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Columbia Generating Station - Init Exam - 10/2002 - Final Outline
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/2002
From: Gody A
NRC Region 4
To: Parrish J
Energy Northwest
Download: ML030370751 (50)


ADMINISTRATIVE TOPICS OUTLINE FORM ES-301-1 Facility: Columbia Generating Station Date of examination: October 2002 Examination level: SRO Operating test number:

Administrative Describe the method of evaluation:

Topic/Subject 1. ONE admin JPM, OR Description 2. TWO Administrative questions A.1 Fuel Handling 2.1.20 4.3/4.2 - Ability to execute procedure steps.

Given PPM 1.3.40, ATT. 7.5 of 1.3.40, and LCS 1.9.2, JPM determine allowable movement of heavy load over the spent fuel pool.

Shift Turnover 2.1.3 3.0/3.4 - Knowledge of shift turnover practices.

Given a frozen simulator with out of service equipment, complete a shift turnover sheet for the on-coming Shift JPM Manager.

A.2 Use of Piping and 2.1.24 2.8/3.1 - Ability to obtain and interpret station electrical Instrumentation and mechanical drawings.

Drawings Use EWDs to explain the override function of LPCS-RMS-S21 for LPCS-V-5.

JPM A.3 Radiation Exposure 2.3.4 2.5/3.1 - Knowledge of radiation exposure limits and Limits contamination control, including permissible levels in excess of those authorized.

Complete the paperwork for Planned Special Exposure.

JPM 2001 NRC EXAM A.4 Emergency Action 2.4.41 2.3/4.1 - Knowledge of Emergency Plan action level Levels and thresholds and classifications.

Classifications Given a table top scenario with a security event, complete a CNF form with the correct EAL based on the security event.

JPM Page 1

ADMINISTRATIVE TOPICS OUTLINE FORM ES-301-1 Facility: Columbia Generating Station Date of examination: October 2002 Examination level: RO Operating test number:

Administrative Describe the method of evaluation:

Topic/Subject 1. ONE admin JPM, OR Description 2. TWO Administrative questions A.1 Plant Parameter 2.1.7 3.7/4.4 - Ability to evaluate plant performance and make Verification operational judgments based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation.

Using the graph in PPM 3.1.2, determine minimum feedwater temperature prior to entry into the Area of Increased Awareness.

JPM Shift Turnover 2.1.3 3.0/3.4 - Knowledge of shift turnover practices.

Given a frozen simulator with out of service equipment, complete a shift turnover sheet for the on-coming Reactor JPM Operator.

A.2 Use of Piping and 2.1.24 2.8/3.1 - Ability to obtain and interpret station electrical Instrumentation and mechanical drawings.

Drawings Use EWDs to explain the override function of LPCS-RMS-S21 JPM for LPCS-V-5.

A.3 Radiation Control 2.3.1 2.6/3.0 - Knowledge of 10CFR20 and related facility radiation control requirements.

Given a scenario with projected dose exceeding the Admin Hold point, determine and justify actions. CLOSED REFERENCE Given a scenario with an entry into a high radiation area, determine dosimetry requirements. CLOSED REFERENCE 2000 NRC Exam 2 Questions A.4 Emergency facilities 2.4.29 2.6/4.0 - Knowledge of the Emergency Plan.

At what Emergency Action Level are the Columbia Administrative Exposure Hold points automatically waived?

CLOSED REFERENCE Given a scenario with the Shift Manager out of the control room, 2 questions determine who the Emergency Director is.


ES-401 Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-401-10 Tier/Group Randomly Selected Reason for Rejection K/A T2 - GP1 - SRO 215005 2.3.3 The generic KA cannot be used as a question in conjunction with 215005 APRM/LPRM.

T3 - RO/SRO 2.2.4 This generic KA does not apply to Columbia Generating Station, which is a single unit plant.

T2 - GP3 - SRO 233000 2.1.5 The generic KA cannot be used as a question in conjunction with 233000 Fuel Pool Cooling.

T1 - GP1 - SRO 295023AA1.05 Columbia Generating Station does not have a Fuel Transfer System. This KA does not apply.

T1 - GP2 - SRO 295001 2.4.33 The generic KA cannot be used as a question in conjunction with 295001, Complete Loss of Forced Core Flow.

T1 - GP1 - SRO 295006 2.2.9 The generic KA cannot be used as a question in conjunction with 295006, SCRAM.

T1 - GP1 - SRO 295030EA1.06 Columbia Generating Station does not use the T1 - GP2 - RO Condensate Storage and Transfer System for suppression pool make up. This KA does not apply.

T2 - GP2 - SRO 226001 2.2.30 This Generic KA does not make sense with 226001 RHR/LPCI: Containment Spray System Mode.

NOTE: Prior to development of the Written Examination Outline, the BWR Owners Group KA Catalog software, developed by WD Associates, was reviewed and any KAs not applicable to the Columbia Generating Station, BWR-5, were deleted.

