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2008-03-Draft Operating Test
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/21/2008
From: Ryan Lantz
NRC Region 4
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
Download: ML080870230 (321)


Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 201004O0101 Withdraw Control Rods for Startup (Alternate Path Control Rod Fails to Latch)

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR / SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 20 minutes
5. NRC K/A 201003 A2.03 (3.4/3.7)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to manipulate the Reactor Manual Control System to withdraw control rods during a startup.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space if desired by the examiner.
4. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 2) when ready to start the JPM.
5. Brief the trainee, place the simulator in run, and tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 201004O0101 Withdraw Control Rods for Startup (Alternate Path Control Rod Fails to Latch)

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to withdraw control rods to raise reactor power to increase bypass valve position to 12% in order to support heatup. The examiner will act as your concurrent verifier and will automatically concur with all moves even if the move is incorrect.

Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. A plant startup is in progress with reactor pressure at 400 psig.
2. Reactor power is 4%.
3. The Control Rod Sequence Package is completed up to step 21.



1. Procedure 10.13
2. Procedure 2.1.1.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 201004O0101 Withdraw Control Rods for Startup (Alternate Path Control Rod Fails to Latch)

General Tools and Equipment:

1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical checks denoted by "*".
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".

Task Standards:

1. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to withdraw control rods to raise reactor power to increase bypass valve position to 12% in order to support heatup.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 201004O0101 Withdraw Control Rods for Startup (Alternate Path Control Rod Fails to Latch)

Performance Checklist Standards Initials NOTE: Procedure 10.13 requires concurrent verification for all rod moves. If asked to perform a concurrent verification. Concur with all moves irrespective of whether the move is correct.

Control Rod 30-31 Push Button on the 9-5 select matrix is depressed.

1. Selects Control Rod 30-31. CUE: Control Rod 30-31 Push Button on 9-5 _______*

select matrix is backlit.

Control Rod 30-31 is at position 08.

2. Withdraws Control CUE: Four Rod display indicates 08 for rod 30-Rod 30-31. _______*


Control Rod 30-15 Push Button on the 9-5 select matrix is depressed.

3. Selects Control Rod 30-15. CUE: Control Rod 30-31 Push Button on 9-5 _______*

select matrix is backlit.

Control Rod 30-15 is at position 08.

4. Withdraws Control CUE: Four Rod display indicates 08 for rod 30- _______*

Rod 30-15.


Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 201004O0101 Withdraw Control Rods for Startup (Alternate Path Control Rod Fails to Latch)

Performance Checklist Standards Initials Control Rod 22-39 Push Button on the 9-5 select matrix is depressed.

5. Selects Control Rod 22-39. CUE: Control Rod 22-39 Push Button on 9-5 _______*

select matrix is backlit.

Control Rod 22-39 is at position 08.

6. Withdraws Control CUE: Four Rod display indicates 08 for rod 22-Rod 22-39. _______*


Control Rod 22-15 Push Button on the 9-5 select matrix is depressed.

7. Selects Control Rod 22-15. CUE: Control Rod 22-15 Push Button on 9-5 _______*

select matrix is backlit.

Control Rod 22-15 is at position 08.

8. Withdraws Control CUE: Four Rod display indicates 08 for rod 22-Rod 22-15. _______*


Control Rod 30-39 Push Button on the 9-5 select matrix is depressed.

9. Selects Control Rod 30-39. CUE: Control Rod 30-39 Push Button on 9-5 _______*

select matrix is backlit.

NOTE: When control rod 30-39 is withdrawn it will fail to latch and will continue to withdraw after the withdraw signal is removed.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 201004O0101 Withdraw Control Rods for Startup (Alternate Path Control Rod Fails to Latch)

Performance Checklist Standards Initials Control Rod 30-39 is moved to position 06.

10. Withdraws Control Rod 30-39. CUE: Four Rod display indicates 06 for rod 30- _______*

39 then continues to slowly withdraw.

CUE: Rod Drift Alarm

11. Obtains Procedure Procedure 2.4CRDobtained. _______


12. Enters 2.4CRD Attachment 4. Attachment 4 is entered. _______
13. Control Rod 30-39 is Control Rod is inserted to position 06 with either inserted. the Emergency In control switch or Rod _______

Movement Control Switch.

14. Releases insert signal Determines that the control rod is not latched.

and determines if rod CUE: Rod drifts out of the core when the insert _______

is latched. signal is released.

Control Rod 30-39 is fully inserted.

CUE: Four Rod display indicates 00 for 30-39.

15. Fully inserts Control Rod 30-39.

CUE: Informs the candidate the JPM is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 7 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 201004O0101 Withdraw Control Rods for Startup (Alternate Path Control Rod Fails to Latch)

ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None B. Initialize the Simulator in IC IC-08 C. Run Batch File None D. Change the simulator Number Title Tgr TD Sev Ramp Initial conditions as follows:

1. Triggers RD10 CONTROL ROD
2. Malfunctions DRIFT-OUT A N/A N/A N/A N/A (30-39)


3. Remotes None N/A N/A
4. Overrides None N/A N/A
a. Verify no control rod is selected.
5. Panel Setup b. Mark the Control Rod Sequence Package up to step 21 (Control Rod 30-31 is the next rod to withdraw from 04 to 08).

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 8 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 201004O0101 Withdraw Control Rods for Startup (Alternate Path Control Rod Fails to Latch)

Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, take a SNAPSHOT after the panel setup is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-31 (2641)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 9 of 12 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 03 Task No.: 245056G0101




Transfer of 4160V Bus 1G from DG2 to Emergency Transformer


ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to The Control Room Supervisor directs you to withdraw control rods to raise reactor power to increase bypass valve position to 12% in order to support heatup.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. A plant startup is in progress with reactor pressure at 400 psig.
2. Reactor power is 4%.
3. The Control Rod Sequence Package is completed up to step 21.

Initiating Cues:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to withdraw control rods to raise reactor power to increase bypass valve position to 12% in order to support heatup. The examiner will act as your concurrent verifier and will automatically concur with all moves even if the move is incorrect.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass: Fail: Examiner Signature: Date:

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-31 (2641)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 10 of 12 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 03 Task No.: 245056G0101




Transfer of 4160V Bus 1G from DG2 to Emergency Transformer


Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR / SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 20 minutes
5. NRC K/A:262001 A4.04 (3.6/3.7)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to perform transfer of 4160 bus 1G from DG2 to the Emergency Transformer.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by (#) should be given.
3. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an (NP) for (not performed); an explanation may also be written in the space, if desired, by the examiner.
4. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 2) when ready to start the JPM.
5. Brief the trainee, place the Simulator in RUN, and tell the trainee to begin.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform the required actions to transfer 4160V bus 1G from DG2 to the Emergency Transformer. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-31 (2641)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 11 of 12 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 03 Task No.: 245056G0101




Transfer of 4160V Bus 1G from DG2 to Emergency Transformer


General Conditions:

1. DG2 is supplying 4160 VAC bus 1G.
2. The Emergency Transformer is available.
3. Breaker 1FS has failed.



1. Procedure 2.2.18, 4160V Auxiliary Power Distribution System
2. Procedure, Diesel Generator Operations General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical steps denoted by (*).
3. Simulator cues denoted by (#).

Task Standards:

1. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform transfer of 4160V bus 1G from DG2 to the Emergency Transformer. Inform Control Room Supervisor when 4160V bus 1G is being

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-31 (2641)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 12 of 12 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 03 Task No.: 245056G0101




Transfer of 4160V Bus 1G from DG2 to Emergency Transformer


carried by the Emergency Transformer and the Diesel is secured.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-31 (2641)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 13 of 12 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 03 Task No.: 245056G0101




Transfer of 4160V Bus 1G from DG2 to Emergency Transformer


Performance Checklist Standards Initials

1. Obtain copy of 2.2.18 and Operator obtains a copy of procedure 2.2.18 and _________
2. Ensure risk has been The operator determines that risk need not assessed, per Procedure be assessed as breaker is already open due _________

0.49, for placing Breaker to a failure.

1FS, EMERGENCY XFMR BKR, for Bus 1F in #CUE: IF asked as CRS, inform the PULL-TO-LOCK operator that risk has been evaluated.

3. Ensure the Emergency The operator verifies voltage available from Transformer is energized the Emergency Transformer. _________

CUE: Emergency Transformer secondary voltage is 4440VAC.

4. Inform Shift Manager Inform Shift Manager to declare both off-site both off-site circuits are circuits inoperable and to enter the _________

inoperable. appropriate Condition and Required Action of LCO 3.8.1, AC Sources - Operating.

  1. CUE: SM acknowledges the information.
5. Verify 1GS racked in. Ensure Breaker 1GS, EMERGENCY TRANSFORMER FEED TO 4160V BUS 1G, _________

is racked in.

CUE: 1GS Breaker RED light OFF, GREEN light ON.

6. Start signals clear Ensure DG2 auto start signals clear.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-31 (2641)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 14 of 12 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 03 Task No.: 245056G0101




Transfer of 4160V Bus 1G from DG2 to Emergency Transformer


Performance Checklist Standards Initials CUE: Drywell pressure is .5 pig and steady Reactor water level being controlled 15" to 40".

CUE: 4160V Bus 1F/1G are energized

7. Depress local RESET Direct SO to locally at DG2 Control Panel, button press and release EMERGENCY to _________*


  1. CUE: Station Operator reports EMERGENCY to NORMAL RESET button has been depressed and released
8. Place into Droop Parallel Direct SO to locally at DG2 Control Panel, to Parallel. ensure DROOP PARALLEL switch is in _________*


  1. CUE: Station Operator reports DROOP PARALLEL switch is in PARALLEL.
9. Speed control check Adjust speed of DG2 by placing DIESEL GEN 2 GOVERNOR SWITCH to RAISE or _________

LOWER to verify DG2 frequency control.

CUE: DG2 frequency is 59.6 Hz CUE: DG2 frequency rises to 60.0 Hz

10. Voltage control check Adjust voltage of DG2 by placing DIESEL

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-31 (2641)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 15 of 12 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 03 Task No.: 245056G0101




Transfer of 4160V Bus 1G from DG2 to Emergency Transformer


Performance Checklist Standards Initials GEN 2 VOLTAGE REGULATOR switch RAISE or LOWER to maintain DG2 voltage _________

at 4160 volts.

CUE: DG voltage is 4050 volts.

CUE: DG voltage rises to 4160 volts.

11. Synch switch to 1GS Place SYNCH SWITCH 1GS to 1GS.

CUE: SYNCH SWITCH is in 1GS position _________

  • Note: Grid is now "incoming" and DG "running". All synchronization indications are reversed.
12. Adjust speed Using DIESEL GEN 2 GOVERNOR switch, adjust engine speed so SYNCHROSCOPE is rotating very slowly in counter-clockwise _________

(slow) direction.

CUE: If the operator indicates that he is placing the governor switch to raise indicate that the SYNCHROSCOPE is speeding up in the clockwise (fast) direction.

CUE: If the operator indicates that he is placing the governor switch to lower indicate that the SYNCHROSCOPE starting to rotate in the counter-clockwise (slow) direction.

13. Adjust voltage Using DIESEL GEN 2 VOLTAGE REGULATOR switch, adjust Bus 1G voltage to slightly lower than EMERGENCY XFMR _________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-31 (2641)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 16 of 12 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 03 Task No.: 245056G0101




Transfer of 4160V Bus 1G from DG2 to Emergency Transformer


Performance Checklist Standards Initials CUE: (Before adjustment) DG2 Voltage reads 4160 volts.

CUE: XFMR Transformer voltage is 4449 volts.

CUE: (after adjustment) DG2 voltage reads 4430 volts.

14. Close 1GS When SYNCHROSCOPE is at 1 o clock, the operator closes Breaker 1GS and check switch spring returns to NORMAL AFTER _________*

CLOSE (red flagged)

CUE: Switch returns to center position (red flagged). 1GS Breaker , GREEN light is OFF, RED light is ON.

15. Adjust kVARS The Operator adjust DG2 kVARS so that they are slightly positive (~200 kVARS) using DIESEL GEN 2 VOLTAGE _________

REGULATOR switch. (100 - 300 KVARs)

CUE: DG2 kVARS reads 40 kVARS CUE: DG2 kVARS reads 200 kVARS

16. Bkr 1FS Pull-To-Lock. Verify switch for 1FS in PULL-TO-LOCK (PTL)

CUE: 1FS Breaker is still tagged

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-31 (2641)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 17 of 12 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 03 Task No.: 245056G0101




Transfer of 4160V Bus 1G from DG2 to Emergency Transformer


Performance Checklist Standards Initials

17. Lower DG2 Load Reduce load on DG2 to 1000 KW using DIESEL GEN 2 GOVERNOR switch. _________

CUE: DG2 load is 2200 KW CUE: DG2 load is 1000 KW

18. Place SYNCH SWITCH Place SYNCH SWITCH 1GS to OFF to OFF _________


19. DG2 Cooldown After engine has cooled and cylinder exhaust temperature have dropped (~5 minutes),

remove DG2 from services per _________

  1. CUE: Five minutes have elapsed.
  1. CUE: Station Operator reports engine temperatures are cooling down.
20. Lower DG1 load Lower DG1 load to 400 kW and ( 1000 kW. _________

CUE: DG2 load is 600 kW

  1. CUE: 15 minutes have elapsed.
21. Lower to 400 KW Lower DG2 load to 400 KW CUE: DG2 load is 400 kW
22. Lower kVARs Reduce DG2 kVARs as low as possible.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-31 (2641)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 18 of 12 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 03 Task No.: 245056G0101




Transfer of 4160V Bus 1G from DG2 to Emergency Transformer


Performance Checklist Standards Initials CUE: DG2 kVARs is 50 KVA

23. Open EG2 Open DIESEL GEN 2 BKR EG2 CUE: BKR EG2 is NORMAL AFTER TRIP (green flagged). Green light is ON.

Red light is OFF.

24. Inform CRS Inform CRS that the Emergency Transformer is carrying 4160 V Bus 1G.

CUE: CRS acknowledges. This JPM is complete. (Stop JPM at this point even if candidate continues.)

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-31 (2641)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 19 of 12 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 03 Task No.: 245056G0101




Transfer of 4160V Bus 1G from DG2 to Emergency Transformer


ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials required None B. Initialize the Simulator in any at power IC (IC-18, 19 or 20 suggested)

Batch File name - none.

C. Change the Simulator conditions from those of the IC as follows:

1. Triggers Number File Name Description None
2. Malfunctions Number Title Trigger TD Severity Ramp Initial None
3. Remotes Number Title Trigger TD Value Ramp None

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-31 (2641)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 20 of 12 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 03 Task No.: 245056G0101




Transfer of 4160V Bus 1G from DG2 to Emergency Transformer

4. Overrides Instrument Tag Trigger TD Value Ramp None 5.Panel Set-up (suggested. Any setup is allowed that supports performance of the bus transfer)
a. Place Bkr 1FS in PTL and place Danger Tag on C/S
b. Place Bkr 1GS in PTL
c. Place 2nd SW pump B in service
d. Place >B= RHR loop in Suppression Pool Cooling using Div 2 power sources
f. At DG2 local panel, depress & release EMERGENCY to NORMAL RESET pushbutton.
g. At DG2 local panel, place DROOP PARALLEL switch in PARALLEL.

Note:If this JPM is to be performed more than once, snap the simulator into an IC after the panel setup is complete.

ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform the required actions to transfer 4160V bus 1G from DG2 to the Emergency Transformer. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 21 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 217003O0101 Emergency Inject with RCIC per the Hard Card (Alternate Path)

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. DG2 is supplying 4160 VAC bus 1G.
2. The Emergency Transformer is available.
3. Breaker 1FS has failed.

Initiating Cues:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform transfer of 4160V bus 1G from DG2 to the Emergency Transformer. Inform Control Room Supervisor when 4160V bus 1G is being carried by the Emergency Transformer and the Diesel is secured.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 22 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 217003O0101 Emergency Inject with RCIC per the Hard Card (Alternate Path)

Revision Summary Changed SS to SM Added note between step 12 and 13 to assist the examiner in evaluating the candidate. Examiner made aware that synchronization indications are reversed.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Simulator
2. Appropriate Trainee Levels: RO/SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A 295031 EA1.05 4.3/4.3.

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to manually inject with Reactor Core Isolation System (RCIC) and to respond to a controller failure.
2. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
3. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an "NP" for "not performed"; an explanation may also be written in the space if desired by the examiner.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to establish injection with RCIC per the hard card. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 23 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 217003O0101 Emergency Inject with RCIC per the Hard Card (Alternate Path)

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to perform injection with RCIC per the hard card.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 24 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 217003O0101 Emergency Inject with RCIC per the Hard Card (Alternate Path)

General Conditions:

1. The reactor is scrammed following a small LOCA.
2. Reactor water level is lowering.
3. RCIC is in standby.



1. SOP Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Operations.

General Tools and Equipment:

1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical checks denoted by "*".

Task Standards:

1. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

You have been assigned to perform RCIC injection per the hard card. The Control Room Supervisor directs you to start and inject with RCIC at full flow per the hard. Notify the CRS when the task is complete.

NOTE: Tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 25 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 217003O0101 Emergency Inject with RCIC per the Hard Card (Alternate Path)

Performance Checklist Standards Initials

1. Obtain RCIC Hard Obtains the RCIC Hard Card. ______


RCIC-MO-132 Control Switch is placed to

2. Places RCIC-MO-132 OPEN.

control switch to ______


CUE: RCIC-MO-132 Red light is light is on and the Green light is OFF.

Gland Seal Vacuum pump control switch is

3. Places the GLAND placed to Start.


PUMP switch to CUE: Gland Seal Vacuum Pump Red Light START. is ON and the Green light is OFF.

RCIC-MO-131 Control Switch is placed to *

4. Places the RCIC-MO- OPEN.

131 switch to OPEN..

CUE: RCIC-MO-131 Red light is light is ON and the Green light is OFF.

RCIC-MO-21 Control Switch is placed to OPEN. *

5. Places the RCIC-MO-21 valve to OPEN.

CUE: RCIC-MO-21 Red light is light is ON and the Green light is OFF.

NOTE: INSERT Malfunction RC04, 0%.

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Cooper Nuclear Station Page 26 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 217003O0101 Emergency Inject with RCIC per the Hard Card (Alternate Path)

Performance Checklist Standards Initials Observes the indicated flow on the RCIC

6. Verify/Adjust RCIC- ______

flow controller.

FIC-91, RCIC flow controller. CUE: RCIC flow initially increases to 400 gpm then falls to 0 gpm.


7. Places RCIC-FIC-91 to MANUAL.
  • CUE: RCIC-FIC-91 is in MANUAL RCIC-FIC-91 Manual Potentiometer is
8. ADJUSTS RCIC-FIC- adjusted to raise RCIC Flow.

91 Manual potentiometer to raise CUE: Flow increases as the potentiometer RCIC flow to 400 gpm is rotated clockwise.

or greater. CUE: Flow is 400 gpm and reactor water level is slowly rising.

Verifies that REC-MO-711 is OPEN.

9. Ensure REC-MO- ______

CUE: REC-MO-711 Red light is ON and the 711 is open. Green Light is OFF.

CRS informed that RCIC is injecting at full

10. Inform the CRS That flow.

RCIC is operating at Maximum flow. CUE: CRS acknowledges the report. ______

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 27 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 217003O0101 Emergency Inject with RCIC per the Hard Card (Alternate Path)

ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None B. Initialize the Simulator in IC 18 C. Run Batch File None D. Change the simulator Number Title Tgr TD Sev Ramp Initial conditions as follows:

TRG 2 is active when RCIC-MO-21 valve CS is placed

1. Triggers None to OPEN RECIRC LOOP
3. Remotes None N/A N/A
4. Overrides None N/A N/A

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 28 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 217003O0101 Emergency Inject with RCIC per the Hard Card (Alternate Path)

a. Place Simulator in Run
b. Place HPCI Aux Oil Pump in PTL.
c. Place the Danger tag on the HPCI Aux Oil Pump.
5. Panel Setup d. Trip both RFPs and activate Trigger 1.
e. After RCIC recovers level to -20(WR), reset the RCIC initiation and place RCIC in STANDBY Lineup.
f. Freeze the simulator.

Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, take a SNAPSHOT after the panel setup is complete.

ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to establish injection with RCIC per the hard card. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to perform injection with RCIC per the hard card.

General Conditions:

1. The reactor is scrammed following a loss of feedwater.
2. Reactor water level is lowering.
3. RCIC is in standby.

Initiating Cues:

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 29 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 208018C0101 REC Restoration Following a Loss of Power You have been assigned to perform RCIC injection per the hard card. The Control Room Supervisor directs you to start and inject with RCIC at full flow per the hard. Notify the CRS when the task is complete.

NOTE: Tell the trainee to begin.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Simulator
2. Appropriate Trainee Levels: RO/SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A 295003 AA1.03 4.4/4.4.

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to restore the REC system following a loss of power.
2. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
3. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an "NP" for "not performed"; an explanation may also be written in the space if desired by the examiner.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform REC restoration following a loss of power per the hard card. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 30 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 208018C0101 REC Restoration Following a Loss of Power When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to perform REC restoration following a loss of power per the hard card.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 31 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 208018C0101 REC Restoration Following a Loss of Power General Conditions:

1. The plant is shutdown following a loss of offsite power.
2. Both DG are running and tied to their busses.
3. A REC low pressure isolation occurred due to loss of power.
4. REC pumps A and D are running.
5. Restoration of REC flow to the AOG is not required.



1. SOP REC Operations.

General Tools and Equipment:

1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical checks denoted by "*".

