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Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures,Including Procedures Qep 200-0 Re Emergency Conditions,Qep 200-T1 Re Emergency Action Levels & Qep 330-3 Re Sping Control Terminal Operation
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/23/1982
Shared Package
ML20065Q830 List:
PROC-820923-01, NUDOCS 8210280375
Download: ML20065Q845 (21)



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  • l QEP 200-0 1 E

Revician 10 4 . . 4

  • September 1982 i
                    'ID/IE,1L                                       . EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 200                                                                  ,

Emergency Conditions -

                                                                                          .Rev. 10       09-10-82 200-1                                                                              '

Classification of GSEP Conditions Rev. 3 05-05-82 h' j 200_2 ~ Classification of an Incident , l Involving Hazardous Ifaterials Rev. 2 01-22-82 1 200-T1 Quad-Cities Emergency Action Levels - Rev. 7 09-10-82 I 200-T2 9 Emergency Action Levels a l Procedure Cross Reference Rev. 1 09-23-81 l 200-T3 Hazardous Substances Rev. 1 01-22-82 E

              .: ~. c. .: :.=z . , .      -w-   **          '" ~ ' ' ~               ~'

AK - = ~"^ "*W%%M4 = =&- 'tW:fA i l i f l i 3 . . , i . i 1 -

APPROVED SEP101982 Q.c.o.s.R 8210280375 821012 fDRADOCK05000 _i_ (gg,,1) -


   -                   . .     -- . ...                     .    . .- .-, _ . ~ -                           -     .-    - - - - - - - - - - - - -                                  "

QEP 200-T1 . ': s Revision 7'  ; ID/2J QUAD-CITIES EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS September 1982 [ i

              , CONDITION                           UNUSUAL EVENT                  ALERT                       SITE EMERGENCY                      GENERAL EMERGENCY         7            i Class                               Events in progress             Events in progress          Events in progress or Events in progress or                                 .

Description - or have occurred or have occurred have occurred which have occurred schich [' which indicate a which involved involved actual or involve actual or potential degradation an actual or likely major failures faminent substantial of the level of potential substantial of plant functions core degradation or - safety of the plant. degradation of the needed for protection melting with potential level of safety of the public. for loss of containment . {

                                                                ,                 of the plant,                                                    integrity.            .

e 6 4

1. Aircraft Impacted on-site (1) Impacted on-site Impacted on-site  !

crash or and equipment and equipment described . I. missiles from described in the Technical Specifi-in the Technical Specifications is *

  • whatever cations is affected degraded such that '

[ source. 4 such that it is an immediate shutdown .f operated in a is required.  ! degraded mode  ! permitted by a Limiting Condition - - 1 for Operation. i (2) Turbine failure . [ with casing i penetration. APPROVED f

2. Control Evacuation is Evacuation is required i

Room SEP101982 t anticipated or and control is not

  • Evacuation required with control established from established from Q.C.O.S.R. f local stations within i

local stations. 15 minutes. .

        '                                                                                                                                                                                1 In addition to the Unusual Event, Alert, Site Emergency, and General Emergency, a Transportation Accident class exists.

A Transportation Accident condition shall exist if any vehicle transporting radioactive materials or nonradioactive { hnzardous materials from a henerating station is involved in a situation which could possibly breach or has breached j

             'ths integrity of a shipping container (s).                                                                                                                                 t 9


  • l L1 [


                                                                                                                                 .          .            I
3. Earthquake Earthquake felt in plant i Equipment described Equipment described had occurr- or detected on

in the Technica) in the Technical

  • ed or Station seismic Specifications is Specifications is is being instrumentation. [

affected such is degraded such experienced that it is operated that an immediate i in a degraded shutdown is. ~ i mode permitted by

                                      *                                                                   ~


  • a Limiting Condition
                   '                                                                                                                                     }
                                          .               for Operation.                                                               .
                                                                         *                                                                               [

s 48 f,

                                         -i                                                                                                              i
4. Unplanned On-site and equipment On-site and equipment i explosion. described 18 the described in the -

Technical Spe)cifications Technical Specifications '- is affected:such that it is degraded such tiiat an . . , is operated in a degraded immediate shutdown is ' ~ mode permitted by a Limiting Condition for required. [ C Operation. i 6

5. Fire. Requiring off-site Equipmentdekcribedin Equipment described in - '

assistance. the Technical Specift- the Technical Specifi-cations is affected cations is degraded suchthatitf.isoperated such that an immediate in a degraded mode shutdown is required.  ; permitted byja Limiting

  • Condition for Operation. t IK I y
6. Flood Mississippi River Mississippi Elver i level > 588 ft. MSL.

level >589ft.MSL. APPROVED I 4

    .                                                                  !3 SEP101982                           1, 1                                               Q. c. o. S. R.

e i t' i i )  !,

                                                                     .s                                                                                  i h

O .

