Results from - DBP (McGuire Unit 2) 4.6-8 CRDM Performance Results from - DBP (McGuire Unit 2) .. 4.6-9 CRDM Performance Results from - DBP (McGuire Unit 2) 4.6-10 CRDM Performance Results from - DBP (McGuire Unit 2) 4.6-11 CRDM Performance Results from - DBP (McGuire Unit 2) 4.6-12 CRDM Performance Results from - DBP (McGuire Unit 2) 4.8-1 Rod " Drop Time" Tabulation 4.8-2 Typical Rod Drop Traces < 5.0-1 ICRR vs. Control Bank Position - N31 5.0-2 ICRR vs. Control Bank Position - N32 5.0-3 ICRR vs. Time - N31 5.0-4 ICRR vs. Time - N32 5.0-5 ICRR vs. Water Addition - N31 5.0-6 ICRR vs. Water Addition - N32 ix

f- . 3 LIST OF FIGURES 6.1-1 -Boron Endpoint Measurement - All Rods Out Configuration

6. 2-1 " Isothermal Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity (ARO Case) 6.2-2 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity (D in Case)
          ~ 6.2-3'      Isothermal Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity (D+C in Case)
           -6.4-1      . Control Bank D Differential and Integral RCC Bank (RCCA)


           -6.4-21    -Control Bank C Differential and Integral RCC Banx (RCCA)

Worth 6.4-3; Control Bank B Differential and Integral RCC Bank (RCCA) Worth 6.4-4 Control Bank A Differential and Integral RCC Bank (RCCA) Worth 6.4-5 Shutdown Bank E Differential and Integral RCC Bank (RCCA) Worth 6.4-6 Shutdown Bank D Differential and Integral RCC Bank (RCCA) Worth f6'. 4-7 Shutdown Bank C Differential and Integral RCC Bank (RCCA) Worth

         '6.4-8        Differential and Integral Worth of Control Banks in Overlap
          '6.4-9       Critial Boron Concentration vs. Reactivity Inserted During NCS Dilution
         '7.1-1        Average Steam Generator Steam Pressure vs. Power 7.1-2
                      . Steam Generator Level vs. Power (Loop 1)
         '7.1-3        Steam Generator' Level vs. Power (Loop 2) 17.1-4      ' Steam Generator Level vs. Power (Loop 3)
          .7.1-5       SteamLGenerator Level 5      Power (Loop 4) 7.1-6     . Final Feedwater Temper: Lure vs. Power
  ! .{

X lr

LIST OF FIGUPIS 7.1-7 Total Feedwater Flow vs. Power

          , .7.1       TH0T, TAVG and T COLD vs.. Power (Loop 1) 7.1-9 ;      TH0T, TAVG and T COLD    vs. Power (Loop 2) 7.1-10      TH0T, TAVG and T COLD    vs. Power (Loop 3) 3-           7.1-11      TH0T, TAVG and T COLD    vs. Power (Loop 4)
            '7,1-12       Reactor Vessel Delta Temperature vs. Power (Loop 1) 7.1     Reactor Vessel Delta Temperature vs. Power (Loop 2) 7.1-14      Reactor Vessel Delta Temperature vs. Power (Loop 3) 7.1-15t      Reactor Vessel Delta Temperature vs. Power (Loop 4) 7.1-16.      Pressurizer Level vs. Power 7.4-1        Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 30% Power -

Generator Megawatts vs. Time 7.4-2 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 30% Power - y NC Loop Highest Average Temperature vs. Time

 .            7.4-3        Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 30% Power -

PZR Level vs. Time 7.4 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 30% Power - PZR Pressure vs. Time

             '7.4-5        Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 30% Power -

Power Range Average Level vs. Time 7.4-6. Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 30% Power - Steam Generator Narrow Range Level vs.~ Time 7.4-7 Unit Laad Transient Test - Load Decrease from 30% Power -

                          . Steam Generator Steam Pressure vs. Time                                     .
             .7.4-8        Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 30% Power -

7KV Bus Volts vs. Time

            ,7.4-9         Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 30% Power -

Generator Megawatts vs. Time 7.4-10 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 30% Power - NC Loop Highest Average Temperature vs. Time

                                             . Xi .
                        ,         -      , ~          - ,        ,   . . _ _ _ . , _ _ .    .

l LIST OF FIGURES q 7.4-11 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 30% Power - PZR Level vs. Time 7.4 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 30% Power - PZR Pressure vs. Time 7.4-13 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 30% Power - Power Range Average Level vs. Time 7.4-14 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 30% Power - Steam Generator Narrow Range Level vs. Time 7.4-15 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 30% Power - Steam Generator Steam Precsure vs. Time 7.4-16. Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 30% Power - 7KV Bus Volts vs. Time 7.4-17 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 75% Power - Generator Megawatts vs. Time 7.4-18 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 75% Power - NC Loop Highest Average Temperature vs. Time 7.4-19 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 75% Power - PZR Level vs. Time 7.4-20 Unit Losd Transient Test - Load Decrease from 75% Power - PZR Pressure vs. Time 7.4-21 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 75% Power - Power Range Average Level vs.. Time 7.4-22" Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 75% Power - Steam Generator Narrow Range Level vs. Time 7.4-23 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 75% Power - Steam Generator Steam Pressure vs. Time 7.4-24 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 75% Power - 7KV Bus Volts vs. Time 7.4 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 75% Power - Generator Megawatts vs. Time 17.4-26 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 75% Power -

               .NC Loop Highest Average Temperature vs. Time
     -7.4-27    Unit Load Transient Test - Load' Increase to 75% Power -

PZR Level vs. Time xii

LIST OF FIGURES 7.4-28 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 75% Power - PZR Pressure vs. Time 7.4-29 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 75% Power - Power Range Average Level vs. Time 7.4-30 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 75% Power - Steam Generator Narrow Range Level vs. Time 7.4-31 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 75% Power - Steam Generator Steam Pressure vs. Time 7.4-32 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 75% Power - 7KV Bus Volts vs. Time 7.4-33 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 90% Power - Generator Megawatts vs. Time 7.4-34 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 90% Power - NC Loop Highest Average Temperature vs. Time 7.4-35 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 90% Power - PZR Level vs. Time 7.4-36 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 90% Power - PZR Pressure vs. Time 7.4-37 Unit Load Transient Test - Loed Decrease from 90% Power - Power Range Average Level vs. Time 7.4-38 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 90% Power - Steam Generator Narrow Range Level vs. Time 7.4-39 Unit Load Transient Test.- Load Decrease from 90% Power - Steam Generator Pressure vs. Time

  ~7.4-40  Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 90% Power -
          '7KV Bus Volts vs. Time 7.4-41  Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 90% Power -

Generator Megawatts vs. Time 7.4-42 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 90% Power - NC Loop Highest Average Temperature vs. Time 7.4-43 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 90% Power - PZR Level vs. Time 7.4-44 Unit Load transient Test - Load Increase to 90% Power - , PZR Pressure vs. Time xiii u_ __ _

                                          . - - . __ _                  _ _ _ . _   ..             -~._             _=

LIST OF FIGURES 7.4-45. Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 90% Power -

        //               Power Range Average Level vs. Time 7.4-46      Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 90% Power -

Steam Generator Narrow Range Level vs. Time 7.4-47 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 90% Power - Steam Generator Steam Pressure vs. Time 7.4-48 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 90% Power - 7KV Bus-Volts vs. Time 7.5-1 Unit Loss of Electrical Load Test - Generator Megawatts vs. Time 7.5-2' Unit Loss of Electrical. Load Test - NC Loop Highest Average Temperature vs. Time-17.5-3 Unit Loss of Electrical Load Test - PZR Level vs. Time

     ,9 (j            7.5-4      Unit Loss of Electrical Load Test - PZR Pressure vs. Time 7.5-5'     Unit Loss of Electrical Load Test - Power Range Average Level vs. Time 7.5-6      Unit Loss of Electrical Load Test - Steam Generator Narrow Range Level vs. Time 7.5-7      Unit Loss of Electrical Load Test - Steam Generator Steam
                       -Pressure vs. Time 4
            '7.5-8.   - Unit Loss of Electrical Load Test - 7KV Bus Volts vs. Time 7.7-1    LIncore/Excore Calibration Test Sequence L7.8-1       Below Bank Rod Test - Incore Detector Traces Used 17'.' 8-2    Below' Bank Rod Test - Typical at Power Rod Worth Trace 7.8-3       Excore Tilt form'Below Bank Rod Test - Quadrant 1 7.8-4.      Excore Tilt-from Below Bank Rod Test - Quadrant ?

7.8-5 Excore Tilt from Below Bank Rod Test - Quadrant 3 7.8-6 'Excore' Tilt from Below Bank Rod Test - Quadrant 4 7.9-1 Loss of Offsite Power - Initial Electrical Alignment

           ;7.9-2       Loss of Offsite Power - Final Electrical Alignment xiv

LIST OF FIGURES 7.9-3 Loss of Offsite Power - Generator Megawatts vs. Time 7.9-4 Loss of Offsite Power - NC Loop Highest Average Temperature vs. Time 7.9-5 Loss of Offsite Power - PZR Level vs. Time 7.9-6 Loss of.0ftsite Power - PZR Pressure vs. Time '7.9-7 Loss of Offsite Power - Power Range Average Level vs. Time

'7.9-8    Loss of Offsite Power - Steam Generator Narrow Range Level vs. Time 7.9   Loss of Offsite Power - Stean Generator Steam Pressure vs.

Time 7.9-10 Loss of Offsite Power - 7KV Bus Volts vs. Time 8.5-1 Nuclear Instrumentation System Overlap - McGuire Unit 2 9.5-1 Neutron Noise Baseline Data - Power Spectral Density 1 vs. Frequency 9.5-2 Neutron Noise Baseline Data - Power Spectral Density 2 vs. Frequency

'9.5-3    Neutron Noise Baseline Data - Cross Power Spectral Density vs. Frequency 9.5-4    Neutron Kaise Baseline Data - Coherence vs. Frequency
'9.5-5    Neutron Noise Baseline Data - Phase vs. Frequency xv y          w                         w  g- - -
                                                          --r--,     , --w - -, ==- w-


The McGuire Nuclear Station, located on the southern end of Lake Norman in North Carolina, consists of a Westinghouse four loop, pressurized water reactor rated at 3411 MWt and a Westinghouse turbine generator rated at 1220 MWe. The design and fabrication of the initial core is also supplied by Westinghouse. Construction started at the McGuire site on June 23, 1971 under an exemption granted by the Atmoic Energy Commission (AEC). Construction permits were granted on February 28, 1973. Issuance of a 5% power license by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) took place on March 3,1983. Fuel loading commenced on March 4, 1983. Initial Criticality was achieved on May 8, 1983. Following the successful completion of Zero Power Physics Testing on

           .May 19, 1983, Power Escalation Testing was started on May 20, 1983. On May 27, 1983, the NRC issued McGuire Unit 2 a full power operating licence. Further testing was performed at the following power levels:

Power Level (%) Date First Achieved 10 May 28, 1983 20 May 29, 1983 30 May 31, 1983 50 August 12, 1983 75 September 11, 1983 90 September 26, 1983 100 Not Yet Reached This report is prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 6.9.1 and addresses the results of startup testing from Initial Fuel Loading through testing at the 90% full power level, with regard to McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 2. At this time, testing at the 100% power level has not been started. At the completion of all Power Escalation Testing, a supplement to this report will be filed. w 1 1.0-1



Significant startup milestones and events for McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 2 are listed below. Receipt of Fuel Loading and Low Power (5%) License March 3, 1983 Start of Fuel Loading March 4, 1983

   .         Completion of Fuel Loading                    March 8, 1983 Initial Criticality                           May 8, 1983 Start of Zero Power Physics Testing           May 13, 1983 Completion of Zero Power Physis Testing       May 19, 1983 Receipt of Full Power License                 May 27, 1983 Power Escalation to 10%                       May 28, 1983 Power Escalation to 20%                       May.29, 1989 Power Escalation to 30%                       May 31, 198 Steam Generator Modifications                 June 17, Isa -

August 9, 1983 Power Escalation to 50% August 12, 1983 Power Escalation to 75% September 11, 1983 Power Escalation to 90% September 26, 1983 Power Escalation to 100% Not Yet Achieved Commercial Operation Not Yet Achieved McGuire Unit 2 startup and power escalation testing as addressed in this report are summarized below. (a) Initial Fuel Loading Initial Fuel Loading began on March 4, 1983 and was completed on March 8, 1983. The major problems encountered were failure of the motor on the spent fuel pool upender winch, detector problems, and introduction of a rope into tne Reactor Coolant System by accident. These problems resulted in delays of about 12, 13, and 4 hours respectively. In general, however, fuel loading proceeded in a safe and smooth manner. (b) Testing Prior to Initial Criticality Several tests were performed after fuel loading but prior to initial criticality. These included the Reactor Coolant System Flow and Flow Coastdown Tests, the RTD Bypass Flow Test, and the Pressurizer Functional Test. In addition, Rod Drive Timing Tests, Rod Position Indication checks and Rod Drop Time tests were perforced. A thorough checkout of the Movable Incore Detector System was also made at this

            . time.


J (c) Initial Criticality Initial Criticality was achieved on May 8,1983 at 1600 hc trs with Control Bank D at 190 steps withdrawn. All other control rods were fully withdrawn. The Reactor Coolant System boron concentration was 1294 ppm. These conditions were within the acceptance criteria for initial criticality. The accsptance criteria was a reactivity equivalent of 150 ppm of Control Bank D at 140 steps and a boron concentration of 1274 ppm (1286 ppm All rods out). (d) Zero Power Physics Testing

       -Zero Power Physics Testing began on May 13, 1983, at 0025 hours and completed on May 19, 1983, at 1506 hours. Parameters measured included isothennal temperature coefficients, boron endpoints, and rod worths. In addition a flux map was taken at the all rods out configuration. ,fhe point of adding nuclear heat was determined to start q 2 x 10        amps on the reactivity computer picoammeter, and I x 10      amps on two intermediate range channels. The all rods out moderator temperature coefficient at beginning of life was
        +0.54 pcm/*F based on an isothermal temperature coefficient of
        -1.41 pcm/*F and a Doppler Coefficient of -1.95 pcm/ F.

(e) Natural Circulation Testing There was no Natural Circulation Testing performed on McGuire Unit 2. (f) Power Escalation Testing The power escalation testing program was designed to provide initial startup data in areas of core physics, controls and instrumentation, plant transients, chemical control, and behavior of the plant's radiation environment. Testing began on May 20, 1983, at 0811 hours and reached the 90% full power plateau on September 26, 1983. The 1 0 % power level testing has not been performed yet, pending resolution of the reactor coolant system low flow problem.

      . Initial roll of the turbine generator with nuclear steam was performed on May 20, 1983, at 3% reactor power. The turbine g-nerator was parallel to the grid on May 23, 1983, at 1741 hours.

At 30% power, the first core physics and transient tests were performed. These tests as well as various instrument and control tests continued up through the 90% full power level with no significant problems. At the 75% and 90% full power plateaus, tests were made to determine the Reactor Coolant System flow rate. Results of testing indicated flowrates that were below the 397,020 GPM required by Technical Specifications. A request for a Technical Specification change has been submitted. Throughout power escalation, radiation surveys were performed. In addition, neutron noise baseline data was obtained for the reactor. 2.0-2

e Tables 2.0-1 through 1.0-10 provide a detailed monthly summary of operations from fuel loading up through power escalation testing for McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 2. Figures 2.0-1 through 2.0-10 show the

 -monthly power history for.McGuire Unit 2 during this time.

Figures 2.0-11 through 2.0-14 show general information for McGuire Unit 2 excore detector locations, centrol rod locations, incore thimble locations, and thermocouple' locations referred to in this report. Throughout startup testing all boron information was obtained by actual sample of the system. The boronometer was not available for use at any time. The Steam Generator Water Hammer Test, the Dynamic Rod L. p Test, the Pseudo Rod Ejection Test, and the Doppler Only Power Coerficient Verification Tests were not performed on Unit 2. These tests were performed on Unit I and were deemed not necessary_for Unit 2 based on the similarity of the units. 2.0-3



McGuire 2 March, 1983 Unit 2 is in the process of initial startup. Listed below is a sequence of events for the month. Data Time 3/04/83 0205 Entered Mode 6 3/04/83 0210 The first fuel assembly (N37) is loaded into McGuire Unit 2 for initial fuel loading. 3/08/83 0428 The last fuel assembly (N23) is loaded into the core. All 193 fuel assemblies have now been loaded. 3/22/83 1505 f.ntered Mode 5 3/29/83 1045 Received Train B Low Steam Line Pressure, inadvertant Safety Injection due to I&E personnel unblocking Low Steam Line Pressure block in the SSPS cabinet. 3/30/83 0830 Unit 2 Blackout occurred when 2B Busline tripped and locked out due to 2/3 channels low oil level in transformer 2ATB. Diesel Generator 23 started. 3/30/83 0915 The low level oil alarm on transformer 2ATB has cleared. Visual inspection of 2ATB transformer shows oil level to be above alarm setpoints. There has been no power output from this unit to date. N:te: Information as to ihe time of an event will be taken from the alarm typer suussary whenever possible. Table 2.0-1 1

MONTHLY SID9LARY McGuire 2 April, 1983 l l l i Unit 2 is in the process of initial startup. Listed below is a sequence of events f:r the month. l Date Time 4/09/83 2331:43 Received blackout signal due to tripping of Jackson Ferry Line. 4/16/83 0730 Preparing to heetup unit. 4/16/83 2216 Entered Mode 4. (NC Temp. 200*F.) 4/21/83 0610 Entered Mode 3. (NC Temp. 350*F.) 4/22/83 0300 NC System Temperature reaches 557*F. NC Pressure 1800 paig.

        -4/26/83       2000      NC System Pressure reaches 2235 psig. NC Temp. 557*F.

Proceeding with pre-critical testing. There has been no power output from this unit to date. Table 2.0-2


i McGuire Unit 2 Monthly Summary May, 1983 Unit 2 is in the process of power escalation testing. Listed below is a sequence cf events for the month. Date . Time 5/1/83 1533:05 Safety Injection on low steam line pressure when spike received on Steam Pressure Channel for S/G D. 5/3/83 1200 NRC Interpretation that the Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT) , was not satisfactorily run. 1430 Cooldown commencing. 1750 Entered Mode 4. 5/4/83 0014 Entered Mode 5. 5/5/83 1830 Initiating heatup following successful completion of the ILRT. 5/6/83 0139 Entered Mode 4. 1212 Entered Mode 3. 5/7/83 0530 At 557*F, 2235 psig. (NC system conditions) 5/8/83 1220 Entered Mode 2. 1600:00 Initial Criticality achieved. 2100 Reactor subcritical. . 5/9/83 1312:05 Reactor trip while subcritical due to Sgurce Range N31 spike in counts above the trip setpoint of 10 cys. 5/10/83 0351 to to 5/12/83 1230 Thirteen reactor startups to criticality for operator training. - 5/13/83 1010:23 Reactor trip while critical at about 5 x 10-8 ,,,,gy,,t, Steam Generator level on S/G D. 1339 Reactor critical for Zero Power Physics Testing (ZPPT). 5/15/83 0100 Increase reactor power to about 1% for flux map. 1050 Drop reactor power to 0% after flux map. 5/17/83 1327:19 Manual reactor trip from 5 x 10-8 amps called for in TP/2/A/2100/02, Zero Power Physics Testing Controlling Pro,cedure. Table 2.0-3

. l Unit 2 Monthly Summary  ! May, 1983 Page 2 Date Time 5/17/83 1558:28 Manual reactor trip while subcritical called for in TP/2/A/2100/02, Zero Power Physics Testing Controlling Procedare. 1610 Rasctor critical. 5/18/83 1531:02 Manual reactor trip from about 5 x 10-8 ,,,,p,, TP/2/A/2150/10, Stuck Rod Worth Measurement during ZPPT. 2301 Reactor critical. 5/19/83 1506 ZPPT complete. 5/20/83 0800 Starting Powar Escalation Testing, TP/2/A/2100/01A. 1820 Raise reactor power from 0% to about 3% for inicial roll of main turbtaa at 600 rps with nuclear produced staan. 2210 Turbine roll complete. Reduce reactor power to 0%. 5/23/83 1130 Increase reactor power from 0% to about 3% to roll turbine. 1741:04 Parallel Turbine Generator to grid for first time using nuclear produced steen. Output about 15 mwe. 1830:35 Turbine Generator taken off line. Reducing reactor power. 1930 Entered Mode 3. 5/24/83 1341:42 Rasctor trip while subcritical due to a general warning alarm from both trains of SSPS which was caused by blown fuses in the SSPS cabinets. 5/26/83 0405 Reactor critical. 5/27/83 1500 Power ese=1=*4an testing resumed at 1% reactor power. 1745 Entered Mode 1 for the first time (reactor power >5%). 1815 Power dropped to 3% P.P., Mode 2. 5/28/83 1415 Entered Mode 1. 1437:12 Turbine Generator on line at about 10% reactor power. 1800 P: 10% reactor power. 5/28/83 1930 At approximately 20% reactor power. 5/31/83 1700 Increasing reactor power from 20% to 30% P.P. 2200 At about 30% reactor power and holding for testing. Table 2.0-3 (Continued)

Unit 2 Monthly Summary - May, 1983 Page 3 During the month of May, 1983, the generator was on line for 42.216 hours, producing a gross output of 10,660 MWH, and a not output of -28,185 MWE. Total core burnup is now 0.56 efpd, 0.56.efpd for the month. (,ortheenergy produced for the acuch was 1.562 x 10'1 BTU's. NOTE: Fractional times are from the alara typer and/or the events recorder summaries. Table 2.0-3 (Continued)



3 McGUIRE UNIT 2 l June 1983 l l Unit 2 operated at about the 30% Reactor Power level for Power Escalation Testing for the first seventeen days of the month. The unit was then shutdown for Steam Generator Modifications. Listed below is a sequence of events for the month. Date Time t 6/1/83 0001 At 30% reactor power. 1200 Dropping load to 20% due to feedvater problems. 1328 Increasing power to 30% reactor power. 1625 At 30% reactor power. Waiting for feedwater heaters to be cut in to continue testing. 6/6/83 2233:57 Manual reactor trip from 30% reactor power when B Main Feedwater Pump tripped due to vacuum protlems and A Main Feedwater Pusp could not be put in service quickly enough due to valve problems. 2234:01 Turbine Generator offline. 6/7/83 1900 Commenced reactor startup. 1915 Reactor critical. 6/8/83 0410 Mode 1 entered. 0536:32 Turbine Generator online at -5% F.P. 1030 At 30% reactor power. j_ 6/9/83 0045 _ Decreasing unit load from 30% to repair leaking sample l valve in containment. I 0257:59 Turbine Generator offlina. 0300 Reactor power decrease stopped at 5% F.P. l 0601:52 Turbine Generator online following sample valve repair. Increasing reactor power to 30%. l 1000 At 30% reactor power. l l 6/10/83 1254:19 Rsaccor trip from 30% F.P. due to inadvertent isolation of feedwater by I&E personnel working in the SSPS cabinets causing Lo-Lo steam generator level in S/G A. 1254:22 Turbine Generator offline. l l Table 2.0-4

McGuire Unit 2 Monthly Summary June 1983 P:ge 2 Date. ' Nee , e/10/83 2230 Reactor critical. 6/11/83 0031:55 Turbine Generator online at about 5% F.P. Increasing reactor power to 30%. 0305 At 30% reactor power. 6/15/83 1024:44 Turbine Generator offline when generator breakers opened due to closure of Governor Valves while in manual control. Reactor runback from about 30% to 8% power. 1039 Turbine tripped due to inadequate bearing header pressure to maintained latched conditions. Reactor still critical at about 5% power.

                                                               ~0 1201      Begin shutting down reactor to 10         amps IR due to above problems.

1236 Reactor critical at 10' amps IR. 1700 Increasing reactor power to about 10% to put turbine genera-tor on line. 1800:44 Turbine Generator on line at about 10% reactor power. increasing power to 30%. 2013 At 30% reactor poter. 2215 Step load decrease from 30% to 20% power for Unit Load Transient Test 2249 Step load increase from 20% to 30% power for Unic Load Transient Test 6/16/83 2151 Step load decrease from 30% to 20% power for Unic Load Transient Test. 2553 Step load increase from 20% to 30% power for Unit Load Transient Test. 6/17/83 0434 Step load decrease from 30% to 20% power for Unic Load Transient Test. 0518 Step load increase from 20% to 30% power for Unit Load Transient Test. 1032 Step load decrease from 30% to 20% power for Unit Load Transient Test. 1207:41 Manual reactor trip from 20% power for Loss of Control Room Test (tr1pped from )E sets). Table 2.0-4 (Continued)

McGuira Unit 2 Monthly Sumary June 1983 Page 3 Date Time 6/17/83 1207:47 Turbine Generator offline. Cooling down for steam genera-tor modifications. 1930 NC temperature 500 F; NC pressure 1900 psig.

             -2350      Mode 4 entered.

6/18/83 0535 Mode 5 entered. 1930 NC temperature 135 F; NC pressure 300 psig. 1930 NC temperature 108 F, NC pressure O psig. 1931 Start draining NC system. During the month of June, 1983, the generator was on line for 342.807 hours.

 -producing a gross output of 100620         MWB, and a net output of C1306      MWH.

Total core burnup is now 4.86 efpd, 4 30 efpd for the month. Q , or the energy produced for the month was 1.350 x10" BTU's. g Table 2.0-4 (Continued)


McGuire Uni 2 Monthly Summary July, 1983 Unit 2 was in an outage for the entire month of July while the Westinghouse Steam Generator Feedwater Nozzle Modification was installed. Below are some of the highlights of this outage: Date Action 6/17/83 Unit taken off line to commence outage. 6/22/83 Commence removal of S/G feedline elbows. 7/20/83 Prsheater modification installation complete on all S/G's. All feedline elbows reinstalled. 8/9/83 Scheduled date for unit to be back on line. During the month of July,1983, there was no core burnup and therefore no generator eutput. Total core burnup is now 4.86 EFPD. 1 Table 2.0-5



Mr:Guire 2 August 1983 Unit 2 was' operated continuously for the month of August after returning to power following the Steam Generator Feedwater Nozzle modification. During this period cycle 1 Power Escalation Testing was in progress. The following summarizes the month's operation: Date Time

         - 8T9/83     1705:40  Turbine / Generator on line at about 6% Reactor Power following Steam Generator Modification Outage.