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 COUNT MATRIX Summarizing Counts by K/A Group for BWR - Reactor Operator K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G Total E/APE # - T1 Gp 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 13 E/APE # - T1 Gp 2 4 3 5 3 3 1 19 E/APE # - T1 Gp 3 1 0 2 1 0 0 4 Tier Totals 7 7 9 6 5 2 36 Plant Systems / T2 Gp 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 28 Plant Systems / T2 Gp 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 19 Plant Systems / T2 Gp 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 Tier Totals 3 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 2 51 Generic K/As / T3 CAT 1 - 4 CAT 2 - 3 CAT 3 - 2 CAT 4 - 4 13 Model Total 100 Page 1 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PLANT EVOLUTIONS - TIER 1 GROUP I BWR - Reactor Operator Target: 13% Actual: 13%

E/APE # - K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS NAME/SAFETY FUNCTION 1 295005 / Main X AK2.03 - Recirculation 3.2 1 Turbine Generator System Trip / 3 2 295007 / High Reactor X AK3.04 - Safety/Relief valve 4.0 1 Pressure / 3 operation: Plant specific 3 295007 / High Reactor X AA2.03 - Reactor Water Level 3.7 1 Pressure / 3 4 295010 / High X AK2.04 - Nitrogen 2.6 1 Drywell Pressure / makeup system: Plant 5 specific 5 295015 / X AK1.03 - Reactivity 3.8 1 Incomplete effects SCRAM / 1 6 295015 / X AK2.05 - Rod Worth 2.6 1 Incomplete Minimizer: Plant specific SCRAM / 1 7 295024 - High Drywell X EA1.03 - LPCS: Plant specific 4.0 1 Pressure / 5 Page 2 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 8 295025 / High Reactor X EA2.03 - Suppression Pool 3.9 1 Pressure / 3 Temperature 9 295031 / Reactor X EK1.03 - Water level 3.7 1 Low Water Level / effects on reactor power 2

10 295031 / Reactor X EK2.04 - Rector Core 4.0 1 Low Water Level / Isolation Cooling: Plant 2 specific 11 295037 / SCRAM X EK3.06 - Maintaining 3.8 1 Condition Present heat sinks external to and Reactor the containment Power above APRM Downscale or Unknown / 1 12 500000 / High X EA1.07 - Nitrogen purge 3.4 1 Containment system Hydrogen Concentration / 5 13 500000 / High X 2.3.11 - Ability to control 2.7 1 Containment radiation releases Hydrogen Concentration / 5 Category Point Totals: 2 4 2 2 2 1 Group Point Totals: 13 13 Page 3 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PLANT EVOLUTIONS - TIER 1 GROUP II BWR - Reactor Operator Target: 19% Actual: 19%

E/APE # - K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS NAME/SAFETY FUNCTION 1 295001 / Partial or X AK2.02 - Nuclear Boiler 3.2 1 Complete loss of Instrumentation Forced Core Flow Circulation / 1 2 295002 / Loss of Main X AA1.07 - Condenser 3.1 1 Condenser Vacuum / Circulating Water System 3

3 295003 / Partial or X AK3.06 - Containment 3.7 1 Complete Loss of isolation AC Power / 6 4 295003 / Partial or X AA2.05 - Whether a 3.9 1 Complete Loss of partial or complete loss AC Power / 6 of AC power has occurred 5 295004 / Partial or X AK2.03 - DC bus loads 3.3 1 Complete Loss of DC Power / 6 Page 4 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 6 295013 / High X AK1.01 - Pool 2.5 1 Suppression Pool stratification Temperature / 5 7 295013 / High X AK3.01 - Suppression 3.6 1 Suppression Pool pool cooling operation Temperature / 5 8 295016 / Control X AK2.02 - Local control 4.0 1 Room stations: Plant specific Abandonment / 7 9 295017 / High X AK3.02 - Plant 3.5 1 Offsite Release ventilation Rate / 9 10 295017 / High X AA2.03 - Radiation 3.1 1 Offsite Release levels: Plant specific Rate / 9 11 295018 / Partial or X AA1.01 - Backup 3.3 1 Complete Loss of systems Component Cooling Water Flow / 8 Page 5 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 12 295026 / X 2.1.25 - Ability to obtain 2.8 1 Suppression Pool and interpret station High Water reference materials Temperature / 5 such as graphs, monographs, and tables which contain performance data 13 295028 / High X EK1.02 - Equipment 2.9 1 Drywell environmental Temperature / 5 qualification 14 295030 / Low X EK3.06 - Reactor 3.6 1 Suppression Pool SCRAM Water Level / 5 15 295004 / Partial or X AA2.01 - Cause of partial or 3.2 1 Complete Loss of DC complete loss of DC power Power / 6 16 295033 / High X EK1.03 - Radiation 3.9 1 Secondary releases Containment Area Radiation Levels /

9 Page 6 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 17 295038 / High Off- X EK1.03 - Meteorological 2.8 1 Site Release Rate effects on off-site

/9 release 18 295038 / High Off- X EA1.06 - Plant 3.5 1 Site Release Rate ventilation

/9 19 600000 / Plant X AK3.04 - Actions 2.8 1 Fire on Site / 8 contained in the abnormal procedure for plant fire on site Category Point Totals: 4 3 5 3 3 1 Group point totals: 19 19 Page 7 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 PLANT SYSTEMS - TIER 1 GROUP III BWR - Reactor Operator Target: 4% Actual: 4%

E/APE # - K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS NAME/SAFETY FUNCTION 1 295032 / High X EK3.01 - 3.5 1 Secondary Emergency/Normal Containment Area depressurization Temperature / 5 2 295032 / High X EK3.02 - Reactor 3.6 1 Secondary SCRAM Containment Area Temperature / 5 3 295035 / X EK1.02 - Radiation 3.7 1 Secondary release Containment High Differential Pressure / 5 4 295036 / X EA1.04 - Radiation 3.1 1 Secondary monitoring: Plant Containment High specific Sump/Area Water Level / 5 Category Point Totals: 1 0 2 1 0 0 Group Point Totals: 4 4 Page 8 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 PLANT SYSTEMS - TIER 2 GROUP I BWR - Reactor Operator Target: 28% Actual: 28%