                                                                                                        @                                                                @                 1   I QEP 200-T1             .              !


                                 '7. Security       Security threat,             An ongoing s'ecurity                     Security threat Security thrent. (event)'

f threat-' (event) which also threat (event.) of (event) involving involving a loss of {

                                               . poses a radiological          increasing severity,                    an imminent loss              physical control of                    i threat, or has the           or a different                           of physical control           the facility.                          !

potential for threat, which of the facility. substantial degrada- involves actual - tion of the level or potential' -

                           ,                       of physical security          substantial degrada-
                                         >         at the station.               tion of the level                                                                               ,.

(See generic'GSEP of safety of3the 4 i Section9.3.p.) station from,either  ! the radiological or I physical security viewpoint.} f

8. Tornado or (1) Tornado near (1) Tornado ; strikes l

(1) Sustained winds

                                                                                                                                                                                           .I severe winde       facility.                                                                                                                               l-facilityl                                of > 110 mph and                                            .,
                             ,       being              (a) Control Room         (2) Sustained winds                            both units not experienced.            informed by Load                                                                                                                  {

of > 95 mph. in cold shutdown. 3 Dispatcher or j j (b) Control Room i! .  : informed by  !: , station personnel who have made k ( j i visual sighting or e (c) Shift Supervisor I  ! informed by [ Weather Alert, or " l . (2) Sustained winds of >80 mph. . j I APPROVED l 4 (. SEP101982 (' Q. c. o. s. R.

                               '                                                                                                                                                              [t II 5                                                                                 ,       I

. .I - 51 l(1 i


9. Toxic or Uncontrolled release Uncontrolled release Uncontrolled release uncontrol- of toxic or uncontrolled of toxic or uncontrolled of toxic or uncontrolled i led flam
  • flammable gas at life flammable gas at life flammable gas at life
  • l mable gas threat'ening levels threatening levels threatening levels [

(Chlorine, near or on-site. within the protected within the vital areas. Ammonia, area. ' j Hethane, - ' etc.)

                                           >                                                    l                                                                                 5
                                                                  ;                             i


10. Loss of Loss of all' pff-site Loss of all off-site Loss of all off-site  !

AC power. power or loss of all power and lofs' of all power and loss of all  ! Diesel Generators. diesel generators for diesel generators for .

                                                                              < 15 minutes!                      > 15 minutes.


11. Loss of DC power sources Lossofbothf Loss of both 125 VDC DC power. as described in the 125 VDC and 250 VDC and 250 VDC battery f*

Technical Specifica- battery <_ 15 minutes. systems > 15 minutes. tions are degraded l  ! such that a Limiting 1 - . Condition for Operation j , requires a shutdown.

            -                                                                                  4 4                                                                                  :

i li q i  ! n J  ! l  ! i i - APPROVED I ( .: 6 '

              .                                                                                   4 SEP101982                   ;, .

Q.c.0. S. R.  !

 ,                                                                                                                                                                      I j L1          ;
     -         - . ..          . .~- .                             .

n_ ~~-- m i QEP 200-T1 -

                                                                                                                                                               'l QUAD-CITIES EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS                       Revision 7'            ,


12. Plant Shutdown l'
                                                        .             (1) Loss of "all               (1) Loss of all systems Functl6ns.                                          systems capable                capable of maintain-                                        ,

of maintaining ing hot shutdown or - I cold shutdown. (2) A transient requiring I' (2) Failure'of the Reactor operation of ECCS with f{ Protection System failure to SCRAM. ' r Instrumentation to initiate.and complete  !

                                                     .                    a SCRAM which brings                                                     .-                !
                                                    .                     the reactor subcritical                                          6                         :

once a limiting safety 4 f system s'etting, as specified in the Technical -l Specifications, ..)

 "                                                                        has beeni exceeded.                                                          ' -

{ (ATWS) : .i

                                                                                                                                  .                                 L
13. Other (1) Equipment described (1) Equipment described Unplanned loss of most i conditions in the Technical in the Technical or all annunciators on  !

or systems Specifications is Specifications is either panel 901-3(902-3) -  ! required by degraded such that a degraded beyond or 901-5(902-5) for i Technical Limiting Condition the Limiting Conditions. greater than 30 minutes, i

     ,                Specifi-              for Operation requires        for Operation (as         and a plant transient cations (such         a shutdown.                                                                                                             [

specifiep that require has initiated or is in ( as ECCS, (2) Loss of communi- a shutdown). progress. I fire pro- cations or instru- (2) Technical -

 ;                    tection              mentation such that            Specification                                                                             i.

system, accident assessment Sofety Limit [ etc.) or off-site dose exceeded. assessment cannot (3) Unplannned loss of lI be made. most or'all annunciators APPROVED .I s on either panel 901-3 k (902-3) or or 901-5 SEP101982  ! (902-5) for greater than- s

             '                                                            30 minutes.                                               Q.C.O.S.R.                      !