8/9/83 2050 At 6% Reactor Power and increasing. 8/10/83 0658 At 30% Reactor Power. 8/10/83 1845 Step load decrease from 30% to 23% for Unit Load Transient Test. 8/10/83 1915 At 23% and increasing. At 30% Reactor Power. , 8/10/83 2012 Step load decrease from 20% to 19% for Unit Load Transient Test. 8/10/83 2039 Step load increase from 19% to 30% for Unit Load Transient Test.  ; 8/11/83 0230 At 30% and increasing. 8/12/83 0100 At 5 3 Reactor Power. a 8/23/83 2100 Commencing power decrease due leaking Moisture Separator Reheater relief valve. i 8/24/83 0160 At 11% Reactor Power and holding.  ! 8/24/83 , 0506 At 11% and increasing. l 8/24/83 0800 At 50% Reactor Power  ! 1 8/25/83 0220 Commencing power decrease to get below P-8 setpoint due to E Loop A Low Flow Alarm. d 8/25/83 0225 At 46% Reactor Power 8/25/83 1500 Returning to 50% Reactor Power 8/26/83 2043:59 Rapid Power decrease initiated by opening of Main Generator Breakers for the Loss of Electrical Load Test. Off Line. Table 2.0-6

I _ D,te Time 8/26/83 2046 At 25% Reactor Power and decreasing. 8/26/83 2050 At 6% Reactor Power. 8/26/83 2104:04 Turbine / Generator on line at 10% power. 8/26/83 2111 At 10% Reactor Power and increasing. 8/26/83 2208:05 At 18% Reactor Power. Rapid power decrease initiated by opening switchyard PCB's for loss of Offsite Power Test. Off Line. 8/26/83 2210 At 9% Reactor Power. 8/26/83 2222:16 Turbine / Generator on line at 10% power. Commencing power increase. 8/27/83 0330 At 50% Reactor Power. 8/30/83. 0900 At 50% Power and increasing. 8/30/83 1130 At 55% power and holding. During the month of August, the generator was on line for 534.318 hours, pr:ducing a gross output of 255,373 MWH, and a net output of 230,670 MWH. Total csre burnup in now 15.29 EFPD, 10.43 p D for the month. Qx, or the energy pr:duced for the month was 2.915 x 10 BTU's. Table 2.0-6 (Continued)

         .            .                                                                                 1
  • 1 l



McGUIRE UNIT 2 September, 1983 Unit 2 continued initizl power escalation testing at the 50%, 75% and 90% power levels throughout the month of September. Listed below is a sequence of eventc for the month. Date Time Event

           '9/1/83           0000      At 54% Reactor Power.

9/2/83 1302 A momentary negative side ground on CXB caused the turbine generator to revert to menual. The governor valves went closed for about I second then reopened. This resulted in a step drop in output of about 150 We from 545 We to 395 We. Reactor power drcpped from 54% to 46%.

.L                           1400
7 Back at 54% Reactor Power and 545 We. The 50% F.P.

startup testing is complete; however, power cannot be increased due to mechanical problems with main feedwater Pump A. 9/10/83 0200 Commenced load increase from 53.5% F.P. to 75% F.P. at 3%/hr. following Main Feedwater Pump A repairs. 0400 At 59.7% F.P. and increasing. 0300 At 69.9% F.P. and increasing. 0925 At 75% F.P. and holding (900 We). 2000 Reducing load to 72% F.P. due to heater drain tank pump strainers which are clogged. 9/11/83 -0000 Load increased from 72% to 74% following cleaning of strainers. - 9/12/83 1300 At 74.6% F.P. Picked up about 20We for an unknown reason.

                        ,           Plant restabilized for startup testing.

9/16/83 1555 At 75% F.P. Decreasing power to come off line for a two day outage for several reasons including balancing reactor coolant pumps, reactor building inspections, etc. 1700 At 51% F.P. and dropping. 1800 At 28% F.P. and;. 1859:04 Tripped turbine manually from $5% F.P. Offine, Mode 2 entered. Table 2.0-7

                                                                    'N '                                l i

Monthly Summary, Unit 2 September, 1983 Page 2 of 4 Date Time Event 9/16/83 1903 Mode 3 entered. Holding at primary system conditions of 557'F, 2235 psig. 9/18/83 1550 Commenced Reactor Startup. 1603 Entered Mode 3. 1610 Reactor critical. 1630 Entered Mode 1, reactor power greater than 5% F.P. 2038:44 Turbine Generator on line at reactor power of about 10%. Increasing powers 2200 At 20% F.P. and increasing. 9/19/83 0100 At 42% F.P. and increasing. 0230 At 50% F.P. and holding. 0400 Begin power increase from 50% to 75% F.P. 0600 At 68% F.P. and increasing. 0630 At 75% F.P. and holding for startup testing. 9/21/83 0130 Increase reactor power to 76% F.P. for startup testing.

     .9/_23/83   1501    Step load decrease of 132 MWe from 902 to 770 MWe (Reactor power drop from 75% to 64% F.P.) at 200%/ min. for TP/2/A/2650/05, Unit Load Transient Test. Minimum load was 700 MWe (undershoot).

1539 Step load increase of 132 MWe from 770 to 902 MWe (Reactor power increase from 64% to 75% F.P.) at 200%/ min. for TP/2/A/2650/05, Unit Load Transient Test (no overshoot). 1555 Stable at 75% F.P. 1600 Begin decreasing load from 75% to 50% F.P. to work on Main Feedwater Pump B recirculation valve (CF81). 1745 At 50% F.P. and holding (588 MWe). 2245 Begin decreasing load from 50% to 25% F.P. for Containment Temperature Test. 2324 Step load decrease from 460 to 300 MWe (41% to 31% F.P.) due to load of impulse pressure feedback loop to DEH. DEH placed in manual and controlled load decrease resumed. 9/24/83 0000 At 25% F.P. (248 MWe) and slowly increasing reactor power to 30% F.P. Table 2.0-7 (Continued)

, -Monthly Summaary, Unit 2 September, 1983 Page 3 of 4 Date Time Event 1 9/24/83 0200 At 30% F.P. (303 We). Holding per dispatcher. 9/25/83 1630 Commenced power increase from 30% to 50% F.P. 1910 At 50% F.P. (577 We). Holding per dispatcher. 9/26/83 0436 Begin increasing load from 50% to 75% F.P. 0700 At 75% F.P. 0715 Increasing load from 75% to 89% F.P. at 3% F.P./ hour. 1345 At 89% F.P. and holding for power escalation testing.

  • 9/27/83 0842 Begin load decrease from 89% to 82% F.P. for weekly turbine valve test.

0847 At 82% F.P. 0928:38 Turbine-Generator Runback from 1044 We (87% F.P.) due to I,ow Generator Stator Cooling Water Flow. 0929:22 Generator breakers open automatically. Off line. 0930:07 Turbine Trip due to high turbine exhaust hood temperatures. 0930:08 Reactor trip form 57% F.P. due to turbine trip and power greater than P-8 (about 48% F.P.). 1800 Reactor start up delayed due to signal problems with source range detector N31. 9/28/83 1603 Coensenced reactor start up. 1615 Reactor critical. 1712 Mode 1 entered (reactor power grc=ter than 5%). 1803:43 Turbine generator on line at reactor power of about 8%. Increasing power. 2000 At 29% F.P. (239 We). 2030 Begin reducing load to 50 We due to B Main Feedwater Pump recirculation valve CF81 failing open when its air line blew off. Started all CA Pumps. 2050 Replaced air line on CF81, stopped all CA Pumps, and commenced load increase to 90% F.P. 2100 At 18.8% F.P. (140 We). Table 2.0-7 (Continued)

I Monthly Summary, Unit 2 1 September, 1983 Page 4 of 4 Date Time Event 9/29/83 0300 At 78% F.P. and increasing (434 We). 0700 At 89.5% F.P. s1073 We) and holding for power escalation testing. 9/30/83 1830 - Commenced load reduction from 89% to 507, F.P. to fix B WP recirculation valve. 2115 At 50% F.P. and holding (573 We) per uispatcher. During the month of September,1983, the generator was on line for 637.768 hours, producing a gross output of 459,173 WH, and a net output of 430.371 WH. Total core burnup is now 31.992 EFPD, 16.699 EFPD for the month. Qg , or the energy produced for the month was 4.666 x 10 " BTU's. Table 2.0-7 (Continued)

c *

 ' jl
  • c ,
     >s o                                                                                                                            l MONTHLY 


McGUIRE UNIT 2 October, 1983 Unit 2 operated for almost the entite month of October, 1983. Power Escalation testing at the 90% F.P. plateau was completed on October 11, 1983, but the unit was unable to escalate to 100% F.P. to complete testing when the Reactor

          ' Coolant flow rate was determined to be less than that required by Tech Specs for operation above 90% F.P.          The unit remained shut down on October 26 following a reactor trip for an equipment qualification maintenance outage.

This outage is expected to last about 10 days and involves sealing of limit switches in containment. Listed below is a sequence of events for the month. Date Time Event 10/1/83 0001 At 50% F.P. (573 NWe) per dispatcher 10/2/83- 1615 Commence load increase from 50% F.P. to 75% F.P. 2100 At 75% F.P. (900 MWe) and holding per dispatcher. 10/3/83 0510 Commence load increase from 75% F.P. to 89% F.P. 1030 At 89% F.P. (1079 NWe) and holding. 10/5/83 .1038:59 Loss of Bussliue B alarm due to transmission personnel troubleshooting a problem with 2B Supervisory System. A  ; false signal was initiated. Bussline B was never really lost. 1039:00 Load rejection on loss of 2B Bussline due to false signal. Turbine-Generator runback from 1088 MWe to 680 MWe, Reactor runback from 89% F.P. 1040:01 All Condensate Booster Pumps (CBP) trip on Lo Suction (1 hotwell and I condensate booster pump pressure. ' unavailable due to maintenance work.) 1040:04 Both Main Feedwater Pumps trip on Loss of CBP.

                    .1040:04:34  Main Turbine Trip on Loss of Main FDW Pumps.                        Gen. load 680 MWe.

1040:04:72 Reactor trips from 76% F.P. due to turbine trip with  ; reactor power above 48%. 1040:10 Off line - generator breakers open on 2 seconds of reverse  ! power coincident with turbine trip. 1915 Commence reactor startup. { 10/5/83 1930 Enter Mode 2. Halt startup at 2000 eps on the Source Range due to intermediate range N36 problems (not responding). Table 2.0-8 _ - .-. . -.-m.-- _ - _ - - -- -- __m____

. . , Monthly Summary - Unit 2 Or c tcher,1983 Page 2 of 6 2112 N36 repaired and startup continuing. 2125 Reactor critical. 2140- Enter Mode 1. 2153:42 Maiu FDW Pump B trips on high discharge pressure when valve HM95 was closed. Enter Mode 2. Reactor power about 3%. 2153:42 Main turbine trip on loss of all FDW pumps (Main FDW Pump A not in service at this time). Turbine was not on line yet. Reactor power about 3%. 2203 Main FDW Pump A is placed in service. 2244:14 On line at about 7% reactor power. Increasing load. 10/6/83 0001 At 19% F.P. (173 MWe) and increasing. 0130 At 33% F.P. (320 MWe) and holding due to 2CF35 (S/G A FDW Containment Isol. Valve) which will not open. 10/7/83 1038:40 Valve ZNV265 (Boric Acid to Charging Pumps) is opened by operators to match T,y, with T,,f. Reactor power 34%. 1038:57 41 GPM Emergency Boration Flow indicated by alarm typer. 1046: 17 Valve 2NV265 finally closed by operators. Reactor power 32% (327 NWe). 1051 T drops from 567.4*F to its minimum of about 552*F due t$'8verboration. Reactor power to 31.4%. 1106 Generator load cut 31 MWe to 296 MWe to help T *** recover due to overboration. Reactor power 31%. 10/7/83 1200 Back at 34% F.P. (327 MWe) and stabilized. 1520- 2CF35 is-repaired. Commenced load increase from 34% F.P. to 55% F.P. 1800 At 55% F.P. and holding. 2015 Commenced load increase from 55% to 89% F.P. 10/8/83 0000 At 75% F.P. Increasing power to 89% F.P. at a rate less than 3% F.P./hr. 0600 At 89% F.P. (1075 MWe) and holding. 10/9/83 1130:42 Step load decrease of about 10.6% at 200%/ min. from 1075 MWe to 948 MWe (reactor power 88% to 77% F.P.) for TP/2/A/2650/05, Unit Load Transient Test. Table 2.0-8 .(Continued)

       .          'Mc:thly Summary - Unit 2
                  ; 0'ct:ber, -1983 P:32 3 of.6 1205:19    Step load increase of about 10.7% at 200%/ min. from 939 We to 1067 W e (reactor power 77% to 88% F.P.) for TP/2/A/2650/05, Unit Load Transient Test.                                                                         l 10/10/83 0130           Consence load decrease from 88 to 86% F.P. (1077 to 1009 We) for weekly turbine governor valve test.

0412 Turbine valve test completed. Ccamence load increase from 86 to 89% F.P. 3 1 0500 At 89% F.P. (1077 We) and holding. 10/10/83 1705 Able to pick up load from 1077 to 1107 We due to adjustments to FW pump recirculation valves (more efficient). Reactor power 89%. 10/11/83 0659:44 .S/G B PORV 2SV13 opens for no apparent reason. 0703:22 S/G B PORV 2SV13 closed and isolated. Problem is traced to bad setpoint on 2SMPT5510. ' 10/13/83 0830 Received UHI Hydraulic System Trouble Train A alarm on valve 2NI243. Hydraulic pressure dropping.

 ,                              1456       Valve 2NI243 is clossd and gagged for maintenance to repair 4

leak on N valve accumulator. Commence load reduction from 89% F.P. $090 We at 20 We/ min. per T.S. 1545 2NI243 is opened after2N leak is fixed. Stop load reductioqi at 473 We and 43% F.P.

,                               1623     - Commenced load increase from 43% F.P. and 473 We at 10%

F.P./hr. 2120 At 89% F.P. and holding (1095 We). 10/15/83 1342:03 Valve 2CF35 (S/G A FW Containment Isolation) starts to drift closed. Operator holds "0 PEN" pushbutton down on this valve to keep it from closing. 1357 Start emergency boration to drop load. 1401 Commence load reduction from 89% F.P. (1095 We) at 15%/hr

. to get on upper F W nozzles.

1441:49 Loop T less than 551*F. Reactor power 24% (213 We) to-1444:48 and de8IIasing.

                 '10/15/83 1445:07 _ Pressurizer PORV's 2NC36 and 2NC32 open three times each to 1508:04 and PORV discharge temperature indication pegs high then fails low.

1457:15 Loop T less than 551*F. Reactor power 11% (97 We at to 1510:10 1457) $7I decreasing. Table 2.0-8 (Continued) q - rw -- .- i - , _ , . - _ , - - _

                                                                            ,,-m_ .. . , _ _ , , _ . . _ . ,        ,,..>,.4 - ,   .---_-r, .

7 Mozthly' Summary - Unit 2

      . October, 1983 Page 4 of 6' 1507:38  Off-line. Generator breakers opened by control room operators when all load is off the generator. Reactor power is 8% and decreasing.

1508:58 Turbine manually tripped from Control Room. Reactor power is 7% and decreasing. 1519 Cannot maintain criticality with all rods out due to Xenon effects and boric acid effects. Entered Mode 3 with all rods out. Begin inserting rods. 1618 All rods in. 10/15/83 -1618:26 . Manually opened reactor trip breakers from Control Room. 10/16/83. 0000 2CF35 problem resolved when new hydraulic block was

                                -installed on this valve.

0600 Commenced reactor startup. 0610' Entered Mode 2.

0610 Reactor critical.

0700 Holding at 3% F.P. due to Main Turbine Generator oil pump problems. Still off_line. 0815' Decision made to use emergency T/G oil pump for startup. 0828 Operators isolated all feedwater to S/G A (planned isolation) in order to " time" valve 2CF35 as required following maintenance. S/G A level 60% NR. 0837 Miscommunications among Performance, Operations and I&E _ personnel, prevent 2CF35 from being timed. S/G A level is 40% and dropping. 10/16/83 0840:13' Operators start Aux. FDW Pump A to feed S/G A. S/G A levelis 25% and dropping. 0840:44 Reactor trip on S/G A Lo Lo Level (12% NR) from 3.5% F.P. (not on'line). Aux. FDW not delivered in time to prevent trip. 1220 Commenced reactor startup. 1330- Entered Mode 2. 10/16/83 1344 Reacte, c< tical. 1535 E s t e c:( e1

                   '1554:56     .On line at reactor power of about 7%.       Increasing load.

s Table 2.0-8 (Continued)

   . ' Monthly Sumu ry - Unit 2 0'ctober, 1983 Page 5 of 6

[ 2000 At 34% F.P. (350 MWe) and holding. 2CF35 (S/G A FDW Containment Isolation) will not pass its timing test and 2CF30 (S/G B FDW Containment Isol.) will not open. 10/17/83 1400 I&E repairs pressurizer PORV discharge temperature - instrument and Hi PORV discharge temperature alarm comes in when instrument is put in service. (See 10/15/83 at _ 1445:07.) 1930 Upon swapping the auxiliary steam (AS) system supply from i Unit 1 (to run the Unit 1 Turbine Acceptance Test) to Unit 2, Aux. steam pressure went from 160 psig to 100 psig i due to pressure regulator problems. Main condenser vacuum started decreasing due to loss of turbine steam seals. Operators cut load 30 MWe from 350 to 320 MWe and began NC System dilution to bring NC temperature up to keep steam _ pressure up. Reactor power increases from 34 to 37% F.P. 1945 Aux. steam pressure problem resolved. Operators pick up = load from 320 to 400 MWe to bring T,y, =T ref. Reactor power is 37%. A 2030 Load decrease from 400 to 360 MWe. Reactor power decrease I from 37% to 34%. 10/18/83 1630 Operations personnel decide pressurizer PORV Hi discharge y temperature alarm is possibly due to leaking pressurizer (- PORV. (See 10/17/83 at 1400.) p 1745 It is determined by closing Pressurizer PORV Block valves s that 2NC36 Pressurizer PORV is leaking by and has been leaking by since 10/15/83 at 1508:04. r-

40 Pressurizer PORV 2NC36 is cycled open with block valve closed.

r 1827:55 PORV 2NC36 is cycled closed with block valve closed. - 1829:14 Pressurizer PORV block 2NC35 is reopened and Pressurizer E PORV Hi discharge temperature alarm clears indicating 2NC36 P has rescated. 10/20/83 0322 2CF35 passes its timing test after maintenante. work on the valve. (2CF30 was opened on 10/18/83.) Commence load w - increase from 35% F.P. ~- 0800 At 73% F.P. and holding. y 10/20/83 1030 Commence load increase from 73% to 89%. {-, 2000 At 89% F.P. and holding (1097 MWe). e 10/23/83 1300 Commence load reduction from 89% to 82% F.P. for weekly g:_ turbine governor valve test. { Table 2.0-8 (Continued)

3' , Monthly Summary - Unit 2 0'ettber, 1983 Page 6 of 6

                      '1600    At 82% F.P. (1013 MWe). Commence load increase to 89% F.P.

following turbine governor valve. test. 2100 At 89% F.P. (1097 MWe) and holding. 10/26/83 1359:33 Reactor Trip Turbine Trip on S/G C Lo Lo Level from 90% F.P. (1103 MWe) when 2SM3 (S/G C Main Steam Isolation Valve) closed during PT/2/A/4200/27, Slave Relay Test. Valve closed when a loose connection in the SSPS Train A circuitry resulted in a de-energized solenoid to 2SM3 allowing it to go closed. 1359:39 Off line. Generator breakers opened after 2 seconds of reverse power on the main generator coincident with turbine trip. 2050 Begin cooldown of the NC System for a 10 day equipment qualification cutage to seal containment limit switches. 10/27/83 0205 Entered Mode 4 (350*F). 1133 Entered Mode 5 (200'F). 10/28/83 1300 NC Temperature 130'F. NC pressure 83 psig and holding for outage. During the month of October,1983, the~ main generator was on line for 577.138 hours producing a gross output of 503,247 MWH and a net output of 475,700MWH. Core burnup is now 49.460 EFPD, 17.468 EFPD for the month. Q,, or the energy produced for the month was 4.88 x 10 12 BTU's. Table 2.0-8 (Continued)

Monthly Summary McGuire Unit 2 November, 1983 Unit 2 operated at the 90% power level for most of the month of November. Listed below is a sequence of events for the month. Date . Time Event , 11/1/83 0000 Plant shutdown for maintenance outage. 11/2/83 1840 Commenced NC System heatup from 130*F. 11/3/83 0350 Entered Mode 4 (200*F). 1830 Entered Mode 3 (350*F). 11/4/83 1500 At NC conditions of 557'F and 2235 psig. 1724 Entered Mode 2. 1730 Reactor critical. 2018:51 On line at reactor power of about 4%.

               '2020         Entered Mode 1.

2035 Holding at 60 MWe (10% F.P.) for 30 min. soak. 2105 Increasing reactor power from 10% (60 MWe) to 90% at 2MWe/ min. 11/5/83 0500 At 50% F.P. (593 MWe) and increasing. 1000 At 90% F.P.-(1105 NWe) and holding. 11/8/83 1930 Commenced load decrease from 90% F.P. to 50% F.P. due to speed oscillation on Main FDWP A.


2020 At 48% F.P. (600 MWe) initiating repairs on Main FDWP A speed controls. 2100 At 45.5% F.P. (547 MWe). 2210 Repairs complete on Main FDWP A. Increasing power from l 45% F.P. to 90% F.P. at 2 MWe/ min. 11/9/83 0210 Reactor power at 90% F.P. (1104 MWe) and holding. Table 2.0-9 n - - - - - - -

      ? Monthly Summary, Unit 2-Nsvember,.1983                                                                       i Page 2 of 3
      ,11/16/83 2123:32      Reactor power at 90%. CF32 S/G A Feedwater Reg. valve goes closed when swap of ISMXS from ISLXF to 2SLXF was underway

, by Operations personnel trying to clear ITB for breaker inspection. Due to wiring error, the primary and secondary power supplies for 7300 cabinets 5 and.6 were wired tog 3ther. Swapover to 2SLXF deenergized KRA momentarily causing controllers fed from 7300 cabinets 5 and 6 to revert to manual. 21:3:55 Max Generator Load of 1196 MWe is reached on transient.

                 '2123:59    Reactor trip from 83% F.P. on S/G A Lo Lo Level following closure of CF32.

2124:00 Turbine trips on reactor trip. 2124:06 Off line. Generators breakers open automatically on 2

                            . seconds reverse power with turbine trip.

11/17/83 1110 Commenced withdrawing S/D banks. 1524 Entered Mode 2. 1528 Reactor critical.

   --              1744:55   On line at Mode 1. Increasing reactor power from 5% to 90% F.P.

11/18/83 0530 At 89% F.P. and holding (1104 MWe).

                  -1940      Commenced load decrease from 89% F.P. at 6 MWe/ min. due to leak on valve CF32. S/G A Feedwater Reg. valve.

2130' ' Secured load decrease at 22% F.P. (196 MWe). Holding for repairs on CF32. 11/19/83 1613 Commenced. load increase from 22% F.P. at 2 MWe/ min. 1910 Holding at 48% F.P. due to control problems with Main Feedwater Pump B.

      ~11/20/83 0056         Commenced load increase from 48% F.P. to 89% F.P. at 2 MWe/ min.

0530 At 89% F.P. and holding.

      '11/23/83 0642:22      Reactor Trip Turbine Trip on S/G C Lo Lo Level when Operations personnel closed 2VI189 isolating all instrument air to the Turbine Building allowing Feedwater Regulator Valves to close.

0642:29 Off line. 1600 Commenced withdrawing S/D banks.


Table 2.0-9 (Continued)

     " Monthly Summary, Unit 2 Nove=ber, 1983 Page 3 of 3 223e-     Entered Mode 2.

2240 Reactor critical. 11/24/83 0008 Entered Mode 1. 0009:05 On lir e at 6% F.P. Increased load to 89% F.P. at 2 MWe/mu1. 0920 At 851 F.P. and holding. 11/30/83 1015 Commenced load reduction at 3 MWe/ min. from 89% F.P. to repair weld on B Feedwater Pump seal injection line. = 1237 Secured load decrease at 50.5% F.P. (600 MWe). 2359 At 53% F.P. (634 MWe) and holding for repairs to B Feedwater Pump seal injection line. During the moath of November, the generator was on line for 589.895 hours producing a gross output of 600,071 MWH and a net output 572,965 MWH. Total core burnup is now 69.859 efpd, 20.399 efpd for }ge month of November. Q' x the energy produced for the month was 5.699 x 10 BTU's. i u Table 2.0-9 (Continued)

Monthly Summary McGuire Unit 2 December, 1983

  -Unit 2 operated et 89.5% power for mort of December. Listed below is a s;quence of events for the month.
   ~Date     Time       Event 12/1/83   0000       The unit is at 50.5% F.P. (600 MWe) to repair B main feedwater pump.