Task Standards:

2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
3. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

You have been assigned to perform REC restoration after power loss per the hard card. The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform REC restoration following loss of power per the hard card and restoration of REC to AOG is not required. Notify the CRS when the task is complete.

NOTE: Tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 32 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 208018C0101 REC Restoration Following a Loss of Power Performance Checklist Standards Initials

11. Obtain REC Hard Obtains the REC Hard Card. ______


Verifies that REC isolation is not due to

12. Verifies that REC low leak.

pressure isolation is due to loss of power. CUE: Station Operators report no REC leakage.

Checks Pump indications on Panel M.

13. Verifies two REC CUE: REC pump A and D Red lights are pumps are running. ON. REC pump B and C Red lights are OFF.

Checks REC-MO-711, NORTH CRITICAL ______


14. Ensures a Critical on Panel-M.

Loop Supply Valve is OPEN. CUE: REC-MO-711, NORTH CRITICAL LOOP SUPPLY valve red light is ON and the Green light is OFF.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 33 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 208018C0101 REC Restoration Following a Loss of Power Performance Checklist Standards Initials Checks PC-TI-505A through PC-TI-505E. ______

15. Ensures drywell CUE: PC-TI-505A is 154°F.

temperature is PC-TI-505B is 150°F.

260°F. PC-TI-505C is 164°F.

PC-TI-505D is 170°F.

PC-TI-505E is 160°F.


16. OPENS the switch is placed to OPEN.


NOTE: REC-MO-712 is throttle open only. If the candidate opens the valve too far and the REC HX OUTLET PRESSURE alarm is received, the valve must be fully closed prior to recommencing pressurization of REC non-critical header.

Multiple attempts are allowed.

REC-MO-712 is throttled open, REC HX OUTLET PRESSURE alarm is clear and REC CRIT LOOP SUPPLY PRESS in green

17. Throttles OPEN REC- band.

MO-712, REC HX A OUTLET Valve. CUE: REC HX outlet pressure alarm is clear and REC Critical loop pressure is in the green band.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 34 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 208018C0101 REC Restoration Following a Loss of Power Performance Checklist Standards Initials REC Pump B is running. *

18. STARTS REC pump CUE: REC pump B red light is ON and the B. Green Light is OFF.

REC HX outlet valve throttled open until REC CRIT LOOP SUPPLY PRESS 62 psig and REC HEADER PRESSURE in top

19. Throttles OPEN REC- of green band.

MO-712, REC HX A OUTLET Valve.

CUE: REC Critical Loop Supply Pressure is 68 psig.

CUE: REC Header Pressure is in the TOP of the Green Band.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 35 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 208018C0101 REC Restoration Following a Loss of Power NOTE: Steps 10 and 11 are performed together.




  • HEADER SUPPLY. CUE: REC-MO-700 Red light is ON and the Green Light is OFF.

REC HX Outlet Valve is throttled open and REC HEADER PRESSURE is in the green

21. Throttles OPEN REC band.

A HX Outlet Valve REC-MO-712. CUE: REC-MO-712 Red Light is ON and

  • the Green light is OFF. REC Header Pressure is in the Green Band.

Checks REC-MO-712 is Full OPEN.

22. Ensure REC-MO-712 is Full Open. CUE: REC-MO-712 Red light is ON and the Green Light is OFF.


23. OPENS REC-AO-710 INLET is open.


  • HX INLET. CUE: REC-AO-710 Red light is ON and the Green light is OFF.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 36 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 208018C0101 REC Restoration Following a Loss of Power DRYWELL REC ISOL VALVE CONTROL is

24. PLACES the in AUTO.



CRS informed that REC Restoration is

25. Informs the CRS That complete.

REC restoration is complete. ______

CUE: CRS acknowledges the report.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 37 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 208018C0101 REC Restoration Following a Loss of Power ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None B. Initialize the Simulator in IC 18 C. Run Batch File None D. Change the simulator Number Title Tgr TD Sev Ramp Initial conditions as follows:

1. Triggers TRG2 LOSS OF POWER
2. Malfunctions ED05 (START-UP 2 None N/A None N/A TRANSFORMER)


3. Remotes None N/A N/A
4. Overrides None N/A N/A
g. Place Simulator in Run
h. Ensure or place REC pumps A and D in Standby.
i. Ensure or place REC HX A in service.
5. Panel Setup j. Activate trigger 2.
k. After the both DG start, tie to their busses, and both STBY REC pumps start delete ED05 and ED 06 then freeze the simulator.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 38 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 208018C0101 REC Restoration Following a Loss of Power Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, take a SNAPSHOT after the panel setup is complete.

ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

You have been assigned to perform REC restoration after power loss per the hard card. The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform REC restoration following loss of power per the hard card and restoration of REC to AOG is not required When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to perform REC restoration following a loss of power per the hard card.

General Conditions:

1. The plant is shutdown following a loss of offsite power.
2. Both DG are running and tied to their busses.
3. A REC low pressure isolation occurred due to loss of power.
4. REC pumps A and D are running.
5. Restoration of REC flow to the AOG is not required.

Initiating Cues:

You have been assigned to perform REC restoration after power loss per the hard card. The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform REC restoration following loss of power per the hard card and restoration of REC to AOG is not required.

NOTE: Tell the trainee to begin.

Trainee: Examiner:

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-102 (16530)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 39 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 241011O0101 Raise DEH pressure setpoint to 926 psig.

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR / SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 20 minutes
5. NRC K/A 241000 A4.06 (3.9/3.9)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to manipulate the DEH controls in order to raise reactor pressure during a startup.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space if desired by the examiner.
4. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 2) when ready to start the JPM.
5. Brief the trainee, place the simulator in run, and tell the trainee to begin.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to raise reactor pressure setpoint to 926 psig and raise pressure at a rate such that the average heatup rate for the period is 50°F/hr. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-102 (16530)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 40 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 241011O0101 Raise DEH pressure setpoint to 926 psig.

the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. A plant startup is in progress with reactor pressure at 400 psig.
2. Reactor power is 4%.



1. Procedure General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical checks denoted by "*".
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".

Task Standards:

1. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-102 (16530)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 41 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 241011O0101 Raise DEH pressure setpoint to 926 psig.

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to raise pressure setpoint to 926 psig and raise pressure at a rate such that the average heatup rate for the period is 50°F/hr.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-102 (16530)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 42 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 241011O0101 Raise DEH pressure setpoint to 926 psig.

Performance Checklist Standards Initials

16. Determines Determines that 4psi/minute is the required pressurization rate pressurization rate.

equivalent for 50°F/hr _______

heatup rate.

PRESS RATE - PSI/MIN button is depressed.

17. Press PRESS RATE -

CUE: The PRESS RATE - PSI/MIN button is PSI/MIN button. _______*


The existing pressure rate in the TURBINE DISPLAY window is checked.

18. Check existing pressure rate CUE: The pressure rate in the turbine display _______

window is 1 psi/minute.

RAISE/LOWER pushbuttons are depressed until the pressurization rate is entered.

19. RAISE the pressurization rate. CUE: TURBINE DISPLAY window indicates 4 _______*

psi/minute Enter Button is Depressed.

20. Press the ENTER button.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-102 (16530)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 43 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 241011O0101 Raise DEH pressure setpoint to 926 psig.

Performance Checklist Standards Initials PRESSURE SETPOINT - PSI button is

21. Press PRESSURE depressed.

SETPOINT - PSI button and check it CUE: PRESSURE SETPOINT - PSI button is _______

backlights. backlit.

Existing pressure setpoint in TURBINE DISPLAY window is determined to be 400 psig.

22. Check existing pressure setpoint _______

CUE: Turbine display window indicates 400 psig.

The RAISE button is depressed until 926 is displayed in the TURBINE DISPLAY window.

NOTE: The operator may also depress the fast

23. RAISES pressure action pushbutton.

setpoint to 926 psig. _______*

CUE: 926 is displayed in the turbine display window.

ENTER button is depressed.

24. ENTERS the new setpoint. CUE: Hold button is backlit. _______*

GO button is depressed.

25. Commences the heat CUE: GO button backlights and pressure setpoint up. _______*

is rising.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-102 (16530)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 44 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 241011O0101 Raise DEH pressure setpoint to 926 psig.

Performance Checklist Standards Initials CRS is informed.

26. Informs CRS.
  1. CUE: CRS acknowledges the report. _______

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-102 (16530)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 45 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 241011O0101 Raise DEH pressure setpoint to 926 psig.

ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None B. Initialize the Simulator in IC IC-08 C. Run Batch File None D. Change the simulator Number Title Tgr TD Sev Ramp Initial conditions as follows:

1. Triggers None
2. Malfunctions N/A N/A
3. Remotes None N/A N/A
4. Overrides None N/A N/A

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-102 (16530)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 46 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 241011O0101 Raise DEH pressure setpoint to 926 psig.

c. Raise DEH pressure setpoint to 400 psig.
d. Change the DEH pressurization rate to 1 psi/min.
5. Panel Setup
e. After conditions stabilize verify that bypass valves are at least 5% open. If less than 5% open pull in sequence control rods until 5% bypass valve position is obtained.

Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, take a SNAPSHOT after the panel setup is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-72 (xxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 47 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 10 Task No.: 259034P0101 PLACE THE SECOND RFPT IN SERVICE ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to raise DEH pressure setpoint to 926 psig and enter a pressurization rate equivalent to an average heat up of 50°F/hr. After these are entered commence ramping pressure to 926 psig.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. A plant startup is in progress with reactor pressure at 400 psig and reactor power at 4%.

Initiating Cues:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to raise pressure setpoint to 926 psig and raise pressure at a rate such that the average heatup rate for the period is 50°F/hr.

Trainee: Examiner:

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-72 (xxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 48 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 10 Task No.: 259034P0101 PLACE THE SECOND RFPT IN SERVICE Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR / SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform Simulate
4. Performance Time: 20 minutes
5. NRC K/As 259001 A4.02 (3.9/3.7)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to place the second RFPT in service.If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by # should be given.
2. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space, if desired, by the examiner.
3. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 2) when ready to start the JPM.
4. Brief the trainee, place the Simulator in RUN, and tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-72 (xxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 49 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 10 Task No.: 259034P0101 PLACE THE SECOND RFPT IN SERVICE Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to place the second RFPT in service. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. Generator load is 450 Mwe gross.
2. 1A RFP is in service.
3. 1B RFPT is in standby at 875 rpm. All pre-start checks are completed per 2.2.28.




General Tools and Equipment:

1. None

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-72 (xxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 50 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 10 Task No.: 259034P0101 PLACE THE SECOND RFPT IN SERVICE Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:

1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical steps denoted by *.
3. Simulator cues denoted by #.

Task Standards:

1. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to place 1B RFP in service and balance flows per section 6 of procedure Inform the CRS when the 1B RFP has been placed service.

NOTE: Place the Simulator in RUN and tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-72 (xxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 51 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 10 Task No.: 259034P0101 PLACE THE SECOND RFPT IN SERVICE Performance Checklist Standards Initials


STATION, for RFPT B is in CUE: RFC-CS-RFPT B is in MDEM. ______


RFPT Speed is determined to be less than

2. Ensures RFPT speed is 5200 RPM.

<5200 RPM. ______

CUE: RFPT speed is 4800 RPM.

RFPT speed is slowly raised using UP/DOWN arrows on RFC-CS-RFPT B until RFPT discharge pressure is equal to or

3. Raises speed of RFPT B. slightly below reactor pressure.

CUE: RFPT B discharge pressure is 985 psig.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-72 (xxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 52 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 10 Task No.: 259034P0101 PLACE THE SECOND RFPT IN SERVICE The operator slowly jogs open RF-MO-30, RFP B DISCHARGE VLV.


4. Opens RF-MO-29 red light is ON and the Green light is ON.

CUE: RF-MO-30, RFP B DISCHARGE VLV red light is ON and the Green light is OFF.

Slowly adjusts OUTPUT on RFC-CS-RFPT B using UP/DOWN arrows for RFPT B until its

5. Adjusts OUTPUT on RFC- flow is ~ 1.5x106 lbs/hr.

CS-RFPT B. ______*

6 CUE: Flow is 1.5x10 lbs/hr.

RFPT A speed is checked.

6. Check RFPT A speed drops to maintain RPV level. ______

CUE: RFPT A Speed is 4200 RPM.

RFPT B minimum flow valve is closed.

7. Closes RFPT B minimum Flow Valve. CUE: RFPT B Minimum flow valve red light is off.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-72 (xxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 53 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 10 Task No.: 259034P0101 PLACE THE SECOND RFPT IN SERVICE Slowly adjusts OUTPUT on RFC-CS-RFPT B

8. Adjusts OUTPUT on RFC- using UP/DOWN arrows for RFPT B until its CS-RFPT B to zero deviation deviation meter is at zero.


CUE: Deviation meter indicates zero. ______*


9. Places RFC-CS-RFPT B to AUTO. ______*


Bias on RFC-CS-RFPTB is adjusted using UP/DOWN arrows. Pump flows are balanced

10. Adjust bias on RFC-CS- and both pump biases are 0. ______*

RFPTB to balance flow. CUE: Pump flows are matched and bias for each pump is 0.

Verifies that the RFPT B turning gear switch

11. Ensure RFPT TURNING is in AUTO.

GEAR control switch for RFPT being placed in service ______

in AUTO. CUE: RFPT B Turing gear switch is in AUTO.

RFPT operation is verified and RPV level is verified.

12. Ensure both RFPs are operating properly and CUE: RPV level is steady at 35 and both ______

controlling RPV level. pumps respond to level changes.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-72 (xxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 54 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 10 Task No.: 259034P0101 PLACE THE SECOND RFPT IN SERVICE RF-DRV-9B, RF-DRV-11B, and RF-DRV-10B are closed.

CUE: RF-DRV-9B, RF-DRV-11B, and RF-

13. Closes RFPT drains DRV-10B green lights are on, and the red ______

lights are off.

CRS informed that RFPT B is operating in Automatic.

  1. CUE: Acknowledge the report.
14. Informs the CRS. #CUE: Inform the candidate that the JPM is ______


Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-72 (xxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 55 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 10 Task No.: 259034P0101 PLACE THE SECOND RFPT IN SERVICE ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None B. Initialize the Simulator in IC14 Start 2nd Feedpump (BOL)

C. Run Batch File None D. Change the simulator Number Title Tgr TD Sev Ramp Initial conditions as follows:

1. Triggers None
2. Malfunctions None N/A N/A
3. Remotes None N/A N/A
4. Overrides None N/A N/A

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-72 (xxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 56 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 10 Task No.: 259034P0101 PLACE THE SECOND RFPT IN SERVICE

l. Reset the simulator in IC-14
5. Panel Setup m. Perform RFPT startup to standby status per 2.2.28.
n. Place the simulator in Freeze.

Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, take a SNAPSHOT after the panel setup is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-66 (15651)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 57 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No. 213002P0101




Verify Group 2 Isolation (Alt Path TIP Shear)


ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to place the second RFPT in service. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. Generator load is 450 Mwe gross.
2. 1A RFP is in service.
3. 1B RFPT is in standby at 875 rpm. All pre-start checks are completed per 2.2.28.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to place 1B RFP in service and balance flows per section 6 of procedure Inform the CRS when the 1B RFP has been placed service.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass: Fail: Examiner Signature: Date:

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-66 (15651)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 58 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No. 213002P0101




Verify Group 2 Isolation (Alt Path TIP Shear)


THIS IS AN ALTERNATE PATH JPM Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee Level: RO/SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 Minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.1.31 (4.2/3.9) and 223002 A4.01 (3.6/3.5)

Directions to Examiner:


1. This JPM evaluates the Trainee=s ability to perform the actions for verifying a group 2 isolation and take appropriate actions.
2. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
3. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an "NP" for "not performed"; an explanation may also be written in the space if desired by the examiner.
4. Brief the trainee, and tell the trainee to begin.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform a verification of Group 2. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-66 (15651)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 59 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No. 213002P0101




Verify Group 2 Isolation (Alt Path TIP Shear)


General Conditions:

1. The plant Scrammed on Low Reactor Water level.
2. The low level resulted in a group 2 isolation.
3. There are indications of a LOCA in progress.



1. 2.1.22, Recovering from a Group Isolation
2. 4.1.4, Transverse In-Core Probe System General Tools and Equipment:
1. Key to operate the TIP Shear Valve.

Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:

1. Critical checks denoted by "*".
2. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1
3. Alternate Path steps denoted by Task Standards:
1. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

The plant has just scrammed and the CRS has directed you to perform the actions associated with verifying the Group 2 Isolation using the Hard Card and notify the CRS when you have completed the required actions.

Note: Tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-66 (15651)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 60 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No. 213002P0101




Verify Group 2 Isolation (Alt Path TIP Shear)


Performance Checklist Standards Initials

1. Obtain the Hard Card for The Operator obtains the Hard Card for group verifications verifying the Group 2 Isolation. ________

NOTE: The Hard Card shows RHR-MO-25A and RHR-MO-25B but since the plant was not in Shutdown Cooling when the isolation occurred they may be open.

The Operator ensures the following Group 2 valves close:

RHR-MO-920 ____ RHR-MO-921 ____ RW-AO-82 ____ RW-AO-83 ____

RHR-MO-274A ____ RHR-MO-274B ____ RW-AO-94 ____ RW-AO-95 ____

RHR-MO-25A ____ RHR-MO-25B ____ PC-MO-1306 ____ PC-MO-1305 ____

RHR-MO-18 ____ RHR-MO-17 ____ PC-MO-1304 ____ PC-MO-1303 ____

RHR-SSV-60 ____ RHR-SSV-61 ____ PC-MO-1311 ____ PC-MO-1310 ____

RHR-SSV-95 ____ RHR-SSV-96 ____ PC-MO-1302 ____ PC-MO-1312 ____

RHR-MO-57 ____ RHR-MO-67 ____ PC-MO-1308 ____ PC-MO-1301 ____

RMV-AO-10 ____ RMV-AO-11 ____ TIP BALL VALVES ____

  • RMV-AO-12 ____ RMV-AO-13 ____

NOTE: The Operator may perform either step 2 or 3 first. The key is to tell the Operator to Isolate the Line.

2. Informs CRS that TIP The Operator informs the CRS that TIP Ball Ball Valve A is still Valve A is OPEN. _______


  1. CUE: Respond as the CRS, and tell the Operator to perform the actions to isolate the line.
3. Attempts to CLOSE TIP The Operator Attempts to CLOSE TIP Ball Ball Valve A Valve A. ________

CUE: The Ball Valve Red light is ON and the Green light is OFF.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-66 (15651)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 61 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No. 213002P0101




Verify Group 2 Isolation (Alt Path TIP Shear)


Performance Checklist Standards Initials

4. Refer to procedure 4.1.4 The Operator refers to procedure 4.1.4 TIP System Transverse In-Core Probe System Section 6, ________

Respond to Group 2 Isolation.

  1. CUE: If the operator reports that the TIP is in the shield, respond and tell the operator to perform the actions to isolate the line.
5. Fire the TIP A Shear The operator obtains a key and fires the TIP Valve. A Shear Valve by placing the keylock switch ________
  • to Fire.
6. Notify the CRS that the The Operator notifies the CRS that the TIP line is isolated. Shear valve has been fired and the line is ________


  1. CUE: Acknowledge the report as the CRS.

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Verify Group 2 Isolation (Alt Path TIP Shear)


ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required - None B. Initialize the simulator to any full power IC (suggested).

Batch File Name - JPM\3421mab.

C. Change the simulator conditions as follows:

1. Triggers - None
2. Malfunctions Malfuntion Title Severity RR20a A RR Loop Leak 20%
3. Remotes - None
4. Overrides Instrument Tag Trigger TD Value Ramp PANEL 9-3 TIP VLVs ZLOPCISDS126 OFF PANEL 9-3 TIP VLVs ZLOPCISDS125 ON PNL 9-13 TIP A VLV ZLOTIPADS13[1] ON PNL 9-13 TIP A VLV ZLOTIPADS14[1] OFF

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Verify Group 2 Isolation (Alt Path TIP Shear)

5. Panel Setup
a. Initialize Simulator to any full power IC and place tip Machine on and the toggle switch for the in-shield limit switches above the TIP machines to on.
b. Ensure PCIS Display for TIP Ball Valves indicates OPEN and that TIP Ball Valve A indicates OPEN.

Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, snap the simulator into an IC after the panel setup is complete.

ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform a verification of Group 2. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The plant Scrammed on Low Reactor Water level.
2. The low level resulted in a group 2 isolation.
2. There are indications of a LOCA in progress.

Initiating Cue(s):

The plant has just scrammed and the CRS has directed you to perform the actions associated with verifying the Group 2 Isolation using the Hard Card and notify the CRS when you have completed the required actions.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-18 (XXXXX)

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Perform APRM Gain Adjustment Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Time Started: ____________ Time Finished: _____________

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR / SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee Level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. Importance Rating: 3.63
6. NRC K/A 215005 A1.07(

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to perform APRM calibration with a valid Periodic Case available with two RR loops operating.

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Perform APRM Gain Adjustment

2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space, if desired, by the examiner.
4. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 2) when ready to start the JPM.
5. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

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Perform APRM Gain Adjustment Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform any corrective actions for the data given. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.


General Conditions:

1. The plant is in normal operation with two Recirc Pumps in service.

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Perform APRM Gain Adjustment

2. Reactor power is as shown on Periodic Case data (provided).
3. The reactor is in a limiting control rod pattern.
4. All actions required by the limiting control rod pattern are complete.