8, d h]j

                                                                         . . - . _ , _ _ ,           _ - _ _ ~ _ _ . - .- - - . - - . . - . * = = ,                   - - -

1 i O O{ 0 ~1 c

  '                                                                                                                                                    QEP 200-T1        .                *i QUAD-CITIES EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS                                             Revision 7'                           ,


                . 14. Loss or          (1) ECCS Initiation                (1) A 2 50 spa                                 (1) A 1 500 gym               Imminent core melt.

Primary (not spurious). leakagefrate leakage rate Coolant - (2) Failure of a increase as increase as i Primary System indicated by indicated by " Safety or Relief 'surveill'ance. surveillance. Valve to close. (2) A main steam line (2) A main steam line (3) Total leakage rate break outside break outside* *

          .                                     to primary containment           containment with                               containment without is greater than 25 spa.          automatic                                                                                              -[

the capability of .- t

                                                        .                        isolation.         (FSAR                       effecting                           4
                                                       'g                                                                                                                                    }

sectionjl4.2 3) isolation. j p (3) Circumferential p l break of a reactor - t jj coolant recircu- -

                                                                                             ;'t    '

lation line.

 '                                                                                             }'                               (LOCA; FSAR                                      '-

5' d Section 14.2.4.) .-

    -.                                                                                         b n                                                                                             >
15. Fuel Handling . Standbygasjtreatment Standby gas treatment t Accident. system operational .

system not operational - f. (Fuel Handlers and secondary contain- or secondary contain-ment isolation report damage to ment isolation

       .              irradiated fuel                                    effective okecapable                           incapable of being                                                   {

assemblies and of being effected, effected.  ; Refuel Floor ARM (Refueling accident; ' reads 100 ar/hr.) FSAR Sectioni14.2.2) i > hy


I s. 1 i-1 e ir s APPROVED - p t t SEP101982 i

              '                                                                              e                                                                                    .          !


                                                                                          -6,1                                         Q. C. O. S. H.

6 t 4  ; f i b h

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                     @                                                                                        e                                                               O                    ~!


                                                                                                              .                                                                                      t 2                                          2                                 3    -
  • 8
14. Loss of Coolant activitey A. 1primarycontain,[

2 x 10 R/hr A. 1 4 x 10 R/hr A. 1 2 x 10 R/hr l, fissio'n sample 1 5 uCi of primary contain- primary contain- j product I-131 dose equi- ment activity, or ment activity, or ment activity, and ( barriers. valent per gram B. Loss of I of the B. Loss of 2 of the imminent loss of of water. following 3 fission following 3 fission primary containment, product barriers': product barriers: or h (1) Cladding: grab (1) Cladding: grab B. Loss of 2 of the

       .                                                                                   sample > 300:pci/cc                 sample > 300 pCi/cc                following 3 fission                {
                                               ,                                           equivalent of                       equivalent of                      product barriers,      ,-          !
                                            .                                              I-131.     (Control                 I-131.                             with an immisent                   j
                                           '4                                             Rod Drop Accident;                   (2) Reactor coolant                loss of the 3rd                    [

FSARSectionl sys: > +2 psig fission product i 14.2.1) 1 drywell pressure barrier:. [ (2) Reactor coolant & < -59 in:hes (1) Cladding: grab ~l sys: > +2 psig . vessel level.

  • sample > 300 pCi/cc .: .)

drywell pressure (3) Primary Containment: equivalent of I-131. f,

                                                                                          & < -59 inches                       (a) > 56 psig                      (2) Reactor coolant                ?

vessellevelk ment gressure, or sys: > +2 psig f. (3) Primary l (b) > 281 F contain- drywell pressure p Containment:j ment temperature, & < -59 inches } (a) > 56 psig (c) Loss of primary vessel Jevel.


containment pressure, or containment

                                                                                                                                    . integrity when (3) Primary Containment:

[' ('

     ,                                                                                    (b) > 281 F                                required.                         (a) > 56 psig containment                                                                ccatainment temperature.                                                               pressure, or              -

(c) Loss of primary (b) > 281*F  ; ) containment containment y l integrit.y when temperature. required 3 l l (c) Loss of i l g Primary j. containment ,