SYSTEM #/NAME K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS 1 201002 / Reactor X 2.4.6 - Knowledge of 3.1 1 Manual Control symptom based EOP System mitigation strategies 2 202002 / X A1.01 - Recirculation 3.2 1 Recirculation pump speed Flow Control System 3 203000 / X K2.03 - Initiation logic 2.7 1 RHR/LPCI Injection Mode:

Plant specific 4 203000 / RHR/LPCI X K4.02 - Prevention of piping 3.3 1 Injection Mode: Plant overpressurization specific 5 209001 / Low X K6.03 - Torus/suppression 3.3 1 Pressure Core Spray pool water level System 6 209002 / High X K1.03 - Water leg 3.0 1 Pressure Core (jockey) pump Spray System 7 209002 / High X K6.03 - Component 2.5 1 Pressure Core cooling water system Spray System Page 9 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 8 212000 / Reactor X K6.05 - RPS sensor 3.5 1 Protection inputs System 9 212000 / Reactor X K5.01 - Fuel thermal time 2.7 1 Protection System constant 10 215003 / X K2.01 - IRM 2.5 1 Intermediate channels/detectors Range Monitor (IRM) 11 215003 / Intermediate X K3.04 - Reactor power 3.6 1 Range Monitor (IRM) indication 12 215004 / Source X A4.06 - Alarms and 3.2 1 Range Monitor lights System (SRM) 13 215005 / Average X K3.03 - Reactor Manual 3.3 1 Power Range Control system: Plant Monitor/Local specific Power Range Monitor System 14 215005 / Average X A4.02 - CRT display 2.8 1 Power Range indicators: Plant specific Monitor/Local Power Range Monitor System Page 10 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 15 217000 / Reactor X K3.02 - Reactor vessel 3.6 1 Core Isolation pressure Cooling 16 217000 / Reactor X K5.01 - Indications of 2.6 1 Core Isolation pump cavitation Cooling 17 218000 / X K1.03 - Nuclear Boiler 3.7 1 Automatic instrumentation system Depressurization System 18 218000 / Automatic X A4.02 - ADS logic initiation 4.2 1 Depressurization System 19 223001 / Primary X K2.09 - Drywell cooling 2.7 1 Containment fans: Plant specific System and Auxiliaries 20 223001 / Primary X A3.02 - Vacuum 3.4 1 Containment breaker/relief valve System and operation Auxiliaries 21 239002 / X K4.06 - Detection of 3.5 1 Relief/Safety valve leakage Valves Page 11 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 22 259001 / Reactor X 2.4.25 - Knowledge of fire 2.9 1 Feedwater System protection procedures 23 259002 / Reactor X A2.02 - Loss of any 3.3 1 Water Level number of reactor feed Control System flow inputs 24 259002 / Reactor X A3.03 - Changes in main 3.2 1 Water Level Control steam flow System 25 261000 / Standby X A1.07 - SBGTS train 2.8 1 Gas Treatment temperature System 26 261000 / Standby Gas X A2.12 - High fuel pool 3.2 1 Treatment System ventilation radiation: Plant Specific 27 264000 / X K5.06 - Load sequencing 3.4 1 Emergency Generators (Diesel/Jet) 28 264000 / Emergency X A2.09 - Loss of AC power 3.7 1 Generators (Diesel/Jet)

Category Point Totals: 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 Group Point Total: 28 28 Page 12 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 PLANT SYSTEMS - TIER 2 GROUP II BWR - Reactor Operator Target: 19% Actual: 19%

SYSTEM #/NAME K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS 1 201003 / Control Rod X K3.02 - Flux shaping 2.8 1 Drive and Mechanism 2 201004 / Rod X K5.02 - Sequences and 3.1 1 Sequence Control groups: BWR-4, 5 System (Plant Specific) 3 201004 / Rod X A4.01 - System bypass 3.4 1 Sequence Control switches: BWR-4, 5 System (Plant Specific) 4 201006 / Rod X A2.01 - Power supply 2.5 1 Worth Minimizer loss: P-specific 5 202001 / Recirculation X A4.01 - Recirculation pumps 3.7 1 System 6 204000 / Reactor X A3.01 - system pressure 3.3 1 Water Cleanup downstream of the System pressure regulation valve: LP-RWCU Page 13 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 7 205000 / X K6.03 - Recirculation 3.1 1 Shutdown Cooling system System (RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode) 8 214000 / Rod X K4.02 - Thermocouple 2.5 1 Position Information System 9 215002 / Rod X K6.01 - RPS: BWR-3, 4, 5 3.0 1 Block Monitor System 10 226001 / X A2.20 - Loss of coolant 3.7 1 RHR/LPCI: accident Containment Spray System Mode 11 226001 / RHR/LPCI: X K2.02 - Pumps 2.9 1 Containment Spray System Mode 12 239001 / Main and X K2.01 - Main steam isolation 3.2 1 Reheat Steam System valve solenoids 13 262001 / AC X A3.02 - Automatic bus 3.2 1 Electrical transfer Distribution Page 14 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 14 263000 / DC X A1.01 - Battery 2.5 1 Electrical charging/discharging Distribution rate 15 272000 / X K1.05 - Radwaste 2.8 1 Radiation System Monitoring System 16 290001 / X K4.02 - Protection 3.4 1 Secondary against over Containment pressurization: Plant specific 17 290001 / X A1.01 - System lineups 3.1 1 Secondary Containment 18 290003 / Control X K3.01 - Control room 3.5 1 Room HVAC habitability 19 290003 / Control X K5.02 - Differential pressure 2.8 Room HVAC control Category Point Totals: 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 Group point totals: 19 19 Page 15 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 PLANT SYSTEMS - TIER 2 GROUP III BWR - Reactor Operator Target: 4% Actual: 4%