1. Procedure 10.1 General Tools and Equipment:
1. Periodic Case computer edit data (attached to this JPM or from simulator computer)
2. Small screwdriver
3. NPP 10.1, Attachment 1 and 4 Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical checks denoted by "*".
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".

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Perform APRM Gain Adjustment Task Standards:

1. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to review the shiftly Periodic Case and complete any required Attachment(s). Inform the CRS when the task is complete and provide him with completed Attachment(s) for his review.

NOTE: Provide the shiftly Periodic Case data sheet.

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Perform APRM Gain Adjustment Performance Checklist Standards Initials

7. Obtain copy of NPP Obtain a copy of NPP 10.1, Attachment 1 10.1, Att 1
8. Verify APRM Status At Panel 9-5, ensure APRM recorder is energized, APRM/IRM switch in APRM, and pen not stuck.

CUE: All APRMs have been checked

9. Record CTP on Record CTP from Periodic Case (CTP is CMWT on Attachment 1 Periodic Case) or OD-3 on Att 1.

CUE: CTP recorded.

10. Calculate and record Calculate and record FRP (FRP = CMWT/2381) on FRP on Attachment 1 Att. 1.

CUE: FRP calculated and recorded.

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Perform APRM Gain Adjustment Performance Checklist Standards Initials

11. Check Impulse Check Impulse Pressure on DEH panel and compare Pressure vs. FRP on reading to FRP on Att. 4.

Att. 4 CUE: Impulse Pressure is 690 psig at 100% power, (400 at ~ 60% power).

12. Record APRM Desired Determine and record the APRM Desired reading on reading Att. 1. (APRM Desired = FRP x 100)

CUE: APRM Desired reading recorded.

13. Record AGAF Initial Record the AGAF Initial from Periodic Case or OD-3 on Att 1 on Att. 1.

CUE: AGAFs recorded.

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Perform APRM Gain Adjustment Performance Checklist Standards Initials

14. Bypass APRM At Panel 9-5, bypass APRM B with the Manual Bypass Chan Joystick.

nel CUE: APRM B bypassed.

15. APRM B in At Panel 9-14, verify or place in AVERAGE APRM B

'AVERAGE' Meter Function Switch on Panel 9-14.

CUE: Switch is in AVERAGE.

16. Adjust gain to obtain At Panel 9-14, adjust the Gain Adjustment APRM Desired Potentiometer to obtain APRM Desired reading from reading Att. 1.

CUE: APRM B indicates APRM Desired reading.

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Perform APRM Gain Adjustment Performance Checklist Standards Initials

17. Unbypass APRM At Panel 9-5, unbypass APRM B by placing the Channel. Manual Bypass Joystick in NEUTRAL position.

CUE: Switch is in NEUTRAL.

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Perform APRM Gain Adjustment Performance Checklist Standards Initials NOTE: If the OD-3 is demanded too quickly after un-bypassing APRM B, the GAF and Power will indicate 00. If this happens as the CRS instruct the trainee to wait 1 minute and demand another OD-3.

18. Generate OD-3 Demand an OD-3, then selects the typer option, which report (PMIS terminal). he obtains when printed.

CUE: OD-3 obtained from typer.

19. Record AGAF Final Ensure all AGAF Finals are written within ranges, then on Att 1 record the AGAF Finals from the OD-3 and attach the OD-3 to Att. 1.

CUE: AGAF Final recorded. OD-3 attached.

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Perform APRM Gain Adjustment Performance Checklist Standards Initials

20. Complete NPP 10.1 Sign, date and enter time on Att. 1.

Att 1.

CUE: Attachment 1 completed.

21. Check acceptance Check the acceptance criteria.

criteria CUE: Acceptance criteria is satisfied.

22. Inform the Control Inform the CRS that NPP 10.1 Attachment 1 is Room Supervisor that complete and provide him with the completed the task is complete Attachment 1 for his review.
  1. CUE: The CRS acknowledges the report.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-94 (XXXXX)

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Operate the Diesel Fire Pump Manually (Alt. Path)

ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required NPP 10.1, Attachment 1 and 4 B. Initialize the Simulator in any IC above 50% power.

Batch File Name - none.

C. Change the simulator conditions as follows:

1. Triggers None
2. Malfunctions

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Operate the Diesel Fire Pump Manually (Alt. Path)


3. Remotes None
4. Overrides None

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Operate the Diesel Fire Pump Manually (Alt. Path)

5. Panel Setup
a. Place Simulator in RUN.
b. Adjust APRM B gain to lower 3-4%.
c. Ensure 2381 MWT.
d. Ensure Periodic Case indicates only B APRM requires gain adjustment. This may require the adjustment of APRMs other than B.
e. Obtain Periodic Case edit to provide to trainee.

NOTE: If valid computer edits cannot be obtained, insert BOGEY values for M545 and M546, substituting "1" on the PMIS IDT.

f. Place the simulator in FREEZE.

Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, snap the simulator into IC-0 after the panel setup is complete.

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Operate the Diesel Fire Pump Manually (Alt. Path)

ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform any corrective actions for the data given. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

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Operate the Diesel Fire Pump Manually (Alt. Path)

2. The plant is in normal operation with two Recirc Pumps in service.
3. Reactor power is as shown on Periodic Case data (provided).
3. The reactor is in a limiting control rod pattern.
4. All actions required by the limiting control rod pattern are complete.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to review the shiftly Periodic Case and complete any required Attachment(s). Inform the CRS when the task is complete and provide him with completed Attachment(s) for his review.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Time Started: ____________ Time Finished: _____________

ALTERNATE PATH Additional Program Information:

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Operate the Diesel Fire Pump Manually (Alt. Path)

6. Appropriate Performance Locations: Plant
7. Appropriate Trainee Level: SO / RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 12 minutes
5. NRC K/A 286000 A2.06 3.1/3.2 Directions to Examiner:



1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability operate the diesel fire pump manually.
2. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space, if desired, by the examiner.
3. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) when ready to start the JPM.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Directions to Trainee:

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Operate the Diesel Fire Pump Manually (Alt. Path)

When I tell you to begin, you are to operate the diesel fire pump manually. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

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Operate the Diesel Fire Pump Manually (Alt. Path)

General Conditions:

1. The plant has experienced a fire.
2. The "C" fire pump is out of service.
3. The electric fire pump is unable to maintain system pressure.
4. The Diesel Fire Pump has failed to auto start.
5. The Diesel Fire Pump cannot be started at panel FA.



1. Procedure 2.2.30 General Tools and Equipment:
1. Master key for building access Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical checks denoted by "*.

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Operate the Diesel Fire Pump Manually (Alt. Path)

Task Standards:

23. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to start the diesel fire pump at FP-PNL-F2 in the diesel fire house AND check engine parameters per procedure 2.2.30. Notify the CRS when the task is complete.

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Operate the Diesel Fire Pump Manually (Alt. Path)

Performance Checklist Standards Initials

1. Check the engine oil level. Check the engine oil level is normal.

CUE: Engine oil level is at normal.

2. Check the engine cooling Check the engine cooling water reservoir is full.


NOTE: The reservoir is above the CUE: The water level is at the top of the control panel. _______


3. Position selector switch. Position the selector switch on the local control cabinet in the MANUAL 1 or MANUAL 2 position.

CUE: (As selected) switch is positioned to Manual 1 or Manual 2.

4. Start the pump. Depress the start button.

CUE: Sound of engine cranking sluggishly and the engine does not start.

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Operate the Diesel Fire Pump Manually (Alt. Path)

Performance Checklist Standards Initials

5. Place selector switch in Position the selector switch to the OPPOSITE opposite position. manual position.

CUE: (As selected) switch is positioned to Manual 2 or Manual 1.

6. Depress the START Depress the start button.


CUE: Sound of engine cranking briskly.

CUE: Sound of engine running.

CUE: (When checked) state that the diesel engine has warmed up.

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Operate the Diesel Fire Pump Manually (Alt. Path)

Performance Checklist Standards Initials

7. Check circ water Check circ water temperature is between 165ºF temperature. and 195ºF.

CUE: Temperature reads 170ºF.

8. Check oil pressure. Check oil pressure is between 30 and 85 psig.

CUE: Pressure reads 80 psig.

9. Check RPM. Check engine RPM is between 1740 and 1840.

CUE: RPM reading is 1750.

10. Inform the Control Room Notify the CRS that the diesel fire pump has Supervisor of completion. started and the engine parameters have been checked. _______

CUE: The CRS acknowledges the report.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

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Place a Hydraulic Control Unit in Service ATTACHMENT 1 When I tell you to begin, you are to operate the diesel fire pump manually. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

General Conditions:

1. The plant has experienced a fire.
2. The "C" fire pump is out of service.
3. The electric fire pump is unable to maintain system pressure.
4. The Diesel Fire Pump has failed to auto start.
5. The Diesel Fire Pump cannot be started at panel FA.

Initiating Cues:

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Place a Hydraulic Control Unit in Service The Control Room Supervisor directs you to start the diesel fire pump at FP-PNL-F2 in the diesel fire house AND check engine parameters per procedure 2.2.30. Notify the CRS when the task is complete.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Time Started: ____________ Time Finished: _____________

Additional Program Information:

8. Appropriate Performance Locations: Plant
9. Appropriate Trainee Levels: SO
10. Evaluation Method: Perform Simulate
11. Performance Time: 20 minutes
12. Importance Factor: 3.25
13. NRC K/A: 201001 SG9(3.7/3.4)

Directions to Examiner:

24. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to place a Hydraulic Control Unit in service.
25. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

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Place a Hydraulic Control Unit in Service

26. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
27. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an "NP" for "not performed", and an explanation may also be written in the space if desired by the examiner.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform the field activities for placing a Hydraulic Control Unit in service. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the initiating cues, and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to place a Hydraulic Control Unit in service.

General Conditions:

11. Plant is shutdown, with refueling in progress.
12. HCU 30-43 has been isolated for maintenance.
3. The condensate make-up, instrument air, and REC systems are available.
4. The CRD system is in service.



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Place a Hydraulic Control Unit in Service

13. Procedure 2.2.8 General Tools and Equipment:

B. Crescent or box wrench, if performed.

Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:

b. Critical checks denoted by "*".

Task Standards:

3. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
4. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

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Place a Hydraulic Control Unit in Service The CRS has directed you to perform the field activities to valve in HCU 30-43 in accordance with SOP 2.2.8, Section 10. You are to inform the CRS when complete.

NOTE: Tell the trainee to begin.

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Place a Hydraulic Control Unit in Service Performance Checklist Standards Initials The operator obtains a copy of Procedure 2.2.8 Section 10 from the Control Room or at the entrance to the Reactor Building.

1. Obtain Procedure.

CUE: Once the operator has shown he knows were to obtain a copy of the procedure, Provide him a copy of section 10 and Attachment 1 on which to write.

The operator verifies with the CRS that the SCRAM TEST switch for HCU 30-43 is UP.

2. Ensure SCRAM TEST _______

switch is UP CUE: Scram Test switch is UP.

The operator verifies that Fuse 5A-F19A (117) for HCU 30-43 is installed.

3. Ensure Fuse 5A-F19A _______

(117) is installed CUE: As found.

The operator verifies that Fuse 5A-F19B (118) for HCU 30-43 is installed.

4. Ensure Fuse 5A-F19B _______

(118) is installed CUE: As found.

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Place a Hydraulic Control Unit in Service Performance Checklist Standards Initials The operator verifies that CRD-101(30-43),


5. Check CRD-101 (30- _______
43) closed CUE: The handwheel is fully clockwise and the valve stem is in.

The operator verifies that CRD-104(30-43),


6. Check CRD-104 (30- _______
43) closed CUE: The handwheel is fully clockwise and the valve stem is in.

The operator verifies that CRD-105(30-43),


7. Check CRD-105 (30- _______
43) closed CUE: The handwheel is fully clockwise and the valve stem is in.


8. OPEN CRD-116 (30- _______*


CUE: The valve position indicator parallel to pipe.

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Place a Hydraulic Control Unit in Service Performance Checklist Standards Initials The operator verifies that the Scram Inlet and Outlet Valves closed.

9. Check Scram Valves _______*

closed CUE: The Scram Valves indicate closed.

The operator ensures that CRD-PI-131(30-43) reading is 500 psig.

10. Check CRD-PI-131 (30- _______
43) pressure CUE: CRD-PI-131(30-43) is reading 550 psig.


11. OPEN CRD-112 (30- _______*


CUE: The handwheel is fully counter-clockwise and the valve stem is out.

The operator CLOSES CRD-107(30-43),


12. CLOSE CRD-107 (30- _______


CUE: Valve is fully clockwise.

The operator THROTTLES CRD-107(30-43),


13. THROTTLE CRD-107 _______


CUE: Valve is throttled one turn counter-

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Place a Hydraulic Control Unit in Service Performance Checklist Standards Initials clockwise.

NOTE TO THE EXAMINER: Steps 13 and 14 are performed concurrently.

The operator slowly OPENS CRD-113(30-43),


14. OPEN CRD-113 (30- _______*


CUE: The handwheel is fully counter-clockwise and the valve stem is out.

When the accumulator has been vented, the operator CLOSES CRD-107(30-43).

15. Vent accumulator, then CLOSE CRD-107 (30-
43) CUE: Steady flow sound is heard and drain line is warm. The handwheel is fully clockwise.

The operator OPENS CRD-102(30-43),


16. OPEN CRD-102 (30- _______*


CUE: The handwheel is fully counter-clockwise and the valve stem is out.

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Place a Hydraulic Control Unit in Service Performance Checklist Standards Initials The operator OPENS CRD-101(30-43).

17. OPEN CRD-101 (30- _______*
43) CUE: The handwheel is fully counter-clockwise and the valve stem is out.

The operator OPENS CRD-104(30-43).

18. OPEN CRD-104 (30- _______*
43) CUE: The handwheel is fully counter-clockwise and the valve stem is out.

The operator OPENS CRD-105(30-43).

19. OPEN CRD-105 (30- _______*
43) CUE: The handwheel is fully counter-clockwise and the valve stem is out.


20. OPEN CRD-103 (30- _______*


CUE: The handwheel is fully counter-clockwise and the valve stem is out.

NOTE TO THE EXAMINER: Steps 20 through 23 may be performed in any order.

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Place a Hydraulic Control Unit in Service Performance Checklist Standards Initials The operator CONNECTS the amphenol to Directional Control Valve 120.

21. CONNECT Amphenol to Directional Control Valve 120 CUE: Amphenol is connected.

The operator CONNECTS the amphenol to Directional Control Valve 121.

22. CONNECT Amphenol to Directional Control Valve 121 CUE: Amphenol is connected.

The operator CONNECTS the amphenol to Directional Control Valve 122.

23. CONNECT Amphenol to Directional Control Valve 122 CUE: Amphenol is connected.

The operator CONNECTS the amphenol to Directional Control Valve 123.

24. CONNECT Amphenol to CUE: Amphenol is connected. _______*

Directional Control Valve 123 CUE: The HCU has been valved in for 35 minutes.

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Place a Hydraulic Control Unit in Service Performance Checklist Standards Initials The operator checks HCU 30-43 accumulator pressure vs. Reactor Building ambient temperature.

25. Check accumulator pressure vs. ambient temperature CUE: Accumulator pressure is 1110 psig and ambient temperature is 80ºF.

The operator informs the CRS that HCU 30-43 has been returned to service.

26. Inform CRS CUE: I have been informed. This JPM is now complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 99 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 06 ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform the field activities for placing a Hydraulic Control Unit in service. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the initiating cues, and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to place a Hydraulic Control Unit in service.

General Conditions:

14. Plant is shutdown, with refueling in progress.
15. HCU 30-43 has been isolated for maintenance.
3. The condensate make-up, instrument air, and REC systems are available.
4. The CRD system is in service.

Initiating Cue(s):

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XX (BET #)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 100 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 283016S0101 Obtain and Interpret a GARDEL Periodic Report The CRS has directed you to perform the field activities to valve in HCU 30-43 in accordance with SOP 2.2.8, Section 10. You are to inform the CRS when complete.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: In-plant
2. Appropriate Trainee Levels: SO/RO/SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A 233000.A2.02 3.1/3.3.

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to make up to the fuel pool using the fire protection system with the refueling floor inaccessible.
2. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
3. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an "NP" for "not performed"; an explanation may also be written in the space if desired by the examiner.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Directions to Trainee:

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XX (BET #)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 101 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 283016S0101 Obtain and Interpret a GARDEL Periodic Report When I tell you to begin, you are to perform the field actions to emergency makeup to the fuel pool using the fire protection system with the refuel floor inaccessible. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to perform emergency makeup to the fuel pool using the fire protection system with the refuel floor inaccessible.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XX (BET #)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 102 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 283016S0101 Obtain and Interpret a GARDEL Periodic Report General Conditions:

1. An accident occurred that resulted in a low fuel pool level and high radiation on the refueling floor.
2. The only system available to makeup to the fuel pool is the Fire Protection System.




General Tools and Equipment:

1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical checks denoted by "*".

Task Standards:

4. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
5. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

You have been assigned to perform the field actions for emergency makeup to the fuel pool using the fire protection system with the refuel floor inaccessible. The Control Room Supervisor directs you to coordinate with the RO and fill the fuel pool using the fire protection system per 2.4FPC Attachment 3. Notify the CRS when the task is complete.

NOTE: Tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XX (BET #)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 103 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 283016S0101 Obtain and Interpret a GARDEL Periodic Report Performance Checklist Standards Initials Obtains 2.4FPC.

26. Obtains 2.4FPC CUE: Hand the candidate a copy of ______


Locates the 5.3ALT-STRATEGY

27. Obtains Equipment equipment box R-881-SW Quad and from R-881-SW Quad obtains fire hose.

inside 5.3ALT-STRATEGY CUE: When the candidate locates the equipment box. equipment box inform the candidate that they have the hose.

28. Connects one end of Fire hose is connected to FP-329.

the Fire hose to FP-329, HOSE CUE: The hose end is connected to FP-STATION NO. 32. 329.

29. Connects the other hose end to RHR-
  • 147, LOOP B Other hose end is connected to RHR-147.

SUPPRESSION CHAMBER CUE: The hose end is connected to RHR-COOLING LINE 147.

DRAIN (R-881-SW Quad).

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XX (BET #)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 104 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 283016S0101 Obtain and Interpret a GARDEL Periodic Report Performance Checklist Standards Initials Control room is contacted to verify RHR

30. Ensures RHR Pump Pump B and D are in PTL.

B and D are in PULL-to- Lock CUE: RHR pump B and D are in PTL.


Valve is checked by attempting to turn in

31. Verified position of the close direction.

RHR-147 (R-881-SW CUE: RHR-147 does not move with force ______

Quad). in the closed direction.

RHR-147 is OPEN. *

32. Opens RHR-147. CUE: RHR-147 is open and will not turn any further in the open direction.

FP-329 is OPEN. *

33. Slowly opens FP-329.

CUE: FP-329 is full open and will not turn further in the open direction.

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34. Ensures RHR-MOV- Contacts the Control Room and asks the 39B SUPPRESSION position of RHR-MOV-39B.

POOL ______

COOLING/TORUS CUE: The Control Room indicates that SPRAY OUTBOARD RHR-MOV-39B is now open.

VALVE (R-881-SW Quad).

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Cooper Nuclear Station Page 106 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 283016S0101 Obtain and Interpret a GARDEL Periodic Report

35. Establishes Communication Communication established between between the Control RHR-82 and the Control Room.

Room and RHR-82, RHR SYSTEM CUE: Control Room directs RHR-82 and ______

RETURN TO FPC to fill the Fuel pool at the highest SYSTEM (R-958- rate.


RHR-82 is open.

36. Slowly Throttles Open RHR-82. CUE: RHR-82 is fully open.
  • Reports to the Control Room that RHR-82 is open and the fuel pool is filling.
37. Reports that RHR-82 ______

is OPEN. CUE: Control Room Acknowledges the report.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XX (BET #)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 107 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 283016S0101 Obtain and Interpret a GARDEL Periodic Report ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform the field actions to emergency makeup to the fuel pool using the fire protection system with the refuel floor inaccessible. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to perform emergency makeup to the fuel pool using the fire protection system with the refuel floor inaccessible.

General Conditions:

1. An accident occurred that resulted in a low fuel pool level and high radiation on the refueling floor.
2. The only system available to makeup to the fuel pool is the Fire Protection System.

Initiating Cues:

You have been assigned to perform the field actions for emergency makeup to the fuel pool using the fire protection system with the refuel floor inaccessible. The Control Room Supervisor directs you to coordinate with the RO and fill the fuel pool using the fire protection system per 2.4FPC Attachment 3. Notify the CRS when the task is complete.

NOTE: Tell the trainee to begin.

Trainee: Examiner:

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XX (BET #)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 108 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 283016S0101 Obtain and Interpret a GARDEL Periodic Report Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR / SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 5 minutes
5. NRC K/As 2.1.7 Imp. 3.7/4.4 Directions to Examiner:
16. This JPM evaluates the trainees ability to Obtain and Interpret a Gardel Periodic Case.
17. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by # should be given.
18. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space, if desired, by the examiner.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to Obtain and Evaluate a Gardel Official Case by completing of 6.LOG.601. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XX (BET #)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 109 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 283016S0101 Obtain and Interpret a GARDEL Periodic Report If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XX (BET #)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 110 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 283016S0101 Obtain and Interpret a GARDEL Periodic Report General Conditions:

1. The Reactor is at approximately 100% power.



1. Procedure 6.LOG.601 Daily Surveillance Log.

General Tools and Equipment:

1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical steps denoted by *.
3. Simulator cues denoted by #.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XX (BET #)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 111 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 283016S0101 Obtain and Interpret a GARDEL Periodic Report Task Standards:

1. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to obtain a Gardel Periodic Case and verify that Thermal Limits are within Specification by completing Attachment 2 of 6.LOG.601. Inform the CRS when you have completed you review of the official case.