0120 Repairs to B fee ' water pump are complete. A load increase is started from 53% (634 MWe) to 89% F.P. at about 1 MWe/ min. 0630 Load increase is secured at 89% F.P. (1091 MWe). 12/2/83 1701 The secondary chemistry results indicated that there are condenser tube leaks. Therefore, Waterbox 2A1 is being isolated to search for leaks. Load is cut from 1087 MWe to 1060 MWe due to reduced efficiency. Reactor power remains at 89% F.P. 12/3/83 0230 The 2A1 waterbox is back in service. Two tubes were plugged. Load is increased back to 1087 MWe. 12/23/83 0900 The unit has been' running smoothly all month. A load decrease is commenced at 4 MWe per minute in preparstion for a Loss of Load Test, TT/2/A/9100/74, run by I&E to gather control circuitry response data. A one month outage will follow. The unit is at 89% going down to 46%. 1115 Load decrease is secured with the unit stable at 46%. 1129:00 Generator breakers 2A and 2B are opened for Loss of Load Test. Unit off-line. Scheduled oucage follows. 1154 The test was performed satisfactorily. The control banks are inserted to bottom of core entering Mode 3. 1930 NC temperature is 402*F, and NC pressure is 1701 psig. 2133 Entered Mode 4. 12/24/83 0730 NC temperature is 305*F, and NC pressure is 323 psig. 1505 Entered Mode 5. 1930 NC temperature is 160 F, and NC pressure is 325 psig. 12/31/83 2400 Unit is still in the scheduled one month outage. Table 2.0-10

Monthly Susanary la ' December, Unit 2~ L Page 2 During the month of December, the generator was on line for 539.487 hours producing a gross output of 585,603 MWH and a net output of 560,483 MWH. Total core burnup is now 89.904 EFPD, 20.045 EFPD Q , of the energyproducedforthemonthwas5.602x10{grDecember,1983. BTU's. x Table 2.0-10 (Ccutinued)

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l 51h: ' ' i . ,, g Figure 2.0-10 UU a! n'

Reactor Core Map Excore Detector Locations Source Range N 31 Intermediate Range N 35 Power Range N 41 Power nge N43 180 135 225 QUADRANT 4 QUADRANT 1 Spare SPare 90 270 QUADRANT 3 QUADPANT 2 45 315 Power Range N 44 Power Range N 42 Source Range N 32 Intermediate Range N 36 North ; Figure 2.0-11

Reactor Core Map control Rod Locations (53 control Rods) t

        'R  P      N    M    L       K         J          H    G    F              E          D   C           B               A 1

2 SA-47 CB-4 CC-1 CB-1 SA-1 i GR-2 GR-2 GR-1 GR-1 GR-1 i 3 SD-4 SB-4 SB-1 SC-1 GR-1 , GR-2 GR-1 GR-1 SA-4 CD-2 SE-1 ' CD-1 SA-1 4 GR-1 GR-2 GR-1 GR-1 GR-2 SC-4 SD-1 5 GR-1 GR-1 CB-4 CC-4 CA-1 CC-1 CB-1 0

           ~GR-1                   GR-2                GR-1        GR-2                                GR-2 7           SB-4                                                                           SB-1 GR-1                                                                           GR-2 CC-4       SE-4         CA-2                CD-3        CA-1                 SE-2         CC-2 8

GR-1 GR-1 GR-2 GR-2 GR-2 GR-1 GR-1 SB-3 SB-2 9

 ,               GR-2                                                                           GR-1 CB-3                    CC-3                CA-2        CC-2                                CB-2 10    GR-2                    GR-2                GR-1        GR-2                                GR-1 11          SD-3                                                                           SC-2 GR-1                                                                           GR-2 l

12 SA-3 CD-2 SE-3  ::D-1 SA-2 GR-2 GR-1 GR-1  :;R-2 :lR-1 13 SC-3 SB-3 SB-2 SD-2 l GR-1 GR-1 GR-2 GR-1 ! 14 SA-3 CB-3 CC-3 CB-2 SA-2 GR-1 GR-1 GR-1 GR-2 GR-2 15 0 XX - Y XX - Bank Name; Y - RCC No. i Figure 2.0-12 GR - A A - Group Number S - Shutdown Bank C - Control Bank

Reactor Core Map Movable Incore Detector Thimble Locations (58 Thimbles) i I R P N M L

  • K J H

? - G F E D C B A I 1 C-7 B-4 3 B-8 A-2 F-2 3 A-9 C-9 D-8 F-3 4- A-4 D-5 E-3 5 A-10 D-7 C-10 C-3 B-6 F-5 B-3 A-5 A-7

    -6 7                         E-4                      D-1                 B-5            E-7 8            C-2     F-9      C-8                   E-6                E-8       F-1  E-9 D-3        270
    - r, .             F-8                                              C-1       A-8                F-7          3 10                            A-3                  CP                            B-1 11           D-2              D-10                        C-5               B-10               B-2 12                                          E-1                    F-6            A-6 13                    E-5      D-4                        B-9                              C-4 f           .

! 14 B-7 C-6 E-2 D-6 !~ 15 F-4 A-1 l 0*

  • l Figure 2.0-13

1 Exit Therinocouple Locations (65 Thermocouples) l l R P N. M L K J H G F E D C B A g T-53 T-48 T-43 2 T-62 T-21 T-16 T-11 T-7 l 3 T-58 T-49 T-39 T-34 4 T-26 T-22 T-12 T-3 5 T-63 T-54 T-44 T-35 6 T-31 T-27 T-11 T-8 T-4 T-1 7 T-64 T-59 T-50 I-40 8 - -


270' 9 T-65 T-55 T-45 T-36 10 T-33 T-28 T-19 T-9 T-2 11 T-60 T-51 T-41 T-37 12 T-29 T-24 T-14 T-6 13 T-61 T-56 T-46 I.-42 T-38 14 T-20 T-25 T-20 T-15 T-10 15 T-57 T-52 E-47 1 0* Figure 2.0-14 1 l 1

                                                                .~ -            -             -        - , - . .     .

3.0 INITIAL FUEL LOADING - TP/2/A/2650/01 Core loading commenced tt 0200 on March 4, 1983, and concluded at 0430 on March 8, 1983. The 193 fuel assemblies were loaded over a period of 98.5 hours. The average assembly loading time was about 31 minutes per assembly. A written summary of the fuel loading sequence is given on Table 3.0-1. Figure 3.0-1 shows the initial core loading sequence for McGuire Unit 2. During fuel loading approximately 30 hours were lost to delays caused by the following problems:

1) Failure of the Spent Fuel Pool Fuel Assembly Upender Motor (it was replaced).
2) A nonresponding Temporary Incore Detector (which was replaced).
3) Electronics problems with the permanent Source Range Excore Detectors.
4) A rope which fell into the vessel and was sucked into the Residual Heat Removal System Via Reactor Coolant System Loop C Hot Leg. (This was recovered after fuel loading was completed.)

All of the above difficulties were eventually overcome. Without the associated delays, the average load time per fuel assembly would have been about 22 minutes per assembly. Operations Group personnel from the station were respcasible for all fuel handling during core loading. Their coverage of fuel loading consisted of two twelve hour shifts. These shifts were composed of the following:

1) One Senior Reactor Operator who acted as Shift Supervisor and was stationed in the Control Room.
2) One Reactor Operator assigned to oversee fuel handling in the Spent Fuel Building.
3) One Reactor Operator assigned'to oversee fuel handling in the Reactor Building.
4) Four Nuclear Equipment Operators to operate the manipulator cranes and fuel assembly upenders in the Spent Fuel and Reactor Buildings. .

Performance Group personnel were responsible for ensuring that the approved core loading pattern was followed and verifying that all Mode 6 (Refueling Mode) Technical Specification requirements were met throughout fuel loading. They were also responsible for monitoring count rates during core loading and maintaining a plot of Inverse Count Rate Ratio (ICRR) to ensure there was no premature approach to criticality as the core was being loaded. These count rates were obtained from three BF NeutronDetectors(suppliedbyWestinghouse)andthetwopermanentpl$nt Nuclear Instrumentation Source Range Channels, N31 and N32. The three Westinghouse supplied detectors served as temporary incore detectors and were moved about the ' core as fuel was loaded to obtain the most accurate neutron count rate possible. Performance Group coverage of fuel loading was achieved by three eight hour shifts comprised as follows: 3.0-1

1) One Shift Coordinator, a Nuclear Engineer, stationed in the Control Room.
2) One Nuclear Engineer, stationed in the Control Room to oversee taking of count rate data from the Source Range Detectors, N31 and N32.
3) One Nuclear Engineer, stationed in the Reactor Building to oversee taking of count rate data from the three temporary j incore detectors. 1
4) Two Data Analysists assisting the Nuclear Engineers.

Station personnel were supported by two Westinghouse engineers who worked twelve hour shifts to handle problems with the Westinghouse supplied detectors. It was the responsibility of the Station Chemistry group to sample Reactor Coolant (NC) System boron concentration once each eight hours. This was done to verify that the boron concentration was maintained above 2000 ppmB (Tech Spec requirement) but below 2150 ppmB (to assure response of at leest 2 counts per second on the Source Range Detectors). The average Reactor Coolant System boron concentratica throughout fuel loading was 2029.5 ppmB with a measured high of 2051 ppmB and a measured low of 2006 ppmB. The average temperature of the Reactor Coolant System was 87 F. All responsible groups performed their respective duties using written

   . approved station procedures.

ICRR plots maintained throughout core loading did not indicate any

   .tendancy toward premature criticality. There were no unanticipated increases in count rates following the insertion of any of the 193 assemblies.

Following the removal of the temporary incore detectors and the insertion of the final fuel assemblies, verification of proper placement of all core components was verified by performance of PT/0/A/4550/03C, Core Verification. A tape of the core itself was also made at this time. The final configuration of the core components (assemblies and their respective inserts) for McGuire Unit 2 Cycle 1 is shown on Figures 3.0-2 and 3.0-3. In conclusion, the four day initial core loading of McGuire Unit 2 was accomplished without major mishap or equipment malfunction. The rope which was sucked into the Residual Heat Removal (ND) System was later retrieved from the ND pump impeller-and caused no damage to the pump. All other equipment problems were corrected in a timely manner and all fuel loading personnel accomplished their assigned tasks smoothly and efficiently. 3.0-2


Fuel Loading Summary Date Time Event 3/4/83 0204 First assembly is loaded into core (N37 into core location L-15; primary source assembly) 0300 Spent Fuel Pool Upender Winch motor fails. Fuel Loading suspended. 0430 Spent Fuel Pool Transfer Canal drained to fix Upender Winch motor. . 1235 Transfer Canal refilled following repairs to Upender Winch motor. 1525 Resume core loading. During loading of Assembly 2, no response from Westinghouse temporary detectors. Fuel Loading suspended. 1718 Temporary detectors responding now; Assembly 2 loaded. 1920 Loaded Assembly 6. 1929 Stop fuel loading due to Source Range N32 readout problems. 1951 Resume fuel loading. N32 operable. 3/5/83 0414 Loaded Assembly 29. 0430 Westinghouse temporary detector C is responding erratically. Fuel loading continues based on two remaining good tempcrary detectors. 0715 Loaded Assembly 36. 0730 Westinghouse temporary detector C is now responding correctly. 1501 Loaded Assembly 54. 1541 Westinghouse temporary detector C is operating erratically again. Fuel loading continues. 1724 Westinghouse temporary detector C fails and will no longer be used. Fuel loading continues. Table 3.0-1

Date Time Event 1856 While loading Assembly 59 into core location C-15, Containment Evacuation Alarm (High flux at shutdown) went off due to core coupling in front of Source Range N32. This was anticipated. 3/6/83 0145 Loaded Assembly 86. 0300 Westinghouse temporary detector C has been replaced by Westinghouse. Also Duke temporary detector installed as a backup. Fuel loading continues. 1417 Loaded Assembly 121. 1445 For no apparent reason Source Range N32 is spiking and setting off Containment Evacuation Alarm. HP survey at area indicates no radiation problem in containment. 1530 N32 declared inoperable. Fuel loading stopped. 3/7/83 0115 N32 declared operable. Problem was failed preamp which was replaced. 0214 Resumed fuel loading with Assembly 122. 0804 Loaded Assembly 141. 0833 Ground develops on Source Range N31 saturating detector. Fuel loading stopped. 0847 N31 declared inoperable. 0947 Short in control circuit to N31 is found. 1021 N31 starts to give erroneous Containment Evacuation Alarms (high flax at shutdown). 1110 Received trouble alarm to power supply for N31. 1157 N31 declared operable following resolution of all problems with it. Resume fuel loading. 1619 Loaded Assembly 158. 1630 While moving Westinghouse temporary detector B (planned), a 10 foot section of rope that held this detector in placed was accidently dropped into the core by Westinghouse personnel and was sucked into Reactor Coolant Loop C into the Residual Heat Removal Pump Suction. Core loading stopped. Table 3.0-1 (Cont.)

Date Time Event 3/7/83 1917. ~ Efforts to locate the rope have been unsuccessful; i.e., backflush through hot legs. 2018 Resumed fuel loading - rope was never located.

    -3/8/83  0342   Loaded Assembly 190.

0400 Begin to remove temporary detectors from core. 0430 Loaded Assembly 193. Core loading complete. 0825 Core Verification started. 1500 Core Verification completed. 3/21/83 1000 Rope dropped into vessel on 3/7/83 was found and removed from Residual Heat Removal Pump 1A impeller area. l Table 3.0-1 (Cont.)

e Caro Loading Sequence Initial Fuel Leading i l l l Denotes temporary detector; A, B or C as applicable l e Source bearing assembly h Assembly loaded during current loading sequence step #Z [7 Assembly previously loaded into permenant position Assembly previously loaded into temporary position Not yet loaded .e Secondary Source NOTE: Lines with arrows depict relocation of assemblias or detectors as well as final removal of the three temporary detectors and loading of the last three assembliss. 1 Figure 3.0-1


< Core Loading Sequence Initial Fual Loading N31 Oc . .
                                                                                                                'Da               l Ob 1p-R    P     N   .        L  K     J               H     G           F   E             D   C   B    A I   i     l               l     I          i   i 4                3   ;2

i  ! 6 7a , 3 4




7-90* - - 270* 9-10 -- 11 ~ (H > 7b 12 13 f 14 U t e 1 I I 0* l N32 l l Core Loading Sequence Step Ga to 7b l l' Figure 3.0-1 (Continued) l (

l l Core Loading Sequence Initial Fuel Loading N31 o ' 1p0' . l R F N M L K J H G F E D C B A l 1 l l l l 1 l O f

                                             'AV/AM                   -

2 O MM y Q 3- . 4 5~ 6-7- 90 * - 270* 9 -- 10 - 11 - 12 f

  • 13 g -

7d U 1 O' N32 Core Loading Sequence Step 7C to 7d Figure 3.0-1 (Continued)

e Core Loading Sequence Inicial Fuel Loading i N31 190' R P N M L' K J H G F E D C 3 A I i l I I i I I h [ b(( 8 9 E h [ I[ 10 h 3 l 14 13 12 11 18 17 16 ,15, 5- 22 21 20 19 6- 26 25 24 23 7- 30 29 28 34b. 27 90 * -m 34a 33 32 31 - 270* 4 - 10 - 11 - 12 13 14 l A ( 15 i i b l N32 i l l Core Loading Sequence scep 8 to o f s, Figure 3.0-1 (Continued) P l l


C:ra Loading Sequenco Initial Fuel toading

  • N31 180*

C E P N M L K J E G T E D C 3 A i I i l l i I b b A 2 e W//## Q VA(fb%@ MMVAN v M%vs 4 V 6-7-

                                               @%VA4                                                        !

wN , VAMM@ - 90 *  % Qf 7 [p/j f - 270* 9 -- 38' 37 36 35 10 - 42 41 40 39


11 ~ 12 -- 50 45 44 43 h 49 48 47 13 54 53 52 51 55c- 55 a 14 l l 15 O 55b N32 Core Loading Sequence Scap 34b o 55c l Figure 3.0-1 (Continued)


l l Cora Loading S:quene. Inicial Fuel Loading - I N31 190' 1 P N X L K J H G F E D C 3 A i 1 l i i i I A

                           @            'fA V       A M YA                    G        -

W YA d'% WAM . 5= ff l V)f}

       .-                                V4 f       '4      % AV 4/          Y//A V4 so * - a -

Dj VfjffV/3 l

                                                                                                - 2rc-

. 9 -' [Y [bg to - 4 Vs VAV4 u- M MVsz n' GV/4VAVA a WAM 14 x  !  : -56b 56a 55d . h ! i 3' N32 Cora Loading Sequenca Scap 55d 3 56b Figure 3.0-1 (Centinued)

Core Loading Sequence Initial Fuel Loading 331 190* R  ? N M L E J H G F E D C 3 A l l 1 l l l l l 75 e

                                                                         /             } 74                                           .

2 7 VAVAVA ra 4 r M7,f///s '2 ( 5~ f,f)llf//g 71 6-

                                                                                     /. 70 7-

[ [ 69 76 79 82 85 N~ ~' hh / 68 77 80 83 h - 270* 9- k g j 67 78 81 84 86a 10 - 7 [ 66 11 '. . 65 i


12 64 g[j((g 13 63 14 02 15 57 l 58 59 60 61 { l 1 1 0*  ! i l N32 l Core Loading Sequenca Scap 57 =c 86b l Figure 3.0-1 (_ Continued)

y 7-l  ! Cora Lording S qu nco Inicial Fuel Loading N31 190* - R P N R L K J E G F I D C 3 A i i l I I i i i

                                                      /       /)    b

2 Q 7V/p/p / / V/g 116 118a 3

                                                                    /)     112 115     117
       '       s

[M(((( 108 111 114 5- [g gh[g[jj 105 107 110 113 6- [gh[M [/j b[/ 103 104 106 109f

             ~                                                                    b 90 -a -                         -
                                     @   Wsp)ysyAp;yyg o - 270 V/f4W/JMf/////A 10 - .                             [/j                       [/j     87      88  90    93 11~k 111b                     !                     89      91  94    97 U                                                      /j!/
                                          //                               92      95  98 l

13 M  !// 96 99 101 16 y / / 100 102 1 0' N32 j Care Loading Sequence Scap 9- :o ttas Figure 3.0-1 (Continued) 1

Coro Leading Sequenco Inicial Fuel Loading 331 190* 1  ? N M L K J H G T E D C 3 A I I l l l I I I i 147 133 Mghh / u8s I 0 L" U1VA /V A VA'M'AVJFA / I 145 13 1 [ h A


i 144 130 M g M. 143 129 / M/ M 6-


142 128 // M/ I 15 7 154 15 1 148 141 127 // M j /M M / 90* - 8 O h 155 152 149 140 12 6

                                                                     /         [gh     @.-270*

9 -- 158 156 153 15 0 139a 125 [  ! g 7 10 -. 138 124 [ [ 7[ b![ n- 137 123 '139b M / / / U 136 }2$ / / bA / u u5 u17 4VA@Y/x'///[)Vg% is - 13 4 120h(([f(((((([/j 15

                                  @ 119 ((j p/p                  ((fp I

0* N32 Core Loading Sequence Scap U9 :o 15 8b Figure 3.0-1 (Continued)

Cora Leading S:quenca Initial Fuel Loading N31 190' R P N M L q J H G F E D C 3 A b b 2

                   , 190s 188
                                  /        / /             /                 /  /j 3         189 187     184

[ / [ 186 183 180 / / 5- 185 182 179 177 / 6- 131 178 176 175 /j / // / /

            /        b            b             b                                     l W/ YAWx7A%YA&YAWA% D - 2'o-9o - * -

G) 2 / 918 10 -- 165 162 160 159 M / 11 ~ 169 166 163 161 / / M/ // 12 170 167 164 / / / / / / / / 13 173 171 16E

                                  //                       /                / /

14 174 17: / / / /

      's -
                                 .@' 9 2WAWA'   '

i i


192b 193 159 193 ! Core Loading Sequence Step , Figura 3.0-1 (Continued) l

4 W.B. McGuire Unit 2, Cycle 1 Core Loading Pattern Key: L_- 2.09 w/o enriched M - 2.57 w/o enriched N - 3.09 w/o enriched . R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A I  ! I I I I i 1 i N05 :22 7 N30 N46 N48 NO3 N59 2 i N12 N39 N41 LOS N35 L27 N37 L30 N26 N29 N01 i 3 N45 N24 MOS L47 M27 L49 M30 LO3 M46 L60 M48 N14 N53 0 i N5L M03 M59 M12 L12 M39 L40 M41 L42 M35 M37 M26 N43 5- N64 N42 L35 M29 L38 M01 L26 M45 L29 M24 L01 M14 L46 N38 N50 6- N13 L24 M53 L14 M51 L54 M43 L52 M64 L44 M42 L65 M38 L43 N55 7~ N11 N28 L39 M50 LSI .M13 L13 M55 L56 M11 L11 M28 L28 N49 N33


N52 L50 M49 L33 M33 L53 M52 L55 M54 L64 M63 LO6 M06 L63 N54 270 9- N63 N06 M62 L19 LO7 M07 L10 M19 L20 M10 L32 M20 L31 N62 N07 l 10 - N19 L15 M32 L48 M31 L36 MIS L57 M47 L34 M36 L16 M56 L25 N10 l 11 - N20 N32 LO9 M34 LO8 M16 L17 M25 L45 F09 L58 M08 L18 N31 N15 12 N47. M17 M44 M57 LO4 M18 LO2 M04 L23 M02 M23 M61 N36 l l 13 N56 N34 M58 L62 M60 L69 M22 L61 M21 L22 M40 N16 N25 i i l 14 N09 N08 N17 L21 N44 L41 N57 L37 N18 N04 NO2 N23 N61 N58 N6C N22 N21 N40 1 0 t Figure 3.0-2 I

W.B. McGuire Unit 2, Cycle 1 Core Assembly Insert Pattern Ksy: KT - Thimble Plug R - Control Rod' P - Burnable Poison Rod SS - Secondary Source Rod , PS - Primary Source Rod R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A i  ! I I I I i 1 216 A10P 211 A10P 223 A10P 218 KT 9 KT 10 KT 11 KT 2 A9P R111 12P R114 20P R134 319PS R 12P R101 BSc 8 14 5

                                             .8                2    107    12          6 A9P  222 20P    R    16P    R       16P       R 16P       R    20P   217   B9P 3

6 KT 48 153 53 115 33 138 58 136 52 KT 5

             '     R  20P    R   20P 205     16P             lb?      SS 20P 4                                               R                            R   20P     R I   125  43   152   61 KT         31    103     43       7    42   148   68    149 5-    210   12P    R 20P    204 16P     246     16P     318    16P 263     20P    R    12P 214 KT   11   129 56       KT 46     KT      42      KT     45    KT    38    133   10     KT 6-   B10E     R  16P 228    16P   R     20P      R      20P      R   16P   270   16P     R   B10P 7    117  48   KT     60 144     49      146     47 ,   142 41      KT     54   102    11 7-    213   20P R     16P   226 20P     334    20P      312    20P 301     16P    R    20P 227 KT   55 126    36    KT   53     KT       54     KT     60    KT    44    112   51 KT 8-   B10P R     16P     R   16P R       20P      R      20P    R     16P     R   16P     R B10P   270 8   119   55   127   50 141        67    116     39 108       47    110   61    120 10 9 --  201 20P    R    16P   208 20P     203    20P      229 20P      315   16P    R    20P 221 KT   37  139   39    KT 35       KT     66       KT     A5    KT      59  143   62    KT 10 _ B10P     R   16P   206 16P     R     20P      R      20P R        16P   328   16P     R   B10P 9   122  57    KT    52   109      59    121     63 124       38    KT    37   151    12 11      209 12P    R    20P 207    16P    322     16P 331       16P    313   20P    R 12P 212 KT    13  106   40 KT      34    KT      40       KT     51    KT    41    118 16 KT 12            R   20P     R 20P     SS    16P      R    16P     266    20P     R   20P     R 130  57   L50    44    a    32      105      35 KT        64    145   50    135            ,

B9P 202 20P R 16P R 16P R 16P R 20P 225 A9P 13 7 KT 65 140 62 132 49 123 56 104 46 KT 7 B9P R 12P R 20P R A19PS R 12P R A9P 14 8 131 15 137 36 147 2 128 9 113 5 15 215 A10P 224 A10P 219 A10P 220 KT 8 KT 7 KT 12 KT 0 Figure 3.0-3


.. 1, 4-4.0 JTESTING' PRIOR TO INITIAL CRITICALITY Following initial fuel loading of McGuire Unit 2, various tests were performed prior to initial criticality. This testing included the

Reactor Coolant System Flow Test Reactor Coolant System Flow Coastdown Test

                              ' Resistance Temperature Detector Bypass Flow Verification. Test Pressurizer Functional Test Movable Incore Detector Verification Test
                                ' Full' Length Rod Drive Timing Test Rod Position Indication Alignment Check Test Rod Drop Time Measurement Test

These and other-tests performed during this period are discussed on the following pages. t T J b 4.0-1

y 4.1. Reactor Coolant System Flow Test - TP/2/A/2150/02 Ths purpose of this test was to obtain data on reactor coolant pump elbow tap differential pressure in order to calculate the reactor coolant system l flowrate at no-load operating temperature and pressure. The data is also I used to perform the alignment of the reactor coolant loop elbow tap flow instruments. This test was run between April 29, 1983 and May 7, 1983.

           .When the reactor coolant system is at operating pressure and temperature        l with four reactor coolant pumps operating,- loop elbow differential-            I pressure, NC loop pressure and temperature are measured and recorded.           ;

Three individual runs are performed to gather data from all twelve elbow

 ,          tap instruments. From these measured parameters, NC system flow is         -

calculate;1 using the following empirical equation provided by the NSSS vendor:

                             =W = 39027 4 V x AP where:

W = flow rate (gym) V = fluid specific volume (ft 3/lbm.) AP = differential pressure (inches of H 2O) The test results. net the following acceptance criteria of Chapter 14 of

          .the FSAR:
                  -1. Reactor coolant system flow is greater than the thermal design      l flow (97,500 gpm) and less than the mechanical design flow (106,275 gpm).

2 .' Flowrate for any loop' as compared to the average flowrate of loops under the same conditions is within 10%. In addition to the FSAR acceptance criteria, the test also had the additional criteria.that total NC system flowrate is greater than or equal to 383,500 gym. At the time of the test, this was the minimum flow

required by Technical Specifiestions for power operation up to 90% reactor power levels. This acceptance criteria was also met. Table 4.1-1 shows the actual flow rates obtained in this test.

It is recognized that flow measurements at no load conditions have a relatively.high inaccuracy. Accurate flow measurements using a precision heat balance were made on Unit 2 during power escalation testing at plateaus of 75 and 90%. These results are shown in Section 9.0 of this

         .Startup Manual.

t 4.1-1

i a Calculated Reactor Coolant Loop Flows Flow (gpm) Run #1 Run #2 Run #3 Loop 2A Flowrate 106,051 103,377 102,592 Loop 2B Flowrate 104,167 102,407 100,277 Loop 2C Flowrate 104,995 105,536 105,397 Loop 2D Flowrate- 101,971 101,443 100,073

          -TOTAL NCS FLOWRATE         417,184            412,763      408,339 t-Table 4.1-1
           .                  ~


  • 4.'2 Reactor Coolant System Flow Coastdown Test - .TP/2/A/2150/01 The purpose of the Reactor Coolant Systen Flow Coastdown Test was to
                     . determine reactor coolant flow versus time for various, specified reactor coolant pump trip combinations and to compare these test results with minimum acceptable flow coastdown criteria in the FSAR. This test was run                 i between May 3,.1983 and May 5, 1983, with a retest of the 4/4 Coastdown                   '

Test performed on May 25, 1983. The retest was performed to get more accurate data for this t;ansient. Various combinations of reactor coolant pumps were operated and steady-state data acquired. Subsequently, all or a portion of the operating pumps were tripped and data were recorded during the reactor coolant flow transient. Steady-state data were again taken following the I flow transient. 1/4 Coastdown


For this coastdown, besides verifying the validity of the safety a analysis, three other quantities were calculated: (a) Low flow time delay (b). Undervoltage trip delay (c) Underfrequency trip delay The low flow time delay is defined as the time from the opening of the reactor coolant pump breaker to the time of the first motion of the Rod

?                    Position Indication (RPI) signal of the slowest rod. The acceptance criteria called for.the-low flow time delay to be less than or equal to 2.49 seconds. The actual time was 1.50 seconds.