SYSTEM #/NAME K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS 1 215001 / X K4.01 - Primary 3.4 1 Traversing In- containment isolation:

Core Probe Mark-I&II 2 234000 / Fuel X K3.01 - Reactor Manual 2.9 1 Handling Equipment Control System 3 233000 / Fuel Pool X K2.02 - RHR pumps 2.8 1 Cooling and Cleanup 4 268000 / X A1.01 - Radiation level 2.7 1 Radwaste Category Point Totals: 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Group point totals: 4 4 Page 16 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 PLANT-WIDE GENERIC RESPONSIBILITIES TIER 3 BWR - Reactor Operator Target: 13% Actual: 13%

Category K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS 1 2.1.7 Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational 3.7 1 judgments based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation.

2 Conduct 2.1.20 Ability to execute procedure steps. 4.3 1 3 Of 2.1.33 Ability to recognize indications for system operating parameters which are 3.4 1 Operations entry-level conditions for technical specifications.

4 2.1.11 Knowledge of less than one hour technical specification action statements 3.0 1 for systems.

5 2.2.27 Knowledge of the refuel process. 2.6 1 6 Equipment 2.2.2 Ability to manipulate the console controls as required to 4.0 1 Control operate the facility between shutdown and designated power levels.

7 2.2.23 Ability to track limiting conditions for operations. 2.6 1 Page 17 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR RO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-2 8 2.3.9 Knowledge of the process for performing a containment 2.5 1 Radiation purge.

9 Control 2.3.10 Ability to perform procedures to reduce excessive levels of 2.9 1 radiation and guard against personnel exposure.

10 2.4.39 Knowledge of the ROs responsibilities in emergency plan 3.3 1 implementation.

11 . 2.4.45 Ability to prioritize and interpret the significance of each 3.3 1 annunciator or alarm.

12 Emergency Procedures 2.4.46 Ability to verify that the alarms are consistent with the plant 3.5 1 Plan conditions.

13 2.4.21 Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to assess the 3.7 1 status of safety functions including:

1. Reactivity control
2. Core cooling and heat removal
3. Reactor coolant system integrity
4. Containment conditions
5. Radioactivity release control Group point totals: 13 13 Page 18 of 18 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: COLUMBIA Scenario No.: 1 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: _________________________ Operators: __________________________

Initial conditions: IC-191 (batch file NRC02.1.txt). The reactor is approaching criticality. IRM B is out of service and bypassed. SGT-V-2B has lost control power and is shut.

Turnover: A plant startup is in progress. The reactor is approaching criticality. The off-going shift pulled rods up through RWM group 12. The B IRM failed downscale 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> ago and the associated bypass switch is caution tagged. As the startup continues, RWCU will need to be lined up for reactor water level control. The off-going shift just found SGT-V-2B in the closed position. Upon attempting to open the valve from the control room, the valve lost control power.

Event Malf. Event Event Description No. No. Type*

1. Initiated by N (BOP) Establish Reactor Water Cleanup blow-down flow for Reactor Water turnover Level control.

T= 0 min

2. Initiated by R (RO) Withdraw control rods to bring the reactor critical.

turnover T=8 min

3. Trigger 3 C (BOP) Loss of REA-FN-1B resulting in a high reactor building pressure and entry into EOP Secondary Containment Control, 5.3.1.

T= 18 min

4. Trigger 4 I (RO) IRM A fails upscale resulting in a half scram on the A side of RPS.

T= 30 min Scenario 1, 2002 exam Page 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

5. Trigger 5 M (All) An earthquake results in a Loss of All Offsite Power and a LOCA.

(Columbia IPE)

T= 40 min

6. Initiated as C The Division 1 emergency bus, SM-7, locks-out resulting in a loss of part of power to the bus and its loads.

Trigger 5 T= 40 min

7. Initiated as C The output breaker of the HPCS diesel generator fails to auto close part of requiring the operator to manually close the breaker in order to operate Trigger 5 HPCS.

T= 40 min

8. Initiated as C The injection valve for the C loop of RHR, RHR-V-42C, fails to auto part of open on an injection signal.

Trigger 5 T= 40 min

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Scenario 1, 2002 exam Page 2 NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: COLUMBIA Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: _________________________ Operators: __________________________

Initial conditions: IC-171 (batch file NRC02.2.txt). The reactor is at 100% power on a beginning of life core. Diesel Generator #1 is operating at full load for its monthly operability check. RHR-V-24B is tagged out while the motor operator is being replaced.

Turnover: The plant is at 100% power. DG-1 is fully loaded for OSP-ELEC-M701 (currently at step 7.5.62). There are 20 minutes left on the one-hour diesel run. Suppression Pool temperature is slowly rising due to two SRVs that are leaking by. The off-going shift recommends that suppression pool cooling be initiated as soon as you take the shift. RHR-V-24B is tagged out while the motor operator is being replaced (job completion is expected in two hours).

Event Malf. No. Event Event Description No. Type

1. Initiated by N (BOP) Place RHR loop A into the suppression pool cooling mode.

turnover T=0

2. Trigger 2 C (BOP) High-pressure feedwater heater 6A level controller fails high resulting in the trip of feedwater heater 6A.