NOTE: Give the candidate Attachment 2 of 6.LOG.601 and tell the candidate to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XX (BET #)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 112 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 283016S0101 Obtain and Interpret a GARDEL Periodic Report Performance Checklist Standards Initials The Operator demands and prints a Periodic Case.

CUE: Gardel Official Case prints.

1. Demand a Gardel Periodic Case _______*
  1. CUE: Remove the periodic case from the printer and give the Candidate the attached Periodic Case
3. Scans the periodic case Value for the highest MFLCPR is recorded on and records the highest Attachment 2. _______

value of MFLCPR.

4. Scans the periodic case Value for the highest MFLPD is recorded on and records the highest Attachment 2. _______

value of MFLPD.

5. Scans the periodic case Value for the highest MAPRAT is recorded on and records the highest Attachment 2. _______

value of MAPRAT.

6. Scans the periodic case and records reactor Reactor power is recorded on Attachment 2 power.

Performance Checklist Standards Initials

7. Scans the periodic case Value for the lowest MCPR is recorded on and records lowest Attachment 2. _______

CRS informed that MCPR value is less than 1.40 for the current power level. This constitutes a limiting control rod pattern.

8. Informs the CRS that MCPR is out of limits.
  1. CUE: Acknowledge the report. Inform the _______*

candidate that the JPM is complete.

ATTACHMENT 1 Cooper Nuclear Station GARDEL Gardel: Periodic Report Todays Date Current Time A C E B D F Thermal Power 2380.6 MWth 99.98%

APRM 100.1 100.5 100.7 100.6 100.3 100.7 Elect. Power 767.6 MWel APRM GAF 1.006 1.012 1.017 1.017 1.014 1.017 Efficiency 32.18%

APRM -%CTP -0.57 -1.45 -1.70 -1.27 -1.37 -1.20 Coolant Flow 60.5 Mlb/hr 82.26%

LPRM Status Normal APRM ave. 98.83 ADAPT ON TIP+LPRM The 4 most limiting bundles of the core MFLCPR Position MCPR CPRLIM MFLPD Position LHGR LHGRLIM MAPRAT Position APLHGR ALHLIM 0.964 19-32 1.370 1.370 0.800 31-44-04 10.718 13.397 0.887 19-28-05 9.228 10.399

0.962 15-32 1.401 1.370 0.798 35-44-04 10.689 13.397 0.887 21-32-05 9.102 10.257 0.898 23-38 1.412 1.370 0.798 11-38-04 10.686 13.397 0.882 25-34-04 9.289 10.535 0.892 37-24 1.441 1.370 0.794 15-42-04 10.637 13.397 0.805 35-44-04 8.159 10.138 Control Rod Withdrawal PCIUTL Position 19-28-04 02 06 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 Simulator Parameters CR withdrawal 4.81%

51 Ave. Xenon conc. 1593.85E12/cm3 Xenon symmetry -0.03%

47 Core press drop 18.04 psi Average void 47.08%

43 16 Total bypass flow 17.25%

K-effective 1.00159 39 Cycle burnup 2032 GWD/Mt Total pow peaking 2.461 35 Sup plate pres drop 13.19 psi 31 Heat Balance Parameters Feed water flow 9.49 Mlb/hr 27 16 12 16 Feed water temp. 363.66 F Absolute press 1009.78 psi 23 Inlet subcooling 31.33 Btu/lb CR drive temp. 100.00 F 19 CR drive flow 0.02Mlb/hr Cleanup inlet temp. 514.91 F 15 Cleanup system flow 0.11 Mlb/hr Ext. Recirc pump A 2.28 MW 11 16 Ext. Recirc pump B 2.29 MW Steam flow 9.51 Mlb/hr 07 Sup plate pres drop 15.03 psi 03

ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to obtain and interpret a Gardel Periodic Case. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The Reactor is at approximately 100% power.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to obtain a Gardel Periodic Case and to perform the thermal limit checks in 6.LOG.601 Attachment 2 to verify operation is within limits.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

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Develop Tagouts Inform the CRS when you have completed you review of the official case.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Time Started: ____________ Time Finished: _____________

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR, SIM, EOF
2. Appropriate Trainee level: SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 15 minutes

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Develop Tagouts

5. NRC K/A 2.1.23 (3.9/4.0)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to perform a Tagout development of HPCI Booster Pump.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space if desired by the examiner.
4. Brief the trainee, place the simulator in run, and tell the trainee to begin.
5. Hand the candidate ATTACHMENT 1.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to complete the Tagout generation of the HPCI Booster Pump fluid system. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

General Conditions:

1. The plant is operating at 100% power.
28. The HPCI Booster Pump has a bad impeller that must be removed and replaced.
29. Clearance Order HPCI-1-1234567 HPCI BSTR PMP needs to be finished.

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Develop Tagouts

30. NOMS is unavailable.



1. Procedure 0.9 Tagout General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical checks denoted by "*".

C. Simulator cues denoted by "#".

Task Standards:

1. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 119 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Task No.: 299012O0301 Task


Develop Tagouts You are to complete the Tagout generation of the HPCI Booster Pump fluid system. Inform the SM when the review is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 120 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Task No.: 299012O0301 Task


Develop Tagouts Performance Checklist Standards Initials

1. Refer to Procedure 0.9. Refer to Procedure 0.9.
i. Reviews the Determines the components to be tagged for the provided Tagout for planned activities.

applicable components ________

to be tagged.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

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Develop Tagouts Performance Checklist Standards Initials Determines the required position for each of the components.


j. Determines the required position for HPCI-16 each of the HPCI-17 ________*



Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

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Develop Tagouts Performance Checklist Standards Initials

k. Determines the Determines the required sequence for each of the required sequence for components.

each of the components. ________*

Informs the SM.

l. Informs the SS.

CUE: As the SM acknowledge the report. ________*

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 123 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Task No.: 299012O0301 Task


Develop Tagouts ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to complete the Tagout generation of the HPCI Booster Pump fluid system. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

General Conditions:

1. The plant is operating at 100% power.
31. The HPCI Booster Pump has a bad impeller that must be removed and replaced.
32. Clearance Order HPCI-1-1234567 HPCI BSTR PMP needs to be finished.
33. NOMS is unavailable.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are to complete the Tagout generation of the HPCI Booster Pump fluid system. Inform the SM when the review is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 124 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Section Coversheet Tagout: CLEARANCE ORDER Section: HPCI-1-1234567 HPCI-BSTR-PMP 03/14/2007 14:17 Component to be Worked:




For Training Use Only Replace impeller Special Instructions Worker Notes Release Notes Perform Valve Lineup prior to releasing clearance Section Attributes:

Attribute Attribute Description Value MRRS YES

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)


Section Verification:

Status Description User Verification Date Section Prepared Section Verified Section Authorized Equip. Ready for Maintenance Release Prepared Release Verified Release Authorized Section Complete Temporary Safety Devices List:

Page 1 of 1

Section Tag List Tagout: CLEARANCE ORDER Section: HPCI-1-1234567 HPCI-BSTR-PMP 03/14/2007 14:17 Tag Tag Type Equipment Ver. Pla. Placement Place. 1st Place. 2nd Rest. Restoration As Left Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Tag Tag Serial Req. Seq. Configuration Verif Configuration Configuration Verif Verif Placement Removal No. Equipment Description Verif Seq. Notes Notes Date/Time Date/Time Date/Time Equipment Location Date/Time 0 Danger *HPCI-SW-S-20 1 PULL TO 23 NORMAL NORMAL LOCK AFTER AFTER



Section Tag List Tagout: CLEARANCE ORDER Section: HVRX-1-1234567 FC-R-1F 07/01/2003 14:17 Tag Tag Type Equipment Ver. Pla. Placement Place. 1st Place. 2nd Rest. Restoration As Left Rest. 1st Rest. 2nd Tag Tag Serial Req. Seq. Configuration Verif Configuration Configuration Verif Verif Placement Removal No. Equipment Description Verif Seq. Notes Notes Date/Time Date/Time Date/Time Equipment Location Date/Time

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Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XX (XXXXX)

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Section Tag List Tagout: CLEARANCE ORDER Section: HVRX-1-1234567 FC-R-1F 07/01 Tag Tag Type Equipment Ver. Pla. Placement Place. 1st Place. 2nd Rest. Restoration As Left Rest.

Serial Req. Seq. Configuration Verif Configuration Configuration Verif No. Equipment Description Verif Seq.

Date/Time Date/

Equipment Location Date/Time

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Section Tag List Tagout: CLEARANCE ORDER Section: HVRX-1-1234567 FC-R-1F 07/01 Tag Tag Type Equipment Ver. Pla. Placement Place. 1st Place. 2nd Rest. Restoration As Left Rest.

Serial Req. Seq. Configuration Verif Configuration Configuration Verif No. Equipment Description Verif Seq.

Date/Time Date/

Equipment Location Date/Time

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Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Time Started: ____________ Time Finished: _____________

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR / SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 16 minutes
5. NRC K/A Rating 295038 EA2.01 (3.3/4.3)

Directions to Examiner:

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1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to perform a release rate determination based on curie content and vent flow rate.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space if desired by the examiner.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform a release rate determination based on Drywell curie content and vent flow rate. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders, and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to perform a release rate determination based on Drywell curie content and vent flow rate. During performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

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General Conditions:

14. The plant had been in a normal line up with the reactor at 100% power for last 10 days.
2. The Reactor is S/D.
3. A LOCA has occurred.
34. Torus to Drywell vacuum breakers have stuck open.
35. Drywell spray is unavailable.
6. Kaman ERP effluent monitors are out of service.
7. The reactor was scrammed at 15:05.
8. Level fell to -50" on fuel zone instruments prior to recovery.
9. The PMIS system is out of service.
10. RMA-RR-40, high range containment radiation recorder, is out of service.



1. Procedure 5.7.16 General Tools and Equipment:
1. Scientific calculator.

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Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:

1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical checks denoted by "*".
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".

Task Standards:

1. 100% of critical elements, as defined in the JPM, successfully completed without error.

Initiating Cue(s):

It is now 22:35 hours. The decision has been made to vent the Drywell through SBGT using the 1" line in accordance with 5.8.18. The Shift Manager has directed you to do a release rate determination based on Drywell curie content. Inform the Shift Manager when you have completed the task.

NOTE: Place the Simulator in RUN and tell the trainee to begin.

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Performance Checklist Standards Initials Calculate time interval from shutdown to time of release determination and enter on Attachment "3" Col #1

1. Determine Effective Age Expected: 7.5 hrs Read the activity from RMA-RM-40A or B and record whichever is HIGHEST (A or B) on Attachment "3" Col
  1. 2.
2. Determine Primary Expected: 80R/hr Containment monitor reading Acceptable Range: 78 to 82 CUE: (When checked) Monitor A indicates 70 R/hr.

Monitor B indicates 80 R/hr.

Use the Effective Age from Col #1 Attachment "3" and Attachment "4" to determine the projected Drywell Dose Rate and record on Attachment "3" Col #3

3. Determine the DBA-LOCA exposure rate Expected: 9.0 x 105 ________*

Acceptable Range: 8.1E5 to 9.9E5.

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Performance Checklist Standards Initials Use the Effective Age from Col #1 Attachment "3" and Attachment "6" to determine the projected Drywell Curie Content and record on Attachment "3" Col #4

4. Determine the DBA-LOCA Noble Gas Drywell Curie Content Expected: 1.4 x 108 ________*

Acceptable Range: 1.3E8 to 1.7E8.

Divide Col #2 by Col #3, then multiplies by Col #4 and record result on Attachment "3" Col #5

5. Determine estimated Drywell Noble Gas Curie Content Expected: 1.24 x 104 Acceptable Range: 1.15E4 to 1.51E4.

Divide Col #5 by Col #6 and record result on Attachment "3" Col #7

6. Determine Drywell Noble Gas concentration Expected: 8.6 x 10-2 Acceptable Range: 7.9E-2 to 1.0E-1.

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Performance Checklist Standards Initials Determine vent path flow and records on Attachment 3" Col #8.

Expected: 319 cfm

7. Determine venting flow rate Acceptable Range: 319 cfm NOTE: Flow of 319 cfm assumes only one vent path will be used.

Multiply Col #7 times Col #8 times Col #9 and record the result on Attachment "3" Col #10.

8. Determine the release rate of Noble Gases ________*

Expected: 4.58 x 105 Acceptable Range: 4.2E5 to 5.32E5.

Inform the Shift Manager that release rate determination based on Drywell curie content is complete.

9. Inform the SM that the task is complete CUE: The Shift Manager acknowledges the report.

This JPM is complete.

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ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required Extra copies of 5.7.16 B. Initialize the Simulator in IC-18.

Batch File Name - JPM/342054 C. Change the simulator conditions as follows:

1. Triggers None
2. Malfunctions Number Title Trigger TD Severity Ramp Initial

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Number Title Trigger TD Severity Ramp Initial RM03DD RMA-RA-40A A N/A 26.36% N/A N/A RM03EE RMA-RA-40B A N/A 27.19% N/A N/A CR01 Fuel Cladding Failure A 0 100 0 N/A RM02L Gas Rad Mon Fail ERP A 0 0 0 N/A Normal Range RMP-RM-3A RM02M Gas Rad Mon Fail ERP High A 0 0 0 N/A Range RMP-RM-3B MS01A Steam Leakage Inside A 0 20 0 N/A Primary Containment PC02B Torus to Drywell Vacuum A 0 100 N/A N/A Breaker Failure PC02C Torus to Drywell Vacuum A 0 100 N/A N/A Breaker Failure PC02D Torus to Drywell Vacuum A 0 100 N/A N/A Breaker Failure PC02E Torus to Drywell Vacuum A 0 100 N/A N/A Breaker Failure PC02F Torus to Drywell Vacuum A 0 100 N/A N/A Breaker Failure ED18 PMIS Power Failure A N/A N/A N/A N/A

3. Remotes None

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4. Overrides None

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5. Panel Setup
a. Initialize Simulator in any IC that supports performance of this JPM.
b. Suggested setup:
19. Reset to any full power IC and place in RUN.
2. Insert batch file 342054.
3. Place mode switch in S/D.
4. Close the MSIVs after Gp 2 isolation is received.
20. When Drywell pressure is 35 psig, lower malfunction MS01A to 5%.
21. Adjust MS01A as necessary to maintain Drywell pressure above 35 psig and below 58 psig.
c. Ensure Drywell Rad Monitors A and B indicate 70 and 80 R/hr respectively, or adjust override values to obtain these values.

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d. Place a red arrow on RMA-RR-40, high range containment radiation recorder, to indicate that the recorder is out of service Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, snap the simulator into an IC after the panel setup is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-18 (2635)

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Perform Dose Assessment with ERP Effluent Monitor Release Rate ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform a release rate determination based on Drywell curie content and vent flow rate. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders, and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to perform a release rate determination based on Drywell curie content and vent flow rate. During performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The plant had been in a normal line up with the reactor at 100% power for last 10 days.
2. The Reactor is S/D.
3. A LOCA has occurred.

D. Torus to Drywell vacuum breakers have stuck open.

E. Drywell spray is unavailable.

6. Kaman ERP effluent monitors are out of service.
7. The reactor was scrammed at 15:05.
8. Level fell to -50" on fuel zone instruments prior to recovery.

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Perform Dose Assessment with ERP Effluent Monitor Release Rate

9. The PMIS system is out of service.
10. RMA-RR-40, high range containment radiation recorder, is out of service.

Initiating Cues:

It is now 22:35 hours. The decision has been made to vent the Drywell through SBGT using the 1" line in accordance with 5.8.18. The Shift Manager has directed you to do a release rate determination based on Drywell curie content. Inform the Shift Manager when you have completed the task.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Time Started: ____________ Time Finished: _____________

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR/SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO/SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 16 minutes
5. NRC K/A 295038 EA 2.01 (3.3/4.3)

Directions to Examiner:

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Perform Dose Assessment with ERP Effluent Monitor Release Rate

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to perform a dose assessment with ERP effluent monitor release rate.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
4. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space if desired by the examiner.
5. Brief the trainee, place the simulator in run, and tell the trainee to begin.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform a dose assessment. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to perform a dose assessment.

During performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

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Perform Dose Assessment with ERP Effluent Monitor Release Rate General Conditions:

1. The reactor was shutdown at 22:35 following an ATWS and LOCA.
2. The core was dry for approximately 45 minutes.
3. Standby Liquid Control has been injected.
4. The Computerized Dose Projection (CNS-DOSE) program will not run.
5. The containment is being vented via SBGT to reduce pressure. The venting will take 45 minutes.



1. Procedure 5.7.17
2. Procedure 5.7.16 General Tools and Equipment:
1. None

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Perform Dose Assessment with ERP Effluent Monitor Release Rate Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:

1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical checks denoted by "*".
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".

Task Standards:

1. Accurately locate, identify, operate and/or manipulate all component controls required to be utilized to perform a dose assessment.
2. Accurately locate and identify all instrumentation required to be monitored to perform a dose assessment.
3. Correctly interpret instrument and system responses and their interrelationships when performing a dose assessment.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Reactor was SHUTDOWN one hour ago. The Shift Manager has directed you to perform a hand calculated dose projection for 1, 2, 5 and 10 mile centerline only. Inform the Shift Manager when you have completed the calculations and provide him with the completed form.

NOTE: Place the Simulator in RUN and tell the trainee to begin.

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Perform Dose Assessment with ERP Effluent Monitor Release Rate Performance Checklist Standards Initials Enter the release rate from KAMAN display PARAMETER #49.

1. Obtain release rate.

CUE: (When Checked) 6.68E06

2. Determine if SGT is in Record 0.01 in Blank 2.

release path. ________*

3. Determine core status, Using degraded core and 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> effective age, and enter appropriate record 3.57 E-1 in Blank 3. ________*

Iodine/Noble gas ratio

4. Determine energy Obtain the energy factor using an effective age factor. of 1 hr record .60 in Blank 4. ________*

Obtain the wind speed at the 100 meter level from PMIS or the MET recorders and record in Blank 5.

5. Obtain wind speed.

CUE: (When checked) 8 mph.

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Perform Dose Assessment with ERP Effluent Monitor Release Rate Performance Checklist Standards Initials Obtain the atmospheric stability class from PMIS and record in Blank 6.

6. Determine atmospheric stability class. ________*
  1. CUE: When an atmospheric stability class is determined, instruct operator to use class D.
7. Determine if SEC.

Enter 1.0 in Block 7.

containment bypassed ________*

Enter degraded core conversion factors in Block 8, 9, & 10.

8. Obtains conversion factor from Table 3. Block 8 - TEDE NG 9.19E-4 Block 9 - TEDE Iodine 2.98E-2 Block 10 - CDE Iodine 4.96E-1
9. Complete TEDE sub- Perform the indicated computation and enter calculation. 5.5 E+2 to 5.4 E+2 in Blank 11 . ________*

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Perform Dose Assessment with ERP Effluent Monitor Release Rate Performance Checklist Standards Initials Determine the mixing factors for a ERP level release with a D stability class and enters in Blank 12 for the appropriate distance.

10. Determine mixing factors.

(mixing factor) X/Q at 1 mile 8.35E-6 (mixing ________*

factor) X/Q at 2 miles 8.21E-6 (mixing factor)

X/Q at 5 miles 3.77E-6 (mixing factor) X/Q at 10 miles 1.82E-6 Perform the indicated computations and enter the results in Blank 13 for appropriate distance.

11. Compute TEDE dose 4.65E-03 to 4.5E-03 Rem/hr at 1 mile rate. ________*

4.55E-03 to 4.4E-03 Rem/hr at 2 miles 2.1E-03 to 2.0E-03 Rem/hr at 5 miles 1.0E-04 to 9.8E-05 Rem/hr at 10 miles

12. Determine release Record .75 hr projected release duration in duration. Blank 14. ________*

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Perform Dose Assessment with ERP Effluent Monitor Release Rate Performance Checklist Standards Initials Perform the indicated computations and enter the results in Blank 15 for the appropriate distance.

13. Compute TEDE dose. 3.5E-03 to 3.3E-03 Rem at 1 mile 3.4E-03 to 3.3E-03 Rem at 2 miles 1.6E-03 to 1.5E-03 Rem at 10 miles 7.55E-04 to 7.3E-04 Rem at 10 miles
14. Compute CDE sub- Perform the indicated computation and enter calculation. 1.5 E+3 to 1.4 E+3 in Blank 16.

Perform the indicted computations and enter the results in Blank 17 for the appropriate distance.

15. Compute CDE dose rate. 1.3E-02 to 1.1E-02 Rem/hr at 1 mile 1.3E-02 to 1.1E-02 Rem/hr at 2 miles 5.6E-03 to 5.2E-03 Rem/hr at 5 miles 2.7E-03 to 2.5E-03 Rem/hr at 10 miles

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Perform Dose Assessment with ERP Effluent Monitor Release Rate Performance Checklist Standards Initials Perform the indicated computations and enter the results in Blank 18 for the appropriate distance.

16. Compute CDE dose. 9.3E-03 to 8.7E-03 Rem at 1 mile 9.2E-03 to 8.6E-03 Rem at 2 miles 4.2E-03 to 3.9E-03 Rem at 5 miles 2.1E-03 to 1.9E-03 Rem at 10 miles Inform the Shift Manager that the calculations are complete and provide him with 5.7.17
17. Inform the Shift Attachment 3.