The undervoltage trip delay was defined as the undervoltage relay delay time. measured in the Reactor Protection System Functional Test plus the time from the opening'of the reactor trip breaker to the time of the first r

                    -motion of the RPI signal trace. The acceptance criteria was that the undervoltage trip delay be less than or equal to 1.50 seconds. The actual time was 0.855 seconds.

The underfrequency trip delay was defined as the underfrequency relay delay time measured in.the Reactor Frotection System Functional Test plus the time from the opening of the reactor trip breaker to the first motion of the RPI signal, trace of the slowest rod. The criteria was that the

                   - underfrequency trip delay be less than or equal to 0.60 seconds. The actual time was 0.365 seconds.

When the actual reactor coolant system (NC) flow, corrected for flow sensor delay, was compared to the flow assumed in the Final Safety Analysis Report, the actual flow did not meet the acceptance criteria. (See Figure 4.2-1.) Flow sensor delay is defined as the time at which the best straight line approximation to the inverse flow curve drawn in the 4/4:coastdown intersects the inverse flow value of 1.0. 4.2-1 v v , . - - - , ---v

                                                ,     ,-w-mw  ,    a -r   ,e . - . -
                                                                                     --m-- ,, , . - - - - , , ,

4/4 Coastdown For this coastdown, the actual flow (corrected for flow sensor delay) was compared to the flow assumed in the Final Safety Analysis Report. The actual flow again did not meet the assumed flow in the safety analysis. .(See Figure 4.2-2.) Also, the slope of the Inverse Total Core Flow curve for the 4/4 Coastdown should have been 50.08048. The actual value was 0.09356. '1/3 Coastdown In this case, the actual flow (corrected for flow sensor delay) was compared to the flow assumed in the Final Safety Analysis Report. The actual flow always equaled or exceeded the flow predicted in safety analysis. (See Figure 4.2-3.) 3/3~Coastdown In this case, the actual flow (corrected for flow sensor delay) was compaced to the flow assumed in the Final Safety Analysis Report. The actual in the case did not meet the flow predicted in the safety analysis. (See Figure 4.2-4.) RESULTS The actual recorded flow coastdown was non-conservative with respect to the flow coastdown curves presented in the McGuire FSAR Chapter 15, Loss of Flow Analysis for the 4/4, 1/4 and 3/3 cases. These results were similar to the results of McGuire Unit 1. As was done for Unit 1, a reanalysis was conducted on the most limiting loss of flow transient presented in the FSAR using the actual recorded flow coastdown. The-reanalysis was performed between June 6, 1983 and September 20, 1983. The limiting transient was found to be the complete loss of forced reactor coolant: flow (4/4). The recorded flow coastdown (as compared to the flow coastdown utilitzed in the FSAR) that as used in the reanalysis is shown in Figure 4.2-2. The results of the reanalysis are shown in Figures 4.2-5 and 4.2-6. The analysis demonstrated that incorporating the recorded flow coastdown also yielded results which continued to meet the licensing basis;_i.e., the DNBR remained above 1.30 during the incident. As a result, all test data was deemed acceptable. 4.2-2

NC Flow Coastdown Test 1/4 Coastdown Transient 1.^


NN a

  • s (
       %                                         N          N
                                                        \ \
o --
                                                              ,N,N        '

e \ t N

                                                                                 #    Acce ptance r<rs e .rs ,

E - N

                                                                                      \                                  1 C

S Mem sured


6 1m

     $ 0.0 1

0  :  ! 3 4 S i7 1 9 1 3 Tine (Seconds) Figure 4.2-1

NC Flow Coastdown Test 4/4 Coastdown Transient

              '. 0,-



w., - 1 .

                           \                                                      -
          =*             '

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E '

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! 2 3 e _, \ N v ( N( ! 3 o , H T l

                                                         \h     #     Acce )tance j
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I Mea.iured

                                                         -              N I

i. 3


l N

               ~~ 0    1  2     3      4  5       6    7     8      9    10 Ti:na (Seconds) l                                  Figure 4.2-2

NC Flow Coastdown Test 1/3 Coastdown Transient i 1

             . 0;   .

k O ( 0 E qwW


o j -. \\  ! q 3

hN E


                                                                                                   ,rMea sured j 1

a ~ Acc eptamce N g Criteria


1 1 1

                 ?                                                                                             I I

l 1 0

                               't    3        4                3        i       7     I'             9  1 3 Time (Seconds)

Figure 4.2-3 l

NC Flow Coastdown Test , 3/3 Coastdown Transient l l l l i l .

       .m                                                                             i.
       ..                 t
                            \\                                                    .
    %                        3k A

y - i >

                                        \h\                   %

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i' u ( i \%\ l \ \ l \ K # "Acce ptan'te

                                                        \ \         Crit eria Measured ""
                                                               .   \
                                                                \    ^

N L \ l > n e >

         ~ 0           1     2    3      4   5     6   7   8    9    10 Time (Seconds)

Figure 4.2-4 i

Reanalysis of Worst Case 4/4 Coastdown Nuclear Power and Core Flow Data i 1 1 1.2000 1.0000 - - .. as .80000 - - .. l w 2 o A 5 W

          .60000 - -                                                                                                             ..

a 5

         .40000 - -                                                                                                              --
         .20000 - -                                                                                                             --

0.0  :  :  : 1.2000  :  :  :  ;

1.0000 - .,,


        .80000 - -                                                                                                            .,

3 d w .60000 - - ., 8 w

  • t ' ' ' i 8

c 8 cW a' ' O C *

                  .               .                   .          .                                .            C            C          ,

o eu e <a e - - TIME (SEC) Figure 4.2-5

Reanalysis of Worst Case 4/4 Coastdown Heat Flux and DNBR Data 1.2000 1.0000 - -

   .80000 - -

a d w .60000 - - -- W

   .40000 - -                                                     -
   .20000 - -                                                   --

0.3  :  : , l 1.8000  ;  : , a g 1. 7000 - - -- l 1.6000 - - -- l

1. f.000 - -

l 1.4000 - - -- 1 l l 1.3000 - - 1.2000 8 l 8 e 2 5 8 e o S C C C -

                .      O.                 .            .        Q o        ru              .            un          -

TIME (SECJ Figure 4.2-6 i l

v 4.3 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) Bypass Loop Flow Verification Test - TP/2/A/2600/08


The purpose of this test was to measure the actual flow rate and transport i time ,for each RTD bypass loop and to verily the low flow alarm actuation. ' The test was run between April 27, 1983 and May 3, 1983. The minimum required flow rate for each bypass loop was based on transport time for the hot leg bypass loops of 1.0 second and actual installed  ; piping lengths from the bypass loop connection on the reactor coolant loop to the last downstream RTD. There was no required transport time for the cold leg bypass loops since the' cold leg temperature does not change appe,eciably with power. After initially performing the test, the measured cold leg flow rates were determined to be unacceptable even though there were no acceptance criteria on them. Hence, a Nuclear Station Modification was implemented to increase orifice plate bore diameter on all four cold leg bypass loops. After the modification was completed, the test was performed again. Table 4.3-1 contains the flow data obtained during the test. All RTD low flow alarm setpoints were set and checked to trip within 2% of 90% of the total. measured RTD loop flow rates. All acceptance criteria were met. 1 f. 4.3-1

a _ q -. y Hot Leg RTD Bypass Loop Data Actual Bypass Flow Reactor Coolant Loop Minimum Required Flow, GPM Measured, GPM A. 105 126 8 75 176 C 73 160

                         'D                           92                     211 f

Table 4.3-1

3, I l 4.4' Pressurizer Functional Test - TP/2/A/1150/04B The purpose of the test was to determine the effectiveness of the l pressurizer heaters and the pressurizer normal control spray. The test was run successfully on April 27, 1983 During the Control Spray Effectivenese portion of the test, charging flow was halted, pressurizer backup and control heaters were de-energized, and control spray valves were fully opened until pressurizer pressure dropped to approximately 2000 psig. The pressurizer pressure response versus time can be seen on Figure 4.4-1. The overall response was evaluated and determined acceptable. During the Heater Effectiveness portion of the test, chargfng flow was halted, pressurizer PORV's and spray valves were closed, then all-f pressurizer heaters were energized until pressure increased approximately 60 psig. - The initial run of the Heater Effectiveness test failed due to leakage through the spray valves. A retest with the spray valves fully closed provided an acceptable response as shown on the Figure 4.4-2. G 4.5-1 4

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I i { l l l 4.5 Movable Incore Detector Functional Test - TP/2/B/2600/22 The. Movable Incore Detector Functional Test was performed from March 27, 1983 to April 15, 1983.  ; The purpose of this test was to verify proper operation of all five and ten path transfer devices and to check all previously measured path lengths using a dummy cable. In addition all alarms and. indicator lights were checked for proper operation, as were the leak detection and gas purge systems associated with the movable incore detector system. During the early phase of the test, some sticking of the detectors was encountered. . Minor adjustments to the detector drive units and system controls resolved all sticking problems except one. The thimble tube in core location K-12 could not be accessed fully and was determined to be blocked. This thimble t.ube was replaced and subsequently tested satisfactorily. Testing continued with only minor problems arising. These were easily corrected. The incore leak detection system was tested by manually closing the Leak Detection System pressure switch and verifying the solenoid drain valve opened and the associated alarm actuated. The incore gas purge system was checked, and a positive pressure between .02 and .04 inches of H O 2 was measured on all ten path transfers. All acceptance criteria were met. 4.5-1

Ls 1 t' y_{ . -

                               '4 6 'F ull L- enath' Rod Drive' Timing Test - TP/2/A/2600/06
                                          .TheEpurpose'of this procedure was to verify proper timing of each slave ccycler and to check the operation of each control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) prior to using the CRDM's in both the cold and hot condition.

LCold testing was: performed from April 7, 1983 to April 9, 1983.- Hot testing was'done on April 130, 1983.

                                         'Several faulty circuit boards throughout the rod coctrol system caused
                                         ?aome-delay in initial testing. .No rod drive timing problems were
                                          . encountered while performing this test.~ CRDM stepping problems occurred whileiperforming the Rod Drop Time' Measurement Test on 20 to 24 rods at
                                         .various times. Delayed release of the movable gripper on withdrawal was cattributed to a " sludge" type buildup in the mechanism. An exercise-program recommended by Westinghouse solved 'this problem.

([ ;Part of the coldLCRDM timing analysis was to compare the reaction times of the mechanical grippers and lift; poles to other plant's. Figures 4.6-l' cr .through' Figure 4.6-12 show a comparison of McGuire' Unit 2 CRDM gripper response time distribution as~ compared to the average distribution of

                                         .eight other plants. s
Definitions of?some of the terminology used on these graphs are as -


a) EPull-in Time - The time between when the coil is energized until
                                                   ..         the gripper or lift pole piece gets to its . final position.
                                               ~ b) ~
                                                 ,            Drop-out. Time -:The time between when the coil is de-energized until the gripper or lift pole piece gets to its final position
                                                .c)- 'SG - Stationary Gripper
                                                ~d)          MG -~ Movable Gripper Each graph shows'the percent of CRDMs with the particular reaction time of one specific sripp'er or lift-pole piece action. For. example, Figure 4.6-3 shows (for'a rod vithdrawal step) the eaction time of the movable gripper from-the time-theLaovable gripper coil is' energized until the movable gripper engages. Two curves are on each graph. One is the average of the eight plants and is' indicated by the shaded area. The dots are the p                                          percentage'of McGuire Unit.2 CRDMs with a'particular' time.

3These~ graphs-showed that CRDM' data from McGuire Unit 2 compared favorably with that of other plants. All acceptance criteria were met. f

          '                                                 '                                          4 4.6-1
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        ;CDRM PERFORMANCE RESULTS FROM DSP WITHDRAW - MODE LIFT - COLL                                      PULL-IN - TIME            NO. OF CRDM'S - 367 PLANTS INCORPORATED INTO THE CORE                                             CRDM DATA
                                                                              ~                         -        DAM CRDM PERFORMANCE AVERAGE 


DERIVED BY TEN - G.Wwber 81641 ANG - G.Wertar 11 20-81 DAP - G.Werber 3-1681 APR - G.Wertwr 4741 KRK - G. Werber 8-141 TVA - B. Reed 4-2640 VGB - G.Werber 6-1840 PNJ - G.Werber 6-2740 NO. OF CRDM'S 53 PREPARED BY -k(A/ph DATE 8f.c).83 RCS ENVIRONMENT - COLD FIGURE NO. 4.6-1 SHEET NO.1


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                              ..           FOR CONTRIBUTING PLANTS                                     i " %TIMEOFINCREMENT CORE FOR EACH g    70%

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~ DERIVED BY TEN - G. Werber 8-1641                   ANG - G. Werber 11 20-81 DAP - G.Werber 3-16-81                   APR - G.Werber 4741                                KRK - G. Werber 8141 TVA - B. Reed     42680                  VGB - G. Werber 6-18-81                           PNJ - G.Werber 6-2741 NO. OF CRDM'S 5.3                      PREPARED BY - h.(()g[q                                             DATE -4 3 y3 RCS ENVIRONMENT - COLD                                        FIGURE NO. 4.6-3                         SHEET NO. 3




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TEN - G. Werber 8 16-81 ANG - G. Werber 11-20-81 DAP - G. Werber 31641 APR - G. Werber 4-7-81 KRK - G. Werber 8-141 TVA - B. Reed 4 26-80 VGB - G. Werber 6-18-80 PNJ - G. Werber 6-27-80

         ' NO. OF CRDM'S      33               PREP ARED BY -M.'.UvM                                                   D ATE - V -5.p3                       i RCS ENVIRONMENT - COLD                                         FIGURE NO. 4.6-5                          SHEET NO. 5





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                                                                                                       - DATE
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                                                                                                                   .1) B P INSERT - MODE               LIFT - COIL               PULL-IN - TIME                         NO. OF CRDM'S - 367 i       PLANTS INCORPORATED INTO THE CORE                                                    CRDM DATA        -    DATE CRCM PEriFORMANCE AVERAGE 


DERIVED BY TEN - G. Werber 81641 ANG - G.Werber 11-20 81 DAP - G. Werber 31641 APR - G.Werber 4-741 KRK - G. Werber 8141 TVA - B. Reed 42640 VGB - G.Werber 6-1840 PNJ - G. Werber 6-2740 NO. OF CRDM'S .5 3 PREPARED BY - - l, (/j,2,,,h DATE - /,-3-63 RCS ENVIRONMENT - COLD FIGURE NO.4.6-7 SHEET NO. 7


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                                                                                                                       - DATE 4

TEN - G. Wertar 81641 ANG - G. Werber 11 20-81 DAP - G. Werber 3-1641 APR -- G. Werber 4741 KRK - G. Werber 8141 TVA - B. Reed 42680 VGB - G. Werber 61840 PNJ - G. Werber 62740 NO. OF CRDM'S 53 PREPARED BY -Mz, tdpja.s DATE -1 9-F3 RCS ENVIRONMENT - COLD FIGURE NO. 4.6-8 SHEET NO. 8




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                                                                               ~                      -    DATE CROM PERFORMANCE AVERAGE 


DERIVED BY TEN G.Werber 81681 ANG - G. Werber 11 20-81 DAP - G. Werber 3-1&81 APR - G. Werber 4741 KRK - G. Werber 8141 TVA - B. Reed 4 2&B0 VGB - G. Werber G18-80 PNJ - G. Werber 62740 NO. OF CRDM'S 55 PREPARED BY -fjjg (4/pjg DATE - H .73 RCS ENVIRONMENT - COLD FIGURE NO. 4.6-9 SMEET NO. 9


                         ?". , AVERAGE 




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~ DERIVED BY TEN - G. Werber 8-1641           ANG - G. Werber 11 20 81 DAP      G. Werber 3-1641       APR - G. Werber 4-741                       KRK - G. Werber 8141 TVA -    B. Rood    4 26-80    VGB - G. Werber , 6-1840                     PNJ - G. Werber 62740 NO. OF CRDM'S 53               PREPARED BY -M, (d,A[A                                         DATE           4-9-8 RCS ENVIRONMENT - COLD                        FIGURE NO.              4.6-10                SHEET NO.10

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DERIVED BY TEN - G. Werber 81641 ANG - G. Werber 11-20-81


l D AP - G. Wert>er 3-1641 APR - G. Werber 4-741 KRK - G. Werber 8141 TVA - B. Reed 42640 VGB - G. Werber 6-1840 PNJ - G.Werber 6-2740 NO. OF CRDM'S 53 PREPARED BY -f1:6..llrA/g . DATE -y 9 -(3 RCS ENVIRONMENT - COLD FIGURE NO. 4.6-11 SHEET NO.11 l

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~ DERIVED BY TEN - G. Werber 81641          ANG - G. Werber 11-20-81 DAP - G. Werber 3-16-81       APR - G. Werber 4741                                                               KRK - G. Werber 8181 TVA - B. Reed     42680       VGB - G.Werber 61840                                                               PNJ - G.Werber 62740 NO. OF CRDM'S      .53          PREPARED BY - /hs, udt do,                                                                     DATE 3_g RCS ENVIRONMENT - COLD                                              FIGURE NO. 4.6-12                                       SHEET NO.12 i'
              -,_                          , _ . . _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _                               . . ~ . .

w L. i ' 4.7 MRod Position Indication-Alignment Check - TP/2/A/2600/04

                 The. purpose.of this test was to verify that the Digital Rod Position Indication ~(DRPI) system correctly indicates the position of all rods over the full range of travel,_ that the rod position alarms perform as designed, and that each rod operates -satisfactorily over its range 'of travel. This test was performed on May 2, 1983.

During't'esting, the' computer. bank counter had faulty indication on two banks. Wiring errors were located after-the testing was completed. Subsequent tests slowed that correcting these errors solved the problem. The DRPI system indicated the' position of each rod within i4 steps. All alarms and rods performed satisfactorily. All acceptance criteria were met.


4.7-1 l- ._

4.8 ' Rod Drop Time Measurement - TP/2/A/2600/07 The' purpose of this test was to determine the drop time of each rod from loss of stationary _ gripper voltage to dashpot entry and to rod bottom under.both no flow and. full flow conditions,-first with the plant cold and again with the plant hot. Cold testing was done from April 9, 1983 to April 13, 1983. Hot testing was performed May 1, 1983 to May 2, 1983. Some problems with proper voltage signals from the coil stacks were encountered. A missing shield ground was added which solved this problem. Some circuit card failures in the rod control system slowed testing somewhat. Rod mistepping (see Section 4.6, Full Length Rod Drive Timing Test), was discovered while cold testing was'in progress. Hot full flow rod drops proceeded with a minimum of problems. All times were well within the acceptance criteria of 3.3 seconds to dashpot entry in the hot, full-flow conditions. Results of the hot full flow rod drops are shown on Figure 4.8-1. Figure 4.8-2 is a sample of the typical rod drop traces obtained in this test. j b. 4.8-1

N NORTH l 0* , 15 t 1.49 1.47 1.45 1.45 1.46 gg 2.14 2.09 2.07, 2.05 2.09 1.44 1.42 1.43 1.47 . 2.06 2.03 2.06 I 2.11 ,, , ., , , M -4A6 - hf4.- .1.44 . 1.4/r m __ 12~ 2.07 2.'08 2.06 2.09 2.05 1.43 1.43 gl 2.05 2.06 1.44 1.43 1.44 1.44 1.44 2.05 2.03 2.04 2.06 2.07 10 1.42 1.43 2.04 2.04 0 1.44 1.44 1.45 1.44 1.44 1.43 1.43 o 270* 2.06 1.05 2.07 2.06 2.07 2.05 2,04 1.41 1,44 2.04 2.05 7 1.44 1.43 1.42 1.42 1.42 6 2.09 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.01 1.44 1.43 5 2.04 2.03 1,44 1.43 1.45 1.44 1.46 4 2.09 2.06 2.08 2.08 2.06 1.45 1.44 1.46 1.44 2.08 3 2.05 2.09 2.04 1.47 1.45 1.47 1.49 l 2.11 2.09 2.10 2.10 2 2/ 180* ,fl/

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      . 4'. 9 Incore Thermocouple Functional Test - TP/2/B/2600/02 LThe purpose of this ' test was to use plant cesputer readouts and computer open thermocouple detection indications to verify thermocouple continuity and' identifications.
             .The: test between March 30, 1983, and April 19, 1983. The test was performed by lifting leads at the thermocouple reference junction and obcerving the correct response at the plant computer.
             .During the test it was discovered some of the manual readout instruments requred repair. Rolled wires were found on two thermocouples.

All discrepancies were repaired and verified as correct. All acceptance criteria were met.

 .x lr s

e 4.9-1

l 4'10 Incore Thermocouple and RTD Cross Calibration - TP/2/A/2600/03 The purpose of this test was to determine the installation correction factors for each Reactor Coolant System resistance terperature detector

    ~(RTD).and incore thermocouple.

This test was run between April 19, 1983, and April 22, 1983. At isothermal conditions, of 350*F, 450*F, and 557 F the resistance was measured and recorded for all narrew range Reactor Coolant RTDs. Temperature was then calculated using the manufacturer's calibration sheets. The average of these temperature calculations was considered to be the actual Reactor Coolant temperature. The variations between RTDs and the average temperature were calculated to

   ' determine ~ installation corrections. Temperature readings for each in-core thermocouple was also recorded to generate individual isothermal correction factors. Instrument channels were recalibrated to compensate for the errors obtained from this test.

During the test one RTD (Loop B cold leg spare) was found to be open. Since it was a spare, the test was performed with that RTD excluded. All acceptance criteria were met. 4.10-1


L4~.11 Rockwell Acoustic Leak Detection Functional Test - TP/2/B/1350/39 LThe'Rockwell' Acoustic Leak Detection System m nit rs accumulator cold leg _ piping and sounds an alarm if a leak of 10 2 lb. mass /sec. is dctected. This test verifies proper system installation and function and establishes the1 initial system calibration. Initial. setup and calibration of this system was performed on

          -March 18, 1983. This involved verifying proper system installation              ,

including verifying the integrity of all field cabling. System calibration began with a calibration check of the Indicator Root

          .Mean Squared (RMS) Voltmeter and of the indicator signal amplifier. Next, a noise signal war injected at each sensor and the associated acoustical noise level was. recorded as indicated on the Indicator RMS Voltmeter.
           . Indicator hi pass filtering was then adjusted using a spectrum analyzer to
reduce unwanted background. noise.which is typical on an acoustical-monitoring system.

On May 6, 1983, with the reactor coolant pumps on and at system temperature several setpoint adjustments were made. There were no problems found-with initial testing. Results were consistent with those obtained during Unit I testing. Final calibration consists of measuring the normal RMS background noise level-still remaining on each channel and calculating the RMS alarm voltage. -The alarm voltage is an RMS function of signal and noise voltages and must be individually calculated and set for each channel.

           -The final _ calibration of this system will be performed at the 100% power
          . level. Approximately 4 hours of testing remains.

l 4.11-1

4.12 Pressurizer Safety Relief Valve Acoustic Leak Detection Test - TP/2/A/1150/19 The purpose of this test was to functionally verify the proper operation of the Technology for Energy Corporation (TEC) acoustic leak detection system and to obtain the appropriate system setpoints. The test was performed twice - during cold shutdown conditions on March 23, 1983,- and during plant heatup on April 28, 1983. The 100% full power-section of this test has not been performed yet. Due to'little or no background noise in the area of the sensors, the system was' conservatively set up to have the maximum sensitivity per the TEC instruction manual. The proper operation of this system was verified at cold shutdown by tapping on the piping and by checking voltage readings during heatup. At 100% full power conditions, the system will again be

                       -checked by taking voltage readings.

There were no major problems found at either cold shutdown or plant heatup. Approximately 4 hours of testing remains once the 100% full power plateau is reached. .e ' 4.12-1

5.0 INITIAL CRITICALITY - TP/2/A/2650/02 Initial Criticality was achieved at 1600 on May 8, 1983. The critical conditions were Control Bank D at 190 steps withdrawn and a reactor coolant system boron concentration of 1294 ppmB. Criticality was achieved by a combination of dilution and rod withdrawal. Following the establishment of Baseline Count rates on the two Plant Source Range Channels, the Shutdown and Control Banks were withdrawn individually in 50 step increments until 140 steps was reached on Control Bank D. Following each incremental rod withdrawal, count rates were obtained from each of the Source Range Channels. The count rates were utilized with the baseline data to obtain Inverse Count Rate Ratio (ICRR) data. The plots of ICRR vs. Control Bank position are shown on Figures 5.0-1 and 5.0-2. Once the Shutdown Banks had been completely withdrawn and the Control Banks had been withdrawn to Bank D at 140 steps withdrawn new baseline count rates were obtained and boron dilution was commenced. Initial boron concentration was 2058 ppe. The dilution rate was set at 50 gpm. One count rate was obtained on each Sourcc Range Channel every ten minutes. Plots of ICRR vs. Time after Start of Dilution for each Source Range Channel were maintained. See Figures 5.0-3 and 5.0-4 for the plots of ICRR vs. Time After Start of Dilution. The Control Room demineralized water flow integrator was monitored to obtain data for a plot of ICRR vs. Water Addition for each source Range Channel. These plots are shown on Figures 5.0-5 and 5.0-6. Boron dilution was continued until the ICRR's were approximately 0.3 at which time it was suspended to allow mixing. Mixing of the Reactor Coolant System was achieved in a little over two hours at which time the indicated ICRR's were 0.150 for Source Range N31 and 0.147 for Source Range N32. At this point, the ICRR's were renormalized in preparation for an approach to criticality by withdrawal of Control Bank D. A total of 23,129 gallons were used for dilution. Control Bank D was withdrawn from 140 steps withdrawn to 190 steps withdrawn in ten step increments as ICRR data was plotted every few minutes. Criticality was declared at 1600, eleven minutes after rod withdrawal commenced, and 17 hours after the start of the test. The just critical conditions of Control Bank D at 190 steps and a boron concentration of 1294 ppmB were within the acceptance criteria of a reactivity equivalent of 150 ppmB of Control Bank D at 140 steps and a boron concentration of 1274 ppmB (1286 ppm all rods out). The actual error was +10 ppmB. 5.0-1

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p. p 6.0 ZERO POWER-PHYSICS TESTING - TP/2/A/2100/02 Zero Power Physics Testing (ZPPT) began on May 13, 1983, at 0025 hours and ended on May 19, 1983, at 1506 hours. The purpose.of this test program was as follows: (a) To perform nuclear instrumentation' overlap verification (b) To establish the point of adding nuclear heat and the upper limit of the neutron flux level during ZPPT (c) To perform a checkout of the reactivity computer (d) To provide a sequence 'of testing to gather data to verify core design paraaeters. . Data included isothermal temperature coefficient measurement, boron enopoint measurements, flux map data, and rod

                < worth determinations.