T= 10 min

3. Initiated by R (RO) Reduces reactor power with recirc flow in accordance with the procedure subsequent actions of ABN-POWER.

carried out in Event 2 T13 min

4. Trigger 4 C (RO) The A recirc pump fails to follow the automatic controller and must be taken to manual for reduction and balance of recirc flow.

T15 min Scenario 2, 2002 exam Page 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

5. AUTO I (RO) APRM C gain drifts during the power reduction resulting in APRM Trigger 5 at indication reading out of specification for Tech Spec tolerance.

95% power T=19 min

6. Trigger 6 N (BOP) Reduces load on DG-1 at completion of OSP-ELEC-M701.

T=40 min C (BOP) DG-1 Governor begins oscillating requiring the emergency trip of the diesel from the control room. (Columbia LER 98-014)

7. Trigger 7 C (All) DEH oil leak resulting in a Main Turbine trip and a loss of Bypass Valves.

T=49 min

8. Initiated by M (All) Reactor scrams due to the Main Turbine trip. A 100% ATWS prevents event 7 inward rod movement by scram (Columbia IPE) actions T=49 min
9. Initiated C The Graphical Display System (GDS) locks up during the Main Turbine manually by trip transient.

disconnect of GDS computers T=49 min

10. AUTO C The SLC common discharge header ruptures in the reactor building Trigger 10 preventing boron from reaching the core.

on SLC initiation T=50 min (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Scenario 2, 2002 exam Page 2 NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: COLUMBIA Scenario No.: 3 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: _________________________ Operators: __________________________

Initial conditions: IC-172 (batch file NRC02.3.txt). Reactor power is at 21% on a beginning of life core. The feedwater system is in a 10 Valve lineup with 2 reactor feed pumps in operation.

Turnover: The reactor is at 21% power with a reactor shutdown in progress. The rod sequence is at RWM group 39, rod 14-31, at position 48. The feedwater system is in a 10 Valve lineup with 2 reactor feed pumps in operation. A power reduction to 15%

has been directed, at which point, the A reactor feedwater pump will be taken out of service. You are to hold the plant at 15% with the main turbine on line while the Feedwater system engineer gathers data on the feedwater system.

Event Malf. No. Event Event Description No. Type*

1. Initiated by R (RO) Reactor power reduction to 15% by inserting control rods turnover T= 0 min
2. Trigger 2 I (RO) The C Recirc Flow Unit fails downscale resulting in a rod block requiring the RO to bypass the unit.

T= 8 min

3. Trigger 3 I (RO) The RWM fails, requiring the RO to bypass the RWM.

T= 18 min

4. Initiated by N (BOP) The A RFP is removed from service turnover T= 30 min
5. Trigger 5 C (BOP) The running plant service water pump trips. The standby plant service water pump fails to auto start requiring the BOP to manually start it.

T= 46 min

6. Trigger 6 C (BOP) The hotwell level controller fails causing a low condenser hotwell level, requiring the BOP to manually restore level and transfer control Scenario 3, 2002 exam Page 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 T= 51 min level, requiring the BOP to manually restore level and transfer control to the standby controller.

7. Trigger 7 C (All) The shaft of the running plant service water pump shears, resulting in a total loss of plant service water, requiring a manual reactor scram.

T= 67 min

8. Trigger 8 M (All) A high vibration condition occurs on the B recirc pump resulting in a large LOCA on the B reactor recirc loop.

T= 69 min

9. Preset C The HPCS pump experiences reduced head resulting in the loss of injection capability.

This is in from the beginning and is recognized upon HPCS pump auto initiation

10. Preset C RHR pump 2A fails to auto start on its initiation signal.

This is in from the beginning and is recognized upon RHR pump auto initiation

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Scenario 3, 2002 exam Page 2 NUREG 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 COUNT MATRIX Summarizing Counts by K/A Group for BWR - Senior Reactor Operator K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G Total E/APE # - T1 Gp 1 4 4 5 2 8 3 26 E/APE # - T1 Gp 2 3 3 3 2 4 2 17 Tier Totals 7 7 8 4 12 5 43 Plant Systems / T2 Gp 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 3 23 Plant Systems / T2 Gp 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 13 Plant Systems / T2 Gp 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 4 Tier Totals 3 3 3 4 3 4 5 3 3 2 7 40 Generic K/As / T3 CAT 1 - 5 CAT 2 - 3 CAT 3 - 4 CAT 4 - 5 17 Model Total 100 Page 1 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PLANT EVOLUTIONS - TIER 1 GROUP I BWR - Senior Reactor Operator Target: 26% Actual: 26%

E/APE # - K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS NAME/SAFETY FUNCTION 1 295003 / Partial or X AK3.06 - Containment 3.7 1 Complete Loss of isolation AC Power / 6 2 295003 / Partial or X AA2.05 - Whether a 4.2 1 Complete Loss of partial or complete loss AC Power / 6 of AC power has occurred 3 295006 / SCRAM / 1 X AA2.04 - Reactor pressure 4.1 1 10CFR55.43.5 4 295037 / Scram X EA2.06 - Ability to 4.1 1 Condition Present determine/interpret reactor and Reactor Power pressure 10CFR55.43.5 Above APRM Downscale or Unknown / 1 5 295007 / High Reactor X AA2.02 - Reactor power 4.1 1 Pressure / 3 10CFR55.43.5 Page 2 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 6 295009 / Low X 2.2.24 - Ability to analyze the 3.8 1 Reactor Water Level affect of maintenance activities