Manager that the task is complete. _________

CUE: The Shift Manager acknowledges the report.

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Perform Dose Assessment with ERP Effluent Monitor Release Rate ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None B. Initialize the Simulator in IC-18 and place in RUN.

Turn Instrument Noise OFF C. Change the simulator conditions as follows:

1. Triggers None
2. Malfunctions Number Title Trigger TD Severity Ramp Initial RM02l ERP NORMAL RANGE none 0 88.25 N/A 88.25 KAMAN RMP-RM-3A RM02m ERP HIGH RANGE none 0 48.25 N/A 48.25 KAMAN RMP-RM-3B

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Reportable Occurrences to the NRC

3. Remotes Number Instrument Title Value Ramp HV01 Outside Air Temperature 25EF N/A HV02 Wind Speed 8 mph N/A HV03 Wind Direction 270E N/A
4. Overrides None
5. Panel Setup
a. Ensure that PMIS MET display indicates values displayed under Remotes.

Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, snap the simulator into IC-0 after the panel setup is complete.

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Reportable Occurrences to the NRC Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-18 (2635)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 156 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform a dose assessment. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to perform a dose assessment.

During performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The reactor was shutdown at 22:35 following an ATWS and LOCA.
2. The core was dry for approximately 45 minutes.

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Reportable Occurrences to the NRC

3. Standby Liquid Control has been injected.
4. The Computerized Dose Projection (CNS-DOSE) program will not run.
5. The containment is being vented via SBGT to reduce pressure. The venting will take 45 minutes.

Initiating Cues:

The Reactor was SHUTDOWN one hour ago. The Shift Manager has directed you to perform a hand calculated dose projection for 1, 2, 5 and 10 mile centerline only. Inform the Shift Manager when you have completed the calculations and provide him with the completed form.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Time Started: ____________ Time Finished: _____________

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: SIM

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Reportable Occurrences to the NRC

2. Appropriate Trainee Level: SRO / STE
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 15 Minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.1.2; 2.1.17; 2.1.20 Directions to Examiner:
15. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to perform the required actions for an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> non-emergency NRC notification due.
2. Another instructor in the booth should have a copy of the notification form (Attachment 6) and complete it as the information is relayed over the phone.
3. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space, if desired, by the examiner.
4. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) when ready to start the JPM.
5. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine NRC reportability and make any associated communications. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and

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Reportable Occurrences to the NRC answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

Any check of your work by another person will always be in agreement, regardless of the accuracy of your information or action.

General Conditions:

36. The plant is 100% power.
37. During a Fire Barrier inspection, it was found that all the fire barriers in the North Cable Spreading Area are either missing or degraded.
38. Maintenance has been notified and a plan has been initiated to replace or repair the damaged or missing fire seals within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.
39. All other operators are unavailable to support you. The Shift Supervisor is unavailable and has delegated you to handle this situation in his place.



1. Conduct of Operations Procedure 2.0.5

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Reportable Occurrences to the NRC General Tools and Equipment:

1. Site communication System.
2. Communicator Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical checks denoted by "*".
2. NUREG 1022 Task Standards:
22. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

Determine what notification requirements exist for the NRC (if any) and complete any forms and/or communications required by this event (if any).

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Reportable Occurrences to the NRC Performance Checklist Standards Initials F. Refers to 2.0.5. Refers to body of procedure, Attachment 1 and Attachment 4.

G. Determine appropriate Determines an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> report is required (per reporting category per 50.72(b)(3)(ii) 2.0.5. ________*

H. Determine appropriate Determines an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> report is required.

reporting category per NUREG 1022. ________*

I. Performs sub step Time entered on Attachment 8 is the current time. by documenting Zone is Central Standard Time (Central Daylight EVENT TIME & ZONE Savings Time).

  1. CUE: If asked the event occurred 15 minutes ago.

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Reportable Occurrences to the NRC Performance Checklist Standards Initials J. Document the time that Include time the condition was reportable and event was determined to description of the condition.

be reportable in the EVENT DESCRIPTION section.

  1. CUE: If asked the event occurred 15 minutes ago.

K. Complete Event Checks 50.72 Non-Emergency in the first column.

Classifications section of Attachment 8 Event Notification Worksheet.

L. Complete Event Checks (ii)(A) Degraded Condition in the second Classifications section of column.

Attachment 8 Event Notification Worksheet.

M. Complete Description Documents system affected, Fire Seals in the North section of Attachment 8 Cable Spreading area. Fire Impairments will be Event Notification initiated. Plans are in place to repair and/or replace Worksheet. missing fire seals within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.

N. Complete remaining Notify resident only, everything is understood, sections of Attachment 8 Systems functional as applicable, Mode 1, no Event Notification release.


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Reportable Occurrences to the NRC Performance Checklist Standards Initials O. Complete Attachment 9. Checklist completed as an INITIAL report.

P. Ensure report is Ensures that the report is accurate and properly filled accurate. out.

  1. CUE: Another qualified person has reviewed the report and has initialed Attachment 7 that the attachment has been completed and is accurate. He is now unavailable.

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Reportable Occurrences to the NRC Performance Checklist Standards Initials Q. Make the report. Calls the NRC using a number in the Emergency Telephone Directory (301-415-0550), and provides all the information on Attachment 8. In addition he NOTE: The other instructor in shall record the Event Number and Notification time the booth should have a on Attachment 8.

copy of the notification form (Attachment 8) and complete it as the information is relayed #CUE: Read the information back as provided by over the phone. the trainee. Then state the event number is XX-0199 (where XX is the last two digits of the current year, i.e. 2007 would be 07) and the time is (current time). I have no additional questions at this time.

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine NRC reportability and make any associated communications. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

Any check of your work by another person will always be in agreement, regardless of the accuracy of your information or action.

General Conditions:

1. The plant is 100% power.
2. During a Fire Barrier inspection, it was found that all the fire barriers in the North Cable Spreading Area are either missing or degraded.
3. Maintenance has been notified and a plan has been initiated to replace or repair the

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements damaged or missing fire seals within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.

4. All other operators are unavailable to support you. The Shift Supervisor is unavailable and has delegated you to handle this situation in his place.

Initiating Cue(s):

Determine what notification requirements exist for the NRC (if any) and complete any forms and/or communications required by this event (if any).

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Time Started: ____________ Time Finished: _____________

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Any
2. Appropriate Trainee level: SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform Simulate

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements

4. Performance Time: 25 minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.2.6 (2.3/3.3)

Directions to Examiner:

16. This JPM evaluates the students ability to review a procedure change request.

Specifically, to identify the requirements for a non-intent, instant change.

17. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space, if desired, by the examiner.
18. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) when ready to start the JPM.
19. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine the requirements for processing a procedure change request.


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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements General Conditions:

40. The Reactor is shutdown with an outage in progress.



1. Procedure 0.4, Procedure Change Process
2. Procedure 0.4A, Procedure Change Process Supplement General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical steps denoted by *.

Task Standards:

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements

23. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

1. I&C has received a new piece of test equipment to test D/P instruments.
2. This is the first device of its kind to be used at CNS
3. They have written a new procedure to use this test equipment.
4. They would like to process the request as instant so they can use the procedure tonight on night shift.

Inform the Shift Manager when you have determined the requirements.

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements Performance Checklist Standards Initials Current revision of procedure 0.4 is obtained.

R. Obtain a copy of procedure 0.4, Procedure Change Process. CUE: Provide a copy of 0.4 to student. Also provide a copy of 0.4A if requested.

2. Student locates correct Student identifies Procedure 0.4, Attachment 4 as attachment for Non-Intent the correct attachment for non-intent screen.

Screen _______

3. Student determines the Student determines the procedure is an intent requirements for the change change and can not be processed as an instant, request.

non-intent change. It is a new procedure.

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine the requirements for processing a procedure change request.

General Conditions:

1. The Reactor is shutdown with an outage in progress.

Initiating Cue(s):

I&C has received a new piece of test equipment to test D/P instruments.

This is the first device of its kind to be used at CNS They have written a new procedure to use this test equipment.

They would like to process the request as instant so they can use the procedure tonight on night shift.

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements Inform the Shift Manager when you have determined the requirements.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Time Started: ____________ Time Finished: _____________

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Any
2. Appropriate Trainee level: SRO / STE

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements

3. Evaluation Method: Perform Simulate
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.2.7 (2.0/3.2)

Directions to Examiner:

20. This JPM evaluates the trainees ability to determine the post maintenance testing for RHR-MOV-MO26A following bonnet gasket replacement per Maintenance Procedure 7.0.5, Post-maintenance Testing.
21. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space, if desired, by the examiner.
22. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) when ready to start the JPM.
23. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine the post maintenance testing for RHR-MOV-MO26A following bonnet gasket replacement. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.


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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements General Conditions:

41. The Reactor is shutdown with an outage in progress.



2. Procedure 0.26, SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical steps denoted by *.

Task Standards:

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements

24. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Shift Manager directs you to determine the post maintenance testing requirements to assign to RHR-MOV-MO26A following bonnet gasket replacement. Inform the Shift Manager when you have determined the requirements.

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements Performance Checklist Standards Initials S. Obtain a copy of procedure Current revision of procedure 7.0.5 is obtained.

7.0.5, Post Maintenance Testing.

2. Identify component type for Determines that RHR-MOV-MO26A is a motor RHR-MOV-MO26A. operated gate valve
3. Locate the general component Candidate locates the Component Test Matrices from Procedure 7.0.5 for Motor Operated Valve (Gate/Globe).

Attachment 1 index.

4. Identify, on the matrices, the Candidate Identifies Bonnet Gasket Replacement type of corrective and/or on the Matrices.

preventive maintenance to be performed on RHR-MOV-MO26A.

5. Determine the test activities From attachment 1, the candidate assigns Leak for the bonnet gasket Test, Static VOTES test. (Open/Closed Flow test replacement on RHR-MOV- is not required for this valve.
  • MO26A.

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Determine Post-Maintenance Testing Requirements Performance Checklist Standards Initials NOTE:In the following step the student MAY elect to perform only portions of the following surveillances as indicated in Procedure 0.26, Surveillance Program. 6.PC.501 is overall procedure. 6.PC.518 os the RHR LLRT procedure.

6. Determine the test procedures Candidate assigns 6.PC.501 (LLRT), 6.1RHR.201 indicated by Procedure 7.0.5, (Timed IST FSO/FSC), and 6.MISC.401 (Position Attachment 2. Indication) to post maintenance testing. *
7. Informs the Shift Manager of Shift manager informed.

the post maintenance testing requirements to assign to the work package. #CUE: Shift Manager acknowledges the report.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-20 (8785)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 180 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 344022O0303 Authorize Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine the post maintenance testing for RHR-MOV-MO26A following bonnet gasket replacement. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using.

State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

General Conditions:

1. The Reactor is shutdown with an outage in progress.

Initiating Cue(s):

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-20 (8785)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 181 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 344022O0303 Authorize Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking The Shift Manager directs you to determine the post maintenance testing requirements to assign to RHR-MOV-MO26A following bonnet gasket replacement. Inform the Shift Manager when you have determined the requirements.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Time Started: ____________ Time Finished: _____________

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Any
2. Appropriate Trainee level: SRO

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-20 (8785)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 182 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 344022O0303 Authorize Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking

3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 8 minutes
5. NRC K/As: 2.3.10 (2.9/3.3)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainees ability to determine the need to authorize stable iodine thyroid blocking per 5.7.14, Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking (KI).
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by # should be given.
3. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space, if desired, by the examiner.
4. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) when ready to start the JPM.
5. Brief the trainee, place the Simulator in RUN, and tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-20 (8785)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 183 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 344022O0303 Authorize Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform the actions of the Emergency Director. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-20 (8785)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 184 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 344022O0303 Authorize Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking General Conditions:

1. The Reactor is shutdown in a refueling outage.
2. An accident due to a failure of the refuel floor crane has resulted in personnel injuries to two refuel floor workers and severe damage to several fuel bundles.
3. The two injured refuel floor workers have no immediate life threatening injuries but they are unable to leave the area on their own. No other personnel are currently present on the refueling floor.
4. The Emergency Director has declared a Site Area Emergency.
5. RMA-RA-1, FUEL POOL AREA, indicates 6E5 mrem/hr and RMA-RA-2 FUEL POOL AREA is upscale.
6. No survey data or air samples are presently available from the refuel floor.
7. A Team of EMTs and RPs are standing by to evacuate the injured workers.

DOSE Projection Data Distance From Projected Integrated Dose (Rem) Projected Dose Rate (Rem/hr)

Plant TEDE CDE (Thyroid) TEDE CDE (Thyroid) 1 Mile 2.75E-01 9.41E-07 6.88E-02 2.35E-07 2 Miles 1.33E+00 4.55E-06 3.33E-01 1.14E-06 5 Miles 1.24E+00 4.26E-06 3.11E-01 1.06E-06 10 Miles 8.36E-01 2.86E-06 2.09E-05 7.15E-07 General


Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-20 (8785)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 185 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 344022O0303 Authorize Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking

1. Procedure 5.7.14, Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking
2. Procedure 5.7.2, Shift Supervisor EPIP General Tools and Equipment:
1. None

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-20 (8785)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 186 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 344022O0303 Authorize Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:

1. Critical steps denoted by *.

Task Standards:

1. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are the Emergency Director, Attachment 3 of Procedure 5.7.2, Shift Supervisor EPIP, has been completed through step 1.16 (Initial Accountability complete). Continue action as Emergency Director in procedure 5.7.2.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-20 (8785)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 187 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 344022O0303 Authorize Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking Performance Checklist Standards Initials Current revision of Procedure 5.7.2, Shift

1. Obtain copy of Procedure ______

5.7.2 Attachment 3. Supervisor EPIP, Attachment 3 obtained.

Determines that Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking is indicated for the emergency workers involved in the rescue and Procedure

2. Evaluate Attachment 3 Step 5.7.14 is required to be entered.

1.17 of 5.7.2, Shift Supervisor EPIP.

  • CUE: After 5.7.14 has been entered, as the candidate Who should KI be authorized for?

Current revision of Procedure 5.7.14, Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking is obtained.

3. Obtain the current copy of Procedure 5.7.14 Stable ______

CUE: If asked by candidate, the Iodine Thyroid blocking.

Radiological Control Manager (or Chem/RP Coordinator) recommends KI distribution.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-20 (8785)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 188 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 01 Task No.: 344022O0303 Authorize Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking Performance Checklist Standards Initials NOTE: This JPM is not intended to evaluate the candidate distributing KI, ONLY to authorize the distribution of KI.

NOTE: The candidate may or may not authorize distribution of KI to the injured personnel on the refuel floor.

Radiological Manager is directed to distribute KI to the following:

S Rescue personnel that will enter the refuel floor area.

S Injured personnel on the refuel floor.

(Authorization of KI to injured personnel not required to complete this critical step)

4. Authorizes Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking.

CUE: If asked by candidate, the ______*

Radiological Control Manager (or Chem/RP Coordinator) recommends KI distribution.

CUE: Radiological Manager acknowledges the order.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 189 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 344018O0303 Classify Emergency Events Requiring Emergency Plan Implementation ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform the actions of the Emergency Director. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

General Conditions:

1. The Reactor is shutdown in a refueling outage.
2. An accident due to a failure of the refuel floor crane has resulted in personnel injuries to two refuel floor workers and severe damage to several fuel bundles.
3. The two injured refuel floor workers have no immediate life threatening injuries but they are unable to leave the area on their own. No other personnel are currently present on the refueling floor.
4. The Emergency Director has declared a Site Area Emergency.
5. RMA-RA-1, FUEL POOL AREA, indicates 6E5 mrem/hr and RMA-RA-2 FUEL POOL AREA is upscale.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 190 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 344018O0303 Classify Emergency Events Requiring Emergency Plan Implementation

6. No survey data or air samples are presently available from the refuel floor.
7. A Team of EMTs and RPs are standing by to evacuate the injured workers.

DOSE Projection Data Distance From Projected Integrated Dose (Rem) Projected Dose Rate (Rem/hr)

Plant TEDE CDE (Thyroid) TEDE CDE (Thyroid) 1 Mile 2.75E-01 9.41E-07 6.88E-02 2.35E-07 2 Miles 1.33E+00 4.55E-06 3.33E-01 1.14E-06 5 Miles 1.24E+00 4.26E-06 3.11E-01 1.06E-06 10 Miles 8.36E-01 2.86E-06 2.09E-05 7.15E-07 Initiating Cue(s):

You are the Emergency Director, Attachment 3 of Procedure 5.7.2, Shift Supervisor EPIP, has been completed through step 1.16 (Initial Accountability complete). Continue action as Emergency Director in procedure 5.7.2.

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 191 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 344018O0303 Classify Emergency Events Requiring Emergency Plan Implementation Time Started: ____________ Time Finished: _____________

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Classroom / Simulator
2. Appropriate Trainee Levels: SRO / STE
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A: 2.4.44 (2.1 / 4.0)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to determine the Emergency Classification in accordance with Procedure 5.7.1
2. All blanks must be filled out with either initials or an NP for not performed; an explanation may also be written in the space, if desired, by the examiner.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 192 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 344018O0303 Classify Emergency Events Requiring Emergency Plan Implementation

3. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) when ready to start the JPM.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine Emergency Classification for the provided conditions. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

General Conditions:

1. All information was provided during the Scenario that you just finished.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 193 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 344018O0303 Classify Emergency Events Requiring Emergency Plan Implementation General


1. Procedure 5.7.1, EAL Matrix General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical checks denoted by "*".

Task Standards:

1. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 194 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 344018O0303 Classify Emergency Events Requiring Emergency Plan Implementation Initiating Cue(s):

You are to determine the Emergency Classification for the scenario that you just finished.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 195 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 344018O0303 Classify Emergency Events Requiring Emergency Plan Implementation Performance Checklist Standards Initials NOTE: Per 5.7.1, is on a Hard Card as will in binders in the Simulator.

The operator refers to Procedure 5.7.1.

1. Refer to Procedure 5.7.1.

The SRO reviews the scenario and determines

2. Evaluates the event of that the plant experienced an unisolable HPCI the Scenario steam line break, and some fuel cladding failure. _______

The SRO determines that the category was

3. Establishes Category Fission Product Barrier Threat or Loss

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 196 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 344018O0303 Classify Emergency Events Requiring Emergency Plan Implementation

4. Establishes The SRO determines that there was a loss of two Classification. fission product barriers with the potential to lose _______

the third.

The SRO refers to Procedure 5.7.1 Attachment 3

5. Uses Attachment 3 of and determines that there was a loss of two fission Procedure 5.7.1 to help product barriers when there was an unisolable _______

clarify Fission Product Barrier Threat or Loss. HPCI steam line break. Determines that there was also some fuel element failure.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-XX-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 197 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 344018O0303 Classify Emergency Events Requiring Emergency Plan Implementation Classifies the Event as a General Emergency in accordance with 2.4.1. Loss of any TWO of THREE fission product barriers AND the potential exists for loss of the THIRD. The fission product barriers are defined as follows (refer to Attachment _______*

6. Determines Highest 3 for indication):

Classification A. Fuel Cladding.

B. Primary Coolant Boundary.

C. Primary Containment.

ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine Emergency Classification for the provided conditions. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

General Conditions:

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

1. All information was provided during the Scenario that you just finished.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are to determine the Emergency Classification for the scenario that you just finished.



Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Name: _______________________________________

Facility: Cooper Nuclear Scenario NRC 1 Op-Test No.:

Station No.:

Examiners: Operator s:

IC-211 Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at approximately 85% power with RCIC out of service to replace the shaft coupling. IRM A is out of service and bypassed due to failing upscale last shift.

Turnover: Raise power when requested by the load dispatcher and facilitate the return of RCIC to operability. Maintenance will call early during the shift and request the swapping of the B and D SW Pumps for monitoring.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description 1 N/A R Raise power to 95%

2 N/A N Swap SW pumps for maintenance 3 3 C CRD Flow Controller Failure 4 4 I APRM A fails upscale with failure of rod block to occur 5 5 C HPCI inadvertent initiation 6 6 M HPCI un-isolable steam line break.

7 7 C SGT failure to automatically initiate/Manual initiation of SGT.

8 N/A M Depressurize the RPV Due to 2 areas > Max Safe Temp.

9 9 C ADS valve failure/opening of SRV valves

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor 200

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Scenario Objective When two areas in Secondary Containment reach max safe operating temperatures the crew emergency depressurizes the Reactor to limit release of steam into the Reactor Building.

Scenario Summary Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is operating at approximately 85% power
  • RCIC out of service to replace shaft coupling and is under a 14 Day LCO.
  • It is a red light day because record grid loads are expected.


  • Raise power to 95%
  • Swap SW pumps for maintenance
  • CRD Flow Controller Failure
  • APRM A fails upscale with failure of rod block to occur
  • HPCI inadvertent initiation
  • HPCI un-isolable steam line break.
  • SGT failure to automatically initiate/Manual initiation of SGT.
  • Depressurize the RPV Due to 2 areas > Max Safe Temp.
  • ADS valve failure/opening of SRV valves Scenario Sequence
  • Raise power to 95% using Recirc Flow only.
  • Swap SW pumps for maintenance; Start B and secure D.
  • CRD Flow Controller Failure; recognize the failure and respond in accordance with the Annunciator Procedures and 2.4CRD.
  • APRM A fails upscale with failure of rod block to occur; this results in APRM A being declared inoperable.
  • HPCI inadvertent initiation results in a small amount of fuel failure.
  • HPCI un-isolable steam line break; starts small and increases causing temperatures and radiation levels to rise in the reactor building. The control switch malfunctions 201

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 for the inboard isolation and the outboard valve starts closing but trips in the throttled position.

