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Plant Performance Update Meeting for McGuire Nuclear Station
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/29/2003
Duke Energy Corp
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML031330134 List:
Download: ML031330147 (31)


Plant Performance Update Meeting

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.0 C.. G SX ......... I 2~~~~~  ; \ ~E EIE7Sf0 I -. I I00S 3I Pi., Is ;Z:.Et April 29, 2003 ft -,,IA<,jr6? O&-

Agenda EEE I - 7=1 "77,77 -- -7-7-7-7777 e Generation Trending Status - Dhiaa Jamil e Nuclear Excellence Review Board - Dhiaa Jamil e Equipment Reliability / Plant Health Teams - Jack Peele o Human Performance - Tom Harrall e Security- Bryan Dolan 2

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Generation Trending Status 3

Unit 1 Power History Curve r r r r v - I -- -- , -


--- I 1111011110bo 100% _ --- .- - 4 -

181 FW Heater roblerns L-C: (0.S7 days) ,




M 0

0 Replace FWPT o

50% 1EOCI5 (26.25 days)

Solenoids (0.49 days)

Main Gen. Volt. Reg. Replaced

-r No SfG Work

.C 199 Ice Baskets Seviced 355 Valves Worked CU RXVS Head inspected HP Turbine Inspected DIG Governors Replaced 25% H I I B NC Pump Motor Replaced ID RCP Seals Replaced I

No Midloop Drain 0% _I._ I I N N N N N N N N N N g N N N 0 N 000 n on e o0 0 n

00 0 0 0 0 00 0 7- 0 ON CCD 3O tfl Nt~ -r O CO N,: - 0 en - o x 0 N B r _-( Q .. Q

_- IN N -t N en M T 0 0 0 0 0 00 r- r- " _I r O O 00 4

Unit 2 Power History Curve 100% - -


~C7 z

2B FWPT Reduced (I) Power to 50%

0Replaced Solenoid 050% t 50 . . . . A ,Valve 2AFVwrr Trip (0.13 FPD)

O U2 Runback to 50%

o 2A Main Generator (0.89 EFIPD) cu Breaker Air Leak a1) (0.66 EFPD) r25%Hydrogen

=125%- leak and fire (2.1 EFPD) 0% -

4 . . . . . . . .4 ee r r4 . . . n n n n C n 0O ON O ~.O O I ( - ON CONO f IR O 0 GO ON OC o T- oR Q _r- Q Po £ Q -4 -q -4 .. I

- -1 -1 -. 3 - . -1 3 .- -


- - - -3  % .% .3 *3 %3 IT39 In n 1O N 00 00O 7 O OM T.

- - n 3T 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5

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Nuclear Excellence Review Board 6

Nuclear Excellence Review Board

= 7-7-- -77 o Identify and oversee key drivers for successful operation Members

- Dhiaa Jamil - Jack Boyle

- Tom Harrall - Bryan Dolan

- Jack Peele - External member Key Drivers

- Self assessment - Configuration management

- Corrective action - Budget

- Emergency planning - Human performance

- Security - Training

- Environmental - Work management

- Regulatory health - Outage

- Industrial safety - Supervisory/management development

- Radiological safety - Workforce planning

- Equipment reliability - Community relations 7

Nuclear Excellence Review Board 1,

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rvA = , . ; 7._ area1 , > !J8I m-.- =N o 2003 Initiative

- Determine for each one of the key drivers the answer to two questions:

  • How do you know the health of program/process? (How do you know you're looking at the right stuff?)
  • What is the health?


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Plant Health Teams 9

Challenge m .r

@ Equipment performance was not meeting our expectations during 2002 and early 2003:

- Upward trend in actual generation losses

- Frequent unplanned challenges to generation

- Resources often pulled from prevention to reactive duties 10


- . .-. t . - - - .

@ Create a short-term recovery strategy e Promote shared site-wide focus like a refueling outage e Charter team leaders via formal pre-job briefing 0 Enlist entire workforce via written "time-out"

@ Maintain a sense of urgency, "something is different"

@ Identify equipment reliability concerns that could lead to unit trip or power reduction n During the recovery strategy, preserve and continue the established equipment reliability program 11


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iFN Plant Health committee (existing)

Equipment Reliability Programs (on-going)

Plant Health Implementation Common Cause Teams Team Team LI LI DL -IF L


Plant Health Teams (8) vrr=7jr 1r 'rryV.""

Each co-chaired by engineering and station division managers, staffed by subject matter experts Reviewed known open challenges such as significant corrective actions, corrective maintenance tasks, tech spec items, operator workarounds, single point vulnerabilities, recurring plant action register items, etc.