/2 on LCO status10CFR55.43.2 7 295010 / High X 2.4.6 - Knowledge of 4.0 1 Drywell Pressure / 5 symptom based EOP mitigation strategies 10CFR55.43.5 8 295010 / High X AK2.04 - Nitrogen 2.8 1 Drywell Pressure / makeup system: Plant 5 specific 9 295013 / High X AK1.01 - Pool 3.3 1 Suppression Pool stratification Temperature / 5 10 295013 / High X AK3.01 - Suppression 3.8 1 Suppression Pool pool cooling operation Temperature / 5 11 295015 / X AK1.03 - Reactivity 3.9 1 Incomplete effects SCRAM / 1 12 295015 / X AK2.05 - Rod Worth 2.9 1 Incomplete Minimizer: Plant specific SCRAM / 1 13 295016 / Control X AA2.02 - Reactor water level 4.3 1 Room Abandonment 10CFR55.43.5

/7 Page 3 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 14 295016 / Control X AK2.02 - Local control 4.1 1 Room stations: Plant specific Abandonment / 7 15 295007 / High Reactor X AA2.03 - Reactor water level 3.7 1 Pressure 10CFR55.43.5 16 295017 / High X AK2.03 - Radiation 3.9 1 Offsite Release levels: Plant specific Rate / 9 17 295014 / Inadvertent X AA2.01 - Reactor power 4.2 1 Reactivity Addition / 1 10CFR55.43.5 18 295026 / X 2.1.25 - Ability to obtain 3.1 1 Suppression Pool and interpret station High Water reference materials Temperature / 5 such as graphs, monographs, and tables which contain performance data 19 295030 / Low X EK3.06 - Reactor 3.8 1 Suppression Pool SCRAM Water Level / 5 20 295006 / SCRAM / 1 X AA2.01 - Reactor pressure 4.6 1 10CFR55.43.5 21 295031 / Reactor X EK1.03 - Water level 4.1 1 Low Water Level / effects on reactor power 2

Page 4 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 22 295031 / Reactor X EK2.04 - Rector Core 4.4.1 1 Low Water Level / Isolation Cooling: Plant 2 specific 23 295037 / SCRAM X EK3.06 - Maintaining 4.1 1 Condition Present heat sinks external to and Reactor the containment Power above APRM Downscale or Unknown / 1 24 295038 / High Off- X EK1.03 - Meteorological 3.8 1 Site Release Rate effects on off-site

/9 release 25 295038 / High Off- X EA1.06 - Plant 3.6 1 Site Release Rate ventilation

/9 26 500000 / High X EA1.07 - Nitrogen purge 3.3 1 Containment system Hydrogen Concentration / 5 Category Point Totals: 4 4 4 2 9 3 Group Point Totals: 26 26 Page 5 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PLANT EVOLUTIONS - TIER 1 GROUP II BWR - Senior Reactor Operator Target: 17% Actual: 17%

E/APE # - K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS NAME/SAFETY FUNCTION 1 295004 / Partial or X AA2.01 - Cause of partial or 3.6 1S Complete Loss of DC complete loss of DC power Power / 6 10CFR55.43.5 2 295001 / Partial or X AK2.02 - Nuclear Boiler 3.3 1 Complete loss of Instrumentation Forced Core Flow Circulation / 1 3 295004 / Partial or X AK2.03 - DC bus loads 3.3 1 Complete Loss of DC Power / 6 4 295005 / Main X 2.3.2 - Knowledge of the 2.9 1 Turbine Trip / 3 facility ALARA program 10CFR55.43.4 5 295005 / Main X AK2.03 - Recirculation 3.3 1 Turbine Generator System Trip / 3 Page 6 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 6 295018 / Partial or X AA1.01 - Backup 3.4 1 Complete Loss of systems Component Cooling Water Flow / 8 7 295019 / Partial or X AA2.01 - Instrument Air 3.6 1 Complete Loss of System pressure Instrument Air / 8 10CFR55.43.5 8 295028 / High X EA2.05 - Torus/suppression 3.8 1 Drywell Temperature chamber pressure: Plant

/5 specific 10CFR55.43.5 9 295028 / High X EK1.02 - Equipment 3.1 1 Drywell environmental Temperature / 5 qualification 10 295032 / High X EK3.01 - 3.8 1 Secondary Emergency/Normal Containment Area depressurization Temperature / 5 11 295032 / High X EK3.02 - Reactor 3.8 1 Secondary SCRAM Containment Area Temperature / 5 Page 7 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 12 295033 / High X EK1.03 - Radiation 4.2 1 Secondary releases Containment Area Radiation Levels /

9 13 295034 / Secondary X EA2.02 - Cause of high 4.2 1 Containment radiation levels Ventilation High 10CFR55.43.5 Radiation / 9 14 295035 / X EK1.02 - Radiation 4.2 1 Secondary release Containment High Differential Pressure / 5 15 295036 / X EA1.04 - Radiation 3.4 1 Secondary monitoring: Plant Containment High specific Sump/Area Water Level / 5 16 600000 / Plant Fire X 2.1.5 - Ability to locate and 3.4 1 on site / 8 use procedures and directives related to shift staffing and activities 10CFR55.43.5 Page 8 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 17 600000 / Plant X AK3.04 - Actions 3.4 1 Fire on Site / 8 contained in the abnormal procedure for plant fire on site Category Point Totals: 3 3 3 2 4 2 Group point totals: 17 17 Page 9 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 PLANT SYSTEMS - TIER 2 GROUP I BWR - Senior Reactor Operator Target: 23% Actual: 23%