  • SGT failure to automatically initiate/Manual initiation of SGT.
  • Depressurize the RPV Due to 2 areas > Max Safe Temp.
  • ADS valve failure/opening of SRV valves. Three valves fail to open requiring the operator to place other valves to open.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Event One: Raise Power to 95%

Malfunction Required:

No malfunction required, this is a normal reactivity manipulation for the RO.


The RO adjust Reactor Recirc Pump flows to make power increase from ~85% to


Success Path:

Both Reactor Recirc Pumps speeds are raised from ~65 to ~80, maintaining them within the required 5% allowed by Tech Specs, and it is done in accordance with Procedure 2.1.10.

Event Two: Swap SW Pumps Malfunction Required:

No malfunction required, this is a normal manipulation for the BOP.


The BOP operator starts SW Pump B and Secures Pump D in accordance with Procedure 2.2.71 Section 13.

Success Path:

The CRS directs the BOP to start the B SW pump and secure the D pump, after maintenance calls requesting the swap. The B pump must be started before D is 203

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 secured to maintain Loop pressure in the green band. The Mode Selector Switches need to be realigned so that there is no white light illuminated above the switches.

Event Three: CRD Controller Failure Malfunction Required:

Override 03A35A1 CRD-FC-301 CRD System Flow Control - Setpoint; Event 3 Final value 0.


The in-service CRD flow controller fails low in Auto. The crew diagnoses the failure and takes manual control of the CRD Flow Controller and re-establishes CRD parameters in accordance with Abnormal Procedure 2.4CRD.

Success Path:

CRD parameters are re-established to their normal values by manually controlling the CRD Flow Controller.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Event Four: APRM Fails Upscale Malfunction Required:

Malfunction NM09A APRM Signal Failure Channel A; Event 4 Final value 100.


APRM A fails upscale resulting in a half scram, but no control rod block. The crew bypasses the failed APRM, resets the half scram and addresses Technical Specifications for the failed APRM and the failure of the APRM upscale to generate a rod block.

Success Path:

APRM A is bypassed, the half scram is reset, recognizes that the Rod Block failed to come in, and the CRS initiates a potential LCO on APRM A in accordance with Technical Specifications (RPS Instrumentation) Table Function 2 and TRM 3.3.1 (Rod Block Instrumentation) Table 3.3.1-1 Function 3.

Event Five: HPCI Inadvertent Initiation Malfunction Required:

Malfunction HP05 HPCI Inadvertent Initiation, Event 5 Final TRUE.


The HPCI system inadvertently initiates. The crew enters 2.4CSCS and secures the HPCI system. The CRS evaluates Technical Specifications for HPCI and RCIC out of service. The cold water injected by the HPCI system results in a small fuel element failure.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Success Path:

HPCI is secured and the Auxiliary Oil Pump is placed in the pull to lock position. The CRS recognizes that both HPCI and RCIC are inoperable and addresses Technical Specifications 3.5.1 and 3.5.3. With both inop, the plant is required to shutdown and be in Mode 3 in 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

Event Six: HPCI Steam Line Break Malfunction Required:

Malfunction HP06 HPCI Steam Line Break, Event 6 Final value is 40 ramped in over a five minute period.


The Crew recognizes a steam leak in the reactor building and then diagnoses that it is coming from the HPCI system and attempts to isolate it. There are entry conditions into EOP 5A Secondary Containment, and the CRS enters the EOP and starts directing the crews actions.

Success Path:

Enters EOP 5A and attempts to isolate the HPCI Steam Line. Also recognizes that the steam line is not isolated and takes appropriate actions to limit the release of steam into the reactor building.

Event Seven: Failure of SBGT to start.

Malfunction Required:


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Malfunctions PC18A and PC18B SGT Fan A and B Auto Start Failures, Active from start of scenario.

Also Malfunction RD02 ATWS in at the beginning of the scenario, Final Value is 100.


When the group 6 isolation occurs the SGT system fails to initiate resulting in reactor building pressure going positive and the radiation release is unfiltered and unmonitored.

The crew manually starts SGT to restore reactor building pressure.

Success Path:

The crew manually starts SGT to restore reactor building pressure. Also the crew manually scrams the reactor (All auto scrams and ARI functions have failed. This malfunction is transparent to the crew if they manually scram the reactor when the first area reaches max safe.)

Event Eight: Two (2) Areas above Max Safe Operating Limits Malfunction Required:

None Objective:

Two areas reach max safe operating temperature (295ºF) requiring the crew to emergency depressurize the Reactor to limit the release of radioactive steam into the Reactor Building.

Success Path:


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 When the second area reaches 295ºF the Crew will recognize it and initiate an Emergency Depressurization of the Reactor. The second area should not be above 295ºF for more than 5 minutes before it is recognized.

Event Nine: Three ADS Valves fail to open Malfunction Required:

Malfunctions AD06B, AD06E, AD06G, Reactor Pressure Relief Valve complete, Active from the beginning of the scenario set to a final value of 0. Also Malfunctions TC07A, B, C Bypass Valve #1,#2, #3 Failure active from the beginning of the scenario final value set at 0.


If the crew attempts to use the BPVs to depressurize the BPV faile to respond to operator inputs. When the crew attempts to Emergency Depressurize and only 3 ADS valves open requiring the crew to open additional SRVs.

Success Path:

Crew recognizes that the Bypass valves are not working and that three ADS valves are malfunctioning. The Crew opens additional SRVs to establish the greatest amount of blowdown that they can achieve.

Scenario Termination:

When the reactor is depressurized (50 psig above Torus pressure) and level is being maintained between +3 to +54 and the lead examiner has seen enough the scenario may be terminated.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 209

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: 1 No.: 1 Page 1 of 2 Event


Raise power to 95%

Once the crew identifies that they have the watch and at the direction of the When to initiate:

lead examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior After receiving the call from the load dispatcher to raise power to 95%,

conducts a crew briefing about the method and final outcome of the power CRS ascension.

CRS, Participates in the crew briefing, and the RO maintains his monitoring of RO, the plant while listening.

BOP RO reviews Procedure 2.1.10 for load changes and request the BOP to peer check his work. (procedure is normally located on the ROs Desk)

RO Monitors the power change as the reactivity manager.

CRS RO will alternately raise the speed on the Reactor Recirc Pump Controllers RO by rotating the speed potentiometers clockwise until power is at ~95%.

Peer Checks the movements of the Reactor Recirc Pump Controllers potentiometers in the clockwise direction to raise power.

BOP Checks that the plant is responding appropriately to the change in speed of the Reactor Recirc Pumps.

RO 210

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Notifies the CRS when the requested power level is obtained.

RO Op-Test Scenario Event 1 1 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

May contact the Load Dispatcher to inform them that the station is at the desired load.



Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: 1 No.: 2 Page 1 of 2 Event


Swap SW pumps for maintenance Once the crew has completed the power ascension and at the direction of When to initiate:

the lead examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior At the direction of the lead examiner contact the CRS as the Maintenance Supervisor and request that the B Service Water Pump be started and the Roll D pump started, so they can monitor the B Pump for pre-maintenance Play data.

It will be run all shift, if asked.

The CRS receives a call from Maintenance to Start the B Service Water CRS Pump and secure the D SW Pump, so that monitoring of the pump can occur.

Directs the BOP to swap B Loop Service Water Pumps in accordance CRS with the procedure.

Pulls Procedure 2.2.71 Service Water and performs Section 13 Swapping BOP SW Pumps.

Contacts Station Operator to Check out SW Pump B and ensure selected BOP SW pump(s) ready for operation.

As the Station Operator; report that operating Zurn strainer D/P is 0.1 psid, Roll and the B Service Water Pump is ready to start.

Play Request a Peer Check for starting the B SW Pump from the RO.

BOP 212

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Performs the peer check as the BOP starts the Pump.

RO Makes an announcement over the Gaitronics about the starting of the BOP pump and then starts the B SW Pump by placing its control switch to the Start Position and releases.

Op-Test Scenario Event 1 2 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

The BOP then secures the D pump, by placing its control switch to the Stop Position.

BOP Repositions the MODE SELECTOR switches for the B and D Pumps (located directly below the Pump Switches) to where the OFF Pump is in BOP AUTO and the RUNNING Pump is in STANDBY. The white light above the D SW MODE SELECTOR switch will extinguish.

Monitors System Discharge Pressure and pump amps when the pump is started. Pump amps will be in the green band and discharge pressure will BOP be maintained within the green band on the meters directly above the pump control switches.

Notifies the CRS that the B SW Pump is running and D has been BOP secured.

May contact the Maintenance person that called him to start the pump CRS swap, and tell him that the swap is completed.

Roll If contacted by the CRS, respond to the report that the Service Water Play Pumps have been swapped.




Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 214

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: 1 No.: 3 Page 1 of 2 Event


CRD Flow Control Valve Failure Once the crew has completed the swap of the Service Water Pumps and When to initiate:

at the direction of the lead examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Notices Annunciator (9-5-2 E-6) CRD Charging Header High Pressure or indicators on the CRD system reading abnormally. Updates Crew on RO event.

Enters Annunciator Procedure 9-5-2 E-6 and reports to the CRS his observations of the system: Cooling flow low, Charging pressure high, RO Drive Water d/p and Cooling Water d/p falling.

Responds to the report.

CRS RO Reports that this is an entry into 2.4CRD.

BOP Announces the entry into the Abnormal Procedure and assigns the RO as CRS the lead on the problem.

Obtains Procedure 2.4CRD and performs Attachment 5 Cooling Water Trouble.

RO Contacts Work Control about the problem and request assistance in repairs.

CRS 215

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 As work control center, acknowledge the report of the CRD Flow Controller Roll Failure in Auto, and notify the CRS that a work order will be initiated and a Play team formed to investigate the problem.

Op-Test Scenario Event 1 3 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

Takes manual control of CRD-FC-301 and returns the parameters to their pre-failure values.

RO Reports that all CRD parameters have returned to normal and that annunciator 9-5-2 E-6 has cleared.

RO Announces exiting the Abnormal.


Notes 216

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: 1 No.: 4 Page 1 of 2 Event


APRM A fails upscale with failure of rod block to occur Once the crew has completed the CRD Flow controller failure and CRD When to initiate: parameters are back to their normal values and at the direction of the lead examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Reports 1/2 Scram and its cause to the Crew.

RO Diagnoses that APRM A has failed upscale causing the 1/2 scram. Also RO that it was the only one.

Pulls Annunciator cards for the A RPS Trip and APRM Upscale and RO reports the actions to the CRS.

Reports that the Rod Block Alarm did not come in with the failure of the RO APRM. The Rod Block Alarm should have alarmed with the others.

Checks the APRM in the back panels and reports finding to the crew.

BOP Directs the RO to bypass the APRM and reset the 1/2 Scram.

CRS Selects A APRM joy stick and places it to the A position to bypass the failed APRM. Following the instructions in the APRM Upscale Alarm RO Procedure, Selects the appropriate Joy Stick and places it to the A position.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Peer checks bypassing the APRM.

BOP Selects the Scram Reset switch and places it momentarily in the 1-4, then the 2-3 positions and lets it return to the neutral position.

RO Op-Test Scenario Event 1 4 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

Reports that the 1/2 has been reset and that the annunciators have cleared.

RO Evaluates TS and determines that potential LCOs exists for T.S. (RPS Instrumentation) Table Function 2 and TRM 3.3.1 (Rod CRS Block Instrumentation) Table 3.3.1-1 Function 3.

Notifies work control of the failures and request repair.

CRS As the work control center, respond to the report and let the CRS know Roll Play that a work order will be initiated and a team put together to investigate the failure of the APRM.


Notes 218

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 219

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: 1 No.: 5 Page 1 of 2 Event


HPCI inadvertent initiation Once the crew has completed the actions to recover from the Failed When to initiate: APRM and the CRS has addressed Technical Specifications and at the direction of the lead examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Identifies HPCI initiation by observing the initiation alarm and the system BOP valve and parameter indications on Panel 9-3.

Observes drywell pressure and reactor water level to determine that it is an inadvertent start. A lack of a high drywell pressure and low level alarms BOP are an appropriate way to quickly verify this is inadvertent.

Checks drywell pressure and reactor water level to ensure that HPCI start was inadvertent. Typically the second check will be done by looking at the RO instruments for High Drywell Pressure and Low Reactor Water Level.

Secures HPCI and places it in Pull To Lock (PTL).This is a from-memory BOP task, however the hard card may be used.

Monitors for signs that HPCI injected into the vessel. This is done by checking for level swings, power spikes or increased rad level on the MSL RO Rad monitors or the SJAE Rad monitors.

Confirms HPCI is in PTL. Determines that HPCI is inoperable in accordance with T.S. 3.5.1. Recognizes that with HPCI and RCIC Inop CRS that LCO 3.5.1 and 3.5.3 requires that the unit be placed in MODE 3 in 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and Rx Steam Dome Pressure is < 150 psig in 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Notes that radiation levels have increased slightly in the MSLs and SJAE Rad monitors.

BOP Op-Test Scenario Event 1 5 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

Notifies Work Control and Plant management for HPCI and RCIC status.

CRS As either Work Control or Management, respond to the report about the Roll Inadvertent Initiation of HPCI and the fact that both HPCI and RCIC are Play inoperable.

Updates Crew with status of HPCI and RCIC and prepares them for a unit shutdown. The procedure for that evolution is, Unit Shutdown.


Notes 221

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 222

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: 1 No.: 6 Page 1 of 3 Event



HPCI un-isolable steam line break.

Once the crew has completed the actions to secure HPCI and the CRS When to initiate: has addressed Technical Specifications for both HPCI and RCIC being Inoperable at the same time and at the direction of the lead examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Reacts to the Reactor Building High Rad Alarm and pulls Annunciator Card.

The Annunciator Card will have the Person reading it, make an BOP announcement about high radiation conditions in the Reactor Building.

Checks and reports that the SW Quad and HPCI Room Temperatures are raising On the process computer the Secondary Containment screen is displayed and the Operator Monitors the temperatures for TS-99Ga and TS-105B. Those temperatures are also available in the back panels.

BOP Confirm HPCI steam line break by checking steam pressures on both HPCI and RCIC and comparing them. The one with lower pressure will be the RO one with the steam leak.

Attempt to isolate HPCI by placing the Control Switches for the MO-15 and MO-16 to the closed position. The Operator will place the control switches for the MO-16 and MO-15 to the closed position one at a time watching the indicating lights for each valve.

BOP 223

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Performs peer check for isolating HPCI. If asked, the other operator will RO peer check the placement for each valve control switch.

Notices HPCI did not isolate and updates the crew. The operator will watch the indicating lights and notice that the MO-15 lights did not change, and that the MO-16 valve lights went dual for about 15 seconds and then both went out. That along with the annunciator for the MO-16 valve motor overload will be enough indication that the steam line is not isolated.

BOP Op-Test Scenario Event 1 6 Page 2 of 3 No.: No.: No.:

Makes an update to let the crew know that Area temperatures and radiation BOP levels are rising and that is an entry into EOP 5A.

Enters EOP-5A on rising RX Building Temperatures and Rads. The CRS will use different color markers for each time an entry into the EOP is made.

CRS This will allow him to determine which questions in the flowchart have been answered for which event.

Directs BOP to operate all available area coolers and Rx Bldg HVAC. This is the first step in EOP 5A concerning elevated temperatures. He will CRS assign someone to monitor both temperatures and radiation levels.

Monitors Area temperatures and radiation levels on PMIS (computer).


RO Notifies CRS when one area is above Maximum Normal Temp or Rad This BOP / is indicated by a high temperature or high radiation alarm in the reactor RO building.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Directs the RO to Scram the reactor. This is a step on EOP 5A flowchart, if there is an un-isolatable primary system discharging into the reactor CRS building and one area above maximum safe operating value in one area.

The maximum safe operating temperature is 295ºF.

Directs both the RO and BOP to monitor radiation levels and temperatures and report when a second area is approaching its maximum safe operating CRS value.

Enters EOP 1A and directs the RO to maintain water level +3 to 54 using CRS the Feed System.

Directs the BOP to control pressure Less than 1050 psig with the bypass CRS valves.

Reports that the Bypass valves are not working.

BOP Redirects the use of the SRVs for pressure control.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 226

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: 1 No.: 7 Page 1 of 1 Event


Standby Gas Train failure to automatically initiate/Manual initiation of SGT.

During the radiation level increase in the reactor building, the plant will When to initiate: experience a group 6 isolation which isolates Reactor Building ventilation and starts Standby Gas Trains. Once this has occurred this event is active.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Directs one of the board operators to verify Group Isolations, which will include a group 6. The first override in EOP 5A states IF Rx Bldg exhaust plenum radiation level exceeds 10 mr/hr THEN ensure isolation of Rx Bldg CRS HVAC and initiation of SGT. This is an override and at anytime during the time EOP 5A is active this will apply.

Notices that the Reactor Building d/p is at or above 0 inches of Hg. One of the crew should notice that if SGTs failed to initiate but Rx Bldg HVAC is isolated, the d/p in the Rx Bldg should be rising from > -0.25 inches Hg and approaching 0.0 inches of Hg. This would cause an unmonitored release of radioactive gasses.

CRS, RO, BOP Reports that the Group 6 has occurred but the Standby Gas Trains did not auto start as they should have. If one of the board operators is directed to verify group isolations they would have to initially check the white group lights located in the vertical section of Panel 9-5. Then the group hard card should be used to verify containment isolation valves did actually close.

RO, On the hard card is a step to check that SGT is running.

BOP 227

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Manually starts the SGTs and verifies proper operation.

RO, BOP Reports that the Standby Gas Trains are running and that Reactor Building d/p is being maintained below -0.25 inches of Hg.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 229

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: 1 No.: 8 Page 1 of 2 Event


Depressurize the RPV Due to 2 areas > Max Safe Temp.

During the reactor building temperature increase, one additional area will When to initiate: reach and then exceed the Max Safe Operating value of 295ºF. When this happen this even is active.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior One of the crew notices and updates the rest of the crew that there are now two areas above their maximum safe operating temperatures of 295ºF. There are a couple of ways that the crew could make this discovery; PMIS, Back Panel instruments.

CRS, RO, BOP The CRS follows EOP-5A and answers the WHEN block SC-13 yes and then accesses whether a primary system is discharging into secondary containment. The CRS will determine that HPCI is still discharging into secondary containment and activate the step to EMERGENCY DEPRESSURIZE the reactor.

CRS The CRS transitions to EOP 2A and address the two overrides and note that neither apply. An announcement will be made by the CRS when he changes EOPs to keep the crew aware.

CRS 230

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 The CRS will determine that a High Drywell Pressure signal does not exist.

This will be done by checking the alarms, PMIS or asking the board operators.

CRS Will announce that Primary Containment Water Level is around 13 feet. If one of the board operators does not announce this, the CRS will ask what the value is so he can answer the next step in the EOP.

BOP, RO Will direct one of the operators to open 6 SRVs.

CRS Op-Test Scenario Event 1 8 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

Uncovers the switches for the ADS valves and then selects them to open, verifying that they do come open. This is done by checking the amber tailpipe pressure light above each switch illuminates.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 232

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: 1 No.: 9 Page 1 of 2 Event


ADS valve failure/opening of SRV valves As the board operator opens the SRVs only 3 will open. Once this When to initiate:

happens this event is active.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Will report that only 3 SRVs are open.

BOP, RO Will direct the opening of additional SRVs. The board operator may elect to open additional valves on his own, that is okay.

CRS Announces that RPV Pressure is dropping rapidly. The board operators will monitor either, PMIS or the indicators located on the vertical portion of the board to determine that the pressure is dropping.

BOP, RO Reports when RPV pressure is 50 psig above Torus pressure or that Depressurization is completed. At this time the CRS will address cleanup activities in the other EOPs and or AOPs.

BOP, RO 233

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 END OF EVENT END OF SCENARIO Notes Op-Test Scenario Event 1 9 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: No.: Page of Event



Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior 235

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 236

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Scenario NRC 2 Op-Test No.:

Station No.:

Examiner Operator s: s:

IC-212 Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at 100% power with Circ Water Pump C out of service for maintenance.

Turnover: Today is a red light day. Maintain full power, conduct CS surveillance and facilitate the return of CW pump C when called by maintenance later in the shift.

Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type*

Description Conduct CS Subsystem A Surveillance (Pump Fails to 1 N/A N develop required flow)

Grid Instabilities Shift Voltage Regulator to Manual and Adjust 2 2 C VARS.

3 3 C CW pump Trip 4 N/A R Emergency Power Reduction Inadvertent Group 3 Isolation with failure of one valve to close 5 5 C (Address Technical Specifications for INOP Group 3) 6 6 C Reactor Recirc pump runaway 7 7 M Small Earthquake 8 8 C Suppression Pool Leak / Reactor Scram 9 9 C LOOP Failure of DG to Tie to automatically tie to bus.

10 10 M Emergency Depressurize on Low SP level 237

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario Objective When Torus level can no longer be maintained greater than 9.6 feet, the Reactor is depressurized to ensure long-term containment integrity.

Scenario Summary Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is operating at approximately 100% power
  • Circ Water Pump C is out of service following maintenance.
  • It is a red light day because record grid loads are expected.