       ?                                                                                                  jll                               APPROVED                       integrity                 i
                                                                                                               ,                                                           when                      g 4                                 SEP 101982                     re9uired.                 !

j i

g. c. o. s. R. 3 ld( 9 y d ll1 '

a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __ _ r.

t G O



17. Radio , A. Gaseous Effluents: (

A. Gaseous ' Effluents: A. Gaseous Effluent: A. Gaseous Effluent: activity i Technical Specifi- Effluent release Effluent monitors Monitors detect . Effluent

  • cation instantaneous > 10 times the detect levels levels corresponding !

release release limits. Technical Specifi- corresponding to to > 1 res/hr whole ! from the exceeded as cation J plant. measured by instantaneous >30ar/hr(1.3x 10 pei/sec) for 1/2 body at the site boundary. This [ effluent radiation release. limits as hour or >g500'mR/hr condition exists j monitoring and measured,by (1.3 x 10 pei/sec) ,when:  ; counting- radiatioh 7 for 2 minutes at t'he Q/U > 4.5 x 10 .- instrumentation. monitoring and where

                                                                    '{                      counting. instrumentation site boundary.                         8 (Adverse Meteorology.) Q = release rate in j.

(1) Noble Gases - (1) Noble' Gases - pei/sec i (a) Main Chimney: (a)iMain Chimney: U = mean wind speed Unit 1 or Unit 2  :' Unit 1 or Unit 2 in sph ' (not both)  !.(not both)' ' OR .-)

 ,                                                                    Releaserage                         Release rgte                                        Q/U > 1.0 x 10                     [
                                                                      > 2.1 x 10 pCi/sec                  > 21 x 10 pCi/sec                                   where Ey                                                                                                                   j u      Ey                                             Q = release rate in Both Units 1 and 2                  Both Units 1 and 2                                                                     [

pci/sec > Rele.sserage ijRelease rgte U = mean wind speed

                                                                      > 2.6 x 10 pCi/sec              'j > 26 x 10 pCi/see                                    in meters per second - (;

Ey { Ey (b) Reactor Bldg (b).jReactor Bldg , , Vent Stack: JVent Stack: , Release rage jReleasergte (

                                                                      > 2.3 x 10 pCi/sec                                pCi/sec 1.3Ey + ES                   }g>23x10                                                                                  l 1.3Ey + Ep                                                                         i-c whwre:                   Ey = average gamma energy per disintegration (MeV/p'is).

I ES = average beta energy per disintegration (MeV/dia). [ l These quantities are determined monthly and are prominently posted in the Control Room. j

      '                                                                                               h                                                        APPROVED                        :
      '                                                                                               e                                                                                        ;

9 SEP101982 b .

            ,                                                                                         y                                                         q.c.o.s. w.                    ;

9 t

                                                                                                 -8 .!                                                                                 l       (

dh! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ r


17. (Cont.) (2) Iodine.and (2) Iodine and '

Particulates - Particulates - Susanation of Suassatjo a o(  ! release rate for release rate for i halogens and halogens and particulates with particulates with [' (

                                                                -half-lives > 8 daysj 3                     half-lives > 8 daysio                                                                I 7.3Qv + 2.6Qc > 10                         7.3Qv + 2.6Qc > 10                                                                   !

e v '

                                                                                                                                                                                      .          i where: Qv = relense rate from the reactor                                                   p[                                                           4 building vent stgack in pCi/sec.

Qc = release rate from the main I( f I,i , chimeny in pCi/sec. L ki 'I B. Liquid effluents B Liquid dffluents: B. Liquid effluents: B. Liquid effluents: ., concentratiori of: g (1) Gross beta activity (1) Coheatrationof grces beta activity Estimated activity Estimated activit'y  ; of liquid release of liquid release .) (above background) inhhedischarge is > 2000 Ci but is > 2.4 x 10' ri. E in the discharge baf,i> 10 times the 1 20,000 C1. ' bay in excess of TepnicalSpecifi-  : the Technical cationLiegt -


Specification (>!! x 10 pei/ml) limit (> 1 x 10 _7 unless discharge is l i

        .                                                       pci/ml) unless                             co5 trolled on a                                                                       '

discharge is radionuclide basis ' controlled on a in accordance with radionuclide basis Appendix B Table II , , in accordance with Colden 2 of 10 CFR Appendix B, Table II, 20 and note 1 thereto. j Column 2 of 10 CFR 20 OR . ' I and note 1 thereto. (2) Etimated activity of liquid release

                                                                                                           > 40 Curies but                                        pp      g                    .f.

s 2000 Curtes. SEP101982 i Q.C.O.S.K l  ! L, ti 1




i 18. Personnel Transportation of i


Injuqr radioactivity contami-

                                                  '                                                                                                                                 t nated injured person                           j,                                                                             !

to hospital. i. t

                                                                                                     #                                                                              I y                                                                              5
19. Hazardous As a direct result of (1) Warrants Warrants activation 8 Materials hazardous materials a precautionary of emergency cente'rs
           .'                                         person is killed or                       activation of the   and monitoring teams,

I hospitalized or TSC and placing or a precautionary . i

estimated psoperty the EOF and other notification to the
  • g damage exceqds $50,000. keyemergency public near the site.

