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Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1993 for Duane Arnold Energy Ctr.W/930515 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1993
From: Denise Wilson, Woodward R
To: Davis A
NG-93-1965, NUDOCS 9305280413
Download: ML20044F691 (7)


w l Iowa Electric Light and Power Company i

l May 15,1993 I

NG-93-1965 Mr. A. llert Davis Regional Administrator Region 111 ,

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road ,

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137


Duene Arnold Energy Center Docket No: 50-331 Op. License DPR-49 April 1993 Monthly Operating Report

Dear Mr. Davis:

Please find enclosed the Duane Arnold Energy Center Monthly Operating Report for April 1993 The rcport has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines of NUREG-0020 and distribution has been made in accordance '

with DAEC Technical Specifications, Section 6.11.1.c.

i Very truly yours, ,

l t h -

David Wilson Plant Superintendent, Nuclear ,

DLW/RBW/cc Enclosures

- File A-118d cc: ,

Dir. of Nuclear Reactor ReFulation Mr. Dennis Murdock U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Central lowa Power Cooperative Mail Station PI-137 Box 2517 Washington, D C. 20555 (Orig) Cedar Rapids, IA 524v6 i Mr. Robert Pulsifer Mr. William Loveless 'j Project Manager U.S. NRC >

1 Whiteflint North I Whiteflint North '

Mail Stop 13E21 Mail Stop llCl4 11555 Rockville Pike 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville MD 20852 (2) l Document Control Desk Dr. William A. Jacobs, Jr.  !

.lNPO Records Center GDS Associates, Inc. ]

I100 Circle 75 Parkway Suite 720 Suite 1500 1850 Parkway Place


Atlanta, G A 30339-3064 Marietta, GA 30068-8237 Mr. Steve Brown Mr. Dale Arends lowa State Utilities Board Corn Belt Power Cooperative Lucas State Office Building 130013th Street North Des Moines,1A 50319 Ilumboldt,IA 50548 i Mr. Fred Yost DCRC Director, Research Services Utility Data Institute NRC Resident inspector 1700 K St NW, Suite 400 [ .

t , DC 20006 i N

j 9305280413 930430 I PDR R

ADOCR 05000331 M n l i

PDR Duane Atnotd linergy Center

  • wt u.str n. '- (* Palo, Iowa 52324
  • 31W851CG11 u2i


DOCKET NO: 50-0331  ;

DATE: 05/15/93  ;

Unit: Duane Arnold Enercy Center -

COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward TELEPHONE: (319) 851-7318



1. Unit Name: Duane Arnold Encrev Center
2. Reporting Period: April 1993
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 1658  : Notes A Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 565 ffurbine)
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 23_8
6. ' Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWr.): 541 ,

-7. Mcximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe': 515

8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 through 7) since the last report, Give Reasons: N/A
9. Power Level to Which Restricted,if Any (Net MWe): 98% (as eraec Tm month of April) i
10. Reasons for Restrictions If Any: T

_hprm a day.fnce a the onset of co,ast-doivnT9M.AnrTE_l power capability has decreased slinhtiv more than 0.

This Menth Year-to-Date Cumulative ,

' I 1. Hours in Repcning Period 719.0 2879.0 159,935.0 ,

12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical 719.0 2754.1 118,735.3
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 ' 0.0 192.8
14. Hours Generator On-Line 719.0 2739.1 115,761.6 ,
13. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 1,161,801.4 4,430,446.0 158,513,739.7
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 389,888.0 1,430,640.0 53,105,549.5  ;
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 367,193.0 1,394,951.4 49,791,605.2- ,
19. Unit Service Factor 100.0 % 95.1 % 72.4 %
20. Unit Availability Factor 100.0 % 95.1 % 72.4 % ,
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 99.2 % 94.1 % 61.8 %
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 94.9 % 90.1% 59.2%
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.0% 0.0% 12.2 % i
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of each): Refueling, July 29,1993, 59 days,
25. If Shutdown at End of Report Period, Est. Date of Startup: N/A i