  • Complete CS Subsystem A Surveillance (Pump Fails to develop required flow)
  • Grid Instabilities Shift Voltage Regulator to Manual and Adjust VARS.
  • CW pump Trip
  • Emergency Power Reduction
  • Start Standby CW pump
  • Inadvertent Group 3 Isolation with failure of one valve to close (Address Technical Specifications for INOP Group 3)
  • Reactor Recirc pump runaway/scoop Tube Lockout.
  • Suppression Pool Leak/Reactor Scram
  • LOOP Failure of DG to automatically tie to bus.
  • Emergency Depressurize on Low SP level Scenario Sequence 238

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

  • Complete CS Subsystem A Surveillance (Pump Fails to develop required flow)
  • Grid Instabilities Shift Voltage Regulator to Manual and Adjust VARS.
  • CW pump Trip
  • Emergency Power Reduction
  • Start Standby CW pump
  • Inadvertent Group 3 Isolation with failure of one valve to close (Address Technical Specifications for INOP Group 3)
  • Reactor Recirc pump runaway/scoop Tube Lockout.
  • Suppression Pool Leak/Reactor Scram
  • LOOP Failure of DG to automatically tie to bus.
  • Emergency Depressurize on Low SP level 239

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event One: Core Spray Surveillance Malfunction Required:

01DS321 CS Suction Valve 14-7B, final value 75, active.

CS Suction valve 7B red light on. ?

Remote Required:

CS10B CS-MO-7B Manual Position, final value 75.

CS10A CS-MO-7B Power Control, De-energized.


The crew continues scheduled surveillance 6.2CS.101 Core Spray Test Mode Surveillance Operation (IST) (DIV2) while flow is being adjusted the crew recognizes that the Core Spray Pump does not develop sufficient flow in accordance with the surveillance and declares the pump inoperable in accordance with Technical Specifications 3.5.1, Action A; Seven Day LCO.

Success Path:

The crew recognizes insufficient system flow and addresses TS for the CS pump being inoperable.

Event Two: Grid instabilities Malfunction Required:

ED20 MAPP Grid Instability, final value 15%.



Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 The crew recognizes Grid Instabilities and takes appropriate actions to stabilize the grid.

Success Path:

The crew takes the appropriate actions to stabilize the grid. The voltage swings experienced, are reduced.

Event Three: Circulating Water Pump Trip Malfunction Required:

MC05B Circulating Water Pump Trip 1B, True.


The crew responds to a CW pump trip. This will require an emergency power reduction to prevent loss of condenser vacuum.

Success Path:

Condenser vacuum is restored to within an inch of hg vacuum from the onset of the transient.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event Four: Circulating Water Pump Start-up Malfunction Required:

None Objective:

Maintenance availability is expedited and crew starts Circulating Water Pump 1C.

Success Path:

Three Circulating Water Pumps are running allowing vacuum to be stabilized.

Event Five: Inadvertent Group Three Malfunction Required:

RP12 RWCU Group 3 Failure, True RP10A RWCU Spurious Group 3, True RP10B RWCU Spurious Group 3, True ZDIPCISSWS18[1], Close ZDIPCISSWS15[1], Open Objective:

The crew responds to a loss of Reactor Water Cleanup due to an inadvertent Group 3 isolation.

Success Path:


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Crew verifies the Group 3 isolation and identifies that the inboard PCIV valve failed to close and declares PCIV Inoperable in accordance with Technical Specifications PCIVs, Action A, Isolate within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Event Six: Reactor Recirc Pump runaway / scoop tube lock Malfunction Required:

02A8M1 RRP A Percent Speed Demand, Final Value 100, Ramp over 2 Minutes.


The crew responds to one of the Reactor Recirc pumps running away (speed increase) requiring entry into Abnormal 2.4RR and a locking of the scoop tube to prevent total increase in speed.

Success Path:

The crew notices the Reactor Recirc Pump runaway and locks the scoop tube to limit speed increase.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event Seven: Minor Earthquake Malfunction Required:

HV02A Minor Earthquake Simulation, Final Value 20.


The crew responds to the earthquake in accordance with 5.3QUAKE and monitors plant.

Success Path:

The crew responds to the minor earthquake and monitors the plant.

Event Eight: Suppression Pool Leak - Reactor Scram Malfunction Required:

PC08 Suppression Pool Water Leak, final value 20, ramp over 4 minutes.


The crew responds to a lowering torus level iaw EOP 3A and rising Reactor Building Quad level iaw EOP 5A.

Success Path:

The crew notices the Suppression Pool level loss and increase in Reactor Building Quad levels and scrams the reactor before level drops to 9.6 feet.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event Nine: Loss of Off-site Power Malfunction Required:

ED05 Loss of Power (Startup Transformer), True ED06 Loss of Power (Emergency Transformer), True ED07 Loss of Power (Normal Transformer), True DG01A Diesel Generator Fails To Start DG1, True, Active DG03B Diesel Generator Breaker Fails to Close, True, Active Objective:

The crew responds to a loss of off-site power and notices that DG 1 failed to Start and DG 2 failed to automatically tie to its respective emergency bus.

Success Path:

The crew manually starts and ties the DGs to their busses and restores emergency power to the station.

Event Ten: Emergency Depressurization on low Suppression Pool Level Malfunction Required:



Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 The crew responds to a lowering torus level and Emergency Depressurizes the Reactor on low Suppression Pool Level of 9.6 feet. During the depressurization a small tailpipe leak develops, causing a slow rise in Drywell pressure to above the 1.84 scram and auto start signals for ECCS.

Success Path:

The crew Emergency Depressurizes the reactor when Suppression Pool level reaches 9.6 feet.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario Description The plant is operating at 100 with 1C Circulating Water Pump out of service for maintenance. It is a red light day because record grid loads are expected.

After taking the watch the crew continues the Core Spray surveillance. During the Surveillance the CS pump fails to develop the required flow. The crew addresses TS for the INOP CS pump.

After TS are addressed for the INOP Core Spray grid instabilities required the crew ot enter the appropriate Abnormal Procedure and take manual control of the Main Generator Voltage regulator. When the crew has transferred voltage control to manual the load dispatcher directs that MVARs be raised, both these actions stabilize the instabilities in the grid. After these actions are complete the B CW pump trips requiring the crew to conduct an emergency power reduction to prevent loss of condenser vacuum. After power is reduced and conditions stabilize the crew starts a standby CW pump.

After the CW pump is started, an inadvertent group 3 isolation occurs. Both logics actuate but the RWCU inboard isolation valve does not close. The crew addresses TS for the failed PCIS logic.

After the TS are addressed for PCIS an unisolable leak occurs on the CS pump suction pipe.

The crew raises takes action per EOP-3A and EOP-5A and attempts to refill the SP. All actions are inadequate and SP level continues to lower. Before SP level lowers to 11 ft. the crew stops and prevent HPCI. The crew scrams the reactor and when SP level approaches 9.6 feet.

Shortly after the reactor scram offsite power is lost. DG-1 fails to start and DG-2 starts but fails to automatically tie to its respective bus. The crew manually ties DG-2 to its bus and restores power. The restoration of power also restores sources of injection to the reactor. Eventually an ED is required when level cannot be maintained greater than 9.6 ft. When the crew emergency depressurizes a very small leak is present on the tail pipe of one ADS valves that elevates DW pressure slightly above 2 psig. (Note: If the crew fails to terminate HPCI, the HPCI system actuates at 2 psig drywell pressure and HPCI exhaust pressurizes containment.)


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 When the reactor is depressurized and level is being maintained at 3 to 54 the scenario may be terminated.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC 2 No.: 1 Page 1 of 2 Event



Continue Core Spray Surveillance 6.2CS.101 at step 4.1.4 After the crew has assumed the watch and at the direction of the lead When to initiate:


Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Contact the BOP and inform him that all appropriate people are standing Roll Play by for the start of the 1B CS Pump.

Obtains permission to start the pump and informs him that Core Spray is BOP inoperable for testing.

Acknowledges the information and tells the BOP to continue with the CRS surveillance. The CRS will address Tech Specs and declare the CS Pump Inop for testing. TS 3.5.1.

Announces the starting of the Core Spray Pump over the gaitronics.

BOP Request peer check from the RO on the Core Spray Pump start.

BOP Performs the peer check and informs the BOP that he is starting the RO correct pump.

Places the control switch for the 1B CS Pump to the start position and BOP releases.

Monitors the minimum flow valve CS-MO-5B and ensures that it does not BOP close within 40 seconds.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Cracks open the Test Line Return Valve, CS-MO-26B for 1/2 a second and BOP allows the system to run in this condition for 10 seconds.

Slowly jogs the CS-MO-26B full open and checks flow >5000 gpm.

The system will not develop more than about 4000 gpm and the BOP should report this to the CRS.

BOP Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

Acknowledges the report that flow did not raise over 4000 gpm. And tells CRS the BOP to secure the pump.

Secures the B Core Spray Pump. Also may call the Station Operator in the Core Spray Quad that the pump is being secured. Makes an BOP announcement over the gaitronics that the pump is being secured. Takes the control switch for the pump to Stop or PTL.

As the Station Operator, if called, respond to the report and say that the Roll Play pump did not sound right, not normal.

Contacts Work Control and reports that the B Core Spray Pump is CRS inoperable.

As Work Control, respond to the report and inform the CRS that a team is Roll Play being assembled and a work order will be generated.

END OF EVENT Notes 250

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 251

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC 2 No.: 2 Page 1 of 2 Event



Grid Instabilities, Manual control of Voltage Regulator.

Once the crew has secured Core Spray testing and the CRS has When to initiate:

addressed Tech Specs and at the direction of the lead examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior CRS, Notices either voltage swings or Voltage regulator trouble alarm eventually.

RO, BOP Updates crew on entry conditions to 5.3GRID and 2.4GEN-H2.

CRS Enters 5.3GRID and 2.4GEN-H2 and directs the BOP to perform applicable steps. The applicable steps are 5.3GRID step 4.3 Monitor CRS 345V, 69, and 161 KV line voltages and contact Load Dispatcher.

Enters 5.3GRID and 2.4GEN-H2 and contacts the Load Dispatcher and Station Operator. From the Load Dispatcher, request guidance for grid BOP disturbance. From the Station Operator sends him up to the voltage regulator cabinet to investigate.

As the Load Dispatcher, report that the grid is unstable, but it appears that it might be coming from Cooper. Ask the status of the voltage regulating Roll Play system.

As SO, respond to being sent to the Voltage Regulator Panel and report that there is a strange humming from the voltage regulator potentiometer Roll Play motor.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Enters 2.4GEN-H2 and performs Attachment 5 VOLTAGE REGULATOR TROUBLE, and confirms alarm 4021 Volt/Hz Excessive and sends SO to Turbine 903 foot South to check alarm drop 1 on Protective Equipment Drawer.

Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

As SO, report that Alarm Drop 1 is in.

Roll Play Takes control of Generator Voltage Adjuster and raises voltage and BOP MVARs. May request a peer check from RO. Ro provides the check if asked.

Contacts Load Dispatcher to determine source of problem. Also contacts CRS Work Control to investigate the problem.

Respond as the Load Dispatcher, and tell him that the problem appears to be with Coopers voltage regulator and that MVARs should be raised to correct the problem.

Roll Play Respond as the Work Control SRO and tell him that a team of electricians and I&C are being formed and that a work order will be generated.

END OF EVENT Notes 253

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 254

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC 2 No.: 3 Page 1 of 2 Event



Circulating Water Pump Trip Once the crew has stabilized voltage and at the direction of the lead When to initiate:

examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Responds to Annunciator A-4 B-1 Circ Water Pump B Trip, and checks BOP Condenser vacuum on Panel B.

Notes Condenser vacuum is degrading and updates the crew that there is an entry condition into 2.4VAC.

BOP Directs BOP to enter 2.4VAC and perform applicable sections. Attachment CRS 1 is performed.

Directs RO to commence a rapid power reduction to maintain condenser vacuum > 23 in Hg. This is the next event. Also updates the crew that CRS there are SCRAM ACTIONS in the Abnormal.

Sends Station Operator to the Intake to investigate the B CW Pump. Will BOP also send someone to check the breaker.

As the SO, respond to being sent to investigate the tripping of the B CW Pump.

Roll Play As the other SO, report that there is an overload ground flag on the breaker.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Updates the crew with the values of Condenser Vacuum. Will have action points and critical parameter of vacuum assigned to him. Vacuum should be reported at 1 increments or less.

BOP Contacts Work Control to initiate investigation and repairs.

CRS Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

When contacted by the CRS, respond as the WCC and report that a team Roll Play is being assembled and a work order is being initiated.

Updates the crew that vacuum is stabilizing and/or has stabilized.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 257

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC 2 No.: 4 Page 1 of 2 Event



Emergency Power Reduction When to initiate: ascension and at the direction of the lead examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Reduces Reactor Recirc Pump A and B speeds to maintain condenser vacuum. Both speeds are reduced one at a time in accordance with RO Procedure 2.1.10 while checking with the BOP on the status of vacuum.

Monitors RR Pump speeds and parameters on RR Speed controller along with reactor power as the speeds are reduced.

RO Directs that the RO and BOP coordinate actions to maintain condenser CRS vacuum.

Contacts Load dispatcher that an emergency load reduction is in progress due to a CW Pump trip.

CRS As the Load Dispatcher, respond to the report and remind the CRS that voltage is critical and that their voltage regulator is malfunctioning.

Roll Play Informs the BOP to monitor Generator Voltage along with Condenser Vacuum, because the voltage regulator is in manual.

CRS 258

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Monitors and adjust Main Generator Voltage, as load is reduced.

BOP Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 4 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

When condenser vacuum has stabilized the RO discontinues lowering RR Pump speeds. Ensures that pump speeds are matched.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC 2 No.: 5 Page 1 of 2 Event



Inadvertent Group 3 Isolation, failure of one valve to close.

When Reactor power and condenser Vacuum have stabilized and at the When to initiate:

direction of the lead examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Responds to Annunciators on Panel 9-4; 9-4-2 B-4 and E-5 RWCU Pump BOP Low Flow and Demin Filter Failure.

Notices that there was a Group 3 isolation, by observing the Group 3 lights extinguished on the group display on Panel 9-5.

BOP Throttles open the RWCU-MO-74 Filter Bypass Vlv as an immediate action to an isolation of Clean-up. If the valve is not throttled open, the system BOP will over-pressurize due to mini-purge.

Notes that the RWCU-MO-15 Inboard Isolation Valve did not close and attempts to close it. (An Automatic Action that didnt happen) sees that it BOP will not close when the control switch is taken to close.

Updates the crew to the isolation and the failure of RWCU-MO-15 to close.

BOP 260

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Pulls Tech Specs and determines that there was a failure of one PCIV to actuate on a valid signal and declares the RWCU-MO-15 Inoperable iaw TS PCIVs, Action A, Isolate within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. Action is met with the CRS MO-16 closed. It will still need to be de-energized.

Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 5 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

Contacts the Work Control Center on the failure of the RWCU-MO-15 to close and the inadvertent Group 3 and request that both be investigated CRS and resolved.

Respond as the Work Control Center SRO and report that a work order will Roll Play be written and a team formed to investigate.

END OF EVENT Notes 261

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 262

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC 2 No.: 6 Page 1 of 2 Event



Reactor Recirc Pump Speed increase, lock scoop tube.

When the CRS has addressed TS for the failure of the PCIV and at the When to initiate:

direction of the lead examiner.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior CRS, Notices Reactor Power and/or Generator Output rising.

RO, BOP Identifies that Reactor Recirc Pump A speed is increasing by observing the RO rise on A and that B is steady.

Updates the Crew of the cause of the power increase.

RO Depresses the Scoop Tube Lock pushbutton for the A Recirc Pump RO on vertical Panel 9-4.

Checks Generator Voltage and makes necessary adjustments in Manual.

BOP Observes that the speed of the pump stops rising.

RO Checks Condenser vacuum and notes its degrading again. If power was stabilized just below the point that vacuum stabilized in the event before, then this rise in power will cause them to have to lower power by running BOP the other Recirc pump back.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Contacts WCC to report problem with Reactor Recirc Pump A speed increase.

CRS Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 6 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

Respond to the report of the speed increase. Tell him that a work order will be initiated and that A team will investigate it.

Roll Play END OF EVENT Notes 264

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC 2 No.: 7 Page 1 of 2 Event



Small Earthquake When the crew has addressed the speed increase of the A RR Pump and When to initiate:

the plant is stable and at the direction of the lead examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Responds to Annunciator B-3 B-1 Seismic Event BOP Update Crew that this is an entry condition into 5.1QUAKE.

BOP Enters 5.1QUAKE and assigns it to the BOP Operator.

CRS Inform the Crew that the White Event Indicator and the Yellow Event Alarm light is illuminated on Panel SMA-3. This panel is not simulated in the Simulator and in the actual control room it is visible behind the CRSs desk.

Roll Play BOP validates the alarm, by verifying physical movement felt. May contact Fort Calhoun or the National Earthquake Information Center iaw BOP 5.1QUAKE.

Respond to the call as either Fort Calhoun and tell them that they also received a Seismic Alarm. Or as the National Earthquake Center, and tell the caller that there was a small earthquake in Southwestern Iowa, actual Roll Play epicenter location unknown.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Walks down the Control Room and calls the Station Operators to walk down their respective areas lo0king for damage, concentrating on ECCS systems.

RO, BOP Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 7 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

After time elapses for checking other areas first: Report that there is a small leak on the B Core Spray suction from the torus. Through wall leak Roll Play weld where the pipe penetrates the Torus wall, un-isolatable. About 1 gpm.

Contacts WCC to report earthquake and entry into 5.1QUAKE and the leak on the suction of the B CS Pump.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 267

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC 2 No.: 8 Page 1 of 3 Event



Suppression Pool Leak / Reactor Scram Once the crew has carried out the actions of 5.1QUAKE and have found When to initiate:

the small leak on the Torus and at the direction of the lead examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Responds to the report that there is a small leak on the torus suction pipe CRS, weld for Core Spray B.

RO, BOP Notices Torus level lowering on Panel 9-3 Torus Level PC-LI-13 (Torus Narrow Range), or on PMIS.

BOP, RO At - 2 inches in the Torus updates the crew that there is an entry condition into EOP-3A. The Suppression Pool Level Low Alarm is set to alarm at -

1.5 inches and the Crew my enter EOP at that point.

BOP Updates crew on entry into EOP-3A. Enters EOP and addresses all five categories paying particular attention to the Torus Water Level. Leg and CRS transitions to M.

Directs the BOP to maintain the Torus above 11 feet using one of the systems listed in Procedure 5.8.14 kept in a binder at the RO Desk. RCIC, HPCI, RHR-A, RHR-B, CS-A, or CS-B. there is no order or preference CRS specified in the procedure, the BOP can choose any system at his discretion.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Starts filling the Torus from one of the systems listed in procedure 5.8.14.

This makes little or no noticeable change in torus level decrease. The leak BOP will progress form small to large over a few minutes as the weld continues to fail.

Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 8 Page 2 of 3 No.: No.: No.:

Monitors Torus level on PMIS or on instruments located on the Panels.

Updates crew as to the level periodically.

BOP When Torus level cannot be maintained above 11 feet, Directs the BOP to Stop and Prevent HPCI.

CRS Takes HPCI Aux Oil Pump to pull to lock. This will prevent HPCI from starting if it gets an auto initiation.

BOP Directs BOP to monitor Torus level and notify him when it lowers to 10 feet.

CRS Order the Reactor Scrammed when torus level is just above 9.6 feet CRS iaw EOP-3A Step SP/L-12.

Depresses both Scram Pushbuttons on Panel 9-5, and performs his mitigating scram actions of tripping one feed pump, and placing the RO Reactor Mode Switch to the Shutdown position.

Enters EOP-1A and directs one of the board operators to maintain RPV CRS Pressure less than 1050 psig using bypass valves.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Directs the other board operator to restore and maintain reactor water level CRS between +3 and +54 inches. He may specify a tighter band here.

BOP goes to DEH system and ensures that the bypass valves are BOP maintaining pressure at 960 psig.

Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 8 Page 3 of 3 No.: No.: No.:

RO controls RVLCS or RCIC to maintain level in the specified band. +3 to

+54 is the specified band, but the RO is expected to maintain it on the RO narrow range instruments located on panel 9-5 within the normal green band if possible.

Reports when Torus level is 9.6 feet.

BOP Directs that the RPV be depressurized. Actually the step says when CRS PC water level cannot be maintained above 9.6 feet ED. So the CRS may elect to perform this step at a value greater than 9.6 feet.

END OF EVENT Notes 270

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 271

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC 2 No.: 9 Page 1 of 3 Event



Loss of Off-site Power; Failure of DGs to load.

When to initiate: This is an automatic event when the Turbine Trips.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Crew notes that the Startup and Emergency busses are lost when the CRS, Turbine Trips and the Normal Transformer losses power. All control room BOP, RO lights extinguish and the emergency lights light.

Enters 5.3SBO because there is a total loss of AC Power.

CRS Assigns 5.3SBO to the BOP Operator and directs him to start with the electrical system and restore a source of AC Power, preferably the Diesel CRS Generators.

Works his way through 5.3SBO to Attachment 3 for the electrical system.

Notes that DG #1 is not running and that DG #2 is running but the BOP discharge breaker did not close in.

Closes Breaker EG2. This is an auto action that should have happened but didnt so the Operator will perform this action without reference to BOP procedure. This will restore power to Emergency Bus G and with power on Bus G that is an exit condition for 5.3SBO and an entry condition into 5.3EMPWR.

Contacts Load Dispatcher to implement Energy Control Center Instructions, Cooper Nuclear Station - Black Plant Procedure.