Surveyed site teammates to probe for challenges not previously documented

  • Sorted the challenges into five action item categories (1 = most urgent)

Reported weekly to Plant Health Committee and to each other 13

Implementation Team Y, frf f] 77-* _

e Staffed by managers of work execution processes e Collected input from Plant Health Teams e Confirmed priorities of action items and performed review for consistency e Entered the most urgent action items into the appropriate work process and began tracking to completion

© Reported results to Plant Health Committee 14

Cause Analysis Team

  • T' '"T r" e Staffed by Safety Review Group and Outage Manager e Searched problem reports for events on highest risk category systems (Apr 02 - Feb 03), selecting approximately 200 for trending e Screened 11 of 200 events for more comprehensive review 0 Performed common cause analysis O Presented results to Plant Health Committee and CARB 15

Timeline t 1-27 t i i i t t Strategy Drafted 1-30 Site Mgmt Approval 2-4 Pre Job Brief 2-7 2-14 2-21 2-28 Plant Health Team Updates Implementation Team report to PHC 4-9 Common Cause Team report to PHC / CARB To 16

Action Category 1 Activities 7p,.- Aa.. . :: .7,7 C 7 S . > = 7 e Main feedwater pump trip solenoid valves e Control Room chiller refrigerant low temperature switch e Auxiliary Feedwater System isolation valve operator limit and torque switches

@ SG Blowdown demineralizer resin loading area, threat to main generator stator cooling control panel 0 ECCS motor start time extensions o Turbine valve movement test difficulties 17

Cause Analysis Team Areas for Improvement Comprehensiveness of health reports need improvement Over-reliance on equip failures to effect changes rather than proactive efforts Input from plant-side groups could more effectively be utilized o Programs may be too rigid to effect timely resolutions Over-reliance on programmatic structure vs. mentoring /

experience Declining vendor support 18

Long-Term Transition

.-F, o PHT's will be part of the trimester system health reporting cycles e Will provide cross-organizational input concerning reliability concerns and system health "color" e Plant Health Committee will provide oversight 19

Additional Comments 71' , " a -. 77:7 r17r,-r- -

e Nuclear Safety System availability has remained high HPI RHR Aux Feed Emergency AC e For fourth quarter 2002, all these systems on both units were in second quartile e Emergency Diesel / Generator system performance 1995-2002 was subject of special NRC inspection in December 2002, with no findings of significance identified 20

,i~ .tJ mmmmmm t . 4-FIT,M I I, qcw Bs Human Performance 21

McGuire Nuclear Station Human Performance


X--" r , A de McGuire continues to IEVENT FREE HUMAN PERFORMANCE I focus on human /\&

performance 4' Pemonol Satty Asssmlent\Oh l Self-Clt&k (STAR) l >

/ -Questionbi Afutinde (QV&V) o Foundation is "6 Tools /l UderUse & Ad

/-Cler Co.nunenrlon Techniques l

for Event Free Human -STOP... \lnUnsueIn SUPERVISORS Performance" -Work Ppamtpon

-Task Asigten

-Clear Ascutltabnity I

a PmV-Job Brief / Post-Job Brile Field lmbe ment 1Jb Observatioen

-Cornnumatlon & Inrinnutilon I fle Fo.soda Bysil MANAGERS T ep.ti Mti.

5en .M MdSo, ann-es. FIn S


McGuire Nuclear Station Human Performance l f n I I Iet r . .. :

D Created a structure to manage/oversee site human performance

  • HPRB - senior site management oversight
  • HPRC - each group chaired by group management
  • HPRC Lead - each group represented by a group coordinator

Human Performance Site Focus Initial Training (1993 - current)

- Human error reduction training for workers and supervisors (8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />)

Continuing Training

- Bhopal - 1998/99 - "6 tools reinforced"

- Titanic - 2000/01 - the 5 INPO principles

- Communications Competence - 2001/02 - site trend

- Summit Fever - 2001/02 - reinforce conservative decision making

- Bringing Out the Best in People - 2002 - reinforcing correct behaviors 24

Human Performance Group Focus

__g~jr~ _vmsem~zmyon -f:-t;tt$'ai U~rX~tt D Each group develops focus areas based on trends/issues/events o Examples

- MNT - correct component verification (CCV)

- OPS - supervisory involvement/oversight

- CHEM - removing distractions 25

Success Stories Correct Component Verification (CCV)

- MNT CCV focus - prior to implementation (July 2000 to February 2002)

- MNT CCV Focus - following implementation (February 2002 to current)

  • Two minor incidents 26

Successes - CCV/Mispositionings W-7, rl I-- I 7 11I, 27

2003 Focus for McGuire

__ _ _TT__ _,____ 5_________ =__

e Formality in human performance

- Improve rigor in execution of processes 28

Human Performance Measures

____-______-___________ -7"-

o Human performance error rate (new in 2003)

- Currently 5.12 errors per 10000 work-hours o Average number of days between human performance events

- Currently 30.4 days 29

XtIL0:L . .;i:~g6 Cl , -

Visa MR Security 30


An: .-

Questions 31