Duiikgreactorphysicsmeasurements,thecorereactivitywasmonitoredvia an analog, reactivity computer. This computer provided a solution to the delayed neutron precursor decay. rate equation for the six groups of delayed neutrons. Proper computer operation was dependent upon amplifier and potentiometer settings corresponding to properties of the delayed neutron precursors which were input to the reactivity computer. To initially set up the computer, one power range channel (NI43) was taken - out of service and its signal was input to the reactivity computer. The initial calibration'of the reactivity computer was performed in PT/0/B/4600/55, Reactivity Computer Periodic Test. Checks of all equipment and input constants were also made daily using this test to ensure continuous reliable servir; . The delayed neutron constants used in ZPPT are shown on Table'6.0-1. Following the reactivity computer calibration, a minimum of one decade overlsp ' etween the source range and intermediate range detectors, before the sot...te range was blocked,,gs verified. _W hen the intermediate range first came'on scale at 1 x 10 amps, the source range read about 2000 eps. At11x'1g'0 amps on the intermediate range, tha source range read about 1.6'x 10 cps. The source rangI0may be blocked when the intermediate gange is greater thau l-x 10 amps but must be blocked before 1 x-10 cps on the source range. Table 6.0-2 shows the actual overlap data obtaiaed in this test. The upper limit of neutron flux for zero power physics measurements was set below the point of adding nuclear heat. At or above the pgt of adding-heat, the doppler broadening of capture resonances in U causes feedback effects which tend to mask the values of reactivity. The point of adding heat can be observed as an exponential decay of the reactivity trace or an increase in Tavg or pressurizer level. 6.0-1

l E l The controlling bank was withdrawn until a startup rate of approximately

        .10 DPM was obtained. The flux level was.gllowed to increase and signs of  l nuclear heating were observed at 2.0 g 10 amps on the reactivity computer picoammeter and at 1.0 x- 10    amps on intermediate range detectors. The range for zero power physics testing was defined as the next lowest whole decade such that the upper end of that decade is nnt within fio of nuclear heat. Based on this_griteria, the ZPPT_gange on the reactivity computer was set between 1 x 10 and 10 x 10 amps. All zero power physics testing took place within this range except for the all rods out zero power flux map which was taken about 1% reactor power (to obtain a good signal).

In order to verify that the reactivity computer was working properly, a , checkout was performed by making positive reactivity changes of approximately +25 and +50 pcm by control rod withdrawal and comparing the output of the reactivity computer to reactivity inferred from flux doubling time measurements once the reactor was placed on a stable period. The results of this checkout are presented in Table 6.0-3. This data met all acceptance criteria. In addition to the positive reactivity checkout, an " electronics only" negative reactivity checkout was performed. This checkout ocasisted of a reactivity computer exponential test at periods of 200 and 40u seconds. Results were compared with predicted results. The results of this checkout are presented en Table 6.0-4. All acceptance criteria of ZPPT were met. 6.0-2

y b. b Beginning of Life, Hot Zero Power Delayed Neutron Data Group i- Ag (sec)"I {-


1 .000217 0.0125 2' .001461 0.0308 .

                            -3.                 . 001349                     0.1153 4                    .002815                    0.3111
                           . 5-                   .000954                    1.2433 6                    .000321                    3.3384
                /* = 18.92psec T = 0'.970 t

i V . w (-  ;

         't 4

Table 6.0-1.



s. . - :.. .. . .-. . . - . .

Nuclear Instrumentation System Overlap Data Source Range Intermediate Range Counts per Second apps-INDICATION LOCATION N31 N32 N35 N36 i- Control Board 2100 1900 1 x 10

                                                                           ~II 1 x 10
                                                                                              ~II NIS Cabinet               2000         1500                    2,5 x 10 ~II       2.1 x 10"II Control Board       1.9 x 10 0   1.2 x 10 0                      1 x 10 -10         1 x 10
                                                                                             -10 NIS Cabinet         1.9 x 10'    1.3 x 10 0                     1.5 x 10
                                                                            -10 1.3 x 10 -10 Table 6.0-2
                                           . 4. .                                                       ,

Positive Reactivity Computer l Checkout 4 Reactivity inserted Stable indicated on Reactivity Initial Flux Level Doubling Reactor Reactivity Computer calculated Percent N-35 . N-36 Time Period (PCM)- (PCM) (pc - pDT)x 100 (amps) (Sec.)- ~(Sec.) pc pDT pDT

               -8            -8                                                                         3.6 1.0 x 10         1.0 x 10     187.7               270.8                 29             28
9.0 x 10 9.0 x 10'N 189.5 273.4 28 27.5 1.8

, 9.0 x 10 9.0 x 10 ~9 187.7 270.8 26.5 27.5 3.6

               -8            -8 1.0 x 10         1.0 x 10      96.2-              138.8                 48             49           -2.0 1.0 x 10~        1.0 x 10~     92.8               133.9                 49             50           -2.0 9.0 x 10 ~9

9.0 x 10 92.0 132.8 49.2 50 -1.6 Table 6.0-3 1

m' Negative Reactivity Computer Checkout Reactivity Indicated on Reactivity- Percent Difference Halfing Reactivity Computer. Predicted p -p Trn.e Period (pca) .(pcm) c p x 100 (Sec.) .(Sec.) p c p Pp p 141 200 -51 -52.3 2.49 132 200 -51 -52.3 2.49 138 200 -51 -52.3 2.49 276- 400 -23.2 -23.1 .43 276 400 -23.0 -23.1 .43 279 400 -23.0 -23.1 .43 Table 6.0-4

       '6.I'   Boron Endpoint Measurement Test - TP/2/A/2150/03A - H The! purpose of the boron endpoint measurement test was to determine the just critical boron concentration for a particular rod configuration. The just critical boron concentration was measured with the controlling bank
             -near the. fully withdrawn or fully inserted position. The controlling bank was then withdrawn or inserted completely and the resulting reactivity change was measured. This reactivity change was converted to an equivalent amount of boron and added to the just critical boron concentration to get the boron endpoint concentration. The following configurations were measured:
             -(a) All rods out (b) Control Bank D at 0 steps (c) Control Bank C and D at 0 steps (d) Control Bank B, C and D at 0 steps (e) Control Bank A, B, C and D at 0 steps (f) All Control Banks at 0 steps and Shutdown Bank E at 0 steps
              -(g)':A11' Control Banks at 0 steps and Shutdown Banks D and E at 0 steps (h) .All Control Banks at 0 steps and Shetdown Banks C, D and E at 0 steps (i) N-1 configuration Rod F-10 in Control Bank C withdrawn (highest worth stuck rod) (measured in TP/2/A/2150/10, Stuck Rod Worth Measurement Test)

The rods were positioned approximately 20 steps from the fully inserted or withdrawn limits prior to obtaining boron endpoint data. The reactor coolant system was allowed to mix until 3 samples taken at 15 minute intervals were within 110 ppa and the pressurizer was within i20 ppm of the reactor coolant system. The rods were then fully inserted or withdrawn for the test measurement. All measurements were repeated at least twice.. The results are shown on Table 6.1-1. All acceptance "; criteria were met. A typical trace obtained for the all rods out endpoint is shown on Figure 6.1-1. 9 6.1-1

HZP Boron Endpoint Test Results Predicted Test Acceptance

  • Neasured Critical Boron' Critical Boron. Critical Boron Concentration Concentration Concentration Percent Difference +

Brnks Inserted pra ppe ppe from Test Acceptance ARO 1286 1286 150 1295 -0.69 D 1221 17.30 i13.1 1217 +1.07 D,C 1092 1088 118.5 1097 -0.82 D,C,B 988 1003 i16.0 997 +0.60 D,C,B,A 919 928 ill.7 938 -1.07 D,C,B,A,SE 832 851 il2,3 860 -1.05 D,C,B,A,SE,SD 761 791 112.0 791 0.00 D,C,B,A,SE,SD,SC 656 686 113.5 694 -1.15 N-1 (F-10 out) 637 694 150 668 +3.89

  • This value is adjusted from the original prediction to account for differences between the previour. measurement and its predicted value.

, Test Acceptance - Measured x 100 Measured Table 6.1-1

Boron Endpoint Measurement All Rods Out Configuration

                               +-         y          'j Control Bank D        __,             ;
                  @ 208 steps                         '

I-I IN Apg= 4.5 pcm iy _T er _1 s q_._ _i__ j ____ A 4 < g Ap 3= 4.5 pcm i~ff' Control Bank D


[~~L J! c___ _ __

                                                                                               @ 228 steps
                              #     l'.,          (.                           -__

Control Bank'D _._, I

                 @ 208 steps b- }ig Ap2= 4.5 pcm

E L 1 ii ..

                                    .._       J%                      -                    %

Control Bank D Ap1= 4.5 pcm u --- -

                                                                                               @ 228 steps 1      F--                   -
                                         ? r
                                  '~                                              '-~

Control Bank D  ; I

                    @208 creps      _    i                        ,

L s L__ . _a ,_..____ b i 4 1 0 pcm 10 pcm Chart Speed .2 in/ min Figure 6.1-1 i I

   .                                                                          ~-+=

6.2 Isothermal-Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity Measurement - TP/2/A/2150/11A,B,C The isothermal temperature coefficient is defined as the change in reactivity for a unit change in the avderator, clad, and fuel pellet temperature. The isothermal temperature coefficient can be considered as being made up of two parts; the moderstor temperature coefficient and the doppler coefficient. The doppler component of the isothermal temperature coefficientisc.lwaysnegativeduetotggeffect of temperature on the resonance absorption cross section in U . The moderator component, however, is only negative for undermoderated cores. When soluble boron is used in_the coolant-(moderator), the possibility exists that the reactor could become overmoderated thus causing a positive moderator ten;perature coefficient. The isothermal temperature coefficient was measured at hot zero power conditions under various control rod configurations and soluble boron concentrations. The, doppler coefficient was used to determine the modarator temperature coefficient. The moderator temperature coefficient is required to be negative under all operating conditions. A summary of the data gathered is shown on Table 6.2-1. The' measurement was done by monitoring core reactivity while changing Tave between approximately 554*F and 557*F. The temperature change was accomplished by regulating the amount of steam being dumped to the condenser. The temperature and reactivity changes were plotted on an X-Y plotter. The temperature coefficient is determined by calculating the slope of the plot. Actual plots of the ARO, D in, and D&C in configuration tests are shown in Figures 6.2-1, 6.2-2, and 6.2-3. During the zero power testing program, an attempt was made to determine if the moderator temperature coefficient became positive. In the worst case all rods out (D at 191) configuration, the isothermal temperature coefficient was determined to be -1.41 pcm/'F. The Doppler contribution was -1.95 pcm/*F, giving an ARO moderator coefficient at BOL of

          +0.54 pcm/*F. In order to ensure a negative moderator temperature coefficient at all times, rod withdrawal limits were established in TP/2/A/2150/13. These temporary limits specified the rod withdrawal li'its a and corresponding boron concentrations for various power levels.

These limits will-be removed when sufficient reactor poisons have built in to preclude a positive moderator temperature coefficient (about'155 efpd). f 6.2-1

s e e d Isothermal Temperature Coefficient Summary Isothermal

                                                                   . Temperature              Acceptance Bank Positions.                                     Coefficient     ~ Average  Criteria C:nfiguration (Steps Withdrawn)    CB ppe     Heatup/Cooldown         'pps/*r       pcm/*F     pcm/*F _

ARO D at 193 1290 ~cooldown- -1.43 -1.41- -1.99 i3.0 ARO D at 189 1290 heatup -1.38 ~ ' D in C at 207 1213 cooldown -2.90 -2.73 -3.15 13.0 D in .C at 199 1213 heatup -2.56 C&D in B at 185 1101 heatup -6.2. -6.07 -6.75 13.0 C&D in -B at 228 1110 cooldown -6.0 C&D in B at 205 1108 heatup -6.02 Table 6.2-1

1 Isothernal Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity Cooldown: Control Bank D at 193 steps withdrawn lleatup: Control Eank D at 189 steps withdrawn (ARO case) g ,

g. . . _...__._ _.. ._._._ ____ _

y +5.0 _ _ _..:3at ; _ _ . _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ m ' 76; a . .. _Ill: . :li _- 2.4Q _. . _... - -

                                                        .-- ;; ;           : :: :                                    Cooldown 7

pcm 0.0  ;$ _...h liifh - - - - -

                                                            $       p_    _    _  ___          _      .._.        __
     -2.5  -

gg __  :: : .._f-k------- t);-:: : lleatup 555 556 557 Tave 'F

Iroth rmal Temparctura Corfficient of Rnctivity. Cooldown: Control Bank C at 207 steps withdrawn Heatup: Control Bank C at 199 steps withdrawn l . (D in case) _g_ __ _ ._ . .__ _ __ _ _ _ . _.. . _ . . .... . . ._ _ _ . _ _ ._._ _ E : _ _I


1 1  :

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .  ~.    :       -                ~

_~ ~. :::

                                  +7.5 h           .  .._            _    _     _     _   _      _   _    .       _   _    ._           . _     _   _       _    _..         .. _        . __                 _    .
                                                                                                                        %E::::                                                 :                     : : :: :::::

g _ _ .. _ __ _ . _ _ _ , ,

                                  +5.0                ____                  _     __                                                    _..__pa                                           .   ._      _   _     _     _

__ ___ _ __ _._. 1 ...... _ _ . _ _ _ .. . _ _ _ _ _ y _g _._ .. _ _. . h_ q_ _ . ._._ . _ _ _ . . . . . . c ,_.. 4g . . _ . . .. .._ _ __ j _._q L Cooldown C o,o b'g pcm i eg o . l __ .

                                                                                                             %.29 9_          ....            . _      ..__            _     _     __        _      .    . __            _    _     _     _._        _       .     .

___g+_. . _ _ _ _ _ .._ _ _ . __ _ ._ _ _ _ _

                                                      .   .        .    ...      _      __           __                                      _    . g          ___

m. g __ __ . _._ _ .. . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _..__ _ .. ._ __.. _ _ ( .  !$ $ .' [ _'_ N_._g

                                  -5.0                 __          .   .    .    .                  __        _____                     ____                 _    _      _    __       .                  ..               .      .       ..   .     . _..          _._         _

7q . _ . . __

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ) .


                                  -7.5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -_

re , lleatup

                                                        . _       _    __        _ _..                   .                                                  _    . . .___              ..      _    .    . _ .  . _     _     ..     ._      _     _           _    _     _.4 e     .m    e    _...        . _    _.-        e   e     _        -.e.         .  ._    _. e     .   ..-.-_...
                                                                                                                                                                  . _.e                           ,    e     a          ,     ,      ... ,       ,          _      ,   ,. I.
4. _ = _ _ - . - _ ,,,,. _

554 555 556 557 558 , Tave 'F l l

Isothermal Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity Cooldown: Control Bank 8 at 228 steps withdrawn lleatup: Control Bank B at 205 steps withdrawn (D + C in case) x__ _ __ _ :: ::_':: : :::: :::: - :::: : : _::: : f _ _ y_ . y_ __ _._ __ .

                                                     ].-g .

Cooldown --- -- -- - - - (_ _ _ _ . _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            +5 y_            --          _       _     ..       .__                         _      _-__                          .                                                                          _ _             _        _        .

m  :::: s :::: ::: .T .:xn ::x: : :n: g R (~_ __ (_ _ _ . _ _. ._ . _ _ . .. Z  : ~__~ '$ .)L __ __ _ _ _

                                                                                                                                                      '             ~

7 f u +5

                                                    ...] 8            _
g. -_ . .. _.. . ___ . . ... . ..

i . __ _ _ _... _-% N. 0 u ._._ _

                                                                                                                                                     .       .      \_y.
                    -.___                           _    __....                       ___                        _      . _.       .    .         .      _       .       1            _   _       .   .       .

q__ __ _ .. . . _ .. _1 _q ._ _.. A__ _ _ 9

g. _

g . ___ . _ pcm 0 ____g pcm _____ _ ___ ___ __ _ ____ 3 ____ 2--k _ _'..q

                  .._         .     ..                                                             ___                _      __            ._              . _B                                            -                  ..        __.            __
                                                                                                                                                                                             .. q__


        -5        ____                    ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         .8                 ___._ ___.

_ _ _ _ __ m

                                                             . _T                      .~_I:: !!::: :~ZZ                                                                               ^
1  : _' _~ :5: Ileatup
       -10          -----
                                                                                                                     ----------                                                                                                                                           -15 555                                                                556                                                                         557                                                                558 Tave *F

6.3 2ero Power Flux Map Test - TP/2/A/2150/12A To determine;the power distribution at approximately zero power, a flux map was taken utilizing the incore movable detector flux mapping system. T11s map was taken at the all' rods out (D at 194 steps withdrawn) control


rod configuration. The system boron concentration was 1310 ppm. Data obtained from the incore system was input to the CORE computer code. The output of the code was used to verify various design calculations and verify a correct core loading pattern. Table 6.3-1 gives a summary of results of various ccre parameters. N Table 6.3-2 shows the actual measured assembly relative powers, F the core. Table 6.3-3showsthepredictedassemblyrelativepowehk,f, F 6

           -for the core. Table 6.3-4showstherelativeerrorsbetweenpredicted!nd measured relative powers for the core. (Relative error x 100 = % error.)
i. .

N @ 6.3-1

Zero Power Flux Map Core Parameters Maximus F.yx measured unexcluded: 1.5737 Axial Loc. 51 Assm. No. J-02

           ' Maximum F :   1.5213 Axial Location 32 Z

MaximumqF : -2.3214 Axial Loc. 32 Assa. No. E-14 Total Core-Axial Offset: -2.413%

           -Qua'drant Power Tilt Ratio - Total Core
                 ' Quadrant 1: 0,99535 Quadrant 2:  1.00912 Quadrant 3: 0.99561 Quadrant 4: 0.99991 N   -
       -Maximum Fg ,3.4088 l'

Table 6.3-1

0 N = W == P

  • N ** #  % e  ? P f h 9 4
a. e S.  %. A.

O O O O 3 O O 2 e N .e 4 h N 4 C 9 .e N N z m 9 4 e  % w 3 m W A 7 3 9 O D D O  ? @ em e e e e e e e e e e . p 3 == .= .o .e o o

                           @   d     e *. ,                  m    #       .=
  • 3 P e >

N P & e m @ e .e e 3 p .A. .N. ".o == -e en y A. e a- . . . . . o. A. 3 o == == ee =e 3 se 3

                           =e  W     f      A      *>        c    .f1      3    -     O    %    ?     ==

D D  % 'a P m D t A P N o se.

                                                             .            .E.   .=    =         p se        P. P. N.               .        .      .     .     .     . N.     . e.

O o == == se == == .e ee == o o

  • A N W W m 3 3 J* m P.
                      *    ==  m *.                 4        .e    e            #=    D    4          m    ?
                 .e        3   .=    3     .m =                    p      .N          se   3    .N    S
                 .o   A.                              .      .e.            e.  .e.               e.       A.

3 == == == ee == == e .e 3

                      -o   se  r            %       A         ft     3     S    T     .e   A    m     %    O P    .*  3      4     .o      N         O   e        A    P     "#        C     .e   ?

C D == == > .) > 2 O .D. 3 3 0

                 .O.         e   .          ee. m.e               .                      .
                           =e  .*           .e      .e                          .          .e   .o    .e   o m                - .      - ,          e       e         m    .       e,   ~               .     -    N k               ** *. 4            e       &        N       3     D    A     .oe  .e*   4     C   N g           ?   D     3        m.e    ==                3            7                           3   e
                  .              .      .     .     ?.             ?.            P.   .e. se.     .e 3                    .e  .e    .e              3              .      .     .              .=

g b 2 e m e o .e A e e e m - e W e 'P .e= == T P A N A T

      >           . ~       .e P.    -      P.      .         >      >.         e. A.   - -



w . . . . . e. . . . . . a O - o a a - - a

c. =
  =  -                N     o  - -          c'      e         m     -      e    e      a    a    e     a g   g               W        t     N      N       N         D     N      N           o         w     r   m.e 84           ~    .   %.  - -                                   >     =     ,c        n.o   .e         e x               .     .               .      . e.        e.                         .    .    . o.  ,.

m x = . . . e .e .* -e .= w w w .o z > > == w - N m z e N 4 8 ll:: m , e .a . m. a.n e. N - m . . - w o na . 3 ** *

  • 2 * .* ** **
  • 2 O m, A .e F*


                                        .      .       .      e.                   .     .    .    .        a.

3 0 .e .* .e == @ em e .e == ee .e .= 3 g 4 d o e e e e - o e > m n o o m > e, e e= , .s. ~ - ~ , 3 m i,e W D 4 3 3 3 ee.

                                                     ==       .e     .e    a:s

c. me

a. e.

a w $. . . . .

                                                                                                       .e   o s  so
        .              .    .e  .e    .e             .e       .e             e         .o   .e   .=

o y N e e m > N A > e = N e N S  ? = # T - T 7 N m =, g , > .e - - N -  %. a- . e. . N. . . . . N. e. .

      =                     3   o     se     se      ==         e  .
                                                                           .e                    3     e e

x e e 4, a A e m e m e .n 4 N 4 m ,e e - > e . -

                                                                     .v=   .o.

m, A. O.

                                .e 7


                                             .e 3       .=
                                                                           .e 3

m.=.P.3 3

                                                                                                 .e A.
                                , -          e       ~ . , - -                         .    .     .e
                                -      c     N       -         >      3     >    c      e   -     N
i. 7 @ 3 O.

7 N. C. D. _ . O. . O. y a a - - - - - - - a a

                                              >       e       m       - -         O    ~

c  ? e C e a P

                   -                                                             ~
                   .                         o.       e.       o.    ~. m.      . e.