CRS 272

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 As Load Dispatcher, inform the CRS that they are implementing Energy Load Center Instructions, Cooper Nuclear Station - Black Plant Procedure.

Roll Play Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 9 Page 2 of 3 No.: No.: No.:

Updates Crew about 5.3SBO exit and entry into 5.3EMPWR.

CRS Assigns BOP Attachments 2 and 3 BOP and Electrical Power Attachments.

CRS Assigns RO Attachment 1 RPV and Containment.

Continues in 5.3EMPWR to attempt to restore DG 1 to running status.

BOP After DG 1 activities, will restore REC. Located in back panels and will BOP follow hard card to recover the system following the loss of power.

After REC is completed, will start one Air Compressors to restore BOP instrument air to the plant. Located on Panel A.

Restarts CRD System. Located on Panel 9-5.

RO RO updates Torus level as it lowers to 9.6 feet RO END OF EVENT Notes 273

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 9 Page 3 of 3 No.: No.: No.:


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC 2 No.: 10 Page 1 of 2 Event



Emergency Depressurize RPV When it has been determined that PC Level cannot be restored and When to initiate:

maintained above 9.6 feet.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Briefs Crew on Emergency Depressurization.

CRS Enters EOP 2A from 3A and emergency depressurizes the RPV.

CRS Directs one of the board operators to open six SRVs.

CRS Uncovers the switches for the ADS valves and then selects them to open, verifying that they do come open. This is done by checking the amber tailpipe pressure light above each switch illuminates.

BOP, RO Announces that RPV Pressure is dropping rapidly. The board operators will monitor either, PMIS or the indicators located on the vertical portion of the board to determine that the pressure is dropping.

BOP, RO 275

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Reports that Drywell Pressure is rising. The tailpipe leak is on one of the open SRVs. This will pressurize the DW to approximately 3 psig.

BOP, RO Notes Auto Start of ECCS again and secures non-needed system.

CRS, RO, BOP Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 10 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

Reports when RPV pressure is 50 psig above Torus pressure or that Depressurization is completed. At this time the CRS will address cleanup activities in the other EOPs and or AOPs.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 277

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Malfunction Description Delay Ramp Event Value Final Diesel Generator Fails to Start DG01A Active True True DG-1 Diesel Generator Breaker Fails DG03B Active True True to Close RP12 Group 3 Isolation Failure Active True True ED20 MAPP Instability 2 0 15 MC05B Circulating Water Pump Trip 1B 3 False True Spurious PCIS Group 3 Isolation RP10A 5 False True Signal Spurious PCIS Group 3 Isolation RP10B 5 False True Signal RR17A Recirc A Jordan Failure 00:02:00 6 N/A 100 HV02A Minor Earthquake Simulation 7 False True PC08 Suppression Pool Water Leak 00:06:00 8 0 30 Loss Of Power (Start-up ED05 9 False True Transformer)

Loss Of Power Emergency ED06 9 False True 69KV Transformer)

SRV Tailpiece Vacuum Breaker AD05G 10 0 30 Failure RV-71G Remotes Description Delay Ramp Event Value Final 278

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 YPXRCS10 Core Spray B Pump Suction 7B 75 75 Overrides Description Delay Ramp Event Value Final CU-MO18 Outbd Isol Control 02S40 5 Normal Close Switch 02S18 Inboard Isolation Vlv MO-15 5 Normal Open Circulating Water Pump 04S059 Active PTL PTL Discharge Valve Con 279

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event Event Action Command 9 RA:MUX12C035 == 1 10 ZLOMSSWS1E[3] ==1 21 ZDIEGCS90[2] == 1 DMF ED20 Set CS Suction valve to 75% OPEN Hang tag on 1C CW Pump control switch.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Scenario NRC 3 Op-Test No.:

Station No.:

Examiner Operator s: s:

IC-213 Initial Conditions: A plant startup is in progress with APRM A and IRM A is out of service and bypassed.

Turnover Today is a red light day, continue the startup, transfer to RUN, and start the main generator.

Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type*

Description 1 N/A R Raise power with control rods 2 1 I IRM fails downscale 3 2 C CRD pump Trip 4 N/A N Transfers Mode to RUN 5 3 C REC pump Trip 6 4 C CW System Leak/Flooding in the Condenser area 7 5 M Loss of Vacuum / Scram / ATWS 8 6 C Failure of Group 1 isolation 9 7 C Remaining CRD pump Trips 281

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario Objective The crew enters ESP 5.8.3 and inserts the control rods. When the crew gets all control rods inserted and level is being maintained 3 to 54 the scenario may be terminated Scenario Summary Initial Conditions:

  • A plant startup is in progress with APRM A and IRM A is out of service and bypassed.


  • IRM fails downscale
  • Transfers Mode to RUN
  • CW System Leak/Flooding in the Condenser area
  • Failure of Group 1 isolation
  • Remaining CRD pump Trips Scenario Sequence 282

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1

  • IRM fails downscale
  • Transfers Mode to RUN
  • CW System Leak/Flooding in the Condenser area
  • Failure of Group 1 isolation
  • Remaining CRD pump Trips 283

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event One: _ Raise power with control rods _

Malfunction Required:


The crew withdraws control rods to raise power in order to transfer the mode switch to RUN.

Success Path:

Event Two: IRM fails downscale Malfunction Required:


Shortly after rod withdrawal begins IRM B fails upscale resulting in a rod block and half reactor scram. The crew addresses Technical Specifications and determines that sufficient instrumentation is available to continue the startup and transfer to RUN. The IRM is bypassed and the half scram is reset and the startup continues.

Success Path:

Event Three: CRD pump Trip Malfunction Required:


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Objective:

The running CRD pump trips requiring the standby pump to be started in order to continue the startup.

Success Path:

Event Four: Transfers Mode to RUN Malfunction Required:


After the CRD system is restored power is raised and mode switch is placed to RUN.

Success Path:

Event Five: REC pump Trip 285

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Malfunction Required:


After the reactor is in RUN REC pump A REC pump trips. The crew will respond per alarm cards and Technical Specifications.

Success Path:

Event Six: CW System Leak/Flooding in the Condenser area Malfunction Required:


After the REC system is restored a CW leak is reported in the condenser area. After the crews initial response to the flooding the CW pipe completely ruptures resulting in a complete loss of CW flow to the condenser. The crew responds per 2.4VAC.

Success Path:

Event Seven: Loss of Vacuum / Scram / ATWS 286

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Malfunction Required:


The crew initiates a manual scram (no control rods insert when the scram is initiated) and the crew enters EOP-7A.

Success Path:

Event Eight: Failure of Group 1 isolation Malfunction Required:


As the vacuum degrades the crew closes the MSIVs (automatic group 1 isolation fails and the bypass valves fail to close as vacuum degrades below 7Hg). As power cycles after the MSIVs are closed several fuel rods fail increasing reactor coolant activity. Pressure control transitions to SRVs/then HPCI and/or RCIC. If the crew starts SLC both SLC squib valves fail to fire.

Success Path:


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event Nine: Remaining CRD pump Trips Malfunction Required:


Success Path:


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario Description A startup is in progress following a refueling outage. APRM A and IRM A are inoperable Reactor power is at 4%. The crew withdraws control rods to raise power in order to transfer the mode switch to RUN. Shortly after rod withdrawal begins IRM B fails upscale resulting in a rod block and half reactor scram. The crew addresses Technical Specifications and determines that sufficient instrumentation is available to continue the startup and transfer to RUN. The IRM is bypassed and the half scram is reset and the startup continues. The running CRD pump trips requiring the standby pump to be started in order to continue the startup. After the CRD system is restored power is raised and mode switch is placed to RUN.

After the reactor is in RUN REC pump A REC pump trips. The crew will respond per alarm cards and Technical Specifications. After the REC system is restored a CW leak is reported in the condenser area. After the crews initial response to the flooding the CW pipe completely ruptures resulting in a complete loss of CW flow to the condenser. The crew responds per 2.4VAC.

The crew initiates a manual scram (no control rods insert when the scram is initiated) and the crew enters EOP-7A. As the vacuum degrades the crew closes the MSIVs (automatic group 1 isolation fails and the bypass valves fail to close as vacuum degrades below 7Hg). As power cycles after the MSIVs are closed several fuel rods fail increasing reactor coolant activity.

Pressure control transitions to SRVs/then HPCI and/or RCIC. If the crew starts SLC both SLC squib valves fail to fire.

The crew enters ESP 5.8.3 and inserts the control rods. When the crew gets all control rods inserted and level is being maintained 3 to 54 the scenario may be terminated 289

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC No.: 1 Page 1 of 2 Event



Raise power with control rods to 8% power.

When to initiate: When the crew is ready and has assumed the watch.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Holds a reactivity brief with the members of the crew and covers responsibilities during the startup and the importance of conservative CRS actions when it comes to reactivity management.

Reviews Procedures 2.1.1, 2.1.10 and 10.13 and determines that control rod withdrawal can continue. Procedure 2.1.1 step 4.17 is performed along with 2.1.10 Section 4 and procedure 10.13 step 4.1 RO Ask for second checker for rod pulls.

RO Inform the RO that the second checker was to be simulated.

Roll Play Reviews Rod Pull Sheets and ensures that the rods listed as being pulled before he took watch are consistent with the pull sheets.

RO 290

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Verifies that Rod 14-23 is to be pulled from 04 to 08. And that it is the only rod selected.

RO Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC No.: 1 Page 1 of 2 Using the Rod Control Switches notches Rod 14-23 from position 04 to 08 and watches that it settles at that position before continuing.

RO Then selects the next rod (38-31) and pulls it from 04 to 08 following the same actions for the first rod.

RO Monitors Nuclear Instrumentation between each rod withdrawal.

RO Verifies that the Balance of the plant is responding to the rise in power.

BOP Continues pulling rods in accordance with the pull sheets of Procedure 10.13 until Reactor power is approximately 8%.

END OF EVENT Notes 291

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 292

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC No.: 2 Page 1 of 2 Event



IRM B fails upscale Once power is between 5% and 8% and at the direction of the lead When to initiate:


Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Stops pulling rods.

RO Announces that IRM B failed upscale and that the annunciators for it have alarmed. 9-5-1 E-7 IRM Upscale, 9-5-1 A-4 Rod Withdrawal Block. Also RO on panel 9-5-2 A-3 and B-1. Pulls alarm cards and performs the required actions.

Responds to the report and directs the RO to discontinue the power ascension.

CRS Verifies that IRM has failed by attempting to up range it.

RO Checks the instrument around on the back panel, and reports that it is upscale there as well.

BOP Verifies that it would be only one IRM per RPS channel is upscale, bypass affected IRM to clear RPS Trop and rod block. And informs the CRS that RO IRM B is to be bypassed.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Directs the RO to bypass the failed IRM.

CRS Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

Resets the half scram by placing the scram reset switch to 1-4 then to 2-3 positions and verifies that the associated alarms clear.

RO Researches the failure in Tech Specs and determines that in accordance with TS Function 1 that three IRMs are required per channel and that Channel B has three therefore this is a potential LCO for Spec CRS and that TRM 3.3.1 Function 2 applies as well and that it is a potential TLCO per spec T3.3.1.

Contacts the work control center to inform them of the IRM B failure.

CRS Respond to the report and tell the CRS that a work order will be initiated, Roll Play END OF EVENT Notes 294

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 295

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC No.: 3 Page 1 of 2 Event



CRD pump Trip Once the RO has completed the actions for the IRM failure and has When to initiate:

recommenced pulling rods and at the direction of the lead examiner.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Responds to the CRD Pump Trip annunciator, Panel 9-5-2 C-6 CRD Pump RO B Breaker Trip.

In accordance with the annunciator procedure for the pump trip, the RO places CRD-FC-301 in MAN. And asks the BOP for a peer check.

RO Performs the peer check.

BOP The RO then adjusts CRD-FC-301 to minimum. And asks the BOP for a peer check.

RO Performs the peer check.

BOP Then by selecting the pump start switch to Start, the RO starts CRD Pump A. Also he asks the BOP for a peer check.

RO 296

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Performs the peer check.

BOP Slowly adjusts the CRD-FC-301 to obtain flow of 50 gpm and asks the BOP for a peer check.

RO Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 3 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

Performs the peer check.

BOP Places the CRD-FC-301 to balance and asks the BOP for a peer check.

RO Performs the peer check.

BOP Reports that 1A CRD Pump has been started in accordance with the RO Annunciator Procedure.

Contacts the Work Control Center to report the tripping of the CRD Pump.

CRS Respond to the report of the B CRD Pump tripping and that a work order Roll Play would be initiated for it.

END OF EVENT Notes 297

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 298

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC No.: 4 Page 1 of 3 Event



Transfers Mode to RUN Once the RO has re-established CRD flow to normal and at the direction of When to initiate:

the lead examiner.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Reports that Reactor Power is approximately 8% and that the plant is in a position to be placed into the Run Mode.

RO Directs the RO to verify Reactor Pressure and alarms on panel 9-51 and 9-5-1.

CRS Once the RO has verified that there should be no reason that the Reactor Mode Switch can be placed into the Run Position, he request the BOP to peer check him moving the Mode Switch to Run. He turns the switch RO clockwise from Startup to Run.

Verifies that all systems, PCIS and RPS responded correctly to the change of the mode switch to run. No RPS or PCIS actuation should happen.

RO Updates the crew that the mode switch is in the run position.

RO 299

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 4 Page 2 of 3 No.: No.: No.:

END OF EVENT Notes 300

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 301

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC No.: 5 Page 1 of 2 Event



REC pump Trip Once the Reactor Mode Switch is in Run, and at the direction of the lead When to initiate:


Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Reports that the 1B REC Pump has tripped.

BOP Monitors REC Parameters on panel M. Pressures, temperatures and flows.

BOP Follows the guidance in the Annunciator card M-1 B-4 and starts REC Pump 1C.

BOP After starting the third pump the BOP monitors REC pump discharge pressures and ensure valve line-up is correct.

BOP References Tech Specs 3.7.3 Condition A, Required Action, A.1 Restore the A REC Subsystem to operable status within 30 days.

CRS 302

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Updates the crew with the Tech Spec Call.

Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 5 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

Contacts the Work Control Center and informs them of the failure.

CRS Respond to the report and inform the CRS that a work order is being Roll Play initiated and a team is being formed to investigate the trip.

END OF EVENT Notes 303

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 304

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC No.: 6 Page 1 of 3 Event



CW System Leak/Flooding in the Condenser area Once the BOP has controlled REC and restored the system to normal and When to initiate: the Tech Spec call has been made, and at the direction of the lead examiner.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Responds to a S-1 Alarm, on Turbine Building Sump Level High and High BOP High.

Sends Station Operator to investigate.

BOP Report that there is a leak on the CW piping in the condenser bay and there is standing water on the floor and it is rising Roll Play Updates the crew with the report of the leak. And states that it is an entry condition into 5.1BREAK.

BOP Enters 5.1BREAK and assigns it to the BOP.

CRS Concurrently enter Procedure 2AVAC.

BOP 305

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Since the flooding is from circulating water the BOP will try to isolate the leak. The leak cannot be isolated by the BOP. The CW system must be BOP removed from service.

Report that the leak is not able to be isolated.

Roll Play Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 6 Page 2 of 3 No.: No.: No.:

Tells the CRS that the leak is unisolable and that they need to enter Procedure 2.1.5 and shutdown the plant.

BOP Briefs the crew on the need to shutdown the plant.

CRS After reactor has been scrammed the BOP trips the two running CW pumps.

BOP This ties to the next event.

After the CW Pumps are off the BOP closes the MSIVs. This will be coordinated with the RO to monitor RPV Pressure.

BOP Establish reactor vessel level and pressure control using HPCI/RCIC/SRVs. The RO and BOP will start either HPCI or RCIC in BOP/RO pressure control.

Isolate condenser water box(es) per Attachment 4 of 5.1BREAK.

BOP 306

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Notify the BOP as the Turbine Building Station Operator and report that the flooding is backing up and is starting to approach the sump pump motors.

Roll Play The BOP it told that the flooding is exceeding the Turbine Building sump pumps capacity. Once the report is received, the BOP places all sump BOP pumps to OFF.

END OF EVENT Notes Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 6 Page 3 of 3 No.: No.: No.:


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC No.: 7 Page 1 of 5 Event



Loss of Vacuum / Scram / ATWS When the crew has identified that the leak in the Turbine Building is When to initiate: unisolable and the Crew has entered Procedure 2.1.5, and at the direction of the lead examiner Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Directs the RO to Scram the unit when it is determined that the CW system CRS must be shutdown.

Notes that Condenser vacuum is degrading and hastens the closure of the BOP MSIVs. The group 1 on low vacuum will not occur at 10 Vac. The Operator must close the valves manually.

Depresses both Reactor Scram Pushbuttons on Panel 9-5.

RO Performs the mitigating actions for the scram. Places the Reactor Mode Switch to Shutdown, and notes that an ATWS has occurred.

RO Provides the scram report, ATWS Conditions, Reactor Power is 8%.

RO Enters EOP 1A and transitions to EOP 6A and 7A. And updates the crew as to which EOPs are being entered.

CRS 308

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Directs the RO to ensure ARI is initiated.

CRS Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 7 Page 2 of 5 No.: No.: No.:

RO Reports that ARI is not functioning.

Directs the RO to trip the Reactor Recirc Pumps.

CRS Trips the RR Pumps and reports Reactor Power still at 8%.

RO Directs the RO to Reset ARI and Insert Control Rods using one or more Alternate Rod Insertion Methods in ESP 5.8.3 CRS Directs the BOP to stabilize Reactor Pressure less than 1050#

CRS Allows Low Low Set to control SRV opening.

BOP Directs the BOP to Inhibit ADS.

CRS 309

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Places both ADS inhibit switches on Panel 9-3 to the inhibit position.

BOP Reports that ADS is inhibited.

Follows the L leg of EOP 7A and directs the BOP to lower water level by stopping and preventing all injection into the vessel except Boron Injection CRS Systems, RCIC, and CRD.

Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 7 Page 3 of 5 No.: No.: No.:

Places HPCI in PTL, Secures Feed and Condensate and Booster Pumps, Pulls to lock the CS and LPCI Pumps control switches. Once all systems BOP are stopped and prevented he reports that to the CRS.

Directs the BOP to maintain water level between 100 and LL.

CRS Defeats Auto RPS Scrams by installing PTM Jumpers 31 through 34 in the back panels 9-15 and 9-17. Follows all electrical safety precautions, RO Safety Glasses, No metal (Rings and watches)

Contacts Station Operator to install EOP PTMs 61 and 62.

RO As Station Operator, respond to the direction to install EOP PTMs 61 and

62. Wait a couple minutes and install PTMs 61 and 62. Once they are installed, contact the RO and inform him that the PTMs are installed.

Roll Play Raises CRD Pressure and bypasses RWM by placing a key in the switch and placing it to bypass.

RO 310

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Using Rod Drive Switches and Rod Select Switches on the select matrix, Selects and emergency inserts the withdrawn control rods in the order RO specified on Attachment 2 of 5.8.3.

As soon as the report is received Resets ARI and RPS and waits 3 minutes or when the not drained alarm clears for the SDV to inset another RO scram.

Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 7 Page 4 of 5 No.: No.: No.:

Rescrams the reactor and reports that Most of the rods inserted.

RO Resets the scram again and waits the three minutes or when the SDV drains to insert another scram. Between those times will be manually RO inserting control rods with emergency in control switch.

Reports ALL RODS IN. When all control rods have been inserted either by RO repeating the scrams or driven by RMCS.

Exits EOPs 6A and 7A and reenters EOP1A.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 7 Page 5 of 5 No.: No.: No.:


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC No.: 8 Page 1 of 2 Event



Failure of Group 1 isolation When to initiate: When condenser vacuum reaches 10 inches Hg.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Updates the Crew that a Group 1 has failed. The MSIVs should have closed when condenser vacuum drops to 10 inches.

BOP Closes the MSIVs one at a time while monitoring Reactor Pressure and the indicating lights.

BOP As the last Steam line is isolated updates the RO who is driving rods.

Reactor Pressure and power will spike.

BOP The BOP also closes the Steam Line Drains MO-74 and MO-77 or 78.

BOP Updates crew that the MSIVs are closed.

BOP 313

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 8 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:

END OF EVENT Notes 314

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 315

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event No.: No.: NRC No.: 9 Page 1 of 2 Event



When to initiate:

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior 316

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test Scenario Event NRC 2 10 Page 2 of 2 No.: No.: No.:


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 318

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-102 (16530)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 319 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 241011O0101 Malfunction Description Delay Ramp Event Value Final IRM CHANNEL FAILURE NM05B 2 100 CHANNEL B CRD HYDRAULIC PUMP TRIP RD08B 3 FALSE TRUE CRD PUMP B SW11B REC PUMP TRIP 1B 5 FALSE TRUE RP04 GROUP 1 ISOLATION FAILURE ACTIVE FALSE TRUE RD02 ATWS ACTIVE 100 GROSS FUEL CLADING CR03 15 0 2 FAILURE 319

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-102 (16530)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 320 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 241011O0101 Remotes Description Delay Ramp Event Value Final Overrides Description Delay Ramp Event Value Final 03A23 ROD SELECT SWITCH 14-23 SELECT APRM CH A/C/E BYPASS 03S30 A SELECTOR SWITCH IRM BYPASS SELECTOR 03S38 A SWITCH CH A/C/E/G 320

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-102 (16530)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 321 of 321 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 241011O0101 Event Event Action Command Insert trigger 15 (gross fuel cladding failure) when 15 RRPI90A > 900 reactor pressure is greater than 900 psig 321