SYSTEM #/NAME K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS 1 202002 / X A1.01 - Recirculation 3.2 1 Recirculation pump speed Flow Control System 2 203000 / X K2.03 - Initiation logic 2.9 1 RHR/LPCI Injection Mode:

Plant specific 3 209002 / High X K1.03 - Water leg 3.0 1 Pressure Core (jockey) pump Spray System 4 209002 / High X K6.03 - Component 2.6 1 Pressure Core cooling water system Spray System 5 212000 / Reactor X K6.05 - RPS sensor 3.8 1 Protection inputs System 6 215004 / Source X A4.06 - Alarms and 3.1 1 Range Monitor lights System (SRM)

Page 10 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 7 216000 / Nuclear X 2.1.6 - Ability to supervise and 4.3 1 Boiler Instrumentation assume management role during plant transients and upset conditions 10CFR55.43.5 8 215005 / Average X K3.03 - Reactor Manual 3.3 1 Power Range Control system: Plant Monitor/Local specific Power Range Monitor System 9 216000/ Nuclear X 2.2.25 - Knowledge of bases 3.7 1 Boiler Instrumentation in technical specifications for limiting conditions for operations and safety limits 10CFR55.43.2 10 217000 / Reactor X K3.02 - Reactor vessel 3.6 1 Core Isolation pressure Cooling 11 217000 / Reactor X K5.01 - Indications of 2.6 1 Core Isolation pump cavitation Cooling 12 218000 / X K1.03 - Nuclear Boiler 3.8 1 Automatic instrumentation system Depressurization System Page 11 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 13 223001 / Primary X K2.09 - Drywell cooling 2.9 1 Containment fans: Plant specific System and Auxiliaries 14 223001 / Primary X A3.02 - Vacuum 3.4 1 Containment breaker/relief valve System and operation Auxiliaries 15 261000 / Standby X 2.2.14 - Knowledge of the 3.0 1 Gas Treatment process for making System configuration changes 10CFR55.43.3 16 226001 / X A2.20 - Loss of coolant 4.1 1 RHR/LPCI: accident Containment Spray System Mode 17 239002 / X K4.06 - Detection of 3.7 1 Relief/Safety valve leakage Valves 18 259002 / Reactor X A2.02 - Loss of any 3.4 1 Water Level number of reactor feed Control System flow inputs 19 261000 / Standby X A1.07 - SBGTS train 2.9 1 Gas Treatment temperature System Page 12 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 20 262001 / AC X A3.02 - Automatic bus 3.3 1 Electrical transfer Distribution 21 264000 / X K5.06 - Load sequencing 3.5 1 Emergency Generators (Diesel/Jet) 22 290001 / X K4.02 - Protection 3.5 1 Secondary against over Containment pressurization: Plant specific 23 290001 / X A1.01 - System lineups 3.1 1 Secondary Containment Category Point Totals: 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 3 Group Point Total: 23 23 Page 13 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 PLANT SYSTEMS - TIER 2 GROUP II BWR - Senior Reactor Operator Target: 13% Actual: 13%

SYSTEM #/NAME K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS 1 201001 / Control Rod X 2.4.45 - Ability to prioritize and 3.6 1 Drive Hydraulic interpret the significance of System each annunciator or alarm 10CFR55.43.5 2 201004 / Rod X K5.02 - Sequences and 3.3 1 Sequence Control groups: BWR-4, 5 System (Plant Specific) 3 201004 / Rod X A4.01 - System bypass 3.5 1 Sequence Control switches: BWR-4, 5 System (Plant Specific) 4 201006 / Rod X A2.01 - Power supply 2.8 1 Worth Minimizer loss: P-specific 5 202001 / X 2.2.25 - Knowledge of bases 3.7 1 Recirculation in technical specifications for System limiting conditions for operations and safety limits 10CFR55.43.2 Page 14 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 6 204000 / Reactor X A3.01 - system pressure 3.3 1 Water Cleanup downstream of the System pressure regulation valve: LP-RWCU 7 205000 / X K6.03 - Recirculation 3.2 1 Shutdown Cooling system System (RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode) 8 214000 / Rod X K4.02 - Thermocouple 2.5 1 Position Information System 9 215002 / Rod X K6.01 - RPS: BWR-3, 4, 5 3.2 1 Block Monitor System 10 215003 / X K2.01 - IRM 2.7 1 Intermediate channels/detectors Range Monitor (IRM) 11 263000 / DC X A1.01 - Battery 2.8 1 Electrical charging/discharging Distribution rate Page 15 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 12 272000 Radiation X K1.05 - Radwaste 3.1 1 Monitoring System System 13 290003 / Control X K3.01 - Control room 3.8 1 Room HVAC habitability Category Point Totals: 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 Group point totals: 13 Page 16 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 PLANT SYSTEMS - TIER 2 GROUP III BWR - Senior Reactor Operator Target: 4% Actual: 4%

SYSTEM #/NAME K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS 1 215001 / X K4.01 - Primary 3.4 1 Traversing In- containment isolation:

Core Probe Mark-I&II 2 290002 / Reactor X 2.4.21 - Knowledge of the 4.3 1 Vessel Internals parameters and logic used to assess the status of safety functions including:

1. Reactivity control
2. Core cooling and heat removal
3. Reactor coolant system integrity
4. Containment conditions Radioactivity release control 3 288000 / Plant X 2.4.30 - Knowledge of which 3.6 1 Ventilation System events related to system operation/status should be reported to outside agencies 10CFR55.43.5 4 268000 / Radwaste X A1.01 - Radiation level 2.7 1 Category Point Totals: 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 Group point totals: 4 4 Page 17 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 PLANT-WIDE GENERIC RESPONSIBILITIES TIER 3 BWR - Senior Reactor Operator Target: 17% Actual: 17%