., -i


.. ' DOC"ET NO: 50-0331 Lj -

DATE: 05/15/93 ;l *_ '

Unit: Duane Arnold Enerev Center


COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward i TELEPIIONE: (319) 851-731R ,

.MONTII . April 1993 [

-i Average Daily Power Level Average Daily Power l Day (MWe Net) Day Level (MWe-Net) 1 5285 16 514.6  ;

2 527.2 17 509.2 .l 5

3 525 2 18 493.2  ;

4 5271 19 508 2 .  ;

.5 523 8 20 504 5 i 6 520.7 21 507,I l 7 L ' "' 22 504.7 8 513 2 23 502.2 517,5 501,5 l 9 24 10 515.2 25 502 1 11 519 1 26 502 3 ,

12 511 6- 27 497.8  ;

13 512 6 28 42fL2 14 1Q22 29 496 6  :-

j 15 $20 6 30 - 492 9  ;

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DOCKET NO: 50-0331 DATE: 05/15/93 Unit: Duane Arnold Enercy Center ,

COMPLETED BY: Eichard woodward ,

TELEPHONE: (319) 851 7318 l

1. Name of facility.

Duane Arnold Energy Center

2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.

July 29,1993

3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling.

September .26,1993

4. Will refueling or resumption of openttion thereafter require a technical specification change or otherlicense amendment?

Received approved Amendment #192, no further change needed

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting infonnation.  ;

Not applicable

6. Important liunsing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or perfonnance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating pmcedures.


7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core,(b) in the spent fuel storage pool,
a. 368
b. 1152
8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the sire of any increase in licensed stornge capacity that has been requested oris planned,in number of fuel assemblies. i
a. 2050 - Licensed Capacity or l
b. 1898 under the presently installed storage rack capacity.
c. 3152 requested by RTS#252, submitted March 26,1993
9. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity.
a. 2000 - Licensed Capacity or
b. 1997 under the presently installed storage rack capacity. l


DOCKET NO: $0-0331 '

DATE: 05/15/93 Unit: Duane Arnold Enerev Center COMPLETED BY: Riclard Woodward

  • TELEPIIONE: 0 191 852-7318 UNIT SilUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS REPORT MONTil: April 1993 There was no shutdown or power reduction in excess of 20% during the month.

No. Date 'lype Duration Reason 1 Method of Licensee Event System Comp. Cause (1) (Hours) (2) Shutting Report # Code Code Down (4) (5)

Reactor (3)

N/A 1 - F: Forced 2 - Reason: 3 - Method: 4 - Exhibit G-S: Scheduled A-Equipment Failure (Explain) - 1-Manual Instructions for Preparation of Data Entry B-Maintenance or Test 2-Manual Scram Sheets for Licensee Event Report (LER) File C-Hefueling 3-Automatic Scram (NUREG-0161)

D-Regulatory Restriction 4-Continued E-Operator Training & License 5-Reduced Load 5 - Exhibit i Examination 9-Other (Explain) (Same Source)

F-Administrative G-Operational Error (Ex, akin)

II-Other (Explain


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DOCKET NO: 50-0331 -

DATE: 05/15/93 -

Unit: Duane Amold Energy Center COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward -

TELEPilONE: (319) 851-7318 -

MAJOR / SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE REPORT MONTH: April 1993 DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIIrTION 4/12/93 - BS STR Shear pin broke due to hardened packing, age, and Ultimate IIcat Sink Screen Wash Pump Suction Strainer dirt accumulation. The strainer was isolated and -

(River Water Supply ) Sheer Pin the bypass opened around the strainer. Alternate loop river water supply maintained operable while straining baskets and internals were disassembled I and cleaned, and pin replaced and repacked.