O 3 J 3 3 3 3 1 i

                       = .:     .a     c.    - -               a      -     ,     4    -J    E    2    3. 3

?' I

                                          . Table 6=3-2

i 0 9 em N  % M e A P 3 = 4

  • e 7
                           =                                                    A          em           9           %        .t           %              A e           e           e          e           e           e              e S           3           3          0           3           3             O N           9          N           S            e          W           t
                                                        ==          p          e           m           %            e S              N          m          N 7                            *A          e          *J          9 am          M              w          y          ==

e e e 3 9 3 e a t A e e e e o 3 3 e e e

                                                                               .o          a.          .e          =e         ==          .e.            en         a         o N        A            A          &           9           .se         P                      m
                                             **         4           A          ==          3          N
                                                                                                                              ==                         W         A          A M                  A          3           ?         .m          ==          .e          .No em          3             en         A           O         .N*

e .e e == 7 o e e e e o e e e 3 A 3 .e 3 .e .e .e .e* .o e e

                                                                                                                                         .e                        3          .e         $

9 4 3 == 4 2

                                             >         A           A 9           T           t             .e         e          A
  • t t N A


                                                                                          == ==

A >

  • A A A >
                          .N.                  e         e           e
                                                                                                                  = ==                   .O*            3                    ?

e e e o e

                                                                                                                                                                   %8                    C e a                   .e         se          ==                      .e                     se e

me e se e e e 3 3 4 N T .e

  • S A *= A
                                   >         T        ==           A         A            3 3            m            .e         W          N         4 e      p          3        .e           3-
                                                                                                                 &           W          9                         A          .*         e
                         .e          o        e
                                                                             == =                    .Te          3         ee          se            .Ae                    as

e e e o e e 3 3 A e se == me e o e e e

                                                                             ==          .e                                                                                                         e
                                                                                                     .e          .e         .=          .e           .e          .ee        ==                    3 m         9         9            9         2            4 3         m                     4          3
                                                                                                     ?           se         >           e            S            e          e          3         6 3           **          A          %           3 3        Pm        3        .Se          se           e          e                                                           3                      3          m         3 ee         o         e         o           e          e e

3 e P o e e .a. == 3  % e se em .o .e. 3 = 3 e


e e e e e

                                                                                                                                                                 .e                    .e        a W

w P= a a # g 7 o e 3 e A e 3 > 9 t


e pm M W  % e 3 3 em e m

                                                                                                                                                                            .e         a          =

g 3 e o =e = e= > e e o P 3 > = = = em am 3 c.8% 2 e o e e e 3 == em 3 .o. e e e O == 0 = == .o .e a U N

           >                               W         P          m           %           en          W           .h         R          == *=

d e N @ P A e '81 P W N

          *e4 M

9 *= 9 as ao 3 p 3 P P 3 P A e

                                                                                                                                                   >         > .e                      4         4 e          e        e         e                       e          e            o           e          o O                       .No         3        %

4 gg 9 .o se .oe e e o e e

                                                                           .o          .e          e            O          3          .o           .e           .ee        se         me        O M                     h         a =                   4          *      >h               3            e          s          >

M m  % W a 3 3 m A e -N a m 3 .A a. 3 e .Ne M. e oe e  % M e-o e e e e

                                                                           *e o                       e 3           >           .ee          m.=        .e          3         a
    $ae  e4
         .O   -E                3         .e        .eo         me         .eo         e                       e .*

e e e o e e 3 .e .e .= w E 0

                  *                                                                                                                                                                   .e        3
                  <3            m        o         m            4          3           e      e%

gp g (se e m 3 4 2 9

                                                                                                               .o        e           4           e             4          m       o e g           4       en                    e            e         o Wt        am          3            3            4          3          a89        3
         ,g          ,a           e      e.                                             e                      a          p                         e e

e e e e e. e e .o e o. y. M = = = = = a - o = e

                                                                                                                                                               = = =

e 3 O 'W 4 N w M 3 .e e a e P. A e m e 9- b 7 9 = A / 9 t > E 9 A v 4 A A e m e = = = e @ = w 7 N 3 e o e e e o e e

                                                                                                                         = = =                                 0         =           3        A
         .g                    a         ==       .e           se         .o e           e           e             e         e           o

.* .e .e .e g == = .o .e ,e U m m * .* 4 2 M & 4 s

  • 9 A W A 4 m 9 m A A e
         *O           W                 3         >           N           O            o         se           .e        .e 4

p A A > 6 e e e e e e e e o N P m W 3 0 .ee == == me em se se e se e o e 3 3 N m @ e m ee > n m e

                                        .o        D           srb        on          e                                  k           O           en e
  • N w, a 3 7 .e == 9.m .Ne es
                                                                                                                                                              @         .&          .e
e. e e e e e e e o en e

em e

                                                                                                                                                              ?          2          A 3                      3          ee          .=

e e e me .e == 3 s 3

                                                 .N= **
                                                             '89        N            e           T           T          C          O           N              M         T r          9           %            O         %           9            W             >

N @ D 3 3 3 O en e e e 3 3 3 D # e e o e e e e e a e .e. .e se me == .e e a 4 9 h N A 9 4 en # .3 e .D 9 3 7 3 A em 1g om t om. # e o e e o e e 3 = 3 3 3 3 3

                              <        = u                  .s         .e.                     a            z
                                                                                   .se                                 %          x           _              = c                   a.        2
                                                                -Table 6.3-3

t  ? 9 D e t t am

  • N == c o e
                       #                            $        $       O       O     O     O       3 en                             e        e       e       e     e     e       e O        9       O       O     O     O       O t        9       I       O O     9     %        *>      &       enn   p     e       a     en     y e     em    e        a*      N       O     ==    O       3     =      em F                S     C     D        9       9       9     O     O       O     S      O
                       =                  o     e     e        e       e       e     e     e       e      o      e 9     O     S        T       S        S    O     3       O     ?      O                        ^

I $ 8 0 I t 8 I e

                                                                                                                                       $4 e     2     ew    *=       c       N       4     se    e       T     3      en    v                  Ch N     N     an    e        se      3       O     a      3      == ==        O     em                 f%

9 9 8 S S O 3 3 S S S S O 3 e me e e e e e e e e e e e e e Ya D 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 O 3 't 3 3 aJ v I O $ $ 0 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ O w g T O C se 4 M @ == am W N S N a 3 am N 9 O N =e 9 == se 3 . O S 3 % N E 9 C C D 9 C O S 9 3 E S O en e e e o e o e e o e e e e em 3 t 9 3 9 O O O O ".? = 3 D 9 9 E 9 5 8 0 9 8 0 I se 7 == == S P. em  % en se *= S T @ em p aJ = eJ am N N N == w am N 3 N 3 O 3 m > < em 3 3 3 @ o 3 D 3 3 3 D D O 3 3 0

                       .=      e    o     e     e      e        e       e       e     o    e       e      e      e     e     e    3 >

3 9 3 s s s 3 o a 3 S S e 3 3 w % 9 0 8 8 8 8 I $ A 4 9 9 * == == c  % a 2 O N 3 == M C = e se == 3 3 e em 3 N m = em 3 .c. == 3 == 3 9 2 S C D C 3 3 0 3 = 3 C O &

                       ==    3,     e     e     e      e        e       e       e     e     e      e       e     e     e      e   2 e    o     e     a      3        3       D       e    3      0      3      3     0     @       S     3 8     I      8       8       0                                                           ao    le Pe   N     P     T      #       A       9       == **       9       a      2     P     A       >           aJ 3    3      3     3     9       **       N       3    N     N       N     ==     3     em      on          3
                       *#    9    3     3      D     O        3       3       3    9      9      9            D      D      3     O 3 3      e     e     e     o     e        e       o       e     e     e       e      e     e     e      e   P =

3 3 3 3 o 3 S D D D e 3 9 O O =8 =8

             ' 93                                              0      4                                                           e 2 e  .D g

w me e  % em a em ce # == m > N N N P O e g a o N O 3 N 3 3 == =e an e O == em E g -C D e O O 3 9 3 3 3 9 3 D D O o e o e e e e e e e e e e o e o e T 4 Z.* 8 O O e e o o O a o O O O o O O a = 8 s e a e e x lE c . S @ S S > r = 3 M b- " ** @ 4 .6  % *m N 9 4 @ M A e 9 N == ee # == == N 2 am A N = N ==e 4 3  : es en a o o e e o o o o a o a o o O e- z a m Q a e e e o e o e e e e o e o e e < w w O o o e O a o O O o O o O o o = a y e 8 8 m e W "" b W ta > = = M e e e A e a e o W O L1 ,m e .=. = = N ,e m N se o N .ee N , 3- W W e o O a 3 3 o e O b =I O =. a

                                 =.e     s. .

a 3 e e. o a e a. a 3 a O e o. o a e a e a. o a e O. o s a m .A sa4 ' o@

               'O             e     s                                  0       I     e     e       e O    W         W                                                                                                                 2 =

w y u e e e C e


O O e w S

                                                                      =e O
                                                                         . aem     N N

O N N N N 3 N


A O 2


4 o e= e (; q g * * "

  • N 'u * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • e e e "e - e e e o e e e e e e e e
      #        "U            O    e      o     O     o        o       o       o    o      o       O     o      O     o      e     w M          U             t                       9        8       0       0     8     0       0                              =

8 h a= se Me Cne C ** @ 55 4 em 4 P 4 C N >= se V == == N S S O ** O N se N N N 2 f> T C C O o e O O O O O 3 0 3 2 w . O e e e e e e a e o e e o e q 3 l C O O o O O O O O O 3 o 3 e eJ l 8 3 3 3 4 0 0 , e l S S S e 4 W @ N S em # O 2 ==

                                   %     e     N     ==   ==          3        3    **    O       N      a     e     O             O w M           3    3     3     O        S       3       '3    O     3       0      3     O     O             O     e-S            e      e     e     o        e       e       e     o     e       e      o     e     e          C O
                   *               %     D     '3    9        3       0       9     O     D       D      9     O     C               e   =J l                                  9              9            9                   8          O C 8 F3 N     "P    W        em      **      em    P. 9       9       3    E                         O 3     == =* ==               e       ==    e. 3       N      N     ee                        (

8% ' 3 3 O O O 3 O O C D O It g e e e e e e e e e e e a 3 C 3 3 3 3 O. O O D O uf 0 8 0 8 I t t 8 2 m a N 3 s e e e = <

                                                     == ==            3       *%    O      =      S                                am 3 2      0        3           3
                        =,=                           O.                            O.             D.                               = z 3        3      3       '3    O      O       3                               4     4 e       e     i     e       e                              u. o
                                                                                                                                   'L     L aJ a
                              =    c     u a w . =                 .
                                                                                          =       a      2     m a       =     z z
                                                                                                                                   ~ =
  • I I . t . I Table 6e3-4

6.4 Rod Worth' and Boron Worth Determination - TP/2/A/2100/22 The purpose of these tests was to measure the integral and differential worth of the B C control and shutdown rod cluster control assembly (RCCA) banks. Also, 4the differential boron worth over the range of the control and shutdown banks was to be measured. Rod worths were determined for the control and shutdown banks using either a boration or dilution process and then stepping the rod bank to compensate for the changing boron concentration. The control banks were diluted into the core, one bank at a time: D,C,B and A. Shutdown Banks E, D and C were then diluted into the core to measure their worth. The worth of all rods except for the most reactive rod was determined. Finally the worth of all the control banks in overlap was determined. Table 6.4-1 shows s summary of the results of rod worth measurements. Figures 6.4-1 through 6.4-7 are plots of integral and differential worths F of Control Banks A, B, C and D as well as shutdown banks C, D and E. Figure 6.4-8 is a curve of overlap rod data. Using thc bank worth measurements and the boric acid concentration change needed to borate out or dilute in the bank, the boron worth over the Control Banks was determined. (See Table 6.1-1 for measured critical Boron.) The results are shown on Figure 6.4-9. The predicted value of differential boron worth was -10.15 11.02 pcm/ ppm. The actual value of

      -10.33 pcm/ ppm is within 2% of predicted.                                                                               ,


l HZP Integral Bank Worths and Differential Boron Worths Percent Difference Predicted Measured from Predicted Bank Bank Worth Bank Worth  % Identification pcm pcm [(P-M) + M] x 100

   - Control D            680 168                  664                +2.41 Control C            1290 1129                1283                +0.55 Control B            1080 1108                1105                -2.26 Control A             670 i67                  678                -1.18 Shutdown E            840 184                  853                -1.52 Shutdown D            790 i?9                  771                +2.46 Shutdown C           1060 1106                1026                +3.31
    +N-1 (F-10 out)-    *6870 t687               6656                 +3.22 Control Banks in Overlap        <i4% of measured         3708                 +0.59 worth of CB A, B C, D (3730 i149 pcm)
  • Worth of all rods except F-10
    + Measured in TP/2/A/2150/10, Stuck Rod Worth Measurement Test (see Section 6.5) s Table 6.4-1

Control Bank D _ Differential and Intemral a m Bank (mul) Worth

  • 13.t @l$@l@jdl@@d ll y@llll[@lhld%l$lh$$!]h@l$l$h@ lM@l[jIl!

12.0 jg  ;;l!!!!!Hi!Hi!HHHUNI jgj;g;;g;j ll l gi;g ggj jl ;ii!NSE!!!K HillHulWilli!!illiiWillifl!Hiiin!Wi!!W!i@n!Wid!!!!iHH!!!!Hi! W!!!MRi!HiiiW5 Wii cunt: 2 2 !U!.i,Hi!Wi!.W...i.M!iHli

U n . .

HillHI Mll!i.l.l.H..l.i.i.i.H.

                                                                                                                                                  ..=m=..           .1         =- -ilH.!.imimiiili!!is..iW!!=inii:imm!il!!i . 1100 TEST:

it*o !!!iil!l!NHimlh!M { NH H{li{Ulllli!l!mHlli!hii!H!il!l!!h!!!!!HHn l!! ihliii!!H=idlW" Bank CD Worth 10.0  ! 1000 JMlim41!iiHWWim, IH HHimm!UW IH.imiminm!E!iin!!ilm..iniiin!!il!iinnn!!!niii



                                              !b!!HbNHbbl!NHjlliWIb!W!IllHW!!!bIH!!!WW!!H!!bH!!HIIi!!b!biH                                                                                        900                                                          '


                     "                * !!illlilWWiiiW!NWHii!I MlH!!!H!!!HiliiiiMiiuii!iMW!ililillii!WlHiiW!M!!!!i!!-                                                                                                                  '
  • 2!!!ii!!!Ulilijl!!illill!!!Ilm Wi!N!!!i!!!iHWi!!M.i!i!!iliiHliililli!illiW!!Mlillii!!!!!!!!!! RCC BANWSIMNS:
                     !                       !il!!!!!!!il!W!i!Hi!!jlij!iliHillHHiiiH!HWMi!5W!LM5NM!MWMH!!WWW
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ""     ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                          !               son-     228
                'E                                                                                                                                                                                       '

2 WlllIllWi!!i!illHili!! Mil ikillillHbilli!iHii!!!!H!WillW!WH!i!HWHIi!!!Iiii!!!!!!!His!!!!!:

  • sob 22s P

i s WiW!!i!!!!!!!!ihillli!H!11!W!NWNiniMiWllWii!!!!!!WiHiiliHi!!MiM!HihiW! W

  • soc 22s
e. $

H 6.0!!!ilWii3!!E..illlllNHiliNH!iWMMiWilihiWi!Will!!!iHHi!Him!Wi!il ii ll!N. !!!H . ! y i .e n; :p. . mu !lUliW. .njlH i ilt l!!m!qOn;;!Whi!- ii! 1 600 3 SOO 22e

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i 4 3 illikNIlislhWHHNiWMi

                                            !!jijim!l!!ilitiimiliUMpilpillill!!h'!!hNH!!W!!!!!IliMuliiii!!WiiMINil!HM                                                                             "      i a

sDE C3 22s 22e

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a #ilil!!illi!!!!uli:l!WiNiWHkN!HilliHP lillJimi!!!!!!ihiHliniWi!!ili!ili!!Hi!!!i!I!!i!!i c. 22.

                                     '#    WilHill!WViW MHill!IllilimlihMi! Lim!!H2H!!!!!i!ii!!Wi!H!!ilililiilli                                                                                  30 0 Illilin!!

cc N!Hi!N Hildi!!!!!!WiWiiH!Illii! imliiH!ii!!ll!WiiilJ Mililliii[!Ill!!Wi!Illi!iill!ilillii co "" ' " 8 i illil!!ililill!!!HII!ifi!! Hill!!!!!!!!!isMh!!!!illE!!IIIWiEI!2" 2' liHIMl!4ih!!ni!Ilil!!ilyl!!llilililiiMilll!!!!illi$ii!!!!!!!!!!!!ililliiWi!!!H!!!!!!!!!illi!!!!!illi! ll


e=n= ...m = m.. = = 1.0!!!bi!!!!!!i!!!i!!!!!!!!=!!!!Hn..m m ,!.I.Uhiii!!!.;!!!!!!!!!!!illilHmcliiH!i!!!!ii.jji.W...ilimiiumiiiimmH=!iill!ir.:illm!im!!ii

                                                                          . il!!!b = ..                                                                                     .=m=..

100 i 0.0 n. *"mjpjun n=ninunmnipunu nunpmumunun.=nump,U!!Un!F"N*;'iE RUUEUh0!UU!!UnUUUHF"!'U!UUUUiUUUUUUUUU'U..;" = = n.,c un m: nm O i i O 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 i i RCC Bank (RCCA) Position (Steps Withdrawn) I

Control Brnk C l Differential ' Intemral RCC Bank (aMM Worth m nn r 1300 13.0R:hMihj!!h;lh.iphltjdIl;j

                                                                                . nmmun[7n
h. I m " n n

i b li@hil gjl innyqdp n ,l!l"4Hl  : y u p:en m m n.h id Thhh::E hrh"QF n dlh!lrpn.n=r m=no=,um:lihynln=:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .p.nga gg n um :n
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . u .n:

PLANT: Mccuire Unit 2 mn!g. n.lnh ii . i 12.0 m:nn=:n ziHHUWU]pll n.H =l pfol h;].pg,


i oco G

Hi.:hlii.iin m :nmn n m mFin munn j ]n:p:it F:.:r ne m,1200 nna wayan TEST: ju _8ank E:.L!h@pH CC Worth idi NON$fbbi!h$Nih$h hdN$ Wibbb5 N$M DATE: 5/16/83

jp " p =c 1100 11.0 y gigg 10.0 ylpi!H gjpjp}.1 l ggnllRifi!UHF E!H: olj. . ....I il ny

                                                                                                                          .,n...e                              m
                                                                                                                                                                                -llp, !jp'          .

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -              " ~ "
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ni!ll lnn gn,ll!h . ,:a. p

                                                                            .... .np           . ... ,-b.fN       i i un,mng;;r n                         n:     mn a-                    ..

d n- "M hlj"hn 1..:':

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n -" p!"ngphlyf! 1 S 9*0 7"!h"h h! ..- Oby .= u plqh1 L"!)) un..tF.. un."U] in.'n@'"N;i q@[@".n r 900 RCC BANK POSITIONS:

                                                                 **         an =.mhnu                                                                                   um n.=n           :   jomu      I
.c...:mn mn. u j =n. amn. o. n. o m u h m. m. pHH
n. lp=. . . m. n. .!q' n. N l"i b. p!l p. n L . M H".i n. lh. , m h m =i,n :


                                                                 .            .. . - .                                    . . . - -                                                                 . .~
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                                                                                                                                .                             hhih,hW h...a.r UhM=Hippl                                 jhhWiluiu.c.                p d t.u. j p@nni  nc h u. . r. . -
                                                                            .=n                     h           u=m                                          a       j!m                   [h             "k H p u n ili. n.!fh                                                   800j .g n" .F:ih ih=: i228                                     m m. . : . 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,e m        80                        m                         "GJ                            rr:                     "                  7                                                                     m
                                                                 $          am= n.nL;                                                                          n              l =nn                        inp
                                                                                                                                                                    .. n .. n . m m uj q qm n n@" m r.p u nl:n                                                                                 0                                SDS p
                                                            ,. o                                  rh. .n.l i                    a a n. .                                                            t.                               . . " p e n : l u fo - . m . .


                                                            @               $                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SDC           220 m   .c   *7.0=!$$$b5bb!hl$!NONdbb5bb$j$!Mh5!$MY$.$

nnnpa- ~ I m m m  :: in n 700 228

                                                            .os U

o  !!!V4HhlH!!m u nla m a!ill!4 U"!! a h, ri!l["lii0.!p!h!h H q i!!Pi u n;en ir '!pynh u m n n oFmpJ'iiU"":"4!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           . . [. n n n . i ln 4                               HHH"!U"M"      $o       kh 'ui="!?!p"h!:M"!h     SOD                 =h!

up : hnpg[h.t.; Wgnl . l= p e, 3 6.0 .nnenenna n . 600 m qc...m .. .g 228 w Y t m n=pmno m;n .; uni 5 . H0 hlih0!fd n!!u;... m m. m@

l.  ;;j n- ed.m- -
                                                                                                                                                     ;;n:    llhj hd ipun j[.nm, il .d.h. mua Mlp[=4 pl.jpjhd"n

"h.-=@" o l!d jhorl=h.v u nl, a,g,in h:;p.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       "q H.

nma m= n jpygl

j_!j[;lfny...r H.

gn.h..]an.f. j l0!!0l nhn ar pd:@n n Q g

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                                                                                                    !Hi:Ul                                                                                                                                                           ni n.

i 3 CB 228

                                                                *          !I!!!Ull%iH!!!!4iUHiiWiMlll$!M!MiW$$$!!HiihMiH!$illllilHiil!lM llilllHil!
                                                                                           ~                                                                                                                                                   ~                                   4oo       .S Hoving i                                        njjpn pl                                                                                                                                                  CC
                                                                $a    4.0 $ii ~i!I. MHhhi           ne nin Ih!H                            hn !$himHh.H          n!h                          F"ihH d     mn "Uh      RT" "b'b~ih"i@linb"iNidI"pd9S.

WinlcililH nH h

                                                                           !!                                                                              ipWiV                                                                                                                                                               CD              o 3.0 lH.lijl!Hilij!!hliiiiliiil.iliij!y x x :.r:r jii f.=!h!!HilHh=iliihp:

g j p"l l i iWiiiiihn!!Hii!Qi!!Hj!!!WiUWh"iliM.

                                                                                                                                                                                              .                 H n
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ."y V         a ll lI"j!n!mH

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                                                                                              . m . . . . . =uh l.
                                                                                                                              . nlhi     t jl!;ynnhpn'upunnhuanIn.r m !n . m l "l d....              . ~."3.;

n mh=:j;..njln..n n

n. . u nh;;;;n:nn;.j[!gh o

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . llp.

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p n.:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  =:.n 200       =!ni! j b;p :;.n...=d a ip"n n;hn a ..n.nlinnphumhlo hj0nh.

im . . =mpur m ~ n n n n m . m u m nu =m nm .n".==l nace c hn = r! p=ne ==m u~"""-~I! nUh. p r . !"h.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             . = H n.           l"=hn.Nhn m . !lij m.n n .m ravan                                                                                          um -~=u""m"e"j l

anh. lcp""" nannunrip.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    "mun!n:n m" p! ump cy 100
1. 0 :: i.r i.ll
                                                                                 . p p =lll:dn             lh .ll =: :l r i lllll;:ll g

pl:n n"m" a n eln"n = n = p"a n "" "a -

n=:: :lql . ; 'lll j .
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .n         lIl.,1:!;.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        =n.nlll . :lll'
                                                                                 ' "' ; ;" "" = """ = = = "" r " = " "" = " = = ; p i; p ==n                                                                     ". .n n . . pn m        n nela m      u n. a, n .nag=ni n i n0 0.0 0                  20        40 60                                              80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 RCC Cank (RCCA) Position (Steps Withdrawn) i l

Control Bank B _ Differential and Intemral RCC Bank (RCCA) Worth I , l N lk l [  !  ! l dl Ol Obl!h!N!lh!0!0ll4l!!llll !Olllldl0!lllilll!h [I PLANT: McGuire Unit 2 lllll00ll10l{l0l{ll0ll0NInl!!l !llllllllON!N!III l10l1l TEST: sank !!blOIIIb!f cs Woeth

                                   ,,1MiniMMU1ING$!EdntnMHiH2,1100                                                                                                                         e1=      ""'>

nap.n n 7 ujnn

                                      !N f!N!l!:                                                    lmhi!iann4jl!!gl .illllliJgH I IIlill!!HHliliii!iillithijiki!!!illilillilili TEST CONDITIONS:

i dll i ~ "CC "^"" P08'T' "8:

                            ?         l    l ll0Nd 0                                                     l0 h ll{000!lllj NIll SDA       228
                                     .i il 1111!!!Ill11 hl!illilli lillilillilill PiilHl00ll!lh0l0mlllddOl0lll0lhll0!0 l                                              i!Iillii!i!ll!!!HilmH!HHinlii!!il!!!!!Wil!Ii!!!j       -

SD. 228 I

                           "   M hMhihhhhbl                                                                                  b b b hi                h b .h             soo f         8"'       "'

lll f lNIllNIO Ob ' ll blllllOf!llblNII{hh! l l f!!!!!!NblNlkl!O!I!!IlllllNN!!b!bbl!0l{ ll .-4 600 228 3 illI.lllllil}l!I h !llll llllilllillllBillililllillW diI!!IllillIlliHilHill i Soe 22a E I  ! hh 5 C^ *** i!"NMHERNHdNMEMMERENER,,, I . oo

                                  '"jEENNEEUMXqliUMkM!!lFRHER                                                                                                                                  ce        -

100 1~0 *""ME!!MENIFE!!S!Ml!G$5!!!!iMB 0.0 "" "- " ~ " " -

                                                                                                                                                     "";0 RCC Bank (RCCA) Position (Steps Withdrawn) _

_ ~ . N M a

                                -       w 5 $                                      N                                                I
w. d .


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m N *e

                           "           g C                     e            g s                       e         e            e (as2s/ mon) ysaon taisus2e;;Ta Figure 6.4-4 L

Shutdown Bonk E _ Differential and Intemral RCC Bank (RCCA) Worth

       "~ $1HEITO$4WE$$$$$$$$$s$""                                                                                                      T                   C '2 ""l' '
      ';apHMabnMMessaast 0

7 l! 900 I

  ?I " ! M M H!l! N E N M a s M Wl5                                                         800 1*

M soA R 5 soc "' P s i IWil.HHillilill jih'ili Wl!l NbhlbNf fI WIW WUMiiWUmIHHn!!!WWWilWWhiHiWinihlillil 6o IWliWfillllillllilillil!!!Will!iWilll!llillill!!ill!H!!!WlillillWil 600 ) soo 228 3 hh ih h k, il bbbMbb hi j 8"' "^"" o "HBMMllIlWEMEM!MMElEMRl."i  :^ 0 3 -

           '                                                                                300 l~0 S(IfMMMWHEgMEMEpMMi'"


      '"U">EMMMMMMMMMMlEE 0.0 0     20    40 60 0   '""

80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 RCC Bank (RCCA) Position (Steps Withdrnun)

Shutdown Bank D _ Differential and Intenrel RCC Bank (RCCA) Worth

13. l l!lll  !! l 12.( j 1200 i PLANT: ttccutre Unit 2-l j' lj}!!}fj llj 1EST: Benk'SD Worth 11.0j IIU DATE: 5/17/83 10.1 -
  • IU t


 }e 8:0                                                                              ,                                             -

800 [ SDA 228 3 - 3 h 7.0 -{ '

                                                                                                                      -t 700 SDs      228 l              ,

228 DC S [ 6.o I g m 8 SDD hW & 7 ' l N GDE O 5.0 J , { {- - 500 CA 0 4.0 - l . N 3.0 l ' lllll  : - - 1l- 300 l .'It lll . , j CD 0 2,( 5

                                                          ,                                                                   d 200
    '*                                                                                 l                    ll :

l1  !  !!! 100 0.0 - 11lijli!!I[lF,, !' 11i 3 0 ' 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 RCC Bank (RCCA) Position (Steps Withdrawn 1 _

Shutdown Bank C Differential and Intemral w Bank ( F M Worti ii H

13. !IWl!ill!ih!!Uil!lHl0HMld i 0lI%) ...M..j.. l@jllj j,Vp,hlijflHUjj!H!ih!M:

yll lilBif M .I.J l[di!9l5 j![j" 1300 Ulh5dlMMihflljjij]Hj......h43.!!b...._.... . !

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(uM) noTssasusocos noseg TwoTsT23 Figure 6.4-9

s  : l' 6.5 Stuck Rod Worth Measurement' Test - TP/2/A/2150/10. The purpos'e of this test was to verify that the insertion limits defined iri thel Technical Specifications provide 'a nl.6% M/K Shutdown Margin with ' the most reactive rod." stuck" in the withdrawn position. Rod F-10 in Control Bank C was the most reactive rod. F-10 was withdrawn as Shutdown Banks B and.A were inserted to compensate for the reactivity changes. _With Shutdown Bank A at 53 steps withdrawn and rod F-10 completely withdrawn, a boron endpoint was performed on Shutdown Bank A and the corresponding reactivity. change of 30.0 pcm was recorded. This

            ;value was used to determine the worth of all rods minus the most reactive stuck rod. Subtracting-off the worth of all rods above the rod insertion limit for 0% power gave a HZP shutdown margin of 4.86% M /K.