3 persoanel on k standby. - I (2) ARN readings (a) ' [. indicate a severe

  • dedradationinthe control of radio-l' active material.  !
20. Any other Warrants increased Imminent core melt.

conditious awareness on the i f of equivalent part of the state magnitude to ll f and/or local off-site i I

      .                the criteria                          officials.                            . I used to define                                                                    i                                                                           i the accident as                                                              di determined by                                                                 1.1                                          APPROVED                          !
Station Director
  • d
  • cro 1 n MM t Other emergency conditions that require an emergency rssponse are those involving: d ' * ' " ' -


a. Incident reporting per 10 CFR 50.72.
b. Hazardous material incident reporting per P.A. 79-14424 g,g,g,3, g,  !
c. Oil discharges to waterways per the SPCC Plan. j -

l d. Security contingency events per the Station Security Plan. ( The Station Director may, at his discretion, categorize th) above situations as GSEP emergencies, depending upon the

              , seriousness of the situation. (Refer to Section 9.3 of thE generic plan for additional information.)


                                                                                               -10 (final)                                                                  9
                                                                                                 .L                                                                                '

j dI.O A

3 . .  ! I. T

~l               N


 ,1 s                  -
        ,    ,3                                                                       ENTON QAP lico-I5 Revision 6 k \QG             .

STATION PROCEDUKE REVISION COVER SHEET October 1981 4 *V ID/12 L Revision Des ption 1, . ' a & otsriduit u a OGP 330-3 -

                           .' b r 5 e m r,. c d 2t;;f                           .

l 7** ********* A Ori Restsion

   !E                                                                                                           .

2 i -


j This proced tre is required to be implementad prior to -

 }                                                                                                                             Dsta DeC3ESS of_
                                ,                    13tAFT REVIEW                          !


 ?[                                                                                                                                OVAI.                                           ,
   . r.                    Tech. Staff Supervisor Date u

I l



                                                                                                            =dsCn   M46 C#Eh ens Data r_
              ^)     ._ DePa. w t. Hand
Mb .-a th, 2.

_ . ,._,,,,_ Data .f=^ . 3 ervisor- '

                                                                                                                                                   - .*Inta-      -
                                                                                                                                                                           ' 7 Originator
                                                 /Ltd                        h-b                              .

23 - i y . Date Asst. Sapt. .A OA /41 Data 4J un0N - - L i l h Sta*_ ion Superistandant' Effettive Date vn/n . p, INSTRUCTIONS FOR REVISION INSERTION REMOVE' INEERT QEP 350-0 MEV l'.S OEP th e-<* MV IV QEb 330 3 2W V -

                                          ..                             REVISION RECEIPT FORM                                                                      L
       ,. C

( j j< Please Quad sign Station. Citie;g and date below, and return this sheet to the Officer Supervisor - Your Station Procedure copy number is ' ~ '. - Signature ~

          .                                                                             Data                                                        *

(final) ,

                                                                                                                                 !!OV           8, Jssi -
                                                                                                                             ,     O.C.O.S o

{ n _n.,

                           ~.~.s..             . .

y .-r~~-~~-i"---"----~-~~.-----R quP 330 0 .- T i . Revicion 14 September 1982

          .           . ID/10,1P                                               ASSESSMENT ACTIONS 330                                                                            ,

j Assessment Actions " Rev. 14 09-23-82 1 ! 330-1 i 4 Abnormal Personnel Exposure Rev. 3 08-10-81

  • I l 330-2 I j Accidental Release of Radioactivity
  • i Within the Site Boundary Rev. 2 02-22-81 e

i 330-3 SPING. Control Terminal Operation Rev. 4 09-23-82 1 4 330-4 l Estimation of Off-Site Dose from an Unplanned Release of Radioactive Effluents Rev. I 12-17-80 330-5 Estimating High Activity Reisases during Accident Conditions Rev. 1 12-17-80 4 330-6 . Air Sampling Under Accident -*-

        . .g             Cor.ditions                                                                   Rev. 2        03-10-82
        '%) c-                 n ; :,:.w                ~ ;;;= ::. =:y:xwa.a.t:=d=:- w.w                          r.a uu.m sunww w.omeu 330-7                                             - -                  -    -   -~~ ~                     --             ~

In-Plant Iodine-131 Messurement During Post-Accident Conditions Rev. 4 03-10-82 330-8 Handling and Analysis of Post Accident Reactor Coolant Samples Rev. 4 08-23-82 ' 330-9 Estimating Plant Releass Using the Stack Gas Monitors Rev. I 12-17-80 l 330-10 . On-Site Sampling During * *

  • Emergency Situations Rev. 1 06-01-82 ..