04/13/93 BS P *C" River Water Supply did not meet ASME Ultimate IIcat Sink Pump differential pressure requirements during (River Water Supply) surveillance testing. Following adjustment of half couplings, the pump was retested Analysis of differential pressure test data sh_ owed that pump performance would remain sufficient to perform intended safety function.

04/22/93 BO ISV Back leakage through discharge check valve Residual llent Removal Discharge Check Valve detected during operation of Residual lleat Removal Service Water (RHR SW) Pump. A worn disc pin allowed disc to ride low on seat. Repair required taking RHR SW pump inoperable, with a one day entry into thirty day Limiting Condition of Operation.

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__u2m . m-m-_u .- , wew. .v-m- s - w e rv e ent- , -e e- . ..-w-e,,,o - ww r r e, s.% a w e. v.+,tr-g-wn,,.2, e sm-, , wee w w-e *me-w,--e,-,-! e , y*t-m eaw+*1 e + s e- e, v ge- w tw 4 -r s=v o -- c rre+e -em y 'we m-e- + w ttv -

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  • DOCKET NO.: 50-0331  !

DATE: 05/15/93 Unit: Duane Arnold Enerev Center l COMPLETED BY: Richard Woodward TELEPIIONE: 0 19) 851-7318 l Monthly Operational Overview for April 1993:  ;

The plant began the month of April operating with the core in "all rods out configuration". Thermal power level at the end of April was 95%. Power level will coast down until the refueling outage, now scheduled to commence July 29. During April the DAEC operated at 95.9% of the design gross ciectric capacity (565.7 MWe).

On the first of the month, plant management was in discussion with Region 111 personnel regarding  !

the 'B' Reactor Recirculation Pump on which the outer stage of a mechanical seal had failed March  ;

30. Drywell equipment leakage, which had immediately increased from 1.5 to 1.9 GPM, has since ,

remained constant. Recirculation pump vibration amplitude, phase, and signatures are the same as  ;

those measured before the seal problem. Pressure drop across the seal and interstage temperature also [

indicate that the inner stage continues to perform well. On April 23, following detailed review of '[

performance data and operating experience, pump speed was increased to 100% from 98.5%, where it -!

had been held. The speed increase was completed with no measurable effects on either stage of the  !

seal. To reduce the risk of further degradation, management intends to hold pump speed constant [

while monitoring parameter trends. i 1

On April 28 plant management determined that the current drywell airlock leakage surveillance test _ {

procedure conflicted with the intent of Technical Specification requirements. The surveillance test . j procedure had allowed entrance into and exit from the drywell for final inspection before start-up if- [

the most recent testing of the airicek seal had been within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. In consultation with NRR and {

Region lit, plant management determined that Technical Specifications require rctesting of the airlock  ;

following the final inspection. A Notice of Enforcement Discretion has been granted by NRR until - 1 NRR can review a temporary exemption request. Approval of the ramption request would allow .

DAEC to continue operating without conducting a drywell airlock leakage surveillance test until the -}

next outage. LER # 93-02 (pending). -l The following table summarires April plant operation and categorizes losses in terms of average  ;

MWe, capacity factor, and full power equivalent hours. j MWe Capacity Equivalent Full Factor Power llours l Losses due to control rod movements, surveillance 0.4 0.1% 0.5  :

Negative losses, i c., gains from cool weather -1.5 -0.3% -1.9 -

Losses due to degraded heat rate 7,1 1.3% 9.0 -[

Estimated Metering inaccuracies 4.4 0.8 % 5.6 Coast-down 12.0 2.0% 15.3 i Other Capacity Losses 1.0 0.2% 1.3 ,

Actual Gross Eleggig.autp.u_1 142 1 95 9 % 689.2- ,

Design Gross Electric Output 565.7 100.0 % 719.0 Lir_fmine Action Summary:  !

Plant Availability: 100.0 % Auto-unplanned trips this month: 0 t Number of reportable events: 1 (pending) Auto-unplanned trips last 12 months: 2-  !

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