The results of the boron endpoint' measurement for the N-1 configuration of F-10 withdrawn can'be seen on Table 6.2-1. The results of the worth of

            .all' rods except F-10 can seen on Table 6.4-1. The test was ended by manually tripping the reactor and observing rod F-10 drop into the core.

g4 T Y 6.5-1

g n e-7.0> POWER ESCALATION TESTING -~ CORE PERFORMANCE / PLANT RESPONSE The core performance / plant response area of the power escalation testing j program was set up to gather data in' areas of core physics as well as Lplant response due to induce'd transients. This data was used to verify proper system design and operation. 9 k 1 0 4. 7.0-1 j

m fa  ; h_ 7.1; Unit Load Steady State -;TP/2/B/2650/04


The. purpose of this test was to messure NSSS steady state parameters as a function of power to compare with design predictions, and equipment and system limits. The Unit Load Steady State test was performed at the 0% powers level-on May 20,:1983, at the-30% power level on June 12, 1983 and n ~ June 13, 1983, at the 50% power level on August- 19, 1983, at the 70% power level on September 16,' 1983, and at the 90%' power level on September 30, 1983.

  .                  .With stable conditions established at 0%, 30%, 50%, 75% and 90% power levels,' parameters.were recorded and averaged over a 30 minute interval.

The parameters recorded were steam header pressure, S/G narrow range

levels, feedwater flow,- feedwater temperature, pressurizer level, Reactor
                    ; Coolant. System (NC) loop average temperato.e, NC loop AT, NC loop narrow range cold' leg temperatures and hot leg temperatures. The averaged values were compared to design predictions and adjustments were made as necessary.
                    - The.0%, 50%, 75% and 90% power levels met the acceptance criteria on the uinitial run'of the test. However, the 30% power level had to be tested twice'before it passed its acceptance. criteria. _The first time it failed

. due to low Teold in Loops 2-and 4. Investigation led to the determination that Tref was approxicately 1*F low due to low Turbine Impulse Pressure problems. Tave was controlled l'F high (at its expected correct value for 30% power) to offset the erroneous Tref signal. Following this adjustment . all acceptance criteria were successfully met'at the 30% power level. The _ problem with the Tave/ Tref program was determined to be with the calibration ofntte-electronic cards in the plant 7300 protection system. This' problem was resolved on August 16, 1983. Figures 7.1-1:through 7.1-16 show the results of the testing through the 90%' full power: level. The dashed lines are-the acceptance criteria while "the points plotted are actual data. The two numbers at the 30% power level indicate the first and second times this test was run at that power

                      'At the 90% F.P. test an adjustment was needed to Steam Generator B Level Co'ntrol when itLwas discovered to be controlling level too high. A gain
                     -setting was found to be incorrectly set. This was readjusted and the test cpassed its acceptance criteria. This can be seen on Figure 7.1-3 where
- .both data points were plotted.

J Testing-at-the'100% power level will be performed when that power level is t reached. 7.1-1

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Figure 7.1-5 l

Iwal Feedwater Te=cerature v6 Pc,wer o ? r ._t-l l i l I l _c QL9


n w . w cw --- o 2. w ... . , _ - e ca - u e =-. e '_ _- i C __-. e H ^ t --_..- l t .


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Figure 7.1-16 1

y . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ __ 1 :. x_ L F L. . [?T ~.

                        - 7.2 Thermal' Power Output Measurement Test - TP/2/B/2650/09A-E
-y, hf The purpose of _ this test was to verify the correct calculation of primary, F ' secondary,' and best estimate thermal power on the Operator Aid Computer

[ (GAC). This test was performed at the 20, 30, 50, 75 and 90% power 4~ levels. The results of the verification were given to Instrument and

                              - Electrical (I&E)1 personnel to calibrate power range indication in the Nuclear-Instrumentation at Power Test (see Section 8.5) for that particular. power plateau.

The first-portion'of the test consisted of checking the various inputs to

i. .the thermal ~ power calculations as indicated on the OAC against their p
                              , corresponding Control Room indications. Having verified the accuracy of h
                              "the inputs to the' thermal power calculations, off-line calculations of 7                              , primary,_ secondary, and best estimate thermal powers were performed. The i

results of these off-line calculations were then compared to their

                              -corresponding OAC calculated values. If each OAC and off-line power
     .                         ' levels agreed-to within 2% full power, the acceptance criteria were met, p                                The results of the OAC best estimate thermal power were then provided to 3:

lI&E personnel for power range calibration. The dates on which each part

                               -of:this test were run and the results.are shown on Tables 7.2-1 to 7.2-3.

At all power plateaus the acceptance criteria were met. L 20% full. power had to be repeated because-the OAC calculation h - of secondary' thermal power was in error due to three of eight feedwater flows being uncalibrated. Another problem encountered at every power plateau involved the measurement of steam geneator blowdown blowoff flows.

                              .TheLblowdown blowoff flows are two phase at the point of measurement, whichLcauses' their accurate measurement. Therefore, at several-power plateaus these flowpaths were isolated and the blowdown blowoff flows were assumed to be zero.

t-r F E fm

                   -( .


1. -

h, hg. , 7.2-1

Thermal Power Output Measurement Test Primary Power Levels (%) Power  % Plateau Date OAC, Offline, Absolute (%) Run Primary Primarv Difference

'20%   5/30/83          18.663           18.569         0.094 30%  6/12/83          30.816           30.479         0.337 50%   8/19/83          50.664           50.664         0.000 75%  9/16/83          73.978           73.916         0.062 90%  9/30/83          87.720           87.888         0.168 Table 7.2-1
                              +                                              --.                                       . _


   '.y                                ^           ; < '.

(~ * .. i:

. k_

Thermal Power Output' heasurement Test r  ; ~ Secondary Power' Levels (%) If 1 LPower: .

                                          . Plateau              '
                                                                             .Date             .0AC,                .Offline,         Absolute 4                                                (%)-                      'Run             Secondary               Secondary       Difference I,                           -
.'2'0% ' 5/30/83 17.067- 16.965 -0.102

, 30%' ..6/12/83. 30.598 30.946 0.348 50%.  : 8/19/83 50.102 '50.256 0.154 5 '75%; 9/16/83~ 74.168 74.180 0.012 90%. .9/30/83' 88.450- 88.334 0.116 a L F l w k 4 v 4 P R u 1

                                                                                                  -Table 7.2-2                                      i W:
             ;-                             - w.

m, Thermal' Power Output Measurement Test

                     .                                                         Best Estimate Thermal Power Levels (%)
                            / Power.                                                       '0AC,            Offline,                                  %:

s . Plateau-. Date: Best -Best Absolute

                                  -(%):                                 Run:             Estimate           Estimate-                            Difference J20%.                            - 5/30/83
                                                                  -                        18.663-            18.569 ~                             0.094
                          - :30%                                      6/12/83              30.739            -30.650                               0.089 50T                            -i8/19/83-           _50.102'             50.256'                              O.154
                                ' 75%                               -9/16/83              ._74.168-           74.180-                              0.012 90%'-                          9/30/83'_            88.450             88.334                               0.116 d-f 4

x 9

                         'N   ,

a 4

                                                                                                ' Table 7.2-3 4

7.3 Core Power Distribution Test - TP/2/A/2150/07A-D The purpose of this test was to obtain and analyze core power distributions for various rod configurations and power levels. In that the peaking factors F addition

          .(Heat   Flux these   tests'Factor)

Hot Channel servedand to F verifyN (Nuclear EnthalpyF Hot ChaHX Factor)werewithinthelimitsasspNifiedinTechnicalSpecifications, and that incore quadrant tilts did not exceed 1.02 (2%). With the unit in a stable condition at a specific power level, a full incore flux map was taken. The data obtained from this map was processed using the. CORE computer code. Results of the computer printout were verified against acceptance criteria. Stability conditions were verified'by ensuring the following conditions were met. (a) The difference between reactor coolant system (NC) loop and

                - pressurizer boron concentrations is less than 20 ppmB.

(b) -The difference between 3 successive measurements of reactor coolant system loop boron concentration is less than 10 ppmB. (c) .The reactor is at a stable power (changing lers than 11% during a 5 minute interval prior to the performance of the test). (d) The NCS average temperature is stable (changing less than 12 F during a 5 minute interval prior to the performance of the test). (e) 'the NCS pressure'is stable (changing less than 25 psig for a 5 minute interval prior to the performance of the test). (f) The steam generator levels are stable (changing less than 11% for a 5 minute interval prior to the performance of the test). (g) The feedwater flow is stable (changing less than i2% for a 5 minute interval prior to the performance. of the test). (h) Xenon is changing less than 6 pcm/hr. (0.1 pcm/ min.).

         ~(i) Rod motion is less than 16 steps during an 8 hour period prior to this test.

(j ). NCS average temperature is 12 F during an 8 hour period prior to this

                . test.
         .(k)~~ Axial Flux Difference is changing less than i2% during an 8 hour period prior to this test.


n - y > 3:f ,

        +     "A)                                                                ,

r r

    +                  -
                                                                           .;(    )
                                                                              -4     ,                     -s, e

1 -

                                                                                       ,     3 i.v  ' "

fAtitbe 0%' power level' during.Zero Power Physics, testing, .a core power distribution' test was run. See-Section 6.3 ofJthis report for a.

                                               ' dis'cussion :of'. Core Power Distribution testing at- 0% power.                   .

Core! power distributions were taken at 30% power on June 13,:1983, 50%

                                            - power on' August 17 L 1983, 75% power'on: September 20,.1983,3 and 90%' power lon; September.30, 1983. .A' summary ofLthe results of these tests are given
                             -1             :on Tables 7.3-l'to 7.3-4..,                                             t>
                    -sV                      .
                                                                      .                            l' A ,        n
                ^ N .cWo~ core anomalies'were observed and all acceptance' criteria were met for
                                             -each~of:the testsirun. Therevergyhowever,someminorproblems. At the
           .                                130%,-50%                                                                   violations were-indicated on the
                                        ?': conger.and75%powertest(,LF~ItwasideterMnedthatthecomputerprogra outputs. . .
                    .                            F            administrative limits of.1.62155 for rodded locations and 1.46982

fIlunroddedlocations. These interim limits were based on a prior Upper-O . Head injgion level ssitch problem which no longer existed. . The limits for F as submitted per Technical Specification are 1.71 for roddeIY1ocations aad 1.55 for unrodded' locations. A11pptawas' R checked against the~ Technical Specification limits and no-F

                <                                                                                                                             violations were
noted. . Prior to'the 90% power flux map test, the cIEputer program was
changed to reflect thelactual limits. 7 yThere were constant' thimble sticking roblemf at'all power levels. This
                      -                     iprobles led to:an aborted flux map at.the 75% power, level when two detectors became stuck. preventing data gathering:in 75% of the thimbles as-required by Technical _ Specification Subsequent rencval.of the Latuck ' detectors allowed the '75% power level map to be taken. .A plan to clean the Jproblem thimbles.was -implemented :in ' January 1984.

J The. major problem ' discovered during Core Power Distribution 1 testing was


A 'thg.inabilitytomeetTechnicalSpecification3.2.3.-(RfandR based 9 on F . verses Reactor Coolant System (NCS) Total Flowrate). The Preliminary

                                             ' Rector-CoolantFlowTest,runinMay,1983,-(aee:Section4.1ofthis A^                                      : report) determined the: average total flow ~to be 412,762 gpm. That was more than meet the-existing specification at that time for Unit
                                               .2-but'was not sufficient:to meet McGuire Unit'l power operation above 90%

(RTP. That specification is shown'on Figure 7.3-1. A request for a LTechnical Specification chang'e:was~ initiated to. resolve the Unit 1

                                           " problem.

' ~

                                            'On Junet13, 1983, the'McGuire Unit 2 30%' core power-distribution indicated
                                            /thatithe NCS-flow rate-(397,232 GPM) was not sufficient to permit A                                           operation above'90% RTP.

y -

                                             -On(June 28,11983,wTechnical' Specification Amendment No. 22 (Unit 1) and


                      -                     lNo.?3L(Unit 2) was~ issued which amended Technical Specification 3.2.3.

LFigure 7.3-2 shows.the revised curve. j ':.._ c - ,

                                            ;The'McGuire Unit 1 Core Power Distribution performed June 30, 1983, (as Lwell as :the precis; ion- heat balance) indicated that NCS flow rates met
Technical Specification'3.2.3 (Figure 7.3-2). In addition the McGuire
                                                                                                                 .7.3-2 y

L 1.-: _____

f Unit 2 Core Power Distribution test at 30% (mentioned above) also now met this curve; for operation up to 100% RTP. The precision' heat balance performed on McGuire Unit 2 on September 12', 1983 at the 75% power level (see Section 9.6 of this report)

                  ~s howed, however, that NCS flow rates would not allow a power increase above 90% RTP based on Technical Specification 3.2.3. Core Power

Distribution testing at the 75% and 90% power levels on Unit 2 confirmed this. (The drop in measured NCS flow between the 50% and 75% power levels

                  - shown on Tables 7.3-2 and 7.3-3 is a result of incorporation of the correct elbow tap coefficients which were determined in the precision heat balance.)
Presently _McGuire Unit 2 is restricted to power levels less than 90% RTP pending another request to change Technical Specification 3.2.3 to allow operation up to-100% RTP.

u.. ~ The.100% F.P. Core Power. Distribution test will be performed once that

power level is reached.

i,( ' e s ( l t 7.3-3

                                                ,     ,.           ,ea- -                        - -

g.. - - . . _ - - -


, h, ,' V *'5 T 1

                                                     - Core Power Distribution Results                   1 S.

30% Power Test l I 1 Map ID: FCM/2/01/003

                 'D'te a      Taken:                             -June 13, 1983 1

I - PowerLev21:~ 31.84%

                 '                                               4 efpd Cycle Burnup:                                                                        l Boron Cencentration:                         1010 ppm
Rod'Pdsitions: Control Bank D at 222 steps withdrawn
  • Measured NC Flow: 397,232 GPM
                 . Maximum               Measured F*Y
                              ; Unercluded:                     l1.5023 Axial Location 51 Core Loc. D-12

~M 11.ximum F : 2.0114 Axial Location 32 Core Loc. H-12 2.. Q h Max'imusZF { 1.3575 Axial Location 32 inximum Pin F : 1.36S9 Core Location G-14 Maximum F error (frogHpredicted): 6.81% Core Location F-07 Tctal Core Axial Offset: -2.496% Quadrant Power Tilt-Ratios:

Core) ,
Quadrant 1: 1.00099 Qua'
                                   ~ d rant 2:                  '1.00811-
                               . Quadrant 3:                      0.99464~
Quadrant 4: 0.99626
                    *heasured by plant computer.

g) (J! Table 7.3-1 W 1



  -r                  y

[ p { ..s Core Power Distribution Results 50% Power Test 2 Map'ID: FCM/2/01/004 Date Taken: August 17, 1983 Power Level: p' 49.70% Cycle Barnup: 8.3 efpd c Boron Concentration: 942 ppm Rod Positions: Control Bank D at 215 steps withdrawn 4

  • Measured NC Flow: 400,276 GPM Maxia'um Measured F*Y Unexcluded: 1.5018 Axial Location 51 Core Loc. J-02 Maximum Fq : 1.9792 Axial Location 25 Core Loc. D-12 Maximum Fg : 1.3559 Axial Location 32 fMaximumPinF  : 1.3522 Core Location G-14


                     -Maximum F      error (froEpredicted):              4.75% Core Location L-08
                     . Total Core Axial Offset:             -4.746%

Quadrant ~ Power Tilt Ratios: . (Total Core)

s. (Quadrant 1: 0.99832 Quadrant 2: 1.00627 Quadrant 3: 'O.99625 Quadrant 4: 0.99916 s

l* Measured ~by plant computer. 3o Table 7.3 =

I _. s, d J. I Core Power Distribution Results l 75% Power Test Map ID: FCM/2/01/011 l l

       -Date Taken:                               September 20, 1983 Power' Level:                            73.72%

Cycle Burnup': 26.2 efpd im . Boron Concentration: 901 ppm !  ! Rod Positions: Control Bank D at 177 steps withdrawn

  • Measured NC' Flow: 389,486 GPM )
       -Maximus          Measured Unexcluded:      - F*Y            1.6006 Axial Location 51 Core Loc. G-14  l Maximus F :                              2.0397 Axial Location 24 Core Loc H-04 9                                                                 1 Maximum F Z.

1.4118 Axial Location 24

       . Maximum Pin F :                          1.3587 Core Location H-04 N   ,,,

Maximum F ,

              ' (froEp,re,dicted):                4.20% Core Location D-04                 l Total CorefAwlal Offset:                 -10.787%
       . Quadrant Power Tilt Ratios:
        '(Total Core)

Quadrant.-1: 0.99894 ) Qu'adrant 2: 1.00911 c Quadrant 3: ~0.99296 I i 4 l p- -- Quadrant'4: , 0.99900 L h

  • Measured by. plant computer.  ;

1 1 l

                                                . Table 7.3-3 E

l l l 1

                                           ' Core Power Distribution Results 90% Power Test                                   !

i Map ID: FCM/2/01/021 Date Taken:. September 30, 1983

                 ' Power Level:                         89.04%
,s Cycle Burnup:                        31.8 efpd J       Boron Concentrstion:                 870 ppm Rod Positions:                      ' Control Bank D at 184 steps withdrawn
  • Measured NC Flow: 389,037 GPM Maximum Measured F Unexcluded: U 1.5127 Axial Location 48 Core Loc. D-08 Maximum Fq : 2.0561 Axial Location 24 Core Loc. H-04
                , Maximum F :                           1.4046 Axial Location 24 Z
                ' Maximum Pin F :                       1.3701 Core Location H-04 N

1 Maximum F error

                        -(frohpredicted):              4.94% Core Location M-04 Total Core Axial Offset:             -11.530%
  • Quadrant Power Tilt Ratios:

(Total Core) Quadrant 1: 0.99922

                       -Quadrant 2:                    1.00879 Quadrant 3:                    0.99352 Quadrant 4:                    0.99847
  • Measured by plant' computer.

Table 7.3-4 U , .

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i . ..: REGION FOR$90% RTP  !-

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38 j-i- p-- ._

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  • l "l-36 ' -

0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 ! R, = Fh/1.49 l1.0 t 0.2 (1.0 - P)l R2= R /11 g - RDP(Bu)l where RBP(Bu)=0.0 for Cycle i HCS 10lAL FLOWRAIE VERSUS R AND R - FOUR I.00PS IN DPERATION t


l/R ' g is . . . 7.4' Unit Load Transient Test - TP/2/A/2650/05 The purpose of this test is to demonstrate satisfactory unit response to an approximate 10 percent of full power, generator step load change. ,

                 ' Prior'to the start of-this test the various control systems were in automatic.."All pressurizer and main steam relief and safety valves were operable. Control _ Rods were positioned to keep Axial Flux Difference within.its maneuvering band for the power level existing at the start of the test. All primary and secondary plant parameters were verified to be
 ;       Or      : stable prior to the start of the test. The plant transient monitor was checked to ensureuit was operating properly and would gather the necessary p               - da ta .

After verifying the above prerequisites were met, plant electrical output was manually reduced at a rate of about-200%/ minute to simulate a step

       ,           load change equivalent to approximately 10 percent full power generator output-(about 120 MWe). This was performed by repositioning the turbine governor valves to positions that produced the desired power level.

After stabilization of all systems, data were collected. The plant output was then manually increased at 200%/ minute to simulate a step load change equivalent to approximately 10 percent full power generator output. Stability was.again achieved and final system data were gathered. The acceptance criteria as stated in the FSAR for this test are as follows:

                 '(1) Neither thel turbine nor the reactor trip.
                  -(2) ' Safety Injection is not initiated.

(3) No pressurizer or main steam relief or safety valves lift.

                  .. (4) No operator' action is required to restore conditions to steady state.

(5)- Parameters'affected by the load change do not incur sustained or divergent oscillations. [In'additionthistesthadoneotheracceptancecriteriawhichwas suggested by the vendor. Nuclear power .(excore) overshoot or undershoot must. bed 1ess than 3% for load increases.

The 30% UnitcLoad Transient Test had to be performed five times before it passed its acceptance criteria. These runs are summarized below.

(1). On June' 15, 1983,1 the load drop was between 283 MWe and 170 MWe and the' load increase between 172 MWe and 295 MWe. This test failed when Steam Generator D power operated relief valve (PORV) lifted early on

                         'the'1 cad decrease. .This setpoint was adjusted.

l(2) On June Ib, 1983,'the test failed when steam generator D PORV lifted early on the load decrease. This setpoint was again adjusted. 0' 7.4-1

h (3)" One June 17, 1983,.0434 hours, the test failed when excore power overshoot was about 4.5% on the load increase. Instrument end Electrical personnel made adjustments to a lag constant on the rod control system. (4) -On June 17, 1983, at 1033 hours, the test failed on the load decrease when Steam Generator D PORV and Steam Generator A PORV lifted early. The load increase was not performed. The plant was shutdown by performing the Loss of Control Room test. It remained down for Steam Genreator feedwater inlet modifications. Before the plant returned to service, _ the Steam Generator PORV setpoints were checked and reset


as needed. (5) . '&z August 10,.1983 the 30%' Load test was again performed and all

                            - acceptance criteria were met. . See Tables-7.4-1 and 7.4-2 for results obtained at the 30% power-level. See Figures.7.4-1 to 7.4-8 for plots of plant parameters during the load decrease and Figures 7.4-9 to 7.4-16_for plots of plant parameters during the load increase.

The 75% Unit Load Transient. test was performed on September 23, 1983. No plant problems were' encountered. Load was . changed between approximately 75 and 65% power. All acceptance criteria-were met. See Tables 7.4-3 and 7.4-4 for transient data gathered at this power level. See Figures 7.4-17 to 7.4-24;for plots of plant parameters during the load decrease and LFigures '7.4-25 to 7.4-32 for plots of plant parameters during the load

                     ' increase.

lThe 90% Unit' Load Transient Test was performed on October 9, 1983. No

                    . plant problems were encountered. Load was changed between approximately-
90 and-75%' power. Tables 7.4-5 and 7.4-6 give the results of the 90% power transient testing. Figures'7.4-33 to 7.4-40 show plots of data obtained
                    .for the load decrease and Figures 7.4-41 to_7.4-48 show plots of data for the load increase.

Table-7.4-7 shows the control system setpoint data for the 90% power tievel. All testing f* complete on this test and all acceptance criteria were met. l 7.4-2 e rvu-+ -


                                     =r 10% Load Decrease from 30% Power August 10, 1983 Primary Plant Responses Before         During Transient     After Parameters           Transient        Min.        Max. Transient NC Loop Highest Tave_(*F)         566.9         561.2       569.0    562.7 Ave NC Loop AT (*F)                 17,8          10.8        16.1     12.2 PZR. Level (%)                     36.8          29.4        39.9     30.8 PZR Pressure (psig)                2240          2191        2253     2252
       ~ Ave.-Excore Power (%)              30.0          17.0        29.2      19.5 Secondary Plant Responses Before         During Transient     After Parameters           Transient        Min.-       Max. Transient Generator Output (MWe)               283           170         283       170 S/G'A Steam Press. (PSIG)          1058          1046        1099     1057 S/G B Steam Press. (PSIG)          1048          1037        1106     1048
        .S/G C Steam Press. (PSIG)          1055          1043        1113     1054 S/G D Steam Press. (PSIc) i          1055          1043        1113     1054
     ~ .S/G A NR Level ~(%)                 46.4          43.0        45.6     44.2 S/G'B NR' Level-(%)                46.9-         42.6        46.2     43.8 S/G C NR Level-(%)                 46.9          42.6        46.6     44.3 S/G D NR Lavel-(%)                 46.3          42.8        46.2     43.7 Table 7.4-1

L 10% Load Increase from 20% Power August 10, 1983 Primary Plant Responses Before During Transient After Parameters Transient Min. Max. Transient NC Loop Highest Tave (*F) 562.1 560.4 567.5 566.8

   . Ave NC Loop AT ('F)               12.1           12.5       19.9    18.6 PZR Lavel-(%)                      30.7           28.5       38.5    37.5 PZR Pressure (psig)                2240           2216       2246    2230 Ave. Excore Power (%)              19.1           19.8       32.2    30.7 Secondary. Plant Responses Before          During Transient    After Parameters         Transient          Min.       Max. Transient Generator Output (MWe)             172            172        297     295 S/G A Steam Press. (PSIG)         1050           1004       1060    1054 S/G'8 Steam Press.'(PSIG)         1041_           995       1052    1046 S/G Cl Steam Press. (PSIG)        1048           1002       1058    1052 S/G D Steam Press. (PSIG)         1048           1002       1058    1052 S/G A NR Level (%)                44.2           43.7       48.9    47.3 S/G B NR Level (%)                43.9          -43.9       50.0    47.5 S/G C NR Level'(%)                44.1           44.2       49.2    47.4 S/G D NR Level (%)                43.5           43.0       48.8    46.9 Table 7.4-2 a-

4 10% Load Decrease from 75% Power September 23, 1983 Primary Plant Responses Before During Transient After Parameters Transient Min. Max. Transient NC' Loop N'ighest Tave (*F) 579.8 575.0 580.9 575.3 Ave NC Loop AT ('F) 45.2 37.6 45.0 39.2 PZR Level (%) 52.2 45.9 53.2 45.9 PZR Pressure (psig) 2235 2209 2264 2236 Ave. Excore Power (%)- 75.2 61.5 62.5 62.5 Secondary Plant Responses Before During Transient After Parameters Transient Min. Max. Transient

                                          . Generator Output (MWe)                             914                        701                                                                                     778     777 S/G A Steam Press. (PSIG)                       1014                       1012                                                                           1057             1014 S/G B Steam Press. (PSIG)                       1007                       1006                                                                           1050             1006 S/G C Steam Press. (PSIG)                       1012.                      1011                                                                           1055             1011 E/G D Stcan Pres's. (PSIG)                    1011                         1010                                                                           1054             1011
                                          ' 3/G A NR Level (%)                             '58.9                         54.4                                                                         59.4               55.2 S/G B NR Level (%)                            61.4                        57.1                                                                          60.9               57.4 S/G C NR Level (%)                            .59.4                        55.0                                                                         58.6                55.9 c.,                            S/G D NR Level (%)                             58.6                        53.9                                                                         58.2                54.2 Table 7.4-3
9_, .

10% Load Increase from 65% Power September 23, 1983


Primary Plant Responses Before During Transient After Parameters Transient Min. Max. Transient

    ;z t.