  • Quad-Cities Station Environs l Monitoring-Dairy Farms Rev. 1 06-20-80 .

330-T2 1 Dese Factors,for Gaseous Releases Rev. 2 03-10-82 i _ 330-T3  : APPROVED i

' PO      ~            Dose Factors for Liquid , Releases
                                         -                                                             Rev. I       12-17-80 SEP 2 31982 Q.c.o. s. a
                                   ,                                                 1                                                          .

s + -

     -         ,.n  p-m                               -
                                                                                      -,--;9                           ___._Q.

V l_. a_- .w . . . . . . . - - . . . . - -

                                                                            .. ,- ~.

y o l, a QEP 330-0


T Revicies 14 j

    ;                 - 330-T4                                  .

i Main Chimney Release Rate Table' Rev. I 12-17-80

 ]'      .
      <:.               330-T5                                                                  ,
  ,        ,            Typical Gas Stack Monitor                                                                  .

3 Calibration curve Rev. I 12-17-80 330-T6 - 1 Sample Cave Rev. 1 05-18-81

    !                   330-77 Sample Dilution Equipment Rev. 1            05-18-81
 ]                     330-T8                 .

j On-Site Environmental Sampling I,ocations Rev. 1 06-01-82 t i

 .i                                                                                     .


                                                                                                                                            %          -   e, 4

4 o t i  ! t , h L l* . 5 i l

 .                                                                                                                                                             1 I

APPROVED i  ;& 8: r SEP 2 31982 Q. C. O. S. H. (final) .. . 9 _e .

                                                                                                                     .P.           _ . _ _

1 7..

            - . +-
                                -....--- -- A N
                                                                                    -                         -~
                                                                                                                        .2 q

'l n . 1 I QEP 330-3 .) N,) '

                                                                                   ,        Revision 4 4                                                     SPING CONTROL      TERMINAL OPERATION  September 1982 1,

j ID/5G A. PUkPOSE j ) , The purpose of this procedure is to provide inscructions for operating the SPING control terminal. ] B. REFERENCES } 1. Eberline CT-2 Technical Manual. 1 C. PREREQUISITES l

1. Obtain a keybcard key from the Shift Engineer.




1. The keys on the keyboard are touch sensitive. There is no need to a

press hard when entering data. E. LIMITATIONS AND ACTIONS

1. The calibration constants in the noble gas rhannels are based on Xe-133 calibrations.


1. The keypad has two keypad subgroups. The upper keypad group is the

], instruction pad, while the lower keypad group is the data pad. An j entry of both an instruction and data is then a command. All commands j begin with a single entry via the instruction pad, followed by an entry or entries via the data pad, and thrainate with the ENTER key. j 2. The instruction pad is color-keyed according to function. The blue i keys are for inquiries of ds',a or parameters. The green keys are for J control functions. The blau key (edit) is used to coemand changes of l parasseters in the channel files. The red key (print) is used to print j the status of all channels and to perform calculations on history data. ..


4 . i I 1 l APPROVED SEP 2 31982 Q.C.O.S.R

                        ,-                                                _                  m
     -._.-....u..            . - -     . , .        ~ . - .              L . . a. .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . n :. . w . .
n. l
          .        .                                          e g
                                                                     ,                              QEP 330-3 Revision 4 f                               .

f . 3.' An address is the complete numerical identification of a detector and i;, . comprises the fiefd unit address plus th,e channel number of the detector. }J The addresses are as follows. Rx Vent Low Range Noble Gas - 0105 J) Rx Vent Mid Range Noble Gas - 0107 j Rx Vent High Range Noble Gas - 0109 i Rx Vent Area Monitor - 0106 APPROVED i Rx Vent Background - 0108 { SEP 2 31982 j Main Chimney Low Range Noble Gas - 0305 d 4 Main Chimney Mid Range Noble Gas - 0307 Q.C.O.S.H. Main Chimney High Range Noble Gas - 0309 j Main Chimney Area Monitor - 0306 1 Main Chimney Background - 0308 l 4. To have information output from the control terminal the following i; commands should be performed. 3 a. Open the control terminal drawer, insert the key in the keyboard

   !                                slot and turn it on.