Category K/A TOPICS IMP POINTS 1 2.1.6 Ability to supervise and assume a management role during plant transients 4.3 1 and upset conditions 10CFR55.43.5 2 Conduct 2.1.13 Knowledge of facility requirements for controlling vital/controlled access 4.0 1 10CFR55.43.5 3 of 2.1.7 Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational 4.4 1 Operations judgments base on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation 4 2.1.20 Ability to execute procedure steps 4.2 1 5 2.1.33 Ability to recognize indications for system operating parameters which are 4.0 1 entry-level conditions for technical specifications 10CFR55.43.2, 43.3 Page 18 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 6 2.2.27 Knowledge of the refueling process 10CFR55.43.6 3.5 1 7 Equipment 2.2.34 Knowledge of the affects of alterations on core configuration 3.3 1 10CFR55.43.6 8 Control 2.2.2 Ability to manipulate the console controls as required to 3.5 1 operate the facility between shutdown and designated power levels.

9 2.3.3 Knowledge of SRO responsibilities for auxiliary system that are outside the 2.9 1 control room (e.g., waste disposal and handling systems) 10CFR55.43.4 10 Radiation 2.3.1 Knowledge of 10CFR20 and related facility radiation control requirements 3.0 1 10CFR55.43.4 11 Control 2.3.9 Knowledge of the process for performing a containment 3.4 1 purge.

12 2.3.10 Ability to perform procedures to reduce excessive levels of 3.3 1 radiation and guard against personnel exposure.

Page 19 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

Facility: Columbia Generating Station Knowledge and Ability Record Form Exam date: October 2002 ref: NUREG - 1021 rev 8 BWR SRO EXAM OUTLINE ES-401-1 13 2.4.49 Ability to perform without reference to procedures those actions that require 4.0 1 immediate operation of system components and controls 10CFR55.43.2 14 Emergency 2.4.40 Knowledge of the SROs responsibilities in emergency plan implementation. 4.0 1 15 Procedures 2.4.45 Ability to prioritize and interpret the significance of each 3.6 1 annunciator or alarm.

16 Plan 2.4.46 Ability to verify that the alarms are consistent with the plant 3.6 1 conditions.

17 2.4.21 Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to assess the 4.3 1 status of safety functions including:

5. Reactivity control
6. Core cooling and heat removal
7. Reactor coolant system integrity
8. Containment conditions
9. Radioactivity release control Group point totals: 17 Page 20 of 20 K/As in bold indicate K/As on both exams

INDIVIDUAL WALK-THROUGH TEST OUTLINE FORM ES-301-2 Columbia Generating Station October 2002 Facility: Columbia Generating Station Date of examination: October 2002 Exam level: RO / SRO-I B.1 Control Room Systems System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function

a. Start Control Room Ventilation D, ESF, A 9 Simulator
b. Main Generator / Generator Capability Curve D, A 4 LR001153 2000 NRC Exam Simulator
c. Reactor Closed Cooling / Change RCC Pump D, A 8 Simulator/2000 NRC Exam
d. Start RCIC with Arm and Depress N, A, L 2 Simulator
e. AC Dist. / Transfer SL-31 480V Bus Power N 6 Supply From Alternate to Normal.


f. Change Operating CRD Pump N 1 Control Room
g. Purge Drywell D 9 LR000164 Control Room B2. Facility Walkthrough
a. Control Room Evacuation - ED on RPV level D, RCA 3 LR000147 Plant - Remote Shutdown
b. Close RPS Breakers D, RCA 7 LR000173 Plant
c. Manual Start of HPCS DG D, RCA 6 LR000199 Plant Page 1 JPMOUTR2

INDIVIDUAL WALK-THROUGH TEST OUTLINE FORM ES-301-2 Columbia Generating Station October 2002 Facility: Columbia Generating Station Date of examination: October 2002 Exam level: RO / SRO-I Spare JPMs System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function

1. Vent Overpiston Area for Control Rod Insertion D, RCA, L 1 LR000258 Plant
2. Suppression Pool to CST via FPC D 9 LR000208 Simulator
  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (L)ow power Indicates spare JPMs Page 2 JPMOUTR2

INDIVIDUAL WALK-THROUGH TEST OUTLINE FORM ES-301-2 Columbia Generating Station October 2002 Facility: Columbia Generating Station Date of examination: October 2002 Exam level: SRO-U B.1 Control Room Systems System / JPM Title / Type Codes Type Code Safety Function

a. Start Control Room Ventilation D, ESF, A 9 Simulator
b. Main Generator / Generator D, A 4 Capability Curve LR001153 2000 NRC Simulator Exam
d. Start RCIC with Arm and Depress N, A, L 2 Simulator B2. Facility Walkthrough
a. Control Room Evacuation - ED on D, RCA 3 RPV level LR000147 Plant - Remote Shutdown
c. Manual Start of HPCS DG D, RCA 6 LR000199 Plant Spare JPMs System / JPM Title / Type Codes
  • Type Code Safety Function
1. Vent Overpiston Area for Control Rod Insertion D, RCA, L 1 LR000258 Plant
2. Suppression Pool to CST via FPC D, RCA 9 LR000208 Simulator
  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate path, (L)ow power Indicates spare JPMs Page 3 JPMOUTR2