NC Loop Highest Tave (*F) 575.5 574.7 577.3 577.1 Ave'NC Loop _AT (*F) 39.0 38.8 46.3 45.6 PZR Level (%) 46.5 44.7 48.6 48.6 PZR Pressure (psig) 2240 2220 2248 2238 Ave. Excore Power (%) 63.5 63.4 75.2 75.1 Secondary Plant Responses

j - _

Before During Transient After Parameters _ Transient Min. Max. Transient Generator Output (MWe) 775 775 923 23 iS/G A Steam Press. (PSIG)- 1017 967 1017 931 S/G B Steam Press. (PSIG) 1009 960 1010 974 S/G C Steam Press'. (PSIG) -1015 965 1015 978 S/G D Steam Press. (PSIG) 1014 963 1015 978

          .S/G A NR Level (%)                 55.1         55.1        60.0    59.2
          'S/G B NR Level (%)                _58.1         57.9        62.6    62.1
         -S/G C NR Level (%)                  55.9         55.9        59.8    58.9 S/G D NR Level (%)                 54.9         54.9        59.1    58.6

.E: Table 7.4-4

n_. . 10% Load Decrease from 90% Power October 9, 1983 i l

        ,,                                      Primary P.lant Responses L

Before During Transient After

      ;j.                   Parameters            Transient         Min.          Max. Transient
         .       NC Loop Highest Tave (*F)          585.3          580.4         585.9   580.9
             . Ave NC Loop AT (*F)                    52.4          45.3          52.6    47.0
                'PZR Level (%)                        58.2          52.3          59.4    52.7 PZR Pressure (psig)                 ~2235          2206          2272    2246 Ave. Excore Power (%)                88.9          75.3          88.9    76.5 Secondary Plant Responses Before          During Transient      After Parameters            Transient         Min.          Max. Transient Generator Output (MWe) _             1077           942          1077      952
               .S/G A Steam Press. (PSIG)             1002          1002          1046    1008 S/G B Steam Press. (PSIG)             996           996          1039    1002 S/G C Steam Press.-(PSIG)            1000          1000          1044    1006
               ~S/G D Steam Press. (PSIG)              999           999          1043    1005 S/G A NR Level (%)                  62.6           54.5          62.6    59.2
               .S/G B NR Level (%)                   63.3           59.0          63.3    60.2 S/G C~NR Level ~(%)                 63.4           59.2          63.4    59.4 S/G D NR Level (%)                  64.3           59.8          64.3    60.7 Table 7.4-5 d',                                  . _ _ ,                  .   -

I 10% Icad Increase from 75% Power October 9, 1983 Primary Plant Responses Before During Transient After

Parameters- Transient Min. Max. Transient NC. Loop' Highest Tave (*F) 580.9 580.2 585.7 585.4

Ave NC Loop A/T (*F) 46.2 46.2 54.1 51.6 PZR Level (%) 53.6 51.8 59.4 59.3

 .g.g         PZR Pressure (psig)                2242          2228        2274    2228 Ave. Excore Power (%)              75.4          75.4        89.1    88.6 Secondary Plant Responses Before         During Transient    After Parameters          Transient        Min.        Max. Transient Generator Output .(MWe).             941          941        1070    1067 S/G A Steam Press. (PSIG)           1013          955        1013    1008 S/G B Steam Press. (PSIG) 1006          949        1006    1002 S/G C Steam Press. (PSIG)           1011          954        1011    1007 S/G D Steam Press. (PSIG)           1010          952        1011    1006
            .S/G A NR Level (%)                  58.9          58.6        63.8    63.4 S/G B NR Level (%).                60.1          59.1        63.8    63.6 S/G C NR Level (%)                 59.2          59.2        64.4    63.5
             'S/G D NR Level (%)                 60.0          60.0        65.0    64.5
                                                  -Table 7.4-6

7-n ,- ;c r 4 Control System Setpoint Data Setpoint Data at 90% Power. S/G A S/G B S/G C S/G D Level. Filter Lag Time Constant tao 5 5 5 5 (Sec.) Level Controller Reset Time Constant tag (seconds) 720 720 720 720 Level Controller Proportional Gain K3 o (% Full Flow /% Level Span) V/V 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Flow Compensation Reset Time Constant 133 (seconds) 150 150 150 150 Flow Compensation Proportional Gain Kat '(% Valve Lift /% Full Flow) V/V G.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Feedwater Pump Speed Controller Setpoint Dcta

                                                                -5 AP Setpoint Gain K32                      10    psi /lb/hr.

AP Setpoint Lag Time Constant 134 160 sec. AP Controller Proportional Gain K33 9.2 rpm / psi

                  'AP Controller Reset Time Constant tas     60 sec.

Table 7.4-7

           - 1. -                                                                    _       _ --

HW 8-10-83 MW 300.000 i 300.000 . l _ A _ l _ t _ 200.000 { 200.000 7 - y _ a _ _ . _ . . . . '

                                                                                                . ac -_ , .- - , -

_ - _ -: _=-= - - --- - -


100.000 j l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 100.000 l l TIME => Minutes Unit Load Transient Test - Generator Megawatts vs. Time MAX MIN PIO MESSAGE Load Decrease from aox 286.568 158.033 A1081 GENERATOR MEGAWATTS

i  !  ! <'  : !i F ;e 0 3 m 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f F0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e

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N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M 10 T. (O N Figure 7.4-3

l w o m i 1 O $ 8 O O O w w 0d

       -O d                                     d                        a O                                                              .

c (A m N O. AN N U N O i e i e i l , , e i e i i O, 5 m - O $ N a l m -

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O N O O O O O O OO O O MO O , (h CD N O. l 0. N N N Figura 7.4-4

                                  %                                                                                       8-10-83                                                %

35.0000 35.0000


30.0000 30.0000 1 l , 25.0000

                                                                                                                                                                               ~~25. 0000
i.  :

l y - - z~ _ _


20.0000 20.0000 U _ 15.0000 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 15.0000 2010,00 2030,00 Unit Los. Transient Test - Power Range Average Level Quadrant va. Time MAX MIN PIO MESSAGE 30.1800 17.1000 A0626 POWER RANGE AVG LEVEL QUADRANT 4 (N-41)

30. 0000 16. 9200 A0629 POWER RANGE AVG LEVEL QUADRANT 3 (N-44) ' "d " " **** h
  • 30%
29. 8200 16. 8600 A0627 POWER RANGE AVG LEVEL QUADRANT 2 (N-42) 30.0600 17.1000 A0628 POWER RANGE AVG LEVEL QUADRANT 1 (N-43)

r, i l  %  % 8-10-83 50.0000 50.0000 l i l S/G B&C_ , S/G A&D 45.0000

 $                                                                                                                                                            S/G c6A

_ f,% - S/G D&B

                                                                                      $. ^; . , c 40.0000               l   l   l    j   l   l        l -, l                                                                                                 40.0000 l            l  l    l     l    l   l  l           l                               l             l 2010,00                                                                                                                                203000 TIME => Minutes
  • Unit Load Transient Test - Steam Generator Harrow Range Level vs. Time MAX MIN PIO MESSAGE 46.8500 42.7500 A1077 STEAM GEN O NARROW RANGE LEVEL IV Load Decrease from 30%


i' i PSIG 8-10-83 PSIG 1200.00 1200.00

                                                                                                                               - 1150.00 1150.00

l ' l _ . 1100.00 ~1100.00 y _ _ l 2 _ _ 2 -

    ~                                                                                                                                                 i
                                                                                                                               -S/G A 1050.00                                                                        =

1050.00 s/c a -

                                                                                                                               -s/c a l                                                                                    _

1000.00 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1000.00 TIME => Minu::es Unit Load Transient Test - Steam Generator Steam Pressure vs. Time MAX MIN PID MESSAGE . 1113.45 1043.25 A1125 STEAM GEN D STEAM PRESS I  ; 1113.45 1043.25 A1119 STEAM GEN C STEAM PRESS I Load Decrease from 30% 1106.30 1036.75 A1113 STEAM GEN B STEAM PRESS I 1116.05 1045.85 A1107 STEAM GEN A STEAM PRESS I i

O O 5 8 O O n l O 8 W O O O 8  !

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s1 w 5 C) (T) K (D 0) O CD i :i * . . . . a

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8 MM6* 4 3 3 M"8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 4 2 8 8 6 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 e v h y5 ".1

Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 30% Power NC Loop liighest Average Temperature vs. Time Deg F 572 571 -


F 572

- 571
          .578 = -                                                               : .578

569 j s m  : 5



g SH J= - SM
 @         567   =                                         -
                                                              - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~:

a = 547


y 566_5 5 566 i' 565 3= E 565


564 = E.- 564

                 =                                                              =

563 _._E .


_- 563 562 7 - h 562 561_5 E- 561 GLa -  : e i e i g i i i i i i i i i

                                                                               - GLa i i l                t i              i 8            5             18             15               28 i                                          PHMUTES

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  • S S Co e m to to n to m en en to en n N Figure 7.4-11

Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 30% Power PZR Pressure vs. Time PSIG 2275 __. e 2275


2278 -b b 2278 2265 -? 5- 2265 2268 =E E y g- 2268

                                         -                      2255 :=                                                      :
                                                                                                                             -- 2255 "c                             -                                                     _

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                                        ~                       2245 7:                                                      :
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                                        .'.                     za4e _g%
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                                        "                                                                                    E 2235 ==                                                      =- 2235 2238 E=                -                                     E L                                     -- 2228 2225_g                                                           - 2225 2228 :                                                       =
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                                                                         ,        i j         i i l                 l 8            5             18             15       28 t11 MUTES

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                                                                                                    .9                N . =                                                m

5 M t' r5 m E _ 32 Figure 7.4-13 d2


5 d m E

Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 30% Power Steam Generator Narrow Range Level vs. Time 4 54 _ 54 3 53 ._.

                                                                                        = 53

52 _._= _=_. 52 51 _5 5._ 51 m r 58_.== m =_

                                                                                       =.      58 E            49_.E

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                                                                                       .. 43 42                                                                             42 a e e i   l   i i i i l        s i   i i        e i l

8 5 18 15 28 NIMt'TES

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             "                                    <cm o .5 o N              N mom l

l l l Figure 7.4-15 i l

I Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 30% Power 7KV Eus Volts vs. Time KV 2TC I

  • 88 ~ ~- ---~- ---~~~~-------------~--7.38 i-2TC l l-2n _

p 2Tb w

6. 75 _- __6.75 y

6.58 -

                     ~                                                                                                                                 ~

6.25 __.6.25 2 _

                     - l                                                                                                                               -

6.88 . . . . . . . . . . i 6.88 i t 6 i

                                                                       . i                                       i                                   i lI                         5                        18                                 15                                28 MINUTES KV 7.88                                                                                                                                   _._7.D8 2TA                                                                                                                                        - 2TA 6.75 _                                                                                                                                 __6.75 J                                                                                                                               _

6.58 _ 6.58


l 6.25 l ~_6.25 q y 6.88 e 4 e i i . . i i e i . . . 6.88 i i i i 6 8 5 18 15 28 MINUTES Figure 7.4-16 w w y. . - . -

8 8 8 8 8 , 8 8 8 8 g 8 4 2 8 9 6 4 2 8 8 6 4 2 9 9 9 8 8 , 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 M

                         " ::_: =:           hg_ E : :
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e w 3 w _ i o 8 v P / i 3 2 - 5 / - i 7 9 5 m 1 o r e i F e i m  % i s T c a - e . e r s c v e i S D s E t 8 T d t 1 r a a i H o w L a i I g M

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t s r - i e o - T t a t n r e a-t e n - l5 i e s n G w i a _ r e T d y_ i a _ o - L -- i t e i

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;f' fl I

.n. Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 75% Power NC Loop liighest Average Temperature vs. Time Deg F 581.8 _g T ggg, g 588.5 _- 1 E- 588. 5 588.8j E 588. 8 578 5 -5 l 5,57s.5 3 579.8j ' i_ 579,, 3 57s.5J j_s78,s y 578.8j l L s7g,g I 577.5_! j_577,g 577.8j 5_ 577.8 576.5_.]_ l b 576.5 576. 8 _j l . (_.576.8 575.5 4 E- 575.5 575.8 5 I E i i i l i i i l i i i l i i i 575.8 8 5 18 15 28 NINLfrES

Unit Load Transient Test - Load -Decrease from 75% Power PZR Level vs. Time 57 = T 57 55-j- 2: sa 55 - E ss 54 2 l 5 54 m l =

                          #           53 ==                                    i y 53 y           52-b                                                                      h 52 y           51 5#                                    l                                3   si

[ e sed 5-se


49 4_ =- 49 E 4g 48 ] l y 47_j i. 47 l 46_j - - -

                                                                                                            %i. 46 45 5                                     !                                5 i  s i                    i e i       i i i i       i i   i      45 i l                        l          l i e              5                       1e         15            28 P11 MUTES

Unit Load Transient. Test - Load Decrease from 75% Power PZR Pressure vs. Time PSIG 226s 226s 22M j h2268 22ss = s_ 22ss 22ss _j l p__22sa m { 224sj l - 224s

     ;      2248 4                                                            :
                                                                               - 2248 aass

[ - 2235 h 2238 -s 5- 2238 222s -5 f-222s 222e _- l i_ 222e


221s __ l  :=_ 221s 221. _;  ;=_ 221. 228s ~ --- 228s

                       # a  e i l    i i   i i l     i e i i. l  i i   i i 8              s               18           1s           28 NIMtTES

Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 75% Power Power Range Average Level vs. Time 84 _ _ 84

                                                 =                                                                                                 =

82 - = _  !!2 88 =- =_ 88

                                                 =                                                                                                 =

78 - = _ 78


a 76_E

:_ 76

c -- --


n m 74 == - _= 74 y 72_5 - _ 72 7 78_E E_78 m  : = 6 8 __= = 68


66_.E =_ 66

                                                 =                                                   ,                                             =_

64 E - _ 64 _#Oh ah a h e m e _ ,_, , _ _ .__ = 68 68 s i i i l 6 i i i l i i i l i i i 6 8 5 18 15 28 NIMUTES

                                                                                                                            -o Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from'75% Power Steam Generator Narrow Range Level vs. Time 65 ,                                                                                      65 64j                                                                                   : 64 63_=                                                                                  =
                                                                                                                                                          =- 63

[c S/G B p I 5


68 : 1 - 68

  -                   c&A                                           59                                               gg%$                                    59 SIG "                                                      ~
                                                                                                                   \      .

4h' h g S/G B 56 g, , 5  % 7 s/G c 55_: ' . f -

_ 55 s/G A 54 -- A!, , ,," - d 5 54 S/G D 53 = a i i i l

i 5 53 a i l i il il i i 8 5 19 15 28 HINUTES

                                                                                    <cm k

MUM k S W W S S S W 9 8 9 9 9

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{= T liiiijiinliniginiliniginijiinju ajunginigit igiair N wI E w w wEwI ww E Ewwm-xm e E*Ee . $ l 3 <cm ! C Q*2 mum Figure 7.4-23

th isient Test - Load Decrease fron 75% Powec 7KV Sus Volts vs. Time i i i i KV 7.15 _.. ._.7.15 _ i _ y l _ 7.18 2 ,., " 7.18 . +;. __ _ .................................s,y_g__gy,y__,..,__ , y_ _ _ _ _ _ 2TC f g 2TC i. 7.85 2 _ 7.35 2TD 7.88 - [~ WL.llis i ar - 2TD

                                                                                                                              - 7.88 i,,                                                             _

6.95 2

                                .                                                                                             _ 6.95

_ 'c w


6.98 F 6 . 38

                        -g    i      e   i       g  i i     i e ;             e   i    i a     j   .      e-     .   .      t 8                      5                        18                  15                         28 MINUTES KV 7.15 _                                                                                                                 7.15

_ p <

                     -                                                                                                   L 7.18 _-'                                                                                                      C 7.18 b                                      l                                                             b Y . 85 ~

2TB I I l& n( , en i e L 2TB

                                                                                                                                . 't. us j                                                        T'.~'~"*""""""~~~~                           -

2TA 2TA 7 . 88 __, '- 1 n---------- --+ ------- I"l _ 7.28 l a _ _ L. l


6.95 - b6.95

                     -                                                                                                   r-
                     ~ _~ r* 8

  • 6 i * * * ' I 8 i 8
  • I
                                                                                                 '      '      6   '

1 o.99 8 5 18 15 20 MINUTES Figura 7.4-24

l l ? l l-l eeoeeEeeee eee 3e@m m e N m m ee@eTeN to ee co

                                                               @ op oo w

I till 111111 till idl fill 1911 till 1111 till till e N 1 E s r m _ N u 0 k - 3 ua e 3 4 w - D O w - o e - e e o m I .

    -     .                                                               c--

e $ i E m I a: a f - I o ( l

    ,    g                                                              1        -

m te l c o -m s 2: a u - C u O a il w a - a u l 0 0 - l 3 8 e e i _ d e gliiijilligilligilingiliigsliigesigilliglitig61tigistig 11

    "          eeee e*N                        eeee oea e@ T N ee@

o a 3eem w m e m m e e e e <= > > Q , 2! l l l l. Figure 7.4-25

e Unit Load Transient Test - Load increase to 75% Power NC Loop Ilighest. Average Temperature vs. Time Deg F 9/23/83 577.58 __ 577.58 577.25 _g l - E- 577.25 m 577.88j l l'577.88 { 576.75 j l b-l 576.75 2 576.58_j _5- 576.58

   ?       576.25 _g                                                           5    576.25 e                _

g - l h 576.88 y i i- 576.88 575.75 -5 8 5- 575.75 575.58 j f - b 575.58 5?S.2E ] h 575.25 575.88 d l- 575.88 574.75 _g [- 574.75 574.58 : E

                        ,   , ,  ,      , ,    , ,      , , , ,       ,  , ,        574.58 8             5                18           15         28 P11 MINES

Unit Load Transier.c Test - Ioad Increase to 75% Power . PZR Level vs. Time 58.5  : m- 58.5 58.8 - l ;_ 58.8 49.5-[ l b 49.5 m

49. 8 _g >

b 49, g l

   #e                                              40.5 _.5                                                                   E- ' 48. 5
                                                           =                                                                  =
    ;                                              48. 8 _g                              l                                    i    48.8 y                                                                                                                         -{47,5 n                                             47.5]                                  l 4


47. 8 _g

_ l E_ 47,g 46.5 4 5- 46.5

46. 8 _]  !* b 46.8 45.5 :
                                                                                                                              = 45.5
45. 8 _g l  :
                                                                                                                              -- 45.8 44.5 5        s     i   i    i i   i I

i i i i .i i i E 44 5 l i l l 8 5 18 15 28 HIMUTES



                                                                                                                                                  .x Unit Imad Transient Test - Load increase to 75% Power PZR Pressure vs. Time PSIG 2288 _                                  i e                                                               e
                                                                                           =1 2288 2275 -                                  I
- 2275 7

208 2: E

-- 2278 2265 : E m 7 =-)2265
           #c       2268 E=                                                                E 1                               :- 2268
  • 2255 : l 5.

7 E- 2255 y 2250 _5 l 4- = E- 2258 L 2245 _2 E-m  :


_- 2245 2248 __=  :-


i l hk'2248 E 2235 2238._E

                           =                                                              : 2238

2225 _E

                           =                                                              =-

2225 2228 : l " i 8 8 8 l i i i i i i i i  ; i i i i 2228 8 5 18 15 28 NINUTES /

1il\llll!l i;l1i l 1 ) 6 4 2 8 8 6 4 2 e8 6 4 2 9 8 8 8 7 7 3 7 7 6 6 6 6

                                                                      . _ :: _ =_. _5 :: _ _ : ::
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i w - o . 5 P l1 5 _

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o e i t i m .- e s T . i s . e s i S r v E c 8 T n l > i 1 U I e M v al i 1 e d a o L ~i. i 1 1 L e g t s a r e v s-i i e A - T t e g r-l5-n n - e e i R - s ~ n r a e r w


_ i T o P s d - a - o 8 5_:- _: L  : . _ = E_= 3_ = E_. :E_- _ : = g..s__ t i 6 4 2 8 8 6 2 e8 6 4 2 n 9 B 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 U m#c"m v4e e

E Unit Load' Transient Test Load Iacrease to 75% Power Steam Generator Narrcw Range Level vs. Time

  • 66-- _ 66

65 3= =._ _ 65

                                                                                                                                                =                             ;

64 2: =_ 64


63 E  :

                                                                                                                                                .__ 63 62_E m

g 61_5=

                                                                                                                                          ,&}(3 !._

62 s/G B

                                                                                                                                                = 61 c                                                             -

g 68_5 1' * {2 68 s/G A g s/G B b s/G c 56 =- <  :

                                                                                                                                                -_., 56 S/G A                                                                                                                                      5

, 55 5_ '

                                                                                    ..      .-. - . . . -                                       -   55 l     S/G D                         g4 5                                            r ' " - - - 'i - '"--"',                                     _= g4 8  3   I i l     6   i  i   I    l  5     l  l l   l 5 i  4                                 i l                                                                      8                     S                   18              15            28 MINUTES

l 1

                                                                    <Qm O4O NON eeee         eeee N W W1 T F3 N w eee ee=

i l eaee eeeeme oem w w w w w =* w w ee me m till fill fill itif fill filt lif f litt till ;sti f fit lit t e N i;. 1 ! - l' l u \, \ o a 3

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N eN @ v1 e $ eeus e w .* ww ww ww eeeImm mmm

                                             <Qm E

m R"R mon l I l. l Figure 7.4-31 l

9 Unit Load Transient Test - Load Increase to 75% Power 7KV Bus Volts vs. Time KV _ _ r.:s 7

                -                                                 l

7.18 7.18 2Tc _ ' .f.?J.1L.itJJi.1--(U.1/iif'qg p,gg[Lggg j .3 3 j ;j j ;[

                                                                     , ,                         ,, , , , , , , , , ,          - 2Tc 7.85 -                                                    l                                                             _ 7.85

_, l _ 2ro _; _

                                                                                                                               - 2TD 3;      7.88              , , ,      ,         ,    ,   ,   ,

I 7.88 8 5 18 15 28 MINUTES KV 7.15 _ 7.15 _l. , _ L l L L L I ( 7.13 _ L_. 7.18 _ L l- l l-l _. k

L l
7.05 _ I 7.85
        *TB                             Eddl N                                                                                    2TB J,                             .                i                                                               _

2n - w .................._.... - 2TA _ L _ 7.88 l

                      .    . .                   i                                   .                    .      . .  .

7.88 i t i e i i 4 6 . i  ! 14 5 la 15 20 4 MIMUTES Figure 7.4-32

eaeaeeeeeeeeo CD iS T N S e@ T N e IlD @ T

                                                                 *W                   W 99 M @ eaeee2 m ,4 wW v4 w og et og og og                                                             ,

lit lill till fit till llll!Il11!!ll1!!111!!I1ll11lllt 11_e N


U L 8 r I l w 8 -

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o U l

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o e a u - m

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u u c I E 3 I - s a d a - g h g

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                                                                                                                                            -m 8

2: E - o I

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N ( 8 5 liniju si gun gungun giing un gu n g uiguu juugun eaeeeeeeeegee 2ww 2 ww: w2 " E.4 8.4 mUSmis w ww z Figure 7.4-33 l

                                                                't i

Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decreuse from 90% NC Loop liighest Average Temperature vs. Time Dog F 692 -- - 1 10/9/83 e 592 591_j j-- 591 598 -{ l l 598 589_E E en - - 589 p 588_j "

                                                                                   -- 588 c                 -

g 587_g g_ 587 y 586_j b 586 d, 585 _g_  :

                                                                                  --  585

584_g l @- 584 5834 g_583 582 _[ j_ 582 581_g l-581 l 588 ~ i e i i E 588 l i i i i l i i i i i e i l i 8 5 18 15 28 NINUTES

Unit Load 1ransient Test - Load Decrease from 90% Power PZR Level vs. Time 64 - r 64 m

                                     -63 2                                                                                                  5.- 63 62 =-                                                       l E- 62 m

61 2 ' 2_ 61

I  :
  #e                                  68. E I                                         :
                                                                                                                                              -- 6e i                                         =

2 59.- l E 59 s y 58 .- - _ 5e 6 w 57_g- E.- 57 56 : ,  :

                                                                                                                                            - 56
E 55 E I =- 55 54 5: E-

54 53._5 i  :

                                                                                                                                            --               53
l  :

52 : 52 e i i i i i i g i i a i i l i i i e 5 le 15 28 MINUTES 9 0


R Fi R N 2 4 2 N A A M N 2 N N N N N N N N NN N N N li in li n ii n ninnl u n in n li niliniinnliin i n nlm .

                                                                .                 N w                                                                         -

G o - m , M ~

     $                                                            i g
      "                                                                        _a a

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          "                                                                         raa i                                                                         -5   k 3
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u - e m 1 f - l O 1 I

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     -                                                        l
y lIlR llll tilllIlliglilllIllllIlliglill tilllIllllIllll4111

N M m th CD tw e LA f M N M . (T) M M N N N N N NN N N N N N N N N N N N NN N N N o l E Figure 7.4-36

     - - _ _ _ _ .        - _ = _ _     _ - _ _ _ - _

i Unit Load'Irantlent Test. - Load Decrease from 90% Power Power Range Average Level vs. Time - l 98 __ _. 98 l = = l t 96 _2




94_2 =_ 94

                                               =                                                                                =

92 E  : __ 92 m  :  : y 98 - ~ 98 Quad 364 b E Quad 1 00 -!. . " " # ~* *\. 5 88 y Quad 2 86 _5 E_ 86 e = = 84 E = 6 s _ 84 l 82_2 =._ 8 2 i

                                              =                                                                                 =

88_E = 88

                                             =                                                                                 :._

i l 7 8 =: s  :'3 Ouad 364 76 E=

                                                                                                                   - -- 6       2       Qx d 1

_ ar.._- j _.<- = 76 1


l 74 - - - - ' ~

  • 74 Quad 2 l  ;

e i i i l i e i i g i i i i l i i i i 8 5 18 15 28 l NINUTES w

e Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 90% Power Steam Generator Narrow Range Level vs. Time l l  % 78 _m' ._ 78


69_.E E_ 69

             =                                                                                                      =

68_.5 5 68

             =                                                                                                      =

67 E 5 67 m  :  : g 66 j j 66 E

  • 6S 5 5_ 65
 ~ s/G D 64 E 9?'
  • N '818 5 y ., # - r ': =-. 64
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h 63 62 ! 1 =._, 62

i .:

61_E :_ 61

                                                                                           &LAt tu
                                                                                                              '    -       S/G L & B 68_.]                                                I
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l l l Figure 7.4-39

Unit Load Transient Test - Load Decrease from 90% Power 7KV Bus Volta vs. Time KV

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