   ;                        b. Determine the system status as follows.

(1) Check the lights located above the pull-out drawer. I {"pI (2) The lights and their associated meaning are, from left to

  }           '-           --                right.
]                                           NORMAL (green) - normal status.

Q MAINTENANCE (white)-aunitisinflush,chrecksource,or [ calibrate. i FAIL (amber) - a unit has failed on low flow, low counts, j communication, or loss of power. a ] TREND (amber) - a unit has trend alarm status. Trend alarm is a condition that relates present values with past values, y A preset percentage difference, high or low, causes an alarm. 1 . ALERT (amper) - high alarm condition exists. l HIGH ALARM (red) - high-high alarm condition exists. By 4 pressing the high alarm light the red light to the right of it will go off. RED LIGHT - this will light with any change in status of any j unit or on a high-high alarm condition. I c. ' Type in PRINT, ALL STAT, ENTER. This will give you the day and L time, the other control terminal communication status (Bro) and l A the status of all initialized channels in each SPING unit. Channels not initialized will have a star in front of them and no status.

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                                                                                           ,                   QEP 330-3
                                                                        '-                                     Revision 4 5.'       Determine the present pei/cc value for each channel of the reactor vent and main chidney monitors.                    ,
s. Type in DATA, 0105, RNTER. This will give you the present value of the low range noble gas channel of the reactor vent monitor and '

its status.

b. Repeat the DATA, XXXX, ENTER command for each of the desired noble I gas channels listed in Step F.3.
6. Determine-the history data for each desired channel.
a. Type in HIST MIN, 0105, ENTER. This will give the last 23 ten-minute averages of the reactor vent low range noble' gas with the present value printed last to give 24 data points.
b. Type in HIST HR, 0105, ENTER. This will give the last 24 one-hour averages for the reactor vent low range acble gas with the most j recent value printed last. '


c. Type in HIST DAY, 010'5, ENTER. This will give the last 24 day I averages for the reactor vent low range noble gas with the most i

recent value printed last. - f

d. Repeat the appropriate history command for the desired noble gas
channels listed in Step F.3.

! 7. To turn .the pump of any: unit- ON or-OFF, type as follows: l .

a. For main chimney; PUMP, ON (OFF), 030, ENTER l ,

t ! b. For reactor vent; PUMP, ON (OFF), 015, ENTER. . 8. To take any unit IN or OUT of flush, type as follows: } a. For main chimney; FLUSH, ON (OFF), 030, ENTER.

b. For reactor vent; FLUSH, ON (OFF), 010, ENTER.
9. To clear an alarm on any unit, type as follows:

i . NOTE l l Value must be 780% of alare value to clear. l

a. For main chimney; ALMCLR, 030, ENTER. l
b. For reactor vent; ALMCLR, 010, EITTER.

APPROVED I Unit-channel numbers are listed in Step F.3. 23M g.c.o. s. x.

i .. .
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p QEP 330-3 f Revision 4 j 10 . ' To check a detectors response, type in: CKSRC, unit channel #, ENTER. j . NOTE I l Only channels 5, 6, and 9 have checksources.

11. To print the parameter file for acy channel, type in: FILE, f

unit-channel 9, ENTIR. l i

12. If power is. lost to any field unit (SPING), the unit will need to be re-initialized as follows: I
a. Type in FILE, UNIT-CHANNEL #, ENTER. This will cause the printout of the channel parameter file for the specified unit and channel.
b. All of the calibration constants and units will have to be edited in.

g c. To type in any value type: RDIT, line number (2 digits), data 1 (either numerical value, channel number, or yes/no), ENTER. EXAMPLE: A calibration constant is #4.08e-03. To input this number find the line number associated with it (ie 03). The command, EDIT, 03, +4.08 - 08, ENTER will cause the value to be input into the file. Note the format for numbers. To check the value, turning the edit key off will cause the channel parameter j;)- g file to be printed again with the new value. w-w


ww=-ww-9:=omescam a w m 1m- -~

d. Any other 'significant data should be edited in a similar manner. ~

, 13. If power is lost to a CT-2 terminal a FILE O command will need to be


! 1 j a. Type in FILE, 0, ENTER. This will show the day and time and i fbliow with " ENTER DAY TIME". If this needs to be changed, enter a 3-digit number for the day of the year (001-365), a 4-digit number for the time of day (0000-2359) and terminate with enter. This value is then printed. If no change is needed, enter "no" j (-/off key). j b. Next the 24-hour log time will be presented. ~ Enter the time

desired as is pt,gp F.13.a. or "no" (-/off key).

.i j c. Next tEg 4-hour log will be presented. Answer "yes" (+/on key) or ! "no" (-/off key).

,                                    d. The instrument then asks four quescions (see the CT-2 technical 4

manual for instructions). If nothing is to be added or deleted answer "no" (-/off key) . f E APPROVED 1

        @                                                    s SEP 2 31982 Q. C. O. S. M.
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                                                                                                                                                   ===  j
                                                                                                                                              - e       1 r             ,
                                                                                .                                       QEP 330-3                       l
 '                                                            ~-

Revision 4 ' 14.' If any log time or time-date needs to be changed follow steps F.13.a. e< to F.13.d. '

,                              15.       If any problems arise udt covered in this procedure consult the CT-2 technical manual and radiation chemistry supervision.


1. None.


1. None.

d a j i i

  • I APPROVED 15 SEP 2 31982 Q. C. O. S. k.

(final) e ,, -

  • o n
u -.. w_.w . I- L - - . .-- . - ~., - . - -- - -~E. - . a = . --- -- - -- -~~ -- :s r . *
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T QEP 360-0 a f -


a Revicica 12 {

        '                                                                                                                            September 1982                  )
                 'ID/IS,1T                                                              PROTECTIVE MEASURE FOR
       ~. s ONSITE PERSONNEL U                     -

360-0 . Protective Measures for Onsite Personnel Rev. 12 09-03-82 a 360-1 Drywell Evacuation - Rev. 1 06-20-80 1 1 j 360-2 , i Plant Evacuation and Assembly Rev. 8 08-17-82 1 360-3 Site Evacuation Rev. 2 03-02-82 1 I 360-4 Use of Potassium Iodide (KI) } as a Thyroid Blocking Agent Rev. 2 05-1.8-81 ! 360-5 .f Issuance of Emergency Film During 4 GSEP Conditions Rev. 1 05-18-81 3 [ 360-S1

  • Emergency Film Distribution Log Rev. 1 05-18-81

?l .s 360-T1 3 S'j ' Evacuation. Assembly Areas for Visitors j and Contractors Rev. 2 03-02-82 9 360-T2 'l

Evacuation Routes by Wind Direction Rev. 5 09-03-82

] 360-T3 l' Site Evacuation Routes Rev. 1 06-20-80 1 360-T4 Evacuation Relocation Centers Rev. 1 06-20-80 360-T5 Iodine - 131 Dose Equivalent to Thyroid j Reference Reg. Guide 1.109, , Rev. 1 04-01-81 ! 360-T6 , b Iodine - 133 Dose Equivalent to Thyroid l Reference Reg. Guide 1.109 Rev. 1 04-01-81 ? 360-T7 Iodine - 135 Dose Equivalent to Thyroid I Reference Reg. Guide 1.109 Rev. 1 04-01-81 f [kg 360-T8 . APPROVED Q:' Potassium Iodide Distrihntion Record Rev. 1 05-18-81 SEP 0 31982 t Q.C.O.S.M. (final) .. . 9

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                                                                             , 7                 .

o a . D ' l-Q tg . QEP 360-T2 Revision 5 EVACUATION ROUTES BY WIND' DIRECTION August 1982 h ID/IN f WIND DIRECTION SITE EVACUATION RELOCATION t (Determined from Control ROUTE CENTER { Room or Metro Tower) (See QEP 360-T3) (See QEP 360-T4) N (0 ) * . A PARK NNE A PARK l NE (45 ) A PARK ) ENE A PARK 1 E (90 ) A PARg i ESE A RHS SE (135 ) A RHS l } SSE A RHS l S (180 ) A RHS SSW A f RHS 3 SW (225 ) A RHS WSW 3 e A RHS W (270 ) A RHS WNW B PARK i NW (315 ) B PARK NNW A PARK PARK: Proceed north on Route 84 to Albany Road. Turn right on Albany Road. hl).

                                  - Park. is-ondef tchand:sedevoqNetm roudec=cxrR::::c - -                                                                             --    ~

RHS: (Riverdale High School /COE Elementary School). Proceed south on Route 84 to Hillsdale Road. Turn left on Hillsdale Road. Proceed to 256th Street North. Turn left on 256th Street North. The 2 Riverdale High School and COE Elementary School are en the left h hand side of the road. 3 l EVACUATION ROUTE C: This route may be used :t the discretion of the [ Technical Director or Shift Engineer. I - s

                                                                 ..n l

APPRovrn SEP 0 31982 Q. C. O. S. tt (final) - I

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